
wangelhello everyone.  I have a semi-noob question I think, heh02:02
wangelI was running mythtv on stand alone box.  Both frontend/backend and I had a 2nd frontend.  I decided to go a bit more advanced.02:02
wangelI built another computer to act as a standalone backend.  It's up and working, however ... I have 1 frontend streaming frmo it, and mythbackend is using 60% cpu in top02:03
wangelis this normal?02:03
wangelI can stop and restart mythbackend, and it will only use like 8% ... but it slowly seems to get worse?02:03
wangelfor reference, the old box was an E4300 cpu.  The new box is an amd X4 64002:04
wangel8 gigs of ram02:04
wangeland I'm using an hdhomerun02:04
wangeltheo nly difference is the new backend doesn't have an nvidia card in it that's doing vpdau, but that should not matter?02:04
wangelmaybe that's not a noob question, lol02:09
=== tonsofpc1 is now known as tonsofpcs
wangelhello all13:10
baggar11I seem to be getting audio drift on 720p channels in mythbuntu 12.04. Where should I be looking to track that down?17:23
baggar11It seems to drift after a couple minutes of viewing. If I pause and unpause, it syncs up again though17:24
baggar11for another couple minutes...17:24
rhpot1991baggar11: running autobuilds?17:28
baggar11nope, stock install17:28
rhpot1991baggar11: try that see if it helps17:30
baggar11doesn't the autobuild update mythtv to 0.26?17:33
rhpot1991tgm4883: ^ ?17:36
rhpot1991.25, .26, and .27 I think17:38
rhpot1991baggar11: http://www.mythbuntu.org/repos17:38
rhpot1991if you are worried just backup your db first17:38
tgm4883whats the question?17:40
rhpot1991tgm4883: what version of mythtv is available for autobuilds on 12.0417:40
rhpot1991I think I got it already17:40
tgm4883up to 0.2717:40
tgm4883rhpot1991, that isn't a good link to look at though17:41
ZinnThe Mythbuntu team provides updates for MythTV and Mythbuntu package using the Mythbuntu Repos http://mythbuntu.org/repos17:41
rhpot1991tgm4883: our page needs to be updated then17:41
rhpot1991thats where I found that, in the faqs17:41
tgm4883rhpot1991, yea it does17:41
tgm4883rhpot1991, fixed17:43
tgm4883superm1, we do need to do an import of that file into -common though17:43
wangelso I got a ... wierd one.  I just built a Backend only system.  AMD X4 6400, 8gigs of ram etc.  The system seems fine for awhile, but if I am using 1 frontend to watch tv, the cpu jumps to like 60+% .. if I attach another frontend, the cpu goes to 110% and more and the video is jerky.  I'm on a gig network, sata drives, using an hdhomerun.   I can stop and restart the mythbackend service, reattach the frontends and cpu usage is like 3% or18:03
wangelX4 640 rather, sorry18:06
superm1tgm4883: doesn't it download on demand?18:21
superm1like when MCC is open18:21
tgm4883superm1, it downloads when you refresh it, but I'm pretty sure it needs a valid starting point18:47
tgm4883superm1, so if it doesn't have any values for raring, it will throw errors18:47
tgm4883superm1, rather, we should just fix it to auto-download if the file doesn't already exist18:48
tgm4883superm1, sound good?18:48
superm1yeah that sounds good20:49
superm1raring doesn't work for other reason too though :)20:49

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