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tohuwWhere can I find the authoritative documentation on creating a service in Ubuntu Server 12.04? Related: should I be creating the service as an "upstart" service? This isn't clear to me.02:17
sarnoldtohuw: hopefully useful: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/02:19
sarnoldI don't know if it is The Definitive Source, but it sure is useful :)02:19
tohuwsarnold: Thank you, I'll read through this.02:21
sarnoldSpamapS: hey, your @canonical.com is still on the header at http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/   :)02:21
SpamapSsarnold: there's a bug link at the bottom... ;-)02:53
sarnoldSpamapS :)02:53
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SenorI am trying to deploy one web server cluster , can I put the shared mem-cache on one single server ?05:54
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Davieyjamespage: Hey, do you fancy merging the nova and keystone security uploads into the pending SRU ones.. or shall we wait for adam_g ?09:16
jamespageDaviey, I'll take a look in a bit09:16
Davieyjamespage: ok, we should push out the sec uploads directly to the UCA.09:17
jamespageDaviey, agreed09:18
rurufufusshi guys, I can't seem to do ./somelocalbinary even though its in my path09:26
* koolhead17 pokes Daviey 09:31
jamespageDaviey, keystone point release already includes the security fix09:41
jamespageso do I just need to document that in the changelog? I guess so09:41
Davieyjamespage: Probably fair to merge changelogs and make comment to it, without using valid LP synatx.09:42
Davieyso, SRU orig changelog, jdstrand's then your brief message with LP: FOO ?09:43
jamespageDaviey, okay09:44
jamespageDaviey, "Make sure both public and admin API work with 1-way ipv6 & SSL. ... SKIP: Eventlet doesn't support IPv6, lp 1176204"09:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1176204 in keystone "keystone ipv6 tests fail" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117620409:47
jamespagethats going to be an issue09:47
jamespage(for our IPv6 testing plans that is)09:48
Davieyjamespage: I'm not sure it is09:48
DavieyI saw that go past, and discounted it as we are focusing on floating ip ipv6 this cycle, rught?09:48
jamespageDaviey, maybe09:48
jamespageyeah - I guess thats enough09:49
Davieyjamespage: There is a partial patch for eventlet ipv609:49
Davieyit was on bitbucket, but they moved to github(? or somewhere), and lost the bug history09:49
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jamespageDaviey, moved on github somewhere09:53
Davieyjamespage: can you review this please? Folsom CA + Security update, http://pb.daviey.com/7sc7/  (quantal-updates -> folsom CA, http://pb.daviey.com/2yV8/)09:54
jamespageDaviey, so the security update will pull in the new point release as well?09:56
jamespageis that what we did in distro?09:56
Davieyand for giggles, *.changes http://pb.daviey.com/tNAr/09:56
Davieyjamespage: No09:56
jamespageDaviey, duh - yeah - sorry getting my point releases confused09:57
Davieyyeah, it's a little confusing - which is why i wanted a double check :)09:57
jamespageDaviey, the changes needs -v2012.2.3-0ubuntu2 I think09:57
DavieyAh yes09:58
Davieygood catch09:58
jamespageomg the keystone test suite takes some time09:59
koolhead17jamespage: what is missing? Some new dep got added :P10:07
jamespagekoolhead17, nothings missing I think10:07
koolhead17jamespage: happy to hear that :)10:08
Davieyjamespage: pushed to -staging, when it's published - can you review into -proposed & fire off a jenkins job?10:09
Daviey(keystone & nova for folsom and grizzly)10:09
DavieyOh curse.10:10
Davieykeystone_2013.1-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. 1:2013.1-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0 <= 1:2013.1.1-0ubuntu1~cloud010:10
jamespageDaviey, yeah10:11
jamespageI thought that might happen10:11
jamespageyou'll need to drop it from the PPA first10:11
Davieyjust did10:11
jamespageDaviey, the reprepro sync from the proposed and staging ppa's will work OK with this right?10:12
jamespage(I think it will - reprepro does not work quite like PPA's)10:13
jamespageDaviey, OK - I've uploaded a rebased keystone for raring; just testing nova now10:14
Davieyjamespage: it will at least work to -updates10:15
Davieyas it isn't published there10:15
