
darkxstanjuta does not like saucy too much ;(03:09
Ponch0Hello is anyone here?05:36
ricotzdarkxst, hi05:42
ricotzthanks for uploading all the updates :)05:42
darkxstnp :)05:43
ricotzalthough the gtksourceview3 packages needs an update and can be synced from debian, but it introduces a soname bump05:43
darkxstricotz, I know, thats why I left it05:43
ricotzso it needs a real transition05:43
ricotzi think i will upload a modified package of the current one to loosen up the internal dep05:44
ricotzand upload 3.8.1 to staging05:44
ricotzdarkxst, dont be afraid to use urgency=medium ;)05:46
darkxstricotz, a lot of the updates are so minor, there really is no urgency05:46
ricotzright, but the leave the ppa in a broken state for some time ;)05:47
darkxstreally? even when they don't break dependencies?05:48
ricotzdarkxst, i mean if the amd64 is built and the i386 not, currently anjuta creates this problem05:49
ricotzcaused by the inner dep on the common package05:50
ricotzwhich i am about to remove in the gtksourceview3 package05:50
ricotzto make a smoother transition possible05:50
darkxstanjuta is stuffed on saucy anyway05:50
darkxstI thought I did anjuta as medium though, oops05:51
darkxstthere must be some db change or something, breaking it on saucy (symbol-db-engine fails to load properly, causing a segfault)05:52
ricotzi see, havent run it yet05:53
darkxsthappens with 3.7.90 as well as 3.8.2, and building under saucy didnt help either05:54
ricotzdarkxst, so you can't even start anjuta?06:02
darkxstnope, you can get a bit further with 'anjuta --no-session' but then it crashes when you create a project06:03
ricotzdarkxst, seems to run fine here06:03
ricotz3.7.90 raring build on saucy that is06:04
darkxstI get "libanjuta-symbol-db:ERROR:symbol-db-query.c:892:sdb_query_set_property: assertion failed: (priv->dbe_project != NULL)"06:05
darkxstricotz, anyway if you rebuild anjuta, add this patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/5673187/ (fixes compile error on saucy)06:13
ricotzdarkxst, i see06:19
ricotzdarkxst, i havent planned to upload to the saucy package yet06:21
ricotzdarkxst, might be better to do a whole binary copy of the raring pockets first to avoid trouble06:21
ricotzdarkxst, did you thought about/looked into backporting some systemd bits from saucy?06:22
darkxstricotz, hmm no I havent.06:25
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phakoany chance of getting evince 3.8.2 soon?09:00
phako3.7.92 has a rather annoying search focus bug09:02
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ricotzphako, will be there soon10:33
phakogood :)10:33
ricotzdarkxst, btw, mutter should be sync with debian and use libmutter0b11:17
darkxstricotz, sure can do that, although debian has some build deps that arent updated, should they be fixed first?13:42
darkxst(cogl, clutter)13:42
ricotzdarkxst, yeah, i guess it would be nice to have them fixed in debian first, but it isnt pressing -- just saying it should be done with the saucy upload and push it gnome3-raring too13:59
darkxstricotz, ok, will work something out, have to go now though14:05
ricotzdarkxst, don't worry14:05
mauhi I have a question.14:52
mauI have a question.14:59
mauim using USB flashdrive to install ubuntu gnome along windows 7. Im stuck at the partitioning, help. how to partition?15:01
Basil1xHullo.  Fresh install.  Been having sound issues with normal distro, so decided to try this one.  So far it seems to be working.15:01
tyrogHi, what are the bugs currently present in gnome 3 staging ppa packages? the major ones. thanks15:01
bersace_nssmau: backup your windows, shrink it, and put Ubuntu in it15:01
bersace_nssmau this should be proposed automatically by the installer15:01
mauyeah it should be automatic but its not.15:02
AllyoutooHello, is there a know bug that skype has problems with pulseaudio on Ubuntu Gnome 13.04 64bits? I encountered this problem and I solved it by installingia32-libs-multiarch package15:02
mauafter clicking install along windows, partitioning is the next one.15:03
tyrogare there still problems with gnome control center 3.8?15:03
mauit said that adjust the divider....15:04
jbichatyrog: see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-gnome-3-815:04
mauplease help me. I wanna install ubuntu gnome today. :\15:04
