
smartboyhwGood morning.02:37
ahoneybungood afternoon02:42
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1181053] package kdm 4:4.10.2-0ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed pre-remova... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1181053 (by nilton rosao)02:59
ScottKapachelogger: Once you find my kdepim-runtime patch again, it might be a good idea to have a look at  bug 982889 and fix up kdm for those that still use it.04:10
ubottubug 982889 in OEM Priority Project precise "X trying to start before plymouth has finished using the drm driver" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98288904:10
soeegood morning06:02
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1181083] "delete" mini-button in text boxes covers right-to-left text @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1181083 (by Ibrahim M. Ghazal)06:08
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
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=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
BluesKajHi all11:48
soeehi Blizzz 11:49
soeeBluesKaj, 11:49
BluesKajHi soee11:50
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
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markeyRiddell: "<strohel> Anyone with contact to KUbuntu packagers please tell them they are applying already applied patch to 2.7.1: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/amarok/view/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu_qtwebkit_crash.diff"14:41
markey2.7.1 already has the anti-crash fix14:41
palassoJontheEchidna, I added a proposed patch for this: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=314549 I think it might fix the issue (perhaps it'd need a change or two). Plz take a look at it. thnx ;)16:06
ubottuKDE bug 314549 in libqapt "Process more complex markings files" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]16:06
JontheEchidnapalasso: thanks. Some more severe bugs popped up right before release so I ran out of time to get to that one16:07
palassonp I hope it'll make it for 13.10. I hope my proposed patch works out and saves you time to work on other things ;)16:08
shadeslayerpalasso: I don't see a patch there :P16:09
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5674464/16:09
palassoshadeslayer, there is an attachment I added. It's backend.cpp with the changed I propose16:10
shadeslayerpalasso: it's better to post patches instead of whole files16:10
shadeslayerplus, maybe propose it on RB16:10
palassoOhhh sorry. I didn't know how to do this. It's my first time :(16:11
JontheEchidnanah it's fine for a small patch, I'll just take a look at it right now.16:11
palassoshadeslayer, what is RB?16:11
shadeslayerpalasso: when you post a file, developers don't know what's changed16:11
shadeslayerso you just post a list of your changes instead of the whole file :)16:12
shadeslayerpalasso: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/16:12
JontheEchidnapalasso: did you try compiling this? It doesn't work here16:12
palassoI see... I just thought that everyone uses a diff tool for patches to see the differences :D16:12
JontheEchidnapalasso: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5674476/16:13
palassoJontheEchidna, no I haven't set up a compiler :( I tried to proofread it manually16:13
JontheEchidnapalasso: ah, ok. I'll take a look at it and see if I can fix it16:13
palassoJontheEchidna, it needs the fix I thought it'd need16:14
palassocheck out the comment I wrote16:14
JontheEchidnayeah it should be something minor like that16:15
JontheEchidnaoh, ParseQuoteWord wants a reference to a pointer16:16
=== ferai is now known as jefferai
JontheEchidnapalasso: all I had to do: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5674532/16:28
palassoI see16:29
JontheEchidnapalasso: seems to work :)16:29
palassoNice ;)16:29
palassoshadeslayer, just created a KDE Identity https://identity.kde.org/index.php?r=people/view&uid=vpalassopoulos ;)16:30
