
=== |Slacker| is now known as Guest7953
xubuntu555can i move the menu bars to be at the top or bottom of xubuntu?01:53
th0rxubuntu555, yes you can01:54
xubuntu555thanks th0r01:54
th0rxubuntu555, right click on the panel...choose Panel- Panel Preferences. Make sure 'Lock Panel' is not checked01:55
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xubuntu555can you run steam in xubuntu 64 bit?02:20
xubuntu555(not that I can afford any of their games, or have a credit card)02:21
seroniswhere is the thunarx-python package?02:24
[uzver]in xfce git02:27
seronisah so I dont have my sources list messed up its just not in the standard repos?02:28
seronis(i had done some manual edits when i installed xubuntu and was worried i might have messed something up)02:28
xubuntu555I run xubuntu on a laptop. Is it better that I still with a LTS 12.04 version rather than have to erase linux every time and install new ones?02:33
xubuntu555IE install 12.10 13.04 etc02:35
xubuntu555Is it safe to install xubuntu 13.04 - will i run out of downloads in a few months or something02:41
xubuntu555Is it safe to install xubuntu 13.04 - will i run out of downloads in a few months or something?02:42
xubuntu555how does non-LTS work?02:42
[uzver]13.04 works like a rocket(:02:43
xubuntu555great! I sb installing the latest version then?02:43
seronisnon LTS just has updates stop sooner than LTS versions02:44
xubuntu555updates as in for THAT VERSION only IE not allowing you to update over the internet to the next LTS02:44
seronisof course id try a liveUSB/liveCD first02:44
seronisyou can always update to the next distro version02:45
xubuntu555okay, without losing my files...phew...that's a good thing to know. I was worried linux needed fresh clean installs all the time.02:45
seronishow do i make Thunars list view obey alphabetical order for filenames with numbers in them ?02:52
seronisits ignoring leading zeros on names, which is bad behaviour02:53
seronisexample.. its ordering it so that a filename  00BX.dat is after file  0A00.dat02:55
seronis(its a problem because there are a few thousand files with significantly longer hash based names)02:56
xubuntu555what ''support'' do you get, with LTS?03:03
pleia23 years03:04
pleia2for xubuntu03:04
xubuntu5553 years of updates, or three years with the same release of Help03:05
pleia2you aren't guaranteed any level of customer support, we're all volunteers :)03:05
xubuntu555ok so 12.04, 12.11, 13.04 etc03:05
pleia212.04 gets 3 years, 12.10 gets 18 months, 13.04 is on a new schedule of 9 months support (13.10 will be 9 months as well)03:06
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Xubuntu will be supported for 3 years. The current LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)03:06
xubuntu555ok - thanks. I think I will go for 13.1003:06
pleia213.10 doesn't really exist yet :)03:06
pleia213.04 is the current release, 13.10 comes out in October, it's currently in very early stages of development03:07
xubuntu555no. but 13.04 ubuntu sb upgradeable to 13.10 xubuntu.03:07
pleia2yes, it will be03:07
fallorei'm using wine to install dota 2 through steam and i'm wondering if i should have separate wine prefixes for dota 2 and steam or just one?05:15
aienadoes anyone know how to install digiKam 3.2.0 on xubuntu 12.04 LTS ?05:20
Unit193fallore: ...Why not just use the native Steam program?05:25
Unit193!steam | fallore05:25
ubottufallore: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.05:25
fallorebecause i'm trying to play dota 2, which is not yet supported on their native client05:25
fallorei have since read that it's good to keep everything on separate prefixes so i went with that05:26
Unit193Does steam or Dota need to access files from the other application?  I'd just leave it same prefix, but that's me.  If one doesn't work, try the other.05:27
aienaUnit193: how does one remove a ppa from terminal ?05:37
Unit193!ppa-purge | You can use this handy tool.05:38
ubottuYou can use this handy tool.: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html05:38
Unit193!info digikam05:38
ubottudigikam (source: digikam): digital photo management application for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.1.0-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 3853 kB, installed size 15243 kB05:38
aienaI will need to use ppa's for 12.04 LTS though05:39
aienathanks Unit19305:41
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Eremeshello guys how do I check my home folder is encrypted or not ? I can't remember wether xubuntu 12.0 gives encryption option on install06:29
