
=== JTa is now known as JTa_aFK
=== saidinesh is now known as saidinesh5
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
DarkErahi smartboyhw 11:07
DarkErai'll be back later, need to sort some important things first and go for a daily walk11:07
ttoinezequence, do you have the credential for our twitter account, please ?15:32
zequenceDarkEra: The meta is built. haven't tried it myself yet21:10
zequenceShould basically install a gnome desktop system21:11
zequenceI mean, the ubuntustudio-desktop-gnome package in ppa:zequence/testing21:11
zequenceI will move it to another PPA later, but at least it seems to work21:11
DarkErazequence, you read minds? i just wanted to highlight you and ask how to proceed :)21:12
DarkErai'm going to fire up VB now, can i still add your testing ppa then?21:13
zequenceDarkEra: Sure. But, before you install anything, let's make a snapshot of the netinstall first. I'll have a look too21:15
DarkErazequence, i took a snapshot of it last night so all is set21:16
zequenceDarkEra: Ok, so just login, and then: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zequence/testing21:16
zequenceThere's only one package there for saucy right now21:17
zequenceOr, one source package that is21:17
zequenceWhich includes all of our meta packages21:17
zequenceThen: sudo apt-get update21:17
=== JTa_ is now known as JTa
zequencefinally: sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop-gnome21:17
DarkEraok, working on it now21:18
DarkErazequence, it says it didn't find the add-apt-repository command21:21
zequenceDarkEra: Ok, must be in some package. let me look21:22
zequenceDarkEra: Try installing software-properties-common21:24
zequenceShould not depend on any gui stuff, only a few libraries21:24
DarkErathat did it, going to update and install the package21:27
DarkEraok, it's installing21:30
zequenceI'm installing too right now21:45
zequenceForgot to take a snapshot :P21:45
zequenceWill have to reinstall all over again21:45
zequencehmm, since from what I understand, Lubuntu doesn't include pulseaudio, a ubuntustudio-desktop-lxde might be interesting to some folks only for that reason21:49
zequenceBesides, it would also be the most efficient on older machines21:49
zequenceWe'll need some kind of procedure for maintaining these desktops, so that we don't fall behind, and that we don't inlcude stuff we don't need21:50
DarkEraif it's light enough yes, i tried lubuntu once for fun last year but found it using a bit more RAM compared to Xubuntu and Ubuntu Studio 12.0421:52
DarkErayep, agreed21:52
zequenceI really doubt it uses more RAM21:55
zequencebut, browsers use a lot of it21:55
zequenceIt should be the one using least resources as is21:56
zequencecool, my patch to pulseaudio-1.1 worked21:57
len-1304zequence, what kind of patch?21:58
zequencejack/PA issues should be fixed in Quantal and Precise within the month21:58
DarkEraindeed, browser use a lot of ram. We could give it a try and i'm sure people ask about a LXDE version in time. That was the case with Dream Studio too21:58
* len-1304 is installing zequence's gnome meta..21:58
zequencelen-1304: a patch made of the upstream commits that fixes the reserve card issue21:58
len-1304Good !21:59
DarkEralen-1304, cool :)21:59
zequenceMy install worked fine, but mouse and keyboard aren't working22:00
zequenceHad to disable mouse integration22:02
DarkErastill busy installing :P22:02
zequenceThat means, the Virtual system captures your mouse, and you need to use the right Ctrl key to uncapture it22:02
len-1304I shouldn't have that problem then.22:03
zequenceWell, now the mouse moves, but that's all..22:03
len-1304Um, why do we have GDM? Will gnome not work with lightdm?22:04
zequenceYou can choose between the two22:04
zequenceThe Gnome GDM has gone through some pretty big changes22:04
len-1304I left lightdm as default.22:04
zequenceOr, GDM22:04
DarkErai'll keep my grey hair crossed and hope that after the install everything works as should22:05
len-1304I can change it after install anyway I would guess22:05
zequenceDoesn't really matter which you use22:06
zequenceUnless you really want one over the other22:06
len-1304zequence, I would suggest in this case, choosing one DM as default and not installing one for each DE.22:06
zequenceWell, one should probably not install more than one DE, but that is up to the user22:06
len-1304The gnome meta installs gdm, but gives the user the choice of which is default.22:07
len-1304The set of packages is not big, but it sure has a lot of packages.22:08
DarkErai noticed this afternoon that gnome also pulls in unity by the way. On my ubuntu Gnome partition i can choose in session from the login screen. So we have 2 DE's already22:10
len-1304That may not happen when MIR hits.22:10
len-1304Ya there is an app called unity here.22:13
