
donnieI have a system that's 64bit... do I download and install the "amd 64 bit" iso?02:44
donnieeven though mines an intel 6402:45
holsteindonnie: if you want the 64bit OS, sure..02:45
donnieI'd like to try it... my 'new' system is dual core, 64 bit, 4gb ram02:46
[uzver]donnie: sure u can on that system)02:46
donnieDownloading now02:47
[uzver]must runing smooth02:47
SonikkuAmericaamd64 isn't specific to AMD procs02:47
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deckardhello. is the proper command to install xubuntu with the xfce version: sudo apt-get install xubuntu06:21
baizondeckard: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:23
xubuntu352is Xubuntu good for new Users transitioning from Windows?06:23
xubuntu352ie : Is it better than installing windows-like menus in Ubuntu?06:24
Unit193You can try it live, and see if you like it.06:27
xubuntu352okay thanks06:31
xubuntu352What disadvantages does the real-time kernel have compared to standard for desktop Users?06:33
koegswhat advantages do you expect?06:51
Unit193It's more helpful in audio processing/recording, generally.06:57
koegshe is gone anyway :(06:57
Lehtireal-time sounds cool and fast, but has really nothing to it unless it's running some really specific stuff, yeah :)07:01
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arseneHi, i can't see anything in dconf-editor...please help me !09:50
knomearsene, what are you trying to do?09:54
arseneinstall compiz09:55
arsenei install it but when i try to change theme in deconf is nothing there09:55
knomenote that compiz isn't officially supported with xubuntu09:56
arseneok, something else like compiz?09:57
arsenefor xubuntu?09:57
knomethere is the xfce compositor which can do a few things09:59
knomebut it's not really designed to give you eye candy09:59
arseneok,thank you09:59
emif-guys, i have copied my updates from var/cache/apt to another computer, how to install them all together ?12:57
elfywhen I've done that an apt-get update should see them, then apt-get upgrade should upgrade with the newer packages13:00
emif-but am not doing them from the internet13:00
gonkinhave you tried dpkg -i *.deb13:01
elfyI understand that13:01
emif-it says it cannot access the folder gonkin13:02
gonkineven with sudo?13:04
cfhowlettemif-, you ARE running sudo first, yes?13:06
markwatersanyone else having a problem with random captialisation of characters when typing ? I have swapped out my usb keyboard and reinstalled xubuntu from scratch three times and still seeing it occassionally , most odd14:08
SonikkuAmericaNope (I use Unity and am solely here to give support based on my Xubuntu/Ubuntu Studio experience)14:21
markwatersok , thatnks guys14:25
markwatersok , thanks guys14:25
elfyI don't see it either - unless it's my fatfingers doing it14:27
njillingswhat was the question?14:30
elfyrandom capitalisation njillings14:31
njillingssorry, never had that problem. I'm assuming keyboard issue has already been ruled out?14:32
elfynjillings: markwaters> anyone else having a problem with random captialisation of characters when typing ? I have swapped out my usb keyboard and reinstalled xubuntu from scratch three times and still seeing it occassionally , most odd14:38
mkbdHi ppl, for new desktop installations would you recommend xubuntu 12.04 lts or 13.04?14:45
SonikkuAmericamkbd: Are you installing Xubuntu on a production machine? If not, use 13.0414:45
mkbdSonikkuAmerica: What do you mean by production machine? Its a machine for both work and multimedia :)14:46
SonikkuAmericamkbd: Here's the answer (Ubuntu Forums): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111228314:47
mkbdGridCube: for any special reason besides being more recent?14:48
GridCubemkbd, not really, all the latest xubuntu releases have been just improving themselfs, so there its no reason behind wanting to just have lts for a production machine to choose an lts release, even then the support for 13.04 will last just a little less than the remaining support for 12.0414:52
mkbdGridCube: Actually I thought that 12.04 would be supported for THREE years14:52
ubottuXubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Xubuntu.  Download at http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu  Release notes at http://xubuntu.org/news/12-04-release/14:52
SonikkuAmericamkbd: You're right14:53
SonikkuAmericaabout Xubuntu LTS releases being supported for 3 years, i.e14:54
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GridCubei said it would be longer, like 9 more months P:15:02
