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FogHornLegHornhi, can someone help me out with the powermanagment options.. or how do i add extra options. i dont want it to hibernate when i shut the lid and there are no options for this that i see.01:11
SonikkuAmericaFogHornLegHorn: It's been a while since I used KDE, but I think it's inside Power Management in System Settings...01:37
SonikkuAmericaFogHornLegHorn: The way each one works is based on what type of power source the machine is on.01:39
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Enkidu_akI had a little accident which disabled some of my sata ports on my board. I've moved my drives down to functioning ports and now grub is in a panic. Grub drops into rescue saying that it can't find a soecific uuid, but when I boot manually from grub rescue, I can't find that device listed anywhere in grub.cfg or blkid. I have tried reinstalling grub to /dev/sda again, but it fails with the same error. Is there a config that I am missing?06:17
lordievaderEnkidu_ak: Can you still see the harddrive(s) from a live-session?06:20
Enkidu_aklordievader, I can, though I unmounted /dev/sda before installing grub again. I can still see the drives, though06:21
lordievaderEnkidu_ak: Ok, how did you (re)install grub?06:22
Enkidu_akVerified the settings in grub.cfg, unmounted /dev/sda, typed: grub-install /dev/sda. rebooted06:22
lordievaderTry to install grub again, but this time mount /dev/sda1 (<-- that should be root (/)). Then install grub with: sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda06:24
Enkidu_aklordievader, Ah, I think I've led you astray. I'm not using a livecd, I booted to my linux partition manually from grub rescue, so / is already mounted as / and /boot is live as well.06:26
Enkidu_aklordievader, That being the case, wouldn't grub-install /dev/sda have precisely the effect which your suggestion would have if I mounted root from a live cd?06:27
Enkidu_akOh, I understand. I meant the grub rescue prompt, not the grub rescue cd06:28
lordievaderThat last message threw me off the track, what did you do in the grub rescue prompt?06:29
Enkidu_aklordievader, Set prefix=(hd2,1)/boot/grub; insmod (hd2,1)/boot/grub/linux.mod; set root=(hd2,1); linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-40-generic root=/dev/sdb1; initrd /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-40-generic; boot06:34
Enkidu_aklordievader, Thus booting my linux partition manually06:34
Enkidu_aklordievader, I was saying that I'm not running a livecd, that / is already mounted as /06:35
lordievaderOk, thank you. But yes installing from / probably is the same as the command I gave you for the live-session.06:36
Enkidu_aklordievader, That is what I thought as well, but grub is still unhappy for some reason.06:37
Enkidu_aklordievader, I can't figure out where it is getting that bad uuid.06:37
lordievaderEnkidu_ak: You could check if the UUID is still the same. /etc/fstab probably has the old UUID, for the current UUID issue "ls -l /dev/disks/by-uuid/"06:37
Enkidu_aklordievader, Ah, good idea06:37
Enkidu_aklordievader, fstab matches the uuid's listed in grub.cfg. All of them match up with blkid06:38
Enkidu_akOne moment, I'm going to switch to the laptop so that I can tinker while we converse.06:40
lordievaderSure, no problem.06:40
Enkidu_akI've returned, hopefully I haven't missed any of your correspondence.06:43
Enkidu_aklordievader, grub-install seems to conclude without issue. In fact, it reports that no errors occured. Clearly something got lost in the transaction06:45
lordievaderEnkidu_ak: No, I was thinking maybe "sudo update-grub" might work.06:45
lordievaderEnkidu_ak: I had a similair problem once, grub-install wouldn't update the boot list properly, update-grub did fix the problem.06:46
Enkidu_akI'll give it a shot06:46
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Enkidu_aklordievader, It's still looking for that same phantom drive.06:59
Enkidu_aklordievader, I ran update-grub and then grub-install /dev/sda again06:59
lordievaderThat is most dissapointing. I have to say I'm out of ideas :(07:06
Enkidu_akI got my hopes up when update-grub regenerated the cfg.07:06
lordievaderEnkidu_ak: You do not have multiple drives in your system?07:07
Enkidu_aklordievader, I do. sda has two ntfs partitions on it and sdb2 has an ext4 part and swap07:07
Enkidu_aklordievader, sda is the boot device07:07
lordievaderHmm, that should be correct then... Have you seen this thread: http://superuser.com/questions/485722/how-do-i-fix-a-wrong-uuid-in-grub-cfg07:09