SkaftafellsHello to all of you, I tried to install xubuntu 12.04 lts on a asus win vista machine. while installation, the installation bugged, while vista had already be affected. so now i'm without any op system07:35
Skaftafellsre-trying from the begin on the xubuntu installation, now he bugs even at a earlier point.07:36
Skaftafellsany comment/help is welcome. Thanxx07:36
TheSheepSkaftafells: not much we can do with this kind of information07:37
TheSheepSkaftafells: but if you have any specific question, don't hesistate to ask07:37
mogmog_hi does anyone know why the second song in playlist in parole has no sound even though its played?10:02
cangussu-brHi, everyone. There is a way to create web apps for xfce like unity web apps?11:52
knomecangussu-br, what is your real problem?12:02
cangussu-brHi, knome. It's not a real problem. I only want to know if there is some feature in xfce to launch apps like gmail or youtube directly in my desktop, like unity web apps. I saw a linux distro named SalineOS that uses a midori browser plugin to make it.12:05
knomecangussu-br, no, there really isn't without hacks12:05
cangussu-brI saw an old implementation that uses mozilla prism project, but mozilla prism is not developed anymore12:06
laitecangussu-br: I have absolutely no idea how portable/transferrable it is, but PeppermintOS used to have something called "ice" (see http://peppermintos.com/about-peppermint/ )12:07
laitePeppermint is ubuntu-based, so it might work12:07
cangussu-brI will try it. Thanks, laite and knome, for your help. :-)12:07
knomeno problem12:07
seronisin the software center I was looking to install the c++ Boost libs and I see a lot of individual packages for 1.53 (the current) but the info page on  libboost-all-dev mentions 1.4912:32
seronisis there any way to grab the entire set of 1.53 libs without having to do them individually ?12:33
knomeseronis, i would imaging there's some metapackage that pulls them all in12:33
knomeseronis, or if they are named wisely, you can do 'sudo apt-get install c-boost-lib-*'12:34
knome(or similar, i don't know about the package names)12:34
seronisthe metapackage isnt version specific in its name, and in its INFO page it states out outdated version12:34
seroniswill try a wildcard then.12:35
seroniscangussu-br, there are scripts for using gmail as your default mail client12:40
seronisim actually using one though i set it up two weeks ago12:40
seronisits a 2line *.sh file.  let me know if ya want me to put it in my dropbox12:43
cangussu-brseronis, let me try your script.12:52
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seroniscangussu-br,  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13440285/open_mailto.sh12:56
seronisi have that set in 'preferred apps' as mail client12:57
seronissee if it serves your purpose well enough12:57
cangussu-brthanks, seronis.12:57
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Touhou11Does anyone know if there are plans to change the default web browser in Xubuntu, like Ubuntu is proposing?13:37
nyRednekwhat is ubuntu proposing to change default browser to?13:37
GridCubenyRednek, chromium13:38
nyRednekGridCube: oh, that kinda makes sense13:38
Touhou11Why does changing to Chromium make sense?13:38
GridCubeTouhou11, http://xubuntu.org/news/looking-towards-xubuntu-13-10/13:38
brainwashand lubuntu might change back to firefox13:38
nyRednekGridCube: but that doesn't really address adobe's abandonment of flash13:39
GridCubethat aint our problem13:39
nyRednekbrainwash: pardon my ignorance, but what is lubuntu's default now?13:39
brainwashnyRednek: it's chromium13:40
Touhou11It would make sense for Lubuntu to use Firefox, it uses considerably less memory13:40
GridCubelubuntu's rationale its that chromium its far too heavy for theyr desktop, mainbuntu's https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-1305-chromium-default-browser13:41
nyRedneki would personally like to see midori go places as a browser13:44
GridCubeit needs a whole lot of work tho13:45
Touhou11Midori barely has the development effort to fix bugs, let alone anything else13:45
nyRednekGridCube: that it does13:45
nyRednekTouhou11: i've used it a few times, when it works, it's great, speedy, etc13:46
nyRednekbut when it misinterprets css, it's neither great nor speedy13:47
GridCubei couldnt use it for work because it doesnt understand the difference between proxies and localhosts13:47
nyRednekGridCube: didn't realize that13:48
tabsterleirHey all, i'm a little new to Xubuntu. Where does touchpad indicator install to? It doesn't seem to be in /usr/bin14:28
xubuntu527When the time comes will Xubuntu be going with Wayland or Mir?14:34
SekoiaMir, I guess14:37
