
kvothetechvanishing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-common/+bug/94666500:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 973096 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #946665 Nvidia driver causes xorg crash" [Critical,Confirmed]00:00
kvothetecher vanishing sorry00:00
kvothetechmisterx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-common/+bug/94666500:00
ggherdovdr_willis: to play a video on the web that is delivered via SmoothStreamingMediaElement, a proprietary thing by MS supposed to run on sulverlight00:00
ggherdovmooonlight is the Mono version of Silverlight00:00
misterxkvothetech: thanks. *reading*00:00
loganlee!ndiswrapper | switching00:00
ubottuswitching: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:00
harrishow do i have ubuntu pastebin lsmod00:01
switchingloganlee ty i will check it out00:01
kvothetechharris: pastebinit00:01
th0rharris, lsmod | pastebinit00:01
misterxkvothetech: hum. how should that help? and how is it related?00:03
kvothetechmisterx: i think your error is related or the same one00:03
kvothetechmisterx: could be wrong00:03
misterxkvothetech: what makes you think so?00:03
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kvothetechmisterx: look at your error and right before the seg fault then read some of the comments / logs00:04
zapata2hi! how does one install the latest version of the gspca_main webcam driver?00:05
loganleezapata2: i guess u need to compile it00:05
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:05
kvothetechzapata2: download the source from git svn or whatever and compile it then add it to your modules list and modprobe it00:05
roloenusakvothetech: Basically, i'm pretty new to Ubuntu. I have it installed in a dual core intel about 4 years old (32-bit) and a 300GB hard drive. I installed 12.0.4 LTS I keep getting /usr/lib/gnome-disk-utility/gdu-notification-daemon and other similar crashes just randomly. It's almost like the ubuntu install is corrupted, but i've reinstalled several times with the same issue.00:06
elisa87do you know how I can fix this errors in ~/.vimrc? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5669306/00:06
elisa87vanishing http://paste.ubuntu.com/5669306/00:06
mustmodifyI installed Ubuntu on an old Pavillion that was slow but stable under windows. Kids complain of frequent kernel panics. Can someone give me some direction in terms of troubleshooting? I have one up on the screen now.00:06
CasmoI just installed Ubuntu Server 12.04, but now when I boot, I get an unsupported resolution. Is there a way to set the resolution before boot? Or change it while it's running (Without seeing what I'm doing :p)00:06
vanishingelisa87: i dont think you need to source that....00:06
kvothetechroloenusa: why'd you tag me in that?  uhm what's gdu-notification-daemon supposed to do would be a good starting point00:07
vanishingelisa87: you are set..restart vim..:D00:07
kvothetechCasmo: xrandr00:07
loganleeroloenusa: try installing 13.0400:08
Casmokvothetech, that probably requires me to enter stuff, right? (And as I can't see anything I type, that's quite hard)00:08
queuetipwithout installing postfix or sendmail, you can email root@localhost for instance and receive mail in /var/mail, is there a way to send a box mail from the outside of that box? right now my attempts are getting denied, and i'm not sure what ubuntu uses as the default for that00:08
elisa87vanishing what are some cool styles for vim ? because mine really hurts the eye!00:08
kvothetechCasmo: if it's a server it probably has ssh no? and your tty's dont even work?00:08
vanishingelisa87: try molokai00:09
CasmoI actually just managed to install ssh, so I do have access to it now :P00:09
kvothetechCasmo: you can add the resolution to the kernel line in grub i think but it's been a while since i had to do that00:09
roloenusakvothetech: sorry, like i said.. pretty noobie, and this is a fresh install of ubuntu. So not sure where to even beging this. loganlee: will 13.04 perform well on old pcs?00:09
CasmoAlso, tty's don't work, I also get an unsupported resolution in there.00:09
CasmoBut hey, I do have SSH now. :)00:09
loganleeroloenusa: i dont know its worth while try00:09
clctoCasmo: yes, once you install something you can use it00:09
vanishingkvothetech: btw, do you always reset cflags with you are compiling kernel?00:10
kvothetechCasmo: i'd look at the options for your video card and setting resolution in grub/as it loads kernel...kms dose this for example00:10
roloenusaloganlee: lol.. ok. I'll give that a try. Do you know any idea what that error means? google returns with mostly unity errors but no real fixes.00:10
kvothetechvanishing: I'm on gentoo I set my cflags when i installed haven't touched them since00:11
CasmoI have no clue what video card I have though. I got this pc from a relative today =P00:11
kvothetechvanishing: CFLAGS="-march=native -O2 -pipe"00:11
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kvothetechvanishing: and MAKEOPTS="-j5" is what i have (i have an i5)00:12
vanishingkvothetech: i assume if you have i7 you would change that to -j7?00:12
kvothetechvanishing: if you have errors with 02 you could always make it 0100:12
kvothetechvanishing: no -j<cpu/corecount plus 1> so it'd be -j900:13
kvothetechthat simply tells it how much cpu you have and that it can nail the fuck out of it :)00:13
shankstaByteshow can i export my account settings for thunderbird?00:14
kvothetechshankstaBytes: file export? or look for them in $HOME/.?thunderbird? and go from there00:14
=== Keres is now known as nintet
alecbok, current situation: I have a windows install and a (potentially broken) ubuntu install on my hard drive. on bootup, I get put into a grub console and don't know what to do to boot. right now I'm on a live ubuntu dvd (right after an installation/upgrade failed) what can I do to get access to my windows partition and fix/get access to the ubuntu partition (I don't care if I lose the data on the ubuntu partition)00:15
vanishingkvothetech: http://www.allancole.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/fingers-crossed.jpg00:15
slashjoel69I dont know if any one know or not but i just installed ubuntu server13.04 and it took the install fine but when it booted back up it just says input not supported? any help00:15
elisa87vanishing where should I put the http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=9750 into?00:16
vanishingslashjoel69: i just got the news that you installed ubuntu server 13.04...:D00:16
nintetwhat is the most popular WYSIWYG editor for ubuntu?00:16
brunostkvothetech: I am a knob, didn't have cifs-utils installed, works now00:17
kvothetechbrunost: lol k00:17
brunostadded it to my fstab so it automounts and all now00:17
nintetnevermind... now i know why it didnt show up... it is "kompoZer"00:17
slashjoel69any one know what my prob could be?00:18
vanishingslashjoel69: if you can provide any log, it would a great help..00:19
kvothetechslashjoel69: your locales, keyboard map, etc all valid?00:19
slashjoel69the server just boots and after bios then it says that not logs00:19
misterxkvothetech: seems to be a f*ckup in my xorg.conf00:19
misterxkvothetech: deleted it and now it works… o_O00:20
vanishingmisterx: grats..:D00:20
misterxvanishing: hum.00:20
misterxvanishing: i remember spending hours to get my 3 monitors working (2 cards…)00:20
tatshi. i'm running ubuntu 12.10 and i want to upgrade to 13.04 (my system seems to be broken and I was recommended to try doing that). in the process of upgrading from a liveUSB i'm told that I haven't selected a swap space. when I try to select a swap space i get the error "Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sda5 - Device or resource busy." How can I fix that?00:20
alecbbump: ok, current situation: I have a windows install and a (potentially broken) ubuntu install on my hard drive. on bootup, I get put into a grub console and don't know what to do to boot. right now I'm on a live ubuntu dvd (right after an installation/upgrade failed) what can I do to get access to my windows partition and fix/get access to the ubuntu partition (I don't care if I lose the data on the ubuntu partition -- would like to 00:21
thecodeischaosi have a version of ubuntu iso on my usb stick.... i am using unetbootin tool again to put a new ubuntu iso on the same stick.... do i need to format the stick first? or unetbootin will do everything needed00:21
tatsor should I just go on with the installation and ignore the warning?00:21
slashjoel69well this is a true server but00:21
vanishingmisterx: try to setup xdmc with multi-monitor now00:21
vanishingmisterx: ha00:21
alecbi have access to a command line in the live dvd, are there any grub commands or something I can run to get at least windows bootable?00:21
misterxvanishing: ?00:22
Nach0zalecb: is there a grub installation already on that hard drive?00:22
kvothetechthecodeischaos: it'll tell you it's going to format it00:22
vanishingmisterx: its a joke....as I can seem to do that...00:22
Nach0zand it's just broke or something?00:22
thecodeischaosok kvothe thanks00:22
kvothetechmisterx: why did you have an xorg.conf...you generally dont need one00:23
tatsalso: I read somewhere similar problems linked to encrypted swap partitions. I'm not sure my swap was encrypted, but in my 12.04 installation I had chosen to encrypt my home folder, so perhaps it is. the other thing worth mentioning is that I don't seem to be able to mount my /dev/sda hd (at least, not with the current settings). could it be that my disk is corrupted somehow? how can i verify that?00:23
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alecbNach0z: yeah, from a previous (or I guess, the current) failed ubuntu install. it didn't install grub correctly apparently though00:23
misterxkvothetech: three monitors, two graphic-cards, xinerama and all that stuff – i needed one.00:23
kvothetechmisterx: ah lol00:23
alecbNach0z: it's just a grub shell, doesn't drop me into a menu or anything00:23
loganleealecb: reformat and reinstall00:24
slashjoel69Ok so i installed ubuntu 13.04 server to a real server.  When i boot the server after the install it says Input not supported right after the bios boots without leting me do any thing no com line i can reinstall( dell with a acer 24in led monitor) could it be the monitor?00:25
alecbloganlee: I'ld like to avoid wiping my windows install if I can. is there nothing I can do from the live cd to try and fix grub? (grabbing new isos and stuff is also a pain in the a** since I've currently got a 100KB/s down speed)00:26
shankstaByteshow can i export my account settings for thunderbird?00:27
shankstaBytesanyone know?00:27
clctoalecb: man grub-install00:27
misterxkvothetech: the funny thing now: sudo startx brings mit to xfce – but as root. sudo service lightdm start brings mit to lightdm – but i literally cannot login00:27
zykotick9misterx: "sudo startx" is a horrible idea... just sayin'00:28
misterxzykotick9: ive had horrible 5 hours of tty1 now. justsayin… :/00:29
zykotick9misterx: well, you might want to get used to that... as "sudo startx" will probably break your user account...  same as running GUI apps with sudo - breaks permissions in user's actual home dir.00:30
misterxzykotick9: understood… thank.00:31
vanishingzykotick9: gksudo works though right?00:31
zykotick9vanishing: for GUI apps = yes.  for startx, no.00:31
loganleegksudo rm -r /00:31
vanishingzykotick9: yea I meant the first part00:31
vanishingloganlee: why did you do that?00:32
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loganleevanishing: just j/k00:32
FluxDWhat does it mean in the kernel changelog when it says linux ABI 3.8.0-20 ?00:32
somsip!behelpful | this is happening everyday loganlee00:32
ubottuthis is happening everyday loganlee: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.00:32
minimecalecb: Try to recover grub following the tutorial. If this fails, you might have the posibility to rewrite the master boot sector with a winodws recover CD. http://askubuntu.com/questions/88384/how-can-i-repair-grub-how-to-get-ubuntu-back-after-installing-windows00:34
vanishingalecb: wait..your problem is you cant boot windows install right?00:36
misterxanyways, i still cant login00:37
misterxi get up until lightdm but with any log-in-trial, im thrown back to the log-in screen00:37
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Guest80767HI everyone, I just tried to sudo aptitude install --without-recommends evince and my machine has been stuck at "Processing triggers for gconf2 ..." for almost 7 minutes?00:38
elisa87do you know why my eclipse doesn't load? here's is its log http://paste.ubuntu.com/5669367/00:38
loganleeGuest80767: wat does without recommends option do?00:39
vanishingelisa87: try this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10165693/eclipse-cannot-load-swt-libraries00:40
misterxvanishing: btw thanks for the hint with the permissions in userspace…00:40
Guest80767loganlee: It doesn't include extra packages that Ubuntu recommends.00:40
w0lfspyWhy did my Ubuntu install cd just show a black screen?00:40
loganleeGuest80767: oic00:41
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | w0lfspy00:41
ubottuw0lfspy: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:41
vanishingmisterx: is it me?....np then..:D00:41
minimecw0lfspy: ... because there is a problem with your graphics (GPU) card.00:42
kvothetechvanishing: any luck00:42
misterxvanishing: hum, mixed you up. sorry for highlight00:42
misterxzykotick9: thanks for the hint @permissions in userdir.00:42
rooisto47is there any way to use KIK on pc ?00:43
vanishingkvothetech: nope...00:43
vanishingmisterx: np..00:43
misterxzykotick9: first time logged-in again after about five hours because i chown'ed some files…00:43
kvothetechvanishing: :( is there a bug for the ck patches00:43
zykotick9misterx: glad you fixed it :)00:43
misterxzykotick9: hum. lets wait for the reboot…00:43
vanishingkvothetech: not that i know of...right now I'm thinking vbox a 13.04 install and build from there or something00:44
w0lfspyIs there any way to fix it?00:44
misterxit has definetly to do with the xorg.conf… :/00:44
vanishingw0lfspy: try the nomodeset setting00:44
w0lfspyThe old ubentu cd also just showed random dots00:44
w0lfspyHow do you do that?00:44
zykotick9!nomodeset | w0lfspy00:45
ubottuw0lfspy: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:45
vanishingw0lfspy: when you are first greeted by the livecd screen, there should be options00:45
w0lfspyI saw when he did it from the installer, but my point is that the installer is just a black screwn00:45
loganleew0lfspy: dude choose nomodeset option in bootloader00:46
w0lfspyWhat is boot loader?00:46
vanishingw0lfspy: grub, grub2, burg and the like00:46
loganleew0lfspy: grub00:46
wilee-nileew0lfspy, Look at the link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313200:46
minimecw0lfspy: you have that first screen, where you choose how to boot the system. You can set some options there...00:47
w0lfspyI don't think I have grub00:47
w0lfspyOr grub200:47
loganleew0lfspy: do u have lilo?00:48
w0lfspyWhat is that?00:48
vanishingw0lfspy: another boot loader..00:48
w0lfspyThen probably not00:48
vanishingw0lfspy: are you booting with a livecd?00:49
loganleew0lfspy: why cant u choose nomodeset in boot screen???00:49
vanishingloganlee: i think he mentioned hes booting from a live cd00:50
vanishingkvothetech: I think....somehow ..it worked..with a "make"00:51
w0lfspy_Should I Download grub?00:51
vanishingw0lfspy_: are you booting from a livecd?00:51
vanishingw0lfspy_: and are you trying to install ubuntu?00:52
vanishingw0lfspy_: can you get to the first ubuntu cd screen?00:52
w0lfspy_When I put in the cd, its just a black screen00:52
vanishingw0lfspy_: nothing shows up after the "press anything to boot from cd" message?00:52
w0lfspy_What message?00:53
vanishingyou inserted the cd/dvd, rebooted computer00:53
w0lfspy_I press the hot key for multiboot00:53
w0lfspy_Then select my cd00:53
w0lfspy_Then it is a black screen00:53
vanishingw0lfspy_: are you sure your bios settings are correct and you chose the correct cd/dvd00:54
minimecw0lfspy_: follow the 'tutorial' from the link posted above, starting here "How to enable kernel options on the livecd (before install)"... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313200:54
w0lfspy_I got the right dvd00:54
w0lfspy_But im not sure about the bios00:54
vanishingminimec: hes saying he can't get to the first livecd screen..somehow00:55
minimecvanishing: ok. I see...00:55
w0lfspy_Should I change something in my bios?00:56
vanishingw0lfspy_: its most likely that your didn't actually boot into the live cd..00:58
w0lfspy_Ill just do it again and tell you what I do.00:58
vanishingw0lfspy_: when its booting up, does the dvd drive make any sound, or any indicator that its actually working00:59
minimecw0lfspy_: If your BIOS would ignore the DVD device, it would start the installed OS, if there is any... Otherwise, there might be a MultiBoot option in the BIOS. I had to activate it on several computers.00:59
misterxwhere can i see when a specific package in a repository was updated the last time?00:59
w0lfspy_I pressed f1200:59
w0lfspy_,the. Scrolled Down to ATAPI CD: slim type DVD00:59
w0lfspy_Then pressed enter01:00
vanishingminimec: try apt-cache01:00
w0lfspy_Then it says secure boot bot enabled01:00
w0lfspy_Then a black screen01:00
vanishingminimec: opps..wrong highlight..01:01
w0lfspy_Then the DVD drive Just turned off01:01
minimecw0lfspy_: That 'smells' like an UEFI BIOS problem... I am out ;)01:01
KovicaIn 11.10 and 12.04 times you could download alternate CDs and create your own preseed files to automate the install. Now with 12.10 that the alternate CD does not exist, I'm wondering what are the choices? The limitation I have is that everything has to be on CD/DVD/USB, so network installtion is out of question.01:01
loganleew0lfspy_: have u tried bios settings?01:02
w0lfspy_I just opened them01:03
w0lfspy_What should I do?01:03
loganleew0lfspy_: in bios look at boot order01:04
minimecw0lfspy_: Is this a new computer that came with 'windows 8' on it? Then my UEFI theory would make sense...01:04
w0lfspy_Should I put my cd to the top?01:05
w0lfspy_minimec: Nope01:05
w0lfspy_Should I put my cd to the top?01:05
loganleew0lfspy_: try01:05
vanishingw0lfspy_: could be just a boot order problem...01:05
loganleew0lfspy_: yes try01:06
minimecw0lfspy_: OK. That 'secure boot' thing is strange. Can you access the BIOS01:06
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w0lfspy_That fixed it01:06
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:06
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vanishingw0lfspy_: lol...yep..boot order problem..01:06
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w0lfspy_Now to install!!!01:06
loganleew0lfspy_: it works now01:06
loganleeo cool01:07
w0lfspy_At least the first screen01:07
loganleecool man01:07
vanishingw0lfspy_: proceed carefully though01:07
w0lfspy_I pressed install and it said error: something01:07
vanishingw0lfspy_: working?01:08
w0lfspy_Then kernel panic - not syncing vfs: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)01:08
loganleew0lfspy_: go to bios and change priority for hard drive. you need to boot from correct hard drive01:09
loganleeim not sure01:09
=== qos|away is now known as qos
w0lfspy_How to I get out of the kernel panic screen?01:09
vanishingtry alt+sysrq reisub01:10
w0lfspy_Hold down the power button?01:10
w0lfspy_vanishing: Err01:10
vanishingw0lfspy_: that works too01:10
w0lfspy_What are those last two keys?01:10
vanishingw0lfspy_: this will explain it..a nice read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key01:11
vanishingw0lfspy_: but im not sure about the kernel panic problem01:11
w0lfspy_Should I check the disk for defects?01:13
w0lfspy_I guess so01:13
vanishingw0lfspy_: i doubt it...01:14
loganleew0lfspy_: use different ubuntu cd01:14
w0lfspy_Reading sector somthing was the error01:14
w0lfspy_Kernel panic...01:14
brian_on an install ?01:15
w0lfspy_Ill try the other cd01:15
loganleew0lfspy_: yeh01:15
w0lfspy_Its just showing random dots on the screen with the other dvd01:16
OerHeks"<w0lfspy_> Then it says secure boot bot enabled" secure boot issue, disable it , see !UEFI01:16
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:16
ramoni had to use an old ubuntu version (11.04) to reinstall it as i had a little problem upgrading to 13.04 but now i cant get to burn a dvd cause it does not detect the disc...could someone help me out work around cause going by version i also got stock in 11.1001:17
vanishingramon: could it be the same problem...01:18
w0lfspyShould I use the installer program for windows?01:19
ramonvanishing, i believe there is a graphic card problem around but for now i would like to get to burn a dvd and i am having problem to get ubuntu to recognize the media on the drive01:19
vanishingramon: oh you mean you boot fine, but can get the install to recognize the dvd?01:20
ramonvanishing, thats right01:20
brian_i have been working on installing ati drivers on ubuntu 12.04 and also have tried linux-lite 1.04, 1.06. Always displays "input not supported after the driver has installed. Now I have spent around a week on this and I cant figure it out01:20
w0lfspyI guess so01:21
brian_video card is radeon hd 6570 and monitor is acer 183h01:22
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alecbis there a guide somewhere explaining how to manually setup grub from a live cd so that something is bootable if an install failed?01:22
brian_tried the step by step instructions on ubuntu support site01:22
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:23
vanishingalecb: you cant boot into your windows install from grub right?01:23
alecbvanishing: no, grub got all messed up after a failed 13.04 upgrade/install. all I get on boot is a grub console, no menu or anything01:24
alecbvanishing: I'm on a livecd now01:24
wilee-nileealecb, See the grub links, the bootrepair tool can generate a bootinfo summary that is helpful to hve here.01:24
vanishingalecb: try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair01:25
brian_anyone have any idea what I can do differently ?01:25
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wilee-nileealecb, If you want o just use the live cd this is a link I use when needed. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing01:26
alecbwilee-nilee: "just use the livecd"? like you mean just install ubuntu with it? the problem is I think the livecds fucked up (or else something else is fucked up preventing it from working), because it's failed twice. current plan is to see if I can fix grub and boot into windows and maybe burn a fresh iso01:32
funkboxso, does anyone run mint on a chromebook pixel? i just got one and would like to get a real os on it01:32
vanishingalecb: did boot-repair work?01:32
alecbvanishing: sorry didn't try it yet, was afk01:33
wilee-nileealecb, What windows release is it and do you have a recovery or install disc for it?01:35
alecbwilee-nilee: it's 7. I can get a fresh iso (legally) but I'd rather avoid that since it'll take like 7ish hours with my current down speed01:35
wilee-nileealecb, To fix grub if fixable you need to boot a live cd, or use like supergrub to get into the install, or manually boot from a grub>01:36
brian_if you are getting installation errors, it is possible your partitions could be messed up. or u could have some unallocated space01:37
brian_personally, I have had install errors and it was due to the face I had " 1meg" of unallocated space01:38
alecbwilee-nilee, vanishing I just ran boot-repair and it said it worked, so I'll try and reboot now I guess and see what happens. in case I lose them these are the before/after pasties from boot-repair: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5669462/  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5669465/01:38
vanishingalecb: best of luck01:38
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alecbty :)01:39
loganleewhat are the best games for ubuntu?01:40
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/01:40
vanishingno information about ck..:(01:40
loganleeany one here?01:45
thecodeischaosthe error the grub-efi package failed to install into /target/..... i remember, just before in my BIOS -boot override, there were 2 options for the same usb stick -one said uefi, i chose that one... could that be the cause of the rrror?01:45
darthanubis!ask |loganlee01:45
ubottuloganlee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:45
wilee-nileethecodeischaos, There is a uefi wiki have you seen it?01:46
wilee-nilee!uefi | thecodeischaos01:47
ubottuthecodeischaos: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:47
thecodeischaosok thanks01:47
thecodeischaosi thought uefi has been a the standard for years now?01:48
vanishingits been a whole day I spent trying to patch and compile the 3.9 kernel01:48
Ari-Yangvanishing, it work out?01:48
Ari-Yangwhat version are you on?01:49
vanishingAri-Yang: nope...01:49
Ari-Yangubuntu 13.10 is suppose to run on kernel 3.9, right?01:49
vanishingAri-Yang: yep..01:49
Ari-Yangyeah, when 3.04 becomes more stable, I'll upgrade from 12.10, and when 3.10 becomes more stable, I'll upgrade to that.01:50
vanishing3.9.0.2uname -r01:50
Ari-YangOS: Linux 3.5.0-28-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "quantal" 12.10 **01:50
Ari-YangI think there's a 3.5.0-30 update01:50
vanishingAri-Yang: I'd say 13.04 is pretty stable01:51
Ari-Yangthink this laptop can handle 13.04? hold on, let me get specs01:51
Ari-Yang^ vanishing01:52
alecbyay, I'm in windows. time to re-burn and try the ubuntu install again I guess01:52
Ari-Yanggood luck ^01:52
vanishingAri-Yang: I would say yes01:53
vanishingalecb: it worked?01:53
wilee-nileealecb, The install was missing grub basically.01:53
alecbwilee-nilee: grub was definitely on there (I was getting dropped into a grub shell before), it just wasn't configured right I guess01:53
alecbvanishing: seemed to -- booting went straight into windows (no grub menu or anything), but I guess that makes some sense because windows is the only not-broken OS on my drive?01:54
alecbshould I have expected a grub menu anyway?01:55
thecodeischaosahhh yes it was the boot thingy i think.... when i installed v12 the install menu had no colors... i selected the non uefi boot and it shows the installer with colors which usually worked for me01:55
wilee-nileealecb, It was missing  /boot/grub/grub.cfg in sda101:55
vanishingalecb: actually it does not make sense...it should still show the grub menu..01:55
alecbvanishing: hm... well that makes me less happy01:56
alecbhm... which partition would you expect to have the boot flag right now?01:57
vanishingalecb: lol..burn the dvd, install it should make it work01:57
vanishingalecb: I think it somehow fixed your windows loader.01:57
wilee-nileealecb, windows only needs the bootflag01:57
alecboh, grub wouldn' care?01:58
wilee-nileelinux in general does not use a bootflag01:58
alecbhuh... whatever, I guess I'll try installing again...01:58
dr_willisgrub dosent care if the bootflag is enabled or not i recall.01:58
loganleei had no trouble installing ubuntu 13.04 from virtual box :p02:02
dr_willisrunning 13.04 in vbox   also.. seems to work ok.02:02
loganleeit's awesome02:02
loganleei allocated 3gb ram and 100gb hd and 3d accel enabled02:03
ubottutux is the Linux Mascot - http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/linux/02:04
loganleewats da mascot for ubuntu?02:05
thecodeischaosi thought it was a penguin02:05
jiffe1how do I startup vnc server?02:05
thecodeischaosoh it is02:05
jiffe1via cli that is02:05
dr_willistux the penguin is the linux mascot02:06
jiffe1I had done it via the gui before but on reboot it doesn't appear to be running02:06
dr_willisjiffe1:  because its not a service02:06
dr_willisvncserver    is a common way to start a vnc server02:07
SonikkuAmericaloganlee: If you go to ubuntu.com and look at the circle thingie after the word "ubuntu" that's our logo... I didn't think Ubuntu itself had a mascot though.02:07
ranticHi everyone, I have Ubuntu minimal 13.04 and I tried to install network-manager in fluxbox .. now when I attempt to startx I get a "Failed to load gnome session" on a black screen. I've since removed network-manager but clearly some of its dependencies are still causing this.02:07
dr_willisthere are several vnc servers you can use02:07
ranticAnyone have any ideas?02:07
dr_willisrantic: startx is starting a different default sessiin.02:08
dr_willisid suggest using a login manager  not startx02:08
loganleerantic: isnt network-manager part of gnome?02:08
jiffe1I don't have vncserver on this machine02:09
ranticdr_willis: I only know how to work with a .xinitrc file, where does ubuntu keep information about chosen WM's for an x session?02:09
dr_willisjiffe1:  history command should show what you have ran in the past02:09
jiffe1dr_willis: I didn't start it via cli before, I started it via the gui02:10
dr_willisrantic:  its. xsession   or   .Xsession  i thi k these days02:10
dr_willisjiffe1:  then use the gui to start it again02:10
jiffe1dr_willis: gui is about 20 miles away, I am doing this remotely02:10
dr_willisinstall a stand alonee vncserver  perhaps02:11
ranticdr_willis: I  don't have a .xsession in my ~, I notice there is a /etc/X11/Xsession, but this contains nothing about fluxbox or gnome to my knowledge ;(02:11
dr_willis!info vnc4server02:11
jiffe1there's really no way to do what the gui does via command line?02:11
ubottuvnc4server (source: vnc4): Virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.1+xorg4.3.0-37ubuntu5 (raring), package size 2050 kB, installed size 5269 kB02:11
dr_willisrantic:   make one perhaps...        .xsession02:12
ranticdr_willis: I still don't like the idea something has modified my system in this way and I don't know what it's done .. or where02:12
dr_willisit chaneged the default desktop session.. figure out how to set it perhaps.02:13
dr_willisif you used lightdm it would be saved in    .dmrc02:14
dr_willisuse of startx is deperacated these days u recall02:14
vanishingrantic: you can check the dpkg log under /var/log/02:15
ranticvanishing: I'm too new to understand exactly what package would have done it, do you know where the universal Xsession file would be?02:15
vanishingrantic: locate Xsession02:16
loganleerantic: do u have xdm running?02:17
sawjig.xinitrc should still work..02:18
dr_willis_.xinitrc has been replaced by .xsession i think02:18
sawjigif he had a login manager running then startx would fail02:18
dr_willis_if you examine the 'startx'  script it may give a clue as to where its looking and in what order.02:18
sawjigdr_willis_, nope02:19
dr_willis_im no ton a ubuntu box where i can look02:19
dr_willis_i definatly recall linking .xinitr cna .Xsession or .xsession   ages ago..02:19
sawjigdr_willis_, I don't know where you got that impression from...02:19
dr_willis_sawjig:  seen it mentioned here many times02:19
sawjigyou can use either..02:19
sawjigthe syntax is like the same they're just bash scripts...02:20
dr_willis_they are identical files..02:20
dr_willis_or can be.02:20
sawjigyes but .xinitrc02:20
sawjigshould still work02:20
dr_willis_the ise of .xinitrc i recall is slowly getting phased out from what ir ecall reading02:20
sawjigxsession is for your login manager...02:21
sawjigxinitrc isn'02:21
sawjigt going to be 'phased' out02:21
dr_willis_and its reccomeded to always use a login mamanger.. not  to use 'startx'02:21
sawjigso if you want your login manager to run the contents that you had in an .xinitrc02:21
loganleecan u run desktop manager on framebuffer?02:21
roastedQuestion - I'm noticing in 13.04 when I adjust the 2nd or 3rd slider within the mouse and touchpad settings on my laptop, they don't stick. If I close and reopen they're back at default settings. Another user confirmed this on a different laptop. Has anybody else noticed this?02:21
sawjigyou can put it in /etc/X11/Xsession02:21
Ari-Yangfor some reason when I click on 'install updates' software updater just closes. anybody know why? I'm on 12.1002:21
sawjigor .xsession02:21
loganleedat wud b awesome02:21
sawjigdr_willis_, there's no reason someone that doesn't need a login manager can't use startx02:21
sawjigI use startx.02:22
Ari-Yangnot sure if this problem is tied to software-center telling me that it has to be repaired in order for new stuff to be installed or stuff to be uninstalled....02:22
loganleecan u run desktop manager on frame buffer?02:22
sawjigsomeone can just kill X and get a shell even if you lock your X...02:22
dr_willis_sawjig:  its  not reccomended as i said..  we had a discussion on this in here a few weeks back02:22
ubottuInformation about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub02:22
onboradwhy I build  grub  package no have linuxefi mode ,I use ubuntu grub2_2.00-7ubuntu11.debian.tar.gz02:22
sawjigdr_willis_, not recommended doesn't mean .xinitrc has been replaced...02:22
dr_willis_sawjig:  its being depercated as i said..02:22
dr_willis_you just said either will work.. so basically it has been replaced02:23
loganleejust run frambuffer system02:23
sawjigdr_willis_, which is the whole thing I'm commenting on more than anything else.02:23
sawjigdr_willis_, I've been using linux for years and years02:23
dr_willis_i have also..02:23
zykotick9dr_willis_: startx and .xinitrc aren't really deprecated (perhaps in ubuntu, but not the rest of the gnu/linux world)02:23
sawjigdr_willis_, I doubt they're deprwecated in ubuntu02:24
sawjigChecked the wiki02:24
dr_willis_i focus on what ubuntu has been doing. ;) i dont worry about the rest of the world these days02:24
sawjigchecked the manual02:24
sawjigstill says .Xinitrc02:24
asdasdasdasdasdsheldon , is that you ?02:24
treanetI want to use MAAS. I have a public connection for my uplink to the maas server although I would rather PXE nodes locally? How can I ensure dhcp/pxe/provisioning is on seperate interface?02:24
loganleeasdasdasdasdasd: do you like framebuffer02:24
supertoughcan someone help me connect a VNC from my sgs3 to ubuntu 12.10 Desktop Sharing02:25
supertoughI enter the correct IP:port02:25
dr_willis_loganlee:  the framebuffer was a neat idea.. but it just often dosent work very well. ;(02:25
supertoughthe sgs3 attempt connecting.... wheel keeping going and going.02:25
loganleethe feeling of watching porn images on console is very awesome02:25
supertoughhow do i KNow if my Desktop Sharing on Ubuntu is actually enable?02:26
supertoughI put the check and check on allow02:26
dr_willis_supertough:  see if your localbox can connect to iteslf? and have a desktop in a desktop02:26
sawjig"/mnt/320/books/Science/Chemistry/Biological & Industrial/Bromatology/Fermentation/Handbook of enology 2ed 2006"02:26
asdasdasdasdasdrm -rf /02:27
somsip!danger | asdasdasdasdasd02:27
ubottuasdasdasdasdasd: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:27
supertoughi got only the phone and the desktop02:27
Ari-Yangwhat does apt-get -f install do?02:27
supertoughboth are on the local router02:27
treanetwow smart bot02:27
supertough-f is force02:28
dr_willis_supertough:   vnc clients exist for smartphones02:28
supertoughdr_willis: i'm on that vnc on android02:28
supertoughIPaddress:port are both enter correctly02:28
eph3meralanyone have ideas on how to deal with dynamic deploy of dev branches for demo purposes on to e.g. a cluster of say 10 VPSes running on EC2 instances02:28
supertoughon the VNC side and Desktop Sharing is enable on the Desktop02:28
dr_willis_supertough:  what port are you using?02:28
somsipeph3meral: fab can be useful if you want a small scale deployment system02:29
supertoughnetstat -an |more02:29
supertoughit shows up as port 590002:29
loganleehow can it not know powershell :\02:29
loganleenetstat -an | less02:29
eph3meralsomsip: heh, I've actually contributed to fab :)02:29
eph3meralwe are a ruby/rails shop however02:29
supertoughdo I need to do anything with ufw?02:29
eph3meraland though I don't think it's at all out of the question, something more ruby-oriented would be preferred I'm sure02:29
eph3meraland by preferred, I mean easier to sell to my superiors02:30
dr_willis_supertough:  perhaps turn off the filrewall rules to  test it out02:30
eph3meraland by easier to sell I mean they hate python :(02:30
supertoughlike sudo ufw allow from IPaddress to port02:30
eph3meralbe a man and edit your iptables by hand :P02:30
supertoughwhere is this firewall rule setting at?02:30
dr_willis_sudi iptables --list    shows all rules02:30
somsipeph3meral: I have no experience of RoR, but use fab to deploy to PHP-only projects. Anyway - you clearly know fab so maybe you need something else02:30
dr_willis_sudo iptables --list02:30
eph3meralyeah I was going to go with some combination of chef and puppet02:31
eph3meralI'm just not sure which combination will work02:31
somsipeph3meral: those would have been my other recommendations. Salt *may* be worth looking at too02:31
eph3meraler, blerp, chef and capistrano02:31
loganleesudo iptables -F02:32
supertoughI have no clue what all of this are telling me02:32
aktifisusHi can anybody help me to install  amd catalyts privative d river 13.4 on ubuntu raring raintail thats are a .run file02:32
supertoughI managed to Remotely access my desktop yesterday but today I can't02:32
batmitehello :)02:32
onboradHow can build grub2.efi with linuxefi mode?02:34
dr_willis_i thought there was a grub-uefi  package02:35
dr_willis_!info grub-uefi02:35
ubottuPackage grub-uefi does not exist in raring02:35
dr_willis_supertough:  'sudo iptables --list' shows if theres any firewall rules.. you are doing this all over a local lan?02:36
loganlee!info tux02:36
ubottuPackage tux does not exist in raring02:36
supertoughyes this is local router02:36
supertoughport 23 is disable on firewall02:36
supertoughi was able to access desktop sharing before but can't today02:37
dr_willis_if your lan is behind a router - i really dont see much point on any firewall rules beeing needed at all02:37
supertoughfailed to establish connection with the server02:37
olsoneahi folks, anyone here worked with USB audio interfaces?02:38
eph3meralsomsip: hmm, it looks like the rubber gem may be a good candidate02:40
eph3meralsomsip: and I know fab isn't trying to necessarily be capistrano, but something like what rubber provides might be nice02:40
eph3meralthough I haven't tried rubber yet, only looking now, but it purports to be what I am wanting02:40
swissso i have an issue with online accounts. Its with the plugins, its looking for library files that aren't included in any package02:44
swissit is looking for /usr/lib/libaccount-plugin-1.0/applications/libunity-scope-gdrive.so02:44
swissand such02:44
aktifisushi can anybody help me to install  driver amd catalyts 13 on ubuntu raring02:44