Davieyjamespage: (we might need to go straight to updates, is what i think you are saying)10:17
jamespageDaviey, I think it will be OK via proposed10:17
jamespageDaviey, hmm - I just spotted a potential issue10:19
jamespagenot sure how much of a problem it actually is10:19
jamespageDaviey, we don't push the new point releases into dev prior to SRU10:19
jamespagewhich I think makes sense (as dev will shift to havana)10:19
jamespagebut we are in that pre-first milestone phase with upstream right now10:20
Davieyjamespage: I am not terribly concerned by that TBH10:20
jamespageDaviey, OK - nova/raring also rebased and re-uploaded10:20
Davieyjamespage: if you want to upload it there aswell, i wouldn'tgrumble10:20
jamespageDaviey, I'll do the same for folsom now10:21
Davieyjamespage: where did you upload?10:21
jamespageDaviey, raring-proposed10:21
Davieyok, cool10:21
Davieyjamespage: Security uploads re-done to staging10:22
jamespageDaviey, okies10:22
jamespageDaviey, keystone/quantal-proposed uploaded; just waiting on nova/quantal tests to complete10:37
jamespageDaviey, I think we need a less awkard way to deal with security fixes into the UCA10:39
jamespageDaviey, like the security team do we should have XXX-security PPA -> XXX-updates10:39
jamespagebypassing -proposed and avoiding all this deleting package non-sense10:39
Davieyjamespage: that sounds a good idea10:44
Davieyjamespage: preparing the updates is quite gentlemanly now10:44
Davieyjamespage: folsom-security-staging ?10:45
jamespageDaviey, yeah10:45
jamespageDaviey, OK - nova/quantal-proposed uploaded as well10:47
jamespageI updated the lab branches with the revised changelogs10:47
jamespageyolanda, care to review -https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/ceilometer/refresh-patches/+merge/16434110:49
yolandajamespage, we will be adding mongo as default?10:51
jamespageyolanda, no10:51
jamespageDaviey, OK - this sucks as for some reason the tooling is still seeing the old source packages in the staging PPA10:52
Davieyjamespage: might need to wait for the publisher?10:53
jamespageDaviey, maybe10:53
Daviey| package  | staging                                             | proposed |10:54
Daviey| nova     | 2012.2.3-0ubuntu2.1~cloud0                          | None     |10:54
Daviey| keystone | 2012.2.3+stable-20130206-82c87e56-0ubuntu2.1~cloud0 | None     |10:54
Davieylooks right to me?10:54
jamespageDaviey, the grid is OK but when I query the changelog it brings back the most recent versioned one10:55
Davieyjamespage: I suspect this is a bug in LP tbh.10:58
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jamespageDaviey, I think its just the changelog retrieve bit; the copy-package call under the hood appears todo the right things10:59
jamespageDaviey, trying now - it will send the wrong email content but I can live with that for the time being11:00
Davieyjamespage: hmm11:01
Davieywait a min11:02
jamespageDaviey, I think I see the problem in the code as well11:02
Davieyjamespage: It grabs the Publication by name11:02
jamespageDaviey, yeah - it does not include the version11:03
jamespage[0] is latest normally - which in this case is incorrect11:03
DavieyWe know the version, so matching on version should do the trick... i'd think11:04
Davieyjamespage: I'd argue that LP isn't DTRT here, as the original version is no longer Published.11:07
jamespageDaviey, OK -  I have a fix for the tool11:07
jamespageversion=XXX on getPublishedSources11:07
jamespageI'll sync up the grizzly security fixes to proposed now11:07
jamespageDaviey, okies - that is working11:11
jamespagetooling pushed11:11
jamespageI also added the security-staging -> updates workflow11:11
jamespageDaviey, hmm - lab seems unhappy11:13
Davieyjamespage: unhappy?12:32
bjfjamespage, bug 116473912:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1164739 in linux "Can not mount cephfs in VM from cloud image" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116473912:41
bjfjamespage, is that something you could verify as fixed?12:42
bjfsmoser, ^ ?  (i see you have comments on that bug)12:42
ak5hi guys, do you know how I can get mod_proxy_fcgi for apache?12:43
smoserbjf, i'll get that done.12:43
bjfsmoser, awesome12:43
TheLordOfTimeak5:  i believe there's a package to install it...12:44
TheLordOfTimebut i might be wrong12:44