Sekoiaubuntu doesnt seem to be interested in wayland14:37
Touhou11Is XFCE going to support Mir, or just through X compatibility? KDE devs have basically told Canonical to piss off with Mir, after Shuttleworth assumed it would be supported14:39
Dry_LipsHi... I'm installing Xubuntu alonside windows on my sisters laptop. When "allocating space by dragging the divider" which part is the window partition and which will belong to xubuntu,... They aren't labeled in any way.16:02
elfysame as ubuntu Dry_Lips16:03
holsteinDry_Lips: i usually do it manually with gparted before hand, after backing up the data16:04
Dry_LipsYeah, but it's such a long time since I dual booted myself, elfy16:04
elfyDry_Lips: if you go to settings - gparted is there16:05
holsteinDry_Lips: i think elfy means that the "ubuntu" label will apply to xubuntu.. but im not sure you get any label there16:05
elfyholstein: more I meant it's the same16:05
holsteinsure.. but the sections that are there are not labeled16:06
elfyI know - sorry - we're all talking at cross purposes here :)16:06
holsteini remember last time i just split it down the middle.. but before that, i went in and did it manually so i would be sure to get it "right"16:06
Dry_Lipselfy, I was going to save myself some time by using the default option...16:06
elfyDry_Lips: oh right - 2 secs16:07
Dry_LipsBut apparently gparted is the idiot-proof option here...16:07
elfywell I'd not say that - I'm sure you've seen the same threads I have ;)16:07
Dry_Lipshehe, yeah16:07
holsteinbefore resizing any partitions, i would have good backups and plan for failure16:08
elfywould seem to say that win is on the left - which would make sense - as you'd shrink it by moving the slider to the left16:08
Dry_Lipsah, right...16:08
Dry_LipsIt's ridiculous that they aren't labelled16:08
Dry_LipsIs there a bug report for that?16:09
holsteini think one the left is a relatively safe assumption.. but an assumption just the same16:09
holsteinDry_Lips: its not a bug16:09
holsteinbut, you can file it as a wish list bug, im sure16:09
Dry_LipsWell, even if it's not a "bug" you could file a bug report for it, right?16:09
Dry_LipsIt's unintuitive that they aren't labelled16:09
holsteinDry_Lips: you can file a bug report for what you like.. but if the goal is getting it "fixed".. its handy to think of it as not a bug.. since its not16:10
elfyI'd tend to agree with you Dry_Lips though16:10
elfyand would happily confirm it16:10
elfyI'd assume it's part of ubiquity16:11
Dry_LipsThis is the 12.04 version... I'm not sure what the situation is for 12.10 and 13.0416:11
xubuntu388I'm having a bit of trouble logging loading the desktop environment (xubuntu 13.04) after installing and then uninstalling compiz.16:13
GridCubexubuntu388, what kind of trouble?16:13
holsteinxubuntu388: did yuo follow a guide? can you share *exactly* what you did?16:13
xubuntu388I can't remember exactly what I did. I hate bing this vague.16:13
xubuntu388When I rebooted I had the Xubuntu splash screen and it never loaded.16:14
elfyDry_Lips: I was going to look - but I've not got around to loading vbox in saucy yet16:14
holsteinxubuntu388: i was just thinking that if you set up something to automatically start/use compiz, then you might have that setting in the way trying to start something that isnt there16:14
xubuntu388I logged into tty1 and tried startxfce4, and it doesn't load.16:15
holsteinxubuntu388: can you get to tty? can you use/boot the guest session? or another user?16:15
xubuntu388Holstein, I can log into my account and the root account via tty16:16
xubuntu388I've been trying to retrace my stepps, but I'm kinda lost at this point.16:17
Dry_Lipselfy, cool!16:17
holsteinxubuntu388: did you do anything to auto load compiz?16:19
xubuntu388I'm not sure.16:19
xubuntu388How would I check? I do know my way around the command line.16:19
xubuntu388Is that in a conf file?16:20
holsteinxubuntu388: i would check http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/how-to-set-up-compiz-in-xubuntu-1210-or.html16:20
holsteinwhat i am thinking is something like step516:20
holstein*If later on you want to go back to using xfwm4 instead of compiz...16:21
xubuntu388Holstein, thanks for your help! That was the exact guide I was using.16:21
holsteinxubuntu388: what would i do? install compiz again, and get the system booting. then *switch* away from compiz before removing it16:21
xubuntu388This will help retrace my steps.16:22
xubuntu388Should startxfce4 normally work if the desktop doesn't load?16:24
xubuntu388Just for future refer16:24
holsteinxubuntu388: depends on what you have broken, and how16:24