JontheEchidnaI tried with both a muon and synaptic generated file16:30
shadeslayerawesome :)16:30
JontheEchidnapalasso: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=libqapt.git&a=commit&h=4ae0602d0f81f48f58395966a8bce8e57226cb8e16:36
JontheEchidnathanks again!16:36
palassonp yw and thnx for the software JontheEchidna :)16:36
lordievaderGood evening.17:53
ahoneybunsoee: hi18:54
jdolesSince you are supposedly the developers of Kubuntu, one of you should be able to tell me (or better: give me the commands) how to correctly setup Pulse Audio in a way that works. In particular the part where I don't get just a dummy device.19:15
jdolesGoogling for dummy device kde returns a lot of random and wrong suggestions (like adding a user to the audio group).19:16
jdolesSince you designed the system, I kindly ask one of you to document how it is supposed to work including preconditions for all files, etc.19:17
ahoneybunjdoles: you are troubleshooting a audio device?19:17
jdolesahoneybun: I don't understand the question.19:18
jdolesahoneybun: there is nothing wrong with the audio device.19:18
jdolesahoneybun: it is the software.19:18
ScottKjdoles: This isn't a support channel.19:18
jdolesahoneybun: or the configuration.19:18
jdolesScottK: this isn't support.19:18
ScottKFWIW, for me it just works.19:18
jdolesScottK: I want to know how you designed it.19:18
ScottKIt most certainly is.19:18
ScottKWe didn't design it.19:18
jdolesScottK: yes, you did.19:19
ScottKWe ship it the way upstream KDE did it.19:19
jdolesScottK: wrong.19:19
jdolesScottK: Kubuntu also includes a configuration for Pulse Audio.19:19
ScottKOK, so me where it's different?19:19
jdolesScottK: Pulse Audio can be configured in three ways according to Freedesktop.org.19:19
ScottKWhich isn't kde.org.19:19
jdolesScottK: even ignoring that third party documentation.19:19
ScottKSo that's irrelevnat.19:19
jdolesScottK: are you saying I should ask the Ubuntu developers?19:20
ahoneybunScottK: I need help with testing a xml file to make a docbook19:20
jdolesScottK: someone needs to tell me how Pulse Audio is supposed to work.19:20
ScottKjdoles: No.  No one NEEDS to.19:20
ScottKahoneybun: I'm not the best person for that.19:21
jdolesScottK: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing19:21
jdolesScottK: you might want to change that slogan.19:21
ahoneybunScottK: ok thanks19:21
jdolesScottK: Kubuntu -- We don't know what we are doing and we are sure as hell are not going to help you.19:21
jdolesScottK: better?19:21
ScottKjdoles: This is friendly for me and frankly more friendly than you attitude deserves.19:21
jdolesScottK: my attitude?19:22
jdolesScottK: you are basically giving me the finger.19:22
jdolesScottK: and then it is my attitude.19:22
ScottKNo, you aren't reading what I'm writing.19:22
jdolesScottK: you distribute Kubuntu, which is a complete operating system.19:22
jdolesScottK: I ask a simple question about which Pulse Audio configuration is the correct one.19:22
jdolesScottK: this is basic information.19:22
ScottKRight and you want configuration help.  This isn't the channel for that.19:23
jdolesScottK: NO19:23
palassoIf someone reads todays chatlog of #kubuntu will know that jdoles has an awful attitude towards other ppl and keeps complaining all the time19:23
jdolesScottK: I want to know how you designed it.19:23
ahoneybunjdoles: we take parts from upstream and configure it19:23
jdolespalasso: keeps complaining?19:23
ScottKjdoles: Then look at the code.19:23
ahoneybunwell the devels19:23
jdolesScottK: the code doesn't tell anyone that.19:23
jdolesScottK: there is a difference between how it is intended and what it actually does.19:24
yofelyou... could install another copy in a VM and check what the default configuration is?19:24
yofelmost of us don't touch pulseaudio at all19:24
jdolesyofel: no, I can't.19:24
jdolesyofel: because a VM would require a working sound system.19:24
jdolesyofel: which... I don't.19:24
