
=== icedwater is now known as Guest38862
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computa_mikexyz_cursor: I just installed the alpha - It seemed to work fine.00:05
xyz_cursormmmmmm computa_mike00:06
xyz_cursorcomputa_mike, could be a problem with java?00:06
computa_mikexyz_cursor: i wonder what java environment i / you have installed00:06
ohnonotagainMy computer thinks my partition is 'LVM2_member' when it is actually ext4.  How can I fix this permanently?00:07
xyz_cursorcomputa_mike, jre700:07
computa_mikexyz_cursor: I'll just check what I'm running...00:08
xyz_cursorthank you bro00:08
xyz_cursorI appreciate it00:08
computa_mikexyz_cursor:  mike@mike-desktop:~/webcamstudio-alpha/webcamstudio$ java -version00:08
computa_mikejava version "1.6.0_27"00:08
mhallUsing 10.04 LTS, I have run into a strange apt dependency glitch, which prevents installing build-deps for openjdk-6 to compile a special JDK: http://www.mhcomputing.net/apt-issues.txt . Has anyone seen something like this in LTS when updates are applied and so forth? It seems kind of broken, like rather seriously.00:09
computa_mikeOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.12.5) (6b27-1.12.5-0ubuntu0.12.04.1)00:09
computa_mikeOpenJDK Client VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode, sharing)00:09
computa_mikexyz_cursor: i'm still on 12.04 here...00:09
xyz_cursorcomputa_mike, same here00:09
computa_mikexyz_cursor: but I seem to be running the IcedTea6 Java stuff - do you want me to try jre7, and see if that breaks it?00:10
xyz_cursorno worries computa_mike  I believe that is the problem... I'm going to wait for a next version00:11
xyz_cursor:) thank you computa_mike  I really appreciate it bro!00:11
computa_mikexyz_cursor: It seems that the Iced Tea stuff is Java 600:11
computa_mikexyz_cursor: I also have java 7 installed00:11
OerHeksxyz_cursor, to use the right java version, run sudo update-alternatives --config java  >>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#Choosing_the_default_Java_to_use00:12
xyz_cursorgotcha! thank you bro!!!!!!!!00:12
ohnonotagainmount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ returns "mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'"  mount -t ext4 allows me to mount it.  How can I make it know it's ext4 and not think it's LVM?00:13
Shecois there a way to make the icons in the unity launcher jump when the app has a notification? the current hightlight is too subtle.00:13
computa_mikexyz_cursor : here's my settings from the link from OerHeks00:13
computa_mikemike@mike-desktop:~/webcamstudio-alpha/webcamstudio$ sudo update-alternatives --config java00:13
computa_mike[sudo] password for mike:00:13
computa_mikeThere are 2 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).00:13
computa_mike  Selection    Path                                           Priority   Status00:14
FloodBot1computa_mike: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:14
OerHekscomputa_mike, he  is gone .. maybe to restart the browser00:14
computa_mikeOerHeks: I didn't see him go...00:14
OerHeks2 sec after gotcha!00:15
computa_mikeOerHeks: Thanks for pointing that java switcher thing - I looked in software centre, and I was thinking "I wonder how Ubuntu knows which version to use"00:15
OerHekscomputa_mike, took me a while to recognize, fist i was thinking he was missing oracle java 600:16
ohnonotagainMy computer thinks a partition is an LVM, when it is ext4.  How might I convince it that it's ext4.  I cannot boot because it's my /boot partition :\00:19
computa_mikeAnyone here managed to get k9copy to work on Ubuntu 12.04?  I'm trying to rip audio from a track and I getting an error that Audio extraction can only be done with ffmpeg - which I totally have...00:20
OerHekscomputa_mike, you need lame and gstreamer-lame packages  to rip mp3, maybe needed too for audiocd ?00:21
computa_mikeOerHeks: but I was hpoing to rip to Ogg...00:22
jman074i have a folder that is telling me i am not the owner so i cannot change permissions. how do i fix this00:22
computa_mikeOerHeks: I'll try adding lame and gstreamer-lame though - worth a try...00:22
OerHekshmm no, it is just for mp3, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lame00:23
OerHekswhat kind of soundtrack is your source ?00:23
computa_mikeOerHeks: it's a DVD00:24
isk8ufsusddoes anyone have experience with running into low graphics mode during startup because there is no free hard drive space, however the file(s) that are causing the problem don't show up when you look for them00:24
computa_mikeOerHeks: I just read my post, and I realise now I never actually said it was a DVD -00:24
bekksisk8ufsusd: Sure. The reason: no free disk space. The solution: free up disk space.00:25
OerHekscomputa_mike, ah, did you run that css script etc ? >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs00:25
isk8ufsusdyes, but there is no disk space to free up as I can't find the files00:25
isk8ufsusdthey don't register but they are there00:25
computa_mikeOerHeks: I can play the DVD no problem - it's just when I try and use k9copy it complains.00:25
computa_mikeOerHeks: I'm wondering if it's some incompatability - k9copy is a KDE app, and I'm running unity00:26
computa_mikeOerHeks: add into that that ffmpeg is sort of on the way out...00:26
isk8ufsusd my son uses the machine to watch videos on pbskids.org or nickjr.com and the machine fills up for no reason.  usually a restart will fix it but i have tried about 20x and nothing happens00:26
isk8ufsusdlast time i had the problem there was a tmp folder in /var/tmp/.tmp00:27
isk8ufsusdthat fixed the issue but this time there is no hidden .tmp folder in /var/tmp00:28
jman074i have a file that says i am not the owner so i cannot change permissions. funny being that im the administrator how do i fix this ?00:28
mdfejman074, chown will take ownership00:29
OerHekscomputa_mike,  it is not a KDE program, afaik https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K9Copy00:30
jman074ill try00:30
computa_mikeOerHeks: I was going on the name, and the man page for it - which lists the title as : NAME00:31
computa_mike       k9copy - DVD copy tool for KDE00:31
isk8ufsusdso no suggestions for low disk space when you can't locate the files because they don't show up00:32
OerHekscomputa_mike thanks, learned something :-) sourceforge offers a version without the kde dependencies > http://k9copy.sourceforge.net/web/index.php/en/download00:32
computa_mikeOerHeks: I'll try that also...00:33
dr_willisthere are some extra protected dvds that most linux tools cant topy00:34
Shecois there a way to make the icons in the unity launcher jump when the app has a notification? the current hightlight is too subtle.00:34
OerHeksdr_willis, true, but if you can play it, you can00:36
computa_mikedr_willis: I'll try another DVD... see if that's the problem...00:38
dr_willisive had some i couldent even play on a pc.00:38
fractalinehi, i installed indicator-cpufreq but cant seem to find any settings or a way to add or remove it from panel.00:39
StaticLNXanyone have luck getting zenoss working?00:39
dr_willislook on the dvd  see if thetes some anti copy logo. most all new dvds ive seen hav ie these days00:39
thecodeischaospeople still use dvds?00:39
StaticLNXthey make good ninja stars :D00:40
dr_willislove boat season 1 - not on netflix, or hulu.. or blueray...   wife wanted it.00:41
mchlbhmHey, trying to get to a certain website but it says my OS (ubuntu 12.04)  is incompatible. Any ideas?00:41
dr_willismchlbhm:  use one of those agent switcher extensions to make it say you are on windows00:41
mchlbhmdr_willis, I don't know what that is00:42
dr_willislook up agent switcher on the extensions page for your browser00:42
mchlbhmdr_willis, Thank you for being patient00:42
dr_willisits possiblr the site is using activex or silverlight or somthing that wont work in linux00:43
mchlbhmdr_willis, I don't know. Did you want a link?00:44
harriswho knows a lot about duel booting00:46
dr_willisim on my phone.. so i cant test the site00:46
harrisdr_willis, do you00:47
mchlbhmdr_willis, Thank you for your time. :)00:47
OerHekswhy don't you ask the real question and find out, harris?00:50
fractalinedo i need launchpad to use indicator-cpufreq properly?00:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:50
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/00:51
fractalinethanks, thats a handy bot00:52
harrisOerHeks, if my laptop ONLY has ubuntu 13.04 on it how do i duel boot it with xp00:53
OerHeksfractaline, only if you want to report bugs, AFAIK00:53
OerHeksharris, install XP first, then ubuntu00:53
fractalineyou can always repair grub after,  yes?00:54
fractalineafter xp00:54
OerHeksfractaline, wiki says you can > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot#Installing_Windows_After_Ubuntu i hop it works00:57
fractalinei have with win800:57
* fractaline dry heaves00:57
isk8ufsusdmy machine has booted into the GUI after using sudo apt-get clean.  i am viewing the disk usage analyzer and it says that my home folder is taking up all the space.  then it says the user name folder is taking up 143.7GB.  then if you open that up it only says it is taking up a little over 72GB of space.  Where is the other 70GB of space?00:58
OerHeksharris, you can not, if your laptop has a SATA hdd. xp needs legacy/ide mode, linux runs on AHCI00:58
* StaticLNX dropkicks fractaline00:59
harrisit came with vista00:59
harrisand i have duel booted it before with xp00:59
OerHeksvista/xp or ?00:59
harrisit has run both vista and xp01:00
OerHeksharris, again if your laptop has a SATA hdd. xp needs legacy/ide mode, linux runs on AHCI01:00
harrisso i have to install xp first01:01
OerHeksso vista + ubuntu will work, xp has no sata drivers build in01:01
StaticLNXanyone have luck getting zenoss working?01:01
harrisi have done ubuntu + xp before01:01
OerHeksharris then good luck, install xp in a free partition01:02
computa_mikedr_willis: I have managed to copy a video file from a dvd onto my pc - yay...  just can't rip only the soundtrack - which is annoying...  I'll get the code and see what's going on01:02
harrisOerHeks, would you suggest installing xp on a blank hard drive ( erase ubuntu then install it after xp)01:02
OerHeksharris, wiki says you can > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot#Installing_Windows_After_Ubuntu i hop it works01:03
dr_williscomputa_mike:  k9copy, ogmrip, and ive used dvdfab in wine befor01:03
harrisok im installing windows see you when windows installs01:06
dr_willisthet will be a few hours  ;)01:07
OerHekshe was sure it has been done before... i wonder, vista mostly means sata hdd.01:08
dr_willisvista? old skool.. heh01:08
dr_willishope his hd is partioned in a way that vista wont go berzerk01:09
fractalinehe's installing xp01:10
dr_willisthats even worse. ;)01:10
th0rdr_willis, look at it as a challenge <smile>01:10
OerHekssorry, i was just beiing helpfull01:11
BITCOIN-PIZZADAYhello linux nerds01:22
clctoim not a nerd01:25
adeebnqoHey people, I need help setting up Konversation. Im behind a proxy and I use cntlm for authentication. Konversation hangs while trying to connect. Here's sample output http://paste.ubuntu.com/5675859/01:26
Aspire-Revo-UserDo changes you make in the live environment get installed as well? i.e sudo apt-get install nvidia-current01:27
clctoAspire-Revo-User: no01:27
rmarkerI am trying to connect to wireless on my other computer and it is not wanting to show up any wireless connection at all01:30
clctormarker: ls /dev/wl*01:31
rmarkerclcto: what info?01:32
clctormarker: whats the device name for your wifi card01:34
=== stephen is now known as Guest11725
rmarkerunsure i have a HP Pavillion dv900001:35
ohnonotagain*dd if=/dev/sdb bs=4096 | pv | dd of=/dev/sdc bs=4096* Will this retain FS/LVM information on the drive as well?01:35
clctormarker: whats the output of ls /dev/wl*01:35
rmarkeri have a list for DEV but no file for WL01:36
dr_willisifconfig msy show what network device it is01:37
itmardHello everybody i have HP Pavalion dv5 and Ubuntu 12.04 my wifi on and off switch light is blinking when i work with wifi on ubuntu but in windows it's regular and blue for connected and red for not connected but in ubuntu blinking between blue and red plz help to fix that thank you all01:38
clctoitmard: thats an awesome feature01:38
rmarker^ mine is steady orange01:39
dr_willisitmard:  so wiif is working.. just the led blinks?01:39
clctodr_willis: yes, it shows network activity, which is awesome01:39
itmardyes it works but the light is blinking01:39
dr_willisclcto:  that was not how he described it01:39
clctoitmard: if you arent connected it is steady red, right?01:40
dr_willisso with stuff downloading it blinks faster?01:40
rmarkerclcto it doesn't show01:40
itmardyes it show network activity but i want to disable that01:41
rmarkeri just want to connect with my dv901:41
clctoitmard: idk, i liked that01:41
dr_willismight be a module option for the chipset the thing is using01:41
clctormarker: http://linux.aldeby.org/post/Ubuntu-Linux-on-HP-Pavilion-Part-5-Wireless.html maybe?01:42
dr_willisdetermine the chipset and check the forums and askubuntu.comm to see if theres known options to change for it01:42
rmarkerclcto: i did 1w config and it said no wireless extensions01:42
clctormarker: think you need to start the module. dont know what module it is though01:43
itmardthank you guys..01:43
clctoitmard: ddi you figure it out? if so can you post01:44
clctofor future reference01:44
rmarkerhow do i start module01:45
clctormarker: modprobe starts it but you need to know what module to start01:46
dr_willisrmarker:  what chipset is the wifi using?01:46
rmarkerunsure i have HP pavillion dv901:46
dr_willislspci    shows the seen devices01:47
dr_willisthe addational-drivers tool may suggest drivers for it also01:47
ohnonotagaindr_willis I just wanted to say ILU01:47
rmarkeri am not sure what i am looking for in lspci01:48
dr_willislook for a lines that mention network01:48
clctolspci | grep -i network01:50
rmarkernot showing but 95% of everything in saying Nvidia01:50
clctormarker: its not nvidia01:50
clctormarker: mine is 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6205 [Taylor Peak] (rev 34)01:51
Xeon3Dtry lspci | grep -i ethernet01:51
nawksor wireless01:51
rmarkernoth working but the other brands are AMD and Ricoh01:53
dr_willismight be helpfull to pastebin all of lspci output01:55
dakotawulfydr_willis maybe this is the info u want  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5675889/01:55
rmarkeri am not on that computer. it has no connection01:56
dr_willisrun a wire to the router. or use a usb dongle that works out of the box.01:56
dr_willisif wifi is not working you will have to download sothimg somehow   most likely01:57
dr_willisor lspci to a file on a usb flash and move it over01:57
rmarkeri can download to usb stick01:57
paddymahoneyhas anyone else run into issues using ekiga in 13.04?01:57
paddymahoneyspecifically, I can't make a call-security check fails01:58
rmarkerok got it http://paste.ubuntu.com/5675904/02:02
=== seek is now known as seek0515
dakotawulfyrmarker found this info you could try on the help forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=618368102:02
onitaLis "Software Updater" the same than "Software Updater"? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade02:03
onitaLis "Software Updater" the same than "Update Manager"? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade02:03
dr_willisonitaL:  all the gui tools are frontends to the same apt system.02:05
dr_willisso any of them thet upgrsade the system do the same job02:05
onitaLdr_willis, I understand that, but "apt-get upgrade" and "apt-get dist-upgradre" for a new user looks the same. so I wanted to make sure is just the name and not the function02:06
dr_willisor use the cli.. 'sudo apt-get update'   'sudo apt-get upgrade'02:06
dr_willisdist-upgrade pulls in held packages02:06
dr_willisif none are held...  they are identical02:07
dr_willisi think held is the right term...02:07
onitaLhmmm, I don't think dist-upgrade pulls in held pkgs02:07
rmarkerany luck for me02:07
onitaL* lduros has quit (Remote host closed the connection)02:08
marathon"paste" does not compute02:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:08
dr_willissometimes kernels dont get  updated02:08
dr_willisunless you do a dist-upgrade02:08
onitaLdamn it02:08
dr_willissteam is very weird in ways...02:10
onitaLthat's why is been held02:10
dr_willis;) it sort of breaks a lot of the rules02:10
onitaLlol, yeah, it will never make it to Debian02:10
dr_willisthe steam package i think just lets the user install steam into their home. it then updates itself02:11
rmarkeri guess everyone gave up on my issue02:11
onitaLit's a package that installs a downloader for ther the installer02:11
tgm4883onitaL, I don't think that is an issue for steam02:11
kvothetechdr_willis: doesn't steam use wine...so shouldn't it be in your home dir02:11
tgm4883onitaL, they are probably fine with people downloading the deb from their site02:11
tgm4883kvothetech, no it does not02:12
dr_willisrmarker:  i saw no network card.. so either its broke. or switched off02:12
onitaLanyhow, my concern isn't steam right now02:12
dakotawulfyrmarker  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135752502:12
onitaLonitaL> is "Software Updater" the same than "Update Manager"? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade02:12
dr_willissteam native does not use wine02:12
dakotawulfyget the driver02:12
yofuncan i purge libmysqlclient-dev and force apt-get to intall libmysqlclient15-dev ?02:12
marathon"pin" does not compute02:13
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto02:13
kvothetechdr_willis: hm k haven't used steam in 4-5 years02:13
onitaLor is it safer to edit the source.lists and dist-upgrade?02:13
dakotawulfyrmarker and go to this link go to this link tell u how to do it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=618368102:13
dr_williskvothetech:  steam for linux came out just recently02:14
dr_willisonitaL:  you are upgradeing to the next release? 12.04 to ?02:14
dr_willisyou dont use dist-upgrade to upgrade to the next release02:14
dr_willisuse that  do-release-upgrade tool   i think02:15
marathon"upgrade" does not compute02:15
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:15
dr_willismarathon:  turn off that script please02:15
nrdbI am setting up dnsmasq... I have a computer called 'chenbro' ... I can dig for "chenbro" and "chenbro.home" and get the correct answer ... I set a "cname=test,chenbro" in /etc/dnsmasq.conf" ... I can dig for "test" and get the correct answer but not for "test.home"  ... can anyone help with the configuration ?02:16
kvothetechnrdb: just guessing but test.*02:17
dakotawulfyrmarker http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php02:18
onitaLaha sudo apt-get install update-manager-core02:19
onitaLLaunch the upgrade tool:02:19
onitaLdo-release-upgrade -d02:19
dakotawulfyrmarker thats  i think is the driver u need02:19
onitaLhow do I stop X again?02:19
kvothetechonitaL: ctrl alt backspace02:19
onitaLdoesn't that restart it?02:20
kvothetechonitaL: or ctrl alt f1 killall <login manager>;killall X02:20
dr_willisal--ctrl-backspace has been disabled for ages02:21
dr_willis'sudo service lightdm stop'  is one way02:21
kvothetechdr_willis: depends on your window manager xmonad lets you reenable it02:21
dr_willisthry all can enable.. but its not the default02:21
marathon"dontzap" does not compute02:22
nrdbkvothetech, nope!  stops both queries from working02:22
keithclark_After my last update I no longer have a working wireless card.  It worked fine before, any ideas?02:22
kvothetechkeithclark_: which card?02:22
kvothetechnrdb: kk was just an idea02:23
dr_williskeithclark_:  try booting to an older kernel see if it starts working02:23
kvothetechdr_willis: yeah I know it's not the default in which case killall  X willget it02:23
keithclark_kvothetech, dlink airplus extreme g gwl-g52002:24
keithclark_dr_willis, I don't get a choice of kernels on this machine at bootup.  It just presents the login screen.  No grub.02:24
b4ulook4meHi All02:25
nrdbkeithclark_, have you tried running the "additional drivers" setup02:25
wilee-nileekeithclark_, Tapping shift at powering on should bring up grub.02:26
dr_willishold shift.. and it should show grub02:26
keithclark_thanks dr_willis , wilee-nilee02:26
dr_willisor edit the grubconfig so it always shows grub02:26
dr_willissilly hiding grub....02:26
keithclark_dr_willis, yes, it is!02:27
dr_willisthey should at least say  'hit shifr now to show grub....'02:27
keithclark_Now, software updates (I am on wired now) has updated the kernel.  It has updated in batches, about 4 of them now.  Do you think this might be the issue?02:28
dr_willisupdated in batches?  what do you mean02:29
keithclark_dr_willis, well it said there were 30 something updates, I did those.  Then it said about 10 more.  I did those.  Now it was 3 more, I've done those02:29
mnewtonpiping ps through grep gets me 'mnewton   2199     1  0 21:12 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /home/mnewton/blah.sh' how do i extract the pid from this and send it to kill02:30
dr_willisso sudo  sudo apt-get update  ,   sudo apt-get upgrade ran  3 times in a row kept updateing stuff?  weird02:30
keithclark_Yes, but restarts in between02:31
dr_williscant say ive ever seen a required restart in between02:31
keithclark_Right now it is saying that a restart is required.02:32
dr_willismnewton:   awk can do it.. i think killall can do it based on thr executable name02:32
X-warriorI have an ssd with Ubuntu/Windows 7 and other harddisk with Windows 7/Xubuntu, when I try to access the Windows7/Xubuntu on second harddisk, I get "No such device, uuid \n  hd1, cannot get C/H/S value \n you need to load the kernel first" This is some info I got http://pastebin.com/zBLTe4Tz02:32
keithclark_dr_willis, ok, reboot time....02:32
dr_willisX-warrior: you mean boot it from grub?02:33
X-warriordr_willis: yes, I want to be able to access both windows and both linux02:35
=== maximiliano is now known as twenty-three
rmarkerok guys i got the driver i just don't know what to do for the TAR file02:37
AlbertoMHi i have a cuestion i install play on linux and i see exe files can execute outside the win e folder is that a security risk?02:37
AlbertoMrmaker what driver?02:37
AlbertoMand what version?02:37
wilee-nileeX-warrior, It would probably help if you ran the bootinfo summary on the bootrepair tool and posted it.02:38
rmarkerfor my wireless02:38
AlbertoMof ubuntu02:38
dr_willisX-warrior:  if you boot the other hd to linux can you mount/access      the other hd?02:38
dakotawulfyrmarker http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt02:38
AlbertoMoh ok i doont know02:38
AlbertoMDR willis can you help me?02:38
keithclark__dr_willis, that was the whole problem!  Updating went screwy.02:38
dr_willisAlbertoM:  wine is not locied into the .wine dir02:39
twenty-threehello guys, i am trying to install a program which isn't available through the distribution, all i have is a gz folder which contains a BUILD file, not sure how to go about it, the read me says to do ./BUILD <machine>02:39
dr_willisbut the user cant trash stuff outside his home ;)02:39
onitaLtwenty-three, does ./BUILD -h      or    --help   return anything?02:40
AlbertoMi see exe files outside  win e folder and can run it i02:40
AlbertoMthats not security risk?02:40
dr_willisAlbertoM:  not really..  you can keep .exes anyehrer02:40
dr_willisyou can run them from your windows drives if you wanted02:41
AlbertoMor can run from my home but it dont affects ubuntu02:41
dr_williswine puts your users home in .wine/my_documents or somthing like that02:41
AlbertoMi install play on linux to run some emulators02:41
twenty-threeonitaL: "bash: ./BUILD: /bin/csh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory"02:41
dr_willisz:  in wine = your home i recall02:42
AlbertoMok let me see if i understand and excusse my  insistense02:42
onitaLtwenty-three, how about  ./configure    does it work?02:42
AlbertoMI put that emulators on my local folder or personal folder02:43
AlbertoMand that runs normally02:43
AlbertoMit means every exe will exe whith double click02:43
AlbertoMits not a risk of security like windows when viruses exes by themselves02:43
=== klixaK is now known as Guest71460
AlbertoMexes outside  wine dont affect my sistem rigth?02:44
twenty-threeonitaL: "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory" for the record I am in the folder where the items from the gz were extracted to02:44
AlbertoMsorry willys  but i am too noob and dont want to do nothing bad02:44
onitaLtwenty-three, does the website where you downloaded the tar provides instrunctions of how to compile/install?02:45
onitaLor maybe a REAME.txt?02:45
twenty-threeonitaL: the read me file says "Please see the doc/ directory for documentation. See BUILD script to build alscript from source code." the website just contains basic instructions on use of the program02:47
onitaLhmm, then the build script needs the C shell02:47
dr_willis!info csh02:48
marathon"info" does not compute02:48
ubottucsh (source: csh): Shell with C-like syntax. In component universe, is optional. Version 20110502-2ubuntu1 (raring), package size 232 kB, installed size 392 kB02:48
AlbertoMOk willys i can store exes anywhere  and dont have to worrie02:48
dr_williswine dosent care where they are stored02:49
twenty-threeonitaL: how do i go about it? by the way, this is contained in the BUILD file: "#!/bin/csh02:49
twenty-three#  csh script to compile the elements of alscript02:49
twenty-three#  type ./BUILD <machine>02:49
twenty-three#  e.g.  ./BUILD sun  or ./BUILD sgi or ./BUILD gcc02:49
twenty-three# ./BUILD linux02:49
FloodBot1twenty-three: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:49
onitaLAlbertoM, .exe files can't run in linux, so as long WINE can't reach then, nothing will happen02:49
dr_willistwenty-three:  install   'csh' if it wants csh02:49
dr_willisid bet it will also want a lot of c developer packages also02:50
onitaL*sighs* downloading raring packages @ 123kB/s02:50
twenty-threedr_willis, ok i'm on it02:50
AlbertoMis that the problem i have  exe files in my home and  in usb device and wine  execute it sucefully02:51
onitaLtwenty-three, ouch of curiosity, what are you trying to install?02:51
dr_willisAlbertoM:   what problem?  whats the core issue?02:51
dr_willisif a .exe is set executable double clicking it loads it in wine02:52
twenty-threeonitaL: it is a program for nucleic acid and protein alignment, it is meant to make neat figures which i want for my thesis02:52
dr_willisor you can use   wine /path/to/the/whatever.exe02:52
AlbertoMohhh ok02:52
AlbertoMI think i understand now02:52
AlbertoM(Excuse but in the spanish chanel not have nobody to help)02:53
onitaLif you've never compiled, you mind want to do make some coffee first02:53
onitaLback to 7000kB/s02:53
dr_willisand some asprin02:53
AlbertoMUbuntu dont execute exes , Win e execute exes02:53
marathon"wine" does not compute02:54
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:54
AlbertoM(aspirin ejejeje paracetamol and cafein)02:54
AlbertoMsine jjejeje sorry02:54
CharcoalcatHi! I need to use Find on a big text file (35.6 MB). I tried nedit, but as soon as I hit search the Find box closes??? So it's not very usable. What should I do instead! (My actual problem is that I have a lost post from Firefox and I'm following hopo's instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-912406.html so anything else that would solve that would be good, too)02:54
AlbertoMok ubuntu dont execute exes, wine execute it  whethever they are and i dont have to worrie if wine execute files outside his own folder02:55
onitaL!goggle grep02:55
marathon"goggle" does not compute02:55
AlbertoM(I have paracetamol and cafeine for all)02:55
dr_willisCharcoalcat:  try vi, or geany, or just use grep from the commandline  perhaps02:55
AlbertoMam i rigth in my avobe coment?02:55
AlbertoMWillls only to confirm02:56
Charcoalcatdr_willis: I'll try geany and vi, thanks! How do I use grep?02:56
dr_willisgrep pattern file02:56
onitaLdo you know how to use command line?02:56
dr_willisAlbertoM:  wine uses .wine for its settings...02:56
dr_willisAlbertoM:  and to instuff to as a emulated c: drive02:57
CharcoalcatonitaL: Do I know how to? (yes if at me)02:57
dr_willisyour users home dir is assigned to like z: via wine also... so wine has full access to your users home02:57
AlbertoMyes i see a c drive inside the wine folder but my surprise are can run exes outside his own folder thats not drngerous02:57
AlbertoMohhhhhhhhhhhh ok02:58
dr_willisi dont see why you would think wine is locked down like that02:58
twenty-threethis time it aborted due to "/bin/cp: cannot stat 'makefile.': no such file or directory"  which I guess means I'm missing cp which i need for this. I am trying to find it by cp in synaptic but cannot find it, any clues?02:58
X-warriorwilee-nilee: what is this bootrepair?02:58
unclezipperIs there anyone that's familiar with file permissions? I need to restrict a folder to a group of users but I think I'm going about it the wrong way02:58
Charcoalcatdr_willis: thanks! I'm working on trying those three things now.02:58
X-warriordr_willis: well, it is inside the notebook, I'm not sure... before I moved the sata positions on notebook, and installed the new I could (just with that 2)02:59
AlbertoMii understand now win e can acces to all folders and run exe files but if have troubles only have to uninstll wine or delete the wine folder02:59
wilee-nileeX-warrior, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair02:59
AlbertoMi understand02:59
AlbertoMThnks Dr Willy02:59
X-warriorand I can't change on the bios to boot from that, there is no option on this fucking bios, it seems to be hardcoded02:59
X-warrior(Im using caddy and a ssd)02:59
dr_willistwenty-three:  reread that error message02:59
matthewHey everyone03:00
matthewHow are you guys doing today?03:00
=== matthew is now known as Guest71371
marathon"bot" does not compute03:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:01
twenty-threedr_willis: i did but i am still unsure of what is being requested03:01
Anom01ychiluk, are you around ?03:01
dr_willistwenty-three:  it cant find that file to copy with cp...03:02
AlbertoMexcuse  me for the "molestias"03:02
AlbertoMfor all  thannks doctor Willis03:02
dr_willistwenty-three:  so  somthing was to make that   file.. and failed03:02
seronisthe libs for Boost 1.53 is in the repo.  but the metapackage for  libboost-all-dev installed the version 1.49 copies.03:02
seronisanyway to get that metapackage fixed ?03:03
Anom01yfor some reason my video card drivers or my video memory is being eaten up slowly, after about a week of runtime, I notice that my screensavers and other openGL things like clementine's (music player) visualizations get very choppy,03:03
Anom01yI think it might be a mem leak from adobe flash or something ?03:03
unclezipperAnom01y: Unfortunately, not everybody out there programs things that are free of bugs... There's probably memory leaks in the applications you use03:04
dr_willissee if a logout/back in corrects it. not a full reboot.03:04
dr_willisseen similer issues in beta testing last yeasr with the nvidia drivers03:05
eagle_who has used metasploit?03:05
matthew__Lol so03:06
matthew__How are you guys?03:06
OerHekseagle metasploit is not supported in this channel,  try #metasploit03:06
twenty-threedr_willis: after looking at the rest of my BUILD file it seems I should have entered a parameter after .build03:07
twenty-threedr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5676020/03:07
eagle_thanks OerHeks03:07
twenty-threedr_willis: NOT SURE WHAT IS EXPECTED THOUGH03:07
twenty-threeoops, caps lock03:07
twenty-threepresumably linux?03:08
dr_willistwenty-three:  you pasted docs that said to use  ./build linux03:08
twenty-threeok, i'll try again03:09
twenty-threethis time it aborted due to "gcc: error: ../gjutil/gjutil.o: No such file or directory"03:11
onitaLtwenty-three, first, install apt-file03:11
onitaLapt-install apt-file03:12
onitaLapt-get install apt-file03:12
seronistrying synaptic manager instead of software center.  whats difference between  "mark for removal" and  "mark for complete removal"03:12
seronisremoved != removed ?03:12
dr_willistwenty-three:  its most likely going to neeed a lot od -dev packages to compile03:12
dr_williscompleter removal = purge == remove configs03:13
onitaLseronis, I'm guessing the first one removes the packages and leaves the data, while the second one removes the  package and its data03:13
nrdbI am setting up dnsmasq... I have a computer called 'chenbro' ... I can dig for "chenbro" and "chenbro.home" and get the correct answer ... I set a "cname=test,chenbro" in /etc/dnsmasq.conf" ... when I ping "test" or "test.home" I can get one to work but not both  ... can anyone help with the configuration ?03:13