holsteinxubuntu388: if you have that session broken, then it'll be broken16:24
xubuntu388But if everything was working "normally"16:25
holsteinstartx is where i usually start16:26
holsteinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1895108 seems relevant16:27
xubuntu388That didn't work, that's why I tried startxfce416:27
elfyDry_Lips: do you want me to check?16:28
holsteinxubuntu388: i would install compiz and get the desktop working again.. then, you will have a question like "how do i swtich my window manager?" instead of "my system doesnt work"16:28
xubuntu388holstein, thanks16:28
xubuntu388I'll give it a try.16:28
xubuntu388I agree the best thing is to get back to a working state16:29
holsteinxubuntu388: also, i might make a new user, and try "startx" or whatever.. to ensure its not a user config issue hanging up the session16:29
Dry_Lipselfy, well, I'm installing 12.04 as we speak... But you could do it to satisfy our curiosities if you want to... :)16:30
xubuntu388Cool cool! I'll stay signed into this channel for now.16:30
elfyDry_Lips: I'll satisfy it another day then and let you know :) I'd have to install something twice to see atm16:30
Dry_Lipsok, no problem, elfy!16:30
xubuntu388But I'll try not to bother you until I have a more specific question.16:31
xubuntu388Thanks again!16:31
holsteinxubuntu388: no bother.. thats what the channel is for. enjoy and good luck!16:31
Dry_Lipsroughly how long does it take to resize a partition? The original was 250 gb, of which 120 is used for the windows partition, and 130 for the xubuntu one?16:32
elfycan take a good while - obviously don't assume it's hung16:33
elfydid you need that much space for Xubuntu - are you using data storage in xubuntu for only xubuntu?16:34
Dry_LipsThe idea was to create a partition for xubuntu that was as big as possible...16:34
CaTsyhi guys16:36
CaTsyGuys, I tried to add bookmarks to the sidepanel in thunar 1.6.2 by drag and drop, but it doesn't stick16:40
CaTsyHow do I add bookmarks to the sidepanel besides drag and drop?16:41
holsteinCaTsy: can you use the menu?16:42
holsteinCaTsy: how is it failing? i cant seem to make it *not* drag and drop...16:43
CaTsyholstein: I can drag it but it just flops back16:44
CaTsywhithout adding a bookmark16:45
CaTsyholstein: yes I can use the menu, but there is no 'bookmark' section16:45
holsteinCaTsy: i might just load up a different user and test... i'll look for how to add one manually16:46
holsteinCaTsy: what operating system are you using?16:47
CaTsyholstein: xubuntu 13.0416:47
holsteinCaTsy: how is it as a different user?16:48
xubuntu388holstein, I followed the guide again. I got to step 4 and I get an error.16:48
xubuntu388compiz: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglibmm-2.4.so.1: undefined symbol: g_variant_type_copy16:48
xubuntu388Step 4 was compiz --replace16:48
holsteinxubuntu388: are you in the GUI?16:49
xubuntu388Nope, still terminal16:49
holsteinxubuntu388: using the "compiz --replace" command is to replace your current window manager with compiz.. you have no current window manager, since you are in the terminal16:50
CaTsyholstein: wait one, i 'll log into a guest account and try it out and then be back16:50
holsteinwhat would i do? add back what you removed from compiz, and boot the system normally16:51
xubuntu388Ok. I just tried sudo startx and sudo startxfce4. Nether of these "work".16:52
holsteinxubuntu388: you dont need to start x as root16:52
holsteinxubuntu388: you need to relax, and listen.. add back what you removed.. you set up your system to use copmiz, then you removed it16:53
holsteinxubuntu388: add back the compiz packages you removed, and reboot16:53
holsteinalso, at this point, you might consider just backing up your home directory and reinstalling.. a reinsatllation usually takes less that 15 minutes16:55
holsteinudo apt-get install compiz compiz-plugins compizconfig-settings-manager is where i would start16:56
CaTsyholstein: fixed, it just didn't work 'cause I removed the 'Desktop' & 'Browser Network' shortcuts.16:58
xubuntu388holstein, I believe I have done all of these steps. I restarted once again. The system is still booting to the terminal.16:58
holsteinxubuntu388: and startx? what errors?16:58
xubuntu388Well now the screen in blank16:59
xubuntu388There was some error, but it's not showing now.16:59
holsteinxubuntu388: check in tty16:59
xubuntu388Ok. No protocol specified17:00
holsteinxubuntu388: and you have no greeter?17:00
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz17:01
holsteinxubuntu388: how did you add compiz to the startup?17:02
xubuntu388Don't know what that is. It just finished attempting to load. The last error says "xauth:  timeout in locking authority file /home/user/.Xauthority"17:02