jdolesCan all of you smart asses say something useful and cooperative for a change?19:25
ahoneybunjdoles: by joining this room you are agreeing to use proper language19:25
ScottKRight, because insults encourage me to stop doing $work and focus on your needs.19:25
jdolesYou are saying you supposedly develop this, but you cannot say how the audio system is supposed to be setup.19:25
yofelit's hard to tell you something I don't know...19:25
jdolesyofel: now, that's a valid excuse.19:26
jdolesyofel: ScottK however is saying that it is not the task for this channel to be able to point at a resource which documents how Kubuntu Pulse Audio has been designed.19:26
jdolesThat is wrong.19:26
ScottKjdoles: I already told you, we follow KDE in this, so it's a standard KDE setup.  There's no such thing as  Kubuntu pulse audio design.19:26
jdolesScottK: you are distributing an OS.19:27
ScottKI already said this like three times.19:27
jdolesScottK: KDE is not an OS.19:27
yofelkubuntu pulseaudio? We use whatever the default KDE configuration of phonon, and ubuntu's default configuration of pulseaudio is19:27
jdolesyofel: and yet Kubuntu is noth supported by Ubuntu or Canonical.19:27
jdolesHence, you cannot just say "we have got nothing to do with this".19:27
jdolesKDE people say that my distro is broken.19:28
jdolesMy distro being what you created.19:28
ScottKjdoles: Where did they say this.19:28
jdolesScottK: this afternoon.19:28
jdolesScottK: in #kde.19:28
jdolesScottK: it is a popular opinion that Kubuntu is a broken KDE distribution.19:28
jdolesScottK: so, perhaps you might want to fix that at the same time.19:29
jdolesahoneybun: there is nothing wrong with my language.19:29
ScottKWhich is deeply ironic since we're probably the least patched KDE distro out there.19:29
jdolesScottK: no, it is not.19:29
ScottKI'm done.  Have a nice life.19:29
jdolesScottK: they just think that you are really bad at the system portions of it.19:29
claydohit is a popular opinion that opinions on an irc channel are a dimea dozen19:30
ahoneybunjdoles: cursing is not proper in this room or any IRC room19:30
jdolesahoneybun: I did not curse.19:30
jdolesahoneybun: and can't you say anything useful?19:30
jdolesclaydoh: and please think of your own sentences.19:30
jdolesAre you sure you are developers?19:31
shadeslayerjdoles: just to make this abundantly clear, we do not mess with the PA bits19:31
claydohI did, I just readmy #kubuntu backlog19:31
jdolesIt sounds more like you are a bunch of wannabes.19:31
jdolesshadeslayer: and I am sure the Ubuntu and KDE people could not care less.19:31
palassojdoles, if you want sth useful let me tell you that support is done in #kubuntu This channel is for development!19:31
shadeslayerthe base OS is the same as Ubuntu, Xubuntu, whatever19:31
ahoneybunI'm not a developer, I just try to help.19:32
jdolesshadeslayer: so, show me the documentation for Pulse Audio for my system version which says how it is supposed to be setup.19:32
jdolesshadeslayer: if there is no documentation, it is impossible to debug.19:32
claydohjdoles spent some time harrasing #kubuntu already, palasso19:32
jdolesclaydoh: you call is harassing.19:32
jdolesclaydoh: I call it discovering that nobody there has any idea of the state of the world.19:33
palassoclaydoh, I'm sorry... I guess it's time for this channel now :D19:33
yofeljdoles: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User? Note that we do NOT run it as a system daemon19:33
claydohyes, you were being unreasonable with those who were attemting to help19:33
shadeslayerjdoles: you're asking the wrong person, since I do not work in that area19:33
jdolesshadeslayer: then why are you so unwise to interfere?19:33
jdolesshadeslayer: it sounds like a waste of my time to talk to me about things you don't know.19:34
jdolesclaydoh: I was the only one being reasonable.19:34
shadeslayersigh, I'm not interfering, I'm just trying to make it clear that we know very little about PA since most of us do not work in that area19:34
