
wxlhow can i quickly make a shortcut to, say, a libreoffice document on the desktop?00:00
wxldrag and drop doesn't really do a swell job.00:01
jman074how are you00:40
jman074if i am the administrator how is it that i down now have permission to change one of my files?00:41
jman074^ do not00:42
Enkidu_akjman074, Which file and what do you mean by administrator? Are you currently logged in as root?00:51
jman074im logged into the administrator account and i need to be able to drop a file into lib64 that i made but its saying im  not the owner00:52
Enkidu_akjman074, lib64 is owned by root. Try copying the file from console using sudo00:54
Enkidu_akOr use kdesudo to open dolphin with root privs and drop the file there00:54
jman074okay im not usin kubuntu00:55
jman074just regular ubuntu00:55
jman074how exactly would i do it with the console00:56
Enkidu_akjman074,  sudo cp <file> /lib64/00:57
Enkidu_akOr gksu nautilus and drop it in00:57
Enkidu_akIn the case of gnome00:57
jman074let me try00:58
jman074missing destination file operand after `cackey_0.6.8-1_amd64/lib64/'00:59
Enkidu_akYou didn't put a space between the file and the destination01:00
Enkidu_aksudo cp cackey_0.6.8-1_amd64 /lib64/01:01
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jman074 cannot stat `cackey_0.6.8-1_amd64': No such file or directory01:53
jman074enkidu_ak are you still here02:06
carl_friendthanks I fell asleep02:07
jman074okay so i made a directory called lib64 now i need to put a file from my downloads folder in this directory from the terminal how do i do this02:14
Enkidu_akjmpiloq, You have made a directory? You are not trying to drop the file in the system ./lib64 directory then?02:51
Enkidu_akEr, that should have been jman07402:52
Enkidu_akAnd he's gone...02:52
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lordievaderGood morning.08:02
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BluesKajHiyas all12:56
tam_tamhello guys :)14:02
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urgodfatherhello room, has anyone had any problems with the intel 6235 wireless card with kubuntu?16:14
ahoneybunurgodfather: I don't have that card sorry, I'm using a wireless usb dongle16:18
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BluesKajurgodfather, have you looked in kmenu >apps>system>additional drivers16:32
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fractalineoh hi17:20
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luc4_linuxHi! I'm trying to replace my home directory with another one where I mount via fstab a partition. I tried to mv my old home into old_home and mkdir a new home dir. What happens is that when I reboot, the system is not booting, remains at the splash. Any idea why?17:57
txwikingerluc4_linux: You cannot login into KDE desktop without a home dir18:02
txwikingerCan you use the console to fix that?18:03
luc4_linuxtxwikinger: I set fstab to mount the partition on /home. I created /home myself. mount -a mounted the partition correctly. I fixed already by rebooting in recovery mode, remounting rw and fixing. Anyway... still would like to do that :-)18:03
luc4_linuxtxwikinger: question is: why isn't the system liking my new home? I copied it from the previous using rsync...18:06
txwikingernot sure.... did the hidden dirs copy?18:06
luc4_linuxtxwikinger: yes... I followed the ubuntu guide anyway...18:07
txwikingerdo you have any error messages? Maybe in /var/log ?18:08
luc4_linuxtxwikinger: other strange thing: after I mount -a, and opened konsole, konsole went to the old_home/user.18:08
luc4_linuxtxwikinger: let me check18:08
luc4_linuxtxwikinger: what log exactly in /var/log?18:09
txwikingerprobably most likely syslog18:09
luc4_linuxthat is cleared on reboot right?18:11
txwikingerdmesg is18:11
txwikingerbut most dmeg messages are also in syslog18:12
luc4_linuxtxwikinger: I don't see anything strange... I'll try again... let's see if something changes...18:14
luc4_linuxtxwikinger: seems fine now :-) thanks18:27
txwikingerluc4_linux: good.. hope you don't have any troubles any more18:27
luc4_linuxtxwikinger: thanks!18:28
anon_hi, i just reinstall newest Kubuntu, and switch lanuage, but now is like 60% english? Whats wrong?19:41
anon_anyone here?19:45
oyeAnd what's supposed to be?19:46
anon_for example: Sestem Setting -> Regional19:46
anon_I have set language to polsih, but all tabs ar in english19:46
anon_but title in polish19:47
anon_before i reinstall it, all was in polsih19:47
anon_Dolphin all in english19:47
anon_oye: what do you think?19:49
kkerwinHi, I'm having some difficulties getting a synaptics touchpad working under ubuntu. I have the xserver-xorg-input-synaptics package installed, but xorg doesn't seem to be detecting it.19:59
sam___i need help pls20:01
anon_Locales ar broken...?20:01
kkerwin!question | sam___20:02
ubottusam___: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:02
sam___i kubuntu 14.03  and like to know how to Turn off the Destop Napping in 14.03 thanks20:05
sam___+ i am new to Linux :)20:06
kkerwinsam___: One moment.20:09
kkerwinsam___: K Menu -> System Settings -> Energy Saving. Play around with the settings in there.20:10
kkerwinsam___: If you click on the K Menu in your lower-left corner of the screen, then underneath the K Menu look for System Settings, and then in the system settings window look for energy saving ... you'll be good.20:11
sam___i do not see Energy Saving20:11
kkerwinsam___: Scroll down.20:11
kkerwinsam___: Power Management.20:12
kkerwinsam___: My bad.20:12
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ronaldsI have problems with kdenlive today, as it doesn't renders the file fully21:24
ronaldsit gots stuck at almost completing file21:26
ronaldsit's disturbing21:27
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elijah_ok, I have a good one for you guys23:23
elijah_I am working on accessing my schools virtual lab23:24
elijah_I need the Citrix reciever application23:24
elijah_anyway after I hack it to bits to work23:24
elijah_I get the error: (wfica:3888): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "qtcurve"23:25
elijah_Any Ideas?23:25
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