holsteinxubuntu388: did you folow the "If later on you want to go back to using xfwm4 instead of compiz, open the same file again" post at http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/how-to-set-up-compiz-in-xubuntu-1210-or.html ??17:03
xubuntu388I don't know what a greeter.17:03
holsteinxubuntu388: you might wnat to just reinstall17:04
holsteinxubuntu388: what about /etc/init.d/lightdm restart ?17:05
xubuntu388I did "sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-plugins compizconfig-settings-manager"   --   sudo apt-get install dconf-tools   --   compiz --replace17:06
xubuntu388Then I restarted which is where we are at now.17:06
holsteinxubuntu388: you dont do "compiz --replace"17:06
holsteinxubuntu388: you dont do that from the command line17:06
holsteinxubuntu388: you are not using a window manager in the commandline from tty to replace anything with17:06
holsteinxubuntu388: so, dont run that command in the terminal anymore.. OK?17:06
holsteinxubuntu388: open a tty..17:06
xubuntu388One sec, gotta read what you've sent17:07
holsteinrun this, and only this..17:07
holsteinsudo apt-get update17:07
holsteinany errors?17:07
xubuntu388"sudo apt-get update" is throwing errors Failed to fetch and Some index files failed to download.17:10
holsteinxubuntu388: then, that will keep you from adding copmiz back. you have *not* reinstalled compiz[C17:11
holsteinxubuntu388: depending on the errors, you might want to reinstall.. if you have added a bunch of PPA's that are breaking your system17:11
holsteinxubuntu388: if you are just not online, consider just wiring up to wired internet, and getting "sudo apt-get update" to complete without error17:12
holsteinxubuntu388: then, you can reinstall compiz .. "sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-plugins compizconfig-settings-manager" ..and test17:12
xubuntu388I'm connected to the eth017:12
holsteinxubuntu388: then, what errors are you seeing? and why?17:12
xubuntu388Give me a sec. I'm going to try reconnecting.17:13
xubuntu388I wasn't able to ping the router17:13
holsteinxubuntu388: you are not online then.. you are not connected17:14
xubuntu388Well I have the cable connected is all I meant. I can ping, but not anything else (  router).17:15
holsteinxubuntu388: you are
holsteinxubuntu388: you are *not* connected.. thus, not installing packages via apt17:17
xubuntu388You don't have to tell me that, I know.17:17
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:17
bazhangtry sudo dhclient eth0 xubuntu38817:20
xubuntu388Bazhang I'm back online17:21
holsteinxubuntu388: sudo apt-get update should report no errors.. correct?17:21
bazhangtry to ping www.google.com   xubuntu38817:21
holsteinthen, sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-plugins compizconfig-settings-manager should report no errors, correct xubuntu388 ?17:22
xubuntu388Did step 1 and I get errors processing gconf2, compiz-gnome, and compizE17:22
holsteinxubuntu388: dont do "step 2"17:23
holsteinxubuntu388: run this, and only this17:23
holsteinsudo apt-get install compiz compiz-plugins compizconfig-settings-manager17:23
holsteinxubuntu388: you get no errors, correct?17:23
xubuntu388I ran only "sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-plugins compizconfig-settings-manager" and I get the errors I just told you about.17:24
holsteinxubuntu388: what errors?17:24
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:24
xubuntu388dpkg: dependency proglems prevent configuration of compiz: compiz depends on sompiz-gnome; however: Package compiz-gnome in not configured yet.17:26
holstein!pastebinit | xubuntu388 this will let the volunteers here see the *exact* errors17:27
ubottuxubuntu388 this will let the volunteers here see the *exact* errors: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:27
xubuntu388And at the very bottom it says Errors were encountered while processing gconf2, compiz-gnome, and compizE17:28
holsteinxubuntu388: what command did you run?17:29
xubuntu388"sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-plugins compizconfig-settings-manager"  Without quotes17:29
GridCubewhy do you bother with compiz?17:29
holsteinGridCube: it was previously installed, and configured, and removed improperly17:30
GridCubedo sudo apt-get install xubuntu17:30
GridCubeand xfwm4 --replace17:31
holsteinto be clear.. the proposed solution, xubuntu388 , is "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"17:32
holsteinthen, you are to run "xfwm4 --replace" in tty as well? but that will kick up an error17:32