len-1304It would be good to find out if that is a depends or recommends22:14
DarkEraright, nothing is responding. so can't log in22:17
zequenceMust be something about the graphics22:17
DarkEramouse moves and that's it22:18
zequenceor xorg22:19
len-1304Well xfce comes back ok... try gnome next.22:19
len-1304But 4000 xruns doing nothing already...22:20
len-1304At -p 128 which on this machine is normally clean22:21
len-1304Failed to execute default terminal emulator22:22
len-1304xfce terminal doesn't run.22:23
zequencelen-1304: Are you on lowlatency?22:23
len-1304I'm looking for a terminal that will run...22:25
zequencelen-1304: Ctrl+Alt+F122:25
zequenceDarkEra: I might have found a solution22:27
DarkEraok, shoot :)22:27
zequenceDarkEra: In the main VirtualBox Gui: File - > Preferences -> Input 22:27
zequencedisable auto capture keyboard22:27
zequenceI'm currently reinstalling myself22:28
len-1304Ya I figgured that. It is generic.22:28
len-1304I didn't have that before.22:28
zequencelen-1304: So, maybe the desktop meta pulled it in22:28
len-1304But that shouldn't stop the terminla from running22:28
zequenceno, it shouldn't22:29
len-1304I'll go try a gnome login now.22:29
DarkErazequence, ok looking into it22:30
DarkEranope, nothing22:31
len-1304ry slo22:33
len-1304But it runs. The gnome session fails to start.22:33
len-1304The application start buttons on the left are so slow it seems like they do nothing.22:35
len-1304Ah, xterm works.22:37
zequenceWhat I've done is I've copied the desktop seed file from Ubuntu Gnome, without going too much in detail other than renaming ubuntu-gnome-desktop to ubuntustudio-desktop-gnome where ever it was required22:39
zequenceSo, it's not exactly well thought through so far22:39
len-1304Status so far is that it gets me a very, very slow unity and no gnome.22:40
len-1304Back in studio (xfce) I now have two audio controls in systray.22:40
zequencelen-1304: is this the machine with the very old graphic card?22:41
len-1304Older.... I have an s3 if you would like to try that ;)22:41
len-1304Its even older22:41
len-1304Ya this is the old nvidia22:42
zequenceIs there a gnome classic still?22:42
len-1304Not on the lightdm menu.22:42
zequenceCould be a problem with no graphic card support. I'll probably need to install this on my machine22:43
len-1304unity is spending so much time on fading windows in and other non-useful stuff it hardly runs22:43
zequenceI'm trying lighgdm this time22:43
DarkErazequence, want me to look on my ubuntu gnome install and check that?22:43
zequenceDarkEra: If you like. But, our meta should (in theory) have what Ubuntu Gnome has (at least for saucy)22:44
DarkEraok, i'll check it anyway. brb22:45
zequenceGnome Shell is normally very fast, but it does require a system that is not much older than 5 years to be comfortable22:46
len-1304 sudo apt-get remove ubuntustudio-desktop-gnome only removes the meta... not all the stuff it dragged in.22:47
zequenceThat is usually the case :)22:47
len-1304Oh well, this is an upgrade to 13.11 from 13.04. I should really do a clean install anyway.22:48
len-1304An LDE meta would probably be a better one for this machine.22:48
zequenceYeah, I used it for a P4 not long ago22:49
zequenceWorked fine, only, one core was not fun22:49
DarkErathere's still a Gnome Classic to choose from22:49
zequenceDarkEra: This is a Saucy install?22:50
DarkErauhm... no, 13.04 with gnome 3.822:50
DarkEradidn't think about that, sorry22:51
DarkErai'm going to revert and try a new install with lightdm too22:51
zequenceAt this moment, we don't really know how much our meta differs from Ubuntu Gnome. I guess one could compare the dependency lists if nothing else22:52
zequenceI forgot to take a snapshot again22:52
zequenceLucky my internet and machine are not lousy22:52
DarkEraagain? :P22:52
zequenceDarkEra: It works22:53
len-1304how is the audio?22:54
zequenceDarkEra: I also need to "Disable Mouse Integration" in the "Machine" meny of the virtual OS gui window22:54
zequenceaudio is not great on virtual machines22:55
DarkErazequence, is that the reinstall with lightdm?22:55
zequenceDarkEra: You might not need to do that22:55
len-1304zequence, you already use gnome on your main machine so I would guess audio is not an issue22:55
zequencelen-1304: No, it's actually not much worse than on XFCE with desktop effects enabled, as is the default configuration22:55
len-1304I have had too many complaints about audio on unity to trust it.22:56
len-1304In all cases when the user went from unity to xfce the problem went away22:56
len-1304but I would guess that if enough of the effects were turned off on unity that would work too22:57
zequenceUnity was default..22:57
zequenceIt also installed some XCFE stuff22:58
zequenceBoth ubuntustudio and XFCE are avilable for login, but they are broken (missing a lot of packages)22:58
