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jamespageif there are any archive admins around; I just added armhf to google-perftools in Packages-arch-specific after it had build in proposed with the associated packaging changes;09:17
jamespageits now building for armhf direct for the release pocket so it will look a bit odd09:18
jamespageDaviey, ^^ as you are in my tz09:20
Davieyjamespage: Hmm, sorry.. I'm not understanding09:21
infinityjamespage: That doesn't need an AA...09:21
cjwatsonjamespage: not a problem09:21
LaneyHe made the change and is just informing AFAICT09:21
jamespageLaney, you got it09:21
jamespagenormally the NEW packages would appear in -proposed09:21
jamespagebut not in this case09:22
infinityNothing new here.09:22
cjwatsonYeah, it won't count as NEW.  That's based on name.09:22
DavieyAh, you mean it will show as binNEW for the release pocket.  I see.09:22
infinityAnd it won't get caught in proposed because britney finds no regression in armhf not being built yet.09:22
infinityNo big deal.09:22
infinityDaviey: It won't.09:22
cjwatsonOnce a binary name has been NEWed for >=1 architecture and published, it won't thereafter count as NEW for other architectures.09:23
jamespagecjwatson, I did not know that09:23
* jamespage learns something new again09:23
Davieycjwatson: arch all to separate does show, right?09:24
infinityall to any, you mean?09:24
infinityNeither all->any or any->all should count as NEW.09:24
DavieyHmm, i thought i had seen that. I guess not.09:25
infinityNote that I said "shouldn't", it's possible there's a bug where it does, but I don't recall ever seeing such behaviour. :P09:25
cjwatsonDaviey: like infinity, I'm not aware that it does, no.09:26
cjwatsonAnd it would irritate me if it did so I think I'd notice.09:26
infinityIn other news, it's probably about time for us to retire P-a-s.09:28
cjwatsonI had a brief look at importing it into the LP DB a while back in order to be able to fix some of the outstanding bugs where certain kinds of source operations don't honour P-a-s09:29
cjwatsonBut never got very far09:29
infinityI might go through it and see if I can find any valid arguments for us keeping it, push packaging changes back to Debian for things that are obviously arch-restricted but not in control, and call it done.09:29
infinitycjwatson: I meant retire it entirely, not remodel it.09:29
infinitycjwatson: It's nowhere near as useful as it used to be.09:30
cjwatsonThat would certainly be more fun09:30
cjwatsonI suspect there are cases where architecture restrictions need to be synced across many packages due to some bit of foundational code not being ported, which tends to be non-fun to put in all the packages in question09:30
cjwatsonI can see an argument for centralising such things09:31
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, but I also don't mind the inverse argument that, if you have the resources to take a few build failures, it's nice to just have the FTBFS logs there as a reminder to effin' port the code.09:31
infinitycjwatson: And for obviously arch-restricted stuff (things that depend on binary drivers, etc), it really should be arch-restricted down the chain, IMO.09:32
infinityI'm not sure I'm a fan of the "it's not ported, so put it in P-a-s" use case.  It just buries the list of things that need porting.09:33
infinity(I was a much bigger fan of that use-case when I was an m68k buildd admin, but...)09:34
cjwatsonI don't think things that aren't ported themselves should be in P-a-s, but collateral damage is a bit different09:34
infinityCollateral damage often just ends up in perpetual dep-wait, which isn't so bad.09:35
cjwatsonIt at least makes no sense to me that google-perftools is in P-a-s at all09:35
infinity(Like all the rdeps of V8 on powerpc)09:35
cjwatsonActually the way that LP doesn't quite consistently honour P-a-s in all cases (e.g. copies) is one of the reasons people have ended up overdoing things there, I think09:35
Davieyit does urk me that there isn't a tool i can say $ what-ya-wanna-build-for *.changes09:36
cjwatsonHm, no, that makes no sense.  Maybe it failed to honour Architecture or something09:36
infinityDaviey: Misspelling irk irks me.09:36
Davieyinfinity: urks me more.09:36
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cjwatsonogra_: Given the legal debacle over the last thing called "utouch", I don't think it's a good idea to abbreviate Ubuntu Touch to utouch.12:00
ogra_there was a legal debacle ?12:01
ogra_i can indeed rename it to just -touch or -ubuntu-touch (the latter feels a bit longish)12:01
cjwatsonWe had to go through everything called utouch in the archive and rename it ...12:04
cjwatsonTrademark dispute12:04
cjwatsonSo rejected, please call it something else, don't mind exactly what :)12:04
cjwatsonThis is why the touch-as-in-touchscreen stuff is called OIF nowadays12:05
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stgrabercjwatson: is it just a local setup issue or are the cdimage unittests failing on saucy?15:26
stgraberI've been trying to figure out how I broke some random bits with my qa_product rework just to notice that the tests failed even without my changes ;)15:27
stgrabercjwatson: nevermind, it's just a missing test dependency (zsync)15:28
cjwatsonstgraber: Hmm, not totally sure I intended that to be a dependency.  Let me look15:35
stgrabercjwatson: ah, ok. I already added it as a dependency in run-tests, so if you can somehow make it unnecessary for the tests, remove it from there15:36
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cjwatsonstgraber: done15:40
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stgrabernice, finding a few problems in the current set of tests for qa_product, we were testing for products that don't exist in reality, so now that I check against a fixed list all of those are showing up as failures ;)15:55
stgrabercjwatson: hey, there's one bit I'm a bit unclear on, are the paths in the images parameter of post_qa supposed to include the .iso or not?16:40
stgrabercjwatson: hmm, looking at some of the other tests, it looks like the answer is no and test_post_qa_wrong_date is just buggy16:42