xubuntu388I'm ok with that. Do you want me to try that command?17:32
GridCubeno from a session17:33
holsteinGridCube: the session is not loading17:33
holsteinGridCube: compiz was removed improperly, and sessions are not loading17:33
xubuntu388I could also run the original command again with paste so you have the full error.17:33
holsteinbut, it wont hurt anything to try and install the xubuntu-desktop meta package17:33
GridCubexubuntu388, remove .Xauthority and .ICEauthority from /home/yourname/17:34
GridCubeand relogin17:34
GridCubethat should fix your boot17:35
xubuntu388GridCube, with all due respect, I've nee working with holstein so I'll try his instructions first.17:38
holsteinxubuntu388: you can remove .Xauthority and .ICEauthority from your /home17:39
holsteinthats a great suggestion17:39
holsteinxubuntu388: know how to rename, and replace those, and you can try them quickly, and revert from the changes17:39
xubuntu388mv filename newfilename17:40
xubuntu388Ok, one sec17:40
xubuntu388Ok, sorry bout the wait. I just renamed those two files.17:45
xubuntu388Now what?17:45
holsteinxubuntu388: i would reboot and test that it fixes the session booting17:46
xubuntu388I saw the Xubuntu splash screen for less than a second and then back to the terminal17:48
holsteinxubuntu388: personally, i might just reinstall at this point.. i would consider is a time-saving step, since you can reinstall in about 15 minutes or les17:49
holsteinotherwise, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop17:49
xubuntu388Well I have to go soon.17:50
holsteinand troubleshoot those other apt errors.. using pastebinit to give the volunteers here the *exact* errors17:50
xubuntu388I will try the other command first, but I have to log off here soon.17:50
holsteinxubuntu388: when i look back, you have been here for a little over an hour.. that is plenty of time to reinstall and get your settings back to normal17:51
holsteini think where you have caused the issue is by not switching back to the defaults.. you have just pulled compiz out of the way, and the system is needing it, since you have configured it to use it17:53
GridCubesounds false, because lightdm should load anyway17:54
holsteinGridCube: should.. yet, it isnt17:54
GridCuberegardless of compiz17:54
holsteinwhich, could be that other things are broken..17:54
GridCubeyeah then theres another problem17:54
xubuntu388My attention has been divided. I have some errands to run. I might be back later. I've been trying to avoid a reinstall.17:54
holsteinxubuntu388: why?17:54
xubuntu388Holstein, Thanks for all your help!17:54
holsteinxubuntu388: its quite easy.. arguably easier than what you are dealing with now.. and much faster17:55
xubuntu388Did "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" and rebooted. Still not working.17:58
xubuntu388I'll have to get back to this another time.17:58
xubuntu388Thanks for all your time!17:58
holsteingood luck!17:59
=== Phantor is now known as PhantorGorth
KrackatowaHolstein, I was chatting with you a little bit ago about my issues with compiz.18:25
holsteinKrackatowa: yes18:26
KrackatowaWhile I agree a reinstall will work, I don't want to do it because it took a lot of work to get the HDMI audio working and the nvidia drivers and all my software.18:26
KrackatowaAny other ideas before I wipe it clean and reinstall?18:26
holsteinKrackatowa: well, keep in mind that hardware *will* fail.. anything you do now to make that process of reinstallation being streamlined will be helpful18:29
holsteinKrackatowa: one thing you could do is preventive.. reinstall.. get hdmi and everything working and updated.. then take an image with something like clonezilla.. do that before you do something unsupported like compiz18:29
holsteinKrackatowa: i have plenty of ideas, and can run them by you.. but it will be a process of trial and error and troubleshooting.. and if you havent prepared for failure, i think it would be a better use of time to just reinstall and plan for when that hard drive *will* fail18:30
holsteinKrackatowa: i just did 2 *buntu installs since you have left the channel18:31
KrackatowaGood idea on imaging the drive.18:32
KrackatowaGive me one sec, I am pulled a list up of the commands I ran prior to having my issue.18:33
KrackatowaHere are the commands I ran just prior to my original issue.18:38
Krackatowasudo apt-get remove dconf-tools sudo apt-get remove compiz compiz-plugins compizconfig-settings-manager sudo apt-get autoremove18:38
KrackatowaOops, let me separate them.18:39
Krackatowasudo apt-get remove dconf-tools18:39
Krackatowasudo apt-get remove compiz compiz-plugins compizconfig-settings-manager18:39
