
Noskcajtesting something03:48
ubottuThe alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD03:49
=== wizonesolutions_ is now known as wizonesolutions
shepersonHi all15:48
shepersonI have a Kubuntu installation15:48
shepersonand now15:48
shepersonI used tasksel to remove KDE15:48
shepersonand installed LXDE15:48
shepersonbut, when I start my computer15:49
shepersonI get a black screen15:49
zleapisn't tasksel a slakware programme, but carry on15:49
shepersonHow can I start LXDE?15:49
shepersonI used startlubuntu15:49
shepersonit says15:50
zleaptry startx lxde15:50
shepersonone sec15:50
zleapif you are at a command prompt15:50
shepersonI boot into single user mode15:51
shepersonand I run the command15:51
shepersonis that OK?15:51
zleapi guess15:51
zleapall it does is try and startx with te lxde desktop15:51
shepersonxinit: connection to server lost15:54
shepersonxinit: connection to X server lost15:54
zleapmaybe tht is due to you being single user mode15:54
zleapcan you start in multi user - init 3 i think ( i need help with some of this stuff)15:55
shepersonone sef15:55
shepersonone sec15:55
shepersonsame result15:58
zleapnot sure then, i would hang out here till someone comes in who can help16:00
zleapor just stick around if they see what i have put above they will probbaaly correct me16:00
zleapgot 2 go, need to sort out food16:00
zleapchat later16:01
jhsHi, I downloaded the i386 ISO of Lubuntu but it refuses to boot on an Intel Celeron CPU, saying the kernel is x86-64. Any ideas?16:03
jhsI'm absolutely positively sure I got the 32bit image from lubuntu.com.16:03
Unit193What's the MD5SUM?16:03
jhs486d94f51b42b401ab72ca8fcedb2e97  lubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso16:05
jhsThe CPU is Celeron M 420 @ 1.6GHz - might be 10-ish years old16:05
Unit193It doesn't support PAE, does it?16:06
jhsI'm not sure. Nothing on the Intel website. Where could I check?16:09
jhsEven if it didn't, that would make the error message very misleading.16:10
Unit193Indeed, not sure why it'd say that.  You tried the alternate?  But I'd see if it is PAE.16:11
jhsThis is even more funny - from Wikipedia page on Celeron 420:16:13
jhsAll models support: MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, Intel 64, XD bit (an NX bit implementation)16:13
jhsI guess I'll go try the amd64 image then.16:13
jhswhoops, my bad. I looked wrong. For Celeron *M* 420 doesn't support Intel 64.16:15
jhsGoing to try the alternate ISO.16:19
jhsJust FYI ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Alternate_ISO links to an old release that doesn't exist anymore (both PC 32 bit links)16:28
jhsalternate i386 iso demands an x86-64 CPU just as well.17:12
jhs283cef6675e8bc3af6bcee41ed200710  lubuntu-13.04-alternate-i386.iso specifically :)17:14
jhscould thi be because the bootable USB was made on my 64bit ubuntu/precise laptop?17:16
Unit193How did you create it?  Technically the application could be copying over the kernel, but I'd hope not.  Using dd?17:24
Unit193(I know the 32bit desktop is indeed a 32bit desktop, though.)17:28
jhsI used ubuntu's boot disk creator17:33
n-iCeHow can I upgrade to 13.0417:43
n-iCeI'm in 12.1017:43
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:43
Noskcaj!alternate | phillw, shouldn't this reference lubuntu alternate?21:12
ubottuphillw, shouldn't this reference lubuntu alternate?: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD21:12
phillwNoskcaj: it should, it needs reporting to the bot channel :)21:15
Noskcajcan you do that? how many channels should it change for, because that generic one happens in every channel.21:16
phillwUnit193: is the expert on IRC, he will see the ping and ^^ :)21:17
rubx321I kinda dig this flavor of ubuntu22:52
rubx321hmm, I wonder what my freenode nick was22:53
magic_ninjaso I'm totally digging this flavor23:00
magic_ninjaits SOOOOOO simple and clean23:00
phillwmagic_ninja: it's nice to hear such things... We do have a facebook area, along with out #lubuntu-offtopic area. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam#Our_Communications_Areas Try out the FB areas, we do discuss the wish-list and crazy things people do to their lubuntu systems :)23:08
magic_ninjaeh, I just idle to throw some support here and there :)23:09

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