stgraberand testsuite passes!16:42
cjwatsonI believe they should not contain .iso16:50
cjwatsonIndeed that test is wrong, sorry16:50
stgraberalright, I'll do one more pass through the tracker to make sure my updated tests don't regress in test coverage, then push that and the new etc/qa-products file+parser16:52
stgrabercjwatson: is there a magic way to have a file copied from the real etc/ into the temporary etc/ used to run the tests? (I want etc/qa-products to be copied over)17:54
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stgrabercjwatson: went with a rather ugly workaround in setup() for now, we can always move to something cleaner later on.19:09
stgrabercjwatson: and I just pushed the changes now to production including the new cdimage_project function (opposite of qa_product). All tests pass and I triple-checked the product list so I think we're good, I'll still do a bit of grepping in the logs to make sure we don't fail to publish something.19:10
stgrabercjwatson: qa_product also now returns a tuple instead of just a string, the second value is the name of the tracker instance (iso or localized-iso). I'll push another update to actually use that properly (only zh_CN should be affected).19:12
cjwatsonstgraber: Copying it wouldn't be very unit-testy; better to write out temporary files with just the features you're trying to test19:20
cjwatsonstgraber: Thanks; will have a look later :)19:20
stgrabercjwatson: well, our existing unit tests cover every single line of etc/qa-products, though I suppose we could change that to use a temporary input file with a smaller subset of tests that actually test the corner cases19:23
cjwatsonThe latter is my preferred approach for unit testing, indeed19:25
phillwcjwatson:  ubuntu server 12.04.2 has been moved from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/precise/daily/20130214/precise-server-amd64.iso on the QA tracker... any idea where it is now?21:04
infinityphillw: Given that 12.04.2 was released quite a while ago, I'd expect it to be at http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.2/21:05
infinity(Not sure that the ISO tracker is meant to be all that useful post-release)21:06
stgraberit's useful to grab bug information and statistics, we indeed don't expect the URLs to be of much use though21:07
phillwinfinity: point taken but maybe http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker should be updated to a correct link. As a tester, I am used to heading there and grab the link for an install :)21:08
infinityDefinitely not the write place to get "golden" install images, IMO.21:09
infinityWow, fingers, did you really just type "write" instead of "right"?21:10
* infinity smacks his fingers around a bit.21:10
phillwstgraber: In that case, what is the point of having the entries on that page? Just a thought... please do not shout at me.21:10
stgraberphillw: as a tester you're not supposed to test something that's released ;)21:10
phillwstgraber: I am supposed to check for regressions :D21:11
phillw12.04 is an LTS :P21:11
stgraberhowever we're supposed to have a flag that tells you the links won't work but I guess the scanner doesn't run against release milestones (I can probably change that)21:11
phillwstgraber: thanks, it is the first time I've come across this. I wanted to zsync up a 12.04.1 to 12.04.2 and it failed with the "Oh, it's gone" (404) errors21:13
phillwI know server is a pain to track! I'll just do a 'get' on it.21:14
infinityphillw: You can zsync from the above URL, where it's released...21:15
phillwinfinity: okies :) I did rename it back from 12.04.1 to the expected name. Sadly, I only use the server install for people who request it. I did try to install an 10.04 one for xnox but I could not get it to talk to the world (They are on KVM system).21:18
phillwinfinity: I have http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/precise/daily/current/ where should I be heading?21:30
infinityphillw: releases.ubuntu.com?21:39
infinityphillw: Expecting released images to be in a directory marked "daily" seems a bit of a disconnect. :)21:39
phillwinfinity: have a look at http://releases.ubuntu.com/ Ubuntu server is not mentioned?21:41
infinityphillw: If you read scrollback, I pointed you at http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.2/21:42
infinityphillw: ubuntu-server is just another Ubuntu image.21:42
infinity(releases.ubuntu.com/precise also works, lands you in the same place)21:42
phillwinfinity: and as some one looking for a system... http://releases.ubuntu.com/ it says to head to cdimage server?21:43
infinityphillw: It tells you to go to cdimage for other flavours (which it then lists).  Ubuntu isn't a flavor, and is linked at the top before that blurb.21:44
phillwAh.. thanks, scrolling down I found it :)21:45
cjwatsonIt should qualify its mention of Ubuntu there.  I'll fix that.  Otherwise, most people have no trouble finding server images given they're linked from the website and other prominent places21:45
phillwsorry for annoying, I'm a tester and get asked away from here, to grab an iso / update an iso not and again. Having a simple link to zsync is what I ask for when people have a problem installing. I know that this is not a release team issue, thank-you for your understanding :)21:49
phillwcjwatson infinity: I have the link of http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.2/ubuntu-12.04.2-server-amd64.iso.zsync and I get the error :22:08
phillw http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.2/ubuntu-12.04.2-server-amd64.iso.zsync22:08
phillw-bash: http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.2/ubuntu-12.04.2-server-amd64.iso.zsync: No such file or directory22:08
cjwatsonYou might like to try a command in front of that.22:09
cjwatsonLike zsync ...22:10
phillwcjwatson: there are times I hate you :D As  I said, I'm used to qa-tracker which does include it when copying and pasting :D22:13
phillw3:04 mins to go :)22:14
phillwcjwatson: not that people ever bother, but http://phillw.net/isos/ubuntu-server/precise/ has been updated.22:36

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