seronisonitaL, useful to know thanks.  but for removing libraries likely not much difference then03:14
onitaLseronis, I always use the second one (complete)03:14
eagle_any channel that talks about haking?03:14
onitaLtwenty-three, did you install apt-file?03:15
matthew__Eagle haking?03:15
twenty-threeonitaL: yes, just finished03:16
matthew__You mean "Hacking"03:16
onitaLtwenty-three, apr-file update03:16
onitaLthen apt-file   search ./gjutil/gjutil.o03:17
onitaLit should give you the name of the package you need to install03:17
eagle_yes hacking :)03:17
onitaLchances are that the name of the package will end in   -dev03:17
waglecan i install the gnome integration shell in u1304 and ff21?03:18
twenty-threei did the search but it didn't return anything at all03:18
twenty-threejust back to twenty-three@djhfksjdfh:~$03:19
aggresive_cowhi, im on virtual box with an i3. ubuntu is running kind of slow. i was wondering if there way any way to speed it up (inside oracle) or if maybe there is an ubuntu light option or another suggestion for a linux OS? I'll be using it for light c++ development03:24
aggresive_cow*inside ubuntu, not oracle03:24
X-warriorwilee-nilee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5676061/03:25
diddooomoDoes anybody know where i can find instructions on how to stream media from 12.04 to samsung bluray player03:26
Ben64diddooomo: samsung.com ?03:26
twenty-threewell, it seems to me that the "missing file" is a component of the program i'm trying to install, since it is listed in here: http://iubio.bio.indiana.edu/soft/iubionew/molbio/align/display/Shady/README.alscript.Enhance which is a note by the developers03:26
Ben64aggresive_cow: well you should use something lighter than unity for a vm03:27
X-warrioror the new one http://paste.ubuntu.com/567606403:28
diddooomoevery search i tried never came up with samsung.com, ill search there03:28
wilee-nileeX-warrior, Is the 13.04 the bootloader in the sda mbr and the 12.10 the bootloader in the sdb mbr?03:29
Ben64diddooomo: what i mean by that is we don't know what your player supports. once you figure that out it should be easy to get working03:29
thunkeeaggresive_cow: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=lubuntu ... you may also give cygwin/x a try03:29
X-warriorwilee-nilee: yes, and the sda is the boot disk on bios03:29
onitaLdiddooomo, do you know what's samba? or windows shares?03:29
goddardmy terminal doesn't recognize certain characters that my terminal in OSX recognized for example line breaks03:30
wilee-nileeX-warrior, If you boot from the sdb will its grub take you the windows on that disc?03:30
goddardis it possible ot set that up?03:30
Ben64goddard: explain more?03:30
goddardBen64: have you used mongodb before?03:30
X-warriorwilee-nilee: I can't do that easily, my notebook doesn't have option to choose between harddisk on bios, so I can just boot from one harddisk, which is the one on the hd position on the notebook03:30
X-warriorif I change the boot to cd/dvd (where my caddy) is plugged, it doesn't boot at all03:31
aggresive_cowokay guys, going to try lubuntu first. will do a more drastic cut if its still bad. btw ubuntu has ads!?!03:31
=== owner_ is now known as Guest26298
goddardBen64: i am printing some output from my database and in OSX it outputs everyhting nicely and well formed in json format where ubuntu has it all jumbled up03:31
madpropsthey're trying to kill me03:31
madpropsfor real03:31
wilee-nileeX-warrior, There is a boot from menu outside the bios, mine is f12 held down after powering on, you have this to, maybe another key though.03:31
X-warriorwilee-nilee: I have that too choose where to boot from, anyway the only options that shows over there are the same03:32
X-warriorbut I could try again just in case03:32
X-warriorthere isn't 2 harddisks over there too03:32
diddooomono, i dont know much about ubuntu, i just got feed up with windows and switched.  Its pretty nice.  My samsung player plays just about every media file, it worked with windows streaming form windows media player03:33
wilee-nileeX-warrior, The menu I suggest is a per-session boot, it should show both HD's..etc.03:33
X-warriorthat is strange because when I run update-grub on sda, it finds 2 windows, 1 ubuntu 1 xubuntu, but when I try to access the os on sdb both of then give me that error03:33
Ben64diddooomo: it probably does DLNA, so find a server that does that03:34
X-warriorwilee-nilee: are u going to stay here for a little longer? So I can reboot and try it again, just to guarantee03:35
onitaLdiddooomo, do you also have an ps3?03:35
onitaLhmm, nvm.03:35
diddooomoi do03:35
diddooomothanks everybody03:35
dr_willisseveral dlna/upnp servers in the repos03:35
dr_willisxbmc can work as a player and server also03:36
diddooomoi do not know what repos are, ill have to research03:36
marathon"repos" does not compute03:36
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.03:36
marathon"repos" does not compute03:36
dr_willis!yes this is a bot in the ubuntu channel03:36
marathon"yes" does not compute03:36
Ben64ok was checking03:37
marathon"bot" does not compute03:37
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:37
dr_williswonder if  an op could be bothered to remove marathon03:37
Ben64if there was one around, yeah03:37
Ben64i'm still surprised you aren't one03:37
dr_willisheh. guess i need to bribe more.03:38
X-warrior_wilee-nilee: I'm back03:38
Ben64!hmm, that bot has been here for like 2hrs now03:39
marathon"hmm," does not compute03:39
ubottuBen64: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:39
dr_willisplex is a nice upnp/dlna server also..   with some neat features03:39
onitaLwhat's the gui to manipulate the source.lists?03:39
dr_willisat least 4 hrs. ;)03:39
dr_willisonitaL:  software-sources in the dash menus i think03:40
dr_willisor in the software center menus03:40
InFlameshas anyone ever had to convert an ubuntu MBR boot partition to GPT for a mac?03:40
onitaLor the better question is   how do I enable list that have "# disabled on upgrade to raring"03:40
X-warrior_wilee-nilee: Screen when trying to boot to Ubuntu 12.10 (sdb) https://www.dropbox.com/s/p5spa4wmywbp2z1/2013-05-17%2022.48.35.jpg Screen when trying to boot to Windows 7 (sdb) https://www.dropbox.com/s/vq51s5821ucgbt2/2013-05-17%2022.48.45.jpg Screen of F12 https://www.dropbox.com/s/22u53ojce1tg2q7/2013-05-18%2000.36.59.jpg Screen of grub menu https://www.dropbox.com/s/l2fyajzkk4nihog/2013-05-18%2000.37.09.jpg03:40
onitaLwithout using command line03:40
dr_willisonitaL:  use a text editor. remove the #03:41
onitaLwithout using command line03:41
dr_willisbut normally new things are not added to sources.list these days03:41
Ben64why limit yourself like that onitaL03:41
dr_willisthey use sources.list.d03:41
wilee-nileeX-warrior_, Are the first two errors from using the grub menu, or is the first from actually booting the sdb drive from a menu? What is the history behind the sdb drive has it worked as is as an external?03:43
X-warrior_wilee-nilee: using grub menu from sda03:44
X-warrior_wilee-nilee: it was my main disk on notebook until today in the morning, when I opened the computer, add the sata on the main hd slot, replaced my dvdrom with a caddy and plugged the old hd, installed windows 7 on sda (main hd slot) and then ubuntu 13.04 (main hd slot)... but I would like to be able to access that os during this transiction03:45
wilee-nileeX-warrior_, I would find the key press to get that boot from menu and try that to actually boot the sdb. The script shows no errors in general.03:45
unclezipperRollin' again... Is there anyone that's familiar with file permissions? I need to restrict a folder to a group of users but I think I'm going about it the wrong way03:45
xMopxShellCould anyone suggest a socks proxy daemon? dante-server seems of poor quality03:45
Ben64unclezipper: ask the question03:46
unclezipperI need to set a folder so all its contents inherit permissions from it. Specifically, I need any file placed there by any user in a group to be read from/written to by any other user in the group.03:48
onitaLchmod -r 700 /path/to/dir03:48
X-warrior_wilee-nilee: could it be that my /home is setup to mount on sdb? I don't think it should since, on grub there is no fstab running03:49
onitaLchmod -r 770 /path/to/dir03:49
unclezipperonitaL: I need new files to automatically inherit the group permissions, though... And I need an application to be able to view the files. I tried that last night and I kept getting errors from the program that needs to use the files03:51
X-warrior_wilee-nilee: going to reboot to windows and try to update my bios software03:51
Ben64unclezipper: sounds like you want setgid, chmod 2xxx /path/to/directory03:51
unclezipperBen64: That sounds promising. Can you recommend any resources so I can learn a bit more about this sort of thing? I've been having issues finding a comprehensive source of information(thus, I am here :P)03:53
=== fernando is now known as Guest17014
Ben64unclezipper: google setgid or sgid03:58
the-ermI need some advice.  I got a new external usb drive for backups.  My old backup drive is also a usb drive.  Can I just dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc then use gparted to resize the new drive?  Is there a better way?03:58
Ben64the-erm: it'd be faster/better to copy the data over03:59
X-warriorwilee-nilee: updated, nothing different04:01
Campfirehello my ubuntu runing slow04:01
the-ermBen64 I have hardlink files, and a lot of dups. It's a backup drive.04:01
=== X-warrior is now known as Guest52098
Campfiremight need some help with this04:01
Campfirenot sure if hard ware or kernal or who knows04:02
Campfireis there snyway to clean up ubuntu04:03
wilee-nileeGuest52098, I don'y see a home to move the mount on just two ubuntu ninstalls.04:03
chilukAnom01y, if it's a leak in flash there's nothing we can do since that's closed source.04:03
Campfirewhoes in chargeing mode04:03
unclezipperCampfire: What are the specs of the computer you're using?04:04
Campfirehold on a sec i,ll get the specs04:05
chilukAlso Anom01y you should be aware that linux is very good with memory management, and it purposely uses up as much ram as possible for caching so as to avoid accessing disk... If things are getting slow and you are certain it's there's a memory leak you should google discovering memory leaks as it's not something I'll be able to really solve over irc.  Try top, ps, and googling for analyzing memory usage linux04:06
Campfireunclezipper 512 ram p304:07
Campfireide hdd04:07
unclezipperOh... Your computer is horribly outdated04:08
unclezipperUm... you may want to try an older version of Ubuntu04:08
Campfirei,m on the older but i,m interestested in older04:08
Campfire10.4 old enough04:09
Campfireyeah the new ubuntu is cool but ment for a faster macanic04:10
unclezipperI'm not sure, honestly... I just recently ran into some problems trying to install Xubuntu on a similar computer for a friend. It seems like most of the repos on the install disc are outdated, so if you want to go for an older version, you'll need to manualy update the repos04:11
Campfireyeah i,m used to the hard way04:11
unclezipperWhat are you trying to use this computer for, if you don't mind me asking?04:12
tabsterleirHey all, I was playing with some terminal based music players. I've since given up and removed all the packages, but when I copy music into ~/.Music it seems to be organising it in numbered folders. What would be causing this?04:12
Campfirestrange you ask04:13
Campfirein small bits04:13
unclezipperHm... Just normal use, like web browsing and the like?04:13
Campfiredo you mind me asking what you use your pc for04:14
Campfireto make it clear i,d like to leave the door open to do anything04:15
unclezipperMedia server, home network health monitor, email server, web server, light gaming, office/school use, web browsing, programming04:15
unclezipperI'm not really sure that you could do much on a P3 with a modern OS, though04:16
Campfiremind if i call you un04:16
dr_willisa ssh terminal  ;)04:16
Campfirethis is linux we can do anything04:17
unclezipperWell, sure. I used one to run Ubuntu Server once... But any modern desktop environment will put alot of strain on an older processor04:17
Campfirei,ve seen a 32 bit os04:17
Anom01ychiluk, ok, I just found an app that converts all adobe flash to htlm504:17
dr_willisive used 8     bit os ;)04:17
unclezipperDoes it have to be Ubuntu, or would you be open to using any distro?04:18
Campfirei just need to clean up the os i,m working on no dis respect04:18
unclezipperdr_willis: Ye gods...04:18
Campfireubuntu 10.404:18
unclezipperOk, gotcha...04:18
dr_willisunclezipper:  that how i did word processing decades ago04:18
unclezipperdr_willis: That sounds scary04:19
unclezipperCampfire: What DE are you using?04:19
dr_willisunclezipper:  that ot a typewriter04:19
dr_willisor a ..04:19
Campfirewhats DE04:19
marathon"de" does not compute04:20
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!04:20
dr_williswrong factoud04:20
unclezipperDesktop Environment... Like KDE, XFCE...04:20
dr_willisfor a p3 system. you may want to use just a window manager. like jwm or openbox04:20
Campfiregnome i think04:20
Campfirei did try the package that does every thing though04:21
unclezipperOk... Well I'm not sure about Gnome since I use KDE04:21
unclezipperTry this though... sudo apt-get install bum04:21
chilukAnom01y good luck what you are trying to fix may not be easy... also browsers now-adays tend to be super huge hogs... some take up to 150 mb per tab.04:21
unclezipperGo through that and get rid of anything that you're probably not going to use04:22
Campfirejust a joke try this package just bum that cleaned you out04:23
Ben64get a faster computer?04:24
Campfirewhats bum stand  for04:24
unclezipperBoot-Up Manager04:24
Ben64p3 is slow and inefficient04:24
dr_willis!info bum04:24
marathon"info" does not compute04:24
ubottubum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-1 (raring), package size 83 kB, installed size 520 kB04:24
chilukBen64, p3 is no longer supported by recent ubuntus since the pae flag is now required.04:25
Ben64works on 12.04 still04:25
Campfirety zipper04:25
unclezipperCampfire, other than that I would recommend ditching Gnome and installing XFCE. Beyond that I can't tell you too much04:25
chilukBen64 what kernel are you using though?04:26
Ben64why does it matter what i'm using04:26
chilukI swear pae was turned on for 12.0404:26
dr_williseven xfce or lxde may be overkill for a p3.04:26
Campfirei,m just trying to clean up ubuntu04:26
chilukin the 32-bit kernel.04:26
chilukp3 doesn't support pae=should not work with 32-bit kernel.04:26
Campfirenot sure how to do it04:26
unclezipperdr_willis: I have a friend that managed to get an old Xubuntu to run on a P3... It was *really* slow, but it worked04:27
chilukyeah old ubuntu should work on old hardware.04:27
dr_willisCampfire:  othet then disable services. and use a lighter desktop or just a window manager.. thats about it04:27
Campfireget rid of trash and such and defrage in linux of sort04:27
Ben64unfortunately old versions of ubuntu lack security04:27
Campfiresounds good04:27
tabsterleirHey, new problem: If a copy a folder in Thunar its numbering all of the folders and files and mixing them up. Ideas?04:27
Campfiresounds like i need to do a back up before this04:28
Campfirecan we go over hoe to formate a hard drive with linux when you  guys get a chance04:29
unclezipperBen64: Security is likely not an issue, I doubt that anyone would have a reason to go after an old machine04:29
chilukben64 quantal and onwards ship with pae enabled in the 32-bit kernel.. better be happy with precise you will be there for a while.04:29
Campfirehow how04:29
chilukcampfire boot an install however you feel like, and run gparted04:30
Campfireext 2 and thre got me confusussed04:31
dr_williswhy would that be confuseing..04:31
=== bitnumus is now known as Guest84617
Campfireguessing it a formate04:32
marathon"ext3" does not compute04:32
chilukSpeak in full sentances man.04:32
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on older versions of Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org04:32
Campfireext 2 ext3 etc04:32
=== JohnGalt1337 is now known as BITCOIN-PIZZADAY
chilukso what are you wanting to know?04:32
dr_willislinux fundamentals it seems..04:33
chiluka hard drive = a block device and shows up for most consumer systems as /dev/sda or sdb....04:33
Campfireok so if you want to run strait linux and not have windows in your way you can or not04:34
chilukon top fo the block device sits a partition table this can be of type msdos or gpt or a number of other things.04:34
chilukCampfire, are you trying to delete windows?04:34
chilukI'll gladly help with that.04:34
chilukor are you trying to dual boot?04:34
Campfirewindows is long gone04:34
chilukthat's how I roll.04:35
Campfirei yard sail when i roll04:35
chilukCampfire, so what you want to do is boot the install disk, and just select automatically partition.. it'll do everything for you automagically04:35
* dr_willis puts butter on the rolls04:36
BITCOIN-PIZZADAYwindows is the best OS04:36
=== Mayazcherquoi is now known as Mayzie
dr_willispoor troll is poor04:36
chilukbest for l33t hackers, and Chinese gov!04:36
chilukto take over your bits.04:36
BITCOIN-PIZZADAYbill gates richest person in the world proves me right :P04:37
Campfirechiluk ty for your help can you direct me to your higher power04:38
chilukI am the highest power...04:39
chilukthere is no one but me.04:39
chilukalso google is pretty awesome...04:39
chilukCampfire, did I answer your question?04:39
Campfirei thank you good man much respect04:40
chilukCampfire, just pay it forward when you are able.04:40
Campfirei always do04:41
dr_willisfor an old p3 system, one of the puppy linux varants may work much better... easy to test out also04:41
Campfireover and out thanks guys04:42
chilukHmm so Anom01y got me thinking ... does anyone have a good script or application that monitors the used memory by each running process and alerts about possible memory leaks?04:44
unclezipperHm... I remember my grandfather messing around with something called Damn Small Linux years ago. Has anybody heard anything about that one recently?04:44
unclezipperchiluk: I wrote one a few years ago but it had issues with memory leaks04:44
dr_willisit dtill exists04:45
dr_willisdsl, tiny core linux, puppt  linux.04:45
chilukyou know guys for the small linux people out there you might just try xubuntu....04:45
chilukit's ubuntu with xfce for the window manager iirc.04:45
hawai have a script /home/foo.sh  how do i make it execute at startup?04:45
dr_willislubuntu is still huge compated to tinycorelinux04:45
chilukunclezipper++ hilarious.04:46
dr_willishawa:  at user login theres a .config/autorun directory04:46
hawai cannot find autorun directory04:47
chilukhawa, if you want it to run at startup you might stick it in /etc/rc.local04:47
dakotawulfywhat u guys talking about low resource os?04:47
hawathe whole script of the path to the file?04:48
epiconei need some help regarding an external usb drive...04:48
MonkWitDaFunkLubuntu is used by steamtree fix me stick04:48
dr_willishawa:  look in .config  see whats there04:49
MonkWitDaFunk#ubuntu, how do i allow flash to access my web cam?04:49
epiconefor some reason, there's a folder that doesn't show up in the file browser, but when i use the search feature04:49
epiconeit turns up fine04:49
hawa4kdownload.com  eog                 ibus              totem AbiSuite        Flavio Tordini      libimobiledevice  transmission banshee-1       gedit               libreoffice       Trolltech.conf chromium        gmusicbrowser       menus             ubuntuone compiz-1        gnome-disk-utility  nautilus          ubuntu-tweak dconf           gnome-session       qBittorrent       update-notifier deluge          goa-1.0             smplayer          user-dirs.dirs en04:49
MonkWitDaFunkI wanna cam up04:49
dr_willisepicone:  and the folder name is  what ?04:49
epiconefolder name doesn't have any dots or non-alphanumeric symbols04:50
marathon"autostart" does not compute04:50
ubottuIf you want to edit your Autostart programs, open the Unity dash and search for Startup Programs. If you're on XFCE, use menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Session and Startup, if you're on KDE, use Kickoff -> Computer -> System Settings -> Autostart. For more details see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup. For LXDE see http://ubottu.com/y/404:50
chilukMonkWitDaFunk, right click on the flash app, and go to properties or something like that.04:50
=== Adran is now known as Adranz
MonkWitDaFunkIll give it a shot chiluk04:50
dr_willisMonkWitDaFunk:  you may need to fullscreen the flash app first04:50
chilukhawa if you want it run as your user do what these guys are saying... if you want to have it run as root put it in /etc/rc.local.. also you might need to create that autorun dir... although I've never done what you are asking04:51
hawahow do i do it with rc.local?04:51
hawado i just write the script04:51
hawaor give the path to my bash file04:51
chiluksudo vi /etc/rc.local  it probably already exists.04:52
dr_willishawa what does the script do?04:52
hawai just want my windows partition to mount on startup04:52
abubuhi there~04:52
chilukoh ...04:52
chilukwrong way to do that.04:52
dr_willishawa:  add them to fstab04:52
marathon"fstab" does not compute04:52
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:52
chilukhawa you want to put it in fstab.... dr_willis way to ask the right question.04:52
EyePulpHowdy;  I have a home server running 12.04, and it looks like it got restarted overnight.  It boots to the text based grub interface. one of the options was recovery mode, which I'm in now.  the fsck option ran into an "'UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY" in /dev/sda104:53
chilukhawa listen to ubottu it was programmed for a reason!04:53
EyePulphow fsck'd am I?04:53
myusuf3quick question04:53
myusuf3I can't seem to find unrar in ubuntu 12.1004:53
dr_willisEyePulp:  boot a live cd and fsck the filesystem may be a good idea04:54
myusuf3I need help getting it ideas?04:54
marathon"rar" does not compute04:54
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:54
chilukEyePulp, maybe not at all.. but I'd back up my data asap04:54
dr_willis!find unrar04:54
marathon"find" does not compute04:54
ubottuFound: libunrar0, libunrar0-dev, unrar-free, libclamunrar6, unrar04:54
marathon"silly_bots_are_annoying" does not compute04:54
myusuf3when I do apt-get install unrar04:54
myusuf3says can't be found04:54
hawathank you guys... this place is always a great help04:54
EyePulpdr_willis: danke.   chiluk - one thing at a time =)04:54
dr_willis!info unrar04:54
marathon"info" does not compute04:54
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version) - binary program. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:4.2.4-0.3 (raring), package size 116 kB, installed size 265 kB04:54
akurilin2Quick question. I added a new A value to my zone file settings on my domain and I can already see the new subdomain being reachable through some web checking tools. I however cannot seem to be able to get there from my Ubuntu instance, neither with curl nor with a browser. Is there something I have to flush to make this work?04:54
Prock81im not complaining but why so many kernel up dates on a regular bases , im sure its for the bettter, but whats making so many updates of the kernel? 13.0404:54
somsipdr_willis: do we have a second bot in here suddenly? Official or rogue?04:55
dr_willismyusuf3:  so a sudo apt-get update    then try again04:55
myusuf3did that04:55
dr_willissomsip:  an idiotic script04:55
myusuf3will do again for arguments sake04:55
chilukEyePulp, I'd backup before the fsck... but tomatoe tOmahtoe.04:55
EyePulpdr_willis: do I need to run a 12.04 live image in order to fsck things properly?  I'm assuming the distro/release matters04:55
marathon"test" does not compute04:55
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )04:55
somsip!ops | marathon is a rogue bot or script responding to factoids04:55
marathon"ops" does not compute04:55
ubottumarathon is a rogue bot or script responding to factoids: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!04:55
chilukEyePulp, the distro should not matter.. newest is usually better though04:55
dr_willisEyePulp:  dosent really matter. ;)  fsck is fsck as loga as its a recent distro04:56
Flannellastlog ip.telfort.nl04:56
Flannel\lastlog ip.telfort.nl04:56
Flannelmeh, sorry guys.04:56
myusuf3dr_willis http://dpaste.org/WNqMs/04:56
EyePulpSO Ineed to create a live usb stick04:56
somsipFlannel: thanks04:57
EyePulper, "so"04:57
dr_willisEyePulp:  recovery mode can fsck.. i think04:57
dr_willisbut best to use a live cd04:58
dr_willismyusuf3:  could be you dont have all the repos enabled04:59
dr_willisunrar is in multiverse04:59
myusuf3I check my sources nothing isn't commented out04:59
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.04:59
myusuf3checking for multiverse04:59
chilukmyusuf3 it exists... what series are you running..   http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/unrar05:00
dr_willis7zip  can do rar also05:00
unclezipperProck81: Linux is a huge collaborative project... There's a fairly advanced development cycle for it, if you care to read a little bit about it. It's pretty interesting. http://www.linuxfoundation.org/content/1-guide-kernel-development-process05:00
chilukProck81 bug fixes..mostly ...05:01
unclezipperSorry, wrong link... http://www.linuxfoundation.org/content/21-big-picture05:01
chilukProck81 also you don't have to always be on the latest and greatest kernel....05:02
unclezipper^True. There's plenty of devices out there still running 2.x05:03
chilukProck81, basically if everything seems to be working, you probably wouldn't notice whatever fix is going into the kernel anyways.05:04
EyePulpdr_willis: making a bootable usb with Damn small Linux - any reason that's a bad move?05:05
chilukEyePulp, why not just use Ubuntu?05:06
betraydwhen was there last update05:06
chilukEyePulp, why make your life more difficult?05:06
EyePulpchiluk: size of the download (I assume it's bigger than DSL)05:06
chilukEyePulp, it should work fine as long as it has fsck05:07
chilukor a new enough version of fsck05:07
betraydtheir* , check how their wireless is05:07
woodruffHello, how can i use apt-get install to install all dependencies automatically ? it keeps telling me "The following packages have unmet dependencies:"05:08
chilukbetrayd, 13.04 is running 3.8... 3.10 is in development... that's pretty damn new..05:08
unclezipperwoodruff: sudo apt-get -f install05:08
wilee-nileechiluk, My raring is 3.6205:10
chilukno idea.. but wireless gets a lot of attention from ubuntu kernel devs.. I'd be surprised if it works much better elsewhere.05:10
chilukwilee-nilee, you need to upgrade sir05:10
wilee-nileechiluk, 3.8 is in a ppa, not the repos.05:10
chilukwilee-nilee, you be smokin somthing http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/kernel/linux-generic05:11
dr_willisi got 3.9 on my 13.04 box05:11
woodruffunclezipper : i am still getting the same messages05:11
wilee-nileechiluk, he I thought you meant gnome.05:11
dr_willisEyePulp:  i tend to use tinycorelinux. but dsl should work05:11
unclezipperPaste the output @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/05:12
dr_willisi had to use the 3.9 kernel to fix that hdmi audio issue05:12
EyePulpdr_willis: understood05:12
jeanvianaAlguem é Brasileiro05:13
woodruffunclezipper : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5676230/05:14
unclezipperLooking around... I'm probably not the best person to tackle this one. Try using build-deps instead of install05:19
chilukwoodruff, run apt-get install -f05:19
chiluklooks like you have broken dependencies..05:19
chilukrun it just like that...05:19
chilukwoodruff, it will find unmet dependencies and install them for whatever else is broken on your machine.05:20
Tymmn__Hi All05:20
woodruffchiluk : i just told me to remove some unused dependencies with auto remove, i did that and still have the same error05:21
chilukwhat version of ubuntu are you running?05:21
chilukand do you have any ppas installed that are screwing with it?05:21
woodruffchiluk : it told me i have unupgraded packages so i used upgrade… lets see if this works05:22
chilukwoodruff, was just going to suggest that.05:22
chilukwoodruff I'm heading to sleep good luck.05:25
woodruffthanks, cya05:25
EyePulpso how do I get my drive to be RW while in the recovery console?05:29
EyePulpsome form of mount ?05:29
unclezipperEyePulp: If it mounted in read-only, check the physical connections to the drive first05:33
EyePulplike the sata connector?  I can see the directory structure of the disk - I assume that means it's connected.05:34
unclezipperYes, exactly... I had an issue a while back with my laptop where the sata connector wasn't plugged in all the way. It wouldn't write to the disk but it could read from it05:35
unclezipperTook me 4 days to figure out why, so save yourself the trouble before you do anything else05:35
EyePulpfair enough05:36
woodruffIs there any recommended mail client for ubuntu beside thunderbird? (i couldn't get attachments with the regular thunderbird version…)05:36
dakotawulfywoodruff might check out claw05:38
unclezipperEyePulp: Sorry, forgot to mention this: sudo mount -o remount,rw /partition/identifier /mount/point05:38
dakotawulfywoodruff claws-mail05:39
unclezipperThat should work, assuming all is well with the hardware05:39
himanshu_linuxHi , I don't know how the time that was in the notification bar has gone ?  how to get it back?05:40
EyePulpunclezipper: and presumably if there's a problem, I should be running fsck from a live cd to try and repair it… does that sound right?05:40
unclezipperYes, right05:40
woodruffthanks all ! good night05:41
himanshu_linuxhow to get back time back in notification bar ?05:42
Aethysiusright click on the notification bar, go to preferences/settings of the panel, and re-add the clock05:43
=== Adranz is now known as Adran
himanshu_linuxAethysius : i am using ubuntu 13.04 .. what do you mean by right click ? There is no response to right-click ..05:45
AethysiusEven if you right click on the desktop?05:45
AethysiusRight clicking should be enabled.05:46
AethysiusWait, what desktop environment are you using?05:46
himanshu_linuxunity ..05:46
himanshu_linuxbut there is option to re-add clock .05:47
AethysiusThen do it?05:48
himanshu_linuxwhat ?05:48
AethysiusYou said there is an option to re add the clock, did you not?05:49
himanshu_linuxno ..  oops ...05:50
AethysiusI'm not too familiar with Unity.05:50
AethysiusI'm running Kubuntu. :/05:50
AethysiusI'm  trying to help. One sec.05:51
himanshu_linuxok .. good05:51
AethysiusIn the top right corner, right click, and tell me what options you see.05:53
himanshu_linux"about this computer", "help",session,and then logout .. shutdown ..  just that05:54
Alemimiohey guys, i've got a shoutcast service i'm trying to start on ubuntu, and it works fine from shell, but when i run it from php's shell_exec, it won't work and i see the following error in the logs "msg:thread::start() - Could not start thread", any ideas why the script fails to start a new thread when i run it from shell_exec?05:55
himanshu_linuxi think there will be a way in  dconf-tools05:55
AethysiusMove your cursor to where it is blank, then try it again.05:55
unclezipperAlemimio: See if it runs properly when you try to run it from the terminal enclosed in parentheses05:56
himanshu_linuxleave it Aethysius ,  i going to google it.. thank you for your help05:56
AethysiusI tried. :/05:56
himanshu_linuxok  :)05:57
Alemimiounclezipper, it does.05:58
himanshu_linuxAethysius :  i see my 'indicator-datetime' is removed from system. I going to install it. I think while removing thunderbird and evolution from my system that too got removed06:01
unclezipperPerhaps, try using the exec() function instead06:02
* Aethysius nods06:02
AethysiusWhy'd you remove Evolution and Thunderbird?06:02
Alemimioit's weird, it worked on a different server exactly the same way06:02
unclezipperIf that doesn't work, you might be better off in a PHP IRC room06:03
unclezipperMy knowledge is limited in that area06:03
unclezipperDo you know if the other server is running the same software version?06:03
roastedDoes anybody know when kernel 3.8.0-22 will land? I'm on 3.8.0-21 right now and I ran into a bug that was supposedly fixed in 3.8.0-22. Just curious on whether I can get it now (and if so, where) or if it's coming right around the corner.06:04
himanshu_linuxbecause whenever i started my system , they too get started .. and consume my Memory (RAM) and start time .06:04