somsipeph3meral: looks like it adds some nice features.02:44
treanetubuntu is ubuntu02:45
ZNaughtHello, I just installed linux, and during boot the screen flickers very quickly and text overlays itself. It never actually boots. What can I do about it?02:45
GinTonicoolhow can i watch free live TV news02:46
GinTonicoolthanks for help02:46
SonikkuAmerica!ot | GinTonicool02:46
ubottuGinTonicool: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:46
swissis there a development channel02:47
olsoneaanyone here worked with USB audio interfaces? i'm having some trouble getting output to run through a Behringer UCA-22202:48
olsoneafrom what i can tell, Ubuntu sees the interface02:48
SonikkuAmericaolsonea: You have PulseAudio I assume?02:48
GinTonicoolsorry sorry. can you guys give me somelike '#'  channel so i can get help02:49
olsoneai think so02:49
olsoneaSonikkuAmerica: confirmed, i do. i had been trying to configure it using alsamixer though02:50
SonikkuAmericaolsonea: You'll have to use PulseAudio to configure USB audio devices these days.02:50
olsoneado i need to disable alsa?02:51
swissi'm debating a full reinstall :/02:52
swissolsonea: no, i don't believe so02:52
ZNaughtCan anyone help me? I really want to get ubuntu working02:52
SonikkuAmericaolsonea: As a heuristic maybe, but you'll need to run pavucontrol (Unity's System Settings > Sound) to switch correctly02:52
SonikkuAmericaZNaught: What's up?02:52
swissaktifisus: what's wrong with the way you're installing it02:52
swissZNaught: are you familiar with changing the grub commandline options?02:53
Saikiwhat's the commanline command to replace all instances of one word with another inside a folder's files (and subfolders)?02:53
FusionXGparted is unable to mount my other ntfs partition and says "the enclosing drive for the volume is locked" while I'm able to mount the partitions with the "mount" command.02:53
ZNaughtswiss: Nope02:53
swissZNaught: did you try booting to the recovery option?02:53
olsoneaSonikkuAmerica: ok. i see why i went down the alsa road. I can see the interface on the Config tab, but it's not appearing on the Output/Input Devices tabs02:53
ZNaughtSonikkuAmerica: The screen flickers and text overlays when booting into the OS. It never actually boots02:54
swissZNaught: smash that esc key during startup till you get to the grub menu, then try the recovery one02:54
SonikkuAmericaolsonea: Did you reboot since you plugged it in?02:54
ZNaughtswiss: It also happened on the CD. safemode did work on the CD02:54
olsoneadid not02:54
swissZNaught: graphics issues02:54
SonikkuAmericaZNaught: Work with swiss on this one; I have to go to bed soon.02:55
swissSaiki: ls | while read line; do newname=$(echo $line | sed -e "s/oldword/newword/"); mv """$line""" """$newname"""; doen02:55
ZNaughtswiss: It worked fine last time I had it on here02:55
ZNaughtSonikkuAmerica: alright thanks02:55
swissSaiki: err..... done at the end, fat typo02:55
olsoneaSonikkuAmerica: i've got 8 days of uptime02:55
SonikkuAmericaolsonea: Give that a shot.02:55
swissZNaught: what do you mean?02:55
SonikkuAmericaolsonea: 8 days? Are you running a server? lol02:55
swissZNaught: OH i bet i know what you're running~02:55
swissZNaught: what type of computer is it02:56
SonikkuAmericaolsonea: Reboots usually work wonders.02:56
ZNaughtswiss: custom build desktop02:56
swissbuiltin graphics?02:56
ZNaughtswiss: dedicated GPU - GTX 47002:57
olsoneasorry, i hate rebooting :)02:57
olsoneapulseaudio -k02:57
olsoneaand then pulseaudio --start02:58
swissZNaught: try booting in recovery mode02:58
olsoneathe interface is now showing on the output tab02:58
Saikiswiss: ls | while read line; do newname=$(echo $line | sed -e "s/mine/yours/"); mv """$line""" """$newname"""; done  <like this?02:58
swissSaiki: while in the directory, yeah, that should do it02:58
SonikkuAmericaolsonea: Hate to cut short but it's 11 PM in my neck of the woods. Gotta hit the hay! Meantime, try a reboot and flag me in the morning if it doesn't work.02:58
Saikiswiss: ok, thanks :)02:58
swissSaiki: copy 2 or so to another directory to test it02:58
olsoneaSonikkuAmerica: thanks for your help102:58
swissor you can live on the edge and just run it02:58
ZNaughtswiss: I am assuming it will work, it did on the live CD02:58
swissZNaught: right right, but then you can get debugging output02:59
swisscan't get much out of the system if you can't see what you're working on02:59
swissi'm still peeved at online-accounts03:00
swissi might just do a reinstall03:00
swissalso, it *so* did not play nice with gnome303:00
shankstaBytesanyone got the apple magic mouse working?03:00
ZNaughtswiss: I am just thinking it is more than just the install because the live CD had the same problem as the install03:01
FusionXCan anyone guide me how to install brogue?03:01
swissZNaught: i agree with you03:01
FusionX*me on03:01
swissZNaught: i think it's the graphics drivers, and the safe mode doesn't turn those on. I'm wondering if you can get some info about the system while you're booted in to figure out what needs to change to make it work03:01
swisslike once you boot up in safe mode, install all the updates, and the specific drivers for your card03:02
ZNaughtalright I will try. I am on the same PC, so I will have to try it that way03:02
ZNaughtthanks for the help03:02
Saikiswiss: http://pastebin.com/DqqezT9S03:02
swissZNaught: mmhmm03:03
swissSaiki: yep yep03:03
swissthat's fine03:03
tatshi. upon upgrading from 12.10 to 13.04 the install process seems to be stalled on the "Saving installed packages..." step. it's been over an hour now. is it normal?03:03
swissSaiki: it just tried to move the ones that didn't contain that name into the same file, which is what the script should do03:03
swissjust knoew that it wouldn't break things03:03
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camilo_ traductor google: I have audio problems with my ubuntu ... also sounded until I turned the volume down completely ... then he turned up the volume and sounded more03:14
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:14
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knightmadecould anyone tell me how tu modify the configuration in /etc/ldap/slapd.d?03:15
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knightmadeall the ldif files in /etc/ldap/slapd.d are marked by " # AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!! Use ldapmodify."03:16
ArcticLighthi there... I'm having a bit of a problem with a new 13.04 install. Does anyone know the "correct" way to run a graphical application (like Nautilus or Gedit) as root? All of the documentation online still says use gksudo but gksudo is not installed on 13.0403:16
Millohi guys, I'm having trouble finding my harddrive in gparted/testdisk (external usb).  Is anyone experienced in this area?  I'm looking to just erase the drive, but it was corrupted for a while03:17
batmiteyour using ubuntu?03:17
otendwhen reinstalling Ubuntu Server, how do I delete the previous LVM setup so that I can use the whole disk again?03:18
supertoughwhat software is it controlling Desktop Sharing?03:18
knightmadebut when I tried to modify it with ldapmodify and rootDN, it reports "ldap_modify: Insufficient access (50)"03:18
researcher123is there any application which can help me find duplicate files and remove them?03:18
somsipknightmade: try suto ldapmodify03:18
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otendin other words, how can I format a disk that once held LVM on the Ubuntu Server installer?03:19
knightmadesudo does not work03:19
batmiteMillo: You just want to format a old ext drive?03:19
knightmadesame error03:19
batmiteGparted should get you there.. whats happening?03:20
Milloit's not there03:20
Millomy internal shows, my live usb shows03:20
Blue1knightmade: shat error?03:20
batmitethis is a usb?03:20
FusionXGparted is unable to mount my other ntfs partition and says "the enclosing drive for the volume is locked" while I'm able to mount the partitions with the "mount" command.03:20
Milloit was working in testdisk before, but when i tried a search on it it came up with some error, i closed termina; as it had crashed, and it's no longer showing03:20
researcher123is there a channel to study the reviews of Ubuntu 13.04?03:20
knightmadeshat error? what's meanings?03:21
somsipknightmade: Maybe this will help: http://serverfault.com/questions/451869/ldap-modify-insufficient-access-5003:21
Milloyes batmite - it's an external usb with a mains03:21
otend"Because the volume group(s) on the selected device also consist of physical volumes on other devices, it is not considered safe to remove its LVM data automatically."03:21
ArcticLighthi there... I'm having a bit of a problem with a new 13.04 install. Does anyone know the "correct" way to run a graphical application (like Nautilus or Gedit) as root? All of the documentation online still says use gksudo but gksudo is not installed on 13.0403:21
somsip!gksudo | ArcticLight03:22
ubottuArcticLight: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:22
ArcticLightGksudo is not installed on 13.0403:22
Ari-YangArcticLight, maybe sudo apt-get install gksudo ?03:22
somsipArcticLight: sorry - just read through properly...03:22
ArcticLightI know you *can* install it, it's just that it's been removed and the reports I've read show that it's been removed for a reason, and might not be available in future ubuntu systems03:22
Blue1knightmade: this may/may not help:  http://pkill-9.com/how-to-easily-do-sudo-in-debian/03:23
ArcticLightI wanted to know what's in place to do the same thing (e.g. what's the "right" way to do it now in 13.04)03:23
batmiteMillo: Have you tried "disk-utility"? might be called "disks" now03:23
Millois there a terminal command?03:24
Milloin it, it's not showing03:24
Millosince that bad sector error/my closing terminal via the X it's not showing anywhere03:24
loganlee_Millo: http://pastebin.com/tP32U6T003:25
Millobefore, the only place that found it was testdisk03:25
Millologanlee_ - I don't understand?03:25
ArcticLightmilo: The disk utility from the command line is gnome-disks in 13.04, it's probably something different in Ubuntu 1203:25
Millothanks ArcticLight - I found the app in the list03:25
batmiteunplug the usb, plug it in and do "dmesg" in terminal. you'll at least have the right path..03:26
Milloit WAS sdc303:26
batmitecant you wipe it with "dd" also?03:26
somsipArcticLight: where did you read that gksudo has been removed?03:26
Millosorry, sdc, not sdc303:26
ArcticLightAri-Yang: sudo apt-get install gksu will work, I'm just wondering why it's not installed by default, and what the decision was to remove it?03:27
batmitetype dd -h03:27
batmiteor --help03:27
Ari-YangArcticLight, if I were you, I'd just google to find out why it was removed....03:27
Ari-Yangsurely somebody has asked that before03:27
ArcticLightsomsip: http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/6634/psa-gksu-is-no-longer-installed-by-default03:27
batmiteAri-Yang: lol took the words out of my mouth03:27
ArcticLightAri-Yang: Apparently it's over some security issues, but nowhere does anyone say what I'm supposed to use instead03:28
ArcticLightthey mention pkexec, but that doesn't run graphical programs either03:28
OerHekswhy no gksudo > http://askubuntu.com/a/28471703:29
somsipArcticLight: In general the development team would prefer us not to use GUI applications as root but to use sudo and the command line instead.03:29
dinwhy not just use sudo?03:29
Ari-YangArcticLight, I say install gksudo... is gksu installed?03:29
knightmadeBut I don't known the password of the DN "cn=admin,olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config" or "cn=admin,cn=config"^03:29
Milloload of stuff came up for dmesg03:29
somsipArcticLight: or it suggests to sudo -i to setup the env, then run the GUI program03:30
Ari-YangI mean, if gksudo doesn't work, just remove it...03:30
batmiteyour usb should be near the end of you unplugged it and plugged it back in03:30
somsipArcticLight: both of these on http://askubuntu.com/questions/284306/why-is-gksu-no-longer-installed-by-default-in-13-04 linked to fromt he page you gave03:30
batmitesdb something usually03:30
Milloit was sdc before03:30
batmiteor sdc etc03:30
ArcticLightsomesip: um........ so the answer to my question is essentially "Don't"...03:30
knightmadeldapmodify -D "cn=admin,cn=config" -W -x -f xxxx.lidf  =>  ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)  ...03:31
somsipArcticLight: the answer is, the dev team encourage you to use sudo, and that is done by sudo -i to setup the env in the same way that (I assume) gksudo did03:31
somsipno - not right03:31
otendI'm having trouble finding methods of removing the LVM data from the Ubuntu Server USB03:32
otendor in general03:32
Ari-Yang@ ArcticLight might want to also look at this http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/6634/psa-gksu-is-no-longer-installed-by-default03:32
somsipArcticLight: use sudo and a CLI program, or use sudo -i and GUI if you must. That's my interpretation03:32
ArcticLightsomesip: If I understand the -i command correctly, it won't set it up the same way03:32
otendnot FROM the USB, but from a volume as I use the installation USB03:32
somsipArcticLight: I'm going from that URL. I don't use gksudo at all and always use CLI03:32
dinotend: pvremove on your usb drive should wipe the label.03:33
supertoughI used dd command to erase my usb03:33
supertoughbut when i replug it is not completely destroy03:34
ArcticLightsomesip: what about using a text editor like gedit? Where I can use my mouse? I realize that some people like the terminal, and I do use nano where it's appropriate. But sometimes I need to move a system file across a network, and that's easier using Nautilus as root, or need to open lots of system files at once and copy/paste (which is easier usin03:34
ArcticLightg gedit)03:34
supertoughonly way I can get it to recognize is to restart03:34
ArcticLightsomesip: Oh well03:34
Lushacan some one help me with Java?03:34
ArcticLightsomesip: I'll keep looking I guess03:34
Morph4meuse mkfs.vfat  /dev/sdXY to wipe your usb03:34
ArcticLightLusha: I know quite a bit about java, what do you need help with?03:34
dinsupertough: you used something like dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=8M ?03:35
somsipArcticLight: I can only reiterate what's said on the URL. Good luck03:35
ArcticLightsomesip: Thanks for your help anyway03:35
LushaIm trying to use command line prompts to update it because i keep getting an error from wine that it needs JRE 1.5.0 but when i go to update it at this step i get stuck  "sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0 "03:35
LushaI think i need to change some thing in the line but i dont know what needs to be changed03:36
Blue1Lusha: normally you would install jre from within windows - easiest way is to bring up a windows browers, then install the jre for windows from there.03:37
Lushaim not on windows03:37
knightmadeHELP ME PLEASE! ldapmodify -D "cn=admin,olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config" -W -x -f k.ldif => ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)03:37
Blue1okay then this might help:  http://pkill-9.com/install-java-1-7-ubuntudebian-apt-get-fedora-rpm/03:37
min|dvir|usDoes anyone have experience fixing locale issues?03:38
_PehdeN_stupid issue, system says The following packages have been kept back:03:38
_PehdeN_  linux-headers-generic linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server03:38
_PehdeN_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.03:38
Blue1Lusha: this might be easier:  http://pkill-9.com/easy-way-to-install-java-runtime-enviorment-jre-in-debian/03:39
Blue1realise that is debian but prolly same for ubuntu03:39
somsip_PehdeN_: apt-get dist-upgrade if you want to install them03:39
LushaI tried that earlier and nothing changes03:39
_PehdeN_but this is 12.04 server edition03:39
Blue1Lusha: tried?03:40
somsip_PehdeN_: and? If you want to install them, that's how you do it. You may not want to install them.03:40
din_Pheden_: tried installing them individually?03:41
LushaThis is what i am trying03:41
_PehdeN_no, ill just run that install.03:41
_PehdeN_id rather have the latest kernel03:41
somsip_PehdeN_: warning - yesterday someone complained that doing a dist-upgrade on their LTS server caused them problems. YMMV03:41
_PehdeN_so how would i update these manually03:42
Blue1Lusha: this shows in my xubuntu system:  openjdk-7-jre  so sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre03:42
somsip_PehdeN_: that question makes no sense. Can you rephrase?03:42
LushaI wonder if the sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0 should be sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.5 ?03:43
LushaCause its update 5?03:43
dinsudo apt-get install linux-image-server maybe?03:43
Blue1Lusha: just use the sudo command I gave above.03:43
LushaIll try it03:43
roastedQuestion - is anybody good with synclient? On my laptop when I tap to select, the cursor moves a bit, making it a little wonky to use. I'm trying to find a synclient parameter that doesn't move my cursor when I tap on the touchpad. Any insight?03:44
_PehdeN_how would I try installing them individually03:44
somsip_PehdeN_: you would break something even if you found a way to do that. Use apt-get.03:44
th0rroasted, you might try MaxTapTime and MaxTapMove03:45
roastedth0r: thanks. I'll dig them up.03:45
Blue1Lusha: did that work for you?03:46
LushaI dunno yet03:47
supertoughokay i just done formatting my usb03:47
supertoughit said only read only03:47
Blue1Lusha: that hauls in a lot of information03:47
supertoughwhy can't I add any files on here?03:47
dr_willis_supertough:  what filesystem did you format it to?03:47
=== JKL1234- is now known as JKL|Away
supertoughError while copying to "8GB".03:48
dr_willis_supertough:  check the mount command and options it used. see if root can write to it..03:48
James_EppWhen doing a network boot of ubuntu, I am getting 'Please provide a name for this Disc, such as 'Debian 5.0.3 Disk 1'03:48
dinsupertough: mount it rw. mount -o rw,remount03:48
supertoughthis destination is read only03:48
roastedth0r: neither seem to have much of a positive response. Do you have any other suggestions?03:48
Blue1supertough: this may help:  http://pkill-9.com/mount-usb-micro-sd-card-linux-automount/03:48
dr_willis_supertough:  you sure its not /dev/sdc1 ?03:48
th0rroasted, nope. Haven't done much with synclient other than turn the pad on and off. But I did capture the list of settings so I could tinker if I need to.03:49
OerHeksdr_willis +103:49
Lushait seems that its downloading the JDK ( at least on all ive done and checked) but I need JRE im pretty sure03:49
somsipLusha: JRE is included in JDK IIRC03:49
LushaTell that to wine03:49
roastedth0r: I feel like there's a setting I'm missing. I was trying to dig up a man page or some sort of documentation that broke out each parameter and talked about it in greater detail. I figure then maybe something would stick out to me as being relevant to what I'm after.03:50
Blue1Lusha: that should install jre in linux but NOT windows.03:50
LushaIm using ubuntu... thus ubuntu chat room....?03:50
OerHeksLusha, lols java for wine, you should mention that earlier03:50
yahqodsomeone used sonata mpd client???03:50
Blue1Lusha: you might need the iced tea plugin as well (for linux)  icedtea-7-plugin03:50
ap0c0lyps3Anyone available for support assistance?03:51
Lushawould that give me the Thsi app needs a jre 1.5.0 bla bla bla error?03:51
Blue1Lusha: that my first though applies - fireup a browser in windows and install from there.03:51
Blue1ap0c0lyps3: may if you asked a question.....03:51
Lushaim confused on what you mean by windows?  like the panes im looking at or microsoft?03:51
somsipLusha: are you trying to install JRE for wine apps?03:52
LushaMinecraft namely03:52
Blue1Lusha: you said you needed java for wine, correct?  fire up a windows browser using wine, and install java from there .03:52
somsipLusha: then people are probably referring to running things under wine, but saying 'in windows'. Just guessing, like03:52
ap0c0lyps3I am currently having 2 different issues, one with Networking, one with a game that I am playing... First I will ask about the networking issue03:52
eph3meralLusha: why do you need wine for minecraft?03:52
Lushait seems it wont open it without it and  what do you mean by windows browser???03:53
ap0c0lyps3Networking Issue - Intermittent connection drop over WiFi in a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.0403:53
dr_willis_err.. theres  some 'minecraft installer' script i saw on  eeither webupd8 or omgubuntu the other week....03:53
eph3meralthe server doesn't need wine03:53
LushaThere are a few deffinitions of windows and it gets me confused03:53
Blue1ap0c0lyps3: are you using network mangler?03:53
eph3meralit's a java program03:53
Lushai ran the w8 some thing script earlier and no luck03:53
Mekaaridownload the .jar03:53
ap0c0lyps3Not to my knowledge, unless it comes base with Ubuntu03:53
dr_willis_Lusha:  minecraft is written in java./  but it might want the Oracle Java..03:53
Mekaarimake sure you have java03:53
LushaJar wont open03:53
yahqodsomeone used sonata mpd client???03:54
eph3meralah yeah you need a diff java03:54
Mekaarijava -jar ~/minecraft.jar03:54
dr_willis_Lusha:  and how are you trying to start the jar?03:54
eph3meralLusha: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Setting_up_a_server#Linux_instructions03:54
camilo_hola... como accedo a la configuración de sonido?03:54
dr_willis_i thought minecradt came with a script to launch it with some options03:54
Lushadouble clicking which now that i think of it is wrong isnt it03:54
Blue1!es | camilo_03:54
ubottucamilo_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:54
eph3meralLusha: see the part labeled "Ubuntu"03:54
dr_willis_Lusha:  very very wrong03:54
OerHeks!es | camilo_03:54
eph3meralLusha: run those first three commands03:54
eph3meralLusha: then your minecraft should work03:54
Lushaok can we use the private chats?  i cant keep p03:55
eph3meralLusha: use your scroll wheel03:55
camilo_I need acces for configuration sound03:55
yahqodcamilo en el panel03:55
dr_willis_Lusha:  i whoudl think its time to read that url eph3meral  posted ..03:55
eph3meralLusha: colored nicknames help as well, install XChat03:55
LushaI mean i cant keep one conversation from another hold up03:55
ap0c0lyps3Blue1: Negative on the Network Mangler unless it comes base with Ubuntu03:56
camilo_I have Xfce03:56
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:57
yahqodsomeone used sonata???03:57
shiman6_ I've got a problem trying to forward audio from my android 4.1 phone to my lubuntu 13.04 computer via bluetooth. Could I get some help?03:58
James_EppWith this default: http://i.imgur.com/RUWDloW.png I get this result: http://i.imgur.com/5hkRUkD.png03:59
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dr_willis_Lusha:  its best to keep your minecraft chat in the channel.. i rarely play the game.04:02
lil_dangeri need help04:02
supertoughcan't even get my usb to write04:02
ArcticLightshiman6_: I do this by installing blueman04:02
dr_willis_Lusha:  and you may want to restart the issue from the beginning.04:02
ArcticLightshiman6_: As far as I know, ubuntu doesn't do this well without the blueman application handling it.04:02
shiman6_ Blueman is already installed with the experimental checkbox checked04:03
shiman6_I also have pulseaudio installed, and pavucontrol. it seems to connect fine, i just get no audio04:03
dinsupertough: mount -o rw,remount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/point04:03
ArcticLightshiman6_: Hm... Have you checked inside the sound applet? Sometimes I get that, and selecting my mic as input device and then selecting the phone stream under Ubuntu's audio controls makes it suddenly start working.04:04
ap0c0lyps3how do I use !tab?  I spoke with someone, and have received no response....  They may have stepped away though04:04
ArcticLightshiman6_: I'm not sure if that'll help in your case though.04:04
somsip!tab | ap0c0lyps304:04
ubottuap0c0lyps3: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:04
=== JKL|Away is now known as JKL1234-
supertoughthat is it i'm going to just install fedora04:05
dr_willis_ap0c0lyps3:  the tab key just auto completes their nickname..04:05
ap0c0lyps3Dr_willis | ubottu | somsip : Thank you all04:05
shiman6_I'll give it a shot. So, you select the mic as the input device in pavucontrol, then select the phone stream under ubuntu audio controls? Dont know where i can find that in LUbuntu04:06
ap0c0lyps3Blue1 : Seems to have stepped away, is anyone else capable of assisting me with my network connection issues over WiFi?04:06
[[thufir]]how do I get parole to play this playlist? http://pastebin.com/Du3iAbjA   I tried "open with" and selected parole without luck.04:08
supertoughto just format and make my usb read/write I had to boot into win704:09
audio·.¸¸.·´¯`> <>,14<> hola <><>_04:10
lil_dangermy function key and my z key are not working can anybody help??04:10
shiman6_Hmm. It was working before, now it isnt. I'm getting a "stream setup failed" from blueman04:10
swisslil_danger: what's your keyboard layout04:10
somsiplil_danger: type 'xev' in a terminal and see if you get output when you press the keys. No, then it's hardware. Yes, then it's something else04:11
lil_dangeris a toshiba satellite04:11
lil_dangerkeyboard is clean04:11
audio·.¸¸.·´¯`> hm _04:11
swisslil_danger: how about in settings04:11
cyrano_I have ubuntu 12.04. I have no sound. None of my audio devices show up when i launch sound settings. However both of them show up when I run aplay -l and pretty much any other cli command that would show sound devices. Yet they still do not show up in gui sound devices and no sound. Anyone know where i can start for something like this?04:12
somsiplil_danger: if it's the same area of the keyboard, there is a chance it is hardware. I'd suggest you make sure it is not before looking for software issues.04:12
swisscyrano_: try paplay instead of aplay04:12
shiman6_cyrano_: I had similar problems with a 9.10 installation. updating it to 13.04 fixed the problem04:13
lil_dangerok thanks04:13
lil_dangeri ll check the hardware04:13
killerwhen i try 2 install something i get http://pastebin.com/4AgxaSaV04:13
swisskiller: apt-get remove tuxcut04:13
swissthen retry04:13
cyrano_swiss paplay fails to open audio file.04:14
killerswiss: i tried removing it but gives the same error04:14
cyrano_shiman6 this previously worked and stopped working just yesterday04:14
swisscyrano_: paplay opens with pulseaudio rather than with alsa04:14
lil_dangerit does seem to be hardware04:15
swissyou have a pulseaudio issue04:15
lil_dangerthanks a lot :)04:15
somsiplil_danger: oh well. At least you didn't look for a software issue wthat wasn';t there04:15
swisscyrano_: pastebin the output of pacmd list-sinks and pacmd list-modules04:15
lil_dangermind if i stick around see if i can learn something????04:15
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OerHeksfeel free, lil_danger04:15
somsiplil_danger: it's a helpful and friendly channel if you stay on topic :)04:16
audio·.¸¸.·´¯`>  (/,14/) lol (//) _04:16
cyrano_swiss: both display this message "No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon." It's not much so I didn't pastebin this04:16
swisscyrano_: well, there's the problem :P04:16
swisspastebin the output of "pulseaudio"04:16
swissi'm assuming you're running this in a terminal spawned in the desktop environment04:17
swissand not in a tty04:17
cyrano_swiss: correct04:17
audio·.¸¸.·´¯`> test_04:17
swissyeah, try "pulseaudio"04:17
swisssee if it gives an error04:17
audio·.¸¸.·´¯`> 1(h2)(m)_04:18
swissif it doesn't, spawn another termial and try paplay, then the 2 pacmds if it doesn't work04:18
[[thufir]]how do I get parole to play this playlist? http://pastebin.com/Du3iAbjA   I tried "open with" and selected parole without luck.04:18
audio·.¸¸.·´¯`> -> test  <-.¸¸.·´¯`· By audio_04:18
forgotmynicki don't understand why `errors` isn't listed as an `option` in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab04:18
audio·.¸¸.·´¯`> err_04:18
cyrano_swiss: http://pastebin.com/fj4uuszh04:18
forgotmynickit's not listed in any distros help/wiki04:18
dr_willis_audio:  is theres some point  to that? its jibberish here04:18
forgotmynickyet it's there in examples04:18
swisscyrano_: mv ~/.pulse{,-old}04:19
swissthen try pulseaudio --start04:19
swissforgotmynick: i have no clue O_o04:20
cyrano_swiss: there they are04:20
swisscyrano_: ?04:20
swissdid it work?04:20
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swissor the same issue with pulseaudio?04:20
cyrano_swiss: the devices are showing up now but still no sound04:21
swisstry those three comamnds04:21
cyrano_swiss: there was no error message that time04:21
swissalso, try adjusting the volume in  the systems volume control04:21
forgotmynickdoes the order of the options for a filesystem matter in fstab?04:22
dr_willis_forgotmynick:  i dont think it does04:22
dr_willis_i have to wonder about oppsosite options however.. ;)04:22
swissforgotmynick: test it!04:23
OerHeksforgotmynick, i cannot find fstab errors too, those would be mount errors04:23
dr_willis_people tend to use to many options at times..04:23
swisscyrano_: so did it work?04:23
ap0c0lyps3Anyone currently available to offer support with a WiFi connection dropping intermittently, in 12.04???04:24
cyrano_swiss: i have sound now04:24
swisscyrano_: cool beans, it should keep working (hopefully)04:25
cyrano_swiss: thanks04:25
swissyep yep04:25
dr_willis_ap0c0lyps3:  best bet may be to determine the chipset, and driver its using, and check askubuntu.com and the forums to see if othere have a similer issue and any knwon work arounds04:25
[[thufir]]how do I get parole to play this playlist? http://pastebin.com/Du3iAbjA   I tried "open with" and selected parole without luck.04:25
eph3meralap0c0lyps3: wifi connections dropping intermittently is not necessarily an ubuntu problem04:25
shiman6_So, i'm trying to play music from my android 4.1 to lubuntu 13.04 via bluetooth audio. Blueman is givng me an error of "Connect failed: Stream setup failed", yet I was able to connect audio last week. (The audio never played through my speakers though)04:25
swiss[[thufir]]: i'd help you, but no experience with parole04:26
eph3meralap0c0lyps3: I have that problem on my macbook, it depends mostly on the number of other people running wifi in your nearby vicinity (from what I can tell)04:26
swissshiman6_: did either end update04:26
eph3meralbut then again, ubuntu and wifi are notoriously fickle together04:26
ap0c0lyps3Dr_willis_, I have searched the forums and found many different issues that seem similar, but seem to find no direct answer... However, I do need to findout my chipset and driver04:26
[[thufir]]swiss: ok, thanks.  I really like parole, and am surprised it doesn't do this (properly).  can't even find a mailing list for it.  ok, well, what else is there?  gnome-mplayer?04:26
shiman6_swiss: what do you mean update? They're both paired, my android has media audio enabled and its set to automatically accept anything from lubuntu04:27
swissshiman6_: i mean "apt-get update" or the android doing an update04:27
swissapt-get upgrade04:27
ap0c0lyps3eph3meral, it is not the connection itself... My Win7 Laptop, currently -right- beside my Ubuntu Desktop is currently staying connected perfectly fine04:27
swissshiman6_: try setting verbosity flags on the ubuntu end04:27
shiman6_swiss: the android phone is running the latest unrooted from LG, and ubuntu software is up to date04:28
shiman6_swiss: okay04:28
eph3meralap0c0lyps3: the fact that you said -right- beside is actually an indication of exactly what I just mentioned04:30
eph3meralpossible signal interference with too many machines too close  in proximity04:30
eph3meralmaybe not, but it's quite a real problem that I've seen quite often04:30
shiman6_swiss: how can I connect to bluetooth audio from the command line?04:30
eph3meralap0c0lyps3: also, you get what you pay for with Ubuntu :P04:30
swissshiman6_: what's the program that connects it?04:31
swissstop that program, and run that program from the command line with verbosity flags04:31
eph3meralap0c0lyps3: and unfortunately I believe wifi cards are largely suffering from similar problems to the old winmodem phenomenon04:31
shiman6_swiss: blueman, i think.04:31
eph3meralap0c0lyps3: so, basically, expect your Ubuntu wifi to be buggy, and be very happy when it's not04:31
swissshiman6_: is it running as a service?04:31
swissyou might have to service blueman stop04:31
ap0c0lyps3eph3meral: I had this same setup earlier this day, both of them running Win7, both of them remaining connected04:31
eph3meralap0c0lyps3: also, this may be a perfect example of why you should research your hardware VERY thoroughly04:31
swissshiman6_: i'm not familiar with the program, i'm just throwin you through general debugging procedures04:32
ap0c0lyps3eph3meral: The moment I install Ubuntu, connection issues start flaring up like mad04:32
eph3meralap0c0lyps3: again, pointing back to the most recent thing I just said "expect your Ubuntu wifi to be buggy, be glad when it's not"04:32
eph3meralap0c0lyps3: believe me or don't, I'm just the messenger04:32
shiman6_swiss: i know the bluetooth service is just called "bluetooth"04:32
eph3meralmaybe one day it'll get figured out, but until corporate greed disappears, don't hold your breath04:32
shiman6_swiss: ill stop that one and restart it04:32
swissshiman6_: basically, find the process that's failing04:33
eph3meralap0c0lyps3: and do HEAVY HEAVY research on your wifi chip before buying it and hoping it'll work with Ubuntu04:33
swissand start it up in your command line (in the foreground) with verbosity04:33
eph3meralI mean, that's been the case for ever since linux started04:33
* swiss is lucky, he's never had issues with wifi04:33
eph3meralthings are a bit better these days, but my last Win XP laptop which lasted me for like 5 years didn't start playing nice with any kind of linux until about 2 years after I bought it04:34
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:34
shiman6_swiss: aah, i'm running bluez for bluetooth04:34
eph3meralap0c0lyps3, it's just how things go in the linux world, which is why you must invest extra personal time to research what you buy and if you don't do that research, basically don't be surprised if you're disappointed04:34
swissshiman6_: i'm gonna go try to find my dinner, i'll be back in a bit. keep trying to throw verbosity and debugging on the commands. Spawn as many terminals as you need to keep all the commands running in the foregroud04:35
swissif you haven't figured it out by the time i come back, i'll help you04:35
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shiman6_swiss: okay, thank you04:35
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camilo_auxilio no hablo ingles y tengo problemas con el audio en ubuntu13.04 en el canal en español no me ayudan04:35
vfw!sound | camilo_04:40
ubottucamilo_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:40
vfw!es | camilo_04:41
ubottucamilo_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:41
camilo_llevo un par de horas en ubuntu-es y nada04:42
swissshiman6_: how goes it?04:43
vfwcamilo_: Inglés solamente aquí04:43
shiman6_swiss: having trouble finding out how to start the bluetooth service with verbose settings04:43
camilo_ok.... translate google04:44
swissshiman6_: okay, start the service, then run "ps aux"04:44
swissand look for a bluetooth-like service04:44
swissthat's the command you'll run, but with a verbose setting04:44
camilo_I have audio problems with ubuntu 13.0404:44
swisscamilo_: what's the issue04:45
camilo_no audio04:46
swisscamilo_: run "alsamixer"04:46
swissdoes that work, and if so, does it show your sound cards04:47
shiman6_swiss: ps aux says bluetoothd, but that program doesnt have a verbose switch04:47
swissshiman6_: oh, leave that one running then04:47
camilo_as I do that?04:47
swisswhat's the program that should hook the bluetooth audio into your speakers?04:47
swisscamilo_: what is the output of "alsamixer"04:47
shiman6_i believe04:47
swissshiman6_: should it show up as a direct audio device?04:47
swissactually, i have a droid here and bluetooth, i might be able to test this04:48
shiman6_I dont think so. It was able to connect the audio service using blueman last week, when I was trying to find out why there was no sound when pavucontrol showed audio action04:48
shiman6_maybe i should reboot04:49
swissshiman6_: stop bluetooth04:49
swissbluetooth -d -n04:49
swissshiman6_: tell me all the programs you were using to do this04:50
swissand what the exact goal was04:50
camilo_I have Xfce04:51
shiman6_i'm using service to start and stop bluetooth, using blueman to connect to the device, pulseaudio and pavucontrol to connect to and output the a2dp stream04:51
shiman6_also, running bluetooth -d -n just gave something interesting.04:51
shiman6_swiss: D-Bus setup failed: Connection ":1.140" is not allowed to own the service "org.bluez" due to security policies in the configuration file04:52
FusionXGparted is unable to mount my other ntfs partition and says "the enclosing drive for the volume is locked" while I'm able to mount the partitions with the "mount" command.04:52
FusionXwhat is the problem?04:52
camilo_alsamixer does not work on Xfce04:52
swissshiman6_: sounds like its a configuration issue04:53
shiman6_swiss: which configuration file do i need to edit?04:54
camilo_swiss: alsamixer does not work on Xfce04:54
swissshiman6_: i'd guess bluetoothd04:54
swisscamilo_: I don't think that's xfce: you have an alsa sisue04:55
swissshiman6_: try apt-get purge bluetoothd then reinstalling that stuff04:55
swissit'd be easier than figuring out the issue04:55
swissor try http://blog.stevenocchipinti.com/2012/10/bluetooth-audio-streaming-from-phone-to.html04:56
ArmoredDragoonshouldn't ubuntu automatically be able to add the realtek ethernet drivers since they are open source?04:56
ArmoredDragoonthe automatic update upgraded my kernel, and now the ethernet driver doesn't work04:56
ArmoredDragoonI'm not sure what to do from here04:56
swissshiman6_: this is working with no configuration from me04:57
swisskinda cool actually04:57
swissthanks for getting me to try it :P04:57
shiman6_swiss: i used it with windows all the time, figured ubuntu should be able to run it fine haha04:58
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swissshiman6_: yeah, just worked04:58
camilo_swiss: ok04:58
swissi was acutally impressed04:58
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swisscamilo_: look into why alsa has issues: i don't have good experience at that level04:58
ArmoredDragoonno details on that04:58
swissArmoredDragoon: lsmod, is it not loaded?04:58