onrlatest Xubuntu-base update crashed my video card drivers15:11
onri can't set display resolution bigger than 1024x76815:11
holsteinonr: i usually troubleshoot with the older kernel.. sometimes i specify a custom xorg.conf.. what about the *-base are you thinking is crashing what? you can boot another session with no issues?15:12
[uzver]onr: try to reinstall driver or recreate xorg.conf15:12
nyRednekok, i have a hp psc that is connected to wifi router. i can print to it, but not scan...on another ubuntu install, i can do both15:16
nyRednekwhat can i try to make this work?15:16
GridCubenyRednek, check the model of the printer and search for scan drivers15:19
onrholstein, [uzver]: reinstalling driver (nvidia proprietary) and recreating xorg.conf solved the problem. I didn't restart the computer after Xubuntu-base package updated, but shut down; maybe update manager supposed to do some configuration15:23
onrthank you for help15:24
nyRednekGridCube: apparently, wasn't a driver issue, but a URI issue15:39
GridCubeP: oh15:53
GermarWhere can I report a bug that regards only xubuntu but not ubuntu?17:07
pleia2Germar: can you be a bit more specific? (there are many packages in xubuntu that it may be filed against)17:09
GermarIt is about a timeout on dbus during import keyring in a python program running with sudo17:09
Germarthe dbus request ran into a timeout only on xubuntu but not on ubuntu17:10
pleia2might want to pop over to #xubuntu-devel and ask (I'm not sure)17:10
Germarokay. I'll try there17:11
Hans-Martinhi I've got a lightdm problem - I want to configure an autologin user (that works) with a fixed custom session. Lightdm always uses the last session, but that is not what I need...17:15
GridCubeHans-Martin, what do you have in the; autologin-user= variable?17:40
GridCube!hi peyam17:40
GridCube!hi | peyam17:40
ubottupeyam: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:40
Hans-MartinGridCube: den Namen des Benutzers17:44
Hans-Martinoops sorry, was switching between channels...17:44
rsnair2hey guys18:13
rsnair2anyone in here?18:13
rsnair2Hey Hans, thanks for replying! I am new here and actually wanted to get started on helping out with Xubuntu development. I just finished a systems class and honestly, don't know where to start.18:15
rsnair2I was wondering if you could give me any tips or suggestions?18:15
koegsrsnair2: #xubuntu-devel for a start18:16
koegsrsnair2: http://xubuntu.org/contribute/18:16
rsnair2Ah, thanks Koegs. I will look into those!18:17
xubuntu947xubuntu 13.04 is so classy :)18:30
Dresk|LaptopHey, I downloaded the latest version of Xubuntu (13.04), verified it's MD5 but Unetbootin's loader is reporting invalid or corrupt kernel image - does 13.04 support USB booting?18:50
SonikkuAmericaDresk|Laptop: Yes18:51
baizonDresk|Laptop: try http://www.linuxliveusb.com/18:52
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secret_ninja13.04 rocks.19:32
secret_ninjabest linux release ive seen in 15 years19:32
knomesecret_ninja, thanks and enjoy!19:32
secret_ninjai hope it works as well for everyone.. first time ive had sound work with video, with streams over the internet, radio, everything19:33
nikolamI never stopped reporting automated bugs about xkb keyboard plugin since day 1. i installed xubuntu 12.04 LTS 32-bit19:38
brainwashxfdesktop is still showing the old quantal wallpaper on a clean install. That's the only "major" bug I noticed so far. :)19:40
knomebrainwash, known.19:40
nyRedneki'm waiting for next LTS before upgrade19:41
brainwashknome: testing the wallpaper is crucial, it's like noone noticed this glitch. :P19:41
knomebrainwash, we tested, and no-one did.19:41
knomebrainwash, feel free to help us this cycle with it; the last tests are ran in october19:42
nyRednekisn't next lts supposed to be 14.04, with a t-word?19:42
brainwashknome: sure19:42
knomenyRednek, yes19:42
knomebrainwash, thanks :)19:42
knomebrainwash, http://xubuntu.org/contribute/ for more information19:42
knomebrainwash, or #xubuntu-devel19:43
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lderantemp_788, do you have a question?20:15
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knome!ask | alex__22:43
ubottualex__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:43
KombuchaKipgmrun and the Xfce menu (4.10) don't seem to find binaries in ~/.local/bin, though I have added it to my path via ~/.bashrc. Is there somewhere else the aforementioned looks?23:09

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