lordievaderNot sure if it is about grub1 or grub2.07:09
Enkidu_akI hadn't seen that, but in my case the suspect uuid isn't even in the config. That's what kills me, I have no idea why grub keeps looking for it.07:11
lordievaderEnkidu_ak: I have to go, good luck with your problem, I hope you find a solution soon.07:11
Enkidu_aklordievader, Thanks07:11
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BluesKajHi all11:48
avihaydamn, my notifications are off-screen ever since I connected to an external monitor and moved them a bit11:52
avihayalso hi BluesKaj11:52
BluesKajhi avihay11:53
avihayanyone happen to know what config file they are in?11:54
avihaybecause I can't find a way to fix this from the gui11:54
BluesKajavi hat set the monitor resolution to the same  res as the laptop or vice versa if possible11:59
avihayI don't have the monitor anymore :-<12:00
avihayneed a virtual screen12:02
avihayno, need a more sane desktop12:02
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Touhou11What will happen to Kubuntu if KDE developers don't wish to write code to support Mir? Will it switch to Wayland instead? Or use Mir through an X Server?13:55
BluesKajTouhou11, rumours are that wayland is in our future13:56
Touhou11That's good news :)13:57
BluesKajmir is already running patrtially with X ubuntu on 13.10 test release13:57
Touhou11Seems a waste of effort to me, given wayland is further along13:59
Touhou11But I don't know what decisions go on at Canonical behind closed doors13:59
BluesKajI don't know much about the development of either of them14:00
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BluesKajkubuntu is now under the Blue Systems umbrella , so we may see a parting of the ways soon and kubuntu become more based directly on debian than ubuntu14:02
tixonrazghello everybody14:09
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92AAANIQNI have a notebokk and an external monitor, and used i to share desktop with notebook monitor. I Can add a panel to the second monitor area, but is there a way to make visible that panel only when the second monitor is connected?15:07
jdolesHello, can anyone tell me how Pulse Audio should be setup on Kubuntu?15:09
jdolesI want to know absolutely everything.15:09
jdolesI am getting "Connection refuses when I followed Freedesktop.org advice".15:09
jdolesConnection refused15:10
SonikkuAmericajdoles: [ sudo apt-get install pulseaudio ] should get you everything you need.15:16
jdolesSonikkuAmerica: it doesn't.15:17
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SonikkuAmericajdoles: How so? Worked for me on a 13.04 install.15:17
BluesKajjdoles, pulseaudio control had a gui called pavucontrol , it's used to set the input and output connections for your audio apps15:17
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: s/had/has15:17
SonikkuAmericajdoles: Set it in your favorites in Kickoff (or Homerun)15:18
92AAANIQNHello BluesKaj15:18
jdolesPlease suggest something I *cannot* think of.15:18
BluesKajjdoles, we don't read minds here , what's your OS release version ?15:19
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: #kubuntu-paranormal ? :)15:19
BluesKajSonikkuAmerica,  :)15:20
jdolesI purged pulseaudio and reinstall it.15:20
jdolesThat is what you suggested essentially.15:20
BluesKajnot me15:21
jdolesAO: [pulse] Init failed: Connection refused15:21
jdolesFailed to initialize audio driver 'pulse'15:21
jdolesThis is what mplayer says.15:21
jdolesSo, I ask you: what is the correct configuration for pulseaudio?15:21
BluesKajinstall pavucontrol it's a gui for pulseaudio ...and read what ppl suggest , please.15:22
jdolesYou created this distribution, right? According to freedesktop.org there are 3 ways of configuring it.15:22
BluesKajjdoles, ^15:22
jdolesBluesKaj: it doesn't work on a _lower_ level.15:22
jdolesFatal Error: Unable to connect to PulseAudio: OK15:22
jdolesBluesKaj: that is what your beloved pavucontrol says.15:22
jdolesWhoever created this distribution should know how it is supposed to be setup.15:23
BluesKajpulseaudio is in the kubuntu repositories, it's not Pulse Audio15:23
jdolesBluesKaj: uh, huh?15:23
BluesKajas is pavucontrol15:23
jdolesBluesKaj: you are not making any sense.15:24
jdolesBluesKaj: I am running Kubuntu, I am in the Kubuntu support channel, now tell me what I am doing wrong.15:24
BluesKajyou're not reading our suggestions15:25
jdolesBluesKaj: I said that I started pavucontrol.15:25
jdolesBluesKaj: I told you what it said.15:25
jdolesBluesKaj: so, I followed your suggestion and now you can say what else to do.15:25