himanshu_linuxhi , whenever i start my system , I get a crash report that "usb_modeswitch_dispatcher" has crashed ... pls help. I get this error when i installed 13.0406:14
=== kyle_ is now known as Guest3841
Ari-Yangis it okay to have a laptop set to a specific freq that isn't its minimum?06:19
Ari-Yangmin of this laptop is 931MHz, I have it set to work @ 1.2MHz. (I'm aware of the cpufreq governors btw)06:19
kvothetechAri-Yang: yes...you can scale down less...actually it usually uses less than 100 percent of it's ability..so not being able to would be rather...odd06:24
kvothetechroasted: current kernel is 3.9.2 ...so it already did?06:24
Ari-Yangkvmadsen, so having it set to 1.2MHz it's actually better than having it work @ 931MHz.06:25
Ari-Yangokay, I'll have it set to 1.2MHz for now...06:25
joshtek0What responsive action can be taken toward a HDD going read-only06:27
devjustforfun_hello. how can i delete grud from ubuntu console?06:29
th0rdevjustforfun_, you do understand if you delete grub you won't be able to boot the computer06:30
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ubuntunetwork how  set06:30
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest34552
devjustforfun_<th0r> i know about that i need to make windows recovery and after that install fresh copy of ubuntu06:31
Guest34552tell me06:31
th0rdevjustforfun_, windows recovery should rebuild the master boot record and effectively delete grub06:31
devjustforfun_<th0r> i can't go to windows recovery. i have pressed f9 but nothing happened because i think grub rewrite recovery boot.06:32
devjustforfun_i was pressed f9 but windows recovery not loaded06:34
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th0rdevjustforfun_, deleting grub isn't going to solve that problem. The master boot record is no longer on the hard disk, if you delete grub I am pretty sure you will get nothing but an unbootable computer06:35
devjustforfun_<th0r> can you give me advice what i should to do?06:35
th0rdevjustforfun_, if you didn't make windows recovery disks before installing ubuntu, I don't know how you could recover windows06:36
th0rdevjustforfun_, someone else here might have some ideas06:36
PranumolGood Afternoon.... i have a acer laptop and running Ubuntu1210-64 bit. i was upgrading to Ubuntu1304 through the updte manager. the files downloaded and started the installation process ( slept off after some time) . The battery got empty and the installation did not complete (saw when i woke up) when i start again i have the message " General error mounting filesystems."  Please help06:36
Pranumolalso i have windows 7 installed along side and i am not able to boot into it either.06:37
devjustforfun_<th0r> thanks06:37
lotuspsychjePranumol: clean install 13.04 and loose w7 once and for good :p06:37
Pranumoli no more use win 7 but my fateher does. and i have all my files in ubuntu.06:38
=== OS-10635 is now known as ghyths
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lotuspsychjePranumol: can you enter grub to recovery?06:38
Pranumolyou mean the recovery mode ??06:39
lotuspsychjePranumol: try entering recovery boot from ubuntu yes06:39
=== yabada is now known as Yabada
Pranumolok i am in06:40
lotuspsychjePranumol: maybe you can get in with failsafeX06:41
Pranumol"fatal error" and comes back to the recovery menu06:42
lotuspsychjePranumol: if your setup failed, it might have been corrupted06:42
lotuspsychjePranumol: can you take out the hd and back your data to another pc?06:43
lotuspsychjePranumol: clean install 13.04 after then06:43
lotuspsychjePranumol: 13.04 64-bit goes rocket fast on singleboot06:44
lotuspsychjei used it too :p06:44
EyePulpwoo hoo. tinycorelinx on a live cd with fsck /dev/sda1 fixed me right up.06:44
Pranumolcan i do a upgrade from the iso file i get from the website  ??06:44
hendryanyone know where the Firefox IRC discussion is happening?06:44
devjustforfun_maybe i should do something in configuration of grub to make my windows recovery partition?06:45
lotuspsychjePranumol: if you upgrade you wont loose your files06:45
th0rPranumol, if your battery went dead during the install I wouldn't trust the hard drive is intact. lotuspsychje's suggestion to back up your data and reinstall is a good one. And pray that the power failure didn't corrupt the windows partition also06:46
=== JKL1234- is now known as JKL|lejos
Pranumoli will back up the data .... and before going for a clean install shall i try to upgrade from the ISO file ??06:48
th0rPranumol, I wouldn't trust the partition under these circumstances. I would at least format the ubuntu partition(s) with the new install. So personally, no I wouldn't try to update06:49
Pranumolthank you <thor> & <lotuspsychje> for the help. i will back up my data and do a clean install of 1304. thank you once again and have a great day ahead.06:52
lotuspsychjePranumol: np mate06:54
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=== nick is now known as Guest73711
caeswhat's the worst that can happen running wine?07:20
rigois there an fglrx for 13.04 yet?07:22
=== Guest84617 is now known as bitnumus
lotuspsychjecaes: what is the purpose of your question?07:24
lotuspsychje!fglrx | rigo07:24
ubotturigo: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:24
caesI'm wondering if it's safe to run, what security risks there are, what hardware risks there are?07:25
rigogosh. thanks.. :D i realy know how to install the fglrx driver.. in fact it is simply as hell apt-get install fglrx :D BUT the following thread sais that the 13.04 + fglrx results 100% cpu usage because of a bug. http://youresuchageek.blogspot.de/2012/06/xbmc-install-and-config-howto-for-linux.html07:26
caeswhy does everyone want to know my purpose?  is there no simple truthful answer to a question?07:26
lotuspsychjecaes: wine exists for years now, why would it have risks at all?07:27
caesguns exist for years now.  why would it have risks at all?07:27
kionwireless internet is not working on 13.0407:27
lotuspsychjecaes: this is an ubuntu support channel, not a gun thread07:28
lotuspsychjekion: did you clean install or upgrade?07:28
kionclean install07:28
lotuspsychjekion: what wifi card brand you have?07:28
lotuspsychje!wine | caes07:28
ubottucaes: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:28
kionbroadcom i do believe 802.11 g/b 431107:29
caesthanks you've been a big help.  I'll just read for another two hours07:29
aeon-ltdcaes: ok, anything wine has access to in the filesystem can be wiped if it has read/write access; i assume it's like a imperfect sandbox07:29
lotuspsychje!broadcom | kion07:29
ubottukion: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:29
tenXcaes: qry07:29
kioni have tried that07:29
kionit did not work07:29
leeweeshow do i mount my encrypted disk using the livecd?07:29
lotuspsychjekion: try adding your cdrom as software source to browse your broadcom driver maybe?07:29
aeon-ltdcaes: if whatever you plan to run is going to be that risky use a live environment or vm07:29
kionhow do i do that07:30
bkhlFor hibernation, does the kernel require *one* swap partition the size of your used RAM, or can it split the memory dump up?07:30
lotuspsychjekion: software centre/software sources/ add your cdrom07:30
lotuspsychje!encrypt | leewees07:31
ubottuleewees: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory07:31
lotuspsychjeleewees: step7 shows it on url07:31
kioni typed it in didn;t find anything07:31
InFlamesanyone know how to fix a ubuntu install to work for a mac pro?07:31
lotuspsychje!mac | InFlames07:32
ubottuInFlames: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages07:32
InFlamesthat was almost useless07:32
InFlamesthat is if you want to install a new partition on mac07:32
kionis there anything i could type in... maybe07:33
InFlamesare you saying there is no way to convert the boot partition to load via efi?07:33
kionto the terminal07:33
lotuspsychjekion: did you search broadcom in software centre?07:33
lotuspsychjekion: did you enable 'show technical packages'07:34
neytirii am having a issue with my webserver, there is secral issues, first one is phpis serving up phpmyadmin files as a downlaod, second one is namedvirtualhosts done seem to be working07:34
leeweeslotuspsychje, thx07:34
lotuspsychjeleewees: np mate07:34
lotuspsychjekion: nothing shows on braodcom?07:34
tenXneytiri: read up on enabling php on your webserver.07:35
lotuspsychjekion: how about checking additional drivers?07:35
kioni will do that07:35
kionone moment please07:35
InFlameslotuspsychje, do you have an idea how to convert the boot partition?07:35
neytiritenX,  php is enabled it works for everything BUT phpmyadmin07:36
lotuspsychjeInFlames: sorry mate never installed on a mac before, but im sure if your re-ask once in a while you will get right answers07:36
aeon-ltdInFlames: what are you having trouble with?07:37
lotuspsychjeInFlames: your mac shows in list on that url?07:37
kionfound the drivers it says CD/dvd ubuntu 13.04_raring ringtail_ -rlease i 386 (20130424) is required07:37
InFlameslotuspsychje, the issue is i HAVE an ubuntu partition, but the only advice i get is a reinstall, it's just the boot loader, how can this be so hard?07:37
lotuspsychjekion: yes try to add the cd as software source, then try a sudo apt-get update07:38
aeon-ltdInFlames: what's wrong with the bootloader?07:38
kioni can not find how to do that07:38
InFlamesaeon-ltd, the mac pro can't read it because it handles got, but it's using mbr07:38
lotuspsychjekion: software centre, choose 'software sources' ontop07:39
lotuspsychjekion: then in software sources add your cd as source07:39
kionthere is no software sources07:39
aeon-ltdInFlames: so you can get to osx but not ubuntu07:39
aeon-ltdInFlames: were you using refit before?07:39
tenXneytiri: check the php apache config, is it restricted to specific folders maybe?07:39
lotuspsychjekion: tab 'edit' on software centre07:39
InFlamesaeon-ltd, i have refit running via a usb, i want to eventually set it up via grub instead07:40
InFlamesbut it can't see the partition07:40
aeon-ltdInFlames: the goal is - grub to load everything? why?07:40
kionthere is no edit07:40
InFlamesthe goal is to get the damn thing working :/07:40
InFlamesi don't care THAT much how07:40
neytiritenX, i have checked it several times before on other server i have had the exact same issue on, it usually resulted with me throwing the server out the window07:40
InFlamespreferably would be without refit, it's slow07:40
lotuspsychjekion: you opened software centre right?07:41
aeon-ltdInFlames: is a few seconds really worth the trouble?07:41
InFlamesaeon-ltd, the fact remains it doesn't work even with refit07:41
lotuspsychjekion: now you know in unity all stuff shows in the top panel, there you can find 'edit'07:42
tenXneytiri: and other php placed on the same directory hierarchy works?07:42
kiongot it07:42
lotuspsychjekion: check 'additional drivers' first07:43
neytiriphp in the /var/www works07:43
neytiribut phpmyadmin is aliased and that doenst work07:43
alexxxaHow do I play mms video protocol directly embed in firefox instead of using vlc?07:43
lotuspsychjekion: maybe your broadcom shows in list07:43
Jordan_Ualexxxa: There is a VLC plugin for Firefox.07:43
tenXneytiri: execution bits?07:44
kionok one moment07:44
neytiriall looked correct07:44
neytiriphpmyadmin was insatlled using apt-get install phpmyadmin07:44
alexxxaSo, when I click on link, it opens the windows whos asking for the app to open the protocol07:45
alexxxadoesnt play instantly within the firefox07:45
tenXneytiri: strange07:46
kionit tells me waiting for required medium07:46
lotuspsychjekion: insert your cdrom?07:46
kioncd rom? of what07:46
tenXneytiri: sounds pretty much like a configuration mistake you ran over07:46
lotuspsychjekion: of ubuntu07:46
kioni didnt use a cd rom07:47
kioni used a flash drive07:47
neytiriits the default confoguration and this has happined on every server i have tried iton07:47
lotuspsychjekion: oh yes insert usb then07:47
kionok it isn't doing anything07:48
tenXneytiri: but for php some steps need to be taken07:48
lotuspsychjekion: if you got cable to your laptop you can install from web too07:48
kioninstall ubuntu again?07:48
lotuspsychjekion: no, get your broadcom drivers07:48
kioni dont think they have them for linux07:49
InFlamesso aeon-ltd, any ideas?07:49
lotuspsychjekion:... if you dont think they got it, why do you want help here then?07:50
kionbecause obviously linux supports it but it does not mean the broadcom has a linux download07:50
auronandace!b43 | kion07:51
ubottukion: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:51
Jordan_Ukion: Nobody suggested downloading anything from Broadcom.07:51
kionwhere else would i download the drivers because i can't from software center07:51
lotuspsychjeInFlames: did you check external links on the mac url?07:52
Jordan_Ukion: You can from Software Center.07:52
kionno i can't i just tried it07:52
Jordan_Ukion: You just need to be connected to the internet via other means (like ethernet).07:52
kioni am i just tried it it did not work07:52
Jordan_Ukion: Go to the "Software Sources" section of Software Center and uncheck your Ubuntu install media.07:54
Jordan_Ukion: I would give you more step by step directions but I don't have a machine with Software Center installed at the moment.07:55
kionthere is nothing cheaked i go to addition drivers click install it says waiting for medium07:55
Jordan_Ukion: Please post a screenshot of the "Ubuntu Software" tab of Software Sources.07:56
Jordan_U!screenshot | kion07:56
ubottukion: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.07:56
kvothetechkion: try changing your /etc/apt/sources.list to a url instead of a cd07:58
kioni have no idea how to do that07:58
Jordan_Ukion: It should be easy to solve this via Software Center, if it's not then well walk you through manually editing configuration files.07:59
kvothetechAntar: hi07:59
Antarhow can i install ubuntu in Pre-installed windows 807:59
kionit will not work through software center07:59
kvothetechAntar: in a vm? or in place of?07:59
InFlameslotuspsychje, i guess i just have to dig, crazy this is so undocumented07:59
Antarplace of07:59
bkhlkion: in that case: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine08:00
bkhlShould have everything you need to know and then some.08:00
kvothetechAntar: download an iso of hat you want use something like unetbootin (though i thikn it's broken for later kernels/sysconfigs) to write it to an sio boot to the iso install reboot?08:00
kvothetechInFlames: whats the issue?08:01
lotuspsychjeJordan_U: this might be such warning he gets: http://askubuntu.com/questions/221211/waiting-for-required-medium-software-center08:01
kionit says missing destination file operand after /etc/apt/sources/list/backup08:01
kionwhoops that was . after cources and list08:01
InFlameskvothetech, mac pro doesn't recognize mgr partitioned ubuntu from my pc08:02
Jordan_Ukion: Before you continue with manual editing, did you see my request for a screenshot earlier?08:02
tonyQuestion: I installed wireshark version 1.8.2-1 from a ppa on launcpad for the multiple interface capture reason. Now my problem is the interface which i monitor is up but no ip for the reason is used the the virtualbox VM for bridge interface. the wireshark can't capture packet.but the wireshark in the official ubuntu repo does..may i ask if any solution rather than reverting to official ubuntu repo package08:02
kioni am getting that to you right now08:02
InFlameskvothetech, if anything reminds me never to buy a mac again, it's things like this08:02
kvothetechInFlames: theres about 2 billion other reasons to avoid apple and ms...anyway...so you cant see your partitions?08:03
InFlameskvothetech, i know, this one is literally stopping me from using the machine however…grub starts and it just goes into grub rescue08:04
lotuspsychjetony: maybe the guys from #wireshark know?08:04
kvothetechtony: does it throw the card in promisucous mode monitor mode doesn't get an IP ..it's not supposed to08:05
kvothetechInFlames: kk whats your / partition and /boot? /dev/sda1 and 2?08:06
BerndDasBrothello, i need some help. i have installed ubuntu 13.04 on my laptop. the laptop have a ati x700 graphics card and when i click on the leftupcorner the menu have green stripes08:06
InFlamesanother thing, i was told to purge and reinstall grub, but mount was asking for a filetype, couldn't figure that out08:06
BerndDasBrotsry for my bad english08:06
Jordan_Ukion: That's not the "Software Sources" section of Software Center.08:06
kvothetechInFlames: root(hd0,0) <enter> followed by initrd <your init if you have one> <enter> kernel <your kernel> produces what08:07
InFlameskvothetech, from livecd?08:07
kvothetechInFlames: from the grub rescue08:07
lotuspsychjeBerndDasBrot: i had also issues on ati x800 with screen distortions, did you update your system?08:08
Jordan_Ukvothetech: Command not found because those instructions are wrong in multiple ways.08:08
InFlamesoh let me fire it up08:08
BerndDasBrotthe software actuall thing say me i there is no update left08:08
kvothetechJordan_U: eh what'd i miss08:08
Phryqhey, is there something like a 'task manager' for ubuntu?08:08
Phryqthat allows me to see which programs are running, and shut them down08:08
InFlamesPhryq, system info08:09
kionyes Phryq go to software centre and type in task manager08:09
tenXstarkiller: hi08:09
dr_willisor try htop Phryq  or top08:09
starkilleris there any program that lets me make a sharing folder08:09
dr_willisstarkiller:  a windows share?   right click select share08:09
tenXstarkiller: what kind?08:09
kionthat a better picture Jordan_U08:09
starkillerbut im on xubuntu08:09
Phryqok, I have something called System Monitor, thanks guys08:10
Jordan_Ukvothetech: This is grub2, you're giving instructions which would (almost) work with a functioning grub legacy installation. If InFlames were using grub legacy with the same problem they currently have they would be at a screen saying "error 18" with no input possible at all (no rescue shell).08:10
BerndDasBrotwhat is the reason for the green things in the left upper corner menu?08:10
lotuspsychjeBerndDasBrot: how about additional drivers? can you choose from there?08:10
BerndDasBrotadditional drivers? where? sry im a noob08:10
Jordan_Ukion: Better, yes. Now please post a screenshot of that same window with the "Ubuntu Software" tab selected.08:10
starkilleri seen it on ubuntu but not on xubuntu  XD08:10
BerndDasBrotah in thesoftware actuall thins menu?08:10
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:11
lotuspsychjeBerndDasBrot: software centre/edit/software sources/additional drivers08:11
kvothetechJordan_U: well if he's dumped into a rescue then it's at least almost funtioning08:11
kvothetechJordan_U: or should be08:11
lotuspsychje!info indicator-multiload | Phryq08:11
ubottuPhryq: indicator-multiload (source: indicator-multiload): Graphical system load indicator for CPU, ram, etc.. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 179 kB, installed size 1398 kB08:11
BerndDasBrotno there are no additinal drivers08:12
lotuspsychjeBerndDasBrot: can you take screenshot of that screen distortion?08:12
starkillerlol its kind of silly im sharing my keyboard and mouse betwen  2 diferent computers xD but i cant make a sharing folder XD08:13
histostarkiller: why can't you make a shared directory?08:13
kvothetechstarkiller: ? WHY NOT08:13
lotuspsychjekion: disable the cdrom source, reboot and try again installing broadcom driver08:14
starkillerim on xubuntu when i right click on a folder nothing happends XD08:14
Jordan_Ukion: Great. Have you tried unchecking "CDROM with Ubuntu 13.04 'Raring Ringtail' " ?08:14
dr_willisstarkiller:  between 2 linux boxs or linux and windows?08:14
BerndDasBrotfrom the menu with the green things?08:14
Jordan_Ukion: Just doing that should stop it from asking you to insert a disk08:14
InFlameskvothetech, weirdly enough, now i just get a blinking cursor, maybe something has completely broke the system now08:14
lotuspsychjeBerndDasBrot: yes so we get an idea of what it actually is08:14
starkilleri have 10 computers so ill be nice to linux and windows xD08:14
histo!samba | starkiller08:15
ubottustarkiller: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:15
kionwill try08:15
BerndDasBrothow should i sendyou this?08:15
tenXstarkiller: better start with one08:15
lotuspsychjestarkiller: you the guy that wanted to install ubuntu server right08:15
kioni uncheck it and i don't even have an option to download it08:15
lotuspsychje!screenshot | BerndDasBrot08:15
ubottuBerndDasBrot: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.08:15
dr_willisstarkiller:  you will want to read up on samba then08:16
starkilleryea XD but i dont think im gonna have the time to do that so ill just make sharing folders and stuff XD08:16
lotuspsychjestarkiller: did you succeed installing ubuntu server last time?08:17
starkillerill reasearch samba XD thankyou dr will :)08:17
dr_willissamba can do more then just simple shares08:17
starkilleri did:P but i did it on a virtual computer XD08:17
tenXstarkiller: no time no gain08:17
dr_willisstarkiller:  look into ssh and winscp on windows also08:17
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kionwhat do i do now?08:18
starkillerwow everyone its so helpfull today XD thank you XD08:19
histostarkiller: wth is XD?08:19
tenXstarkiller: surprisingly08:19
lotuspsychjekion: if you unchecked software source, try a reboot and retry install broadcom driver08:19
lotuspsychje*cdrom source08:20
kionwill do08:20
starkillerXD its my happy face, after years of chatting on msn messanger XD i cant get ridoff it :P08:20
Phryqhey, so I close TorChat, then when I try to open it again I get "Something, probably another TorChat instance, is already listening at You must create another profile using different ports to be able to start TorChat a second time."08:21
BerndDasBroti havealso another question. how can i deactivate the music search08:21
tonylotuspsychje, : thanks for the response i already post the same message in the wireshark channel but still no responce..08:21
histoPhryq: aparently torchat is still running. Try: ps aux | grep torchat08:21
PhryqI tried closing "tor"using the system monitor, and can't find any process that looks like it might be TorChat08:22
alexxxaHow to hide skype call recorder from system tray?08:22
lotuspsychjetony: oh ok, you can re-ask your issue once in a while in chat, someone might answer it08:22
rypervenchealexxxa: You can't.08:22
rypervenchealexxxa: Not that I know of at least.08:22
Phryqhisto, here's my output, http://pastie.org/792497908:23
alexxxaThere must be a way always. It´s open source :D08:23
BerndDasBrothow can i deactivate the music search08:23
c2tarunHi friends, I remember few years back there was a feature in Ubuntu that when I put my pointer over a song it starts playing till I keep my pointer there. How can I get that feature in Ubuntu 13.04?08:23
tonykvothetech, :Tnx for the responce, Yup in the wireshark option interface i can enable promiscous mode..08:23
histoPhryq: kill 6693    if you want the other instance to die08:23
Phryq"bash: kill: (6693) - No such process"08:24
kioni restarted it did not work08:24
histoc2tarun: that was part of nautilus... a preview feature it isn't there in your file browser?08:24
c2tarunhisto, I don't think so. Let me chk again08:24
lotuspsychjeBerndDasBrot: you can install unity tweak tool for tweaking your system08:24
PhryqI accidentally killed 7794 though; hope it wasn't too important! ;)08:25
lotuspsychjekion: you get same medium error on trying the broadcom install?08:25
c2tarunhisto, well at least song is not playing when I am putting pointer over it.08:25
histoPhryq: perhaps it's dead already then..  ps aux | grep torchat08:25
c2tarunhisto, do you have this feature?08:25
histoc2tarun: in the dash or in the file browser?08:25
c2tarunhisto, in file browser08:26
kionit says it downloads all the way but then the device says its not working properly08:26
Phryq"q         7699  0.0  0.0  13580   956 pts/1    S+   11:26   0:00 grep --color=auto torchat"08:26
histoc2tarun: I don't have 13.04 to test right now.08:26
histoPhryq: you're good now it's not running08:27
Phryqso I guess I should kill 7699?08:27
BerndDasBrotbut how can i disablethe music search08:27
histoPhryq: no 7699 is the grep pid08:27
histo!kill | Phryq08:27
ubottuPhryq: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:27
lotuspsychjekion: so you been able to install the driver?08:27
c2tarunhisto, hmm.... which version are you on? and is it working there?08:27
Phryqbut I'm stil getting that same error when I try to run it08:27
histoc2tarun: currently not using ubuntu.08:27
lotuspsychjekion: can you pickup new wifi connections?08:28
histoc2tarun: http://askubuntu.com/questions/64968/how-do-i-enable-mp3-preview08:28
kionit doesn't even register a wifi period08:28
lotuspsychjekion: you see the wifi icon?08:29
kionno there is not one08:29
lotuspsychjekion: you might need a specific b43 driver08:29
lotuspsychje!b43 | kion08:30
ubottukion: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:30
BerndDasBrothowcan i make a screenshot?08:30
starkillerOmg i had this gigolo, i just typed my ip adress and open in Thunar 1.6.2 my other computer xD this is great no need for a server xD08:30
c2tarunhisto, I think that'l solve my problem :) thanks a lot08:30
histolotuspsychje: more like firmware for the driver that is currently running08:30
kionhow would i find that08:31
histoc2tarun: you may find a newer answer searching askubuntu08:31
histokion: what version of ubuntu are you running?08:31
c2tarunhisto,  okay, I'll search for mp3 preview in askubuntu08:31
BerndDasBrothow to take screenshot?08:32
histokion: system settings > software sources > hardware driver (tab)08:32
c2tarunBerndDasBrot, PrintScrn08:32
histoBerndDasBrot: print screen button08:32
kionok let me get there08:33
kionthere is not a harddrive tab08:33
histokion: hardware08:35
robottino sound on ubuntu 13.04 over HDMI!08:35
kionno hardware either08:35
histokion: system settings > hardware  ??? They keep moving it around in each version08:35
c2tarunhisto, yeah, there is no hardware, what are you suggesting him for?08:36
kionnope no hardware08:36
InFlameskvothetech, i fixed it with the refit partition manager08:36
histokion: in a terminal try jockey-gtk08:36
lotuspsychje!yay | InFlames08:36
ubottuInFlames: Glad you made it! :-)08:36
histoc2tarun: where the stupid additional drivers application got moved to08:36
c2tarunhisto, its by the name of additional drivers :)08:37
c2tarunat same place08:37
histoc2tarun: Good they moved it back now... with a different name.08:37
histokion: do you have an option there to add firmware for your broadcom card?08:37
BerndDasBrotthe screenshot doesnt work:(08:38
robottidoes anybody know why no sound on ubuntu 13.04 using HDMI?08:38
histo!sound | robotti08:38
ubotturobotti: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:38
* c2tarun think that Ubuntu is surviving so much change because its used by the people who are ready to adapt to something new. Digg and Windows 8 is perfect example of Canonical doing wrong.08:38
kionsays command not found and i dont know08:38
histokion: system settings > Additional drivers08:38
histokion: or hit the dash key and start typing driver08:39
histodeathmager: hola08:39
robottihisto: it does not help08:39
deathmageri need help.. can someone teach me how to use irc08:39
histodeathmager: /j #help08:39
deathmagertotally new here08:39
histodeathmager: well this is a channel for ubuntu support08:40
BerndDasBrotcan you help me without picture?08:40
histo!who | BerndDasBrot08:40
ubottuBerndDasBrot: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:40
robottiubuntu settings cannot show hdmi output after update08:40
historobotti: what video drivers are you using?08:40
kionnothing shows up08:40
BerndDasBrotoh sry08:40
histokion: what broadcom chipset do you have?08:41
robottihisto: nvidia08:41
kion4311 802.11 g/b08:41
=== mlen_ is now known as mattack108
robottihisto: it worked well on ubuntu 12.10, but after update to 13.04 hdmi outputs are gone.08:42
histokion: lspci -vvnn | grep 14e408:42
kiondoesnt work tried it08:42
historobotti: How did you install your nvidia driver from the repo or from nvidia.com?08:42
histokion: what's that?08:42
robottihisto: xorg-edgers08:42
robottihisto: it is same with all drivers08:43
robottihisto: and it is common problem08:43
kionlspci -vvnn | grep 14e408:43
robottihisto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213920608:43
historobotti: make sure you are currently using an nvidia driver, and also check alsamixer and switch outputs08:43
histokion: it had no output?08:43
sarge1221Does anyone know away to make the 12.04 GUI have a entry area so we can type in folder paths and navigate to them?08:43
Ben64sarge1221: ctrl+l ?08:44
BerndDasBrot@histo what can i do when there are in the left upper corner green shapes when i click to the button08:44
robottihisto: it is broken with radeon, nvidia and also intel hardware08:44
robottihdmi output08:44
histoBerndDasBrot: use the dash key instead to install the drivers you need.08:44
robottihisto: I am using nvidia driver08:44
robottihisto: and I already checked alsamixer08:45
historobotti: what's aplay -L show?08:45
BerndDasBrot@histo what do you mean?08:45
histokion: output from the command: lspci -vvnn | grep 14e408:45
histoBerndDasBrot: What type of video card do you have?08:45
leeweesmy ubuntu doesn't boot because of some intramfs error.  it goes to busybox when i select ubuntu on grub screen08:45
BerndDasBrot@histo a very old amd x70008:45
leeweesanyone know how to fix this?08:45
histo!ati | BerndDasBrot08:45
ubottuBerndDasBrot: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:45
robottihisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5676537/08:45
histoleewees: what's the error?08:45
kioncommand not found08:46
leeweeshisto, it just goes to a busybox shell and says (intramfs)08:46
leeweesit doesn't boot, i guess it doesn't find the kernel or something, i dunno08:47
histokion: make sure you are typing it properly08:47
BerndDasBrot@histo i determinate the graphics card (Mobility Radeon X700)08:47
robottihisto: what you think?08:48
historobotti: well hdmi is there you just have to choose it as an output with either an asoundrc or with whatever mixer you are using.08:48
robottihisto: I am using pulseaudio08:48
histoBerndDasBrot: follow the instructions from ubottu08:48
robottihisto: but it just does not show up there08:49
historobotti: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio/Examples#HDMI_output_configuration  Check this section out and runt hat test08:49
histokion: any luck?08:50
kionit says ethernet controller (0200): broadcom corporation bcm4401-b0 100base-tx [14e4:170c] (rev0208:50
histokion: 170c hrm...08:50
kionnetwork controller (0280) broadcom corproation bcm4311 802.11b/g WLAN {14e4:4311)08:51
joker_i just compiled something in g++, and when I want to run the executable it doesn't do anything at all ._.08:51
joker_am I supposed to run it from the terminal every single time? can't it open a window by itself?08:51
Jordan_Ukion: Please run "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal, then go back to the hardware drivers tab and I expect you will see options for your card again.08:52
histokion: do you have internet access?08:52
histokion: if so sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter  should pull the proper firmware08:52
robottihisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5676549/08:52
robottihisto: it does not work08:52
kioni have the firmware downloaded it isnt working08:53
historobotti: I have no idea what language that is08:53
robottihisto: finnish08:53
histokion: try what jordan_u said perhaps you need the sta driver08:54
kioni did08:54
histokion: and what did additonal drivers say?08:54
robottihisto: Error opening audio: There is not device08:54
robottithere are no device08:54
robottibasically not working with this kernel08:55
historobotti: try with sudo08:56
joker_how can I get the current path in nautilus?08:56
histokion: nothing where?08:56
histojoker_: ctrl+l08:56
kionadditional drivers08:56
histokion: Nothing is showing at all?08:56
Jordan_Ukion: Did you see my latest suggestion?08:57
histokion: did you apt-get update?08:57
joker_yay everything works with full path :D08:57
kionno no amd yes08:57
histokion: paste the output of lscpi -k08:57
robottihisto: no difference08:57
histo!paste | kion08:57
ubottukion: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:57
historobotti: very strange08:57
robottihisto: it is not. it is common problem with hdmi08:57
historobotti: I'm at a loss perhaps try some of the suggestions fromt he sound troubleshooting guide then I guess.08:58
kioni cant now no internet is working on it08:58