shadeslayerand for most of us, everything just works19:34
jdolesshadeslayer: it was becoming clear already that you are not organized to create an operating system.19:34
claydohjdoles: sure, you were:(19:35
jdolesshadeslayer: this is not a personal attack.19:35
palassoI think that jdoles is purposefully trolling......19:35
jdolespalasso: I think you should learn to read.19:35
shadeslayerjdoles: what else would you call it19:35
jdolespalasso: my audio does not work.19:35
jdolespalasso: I want it fixed.19:35
jdolespalasso: fix it or help me, and I can help myself.19:35
jdolespalasso: yet, all you do is trolling.19:36
claydohpalasso: I disagree,somewhatbut the actions are there19:36
jdolesshadeslayer: an assessment19:36
jdolesshadeslayer: it's just something you take personally, which you shouldn't.19:36
jdolesPerhaps everyone who can help works at Google and has an IQ over 150.19:36
jdolesYou shouldn't have any hard feelings about that.19:37
yofeltelling people that try to help you that they don't know what they're doing is not particulary motivating, you know...19:37
jdolesyofel: it isn't meant to be motivating.19:38
yofelbeing asked one and the same question by different people is annoying, sure19:38
yofelbut not all people were in the channel last time you were asked or didn't read/notice it19:38
jdolesyofel: not only the same question, but depending on the audience dumb questions too.19:38
claydohjdoles:  then why would one treat volunteersthis way19:39
ahoneybunshadeslayer: can you help with buildign a test package for the docbook?19:39
jdolesyofel: meaning questions that anyone with an understanding of the domain would not ask.19:39
macohey so guess what there are like 2 people in all of Ubuntu who know how to fix audio drivers19:39
macoOne of them is currently deployed in Iraq19:39
yofelso? what do you expect? a set of highly trained IT professionals in a community support channel?19:39
shadeslayerahoneybun: gah, docbook, /me runs away19:39
jdolesclaydoh: just because you are a volunteer does not mean you can do a bad job.19:39
yofelsome people are that, but not everyone knows everything19:39
shadeslayerI'm not touching that stuff ever again19:39
jdolesclaydoh: in the real world, you can also get fired from being a volunteer.19:39
claydohlol there you go19:39
macoSo, maybe you can go visit him on a military base in Iraq and get some help19:39
macobut otherwise, just wait for his next shore leave19:39
shadeslayeror maybe you know, post a question in askubuntu, file a bug, or a post on the forums19:40
ahoneybunyofel: what about you?19:40
lordievaderjdoles: Most of the people in the support channels are just home-users who want to give back to the community.19:40
macohe's one of the top  5 audio people for all of linux, really19:40
shadeslayerso many support options19:40
jdolesmaco: this is not about audio drivers.19:40
claydohjdoles: inthe real world,I would ask you to leave my store  and loose your business19:40
macojdoles: the interaction of pulse and drivers is always lovely fun19:40
jdolesmaco: it's about the infrastructure between generic drivers and pulse.19:41
yofelahoneybun: I work in IT, but what I'm doing here is mostly learned by years of experience in volunteer work19:41
macoi used to know how some of that works, because i lived with that audio guy and he taught me stuff19:41
macobut i quit doing open source 2 years ago and life has been so much better since then19:41
jdolesmaco: one of these things is whether it runs as a system user or not, which my research says that it doesn't in Kubuntu.19:41
macopulse runs systemwide19:41
jdolesBut I am sure there are other properties which make it not work.19:41
macothats the case in ubuntu, kubuntu, whatever19:41
shadeslayeron an related Audio note, has anyone used an external DAC with *buntu?19:41
ahoneybunyofel: I got that branch set up btw19:41
jdolesmaco: that's not what the freedesktop.org page said.19:41
