
tgm4883bobweaver, sorry had a really busy day today00:00
bobweaverthat is cool dude I have also tbh00:00
tgm4883so what do you want to know about the xml files?00:00
bobweaverWell I had two ideas for that one would be jsut to make new xml files and use them to create the themes. Or To use the xml files that are there and run some sorta script on them that will display the themes that way00:02
bobweaverso learning about the themes and which way I want to go.00:02
bobweaverhang on friend is here00:02
tgm4883bobweaver, how much of the theme do you want to replicate?00:06
bobweavertgm4883,  sorry about that friend is now gone01:02
bobweaverthe whole thing01:02
bobweaveror condence things so that they make sense01:03
tgm4883bobweaver, I suppose you'd only want to show recordings and videos01:03
bobweaverIE like lens there should be options to filter and grab recordings and videos01:03
bobweaverI also have schedual01:03
tgm4883bobweaver, ok01:03
tgm4883bobweaver, so you just want to use the XML files that currently exist then?01:04
bobweaverstuff to play with frontends and capture cards01:04
bobweaverthat is what I was thinking use the files (xml) to read the listmodels/gridViews/Listviews01:05
tgm4883bobweaver, that sounds good01:05
bobweaverthat or making new ones that are from the old ones01:05
bobweavertgm4883,  here are the things that I have run into that I do not like01:05
tgm4883ideally you can use the same ones mythfrontend uses01:05
tgm4883then you get all of the current themes for free :)01:05
bobweaverjust run a script and it makes the theme01:05
bobweaverI have some stuff set up for this01:06
bobweaverbut there are things that are driving me nuts01:06
bobweaverExample: base.xml01:07
bobweaversets stuff by like 1920 ect01:07
bobweaverI use QT.Window01:07
bobweaverwhich it can read the screen size and fit to that01:07
tgm4883sec, let me pull a theme up01:07
tgm4883so that isn't what that number is for01:08
bobweaverlines 46 - 5501:08
bobweavertransparent text01:09
bobweaverso one can not see it but one can still read it01:09
bobweaverIE lines 10 --1301:09
tgm4883ok so lets discuss base.xml resolution first01:10
tgm4883that is probably named inappropriately01:10
tgm4883it's not the resolution that it works on01:10
tgm4883it's the resolution it was designed for01:10
tgm4883and that translates to the other xml files01:10
tgm4883so lets say a theme is set for 1920x108001:11
bobweaverbase.xml that I have been using01:11
tgm4883we might set a box at 500x300 that is 100 wide and 50 tall01:11
tgm4883so if you display that on a screen that is half the size (eg. 960x540), then the box is going to be at 250x150 and be 50 wide and 25 tall01:12
tgm4883that number in base.xml is set to the rest of the coordinents in the other files all make sense01:13
tgm4883and then mythfrontend knows the actual screen size and does the conversion01:13
bobweaverI see01:14
tgm4883a theme made for 1920x1080 will work at any resolution (and look the same at any resolution), as long as the aspect ratio is the same01:14
tgm4883IDK what happens if the aspect ratio is different. It will still work, but I'd imaging it would add black bars01:14
bobweavercoorect esp for something that is like 5:401:15
tgm4883quick clarification, that resolution is set in themeinfo.xml01:15
bobweaverso I can fix all that I just need to read the base.size and convert it to match the Window Info01:15
bobweaverwant to set up some time this weekend for a ghangout01:16
bobweaveror next week ?01:16
tgm4883is you can do that without running a script, I can show you where to check for theme updates01:16
bobweaverI am booked at night time (work)01:16
tgm4883tomorrow is probably the best time01:17
tgm4883I've got a bit of work on sunday01:17
bobweaverwhat time is best (your time ) tomorrow ?01:17
tgm4883I think anytime, but I'd want to check with my wife first. She's doing something for part of the day so I'll have that time free01:18
tgm4883she's not here now though01:18
bobweavercool give me a ping or pm after you talk with her01:18
tgm4883will do01:18
bobweaverI just think we could breeze through this if chat f2f01:19
tgm4883bobweaver, did you do a bunch of work to get our theme into that video?01:19
tgm4883or did it mostly come over easily?01:19
bobweaverNo I have com-pon-its set up01:19
bobweaverreal easu01:19
bobweavereasy *&01:19
bobweaverI have the full thing now well menus took 3 hours01:20
bobweavermyth tv theme01:20
bobweaverI will make a quick video but there all on loaders01:20
tgm4883so there are 3 files that you can guarentee each mythtv theme will have  http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MythUI_Theme_Development#Required_MythUI_Theme_Files01:20
tgm4883the rest are optional01:20
tgm4883optional meaning mythfrontend has a default layout for them01:21
bobweaversure thouse are the things That I just do not know01:21
bobweaverok Up loading video01:25
bobweaverUploading your video. 27 minutes remaining.01:27
bobweaverI always cut that in half01:27
bobweavermkv's take so long to upload but I have to say vokoscreen is the shit01:30
bobweaveruses ffmepg and never crashs nor frezzes01:30
bobweaverUploading your video. 18 minutes remaining. Your video will be live at: http://youtu.be/5n79Jg8lg1M01:44
bobweaverit si at 50 %01:44
bobweaverFull link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n79Jg8lg1M01:45
bobweavertgm4883,  also other Ideas are making "theme Wizards" that people can in qtcreator press new-->project-->mythtv-theme   and it will amke a default stock Like making a mythtv version of qtcreator02:02
bobweaverjust a bunch of plugins ^^02:02
tgm4883bobweaver, I'll be ready in about 10 minutes if you are15:04
bobweaverHey tgm4883  I am just waking up now I got called into work last night at 3 am16:50
tgm4883bobweaver, I'm ready now16:59
bobweavercool let me just make some coffee17:00
bobweaverok tgm4883  making the hangout now17:07
bobweaveroh tgm4883  one last question where is the latest (stagging or whatever) repo on git or where ever of Myth ?17:52
bobweaverboth front and backend17:52
bobweavertgm4883,  just to give a heads up on progress I was able to plugin the data from the xml files and am now making the plugin for themes23:38
bobweavertgm4883,  I am also taking all the themes from qtmediahub and inserting them into the app along with my salvaged ubuntu tv code23:38
bobweaverI am not happy at all with the way that the Ubuntu SDK theme came out so I am going to re-write it but would like to find some help with the design23:39
bobweaveras I am a horrible designer but I am also not in the mood 90 % of the time to deal with flakes/people that only want to see there design and do not want to mold to the developers issues23:40

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