Krackatowasudo apt-get autoremove18:39
KrackatowaI also tried to add a drop down terminal around the same time. I followed this link for instuctions.18:40
KrackatowaI think autoremove messed everything up.18:49
fallorehow do i add a restart option to the shut down, log out, etc menu?18:59
falloreand how do i do it through terminal in the meanwhile?18:59
TheSheepby leaving the channel 2 minutes after asking the question, obviously19:01
Krackatowasudo poweroff19:02
Krackatowasudo reboot19:03
TheSheepKrackatowa: that's not what he meant, and he's gone19:04
KrackatowaOh ok19:04
KrackatowaWell I'm still trying to resolve my issue.19:05
TheSheepyou could try asking at #compiz19:05
KrackatowaOk cool19:05
nightyyxhello :) i would love some help for some customization to my favourite xubuntu <3 so first of all19:16
nightyyxif i wanted when i do right click on the desktop to have the option to create a single text file with leafpad like its there the option for a new folder?19:16
knomenightyyx, create from template -> empty file19:24
Dry_LipsUgh... Finally... Spent 3 hours resizing the partitions of the disk in my sister's laptop19:25
nightyyxoh so simple thanks so much!19:25
nightyyxalso when i open my terminal19:25
* Dry_Lips is installing Xubuntu for my sister19:25
nightyyxi write for example vlc19:25
Dry_Lips*his sister19:25
nightyyxif i close the terminal vlc closes also or any programm that opened with this way19:25
nightyyxit is any way to keep it on even if terminal is closed?19:25
Dry_LipsOoops... Wrong channel19:25
holsteinnightyyx: for example... "gedit &" will open gedit, and it will not close if you close the terminal19:27
nightyyxye but why it will close vlc or skype?19:27
nightyyxi dont have installed by the way gedit to check it :P19:27
nightyyxis there any way also to make a folder in my desktop for a category of a application kind?for example Development or games...well i know that i can go for example to usr/games but i want when i open the folder no the execution icon but eatch game icon like i was from applications menu--->develpment or games19:58
nightyyxi want to remove the opacity of the panel 2 on the bottom20:35
nightyyxi mean i want the icons of panel 2 on but without the default dark color20:36
nightyyxjust pure icons20:36
nightyyxbut i cant find any option20:36
th0rnightyyx, I think you have to enable compiz to get the transparency. But the transparency of the panel applies to icons as well as background, I don't know how to get rid of the background and just keep the icons20:41
nightyyxyeah i dont want to use compiz i want some light customization but make20:41
nightyyxlike mac osx a bit the desktop hehe20:41
nightyyxi show a picture20:41
nightyyxon the screenshoot20:42
nightyyxclose to the start20:42
th0rnightyyx, you might look at Cairo Dock20:42
nightyyxwhat about is cairo dock?20:42
th0rnightyyx, cairo dock is a very interesting google search topic20:43
nightyyxok i am downloading it already from software manager :)20:43
th0rnightyyx, I believe that transparent background was to be introduced in xfce 4.8, but I don't have that in 12.0420:45
nightyyxi am using atm20:45
nightyyxwhen i am going20:45
nightyyxto panel preferences20:45
nightyyxon appereance20:46
nightyyxit have some opacity options20:46
nightyyxbut i cant toutch them20:46
nightyyxthey are locked20:46
nightyyxand it says me to20:46
th0rnightyyx, what do you know...I just found it for 12.04 <smile>20:46
th0rnightyyx, it is referred to as 'Alpha'20:46
nightyyxenable compositing in the window manager for oppacity settings on the panel20:46
th0rnightyyx, right...you need compiz running20:48
nightyyxi want to cry now :P20:49
nightyyxi was hoping to avoid it20:49
nightyyxsince i have open source drivers because of my ati card pfff20:49
nightyyxgraphic card20:49
brainwashbut xfwm supports compositing20:51
nightyyxsudo apt-get install cairo-dock-core btw this is the right cairo right?:P20:52
nightyyxi have to go settings20:52
nightyyxwindows manager tweaks20:52
th0rnightyyx, if you install cairo-dock it will pick up all the dependencies20:52
brainwashnightyyx: try xfwm4 --replace --compositor=on20:53
nightyyxdependecies?you mean the icons and lunches on my both  panels on bottom and the top?20:53
nightyyxbrainwash thanks i did via mouse on settings manager like a noob i am hehe :)20:54
nightyyxbut still i cant figure how i ll left from the panel2 on the bottom only the icons :P20:54
th0rnightyyx, no...I mean when I installed cairo-dock, I just told synaptic to install cairo dock and it figured out I need cairo-dock-core and other toys20:54
nightyyxaha ok i ll install it then from synaptic if it is to try it20:54