Basil1xThere should be an option to just delete linux partitions and reinstall.  I've had to do that several times, and doing it manually is a bit too much of a faff.15:05
Basil1xOK.  Sound just went.  Is there a way to fix this issue, or must I continue using Windows?15:06
tyrogjbicha: So gnome3 staging is not recommend currently?15:08
Basil1x13.04 Toshiba L755 8GB/1TB i5 Bluetooth USB dongle and nothing else.  Sound works for a bit after reboot, then fails.  ALSA claims there's nothing wrong.  Is there a fix/is this a known issue?15:09
Basil1xSound under W7 is fine, so I don't think the sound card itself is at fault.15:11
AllyoutooBasil1x: so what programs have problem with sound? or all? 32bits or 64bits?15:18
Basil1xAll.  It's the 64bit distro.15:19
mauhi im back! i cant install ubuntu gnome. stuck after install along windows. It needs allocated...divider something and hangs up.15:19
Allyoutoomau: does the installer get stuck?15:20
Basil1xALSA insists there is sound, but after a bit there is none.15:20
AllyoutooBasil1x: so its a problem with pulseaudio i think15:21
Basil1xLovely.  Is there a way to check/fix pulseaudio?15:21
mauAllyoutoo: it hangs when it needs allocated.....divider....15:21
AllyoutooBasil1x:  try entering first "pulseaudio -k" and then "pulseaudio --start" it should restart your pulseaudio15:21
mauAllyoutoo: im using USB flash drive and linux live USB creator.15:22
Allyoutoomau: you should check that the iso you downloaded is complete and doesn't contain errors, there might also be a menu item to check the installation image on the boot time (can't remember well).15:22
mauAllyoutoo: how to check? linux live USB creator said its integrity was checked and recognized as ubuntu 13.0415:24
Allyoutoomau:  not sure how to check md5 on windows, you can probably find something with google to do that, also reflashing the iso to usb can help15:25
AllyoutooI've even had problems where i had to change the whole usb stick for iso to install properly on it15:26
Basil1xNo joy.  The commands seemed to work, but still no sound15:26
AllyoutooBasil1x: if you open the sound control from pulseaudio what do you see? (listed audio devices etc?)15:26
mauAllyoutoo: whats reflashing? I downloaded the iso here.15:27
Allyoutoomau: to run the linux usb maker again to put the iso on the usb15:28
Basil1xThe control panel reports only: Speakers - Built-In Audio15:28
mauAllyoutoo: yes I did that already.15:28
AllyoutooBasil1x: and you got only speakers (no headsets, audiocard etc?)15:29
Basil1xspeakers and a microphone... both built in.15:29
Basil1xThe mic still works, btw15:29
Basil1xAt least, the meter moves when I shout at it. :)15:30
Allyoutoojust to make sure, you have put the sound volume up? and made sure its not on "mute"15:30
Basil1xI have.15:30
Allyoutoohum well, i'm afraid i have no idea what is wrong :S15:31
Allyoutoowhat program you have the problem in?15:31
Basil1xJust fyi:  Kubuntu once reported that the sound device had 'disappeared'15:31
Basil1xAll programmes are affected.  Videos, FireFawkes, the main system's alert sounds... all are gone.15:32
Allyoutoohum and they work right after boot?15:32
Basil1xThis is a completely fresh install.  all I've done is run the updater.  Yes, they do.15:33
Allyoutoocan you pastebin the output of dmesg?15:33
Basil1xLemme see... sec15:34
Basil1xhttp://pastebin.com/EKVV6tW1  <--- output of DMESG15:39
Basil1xBackup laptop was once Primary laptop, but the sound failure forced me to buy a new Primary laptop.  Poor thing has sat, gathering dust, ever since. :(15:46
Basil1xI'd like to use it for more than the occasional email check when my main laptop is busy.15:49
Basil1xCould it be the fault of the firmware update?  perhaps something happened Windows can deal with that *nix can't?  Perhaps this is on purpose.16:15
Basil1xWhy does this happen regardless which distro I use?  The sound fails, and when we get to exactly this point in the debugging, my helper disappears.16:39
Basil1xNVM...  Trying another distro.16:39
dev__I'm writing a bash script to launch a gnome-terminal and run 3 scripts on login but any -e param causes a "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal" error in gnome-terminal20:22

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