jdolesBluesKaj: because clearly running pavucontrol doesn't work.15:25
jdolesBluesKaj: is that already clear for you?15:25
jdolesBluesKaj: got it already?15:26
jdolesBluesKaj: Fatal Error: Unable to connect to PulseAudio: OK15:26
jdolesBluesKaj: Fatal Error: Unable to connect to PulseAudio: OK15:26
jdolesBluesKaj: Fatal Error: Unable to connect to PulseAudio: OK15:26
SonikkuAmericaI'll tell you right now that attitude is not exactly one we'd like to listen to.15:26
BluesKajare you finished ?15:26
BluesKajjdoles, , how about telling about your audio cards and hardware15:27
jdolesBluesKaj: yes, now it's your turn to say something to *help* me.15:27
jdolesBluesKaj: that is all irrelevant.15:28
SonikkuAmericajdoles: How so?!15:28
jdolesBluesKaj: I need to know how the permissions need to be setup.15:28
SonikkuAmericajdoles: Is this not audio we are talking about?15:28
jdolesSonikkuAmerica: I already know that devices all work.15:28
jdolesSonikkuAmerica: I don't need you questioning me.15:28
BluesKajwell if you think audio hardware is irrelevant then I can't help you15:28
jdolesBluesKaj: ...15:28
SonikkuAmericajdoles: Ditto.15:28
jdolesBluesKaj: all you are doing is saying worthless things.15:29
smartboyhw!patience | jdoles15:29
ubottujdoles: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/15:29
jdolesWho actually knows something about Kubuntu?15:29
jdolesDo I have to pay that Blue Systems company money to get it to work and are you just here to drive people insane?15:30
jdolessmartboyhw: He has not answered a single question.15:30
BluesKajdon't think we need to help drive you insane , jdoles15:30
SonikkuAmericajdoles: You haven't answered ours.15:30
jdolessmartboyhw: all he does is ask me questions of which I know that they are irrelevant.15:30
jdolesSonikkuAmerica: because you don't know anything.15:31
jdolesI asked one question which is hardware independent.15:31
smartboyhwjdoles: I think at least some of them are relevant.15:31
BluesKajok that's enough15:31
jdolesWhy can't you just answer that question?15:31
BluesKaj!ops | jdoles15:31
ubottujdoles: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger15:31
jdolessmartboyhw: what you think is also irrelevant.15:31
smartboyhwjdoles: Stop insulting15:32
jdolessmartboyhw: I haven't insulted anyone.15:32
jdolessmartboyhw: I am just saying that what you think has nothing to do with reality.15:32
jdolessmartboyhw: while you may think there is any relation, I can assure you there is not.15:32
txwikingerplease everybody play nice here15:33
jdolesI asked a support question and all I get back are a bunch of ignorant people who ask me irrelevant questions.15:33
yofelthe only thing I can tell about pulseaudio is that the default configuration is set to user sessions (not system service) and that it's supposed to auto-launch when something needs it.15:33
BluesKajtxwikinger, that's going to stop him15:33
jdolesyofel: can you use mplayer?15:34
jdolesyofel: via pulse audio output, that is?15:34
jdolesyofel: are you in the audio group?15:34
yofelI can15:34
jdolesyofel: execute the groups command.15:34
yofelno, I'm not15:34
BluesKajhis pulseaudio doesn't launch when called15:34
yofelyofel adm dialout cdrom sudo plugdev fuse lpadmin admin sambashare libvirtd wireshark15:34
yofelis there a pulseaudio process running?15:35
jdolesyofel: yes15:35
yofelis it killable by running 'pulseaudio -k' ?15:35
jdolesyofel: we are getting somewhere15:36
BluesKajdunno why we shoulf reward insults with help and advice ...guess the COC doesn't matter anymore15:36
jdolesyofel: mplayer plays audio now.15:36
jdolesyofel: but there is no audio coming out of it.15:37
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: Good call... why did I even create an OpenPGP key then?15:37
BluesKajI'm disgusted by this15:37
jdolesBluesKaj: "we", yofel is not part of your collective.15:37
SonikkuAmericajdoles: Ubuntu IS a collective.15:37
jdolesBluesKaj: he is merely showing how to help, unlike you.15:37
yofeljdoles: really, you *were* out of line before. Some people might not exactly know how to help you but still try, please don't stamp on their efforts15:38
BluesKajyuou answered his questions , but ours were irrelavant , jdol15:38
jdolesyofel: if I don't do it, then who does?15:38
yofelif mplayer plays audio, pulse is at least not stuck anymore15:39
jdolesyofel: who draws the line that some people shouldn't talk at all?15:39
smartboyhwjdoles: Try the instructions in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190157915:39