len-1304might be upgrades?22:58
zequenceProbably something I've done wrong in seeds22:58
zequenceThis was ubuntu-minimal from the start22:58
zequenceThere was no DE before22:59
len-1304Ok, I started with US 13.1122:59
zequencegnome-shell seems to work22:59
zequenceWell, froze up just now23:00
DarkEranow i forgot to take i snapshot of  after the install and reverted back... lol... what a night. Reinstalling the package23:01
len-1304seems to me I had better success just adding gnome shell last time.23:01
len-1304But things have changed since23:02
zequenceThis virtual install doesn't seem great. Some things work really poorly on VB23:03
zequenceAh, video memory probably23:03
zequencenope, it just freezes anyway23:05
zequenceWell, it's a start23:05
DarkErawe'll get there :)23:06
zequenceNow it's just a matter of setting up a system for developing desktop metas, and that means also our default XFCE desktop, which might need some updating (and len has done a good job on that for sure)23:06
zequenceI'm still not fully understanding how seeds work. It's a little bit confusing23:07
len-1304We will have to watch what happens when the new xfce drops...23:07
DarkErawhen is it to be expected?23:10
len-1304The problem with seeds seems to be they default to pull in recommends and suggests23:11
len-1304If there is something you don't want it needs to blacklisted.23:12
zequencenot suggests though?23:13
zequenceUbuntu Gnome is still fairly new, so I guess they still need to polish their setup too23:14
zequenceIt's depending a lot on the Unity setup right now23:14
len-1304The big problem is that a meta has all the subpackage deps to worry about.23:14
len-1304unity is going to go through big changes up to 14.0423:15
len-1304sounds like anyway.23:15
zequencexorg won't disappear by then, and once Canonical stops supporting it, either the Ubuntu community will do it, or my guess it'll be imported from Debian23:16
zequenceIn either case, it'll continue to be there23:16
len-1304I expect so23:16
len-1304What I was hinting at is that studio may not work with unity as a desktop.23:16
zequenceWhy not?23:17
len-1304There are some of our apps that rely directly on x23:17
zequenceSo, what you are saying is that some applications won't work on Unity+ MIR23:17
len-1304Some of the apps people will want to install too23:17
len-1304That is my guess. There is supposed to be an X compat lib...23:18
len-1304but that will only work as well as the MIR devs feel like supporting.23:18
zequenceWonder what Valve will be using for their Steam console. I don't think it'll be MIR23:18
zequenceThe community can support MIR too, if they want23:19
len-1304No one wants to only be usable in one distro of unix23:19
zequenceRight now it seems most non Unity devs want to give Wayland a go as planned first23:19
len-1304yes. Once there is a good x/wayland meta to bounce off I don't know if there will be much community support/time/development left for MIR23:20
len-1304Mir would have to look like it had some advantage.23:21
len-1304Pretty hard to say about alpha SW23:22
zequenceValve will want top grade video drivers23:23
len-1304Ya with games you have to be as good or better than windows...23:23
zequenceMIR I think will rely mostly on free drivers, and there was talk about integrating Android drivers23:24
zequenceWayland, I don't know how that works. I forget23:24
len-1304no one will pay for a game that runs slower than what they already have.23:24
zequenceA lot of the main stream users will like to have nice graphics23:24
len-1304wayland is an extension/upgrade of X... it gets rid of some of the least used parts of the lib and adds the things that have been missing.23:25
len-1304It adds those non-used X calls back as a compatibility layer.23:26
zequenceValve will probably not need much anyway, as long as they get driver support23:27
len-1304It is a total redesign of X. Sort of a "if could start all over without worrying about supporting anyting out there now" kind of thing.23:27
len-1304It still seems to support server client  stuff... like the app on one machine and the display on another23:29
len-1304I am not sure MIR does that.23:29
len-1304I did some reading on both of them a while back23:31
len-1304Unity seems to take away many of the things that I have enjoyed about linux.23:35
DarkErastill no chance to log in23:53
zequenceDarkEra: You need to set both keyboard and mouse as I explained earlier23:53
zequencekayboard is set from the main gui preferences, the mouse from the OS gui menu23:54
DarkErazequence, i did that23:54
zequenceThen I don't know :(23:55
zequenceMight be best to install on a testing partition, and I'll need to set up a system for rolling back stuff23:56
zequenceSo, one doesn't need to install the OS over and over, just the meta23:56

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