ak5TheLordOfTime: I see, I just reralized I am in apache 2.212:45
TheLordOfTimethat might be the problem12:45
ak5are there repos for 2.4 for 12.04 ?12:45
TheLordOfTimeak5:  i dunno, but i don't use apache so... xD12:47
ak5nginx then?12:47
TheLordOfTimeyep i'm an nginx user :P12:47
TheLordOfTime... that reminds me... note to  self: push patch to nginx devel branch ppa...12:48
TheLordOfTimeak5:  you could always search "apache 2.4 ppa ubuntu" and see what comes up on google12:49
TheLordOfTimeyou might find a PPA for it.12:49
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge12:49
TheLordOfTime^ that12:49
uvirtbotTheLordOfTime: Error: "that" is not a valid command.12:49
TheLordOfTimeshut up uvirtbot12:49
jamespageDaviey, dunno - I know adam_g and smoser where working on some sort of issue yesterday12:49
ak5http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2011603 <- this doesn't look very promising12:50
Davieyjamespage: ah ok12:50
Davieythey should be here soon12:50
smoserjamespage, we're closer12:50
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
TheLordOfTimeDaviey:  about the nginx support thing, would the mailing list be a good place to start the discussion, or should I wait until Tuesday?12:55
TheLordOfTimei ask because Tuesday's election day where I am, and I might be busy12:55
TheLordOfTime(and might miss the server team meeting :/)12:55
ak5How do backports work? I uncommented them in sources.list, now I apt-get update'd12:56
ak5now will it just install all kinds of backports on upgrade?12:56
ak5or do I need to choose specific ones12:56
TheLordOfTimeak5:  what version of ubuntu are you on12:56
ak5TheLordOfTime: ^12:58
TheLordOfTimei believe the policy is written that unless you specify the package from backports it won't install from backports12:58
TheLordOfTimebut i can't be certain12:58
TheLordOfTimebut i'm not certain, since if I want something from backports i usually dump it into a PPA of my own12:58
ak5TheLordOfTime: ok, then how do I search backports?13:00
TheLordOfTimeak5:  if you're looking for backported apache 2.4 there is none13:01
ak5TheLordOfTime: jesus13:01
ak5from source it is I guess13:01
TheLordOfTimeak5:  not everything get's backported13:01
ak5this seems like so big of a deal13:01
rbasakapache 2.4 isn't in Ubuntu at all. In Debian it's in experimental.13:03
rbasakPresumably because of the wheezy freeze.13:04
rbasakWhen was 2.4 released as stable upstream? I wonder if we should sync 2.4 from experimental, but it's quite an involved package, there may be upgrade path issues and I'm not sure it's worth going out on a limb for that.13:05
rbasakOh and I guess we have a delta to forward port too.13:06
patdk-wk__well, in itself, using the debian package worked well for upgrade13:11
patdk-wk__but attempting to sync in all the other packages, like php and all the modules, become a real pain13:12
patdk-wk__I put 2.4 in a ppa for me to play with over a year ago13:12
DavieyTheLordOfTime: mailing list is always a good place :)13:21
patdk-wk__hmm, I have apache 2.4 for 12.04 in my ppa :)13:22
patdk-wk__the real question is, why are you looking for apache 2.4?13:22
patdk-wk__if it's for pci compliance, your solving this the wrong way13:23
patdk-wk__I have had soo many emails asking about my apache 2.4 ppa cause of people attempting to solve pci issues13:23
rbasakpatdk-wk__: that's interesting. Why does using < 2.4 cause people PCI concerns?13:29
patdk-wk__it shouldn't :)13:32
patdk-wk__the issue is, the pci compliance companies do scans13:32
patdk-wk__and to be quick and efficient, they only check the version of the software in use13:32
patdk-wk__they don't check if you patch it for known CVE's13:33
patdk-wk__therefor you always fail, unless you have the latest version, and you have to file a report to them, showing the ubuntu CVE patchs made to your version13:33
patdk-wk__so when they get the failure report, and it says, fixed in apache 2.4, they attempt to install that :) instead of knowning that the version they have is already fixed13:34
rbasakOh I see - thanks13:41
zuluh we just had an earthquake tremors13:45
rbasakzul: nothing on http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/13:47
zulrbasak:  dude my house was shaking :)13:48
zullike 2 minutes ago13:48
rbasakComputer says no :-P13:49
patdk-wk__zul, could easily be mining operations13:50