kionwait maybe i know a way08:58
historobotti: I fought with getting hdmi sound output working with debian also. I eneded up having to create a asoundrc file if I remember correctly. But aplay should be letting you play to the device.08:58
robottihisto: it is known kernel bug with shipped ubuntu 13.0408:59
histokion: how exactly did you run apt-get update with no internet then?  I was under the impression that you had internet via wire etc...08:59
historobotti: okay then why ask in here if you already know it's a bug?08:59
calamityHullo all. Does anyone know if Unity is going to remain the default installation?08:59
Jordan_Uhisto: At first Hardware Drivers was showing a "driver" available 9whcn kion first came in) but it couldn't install it because when kion tried to install it they were asked to insert a CD. After unchecking the CD in the software sources they no longer see "drivers" available. My guess is that the drivers are not listed because apt sees no packages available at all, as the CD entry has been removed and the available packages from ...08:59
kioni had it and then it was gone09:00
Jordan_U... the internet based repositories aren't known because a succcessfull "apt-get update" has not happened yet.09:00
robottihisto: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/116976109:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1169984 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "duplicate for #1169761 3.8.0-18 HDMI audio regression: Either oops or opening device fails with -ENODEV" [High,Fix committed]09:00
robottihisto: I am been waiting for two weeks to working kernel with hdmi output09:01
robottiworking hdmi output09:01
Jordan_Uhisto: So while I have to leave now, I think that you should continue pursuing the "apt-get update" angle until you're sure that the process has completed successfully (and that the needed repositories are enabled).09:01
historobotti: so what is your question?09:01
histoJordan_U: Yes I know.09:01
robottihisto: how to fix audio?09:01
historobotti: Read the bug09:02
robottiI already did09:02
Jordan_Uhisto: Thanks, figured you did :)09:02
joker_should I buy an nvidia or ati card?09:02
robottiAnd I am not able to find solution and that why I am asking help.09:02
joker_I mean I have an ATI one but the driver is for an ancient kernel version and09:03
joker_I am afraid that they'll deprecate my new card as well09:03
joker_so I want to be safe >.<09:03
robottihisto: how to install older kernel?09:03
robottihisto: 3.8.0-1709:03
robottibecause it seems to be working there.09:03
historobotti: Is this a new install or did you upgrade to 13.04?09:04
robottiI did upgrade09:04
robottifrom 12.1009:04
historobotti: then you should have older kernels available in grub09:04
historobotti: hold shift while booting and select an older kernel from the grub menu and confirm that he problem is solved.09:04
robottifrom release 12.10?09:04
histoI have to go also09:04
kioni have all the broadcom stuff downloaded it still doesnt work09:05
robottihisto: I booted with 3.5.0-30 kernel. and hdmi is working :)09:07
robottiso it is kernel bug09:07
robottiand same bug is bugging me also intel and radeon hardware09:07
robottiI think it is critical bug09:07
dr_willis 09:11
dr_willisif you mean the hdmi audio bug. its a known issue09:11
dr_willisi used a 3.9 kernel and got mine working09:12
entrahey everybody09:13
entrajust installed 13.04 on my netbook to try it out and it works pretty great09:13
Phryqhey, is there a way to send audio output to my windows phone through bluetooth?09:14
entrajust have a noob question09:14
PhryqI want to plug speakers into my phone, and in essence turn my speakers into wireless speakers09:14
dr_willisPhryq:  to play music or you want all sounds?09:14
entrais there a way to put icons on the desktop besides dragging them?  doesn't seen to work to drag them onto dekstop09:14
Phryqto play music and watch movies09:15
dr_willisentra:  icons for what? put them in the Desktop directory perhaps09:15
Antari have a problem in installing ubuntu in pre-installed windows 809:16
Antari cant boot through the usb09:16
entrajust program icons, I can't seem to copy past any from software center to desktop or directory :/09:16
dr_willisentra:  find the apps .desktop launcher file and copy it to youe Desktop directory09:17
dr_willisbut having lots of icons on the desktop is just... clutterd  ;)09:17
Antari have a problem in installing ubuntu in pre-installed windows 8 , i cant boot through the usb09:17
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/09:17
InFlamesanyone know how to get netflix working with the updated silverlight?09:18
dr_willis'through the usb'  means what?09:18
ubottuIf you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop09:18
Antarfrom usb sorry09:18
InFlamesdr_willis, that one has ceased functioning for me, i believe due to the silverlight update09:18
dr_willisAntar:  and how did you make the usb? and what does it do exactly?09:18
entradr_willis : thx, will try that09:18
InFlamesi will check the bug reports09:18
AleXahow to remove some app icon from xfce panel09:19
dr_willisInFlames:  i imagine they will update it soon then.09:19
InFlamesi hope so, it makes me sad, it was great, then microsoft forced an update :[09:19
Antardr_willis i created the live usb by lili usb creator09:19
dr_willisAntar:  try a different tool perhaps09:19
dr_willispendrivelinux has alternatives09:19
Antari tried09:20
Antari tried unetbootin and pendrivelinux09:20
Phryqwill it hurt for me to just experiment installing things like "bluetooth support" etc?09:21
Antardr_willis i think windows 8 cause the probleme09:21
peyamWhat is the best music player for linux which I can control the base and other stuff with. not just the valume?09:21
dr_willisAntar:  i dont use windows8 so no idea on that09:21
rigowhat if i install to a 12.10 a raring 3.9 kernel?09:22
dr_willispeyam:  many of them have web interface/controls09:22
peyamdr_willis: yes but they are very simple. I m looking for something like Winamp.09:22
dr_willisi rhink theres a systemwide  mixer in some ppa's09:22
Phryqpeyam, VLC09:23
peyamPhryq: no base controll and stuff09:23
Phryqthere's an EQ09:23
peyamwhat is EQ?09:23
Phryqclick the button on the bottem panel that looks like 3 crosses/Ts09:24
Solstickamsg hello all09:24
Phryqpeyam, It's a thing that lets you control bass, treble, etc09:24
Phryqbut gives you a lot more details09:24
peyamI feel so stupif09:24
FloodBot1peyam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:24
peyamthank you sir09:24
PhryqI ask stupid questions all the time; I'm glad I can help someone09:25
mauihow do i make ubuntu stop blackening the screen after inactivity?09:25
mauii want the screen on all the time09:25
=== bitbyte is now known as Bitbyte
peyamPower option? maui09:25
Phryqyou probly don't want to raise the 60hz too much though09:25
rigoand can someone answer my stupid question? :)09:25
mauipeyam, i already set that on09:25
Phryqgo more around the 100 hz option09:25
peyamrigo: what was your question?09:25
kionis there a way to make your FN keys work on ubuntu09:25
dr_williskion:  mine all work09:26
rigoamm.. what if i install the 3.9 kernel to a 12.10 ubuntu?09:26
peyamkion: My fn keys work perfectly. but I use xubuntu09:26
kionmine do not09:26
peyamrigo: I have 3.5.... and it works fine09:26
rigoi had 3.6.3 (seems the latest quantal for me) and it was just fine. but i like to be up to date :D09:27
alexxxafolks, please, anyone who can give me the hint. How do I remove some icon app from xfce panel? Google says that I have to edit some particular file of an installed app, if no GUI option. This is 3 minute job, which would save me an hour of unnecesery searching09:27
peyamI have 3.5.0-30 and I updated it yestarday. haha09:27
dr_willisi got 3.9 in quantal ;)09:27
mauianyone here has free timeto create a linux version (much more simplified) the windows program ''infomagic''?09:27
peyamalexxxa: you go to .desktop files09:27
rigobut im not sure that 3.9 kernel is 100% compatible with the fgrlx09:28
dr_willismaui:  and infomagic does what?09:28
kiongreat now it won't even detect my wired connection anyone know how to fix this09:28
rigocause ubuntu 13.04 + fglrx brings vsync error and 100% cpu usage09:28
mauiits a simple thing but it helps a lot with organisation to prepare an essay with quotes09:29
mauii was told to try wine09:29
peyamalexxxa: give me a minut. Ive done it before. let me remember. do you want to remove it from Setting Manager or what panel?09:29
mauibut its too complicated for me09:29
dr_williswine  thewindowsapp.exe   is complicated?09:29
mauihow do i sudo that?:)09:29
peyamalexxxa: /usr/share/applications09:30
dr_willissudo? you dont use sudo with wine..09:30
jrtappersCan a casio fx-9750GII be programmed and communicated with on ubuntu?09:30
usr13maui: You don't09:30
Bitbytehey guys any one got any good resources for setting up a domain using active directory on ubuntu or can it not be done09:31
jrtappersBitbyte, Why? There may be a better way to achieve it09:31
peyamjrtappers: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4423963/casio-basic-programming09:31
BitbyteI'm looking to setup a domain but right now ubuntus already on the server so its either go off an install server 2008 or try on ubuntu09:32
jrtapperspeyam, That seems windows based, am I reading it wrong09:32
peyamjrtappers: sorry09:33
jrtapperspeyam, No need, trying to help is important, and any help is good.09:33
jrtappersBitbyte, googling now, does it have to be AD?09:34
peyamjrtappers: I not finding anything im sorry. What do you want to program in it?09:35
Bitbyteive been doing the same but not finding too much on it, just wanting to build a fully functional network possible to a corporate standard09:35
beginner_hi. i'm trying to get a dual monitor setup to work in ubuntu 13.04 (unity) with two separate desktops at two different resolutions. is there a way to do it? extending one desktop to cover both displays works well, but looks bad because of the same resolution on different displays.09:35
jrtapperspeyam, I can do programming :D Its getting it to talk to ubuntu thats the problem09:35
peyambeginner_: ubuntu or xubuntu?09:35
dr_willisbeginner_:  what video card?09:35
peyambeginner_: use andr09:35
dr_willisi can set different res on my nvidia monitors09:36
jrtappersBitbyte, Whats the network like?09:36
peyamjrtappers: :)09:36
Bitbytewell at the moment its a small home network just a router and wireless router with server and several devices attached. but to get better with networks and corporate infrastructure I'm gunner try build my own09:37
beginner_peyam: ubuntu, unity. dr_willis: amd radeon (7970). tried to set up "multi-desktop" layout in catalyst control center, but it made one screen "disabled" so that the ubuntu system setting thingy couldn't detect it anymore ...09:37
jrtappersbeginner_, CCC is odd, Try to use it only for changing the desktop size combined09:38
beginner_jrtappers: alright. but how do i achieve what i want then?09:38
jrtappersbeginner_, The display settings gives a lot of control, and you can change the res09:39
beginner_jrtappers: the "default" ubuntu settings thing?09:39
jrtappersbeginner_, Yes, its less buggy and glichy than CCC09:39
jrtappersBitbyte, Sorry for the delay, For a simple server I find Zentyal good09:40
pero_phi, assume i have downloading a torrent file. if i run an upgrade for libtorrent(the torrent downloader uses libtorrent) what happens? do the download corrupt or restart or what?!09:40
Bitbyteill give it a god09:40
Bitbytethanks anyway09:40
jrtappersBitbyte, The free version is good, its based on ubuntu09:41
beginner_jrtappers: i always get "The selected configuration for displays could not be applied: required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(3600, 1080), minimum=(320, 200), maximum=(3360, 1680)", like about a million others. i tried to google that message, didn't find a solution.09:41
pero_pbeginner_, what a big display LOL09:42
beginner_jrtappers: but it seems like it doesn't want different resolutions, but only twice the same one.09:42
jrtappersbeginner_, You have a virtual "Desktop" and your screens, they are put together to give the "Desktop"09:42
beginner_pero_p: one 22 inc and one 24 inch display. not too extraordinary i think?09:42
pero_pm4jid, salam :D09:42
m4jidi have dell latitude e6500 with broadcom wireless chipser09:42
jrtappersbeginner_, Changing the Size of the desktop is the only reason I use CCC09:42
pero_pbeginner_, yeah09:42
m4jidi installed broadcom sta driver but not working everytime i boot up?!!09:43
beginner_jrtappers: yes, and i want two separate desktops. that seems like the only way to get two separate resolutions running. extending one desktop to cover two monitors is not a problem, but looks very bad.09:43
jrtappersbeginner_, two desktops is odd to use, you want two screens of different sizes, change it in CCC to big sizes, then to normal in Displays09:44
m4jidany help ?09:44
pero_pm4jid, maybe you should disable default ubuntu driver and enable your current installed driver?@09:44
lnxntI booted an ubuntu live cd on a desktop computer with three sata disks, but they don't appear in /dev/s** - ubuntu 6.06. What is the problem? The disks are all fine by the way.09:44
jrtapperslnxnt, Typo?09:45
dr_willislnxnt:  6.06? egads09:45
pero_phi, assume i have downloading a torrent file. if i run an upgrade for libtorrent(the torrent downloader uses libtorrent) what happens? do the download corrupt or restart or what?!09:45
dr_willisthats a 7 yr old os....09:45
qwebirc255852greetings, is it possible to to specify a DNS server per IP range/route ? I have my LAN, a WIFI-WAN, and internet. The WIFI-WAN connents to a WUG and they have their own domain names (somesite.ptawag = 172.x.y.z). So I want all connections 172.x.y.z/16 to use DNS, and the rest to use my ISP DNS. thanks in advance09:45
jrtapperspero_p, Depends, I would wait till it finnishes09:45
dr_willispero_p:  Ive never seen it being an issue09:46
lnxntdr_willis: don't know the disk was lying around and I needed some "dd" so I just booted that. Wasn't there any sata 7 years ago? ;)09:46
dr_willislnxnt:  I dont think so09:46
Bitbytejrtappers: zentyal looks good but includes a full reinstall, would have thought ubuntu server has these feautres09:46
lnxntoh ok ^^09:46
lnxnthmm well is there a way to get it working?09:46
jrtappersBitbyte, It probably does, but Zentyal makes it a lot easier :D and09:46
Bitbytehahah fair do's09:47
pero_pjrtappers, tnx09:47
beginner_jrtappers: i'll try that again. but last time i tried setting different resolution for both screens in CCC, it automatically changed the "mode" to "multiple desktops" (where previously it was "one desktop over multiple screens"), then after rebooting, ubuntu system settings didn't detect the second display at all ...09:47
jrtappersBitbyte, Its based on ubuntu, so you can transfer your knowledge09:47
pero_pdr_willis, i just wanted to know how linux handle these situations09:47
jrtapperspero_p, This is not about linux as much as the program your using09:48
m4jidany help ?09:48
sarge1221One more random question but is there anyway to install Japanese character support for vlc music player? Anything with them show up as squares. :(09:48
dr_willispero_p:  i imagine the old libs stay in ram untill the ap exits09:48
jrtappersm4jid, Does it work at any time?09:48
jrtappersm4jid, What do you do to get it to work?09:48
Bitbytejrtappers: I'm gunner take a look at this http://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-setup-ubuntu-business-box-server-ubb-part-1 and then try zentyal later09:48
m4jidi just install from Hardware drivers in ubuntu09:49
jrtappersBitbyte, Ok09:49
m4jidsometime it works and sometimes not09:49
jrtappersm4jid, is it working now?09:49
m4jidi think maybe the driver is blacklisted?09:49
m4jidno :(09:49
Bitbytethe business box looks like a good setup09:49
pero_pdr_willis, i'm thinking like you, but testing it with a 10GB downloaded torrent would cause crying... :D09:50
jrtappersBitbyte, Webmin is useful09:50
jrtappersm4jid, try lsusb and lspci, see if it shows up09:50
kennyngstondoes anyone know why do i have two laptop screens by default in xubuntu?09:50
minaswhen I hibernate my laptop and then resume, the bluetooth indicator dissappears. is there a way to fix this?09:51
m4jidlsusb :Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0a5c:5801 Broadcom Corp.09:51
m4jidjrtappers, lspci: 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)09:52
mauii downloaded infomagic.exe, and wine09:52
jrtappersdmesg | grep "wlan0"09:52
mauiwhat am i supposed to do now?09:52
jrtappersmaui, What are you doing?09:52
m4jidjrtappers, i have this in /etc/modeprobe.d/blacklist.conf:# replaced by b43 and ssb.09:52
m4jidblacklist bcm43xx09:52
m4jidlast time when wifi works it detected as eth1 !!!09:53
mauiit worked:)09:53
jrtappersm4jid, That is odd09:53
mauinevermind, i figured it09:53
jrtappersm4jid, try removing bcm43 from blacklist09:54
m4jidyou mean bcm43xx09:54
jrtappersm4jid, yeah09:54
m4jidcan please chek this link plz09:56
jrtappersno info on casio09:56
jrtappersm4jid, What happened with the command I asked you to run?09:57
m4jidwhich command ?09:57
jrtappersdmesg | grep "wlan0"09:57
m4jidremove from blacklist?09:57
m4jid2jrtappers, its me i have to restart my latptop09:58
jrtappersm4jid2, ok09:58
jrtappersm4jid2, Did that command return anything?09:59
kennyngstonguys, are there any stable solution for hybrid graphics for ubuntu for ati/intel graphics?09:59
m4jid2no because this morning i was angry with driver and just remove it :p let me install it again09:59
jrtapperskennyngston, I tried, I couldn't, tell me if you manage!10:00
oooaaaoooo1hi guys i need some help using brctl to bridge my wlan0 to br0 but it says operation not supported10:00
jrtappersoooaaaoooo1, Is that a bridge to a bridge?10:00
oooaaaoooo1jrtappers: br0 is the bridge and wlan0 is my wireless interface which is (connected to a wifi router)10:01
jrtappersoooaaaoooo1, Are you trying to share wifi over ethernet?10:02
oooaaaoooo1jrtappers: im trying to get qemu to access the internet via a bridge10:02
devjustforfun_i have a problem with recovery oem mode of my netbook. i was installed ubuntu as a dual boot operation system. and after that f9 key press before GRUB not do anything. But my recovery partition still exist. Any help or suggestion?10:03
jrtappersoooaaaoooo1, Usualy you bridge two interfaces, I havent delt with qemu much10:04
oooaaaoooo1jrtappers: im following this http://linux-tips-wastland.blogspot.com.au/2010/10/vde-and-qemu.html10:04
jrtappersoooaaaoooo1, Why qwmu over virtualbox?10:05
oooaaaoooo1jrtappers: lol good question. im familiarizing myself with it10:06
jrtappersoooaaaoooo1, Ok10:06
kennyngstonjrtappers: http://askubuntu.com/questions/205112/how-do-i-get-amd-intel-hybrid-graphics-drivers-to-work10:07
kennyngstonhave you tried that?10:07
jrtapperskennyngston, Oh, I meant on desktop, with integrated and a card :S10:07
kennyngstonthats easier. you got yourself a hardware mux10:08
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
jrtapperskennyngston, At the same time10:09
rigowhich kernel do u suggest on 12.10 anyway? (the tevii s471 doesnt works fine with 3.5) is 3.6.3 the latest stable for quantal?10:09
lotuspsychjedevjustforfun_: what do you want to fix?10:09
jrtappersOpen Driver + Closed Driver = Problem10:09
devjustforfun_<lotuspsychje> i want to install fresh windows 7 from my recovery partition and after that install fresh ubuntu.10:10
jrtappersIs there a wine USB pass through?10:11
jrtappersActually, that wouldnt work, ubuntu doesnt see it :S10:11
bekksjrtappers: no.10:11
lotuspsychjedevjustforfun_: are you sure you did not wipe the w7 recovery partition?10:11
namoamitabuddhaIs there any lightweight tool to view .ps files?10:11
devjustforfun_<lotuspsychje> but my recovery mode right know broken when i press f9 nothing happened. but my recovery partition still exist.10:11
lotuspsychjedevjustforfun_: can you still enter grub?10:12
devjustforfun_<lotuspsychje> yes i have the RECOVERY partision of 20GB.10:12
devjustforfun_<lotuspsychje> yes i can enter to grub10:12
devjustforfun_<lotuspsychje> but in grub i cant see my recovery boot10:13
jrtappersHow do I get info on what is happening on usb ports10:13
lotuspsychjedevjustforfun_: maybe do a sudo update-grub10:13
jrtappersI want to know if it sees something, its missing from lsusb10:13
bekksjrtappers: Using wine - no chance.10:13
bekksjrtappers: If its missing from lsusb, check dmesg.10:14
jrtappersbekks, nothing10:14
jrtappersbekks, hard to see in all the errors10:14
devjustforfun_<lotuspsychje> i was try that but grub not found my partition.10:15
bekksjrtappers: Pastebin the entire output of dmesg please.10:15
devjustforfun_<lotuspsychje> * recovery partition boot loader10:15
m4jid2jrtappers, ok i reinstalled sta driver , remove it from blacklist.conf10:15
lotuspsychjedevjustforfun_: might be interesting to pastebin your fstab output here10:15
m4jid2rfkill list all said that my wlan0 not blocked10:16
m4jid2iwconfig and ifconfig still know my wlan as eth1!!!10:16
suriodevjustforfun_: Are you able to log into ubuntu and windows ?10:16
m4jid2and ubuntu network manager cannot detect my wireless !!10:16
surioin their existing state ?10:16
bekksm4jid2: The name of the interface is irrelevant. The name is chosen by the driver.10:16
m4jid2bekks, not problem but it not working10:16
jrtappersbekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5676727/10:17
m4jid2my driver installed without problem but i still dont have wifi connection10:17
jrtappersm4jid2, is it still blacklisted?10:17
bekksm4jid2: That does not depend on the name. And which driver did you install, and how did you do it?10:17
lotuspsychjedevjustforfun_:how about you single boot ubuntu and loose w7 for good :p10:17
bekksjrtappers: Did you pastebin your dmesg output yet?10:18
suriodevjustforfun_: Are you able to log into ubuntu and windows in its present state ?10:18
m4jid2broadcom sta driver i installed it from ubuntu repo from Hardware Driver GUI interface in ubuntu 10.0410:18
devjustforfun_<lotuspsychje> it's good but windows 7 need for test site looking in many browsers10:18
bekksm4jid2: So you are on 10.04 yet?10:18
rigoto be more specific...10:19
jrtappersbekks, sent you link10:19
rigowhich one should i choose the 3.6.0 or the 3.6.3?10:19
jrtappersbekks, <jrtappers> bekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5676727/10:19
michael1how can i download movies here/10:19
bekksrigo: For what?10:19
lotuspsychje!warez | michael110:19
ubottumichael1: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o10:19
=== michael1 is now known as xfer
suriodevjustforfun_: If you can log into windows, try making a recovery media using the recovery media creator software (usually) supplied by the oem10:19
surio^^ either on usb or dvd10:20
jrtappersDoes that include playing DVD's?10:20
devjustforfun_<lotuspsychje>  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6dt1tenzhn2tvhw/0cDwSi0ht110:20
suriodevjustforfun_: http://pastie.org is preferred10:20
rigofor ubuntu 12.10 and xbmc frodo.10:20
jrtappersbekks, Its a casio programmable calculator10:21
devjustforfun_<surio> problem is that in windows my gui not loaded10:21
devjustforfun_<surio> and i don't know how software for recovery named10:21
surioHow far can you boot before it fails10:21
surioWindows 7 ?10:21
bekksjrtappers: And whats the output of lsusb?10:21
jrtappersbekks, Nothing for it10:22
devjustforfun_<surio> 2 weeks ago10:22
devjustforfun_<surio> finish my work not correctly and it's broken after that10:22
bekksjrtappers: I guess its in lines 691-69310:23
lotuspsychjedevjustforfun_: i think what surio means is how far can your computer boot windows, until it crash10:23
suriodevjustforfun_: Q1) Windows 7 ?  Q2) lotuspsychje explained if for me. lotuspsychje Thanks mate10:24
lotuspsychjesurio: his w7 partition doesnt show in fstab10:24
devjustforfun_lotuspsychje no i have w7 partision10:24
bekkslotuspsychje: Why should it?10:24
devjustforfun_<lotuspsychje> but i haven't windows 7 recovery partition.10:25
lotuspsychjedevjustforfun_: you just told me you have a 20gig recovery partition?10:25
bekksdevjustforfun_: Then you deleted it, or the manufacturer did you create it.10:25
devjustforfun_<lotuspsychje> i have one and but i can't boot to recovery mode of that partition.10:26
devjustforfun_<lotuspsychje> i have an access to windows 7 command line10:27
suriodevjustforfun_: type sudo fdisk -l and paste the output to http://pastie.org and share here10:27
bekksdevjustforfun_: Because a recovery partition is not used for recovery booting - it holds the images to be burned to dvd, e.g.10:27
jrtappersbekks I don't think its an intel hub10:27
suriobekks, lotuspsychje Let him paste fdisk -l values, then we can let him take a course of action10:28
bekkssurio: I dont see any action to take in repairing windows in here.10:28
jrtappers2bekks, This is jrtappers, network went odd10:28
lotuspsychjebekks: we can support dualboot right?10:28
bekkslotuspsychje: Sure we can. But he is struggling with a non-booting windows which crashes at booting into the GUI. Thats avwindows issue.10:29
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rigonevermind i install the 3.6.3 i used thatone before. until the fglrx driver will be compatible with the 13.04/13.1010:30
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devjustforfun_/dev/sda1              63    45062324    22531131   1c  Hidden W95 FAT32 (LBA) that my recovery partition i think.10:31
suriodevjustforfun_: You can use a tool like GParted to extract the contents of /dev/sda110:31
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surioas an img file. Then you write it to a DVD/CD and try booting from that10:31
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bekkssurio: That willnot work.10:32
surioIf that is your recovery partition, it will automatically take you through the motions10:32
lotuspsychjedevjustforfun_: and you can join ##windows to recovery help10:32
suriobekks: Not? Why ?10:32
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bekkssurio: _Because it is not holding a bootable dvd image.10:32
lotuspsychje!dualboot | devjustforfun_10:32
ubottudevjustforfun_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:32
suriobekks: He might as will try iy10:33
suriotry it10:33
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devjustforfun_extract information from /dev/sda1  it's 20 GB how can i write it to cd/dvd10:34
bekksdevjustforfun_: You cant.10:34
devjustforfun_maybe i should write something in GRUB configuration to add loader to recovery10:35
bekksdevjustforfun_: First, you have to know how to use that recovery partition. ##windows might help.10:35
suriodevjustforfun_: in that case extract first, then use dd to write to usb/flash and boot gtom that ?10:36
suriodevjustforfun_: maybe bekks is right try there first10:36
devjustforfun_<surio> i have flash only 8GB10:36
suriodevjustforfun_: What bekks sadi. Try that other channel first10:36
devjustforfun_i will try10:37
voxadamI'm trying to copy a file from a Ubuntu VM on a Windows 7 host from the VM to the host. I created a directory on my Windows desktop, shared it, but I can't mount it using10:42
bekksvoxadam: Using vbox, just use vbox shared folders.10:43
Dr_willisvoxadam,  or use ssh + winscp to transfer stuff.10:43
Dr_willisif its just a few things to move around10:44
voxadamI'm trying to copy a file from a Ubuntu VM on a Windows 7 host from the VM to the host. I created a directory on my Windows desktop, shared it, but I can't mount it using "sudo mount -t cifs //Drogon/Users/Adam/Desktop/test/ ~/test". All I get is a Permission Denied error10:44
voxadamSSH is a good idea10:44
Dr_willisvbox has its own special  shareing method also that i use.10:44
bekksvoxadam: Using vbox, just use vbox shared folders.10:44
Dr_willisbut you need the guest addations installed on the guest os.10:45
Dr_willisand you enable the special vbox shares from the vbox settinge befor you start the guest10:45
bekksvoxadam: Besides that - the syntax for cifs has to be used like \\host\sharename10:45
samkanHi, I am trying to run Dogtail, but I am getting following error, I can't record the session, can someone please guide me in right direction?10:46
samkanile "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dogtail/tree.py", line 526, in __getattr__10:46
samkan    return self.__component.getPosition()10:46
samkan  File "pyspi.pyx", line 757, in atspi.Component.getPosition10:46
samkanTypeError: an integer is required10:46
samkanI am getting this error while running dogtail,10:46
samkandoes anyone has successfully run dogtail on ubuntu 10.04?10:47
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DarkchaosAnyone here having Experience with USB-Sticks?10:52
C0deX0Darkchaos, what kind of experience?10:52
DarkchaosHaving "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" while trying to boot from USB-stick (used some Windows USB Stick generator). Everything else boots fine10:53
shapeHas anyone gotten Hardware Acceleration for 1080p HD working with ATI/AMD Radeon? According to this site, the feature is possible: http://www.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature But I can't get it to work for the love of God. I also hear people getting it to work. ATI mesa drivers with XVBA and with at least 4 players.10:55
MysticalBurritoI've installed ubuntu 13.04 on my desktop PC and after loging on my desktop is blank, all I have is a cursor and wallpaper displayed on my screen, i've let it stay like that for a few hours and this dosn't fix the problem10:56
devjustforfun_in windows irc nobody there or nobody want to help.10:57
Dr_willisMysticalBurrito,  seen that issue mentione in here by many differnt people with differnt hardware and setups.  I think its due to some confusion with the video card drivers10:57
Dr_willisMysticalBurrito,  what is your video card?10:57
bekksdevjustforfun_: There are 441 people in that channel.10:57
MysticalBurritoThis is an older PC, it's a dell Dimension 460010:57
oppaHow do you change your nickname?10:57
MysticalBurritothe graphics card is integrated10:58
Dr_willis /nick I_like_to_read_irc_guides10:58
Dr_willisMysticalBurrito,  so:) it still has a chipset...10:58
Dr_willislspci will show the chipset most likely10:58
devjustforfun_<bekks> i decide just grub windows and reinstall it from scratch use my notebook key10:58
devjustforfun_<bekks>  and not use asus recovery10:59
MysticalBurritoIs it possible to install a different environment in a non-graphical interface?10:59
oppaoh thanks Dr_willis! sorry, i only just downloaded this10:59
bekksdevjustforfun_: Then just do it, since you seem to have windows installation media handy.10:59
devjustforfun_<bekks> i was downloaded it few minute ago.11:00
MysticalBurritoi have a 14.04.1 CD but my 2nd IDE expansion slot is bad and won't detect my CD drives. :/11:00
bekksdevjustforfun_: You wont be able to use it for installation with your OEM installation key.11:00
umcguys, I have an ubuntu server 10.04.4 LTS installed on a machine, with apache, mysql, bind, postfix, etc. Is it safe do to an upgrade ? it keeps asking me for a while... or should I install fresh ? If I upgrade, will all my services keep running ? or will it break them ?11:00
bekksMysticalBurrito: There is no 14.04.1 so far.11:00
Dr_willisMysticalBurrito,  sudo apt-get install whateveryouwant-desktop   for the differnt desktops...11:00
Dr_willisMysticalBurrito,  such as 'lubuntu-desktop'11:01
oppaWhy are there so many people in this room who don't say anything?11:01
MysticalBurritoI prefer the lubuntu desktop, that is what I am running on this laptop with ubuntu right now11:01
bekksumc: Create a backup before, and then update to 12.0411:01
MysticalBurritoI meant to say I have a 12.04.1 CD11:01
Dr_willisoppa,  this channel is world wide.. so  its 7am for me.. may be 2am for others. ;)11:02
MysticalBurritoIt's 6:02 AM here11:02
umcbekks: already made manual backups of config files, databases, home dirs, etc. is there an additional backup tool or something that you recommend ?11:02
oppaOhh I see. 9pm here, stupid Australia.11:02
MysticalBurritohow do I switch to a non-graphical interface to install a new desktop environment?11:03
devjustforfun_<bekks> i'm downloaded exact same version of windows which appear in my bottom license label11:03
Dr_willis!text | MysticalBurrito11:03
ubottuMysticalBurrito: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode11:03
Dr_willisMysticalBurrito,  or alt-ctrl-f111:03
bekks!backup | umc11:03
ubottuumc: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:03
MysticalBurritoI'll try that, thanks11:03
umcthanks bekks11:03