th0rnightyyx, right click on the panel, choose Panel, Panel-Preferences. On the20:55
th0rAppearance tab set Alpha to zero20:55
nightyyxwe diiiiid :D without any extra installs just with xfce :D20:56
nightyyxits amazing!20:56
xubuntu091Hello ,. Ive got a problem- I have nvidia 319:17 driver and i cant get skype to work. Xubuntu 32 bit . pls help20:59
nightyyxomg i just installed too cairo dock21:00
nightyyxit makde it amazing lol21:00
nightyyxbut can somehow get rid off the workspaces small preview on the bottom?lol21:01
Dry_LipsDoesn't "archive manager" unpack .rar?21:03
seronisDry_Lips,  sudo apt-get install unrar21:10
seronisthen it can handle them21:10
seroniseven multipart rar files21:10
Dry_Lipsthanks, seronis! :)21:12
nightyyxi was trying to install a new cairo dock them (Mac os21:14
nightyyxand seems stucked now :P21:14
nightyyxand the panel2 bottom is just the default that i had before i install cairo dock21:14
nightyyxwhat should i do to restore it back without damage?21:14
nightyyxok just terminated with the violence way21:15
nightyyxand when i pressed21:15
nightyyxagain to run cairo dock21:15
nightyyxit runned grat with macos theme :)21:15
nightyyxcairo docks really its very cool21:26
nightyyxand i can say very light too21:26
nightyyxcompering to compiz21:26
nightyyxits true that compiz is a dead project now or?21:26
zoredache(rant mode) who is the perverse individual that actually likes the session save/restore features?  This has never worked right, not for 6 years I have used Xubuntu on and off.21:40
zoredacheWhat the heck do I have to do to make Pidgin not keep starting multiple copies of itself.  I have disabled the 'session saving' feature.  I have cleared out my cached sesssions many times.  Pidgin always seems to come back and run 2-3 copies.21:41
th0rzoredache, turn on session save, close EVERYTHING and exit. The next time you log out, make sure you turn OFF session save21:51
nightyyxby the way i am a bit curious22:09
nightyyxi am xubuntu and generally linux is maybe the most great os that i tested and even as a user from windows i love it and i find it so easy and very usefull22:09
nightyyxi can complain a bit about the "messengers" thing22:09
nightyyxi mean the most apps on linux and the desktop its so cool22:09
nightyyxthat i can say that it would be compared with a macos22:10
nightyyxpidgin for example22:10
nightyyxlooks a bit retro22:10
nightyyxeven if it is a great messenger22:10
nightyyxi couldnt find a shiny22:10
nightyyxlike the msn (before microsoft close it for skype pff)22:10
zoredachePlease don't use the enter key as punctatino.22:10
zoredacheAlso, there are themes for pidgin.22:10
nightyyxi am sorry my bad usuals :D can you suggest me anything?22:11
th0rzoredache, did you see my answer to your sessions issue?22:11
nightyyxi have the default22:11
zoredacheth0r: yes, and that might fix it, but I am mostly here to rant.22:11
th0rzoredache, ok....enjoy22:12
zoredachethe session management annoyes the hell out of me.   I don't understand who actually likes the feature...22:12
pleia2zoredache: this isn't really the place to rant, people have difference preferences and having an attitude about it here doesn't really help anyone :)22:21
pleia2if you're interested in giving constructive feedback to make improvements, I encourage you to join our development mailing list and irc channel (#xubuntu-devel)22:22
zoredachepleia2: right.  I am trying to compose a feature request for the xfce bugzilla.22:23
nightyyxzoredache i like it...22:42
nightyyxits one of the greatest fuetureas that i ever saw to a os22:42
nightyyxi run cairo dock openGl22:44
nightyyxand i see that my cpu is really on the fire :P22:44
nightyyxGLX dock22:44
nyRednekok, how do i migrate a non-encrypted home dir to an encrypted one?22:50
holsteinnyRednek: i would probably just backup, and reinstall and copy the data22:50
nyRednekholstein: there used to be a one-command solution22:50
nyRedneksomething with ecryptfs22:51
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome http://askubuntu.com/questions/17332/how-can-i-move-an-encrypted-home-directory-to-another-partition22:51
holsteinnyRednek: i have never migrated to it, though maybe one of the other volunteers have22:51
nightyyxwhen i installed23:00
nightyyxmy xubuntu23:00
nightyyxi made also a swap partition 3 gb23:00
nightyyxfor the memory23:00
nightyyxbut now that i installed gparted23:00
nightyyxi see that is23:01
nightyyxlike in non use23:01
th0rnightyyx, you will want it if you every try to use hibernate23:01
nightyyxwhy to use hibernate?23:02

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