patdk-wk__road construction, ...13:50
zulrbasak:  https://twitter.com/CANADAquakes13:50
zulno it was an earthquake13:50
zulAutomatic detection of seismic event: magnitude 4.8 - 17 May 9:43 EDT - BRAESIDE, ON region13:51
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vlad_sta_Hello everyone.14:20
vlad_sta_Need emergency help with recovering RAID1 on Ubuntu 12.0414:20
vlad_sta_Having 2 RAID1: md0 and md114:21
vlad_sta_1 disk was down few hours ago14:22
vlad_sta_The file system became read-only14:22
vlad_sta_cat /proc/mdstat14:22
vlad_sta_Personalities : [raid1] [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]14:22
vlad_sta_md0 : active raid1 sdb1[1]14:22
vlad_sta_      975296 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [_U]14:22
vlad_sta_      14:22
vlad_sta_md1 : active raid1 sdb2[1]14:22
vlad_sta_      975653696 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [_U]14:22
vlad_sta_      14:22
vlad_sta_unused devices: <none>14:22
vlad_sta_then I made  mdadm --assemble -scan -v14:23
vlad_sta_and mdadm -A --scan14:23
vlad_sta_after that14:23
vlad_sta_cat /proc/mdstat14:23
vlad_sta_Personalities : [raid1] [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]14:23
vlad_sta_md126 : active raid1 sda1[0]14:23
vlad_sta_      975296 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]14:23
vlad_sta_      14:23
vlad_sta_md127 : active raid1 sda2[0]14:23
vlad_sta_      975653696 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]14:23
vlad_sta_      14:23
vlad_sta_md0 : active raid1 sdb1[1]14:23
vlad_sta_      975296 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [_U]14:23
vlad_sta_      14:23
vlad_sta_md1 : active raid1 sdb2[1]14:23
vlad_sta_      975653696 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [_U]14:23
vlad_sta_      14:23
vlad_sta_unused devices: <none>14:24
vlad_sta_Where the md126 and md127 appeared from?14:24
vlad_sta_This is not my raid as I only had md0 and md114:24
RoyK!pastebin | vlad_sta_14:24
ubottuvlad_sta_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:24
vlad_sta_Sure. Sorry about that14:25
RoyKvlad_sta_: doesn't look too good14:26
RoyKI'd say, first run smartctl -x on /dev/sda and /dev/sdb14:26
RoyKpastebin that14:26
RoyK!pastebinit | vlad_sta_14:26
ubottuvlad_sta_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com14:26
RoyKvlad_sta_: looks like it's rather confused - md126-127 is apparently the other side of the mirror14:27
vlad_sta_RoyK: Could you guide me a bit about how serious is this problem and what are the first aid here?14:28
RoyKvlad_sta_: check the drives first. something has happened. you shouldn't just assemble a raid if a drive is kicked out14:29
RoyKbtw, pastebin dmesg output14:29
vlad_sta_smartctl -x /dev/sda14:29
vlad_sta_bash: /usr/sbin/smartctl: Input/output error14:29
rbasakjamespage: bug 1181135 - looks like he's using the quantal HWE stack on Precise. Is our position that he needs to downgrade to the 3.2 kernel if he wants to build open-vm-dkms?14:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1181135 in open-vm-tools "open-vm-dkms 2011.12.20-562307-0ubuntu1: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118113514:30
vlad_sta_Traceback (most recent call last):14:30
vlad_sta_  File "/usr/lib/command-not-found", line 21, in <module>14:30
vlad_sta_    from CommandNotFound.util import crash_guard14:30
vlad_sta_ImportError: No module named CommandNotFound.util14:30
vlad_sta_Error in sys.excepthook:14:30
vlad_sta_Traceback (most recent call last):14:30
vlad_sta_  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apport_python_hook.py", line 66, in apport_excepthook14:30
vlad_sta_    from apport.fileutils import likely_packaged, get_recent_crashes14:30
vlad_sta_ImportError: No module named apport.fileutils14:30
vlad_sta_Original exception was:14:30
RoyK!pastebin | vlad_sta_14:30
ubottuvlad_sta_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:30
vlad_sta_Traceback (most recent call last):14:30
vlad_sta_  File "/usr/lib/command-not-found", line 21, in <module>14:30
vlad_sta_    from CommandNotFound.util import crash_guard14:30
RoyKvlad_sta_: stop spamming!14:30
vlad_sta_ImportError: No module named CommandNotFound.util14:30
vlad_sta_oops too much14:31
vlad_sta_RoyK: absolutely sorry about that14:31
RoyKvlad_sta_: generally, more than 2 lines should go to pastebin14:31