yofeljdoles: you tell them *politely* that your issue is different15:39
BluesKajthat's it ...ignore is on15:39
txwikingerBluesKaj: The CoC also requires not to see everything in the most negative way15:39
txwikingerSo all of you just try to be a little nicer15:40
txwikingerNobody wins by confrontations15:41
BluesKajtxwikinger, great , thanks for the advice ...really needed that support15:41
yofelanyway, if pulse isn't stuck anyomre I would check the sound device configuration. If it's not that then I'm out of ideas. (that part of the stack isn't my expertise)15:41
SonikkuAmericaOh hello txwikinger. We're all trying as hard as we can, but sometimes,...15:41
SonikkuAmericaMaybe we all need to re-read that doc.15:41
smartboyhwjdoles: People that can't help you in your case doesn't mean that we are not allowed to talk. Sometimes we are not good at certain aspects (in this case, audio). But everyone here has a heart to help. So please, respect us.15:41
txwikingerSonikkuAmerica: Yes .. no problem :-)15:41
BluesKajyofel, he's using a usb mic and audacity apparently works , because it links up to alsa directly bypassing the pulse server15:43
yofeloh fun, I know nothing about usb audio devices. If pavucontrol lists the device and it doesn't work I'm clueless15:44
SonikkuAmericayofel: The Configuration tab usually messes with that15:45
BluesKajit's pavucontrol input option that needs configuring  ...hsan't mentioned anything except that everything else "works"15:46
BluesKajlike I said before I would be perfectly happy without pulseaudio , if it weren't needed to link webaudio to alsa15:49
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: I wish we could just throw ALSA out the window altogether, but that isn't possible (yet)15:50
BluesKajnot alsa SonikkuAmerica , throw pulseaudio15:50
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: How else would I get my USB headphones to work?!15:51
BluesKajpulse can't operate alone , but als can15:51
BluesKajyeah , that' where the alsa devs have given in to the pulseaudio advocates ...that happened back in 9.1015:52
BluesKajinput and output switching needs pavucontrol , alsamixer used to have that role , but now linux audio is such messy dog's breakfast it causes needless and endless problems with every release ...ppl  get frustrated and angry over it as we have all winessed here today15:57
jdolesPulse Audio now seems to be playing to a dummy device instead of some Intel device.15:59
BluesKajdoes the intel device show in phonon ?16:00
BluesKajdevice preferences16:01
BluesKajrun , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel in the konsole to load the driver , there won't be any output if it loads properly , jdoles16:03
jdolesBluesKaj: no, and it had already been loaded.16:04
jdolesBluesKaj: it showed up before.16:04
jdolesBluesKaj: but not anymore.16:04
BluesKajit should be listed in phonon device preferencs then16:05
jdolesBluesKaj: why are you arguing with reality?16:05
jdolesBluesKaj: it doesn't.16:05
BluesKajwell, loading a driver sometimes requires reboot  or force alsa reload16:06
BluesKajtoo late , eagles051387516:20
BluesKajBBL , wife wants to watch the local news16:21
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aram_hey people why new kubuntu sometimes after starting up has no sound?16:41
aram_kubuntu 1316:41
SonikkuAmericaaram_: Does the volume mixer icon appear at all?16:44
aram_it starts normally16:45
aram_mixer is working16:45
aram_but no sounds16:45
SonikkuAmericaNo sound at all?16:45
aram_after restart it or will be ok or will be without sound16:45
aram_no in all apps16:46
aram_i tryed to uninstall pulseaudio16:46
SonikkuAmericaWhat does that mean? System sounds are OK, but in-app sounds aren't?16:46
jdolesWhy do I see a dummy device and not the Intel device?16:47
SonikkuAmericaaram_: Don't do that?!16:47
aram_NO sOUNDS At ALL in all apps16:47
aram_including system16:47
aram_i did it ahahah but now i haave installed back it again16:47
SonikkuAmericaOh. Is it HDMI audio?16:47
aram_built in speakers16:47
aram_it is my laptop16:47
aram_and i have no sound everywhere on earphones too16:48
SonikkuAmericaIntel HD Audio?16:48
aram_it is intel16:48
aram_everything is intel, processor, videocard, sound card16:48
SonikkuAmericaaram_: How many times have you rebooted?16:50
aram_it usualy takes one time ,,, but today i did it twice,,, sometimes after rebooting i can see that volume control is on 0 db,,,16:51
BluesKajaram_, just to be sure , open a terminal and do , lspci | grep -i audio16:51
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: Ohai. You back?16:51
