
=== marlinc_ is now known as marlinc
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stokachuso ive run into a small problem, I have 2 launchpad accounts both with separate emails and for some reason when i log into one account it dumps me into my other account03:01
stokachufor example i have adam.stokes@gmail.com and cts@canonical.com03:01
stokachui registered cts@canonical.com and put my adam.stokes@gmail.com as an email address03:01
stokachuonce i got cts@canonical.com created i went in an deleted my email address and just used cts@canonical.com for this second account03:01
stokachuim curious if cts@canonical.com is still tied to my other emails addresses and is getting confused03:02
stokachuwgrant: ^ is this something you would be able to look into?03:03
wgrantstokachu: SSO and Launchpad accounts are separate. Which did you create with what email address?03:04
wgrantLogging into Launchpad will try to find a Launchpad account corresponding to the SSO account's OpenID identifier or preferred email address. if it finds one it will link them, if it doesn't it will create a new Launchpad account.03:05
stokachumy intention was to have a CTS user created with cts@canonical.com03:05
stokachuseparate from my existing account03:06
stokachumy launchpad id for my account is 'adam-stokes'03:06
wgrantYour gmail address was already on your main launchpad account03:06
wgrantSo they will have been linked if you logged into LP before changing the SSO address to cts@canonical.com03:06
wgrantYou'll need to file a question to get them manually unlinked.03:06
stokachuok ill do that, thanks03:07
stokachuwgrant: thanks got it filed03:09
crasscjwatson: thanks, I wasn't detecting that the configure was in the repo because of ignore settings, so I thought it was in there.04:04
crasswhen copying packages from one ppa to another, does the option to rebuild or copy binaries do anything when changing the distro series? when I select copy binaries, its trying to rebuild as well07:19
crassthis build: https://code.launchpad.net/~crass/+archive/dng4ps2/+build/458016207:20
arayaqhello, anybody here can help me with an issue installing liblaunchpad in raring?07:25
wgrantcrass: You didn't select the copy binaries option for that07:26
wgrantarayaq: What's the issue?07:26
arayaqit seems that the raring package does not exist07:26
wgrantarayaq: You mean python-launchpadlib?07:26
arayaqok, now i feel stupid07:27
arayaqi though the package name was liblaunchpad-integration-dev07:28
wgrantThat's different from launchpadlib07:28
wgrantliblaunchpad-integration has been gone for a few releases now, I think07:28
wgrantIt's what provided the "Report a bug" etc. items in the Help menu of various applications07:28
wgrantlaunchpadlib is entirely separate, and provides a Python interface to Launchpad's API07:28
arayaqi see07:29
arayaqthanks a lot for the help :)07:29
rbasakIf in Launchpad an Ubuntu package does not have a SF upstream linked as an upstream project, am I supposed to "register" this in Launchpad in order to make upstream bug tracker functionality work properly? Or is there some other way to do it? It's not clear to me whether "registration" in LP is necessary (whatever that means), or there's some other way to "link" the upstream that isn't hosted on LP.09:49
mgzyou can link an upstream bug in bugzilla and several other systems, generally just posting a link to the bug in a comment will do it09:57
mgzyou don't get all the nice integration unless launchpad knows about the project though10:00
rbasakmgz: OK - but I want the nice integration. How do I tell Launchpad about the project? Is "registration" the correct route?10:02
rbasakIt's just nice to do it all properly, and I don't mind doing that :)10:02
mgzyes, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/python for instance10:02
rbasakGot it - thanks10:06
gnuoyI'd like to delete a branch from lp but it has stacked branches on top. how can I get a list of those stacked branches so I can get them removed as well?10:47
gnuoypfalcon, hi10:47
gnuoyI just proxied a question for you10:48
gnuoy<gnuoy> I'd like to delete a branch from lp but it has stacked branches on top. how can I get a list of those stacked branches so I can get them removed as well?10:48
pfalcongnuoy: hi!10:48
pfalconI'm aware of https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/383804 in particular, wonder if LP admin could look stacked branched, would like to finish with that task this week ;-)10:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 383804 in Launchpad itself "Show branches stacked on a branch when trying to delete" [Low,Triaged]10:49
gnuoypfalcon, I've got some SQL that might give us the answer, let me try it10:50
maxbThe other option is to query every branch in the same project/package via API & bzr+ssh, but of course that fails if there are private branches or cross-target stacking11:01
crasswgrant: well, I've just deleted it and done the copy binaries again11:39
crassthe build status says it failed, but the log appears to be from the old build11:40
crasswhat gives?11:41
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crassafter the deletion I wait till the package didn't show up in the web interface, but maybe I should wait longer than that11:54
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tlonimhi, is it possible to use NNTP with launchpad lists?13:10
geserI didn't heard of any direct NNTP support from launchpad, you could check if the list is also on gmane which has a NNTP-gateway13:14
geserhmm, look like gmane has only the old launchpad lists13:15
tlonimyeah.. :(13:15
tlonimand I see this ticket https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/20823813:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 208238 in Launchpad itself "Archive mailing lists automatically on Gmane" [Low,Triaged]13:15
tlonimbut it seems to be going no where..13:15
czajkowskitlonim: Launchpad is currently in maintenance mode, which means no new features are being rolled out.  We're working on critical bugs followed by high bugs.13:17
tlonimczajkowski: how long will it be in that bug..13:17
czajkowskiunknown .13:17
tlonimhmm..there is no milestone for next release eh :)  .. https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+milestones13:18
czajkowskiwe don't use that for lp work like I said, we're in maintenance.13:19
tlonimhmm. ok13:20
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crassyikes! how many hours should I wait for a deleted package to already be deleted?18:10
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wgrantcrass: You can never reuse the same version.23:51
wgrantSo within an archive you can't upload a different source with the same version, and you can't rebuild binaries with the same version.23:52

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