RoyKI guess you'll have to reboot that thing14:31
RoyKtry 'reboot'14:31
vlad_sta_RoyK: I got it first time you pointed me. This time was a mistake14:31
vlad_sta_bash: /sbin/reboot: Input/output error14:32
RoyKif that doesn't work, press and hold alt+sysrq (print screen) and type S U B while holding14:32
vlad_sta_RoyK: I have remote KVM there, but I'm on Mac and don't know where is sysrq14:32
rbasakjamespage: it might be an idea to document this on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack too14:32
RoyKvlad_sta_: then 'echo s > /proc/sysrq-trigger'14:33
RoyKthen echo u .. then echo b14:33
RoyKas above14:33
disposabledoes anybody run a mdraid-1 array of Samsung 840PRO? what speeds are you getting?14:33
RoyKvlad_sta_: in the state it's now, echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger should do14:34
vlad_sta_I made remotely by ssh echo s > /proc/sysrq-trigger && echo u > /proc/sysrq-trigger && echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger14:34
vlad_sta_after that I lost connection to the server14:35
vlad_sta_oh rebooting14:35
RoyKb is reboot14:35
vlad_sta_RoyK: this magic is awesome. Don't know what it was14:35
RoyKvlad_sta_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key14:37
RoyKvlad_sta_: so, did it boot correctly_14:39
vlad_sta_How can I paste image here?14:39
RoyKhm. dunno14:39
RoyK!screenshots | vlad_sta_14:40
ubottuvlad_sta_: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.14:40
RoyKtry rebooting into single14:41
RoyKtype exit14:41
RoyKdefault config in ubuntu is for some moronic reason not to boot correctly if a raid is degraded14:42
vlad_sta_To be clear, config is 2 HDD + RAID1 + encryption + LVM14:42
RoyKshouldn't matter14:42
vlad_sta_RoyK: the reason is that raid is encrypted. I had the same result when I was installing this server and testing how raid works. I set explicitly to load in degraded mode, but 12.04 LTS has a kinda bug with that (as read in forums)14:43
vlad_sta_RoyK: rebooting in single (recovery) mode14:44
RoyKworks for me, though14:44
vlad_sta_RoyK: what version is your ubuntu?14:44
RoyKlots :)14:44
vlad_sta_Lucky you then :-)14:45
RoyKbut typing exit from the recovery prompt should make it boot normally14:46
vlad_sta_the same thing14:46
vlad_sta_it waiting for encryoted and busybox then14:46
vlad_sta_while loading it showed error reading ata2 drive14:47
vlad_sta_I'll reboot and try to screenshot it14:47
RoyKprobably a bad drive, then14:47
vlad_sta_RoyK: I think it could be that14:47
RoyKwell, that's why you're using raid, isn't it? ;)14:48
RoyKanyway - whatever you have on top of the md raid shouldn't matter14:48
vlad_sta_RoyK: ok. I'm just newbe to Raid and just started digging deeper inside Linux (reading huge book now)14:50
RoyKfor linux raid specific stuff, it's sometimes easier to get good answers on #linux-raid14:50
vlad_sta_RoyK: Thanks a lot!14:51
vlad_sta_Could you recommend some other good channels on linux and related?14:52
RoyKnot sure - it all depends what you want to know. there are hundreds14:52
jamespagerbasak, otp right now - give me 10 mins14:53
vlad_sta_RoyK: I'm not ready to answer this question right now14:53
vlad_sta_RoyK: so I have to go to obtain new hdd and then goto data-center...14:53
RoyKit should be possible to boot the system with one drive in that mirror14:54
vlad_sta_RoyK: so having looking to the last boot screen, what do you think had happen?14:54
RoyKjust did a wee test on a raid test vm on precise (12.04), set boot_degraded=on and removed a drive, dd'ed a bunch of zeros on it and rebooted14:55
RoyKcame up14:55
vlad_sta_RoyK: If it possible it would be awesome. Currently the system falls down to busybox (initramfs)14:55
RoyKtype exit14:55
RoyKit should continue14:55
vlad_starkovoops timeout14:59
vlad_starkovRoyK: http://cl.ly/image/1B1U42450j2T14:59
resnoim tryin to write a bash script to capture the hostname - HOSTNAME=`hostname` isnt working14:59
resnoi also tried "`hostname`"14:59
RoyKresno: just tried HOSTNAME=`hostname`; echo $HOSTNAME15:02
RoyKworks for me...15:02
resnohmm, then ive done something else wrong15:02
hXmi have many /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start process, are normal?15:02
RoyKhXm: no15:03
RoyKhXm: pastebin 'ps axf'15:03
hXmthe tclsh script is allowed, the SCREEN too15:04
RoyKthose are ok15:04