aram_with sudo?16:51
SonikkuAmericaaram_: Nope16:51
BluesKajno sudo needed16:51
aram_00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05)16:51
SonikkuAmericaLet me see...16:53
SonikkuAmericaDo you have [ pavucontrol ] up and running? If not, run it (via KRunner or in a konsole)16:54
aram_i should install it16:54
SonikkuAmericaYes you should. That'll fix half the battle (hopefully)16:55
BluesKajaram_, ok , your kernel module/driver might not be loading , in the terminal , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , there won't be any output if it loads properly , then you have to reboot16:55
BluesKajpavucontrol will help , yes16:56
aram_i did <<sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel>>16:56
aram_no new message appeared16:56
aram_what does it mean?16:56
Wolkeccan someone help me16:57
BluesKajit means your audio driver loaded properly without any errors16:57
BluesKajWolkec, just ask your question16:57
SonikkuAmericaaram_: Now reboot again. (No output means it went fine.) (I quit the channel on accidnet)16:58
aram_ill be right backckckc16:58
aram_and  pavucontrol is installed16:59
aram_hello again17:16
aram_im backckc17:16
aram_it seems ok now17:17
BluesKajaram_, good to hear17:19
aram_so many nice people here17:19
aram_thank you17:19
aram_im here for first time17:19
aram_just saw the program quassel irc17:20
aram_and wanted to test it and see what is that17:20
aram_i love it17:20
aram_but when i press power button on my laptop system going to shut down immediately17:20
aram_is it ok?17:21
aram_before 13.04 it was showing me a small menu with confirmation and options17:21
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lordievaderGood evening.17:53
aram_good evening18:03
lordievaderHey aram_, how are you?18:06
lordievaderaram_: Doing good too :)18:08
dimitri_bHello everybody, does anybody have experience with mojo installer files in kubuntu?? As far as I understand, one should simply execute this installer file... but Kubuntu doesn't start it, also bash says "bash: ./setup.bin: No such file or directory" although the file is definitely there18:18
dimitri_b(of course the +x flag is set)18:18
fhenixesto me pierde18:19
aram_maybe you need chmod +x18:31
aram_then ./setuo18:31
FloodBotK1aram_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:31
aram_i did corrections18:32
dimitri_b@aram: as I mentioned chmod +x is already done ;)18:34
aram_may i have those files?18:36
dimitri_bits about 9gb18:42
aram_setup file is 9 gb?18:44
dimitri_byes, it's a mojo installer file... in my case it's a linux game I purchased (from humblebundle.com)18:47
aram_contact with tech support18:49
aram_they will solve the problem guess18:50
dimitri_byeah, I should do this... I'm just wondering what bash says... and Kubuntu itself can't run the file18:50
dimitri_bin both cases it should be possible to run any executable file, shouldn't it?18:51
dimitri_berrors can be prompted, but why kubuntu even doesn't start the file? and bash's errno is very strange...18:52
lordievaderdimitri_b: You are in the correct path? If you run ls, you see the setup file?18:53
Surlent777hi; I'm using KDE 4.10.3 and I notice that "Thumbnail Aside" plugin in KWin refuses to work, notably because it refuses to allow any keyboard shortcut to be set to it. Testing with the "Desktop Cube" plugin suggests this is unique to "Thumbnail Aside". Any suggestions as to what might be causing this? I've googled a bit, but I'm not seeing anything like this so far.18:53
ahoneybunSurlent777: might be a bug, you should report it18:54
Surlent777ahoneybun: fair enough. Is there a place documenting how I might properly go about that?18:55
jdolesIs there anyone who understands Kubuntu and Pulse Audio in detail?18:56
jdolesThe symptoms: a null audio sink.18:56
jdoleslsmod shows the device I want to use being in use.18:56
jdolesmplayer shows it is using pulse.18:57
dimitri_b@lordievader: yes of course18:57
jdolesalsamixer shows the desired devices.18:57
Surlent777jdoles: and alasmixer shows it's not muted, correct?18:57
jdolesThe mixers are not muted.18:57
lordievaderdimitri_b: Does it work if you use the absolute path?18:57
jdolesAll the hardware involved has worked on the same system with the same kernel.18:58
dimitri_bls also indicates the file is executable18:58
dimitri_bone sec18:58
jdolesI have purged pulseaudio and installed it again.18:58
Surlent777jdoles: I've had issues with PA on Ubuntu 12.10 where, after suspending, PA acts up. Have you tried a "pulseaudio -k" if you're in a similar situation?18:58