bekksdevjustforfun_: You cant download an OEM version, since thats illegal. Having ASUS, yoiu are required to to create the recovery media for being able to reinstall your device. That, and everything else regarding the installation of windows exceeds the scope of this channel.11:04
lotuspsychjeis there an extended themes package for unity i can download?11:06
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flux242does somebody know what service is responsible for adding devices icons onto a Desktop? I'm trying to find a way to get rid of some devices icons but I have only found 2 solutions - either disable icons completely or to edit fstab. Both ways sucks11:07
devjustforfun_<bekks> you know my recovery broken. windows sucks Internet explorer sucks.11:07
bekksdevjustforfun_: Please keep your language clean. Windows topics are not supported in here.11:08
MysticalBurritoIs it possible to switch to text-only mode at the login screen? I know theres a way how, but I can't rememeber the shortcut key I used to do it.11:08
bekksdevjustforfun_: Contact ASUS then.11:08
bekksMysticalBurrito: ctrl alt f111:08
Steve^How do I force Ubuntu to do a 13.04 upgrade through the GUI?11:09
Dr_willisMysticalBurrito,  alt-ctrl-f111:09
Dr_willisalt-ctrl-f7 to get back to the login (x) window.11:10
streulmahello, any thoughts why my tv is recognised as 1024x768 vga?11:16
Dr_willisits not giving out the proper edid info to the pc perhaps.11:16
Dr_willisare you using any hdmi/vga/other adaptors?11:17
streulmano, on a Dell just vga11:17
Dr_willisSo its a PC using a vga cable to a  VGA port on a normal wide screen LCD tv?11:17
streulmawith the mac it's recognised11:18
Dr_willisand your video chipset is what  streulma ?11:18
Dr_willis'with the mac' ?11:18
streulmayes, with my Mac11:18
Dr_willisit pays to be a bit more verbose in what you say on IRC...11:19
Dr_willisYou mean with your Apple Computer - the Widescreen tv gets the proper res with the same vga cable?11:19
streulmabut with Ubuntu it is an unknown display11:20
Phryqmy current bluetooth interface only gives me an option to send files. There must be more options for bluetooth than that, right?11:20
PhryqDo I need a new GUI front end? Or what do I need t download to do more with bluetooth?11:20
blue112Hello here !11:23
blue112Some random programs are segfaulting (vlc and terminator now) without any appearing reason, directly after launch. Can you think of any reason this can happen ?11:23
Ben64bad ram11:24
blue112Ben64, why only random programs crash ?11:24
leeweeswhen i boot ubuntu i'm getting a busybox shell that just says (initramfs)11:27
leeweesit won't boot11:27
blue112leewees, sounds bad.11:27
Ben64blue112: i had similar issues, turned out to be bad ram11:28
blue112Some random programs are segfaulting (vlc and terminator now) without any appearing reason, directly after launch. Can you think of any reason this can happen ? Sounds like a GTK bug, since most gtk programs are concerned (psi, banshee...)11:28
blue112Ben64, only concerns gtk programs.11:28
Ben64you should also check hard drive, hard drive cable11:28
Ben64almost everything on ubuntu is gtk11:29
usr13leewees: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169143611:29
blue112Ben64, I know, but when I launch banshee, it crashes saying "at (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application.gtk_init (int&,intptr&) <0xffffffff>"11:30
blue112gnome-terminal launches well11:30
usr13leewees: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=211215311:30
blue112Ben64, is there a way I can check my ram without rebooting ?11:30
usr13blue112: Have you tested your RAM?11:30
blue112usr13, not yet.11:30
usr13blue112: memtest11:31
blue112usr13, is it available without rebooting ?11:31
Ben64and it takes hours for a good check11:31
blue112I'll reboot then, let me just find out how to launch memtest at boot time.11:32
Ben64if you see one error you can stop, because that means its bad11:32
usr13!memtest | blue11211:32
Ben64should be an option in grub, unless that has changed11:33
abadihi i  need help i have vostro 1400 and the wilrless isn;t working11:33
blue112I'm looking for a way to make grub menu appear.11:33
usr13blue112: Hit the Esc key11:33
blue112ok, brb.11:34
Ben64left shift key11:34
Dr_willispress and hold shift..11:34
deathmageri need help with regards to my hp mini 2133,11:35
deathmageri can't connect to a wireless internet connection11:35
deathmageri'm using xubuntu 12.0411:35
deathmagerplease i need help11:36
Dr_willisand what wireless chipset is it using?11:38
blue112Doesn't seem to be any bad ram.11:41
blue112Well, actually gtk programs work again, so, I don't know.11:42
silv3r_m00n1a partition is mounted like this through fstab, UUID=13f35f59-f023-4d98-b06f-9dfaebefd6c1 /media/13f35f59-f023-4d98-b06f-9dfaebefd6c1/               ext4    errors=remount-ro,auto,exec,rw,user 0       0    but still cannot execute files on that partition, why ?11:42
silv3r_m00n1the exec option is there11:42
blue112Maybe just a ponctual bug.11:42
PrototypeX29Ai just got forced to do a dist-upgrade to 12.04. shouldn't be there a possibility to do another one?11:45
PrototypeX29Anone are shown in the update manager11:45
DaekdroomPrototypeX29A, is your software sources configured to display only LTS updates?11:46
PrototypeX29A13.04 should be out be now, right?11:46
PrototypeX29ADaekdroom: i didn't configure it that way11:46
Dr_willisit only suggests lts to lts updates..11:46
DaekdroomYeah, but you should be displayed a12.10 update11:46
DaekdroomAnd it's configured to display LTS only updates by default.11:46
Dr_willisyou can go to 12.10 then 13.04 if you want11:46
PrototypeX29Abut my configuration usually gets fridged with every dist-upgrade so i won't rule out it got that setting by a bug11:47
DaekdroomIt's been the default for quite awhile. No bug.11:47
PrototypeX29ADaekdroom: didn't even know it is possible to go directly from one LTS to another11:49
silv3r_m00n1is /etc/fstab deprecated ? ubuntu does not seem to use the mount options specified in the file and mounts it own way11:49
SwedeMikesilv3r_m00n1: I use fstab anyway, and it does what I expect it to do.11:50
silv3r_m00n1i wrote this, UUID=13f35f59-f023-4d98-b06f-9dfaebefd6c1 /media/13f35f59-f023-4d98-b06f-9dfaebefd6c1/               ext4    errors=remount-ro,auto,exec,rw,user 0       0   but it mounts the partition with noexec11:50
SwedeMikesilv3r_m00n1: try mounting it outside of /media to make sure. umount it manually, then mount it using only "mount <path>"11:51
silv3r_m00n1did, still mounts with noexec11:53
PrototypeX29Aok, i managed to unlock the non-LTS-upgrades and now I am stuck again with the message box asking me "Do you want to start the upgrade" unfortunately this box is too big for my screen and i don't know how to proceed11:56
PrototypeX29Ablindly hitting tab and enter did the job, still this i would consider a usability-issue :D11:57
Dr_willisPrototypeX29A,  its bigger then your X display? thats weird.. You can alt-click and drag dialogs around until you see the OK button perhaps11:57
PrototypeX29ADr_willis: i already managed to proceed, tansk11:58
hiodoes anyone in the entire universe like unity?12:00
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Dr_willisunity works very well for me.. and the wife and grandkids have no issues with it.12:00
llutzhio: who cares, don't use it if you don't like it12:01
hiothere isn't even any visual cue when I click on an icon12:01
PrototypeX29Ahio: i still use gnome12:01
PrototypeX29Aunity didn't stay more than half an hour with me12:02
PrototypeX29Agoing to try mate soon, i guess12:02
hioand then the retarded decision to emulate the global top menu like MacOS does. Just because. There is no actual benefit, but it's c00l, so what right?12:02
ceti331_i use unity mainly for that reason. i grew up on the Amiga which had a mac style menu -  i have always utterly despised the windows menu style12:03
llutztake the "i like/i dislike" to #ubuntu-offtopic pls12:03
hioceti331_, no offense but if you like using Macs, I think you just disqualified yourself as a human being12:03
Dr_williswith the gnome devs in 3.8 gnome having their own official gnome2 ish theme/mode.. i imagine these other gnome2 forks will vanish12:03
ceti331_hio, where did i say mac?12:04
ceti331_i said AMIGA12:04
ceti331_and i dislike the windows menu style12:04
* Dr_willis recalls global menu type things befor Mac..12:04
hioAmiga, is that like itunes?12:04
ceti331_Amiga, AtartST, NeXT (and mac) all didn't have the windows style menu12:04
hioI'm just messing with you, sorry ;)12:04
ceti331_global-menu is a good decision in ubuntu unity12:05
light32yeah thats right12:05
hioyeah if you like shitty decisions, I guess the global menu is a good decision12:06
ceti331_fittts law ftw12:06
ceti331_it avoids wasting screenspace for menus on unfocussed windows12:06
Dr_willishio,  please troll elsewhere.. and rant where people care.. (not here)12:06
hioyeah, those 20pixels are really making the difference12:06
ceti331_hio, its clutter12:06
hioyou save 20 pixels, you lose normal interaction that everybody on the planet knows and loves12:06
hioyou cant deny that ubuntu lost tons of mindshare after they switched to unity12:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:09
vassyis anyone using rvm?12:09
cloneGis there something like this for ubuntu: http://www.techpowerup.com/184113/techpowerup-gpu-z-0-7-1-released.html12:09
Dr_willis!info hwinfo12:12
ubottuhwinfo (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.0-2.2 (raring), package size 17 kB, installed size 99 kB12:12
cloneGokay any comfortable gui to manage hwinfo?12:20
PrototypeX29Ait looks like some of the bugs i reported in launchpad are gone (not fixed, but the reports are gone)12:20
PrototypeX29Aist there some kind of filter i am missing?12:21
hioHow can we help you today?12:22
OerHeksPrototypeX29A, you might want to try #launchpad12:22
x-faki try to install ubuntu12 inside a vm and it's locked here: http://xfaktor.free.fr/install_ubuntu12_vmware.jpg12:23
cloneGhello I am looking for a comfortable graphic card real time info program for ubuntu something like :http://www.techpowerup.com/184113/techpowerup-gpu-z-0-7-1-released.html12:23
hiocloneG, I recommend switching to Windows12:23
OerHekscloneG, "real time info"  ?12:23
OerHeks!ot | hio stop that, it is not helpfull12:23
ubottuhio stop that, it is not helpfull: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:23
hiojust start it with Wine then12:24
cloneGOerHeks yes techpowerup tells you the gpu usage and fan speed among other things12:24
cloneGOerHeks like temperature12:24
hiocloneG, please stop spamming the channel or you get a warning12:25
marko-_-i have a new notebook (HP probook 4540s) and i'm running ubuntu 13.04 currently. Everything works fine, i installed it yesterday and did a lot of updates and upgrades. Everything works good only my connection not. I have a 15/3 connection but it acts like 3/0.5. It's downloading really slow. What could i do? Change wireless drivers or what?12:25
hiomarko-_-, have you tried rebooting?12:25
marko-_-hio, yes12:26
hiotry switching the network mode12:26
marko-_-hio, how?12:27
hioin vmplayer settings, you can choose other modes12:27
=== Roy01_ is now known as Roy01
x-faki try to install ubuntu12 inside a vm and it's locked here: http://xfaktor.free.fr/install_ubuntu12_vmware.jpg i cant click on the icons, i dont know why i have this screen because at start i selected installation on HDD, not livecd testing12:35
th0rx-fak, did you do a checksum on the cd before starting the install?12:35
x-fakth0r , no, good idea12:36
x-fakth0r , it is iso mounted as is in vmware12:36
hiox-fak, that is the normal installation screen12:36
th0rhio, is there some reason you chose this channel to misbehave in this morning?12:37
hioth0r, I installed Ubuntu on vmplayer literally 10min ago and I had a screen like that with icons on the top right12:37
th0rx-fak, you can run the same checksum on the iso you would run on the cd12:38
hioit can be confusing because in other distributions, the installation doesnt look like a normal OS boot12:38
x-fakth0r , sure i just didnt see the md5 on the download page12:38
hioi never understood how md5 checking even works12:40
hiois there a program?12:40
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases12:40
hiobut it's just a string, how can I check if it's the correct string?12:40
x-fakubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso md5=B4191C1D1D6FDF358C154F8BF86B97DD it's good12:41
x-fakso it's not that12:41
hiox-fak, have you considered Windows as an alternative?12:42
OerHeksstop trolling hio12:42
hioOerHeks, can you tell me how md5 works? Not trolling12:43
x-fakare u a damn noob?12:44
hioI tried downloading md5 program, but it doesn't let me check anything12:44
th0rx-fak, some script kiddie looking for attention12:44
hioI really don't know lol. I googled for at least an hour12:45
umccan anyone please tell me what would be an appropriate chunk size for a raid1 partition of 3TB ?12:45
umcand the partition is ext4 if it matters12:47
x-fakwell, i still have my old VM under ubuntu8 hardy heron, but i got some issues with it12:47
doogy2004umc, are you using mdadm?12:48
umcdoogy2004: yes12:48
doogy2004i usually just use the default12:48
umcso then I should omit the --chunk param12:49
th0rx-fak, you are installing 13.04, right?12:49
doogy2004that's what I would do12:49
doogy2004unless you're having problems then I'd dive more into it12:49
bitbyteany of you guys good with ubuntu server package manager or should i say aptitude package manager12:49
x-fakth0r , i try to install version 12.10 i thought it's the last stable isn't it?12:49
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doogy2004bitbyte, what do you need help with?12:50
giraffeThis documentation is absolutely wrong for 12.04 http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/install.html .. sad times12:50
th0rx-fak, not sure about the latest stable, I thought that would be 13.04. But the latest LTS is 12.04.12:50
bitbytedoogy2004: the package manager keeps falling over at : E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_quantal-security_main_i18n_Translation-en12:50
doogy2004umc, I usually use something like this "sudo mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=3 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1 /dev/sda1"12:51
umcif I created my partitions (with parted) and formatted my 2 HDDs before creating the raid partition, do I still need to format /dev/md5 (the new partition) after I added my partitions to it (/dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdd1) ?12:51
x-fakth0r , yeah that's why i downloaded this ISO on the download page, it was not clear though, but anyway12:51
doogy2004umc: you can partition the drives before adding them to the raid, it's your choice.. but any formatting will be overwritten once the array is built12:52
umcso I need to format the raid partition as well12:52
doogy2004umc: add your disks to the array, then format the array12:52
umccurrently cat /proc/mdstat tells me it's resyncing12:53
th0rx-fak, I would give the iso another shot. Delete the vm and start over from scratch. I always pad the available memory in the vm by a bit. I am curious to see if you get ubuntu installed as I have tried several other distros recently and have not been able to install any of them in vm12:53
giraffeI like llamas12:53
doogy2004umc: yep, you can format and use it while that is running, it will just be slow untill the syncing finishes12:53
umcand it's just at 1 %. can I format the partition before the resync finishes ?12:53
th0rx-fak, I am using VirtualBox for my vm's.12:53
doogy2004bitbyte:  hmm, i can't say that i've seen that before, what did  you run before getting that message?12:54
doogy2004umc: yes, it will just be slower than "normal" :)12:54
x-fakth0r i've tried 4 times to reinstall under vmware workstation12:55
bitbytedoogy2004: i was running the apt-get update && upgrade12:55
umcalright, so far so good, thanks doogy2004. it's the first time I'm adding a new HDD to an existing linux installation and the first time I'm making a new raid partition without doing it from the linux installer... I'm a bit nervous :)12:55
BluesKajHiyas all12:56
doogy2004umc: it's all good, that was one of the first thinks that I learned how to do when learning Linux12:56
x-fakth0r , and also what do you mean by "I always pad the available memory in the vm by a bit", you extend the avalaible RAM for the VM? i've tried with 512MB and with 1GB, same12:56
OerHeksx-fak, maybe wmware tools is your solution, see >> http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/03/how-to-quickly-install-vmware-tools-in-ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail/12:56
doogy2004bitbyte: give "apt-get clean" a try12:56
th0rx-fak, right, I define the vm with a bit more ram than the suggested amount. I only have a netbook so am limited in that regard, but give the vm as much as I can.12:57
bitbytedoogy2004: will do thnaks12:57
doogy2004bitbyte:  Check this out --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/30072/how-do-i-fix-a-problem-with-mergelist-or-status-file-could-not-be-parsed-err12:57
x-fakOerHeks , let me check this12:58
doogy2004looks like they recommend deleting the files in /var/lib/apt/lists/* then run an update again12:58
doogy2004umc:  please keep in mind that RAID is not a backup :)  RAID is used for availability and performance, but should never be used as a "backup" solution12:59
x-fakotherwise, can i upgrade FROM the version 8 heron to the 12.10?13:00
Luke23aehow do I remove a repository if I installed it with add-apt-repository ?13:00
umcdoogy2004: I added this new raid partition for storage, and I chose raid1 for the extra safety13:00
Luke23ae*from the command line13:00
OerHeksLuke23ae, ppa-purge13:00
umcdoogy2004: can't really backup all the data from there since I don't have that much space. for now raid1 will have to do13:00
Luke23aetried that coomand not found13:00
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:00
Luke23aeuseing ubuntu 11.1013:01
OerHeksLuke23ae, you need to install it first, it is not standard installed AFAIK13:01
OerHeksLuke23ae, else you can delete the repo in softwarecentre/sources, but then you will have the files as they were.13:02
doogy2004umc: i understand, just wanted to make sure you're aware :)13:02
umcI'm aware, thanks :) for now it's the best I can do13:02
Luke23aeOerHeks: I think the repo is in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/c_falco-mame-oneiric.list - can I just remove that folder and I'm fine?13:03
Luke23aeppa-purge has unmet dependencies13:03
cfhowlettLuke23ae, 11.10 has reached end of life ...13:03
Luke23aecfhowlett: I'm a beginner, how do I update, can I just use apt-get update?13:04
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umcLuke23ae: I usually do 'sudo aptitude update' and then 'sudo aptitude safe-upgrade'13:04
Rileylek23ae yes run apt-get update to refresh the repos and then apt-get upgrade to update the packages13:04
somsip!aptitude | umc13:05
ubottuumc: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and 12.04) as aptitude cannot  handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.13:05
Luke23aethank you guys13:05
cfhowlettLuke23ae, couple of decision points for you: for the latest, greatest shiniest distro, install 13.04.  For long term support ( 5 years) get 12.0413:05
umcalright, if the elders say so, then use apt-get instead of aptitude :)13:05
Roy_Newbie_13-04what is the command to make a terminal widows open to run a command, something -e command ?13:05
Luke23aeI want long term support, how can I tell him to upgrade to 12.04 and not to 13.04?13:06
doogy2004i always use aptitude, it seems to handle automatically installed packages better than apt13:06
RileyRoy_Newbie_13-04 ctl alt t13:06
doogy2004alway more than one way to do the same thing :)13:06
Roy_Newbie_13-04im making a .desktop13:06
Roy_Newbie_13-04to run encfs ~/.encrypted ~/Private13:06
Roy_Newbie_13-04and the terminal wont stay open13:07
BluesKajRoy_Newbie_13-04, alt+f2 , type terminal13:07
Roy_Newbie_13-04this isnt my computer, im making this for someone who is not smart and wont remember commands and dont like using terminal13:07
mpathyHey there.. I made hard drive images with ddrescue, and want to make a backup of them but dont have enough space left then.. How can I make a tar.gz etc. on the fly while copying on another drive?13:08
Roy_Newbie_13-04i need an icon so when he clicks it will run "encfs ~/.encrypted ~/Private" in a terminal and ask him for the password .... not close the very milli second it opens13:09
umcdoogy2004: my existing raid partitions are described like this in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf: 'ARRAY /dev/md1 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=...' but this tutorial I'm reading gives me an example like 'ARRAY /dev/md/3 metadata=1.2 UUID=... name=master-db:3' which is obviously different. can I leave this partition as well in the same format I have them with the UUID I got from mdadm --query --detail /dev/md5 ?13:09
BluesKajRoy_Newbie_13-04, so the terminal is crashing13:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:10
doogy2004umc: after the array is created run this to add it to mdadm.conf "sudo mdadm --detail --scan >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf"13:11
Roy_Newbie_13-04what am i doing wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5677161/13:11
MuelliFarnell seems to ship for free to the UK.13:13
doogy2004umc: you can then use "blkid" to find the UUID of your formatted array13:13
Roy_Newbie_13-04BluesKaj http://paste.ubuntu.com/5677161/13:13
umcdoogy2004:  I got it from mdadm --query --detail /dev/md5. your command gave me a different format than what I had, indeed13:14
ElvanoI have ubuntu installed on my netbook, but for some unknown reason I'm not able to connect to a certain wireless network (while to others I can)13:15
ElvanoI can detect the network and have the correct wkey13:15
umcdoogy2004: thank you very much for your help. partition is created, added, mounted, added to /etc/fstab, etc. It's not at 6.3 resync so I'll let it do it's thing13:18
umcthis went much better than I expected :)13:18
doogy2004umc: np, better than expected is always good :)13:19
Roy_Newbie_13-04in a .desktop file what does StartupNotify=true do?13:19
Roy_Newbie_13-04is there a site where i can see all the tings like that to pun in a .desktop13:19
ShippDhello has anyone installed ubuntu touch on a tablet what works can you install apps etc13:22
ubuntuaddictedi wish13:23
OerHeksRoy_Newbie_13-04, here is a helppage  >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles13:23
x-fakOerHeks , i can start the shell with ctrl alt T13:23
BluesKaj!touch | ShippD13:23
ubottuShippD: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch13:23
Roy_Newbie_13-04thank you, my searches wasnt going fay13:23
ShippDok thanks got that link13:24
McQueenhi, i have a problem about running swfobject on ubuntu 13.04, it can play youtube but cant play swfobject based streams. how can i fix it?13:25
McQueenon firefox13:25
CapprenticeMcQueen, check that video with Google Chrome :)13:26
CapprenticeIf that does not fail then downgrade or upgrade flash player.13:27
McQueenCapprentice, there is not a stable chrome version for ubuntu 13.04 64 ibt :)13:27
CapprenticeInstall the older one provided for 12.10, it will work13:27
Roy_Newbie_13-04 OerHeks should i make a .sh for "encfs ~/.encrypted ~/Private" or can i put it in the .desktop Exec=encfs ~/.encrypted ~/Private13:27
ghkinghello,when i run"aticonfig --px-dgpu"I get the following output "aticonfig: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libGL.so.1: file too short"13:28
CapprenticeRoy, there is a software Cryptkeeper, have you checked that ??13:28
CapprenticeThat might be useful.13:28
Roy_Newbie_13-04i dont see how to run it, its installed13:28
Roy_Newbie_13-04cant remember the otherone someone told me, but it sucked, didnt work, it had a lock icon and needed a ppa to install13:29
ghkingwhat does ”file too short“ means?13:29
Roy_Newbie_13-04dash show Cryptkeeper, i click it and nothing13:30
CapprenticeRoy, On my system it works like a alternative to Folder Lock on Windows and it works great.13:30
CapprenticeIm using ubuntu 12.0413:30
McQueenCapprentice, i install some packages last night. i dont remember what what did i do. i think the problem is comming from this packages. is there a way to return 2 days before configuration?13:31
Roy_Newbie_13-04what does its interface look like?13:31
hoyangThere is the ubuntu official IRC channel?13:31
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cfhowletthoyang, yes13:32
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hoyangHow to scan all of i386 package on my system? i want remove --purge all of them.13:32
Roy_Learningis Cryptkeeper a gui13:32
CapprenticeMcQueen, If you have installed the packages from a ppa then "sudo ppa-purge ppa_name" will remove everything came from that ppa and install the default ones. The other way is if you used Synaptic or Software Center you can check the history and completely remove all those.13:32
=== Roy_Learning is now known as Roy1
nickname22012If I have a umask = 007 what will be the default permission for files?13:33
McQueenCapprentice, if on terminal by apt-get ?13:33
CapprenticeMcQueen, Then I cant help, I mostly use GUI.13:34
McQueenCapprentice, thank you :)13:34
CapprenticeRoy, no. more like a indicator.13:34
Roy1where will is show13:34
Roy1how do i interact with Cryptkeeper13:35
dopieanyone here using ubuntu with vmbox?13:35
BluesKajhoyang, http://askubuntu.com/questions/113301/how-to-remove-all-i386-packages-from-ubuntu-64bit13:36
CapprenticeRoy, Wait Im uploading a screenshot.13:37
marko-_-a little help. I just installed lm-sensors on my 4540s ubuntu 13.04 and it shows temp6:       +127.0°C  (crit = +128.0°C) this is very high. Maybe that is the reason why the fan is going crazy13:37
marko-_-any help?13:37
rogue833i cannot access the interna the bahia13:38
rogue833and SCR13:38
Roy1dopie i use vmware workstation 9.0.2 on ubuntu 13.04, only issue is a gtk issue ONLY for one button and that is to register, so i backed up the registration from a different laptop with a different os (backtrack) and copy the file to ubuntu 13.04 and i can play them now13:38
rogue833it only shows moving to interna de bahia but nothing happens13:38
rogue833anyone know?13:38
CapprenticeRoy, Here it is : http://imgur.com/u7A76hJ13:38
CapprenticeRoy1, you need to create a Encrypted folder first using Cryptkeeper, see this screenshot :http://imgur.com/u7A76hJ13:40
Roy1 Capprentice all ready got that going , i can use it all command line, but i want to find a gui to mannage it or make desktop icons to do the command line stuff13:42
Roy1does Cryptkeeper use encfs?13:42
CapprenticeYes Roy1.13:42
RelaxationHow would I go about writing a program in C that shows all the active processes on the OS?13:43
kvothetechRelaxation: ps ax13:43
kvothetechRelaxation: you could call that13:43
RelaxationWhat's ps ax?13:43
CapprenticeRoy1, are you using VMware on Ubuntu 13 ?13:44
Roy1yes  Capprentice, but i will need to give u my registration file13:44
cfhowlettexpertarun, greetings13:44
kvothetechRelaxation: lists system processes...system("ps x"); i think13:44
CapprenticeRoy1, no need. I use KVM and VirtualBox :)13:45
expertarunhey guys my ubuntu doesn't start login screen till many hours also and i can't start my user13:45
kvothetechexpertarun: ?13:46
expertarunkvothetech: my ubuntu doesn't start login screen till many hours also and i can't start my user13:46
kvothetechRoy1: Capprentice kvm is pretty much built in and does everything vmware/vbox does13:46
kvothetechexpertarun: yeah...dmes / syslog? was it running fsck13:47
expertarunkvothetech: my ubuntu doesn't start login screen till many hours also and i can't login (no login screen ) the thing is that i tried to setup the theme13:47
Roy1 kvothetech can it run Mac OS X 10.8.3 like i do, if not then i cant use kvm13:47
Roy1the latest mac os x13:48
Roy1and i had to apply a patch to make it avaible to work, and under the table patch if u get me13:48
Capprenticekvothetech, the bad thing is kvm does not come installed :( You have to install it and couple of other programs to ease the use of KVM. I hate CLI :'(13:49
Roy1but it purs like a kitten13:49
kvothetechCapprentice: virt-manager (gui) and qemu...was just saying it's more or less built in to use vm's13:50
Capprenticeexpertarun, have you posted any question at askubuntu.com ?? If already have not, do it now. This might be answered there :)13:50
kvothetechCapprentice: i don't think he's tried anything based on his essentially informationless question other than a symptom13:51
kennyngstonhey, what is the command that can tell me what video drivers do i have installed?13:53
aryhcan anyone hear me?!?13:54
cfhowlettaryh, hear?  no.  see?  yes13:54
aryhThat's nice13:55
aryhi'm just testing my messenger13:55
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:55
aryhi mean empathy on ubuntu!13:56
Capprenticenoob :P13:56
Roy1 Capprentice http://imagebin.org/25807113:56
betrayddon't use plastic tonka toys =]13:57
betraydnah just kidding aryh13:57
Roy1why do i not have cryptkeeper in my menu bar13:58
CapprenticeRoy1, gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['Cryptkeeper']"13:59
SR71Xgood lads. i'm having a problem that after i upgrade it ubuntu from 12.04 to 12.10 it keep booting on black screen13:59
CapprenticeRoy1,Run it in terminal, it will make Cryptkeepr visible on the panel14:00
ElvanoSR71X, I had a simular problem withmy netbook. The problem was that the backlighting of my screen wasn't working.14:00
Roy1Capprentice "No such schema 'com.canonical.Unity.Panel'"14:00
ElvanoUpgrading to 13.04 solved my problem, SR71X14:01
CapprenticeOh, hmmm its because you are using 13.04 !! :(14:01
CapprenticeI think.14:01
kennyngstonhow do i know if i'm using free or non-free drivers for my gpu?14:01
SR71Xshould i run an update from the terminal or on the startup14:01
SR71Xshould i run an update from the terminal or on the startup Elvano14:01
Roy1so can u help me make a .desktop file to run the command, this is my friends pc, convincing him to swich away from windows cause he having problems with windows14:02
betraydkennyngston: maybe a browse through Xorg.0.log in var/log14:02
ElvanoYou can try to do so, SR71X14:03
kennyngstonthanks betrayd14:04
betraydkennyngston: installed prop. drivvers, did u14:04
Roy1he still has to learn dvd ripping copying converting burning, and make it easy to work with encrytpion, and he will get rid of the windows partition, got everything else going for him, he needs gui14:04
CapprenticeRoy1, Read here : http://www.webupd8.org/2013/05/how-to-get-systray-whitelist-back-in.html14:04
SR71Xthanks Elvano  i will try this now and see what will happen14:04
kennyngstonokay, 2nd question, should i install steam from software center, or directly from steampowered.com14:04
Roy1 Capprentice:  so why did they take it out to begin with14:05
cfhowlettkennyngston, software center14:05
betraydi'd go sw center, some people get lost when they use steampowered.com (instructions, i mean)14:05
CapprenticeRoy1, Its the developers decision.14:05
kennyngstonwell ive managed the get the .deb14:05
kennyngstonsudo dpkg -i steam_latest.deb14:06
joevandykwhen runit starts a service, this is in the PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin  Where does that come from? It's not in /etc/environment, /etc/profile, /etc/profile.d/*, etc14:06
CapprenticeDesurium is a Steam Alternative.14:07
kennyngstonapt-get install -f, what does the -f do?14:07
BluesKajkennyngston, most deb files will launch the installer by just clicking on it14:07
kennyngstondoes it install dependencies as well?14:08
x-fakOerHeks , it was a vmware video monitor config issue with ubuntu installer, i manually setup the guest screen to 1024x768 and now i see the install setup window and can click the icon at the top14:08
OerHeksx-fak, nice14:08
Capprenticekennyngston, force install.14:08
Capprenticeor fix dependencies14:08
dima__anyone to help me?14:08
BluesKajkennyngston, of course otherwise what good is the installer14:08
dustinspringmanso, I have a question and I'm not sure how to ask google for an answer to it...14:08
kennyngstonmkay, here goes nothing :)14:08
ubottudustinspringman,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:09
kennyngstonill just try to install it from sw center... :)14:10
dustinspringmani have two apps that open 3 windows on every boot as desired.... undesired is that they always open up in random places and I spend a couple clicks every boot moving them around to be visible the way I use them... how can I make them sticky? so that they always come back in the same exact position?14:10
betraydsmart move kennyngston14:10
x-fakOerHeks , also do you suggest ubuntu12 or 13? and are there any real difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?14:10