macohmm maybe i forgot then19:42
jdolesmaco: the permissions are set up like case 2.19:42
yofelahoneybun: ah, did you find out what went wrong?19:42
* ahoneybun does not know what a DAC is19:42
shadeslayerjdoles: does /proc/asound/cards list your cards?19:42
macomy sound's worked since i fixed my driver in 2008 so i stopped caring19:42
shadeslayerahoneybun: Digital to Audio Converter19:42
ahoneybunyofel: not sure but I got it19:42
ahoneybunoh ok19:42
jdolesSee that19:42
jdolesshadeslayer: yes19:42
yofelwell, that's good at least19:42
jdolesYes, I can think of that myself too.19:42
* maco goes back to not giving a squirrel's toe about people who expect others to fix code for them19:43
shadeslayerI am uncertain whether #pulseaudio does support19:43
jdolesI don't want to crush your little souls, but I am intelligent, but I cannot guess how you randomly setup things.19:43
shadeslayerbut it's worth a shot19:43
ahoneybunyofel: https://code.launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/kubuntu-docs/raring19:43
jdolesand I am intelligent*19:43
* claydoh goes and cooks dinner, not a pleasant bit of catchup after a 16 hour day in the warehouse w/o ac19:44
* ahoneybun needs help testing his exported xml files for the DocBook19:45
macojdoles: look dude, this channel has 0 to do with pulse audio alright? it's ONLY about the kde desktop applications. it has JACK to do with the audio infrastructure, which is handled by an infrastructure team at Canonical19:46
macoby which i really mean by one person on that team19:46
macowho is very likely asleep right now, since he's in australia19:46
jdolesmaco: what is his name?19:46
jdolesReally? No, wonder it works so badly.19:47
macoaudio has never, from what i can tell, been a true priority of canonical's19:47
shadeslayerjust because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it works badly19:47
jdolesThe servers just need to keep on running.19:47
shadeslayerit works for numerous other people19:47
macofor that matter, when luke gets a chance to get a breather from audio, he works on accessibility, which has ALSO never been a true priority19:47
jdolesUbuntu: Linux for servers :)19:47
macoaccessibility in ubuntu is in an absolutely abysmal state19:48
jdolesWhy did they ever market the desktop?19:48
macobut try getting priority shifted away from unity19:48
jdolesOr was that just a marketing technique?19:48
macopeople were still using windows xp, 2000, and 98 back when that marketing started19:49
macothe bar was pretty crappy back then19:49
jdolesWindows XP audio never failed ;)19:49
macowell you needed to get a driver19:49
jdolesBut yes it has many other "issues".19:49
macobut first you had to get online19:49
macoOH BUT WAIT19:49
macoyou couldnt get online with windows xp because you needed to get online to download the driver to get online to download... hang on im reapeating myself19:50
jdolesYou also needed to install RAID drivers from a floppy.19:50
shadeslayerthis is also going OT btw :P19:50
jdolesYes, yes, it was terrible.19:50
ScottKWhen was it not OT.19:50
lordievadermaco: Good times, getting wifi drivers without wifi available :)19:51
macolordievader: wifi? who said wifi?19:51
macolordievader: xp didnt support ETHERNET19:51
lordievadermaco: For me it was allways the wifi :)19:51
jdolesI don't get one thing: if you don't want to be an OS and don't want to change KDE, then what do you want to do?19:51
macoubuntu could at least use ethernet to get the wireless drivers19:51
jdolesIt seems that the empty set of activities remains then,19:51
claydohScottK: do you guys have any use for my now-unused arm dev board,the imx-53?19:51
jdolesOr you could become source committers for the various kde projects.19:51
macosome of us have kde commit access19:52
macoi might still19:52
jdolesThis is a reasonable suggestion, isn't it?19:52
ScottKclaydoh: Not really.19:52
macoit's strongly encouraged in ubuntu-land to contribute upstream19:52
