
=== LjL is now known as Guest94057
Tampicouhola broter06:27
rigoi know that i'm talking about a mounted ftp site, but is there any chance for me to set up the mounted ftp site to my proftpd as default root?07:43
rigoany idea?08:03
rigoi did the mapping with the curlftpfs to /mnt/ftp if i set up in proftpd as default root the /mnt the ftp directory is not visible.08:04
rigolog sais: chroot to '/mnt/ftp/' failed for user 'xbmc': Operation not permitted08:04
bazhangrigo, support in #ubuntu , this is for the not even alpha version 13.1008:04
rigothan maybe a q regarding the not even alpha 13.10 :) here u go: when can i install the 13.xy with the fglrx without problems?08:05
bazhangrigo, support in #ubuntu08:06
bazhangthere's nothing in 13.10 now08:06
rigook. sad :)08:06
rigothanks for now bye :)08:07
=== Guest94057 is now known as LjL
BluesKajHi all11:48
=== jack is now known as Guest40168
=== mdfe___ is now known as mdfe
=== Guest40168 is now known as wN
=== snuggl_ is now known as snuggl
=== Walther_ is now known as Walther
=== bean__ is now known as julian-delphiki
=== Fyodorovna is now known as sporkeee
=== psharmor is now known as tekoholic
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119

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