Capprenticekennyngston,  you can install "Gdebi Package Installer" which is a Gui to install Packages from right click context menu.14:10
kennyngstonokay i don't understand something, if its free, why is the button says 'buy' ?14:10
kennyngstonin sw center14:10
Capprenticekennyngston, because the app is published as propreitary14:11
robmuhasked this on #vim, but since Ubuntu uses /bin/dash so much, any chance of including dash.vim or something like?14:11
kennyngstoni guess ill have to register thna :/14:11
CapprenticeYes, kennyngston . The resgister is free.14:11
Roy1 Capprentice i just did what the link said, when i did the upgrade it did not install anything, i restarted unity and i still get No such schema 'com.canonical.Unity.Panel'14:12
Roy1no cryptkeeper14:12
ZynACKEvery time I try to run VMWare Player, after accepting the prompt to install new modules for it, ubuntu experiences an error. Trying to report the error also causes an error.14:12
wolfjeCan somebody help me with editing unity?14:13
ZynACKOh, VMWare Player was working fine for a while after I reinstalled it before it wanted me to install the new modules.14:13
CapprenticeRoy1,gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"14:13
x-fak512mb or RAM is enough for ubuntu 12 (minimal requirement say that), but what about recommanded ram?14:14
Capprenticex-fak, umm no, I think.14:14
Roy1 ZynACK im message14:14
Capprentice4 GB will be better :)14:14
ZynACKGot it.14:14
x-fakCapprentice , 4GB? lol i have only 2GB for windows XP and it's more than enough14:15
kennyngstonwell this is strange, im trying to install from SW center, and it says thats 'software cannot be installed because there is a problem with teh software curretnly installed'14:15
kennyngstonthis is a fresh install of xubuntu14:15
kennyngstonam i missing anything?14:15
bogorI have a ubuntu 12.04 machine and a windows 7 machine. I have enabled xdmcp in ubuntu and rebooted the ubuntu. I have installed Xcygwin in windows. Now when i use xlaunch and try a xdmcp session , it returns blank screen.14:15
Capprenticex-fak, depends what you wish to run. For me I run StuntRally, NetBeans, JIDEA, Xonotic etc.14:16
CapprenticeThey needs RAM :)14:16
CapprenticeAnd couple of servers and VMS running too :P14:16
x-fakwell basic things, mostly CLI stuff, network stuff14:16
CapprenticeThen more than enougth :P14:17
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=== Inoperabled is now known as Inoperable
x-fakCapprentice , how much disk space ubuntu takes with full updates and the most used packages?14:18
lousygaruaIs the Flash player on Chromium different than the one on Firefox on 12.04?14:18
x-faki talk about version stable 1214:18
Capprenticex-fak, depends what you have installed :P14:18
x-fakCapprentice , the ubuntu iso 700mb14:18
bogorlousygarua: yes if you mean google chome. Google chrome has their own flash.14:18
CapprenticeOh, it approximately take 5.7 GB ..14:19
x-faki'm not sure if i should install ubuntu 12.10 or kubuntu 13.04 i've downloaded both14:19
lousygaruabogor, actually it's Chromium, I am playing a FB game that crashes on Firefox but seems ok on chromium-browser14:19
CapprenticeKubuntu 13.04.14:19
x-fakCapprentice , ok then i should allocate at least 10Gb i think14:19
CapprenticeAre you installing in a VM ?14:20
bogorlousygarua: chromium uses flash in system14:20
bogorlousygarua: so same as the one firefox uses14:20
Capprenticex-fak ??14:20
x-fakCapprentice , i mean which partition size should i allocate for the system, 10GB is good i think14:21
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CapprenticeI have created only two partitions one is / which is 55 GB and one is Swap which is 7.5 GB.14:21
CapprenticeI have everything under /. If you does not upgrade frequently then one partitons is okk.14:22
lousygaruabogor, so it might be something with the new FF 21 version that was packaged a few days ago14:22
bogorHow do i troubleshoot xdmcp login issue ?14:23
lousygaruabogor, maybe look at the Xorg logs?14:23
lousygaruathere might be some remote login related stuff there14:24
bogorlousygarua: I checked it. It has no mention of xdmcp14:25
waltervosHi, can somebody help me out please? I have a bit of a weird problem while doing a distribution upgrade.14:26
x-fakCapprentice , why kubuntu13?14:27
alejandroHi, I have ubuntu 12.10, and it used to update by itself, but now it's not updating. It says it cannot download repository, please check internet connection, but my internet connection is fine14:27
FunkyELFI've got a dual monitor set up.  Is there any way to control which monitor gets the video when I go full screen on a flash video?14:29
bogorWhich port does x-server listen on by default ?14:29
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bekksbogor: Hopefully none.14:30
bogorbekks: Then how does it accept remote connections ?14:30
bekksbogor: By enabling remote connections.14:30
betraydFunkyELF: you have to designate which one is primary14:31
waltervosI'll type out my question, perhaps someone can jump: I was updating to 12.10 and in the mean time I was doing some work with Chromium, Netbeans, Banshee en Gnome Terminal open. All of a sudden the unity sidebar and top bar disappeared, ctrl+alt+left/right don't work anymore and alt+tab doesn't work anymore. So, I can't really switch windows anymore and I have no idea of the upgrade status.14:31
kamleshare there drivers for rme fireface 400 available ?14:31
bogorbekks: I enabled xdmcp on my x server in ubuntu and i did a sudo netstat -ap | grep -i x and it doesnt show it is listening on a any port. Then does it mean it is not acepting remtoe connections ?14:32
FunkyELFbetrayd: where do I do that?  I'm using NVidia drivers14:32
betraydFunkyELF: in xorg.conf, serverlayout14:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:33
betraydFunkyELF: theres like Screen 0   and Screen 1, and then these are referenced in ServerLayout iirc14:33
KoiiHi, i recently installer ubuntu 13.04 and I want Gnome3, its installed. How do i change to gnome 3? I have tried google it, but i cant find any ubuntu icon to click on, in the login screen :/14:33
FunkyELFbetrayd: I don't see any xorg.conf anywhere in /etc14:33
betraydin X1114:33
betrayd /etc/X1114:34
FunkyELFnope... not there.  This is a pretty fresh install.  Xfce Linux Mint 1414:35
kamleshare there drivers available for rme fireface 400 audio card??14:35
bekks!mint | FunkyELF14:35
ubottuFunkyELF: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:35
KennettAZI need help compiling a driver for my NIC into the kernel.14:36
betrayddamm hardcore14:36
FourFireI'm going to try to make a USBstick installation for a dsitribution14:37
FourFireshould I take this to the #Linux general channel?14:37
waltervos'scuse me, anybody have time to look at my question for a minute (about a page up)?14:38
waltervosI could also ask a simpler question: Is it OK to drop to shell and restart while a distribution upgrade is (possibly, I can't tell) still in progress?14:39
falcom_hey guys i did sudo chmod +w filename, however i still have to sudo vi the file to edit. what am i missing?14:39
betraydfalcom_: maybe its in a place where its not normally edited by no one but root14:40
falcom_-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  223 May 13 04:46 handler14:41
falcom_i guess then14:41
llutzfalcom_: its on vfat/ntfs?14:41
falcom_llutz: im really not sure, it's an ec2 machine (cloud)14:41
falcom_but the file is from /var/www14:42
falcom_i believe i also made that directory /www (dont remember..)14:42
giraffeSeptember has come it seems14:42
KennettAZI could use some help with this.   http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/man4/sge.4freebsd.html14:43
giraffeKennettAZ: oh for that? the dev for that is now living in a Buddhist monastery.14:44
giraffetry reading the incomplete docs for the next week and through trial and error you may get to where you need14:44
Freaky101im fairly new to ubuntu but can it run programs that would normally run on windows?14:45
llutz!behelpful | giraffe stop trolling14:45
ubottugiraffe stop trolling: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.14:45
falcom_llutz: well i chown the file14:45
falcom_not sure if that's best practice14:45
giraffeoh you caught me, good job there14:45
llutzfalcom_: that works? then your chmod-command should have done too14:45
gordonjcpgiraffe: if you don't like the docs, fix them14:46
gordonjcpgiraffe: instead of just whining about it14:46
waltervosAgain: Any thoughts on whether or not I can reboot Ubuntu during a dist upgrade?14:46
gordonjcpwaltervos: no14:46
gordonjcpwell, yes, you *can*14:46
waltervosNo thoughts or no good? ;)14:46
gordonjcpbut it's probably a fairly bad idea14:47
falcom_llutz: weird then :|14:47
waltervosThat sucks, because I have no way of knowing if it's finished :(14:47
betraydwell he opened 3 windows while it was upgrading14:47
bekkswaltervos: You could check the package manager logs.14:47
betraydmay have caused some  damage there14:47
waltervosCould I find out somehow from gnome terminal?14:47
waltervosMy experience is that it's normally fine, betrayd.14:48
waltervosPackage manager logs? That14:48
waltervos's /var/log/dpkg or something?14:48
Roy1who has had problems getting vmware workstation 9.0.2 to be able to play VM's?, well if so here is a guide i made http://paste.ubuntu.com/5677408/14:48
waltervosTo get to the terminal I have to shut down my IRC program so I better get all the info now :)14:48
Roy1save it for later incase someone else asks14:49
waltervosIs any user input needed during upgrade? I mean, it be stuck there too...14:50
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BluesKajwaltervos, ??14:52
waltervosI meant, "it might be stuck there"14:53
BluesKajwhy do you have to shut irc down to open a terminal14:53
waltervosBecause alt tab doesn't work, my sidebar and top bar are gone14:53
waltervosI was doing a dist upgrade when they disappeared and alt+tab stopped working. So, now I don't know wether or not the upgrade has finished and wether or not I can drop to shell to reboot14:54
otakwaltervos: how about file>open new window14:54
BluesKajuse alt +f2 to launch the run command type terminal to launch it , waltervos14:55
waltervosalt+f2 is gone too14:55
waltervosand file>new window would just open a new IRC window, I'm not running IRC from the terminal if that's what you were thinking, otak14:55
waltervosotak: I'm not in the terminal at the moment14:56
BluesKajwaltervos, can you drop to a tty , install irssi irc client , then use another tty to update&upgrade14:57
yann2hey folks! Was wondering, are there any laptops certified for 13.4?14:57
waltervosBluesKaj: The thing is that there's a distribution upgrade running in another window that I can't get to and I was told that it would be bad to drop to shell while that was running14:58
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betrayd so you did your work on the GUI desktop14:59
waltervosAs well as the upgrade14:59
cmderHi. I want to install wheezy from a already running squeeze system with debootstap. Which version of debootstrap should I get? From squeeze repository (aptitude install debootstrap) or from wheezy repository (download and manual install)?15:00
TheBrandonHow do I boot to the external monitor via the boot parameters?15:01
_WolfeZ_Can someone help me with unity?15:01
betraydTheBrandon: try BIOS settings?15:01
TheBrandonI removed quite splash to show the debug but It really doesn't help15:01
derWachertcmder i prefer this variant: wget "http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/debootstrap/\15:01
derWachert`wget -q http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/debootstrap/ -O - | \15:01
derWachertgrep -o -E "[^<>]*?_all.deb" | tail -n1`"15:01
TheBrandonWhat would the bios help15:01
TheBrandonIs there a boot parameter?15:01
BluesKajwaltervos, ok . I thought the upgrade stopped and din't finish15:02
betraydTheBrandon: you can tell it to show on Both laptop/desktop + external display15:02
sarge1221I'm having an issue with clamAV. Does anyone know how to fix this error? ERROR: Can't open /var/log/freshclam.log in append mode (check permissions!).15:02
sarge1221ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile = /var/log/freshclam.log).15:02
derWachertsqueeze gets version 1.0.26 but theres a 1.0.4915:02
TheBrandonWhen it boots its only going to the main laptop screen which is broken15:02
TheBrandonand it uses the external as an external monitor15:03
TheBrandonshowing nothign15:03
waltervosBluesKaj: I could still see some dpkg related processes in top after the sh*t went down so I don't think it stopped15:03
betraydTheBrandon: through Fn keys15:03
TheBrandonMy function key also doesnt work15:03
TheBrandonIt doesnt respond15:03
betraydTheBrandon: they work during bios time15:03
TheBrandonI'll attempt the bios15:03
cmderIf squeeze version outdated, debootstrap can be found from wheezy repositories. Right?  Why do you prefer different mirror?15:04
waltervosBut anyway, it seems like this is a pretty rare problem to which there's no known solution. I'm going to try some things like checking logs and otherwise I'll just have to reboot and hope for the best15:04
betraydTheBrandon: usually try to pause the bios time so you can use Fn keys longer15:04
waltervosThanks for the help, adios!15:05
cmderderWachert: If squeeze version outdated, debootstrap can be found from wheezy repositories. Right?  Why do you prefer different mirror?15:05
ghkinghello,when i run"aticonfig --px-dgpu"I get the following output "aticonfig: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libGL.so.1: file too short"15:05
BluesKajwaltervos, can you see any dpkg action in top , check before rebooting15:06
llutzcmder: derWachert better take it to #debian15:06
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cmderllutz: I already asked in #debian. But no answer...15:07
llutzcmder: debian is offtopic here15:07
ghkingis there anyone can help me?15:08
ghkingwhen i run"aticonfig --px-dgpu"I get the following output "aticonfig: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libGL.so.1: file too short"15:08
c0dex0ghking, you have a missinig library15:08
_WolfeZ_How can i run my own builded unity version ?15:08
ghkingwhat library?15:09
c0dex0try finding libgl in your repositories15:10
_WolfeZ_c0dex0: How can i run my own builded unity version ?15:10
bekks_WolfeZ_: You have to install it.15:10
c0dex0You want to build unity?15:10
c0dex0Do you have access to the source code?15:10
_WolfeZ_c0dex0: I intstalled unity from launchpad and edited the source but how do i start it?15:10
c0dex0http://askubuntu.com/questions/28470/how-do-i-build-unity-from-source << _WolfeZ_  this might be of your help15:11
c0dex0You installed or downloaded?15:11
_WolfeZ_c0dex0: I thinks so15:12
c0dex0_WolfeZ_, if you have installed what else you need? You need to compile the source?15:13
c0dex0who uses wine frequently15:15
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bekks_WolfeZ_: Compile and install it.15:16
djangoCan I just ask?15:17
bekksc0dex0: Why?15:18
bekksdjango: yes.15:18
c0dex0bekks, some of my wine processes consume 100% cpu, just wanted to ask if thats the case with me.15:18
djangoI've connected my ubuntu desktop to another networked device - i've checked the 'remember these credentials forever' radio button but stupidly entered the wrong credentials and can't figure out how to get the dialogue back to change them..!15:19
djangoit's weird, it let's me see the share on the other device but returns 'Got error kFPParamErr' from server whenever I try to read/write15:20
djangowhich, according to google, is wrong credentials.15:20
MysticalBurritoCould someone help me get to a Windows chat?15:22
MysticalBurritocould you help me?15:23
MysticalBurritoI need to get to a Windows help chat15:23
PrototypeX29Athis place is close, but a miss15:23
bekksMysticalBurrito: join ##windows15:23
betraydtell em who sent you =]15:23
urgodfatherchiluk: are you in here?15:24
djangoanyone know if the credentials I need to change are in a conf file I can just edit?15:24
urgodfatherdjango: it depends on the config file15:25
djangoyeah i figured that, i'm just trying to find out where to edit a wrong pass/username i've entered so I can connect my desktop to my laptop15:26
betrayddjango: maybe set up a new user ? would that option fit your situation?15:28
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betraydwhile you get rid of the first non-working one15:28
djangobetrayd - that idea just crossed my mind, however i'd need ubuntu to 'forget' the user I've wrongly entered, to make the dialogue pop up again?15:28
djangoyeah how can I get rid of the non-working one?15:28
betraydisn't it a remote login15:29
KennettAZHow do I add: device miibus, device sge to my kernel configuration file?15:29
betraydi'd egt rid of it AFTER setting up a new one15:29
djangoyeah, i just dunno where to manage remote logins15:30
telplease i need help?15:30
bekksKennettAZ: You cant. Whats the actual problem you are facing?15:30
teli haven 'nt sound on my pc15:30
KennettAZMy network card doesn't work right and I found this http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/man4/sge.4freebsd.html15:31
RoySegallSomeone installed 13.04 and can make commits through the ui of the git-cola15:31
bekksKennettAZ: sudo modprobe sge15:32
echoethe auto-upgrade is throwing an error from 12.10 to 13.04, is it worth redownloading and reinstalling? ... or should i just get 12.04? this is for a work computer15:32
bekksechoe: which error?15:32
bekksechoe: errors are to be solved - reinstalls are for windows.15:32
KennettAZbekks: FATAL: Module sge not found.15:33
echoethis ... is not always the case. lol.15:33
bekks!details | echoe15:33
ubottuechoe: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:33
bekksKennettAZ: Then you would have to recompile your own kernel.15:33
echoeam attempting to replicate now15:34
KennettAZbekks: I'm trying to do that but never have so I'm lost15:34
bekksKennettAZ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile15:35
x-fakThor , remember me?15:36
KennettAZBekks: I'm running 13.04 server on the system..15:38
bekksKennettAZ: And?15:38
bekksKennettAZ: The article still applies.15:38
=== BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen
KennettAZbekks: Wasn't sure I just letting you know.15:39
echoesigh, the whole point of installing ubuntu was so I didn't have to go through troubleshooting with my own system so i could troubleshoot other systems and only deal with the quirks of one machine. oh well [/waits for updates, maybe it will magically work after this]15:40
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Hoxolotlvanavond nog vliegende dozen kijken @ tkkrlab?15:41
betraydthere is also a 'try it out' option15:41
otakechoe: imho if you want a stable system stick with LTS15:44
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BluesKajHoxolotl, this is an English only ubuntu support channel15:46
* echoe nods. will download lts now too, just in case i guess. "why not, it's just data"15:47
* Meadow nods. Me likes data15:48
HoxolotlBluesKaj, sorry wrong channel ^_^;15:49
neekz0rechoe: i think no matter what, you'll always have to troubleshoot a system :P15:50
BluesKajyou can ask in English Hoxolotl15:50
yashhhow do i install 13.04 without deleting files?15:50
echoeokay, the system just wasn't upgraded yet. ... question solved15:50
echoefor reference, I have fedora, and it randomly freezes two or three times a day and sometimes fails to wake up from sleep15:51
* echoe would like those things to not happen because when running programs in client machines if I don't screen them this can cause ... problems.15:51
Meadowechoe: sounds exactly like my problem! Its a hardware problem for me, the graphics card is fried out from the previous owner who played a lot of games15:52
echoethat might be it for me too, it isn't my own hardware though so idk15:52
Meadowechoe: the computer will not freeze when it is not using the graphics driver. Right now I am in a regular console with no graphic driver because comptuer is freezing up when I load it, everything is purple and white alternating randomly >_<15:53
betraydsoit CAN happen15:53
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echoei'd hope there would be a way to turn off the external graphics and default to the onboard in that case?15:55
Meadowechoe: sadly for me its a laptop... a desktop you can change that in the bios settings... but I have no option with a laptop, and a new graphics for it costs $120 minimum :(15:55
echoelaptops have bios settings too. unless it's the onboard [non-expansion] graphics that are broken ...15:56
Meadowechoe: oh yes it has bios settings, but no "onboard" seperate graphics card like desktops do...15:57
echoedepends on the laptop. i guess not then15:57
echoei.e. mine has optimus. so15:57
Meadowbut that sounds like an item of interest to investigate in google, thanks for the pointer!! :)15:57
echoeheh. possibly ...15:58
MeadowBut I think unscheduled freezing can be caused by any number of hardware failures... next time its running maybe the "lastlog" dmesg has some info for you?15:58
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echoeeh, we'll see I guess. as said before I am reinstalling so. :P16:01
Meadowechoe: I don't feel that the OS is your problem, luckily ubuntu is quite easy to re-install, and if it is your problem, then it was an easy and inexpensive solution16:02
* Meadow reboots to look at bios options16:04
ubottupricox: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:04
urgodfatherhello room, having trouble getting this new intel 6235 card to work in ubuntu 13.0416:05
x-fakdo you always advice to upgrade to version 13?16:06
hacktus0where is path for history of 'google chrome' ??16:06
bekksx-fak: No.16:06
x-fakit is asking me if i want to upgrade at my first start with 1216:06
bekksx-fak: Which ubuntu version do you have?16:07
x-fakubuntu 12.1016:07
bekksx-fak: since both version are supported, its basically your choice then.16:08
x-faki'll stay with 12.0 for the moment i think16:08
betraydis it bugging you constantly though, to upgrade16:09
hacktus0where is path for history of 'google chrome' ??16:10
auronandacehacktus0: google chrome is a ppa, ppas are not supported here16:11
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ubottufataldigitz: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:15
fataldigitzu is big asss u fk16:16
urgodfathercan anyone offer support?16:17
Meaodwechoe: yeah, the bios is inaccessable when the graphics is messed up :(16:17
FunkyELFjust install ubuntu 13.... how do I monitor CPU temp?16:17
nbubuntuany open office expert here ?16:18
urgodfatherMeaodw: can you help troubleshoot wifi connectivity?16:18
urgodfathernbubuntu: what is your question?16:18
Meaodwurgodfather: I suppose, what seems you be your trouble, dearest?16:19
FunkyELF_... and here I am on the Ubuntu machine16:19
FunkyELF_Trying to find out how to monitor CPU temp.... I search for guides but they seem old16:19
MeaodwFunkyELF_: look up lm_sensors installation guide16:19
th0rFunkyELF, I believe you have to install lm_sensors. Do a google on that...I just got temp working on my netbook16:19
MeaodwFunkyELF_: there are some great GTK front ends that you can watch in the GUI16:19
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urgodfatherMeaodw: clean install 13.04, kernel 3.9.0rc8, intel 625 wireless (new card) cannot connect to any network. bios up to date, etc16:20
FunkyELF_Meaodw, and then what program monitors them?  I don't think LM Sensors is a GUI or anything16:20
MeaodwFunkyELF_: you have to search the package manager for lm_sensors and the guis should come up, I do not use ubuntu sorry :)16:20
nbubuntuurgodfather : how to copy a row of number file and covert it to a column on spreadsheet ?16:20
Meaodwurgodfather: we have to troubleshoot from the start here, lets look at ifconfig to see if your wireless card comes up16:21
th0rFunkyELF, I use gkrellm, but conky and others can use it as well. there is even a panel plugin for xfce16:21
FunkyELF_th0r, I installed an applet that came up when I searched the Ubuntu software center for lm_sensors16:21
Meaodwurgodfather: it should be either eth1 or wlan0, if it does not show up then the driver is not being loaded for some reason16:21
betraydnbubuntu: hightlight the row number then copy, paste to a col header16:22
FunkyELF_how do  get an applet to show up?... or how do I get anything to show up in the panel?... I can't right click on the panel16:22
th0rFunkyELF, you need to do something to detect the sensors...it is a one off command but I don't recall it right now16:22
urgodfatherMeaodw: it does16:22
MeaodwFunkyELF_: you have to add it to the gui autostart, if it is xfce there is the startup option in the settings menu16:22
FunkyELF_Meaodw, I'm on Ubuntu 13 so I have Unity16:23
Meaodwurgodfather: great! Now do you have a wireless manager installed? or are you using wpa_supplicant to manage networks?16:23
urgodfathernbubuntu: http://www.ehow.com/info_8167559_rows-columns-openoffice.html16:23
FunkyELF_no clue how t customize the panel when I cant right click on it16:23
ndevuk_I have alot of java files in my directory exnding with the extension class16:23
Meaodwurgodfather: then what I would like to see is the last 50 or so lines of you /var/log/messages after 30 seconds of trying to log into your wireless network, this will show me what the problem is16:23
nbubuntuurgodfather : it's not working if you are coping from a gedit16:24
ndevuk_is rm *.class safe to only delete class files and not failes ending with the extension .java16:24
urgodfatherMeaodw: whichever is installed on clean installation. im assuming wireless manager.16:24
urgodfatherMeaodw: let me login from the laptop16:25
urgodfatherMeaodw: brb16:25
nbubuntuurgodfather : a plain row of number separated into dates , I wanted it to paste into col16:25
Meaodwurgodfather: okay, I perfer WICD and when I have used ubuntu, replaced the default because I don't like it... however we can still find out if it is the managers fault, or some setting somewhere...16:25
ohnonotagainndevuk That will remove files only ending in .class, yes16:25
ndevuk_thanks, I didn't want to have to backup16:25
betraydooh living on the edge now are ya ndevuk_16:26
ohnonotagainWell, ndevuk that's *never* a good idea, but I hear ya :P16:26
PrototypeX29Ahey, since my distupgrade to 12.10 i cannot start my terminal anymore because the ACcessoires menu in gnome is not  scrollable anymore16:26
weldan_how do i mount this? anyone? -> [ 5713.637043] input: GENERAL - UVC  as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.1/2-1.1:1.0/input/input1516:26
ndevuk_I have alot of class files and I don't want to commit them to my svn dir16:26
PrototypeX29Aalso i have an unreasonable long lag when typing something16:26
ohnonotagainweldan_: What type of input device is that?16:26
guest1234Meaodw: this is urgodfather16:26
Meaodwguest1234: okay16:27
weldan_i am thinking of that too16:27
weldan_it is usb camera16:27
guest1234Meaodw: let me pastbin that log16:27
PrototypeX29Amay be the replacement console is just crap16:27
Meaodwguest1234: when you connect to the wifi it will go through the handshaking process, which can take up to 30 seconds, then the log will give the information :)16:27
PrototypeX29Aexcuse me16:27
weldan_that was the result of dmesg , showing uvcvideo rejecting i/o from usb and not really sure what was that line for16:28
guest1234Meaodw: it never handshakes16:28
Meaodwguest1234: could then be a router problem or even a hardware problem on your computer, log will say for sure16:29
urgodfathernbubuntu: i dont know if that will work16:29
weldan_ohnonotagain: got any idea how do i get around this?16:29
ohnonotagainI'm not trying to be a jerk, but I don't think you are acutally trying to mount it, are you?16:29
weldan_yes i am16:29
weldan_he he16:29
guest1234Meaodw: router ok, card brand new, functions fine in windows16:29
ohnonotagainSo, it has internal storage? wel16:29
weldan_i thought. because the manual says so16:30
betraydweldan_: by any chance you tried nautilus to explore it16:30
weldan_lol what16:30
ohnonotagainGotcha.  Just trying to get an idea of what's going on16:30
weldan_it did not mounted. where can i find it in nautilus betrayd16:30
ohnonotagainnautilus, your file manager, has a lot of plug-and-play functionality.  It'd be on the left hand side in nautilus weldan_16:30
Meaodwguest1234: so I hear that you have windows on the computer and it functions, great, this tells me that its a problem with your configuration, the log will say for sure.16:30
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weldan_yes. its true16:31
Meaodwguest1234: try this `cat /var/log/messages | tail -n 50 > meadowlog` and then put it on a flash drive16:31
guest1234Meaodw: there isnt a messages in the log folder16:31
weldan_mount and fdisk -l did not show anything convincing though16:32
weldan_thanks for the advice16:32
Meaodwguest1234: eeeehhhh... okay ubuntu is different than gentoo, really I came on this channel so that my computer would have some graphics to display, while I tinker with my graphics card... :P16:32
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Meaodwguest1234: if there is nothing in that log, then perhaps the dmesg will have some info16:32
th0rMeaodw, in ubuntu it is /var/log/syslog16:33
Meaodwguest1234: you have to find where the computer is logging the wireless connection... it will show the authetication process.16:33
guest1234Meaodw: there's 4 dmesg files16:33
Meaodwguest1234: read th0r comment16:33
betraydweldan_: sometimes when I can view in nautilus, it mounts successfully for other programs to access the files16:33
weldan_anyone interested to see the result in dmesg ?16:33
weldan_me too. but when i know how it worked in out i thow away that feeling16:33
weldan_hew hew16:34
weldan_i guess the keyword is ucvvideo if anyone interested16:34
betraydsee how it defined the device in nautilus16:34
betraydthen use those terms16:34
weldan_okay okay i give a try on nautilus. brb16:35
betraydfor future referemce16:35
weldan_unfortunately cannot16:35
betraydcannautilus view contents16:36
weldan_because /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.1/2-1.1:1.0/input/input15 is definitely not a file or whatever.16:36
betraydnot yet16:36
weldan_there is a /dev in / . not /devices16:36
weldan_okay. will try to reattach the usb . brb16:36
Meaodwguest1234: you get that log from /var/log/syslog? When you do type `Meadow:` before you post it so that it highlights me, I will be around in a minute have to take care of something for a second16:37
raven_hey guys, im an idiot,how do i fix it16:37
betrayddont worry you're in the asylun16:37
raven_nah, i installed the amd version of ubuntu on an intel machine... should i  download the iinter version?16:37
weldan_betrayd: i think i found something. --> http://i.imgur.com/PmkN16m.png16:38
guest1234Meaodw: http://pastebin.com/pNth9jVR16:38
BluesKaj!amd | raven_16:39
BluesKaj!info amd | raven_16:39
ubotturaven_: Package amd does not exist in raring16:39
raven_so there is only an amd one?16:40
raven_im confused16:40
betraydweldan_: i was wondering if ou could view its contents, from nautilus alone without any of your interference16:40
tanya_tanyahello, quick question. I have an overclock 2600k. Should I run on normal clock during install of ubuntu? Or can I install in overclock settings? How about in booting to Ubuntu, do I run overclock or normal? THank you very much16:41
weldan_of course not16:41
betraydif nautilus can't then you can't16:42
betraydit does a lot of the heavy lifting16:42
betraydso you wont have to16:42
raven_hey i insstalled open java jde 716:43
betraydIf that's as far as nautilus can do, it'll be a struggle to do it some other way16:43
raven_and i want to java programs open automaticly with java16:43
Meaodwguest1234: yeah thats really weird, that log give no information as to why it is not working... I don't even have a guess at this point, my former assumptions as to the problem are now possibly wrong based on this log...16:43
raven_but when i click open with other it doesnt list the open java16:43
weldan_betrayd: here is dmesg log. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5677743/16:44
Meaodwguest1234: you might try #networking or #wireless with that log to find the problem, or maybe someone else here can help you, but really I am not well enough versed in ubuntu to help in this. I would actually try installing WICD and using that, it MIGHT fix your problem, which appears to be software16:44
weldan_since it is a camera. tried to load uvcvideo module16:45
betraydweldan_: on this session it is hosed16:45
betraydhave you any other usb ports16:45
weldan_okay what you mean by hosed16:45