shiman6_swiss: i purged bluez and blueman, then reinstalled it, same thing happens04:58
swissshiman6_: it says the same thing?04:59
LuLzSeCreBornim going to have a smoke but im in dyer need of help with my bot script04:59
nevynArmoredDragoon: it should work without firmware...05:00
shiman6_swiss: yea, i'm gonna try what you just linked me05:00
swissshiman6_: does it have that same issue? Pastebin the issue05:00
swissuhh, you shouldn't need to follow the tutorial cause it worked instantaneously for em05:00
nevynArmoredDragoon: what happens?05:01
nevynArmoredDragoon: that hardware has been supported forever or so.05:01
camilo_swiss: problem solved05:01
shiman6_Oh! Give me one moment, this tutorial may fix the problem05:01
swisscamilo_: cool05:01
swissshiman6_: good luck05:01
swisscamilo_: de nada05:01
FusionXhow do I check the md5 checksum of a file?05:02
swissFusionX: md5sum <file>05:02
FusionXsweet, thanks05:03
FusionXdoes it need root?05:03
shiman6_swiss: d-feet gives "GDBus.Error:org.bluez.Error.Failed: Stream setup failed"05:05
swissshiman6_: huh. maybe its your phone? do you have somehting else you could test with?05:06
shiman6_swiss: I have another laptop with ubuntu, i'll give it a shot.05:06
swissshiman6_: try running the bluetooth stuff as root...05:08
swissdooo dee dooo05:08
swissmine does the same as yours05:08
swissi 100% forgot to tell you to root up first05:08
shiman6_so i'm gonna get that unless i run root05:10
swissso run sudo -i first05:11
swissto get an interactive root prompt05:11
shiman6_Whoa alright. This looks promising05:11
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swissis it showing up as a bluetooth device in audio?05:12
shiman6_thats funny. I cant change to ad2p. it just wants to stay as none05:12
shiman6_pavucontrol confirms a connection05:13
swisswhat wants to stay as none?05:13
shiman6_and the entirety of pulseaudio just crashed05:13
swissnow we can get into pulseaudio, which i'm good at :)05:13
shiman6_swiss: i sense a need to just restart the system to get pulse running again05:16
swissshiman6_: nope05:17
swissshiman6_: in another terminal, pulseaudio --start05:17
shiman6_Okay, pulse is back05:18
swissnow it still doesn't work, right?05:19
shiman6_when i try to play music, the phone tells the computer to set audio streaming to ad2p and it kills pulse05:19
shiman6_so, yes05:19
swissand what does pulse say?05:19
swissrather than --start, just run pulseaudio05:19
caeshi folks.05:19
shiman6_alright. give me one moment to pastebin05:20
caesmy linux newb question:  are the ports on my machine open at all?  could someone, given they had my password, log in to my machine remotely, and if so how do i lock it off?05:21
LXLEanyone know what the windowing technology is on a mac?05:21
shiman6_the mac UI is largely proprietary05:22
shiman6_caes: if you freshly installed your system, no remote access ports are open05:22
caesthanks shiman.  second (set of) question(s):  does anyone here use MonoDevelop?05:23
swissshiman6_: looks like it might be a known issue...05:24
aeon-ltdLXLE: what are you trying to achieve?05:24
shiman6_swiss: you know, i was hoping that wasnt it XD05:24
swissshiman6_: yeah.... but go try on your other laptop anyways05:24
shiman6_besides, this is the first time this has happened too. Last week i was just dealing with connection, profile to a2dp was fine, just no sound05:25
LXLEaeon-ltd, i'm trying to find out what the name of the windowing system is05:25
shiman6_The other laptop's bluetooth adapter doesnt support bluetooth audio05:25
aeon-ltdLXLE: no i mean after that05:25
swissshiman6_: it looks like it might work off of the git05:26
LXLEaeon-ltd, there is no after that05:27
shiman6_it seems like there's just no transport. is there a way to set that up? Also, is there a .deb package from the git?05:27
aeon-ltdLXLE: ok, but as a window manager it isn't very special or customizable05:28
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LXLEaeon-ltd, uhm ok, but what is its name05:28
aeon-ltdLXLE: quartz supposedly http://arstechnica.com/apple/2005/04/macosx-10-4/13/05:30
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alecblxappearance seems to immediately revert back to defaults when I close out of it and reopen. anyone know why that might be happening?05:30
sawjigaeon-ltd, it's not just the 'window manager'05:31
aeon-ltdLXLE:  but getting the code to use it and modifying to work well on linux is a waste considering there are other WMs just as good or better05:31
sawjigaeon-ltd, it's also the display server05:31
LXLEaeon-ltd, i'm writing an article for god sake, put down your broken crystal ball05:32
sawjigWell it doesn't work like X so calling it the display server is not exactly correct.05:32
sawjigRegardless, it's not like X11 in Ubuntu.05:33
aeon-ltdLXLE: ok, but really if you wrote 'Mac OSX window manager' readers would know what you're talking about anyway05:33
caeswould anyone know how to help me fix a bug in MonoDevelop?05:33
sawjigaeon-ltd, no, because it supports X1105:34
sawjigaeon-ltd, so you can run many window managers on OSX05:34
LXLEaeon-ltd, well considering X11 is called and X window system05:35
LXLEi figured windowing system would be enough05:35
LXLEand x11 nor quartz is a window manager05:35
LXLEjust like openbox isn't a windowing system05:35
LXLEits a window manager05:36
LXLEi take the smartass back05:36
sawjigQuartz is rootless...05:36
sawjigso it is both...05:36
LXLEyes, but aqua is the window manager05:37
sawjigbut that's largely just a technical point of clarification it doesn't really matter in terms of your question. You can just install X and use whatever WM you can find in homebrew.05:37
sawjigNo, Aqua ia a theme.05:37
LXLEsawjig, better look that up again, its not just a theme05:38
aeon-ltdhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aqua_(user_interface) underlying technology05:38
shiman6_swiss: still alive there?05:38
aeon-ltdhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartz_Compositor defined as a windowing system05:38
LXLEaeon-ltd,  yes windowing system05:39
LXLEnot window manager05:39
sawjigaeon-ltd, they're part of a single package for all intensive purposes.05:40
caeshelp with monodevelop?05:41
aeon-ltdfixing a bug sounds like something you should report to the developers05:42
caesit's this simple:  there's a spot in one of the options menus in the GUI...05:45
caesit should be a field, but it's a sliver... you can tell something is there.05:45
caesit's the only thing keeping me from using it to compile hello world as a test.05:45
caesI'm wondering where i'd find the code to make the field the correct size05:46
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:47
LXLEsawjig, for future reference aqua is the window manager and them, not quartz05:47
caesthis is more to the point:  where would i find the code that monodevelop sends to g++ when i try to build?05:49
swissshiman6_: sorry, got distracted05:49
shiman6_its all good05:50
swissand there's no .deb from the git05:50
shiman6_swiss: the latest pulseaudio version is 3.0, right?05:52
GotangoUbuntu 15.10 . 3D OS ?05:56
shiman6_swiss: i found a daily build deb of 3.99 from ubuntu audio dev05:56
TheBadBlood098can anybody tell me how to search files on a channel ? thank you :)05:57
clctoon an irc channel?05:57
Gotangouse Mirc05:57
parapancan someone please explain how to free up /boot partition ?05:57
swissshiman6_: try it05:58
swissparapan: delete old kernels05:58
swisseverything that isn't the biggst number is good to delete of each filetype05:59
parapanswiss: cool advice ...which are stored where ???05:59
swissthey're all in /boot05:59
swiss/boot/vmlinuz, System.map06:00
swissyou can do it the right way by apt-get purging them06:00
swisswith apt-get purge linux-image-(version)06:00
parapanswiss: K thanks . . . if I do it with nautilus should I be fine ?06:01
swisssudo apt-get autoremove is the best way06:01
parapanswiss: thanks a lot06:01
swissbut if you're just trying to free up space, you can remove them manually. Nautilus run as root would let you do it06:01
Ben64bad idea06:01
parapanBen64: could you explain some more ?06:02
swissBen64: semi-bad. If you don't know what you're doing, yeah, you could screw it up06:02
swissand it's not gonna clean up the modules folders06:02
Ben64too easy to delete the wrong thing. just use the correct tools and its very easy06:02
Ben64and it doesn't update grub, might mess up future updates06:02
* swiss needs to remember he's not on gentoo anymore, and there are nice tools for this thing06:03
shiman6_swiss: okay, so now this seems like the easy part.06:03
swissshiman6_: what do you mean/06:03
shiman6_pulseaudio isnt connecting to the bluetooth audio anymore, because i just updated it06:04
swissshiman6_: you sure?06:04
swisspacmd list-modules06:04
shiman6_let me try restarting both services06:05
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parapanswiss: I have no Linux-image -version ...I have some archives with "initrd.img-2.6.32-37-generic" - are those to be purged ??06:06
swissparapan: they should work with linux-image-2.6.32-37-generic06:07
shiman6_swiss: it's not showing up under pavucontrol anymore. I think pulse reset the module loading config and now it's not loading the right bluetooth module. it's not showing up when i run that command06:08
swisspastebin your /etc/pulse/default.pa06:09
parapanswiss: k thanks06:09
jakey1Hi, How do I install open office in ubuntu, I downloaded it from source forge and it looks like I must compile it ?06:09
Merehey ppl need help with install06:10
Kartagistoday I upgraded my laptop to 13.04 and noticed that my alt key was not working. is this a known issue or my laptop's oddity?06:10
Kartagisgm btw06:10
swissjakey1: is there a reason you're using openoffice over libreoffice?06:10
jakey1for variety06:10
clctojakey1: then you will need to compile it06:10
PlastikSporkI know that you can use Samba protocol to share files on a network and this is compatible with Windows.  Does Linux have its own networking protocol?06:11
clctojakey1: or add a repo that has it06:11
shiman6_swiss: http://pastebin.com/whs6XnH706:11
clctoPlastikSpork: sshfs is one06:11
PlastikSporkclcto:  is there one installed by default in Ubuntu?06:12
swissshiman6_: is module-bluetooth-discover loaded?06:12
KartagisPlastikSpork: no, why?06:12
boggleUpdateManagerWarningForUnity3D when upgrading 12.04 --> 12.10 on Lenovo ideapad U410 -- http://pastebin.com/tTj6azQv06:12
PlastikSporkSo Ubuntu uses SMB/CIFS by default?06:12
Mereis there a support chan??06:13
KartagisPlastikSpork: yea06:13
clctoMere: for ubuntu? this is it06:13
Mereyes sorry06:13
shiman6_swiss: yes, it is. but i remember seeing another module-bluetooth- something when I ran it before the update06:13
KartagisPlastikSpork: if you're having trouble connecting to samba shares, install smbfs06:13
shiman6_module bluetooth policy is loaded currently06:14
shiman6_i thought it was called module-bluetooth-device06:14
LuckySMackim on raring, a new install, and i have no option to hibernate/sleep/suspend either in my os menu in the panel, or in my power options. so my only option is to completely shut the computer down. is there a way to enable sleep in 13.04?06:14
PlastikSporkKartagis:  Interesting I did not know that...  I have installed smbfs.  I am able to connect to my windows server network drives, but I am only able to stream video if I permanently mount the drive  via fstab.06:14
deckardhello again. would someone please tell me the command to install the xubuntu package06:15
KartagisPlastikSpork: what do you want to achieve?06:15
clctodeckard: i think it is just apt-get install xfce406:15
Kartagisdeckard: sudo apt-get install xubuntu should suffice06:15
deckardty both, i recall the second one06:16
deckardxfce comes with it06:16
Kartagisclcto: does xfce4 install xubuntu as well?06:16
clctodeckard: yeah i guess just xfce4 wouldnt install the DM and such06:16
deckardsudo apt-get install xubuntu did not work06:17
deckardty anyway, i will try forums06:17
PlastikSporkKartagis:  There are a few issues that I am having with Samba... for one I am unable to browse my networking via Nautilus... I click on browse network and then windows network and it finds no shared drives... very annoying...  Also, why does the drive need to be mounted via fstab for me to be able to stream videos to my ubuntu laptop?06:17
KartagisPlastikSpork: no idea, no experience with that06:18
clctoPlastikSpork: it needs to be mounted, but i doubt through fstab06:18
deckardhow-to-geek says it is  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop (FYI)06:18
clctodeckard: thanks for the update06:19
deckardbe well06:19
clctodeckard: you can always use apt-cache search06:19
deckarddo you know the xubuntu channel/06:19
PlastikSporkKartagis: if I open nautilus and press "ctrl+L" and then type smb://serverIP I am unable to stream video, but if I mount the network drive via fstab then I am able to stream video.06:20
deckardi do not know what that is, i will read about it, ty06:20
clctodeckard: #xubuntu06:20
clctodeckard: searches for packages06:20
gorskilinux kernel upgrades even it is locked in synaptic, help?06:23
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swissshiman6_: sorry, distracted again. i think those two are the only ones till after it connects06:32
shiman6_swiss: i have both pulseaudio and bluetooth running verbose in two terminals, bluetooth doesnt seem to be talking to pulse at all06:33
swissthose two are the only ones i have06:34
shiman6_i read that those two modules are supposed to automatically activate the third module06:34
shiman6_which explains why I saw that module running before the update06:34
cordorwhat's xorg 1:7.7 version?06:36
histocordor: huh?06:37
histogorski: locked how?06:38
histo!pin | gorski06:38
ubottugorski: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto06:38
cordorhisto: i downgraded xorg so i can use ati legacy driver. now, i switched back to radeon driver. no so sure how to i upgrade xorg, i checked the version in synaptic, it said installed version 1:7.7+1ubuntu406:39
nyuszika7hcordor, how did you downgrade it?06:40
histo!downgrade | cordor06:40
ubottucordor: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.06:40
cordorxserver-xorg-core is 2:1.13.3-0ubuntu6 tho06:40
histocordor: what version of ubuntu are you running?06:41
nyuszika7hdid you use a PPA for downgrading Xorg?06:41
cordornyuszika7h: don't remember, that's the problem, grab something on the web, howto here, solved thread there.06:41
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:41
cordorhisto: 13.0406:41
histo!info xserver-xorg-core | cordor06:42
ubottucordor: xserver-xorg-core (source: xorg-server): Xorg X server - core server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.13.3-0ubuntu6 (raring), package size 1524 kB, installed size 3773 kB06:42
histocordor: see if your xorg is pinned to a certain version06:43
cordorhisto: how?06:44
nyuszika7hapt-cache policy | pastebinit06:44
nyuszika7hsorry, gtg, maybe histo can help you06:44
histocordor: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto06:44
vicconnecting ubuntu and windows without samba?06:49
cordorhisto: not pinned06:49
histocordor: there are multiple ways please check both06:49
histocordor: also check your software sorces and see if any ppa's are installed06:50
supertoughhow do i find out my real IP address not the one given from the router06:50
vicis there an alternative to shamba share06:50
histosupertough: http://ipchicken.com06:51
supertoughI want to use the command line06:51
histosupertough: w3m http://ipchicken.com06:51
supertoughI did that histo06:51
histosupertough: okay then it would show you your public ip06:51
supertoughwhat's the command line from terminal?06:51
histovic: nfs06:51
supertoughI know my local IP from ifconfig06:52
histosupertough: w3m http://ipchicken.com06:52
clctosupertough: your computer doesnt know the public IP06:52
vichisto: how do i install nfs06:52
clctosupertough: thats the job of the modem06:52
cordorhisto: there was makson96/fglrx, but disabled.06:53
histosupertough: w3m is a command line based browser06:53
histovic: What are you trying to share with?06:53
apgDoes anybody know any no charge steam game?06:53
vichisto: windows06:54
supertoughapg please don't try running steam on Linux06:54
supertoughit is horrible experience06:54
histovic: I would just use samba what is the issue you are experiencing?06:54
supertoughmy FPS drops in half when I turn on flashlight in css06:54
clctosupertough: why do you say that?06:54
histosupertough: use proper video drivers06:54
apgwhat is your experience with it?06:54
supertoughand there is micro stuttering too06:54
histoapg: it is beta at the moment but it does work06:54
vichisto: Errors were encountered while processing:06:54
vic samba406:54
vicE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:54
clctoapg cant you search by price?06:55
histovic: what version of ubuntu?06:55
supertoughit takes longer time to load up too and i'm running ubuntu on SSD06:55
vichisto: 13.0406:55
clctoapg: and try heroes of newerth, not in steam but has a linux client06:55
apghehe, sure clcto06:55
supertoughand my win7 on magnetic spin hard drive06:55
histovic: Is there a reason you are trying samba4?06:55
supertoughhisto I got the latest driver from the site06:56
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histosupertough: you could also use curl or wget or many other applications to pull the web page results from ipchicken.com or checkip.dyndns.org or other sites like that.06:56
vichisto: i tried samba but terminal output suggested i install samba406:56
histovic: I believe the samba4 package is broken06:56
supertoughhisto I want the command line to find out my public IP06:56
supertoughI did used the site to find out my public IP06:57
vichisto: what do you suggest i do/06:57
histovic: can you pastebin the output you are getting?06:57
swissshiman6_: yeah, you've hit my ilmit on bluetooth expertise , sorry06:57
histovic: also is this a desktop based system?06:57
supertoughcan someone link me to tutorial on how to setup a VPN server and client?06:58
histosupertough: https://help.ubuntu.com/search.html?cof=FORID%3A9&cx=003883529982892832976%3Ae2vwumte3fq&ie=UTF-8&q=vpn&sa=Search06:59
vichisto: yes06:59
histovic: right click on a directory and sharing options06:59
histo!samba | vic07:00
ubottuvic: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.07:00
nabblethi, why are the packages linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic held back while linux-generic linux-libc-dev got updated?07:01
histosupertough: this is not an easy task to setup just fyi. You may want to look into an easier solution like untangle07:01
gustav_nabblet: You need to do dist-upgrade.07:01
swissnabblet: reboot07:01
swissoh, gustav_ is prob more right than me07:01
supertoughhisto I just want to dive in and learn how to swim07:02
histosupertough: walk before you run07:02
supertoughcomplete noob with this VPN07:02
nabbletgustav_: swiss is that the upgrade to ubuntu 13?07:02
apgsupertough: swim before you dive :D07:02
histosupertough: then play with an untangled install even on a virtual machine just to get some of the ideas of the networking behind you.07:03
supertoughI can access the VPN using android phone right?07:03
histosupertough: depends on the vpn type etc...07:03
supertoughi did taht VNC thing with android now I want to learn VPN07:04
histosupertough: Okay then look things up on the internet and learn no one is stopping you.07:05
swissnabblet: idk07:05
swissi don't think so, but i don't wanna say07:05
nabbleti don't what to go to 1307:05
swissi think you need to change your sources to manually upgrade07:05
swissbut i don't wanna be responsible for an accidental upgrade07:05
nabbletit took me sooo mucht time to set up evertything as i want it in 12 :P07:05
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:05
nabbletswiss: that's clear :)07:05
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supertoughI got a cairo Dock distro setup haha07:06
supertoughno unity no gnome07:06
cordoris there a way to "reset" /etc/apt and do a apt-get upgrade07:07
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histocordor: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list07:07
nabbletsupertough: cairo is nice... but it can't compete with fluxbox menu :D07:08
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cordor"Best command to reset apt sources to distro release defaults? "07:10
cordorgtg, thanks again especially histo07:11
histocordor: please post your sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com07:11
histocordor: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/07:14
kioni can not get ubuntu to recognize the wireless07:16
histokion: what chipset is your card?  you can find out from lspci07:16
kionbcm4311 802.11b/g07:18
supertoughcurl ifconfig.me07:19
supertoughthis is the command I was looking for.07:19
kiondo you need anymore information?07:20
=== Cybert1nus is now known as Cybertinus
mah454/etc/shadow is sha-512 or sha-256 ?07:23
Enlight_unihi, i encounter a weird thing for quite some time with ubuntu 12.04, i still can connect to the internet but all my equipments (tv, phone, ...) fail to connect to my running servers (mpd, httpd, meiatomb, ...) any idea of what could be happening to me?07:28
Kartagiswhy is sudo apt-get purge xen* attemtping to remove clementine and cairo-dock? those are very irrelevant07:30
fpsoh wow, managed to repair grub with boot-repair..07:32
fpsnow ubuntu 13.04 actually boots, yay..07:33
fpsonly to fail miserably at the login screen (keyboard and mouse not working. once the network manager says that i'm not connected (i am) the box completely freezes (cursor stops blinking))07:33
fpsi'll try chrooting into it and updating the system packages..07:34
fpshmm, networking doesn't work in the chroot07:36
fpsah, just missing resolv.conf07:38
histo!broadcom | kion07:39
ubottukion: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:39
andrewhare apparmor and selinux are mutually exclusive features? ie. if i create a kernel without selinux i can choose to use apparmor only.07:46
Joanethi all. Does anyone know the full rdesktop flags for experience? I want to get modem experience + desktop wallpaper, but I cannot get the "modem experience" hex values (including reading constants.h from rdesktop source...)07:48
kaushalis there a way to focus Pidgin IM Conversation Window on raring running unity desktop shell?07:49
histokaushal: alt+tab07:49
kaushalhisto: i do that already07:50
kaushalhisto: but i look at it after some time and in a way i miss important converstion07:50
kaushalhisto: can i steal focus?07:50
histokaushal: IDK look in pidgin's options07:51
matachianybody with launchpad experience, where can I find the file referenced in #68 on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/935778 ?07:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 935778 in linux (Ubuntu) "Various Toshiba laptops - brightness controls work on first boot, but do nothing after suspend/resume to RAM." [Medium,In progress]07:52
FreeBSD64andrewh: they should have boot options07:55
FreeBSD64unless they are set in the kernel to on by default07:55
starbuckhi, how can i do a proper backup? let's say my hd breaks, is it possible to buy a new one and restore the system exactly like it was with a backup?08:02
adeebnqoI'm having issues connecting to a irc server behind a firewall. Im tryna connect using Konversation, the only errors it's giving me are http://pastebay.net/123223908:03
adeebnqosome please help08:03
somsip!proxy | adeebnqo08:05
ubottuadeebnqo: Several Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak08:05
somsipadeebnqo: ah - that was not what I thought it woudl say08:05
nagtrying to share wifi internet over lan08:05
Seihavadoes anyone know how to reset the AMD Catalyst super user password?08:06
nagbridging in wlan and eth fails08:06
adeebnqolemme try doing that!08:07
adeebnqowait -- wouldnt !tor require me to use a web client?08:08
=== dan__ is now known as Guest41315
voiim trying to install 13.04 desktop using a bootable usb. on install it says it cant find any OS being currently installed on the HDD and suggests to format the HDD and isntall ubuntu on it, when i click on Something Else it wont find any partitions08:13
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
voihmm i just realized i might have had sdb instead of sda selected, hold on08:14
voithis is my fdisk http://pastebin.com/LWkM8ZBp however the 13.04 installer wont detect any partitions on sda08:15
suigenerisI need urgent help08:17
suigenerisI did sudo apt-get purge xen* and a bunch of stuff was removed08:18
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suigenerisnow my ubuntu is unbootable08:18
histovoi: there are partitions there08:18
voihisto: i know, i have this problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/288999/ubuntu-13-04-not-detecting-windows-7-during-install08:19
histovoi: is it a gpt partitioned disk?08:19
matachisuigeneris, does it boot into a terminal?08:19
suigenerismatachi: nope08:20
histovoi: parted -l /dev/sda08:20
suigenerismatachi: I don't even get grub08:20
voihisto: what does that do? i got no output08:20
histovoi: parted -l /dev/sda  should list the partitions and the table type on /dev/sda  just like fdisk -l08:21
voisudo parted -l /dev/sda Error: Invalid partition table on /dev/sda -- wrong signature 0.08:21
histovoi: there's your problem08:21
voihisto: i installed win7, then 10.04, then somehow managed to reinstall win7 without destroying the ubuntu boot loader or so it seemed08:21
histovoi: well your parition table is a little fubared08:22
voihisto: so i need a new partition table?08:22
histovoi: dpeends on what you want to do08:22
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voihisto: keep stuff as it is and install 13.04 a new 25GB partition id have to create08:23
histovoi: hold up let me check your fdisk output08:24
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Jordan_U_voi: fixparts should be able to repair your partition table.08:26
histovoi: yes try fixparts08:28
voiim currently 13.04 booted form a usb stick, not sure if i can get fixparts here08:28
platzhirschAny idea why >>  find . -name '*_720*' -type d -exec mv {} /test/ \; << is not working?08:31
voiok, wont work, i have another idea but also another problem, i updated 10.04 to 12.04 but internet wont work on 12.04 ie i cant connect per wireless08:31
swissplatzhirsch: escape the curly braces08:31
shiman6swiss: I'm back. So, i have absolutely no idea what I did, but it's working perfectly now08:31
swissshiman6: awesome!08:31
platzhirschswiss with \ or with quotes ?08:32
swissplatzhirsch: \ will work08:32
swissor '{}08:32
Jordan_U_platzhirsch: Either will work, but IMHO quotes are more readable.08:32
FloodBot1swiss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:32
shiman6swiss: i was in the middle of looking through my search history to see what I did, and it just decided that it wanted to work08:32
swissshiman6: did you reboot or something?08:32
suigenerisswiss: he shouldn't have to escape08:33
shiman6Rebooting fixed the bluetooth not wanting to connect to dbus problem08:33
shiman6but technically, yes08:33
swisssuigeneris: read the manpage, it specifically says you probably have to08:33
shiman6i think the answer here was patience08:33
jony_easyriderhow can I switch the ALT+TAB keyboard shortcut with something else?08:33
swissi know cause i looked at it 10 mins ago for myself08:33
swissshiman6: well, at least it works08:33
swissjony_easyrider: unity-tweak-tool08:33
shiman6yup! Thanks for your help! updating pulseaudio did the trick08:34
swissmake sure to switch back to the standard pulse when it gets newer than the testing version you installed08:34
shiman6will do08:35
suigenerisI did sudo apt-get purge xen* and a bunch of stuff was removed, now my ubuntu is unbootable. will upgrading to 13.04 will bring back the supposedly removed system stuff?08:36
histovoi: what is your wireless chipset?08:36
voiwhats the shell cmd for that08:36
swisssuigeneris: what flavor of ubuntu08:37
histovoi: lspci08:37
swisssuigeneris: standard, server, etc08:37
histosuigeneris: Can you describe unbootable what happens?08:38
voihisto: http://pastebin.com/VYP9gHYn08:38
swissalso, how will you upgrade without booting? livecd?08:38
suigenerishisto: stops at boot time08:39
suigenerisswiss: desktop08:39
histovoi: that's odd should work.08:39
histosuigeneris: is there any error or just a black screen etc...??08:39
voihisto: it finds the modems and asks for password but wont stop trying to connect08:40
suigenerishisto: there are a few lines but that's all08:40
voiit doesnt hang it just wont succeed to connect08:40
histosuigeneris: Would you mind enlightening us on what the few lines are or do we have to keep playing 20 questions08:41
histovoi: make sure you are using the proper pass08:41
shiman6Is there an ubuntu app to control a bluetooth playback device like an android phone, in the way that windows media player does this?08:41
vsMSI have a problem while trying to install grub2 on an md0 based LVM. I get  grub-setup:error: unable to identify a filesystem in hd1; safety check can't be performed. Can someone help me?08:41
suigenerishisto: starting web server, and another line about the kernel which I don't remember08:42
histosuigeneris: well if you don't remember no one is going to be able to help you out.08:42
swisssuigeneris: can you boot somehow08:42
histosuigeneris: My best guess is that you removed your kernel or something goofy when you removed the xen* stuff08:43
suigenerisswiss: I now booted to liveusb and chose the option to upgrade to 13.0408:43
swisssuigeneris: good luck08:43
histooh boy08:43
suigenerishisto: what?08:43
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histosuigeneris: the upgrade most likely isn't going to install the mystical package you are missing08:46
Seihavadoes anyone know how to reset the AMD Catalyst super user password?08:47
swisshisto: think it'd work if he chrooted in and ran a apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:48
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Voihisto: i get "device not ready (firmware missing)" in 12.04 ie wireless connection not working at all08:49
Voiit worked all fine on 10.04 ie before the upgrade08:49
histoVoi: use the system settings > additional drivers08:49
ActionParsnipVoi: what wifi chip?08:50
histoActionParsnip: an intel 1000n or something let me find his paste again08:50
histoActionParsnip: Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1000 card [Condor Peak]08:51
cheshairHi! Anybody here has a dell xps 13 developer edition? Any problems in using a usb-eth adapter to use a wired lan connection?08:51
platzhirschswiss: the problem was actually that I needed to do -execdir because -f was set to d(irectory)08:51
Voihisto:  wtf -.- i restarted 12.04 and now internet is working <,<08:52
MonkeyDustcheshair  rephrased: you have lan-isues on your dell xps 13, right?08:52
suigenerisplatzhirsch: you didn't need to do -execdir.08:53
cheshairMonkeyDust: not exactly, i am interested in a dell xps 13 but won't always have a wireless connection08:53
Voiwell, no its not working, it shows that it connected though08:53
histoVoi: does rfkill list   shwo that it's blocked?08:53
cheshairMonkeyDust: so i am asking if anyone with that laptop has had problems in making it to work with a eth-usb adapter08:54
Voihisto: 0: phy0: whireless LAN soft blocked: no hard blocked: no08:54
cheshairMonkeyDust: i guess it works but need some stronger confirmation before purchasing08:55
Voihisto: system settings > additional drivers shows me nothing08:55
Voiwell, i just tried to reconnect and its not working..08:55
histoVoi: are you using the built in wireless or a dongle?08:56
histoVoi: liek a usb dongle08:56
Voibuilt in08:56
histoVoi: that's odd that card should work out of the box08:56
platzhirschsuigeneris: well I got an error otherwise08:57
MonkeyDustcheshair  ethernet is safer, faster and more stable than wifi08:57
histoVoi: dpkg -l | grep firmware08:57
cheshairMonkeyDust: i agree, that's why i am asking08:57
histo!hcl | cheshair08:58
ubottucheshair: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:58
Voihisto: ii linux-firmware   1.79.4 Firmware for Linux kernel drivers08:58
Alina-malinaHello all! Is there any mail caching server. For example the office has a very low  internet connection, but the workers sending e-mails so e-mails go very slow and the most of the time workers have to wait for the process rather then typing e-mails. How it is possible to make work with yahoo, gmal and other e-mail services? So the workers submit their e-mails to that server, and server during 5-6 hours login to their accounts and send08:58
Alina-malinathose messages?08:58
cheshairhisto: that helps, thank you very much!08:58
MonkeyDustAlina-malina  try the channel #ubuntu-server08:59
Kartagisswiss, histo: I'm the guy with the unbootable ubuntu. all is okay now09:00
Kartagisthanks anyway09:00
Voiim considering getting some windows program that could fix my partition table similar to fixpart09:01
Voihisto: what was the command again you told me to type where i got some 0 something output where you said my partition table is fubar?09:03
auronandaceVoi: your partition table has absolutely no bearing on whether or not a driver would work09:04
Voiauronandace: idc if my 12.04 driver works, im going to install 13.04 over it, but i cant install 13.04 because my partition table is fubar and the installer wont recognize any os or partitions on my HDD :)09:04
histoVoi: parted -l /dev/sda09:05
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Voihisto: thanks09:05
Voibut since i cant get fixpart on either my USB 13.04 live cd nor my 12.04 cus of lack of internet connection.. im trapped09:06
histoVoi: do you have a wire you can use temporarily to fix?09:06
histo!offline | Voi if no Wire09:06
ubottuVoi if no Wire: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD09:06
Alina-malinaMonkeyDust, noone there it seems to be hybernated09:07
histoVoi: ?09:15
Voii did fdisk then p then w getting "The partition table has been altered!" then rebooted my live cd and it now detects all partitions/OS :)09:15
Voiisnt that odd?09:15
ActionParsnipVoi: i'd make sure your backups are up to date, then reinstall fresh09:15
ActionParsnipVoi: doesn't sound stable09:16
VoiActionParsnip:  im going to install 13.04 from the live cd and then get fixpart and use that to fix my partition table, does that sound good?09:16
Voii dont know what else i could do09:17
ActionParsnipVoi: i'd wipe the artition table and remake fresh, install from a blank drive09:17
VoiActionParsnip: not sure i understand, you want me to wipe my entire HDD?09:18
JorkyHello guys.One question.How to convert multiple audio files at the same time using ffmpeg (from mp3 to 128k wma)? Thnx.09:20
joe1234good day... does anyone know the m/monit tool ... and has some experience with CPU usage from this script itself ... is it normal that it takes a lot of CPU when it runs throught ?09:21
fjalleHello everybody .. i upgraded my system to ubuntu 13.04 .. i have a 460GTX running .. whenever i install the driver i cant see the tempeture on the Graphic card.. but if i remove the driver they appear just fine09:22
fjallealso the fan spins up right ater boot up09:22
fjalleanyone knows why ?09:22
histoVoi: because it put the signature in the end of the mbr probably09:23
histoVoi: dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 skip=0 count=1 | xxd09:24
histoVoi: does it end with 0x55AA09:24
JorkyHow to convert multiple audio files at the same time using ffmpeg (from mp3 to 128k wma)? Thnx.09:24
ActionParsnipVoi: yes, I would. You choice :)09:26
Voii cant <,<09:26
fjalleNo one knows anything about the 460GTX and 13.04 ?09:27
VoiActionParsnip: you say that because i mentioned having windows7 there dont you? :P09:27
histoVoi: Please run dd if=/dev/sda count=1 | xxd  please and tell me if the last line ends with 55aa09:27
Voihisto: i started the 13.04 install 2 minutes ago :(09:27
histoVoi: So open a terminal09:28
Voiduring install? how09:29
histoVoi: ctrl+alt+F209:29
Voiplease stand by while im trying to find a = on an english keyboard09:31
fjalle" * "09:31
Voigerman keyboard but english mapping09:31
fjallevoi trying using the " * "09:31
histoVoi: ahh09:31
histoVoi: also ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to installer09:31
MickSVoi: left of the backspace?09:32
Voiok found it09:32
Voihisto:  ends with 55aa09:32
histoVoi: signature is good now09:32
nabblethi, how can i permanently set my wifi contry code? i use a swiss laptop, wich i set up for swiss regdomain - now i am in germany and have trouble with the reg domain (disconnect, reconnect, and so on)09:33
Voihisto: im not sure what all that stuff means... but.. reading alone the lines: missing operations system.... random signs ... multiple active partitions ... random signs ...operating system load error ... random signs09:33
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Voiok great. the installer is stuck at "getting the time from a network time server..."09:33
histoVoi: yeah well all you are concerned about now is the signature 55aa since that was your error09:34
histoVoi: the first 446 bytes are the boot code the rest are allocated to the partion table etc...09:34
Voithe installer gives me a fwrite() failed: no space left on device error nonstop.. installation wont work09:35
Voilow disc space, this computer has only 692.2 kB disk scare remaining hah09:36
histoVoi: what did you install to?09:36
fjalleHello everybody .. i upgraded my system to ubuntu 13.04 .. i have a 460GTX running .. whenever i install the driver i cant see the tempeture on the Graphic card.. but if i remove the driver they appear just fine09:36
fjallealso the fan spins up right ater boot up09:36
histofjalle: ask nvidia09:37
Voihisto: a new 30GB ext4 partition on my HDD i created, theoretically..09:37
fjallehisto, so no one experienced this before? >.<09:38
nabblethi, how can i permanently change the regulatory domain of my wifi?09:38
histoVoi: I would double check that.09:39
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Voihisto: i get ubi-partman crashed with exipt code 10 in the installer, what does that mean?09:40
Voiand the low disc space error shows up quite right after starting the installer..09:40
Voiubi-timezone crashed..09:41
Voiubi-console-setup crashed =D09:41
nabblethi, where is the wpa_supplicant.conf file?09:41
llutznabblet: "sudo apt-get install crda" then change REGDOMAIN=xx in /etc/default/crda09:43
histonabblet: usually the user creates it.  but you can check in /etc09:44
histonabblet: you can also locate wpa_supplicant.conf09:45