claydohScottK: or is it now a bit out of date?19:52
macoor was? i'm not sure it still is19:52
claydohok, 19:52
jdolesIf you don't at all have the intention to support an OS with all the manpower that needs, why do it?19:52
ScottKclaydoh: We don't have mx51/53 kernels in the archive.19:52
maco(what with this stupid app store idea that doesnt involve submitting to debian first anymore)19:52
macojdoles: you know this ain't a support channel, right?19:53
jdolesClearly you describe yourself as someone who doesn't want to do that.19:53
jdolesmaco: yes, but you aren't developing an OS either.19:53
jdolesmaco: you only want to develop the applications.19:53
jdolesmaco: you don't need an OS for that.19:53
ScottKAnd I need to rebuild eglibc for raring/saucy to make a custom version that will work on my mx51 efikas.19:53
macojdoles: sure i am, at my paid job, that has NOTHING to do with ubuntu or kubuntu except that many of us run it on our desktops :)19:53
macoas for this channel...19:53
macothe kubuntu team works with the ubuntu team to make the OS19:53
macomost support for *ubuntu (dont care if that's xubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu...whatever) happens on AskUbuntu, in #ubuntu, or on the Ubuntu Forums19:54
lordievaderOr in their own support channels, like #kubuntu, #lubuntu, etc.19:55
macoyou're asking questions about stuff that has nothing to do with kde, you can use the generic ones just fine19:55
jdolesmaco: ScottK said earlier than I shouldn't ask Ubuntu about Kubuntu issues.19:55
jdolesmaco: but I suppose I could install Unity to keep up appearances.19:56
jdolesmaco: I also understand that all those systems are the same.19:56
valorieoh my goodness, just reading backlog20:42
valoriewho has ops in this channel?20:43
macovalorie: Riddell, i think20:43
Tm_TI do20:44
valoriewell, trolls should not be allowed to kill everyone's enthusiasm, IMO20:44
Tm_Ttoo late20:44
ahoneybunI'm up to doing some work20:45
valorielet me just say to all the helpful people here without ops: I love you, and you create a wonderful system20:45
valorieand let's stop feeding trolls20:46
ahoneybunvalorie: I exported the xml with community.kde.org20:46
valorieso where did you set that up?20:47
valoriethanks Tm_T20:47
yofelTm_T: thanks20:47
ahoneybunTm_T: thanks that was not nice to see20:48
ahoneybunyes I need to fix something I know20:48
Tm_Tjust ignore such rants20:48
valorieahoneybun: did you talk to the www people before setting this up?20:48
valorieTm_T: good advice20:48
ahoneybunI was told to see how it worked20:49
valoriegood reminder for everyone20:49
valorieahoneybun: ?20:49
ahoneybunvalorie: no I did not...20:49
ahoneybunmy bad20:50
valorieimo it's worth talking to the experts20:51
valoriethey are great people20:51
ahoneybunwhat for permission or advice on how to make it better?20:51
ahoneybunfor permission to post there?20:52
valorienot so much permission, as fitting in with the administration of the wiki20:52
ahoneybunadvice then20:52
valorienow that you have a page, they can look at it20:52
valorieit's possible they'll move the page to fit into the organization scheme20:53
ahoneybunI just want to see if the xml file it shot out will work for what we need before I continue20:53
ahoneybunI don't know how to do that20:55
valoriethanks again for all the work you've been doing on this20:55
valorieah, they can tell you that as well20:55
valorieI've forgotten20:55
valoriesince I didn't blog about it20:55
ahoneybunwhat do I say20:57
ahoneybunlike what am I trying to do 20:57
ahoneybunmake a package?20:57
shadeslayersend me a sandwich20:57
shadeslayernvm ...20:58
ahoneybunI get it 20:58
ahoneybunwhat am I doing, making a package?21:02
ahoneybunvalorie: can you jump in and help explain 21:06
Blizzzsince there is no news on the website, is kde 4.10.3 from ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa good to use (or test)?21:08
ahoneybunBlizzz: I know somethings from 4.10.3 are on the kubuntu-backports PPA for 12.0421:08
