
deckardhello. Will someone tell me the command to install lubuntu please. Is it sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop?03:43
deckardAm i correct in thinking that my open gl game will run better on lubuntu than xfce because lubuntu uses even less resources that can be used by the game instead?03:44
=== gstudent2 is now known as germanstudent
bilal_I just installed Lubuntu on my freinds machine15:38
bilal_I am showing him how to get help so please respond15:38
bilal_What basics should I install no his computer?15:39
bilal_Please guys respond15:40
SonikkuAmericabilal_: Well, I'd say pretty much anything you need is already installed: Web browser, E-mail client, game pack, office suite (sort of)...15:40
SonikkuAmerica!patience | By the way15:40
ubottuBy the way: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/15:40
bilal_Sorry guys it was getting kinda embarrassing15:41
SonikkuAmericaI have sunglasses bro.16:27
cerebratii was gonna16:27
SonikkuAmericaNow you're a cyclops.16:27
cerebratinuuuuuu no no see thats a head and an arm waving16:28
SonikkuAmericaNo, that's one eye and a mouth.16:29
* cerebrati nibbles allllllllll over SonikkuAmerica 16:56
SonikkuAmericaAre you a cat?16:56
cerebratiok ok enough, to the #offtopic!16:56
cerebratiim a silkworm fairy16:56
SonikkuAmericaI daresay I could've inb4'ed that, but I gotta go soon.16:56
* cerebrati proffers silk tie16:57
pacifist_049Evening guys. Just about to upgrade my install of Lubuntu, but I have a question, if I may?20:01
Unit193Just ask whenever you're ready, and someone will answer if they know.20:02
pacifist_049cheers. Well, I usually do upgrades via command line, first updating then upgrading, with the occasional dist-upgrade if I know there's one out there. This time the upgrade wants to remove the meta package 'lubuntu-desktop'. Is this to be expected? Is it being replaced by something else? Or do I have some kind of conflict caused by an external package I've installed?20:03
Unit193Strange that an upgrade wants to remove lubuntu-desktop, but it's not a problem to remove that meta-package.  Is there something getting installed or removed?20:08
pacifist_049But ubuntu-desktop or another replacement meta package isn't being installed20:08
zleapthis meta package stuff really should be explained properly in documentation20:09
pacifist_049it wants to remove 'language-selector-gnome','lubuntu-desktop' and 'nvidia-settings'.20:09
pacifist_049I know removing the meta package won't kill my installation, but I'm concerned about it affecting future upgrades20:09
Unit193You can either see what happens if you reinstall the meta after, or you can just install before upgradeing.  Do you do-release-upgrade ?  That will typically pull back in the meta package as well.20:11
pacifist_049worth a try. This seems to want to pull in pulseaudio, which I'm not happy about...20:11
Unit193Weird indeed, I'd try purging after and see what depends on it, and if you can live without.20:12
pacifist_049thanks guys. I'll give that a try.20:12
us3r-hi which version should i take for cpu via c7-m I686 ?20:32
us3r-IS THIS right ? lubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso20:32
Tm_Tus3r-: most likely20:33
Unit193Hmm...  I thought they dropped several CPUs after lucid.20:38

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