[00:10] yep [00:11] that makes sense [00:19] By the way we're going, you would have to run it in the browser. :P [00:23] probably something like a browser [00:24] that makes very much sense also [00:24] as long as its all running linux [00:25] MS has been pushing to integrate the browser with the OS for ages to avoid anti trust issues and Google and everyone else has been pushing the browser as the platform because... The Cloud!.... and data mining etc etc [00:30] some college dropout douchenozzle will innovate some new social browser like thing that everyone will flock to to be cool soon [00:31] the Like button will be replaced with something equally as irritating [00:31] ha ha [00:31] * wrst hates facebook doesn't know why he still has an account [00:32] I got one when they first went public. it was all downhill from there [00:32] I _have_ to use it these days for because of my radio show :\ [00:33] otherwise I would never use it [00:40] wrst, indeed, its crazy, mint 15 rc boots up in like 12 seconds [00:40] fully loaded cinnamon, etc.. [00:40] which surprises me [00:46] mint... chris4585 :P [01:00] yes mint because I want a damn good cinnamon experience and my computer can handle anything I throw at it so I simply don't care [01:00] basically [01:04] chris4585: I need to try cinnamon again last time I liked it and had promise but just wasn't there hardly for me [01:05] ah, well I'm really enjoying the cinnamon experience [01:05] mint 15 rc isn't too bad either, of course its mint, but it works well [01:32] Attn Rain: Make up your mind. Will it be too wet to work in field tomorrow or not? [01:33] 80% chance of maybe sprinkles or maybe showers is not helpful [01:39] wrst, http://i.imgur.com/S4OPh7S.jpg [01:39] nice chris4585, very neat [01:39] Omnifrog: I'm with you [01:41] wrst, thanks, that is a better shot than my last ones... [01:41] chris4585: about to try it again [01:41] still a bad picture though [01:41] wrst, cinnamon? [01:41] yep just about 3 additional MBs [01:41] since I'm running gnome-shell [01:41] ah [01:42] I do like nemo also [01:42] it isn't too bad on arch, I just felt like manjaro needs to clean up a little bit before I try it again and mint is all I need for now [01:43] yeah I have tried some of the "easy to use" arch distros I don't care for them personally [01:44] it does look nice [01:46] yeah [01:46] manjaro does well though, I think they are working on a graphical installer based on mint's [01:46] i'm using gnome shell with the dock extension and the top icon extension [01:46] ah [01:46] I really like it auto hides etc nice little deal [01:48] chris4585: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2959906/gnomeshell.png [02:26] sorry wrst I had to go to walmart [02:26] that does look nice [02:26] I like that wallpaper and theme [02:27] thanks chris4585 not really tinkered with much other than those two extensions [02:27] yeah, looks nice though [02:30] works well for me I like things pretty simple so it does the job [03:24] wrst, are you still around? [03:28] I'm sorry, wrst cannot come to the keyboard right now, please leave a message after the PONG [03:29] chris4585: ^ [03:34] agreed, I think I have sort of adapted to the traditional desktop http://i.imgur.com/ECE9tOf.jpg [03:34] sup cyberanger [03:35] cyberanger isn't even on the "classic" interface yet. :D [03:36] it's classic as you can get [03:37] I'm pretty satisfied with it really, at the end of the day it gets the job done and feels nice and simple [03:38] openbox [03:40] I like openbox too really [03:40] I could use it if I had an expo which I'm sure openbox does [03:40] doesn't openbox support compiz these days? [03:41] cyberanger: No, classic in quotes is different than real classic. [03:42] chris4585: good question, I settle for xcompmgr & terminator [03:42] that's it [03:51] yeah, not bad, I mean I like a little bit of everything === Omnifrog is now known as Omnifrog|pond === Omnifrog|pond is now known as Omnifrog === wrst_ is now known as wrst