Blizzzi mean for 13.0421:09
Blizzzyofel: ^21:09
ahoneybunBlizzz: I'm just saying that the backports have some of it21:09
ahoneybunnot sure about anything else21:09
Riddellvalorie: hmm problems on channel?21:19
valorieyes, you read my email?21:20
valorieTm_T: quieted our troll, but .....21:20
ScottKSometimes it's hard to tell who's a troll and who needs education.21:20
ScottK(at least at first)21:20
Riddellvalorie: I'm happy to give ops to any kubuntu member21:21
valorieScottK: sure21:22
valoriegetting ops on a *buntu channel is a bit of a pain21:23
valoriehopefully someone else steps up!21:23
Riddellvalorie: do you want ops?21:23
yofelBlizzz: it is usable, it's really only the news item that's missing21:23
apachelogger"one of you should be able to tell me (or better: give me the commands) how to correctly setup Pulse Audio in a way that works"21:24
apacheloggerend of story21:24
valorienot today, but thank you for the trust, Riddell21:24
apacheloggervalorie: if you get on the council you'll become op anyway :P21:24
valorieI'll reconsider if others don't step up21:24
valorieapachelogger: ha21:24
apacheloggerit's not like we have a lack of ops in here21:24
valorieI did vote for myself, so I got at least one vote!21:25
ScottKIn my case, I had a lack of knowing how to give myself +o.21:25
valorieif elected, I will take up ops, and make myself a cheat sheet21:25
valoriewhen crunch time comes, i can never remember the relevent commands either21:25
shadeslayervalorie: likewise :P21:26
ScottK31 voters so far, so 1 is not an insignificant fraction of what it takes to win.21:26
apacheloggerScottK: msg ChanServ op #kubuntu-devel21:26
shadeslayerScottK: 31? only? :O21:26
ScottKshadeslayer: Of 53.21:26
shadeslayerwe only have 53 Kubuntu members?21:26
apacheloggerquality > quantity21:27
ScottKWe are elite.21:27
ScottKRiddell himself says so.21:27
apacheloggerand considering only 31 have voted so far I'll argue that quality needs evaluation ^^21:27
shadeslayer"Linux Mint 15 Most Ambitious Release Ever"21:27
Blizzzyofel: great, thank you for packaging :)21:27
* shadeslayer falls of his chair21:27
yofelshadeslayer: I guess hoping for I hope in vain if I think of cleaned up packaging?21:28
yofels/hope for//21:28
kubotuyofel: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"21:28
shadeslayeryofel: I don't think that's ever going to happen21:28
shadeslayerbut hey, they had over a 1000 commits in Cinnamon and MATE21:29
ScottKPyQt5 needs packaging if you want to make a clean start on something.21:29
yofelthe last people that advertised commits were some folks that makes something called trinity21:29
ScottKI've been slowly adding Kubuntu packaging to https://www.ohloh.net/p/kubuntu-packaging21:30
shadeslayerdid you know that agateau's laptop is called trinity :P21:30
ScottKIf you want to count commits ...21:30
shadeslayerruby : 8%21:30
shadeslayerI bet that's all apachelogger's code21:30
yofeloh, oloh stats, nice21:31
ScottKThat or patches of crap upstream work.21:31
ScottKNot done yet.  Still adding packages.21:31
shadeslayerbtw seems like Jessie A. Morris forgot to remove a patch from Amarok21:31
shadeslayerwhich is a bit odd that it didn't fail to apply21:32
yofellol, I'm second place in commit count o.O21:32
ScottKYeah, markey mentioned that earlier today.21:32
shadeslayeryeah, I'm a bit surprised that the patch didn't fail to apply21:32
shadeslayeryikes, my laptop is trying to kill me21:33
shadeslayerjust like the dishwasher at Pinea21:33
yofelthe context is too ambigous21:34
valoriehow is your laptop like a dishwasher?21:34
shadeslayerit's not, both tried to kill me by zapping me with current21:34
yofelit simply successfully applied right below the same code21:34
jessieshadeslayer: What? Which patch was this? Cause Riddell handled the patches.21:34
yofelshadeslayer, jessie: what happened: http://paste.kde.org/74600021:35
yofelcontext was just:21:35
yofel@@ -818,6 +818,20 @@21:35