betraydit failed to recognize this attempt16:46
bitbyteis any one able to help me out I'm running ubuntu server and asked in there but its pretty quiet, I'm trying to add noip2 to cron to force updates to the service because it won't automatically do it any one else got a similar setup16:46
shivamhi there16:47
BluesKajraven_, is your machine 64 bit ?16:47
weldan_yes that was what i thought too16:47
betraydweldan_: loading of uvc/we is pointless, you need one where sd+ was recognized16:47
Meaodwguest1234: I have to run now, I hope you get it fixed, wireless is always stressful part of install! :( I have been there many times16:47
bitbyteyes its 64bit16:47
bitbyteoh sorry was aimed at some one else hehe16:47
weldan_no success yet16:47
weldan_i can view the video if i attach the usb on windows16:48
betraydyeah, unless you got more USB ports on a different side of the box (e.g. lcd monitor, back of box)16:48
BluesKajraven_, did you choose this image : 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop image16:48
weldan_for the storage i still did not get anything from both windows and linux16:49
weldan_nvm. will try someday16:49
betraydor, weldan_ you can boot with the cam attached already to ensure a good connection16:49
BluesKajraven_, then you're ok , it also runs on intel cpus16:49
betraydweldan_: instad of plug/unplug16:50
weldan_betrayd: sounds promising. will give it a try. thanks16:50
betraydyw, good luck weldan_16:50
shojo@wik positive discrimination16:50
shojooops wrong chan srry16:51
raven_okay :)16:51
betraydheh we'll let it slide16:51
raven_and when can i get ubuntu for my phone?16:51
eklzHi, I'm new on linux and I would like to know if ad-on for Google Chrome works on chromium ?16:52
betraydwhen it rings. pick up immediately16:52
OerHeks!phone > raven_16:52
ubotturaven_, please see my private message16:52
BluesKajraven_, if you're concerned , you can always use the i386 image , which runs on 32 and 64 bit pcs16:52
mesqukachromium and chrome are fully compatible with each other16:52
mesqukathey are literally clones16:52
eklzthanks ;)16:52
savioHello guys16:53
betraydhey there16:53
voozeIf I replaced some files in /usr/share/unity/6 is there some package I can reinstall to revert it back?16:56
raven_how do i install a .tar.gz file16:58
doogy2004raven_: what software are you attempting to install?16:59
RocknRollaraven_:  unpack them first16:59
raven_and java16:59
doogy2004there are packages in the repos for flash and java16:59
raven_its just a usr folder17:00
doogy2004i would recommend doing it that way17:00
raven_the one for java doesnt work17:00
doogy2004which one did you install?17:01
nbubuntuAnyone using Intel 3570k here will to help me out whether i should choose this processor for Visualization (VirtualBox) ?17:01
raven_i installed OpenJDK Java 7 Runtime it works but i cant set it so .jar files automaticly launch with it, it doesnt show in the prgram list17:01
doogy2004for flash you could either try the adobe-flashplugin or flashplugin-installer17:02
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:02
BluesKajraven, read above17:02
doogy2004are you attempting to run the .jar from the command line or the GUI?17:02
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raven_i cant use the command line17:04
BluesKajraven_, install ubuntu-restricted-extras from the software center17:05
doogy2004raven_: check this out http://askubuntu.com/questions/192914/how-run-a-jar-file-with-a-double-click17:05
BluesKajraven_, it will take care of flash and java for you17:06
raven_thank you17:06
raven_i installed adobe flash player17:07
raven_and its stuck applying changes17:07
doogy2004it will take some time17:08
sarge1221Whats the terminal command to tell something to restart? I need the clamav daemon to restart itself. Please help. :(17:10
doogy2004sarge1221: /etc/init.d/SERVICE_NAME restart17:11
doogy2004or service SERVICE_NAME restart17:11
RocknRollasarge1221: try service clamav restart17:12
ubottutony38: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:13
th0rsarge1221, I think you will need 'sudo service.....'17:13
sarge1221I was following this. > https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ClamAV17:14
sarge1221ok seriously i still get this error. ><' WARNING: Clamd was NOT notified: Can't connect to clamd through /var/lib/clamav/clamd.socket Why won't this thing work T_T17:17
sam113101arch uses systemd now, I believe17:19
psusihas anyone else noticed that 13.04 is totally unusable under qemu-kvm, and is there a workaround?17:21
sarge1221sam113101, I use ubuntu 12.04 i just followed the guide hoping it might explain how to fix that directory error for clamd not being notified.17:22
_DomY-Dommount: can't find /mnt/starcraftoriginal/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab17:24
_DomY-DomTrying to mount starcraft iso in /mnt/starcraft original and I mount -o blah.iso /mnt/starcraftoriginal and got this error: mount: can't find /mnt/starcraftoriginal/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab17:24
doogy2004_DomY-Dom: see http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-mount-iso-image/17:27
bascherzInteresting issue came up today. Added my admin account to the vboxsf group and can no longer use sudo from the account. I had not set a root password beforehand, so I can no longer administer my system. Anyone got a way out of this?17:27
doogy2004sudo mount -o loop /tmp/file.iso /mnt/iso17:27
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AbbasX8guys, how do i increase the size of  dev/sda1 without breaking the ubuntu installation on it? http://i.imgur.com/7LGRuoX.jpg17:28
AbbasX8right now, it wont let me increase size because the swap disc is right next to it, i can only incrase the size of swap disc17:28
zembelacan anybody read my message?17:29
bascherz@zembela... yes17:29
surfdaemonzembela: transmission received17:29
th0rAbbasX8, boot into a live cd, mount the hard drive, delete the swap, extend sda1, redefine swap. But I won't guarantee any of this will work17:30
zembelathank you17:30
zembelai am using windows 7 64 bit manhine. i installed on virtual box (latest stable version) ubuntu 12.04.02 32 bit. but after proper installation now ubuntu does not starts and gives me this error: The system is running in low-graphics modeYour screen, graphics cards, and input device settings could not be detected correctly. You will need to configure these yourself. What should ı do now? ı dont want to play with system defaults, because i will get a back17:32
wilee-nileeAbbasX8, You have to realize the sda2 the extended is the container for the sda5 it is a partition itself. So you have to extend the sda2 to the right and move the sda5 to the right, then shrink the sda2 from the left and then expand the sda1. Dn't do all this in one job.17:36
wilee-nileeAbbasX8, As of now the sda2 and sda5 are just the swap you could remove and bulild them agin and just resize the sda1.17:39
zembelai am using windows 7 64 bit manhine. i installed on virtual box (latest stable version) ubuntu 12.04.02 32 bit. but after proper installation now ubuntu does not starts and gives me this error: The system is running in low-graphics modeYour screen, graphics cards, and input device settings could not be detected correctly. You will need to configure these yourself. What should ı do now? ı dont want to play with system defaults, because i will get a back17:40
ActionParsnipzembela: did you get fully updated?17:41
bascherzInteresting issue came up today. Added my admin account to the vboxsf group and can no longer use sudo from the account. I had not set a root password beforehand, so I can no longer administer my system. Anyone got a way out of this?17:41
ActionParsnipbascherz: if you run: groups ,what is output?17:42
zembelaActionParsnip: which updates?17:42
zembelaActionParsnip: how can i get hte updates. i can not open the system17:42
ActionParsnipzembela: ubuntu system updates17:42
bascherzActionParsnip: bruce vboxsf17:42
zembelasystem = ubuntu17:42
zembelaubutnu 12.03.3 will fix this issue?17:43
ActionParsnipbascherz: then thats why. you didnt add yourself to the group correctly and have lost membership to the other groups including sudo17:43
bascherzActionParsnip: how to fix? recovery mode?17:44
ActionParsnipzembela: if you hit CTRL+ALT+T do you get a terminal?17:44
ActionParsnipbascherz: yes, you can then add yourself to the sudo account, then you can add yourself to the other user groups17:45
zembelaActionParsnip: i open not with recovery mode. i am on command line as root.17:45
zembelaActionParsnip: what should i write for update of ubuntu?17:45
ActionParsnipzembela: then update in root recovery mode. Thats fine too17:46
bascherzActionParsnip: Thanks. I'll give it a try.17:46
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: can you please help me figure out why my intel 6235 isnt working?17:46
ActionParsnipzembela: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:46
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: im posting a syslog on pastebin17:46
AbbasX8ok thank you wilee-nilee , that seems to work17:47
AbbasX8hope ubuntu boots now17:47
wilee-nileeAbbasX8, cool.17:47
zembelaActionParsnip: sudo apt-get update gives me this error: unable to write to /var/cache/apt/17:47
ActionParsnipurgodfather_: what is the Intel 6235?17:47
ActionParsnipzembela: is the filesystem full?17:48
RocknRollazembela: did your filesystem is read only17:48
RocknRollazembela: try running fsck17:48
ActionParsnipzembela: mount -o rw,remount /17:48
OerHeksurgodfather, it did work yesterday did it not?17:48
zembela ActionParsnip: ofcore not. i open 13+ gb for vm.17:48
zembelaRocknRolla:  no.17:48
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: its a wifi card. ubuntu certified hardware. cannot get to connect. clean install 13.04. pastebin.... http://pastebin.com/mwNUCvh517:48
ActionParsnipurgodfather_: what is the output of: sudo lshw -C network; sudo rfkill list; uname -a; lsb_release -a17:50
ActionParsnipzembela: does my command help?17:50
zembelaActionParsnip: first i write update ok. but after that i write upgrade. now it gives me this error: unable to fecth some archives, maybe run apt-get update17:51
zembelaActionParsnip: or tyr with -fix-missing17:51
zembelaActionParsnip: i try it with missing but nothing changed :(17:51
ActionParsnipzembela: ok, run: sudo apt-get -f install17:52
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/iFnptTbp17:52
_namemy dad is having some problems with his audio, i think its a hardware problem. theres 2 places in his computer to plug in headphones but they dont seem to work well, sometimes one of them works and some time the other works, does anyone know what this could be?17:52
zembelaActionParsnip: ok i run  sudo apt-get -f install. now?17:53
ActionParsnipurgodfather_: try disabling n speed on the iwlwifi module. May help17:53
mamece2hello, i have a problem when i try to run live ubuntu. It appears "No human readable MCE decoding support on this CPU type" how can i boot with the command nomce?17:53
betrayd it might have 2 audio cards _name17:53
ActionParsnipzembela: yes does it help17:53
_namebetrayd: i did an lsof and only saw 1 device17:53
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: it looks like the wrong driver is being loaded ( driver=iwlwifi driverversion=3.8.0-19-generic firmware= latency=0 link=no multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11abg) no n support17:54
_namebetrayd: sorry lshw17:54
zembelait just write : "it does nothing. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 removed, 197 not upgraded."17:54
zembelaActionParsnip: it just write : "it does nothing. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 removed, 197 not upgraded."17:54
betrayd_name try alsamixer in a terminal, up top is lsted how to choose device. if there is more than 1 it will switch pages17:55
ActionParsnipmamece2: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload17:55
ActionParsnipurgodfather_: which modulecdo you expect it to use?17:56
ActionParsnipzembela: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:56
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: i sudo rmmod iwldvm (b/c iwlwifi was being used by it) how to restart it?17:56
mamece2ActionParsnip: I am trying to recover a PC that frozes when it runs windows. I put the live cd in and I cant get into ubuntu. The MCE error shows17:56
ActionParsnipsorry: name_17:57
ActionParsnipmamece2: crossed wires, sorry17:57
zembela ActionParsnip: :( again this error: unable to fecth some archives, maybe run apt-get update17:57
mamece2ActionParsnip:  can you helpo me with the MCE problem? I have read that i need to boot with the nomce command, How can I run from a live CD with that parameter?17:57
ActionParsnipmamece2: you can press E to (e)dit the kernel options and add what you desire17:58
cuddylierIf i set the user of a directory to be root, would other users who are owners of subdirectories still be able to access them?17:58
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: nevermind... i got it started back up17:58
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: got a new pastebin coming your way17:58
_namebetrayd: gives me 4 options #1 - default #2 0 HDA intel #3 1 Venus USB2.0 camera and #4 enter device name...17:58
cuddylierI mean owner of a directory to be root17:58
ActionParsnipurgodfather_: great17:58
mamece2ActionParsnip: but i dont have ubuntu installed in the machine, I just want to run from a live cd17:58
zembelaActionParsnip: can you please connect me with teamviewer please ?17:58
jribcuddylier: they need execute permission on parent directories17:58
ActionParsnipcuddlyier: if they open then directly then I believe so17:59
jribcuddylier: for example, your user can access /home/username despite /home being owned by root17:59
cuddylierjrib So even if root owned the main directory, if they had execute permissions for their subdirectories it would work fine?17:59
cuddylierAh good :)17:59
ActionParsnipmamece2: thats fine, you can add boot options to the live CD17:59
jribcuddylier: they need execute permissions on parent directories not just the subdirectory17:59
luc4_linuxHi! I'm trying to replace my home directory with another one where I mount via fstab a partition. I tried to mv my old home into old_home and mkdir a new home dir. What happens is that when I reboot, the system is not booting, remains at the splash. Any idea why?17:59
cuddylierI only want users to access their directories though18:00
bascherz1ActionParsnip: recovery mode is not available in the boot menu, so I guess I am screwed.18:00
ActionParsnipbascherz1: it is, hunt around18:00
mamece2ActionParsnip: how can i add boot options? after quiet splash theres "--" i shoudl add "--nomce" or "nomce" ?18:00
bascherz1ActionParsnip: there are only two entries, both are kernel versions I did not purge.18:00
jribcuddylier: so what's the issue? Make sure they have execute on the parent directory (usually you just give "others" (as opposed to owner or group) execute)18:01
betrayd_name: you can set mixer settings for device #1, is the USB cam detachable18:01
_namebetrayd: yea18:01
ActionParsnipmamece2: keep the minuses in, add a space after them then add the option18:01
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/AkfhL48W this is after i sudo rmmod iwldvm and sudo modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=1 and then sudo modprobe iwldvm then try to connect18:01
betraydwith a microphone _name?18:01
ActionParsnip_name: what is the url made by the alsa-info.sh script18:02
_namebetrayd: what do you mean?18:02
cuddylierjrib I have a program which I have set as root to run. When root tries to create users via the program, it gives the error [Errno 13] Permission denied18:03
betraydwork with ActionParsnip for now _name g2g somewhere18:03
jribcuddylier: what program?18:03
cuddylierjrib Multicraft18:03
mamece2ActionParsnip: THank you! I love you but in a manly way :D18:03
jribcuddylier: this doesn't seem related to your original question though.  Is the program running as root?18:03
ActionParsnipmamece2: no probs, you learned about bot options too18:03
cuddylierYes, it is18:03
cuddylierI have the program's user set as root18:03
cuddylierIt is meant to create users and set servers to run in them18:04
_nameActionParsnip: locate didnt find that script18:04
jribcuddylier: what does that mean exactly?  How did you set the program's user to root?18:04
cuddylierjrib In its config and I run the panel for it in root18:04
jribcuddylier: what does "in root" mean?18:04
cuddylieras root user18:04
ActionParsnip_name: its not instaled or available by default. I gave you a command earlier to wget it....18:04
jribcuddylier: /how/18:04
jribcuddylier: tell me the steps you take to start the program18:05
_nameActionParsnip: didnt notice, you mustve misspelled my name18:05
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: looks like it's just not associating properly18:05
ActionParsnip_name: scroll up and you'll see it18:05
cuddylierjrib To start the program on each server box I want to run it on, I type /home/root/multicraft/bin/multicraft -nv start18:05
jribcuddylier: and you're logged in as root at that point?18:06
cuddylierjrib On ssh, yep18:06
cuddylierOn 'top' it says it's running as root18:06
jribcuddylier: what option are you selecting in multicraft?  I'm not familiar with it but I'm reading through it now to see what it actually tries to do that it gets denied permission for18:06
ghythis there a direct download from privatetunnel for ubuntu (it's OpenVPN product)18:06
cuddylierjrib In its multicraft.conf you set the user at the top, 'user= root'18:07
ActionParsnipurgodfather_: could install wicd then remove network manager,see if it helps18:08
ElUserHi all!18:08
bascherzActionParsnip: Any other options for me since recovery mode appears not to be one?18:08
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: will you send me a good tut?18:08
jribcuddylier: you're performing some action after running the command to start it before the permission error shows up right?  Or does the error show up as soon as you try to start it?18:09
ActionParsnipbascherz: could use a chroot from liveCD18:09
ElUserА по русски разговаривает кто нибудь? ;(18:09
jrib!ru | ElUser18:09
ubottuElUser: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:09
ActionParsnipurgodfather: you want a tutorial for installing on package then removing another, are you serious?18:09
cuddylierjrib After I start the daemon (program on each server box), I then have to create a server on it, it then runs the commands to create a user, creates a directory and then gives it perms to that directory18:10
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: ill figure it out18:10
jribcuddylier: can you link me to this multicraft?  I found https://github.com/MJJoyce/MultiCraft/blob/master/MultiCraft.py but I'm not sure that's what you are using18:10
cuddylierjrib It gives that permission denied error I said earlier when I then try to execute a server, but I then looked at my user's list and no users were made18:10
ntfshellHi everyone. :)18:10
ActionParsnipurgodfather_: its 2 steps. first install wicd. second, remove network manager.....18:10
david_in_perthHi all, I could use some advice.18:11
david_in_perthI was right in the middle of reporting a bug and Unity froze/crashed.18:11
david_in_perthNow I can't close my programs18:11
david_in_perthit's weird, I can still interact with Quassel, Nautilus, Terminal, and Friefox, but I can't close, resize, bring-to-front or anything18:11
FloodBot1david_in_perth: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:11
jribcuddylier: ah, is it this: http://www.multicraft.org?18:11
cuddylierYes jrib18:11
cuddylierjrib Here is the commands it runs when a server is created: http://pastebin.com/8kc3r1EQ18:12
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: sorry, the last directions i read had like 3 network manager apps to remove18:12
urgodfather_ActionParsnip: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD18:12
jribcuddylier: and you're sure it's failing on running the "addUser" command?18:13
cuddylierjrib I'm not 100% sure, but it certainly isn't creating the user18:13
cuddylierAnd it follows those commands above18:13
RocknRollaWicd sucks not support pppoe18:13
voozeIf I replaced some files in /usr/share/unity/6 is there some package I can reinstall to revert it back?18:14
_nameActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=f55c462dbae1b3bf6942192600abdbf6e8219aad18:14
jribcuddylier: is this a standard ubuntu install?  Root should be able to execute that without any issue.  What's the output of « ls -ld /usr/sbin/useradd »?18:14
cuddylierYes jrib, let me try18:14
cuddylierjrib: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 91512 Sep  6  2012 /usr/sbin/useradd18:15
ActionParsnip_name: ok and what is the sound issue?18:15
_nameActionParsnip: the places where he plugs in his headphones dont always work, sometimes it only works in the front of his computer and sometimes only in the back18:16
_nameActionParsnip: and i dont remember the discussion we had very well ut i think he might have said both didnt work at a point but not sure on that one18:18
SpacedOutHow does the 'PS Jenkins bot' review work?  I have a merge request up, I added it as a reviewer a day ago and without any updates.   lp:~spacedout/qtubuntu/fix_opengl_sharing into lp:qtubuntu18:18
James_EppI did 'update-rc.d tftpd-hpa defaults' as root but the service is still not loading on startup. What can I do?18:20
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jribcuddylier: well try running the command yourself (filling in the parameters with some random values) and ensure it works.  It should... My thought is still that it is not being executed as root though I know you said that it is18:20
ActionParsnip_name: try: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*18:20
jribJames_Epp: why did you run that?  Did you do something to stop it from starting at startup?18:21
James_Eppjrib: It didn't run on its own in the first place. tftpd-hpa (in my experience) has never done this.18:22
James_Eppjrib: Even if I append /etc/default/tftpd-hpa   to include RUN_DAEMON="yes" it does not run on startup.18:22
jribJames_Epp: well it has a /etc/init/tftpd-hpa.conf which means it is managed by upstart, reading that file may shed some light on what's happening18:23
James_Eppjrib: Thanks for the place to start. RTFM awaaaay18:23
jribJames_Epp: /usr/share/doc/tftpd-hpa/README.Debian might say something too18:24
gordonjcpI never got tftpd-hpa working18:24
gordonjcpI suspect it's an elaborate hoax18:24
_nameActionParsnip: ...they both seem to be working18:24
ElUserКак там в русскую комнату войти?)18:24
gordonjcpJames_Epp: what are you using tftp for?18:24
_nameActionParsnip: would those commands still help or cant anything be done until the problem is there again?18:25
urgodfatherActionParsnip: wicd didnt work... couldnt load18:25
jrib!ru | ElUser18:25
ubottuElUser: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:25
James_Eppgordonjcp: PXE booting along with some NFS18:25
ElUser /join #ubuntu-ru18:25
ActionParsnip_name: it defaults your sound setting configs, can help18:25
gordonjcpJames_Epp: right, just use dnsmasq18:25
James_Eppwhat is it?18:26
ActionParsnipurgodfather: did you reboot?18:26
cuddylierjrib What are groups used for?18:26
gordonjcpJames_Epp: it handles DNS, DHCP and PXE18:26
jrib!permissions | cuddylier18:26
ubottucuddylier: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:26
gordonjcpJames_Epp: it's just ridiculously suitable for PXE booting18:26
James_Eppgrrdonjcp: But I will be using a pfsense box for handling DHCP18:26
jribcuddylier: several users can be members of a group. You can manage permissions for a group of users in this way18:26
ElUser /join ubuntu-ru18:27
_nameActionParsnip: apparently its the microphone not the speakers18:27
cuddylierjrib How do I view the current groups?18:27
gordonjcpJames_Epp: then disable DHCP in dnsmasq18:27
jribcuddylier: you can read /etc/group18:27
gordonjcpJames_Epp: and make certain that pfsense can supply the correct DHCP parameters to the clients18:27
urgodfatherActionParsnip: i did18:27
urgodfatherActionParsnip: got some sort of dbus error18:28
James_Eppgordonjcp: I'm a really fresh n00b to all of this PxE stuff. Getting the packages installed is already a huge challenge for me. Half of the time, I've found I need a LOT of luck to get stuff working. Idk what dhcp parameters I would be looking at.18:28
ActionParsnipurgodfather: weird, ok uninstall wicd and reinstall network manager18:29
gordonjcpJames_Epp: I turned off DHCP on my router, and just used DNS on the VM hose18:29
urgodfatherActionParsnip: apparently it doesnt function properly with 13.04 yet (if i read this correctly)18:29
CharcoalcatWhen I do "php -f test.php" in the terminal, the code isn't executed, it acts the exact same as "cat test.php". How do I actually execute it??18:29
urgodfatherActionParsnip: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wicd/+bug/113252918:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1132529 in wicd (Ubuntu) "Can't start wicd daemon" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:29
urgodfatherActionParsnip: already did that18:29
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James_Eppgordonjcp: Thanks for the assistance. I'll see what I can do.18:30
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cuddylierjrib Yeah, the commands work, in the config they are in the order of creating the user before the group, but I assume that it knows to create the group first and then the user18:34
WolfjeHello im following all the steps from: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28470/how-do-i-build-unity-from-source But still im getting tis errors: http://pastie.org/7926703#1-2,5-6,11-1218:37
alien64is 12.10 not supported much now cuz it not offered as a download on the site download page?18:37
gustav_alien64: I think it is.18:38
mgmtI'm not sure what I did but now my install of 13.04 hangs at the splash screen until I hit esc a few times.  Anyone had this issue?18:39
Wolfjegustav_: Can you help?18:39
gustav_Wolfje: With?18:39
WolfjeHello im following all the steps from: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28470/how-do-i-build-unity-from-source But still im getting tis errors: http://pastie.org/7926703#1-2,5-6,11-1218:39
TaylerHey guys!18:39
alien64gustav_: is see 12.04 lts and 13.04 but no 12.1018:40
TaylerMY computer is fucked up lol18:40
IdleOneTayler: no swearing please18:40
Tayleranybody need or want help?18:40
gustav_alien64: There's a list of how long each version is supported, somewhere.18:40
gustav_Wolfje: I'm reading.18:40
ActionParsnipalien64: 12.10 is supported 18 months which is after 13.04 is EOL18:40
TaylerOh, sorry, I didn't know.18:40
Wolfjegustav_: Thanks18:40
mgmtTayler I could use some help lol18:40
TaylerWhat with?18:40
gustav_Wolfje: Can you paste on paste.ubuntu.com or pastebin.com?18:40
TaylerI am an 11 yr old code geek lol18:40
mgmtmy computer hangs at the splash screen until I hit esc a few times18:41
Taylerare all drivers installed correctly?18:41
TaylerGo into software manager, and check for updates18:41
mgmtI would assume so, everything works18:41
gustav_ActionParsnip: Do you know if there is going to be serious, solid support for Optimus in any upcoming release? It's kind of important, at least to me... or I can never upgrade.18:41
mgmtIf I set grub to nosplash debug everything works fine18:42
mgmtsoftware is up to date18:42
ActionParsnipgustav_: no idea. i think optimus is a cludge18:42
TaylerDebug grub18:42
Taylersee if it is having any issues18:42
ActionParsnipgustav_: i am actively avoiding it18:42
mgmthow do you debug grub?18:42
gustav_ActionParsnip: No, Optimus is the actual hardware, you mean Bumblebee.18:42
Taylerlemme look, I am not the best at it lol18:42
ActionParsnipgustav_: both18:42
gustav_ActionParsnip: Hm, how to use GPU then?18:43
Wolfjegustav_: Yess i can18:43
gustav_Wolfje: Thanks.18:43
ActionParsnipgustav_: if i avoid optimus then i dont have to mess with bumblebee18:43
gustav_ActionParsnip: True but no serious 3D acceleration either.18:43
ActionParsnipgustav_: buy a non-sandy/ivybridge CPU then but an nvidia based video card18:44
Taylermgmt: You know your splash screen.. What does it display on it?18:44
Wolfjegustav_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5678098/18:44
ActionParsnipgustac_: not hard......18:44
mgmtTayler what do you mean?18:44
gustav_ActionParsnip: Hm, that fit in the same socket?18:44
mgmtit says ubuntu with the 5 or so dots that light up18:44
Taylermgmt You said your splash screen hangs18:44
gustav_Wolfje: You need to install some missing packages.18:44
ActionParsnipgustav_: absolutely, why would it not?18:44
Taylerahh, you meen the Ubuntu splash, not motherboard splash screen18:44
Taylerare you using 64bit?18:45
gustav_ActionParsnip: Well... don't you want the fastest CPU? Haswell, won't it have the same, I mean a GPU in the CPU package?18:45
mgmtTayler:  Yeah it just keeps lighting up the dots like its loading but it doesn't go anywhere until I hit esc twice18:45
mgmtno, I'm using 32bit18:45
Taylermgmt what graphics card do you use?18:45
mgmtI think this one is a intel hd300018:45
mgmtit uses the system ram as video memory18:46
ActionParsnipgustav_: some of the "fastest cpus" dont have gpus built in18:46
TaylerYou might wanna change that18:46
Taylerusing system RAM for video memory is a bad idea18:46
gustav_ActionParsnip: Which do you rate as the fastest? Most expensive, most high end.18:46
erle-how can i capture master audio with avconv?18:46
ActionParsnipgustav_: benchmarks18:46
tangoSTV|TV-ASTRA|01 xdcc send #2418:47
gustav_ActionParsnip: Not sure which are faster then Ivy Bridge, then.18:47
Taylermgmt, open up terminal and paste "sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm && sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm" without the quotes18:47
mgmtTayler:  I have this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683423082418:47
Wolfjegustav_: Where and how?18:48
Taylermgmt: go into terminal and paste "sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm && sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm"18:48
gustav_Wolfje: With apt-get. Do apt-cache search unity-protocol, apt-cache search libbamf3, apt-cache search compiz. Look for -dev. Install those.18:48
mgmtTayler, ok, one min18:48
gustav_Wolfje: Then try again.18:49
Taylermgmt: okay, tell me if it changes anything18:49
mgmtTayler: do I set the default DM to gdm or lightdm?18:49
mgmtI'm currently using unity18:49
TaylerTell me if it works18:49
ActionParsnipgustav_: lots are faster than ivy bridge, are you serious?18:50
gustav_ActionParsnip: Which?18:50
mgmtalright, I gotta restart, back in two shakes18:50
gustav_ActionParsnip: I mean x86 or something you can buy in a laptop format.18:50
i4cafter i installed some packages i have no sound, html5 and totem go superfast, like 2 times or 3 times faster18:51
i4cbefore it was normal18:51
i4cand also only 1 sound output is detected, before 2 were18:51
ActionParsnipgustav_: amd hsve decent decent gpus embedded in their mobile cpus18:51
gustav_ActionParsnip: Ok, I don't mean the GPU. I don't want the internal GPU.18:52
gustav_ActionParsnip: Which AMD is faster than the fastest Ivy Bridge?18:52
ActionParsnipgustav_: look at benchmarks18:52
eipi-1since a couple of days my laptop has the weirdest problems: starting with loosing internet connection via WLAN. In the log i found this: http://pastebin.com/NShz1r51 Afterwards it often can't reboot but shuts down instead. Same with suspend. Any ideas?18:52
Sc0rp10nhi guys18:52
gustav_ActionParsnip: Strange name for a CPU. :)18:52
TaylerI wouldn't say many, gustav_.. I suggest Ivy Bridge, but look at bench marks etc18:52
Sc0rp10nI have a question regarding ubuntu18:53
gustav_I already own an Ivy Bridge, so I'm not buying.18:53
TaylerYes, Sc0rp10n?18:53
gustav_3920XM. It was the fastest when I bought. If I didn't miss any AMD.18:53
Wolfjegustav_: What do i need to do with -dev?18:53
gustav_Flash still lags, though.18:54
Sc0rp10nis it possible to replicate dev and staging enviroment running on aws on your local environment??18:54
gustav_Wolfje: Install. apt-get install PKGNAME-dev18:54
TaylerHmm.. I am not quite sure, sorry.18:54
mgmtTayler: broke it worse.  that made it so I couldn't esc out of the hanging splash screen18:54
Sc0rp10nI joined a new company and they are doing a migration of their code from a 3rd party to their own servers18:54
Sc0rp10nI have access to ubuntu instances on ec2 for their dev and staging18:55
Sc0rp10nhow can I setup my own environment from that18:55
Wolfjegustav_: E: Unable to locate package PKGNAME-dev18:55
gustav_Wolfje: Yeah, the -dev packages you found.18:55