nabblethisto: hm, i have no wpa_supplicant.conf - never created one though. i was asking about it, becuase i have trouble with reg domain of my wiki and wpa_supplicant may handle it according to this link i found in ubuntu forum http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Documentation/iw#Updating_your_regulatory_domain - but i wiill go with histo's advice first09:45
arsenei installed dconf-editor but i cant see anything when is open (xubuntu 13.04) please help me!09:47
nabblethisto: oh, sorry nick-confusion :P i think i will go with llutz suggestion and fall back to wpa_supplicant solution if that does not work09:48
christopherits ok i got tired of vista09:49
Kartagishow do I use the ppa over system repo, in order to update a package?09:50
nabbletllutz: hm, my crda file says REGDOMAIN=    nothing entered09:50
FreederHi, how do I restart an nfs client? etc/init.d/nfs.client seems to no longer be an option09:50
histoKartagis: does the ppa have a newer version?09:51
Kartagishisto: yes09:51
llutznabblet: well, so put in whatever value you need09:51
histoKartagis: then if you have the ppa enabled it should pull the newer version09:51
nabbletllutz: maybe the swiss-settings are more compatible or something else is interfering... anyway, i'll set in DE an see what happens after reboot09:51
nabbletllutz: histo thank you two for your valuable input! i found several hints on crda, wpa_supplicant and all that on the web but was not able to make nails with heads of it09:52
Kartagishisto: I did a apt-get update then apt-cache show <package> and it was showing me the version I have installed09:52
nabbletllutz: histo i'll report back the result - brbr09:52
histoKartagis: perhaps the ppa's version number is off then.09:52
histo!pin | Kartagis09:53
ubottuKartagis: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto09:53
histoFreeder: service blah restart09:53
Freederhisto: the 'blah' part is what i'm asking09:53
Freedernfs doesnt exist there now09:54
Freedernfs nor nfs-common as it once was09:54
llutzFreeder: check /etc/init   is it an upstart-job now? then "sudo restart blah"09:54
phimichi all can someone help me with that dependency problem http://pastie.org/791527509:54
histoFreeder: I don't believe the clients runa  daemon09:55
MonkeyDust!details | phimic09:55
ubottuphimic: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:55
histophimic: dpkg-reconfigure -a09:56
Kartagishisto: isn't this for keeping a specific package?09:57
histoKartagis: or selecting one version over another yes09:57
lovethecodeUbottu what is udev?10:02
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:02
shafoxi have a compaq intel centrino technology 700mb ram, 1.7 ghz, 40gb hdd. Can I install 12.04 version ?? will it perform as usual or it will lag a lot ??10:02
MonkeyDustshafox  try lubuntu, it's for low specs10:03
phimichisto: same problem apt says to do a apt-get install -f but results in same dependency error10:03
SenorR where can I get the distro's source code ? include login relevent programes .10:03
clctoshafox: try archlinux10:03
shafoxMonkeyDust:lubuntu same as ubuntu??10:03
shafoxclcto: not so prompt at cli10:03
MonkeyDustshafox  yes, with a different look and feel10:03
clctoshafox: that doenst make sense10:04
shafoxclcto: it is something for more advanced users i guess. and i dont think i am in that league10:04
clctoshafox: if you can read man pages and wikis you can do it10:04
MonkeyDustshafox  if you would even *want* to read wiki's and man pages ;)10:05
clcto:) learning is fun10:06
dr_willisread? like reading the docs?  what is this.. 1980¿10:06
fjalleHello everybody .. i upgraded my system to ubuntu 13.04 .. i have a 460GTX running .. whenever i install the driver i cant see the tempeture on the Graphic card.. but if i remove the driver they appear just fine10:06
Kartagisheh, ubuntu installs libudev1 but google-chrome-stable requires libudev0 and doesn't install10:06
fjallealso the fan spins up right ater boot up10:06
gustav_dr_willis: Get the book.10:06
dr_willisbook? thats like on paper? :)10:07
gustav_Yeah! With pages!10:07
gustav_pgup pgdn10:08
shafoxwill do ,  but for loq specs i need a gui also so i was thinking of ubuntu, will try lubuntu or xubuntu ??? which one  is better?10:08
clctois crunchbang still around10:08
llutzdr_willis: epaper nowadays, more fun10:08
dr_willisshafox:  try them all. use what you like10:08
shafoxclcto: yeah tried that bt it hangs a lot10:08
dr_willisi want an epaper pc monitor.10:08
clctodr_willis: ew10:09
llutzdr_willis: you don't, way too slow10:09
b2wany interface designer that supports running terminal commands.....10:09
dr_willisfor my pi. it would be fine10:09
llutzdr_willis: http://hackaday.com/2012/09/11/using-a-raspberry-pi-as-your-travel-computer/10:09
gustav_dr_willis: Yeah, that would be cool.10:09
clctob2w: what?10:10
dr_willisb2w used to be some  front end builder tools in the repos.  not looked at them in years10:10
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Kartagistab key isn't working. how come?10:11
clctoKartagis: where?10:11
b2wi need to design an interface that supports running terminal commands using command buttons10:11
b2wclcto: i need to design an interface that supports running terminal commands using command buttons10:11
Kartagisclcto: anywhere10:11
MonkeyDustb2w  a GUI? if yes, better ask in #ubuntu-app-devel10:12
Kartagisclcto: alt tab is working, but tab key is not10:12
Kartagisconfirmed that10:12
b2w\join #ubuntu-app-devel10:12
nabblethisto: and the other guy... looks better. at boot there are several reconfigurations (i think cause by the eeporm setting - and it takes time until crda kicks in maybe) - but it seems like after the boot-hickups it's ok *knocking on wood*10:12
Kartagisbut xev is giving output for both10:13
nabbletllutz: looks better. at boot there are several reconfigurations (i think cause by the eeporm setting - and it takes time until crda kicks in maybe) - but it seems like after the boot-hickups it's ok *knocking on wood*10:13
clcto o/10:19
strI'm having problems with a clean firefox profile. Everytime I want to right click -> save image..  firefox freezes10:20
strI'm using 13.04, with all updates, and firefox 21.0,  anyone having the same problem?10:20
ActionParsnipstr: are other browser the same?10:21
strActionParsnip, negative10:21
strI thought it was a plugin, so I created a new firefox profile10:22
strdisabled all addons, but nothing10:22
clctostr: when did it start10:22
strIt didn't happened when I was using 12.04, it started after I did a clean 13.04 installation10:22
phimicanybody can help me with a dep problem "Depends: linux-image-virtual (= but is to be installed"10:23
clctophimic: what are you trying to install?10:24
gustav_phimic: Press return.10:24
phimicclcto: just want to install a package but i cant, apt-get install -f result in the same error10:25
smokewhats my best option for text editors in desktop env? right now im using vim heh10:25
smokei need a bigger window10:25
clctosmoke: you got it10:26
clctosmoke: make terminal bigger10:26
smokehmm i guess im dumb10:26
clctosmoke: or gvim if you really really need to use a menu system10:27
Senorhow canI config my source apt-get  mirror   ?10:28
gordonjcpsmoke: gedit10:28
cfhowlettSenor, system>update manager>settings10:29
jony_easyridercan I set my ubuntu server to automatically restart daily at a specific time?10:29
HexKeyHello, I just attempted to install ubuntu server 12.04 from usb, in the Detect and mount CD-ROM step it failes because the cd is not in the cd drive, but i am booting from usb..10:29
clctogordonjcp: that is non-sense10:29
clctojony_easyrider: cron10:29
vnc786i am using gigabyte ga-e350n motherboard running ubuntu 12.04 processor amd dual core issue is i am not able to retrieve MB serial number i have try all the all which is use to get serial number Serial Number: <blank>10:29
ActionParsnipsmoke: are there options you can give vim to set size?10:29
HexKeyI cannot see a way to fix this in the menu to point it to the usb from which it has already started booting..10:30
MonkeyDustjony_easyrider  use a cron job : sudo shutdown -r now10:30
llutzjony_easyrider: sure, create a cronjob running "/sbin/reboot"10:30
ActionParsnipjony_easyrider: restart a Linux server....weird10:30
clctoActionParsnip: it is the size of terminal10:30
ActionParsnipclcto: gotcha10:30
clctoActionParsnip: have you not use vim? lame10:31
ActionParsnipclcto: no I use vi :D10:31
ActionParsnipclcto: not vim for noobs ;P10:31
clctoActionParsnip: yeah i love a featureless editor10:31
clctoActionParsnip: and im pretty sure vi links to vim in ubuntu10:32
ActionParsnipclcto: i know my text editor skills will work on ANY nix box, not relying on features which may not be present10:32
HexKeyTo clarify the usb was created under windows with linux live usb creator as suggested by the ubuntu docs10:32
ActionParsnipsmoke: make an alias to launch a gnome terminal with set size and run vim in it10:32
Kartagismy tab key is not working on 13.04. any ideas?10:32
ActionParsnipHexKey: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?10:33
ActionParsnipKartagis: tried in xterm ?10:33
ActionParsnipKartagis: does it make events in xev10:33
HexKeyno how do i do that ActionParsnip  in usb creator?10:33
clctoKartagis: yeah10:33
ActionParsnip!md5 | HexKey10:33
ubottuHexKey: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:33
clctoActionParsnip: yes it does for Kartagis10:33
KartagisActionParsnip: tab key produces 23 and alt 3810:34
ActionParsnipKartagis: does it work in any application at all?10:34
KartagisActionParsnip: nope10:35
clctoActionParsnip: what does which vi give you?10:35
cfhowletthulu, greetings10:35
hului'm editing the /usr/lib/user-setup/user-setup-apply10:35
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:36
llutzclcto: more:    readlink -f $(which vi)10:36
clctollutz: ty10:36
huluhow to change the $log $chroot $ROOT useradd -c "$RET" -m "$USER" $UIDOPT >/dev/null || true to copy /etc/skel10:36
brainysmurfwhen i do apt-get install php5-auth-pam it says this: http://pastebin.com/pDasCrxU10:37
clctollutz: what does that give you?10:37
llutzclcto: i'm not on ubuntu (vim.basic)10:38
clctollutz: lol me either10:38
dirkounetI do have a problem running my bluetooth speaker10:38
dirkounetit's paired correctly, but there is no way to get sound out of it10:38
brainysmurfI really nned to install php5-auth-pam but can't figure out what that message is actually saying10:38
dirkounetalways receive the message  [pulseaudio] module-bluetooth-device.c: Profile has no transport10:39
KartagisActionParsnip: oh, it works on ff10:39
dirkouneti am on ubuntu 13.0410:39
MonkeyDust!enter | dirkounet10:39
ubottudirkounet: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:39
clctoKartagis: so what doesnt it work with10:39
ActionParsnipclcto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567034810:39
Kartagisclcto: console10:39
Senorhow canI config my source apt-get  mirror   ?10:39
Senorhow can I config my source apt-get  mirror   ?10:39
Kartagisclcto: switching applications10:40
clctoKartagis: what shell10:40
dirkounetanyone an idea?10:40
clctoActionParsnip: ls -l /usr/bin/vi10:40
ActionParsnipclcto: I look after some SunOS boxes, vi is also standard installed there, as it is in Debian. So I keep me text editor the same. Makes sense, right?10:40
ubottutagliente: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:41
ActionParsnipclcto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567035010:41
clctoActionParsnip: i mean sure, but vim is much better10:42
ActionParsnipclcto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567035210:42
ubottutagliente: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:42
llutzthere is no real vi in most of the linux-distros since years, always just symlinks to vim10:42
ActionParsnipclcto: maybe but why add confusion when I can use the same editor on all OSes I come across. Doesn't make sense imho10:42
ActionParsnipllutz: doesn't seem to be in my case, or in Solaris :)10:43
llutzActionParsnip: have you even read your own pasts? your "vi" links to alternatives/vi which is a link to vim.tiny10:44
llutzActionParsnip: and Solaris is hardly a "linux-distro"10:44
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llutzActionParsnip: but you are still right, using vi will bring least hassle since you find something working like it nearly everywhere10:45
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meggais er iemand uit Nederland?10:53
DJones!nl | megamanx197810:55
ubottumegamanx1978: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl10:55
ActionParsnipllutz: thats why I use it :). Takes a bit of getting used to but its badass10:56
ActionParsnipllutz: a far cry from my nano days :)10:56
jony_easyridercan I set my ubuntu server to automatically restart daily at a specific time?10:57
ActionParsnipjony_easyrider: sure, use cron10:57
llutzjony_easyrider: sure, create a cronjob running "/sbin/reboot"10:57
ActionParsnipjony_easyrider: export EDITOR=vi; sudo crontab -e10:58
Dr_willisand be sure grub is defaulting to whatever os it is you are wanting to reboot to.. (dare we ask WHY you need a server to reboot daily?)10:58
ActionParsnipDr_willis: was thinking taht10:58
joker_hey guys, anyone knows how to fix a weird graphical corruption when I log in the first time?10:58
cfhowlettjoker_, what kind of corruption?10:59
joker_sec, i'll upload an image10:59
joker_lots of huge pixels in random colors10:59
Dr_willisand if you log/back in it works properly joker_ ?10:59
clctojony_easyrider: how many people have to say cron before you understand11:00
joker_it goes away when everything is loaded11:00
joker_and with a second login there's none11:00
shmoonok so, i am noob at this but, when i put my usb into ubuntu computer and see $ mount it says usb FS is vfat, maybe i want ext3/4 - how can i change ?11:00
clctoshmoon: you have to format the drive11:01
Dr_willisshmoon,  what fs  to use.. depends on what you want to do with the USB flash drive.11:01
shmooni am ready to do so clcto but what then11:01
clctoshmoon: gparted will work11:01
joker_http://oi39.tinypic.com/2w2q102.jpg here's the picture11:01
shmooni want to transfer files from ubuntu to a mac i bought11:02
shmoonjust dont wanan tar :P11:02
dirkounethello,I do have problems with sound on my bluetooth speaker. Pairing and connecting works fine, but I get no sound11:02
joker_it goes away after 3sec or so11:02
joker_when everything loads11:02
shmoonwant to go the harder way of mainting permissions and stuff11:02
shmoonmaybe even transfer to windows as a backup dunno11:02
dirkounetinstead i receive the following message: [pulseaudio] module-bluetooth-device.c: Profile has no transport11:02
cfhowlettjoker_, any chance your graphics card is faulty?11:02
clctoshmoon: if you want windows it must be fat or ntfs11:02
joker_nah I don't think so11:02
joker_it's kinda old though11:02
dirkouneti am using ubuntu 13.04, does anyone have an idea?11:02
joker_but there's no problem at all when everything is loaded11:02
clctoshmoon: windows linux and mac can read either11:02
clctoshmoon: gksu gparted11:03
joker_nor was there any in win, but I don't plan going back :D11:03
AtuMdirkounet, must say I use logitech bt audio adapter for my speakers and that works just great with ubuntu 13.0411:04
hulu$log $chroot $ROOT useradd -c "$RET" -k /etc/skel  -m "$USER" $UIDOPT >/dev/null || true why not copy file from /etc/skel11:05
huluwho can help me11:05
dirkounetmy creative D200 work also fine on 11.10. (girlfriends system)11:05
AtuMdirkounet, perhaps you're missing a package or the bt device doesn't get recognized right.. I'm not at the right machine to check.. but you might want to search in synaptic for bluetooth audio11:05
dirkounetits all correctly installed, pairing etc. works fine, no issue, out of the box11:05
MonkeyDustdirkounet  use blueman to search bluetooth devices11:05
Kartagisclcto: so, do you have an opinion for me?11:06
joker_anyone knows the command to get my video card's name?11:06
MonkeyDustjoker_  lspci ?11:07
dirkounetMonkkeyDust, ok i will try and let you know11:07
MonkeyDustdirkounet  can also be device-related: not every device can do anything over bluetooth11:08
MonkeyDustor every model11:08
dikiWhere is libdb4.8++-dev?11:13
dikilibdb4.8-dev is there, but that is for C applications11:13
DoctorWedgeworthis it possible/easy to downgrade PHP from 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.6 to 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.5 on 12.04?11:14
k1l_DoctorWedgeworth: take a look at apt pinning11:15
k1l_but be aware of some depencie problems if other packages want the newer package of php11:16
joker_'Could not create gnome accelerators directory `/home/joker/.gnome2/accels': Permission denied' when I want to start Firefox.. o.o11:16
joker_i'll reinstall11:16
joeytwiddle_i doubt that will help joker_11:17
joker_me too11:17
joeytwiddle_don't you have permission to write to that folder?11:17
DoctorWedgeworthk1l_, forgive my lack of knowledge here, but I thought apt-pinning was to ensure only certain packages were upgraded from an additional repo (eg. backports), will the 12.04 repository still provide a copy of the older PHP so I can downgrade if I specify the version number?11:17
mutebhas anybdy used rkhunter?11:17
DoctorWedgeworthjoker_, does /home/joker/.gnome2 exist? It might be reporting the wrong error, try creating that directory11:17
k1l_DoctorWedgeworth: pinning will keep a specific version number fixed. i think it must be in the repos for that, or at least in your apt-cache11:18
joker_no but why does it want to use .gnome2?11:18
joker_isn't unity built on top of gnome3?11:18
joker_wait.. it does exist11:19
DoctorWedgeworthcan you make a directory inside it as your user?11:19
joker_i'll rm it11:19
k1l_joker_: make sure your /home belongs to your user11:19
DoctorWedgeworthk1l_, ah yeah as I thought - it's for holding. I really need to downgrade, not prevent an upgrade11:19
k1l_that is a common problem, when people go mad with sudo and root rights11:19
joker_it does11:20
dirkounetMonkeyDust, purging bluetooth and using only blueman works! Thanks for the hint11:20
shmoonclcto: there?11:20
k1l_DoctorWedgeworth: downgrade should work, too. iirc11:20
shmoonso changing fs reuires to format all data fist ?11:20
MonkeyDustdirkounet  glad you're helped :)11:20
joker_oh shit11:21
jpdsshmoon: Yes?11:21
joker_sec reboot11:21
shmoonjpds: ok, just curious, trying to understand. was wonderinf if fs could be changed without remving the data hehe11:22
joker_i wanted to install a rhythmbox shoutcast plugin, but it seems to have messed up that folder11:22
joker_i just removed it and firefox boots fine11:23
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pm_anyone here11:29
Fleckjust ask11:29
ActionParsnippm_: many people are here11:30
buengeniogot a switcheable graphics laptop11:30
buengenioinstalled ubuntu, it picked up and set up the Intel 4000 correctly, with GLX11:30
buengenioI tried enabling the discrete NVidia graphics by installing bumblebee, which didn't work so I removed it11:31
buengeniobut now I don't have GLX11:31
buengenioI did apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core; rebooted11:32
buengeniobut still no GLX11:32
demoniohi all i've a laptop with win8 so i try to install a dual boot by pendrive with  ubuntu 13.04 the problem is that when it say that installation has been terminated and that is need restart for use O.S.11:32
buengeniorunning 13.0411:32
pm_i installed lubuntu on oracle vm under windows 2003 server host & setup diff. ip for both but when i rdp to windows machine  it shows xwindow with black screen & X mouse pointer11:32
demoniostart directly windows8 without give me the choise of the O.S.11:32
demoniohow can i solve that?11:32
BluesKajHey all11:35
Mez_If I update my /etc/pokit-1/localauthority.conf.d/* files - how do I get polkit to regognise the changes ?11:36
ActionParsniphi BluesKaj11:39
ActionParsnippm_: do you mean vnc11:39
BluesKajhey ActionParsnip , how goes it ?11:40
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: work as usual, you?11:40
BluesKajsame old , ActionParsnip , still retired and lazy :)11:40
lobatogood morning11:41
ActionParsnipMez_: could reboot if you get no response as a last ditch11:42
Tkinghello guys, i am having problem installing VirtualBox Extension Pac11:42
pm_ActionParsnip: i started xrdp on lubuntu & rdp on windows but i when i try to connect rdp on windows 2003 server it shows xwindow11:43
EmiF-Hi, how can i export my updates on my external?11:43
EmiF-Please help11:44
ActionParsnipEmiF-: copy the deb files from /var/cache/apt/archives11:45
ActionParsnippm_: does CTRL+ALT+T do anything in the session?11:45
EmiF-And can i install them on a diff computer?11:45
ActionParsnipEmiF-: sure, as long as its the same arch11:45
EmiF-What do u mean?11:45
EmiF-They are both toshibas and running on ubuntu11:45
ActionParsnipEmiF-: 32bit debs for 32bit ubuntu11:46
Mez_ActionParsnip: I'm looking to make it pick it up via chef :) I'd rather not reboot :)11:46
ActionParsnipEmiF-: 64bit debs for 64bit ubuntu11:46
EmiF-Where can i find that folder ActionParsnip ?11:46
ActionParsnipEmiF-: that is the folder11:47
ActionParsnipEmiF-: thats like asking "where is C:\WINDOWS"    it is the folder named absolutely11:47
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EmiF-thx ActionParsnip11:48
TkingI downloaded the virtualbox extension pack .deb file but while trying to install i get error from the deb file saying Break existing package 'virtualbox' that conflict: 'virtualbox'11:48
ActionParsnipTking: install it in a terminal, the output will be more useful11:49
ActionParsnipTking: don't they usually have a .vbox-extpack file extension?11:50
ActionParsnipTking: http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.2.12/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.2.12-84980.vbox-extpack11:50
deolandhi,i having a serious problem installing a virtual host11:51
shmoonso i formatted my pendrive to a different fs, but now i cannot write to it, any idea why ? :(11:51
ActionParsnipdeoland: the host is just the OS running the virtualization, so if youare having issues installing that, then virtualization is not part of the issue11:52
ActionParsnipdeoland: do you mean a guest OS running on a host system?11:52
ActionParsnipshmoon: what file system did you use?11:52
shmoonfrom vfat to ext4, ActionParsnip11:53
shmoonusing gparted11:53
nicktoleThe previous question on virtualbox11:53
ActionParsnipshmoon: if you chown the mount point to your user, you should be ok11:53
nicktoleI got a solution11:53
deoland i having this problem "Please install the virtualbox-ose-dkms package and execute 'modprobe vboxdrv' as root."11:53
ActionParsnipdeoland: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc11:53
TkingActionParsnip, thanks, it worked the URL u pasted11:53
nicktoleif you are using ubuntu13.0411:54
nicktolelet me tell you,it doen't run there11:54
nicktolenot stable11:54
nicktolehave reported the bug11:54
shmoonActionParsnip: mount point should be /media/sony or /dev/sdb1 ?11:54
ActionParsnipshmoon: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /media/sony11:54
ActionParsnipshmoon: run that as I gave it, you'll be ok11:54
ActionParsnipnicktole: is the one from the virtualbox repo ok?11:55
ActionParsnipdeoland: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc11:55
ActionParsnipdeoland: its a terminal command11:55
ActionParsnipshmoon: assuming the mount point you gave is the one of the new ext4 partition you made11:56
KartagisActionParsnip: how do I get my Tab key working globally again?11:56
ActionParsnipKartagis: not sure, have you tried a different session?11:56
shmoonthanks ActionParsnip that works :D11:56
shmoonActionParsnip: can you tell me something, if i take usb out and plug in again, /media/sony still has $#USER:$USER but not root:root - howcome ?11:57
KartagisActionParsnip: you mean like logout and back in?11:57
ActionParsnipshmoon: ext4 stores the owners and stuff correctly in Linux form, so is dead useful in Linux only storage11:57
ActionParsnipKartagis: log in to a different session, could try out and back in to the same session, see if it helps11:57
shmoonActionParsnip: hope the data i put in the usb remains intact iwth permissions and owner info when i transfer to mac too :)11:57
ActionParsnipshmoon: you chowned it, the UID of your user is stored in the file system11:57
k610when i paste a large number of commands on the shell : some commands will break the flow and only the commands before the break point will actually be ran11:58
KartagisActionParsnip: I don't know how you log on to a different session11:58
ActionParsnipshmoon: just remember to use the safe remove feature in your OS each time you pull it out :)11:58
ActionParsnipKartagis: at the login screen, you can choose the session. You can install xfce, kde and lxde then select which you want to use when you login11:58
ActionParsnipk610: could make a shell script and run that11:59
Kartagisoh, that11:59
ActionParsnipKartagis: what else.....11:59
shmoonActionParsnip: actually what i mean is, when i plug out usb, /media/sony gets destroyed right ? then i plug in and the folder is back with the proper ownership info, howcome ?11:59
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k610ActionParsnip, thing is none of the commands go in the history then11:59
ActionParsnipshmoon: the UID for each file is stored, just like it is in decent file systems, you can grant and deny access. The access you give is stored on the USB as well as the daat12:00
ActionParsnipk610: I guess12:00
shmoonoh i see got it thanks ActionParsnip12:00
ActionParsnipk610: could break it into smaller chunks, or make it one big command on one line12:00
KartagisActionParsnip: hrm, I'm on ubuntu 2d now, and it works. it doesn't work in cairo-dock12:00
ActionParsnipKartagis: ahh so we now have some more info on the issue :)12:01
ActionParsnipKartagis: are there any bugs reported ?12:01
KartagisActionParsnip: and when I'm in ubuntu 2d and run cairo-dock, it still works12:01
ActionParsnipKartagis: ok so it sounds like compiz is making the issue (not uncommon)12:02
ActionParsnipKartagis: I'd check your compiz config some12:02
halawanyplease i need help i have just installed gparted & gnome disk utility trough ubuntu software manager but i couldnt locate them in application menu after that12:02
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dfcnvtDoes anybody know the solution to problem when I found out by turning on my firewall (iptables's script), it connect normally but when I flush my iptables, it slowed down as if there is an on-going DoS.12:03
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MonkeyDustdfcnvt  ubuntu?12:04
dfcnvtMonkeyDust: Yes12:04
fractalinehalawany, did you try to log out/in?12:05
halawanyyes i tried & restart the machine too12:05
fractalinebut it shows in software manager?12:08
KartagisSuper+Tab runs ring switcher12:09
Kartagisand now alt+tab works too12:09
MonkeyDustKartagis  you can change that, using ccsm12:09
KartagisMonkeyDust: all I wanted was alt+tab to work, and now it does12:10
KartagisActionParsnip: ^12:10
halawanyany ideas guys12:10
squigon 12.04 here, and I wondered if there was a package that installed a set of themes that are compatible with gnome-classic ?12:10
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dfcnvthalawany: By looking at your previous comment, you said that you are trying to get gparted program to run?12:11
dfcnvt(Alt + F2) then type "gksu gparted" (without quote)12:12
Guest20701hi guys12:12
cfhowlettGuest20701, greetings12:12
Guest20701i wanna ask something, how can i fix up an outlook.com email into thunderbird mail service?12:13
Guest20701By the way, I fall in love UBUNTU12:14
dfcnvtGuest20701: http://blog.tech4him.com/moving-outlook-pst-emails-to-thunderbird-on-ubuntu-linux/12:14
MonkeyDusthalawany  click the dash icon and type the name of the program you want12:14
Guest20701I just installed it alongside win7, after i learnt Ubuntu, NO WINDOWS ANYMORE IN MY WORLD!12:14
Guest20701dfcnvt, thanks heartfelt.12:15
HexKeyWhen installing ubuntu server the autoconifuration of networking failed. How do i manually configure it? I appreciate that this is a total beginners question.12:16
KartagisI want to install google-chrome-stable but it won't let me, saying it needs libudev0 but ubuntu ships libudev1. what to do?12:16
MonkeyDustHexKey  in /etc/network/interfaces and in /etc/resolv.conf12:16
HexKeyin interfaces i just have auto lo iface lo inet loopback12:17
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dfcnvtHexKey: I recommended you use ethernet connection first when installing ubuntu-server. Afterward, you're free to switch to wireless if that's the problem with your networking issue.12:18
HexKeyI have seen examples of configuring eth0, but how do i know the ip address to fill in there?12:18
vnc786how to edit boot parameters when booting on ubuntu 12.04 64 bit i have tried to press  "e" but that didn't work12:18
HexKeyi have the ethernet plugged in, and it is pluggedinto the outside dsl in the server room12:18
dfcnvtKartagis: try "sudo apt-get install libudev0" (without quote)12:19
Kartagisdfcnvt: it doesn't exist12:19
MonkeyDustHexKey  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/change-ubuntu-system-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address.html12:20
dfcnvtKartagis: libudev0 - udev library12:20
Kartagisdfcnvt: sudo apt-get -y install libudev<Tab>12:20
Kartagislibudev1     libudev-dev12:20
dfcnvtKartagis: According to apt-cache, it does.12:20
kblinhi folks12:20
kblinwhich tool is talking to daisy.ubuntu.com all the time?12:21
Kartagisdfcnvt: it doesn't for me12:21
Kartagis!find libudev012:21
ubottuPackage/file libudev0 does not exist in raring12:21
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Kartagisdfcnvt: ^12:21
HexKeyCheers MonkeyDust but how can i confirm that thos ip addresses are the ones i need to insert?12:21
kblinI'm currently trying to debug some dns issues, and the constant requests for daisy.ubuntu.com are a bit annoying12:21
tbharathunable to see os options after installing ubuntu 13.04, directly booting to windows12:22
MonkeyDustHexKey  you need to know you're router's IP address12:22
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DJoneskblin: Its possibly the whoopsie app, http://askubuntu.com/questions/135540/what-is-the-whoopsie-process-and-how-can-i-remove-it mentions that it reports to that address12:22
dfcnvtHexKey: try do the following if you're on the terminal, "ifconfig eth0 down; sleep 2; ifconfig eth0 up; sleep 2; sudo dhclient eth0" (without quote)12:23
vnc786how to edit boot parameters when booting ubuntu 12.04 64 bit i have tried to press  "e" but that didn't work12:23
ActionParsnipvnc786: that's it, hold SHIFT at boot and you can edit on the fly that way12:24
kblinDJones: yeah, seems like it12:24
dfcnvtKartagis: Use this instead. https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/12:25
ActionParsnipdfcnvt: won't if down and up need sudo too?12:25
kblinDJones: I wonder why a crash reporter keeps hooking up with its server when there's no crashes12:25
HexKeySIOCSIFLAGSL permission denied  dfcnvt12:25
dfcnvtActionParsnip: Probably yes. good idea to add sudo.12:25
ActionParsnipkblin: you can disable it in /etc/default/apport and reboot, should make that go away12:25
DJoneskblin: I've no idea how it works, I'd only expect it to connect when it encounters a problem12:25
dfcnvtHexKey: add the sudo before ifconfig12:26
HexKeyok i did that and it seems to just hang dfcnvt12:26
vnc786ActionParsnip: Done12:26
DJoneskblin: But you said you were trying debug some issues, maybe there's something behind the issues that apport is picking up and trying to report12:26
HexKeyshould i revert to the original interfaces file and delete my eth0 block?12:26
ghostwheeli can't get the right screen res. I've googled and tried a bunch of different stuff and nothing works. it's making me insane12:27
ActionParsnipHexKey: interfaces file only has lo defined, 2 lines12:27
kblinDJones: I'm running the samba4 internal dns server and I'm trying to work out a problem with gssapi TSIG updates from win7 clients that want to update their IP addres12:27
kblinDJones: this is in-development code, nothing that apport should care about12:27
HexKeyok let me revert it back to only 2 lines then ill run it again 1 sec ActionParsnip12:27
kblinbut something kept hitting my DNS server and spamming my log output12:27
SonikkuAmericaghostwheel: See what I wrote in #lubuntu12:28
kblinActionParsnip: actually aptitude purge whoopsie worked fine without a reboot12:28
k610ActionParsnip, found out ctrl-x ctrl-e was easier12:28
ActionParsnipHexKey: you cn just comment out the lines you added, rather tahn deleting then :)12:28
ActionParsnipk610: sweet12:28
HexKeyyep i commented them :), but dhclient eth0 seems to do nothing or take a long time12:28
k610ActionParsnip, just paste in all lines there and they all go in histroy12:28
ActionParsnipkblin: nice, try and use apt-get though, it handles muti-arch better12:28
dfcnvtHexKey: after you entered dhclient, you should expect to see this result, ""12:29
kblinActionParsnip: hm, annoying. I prefer the more consistent command line of aptitude12:29
dfcnvtHexKey: "RTNETLINK answers: File exists"12:30
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ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and 12.04) as aptitude cannot  handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.12:30
HexKeydfcnvt: it is just flashing the cursor as if it is busy12:30
tbharaththis is the boot info  I got http://paste.ubuntu.com/5670611/12:31
dfcnvtHexKey: Did you use down/up via ifconfig?12:31
ActionParsnipkblin: so apps like skype will moan etc, if you are using 32bit anyway then use what you wish :)12:31
HexKeyyep i pasted the exact line you said without the quotes dfcnvt12:32
dfcnvtHexKey: "sudo ifconfig eth0 down; sudo ifconfig eth0 up; sudo dhclient eth0"12:32
HexKeydfcnvt: same result :(12:33
dfcnvtHexKey: Power cycled your server?12:34
kblinActionParsnip: I don't care too much about skype, but fair enough, that is one of the 32bit apps one might need12:34
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HexKeydfcnvt: power cycled? Its a brand new install on a laptop to act as a test for deploying a web application12:36
HexKeyi'll reboot it now dfcnvt12:37
HexKeyok its back up dfcnvt12:38
dfcnvtHexKey: So, are you currently on the terminal? Any prompt coming to you?12:39
HexKeyi just logged in with a user account12:39
dfcnvtHexKey: okay, try 'ping google.com' to see if it's connected.12:40
HexKeyunkown host12:40
dfcnvtsudo dhclient12:40
MonkeyDustHexKey  is that wifi or ethernet?12:41
HexKeyethernet is plugged in12:41
HexKeyits definitely plugged into the switch thing in the server room that is linked to our outside line12:41
squigon 12.04 here, and I wondered if there was a package that installed a set of themes that are compatible with gnome-classic ?12:41
dfcnvtHexKey: Ah, that may be your problem right there. You're currently connected to the switch. Which is not DHCP server based.12:42
HexKeyim not sure exactly what that thing is int he server room, i can go and ask some question to the guy down there if you know what i need to ask ?12:43
dfcnvtHexKey: You want to make sure your laptop is connected to a router with dhcp sever on.12:43
dfcnvtIf they're all static based then well, you may need to config your laptop to make it work.12:44
HexKeyi think i will be forced to connect into the box that i am already connected into12:44
HexKey1 sec let me go down and find out exactly what it is12:44
dfcnvtNo problem.12:44
HexKeyBah hes at lunch obv.12:46
dfcnvtHexKey: http://www.sudo-juice.com/how-to-a-set-static-ip-in-ubuntu/12:46
HexKeynm isnt installed :(12:48
plumblumhello again ppl, is it normal to get very very slow speeds when transfering from an ntfs disk to an ext4 disk via samba ? to any other disk (raid 1+0) and raid 0 i get around 90 and with this disk i get around 30 or lower altough it starts out at 80 and hangs there for a while before dropping12:49
dfcnvtHexKey: It may make no differnces but try the following, "sudo service resolvconf restart12:50
everestt[BUG??] When I have my desktop icons TURNED OFF and I'm at the desktop, the Super key doesn't bring up the launcher. The Super key works as expected when I have any application window open. Anyone have similar experience? Any solutions?12:50
dfcnvtHexKey: and this "sudo service networking restart12:51
HexKeyok i ran those dfcnvt now i try ping and dhcleint again?12:51
HexKeyping results in Network is unreachable12:52
HexKeydhclient just hangs forever as before12:52
dfcnvtHexKey: What?12:53
HexKeydhclient just said File exists dfcnvt12:53
HexKeyprogress :)12:53
HexKeyping google now works12:54
everestt(^by launcher I mean the search window) ...Also, when I am at the desktop (desktop icons turned off of course) and I hover the mouse over the launcher or the top panel and press super the search window shows up! ...anyone? help!?12:55
HexKeywill i need to restart resolveconf and networkign everytime? dfcnvt  also nothing changed in interfaces.12:55
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emif-ActionParsnip: i have copied that folder to another computer using nautilus to gain permission, but the thing is i have to install each package one by one12:56
emif-is there a way to install them all together?12:56
emif-guys, i have copied my updates from var/cache/apt to another computer, how to install them all together ?12:57
emif-help pls12:57
TankadoHello, i have Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and a dell laptop with docking station and two monitors connected to it, on windows i see both monitors, on ubuntu only one is working12:57
Tankadoanyone know anything about that? :)12:57
SonikkuAmericaTankado: Is HDMI involved?12:58
cfhowlettemif-, wouldn't sudo dpkg -i * do it?12:58
Tankadothe screen that is working connected with HDMI12:58
Tankadoi had the same problem with windows when the laptop screen was on, when i closed it it worked12:58
SonikkuAmericaTankado: Check in System Settings > Displays to see that both are detected.12:58
Tankadono, it detects only one screen and the laptop screen12:59
emif-cfhowlett: this would install my updates from a folder ?13:00
cfhowlettemif-, if all your .debs are in the same location ... yes13:00
arcripexFailed to look for applications online13:00
arcripexGDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.xdg.Exceptions.ParsingError: Traceback (most recent call last):13:00
arcripexFile "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/defer/__init__.py", line 489, in _inline_callbacks13:00
arcripexresult = gen.send(result)13:00
arcripexFile "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sessioninstaller/core.py", line 1030, in _install_mime_types13:00
SonikkuAmericaTankado: This is odd... very odd. I know from experience that such a setup should work..13:00