yofel         }   21:35
yofel     }   21:35
yofel 21:35
yofel+    { // remove <audio> tags (can lead to crashes in QtWebKit)21:35
jessieyofel: Ah, yeah, I see that 12-24 and 26-38 are the same. Looks like that code got doubled.21:36
shadeslayerjessie: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/amarok/view/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu_qtwebkit_crash.diff < needs removing21:36
shadeslayeralso interesting is that it didn't fail to compile because tag is declared 2 times, different scopes?21:36
yofelwhy would it fail? the code has it's own scope thanks to the brackets21:37
shadeslayeryeah, that's what I just said21:37
yofeler, right21:37
shadeslayerexcept it was more of an "I /think/ that's why it failed"21:38
shadeslayerjessie: do you want to fix?21:39
yofelI kind of stopped reading at the colon...21:39
shadeslayercolon? there is no colon in that sentence :D21:39
yofelshows how tired I am, s/colon/comma/21:40
jessieshadeslayer: Probably not today. I'll likely be leaving for home here in about 30 minutes.21:40
jessieSorry for breaking things on my first packaging. :-/21:41
yofelwell, most of us wouldn't have noticed it either as it doesn't fail to apply21:42
shadeslayerI'll fix it :)21:44
shadeslayeranyone want to upload libechonest and tomahawk?21:44
jessieshadeslayer: Thank you. My life has been a cluster lately, so I do appreciate you fixing my mess up.21:44
shadeslayerjessie: no problem :)21:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: because people refuse to speak sane languages21:55
apacheloggerlook at the changes to l10n-common :(21:56
apacheloggerand that's bash21:56
shadeslayerall fixed and uploaded22:03
valoriethanks shadeslayer22:05
jessieshadeslayer: You rock, man.22:12
jessieSo, question: Why the hell does Nepomuk file indexer always crash for me?22:13
yofeljessie: do you have a backtrace at hand?22:15
jessieyofel: No, it won't even start up though. Best way to get one? x-session errors?22:16
yofelhm, that would be the first place to look, yeah22:17
jessiehttp://pastie.org/7923143 There's some error data in there for sure.22:17
yofelthose don't look related to nepomuk though...22:25
jessieyofel: Good point, those are bluetooth ones. Let me try to filter it a bit more22:25
jessieyofel: http://pastie.org/7923183 Looks like it never initializes?22:27
yofelvHanda: ^ ?22:28
shadeslayerprobably not around 22:28
jessieI've removed .local/nepomuk and .config/nepomuk and .kde/share/[apps|config]/nepomuk22:28
* yofel is clueless how that would happen22:28
shadeslayerunless he's at the office at 12 in the night :P22:28
yofelprobably not ^^22:28
jessieI've cleared everything that is nepomuk related and then it runs for ages and then it dies and refuses to start up until I purge configs again.22:28
jessieI do have a very atypical setup that vHanda fixed once before.22:29
jessieMy /home/jessie/ is on my SSD but things like ~/Music and ~/Documents and ~/... etc are on my HDD.22:29
jessieI have ~/Music set up as a symlink.22:29
jessieThere once was an issue with infinite recursion happening because of the links I had set up with Wine.22:30
jessieBut that was fixed.22:30
yofelthat's not unusual, mine looks similiar at least 22:30
jessieWell, regardless, it makes me a sad panda cause email searching and such doesn't work very well without Nepomuk.22:31
valorieit's good to hear someone *wanting* nepomuk for a change22:32
valoriethank you vHanda!22:32
jessieOh, I love nepomuk when it works. But it seems to crash on me. :-(22:33
ahoneybunjessie: same here22:37
jessieahoneybun: It does awesome things like lets me find docs from krunner and stuff.22:38
ahoneybunyea its cool22:38
ahoneybunwhen it works22:38
jessieWell, I gotta bounce. My wedding reception is tomorrow, so business abounds.22:39
jessieWhen is vHanda usually on?22:39
valorieguys, it's been great23:47
* valorie is off for about 4 hours23:47

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