
JamesTaitGood morning all! Happy Friday, Happy Endangered Species Day and Happy World Information Society Day! :-D08:20
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Saviqhi all, I seem to be unable to log into U1, I'm getting an "Authentication failed: OpenID authentication failed: Bad signature" error12:59
ralsinaSaviq: random check, is your date correct?13:01
Saviqralsina, mine is, yes13:02
ralsinaSaviq: version number?13:02
ralsinaSaviq: and version of ubuntu13:02
Saviqralsina, I meant to the website, sorry13:02
ralsinaSaviq: ah, ok!13:02
ralsinabeuno: ^13:02
Saviqralsina, and I can log in to other Ubuntu SSO-backed services13:02
JamesTaitSaviq, hi!13:05
SaviqJamesTait, hey13:05
JamesTaitSo you can log into Launchpad, etc, but U1 is failing the OpenID signature check?  Interesting.13:06
SaviqJamesTait, yes13:07
JamesTaitSaviq, I'm mulling this over, because I'm wary of locking you out of more services. :)13:08
SaviqJamesTait, tried in a private browser session just to make sure, no go13:09
JamesTaitSaviq, good thinking.  Taking that route, I presume you had to click the Login/Sign Up link in U1 and enter your credentials in login.ubuntu.com, right?13:10
SaviqJamesTait, yes13:11
JamesTaitSaviq, bear with me a moment, let me check something.13:12
Saviqmy u1 account seems to be haunted ;)13:12
JamesTaitSpooky. :)13:12
JamesTaitSaviq, my gut is telling me that both launchpad and u1 will be using the exact same OpenID library, but I'm trying to confirm that.13:16
JamesTaitSaviq, my gut is also telling me that a bad signature for a single user is probably down to some weird encoding issue on that account.  Do you have any "strange" characters in your login.ubuntu.com account? i.e. in your name, e-mail address or team memberships?13:19
SaviqJamesTait, my name is Michał13:19
JamesTaitSaviq, also, could you tell me your launchpad username?13:19
SaviqJamesTait, is same - savq13:20
SaviqJamesTait, didn't have problems like that before...13:20
Saviqand I didn't change my name since ;)13:20
* Saviq tries to get rid of the ł13:20
dobeylaunchpad is special. it's not a good comparitive test case13:21
JamesTaitSaviq, we recently rolled out an update to SSO that may have introduced this.13:21
JamesTaitdobey, "special"?13:21
SaviqJamesTait, removing "ł" didn't help13:21
dobeyJamesTait: launchpad doesn't use login.ubuntu.com. it has it's own copy of it13:21
JamesTaitdobey, true, but I think it's using the same code? I'm not sure, tbh.13:22
SaviqJamesTait, nothing funky in my memberships that I can find13:22
dobeyJamesTait: mostly, yeah. wiki.ubuntu.com or similar, or a canonical service for employees that uses sso, would be a generally better comparison test though13:23
JamesTaitdobey, good point - Saviq could you try wiki.ubuntu.com please?13:25
JamesTaitI did just manage to hit a bug locally relating to that ł in my name, but not a signature verification failure.13:26
SaviqJamesTait, worked fine13:26
SaviqJamesTait, logged out and back in, no password entry though, 'cause was logged into SSO13:26
JamesTaitYeah, that's normal.  It should result in the same post back to the relying party.13:27
SaviqJamesTait, ah13:27
SaviqJamesTait, I changed my name on login.ubuntu.com13:27
Saviqlogged in to U1 fine13:27
Saviqchecking if that's the culprit again13:27
JamesTaitOK, that's "good", for a certain definition of "good". ;)13:28
SaviqJamesTait, yes, your gut was righ13:28
Saviqbut I checked wrong13:28
SaviqJamesTait, yeah, the "ł" in my name is what makes it die13:29
JamesTaitSaviq, want me to raise the bug against canonial-identity-provider, or will you?  I'll get working on the fix straight away.13:29
SaviqJamesTait, launchpad?13:30
SaviqJamesTait, doing13:30
JamesTaitSaviq, thanks. :)13:30
SaviqJamesTait, https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-identity-provider/+bug/118122913:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1181229 in Canonical SSO provider "diacriticts in name result in bad signature when logging in to U1 website" [Undecided,New]13:31
SaviqJamesTait, thanks13:31
JamesTaitSo something in the handling of OpenID Attribute Exchange is not properly encoding things that Simple Registration was.13:31
JamesTaitSaviq, thank *you*13:31
* JamesTait -> school run14:23
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