RoyKit's just apache starting a some listening processes15:05
resnoRoyK: i missed typed the variable lol15:05
hXmgood, thanks15:05
RoyKhXm: apache normally starts a few processes to balance incoming requests15:05
hXmah ok, so i dont scare15:06
RoyKif traffic grows, the number of processes will grow, and then lessen again if traffic decreases15:06
resnoas long as apache isnt going "crazy"15:11
RoyKresno: never seen that ;)15:11
resnohavent seen it today ;)15:12
RoyKresno: what do you mean "go crazy"?15:12
resnowhen to many people hit it and it makes more processes then the machine can handle15:13
resnodefault installation with little tinkering of workers15:13
resnoand the machine just doesnt kill them off as it should15:13
RoyKresno: if you have low memory, reduce MaxClients in the apache config15:17
RoyKresno: it's not apache's fault, it's the admin's fault, as usual ;)15:17
resnobut of course15:17
resnoim a admin learning as i go :)15:18
resnoi've tested my setups enough to realize a few tweaks to make apache not kill a server15:18
mndohi, does kvm support cpu hotplug?15:18
RoyKmndo: afaik, no15:19
RoyKmndo: there's been some talk about it, but I don't think there's anything there yet. try #virt @ OFTC.net15:19
patdk-wk__I can't remember if the linux kernel supports cpu hotplug even15:19
RoyKpatdk-wk__: it's been supporting cpu hotplug for a decade or so15:20
patdk-wk__ah, like memory, still need to online them manually15:21
RoyKshould be doable with some kvm guest utils15:22
patdk-wk__I wonder if a udev rule could be made to bring hotplug memory/cpu online automatically15:22
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patdk-wk__ok, udev rules work to online cpu/memory on add, seems to work good, as long as the memory hotplug module is loaded before you add ram16:01
krababbelHi, can I upgrade using apt-get upgrade, so that also recommended packages are installed? They are left out and --install-recommends won't work on upgrade it seems.16:06
Picikrababbel: Why do you think packages are being left out?16:06
patdk-wk__krababbel, no you can't16:07
patdk-wk__the whole point of upgrade is NOT to install new packages16:07
krababbelPici: I tried aptitude before, but didn't install, just looked in the list it would install. I showed packages which would be recommended after the upgrade, which would not be installed by an apt-get upgrade.16:07
krababbelpatdk-wk__: OK, I see.16:08
patdk-wk__you need dist-upgrade to install new stuff, but not sure if you will have the *same* issue still16:08
Picikrababbel: 'upgrade' will never install new packages, only new versions for existing packages.16:08
patdk-wk__upgrade will only upgrade things that don't need new items :)16:08
krababbelThanks, I will try dist-upgrade too.16:08
patdk-wk__I don't believe dist-upgrade will, but it solves half the issue :)16:08
patdk-wk__I purposely don't install recommended packages for many things, cause I don't want them16:09
patdk-wk__and dist-upgrade doesn't bring them in16:09
patdk-wk__but probably an option to do that16:09
PiciYou can just re-do an install and include --install-recommends there.16:09
krababbelOK, thank you for your help. :)16:10
jamespagerbasak, OK16:16
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jamespagerbasak, there are lot of those on 12.04 with the enablement kernel16:21
jamespagethe DKMS modules package should be fixed to work with the newer versions - that what we did with ovs and iscsitarget16:21
hallynstgraber: if you're not playing with the staging tree right now, i coudl quickly revert, add your ack, and push --force16:29
stgraberhallyn: not playing with it, so if you want to add the ack, go ahead16:30
hallynk done16:31
rbasakjamespage: OK, thanks. Presumably using the original kernel, if possible, is a suitable workaround then?16:38
rbasakGot it.16:38
jamespageI think there is a segment of users who want todo this sort of stuff who don't really need the HWE kernels16:38
jamespagethey should stick on 3.2 IMHO16:39
patdk-wk__I have attempted to upgrade to the newer kernel on a few vm's, so that I could get the newer network stack, as it helps a lot16:48
patdk-wk__but open-vm-tools dkms breaks badly doing that16:49
patdk-wk__haven't revisited since that failed attempt16:49
rbasakjamespage: some discussion of DKMS and HWE in #ubuntu-kernel atm16:54