FloodBot1arcripex: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:00
FourFireI have a question (as a noob user) is it possible (without too much of a hasstle) and adviseable for me to repartion my hard drive around my current Ubuntu installation ?13:00
emif-ok thanks13:00
FourFire(I have and want to keep windows on the other partion)13:00
cfhowlettFourFire, yes.  gparted.  boot a live cd/usb and run it.13:01
SonikkuAmericaFourFire: What are you looking to do with the new partition?13:01
TankadoSonikkuAmerica : ok, strangley i see 3 screens now but now one is red13:01
emif-let me try it cfhowlett one minute please13:01
Tankado<SonikkuAmerica> : nvm... back to only one13:01
FourFireOk situation: I have a windows laptop and installed Ubuntu on D:\ via Wubi13:01
cfhowlettFourFire, ah, well, WUBI ... that does changes things.13:01
SonikkuAmericaFourFire: Do you want to migrate it to a hard disk partition?13:02
FourFireI have an oddly porportioned C:\ vs D:\ so most of my files are borkily rerouted on D:\13:02
MonkeyDustFourFire  wubi is the worst invention since coffee without sugar13:02
shmoonhi is ext4 not readable by mac ?13:02
cfhowlettFourFire, you should know that wubi is being discontinued ...13:02
shmooni formtted usb to ext4 in ubuntu and put in some data, now on mac the usb isnt readab;e any idea whats wrong ?13:02
FourFireI want to be able to access the same files i can via windows... on Ubuntu13:02
SonikkuAmericaFourFire: In your Ubuntu install, check out the /host folder.13:03
emif-cfhowlett: i have tried sudo dpkg -i *.deb13:03
emif-and it says it cannot access folder13:03
dfcnvtHexKey: Sorry, I got disconnected for a while. So, did you get it working?13:03
FourFireI think I can... at least I've muddled around my file system and i can sometimes locate files in places... but it's a pain13:03
SonikkuAmericaFourFire: /host is on the root of the drive.13:03
SonikkuAmericaFourFire: (i.e. in /)13:03
cfhowlettemif-, eh? sudo dpkg -i putaddresshere/*.debs13:03
FourFireI forget each time how I manage to locate the holdercalled HOST or something13:04
MonkeyDustFourFire  create a separate partition, that can be accessed by both windows and linux13:04
q_plazthe new linux headers that were available in dist-upgrade for ubuntu...are those patched for the elevation kernel bug?13:04
FourFireif I could I'd take the lazy option and make a shortcut to HOST and put it on my Ubuntu desktop13:04
Kartagis!find libudev013:04
ubottuPackage/file libudev0 does not exist in raring13:04
Kartagisdfcnvt: ^13:04
HexKeydfcnvt: ping works now13:04
dfcnvtHexKey: Awesome13:04
Kartagisdfcnvt: so, what to do now?13:04
SonikkuAmericaKartagis: libudev0 version 175 is available via WebUpd8's site.13:04
FourFire(but that's just going to make more problems for me down the line since I already basically shorcut entire sections of D:\ to my desktop in windows13:04
cfhowlettsupersecond, greetings13:05
KartagisSonikkuAmerica: how do I add that as a repo?13:05
HexKeynow i need to set up a static ip, so i used  route to get the gateway13:05
supersecondanyone know how to setup file sharing on xubuntu 13.04?13:05
dfcnvtKartagis: try type "apt-cache search libudev0" in your own system.13:05
Piciemif-: are you actually in the folder where the deb files are?13:05
supersecondcfhowlett, hi13:05
FourFireBasically I can see an impending problem and i want to FIX it now instead of later13:05
SonikkuAmericaKartagis: It's not a repo; it's a .deb file.13:05
Kartagisdfcnvt: I did, no results13:05
FourFireand hell I might learn something too :=)13:05
SonikkuAmericadfcnvt: libudev0 isn't in 13.04.13:05
SonikkuAmericaKartagis: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/04/fix-google-chrome-cant-be-installed-in.html13:05
SonikkuAmericaKartagis: There it is.13:06
Kartagisthanks man13:06
SonikkuAmericaKartagis: You're welcome.13:06
HexKeydfcnvt:  i filled out eth0 in interfaces with what i thik is the correct information but i get Failed top bring up eth013:06
FourFire"FourFire  create a separate partition, that can be accessed by both windows and linux" that's what I was thinking of doing13:06
SonikkuAmericaKartagis: It was dropped due to the use of libudev1, but Google Chrome hadn't been rewritten for Linux using it.13:07
FourFirePartion *around* my Ubuntu install and then what's left of D:\ becomes... something else13:07
* Kartagis shakes fist google chrome devs13:07
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:07
dfcnvtHexKey: Do you need to set up static ip as per requirement? Since your laptop is working fine with dhcp.13:07
q_plazWhere can I get release notes on the kernel updates for ubuntu?13:07
FourFirebut can I do that when I have files on the space i want to partion?13:07
SonikkuAmericaKartagis: Ironically, Chromium was rebuilt from libudev1 (I think)13:07
shmoonwhat file system is good for a usb to transfer files from ubuntu to mac ? seems like mac cant understand ext413:08
HexKeyi want to serve a web application from it13:08
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KartagisSonikkuAmerica: flash crashes on chromium too often13:08
SonikkuAmericaKartagis: Expect it to. It's only version 11.213:09
TankadoSo anyone know about the problem with 2 screens connection in a dell computer?13:09
Kartagis(I know, there are still sites which use flash)13:09
Tankadowindows works fine13:09
SonikkuAmericaKartagis: All that gets updated are security patches, and in 2015 or -16 it'll be dumped completely.13:09
cfhowlettFourFire, repartitioning safely with gparted with move those files.  However, running wubi is ... inadvisable.  you're better off dual booting.13:09
SonikkuAmericacfhowlett: dotdotdot inadvisable? Or just flat inadvisable?13:10
dfcnvtHexKey: That's fine. You don't need to use static. just use 'apt-get install ...' a list of webserver that you desired to install.13:10
KartagisSonikkuAmerica: hopefully. I keep telling everyone that they should ditch flash in favour of html5, but webdevs think it's fancy13:10
q_plazI've had such bad luck with wubi. Slowness, crashing, freezes13:10
SonikkuAmericaKartagis: There's Gnash, but it's in no workable state.13:11
SonikkuAmericaq_plaz: Wubi is being discontinued as an option.13:11
cfhowlettSonikkuAmerica, imagine  the command sudo no wubi.  Now imagine Samuel L. Jackson saying sudo no wubi13:11
SonikkuAmericaq_plaz: Mainly due to just that.13:12
dfcnvtHexKey: Setting up your own webserver, http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_debian_lamp_server13:12
SonikkuAmericacfhowlett: Huh?13:12
Criten_Hey guys.... my network drops every couple of webpages i visit. I have ubuntu 12.04 and a shuttle pc... what would be the best way to go about debugging this?13:12
HexKeyi installed lamp as part of the unbuntu server installation dfcnvt, but since editing interfaces to try a static ip i have destory what little networking i had before :(13:12
q_plazSonikkuAmerica: It's a shame because it's such a great idea13:13
SonikkuAmericaq_plaz: I eventually ditched Windows, mainly because of my small hard disk size (only 80 GB)13:13
HexKeydfcnvt: repeating the previous steps of restarting resolveconf and networking the dhclient has failed to return a fucntioning network :(13:13
FourFirecfhowlett how do i check my Ubuntu version (whether it is Wubi or not)?13:14
SonikkuAmericaFourFire: [ lsb_release -a ]13:15
FourFirein terminal?13:15
JeruvyCriten_ find out what is causing the outage.  In many cases its likely to be a flaky nic card, cable, or a router.13:15
cfhowlettFourFire, how did you install it?   with the windows installer?  if so; wubi13:15
SonikkuAmericaFourFire: Yep13:15
Criten_Jeruvy, Pretty sure the card, cable, and router worked fine in windows13:15
dfcnvtHexKey: I think once you get your networking back to normal. You really don't need to go through the process of getting it to STATIC. Since, your sole interest is to run a web server for experimental purpose, right?13:16
HexKeybut i need to be able to access the server via ssh from another network to push the code to it and ssh into it13:17
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FourFireso the version will be the same even if it's Wubi?13:17
dfcnvtUse host other than ip based.13:17
FourFirethere's no way to tell if the version I have now is Wubi, besides how I installed it?13:18
dfcnvtHexKey: Are you currently in university or school property? if so, there should be a host for it.13:18
cfhowlettFourFire, you could look in your windows directory for /ubuntu13:18
deusAnimaHi guys! How can i disable combination <alt> + ~ ?13:18
hnszIs there a way to bind the keyboard music keys to audacious instead of rhythmbox? (PLAY/PAUSE, STOP, BCK, FWD13:18
FourFireThe reason I ask is because another person who uses Linux did some things after and I don't know specifically what13:18
HexKeyim not unfortunately, im at our small buisness office13:18
SonikkuAmericahnsz: I think getting rid of rhythmbox would solve that problem... or switching the default application for music to Audacious13:19
hnszSonikkuAmerica: I've removed rythmbox after installing audacious. Shall try setting it to default. THanks13:19
FourFireoh **** no13:19
BenBhow do I force-remove a package that cannot be configured? "dpkg --purge --force-all cyrus-common-2.4" fails with error that it cannot be configured (which makes no sense - I try to remove the package exactly because it refuses to run)13:20
FourFireI guess I'm going to find out about a question I've always wondered13:20
FourFire"what happens when you copy a file larger than you have disk space"13:20
Criten_It doesn't let you13:20
Criten_: P13:20
plumblumhello again ppl, is it normal to get very very slow speeds when transfering from an ntfs disk to an ext4 disk via samba ? to any other disk (raid 1+0) and raid 0 i get around 90 and with this disk i get around 30 or lower altough it starts out at 80 and hangs there for a while before dropping13:20
BluesKajFourFire, wubi is not an ubuntu version, it's merely a method of installation of ubuntuinto a windows file that you run within windows13:21
JeruvyCriten_ That could be so, but its best to eliminate them.13:21
FourFireI csn just13:21
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FourFire:D I wasn't expecting that13:21
FourFireso yeah there is a ubuntu folder in host13:21
FourFirealso an "uninstall wubi.exe"13:22
Guest97059hy ... someone could help me ... I have  my /usr/bin/apt-mirror  permissions changing alone13:22
dfcnvtHexKey: http://askubuntu.com/questions/180925/how-to-setup-static-ip-in-ubuntu-server-12-0413:22
FourFirewould I be doing something increadibly stupid if I ran that via wine?13:22
AtuMFourFire, ran what?13:22
compdocplumblum, not normal, no13:22
cfhowlettFourFire, stupid?  no.13:22
Guest97059i made chmod 755 for ir but after it has 75013:23
Guest97059someone could help me13:23
AtuMoh.. the uninstall wubi.exe.. from within wubi.. that can be fun..13:23
plumblumcompdoc, it should be around 80 that is normal speeds and i got that over the network with windows to windows machine, where should i start looking ?13:23
Guest97059could someone help me with permissions to /usr/bin/apt-mirror13:24
ActionParsnipGuest97059: is it an NTFS partition which is holding the data?13:24
deusAnimaHow can i disable combination <alt> + ~ ?13:24
Guest97059I set it with 755 but alone it changes to 75013:26
AtuMGuest97059, it should stay 75013:26
compdocplumblum, its hard to say exactly, but copying large files and large amounts of files is one way of testing hardware setups. if it pauses and stops, etc. theres a problem.13:26
AtuMGuest97059, start using sudo for system-altering commands13:26
compdocplumblum, is there a raid controller?13:27
Guest97059AtuM, I need it with 75513:27
Guest97059I use cron to run it13:27
AtuMGuest97059, you don't. not really13:27
plumblumcompdoc, there is, and i am copying large amount of files but no stopping starting :)13:27
compdocplumblum, but not to the ubuntu pc?13:27
Guest97059I need it has 755 to user apt-mirror can run it13:28
plumblumcompdoc, what is ? the ubuntu machine has a raid controller and the windows machine does not and no one of them is starting stopping13:28
plumblumHardware raid controller13:28
Guest97059but something change the permission13:28
AtuMGuest97059, run whatever needs to be done using sudo.. have that user in sudoers and allow him access only to apt-mirror..13:29
FourFireAtuM the windows uninstaller for Wubi , via Wine13:29
compdocplumblum, you said copying was having problems13:29
plumblumcompdoc, no its just slow as hell13:30
compdocthats what I mean13:30
Guest97059I can't do it ... :( I would like to know who is changing permissions to 75013:30
plumblumsame disks on a windows server gave 80 MB on the network and now its hanging out at 2513:30
plumblumsame disk *13:30
FourFirecfhowlett, do you recommend that I switch versions of Ubuntu to something else? (I don't have any important files on Ubuntu yet and not much invested in GUI/desk top environment so I won't mind trying something new)13:31
AtuMGuest97059, perhaps nothing is changing the file.. ever.. perhaps the chmod command does not work for that file.. have you checked that it changes?13:31
buengeniohow do i re-enable GLX on XOrg and also add the option to disable the touchpad while typing? I have a Synaptic touch pad...13:32
AtuMGuest97059, but still.. there's no need for it to be 755. btw: change your nick to something not autogenerated13:32
cfhowlettFourFire, not necessary to switch distros, but I would advise you to check out the dual boot option.  It's not so complicated as many people make it seem.13:32
Guest97059the chmod work to that file .... but after the file lost permission and return to 75013:33
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cfhowlettFourFire, as far as what version, go with what you like.  gnome ubuntu/kubuntu/xuubuntu/and vanilla ubuntu all have their charms.13:33
AtuMGuest97059, there's no such thing as "file lost permission" :)13:33
Guest97059I need this permission to run apt-mirror on apt-mirror user (with no sudo)13:34
AtuMGuest97059, why don't you want to use sudo?13:35
mosx1hi, I'm using ubuntu server 12.04, what would be considered recursive write permission on a folder ? chmod XXX ?13:35
Guest97059I run in cron.d ... not a human user13:35
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AtuMGuest97059, so what? you think cron files can't handle sudo commands?13:36
=== OctoNinja is now known as CookieNinja
MonkeyDustGuest97059  i run cron jobs with sudo, by using sudo crontab -e13:37
mosx1anyone help me out ?13:37
AtuMMonkeyDust, that's editing root's crontab, not running cron jobs with sudo13:37
Guest97059Ok... but now I would know who change permission to 750 after13:38
mosx1recursive write permission on a folder ? what's that 755 ?13:38
Guest97059:( it is my problem13:38
llutzmosx1: man chmod13:38
MonkeyDustAtuM   correct, if you want to run cron jobs that require sudo13:38
AtuMMonkeyDust, ok.. I don't want to argue semantics13:39
FourFireAlright that's that13:40
FourFiretime to learn about Dualboot was it?13:40
njillingsWhat is your specific item FourFire?13:40
Guest97059AtuM, thanks for help ... I'll back later13:41
AtuMMonkeyDust, sometimes, when you need to run some stuff at boot-up using rc.local, you use sudo -u <user> -c <commands> .. that's running commands with sudo (when you need them to run as some other user)..13:41
ubottuFourFire,: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:41
njillingsDual booting is very easy to do, Ubuntu Install assumes dual boot generally13:41
FourFirewell first i was wondering if A noob like me could possibly repartion their disk but then I got the impression that a Wubi install is an inferior option so I'll do that first13:41
njillingsat least, gives you the option13:41
droobey_Im having a issue running Steam, run it try to login immediately  goes cant connect. Ubuntu 13.04 x6413:42
njillingsFourFire: The Ubuntu Installer has a partition manager and guides you through creating the dual boot for you13:42
FourFirewhich installer is this?13:42
njillingsdroobey_ : had a similar issue with x64. On steam website it should have specific instructions as to running their software which is x3213:42
FourFireis it the WindowsUbuntuinstaller.exe?13:43
njillingsFourFire: The installer on the Ubuntu Disk / USB you make. Put CD into drive and boot from the disk13:43
njillingsFourFire: Gives you the option to run it 'Live' or to install13:43
FourFirehmm how large does the stick have to be (capacity) ?13:43
njillingsFourFire: At least 750MB for the CD version, at least 4.5GB for the DVD13:44
cfhowlettFourFire, 4 g minimum I would think13:44
sk8r2g should be plenty13:44
FourFirebecause like I said i installed it via windows (but without using a disk or thumbdrive13:44
sk8rfor steam?13:44
mosx1sorry missed any responses there....dodgy internet conn13:44
mosx1what's the correct permissions for php files?13:44
FourFireand this guy I know did some things on it later and this is the OS I'm using now13:45
njillingsFourFire: so you're in Ubuntu now? And want to install Windows alongside?13:45
FourFireI have windows13:45
FourFireI reboot my computer and I can select between windows and Ubuntu13:46
njillingsFourFire: OK, so you already have a dual boot system then13:46
FourFire(it defaults to windows, unless I manually select Ubuntu)13:46
cfhowlettnjillings, he's got wubi13:46
FourFireso now can I possibly repartion my Disk13:46
FourFireYeah I installed this OS via windows13:46
k1l_FourFire: you used wubi installer. you cant repartitionate because that is not a partition13:46
FourFireso I'm wondering if I can/should install Ubuntu "properly" before doing anything else13:47
k1l_FourFire: you should consider doing a real install13:47
njillingsFourFire: OK, not a user of WUBI13:47
MonkeyDustFourFire  wubi is only a pseudo-installation, it's not the real thing13:47
njillingsFourFire: Long term I'd say give it its own real partition13:47
FourFireNow is this dual booting thing more risky than WUBI?13:48
MonkeyDustFourFire  wubi is something inside windows, it's not independent from it13:48
sk8rkinda like a vm machine13:48
cfhowlettFourFire, nope.  much safer.  wubi files are under your windows system, so all the weaknesses of windows are in force.13:48
FourFirebecause I don't have a spare hard drive and I do NEED the data I have access to in windows13:48
k1l_FourFire: wubi ist the most risky.13:49
nuclearbob_is anybody here super clever with bash prompt escape sequences?13:49
erdincMerhaba linux severler13:49
njillingsFourFire: If you do it wrong, yes. If you delete your Windows Partition you'll remove Windows. Best way to create a partition is inside Windows, that way you can manage it.13:49
mosx1when I upload files via ftp to my webserver, running apache btw, they have permissions 600.13:49
FourFireI mean like something going wrong in the installation process13:49
mosx1600 seems a bit too restrictive...is that normal ?13:49
njillingsFourFire: As I said though, the Ubuntu LiveCD guides you through setting up a dual-boot13:49
cfhowlettFourFire, wont' say it's impossible.  I would merely point out that wubi is being discontinued for dern good reason ...13:49
FourFireok, I think I'll hold off until I make one of those then13:49
pagioshow can i set a password on my console usb port?13:50
FourFireyeah I understand13:50
MonkeyDustFourFire  ubuntu is a lot easier to install than that other OS13:50
pagioswhen i connect usb i just go into root without supplying any password13:50
FourFire> that other OS haha13:50
pagiosi would like to have the tty login13:50
FourFirewhich one is that?13:50
njillingsFourFire: It really does hand-hold you through, and there are guides on the Ubuntu Website with screen-shots to help you create a dual-boot system13:50
FourFireok thanks for your help13:51
FourFireI'll be back here sometime13:51
sk8rgedit can be used as html editor correct?13:53
njillingssk8r: Yep, any text editor can13:53
njillingssk8r: just remember to save with the correct extension such as .html13:53
TheHackOpssk8r, Yes it even does syntax highlighting13:53
PanamaIs anyone here capable of offering assistance with a WINE issue I am having?13:53
sk8ri figured it would be easier to set it aside for that since it is used for .sh anyways so that i don't confuse it....13:54
ubottuPanama,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:54
njillingsTheHackOps: hmm, didn't realise that!13:54
sk8rnjillings: going thru a class for ftnhead and i didnt want to have to bounce between a vm or another real machine.13:55
TheHackOpsnjillings, BlueFish is also good13:56
|nv|s|b|eI have a serious question, but, before you ask the bot to tell me to ask, i have to ask, is it safe ?13:56
TheHackOpsIf you want Auto-complete13:56
TheHackOpsOr PHP storm if you dont mind Java's lag on older machines13:56
njillingsinvisible: is what save...13:56
xlairehello everyone13:56
cfhowlettxlaire, greetings13:56
njillingsTheHackOps: Have used blue_fish. My personal fav at the moment is Aptana 3. Does all, JavaScript, PHP, HTML and even Ruby Apps13:56
sk8rfigured it would be easier to teach myself to use what i already have so i dont have to change but still convert if necessary  to turn in.13:57
TheHackOpssk8r, Just starting html?13:57
TheHackOpsDont use intelisense13:57
|nv|s|b|eI want full confidence that i wont be ostracized for asking a serious question that in it self, has the ability to upset some peoples apple carts.13:57
njillingssk8r: It depends on how much help you want. Some people (like me) like having it complete certain lines for you. If you enjoy writing out every line, and a lot do, then text editors are good.13:57
xlairejust want to sit, watch and learn13:57
TheHackOps|nv|s|b|e, go for it13:57
sk8ri used visual basic like 15 yrs ago it seems in high school but this is different13:58
cfhowlett|nv|s|b|e, we won't ostracize ... but we WILL ridicule ...13:58
njillingsxlaire: always welcome13:58
TheHackOpsnjillings, It curbs the learning process alot13:58
TheHackOpsDoesn't force you to remember things13:58
njillingssk8r: if you are learning HTML, check out http://www.w3schools.com13:58
PanamaI am having a problem with getting a game to run in the resolution that is native to my monitor.  I'm running Ubuntu 12.04, with WINE version 1.5.29...  The game will run in the proper resolution, if I set it to "Emulate Desktop", however this also has intermittent issues of having the launch bar and the top bar appear over the entire game, making it so that I cannot see everything in game13:59
njillingsTheHackOps: generally cuts the number of mistakes at times as well13:59
|nv|s|b|ewhat, pray tell is the percentage of viability does this article have.  http://techrights.org/2013/05/15/ubuntu-and-microsoft-veteran/13:59
TheHackOpsMistakes are meant ot be made13:59
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Criten_Anyone here have touchscreen experiance? I can't seem to get the config file to detect the calibration13:59
TheHackOpsWe must break things to learn how to fix them13:59
droobey_I reinstalled Steam from the software centre still wont connect13:59
MonkeyDust|nv|s|b|e  ask in #ubuntu-offtopic13:59
auronandacedroobey_: there is also #ubuntu-steam14:00
njillingsTheHackOps: certain mistakes… others like leaving a rogue <h1> just gets annoying!!14:00
TheHackOpsnjillings, WE MUST BREAK THINGS TO LEARN14:00
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sk8rnjillings: calsses are thru ftnhead but they based everything off winders (lol). i wanna beable to stay consistant instead of having to relearn for my machine or bounce between multiple areas14:00
TheHackOpssk8r, As someone who teaches people this stuff im telling you make as many mistakes as your can14:00
TheHackOpsthen fix as many as you can14:00
njillingssk8r: html is a universal language. Just learn the rules. If you make a mistake, don't give up, solve it14:01
njillingssk8r: TheHackOps speaks the truth!14:01
TheHackOpsIt allows critical thinking14:01
sk8rand as i understand it if you use a wysiwyg kind of editor there is exta unneeded lines in the code14:01
TheHackOpsew wysiwyg14:01
sk8rthx hackops14:01
njillingssk8r: depends what you mean by unneeded. Whitespaces are fine, even make it easy to read. Look up the source on Google, I dare you. It's just one big line14:02
sk8rjust reading about it made me think wtf?14:02
njillingssk8r, TheHackOps: never used wsyiwyg for HTML so...14:02
SonikkuAmerica!wtf | sk8r14:02
ubottusk8r: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:02
xlaireto avoid hand risk stop using mouse for layouting14:03
sk8ri just thought that even though is makes it easier, it fluffs the code..14:03
TheHackOpssk8r,It puts the wsiwyg designers own standards in14:04
TheHackOpsjoin #web14:04
TheHackOpsWould be more than happy to help u there14:04
njillingssk8r: yeah, keep it simple for you. If you can achieve it in one line, do that. I have seen many 'optimising' and 'time-saving' programs that do the opposite14:04
TheHackOpsIm not a front end developer by job or nature, I know the spec inside out because i was interested but i can say that the best things are always the hardest14:05
xlairehey i have host web account online and can i use terminal to connect, create file and modify file?14:06
Criten_xlaire, do you have ssh to the box?14:07
njillingsxlaire: your hosting company should have sent you details. But usually it's done by shh or sftp14:07
njillingsxlaire: sorry, ssh not shh!14:07
xlaireno, ssh need to pay14:07
xlairethx guys14:07
njillingsxlaire: it should have sftp though. Thats the Secure File Transfer Protocol14:07
sk8rthat is what i was thinking, njillings. simplicity.14:07
njillingsxlaire: so you edit on your machine, then send the file up14:07
sk8rthey say you can tell who wrote a program or site just by looking at the way the code is written.14:08
KidBetahow do i redirect the output of a program so nothing gets displayed in stdout (ie terminal)14:08
njillingssk8r: it's like writing anything. You have a certain way of coding and of solving problems.14:08
sk8rnjillings: like how no two ppl have the same rational thought process?14:09
|nv|s|b|edefine rational14:09
PanamaI am having a problem with getting a game to run in the resolution that is native to my monitor.  I'm running Ubuntu 12.04, with WINE version 1.5.29...  The game will run in the proper resolution, if I set it to "Emulate Desktop", however this also has intermittent issues of having the launch bar and the top bar appear over the entire game, making it so that I cannot see everything in game14:10
sk8rto remove emotion and make the best possible decision with positive outcomes to all parties involved if possible14:10
MonkeyDustPanama  ask in #winehq14:10
|nv|s|b|enicely said14:10
mosx1does vsftpd have a umask setting ?14:12
sk8rty all for the answers. i really just wanted verification14:13
llutzmosx1: man vsftpd.conf (anon_umask, local_umask)14:13
PottyTheShitterEnter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because[a] narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13-1414:13
njillingssk8r: no probs. happy HTML'ing14:13
HexKeyOn ubuntuserver 12.04 when i try nmcli dev i get NetworkManager is not running, how do i start it? and will it start on startup?14:14
sk8ri'll be back when i need help14:15
roastedQuestion - on 13.04 whenever I adjust my touchpad settings with the bottom of the 3 sliders, close, and reopen, the settings clearly don't stick. Another user duplicated this issue on a different system. Has anybody else seen this or know a way to work around it?14:15
otendhow can I remove LVM data from a disk when installing Ubuntu Server 13.04?14:16
otendI want to completely format and erase the disk14:16
KomaHi all! I'm going to need some program to deply machine and make them organized. I was wondering what is better to use puppet seems famous but chef seems  more organized (looking at the site) any first eprson experience anyone?14:16
otendbut it spits out errors along the lines of THIS IS ONE PV OF SEVERAL IN AN LV.  IT IS NOT SAFE TO DELETE THE DATA.14:16
francesco_Hello. I am looking for a CD cleaner for linux. All the CD cleaners that I found have a program for Windows installed in them. Can you suggest me anything (or any alternative)?14:17
hubbabubbahi, when using apt-get upgrade, i see linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic is this the upgrade to ubuntu 13? or why are they kept back?14:17
somsiphubbabubba: you have to say you really want to install them with 'apt-get dist-upgrade'14:18
njillingsfranceso_: do you mean something to erase CD-RWs?14:18
hubbabubbasomsip: so this bring me to ubuntu 13? (i don't want that)14:18
Pici!dist-upgrade | hubbabubba no14:18
ubottuhubbabubba no: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.14:18
francesco_njillings, no, I mean something to clean the CD drives.14:18
njillingshubbabubba: it generally won't update the linux header files from apt-get. not sure why though. Otherwise if you load up the package update GUI, it will help14:18
hubbabubbaPici: njillings somsip thx14:19
njillingshubbabubba: dist-upgrade will upgrade your distro version14:19
hubbabubba!dist-upgrade njillings14:19
xlairedced again14:20
Picinjillings: no it wont. see ubottu's message above.14:20
=== victorp_ is now known as victorp-uds
francesco_Hello. I am looking for a CD cleaner for linux. All the CD cleaners that I found have a program for Windows installed in them. Can you suggest me anything (or any alternative)?14:20
njillingspici: ah true.. thanks14:20
Picifrancesco_: Whats a CD cleaner?14:21
hubbabubbaPici: njillings although that caommand is confusing... maybe dist-upgrade is not the best choice :)14:21
|nv|s|b|efractaline-   explain (clean) you mean physically ?14:21
sk8roh. any other sites besides w3 that would be good to look into?14:21
MonkeyDustfrancesco_  https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/442455-wiping-your-disk-drive-clean14:21
MonkeyDustfrancesco_  that what you mean?14:22
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:22
njillingsfrancesco_: AH. I see! Thought you meant CD drives. That guide is for HDDs14:22
francesco_Pici, a CD cleaner is a «special» CD that allows you to clean the device that reads the CD/DVD, when they get dirty.14:22
njillingsfrancesco_: So you want to wipe your HDD then?14:22
sereanyone know a good program to use my driod as a wireless keyboard and mouse14:23
MonkeyDustnot sure what francesco_ means14:23
|nv|s|b|ehe wants to physically clean the optics14:23
xlaireopen your cd player and get a cottonbuds and clean it gently14:23
francesco_No, the CD cleaner that I have has some kind of a «brush» on in it, that cleans the device that reads the CD/DVD.14:23
MonkeyDusti use my shirt to clean disks14:23
xlairethen open the cd drive and let the lens read the cd cleaner14:24
Raccoon1400I am using the nvidia drivers, but I can't get it to save my monitor configuration. The nvidia settings thing saves to xorg.conf, which then gets ignored on reboot. Ideas?14:24
xlaireit will clean14:24
|nv|s|b|eit has to be non abrasive and chemical free14:24
njillingsfrancesco_: OK, that link you gave is NOT what you are on about. Software will not clean a physical drive14:24
sk8rtoothpaste will clean discs well. just be really gentle14:24
|nv|s|b|ei cant believe we have digressed to this14:24
njillingsRaccoon1400: you change and save as sudo?14:24
francesco_I already have a cd cleaner, but the software installed is for windows.14:25
njillings|nv|s|b|e: Its a fun afternoon14:25
|nv|s|b|ei c14:25
xlaireopen the cd drive14:25
sk8ror morning depending on where you are14:25
francesco_What do you do when the lenses of your CD/DVD drive gets dirty?14:25
xlairethe lens will read it14:25
deusAnimaHow can i disable combination <alt> + ` ?14:25
xlaireand clean the lens14:25
Raccoon1400njillings: yes, I did it with the nvidia graphical utility. The file is there, too.14:25
ActionParsnipfrancesco_: buy a cd cleaner disk14:25
njillingsfrancesco_: Not let it get dirty in the first place. Never in all my years have I needed to clean a drive14:25
xlairefrancisco has cleaner disk14:26
xlairehe need a software to perform the clean14:26
|nv|s|b|efor what its worth, most optics are plastic nowadays, so, beware of your methods as well as any chemicals you use.14:26
francesco_xlaire, The CD cleaner is a disk with a certain software installed in it, and it also provided with a little «brush» on its surface. When you insert the CD, the software installed tells the drive to put the lens under the little «brush» to let it clean it.14:27
njillingsfrancesco_: I don't know any Linux specific software, have you tried installing your software under WINE?14:27
soulflare3they make disk cleaners that have small bristles that can clean the eye of a CD/DVD drive, never used them tho so not sure how well they work14:27
francesco_njillings, no. I don't.14:27
xlairebut if you let the drive read the disk, it will certainly read all the parts of the cd14:27
soulflare3you can't software clean a CD/DVD drive if there are physical foreign objects on the lense ._.14:28
pm_better get new cd from vendor14:28
francesco_xlaire, yes. But it is less «efficient».14:28
|nv|s|b|ecollectively, depending on your ambient humidity, a can of air can usually accommodate sufficiently.14:28
njillingssoulflare3: he has a CD cleaner disk, but needs the software to actually run it14:29
francesco_xlaire, actually, the software tell the lens to go under the «brush» for a while, and then it follows a routine to establish if the lens is clean. Otherwise, it follows this procedure again.14:29
olivier_bKsomebody use audacity ??14:30
xlairei understand but i don't know any app for linux14:30
olivier_bKi've installed audacity2.0 on my ubuntu-12.1014:30
soulflare3njillings, I was not aware they actually needed software being that they can also clean CD and DVD players, that do not use software14:30
olivier_bKis missing the menu bar14:30
njillingsolivier_bK: explain further14:30
xlaireyou may want to search for windows version and run in wine14:30
MonkeyDustolivier_bK  i do14:30
njillingssoulflare3: tbh, I never have needed to use one14:30
pm_download from torrentz14:30
MonkeyDustolivier_bK  it's in the speaker icon14:30
olivier_bK os how did you do for export your projet14:30
francesco_Question: what would you suggest me to clean the lenses of my cd/dvd drive?14:31
xlairefor me, i suggest manually using cottonbuds14:31
xlaireopen it gently wipe the lens14:32
francesco_xlaire, «rough»! :D14:32
xlairebe sure it is the drive has a defect14:32
xlairei am stupid, let the expert answer your question, going afk14:32
Picifrancesco_: This sort of has gotten offtopic for #ubuntu, ##hardware would be a better place to get an answer.14:32
auronandacefrancesco_: perhaps better asked in ##hardware14:32
philinuxfrancesco_: try amazon. lots of stuff14:32
pm_remove drive from machine & give it to repair to hardware vendor14:33
MonkeyDustbye new drive14:33
olivier_bKMonkeyDust, where is the button for save the audio piste14:33
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francesco_Ok. Sorry. The question was about Linux, since I would have liked to find a way to run the same application under Linux. Right now, I have a PC with a double partition, and I run the CD under Windows for that. Thank you very much.14:34
MonkeyDustolivier_bK  ah, audacity, i thought audacious, my mistake14:34
soulflare3I haven't needed them, i've just seen them14:34
MonkeyDustolivier_bK  better ask in #ubuntu-studio, i guess14:34
olivier_bKokai thanks14:35
roastedQuestion - on 13.04 whenever I adjust my touchpad settings with the bottom of the 3 sliders, close, and reopen, the settings clearly don't stick. Another user duplicated this issue on a different system. Has anybody else seen this or know a way to work around it?14:37
Campfiremy ubuntu running slow14:37
Campfirei,m not liking it14:38
Campfirecan we fix it14:38
MonkeyDustCampfire  which version and what are you doing14:38
soulflare3francesco_, you could try something like this (I have not used this product, only using it as an example) http://www.staples.com/Staples-CD-Drive-Cleaner/product_78639714:38
overdubCampfire, what does top say is sucking down resources?14:38
MonkeyDustCampfire  10.04 is no longer valid or supported14:39
francesco_soulflare3, I can't view the product.14:39
soulflare3hmm, let me find another14:39
Campfirety md14:40
=== francisco is now known as Guest4406
Campfirein a good wy14:40
soulflare3francesco_, try this one http://amzn.com/B0007U9SRE14:40
francesco_soulflare3, I see. But is there written somewhere that it works for Linux too?14:41
soulflare3It's not OS specific14:41
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
francesco_soulflare3, yes, but, as far as I know, this CDs usually have a software installed in them, and, usually, this software is only for Linux. I have already a CD cleaner.14:42
llutzfrancesco_: none of those "cleaner CDs" really work, regardless what OS. the brushes they use will cause micro-scratches on the lens they should clean, that leads into a destroyed drive, sooner or later. in normal surroundings, cd-drives don't need to be cleaned14:43
ActionParsnipllutz: really? weird...14:43
soulflare3francesco_, You could always try getting a new DVD drive, usually they run around 20-30 USD14:44
francesco_llutz, soulflare3, I understand what you mean. First, I am talking about my laptop, and CD drives cannot be changed. Second, I have tried a CD cleaner on my PC (under Windws) and it solved the problem. I simply don't want to switch on linux all the time.14:45
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I backup my files on host via command line? I have ssh access to it.14:46
soulflare3CD drives can be changed on any PC, it just may require removing some screws14:46
MonkeyDustmojtaba  use rsync14:46
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mojtabaMonkeyDust: Could you please explain it more, (I am newbie. :-P)14:46
francesco_soulflare3, perhaps it's my fault too. I should treat my laptop better. :D However, would you suggest me anything about it? Some products? Liquids?14:47
MonkeyDustmojtaba  rsync -a --delete /home/username /media/some_external-drive14:47
soulflare3NEVER put liquids inside your electronics14:48
MonkeyDustmojtaba  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync14:48
llutzfrancesco_: laptop cd drive, so you can reach the lens easily when drive is opened. use a cotton swab with some ethanol, let it dry completely after that, if you really think you need to clean it14:49
mojtabaMonkeyDust: Ok, Thanks.14:49
francesco_soulflare3, don't put liquids on your PC, don't eat, don't breath, don't speak, ... :D14:49
cottonhah, i'm like "who mentioned me?"14:49
overduband NEVER use the --delete switch to rsync unless you're sure you've typed the right command14:49