jdolesSurlent777: suspending is not relevant.18:58
jdolesSurlent777: I know that in your case it has been, but in my case it is not.18:58
Surlent777jdoles: just trying to knock out the weird case since it happend to me.18:59
jdolesSurlent777: that's good. Please try to stick to technical issues here, not social ones.18:59
Surlent777I'm sorry, but how is that social?19:00
jdolesIf we have to apologize all day long for every thing we say, nothing gets done.19:00
dimitri_blordievader: no luck, same error... trying with "exec FULL-PATH" or "bash FULL-PATH" doesn't work too... in the latter case I get an "cannot execute binary file"19:01
ahoneybunSurlent777: sorry I got distraced, looking now19:01
Surlent777ahoneybun: thank you19:01
ahoneybunSurlent777: what version are you on?19:02
ahoneybunKubuntu that is19:02
Surlent777ahoneybun: running Kubuntu 12.04 with the kubuntu PPAs, bringing me to 4.10.319:02
ahoneybunoh ok19:02
ahoneybunthat would be a the kubuntu-backport PPA19:03
Surlent777ahoneybun: that and the other one19:03
ahoneybunthe normal kubuntu ppa?19:04
* ahoneybun forgets what kwin package name is19:06
Surlent777that or possibly kde-window-manager-common19:06
Surlent777I'm unsure at this point which has the file we're looking at19:06
dimitri_bI guess I will open a support ticket, where I got this binary... seems there is no way to fix this shortly19:07
dimitri_bthanks anyway for your help19:07
lordievaderdimitri_b: What does "file <setup file>" say?19:07
ahoneybunI can't find that name in any of the PPA's19:07
jdolesDid Blue Systems go out of business already?19:08
Surlent777ahoneybun: kde-window-manager and -common both show their version number appended with "ppa1"19:08
ahoneybunit must be from the kubuntu-backports PPA as it has 4.10.3 packages19:08
Surlent777ahoneybun: I was just about to say, Synaptic is showing it as being from there19:08
ahoneybunok then you should file it..19:08
dimitri_bELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, BuildID[sha1]=0x35986408f6457e67c7ba1f80eaa40b5941dd70c7, not stripped19:09
ahoneybunthere are no bugs on the PPA page on launchpad19:09
dimitri_bok... now that's interesting, my machine is 64bit19:09
ahoneybunso I'm not sure if you should file it upstream19:09
dimitri_bI think that's the problem19:09
Surlent777ahoneybun: to be honest, I've never filed a bug with anything KDE-related, so I'm not quite sure where to begin19:10
lordievaderdimitri_b: 64bit should be able to run 32bit code, though not it all cases. So it could be your problem indeed.19:10
ahoneybunSurlent777: I'm pretty sure here https://bugs.kde.org/19:10
dimitri_bis there a way to emulate 32-bit applications on kubuntu? (as on windows/osx)19:10
jdolesdimitri_b: it's called multi-arch.19:10
ahoneybundimitri_b: having the 32-bit librarys19:10
jdolesdimitri_b: Ubuntu was one of the first to be completely incompatible with the rest of the world to implement it.19:11
jdolesdimitri_b: for example aptitude is still broken.19:11
ahoneybunanyone else having issues with right clicking not showing up in Firefox 21?19:11
Surlent777ahoneybun: I'll look into doing this then, thanks19:11
lordievaderahoneybun: I have that in Thunderbird.19:12
ahoneybunlordievader: it has been there since 20 I think, but just before the update to 2119:13
lordievaderOh wait it is not right-clicking, but menu's not showing. Should still report a bug for that.19:13
ahoneybunI can right click but no menu, it comes and goes thought19:13
jdolesAre there also any people fixing bugs in Kubuntu?19:13
jdolesThose people must never frequent this channel.19:14
ahoneybunmost likely19:14
jdolesCan you name one of them?19:14
dimitri_bwhat a pity... I assumed the ubuntu guys understand how to create a distro...19:14
lordievaderjdoles: They don't, they have their own channel: #kubuntu-devel19:14
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ahoneybunjdoles: they are in19:14
ahoneybunwhat lordievader said19:14
Surlent777a general support channel is far too busy for any developer to realistically monitor, after all19:14
lordievaderdimitri_b: Did the software you are trying to install come from the repo?19:15
ahoneybunlordievader: its from the humble bundle19:15
lordievaderThe devs come here from time to time.19:15
dimitri_blordievader: no it's from another source, a game bought from humblebundle.com19:15
dimitri_bI will send them an email telling them the problem, maybe they can do something about it19:16
dimitri_bthe curious thing...19:16
dimitri_bthey promote humblebundle in their software-center installer19:17