rbasakjamespage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5674611/16:56
rbasakjamespage: 17:57 <rbasak> openvswitch is probably the module that we care about the most. I'll ask jamespage about it.16:57
zuladam_g: derp https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/cinder/cinder-ftbfs-pbr/+merge/16446417:07
rbasakjamespage: you should probably read the #ubuntu-kernel logs when they appear. And lurk there, too :)17:10
rbasakSorry if I confused matters.17:11
zuladam_g:  fixed17:19
foxbuntuanyone in here got much experience with ZFS?17:22
foxbuntugot an issue with trying to expand zfs pool/fs on top of a hardware raid5 that has been expanded (JBOD isnt an option because of the controller)17:23
foxbuntu...and cant remove the disk from the raid5 now17:23
RoyKfoxbuntu: has the raid capacity been extended?17:31
* RoyK knows a wee bit about zfs17:31
irvany easy way to unencrypt a home dir?17:32
irvdone using the installation time encryption17:32
RoyKirv: rsync -avPHA /somewhere/else # ;)17:32
irvahh that's what i figured :P17:32
irvspinnin up a new vm now17:32
foxbuntuRoyK, yes, the raid5 logical volume has been extended17:33
foxbuntuRoyK, so we went from 3tb to 4tb17:33
RoyKvirtualization is the new thing! I mean, IBM hasn't been doing it for more than three decades ;)17:35
RoyKfoxbuntu: zpool set autoexpand=on17:35
sarnoldRoyK: but they cheated, they designed their chips to be virtualizable without any extra hassle. :)17:36
foxbuntuRoyK, then just export/import? or is it all automagic?17:36
RoyKshould be no need for export/import17:36
RoyKtry zpool list17:37
foxbuntuRoyK, cool, thanks. I will give it a shot17:37
zuladam_g:  ping it got resubmitted to the right branch can you have a look please?18:10
RoyKfoxbuntu: any luck?18:38
balloonsso forgive me because it's friday afternoon here, but I seem to remember something about the ubuntu cloud images no longer being produced. Is this correct?18:51
sarnoldballoons: timestamps still look new: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/18:53
foxbuntuRoyK, havent had a chance to test it yet...gotta try off hours...18:53
balloonssarnold, ty :-)18:53
vlad_starkovRoyK: Hello again! I changed faulted HDD to the new one and partitioned it as it should be: 1GB boot,raid + 999GB raid. No file system formatted.18:56
RoyKvlad_starkov: perhaps something borked in the encryption part18:58
JoeyJoeJoIf I build a kernel and some modules on one machine how can I package it all up into a deb file for redistribution onto different machines with the same hardware?19:13
sarnoldJoeyJoeJo: investigate the kernel-package pacakge.19:14
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vlad_starkovQuestion: mdadm. I'm in initramfs shell. I just successfully launched recovery process. No it's about 10% done. Can I type exit and reboot to normal system and be sure that everything will be recovered properly?20:48
vlad_starkovQuestion: can anyone explain me how it is possible that after I changed faulty HDD in my RAID1 and launched recovery process, after system boot I have clear system with no software and my data like?????21:09
RoyKvlad_starkov: what do you mean?21:22
vlad_starkovRoyK: I have a server with 2 HDD built to RAID1+encryption+LVM. One HDD was failed. mdadm was shoing that raid is stopped. I changed it with the new one and reassembled the raid. After that mdadm showed that raid is active and new hdd is recovering now.21:25
vlad_starkovI reboot to normal mode and I see there is no software21:26
vlad_starkovactually there is only 1 user of several that system was supported before disk fail21:26
vlad_starkovI can't understand what's going on....21:26
vlad_starkovRoyK: As I think the system should boot normally OR do not boot at all.21:27
RoyKvlad_starkov: seems to me you had a faulty array in the first place21:37
vlad_starkovRoyK: hmmm....21:38
vlad_starkovhow to check it?21:38
RoyKvlad_starkov: I guess it was dead for some time and that the data resides on the other drie21:38
phillwHi good people, do you have a zsync link for 12.04.2 ? I'm struggling.21:38
vlad_starkovRoyK: this looks the most reasonable cause of the problem...21:38
RoyKvlad_starkov: try to remove the other drives and boot on the old one21:41
RoyKvlad_starkov: I've seen similar stuff happening before, but not on linux21:41