MonkeyDustmojtaba  you can rsync over ssh14:50
francesco_llutz, this scares me a little. But I will try.14:50
mojtabaMonkeyDust: Thanks a million14:50
llutzfrancesco_: don't use too much ethanol, the cotton should just be damp not dripping wet14:51
cottoni prefer dry thanks14:52
francesco_llutz, can I use just ordinary alchool? Where can I find ethanol?14:52
llutzfrancesco_: i wouldn't use anything than ethanol, get it from next pharmacy. should be easy if you aren't living in scandinavia14:53
francesco_Just in a normal pharmacy?14:53
MonkeyDustor drugstore14:54
llutzfrancesco_: try it, ask for it14:54
francesco_This reminds me when I wanted to make a cloud chamber. :)14:54
francesco_llutz, ok. Thank you very much.14:54
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SonikkuAmerica!help | moinul14:56
ubottumoinul: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:56
seresteam on linux natively :)14:57
moinulhow to join a specific IRC server?14:58
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/14:58
moinulhow to join a specific IRC server?14:59
MonkeyDustmoinul  type /join #channelname14:59
xlairemoinul, /server then servername14:59
MonkeyDustah server, type /connect servername14:59
moinullets try14:59
sereis the software-center repos different than synaptics? steam is only on software-center it seems?15:00
deusAnimaHow can i disable combination <alt> + grave ?15:00
SonikkuAmericadeusAnima: Is it just one Alt key that uses it?15:01
moinulThank you for the help :)15:01
iBelievesere: Software Center also shows commercially available applications15:01
deusAnimaSonikkuAmerica I think yes15:01
moinulThanks xlaire :)15:02
SonikkuAmericadeusAnima: System Settings > Keyboard Layout and click the + near the bottom.15:02
iBelievesere, Commercial apps aren't in the regular repositories, Software Center handles them specially. That is probably why steam doesn't show up in Synaptics.15:03
deusAnimaSonikkuAmerica it will add new layout. or I dont understand you15:03
sereiBelieve: ahh ok. thanks alot15:04
iBelievesere, you're welcome15:04
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SonikkuAmericadeusAnima: Right. One Alt key in your layout controls all the international dead-key shortcuts. That's what the whole layout hinges on.15:04
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deusAnimaSonikkuAmerica, I want to delete this shortcut. because it overrides same shortcut in Midnight Commander15:06
=== Guest84894 is now known as blazemore
deusAnimabut I can't find this shortcut in system anywhere15:07
SonikkuAmericaAFAIK the shortcut keys aren't customizable.15:07
Dresk|LaptopSo I have an installation of Ubuntu (12.04.2) that was given to me with a custom version of CUPS built and installed (1.4.6) but without the source directory for CUPS anymore, so I don't have a makefile for uninstallation, nor is there any dpkg for it.  I want to install CUPS via Ubuntu's software manager at this point, but I'm uncertain how to proceed with this "dangling" older version that has no proper uninstallation15:09
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K4kCould someone help me out and take a look at my preseed file (https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5588337) and help me figure out why I get unmet dependency errors during install for xserver-xorg-video-all?15:09
nyRednekok, i have a hp psc that is connected to wifi router. i can print to it, but not scan...on another ubuntu install, i can do both15:14
=== jack_ is now known as wN
nyRednekwhat can i try to make this work?15:16
salimander_kaneusing vpn internet speed is only ~20Mbps without its ~50. I'm using it on TCP port 443 as UDP wont connect. Is there anyway to increase the speed?15:16
salimander_kaneI'm using openvpn15:17
K4ksalimander_kane: probably a limitation of the connection to your vpn provider15:17
salimander_kaneK4k: no some people can get ~70 with the server i'm using15:18
salimander_kanecould it be that im using TCP??15:18
K4kTCP does have more network overhead, but it shouldn't cause a ~30Mbps drop off15:19
K4kAre you using different compression?15:19
salimander_kaneLZO as reccomended15:20
thecodeischaoshow stable is dwm on ubuntu?15:20
K4kMight try switching that to something else if you can and see if anything changes. Other than that, as a client, I'm not aware of much you can do.15:20
salimander_kaneK4k: all i can do is switch it off. Hold on I'll give that a go15:21
majdHey #ubuntu - i'm trying to install mysql-python on my ubuntu10.04 machine. I get the error: http://dpaste.org/0S5UF/15:22
majdand yes, i did install python-dev15:23
majdand i still get the same error15:23
salamander_kaneK4k: no that didn't work at all. I was gettin ~0.2Kbps with LZO disable15:25
salamander_kaneK4k: different TCP port maybe? Any reccomendations?15:26
Aarunican this guide be used for ubuntu precise also? : https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide15:27
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troulouliou_devhi what is the name of the windows manager used in ubuntu ?15:30
njillingstroululiou_dev: Unity15:31
buengeniohow do i re-enable GLX on XOrg and also add the option to disable the touchpad while typing? I have a Synaptic touch pad...15:31
njillingstroulouliou_dev> Unity15:31
troulouliou_devnjillings, this is the desktop manager; but the windows manager ? mutter / muffin / metascity .. ?15:32
njillingstroulouliou_dev> Ah OK, thought you meant desktop manager. Don't know, sorry15:32
SuperLagon Slowaris... I have gz{cat,less,grep}... does Linux have these too? and if so, what package has them?15:32
d3vlabsquick question15:33
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
d3vlabscan i install the latest ubtuntu 13.x on a cpu that doesnt support PAE15:33
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llutz!info zutils | SuperLag:15:34
ubottuSuperLag:: zutils (source: zutils): utilities for dealing with compressed files transparently. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9-6 (raring), package size 386 kB, installed size 2449 kB15:34
SuperLagllutz: thank you, sir15:35
Aarunican this guide be used for ubuntu precise also? : https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide (repost 1)15:35
njillingsd3vlabs> this guy seemed to solve it. 5 min google search: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213388715:35
mauihow do i delete items ,just by dragging to the bin?!15:36
BluesKajd3vlabs, http://askubuntu.com/questions/117744/how-can-i-install-on-a-non-pae-cpu-error-kernel-requires-features-not-present15:36
Aarunimaui: you can also select the icons, and then press the delete key, or Shift + delete to permanantly delete them15:36
njillingsmaui: depends what you are deleting. Files? Drag and drop to place in trash. Not deleted. Aaruni is right for a permanent delete. Can also be achieved by emptying the recycle bin15:37
llutzSuperLag: remember, those tools are named "z{less,grep,cat}" not gz*15:37
mauiin windows im used to click right and pick 'delete'15:37
mauihow come ubuntu does not give this option, since i do get a 'dialog' box when i right-click15:38
ActionParsnipmaui: you can do that, it's called 'move to rubbish bin'15:38
Aarunimaui: that would just move them to the trash.15:38
njillingsmaui: use the delete key, or use 'Move to rubbish bin'15:38
Aaruniit won't delete, or free up space15:38
ActionParsnipmaui: ive seen issues with right click on some files, is it ok if you run nautilus and access the desktop folder therin?15:38
njillingsmaui: remember to empty to trash, same as you need to in Windows15:38
maui'move to trash'15:39
mauii think im blind or somethign15:39
nyRednekopen up terminal and type rm <file>15:41
Aarunior rm -r <folder>15:41
nyRednekAaruni: that also works15:41
nyRednekAaruni: rm -f for the stubborn files15:41
salamander_kanecan somebody help with openVPN. When connected to VPN speed is ~20Mbps, not connected its ~50. Using TCP port 44315:42
AaruninyRednek: you need to specify -r to remove directories15:42
njillingssalamander_kane: very unlikely to not get a speed drop using VPN. You are forcing further routing and encryption. Both of which lower overall data rates15:42
nyRednekAaruni: only if the directory isn't empty15:43
nyRednekAaruni: an empty directory can be rm'ed without -r15:43
llutznyRednek: it can't15:43
njillingssalamander_kane: how far is your openVPN connection?15:43
llutznyRednek: rm -r dir, or rmdir dir (if its empty)15:43
nyRednekllutz: well, used to be...meh, i'm old and confused15:44
llutznyRednek: it never was15:44
nyRednekagain, second part of the statement15:44
salamander_kanenjillings: ~400miles15:44
salamander_kanenjillings: thats the closest server to me15:45
SuperLagllutz: yep, once you mentioned the name... I looked further and saw that.15:49
SuperLagllutz: thank you, again :)15:49
SuperLagnyRednek: how old are you? :)15:50
uvalahello, clawsmail is behaving strangely. first it didnt download emails, saying login details dont match (while they havent been changed). in the second trial failed again, this time returning timeout :995 error..in the third trial downloaded only some of new emails. and in the last trial a minute ago, the most horrific error came: Authentication failed:ERR [IN-USE] This account is being used by another session. Please try again in a15:51
uvalafew minutes...noone I know is using my account right now..HELP! _)15:51
salamander_kane_njillings: sorry connection died15:51
nyRednekSuperLag: not that old...mid 30s15:52
SuperLagnyRednek: you're young, then :)15:52
llutzhrhr, youngster15:52
njillingssalamander_kane> no worries, did you get my last message?15:52
nyRednekSuperLag: have had three strokes since i turned 30, though, so that's my excuse :P15:52
salamander_kane_njillings: no only the first15:53
njillingsAlso if this is a public server, I doubt it can forward that much bandwidth to you anyway, so that's a bottleneck. If your connection starts spanning countries the number of links and alternative routes becomes excessively limited. That's why visiting overseas websites being hosted overseas are slower\15:53
uvalaI must add that these errors came for different accounts added to clawsmail15:54
salamander_kane_njillings: no its private i think. and rated at 32000Mpbs so should be capable15:54
njillingssalamander_kane> hmm, there may be something wrong but I don't manage VPN's, just use them so I can't aid in debugging the issue.15:55
SuperLagnyRednek: damn! Okay. You get compassion from me.15:56
njillingssalamander_kane> still I think it's unlikely it would be able to give you 50Mbps of link! Bottlenecks exist outside raw bandwidth such as latency which is derived from distance15:56
salamander_kane_njillings: im using TCP port 443 if that helps. Would changing port help? I can't connect to UDP15:56
BlueSharkubottu: openvpn15:57
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!15:57
nyRednekSuperLag: no need for compassion...i just say, "i'm old and confused, LEAVE ME LONE"15:58
njillingssalamander_kane> it could help but you need one that your server will operate on as well as your router can open15:58
delacaudigy2 is not detected (not listed by either alsamixer or pulseaudio) even after several reboots, only hdmi audio shows? how to fix?16:00
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njillingsdelac> did you look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175085816:01
TriesteHi, I can't log into my Ubuntu One account, error "Authentication failed: OpenID authentication failed: Bad signature"16:03
meghado vmware, kvm, qemu works flawlessly with ubuntu ?16:04
meghabecause in arch linux i am fed up of config things after each kernel upgrade.. :(16:04
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meghais that the case with ubuntu too ?16:05
njillingsmegha> do you mean to host a vm on Ubuntu, or run Ubuntu in a vm?16:05
meghahost a vm on ubuntu...16:05
salamander_kane_njillings: ok thanks dude16:06
njillingsmegha> sorry haven't had any experience there16:06
meghanjillings: np :)16:06
muhammadbilalhi megha16:07
=== dc2 is now known as Guest72228
meghahi :)16:07
muhammadbilalhows ya?16:07
wallzeroHey, folks. Is it possible to have a SecureBoot work with a LUKS partition?16:09
delacnjillings: thanks. I gues my problem is something more profound, as the card doesnt seem to be recognized in any of the logs etc...16:10
cryptoei removed some classpath enteries form  /etc/bash.bashrc file  did a source /etc/bash.bashrc  but still in the env is see the entries Am i missing something here?16:11
squigis there a pack of different themes available for gnome3 fallback for 12.04?16:12
ubottuRaring can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/raring/desktop/ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/raring/server/ubuntu-13.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696916:13
mrwappiebluntgood evening16:14
TaylerKingI need help16:15
TaylerKingcould somebody help me?16:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:15
utfans05!ask | TaylerKing16:15
ubottuTaylerKing: please see above16:15
* tgm4883 pulls out his crystal ball16:15
TaylerKingGuys, when trying to upgrade from 12.04 LTS to 13.04, I get "dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 18332 package 'libgnutls-openssl27':  `Pre-Depends' field, invalid package name `multi!rch-support': character `!' not allowed (only letters, digits and characters `-+._') E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)"16:16
SwedeMikeTaylerKing: how are you upgrading?16:16
TaylerKingand I have tried with the update manager16:17
SwedeMikeTaylerKing: upgrade path is 12.04->12.10->13.04, not 12.04->13.0416:17
TaylerKingahh, how do I upgrade to 12.1016:17
TaylerKingI done sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:17
tgm4883TaylerKing, don't use -d16:18
tgm4883seriously, I wish we could scrub that from the internet16:18
TaylerKingsudo do-release-upgrade doesnt work16:18
TaylerKingit says No new release found16:18
TaylerKingso if I am being a pain in the ass16:18
tgm4883TaylerKing, are you fully up to date on 12.04?16:18
SwedeMikeTaylerKing: you have to reconfigiure software-manager (or wahatever it's called) to not only look for LTS releases.16:19
TaylerKingokay, gimmie a second16:19
tgm4883SwedeMike, +1, I had forgotten that16:19
TaylerKinglol, I just moved from windows to ubuntu.. like this better so far16:19
TaylerKingurgggh, now I get Software index is broken  It is impossible to install or remove any software. Please use the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get install -f" in a terminal to fix this issue at first.16:20
TaylerKinglemme do some updates and I will get back to you. Thanks16:20
* TaylerKing is afk *16:20
* TaylerKing is no longer afk *16:20
TaylerKingI am getting the multi!rch error again16:20
tgm4883Yea thats odd16:21
TaylerKingdpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 18332 package 'libgnutls-openssl27':  `Pre-Depends' field, invalid package name `multi!rch-support': character `!' not allowed (only letters, digits and characters `-+._') E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)16:21
TaylerKingI cannot find any solutions16:21
TaylerKingI might have to go back to windows :(16:21
tgm4883TaylerKing, seriously....16:21
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utfans05TaylerKing: just back up what you want to save and do a fresh 13.04 install if youw ant it16:22
oyeTrial and error, it's how we all learn. In my linux newbie days, I was reinstalling the OS every three days.16:22
TaylerKingWhenever I open Update manager I get "Not all updates can be installed Run a partial upgrade, to insall as many updates as possible"16:22
roastedQuestion - on 13.04 whenever I adjust my touchpad settings with the bottom of the 3 sliders, close, and reopen, the settings clearly don't stick. Another user duplicated this issue on a different system. Has anybody else seen this or know a way to work around it?16:22
sawjigTaylerKing, lol what16:22
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
th0roye, and my mentor kept screaming..."You don't reinstall linux...you FIX linux" <smile>16:23
BobJonkman1TaylerKing: At worst, you may have to re-install instead of upgrading. You'll be able to preserve you /home folder (which should contain most of you configuration data, unlike the Windows registry)16:23
oyeTaylerKing: Most likely you can't do nothing, as you're stuck in a kafkian dependency hell mess that has no way back. It's recommended a back up of your important data, and then proceed to a clean install of the distro and version of your wish.16:23
thecodeischaosi remember testing lots of linux distros years ago.... i ended up sticking with redhat...and now i use ubuntustudio16:23
sawjigerp oye is who I meant to lol what at. I cannot understand how you would have to reinstall all the time.16:23
tgm4883TaylerKing, what is the output of 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'16:23
TaylerKingthat doesnt work either16:23
TaylerKingI tried it with the flag -f16:23
sawjigWere you like rm -rf / or something?16:23
tgm4883TaylerKing, no, I asked what the output of it is16:23
TaylerKingok, lemme check again16:24
oyesawjig: I was trying this and that, and more than one distribution. When I play, I play fo' real! :-)16:24
tgm4883TaylerKing, or does it not list what packages are suppose to be installed16:24
TaylerKingE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/ E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?16:24
tgm4883oye, a reinstallation seems unnecessary.16:24
sawjigoye, must not have had to get any work done installing a new distro every three days :P16:25
TaylerKingThe thing is, I got alot of school and I am a web dev. I am not the best at programming on computers lol16:25
oyetgm4883: Seeing the last, I agree. :-)16:25
utfans05TaylerKing: did you do that as sudo?16:25
TaylerKingE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/ E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? What should I do now?16:25
oyetgm4883: I was young, much younger than now. :-)16:25
TaylerKingI am 11 lol16:25
oyeErr, meant for sawjig.16:25
utfans05TaylerKing: are you doing something with apt-get already? cause thats typically what that means16:26
tgm4883TaylerKing, Do you still have the graphical updater open?16:26
TaylerKingI aint got shit open16:26
TaylerKingonly chromium and terminal16:26
tgm4883and you ran that command with sudo?16:26
tgm4883something thinks it's currently locked16:27
TaylerKingand then I tried sudo -s and then apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:27
sawjigshould search processes real quick16:27
h00kTaylerKing: keep the language clean, please :)16:27
TaylerKingbut that didint work either16:27
utfans05im thinking he needs to reboot and free up apt-get16:27
sawjigmake sure it's not still running.16:27
tgm4883utfans05, +116:27
TaylerKingI tried16:27
TaylerKingI have had this problem last 2 days16:27
TaylerKingso I came here16:27
utfans05TaylerKing: go ahead and reboot, even if you have, do it again, then only run sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade then post the output here using pastebin16:28
utfans05!pastebin | TaylerKing16:28
ubottuTaylerKing: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:28
TaylerKingerr "The package system is broken"16:28
TaylerKingokay, lemme restart in a minute16:28
bugtraqdo you speak spanish?16:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:29
imgx64When I boot the live disk, the splash screen shows "<keyboard> equals <man in circle>". What does that mean? I'm just curious.16:29
ubottu日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。16:30
utfans05there it is16:30
costales /ignore #ubuntu* -ALL +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS16:30
vanishingkvothetech: hey..i finally compiled it! turns out its a bug16:30
tgm48832 letter country codes16:30
utfans05oh ok16:30
utfans05TIL #ubuntu uses 2 letter country codes :D16:30
Prock81with out encrypting home folder because its a family pc and they want auto login, and everyone is to use same settings, but also actual encryption is needed cause there is sensitive info that should be protected against theft... What could be used to lock/encrypt a Folder sitting on the desktop or where ever... with a different pass than the user account?16:31
tgm4883Prock81, truecrypt16:31
usr13TaylerKing: Just got here, but scrolling up I see that you were "trying to upgrade from 12.04 LTS to 13.04".  How do you skip 12.10?16:31
Prock81can u tell me more about it16:31
tgm4883!info truecrypt16:31
ubottuPackage truecrypt does not exist in raring16:31
vanishingProck81: you will love this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption16:31
utfans05usr13 you cant, you have to go through each one16:32
tgm4883Prock81, sure  http://www.truecrypt.org/16:32
usr13Taylor: Did you do a fresh install?'16:32
utfans05he logged off16:32
Ari-Yanguser82, you can't upgrade to 13.04 if you're on a LTS release. Though I might be wrong, I think you /can/ actually run a command in terminal for it to check updates of new ubuntu versions. You should google that. If that's the case, you might have to upgrade to 12.10 then 13.04, I know that one can't update from 12.10 to 13.10 (when it officially becomes released).16:33
tgm4883usr13, my guess is that either A) He didn't know he was actually upgrading to 12.10, or B) using the -d option does something funky16:33
usr13Sorry Taylor That was for TaylerKing16:33
vanishingAri-Yang: you can upgrade from LTS to any version I think16:33
jribAri-Yang: right, you /can/ upgrade, but you need to go through the releases in between16:33
Ari-Yangyeah but you have to run a command16:33
usr13tgm4883: I don't know about the -d option.  What is that?16:34
tgm4883usr13, it's specifically to upgrade to the "development" release16:34
tgm4883usr13, which is why people shouldn't be using it16:34
jribAri-Yang: one can just use update-manager.  But by default it will only check for LTS releases.  One needs to configure the option to check for all releases.  There should be no need to use -d16:34
vanishingusr13: usr13 you can find out the command with "man" or simple add --help16:34
Ari-Yangjrib, ah I see.16:34
Ari-Yangwell when I see 13.04 becomes more stable than it already is, I'll upgrade to it with software-updater. I'm on 12.10.16:35
usr13vanishing: What command?  do-release-upgrade?16:35
platzhirsch1I have all my media files (Pictures, Music, Videos) on another disk. Am I safe by just replacing the /home/user/music,pictures,videos folder by a symlink? Seems to work, just curious16:35
vanishingusr13: whichever command you are trying to use..16:35
vanishingfor example, if you are trying to use "cut" and you are unsure what -d means16:36
vanishingusr13: simply do man cut or cut --help16:36
mibofrahi guys16:36
roastedQuestion - on 13.04 whenever I adjust my touchpad settings with the bottom of the 3 sliders, close, and reopen, the settings clearly don't stick. Another user duplicated this issue on a different system. Has anybody else seen this or know a way to work around it?16:37
mibofrawhy online accounts uses firefox instead of the integrated api to authenticate in facebook?16:37
mibofra(ubuntu 13.10 dev branch)16:37
usr13tgm4883: I thoug you would just change edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades  and change Prompt=lts to Prmpt=normal.16:37
th0rroasted, a workaround...set the values using synclient. you can add a command line to bashrc so those settings are set at logon16:38
tgm4883usr13, yes that should be the correct way to do it (or graphically)16:38
mibofraoh sorry I'll write in #ubuntu+116:38
usr13vanishing: I'm not trying to use a command, I'm trying to figure out what TaylorKing's problem is.16:38
usr13tgm4883: Agreed.16:38
tgm4883usr13, but people post how to do it prior to release, then people google how to upgrade and see the -d option. The issue is people blindly run commands they find on the internet16:39
tgm4883usr13, a really, really STUPID thing to do16:39
roastedth0r: I tried using synclient, but when I do that it also makes my usb mouse absolutely crazy. I switch between the touchpad and usb mouse quite often.16:39
elijah_my ubuntu freezes up when it try's to goto lock screen, can someone help?16:39
Ari-Yangelijah_, what version?16:41
usr13vanishing: Thanks for the info, (it's good to let folks no how to easily find information about commands).16:41
vanishingusr13: :D16:41
usr13elijah_: You might trun off the lock option, or just turn off screensaver.16:42
elijah_how to turn off screen saver?16:42
elijah_new to linux16:42
elijah_my brother just installed this for me last night, got rid of windows.16:43
Prock81cryptkeeper will work in 13.04?16:43
=== phiwo_ is now known as phiwo
vanishingelijah_: easiest option is to go system settings and brightness and lock16:43
Prock81i ask cause i look at the reviews in the software center16:44
vanishingProck81: check this out16:44
vanishingProck81: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption16:44
usr13elijah_: Depends on what Desktop Environment you use.16:44
infexionelijah: Up on the top of the screen go to system -> preferences -> screensaver if you are using gnome16:44
elijah_ubuntu 13.0416:44
usr13elijah_: In unity, click Dashboard icon and stype screensaver16:45
usr13elijah_: (... or something like that).16:45
elijah_when I type it nothing shows up16:46
vanishingelijah_: try system settings16:47
jebemmajkuhi how to set the windows to owerlap panels beacuse i am using awn dock in bootom and when i open some apps thet are over all screen i cant poing on down corner of it to resize it?16:47
mcbasshello ! everybody16:47
CookieMhello mcbass16:48
vanishingjebemmajku: don't understand the question.16:48
mcbasshi! CookieM that's my first time here16:49
CookieMit's always somebody's first time16:50
jebemmajkuwhen i open an ap example text editor and it is streched by defoult like it is maxmized i can point on down corener of it beacuse my awn dock owerlaps it16:50
utfans05that upgrade guy come back yet?16:50
mcbassyep! you're right16:50
usr13utfans05: Don't think so...16:50
utfans05usr13: ok, im just waiting to hear from him.16:51
usr13utfans05: (He said brb but you know how those b-backers are.... :)16:51
vanishingjebemmajku: oh man...reading this makes my head hurt...16:51
vanishingjebemmajku: if your problem is what i think it is16:51
jebemmajkuvanishing:  yes?16:51
vanishingyou can right click on awn and go to preferences16:51
vanishingand choose a autohide mode16:52
jebemmajkuvanishing:  just to know i dont want to set it to autohide16:52
vanishingjebemmajku: if it does not hide, then it will always be in the way..16:52
vanishingwhich I think is the problem you are trying to solve...right?16:52
jebemmajkuvanishing:  no on kubuntu ther is a option to set what hes higher priority16:53
usr13jebemmajku: Can you elaborate/clarify?16:53
vanishingusr13: im confused now..16:53
usr13jebemmajku: So am I.  But you sai,  "i can point on down corener of it beacuse my awn dock owerlaps it" can you elaborate on it just a bit?16:54
vanishingProck81: btw, does that page solve your problem...:D16:54
usr13*said not sai16:54
vanishinga screenshot can be very helpful16:54
usr13vanishing: good point.16:54
usr13!paste | jebemmajku16:55
ubottujebemmajku: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:55
Prock81was still working with encfs ~/HideMe ~/SeeMe as a test before i tell my friend, ive convinced him to switch to linux16:55
jebemmajkuusr13:  in kubuntu ther is a option to set the priority of windows so if i maxmize windows it will go ower awn dock and i can clik on the window insted hire i cant beacuse awn dock goes ower it16:55
usr13jebemmajku: *(a picture is worth alotta words)*16:55
vanishingProck81: it works perfectly, trust me..:D16:55
Prock81ill look at both, he will will want GUI for it16:56
usr13jebemmajku: If you right click on the bar at top of a window, do you get "Always on top" option?16:56
vanishingProck81: there is actually a gui thingy for encfs16:56
vanishingits an indicator16:56
vanishinglet me dig it up for you16:56
Prock81i read in the revies in 13.04 the gui dont work for it16:56
vanishinghmm..let me grab that and test for you...16:57
vanishingProck81: should work..16:59
Prock81but u have to start it be command line first? then load gui?16:59
vanishingProck81: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/cryptfolder-indicator-ubuntu.html16:59
vanishingProck81: no..its an indicator17:00
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Prock81cause when i run cryptkeeper i get a lock icon in hte launcher but it does nothing17:00
vanishingProck81: oh..im not talking about cryptkeeper17:00
vanishingProck81: im talking about encfs with cryptfolder-indicator17:00
Prock81so both use encfs?17:01
vanishingProck81: im not familiar with cryptkeeper17:01
vanishingProck81: you can see cryptfolder-indicator as a front-end for encfs17:02
Prock81hay another question one of his drives is going bad so he wanted to move all that stuff currently crypted with a windows program....17:02
Prock81and while in linux i moved some of hte crypted files to usb then go back to windows to see if it can unlock it and it complane....17:03
vanishingProck81: yea..you can't do that im afraid..17:04
Prock81with the encfs can it be moved around as being locked and unlocked later on a different medium?17:04
vanishingProck81: yes17:04
Prock81sweet he will really love that17:04
Prock81cryptfolder-indicator not in software center17:05
vanishingProck81: did you read through the link i gave you?17:06
Prock81about to17:06
savioHello everyone17:06
vanishingyou have to add a ppa17:06
uvalawhile there is no change in any of my mail accounts' configurations, mails cannot be downloaded for errors like timeout:995, login incorrect, another session is open etc.17:07
uvalaI am using clawsmail17:07
Prock81encfs what is better block or stream17:10
boggleUpdateManagerWarningForUnity3D when upgrading 12.04 --> 12.10 on Lenovo ideapad U410 -- http://pastebin.com/tTj6azQv17:15
shafoxi have installed lubuntu 12.04 32bit. it isnt letting me to connect to the home wifi. it was working good while installing bt after restart its nt taking the password says auth failed what to do ??17:15
Ari-Yangshafox using proprietary wifi driver? if you aren't try that perhaps?17:17
savioshafox: did you set correct encryption option while configuring your WiFi access point17:17
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A1ReconIs there a command to update google-earth??17:18
vanishingA1Recon: depends on how you installed it originally17:18
shafoxAri-Yang: i am on compaq laptop it has intel pro 100 wireless17:18
shafoxsavio: i didnt config anything17:18
A1Reconvanishing: deb file from its site17:18
vanishingA1Recon: that way I'm afraid you will have to download the deb manually and install again17:19
vanishingA1Recon: but there is a google ppa I remember17:19
Ari-Yangshafox, see how I'm usin gthe wifi proprietary driver (Broadcam 802) http://gyazo.com/bbcb6b1dba1a4cb5a63ee30dcfb7b69217:19
A1Reconvanishing: BTW how does it differ if i installed it one way or the other ??17:19
A1Reconvanishing: and why does it differ?17:20
vanishingA1Recon: if you installed through the google ppa, you can use apt-get update && apt-get upgrade to upgrade packages17:20
shafoxAri-Yang: what am i looking for ?17:20
savioshafox: while configuring WiFi access point in network manager check encryption setting I.e WEP WAP etc17:20
Ari-Yangshafox, just go to software sources, go to 'additional drivers' see if you have proprietary wifi drivers.17:21
savioshafox: also check if propritery driver is available to you17:21
shafoxsavio: there is no network manager in lubuntu17:22
Prock81im just still looking at options, what is there difference from dm-crypt vs encfs17:22
shafoxAri-Yang: where to find the source?? source.list ??17:23
Ari-Yangshafox, if you're on lubuntu I suggest you join the channel #lubuntu and ask there.17:23
Ari-Yanggood luck17:23
shafoxAnyone around here knows lubuntu ?17:25
oalI installed a mail server (iRedMail), and it asked me to set a FQDN as my hostname. I did, but not permanently. Now after a reboot, everything works fine, but my hostname is just "mail" as before. Is there any disadvantages to not using a FQDN hostname?17:25
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drkphoenixit does not reconize my internal wireless chip17:27
A1ReconDoes anyone know why the partitions for my data storage (on another HDD) interchange their names between "New Volume" and New Volume1" ?17:27
saviooal:  I don't think that it will effect your operation but for DNS server FQDN is required to resolve your name server17:30
savioSorry mail server17:30
=== mpoirier is now known as mpoirier_lunch
A1ReconDoes anyone know why the partitions for my data storage (on another HDD) interchange their names between "New Volume" and New Volume1" ?17:31
oalsavio, thanks. I use CloudFlare for DNS, nothing on my server.17:31
oalsavio, so I should be good just using "mail" as my hostname then?17:32
vanishingA1Recon: you can change their name using gparted17:32
mauii have vlc and codecs but this doest play17:33
drkphoenixis there anyway to fix the computer not recognizing the wireless chip it is a 802.11 b/g broadcom bcm431117:33
saviooal:  http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fully_qualified_domain_name17:34
drkphoenixis there anyway to fix the computer not recognizing the wireless chip it is a 802.11 b/g broadcom bcm431117:34
swissdrkphoenix: lspci -k17:34
saviooal: it will not affect your mail server operation17:34
swisspastebin the output17:34
oalsavio, great. I'll read that article too. :-)17:35
swissoal: do hostname -f17:35
swissdoes that read your full hostname? or the short one17:35
drkphoenixthen what swiss17:35
oalswiss, it just says localhost17:35
swissdrkphoenix: pastebin the output17:35
A1Reconvanishing: K17:35
vanishingdrkphoenix: give him the link to the pastbin17:35
swissoal: ah, i was wondering if it had just changed ti there. What does /etc/mailname say?17:36
swissdrkphoenix: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17:36
drkphoenixwhat do i do here17:36
swissput the output of lspci -k17:36
oalswiss, that file contains my domain name17:36
swissoal: the full one? that's what your mail server reads as the fqdn17:37
drkphoenixi cant17:37
swissdrkphoenix: why not?17:37
drkphoenixi am not on the computer having the problems17:37
drkphoenixtalking to you17:37
swissdrkphoenix: i can't help you much if I can't get debugging output17:37
oalswiss, ok, good. What if I want to set up mail on several domains, will it still use that domain as a "base" domain, or do I add more to that file?17:37
drkphoenixso i have to manually copoy all of what came up then?17:38
bergelmirwill ~/.dpkg.cfg extend or replace my /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg? i think it extends it, but i want to be sure before create my own config file :)17:38
swissoal: uhh..... depends on the mail server. I don't know iRedMail17:38
vanishingdrkphoenix: or you can > output | pastebinit17:38
drkphoenixi dont know how to do that17:38
swissdrkphoenix: pastebin it on the other computer, give me the link17:38
drkphoenixok i will17:38
oalswiss, iRedMail is using postfix and dovecot. It has a control panel to add more domains, so maybe it handles it automatically :)17:38
mah454i can not install ubuntu 13.04 in my Laptop ! I have LVM partition  , in installer (ubiquity) : after partitioning system automatic restart .17:38
swissoal: in that case, it might. I have a way-too-complex mysql-database-domain+userauth method on mine to do that17:39
boaircanybody knows what kind of encryption is used for full-disk-encryption in ubuntu?17:39
boaircalso anybody knows how it impacts performance?17:40
oalswiss, thanks for the help. iRedMail was very easy to set up. 5-10 minutes, and I had it all set up. So it probably takes care of this too then17:40
swissoal: most likely. I just do the dovecot/postfix method to do real stupidity in their confs :)17:41
swissdrkphoenix: looks like it has a driver loaded, try running "rfkill list"17:41
swissyou should be able to jsut tell me what that one says17:41
Tisghubuntu has trouble detecting my wifi card17:42
Tisghhow do i fix that17:42
drkphoenixi entered it nothing happened17:42
swissTisgh: lspci -k, and pastebin it for me17:42
swissdrkphoenix: interesting.... that means that it's not reading the card even though the driver is loaded. Someone else might be able to help you better than i can, seems to be a more complex issue17:43
swissif I was on the computer, i might do some poking around in the syslog file to hunt for issues, but I don't know what to have you look for in particular17:44
drkphoenixis there anyone else here that can help17:44
vanishingdrkphoenix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:46
vanishingdrkphoenix: try this..might help17:46
drkphoenixi have tried it17:47
paulinowho can help me17:47
paulinohave a system that will not boot17:47
vanishingpaulino: def will_not_boot():17:47
johnsmithMy sound card isn't detected.17:47
paulinoit is not mountin the root lv17:48
johnsmithI reinstalled alsamixer and pulseaudio, but it still says dummy output in sound.17:48
lobatopaulino: do you have a usb with ubuntu live?17:48
iain_Hi all, i've got a bit of an overscan issue using an Alienware M11x when using a dualheaded setup connected to an HD TV via HDMI.  The X-session is using the onboard intel graphics card.......And I'm hitting an error when trying to use xrandr.17:48
BluesKajjohnsmith, any output from aplay -l17:49
paulinono a cd17:49
lobatothats great17:49
paulinolet me explain17:49
johnsmithit says no soundcards found17:49
iain_Should say right away that I'm actually using linux mint but that nobody there seems able to help....and since mint is based on ubuntu I thought I'd go back to the mothership to ask for help :)17:49
paulinoi ran out of space on the root lv17:49
DJonesiain_: I'm afraid mint isn't supported in this channel17:49
lobatoi see17:50
johnsmithI checked online, and it says that it might be a bug from the new kernel. I have ubuntu 13.04 BTW. Is there any way I can go back to the old kernel?17:50
lobatoand what happends on boot time?17:50
iain_djones> pretty pretty please could you help talk me through tweaking this, it's basically the same underlying OS, right? and most of what I need to do is tweaking terminal stuff which should be no different17:50
iain_when I type sudo xrandr --output HDMI1 --set underscan on17:51
imgx64What should be my first destination to ask a question, mailing lists or forums?17:51
iain_X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)17:51
iain_  Major opcode of failed request:  140 (RANDR)17:51
iain_  Minor opcode of failed request:  11 (RRQueryOutputProperty)17:51
