
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== Omnifrog is now known as Omnifrog|pond
=== Omnifrog|pond is now known as Omnifrog
wrstagreed netritious, how you doing?19:36
netritiousnot to bad wrst, yourself?19:36
wrstdoing well I have the friday countdown going19:38
wrstnetritious: anything big and exciting happening on the western front?19:40
netritiousno. well maybe. It's a surprise.19:41
wrstha ha that will keep the viewers interested19:41
netritiousJust read that wheezy is now stable.21:33
wrstyep stable stale depends on how you look at it :)21:48
Unit193That means testing is unfrozen.21:50
netritiouswheezy has been fairly stable for me for the past year in a vm, but I "reset" it a lot via system snapshots, essentially restoring it to it's last update from a clean install. :$21:51
Unit193I've been actually running it a while now, no issues.21:54
netritiousno issues for me either, just I install different stuff at different times, and instead of keeping up with copies of disk images, I just do a diff on the filesystems (pre/post install/upgrade)21:58
netritioussave the output to pendrive or netwrok share, along with any notes, scripts, and usually a copy of /etc21:59
netritious*installed packages diff, not file system diff, and I don't use diff until I compare the lists.22:10
netritiousanyway, # dpkg --get-selections > `hostname`.pkg.list22:11
chris4585wrst, I installed my ssd the other day22:21
chris4585its bananas fast22:21
OmnifrogNote to self: Playing the South Park game from 1999 in Wine is not a good idea22:51
cyberangerOmnifrog: why, did it crash & kill kenny23:01
wrstchris4585: they are great my laptop running arch on a ssd is nuts23:33
Omnifroglol cyberanger23:41
wrsthowdy Omnifrog23:41
Omnifrogit messed with the graphics settings, scrambled the desktop, resized all the windows to a lower resolution and it all resuted in the need for a ctrl-alt-F1 sudo shutdown -R now23:43
wrstOmnifrog: so you weren't exactly partying like 1999?23:46
Omnifrogno. not at all23:47
OmnifrogI did get to see kenny get killed before everything went floop23:47
wrstOmnifrog: maybe a windows 98 VM is in order?23:48
Omnifrogtoo much effort for something I just wanted to look at before I box it up and send it to the garage for the next decade23:49
wrstOmnifrog: in that case other is always 202323:49
OmnifrogI expect that by 2023 any modern computing device will be able to run any software for any platform ever made23:51
wrsthmm interesting thought23:53
wrstwould make sense23:55
Omnifrogeven if only by way of VM's in the cloud23:56

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