dimitri_bi mean the ubuntu guys19:17
lordievaderdimitri_b: Hmm, odd then that it does not work. Did you try to install it through the software-center? Or does the software-center point you to the humble-bundle web-site?19:18
Surlent777dimitri_b: they may promote it, but I feel compelled to point out that they have little control over it; quality depends on the responsiveness of the porters/designers. I think you'd do well to contact them directly, as you suggested earlier.19:19
dimitri_bpuh, I don't know it exactly... I changed to Kubuntu and just downloaded the binary file from the website19:19
dimitri_bSurlent777: sure19:20
Surlent777dimitri_b: at the same time, I have made several purchases from the HiB and also run a 64-bit system. What game is it? There's a chance I may be able to offer a suggestion or two19:20
dimitri_bSurlent777: Its the game "Brütal Legend" from the current offe19:21
Surlent777dimitri_b: ah, I haven't done the most recent one, I'm afraid. All I can suggest is to make sure that, if there's a 64-bit version, that you grab that instead; otherwise, yes, contacting them directly might be best. I've had very good luck with that in the past when I had issues with Jamestown.19:22
manenbuwhat does it mean when it says "There are stopped jobs." when I type exit in konsole?19:23
Surlent777manenbu: usually that would mean that you backgrounded something with Ctrl+Z19:23
manenbuif I didn't?19:23
Surlent777manenbu: should that happen again, try typing "jobs" and see if anything comes up19:23
manenbuspeaking of, what's the kubuntu equivalent of windows task manager?19:24
Surlent777manenbu: it's usually bound to Ctrl+Escape19:24
dimitri_bSurlent777: thank you very much^^19:24
manenbuoh great :)19:24
Surlent777dimitri_b: sorry I can't be more helpful; good luck though!19:25
ahoneybunmanenbu: task manager?19:26
ahoneybunmanenbu: system activity19:26
manenbuyea, Surlent777 got it19:27
Surlent777manenbu: you can also get to it from the Alt+F2 (krunner) program by clicking the second icon from the left; I forget the name of the program exactly though19:27
ahoneybunsorry I was in the other room19:27
Surlent777manenbu: for the command-line equivalent, you would want the htop package (sudo apt-get install htop), which is relatively user-friendly19:28
manenbui'm ok with ctrl-esc19:28
manenbui was using ctrl-shirt-esc in windows anyway19:28
manenbustill learning my way around kde19:28
ahoneybunmanenbu: its super fun! and I still learn more everyday :)19:29
manenbuit is19:29
manenbui needed a linux system for work because I found out that most tools I (should) work with work only in linux or much better in linux19:30
manenbuso I tried some systems19:30
manenbueventually the only one that could probably dual boot with windows 8 and secure boot on was ubuntu19:30
manenbubut ubuntu is awful, so kubuntu it is19:30
ahoneybunmanenbu: welcome to Kubuntu!19:30
Surlent777manenbu: Ubuntu and Kubuntu are equivalent, essentially; they're the same system, only with a different set of default programs and settings.19:31
manenbulet me correct myself19:31
manenbuthe user interface of ubuntu is awful :)19:31
lordievadermanenbu: Hehe :)19:32
ahoneybunmanenbu: then you love KDE19:32
Surlent777manenbu: It certainly takes some adjustment. For the sake of completion, it's called "Unity", and it's a plugin that works with a window manager called Compiz, on top of the GNOME desktop environment. I too prefer KDE; much more tweakable19:32
manenbuyea I know it's called unity and it's based on GNOME19:33
manenbuI also tried GNOME with defora19:33
manenbucouldn't get it to dual boot though19:33
ahoneybunmanenbu: it uses the GTK toolkit and some GNOME programs19:33
yofeljdoles: anyway, back to here: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User19:34
manenbuKDE is a bit windowsish, but much better19:34
ahoneybunmanenbu: I think a lot of Windows 7 is based on KDE 419:35
ahoneybunbut thats a option19:35
manenbui think that eventually, everything is based on everything19:35
Surlent777true enough19:35
manenbuI must say though that Windows 8 is brilliant19:36
manenbuif you approach it with an open mind and not cry about "they took the start"19:37
manenbuand take the 15 minutes to learn the keyboard shortcuts19:37
manenbuyou can do stuff much more efficiently than win819:37
dimitri_b@all: have a nice evening^^19:37
manenbutoo bad office 2010 doesn't work on linux19:39
Surlent777manenbu: I...have not had such a pleasant experience. The touch-centric "features" have tended to get in my way in my trials of the system, brief as they've been19:39