iain_  Serial number of failed request:  3717:51
iain_  Current serial number in output stream:  3717:51
DJonesiain_: You'll wait for help in the Mint channel17:51
BluesKajjohnsmith, lspci . look for Audio Controller17:51
paulinoi added aother HDD17:51
FloodBot1iain_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:51
paulinotry to expand the lvm17:51
vanishingjohnsmith: yes you can, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/17:51
paulinoand it crashed17:51
lobatoit gives any error response?17:52
iain_Djones> I've been trying for hours on end each session or a month and a half now.....Some very helpful community members have tried.17:52
vanishingiain_: using compiz?17:53
netlarI though the kernals were backward compatible17:53
iain_nope, compiz doesn't work with cinnamon, would love to be using it....17:53
iain_vanishing> I do have it installed though (being a die-hard ubuntu fan I isntalled it before knowing it wouldn't work....could it be the issue?)17:54
DJonesiain_: Please stop asking, Mint isn't supported here#17:54
lobatoi have no experience with lvm so i can't help much about it. but what i 'd try, is to update and reinstall grub using your live cd17:55
vanishingiain_: I honestly don't know..17:55
vanishingiain_: if the mint channel can't help17:55
vanishingi would search "X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does  not exist)17:56
vanishingiain_: not sure if this is relevant: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177858417:56
Humanzi rembember for reinstall grub is fdisck17:57
johnsmithIs pulseaudio and alsa-base my sound drivers? Because I installed them and my computer's still showing no sound drivers.17:57
vanishingjohnsmith: if you go in a terminal and type alsamixer17:59
vanishingjohnsmith: anything shows up?17:59
iain_Thanks vanishing reading up, potentially one new lead thrown up ;-)17:59
vanishingiain_: np17:59
johnsmithIt says "no such file directory"17:59
Humanzwhat is alsamixer17:59
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vanishingHumanz: its a mixer for alsa driver18:00
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vanishingHumanz: sudo apt-get install alsa-utils18:01
jak2000i have the mailboxes  in /var/spool/mail/  my question is, i want delete all mailboexes (preview i make a backup), and recreate it with empty mailboxes? how to?18:01
vanishingHumanz: haha..actually wrong ping18:02
vanishingjohnsmith: sudo apt-get install alsa-utils18:02
johnsmithIt says that it's already in the installed.18:02
angsI want to resize sdb4 parition of my sd card by "resize2fs /dev/sdb4 1900M" but it outputs "open: No such file or directory while opening /dev/sdb4". could anyone tell me what is wrong with it?18:03
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dtcrshrhello , im adding a network printer, but the button "look for network addresses" does nothing18:03
dtcrshrhow do i fix this, or add manually a printer i know the ip18:03
vanishingjohnsmith: can you do cat /proc/asound/cards | pastebinit18:05
vanishingand give me the link?18:05
johnsmithIt says.The program 'pastebinit' can be found in the following packages:18:06
johnsmith * pastebinit18:06
johnsmith * pastebinit18:06
johnsmithTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>18:06
FloodBot1johnsmith: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:06
vanishingjohnsmith: or you can just cat /proc/asound/cards and pastebin the output18:07
johnsmithWhen i put "cat /proc/asound/cards" it just says "no soundcards"18:08
vanishingjohnsmith: sudo apt-get purge alsa-base pulseaudio && sudo apt-get install alsa-base pulseaudio && sudo alsa force-reload18:09
vanishingjohnsmith: see if that works18:10
mojtabaHi, Can anybody tell me what is the difference between the soft-link and hard-link? I did not get it.18:10
alecbhow can I manually set my gtk icon theme in a custom wm? (ie, by editing my .gtkrc-2.0 or something?)18:10
probymojtaba, https://www.google.tn/search?q=softlink+vs+hardlink&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a18:11
mojtabaproby: I have google it, but I did not get it as I was a windows user and pretty new to linux18:11
llutzmojtaba: http://techthrob.com/2010/09/26/softlinks-vs-hardlinks-a-quick-explanation/18:12
probymojtaba, soft link is a shortcut , hardlink is an actual copy18:12
=== vanishing is now known as vanishing-afk
mojtabaproby: Then why we use hard link instead of coping that file?18:13
probyread the tuto , am not that expert18:13
llutzproby: its not a copy of the contents18:14
probyllutz , :)18:15
AleXaWhat does word "mainline" in IT mean? Like "mainline Linux", "mainline Linux kernel", etc.18:15
sicarieHello, I have an HP server running ubuntu 12.04 and I'm trying to get their conrep app to work, but having issues18:16
johnsmithI did it, and it still says dummy output.18:16
sicarieIf I download the conrep files, it says it's failing on a lib, I google the lib, and it's lib2xml, I try to install that, and it's failing dependency perl-base18:16
sicarieAttempt to install perl-base I get18:16
sicarieperl : Depends: perl-base (= 5.14.2-6ubuntu2.2) but 5.14.2-6ubuntu2.3 is to be installed18:16
KWhat_WorkHey do you guys have a brunch command?  If so, What is it?18:17
=== vanishing-afk is now known as vanishing
ubottunavigator88: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:19
mojtaballutz: Thanks, I got it.18:21
alecbbump: how can I manually set my gtk icon theme in a custom wm? (ie, by editing my .gtkrc-2.0 or something?)18:23
fallouthey, how can I get debug symbols for the perf tool part of linux-tools-common?18:27
ajpcan someone help with an upstart script? http://pastebin.com/v7GzqKyL18:27
ninjabox_Hi everyone. Is there anyone here who could assist me with an issue im having?18:30
alecbninjabox_: irc etiquette: just ask, don't ask to ask18:31
ninjabox_Fair enough18:31
ajphaving trouble with upstart: http://pastebin.com/v7GzqKyL here's the script. The subscripts work but the upstart doesn't... I've tried starting and stopping the service with no luck18:31
ninjabox_My Network-Manager service has to be restarted every time i turn on my computer, any ideas?18:32
ninjabox_Wont connnect otherwise.18:32
killerhow can i change the dependency of a  deb file18:33
ajpkiller: you should be able to do it through the Ubuntu software center options18:33
vanishingkiller: most of the times you don't want to do that18:34
sicarieajp: any way to do it over command line? I think that might solve my issue as well18:34
vanishingkiller: but you can do it using dpkg-deb to extract the content, edit control, then rebuild using dpkg18:36
sicarievanishing: any way to force install a .deb without it checking dependencies?18:37
ajpsicarie: I'm sure there is a CLI way, I'm not sure of the exact way through CLI18:38
ajpvanishing is on the right track18:38
SonikkuAmericasicarie: Check the man pages: [ info dpkg ]18:39
vanishingsicarie: there is, but I can't pull it out of my head18:39
vanishingsicarie: i think its --force-depends or something18:39
sicarieThanks, SonikkuAmerica is right, I need to RTFM, I'm just on a bad connection so it's annoying :)18:39
SonikkuAmericasicarie: By no means is that an RTFM... at all18:40
=== vanishing is now known as vanishing-afk
sicarievanishing: it's --ignore-depends18:41
sawjigsicarie, you probably have the manpages installed locally unless you explicitly removed them..18:41
sawjigSo what does your bad connection have to do with it? :P18:41
mojtabaDoes anybody know rsnapshot utility?18:41
sicariesawjig: I do, I'm not local to the server. I have to connect to the annoying VPN that keeps dropping me18:41
=== vanishing-afk is now known as vanishing
vanishingsicarie: yep..thats the one..:D18:42
K4kIs there a way to edit the gfxboot.cfg in the isolinux directory to remove the language prompt from the install CD?18:43
sawjigsicarie, well you can look up manpages with google too you know :)18:43
sicarieThanks SonikkuAmerica and vanishing!18:43
SonikkuAmericasicarie: You're welcome18:43
sawjigDon't have to use the local manpages.18:43
killeranyoone can help me to edit dependency of *.deb file18:45
theadminkiller: You can't just do that, you'd have to rebuild the package from source.18:45
falloutany idea what package I need to get debug symbols in gdb for perf (linux-tools-common), currently get Reading symbols from /usr/bin/perf_3.5.0-25...(no debugging symbols found).18:46
eooanyone here18:46
eooive got a question18:46
killertheadmin: can't i just edit the control file of it18:47
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theadminkiller: That might work, but doesn't sound like a good idea to me... If a package depends on something it's usually for a reason18:48
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l057c0d3reoo, what was the question18:48
iain_vansihing> still no joy.....tried installing font packs for xorg via synaptic....18:48
eooim using ubuntu 1318:48
iain_and restarting x.....18:48
iain_same problem18:48
eoorunning cinnamon 1.818:48
probyeoo , one line18:48
theadmineoo: Cinnamon is not supported18:49
eooi know18:49
eoohow do i edit gdm wallapaper18:49
l057c0d3reoo  there is no actual tool to do it18:49
l057c0d3rand there are two different places that need to be edited18:49
killertheadmin: ubuntu dependency says linux-kernel-headers depends onlibc(2.14) while folks at ##linux says it doesn't depend on it18:49
eoowhere can i locate the file18:49
probyeoo , gdm version ?18:49
theadmineoo: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/how-to-customize-gdm-36-login-lock.html -- see here.18:49
l057c0d3rfirst get gdm3setup18:50
eoolatest i think18:50
eooive got that18:50
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eooi waana view the background-image file for gdm18:50
probyeoo , http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+edit+gdm+theme+cinnamon18:50
l057c0d3rk what i did was chose one of the default backgrounds..  and then went into /usr/share/backgrounds/gnome..  and replaced the selected one with the actual picture i had18:50
l057c0d3rthen replace the noisetexture.png in /usr/share/gnome-shell-theme/ with the same image only png version in18:51
eoodude im running ubuntu18:51
eoothanks <l057c0d3r>18:52
CYNI am trying to access a Time Machine Mac partition to get a file off there. I have managed to find a script which apparently has worked for some people but I am clueless at trying to get the directories correct in the script so it works. Basically I need to get one file from that hard drive, and I need help doing so using Ubuntu. Help would be appreciated18:52
l057c0d3rthen edit the .css file in /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/  search for the noiseytexture.png in that file18:52
l057c0d3rand look below it one or two lines..  u will see repeat..  replace with no-repeat18:53
eoonoisetexture.png does not exist there18:54
mojtabaDoes anybody know rsnapshot utility? I want to backup my server.18:54
mojtabaI want to do a whole backup18:54
mojtabaCan anybody help?18:54
l057c0d3rsomething like that18:55
l057c0d3rif u do an ls..  u should be able to find the one im talking about18:55
eoooh yeah18:55
eooi know what u mean18:55
llutzmojtaba: edit your rsnapshot.conf and add a line like "backup /    yourbackup-target/"18:55
mojtaballutz: I want to do a full backup of my server which I have ssh access to it. (mysqls, emails, files, ...)18:56
brontosaurusrex_mojtaba, looks like a perl script around rsync18:56
mojtababrontosaurusrex_: I am pretty new to linux and this is the first time I am doing this task.18:57
lavishhi all. I've bought a Lenovo B590 which is certified for ubuntu. The OS does not even boot unless acpi=off is provided as a kernel parameter. This happens on both 12.04 and 13.10.18:57
llutzmojtaba: yes, and if you want to use rsnapshot for it, you have to configure it18:57
mojtaballutz: can you help me for its configuration?18:57
vsMSHi. Can anyone help with this error: /usr/sbin/grub-setup: issue: unable to identify a filesystem in hd1; safety check can't be performed.?18:58
brontosaurusrex_mojtaba, i always end up doing custom scripts18:58
mojtababrontosaurusrex_: How do you do it?18:58
brontosaurusrex_mojtaba, bash scripting18:58
mojtababrontosaurusrex_: May I know your way of doing it?18:59
brontosaurusrex_mojtaba, its usually like: a. copy from a to backup/a and b to backup/b b. export mysql databases to backup/mysql ... ect c. compress everything18:59
killercan u guys help me with this "dpkg-deb: error: control directory has bad permissions 700 (must be >=0755 and <=0775)18:59
brontosaurusrex_mojtaba, but iam not a server expert19:00
mojtababrontosaurusrex_: May I have those commands in detail?19:00
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brontosaurusrex_mojtaba, hold on ...19:00
mojtababrontosaurusrex_: Thanks19:01
vsMSkiller: it looks like the deb you're trying to build has wrong permissions in debian/control19:01
llutzkiller: chmod 755 path/to/your/project/control19:01
MonkeyDustmojtaba  like so sudo rsync -avv --progress --delete /home/username [remote user@remote ip address]:/home/username/backup19:02
mojtabaMonkeyDust: Does this backup the databases also?19:02
MonkeyDustmojtaba  thhe whole of /home19:02
mojtabaMonkeyDust: Is the database available in the home? Because I could not find them there.19:03
MonkeyDustmojtaba  the people in #ubuntu-server can tell you better19:03
eoour awesome :p19:04
mojtabaMonkeyDust: Thanks19:04
killeri dun know but it is unable to change them , even as sudo user19:04
l057c0d3ryoru welcome eoo19:04
l057c0d3rhere's some fun..  as a normal user  type apt-get moo19:04
vanishingkiller: elaborate?19:04
vanishingkiller: error messages?19:04
brontosaurusrex_mojtaba, keep in mind that this is specific for my purposes, but you should easily hack around that, its pretty simple and direct.19:05
mojtababrontosaurusrex_: Yes, thanks19:05
bjdi have been out of linux for a while now19:05
bjdi'm running ubuntu and i need to install PHP that I download from the php website19:05
bjdbut it is not a standard .deb file19:06
MonkeyDustbjd  use tasksel to install php et al19:06
bjdhow does one install software from binary19:06
killervanishing: after changingg the permissions , it still is saying "dpkg-deb: error: control directory has bad permissions 700 (must be >=0755 and <=0775) "19:07
l057c0d3rwell if its a .deb file....  gdebi works rather nice19:07
bjdMonkeyDust, thanks will have a look at tasksel19:07
vanishingkiller: what command are you executing?19:07
l057c0d3roh just seen that its not a standard deb  heh19:07
killerchmod 755 tmpdir/DEBIAN/control , also tried it as  a  superuser19:08
killerdpkg -b tmpdir linux.deb19:08
bjdMonkeyDust, I don't have tasksel installed?19:08
MonkeyDustbjd  it's in the repos, instal it like any other package19:09
brontosaurusrex_bjd, visit ubuntu server docs19:09
brontosaurusrex_bjd, probably https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP19:10
bjdbrontosaurusrex, thanks.19:11
bjdbrontosaurusrex, once installed - can I upgrade the mysql and php versions?19:14
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brontosaurusrex_bjd, they will be upgraded to whatever is the latest version in repos19:15
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bjdbrontosaurusrex, thanks.19:15
brontosaurusrex_bjd, dunno about manual upgrades, never done that on a server19:16
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treehau55hello, can anyone provide me a stock, default, never edited before nsswitch.conf that comes on a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04?19:33
th0rtreehau55, have you looked in /usr/share/base-files?19:34
treehau55ill check19:37
treehau55yeah its there, the problem is, I installed some crappy software that modified the nsswitch conf and I am not sure if this is the stock copy or not19:38
th0rtreehau55, the modifiled file should be in /etc19:38
treehau55lets see if this solves my problem19:39
treehau55i have had port 80 issues ever since I installed this gem19:39
mustmodifyDoes anyone here have experience with chroot?19:40
bestdndis there a way to have the terminal at alt+f1 run utop on startup?19:41
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:41
mustmodifybecause I didn't want to flood you with a long explanation, especially if it would produce no results.19:41
mustmodifyBut ok here goes.19:41
bestdndis there a way to have the terminal at alt+f1 run htop on startup?19:43
alecbis there a way to get dzen2 xft support without having to manually compile it?19:44
histotreehau55: the only diff is the hosts line: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns419:44
mustmodifyI am using chroot to jail certain SFTP **note, sftp not ftp** users who wish to deposit sensitive data onto my server to have it processed. I created a group, sftp, whose users are automagically chrooted. I have an app, running as "regular" (not root, not chroot) user "app". The app wishes to process those files and then delete them. But because of the permissions on that directory (which I thought when setting this up were requirements to get chroot to 19:44
histoalecb: yes19:45
brontosaurusrexbestdnd, put htop into .bashrc ?19:45
histoalecb: You'd have to to set it to auto login then edit your bash_profile or bashrc to run htop on start if it auto logged in on tty119:45
vsMSHi. Can anyone help with this error: /usr/sbin/grub-setup: issue: unable to identify a filesystem in hd1; safety check can't be performed.?19:45
alecbhisto: I think you confused me with bestdnd ?19:46
roastedQuestion - I'm noticing that within the touchpad menu of system settings that none of the settings I adjust (in terms of the sliders) stay in place when I close and reopen. Is anybody else seeing this, or am I doing something wrong?19:46
th0rvsMS, a guess would be that you have /dev/hd1 in the grub config, when it should be something like /dev/hda1 or /dev/hdb119:46
bestdnd<brontosaurusrex>, where is this file? how do i set it to login?19:46
histobestdnd: let me find you some linkage19:47
iceroot_bestdnd: ~/.bashrc19:48
iceroot_bestdnd: but dont!!! put htop in that file19:48
brontosaurusrexbestdnd, cat ~/.bashrc19:48
vsMSth0r: no, I don't have /dev/hda1 or /dev/hdb1. In my system I have two 3TB disks without any partition on it. They are configured as raid1 and containing a LVM19:48
th0rraid....would have been nice to know that19:49
wNand now you know ◕‿◕19:49
histobestdnd: http://www.debianadmin.com/how-to-auto-login-and-startx-without-a-display-manager-in-debian.html   same principal19:49
mauiis it true that you are in danger of windows virus if you use wine?19:49
bekksvsMS: The grub device hd1 is the equivalent of /dev/sdb19:50
mauiwhat about hackers? do i need a fireweall?19:50
iceroot_maui: you are not in danger19:50
mauiyea yea everyone say that iceroot19:50
iceroot_maui: then why asking?19:50
mauihow do you know that ppl out there wont make viruses for ubuntu?!19:50
mauias they make for windows19:50
iceroot_!virus | maui19:50
ubottumaui: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus19:50
mauithats not a logical answer is it? ''you dont need it... ''--> BUT why not?!19:51
MonkeyDustmaui  because, if someone would make one, 1000 others woud find and cure it19:51
iceroot_maui: you cant know, of course there can be virus but19:51
MonkeyDustmaui  before it can do harm19:51
iceroot_maui: its not an issue in the GNU/Linux world19:51
mauiso programmers keep fixing ubuntu viruses? is that what you say?19:52
vsMSubottu: trust me: I get reports of about 400 virus events on our linux systems per day ;-)19:52
ubottuvsMS: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:52
yeatsmaui: you can install clamav if you're paranoid19:52
iceroot_maui: they keep fixing bugs and exploits19:52
wilee-nileemaui, Name the advantages for making badware for linux, people do it foe reasons, usually income.19:52
vanishingvsMS: you are talking to a bot..19:52
iceroot_maui: just install the latest security updates and then everything is fine19:52
mauippl make viruses to steal info19:52
iceroot_maui: you have a technical support question?19:53
mauihow do i install the latest security updates?19:53
iceroot_maui: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:53
iceroot_maui: or use the software center which is offering you updates automaticly19:53
yeatsmaui: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/tutorials/l-harden-desktop/ - an older article, but the programs and setup haven't changed - not necessary for casual use, but sounds like you have more concerns than most19:53
wilee-nileemaui, What is the % of people using open sources and is this a profitable pursuit, in comparison to MS.19:53
iceroot_wilee-nilee: of course it is19:54
iceroot_wilee-nilee: Linux is the most used system in the world (expect desktops)19:54
iceroot_wilee-nilee: smartphones, router, server, embeded systems and so on19:54
wilee-nileeiceroot, Yu miss my point here19:54
vsMSth0r: do you have an idea about my issue?19:54
roastedQuestion - I'm noticing that within the touchpad menu of system settings that none of the settings I adjust (in terms of the sliders) stay in place when I close and reopen. Is anybody else seeing this, or am I doing something wrong?19:54
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alecbcan someone just mention my nick? -- configuring my client19:55
MonkeyDustalecb  i love you19:56
MonkeyDustthat all right?19:56
bekksMonkeyDust: We wont tell your wife ;)19:56
Guest40744maui: most virus infections come trough installing infected software. If you limit yourself to only install software through ubuntu software center it is very very likely that you won't get any virus from there. Software there come from source code, or thrustworthy sources, is carefully tested...19:57
brontosaurusrexGuest40744, he is talking about wine19:57
Guest40744maui: the windows world suffers a lot from virus infection because of the default software installation method: you get a software from someone who may have been infected, or download the software from "somewhere" on the internet...19:58
brontosaurusrexand if wine is any good, than it should run viruses as well19:58
iceroot_brontosaurusrex: it does19:58
iceroot_brontosaurusrex: but it will not affect the GNU/Linux system19:58
Guest40744maui: about viruses coming from wine... I remeber someone testing it from a long time ago19:58
brontosaurusrexno, but it can probably kill a user dir?19:58
iceroot_brontosaurusrex: it can kill everything which belongs to the user wine is executed19:59
iceroot_brontosaurusrex: because of that you should NEVER use root-shells or something else when not needed19:59
genii-aroundIf you set some wine drive letter to a real directory the user owns it's entirely possible19:59
Guest40744but, for a program to infect a linux system coming from wine, it should have been specifically designed for it. Why someone would create and another person actually run it is beyond my mind19:59
Guest40744it cant do any harm besides your personal data if you don't run it as root20:00
iceroot_maui: the windows-program which is running inside wine can only access the wine-prefix-dir not your home, because the default that your home can not be accessed20:01
iceroot_maui: and if you are afraif of wine can kill your system DONT USE WINDOWS-SOFTWARE. Use FOSS software from the ubuntu repos instead. its that easy and i guess everything is said to that topic20:02
netlarIf you trying to shutdown from the login screen and someone is still logged in, there is suppose to be a safety key right?20:02
BluesKajmaui, http://hothardware.com/Reviews/Why-Linux-Will-Never-Suffer-From-Viruses-Like-Windows/20:03
bekksnetlar: Uhm - no. If root shuts down the box (or someone with the privileges to do so), it will be shut down.20:03
genii-aroundiceroot_: If you did something unsafe like put D:  as /home/yourusername conceivably something malicious could wipe it out from in WINE20:04
mustmodifyI am using chroot to jail certain SFTP **note, sftp not ftp** users who wish to deposit sensitive data onto my server to have it processed. I created a group, sftp, whose users are automagically chrooted. I have an app, running as "regular" (not root, not chroot) user "app". The app wishes to process those files and then delete them. But because of the permissions on that directory (which I thought when setting this up were requirements to get chroot to 20:04
netlarbekks: ok, thanks, but I when I try to shutdown at the login screen and I am still logged in, then press the shutdown button from the dialog box, it will hand and I have to manually turn off the machine20:05
iceroot_genii-around: and when i start my x-session as root, and if i delete my home, and if i execute dd thew wrong way and when i chmod 777 the complete system and so on20:05
bekksnetlar: Then it is actually working - didnt knew that something like that was implemented at all.20:06
genii-aroundiceroot_: Yup20:06
iceroot_genii-around: if you do stupid things, hopefully everything will break20:06
iceroot_genii-around: so that you learn why it was wrong20:06
iceroot_genii-around: s/you/someone20:06
netlarbekks: Well not sure it is actually working, becuase I still need to push the power button on the computer to shut it down cause Ubuntu screen just feezes20:07
vanishingnetlar: next time try the magic sysrq key..feels more subtle..:D20:07
bekksnetlar: So the basic information is "my ubuntu freezes when trying to shut it down" - why didnt you tell us that from the beginning? :)20:07
netlarbekks: sorry for the missinformation20:08
netlarbekks: I was just reading a post on launch pad about a safety key20:09
bagabuntuis anyone using 13.04 64 bit?20:09
vanishingbagabuntu: a lot i think20:09
bagabuntuvanishing:  are you?20:09
vanishingbagabuntu: im running 64 13.1020:10
bagabuntui need some help20:10
mauido i have to manually sudo update the rkhunter:(?20:10
iceroot_maui: sudo update is not for updating packages20:11
bagabuntui need siomeone to get me builld-essencials whit all dependicis for 13.0420:11
bagabuntuvanishing:  i can only dl 13.04 on site20:12
netlarSo no one has tried to shutdown the machine from the login screen when someone is logged in?20:12
vanishingbagabuntu: ah..can't help you with that...20:13
bagabuntuther is no more on cd20:13
vanishingbagabuntu: yea, i upgraded from 13.04 alpha20:13
bagabuntuand i can dl packets from internet 1 by 1 but i dont know what20:13
bagabuntusomone using 13.04 64bite?20:14
usr13netlar: Does sudo shutdown -now   or   sudo halt  work from tty620:14
iceroot_!offline | bagabuntu20:14
ubottubagabuntu: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD20:14
vanishingbagabuntu: i believe you can get that information on launchpad20:14
iceroot_bagabuntu: alsp packages.ubuntu.com20:14
bagabuntuty will try20:15
netlarusr13: ok, but that is great.  I am just thinking of maybe giving this computer to people that on not that savy with regards to cli20:15
vanishingbagabuntu: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/amd64/build-essential/11.6ubuntu420:15
vanishingcheck the package relationships part at the bottom20:15
netlarusr13: but thanks for the work around20:15
bagabuntuther is no raring hire http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/20:16
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:16
vanishingbagabuntu: huh?20:18
BluesKajvanishing, think he meant higher as in more recent20:19
vanishingBluesKaj: that build should be the most recent one on raring..20:19
bagabuntuvanishing: SOUD I GET Package crossbuild-essential-arm64 or normal?20:21
vanishingbagabuntu: erm....you just need normal i think20:22
savioSanpreet: hi greetings20:23
netlarI ran Fedora for a few days, and when I attempted to log out it gave me a new dialog box asking for admin password to shutdown.  That was kind of what I was expecting with Ubuntu20:23
SanpreetDo anybody know about bash20:23
th0rSanpreet, lots of folks20:23
vanishingSanpreet: its the default shell...i think a lot of ppl know it20:24
bagabuntuvanishing:  omg and half of pacages buils essencal depends  have other packages thet depends20:24
vanishingbagabuntu: lol..thats why apt-get build-dep is good20:25
bagabuntui go die20:25
vanishingbagabuntu: my bad20:25
vanishingwrong command20:25
Loshki!ask | Sanpreet20:26
ubottuSanpreet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:26
SanpreetWhat is bash script20:28
Sanpreetwhat is kernel20:29
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro20:29
th0rSanpreet, you might want to start by reading some of the docs on the linux documentation projecxt20:29
Sanpreetapplication of electronics using linux20:30
Sanpreethow to learn kicad20:31
SanpreetAny help20:31
roastednew kernel broke my suspend <_<20:31
k1lSanpreet: do you have a ubuntu support question?20:31
vanishingSanpreet: you will have to go on kicad site and research there...20:31
k1lSanpreet: for general tech/ubuntu-talk we have #ubuntu-offtopic20:32
vanishingroasted: 3.9 kernel?20:32
Sanpreetwhat is new in ubuntu 13.0420:32
roastedvanishing: no, 3.8.0-21 over 3.8.0-19. But cancel that, it seems to be working now that I've rebooted 4 times.20:32
vanishingroasted: lol..the same thing happened tome today..20:33
roastedvanishing: suspend broke until you rebooted a few times?20:33
savioSanpreet: new kernal new unity stack and lot more20:33
vanishingupgraded kernel to 3.9.2 pf, and suspend is broken..20:33
vanishingreboot couple times and its fine again20:33
belgianguyhow do I find out the StartupWMClass20:33
roastedI hope it stays fine. I'd hate it to be inconsistent about when it suspends and when it doesn't20:33
belgianguyof an application?20:34
roastedhow long have you been on 3.9.2 vanishing?20:34
vanishingbelgianguy: i think you are in the wrong channel for that question20:34
vanishingroasted: vanishing is a proud user of 3.9.2 kernel since this morning..:D20:34
vanishinghas been*20:34
roastedsnazzy :P20:34
belgianguyvanishing: it's for adding an entry to Unity20:34
vanishingbelgianguy: ye..but still20:35
m3t4lukashey, is there a propgram that turns up the cpu fan speed?20:36
belgianguyvanishing: then where should I go?20:36
vanishingbelgianguy: probably #ubuntu-offtopic or something..20:37
histom3t4lukas: it's handled by power management which is all built into the kernel now.20:39
histom3t4lukas: You maybe be able to adjust it with different acpi tools if there are any.20:39
supersecondbesides pidgin and empathy messengers, are there any better ones?20:39
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Fieldyhello, I have a squid proxy I'd like to run all my ubuntu systems through to include apt. I defined http_proxy HTTP_PROXY ftp_proxy and FTP_PROXY properly in /etc/bash.bashrc and then exported those variables, rebooted and logged back in...20:41
Fieldyhowever sudo apt-get update does not hit the proxy nor does any other apt action. if I su -   to root first, and then run the apt commands, it does hit the proxy.20:42
Fieldybad time to ask a question with all the splits i guess. will try again later20:42
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supersecondoh ok20:46
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m3t4lukasI think 65°C are a bit much...20:49
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:51
batmitehow do you remove duck sauce from a ubuntu laptop20:54
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vanishingbatmite: whats that..20:55
batmite:) just kidding around.20:55
b3nhi --- i installed     ttf-mscorefonts but not showing in libreoffis21:10
b3nusing 13.0421:10
surio_Greetings room!21:11
surio_I have Mint 14 installed on one partition, and subsequently, Grml (another debian distro) on another partition. Grml install botched up the MBR/bootloader, but I have now recovered the MBR. However, when I run "update-grub" from Mint, it seems to pick up Windows which is on another disk, but not Grml which is on the same disk :-P FWIW, the partition containing Grml is mounted :)21:11
genii-aroundb3n: Try:  xset fp rehash     ...if you have not logged off and back on after installing them21:11
b3nin terninal ?21:12
surio_I am thinking, this was fixed as they are perhaps related, in a way? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/74841321:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 748413 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "update-grub does not detect archbang on the other partition" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:12
genii-aroundsurio_: This is not Mint support :)21:12
genii-around!mint | surio_21:12
ubottusurio_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:12
gtm157hi im having a problem with dapper drake distro of ubuntu can anyone help21:13
k1l!eol | gtm15721:13
ubottugtm157: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:13
genii-aroundgtm157: What you probably want there is the second link the bot provides21:13
auronandacegtm157: dapper (6.06) is really old, hasn't been supported for years21:14
gtm157i know im running a legacy server21:14
b3ngenii-around i'll log out and bak in21:14
gtm157its a duel pentium 3 with 512 mb ram system21:14
gtm157modern distros wont hold on it21:15
genii-aroundgtm157: You're running such an old LTS that even the next LTS of 8.04 is now EOL21:15
surio_genii-around: I know. I've come from there. They don't know what's wrong21:16
surio_rather didn't know what to do21:16
surio_genii-around: Of course, there's that link from launchpad :)21:17
genii-aroundsurio_: You could ask generally in ##linux , but persisting in here will only annoy21:17
SonikkuAmericagtm157: Whaddaya mean, modern distros don't wor - Oh, Pentium III you said? Hate to say it, but I don't think even Lubuntu will fit.21:17
gtm157genii-around: all im trying to do is configure the internet to work cause im not getting a signal from a direct hard line at all and nothing is showing up in network config besides the default ip adress and subnet mask i dont need OS help and i know its outdated but like i said the legacy system in running wont support anything newer21:17
gtm157even DSL barely wanted to take21:18
gtm157its a duel pentium 3 blade server with 4 160gb scuzzy drives i got for free21:19
KamarisCould anyone tell me which logfile might contain the MAC address of connecting computers? Preferably something that is historical to the system? I need to go back several months to see if I can find the MAC address of a system on my local network.21:19
zykotick9scuzzy drives ;) gtm157 it's SCSI21:19
gtm157forgot abv21:20
histoKamaris: connecting how21:20
gtm157hardline cable21:20
genii-aroundgtm157: Are you using some layout like network card -> router/modem->internet with dhcp, or are you using something like roaring penguin/pon-poff adsl direct login with modem bridged?21:20
gtm157internet NIC card built into Motherboard direct to router21:20
Kamarisany computer that may have accessed data on the ubuntu server, maybe either through SMB or HTTP...21:21
llutzKamaris: those wouldn't transfer/log mac-addresses21:22
Kamarisok. i can't think of any other methods i used to communicate with the system that might have logged the MAC by chance.21:22
histoKamaris: I doubt you are going to find a log by mac you may find ip address loges like /var/log/wtmp etc...21:23
Kamarisbasically, i need the MAC address in order to gain traction on a burglarly case where my main desktop was stolen from my apartment. the police won't pursue it without a MAC address for my NIC to definitively say the system is mine. The router logs have long since cycled since the robbery happened in January. Ubuntu logs were my last hopes of getting a MAC21:24
histoKamaris: How are you viewing the logs if your system was stolen?21:25
gtm157genii-around : in the network settings the cable connection doesnt even show up the only on is modem connection which its saying is not configured21:25
ubuntouristWorking with the command line only, if I add a new user to a custom Live CD, how do I set that user as the auto-logged in? (I'm trying to create a "user" only CD so that people booting from it cannot screw with the hard disk of the host machines.)21:25
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histoKamaris: did your system dhcp the network or the router?21:25
vanishingdoes firewall logs contain mac addresses?21:25
Kamarishisto: main desktop was Windows based, my ubuntu server was not stolen21:25
bekksvanishing: Depends on what they are logging.21:25
Kamarishisto: the router unfortunately21:26
histoKamaris: also that's kind of silly that they won't pursue without a mac address. there are plenty of other ways to prove the system is yours.21:26
zykotick9vanishing: MAC addresses would only be useful for local network...?21:27
histoKamaris: You could perform a grep of your /var/log/* searching for mac addresses .  What type of desktop was it?21:27
Kamarishisto: the police refused to even give consideration to my case because it's just property theft... after 3 months, my dropbox account on that desktop came online from a different city in the state i lived. i recontacted the police and explained my system had not been wiped and it was online, and how i had not changed my dropbox password in hopes of this happening21:27
histoKamaris: for instance was it a home built or is a dell/hp etc...21:27
Kamarisafter a full day of begging and pleading, they finally assigned aaaaa detective to call me for more info21:28
Kamaristhat was last month... and now after an additional month, he says he can't do anything without a MAC21:28
histoKamaris: pm me please21:28
Kamarishisto: home built, ASUS onboard NIC21:28
llutzKamaris: sudo grep -ri '[0-9A-F]\{2\}\(:[0-9A-F]\{2\}\)\{5\}' /var/log/*                    but i doubt you'll find any useful info21:28
Ben64Kamaris: do you have the motherboard box21:29
Kamarisi do have the motherboard box, and i supplied the serial from the box to the police21:29
Ben64it should also have the mac on the box21:29
histoKamaris: The mac shouldb eon the box for the mobo21:29
Ben64and if its home built it should be way easier to tell its yours21:30
Ben64ya, rly21:30
Kamarisok... need to figre out a way to look at the box... i'm in cali for work, box is in texas at homestead21:30
Kamarislet me see if i can facetime someone to check out the box21:30
Ben64its dumb that they need the mac though21:30
Kamarisi agree21:30
Ben64you can't track someone with a mac address21:30
histoBen64: they are probably trying to put enough together for a search warrant21:30
Kamarisbut i must stress how hard it's been to get someoen to even look a tmy case21:30
Kamarisyes, actually, what histo said. i gave them the connecting IP's info from dropbox, and after 4 weeks, this is the follow up request, "need mac to do anything"21:31
histoKamaris: I would assume that someone logging into your dropbox would be enouhg evidence to obtain a warrant though.. Well atleast with the courts I am familiar with.21:32
