
tjaaltonshould the installer recognize win8 and offer to resize the partitions?08:01
tjaaltonI have a machine where it doesn't work, and I wonder how hard it would be to fix08:01
cjwatsontjaalton: in principle ntfsresize is meant to work, yes09:14
tjaaltoncjwatson: right, I see ntfsresize output on the syslog, it has recognized the partitions10:28
tjaaltonbut the partitioner doesn't recognize that win is installed10:32
cjwatsonMaybe ubiquity.misc.windows_startup_folder is wrong or something10:37
* cjwatson guesses wildly10:38
tjaaltonah, checking10:43
tjaaltongoogling showed that this is a common issue10:43
tjaaltonthere's probably a bug about it too10:43
tjaaltonbug 107905610:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 1079056 in os-prober (Ubuntu) "ubiquity does not detect Windows 8(UEFI)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107905610:50
cjwatsonAh, well, that's pending merge10:51
tjaaltonoh, cool10:51
cjwatsonxnox: ^- you're touched-it-last on os-prober and I think there's a branch awaiting sponsorship, possibly10:51
cjwatsonWait, that landed 23 hours ago10:51
tjaaltonok I'll try todays image10:52
cjwatsonYeah, please do, would be good to know if that's fixed10:52
tjaaltonsounds sru material?10:52
tjaaltonperhaps for 12.04.310:52
cjwatsonThere's a grub2 fix that goes along with it10:53
cjwatsonBut I'd like to know that it all works as a unit in saucy first10:53
tjaaltonI'll know in 20min :)10:53
tjaaltoncjwatson: doesn't work with the current image, os-prober update is included11:40
cjwatsonany legwork you can do to debug this would be appreciated; tends to be horrific to debug remotely ...11:41
* cjwatson is currently trying to reproduce GrueMaster's oem-config bug from yesterday11:41
tjaaltonyeah I'll have a look at os-prober..11:42
cjwatsonFirst check whether os-prober detects Windows at all, I suppose; could be a multi-part bug and now ubiquity needs to be fixed11:43
tjaaltonI get a grub-probe error for the usb-stick, that's it11:44
cjwatsonOK, well os-prober itself is not too complicated to debug11:44
tjaaltonhmm how to enable the debug output?11:49
cjwatsonYou'll find it in syslog11:51
tjaaltoneh, 05efi skips ntfs partitions11:54
tjaaltonos-probes/mounte/05efi that is11:54
cjwatsonThe EFI System Partition isn't normally allowed to be NTFS11:55
tjaaltonah, well here it is11:55
cjwatsonNote EFI System Partition != Windows /, usually ...11:55
tjaaltonok, that wasn't it :)11:56
cjwatsonBut, OK, does it work if you add an ntfs condition there?11:56
tjaalton"$partition is not a ESP partition: exiting"11:57
cjwatsonSo - what makes you think that this partition is an EFI System Partition?11:57
tjaaltonwas looking at the wrong partition11:59
tjaaltonit has five, sda1 ntfs, sda2 efi, sda3 unused, sda4 ntfs, sda5 ntfs12:00
tjaalton"sda2 is fat partition, exiting"12:01
cjwatsonAh, maybe this is a grub-mount thing12:01
cjwatson./os-probes/mounted/x86/20microsoft:21: fat) debug "$1 is a FAT partition (mounted by GRUB)" ;;12:01
tjaaltonadding fat to 05efi fixed it12:01
cjwatsonI'll fix that upstream, then, thanks12:02
tjaaltoncool, thanks12:02
tjaaltonrestarting ubiquity didn't go as planned :)12:06
cjwatsonRequires fairly considerable care12:07
cjwatsonProbably best to reboot though12:07
tjaaltonI'll lose the os-prober hack then :)12:08
cjwatsonNot if you reboot to a live session and reapply it first12:08
cjwatson(Restarting can work if you make sure to kill all relevant processes and rm -rf /var/lib/partman)12:08
tjaaltonoh well, rebooted already12:09
tjaaltonhm, ubiquity still doesn't play along12:14
cjwatsonCould be looking in the wrong partition - os-prober would be telling it about the ESP but that doesn't have the Windows startup folder on it12:16
cjwatsonI forget how that gets matched up normally ...12:16
cjwatsonev might remember12:17
cjwatsonOr xnox12:17
cjwatsoninfinity: I pushed our outstanding mklibs changes upstream - 0.1.37 will be syncable once it's available12:17
tjaaltonok so it's missing something else12:18
tjaaltonsince os-prober just lists the efi partition now12:18
tjaalton"skipping legacy bootloaders on uefi system"12:20
cjwatsonRight, what I mean is that os-prober is indeed only going to list the ESP (correctly), but ubiquity needs to know how to figure out where the Windows root partition is from that12:20
cjwatsonos-prober is only supposed to list the things that it's actually sensible to boot12:20
cjwatsonGrueMaster: Ah, I may have a lead13:26
* cjwatson tests13:26
=== kentb-out is now known as kentb
cjwatsonGrueMaster: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/precise-proposed/revision/543314:09
cjwatson(tested, works for me, etc.)14:10
cjwatsonand heading into the unapproved SRU queue now14:11
GrueMastercjwatson: Awesome!  I'll apply the patch and test here.15:24
GrueMasterTested in both VM and raw hardware with 12.04 (amd64).  This fixes the issue.  Thanks.16:29
GrueMasterI'll keep a local .deb with the fix until it gets into the pool.  Deployment can't wait for SRU process, but it will make our work a LOT easier (and gets Ubuntu Server out more on preinstalled systems).16:30
infinitycjwatson: Hah, d'oh.  I was considering backing some of my mklibs changes out, since we no longer have linkers that live in deep paths, but I guess there's no harm in keeping that path handling safer either.19:05
cjwatsonWell, you can back it out in Debian if you like; but as you say ...19:21
infinitycjwatson: IIRC, didn't it require a coordinated change mirrored to something else at the same time?  rootskel or something?20:29
infinitycjwatson: (Which was why we didn't push it during the d-i freezes)20:29
infinityrootskel (1.101ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low20:29
infinity  * Resynchronise with Debian.  Remaining changes:20:29
infinity    - Remove the lib64 -> lib symlinks, no longer necessary with the new20:29
infinity      mklibs.20:29
infinity^-- That change.20:29
cjwatsonWas that actually necessary?20:34
cjwatsonOr just expedient?20:34
infinityI don't remember if it blows up without that change or if it was just the right thing to do.20:35

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