Surlent777manenbu: LibreOffice is quite a capable replacement for most operations, but, theoretically, the Wine software may be able to run Office 201019:39
manenbuSurlent777: well I got a laptop and much of the touch centric features can be done on the touch pad so it's no problem, although less intuitive that when working on a real touch screen19:40
manenbuwine fails with office 201019:40
manenbuand as much as I'm a fan of free software, libreoffice is not even close to office 201019:41
aram_i dont compare libre with office19:41
aram_libre fit all my needs19:41
Surlent777manenbu: for my usage it's been sufficient, though I admittedly don't do a lot of heavy office work19:41
manenbuthere is a difference between sufficient and efficient19:41
manenbusufficient? yes. but stuff that takes me 1 hour on libre is 40 mins on office19:42
manenbufor serious stuff I use python and R, but that's another thing19:42
Surlent777manenbu: for my usage, primarily as a student, I find it just fine for presentations and most instances of spreadsheets, and I use LaTeX for papers anyway of late. Out of curiosity though, what features are you missing?19:42
manenbuconditional formatting is terrible in libre19:43
manenbuI still can't figure out how to do stuff that takes me 2 clicks in office19:43
manenbugraphs are easier to make in office19:44
manenbuand more versatile19:44
manenbunotice that I'm talking about office 201019:44
manenbuprevious versions aren't that good19:44
Surlent777manenbu: that's the office I'm most familiar with, myself19:44
manenbuoffice2007 was sort of like vista, they had a good idea but failed in doing it properly19:45
manenbu2010 is the win7. just works.19:45
Surlent777manenbu: had to learn how to program front-ends and whatnot with Excel and Access via VBA.19:45
manenbuI was thinking into learning VBA, but then I know python and R so it seemed unnecessary19:45
manenbuI tried calligra19:46
manenbuthey have good ideas and the UI looks promising19:46
manenbubut they still have a long way to go19:46
aram_calligra isnt good... it cannot open normally even odf files19:46
Surlent777I haven't used it in...a couple of years, I think. If that's the one I'm thinking of I actually disliked the UI and found their support of OD files lacki--yes19:47
aram_for mobile devices it is good19:47
manenbuthey'll get there eventually19:48
Surlent777Much like Libre, I imagine. The development on that in the past year has been pretty amazing.19:48
manenbuoff to writing a manuscript19:49
manenbujournal only takes doc19:49
aram_no pdf?19:50
aram_i prefer pdf for printing19:50
aram_or postscript19:50
manenbuonline submission19:50
manenbuthey make a pdf for you19:50
aram_i have saved many files into doc,,, it worked well for me19:50
manenbuyea, libre is fine with that19:51
manenbuespecially since all my figures are in separate files and it's just text with minimal formatting19:51
manenbuhard to mess that up19:51
aram_the styles of arrows etc are different...19:51
Surlent777I have noticed that19:51
Surlent777kinda broke a flowchart I had to make for a VB.NET class at the time (2 years ago)19:52
manenbuwhat are you in?19:52
aram_im happy that i dont care about that... for my university(they all use ms office) i use pdf19:52
Surlent777cs, yeah; just got my associates. Or will, when it gets here in the mail in 2 months. Hopefully.19:52
manenbuwhat's that?19:52
Surlent777what's what?19:53
Surlent777it's the lowest/first tier college degree19:54
manenbusort of like bsc?19:55
manenbu3 years? 4?19:55
Surlent777it's considered a "two year" degree, though it's really more like 3 for a lot of programs19:55
Surlent777the so-called "four year degree" here is a Bachelors19:55
lordievadermanenbu, Surlent777: Please join #kubuntu-offtopic for offtopic discussions.19:56
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!19:56
Surlent777lordievader: sorry, you're right; we're getting way off-base19:56
manenbuyea, I need to work anyway19:56
lordievaderNo problem :)19:56
manenbuthanks for your help earlier19:56
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carl_friendI'm looking for a new distribution.  Major requirement is I don't want mir.21:58
carl_friendSoftware I currently use is Gimp, Krita Digikam,  and Inkscape21:59
carl_friendwith ... going with Mir will I be happy with Kubuntu down the road when  ... goes mir22:02
OerHekscarl_friend, when MIR is available, it will be an option. so no need to change distro (yet)22:14
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