vlad_starkovRoyK: the recovering process is still on. I think of this strategy: remove old drive from the server. One more time repartition the new drive that I installed after raid failure. Then clone the drive, that I removed initially and thought that IT WAS failed, to external disk. Then put it back to the server and reassemble the array.21:44
RoyKvlad_starkov: try booting on the old drive first21:56
RoyKif the data is there, the new stuff won't matter21:56
RoyKmake a backup, as in copying it to somewhere else, and fix the mirror21:57
RoyKdon't try to do magick with the existing stuff21:57
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vlad_starkovRoyK: what is the better way to make backup from old drive?22:06
vlad_starkovRoyK: Can I "hot swap" a regular HDD by unplug it from motherboard cords and then plugin another HDD? Is it fine for working server?22:45
RoyKif the drivers support it, yes22:46
RoyKSATA is hotplug by design22:46
RoyKvlad_starkov: but in your case, better reboot into the old drive22:46
RoyKyou can't hotswap mounted filesystems on single drives22:47
vlad_starkovRoyK: I'd like to make a backup copy of the old drive before recover the RAID22:47
vlad_starkovRoyK: I mean boot with USB flash (Ubuntu Live) and hot swap disks22:47
RoyKvlad_starkov: raid isn't backup22:49
RoyKkeep that in mind22:49
RoyKbackup your data to something and then try to recover the raid22:49
vlad_starkovRoyK: Yep, it's like insurance22:49
RoyKno, it's not, backup is insurance22:49
RoyKor the step before it22:50
RoyKraid is like safety belt22:50
vlad_starkovRoyK: I have free healthy HDD that i'd like to use to clone old disk to it. And then begin recovery process22:50
vlad_starkovif recovery fail the old disk for some reason, I'll have cloned disk22:50
vlad_starkovRoyK: nice22:51
vlad_starkovRoyK: I made a short script that I used to successfully launch recovery process. Did I miss something? http://pastebin.com/irJ3JxFU22:54
RoyKI wonder why you should need that22:56
RoyKmd devs are automatically assembled22:56
RoyKexcept nested ones, a bug22:56
RoyKsee bug 117194522:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1171945 in mdadm "Nested RAID levels aren't started after reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117194522:58
vlad_starkovRoyK: On Ubuntu 12.04 Server md devs don't automatically assemble after fail if md is encrypted23:01
phillwsecondary server for 12.04.2 is now mirrored at http://phillw.net/isos/ubuntu-server/23:07
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vlad_starkovRoyK: When I make sudo ddrescue -v /dev/sda /dev/sdb it says  Output file exists and is not a regular file. Use `--force' if you really want to overwrite it, but be  aware that all existing data in output file will be lost.23:35
vlad_starkovRoyK: should I add -f key?23:35
sarnoldvlad_starkov: do you truly intend to overwrite the hard drive /dev/sdb and not just make a new file in the filesystem that is already on /dev/sdb?23:36
vlad_starkovsarnold: oh. sure I do23:36
sarnoldvlad_starkov: then go for it :)23:36
vlad_starkovsarnold: cloning...23:39
vlad_starkovsarnold: Don't you know, Ubuntu determine the drive name (sda,sdb,sdc...) just randomly and it doesn't bounded to SATA port on motherboard?23:41
vlad_starkovRoyK: it's cloning 1Tb... for the moment, I'd like to thank you for your help and advices. It was extremely helpful for me.23:42
sarnoldvlad_starkov: this is currently under discussion: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-May/037084.html23:43
sarnoldvlad_starkov: but I believe the current behaviour will be retained for the time being...23:43
vlad_starkovFor the moment there is no errors while cloning.... It will be funny if I've removed the wrong drive initially)23:43
sarnoldhehe, "funny" :)23:44
vlad_starkovsarnold: so the current behaviour is like a just wrote above?23:45
sarnoldvlad_starkov: as I understand it, yes; /dev/disk/* has 'stable' names available..23:46
vlad_starkovsarnold: mmmm, I didn't understand then23:46
sarnoldvlad_starkov: ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ will explain :)23:47
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vlad_starkovsarnold: ok then23:47
vlad_starkovAm I right thinking that instead of doing md array recovering, I can just clone current disk to another and plug it in?23:48

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