
kotuxHello, can somebody on Ubuntu 13.10 confirm this bug?01:22
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1181442 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center reads 'Ubuntu 13.04' on Saucy" [Undecided,New]01:22
infinitykotux: Yeah, the image needs updating.01:23
kotuxinfinity, so that string is an image?01:23
infinitykotux: It's not a string at all, no.01:24
infinityIf it was, I would have fixed it. :P01:24
kotuxwell, for my untrained eyes, it looked like one.  :S01:24
kotuxHow difficult is it update images?01:25
infinityProbably not very, I'm just not sure who has the original working copy.01:25
infinityI was considering going MS-Paint style with a spray can over it, but I'm not sure people appreciate "fun" updates anymore.01:25
infinityWe've all gotten too stuffy and professional. :(01:25
kotuxhaha, well, do you think the bug is a manageable task for a starter?01:26
* kotux updated the bug report.01:26
infinityProbably not a bitesize bug, no.  Well, not in the "anyone can do it" sense.01:27
infinityNeeds someone from the design team to dig up the original logo and make it go.01:27
infinityBut I might do the spray can thing as incentive for the desktop team to do it right. :P01:28
kotuxInteresting. For the report, should I say the ticket affects the design team?01:30
infinitykotux: I just went ahead and assigned it to the designer who updated the image for 13.0401:35
kotuxOh great, thanks!01:35
ScottKinfinity: Surely gnome-control-center isn't failing to ship things in the preferred form for modification?01:37
infinityScottK: Yeah, I'm going to follow up with Seb and Rosie about that too. :P01:37
infinityScottK: (That said, there are hundreds of packages in the archive that ship PNGs instead of some sort of source file)01:38
infinityAnd, I could edit the PNG, I just prefer not to if there's a shinier master somewhere.01:38
ScottKSure, but in theory Canonical should know better.01:38
kotuxScottK, yeah.01:38
infinitySo should GNOME and KDE, but I bet they both fail on that front too.01:39
ScottKPossible.  I know for Oxygen icons all the scalable variants are shipped (and that is the preferred form for modification)01:39
kotuxinfinity, say I wanted to branch gnome-control-center for scrutiny.01:39
infinitypull-lp-source gnome-control-center or bzr co lp:ubuntu/gnome-control-center should get you similar results.01:40
kotuxon Saucy (active development), there are two branches, both in development.  Which one should I pull?01:40
infinityThe former being the authoritative source package, the latter being whatever the heck LP thinks is the packaging branch. :P01:40
kotuxand sometimes, LP isn't so smart?01:41
infinityOh, the saucy/saucy-proposed branches are probably identical.01:41
infinityJust the importer being silly.01:41
infinityYeah, they're the same.01:41
infinityAnd they both match the archive source too.  So, whatever.01:42
kotuxin time, which one should I choose?01:42
kotuxwhen things get more complicated01:42
infinityScottK: Anyhow, I'm not arguing that it's ideal, and I would prefer a non-lossy version of the image in the source package, but I also know it's common to not care about sources for images. :/01:42
infinitykotux: The archive is the only thing that's ever authoritative, however if you want to play well with others, follow the Vcs-Bzr field from the package's debian/control.01:43
infinitykotux: Which points to a place you've not looked yet. ;)01:43
kotuxwow, three places!01:45
jbichait would be much nicer if the version number there was dynamic text (like it is upstream) instead of as an image02:10
infinityThat too.02:12
jbichathe version number listed is usually wrong half the release cycle and creates more work for backports02:12
infinityGiven that it's in an Ubuntu font that ships on the system anyway, I imagine turning that into a GTK text box that populates with something that looks exactly the same wouldn't be too hard.02:14
infinityPatches welcome, etc. :)02:14
infinityFor bonus point, you might even be able to get it to swap logos and text based on which *-desktop packages are installed, but that sounds a bit more ambitious.02:14
infinity(And probably not worth the effort)02:15
jbichaI guess Fedora also patches that spot but they don't include the version number https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69569102:17
ubot2jbicha: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Gnome: The read operation timed out (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=695691&ctype=xml)02:17
infinityThey do, actually.02:21
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phillwbdmurray: as it is your bot, the patch for bug 1078820 is being installed into saucy for lubuntu.22:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 1078820 in lubuntu-software-center (Ubuntu) "The lubuntu software centre is not showing any other software execpt the ones already installed on my computer." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107882022:09
phillwIt already fixes the issue in 13.04, so I guess there will be an SRU at some point :)22:13
TheLordOfTimephillw:  someone has to prep the SRU if I'm not mistaken22:25

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