tacomasterlol how would you even go about tracking a mac address you would have to be on the same lan as them because the mac address is never broad casted outside of the router it is the way the router separates traffic for internal and external address21:32
oconnoreHi, can someone help me figure out where the best place would be to report a bug? My bug is that on the 3.8 kernels distributed with 13.04, my wifi card will see available networks, but can't reliably connect to them. Downgrading to a 3.5 kernel (from 12.10) fixes the problem, and I can then connect to wifi networks successfully.21:32
zykotick9tacomaster: +121:32
Ben64or contact asus and see if they can get the mac from the serial21:32
ubuntouristoconnore Have you aready poked around on http://launchpad.net/? That's the typical place to file bugs.21:33
Kamarisreally good suggestions, ty21:33
sgt_fragwellevenin' all21:33
Kamaristrying to contact someone in the house still to see the box21:33
zykotick9!bug > oconnore21:34
ubottuoconnore, please see my private message21:34
tacomastersgt_fragwell: hello :D21:34
KamarisWell, looks liek no one is at home. I will follow back up in here later if I get any progress. Thank you to those that took the time to respond. I greatly appreciate your input.21:35
oconnorethanks zykotick9. ubuntourist -- I looked around but it wasn't clear which package I should report the bug against. NetworkManager, kernel-ppa, laptop-testing, etc. all seem related.21:36
zykotick9oconnore: personally, i'd report against the kernel.  if it's wrong, the bugs-team will sort it out for you.21:37
oconnorezykotick9: Ok, thanks21:37
cbx33hi all, I upgraded from 12.04 -> 12.10 -> 13.0421:37
ubuntouristI'm guessing that at least while I'm chrooted into the custom ISO image, I can just do a "passwd" to take care of the original auto-logged-in user and a useradd (or adduser) to create an unprivileged one. But from the command line, how do I make that the automatically logged in user?21:37
cbx33problem, unity doesn't have any menu bars or anything21:37
cbx33i just about have window decorators21:38
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espereguis it possible to write to a file in a pipe and replace its contents on every write?21:39
genii-aroundesperegu: Generally it's  > filename  for create or overwrite and >> for append21:42
esperegugenii-around: that will add all items to that file21:42
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esperegugenii-around: I only want one line in the file21:42
tacomasteresperegu: not with the > it deletes everything and rewrites it21:43
genii-aroundesperegu: Then pipe it through something which extracts the line before you write it21:43
esperegugenii-around: so if I have a file with text and i do 'cat textfile > newfile' I want the newfile only to contain the last line of the textfile21:43
tacomasteresperegu: look in to grep21:44
esperegutacomaster: I use grep21:44
Ben64tail -n1 textfile > newfile21:44
genii-aroundesperegu: Then you insert something like: cat textfile | tail -n1 > filename21:44
esperegulemme be more clear21:44
espereguI have a tcpflow running. And on each match I want it to write to that file21:45
esperegubut I want only the last item in the file21:45
espereguso it needs to overwrite it for each matching line21:45
g0thhi when I do xset fp+ (some directory with mathematica fonts) I get: "xset:  bad font path element (#6), possible causes are:"21:45
g0thany ideas?21:45
g0thI get the same message if I start mathematica21:46
espereguit is something like this: tcpflow -p -c -i eth2 src host myhost and port 80| grep --line-buffered -oE ".* HTTP/1.[01] 200 OK"  | sed -u "s@.*@$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) @" > test.log21:46
espereguand I want to have test.log to only contain the last matching date21:47
andres_help me21:50
K1lleDhello guys, i try to share one folder, my sister have laptop with windows 8. i have ubuntu 12.04. i share folders with samba, but when she try ot open folder have a error message: you dont have acces to this folder, and didnt ask her for name+pass to open folder.21:51
* madprops helps andres_ 21:51
K1lleDmmmmm sry for my bad english btw21:51
clctoK1lleD: where is the folder you are sharing?21:53
goddardis anyone else annoyed that the automatic updater pops up every time i do an apt-get update21:53
goddardhow can i disable the automatic updates?21:53
tacomasterK1lleD: Check the permissions of the folder21:53
clctoK1lleD: if its in home, you will need to add executable permissions to /home/user/21:55
K1lleDclcto: , folder is in /media/.../downloads21:55
clctoand what are the permissions of /media/... and /media/.../downloads21:57
ahammondwhere can I find a 12.04 package of libzmq1 libzmq-dbg and libzmq-dev for ZeroMQ 2.1.7? I need that specific version.21:57
tacomasterK1lleD: /media is out of reg user permissions you probally need to add read and write permissions21:57
goddardahammond: probably in archive.ubuntu.com21:57
ahammondgoddard: thanks, I'll take a look21:57
tacomasterK1lleD: normally /media is owned by root unless you have changed it21:57
K1lleDhow i can give premmision on /media ... i have movies and music, and i want to share21:58
ironhalikanyone having segfaults after upgrading to 3.8.0-21?21:58
K1lleDto my sister can watch movies21:58
clctoK1lleD: man chmod21:59
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usr13clcto: drwxr-xr-x  20 root  root  4096 May 16 13:01 media  Is what it's supposed to be.22:04
clctothats fine22:04
usr13KingK_: How do you want to share them?22:04
usr13K1lleD: How do you want to share?22:05
usr13sorry clcto KingK_  Those posts were supposed to be for K1lleD22:05
andres_How can i program in C#?22:05
usr13K1lleD: What do you want to share and how do you want to share it?22:06
usr13andres_: Learn the language22:06
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K1lleDusr13: i want my sister open in her windows 8 "network" folder and see my computer and open folders and download and delete files22:06
K1lleDand etc.. full access22:06
andres_But in ubuntu?22:06
K1lleDto this folder i want to give her22:06
tacomasterandres_: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/programming-languages/c-sharp/22:06
K1lleDthis is a folder only with movies and music22:06
clctoandres_: you can program in any text editor, compiling is a different story22:07
usr13andres_: There are a number of wesites you can go to that might get you started, http://www.cprogramming.com/22:07
clctoK1lleD: what is the whole path to your shared foldere22:07
ubuntouristNever mind. I didn't look as hard as I thought. Got it now... I think.22:07
usr13andres_: vim is good22:08
K1lleDuser82: /media/......./downloads22:08
usr13KingK_: Your whole computer?22:09
clctoK1lleD: every folder in the path needs to have r-x permission for "other" and the files in the folder will have to have rwx for other22:09
clctoi mean rw-22:09
usr13KingK_: I don't think you really want that.22:09
clctoK1lleD: that is not the full path22:09
K1lleDclcto: martin@k1lled:/media/E258E8C558E89995/downloads$22:09
clctousr13: it is a 1 not an I22:09
K1lleD.. ?22:09
usr13sorry again K1lleD22:09
bekksK1lleD: Folders always need execution permissions, otherwise you cant enter them.22:09
tacomasterK1lleD: hey you can normally run "gksu nautilus" and go to the folder you want to change permissions on and just right click and go to permissions22:09
tacomasterK1lleD: if you dont want to run many commands22:10
clctowhat are the permissions for E258E8C...22:10
usr13K1lleD: Maybe what you really want is vnc.22:10
clctoand why is that the name of it22:10
usr13K1lleD: You could install x11vnc on your computer and tightvnc (vncviewer) on your sister's computer.22:10
clctousr13: that is an awful solution22:11
K1lleDdrwx------ 1 martin martin 4.0K Jan 22 03:20 End.of.Watch.2012.BRRip.XviD.AC3-MAGNAT22:11
tacomasterclcto: sounds like an external hdd or another partition and if you dont name it manually it normally names it something weird like that22:11
goddardis anyone else annoyed that the automatic updater pops up every time i do an apt-get update22:11
goddardhow can i disable the automatic updates?22:11
usr13K1lleD: Or just tightvnc on both.22:11
clctoK1lleD: it needs to be drwx---r-x22:11
clctoK1lleD: dont use VNC22:11
th0rK1lleD, what you want is samba. Give your sister a samba id and password, and she should be able to access the folders you share using samba22:12
K1lleDclcto: i am newbie in ubuntu how to change this premission22:12
K1lleDi have samba in my computer22:12
th0rK1lleD, look at swat for configuring samba and sharing the folders22:12
K1lleDshe need samba to on her windows 8 ?22:12
K1lleDor what22:12
clctoK1lleD: tacomaster told you22:13
usr13K1lleD: What do you want her to do?  Download files from your PC to hers?22:13
th0rK1lleD, if you have samba set up then I believe it should appear in the network neighbourhood, or whatever they call it in win822:13
clctoK1lleD: you can do it through command line using chmod or through nautilus if you use gksu nautilus22:13
K1lleDwe are in one network22:13
K1lleDwith her, and i want to share folders22:14
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clctoth0r: he is geting permission denied on her comp22:14
clctoK1lleD: gksu nautilus then right click the folder and go to permissions22:14
usr13K1lleD: Install samba on your computer and pick the directories you want to share.22:14
th0rclcto, has he defined her as a user, and programmed the id/passwd on her computer for logon to samba?22:14
K1lleDusr13:  i do taht22:14
K1lleDthat *22:14
K1lleDbut nothing she again cant open this folders22:14
usr13K1lleD: What error does she get?22:15
clctoK1lleD: ignore them and change the permissions22:15
K1lleD"dont have premmsion to open this folder"22:15
andres_I have been installed Samba22:15
clctoK1lleD: like ive told you 10 times22:15
th0rK1lleD, have you set up that folder as a share in samba?22:15
usr13K1lleD: Which folder(s)?22:16
clctoandres_: wtf are you talking about22:16
usr13K1lleD: pastebinit /etc/samba/smb.conf22:17
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andres_How can i configure Wine ?22:17
andres_I need to play a Windows XP game but i can't22:18
usr13andres_: What's to configure?22:18
K1lleDusr13: what i must change in this .conf file ?22:18
usr13andres_: Not all Windows XP games will work under wine.  (Most will but not all.)22:18
clctoK1lleD: he wants you to pastebin it22:18
usr13K1lleD: Yes22:18
andres_in a terminal i put winecfg22:18
clctoK1lleD: but have you changed the permissions?22:18
clctoof e378.... or w.e it was22:19
usr13andres_: wine name.exe22:19
K1lleDclcto: i am not sure how to change this permissions22:19
clctoK1lleD: i bet you a cookie that is your problem22:19
clctoK1lleD: i told you22:19
usr13K1lleD: pastebinit /etc/samba/smb.conf    #And send us resulting URL.  We'll have a look.22:19
K1lleDon /media/e25.../22:19
utfans05i thought that with wine you needed to give it the path to the file unless you were in that directory22:19
th0rclcto, I share /media and all folders under it, and I haven't had to change any permissions22:19
clctoK1lleD: gksu nautilus then right click the folder and go to permissions22:19
K1lleDclcto:  i try this22:20
K1lleDbut when i change someething22:20
K1lleDafter 1 sec22:20
K1lleDagain go back what was22:20
clctoK1lleD: why?22:20
K1lleDi dont know i just open how you say22:20
K1lleDgksu nautilus22:20
K1lleDafter this i go in folder22:21
usr13K1lleD: rwx  r=4 w=2 x=1  rw=6 rwx=7  etc. etc.  See man chmod22:21
K1lleDi go right click22:21
K1lleDproperties after this premission22:21
usr13K1lleD: Yea, you can do it that way.22:21
K1lleDand i try to change options here but always stay on one point22:21
K1lleDand never change22:21
usr13K1lleD: What directory is it?22:21
K1lleDwait i will make a one photo22:21
usr13K1lleD: (You can only change permissions on directories that you own.)22:22
usr13K1lleD: root owns /media/22:22
GSilvaanyone here who uses/had used hackety hack?22:22
clctousr13: thats why he did gksu22:22
usr13K1lleD: Choose one you own. Make a directory in /home/K1lleD/22:22
clctousr13: its an external hard drive22:23
K1lleDi have directory and ?22:23
clctousr13: hes not going to copy the files to home just to share, that is another horrible solution22:23
K1lleDclcto:  this is a 180gb files22:23
K1lleDi cant copy in here22:23
clctoK1lleD: i know22:23
usr13K1lleD: Use samba22:23
EtherNethello guys, does anoyone know how to prevent autosuspend on USB devices? my USB mouse stop working after a few minutes idleing. I have to reconnect it22:23
K1lleDusr13:  wait i will make photos22:24
K1lleDto see.22:24
K1lleDok ?22:24
clctoK1lleD: please22:24
usr13!paste | K1lleD22:24
ubottuK1lleD: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:24
clctoand usr13 is not helping22:24
otakSo the external drive is FAT based that is why the permissions cannot be changed22:25
bekksotak: Because its FAT.22:25
otakIt must be mounted differently22:26
bekksotak: FAT does not know anything about linux file permissions.22:26
usr13K1lleD: Open a terminal, type   pastebinit /etc/samba/smb.conf   Hit enter. Send us the resulting URL and we will have a look at what you have so far.22:26
GSilvausr13, have you haver used hackety hack?22:26
clctootak: that makes sense22:26
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clctootak: ntfs does though?22:27
usr13GSilva: I don't think so.  (Don't know what hackety hack is.)22:27
GSilvait's a rails programing tool22:27
K1lleDusr13: http://postimg.org/gallery/awtdgq3s/22:27
clctoK1lleD: as otak said it needs to be mounted differently22:29
K1lleDand http://paste.ubuntu.com/5672389/22:29
K1lleDthis is /etc/samba/smb.conf22:29
usr13K1lleD: "Only allow access to sepcific users"?   martin?22:29
clctousr13: she doesnt even get to the passwd prompt22:30
K1lleDusr13: ....... when i take for everyone... nothing my sister again cant22:30
K1lleDopen folder..22:30
usr13K1lleD: "valid users = martin"22:30
caeswondering if there's a way to regain control if you accidentally created an administrator without a password and then set the only account with a password to standard user?22:31
usr13K1lleD: The way you have it, only user martin will have access permission22:31
clctoK1lleD: fdisk -l then write a rule in /etc/fstab that has something like /dev/sdb1 vfat defaults,umask=000 0 022:32
clctousr13: that is not the issue (at least yet)22:32
usr13clcto: Ok.22:32
usr13I've got to get outta here soon anyway....22:33
clctocaes: ^^22:33
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caesthere is no longer an admin password22:34
caesthat's what i mean.22:34
clctocaes: so you cant "su" ?22:34
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utfans05caes, when you do su leave the password blank22:35
utfans05caes, if theres no password set then that should fix it22:35
caesauthentication failure22:35
caesi guess it won't take an empty password22:35
clctosudo passwd root ?22:35
utfans05caes, then im unsure22:36
usr13caes: You no longer have access to the original user account?22:36
mauipowerpoint-alike software for linux?22:36
clctomaui: libreoffice impress22:36
caesok.  will ubuntu automatically download all the packages i already have installed if i reinstall the os?22:36
caesi have access to original account... but i demoted it22:37
usr13caes: You can fix what you have.22:37
naitoHas anyone experienced problems with network connections (wired) on 10.10 Maverick Meerkat?22:37
usr13caes:  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword22:37
caesthere is an admin, but it has no password and won't accept a blank password in su22:37
clctocaes: wait, you have an administrator user? not the standard root?22:38
usr13caes: You can't use sudo?22:38
usr13caes: Then just set a password22:38
usr13caes: passwd22:38
usr13caes: In a terminal use the   passwd   command.22:39
clctosu -u <admin>22:39
naitoWhenever it happens (once every few months) I try: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart22:39
naitoWhich I thought had worked before, but it didn't fix it this last time22:40
otaknaito: I think 10.10 is no longer supported22:41
naitoI see. So, I can get no help here? lol22:41
loculinuxespañol jilipollas22:41
otakyou can get help with upgrading22:41
usr13clcto: sudo -i22:41
clctonaito: upgrade :) thats all the help you need22:41
ovidiuhi.. what's the channel for help on kubuntu?22:42
clctousr13: #kubuntu22:42
loculinuxcomeme el raboo22:42
clctoovidiu: ^^22:42
usr13ovidiu: This one will do, but there is also  #kubuntu22:42
sssilverHello gentlemen. Why do people prefer Ubuntu over Debian?22:42
loculinuxjajaj ludooo22:42
naitoYeh, I should update, but I'm trying to keep my dev box as similar/same as the version installed on our Linode22:42
clctousr13: i guess it is su - USER22:42
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loculinuxfokii wanted22:43
usr13sssilver: That is a complicated question.  Basically it is fancier and, well maybe more user friendly, etc...22:43
clctosssilver: debian has a slow release cycle22:43
usr13sssilver: What exactly are you looking for in a distro?  (Are you shopping?)22:43
sssilverusr13: what do you mean "more user friendly"? A linux distro is pretty much just its package manager22:44
clctoarchlinux > ubuntu > debian22:44
sssilvereverything else is the same between distros22:44
ovidiui have a problem with dual monitors, more specifically with a player i think it's made in html5, in windows when i click the fullscreen button it it's in the second screen it remains in full screen on the second screen but on kubuntu it fullscreens it on the first monitor even though the button was pressed on the second screen. any fix for this?22:44
clctosssilver: not true22:44
sssilverand ubuntu and debian have the same package manager22:44
usr13sssilver: Basically, yes, but repos are organized differently.22:44
clctosssilver: ubuntu uses upstart arch uses systemd (for 1)22:44
clctosssilver: different options enabled in the kernel, etx22:45
sssilverclcto: I compile my own kernel anyway22:45
usr13sssilver: All distros have access to same packages, they all have similiar but different default collections.22:45
clctousr13: also not true22:45
probyubuntu > debian ?22:46
probyare you trying to start a war here ?22:46
sssilverI'm just trying to understand what is it that makes Ubuntu preferable over Debian22:47
sssilverbeing a Gentoo user myself, I'm quite far from both22:47
sssilvernow I'm choosing a distro for me cloud server, and I wanna go with Debian22:47
probysssilver , ubuntu have mor gui configurztion tools installed by default :p22:47
sssilverbut then I am like -- hey there must be a reason Ubuntu is more popular22:48
usr13clcto: What is not true?  (I said several things, please correct as needed, but be specific.)22:48
madpropsovidiu: at least you're getting a fullscreen :P  I know it's not a solution but try moving it to the other screen by pressing alt and moving it with the mouse22:48
sssilverso I ended up here22:48
sssilverproby: but that's not really an argument for a distro...22:48
sssilverI mean really, "has more gui config tools installed by default" just sounds wrong22:49
clctosssilver: use archlinux. rolling release is awesome and the community is awesome22:49
madpropsIt's all about the packages really22:49
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sssilvermadprops: what packages?22:49
madpropsthe ones you need22:50
madpropsand for peace of mind: having a working system that is not prone to breakage22:50
usr13sssilver: Asking which distro is better is a philosophical question.22:50
probysssilver , i think this is what make ubuntu deferant22:50
probyotherwise it is just another debian22:50
sssilverI'm not asking which is better. I'm just failing to understand the conceptual difference between Ubuntu and Debian.22:50
probywell a blleding edge one22:50
madpropsI think ubuntu has more up to date packages22:51
Loshkisssilver: actually, when all said and done, I find ubuntu has fewer installation problems out of the box, and better support for beginners...22:51
pedroamaralhow to install gnome on ubuntu 13:10 by apt-get22:51
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proby!info gnome22:52
ubottugnome (source: meta-gnome3): Full GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.4+7ubuntu4 (raring), package size 2 kB, installed size 52 kB22:52
usr13sssilver: Bascially, it is a difference in package management and selected packages of the default install.22:52
sssilverOK, so if I compile my own kernel and point Debian to Ubuntu repos, then it pretty much becomes an Ubuntu, eh?22:52
otaksssilver: #ubuntu-server22:52
k1lpedroamaral: 13.10 ? that is in developing state. please see #ubuntu+1 for that22:52
usr13sssilver: Are you interested in server install?22:52
usr13sssilver: Yes, that's correct. pretty much.22:52
sssilverusr13: I'm interested in learning the justification for Ubuntu's existence, let alone popularity22:52
usr13sssilver: Ubuntu has done a LOT of things right.22:53
k1lsssilver: more user friendly. in case of drivers, 3rd party, easy install etc etc etc22:53
k1l3rd party programs*22:53
probysssilver , and ease of configuration with preinstalled guis :D22:53
madpropsplus it has a cool name :322:53
sssilverk1l: I'm sorry, I just can't comprehend how can a distro be "user friendly". Do you mean that KDE/Gnome is user friendly? But those are available under any other distro as well.22:54
HardtailHello everyone. I just installed Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro with VMWare Fusion. I'm having some performance problems. I changed in my settings to allow Ubuntu to use 2 cores and 1GB of RAM but everything is very sluggish. I installed Diablo 2 with Wine with no problems but there is an issue with sound and video when I attempt to load the game. I end up having to quit the process because the screen turns black. Can anyone point me in r22:54
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k1lsssilver: just compare the days when ubuntu started. but that is more a topic for #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic than for the technical support channel22:54
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probysssilver , example : in ubuntu you have an interface to manage drivers , which is not available on debian or arch22:54
usr13sssilver: One difference is Ubuntu has Cononical behind it. See: http://www.canonical.com/about-ubuntu22:54
madpropssssilver: The installer is user friendly, plus the gui tools they provide like the updater22:55
usr13sssilver: madprops took the words from my keyboard.  Ubuntu made great strides in making the install process easy, (early on, as it began).22:55
k1lsssilver: its about how you define your user. as a beginner or as a CLI guru. but again, that topic doesnt suit into this technical support channel22:56
probyi think he should try arch , debian , gentoo or slackware and he will know the difference :p22:57
sssilverOK thanks for your input guys22:57
sssilverhave a fantastic rest of the day22:57
probysssilver, thanks :)22:57
otakyeh 120 seconds of blessings22:58
HardtailShould I be running Ubuntu from boot?23:00
KitzuneAnyone know the command to run screencloud from terminal?23:00
mauithat would be dangerous hardtail23:00
bierce24hey guys i have an issue23:00
KitzuneI'm guessing it's not screencloud & 'cause that didn't work23:00
bierce24is there away to edit the grub.cfg in a live cd23:00
Hardtail@maui why do you say that?23:01
caesHow do I reinstall ubuntu with everything the same?  obviously I back up home folder, but what about settings?  Config files?  Chrome options and extensions?  email client?  can I do all that conveniently?23:03
bierce24guys i cant get grub to show up when i tried to complile the 3.9.2 kernel23:03
bierce24it goes straight to memtest mode23:03
probybierce24, ls /boot ?23:03
BlackDalekHow do i get a live CD of 13.04 which has all current updates?23:04
SeanPwhat do i do when my computer is restarting when i9 hook it up to my internet?23:04
bierce24proby http://dpaste.com/1170055/23:04
clctoSeanP: check the log and see whats causing it23:05
Chat1829Hi asl23:05
HardtailIf i'm getting poor performance, lag when clicking icons on the task bar, should I be looking at drivers?23:05
bierce24proby what do i do23:06
bierce24seriously can anyone help23:07
bierce24i cant get it to boot23:07
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bierce24okay im at a loss right now23:08
bierce24is anyone here?!?23:09
BlackDalekdo I absolutely need to have a "windows 8" badged computer in order to install the 64-bit version of 13.04 or can it be installed on an older 64-bit pc?23:09
usr13BlackDalek: You don't23:09
usr13BlackDalek: (that was to your first question)23:10
usr13BlackDalek: Not sure I understand your last question.  Can you re-phrase it?23:11
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bierce24alright whatever23:11
bierce24i guess ill have to reinstall23:11
bierce24so if i choose to reinstall itll keep all my home stuff right23:12
th0rbierce24, did you set up a separate partition for /home initially?23:12
bierce24no i just did a full erase everything and install23:12
BlackDalekusr13, on the ubuntu download page it says "download the 64-bit version if you have a windows 8 computer"... Can I also use the 64-bit version if I have an older non-windows 8 64-bit CPU computer? OR is the "windows 8" hardware a prerequisite?23:12
usr13BlackDalek: If your question is can Ubuntu 13.04 be installed on an older 64bit PC? The answer is yet.  (Ubuntu 13.04 can be installed on a new or old PC, but old-within-reason....)23:13
th0rbierce24, then you will probably lose everything on a reinstall23:13
bierce24it says installed software will be kept if possible23:13
BlackDalekusr13 by old I mean AMD athlon 2400 cpu23:13
th0rbierce24, are you upgrading or reinstalling?23:13
usr13BlackDalek: It really doesn't matter.  You can install 32bit or 64bit version of Ubuntu, it's up to you.23:14
bierce24i tried to compile the 3.9.2 kernel but when i rebooted it goes straight to memtest23:14
usr13BlackDalek: Personally, I prefer just installing 32bit.23:14
th0rbierce24, then I doubt anything will be saved. You could try not formatting before install, but I wouldn't recommend it23:14
usr13BlackDalek: Not much advantage in the 64bit system.23:14
KitzuneSo nobody knows the screencloud command then?23:15
BlackDalekok thanks23:15
mchlbhmHey! Anyone know of a good site or book that explains the relationship between the kernel and hardware?23:15
gordonjcpmchlbhm: on what level?23:16
usr13!screencloud | Kitzune23:16
KitzuneThank you :)23:17
mchlbhmGordonjcp: Anything I can get my newbie hands on. lol23:17
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gordonjcpmchlbhm: if you want to know *generally* about how these things work, Andrew Tanenbaum's "jbi -aprogram 51104_D40A.jbi23:17
gordonjcphaha, comedy mispast23:17
gordonjcpmchlbhm: Operating Systems: Design and Implementation23:17
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gordonjcpmchlbhm: it's not exactly bedtime reading though23:17
usr13Kitzune https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/screencloud/23:17
nsahooHi I am facing some dependency problems. The /boot partition was low on space. I removed some older linux-images using dpkg. After that whenever I am trying to run apt-get it's asking me to run apt-get -f install. That in turn is failing due to some dependency problem. Here is a paste bin link http://pastebin.com/LRQ2QNwt23:18
GSilvadoes Ubuntu 13 has more compatibility problems then Ubuntu 12? I can't even install regular programs...23:18
usr13nsahoo: Why didn't you just use apt-get remove ?23:19
mchlbhmgordonjcp, I wasn't really looking for a pop-up book. ;) Thank you for helping. :D23:19
K1lleDusr13:  i do that what you say in private ...23:19
usr13nsahoo: sudo apt-get autoremove23:19
nsahoousr13:  I think it was complaining about lack of space. /boot was totally full23:20
usr13K1lleD: Ok, sorry.23:20
nsahoousr13:  it's asking me to run apt-get -f install23:20
usr13K1lleD: YOu'll need to restart the samba server23:20
usr13nsahoo: I know, I saw your paste23:21
nsahoousr13: also says linux-server : Depends: linux-image-server (= but is installed23:21
usr13nsahoo: So what happened when you ran  sudo apt-get autoremove  ?23:21
nsahoousr13: I mean, when i run apt-get autoremove it asks me to run apt-get -f install. also complains about unmet dependency "linux-server : Depends: linux-image-server (= but is installed"23:22
K1lleDusr13: sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart23:22
K1lleD.. ?23:22
usr13K1lleD: sudo service smbd restart23:22
usr13 nsahoo What do you have installed?23:24
nsahoousr13: ubuntu-server 12.0423:24
usr13nsahoo: uname -a23:25
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nsahoousr13: Linux nas 3.2.0-38-generic #61-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 19 12:18:21 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:25
Prock81where is the setting for the hotkey to show all open windows across all desktops, the view where they pan out23:25
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kvothetechProck81: depends on your de if that's even available23:25
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usr13nsahoo: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info | grep linux-image*list  | pastebinit23:27
Prock81i raN across it on my laptop, but i cant find it again to make the same setting on a desktop23:27
pheonixashevening all23:28
kvothetechpheonixash: hi23:28
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troulouliou_devhi is there anybody here on ease with secureboot ?23:29
nsahoousr13: somehow the asterisk wasn't working so .. http://pastebin.com/phujRXZA23:29
zvacetnsahoo:  try with sudo dpkg --configure -a23:29
clctowhats the lastlog equivilent for weechat?23:29
pheonixashby any chance does anyone know how to make amazon spit out a .amz file23:29
nsahoousr13: got this : http://pastebin.com/A9xqF5Be23:29
usr13nsahoo:  Ok. Looks like you've installed the 3.2.0-39 kernel but have not rebooted since then.  Right?23:30
nsahoosounds right23:30
nsahoousr13: thats right23:30
nsahoousr13: actually i rebooted an hour ago, but i still have the 3.2.0-38 kernel23:31
nsahoousr13: perhaps the later kernels could not be properly installed due to lack of space in /boot23:31
clctousr13: didnt you say you had to go23:32
usr13nsahoo: Use apt-get remove to install all but linux-image-3.2.0-38-generic23:32
kvothetechnsahoo: you actually have a later version than the one it's complaining about...why does it want the old sources when you have a newer one23:33
nsahoousr13: actually apt-get any command is failing23:33
usr13nsahoo: Or just several of the old ones.23:33
Hardtailhow do you see your files in wine?23:33
kvothetechnsahoo: remove linux-image-server (force) then reinstall it.23:33
kvothetechHardtail: ls .wine ?23:34
usr13nsahoo: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.2.0-29 linux-image-3.2.0-31 linux-image-3.2.0-32 linux-image-3.2.0-33 linux-image-3.2.0-34 linux-image-3.2.0-35 etc23:34
nsahoousr13: and I keep getting this : http://pastebin.com/brb8wTcs23:35
Hardtailkvothetech: new to linux trying to navigate23:35
kvothetechHardtail: ls .wine/drive_c or something like that23:35
usr13nsahoo: apt-get -f install   #What does that tell us.23:35
Hardtailkvothetech: okay thanks I will open terminal and give that a shot23:36
nsahoousr13: unmet dependency, i posted that on the first pastebin23:36
kvothetechusr13: i've had that issue he's got before..basically apts broken until you remove all your kernels by force then let it reinstall23:36
histoHardtail: ls ~/.wine/drive_c23:36
usr13kvothetech: Yea, I think start at other end.23:36
histo!manual | Hardtail23:37
ubottuHardtail: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:37
nsahoousr13: see http://pastebin.com/LRQ2QNwt23:37
usr13nsahoo: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.2.0-4323:37
usr13nsahoo: but remember to do dpkg-reconfiger on the current one first.23:37
nsahoousr13: no go.23:38
zvacetHardtail: in terminal type ls -a | less and after that cd .wine23:38
usr13nsahoo: 'apt-get autoremove' does not remove them?23:38
Hardtailthanks guys I am downloading the manual now23:38
clctols -A id better23:38
usr13kvothetech: Do you want to express your experience here?23:38
nsahoousr13: all apt-get commands get stopped due to dependency errors23:39
kvothetechusr13: I wanted to see if your friendly methods worked first23:39
usr13nsahoo: So I guess you use dpkg then.  Right kvothetech ?23:39
clctonsahoo: is there a dont check dependency flag?23:39
kvothetechusr13: i didn't use dpkg23:39
nsahooclcto: in dpkg, yes. not in apt-get23:40
usr13kvothetech: I would remove them all but the one he is using now, then reboot and do apt-get upgrade on the current one.23:40
usr13kvothetech: apt-get -f remove linux-headers-3.2.0-29 linux-headers-3.2.0-30 etc?23:41
kvothetechusr13: nsahoo rm /boot/rin* System* config* (obviously last 2 in /boot too)23:41
nsahoousr13: a little afraid of rebooting now, with kenel messed up, it'll may not boot up23:41
kvothetechusr13: nsahoo what'll clear ALL your kernels so don't reboot23:41
usr13nsahoo: Oh no, don't reboot now.23:41
usr13nsahoo: Do as kvothetech says.  You can re-install kernel(s) as needed.23:42
kvothetechusr13: nsahoo then go to /usr/src and clear all the kernels from there as well.23:43
nsahookvothetech: usr13, I am not sure how any of this is resolving the dependency problem. This is manually removing files from the disk.23:43
Hardtailattempting to open Program Files (x86) gives me unexpected token error23:44
kvothetechnsahoo: usr13 it's getting rid of the shit it thinks you still need but don't23:44
usr13nsahoo: Not sure either, but if you do apt-get update, it should get you back to normal.23:44
earspliTHardtail: from Ubuntu?23:44
Hardtailearsplit: yes sir in terminal23:45
HardtailI am in the wine folder23:45
kvothetechusr13: nsahoo after that apt-get install linux-image-server if it fails we can go from there23:45
earspliTHardtail: ohhhhhhh sorry can't help you with that23:45
earspliTHardtail: you can't cd into the directory at all?23:45
usr13nsahoo: I'm pretty sure kvothetech is correct.  YOu are going to have to force this stuff to happen.  I might have tried the --force-yes option but... kvothetech will cut to the chanse.23:45
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Hardtailearsplit : when I try cd it gives me unexpected token '('23:46
kvothetechusr13: nsahoo if that fails let me know and i'll tell you the next bit to do.23:46
usr13nsahoo: Even if apt-get doesn't work you could download and install manually with dpkg. so...23:46
kvothetechHardtail: escape the ( with a \ ?23:47
kvothetechHardtail: cd Program\ Files\ \(x86\)23:47
fractalinehello usr13 , and all23:48
kvothetechfractaline: wb23:48
wadiewhere do I find google chrome in ubuntu ? the shell script23:48
earspliTwadie: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser23:48
usr13wadie: apt-cache search crhom23:48
kvothetechwadie: google chrome or chromium23:48
wadiegoogle chrome23:48
kvothetechwadie: chrome.google.com23:48
earspliTwhy do you want chrome over chromium?23:48
wadieI don't know the difference I just have chrome23:49
wadiewhere do I find it ?23:49
kvothetechwadie: chrome is precompiled chromium is open source thats the difference23:49
PanamaCan someone assist me please with installing a game... I've tried #winehq, but no one seems to be responding for the support request I'm putting out23:49
Hardtailkvothetech: haha now it says no such directory , ohwell23:49
kvothetechusr13: nsahoo what's the status23:50
kvothetechHardtail: just use tab complete i just typed out an example23:50
wadiekvothetech where do I find chrome ? which directory?23:50
HardtailPanama: which game? I'm having trouble with d223:50
kvothetechwadie: ???? we already answered your question on where it is and where chromium is and the difference...23:50
kvothetechPanama: what's the error23:51
wadieso I can't find chrome on my computer ?23:51
somsipwadie: do you want to know the location of the executable?23:51
kvothetechwadie: whereis chromium*23:51
PanamaHardtail: I am having problems with installing Guild Wars 2.... I've followed the guide that is listed on the AppDB, however... Whenever it gets to the point where it would begin installing, my entire PC freezes up23:51
kvothetechwadie: or whereis chrom*23:51
somsipwadie: /usr/bin/google-chrome23:51
wadiethank you somsip23:51
kvothetechPanama: anything useful in logs?23:51
kvothetechPanama: can you still get to a tty?23:52
Hardtailkvothetech: example works fine for the file, there are no typos in my command but it says directory doesn't exist23:52
somsipwadie: np. In this case, locate google-chrome23:52
Panamakvothetech: If I knew where logs were, I would check... And also, what is tty?23:52
usr13wadie: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/ |grep chrome  #See if it is installed.23:52
Panamakvothetech: Apologies, but I'm quite a bit of a newb when it comes to this stuff lol23:53
wadieit is and I found it23:53
kvothetechPanama: /var/log or wherever wine puts it's logs..if you're running it as user no idea where probably .wine23:53
kvothetechPanama: ctrl alt f123:53
Riley_88hey guys i tried to compile and install the 3.9.2 kernel earlier and when i rebooted it kept going to memtest i ended up having to reinstall and it kept my home folder but the 3.9 kernel still shows up as default in grub is there away to remove it23:53
usr13nsahoo: Still with us?23:53
Hardtailkvothetech: nvm I didn't change to the directory properly...23:53
usr13Riley_88: What kernel are you using now?23:54
Riley_883.8.0.19 generic23:54
kvothetechRiley_88: uhm you skipped something in your .config if you only have memtest....23:54
Riley_88i have to manually select it in advanced options23:54
usr13Riley_88:  ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/ |grep linux-image |grep list  |pastebinit   #Let's see what you have installed.23:55
Panama_kvothetech: Apologies about that.... I pressed ctrl+alt+f1 and it took me to tty1, but I had no idea how to get back23:57
Riley_88is there not a way to just get grub to boot of the 3.8 kernel by default23:58
usr13Riley_88: So you only have the one kernel installed. I suppose you can try dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-3.8.0-19-generic23:59
Hardtailkvothetech: was able to run the wine game through terminal, says unhandled usage flags 0x8 and state_zenable z buffer disabled, but arb_Depth_clamp isn't supported23:59
kvothetechPanama_: ctrl alt f723:59
Panama_kvothetech: That is how I exit tty?23:59
kvothetechRiley_88: grub1 or 223:59
kvothetechPanama_: yes23:59
Riley_88grub 223:59
Panama_Ok, tyvm.... What do I need to do in tty?23:59

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