Taylermgmt, okay, try this: Edit /etc/default/grub  change the line  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"  to  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""  then run sudo update-grub218:55
Taylermgmt, then, tell me what line the boot hangs on18:55
gustav_Wolfje: You can use synaptic or aptitude if it's more convenient to you.18:56
ActionParsnipgustav_ i7 3970X has a higher clock speed.....than the fastest i718:56
mgmtTayler: should I set it back to gdm? I just set it back to the original lightdm18:56
gustav_ActionParsnip: Is that not an M?18:56
Taylermgmt, are you running ubuntu 11.04?18:57
mgmtTayler: no, 13.0418:57
ActionParsnipgustav_: nope, no intel embedded gpu nonesense18:57
Taylermgmt, okay, set it back to default values, then try: Edit /etc/default/grub  change the line  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"  to  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""  then run sudo update-grub218:57
Wolfjegustav_: Doesnt work18:57
gustav_ActionParsnip: It's more than GPU, I think. It's less power consuming. My whole laptop only consumes 60W.18:57
ActionParsnipgustav_: then grab an nvidia card, oh look, no bumblebee rubbish18:57
Taylerthen, reboot your system, and tell me what line of text your computer hangs on18:58
ActionParsnipgustav_: in laptops i use only intel gpus, loads less power18:58
gustav_ActionParsnip: Newer version of the nVidia driver doesn't require bumblebee.18:58
gustav_Wolfje: Which?18:58
ActionParsnipgustav_: still not using it, its a poor solution to the problem it is intended to resolve18:59
gustav_ActionParsnip: I wasn't aware of it when I bought it.19:00
gustav_I got the impression it was "problem free."19:00
ActionParsnipgustav_: thats the main issure, nobody does a tinybit of research before buying. you can save yourself effort and heartache by researching products you intrnd to buy to see how things go with it19:01
Wolfjegustav_: Doesnt work19:01
gustav_ActionParsnip: Yeah but I can't research everything. That would take years and years. The problem now is the support and stubborn developers.19:01
Wolfjegustav_: If i doe the unity protocol he says not founded19:02
gustav_Wolfje: What doesn't work?19:02
gustav_Wolfje: Did you search for it?19:02
Wolfjegustav_: yES19:02
gustav_Wolfje: Maybe it's not in the repos.19:02
gustav_Wolfje: You're gonna have to download it and install it yourself.19:02
ActionParsnipgustav_: look at what you want to buy, then check it out to see how it goes with Ubuntu. Not researching much at all.....19:03
mgmtTayler: so setting that line to nothing in grub still shows the splash.  I set it to nosplash and it doesn't hang.  Is there19:03
mgmtis there a way to reinstall splash?19:03
gustav_ActionParsnip: I bought my laptop from a company that sells it with Ubuntu. I assumed it was guaranteed to work.19:03
ActionParsnipgustav_: if they set it up nice for you then itll probably work19:04
gustav_ActionParsnip: Yeah. ok19:04
gustav_Anyone have a problem?19:07
seronisyes.. but its xfce specific19:07
gustav_I'm not in XFCE but I have used it before.19:08
seroniscant figure out how to get Thunar to do REAL alphabetical name ordering when viewing files in list view19:08
Wolfjegustav_: Do you know where I can find that packages19:08
seronisits using the Windows  'smart'  method which is @#$%@ incorrect19:08
gustav_Wolfje: I'd Google it.19:08
gustav_seronis: Dirs first?19:09
seronisi have a TON (thousands) of hash based files..19:09
seronisand all the ones that happen to have their names start with 0's are out of order19:09
bluechaossomeone ?19:09
seronisbecause it treats numbers at the beginning of a filename as all one 'value' instead of on a character by character basis19:09
sarge1221Did the skype4pidgin project fall apart?19:09
seronisit puts things like 00000000009.bat  AFTER a file like 8zzzzzzzzzzzz.bat19:10
gustav_seronis: You think they implemented it wrong or an option is set wrong?19:10
bluechaosI have a problem  How to install vga ubuntu version 11.0419:10
bluechaosI cannot play without it19:11
gustav_seronis: Sorry, I'm a programmer, I might talk about internals.19:11
seronisits intended to be a smart option so that purely numeric based filenames will go in Numeric order19:11
seronisi dont want numeric order.. i want alphabetical19:11
seronisso am I.. its why the filenames are using hashes as the name19:11
seronisthey're all various data sets19:12
gustav_seronis: It looks correct to me.19:12
gustav_seronis: What Ubuntu?19:12
seronisxubuntu 13.0419:12
gustav_Oh. 6bea... came before 08.jpg ... That's not right.19:12
gustav_So it's 3,4,5,5,6,0,119:13
bluechaosguys can u help me...19:13
gustav_seronis: I'd call that a bug.19:13
seronisits not a bug.. its numeric ordering instead of alphabetical order19:13
seronisits just a horrible horrible feature19:13
Wolfjegustav_: Thanks...19:13
seroniswindows7 does the same thing..  if a filename is prefixed with numeric digits it takes ALL the digits as one numeric value before sorting19:14
seronisinstead of doing it letter by letter19:14
gustav_seronis: So change the filenames then.19:14
seronisnot an option .. they're hashes of the contents19:14
wtingWhen creating a bootable USB, what filesystem does it need to be?19:14
gustav_seronis: Index them as you'd like them sorted.19:15
gustav_9g8gr88r to 1 g9u8df8 to 2, etc19:15
=== umc1 is now known as umc
seronisI want to be able to manually grab a specific file when i need just one19:15
gustav_You can search?19:16
ubottutopo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:16
seronisthere are workarounds i know.. which is why its not a FATAL flaw.. but i still want to know how to make it work properly19:16
wtingnm, FAT32 it is19:16
i4chi i have a issue when i installed some packages, all my audio was lost, it could detect only 1 out of 2 audio outputs and html5 and totem play 3 times the speed, any ideas on how to fix this problem ? by either reseting all sound or anything, i am very noob and clueless19:17
gustav_seronis: XFCE people are very stuck up about their choices. KDE will probably work better or let you chose.19:17
erpoI need to replace the failing hard drive in my Ubuntu 13.04 system. It has a regular BIOS (not UEFI). I think there might be problems with a 3TB HDD because I would have to use GPT to access the full capacity of the drive, but a PC BIOS won't boot from a GPT disk. Thoughts?19:17
gustav_seronis: Basically you're not in Windows any more.19:18
OerHeks erpo does your bios support 3 tb ?19:18
seroniswhich is the whole point.  installed xubu 2 weeks ago and trying to solve my 'issues' as they come up19:18
seronisso far i havent had any thing bad enough to even make me consider switching back19:18
gustav_The problem with Linux you always get STUCK.19:18
gustav_And you come here, and no one helps.19:19
erpoOerHeks: I didn't realize a non-UEFI BIOS could support 3TB.19:19
OerHekserpo it can, check the manual.19:19
erpoOerHeks: I will. Thanks!19:20
seronisits not quite that bad =-)  this is the only thing im currently 'stuck' on.   Got mailto: links set to use gmail with a 2 line script.  Got a script to be able to grab screen captures, auto upload them to imgur and put a link to the url in the clipboard for quick sharing19:20
seronisdev environment (CodeBlocks, IntelliJ, Boost, SFML, OpenGL, Java) all set up very easily19:21
gustav_I'm happy about most things with my setup right now. Some major problems... Flash lags... Too hot CPU... optirun/nvidia crashes in supertuxkart.19:21
seronisthe nvidia (preferred, tested) drivers work but dont allow me to compile my own SFML apps.  havent had an issue with XOrg generic drive19:22
gustav_And of course Shuttleworth seems like a moron.19:22
gustav_seronis: Preferred & tested...?19:22
seronisit was marked that way in the restricted driver control panel19:22
Ari-Yanghi, I seem to have a problem with hdmi19:22
gustav_Xorg has removed so much control I used to have over the X server.19:23
Ari-YangI hook up my laptop to hdmi, then go to system settings and then display. I select the name of the monitor and hit 'apply' and I get this http://gyazo.com/3d41bc2ddb8d8ec93784b08eaa8a7eb119:23
Ari-Yang(I'm using E17 DE btw)19:23
gustav_Only to become more instable and only to satisfy Windows game nerds.19:23
seronisjust rechecked..   (proprietary, tested)  the 3.10 driver19:24
Ari-Yanghere's a screen shot of the Displays window http://gyazo.com/34d56368449b277e7f2a8ac75f0a4ecb19:24
seronisi figure i would try the 'tested' one .. and a couple steam games and sfml apps didnt work19:24
gustav_I'm running 313.09. It's bad.19:24
seronisdidnt try the others cause XOrg was working before trying the nvidia one19:24
gustav_But fast.19:24
seronisi have noticed flash lags sometimes.  is that specific to the adobe package?  its what was installed from the liveusb.  havent tried the generic19:26
Ari-YangI'm using open source drivers if that helps19:26
gustav_seronis: I have no idea. Seems like scheduling is wrong. I have no idea.19:26
seronisAri-Yang, i havent tried using my hdmi output yet so no experience with that. Idle for awhile and maybe someone else will respond19:27
=== gustav_ is now known as gustav___
gustav___Ari-Yang: I'm keeping quiet because HDMI works for me yet I don't know why.19:30
Ari-Yangare you using open source drivers, gustav___?19:31
Ari-Yangor proprietary drivers?19:31
seronisyou've peaked my curiosity though.. gonna drag laptop to living room and see if i can put netflix on the lcd19:31
darkappi formatted my usb for a network install, and now i need to get back what was on it beforehand19:31
Ari-Yanggustav___, so that's proprietary?19:32
darkappanyone know the proper dd command?19:32
gustav___Ari-Yang: Yes.19:32
Ari-Yanggustav___: http://gyazo.com/3d41bc2ddb8d8ec93784b08eaa8a7eb1 think I might have to do something with xrandr?19:32
darkappthis is my lsblk19:32
Ari-Yanggustav___, what DE are you on?19:32
Ari-YangI'm using ati open source drivers...19:33
darkappmy passwords are on it, so i rlly need this19:33
gustav___Ari-Yang: WindowMaker.19:33
gustav___airtonix: I used xrandr to setup HDMI.19:33
Ari-Yangokay, maybe I have to use xrandr too19:33
gustav___Ari-Yang: Just run xrandr on the terminal and if HDMI is configured correctly it will pop up.19:34
Ari-Yanggustav___, I'll try again19:35
Ari-Yanghooking up laptop to dmi again19:35
Ari-Yang* hdmi19:35
gustav___http://paste.ubuntu.com/5678256/ This is me right now. No cable in HDMI.19:36
Ari-Yanggustav___, http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Bs4jtw9P19:37
Ari-Yangwith hdmi plugged in19:37
Ari-Yangright now it says on the tv monitor that there is 'No Signal'19:37
lifeboyAnyone here over the weekend that can give advice on loading the latest rc kernel on 12.04 to get a patch?19:37
ShemlKanewhat file does a live USB boot from, my BIOS is retarded19:37
seronisAri-Yang, with nvidia (xorg oss drivers) plugging in my hdmi cable made the option show up in the display control panel19:37
seronissound is NOT automatically transferring like it does in Windows, and my laptops resolution swapped to match that of the tv (which makes part of it cut off and not visible on the laptop screen)19:38
lifeboyI run 12.04 64bit and have run into the KVM bug 1071322 and need to patch it, but don't quite see how.19:38
ubottubug 1071322 in linux (Ubuntu) "Quantal kernel for precise: starting KVM VM causes 'vmwrite error'" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107132219:38
ShemlKanewhat file does a live USB boot from, my BIOS is retarded19:38
upomochi is it posible to export wifi driwers from 12.04 ubuntu and use them in 13.04 ubuntu19:39
seronistook about 2 seconds for 'no signal' to disappear once i enabled 'use this device' in the display control panel19:39
Ari-Yangseronis, http://gyazo.com/34d56368449b277e7f2a8ac75f0a4ecb and when I select the samsun, turn it on, and hit apply I get this http://gyazo.com/3d41bc2ddb8d8ec93784b08eaa8a7eb119:39
ShemlKanewhat file does a live USB boot from, my BIOS is retarded19:39
wilee-nileeShemlKane, There is a boot from menu outside the bios, try f12 yours may be different.19:40
darkappidk but i need to reformat my usb, to save my files19:40
upomochi is it posible to export wifi driwers from 12.04 ubuntu and use them in 13.04 ubuntu?19:41
Ari-Yangit worked19:41
Ari-YangI ran xrandr --auto in terminal19:41
Ari-Yangand now laptop is hooked up to hdmi!19:42
lifeboyThe patch has been applied to kernel 3.7-rc6 and upwards.  Is there a way in which I can easily install that kernel?19:42
=== egon_ is now known as kote
Ari-YangI don't think sound is coming out of the tv19:43
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Ari-Yangso I can get hdmi to work with xrandr --auto19:49
Ari-Yangbut now to get sound19:49
dinosaurvskittenany recommendations for an epub reader that is not fbreader? (i.e. that at least loads images before they are fully on screen)19:51
dinosaurvskittenall the ones I've tried feel like I'm using some tk-based thing from the 90s19:51
DarkchaosHello Guys, I am running the Installer in Order to create a bootable USB-Stick. Now it asks for a Device which is about to be made bootable. Can I encforce a List somehow, as I dont want /dev/sda but my stick19:53
sarge1221jil, hi.19:53
jilI looking for the application that test and auto detect the keyboard on  installation.  I need to run it again, but can't find it.19:53
jilsarge1221, hello19:53
=== richard is now known as Guest27167
jilI don't want to touch the layout files if I can find one adapted to my keyboard. :)19:54
[[thufir]]I'm using xfce.  is there a package to download for a collection of desktop backgrounds?19:54
dinosaurvskitten[[thufir]]: you're probably better off just going to one of those desktop background websites19:55
[[thufir]]dinosaurvskitten: ok.19:55
anon_Hi, I have problem with locales.19:56
anon_Im running with Kubuntu, and after switch Language to polish, about half words left in english. Can someone help me diagnoze this?19:57
kkerwinHi, I'm having some difficulties getting a synaptics touchpad working under ubuntu. I have the xserver-xorg-input-synaptics package installed, but xorg doesn't seem to be detecting it.19:58
jilWhat's the name of the application that autodetect the keyboard layout on installation ?19:59
echoesorry about that, as the rare writer-editor dual threat i had to help someone edit a paper. >.> but ubuntu is running a lot nicer than fedora ever did. good riddance.20:00
Ari-Yangthis it what it looks like with hdmi successfully connected, but no audio http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=3zNyEdpX20:03
Basil1xI think my HDMI port is usurping my audio.  When I reboot, I have sound from my laptop speakers, until, suddenly, I don't.  If I have the HDMI port plugged into my TV, the sound works through the HDMI port.  This has been going on for some time now.20:04
Basil1xUbuntu 13.04 x64 Toshiba L75520:04
DarkchaosGuys I am in the installation process and need to specify my usb stick, however /dev/sdb isn't. Can I open a console, to ls /dev/20:04
hocheung20hi all, has anyone managed to install vmware tools on raring ringtail yet?20:06
auronandacehocheung20: why not use virtualbox, its open source20:07
auronandace!vmware | hocheung2020:07
ubottuhocheung20: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware20:07
=== ndevuk_ is now known as cardStar
echoevirtualbox is good.20:08
Ari-Yanghocheung20, you can d/l the .bundle file of vmware and install to see if vmware tools works....20:08
OerHekshocheung20,  maybe this page is any help, see >> http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/03/how-to-quickly-install-vmware-tools-in-ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail/20:08
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
hocheung20ubottu: vmware tools, not vmware itself20:09
ubottuhocheung20: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:09
=== Charcoaltail is now known as Charcoalcat
gustav___Ari-Yang: Did you get it working?20:10
Ari-Yangwhen selecting the hdmi audio output, I don't get any audio out all and videos play really fast...20:10
Ari-Yanggustav___, I got the screen to appear just fine on the tv monitor by running xrandr --auto but I'm trying to get sound working20:10
[[thufir]]how do I fix packages getting held back?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5678347/20:10
gustav___Ari-Yang: Ah. Check the last tab to the right in pavucontrol.20:11
Ari-Yangbtw I think I'm using pulse audio20:11
gustav___Ari-Yang: It works sometimes.20:11
auronandace[[thufir]]: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:11
gustav___Pulse Audio vu(?) control.20:11
hocheung20auronandace: because I already run vmware fusion for my other virtual machines, and I don't want to have to manage yet another hypervisor20:11
[[thufir]]auronandace: but I'm running 13.04!  ?20:11
auronandace[[thufir]]: dist-upgrade doesn't do what you seem to think it does20:12
bazhang!dist-upgrade | [[thufir]]20:12
ubottu[[thufir]]: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.20:12
[[thufir]]weird.  yeah, I guess not.20:12
Ari-Yanggustav___, I don't see it, where is this option?20:12
gustav___Ari-Yang: Configuration tab. Profile.20:12
gustav___Ari-Yang: HDMI.20:12
=== cardStar is now known as Billie
gustav___Ari-Yang: We might not have the same version.20:13
[[thufir]]!upgrade | [[thufir]]20:13
ubottu[[thufir]], please see my private message20:13
gustav___Ari-Yang: What do you see?20:13
Ari-Yanggustav___, you mean in the Sound tab of the system settings?20:14
Ari-Yanghold on20:14
gustav___Ari-Yang: Nope, in pavucontrol. Run it from bash.20:14
gustav___Or where you can find it.20:14
gustav___Unity thang might find it.20:14
druidJe suis entrain de tenter de réinstaller un pc windows sous linux, ce pc fonctionne sans soucis sous windows, mais lorsque que lance in installer (arch, ubuntu, debian) depuis un cd ou une clé usb, l'écran se met en veille au bout de quelques minutes, alors que je suis entrain d'utiliser l'assistant d'installation et je ne peux pas l'en sortir. J'ai réinitialisé le bios, viré les barrettes d20:14
Ari-Yanggustav___, it isn't installed20:14
Ari-Yang* isn't20:14
=== JKL|lejos is now known as JKL1234-
gustav___Ari-Yang: Ah. Well if you install it it might solve the problem.20:15
druide ram changé l'alim, débranché un max de trucs etc rien n'y fait... ca doit etre un probleme materiel, mais je ne comprends pas pourquoi ca fonctionnerait sous nux...20:15
Ari-Yangbut wait, gustav___ let me send you some screen shots of something20:15
auronandace!fr | druid20:15
ubottudruid: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:15
gustav___Ari-Yang: ok.20:15
daniel_zhey, how should I install node.js on ubuntu 13.04 ? any thing special ?20:15
tkI have an interesting conundrum w/setfacl... 90% of my permissions are all working as designed, except in some cases where users should have full rwx access they are only being allowed to add new files/delete existing files -- not scp and replace an existing file... any suggestions?20:16
Ari-Yanggustav___: http://gyazo.com/5225e4852dd9022c67ed78f7ab4dab44 http://gyazo.com/4c07543c7cf78b2d65772ee5e933cebf http://gyazo.com/732b9ff00d045cb5da7ff98363a9cc0820:16
Ari-Yangand http://gyazo.com/272c8c5f6d9f4fc94e93ddb250c3976f but it isn't important20:17
kkerwinHi, I'm having some difficulties getting a synaptics touchpad working under ubuntu. I have the xserver-xorg-input-synaptics package installed, but xorg doesn't seem to be detecting it.20:17
Ari-Yanggustav___, on the hardware tab profile of cedar hdmi audio is digital stereo as you can see...20:17
gustav___Ari-Yang: I see. Does it work?20:17
gustav___Ari-Yang: Test OK?20:18
Ari-Yangsee anything there I need to mess with? or you think I should get pavucontrol?20:18
Basil1xUbuntu 13.04 Toshiba L755 with HDMI port.  Sound from the internal speakers works for a few minutes then quits.  How can I stop this?20:18
gustav___Ari-Yang: I'm guessing if it's selected it should be outputting to HDMI, correct?20:18
swiftkickhello, I notice there is now no xorg.conf by default. Where would be a good place to put metamodes directives ViewPortIn and ViewPortOut ?20:18
gustav___Ari-Yang: So is it? Otherwise you can test pavucontrol.20:18
swiftkickwithout them this screen overscans horribly20:18
quemubottu: what20:18
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:18
tkhmm actually doing a bit more digging getfacl is listing the effective permissions as r------ only so... thats odd20:18
grogoreoI've upgraded to 13.03 and my sound card isn't working anymore. Can I run the detection for drivers to be reinstalled?20:19
Ari-Yanggustav___, yeah it should be. if I select the output cedar hdmi audio under the 'output' tab I get no sound and videos start to speed up.... haven't tried with any other video player though. of all I know the culprit could be my current video player20:19
Ari-YangI'll try a diff one20:19
Ari-Yangbefore installing pavucontrol20:19
gustav___Ari-Yang: OK.20:19
auronandacegrogoreo: check alsamixer to see if anything is muted20:19
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gustav___Ari-Yang: You can also check alsamixer.20:20
Ari-YangI'm not sure if I have alsa, where is alsamixer?20:20
gustav___Ari-Yang: I've somehow ended up in the engine room of Ubuntu, there might be shinier tools you see.20:20
gustav___Ari-Yang: bash.20:20
Ari-Yangoh wait, isn't it like if you have pulse, you have alsa but it isn't being used?20:20
gustav___Ari-Yang: There's a compat layer, but I think alsamixer communicates directly with pa.20:21
grogoreoauronandace, it says it's using the dummy output and nothings muted20:21
Ari-Yanghttp://gyazo.com/8b8156ad1ee2d8d7bae67030a3a24e55 <--- gustav___20:21
gustav___Ari-Yang: F6.20:22
gustav___Ari-Yang: Press.20:22
swiftkickhello, I just swapped monitors on two machines running ubuntu and xubuntu. The ubuntu machine had an xorgg.conf with various settings. The xubuntu machine did not. So now I need  to put in ViewPortIn and ViewPportOut settings on the xubuntu machine but there is no longer an xorg.conf by default. Where would be a good place to put metamodes directives ViewPortIn and ViewPortOut ?20:22
swiftkickwithout them my screen overscans horribly.20:22
Ari-Yanggustav___, I see - which is default, I see 0 which is hda intel, and 1 which is hd-audio generic20:22
Ari-Yangwhich one you think I should choose?20:23
gustav___Ari-Yang: 1.20:23
Ari-YangI'll try that20:23
gustav___Ari-Yang: HDMI output might be muted.20:23
Ari-YangI should do it after I hook up the laptop to hdmi right?20:23
Ari-Yangor before?20:23
gustav___Ari-Yang: After. When you have picture.20:23
Ari-YangI'll try it in a min.20:23
gustav___No! Do it now! Or else the aliens will get me! Nah, not really.20:24
jilhow can I autodetect my keyboard layout?20:24
betraydswiftkick: any special card for graphics20:24
swiftkickbetrayd: ndia20:25
betrayddidn't you get the proprietary drivers for the other machine that HAD an xorg.conf20:26
foo_What would best way to install ubuntu on an old somewhat underpowered laptop?20:27
diamondsis ✓ really not on there?20:27
gustav___foo_: CD, DVD, USB.20:27
Ari-Yanggustav___, http://gyazo.com/87e6caa0a245165ae92f54edd56dc41e20:27
Ari-Yanghdmi is hooked up20:27
diamondsfoo_, check out lubuntu or xubuntu20:27
Ari-Yangno sound20:27
gustav___Ari-Yang: Well there's your problem.20:28
swiftkickbetrayd: hmm i might not have. Looks like I'm  stiill running 3.0.4 on this machine. But the question is, where does the xorg.connf get parsed from? /etc/X11 or /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d ?20:28
diamondsfoo_, unity will be like... like molasses in january on your box20:28
Ari-Yanggustav___, what's next?20:28
diamondsI have an older dell & even gnome classic is slow on it20:28
foo_diamonds: that is kind of what I was thinking20:28
diamondsnot sure how much lubuntu would help but worth a try20:28
gustav___Ari-Yang: Logs. Google the card for other help. I can't test much and I'd be crying at this stage... hm.20:29
diamondsfoo_, stock ubuntu/unity is for MODERN, powerful machines20:29
gustav___Ari-Yang: Do you have an alternative for driver?20:29
=== atrius- is now known as atrius
betraydswiftkick: the /var/log/Xorg.0.log tells where it parsed from. at times from both20:29
foo_The laptop ran windows xp fine so I am thinking something lubuntu might work20:29
echoelubuntu is good for it yeah20:29
Ari-Yanggustav___, I don't really understand the problem. and know, I don't have an alternative driver to use. (I'm using open source drivers)20:29
foo_Which is more lightweigt lubuntu or xubuntu?20:29
Ari-Yangmaybe I should get pavu?20:30
diamondsfoo_, lubuntu vs. xubuntu is... gnome vs. xde I think20:30
Ari-Yangor do I not need that anymore?20:30
diamondsfoo_, so burn a couple live cds & see what you like20:30
echoei think lubuntu is more lightweight but not sure.20:30
gustav___Ari-Yang: The driver doesn't expose the correct capabilities of the card. Eh, like, it should have PCM not just S/PDIF.20:30
bazhangdiamonds, thats not correct, it's xfce4 and lxde/openbox   <----- foo_20:30
gustav___Ari-Yang: It's probably a configuration issue.20:30
auronandacediamonds: lubuntu = lxde, xubuntu = xfce20:30
bazhangfoo_, lubuntu is way lighter, xfce4 not so much20:31
Ari-Yangfoo_, yes, lubuntu is suppose to be light20:31
layer3[lokotron120] hi20:31
diamondsauronandace, thank you bazhang20:31
gustav___Ari-Yang: Something might have gone wrong when the driver setup itself. You could scan the logs, sometimes they give some help, I mean the errors might include help.20:31
Ari-Yanggustav___, where do I check the logs?20:32
bazhanglayer3, hi20:32
yofunis there a way to change my OS from ubuntu 12.10 x86_64 to ubuntu 12.10 x86 via ssh?20:32
linuxfreak78Hello all.  I am trying to disable touchpad scrolling completely within Unity/Gnome.  I could easily set this in versions prior to 13.04, but the option does not seem to be available in the GUI now.   Anyway, I found some commands and placed them in a bash script, but I cannot seem to get it to run when I login to Unity.  Does anyone have suggestions?20:32
gustav___Ari-Yang: Go look in /var/log. Or dmesg in bash.20:32
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bazhangyofun, 64bit to 32bit?20:32
gustav___Ari-Yang: dmesg|gedit if you want it in a more featured client.20:32
bazhangyofun, that requires a complete reinstall20:33
yofunbazhang:  im aware of that. but can i do it via ssh?20:33
gustav___Shiet, I don't know what to call things. So many different things. Clients, console applications, etc.20:33
yofunits a VPS20:33
gustav___Terminal applications.20:33
Ari-Yangokay gustav___20:33
yofunatm i cant get in my VPS control panel20:33
gustav___Ari-Yang: :)20:33
bazhangyofun, the VPS provides it?20:33
gustav___Ari-Yang: I can check for other people, eh, other trouble shooting sessions. What driver is it?20:34
yofunbazhang:  is there a way to start reinstalling my whole vps server from ssh?20:34
bazhangyofun, perhaps ask in #ubuntu-server , I have no clue really. apologies20:35
gustav___Ari-Yang: Try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197069920:35
Ari-Yangokay, http://gyazo.com/bbcb6b1dba1a4cb5a63ee30dcfb7b69220:35
gustav___I wonder who makes the visual tools. Seems like you (still) need a lot of tinkering. But I guess that's what this channel is for.20:36
Ari-Yanggustav___, interesting, I'll try that20:36
swiftkickbetrayd: I see references that appear to use the standard nvidia driver to use ViewPortIn and ViewPortOut. And I've literally copied the xorg.conf from the other machine, but now its giving me errors about the EDID contradicting the modes I've set. Setting Option "IgnoreEDID" "1" in the device section doesnt seem to help. It seems to be trying to force my monitor into interlace mode.20:40
souravhello guys i have converted a .mkv to mpeg2 in ubuntu i get picture but sound is absent in dvd player but it plays fine on the computer any help !!20:40
swiftkickbetrayd (from viewing Xorg.0.log )20:40
Ben64you shouldn't need an xorg.conf20:40
bazhangsourav, converted how20:40
bazhangsourav, what was the exact command used20:41
souravit is an gui20:41
bazhang!info transcoder20:41
ubottuPackage transcoder does not exist in raring20:41
souravtranscoder sourceforge20:41
bazhangsourav, no such package in ubuntu20:41
souravthis is the best app i have used20:41
souravartista winff not working for me20:42
Ben64sourav: the more detail you give, the more we could help you, one or two word answers don't do much20:42
bazhangsourav, why not handbrake, at least there is a ppa for it20:42
swiftkickBen64: OK20:42
swiftkickBen64: WHere do I set ViewPortIn and ViewPortOut metamodes if not xorg.conf ?20:42
swiftkickWithout them, the screen overscans horribly.20:42
Ben64is it a tv?20:42
question23874Is this the place to ask questions for ubuntu? I got here following the guide on help.ubuntu.com20:42
souravok converted a .mkv video to mpeg2 picture is present but audio is absent while playing in dvd player however the file plays ok in vlc smplayer20:43
Ben64swiftkick: disable overscan on the tv20:43
swiftkickBen64: HAHAHAHaHahahahahHAHAhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahah (sorry)20:43
swiftkickBen64: if  only  it  were  so. :-(20:43
Ben64i did it on my tv, it's not hard20:43
swiftkickBen64: Ive been through this a few times in the past. The option doesnt exist on this TV. Its a mitsubishi 60" DLP.20:44
Ari-Yanggustav___, little bit nervous editing grub, not sure where to put the line radeon.audio=120:44
Ben64anything else and you won't be getting full hd20:44
souravny ideas20:44
souravdoes dvd players support ac3 audio ??20:45
gustav___Ari-Yang: No worries. Add it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. w820:45
swiftkickBen64: Its a DLP. it looks like crap anyway. Without the viewportin and viewportout settings, the screen is physically shifted even when the nvidia drivers drive the standard EDID timings for that mode.20:45
betraydsourav: some do20:45
souravwhich is the best audio format for dvd players aac ac3 mp2 ??20:45
gustav___Ari-Yang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5678430/20:46
ognyiyi abi jekyll ve jekyllbootstrap takilicam biraz20:46
gustav___Hmm. Or wait a minute.20:46
souravbetrayd, does samsung support ac320:46
gustav___No, that's correct. :D20:46
Ben64sourav: every dvd player does ace20:46
gustav___Ari-Yang: You need to run sudo update-grub, as well.20:46
question23874Can I remove the authentication popup for installing or removing software in ubuntu 13.04? I don't want to disable security/root/sudo for anything else, just for installing/removing software20:47
=== mike is now known as Guest32024
Ari-Yanggustav___, I can't find the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash vmalloc=256M enable_mtrr_cleanup mtrr_spare_reg_nr=1 mtrr_gran_size=32M mtrr_chunk_size=128M" in my grub.cfg20:48
souravin video i selected mpeg2 in sound i selected mp3 did not work now i changed audio to ac3 will it work in dvd player i mean the sound20:48
Ari-Yangunder /boot/grub20:48
gustav___Ari-Yang: It's /etc/default/grub.20:48
Ari-Yanggustav___, I thought I was suppose to edit the grub.cfg20:48
gustav___Ari-Yang: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1970699&p=12337464#post1233746420:48
ario_hmm why is ubuntu operations so slow20:48
ario_it takes like 10seconds for to do anything20:48
souravario_ may be virus lol20:49
ario_fresh install20:49
souravario_ sudo apt-get install preload :p20:49
bluechaosanyone can help me to install agp ubuntu 11.04 ?20:49
bluechaosa cmd tutorial please. !20:49
sourav11.04 end of life install 13.0420:49
bluechaoshow to install it  ?20:50
bluechaosI cannot do any updates I'm out of updates20:50
souravbluechaos, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/install-desktop-latest20:50
ario_i read somewhere that has my problem - and they say to boot with the 'toram' boot parameter20:51
bluechaosi'm mean this version , yea I know how to donwload it burning cd/dvd blablabla20:51
ario_will that increase operation speed?20:51
bluechaosbut is not much simple to update it maybe u know better then I20:51
souravario_ it will20:51
Ari-Yanggustav___, it used to be like this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" now I edited it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash radeon.audio=1"20:51
Ari-Yangthat look right?20:51
gustav___Ari-Yang: Excellent.20:51
linuxfreak78Hello all.  Sorry to post a duplicate message but I was having trouble with IRC and am not sure if my first one showed up. I am trying to disable touchpad scrolling completely within Unity/Gnome.  I could easily set this in versions prior to 13.04, but the option does not seem to be available in the GUI now.   Anyway, I found some commands and placed them in a bash script (which works when run from a terminal), but20:51
linuxfreak78I cannot seem to get it to run when I login to Unity.  Does anyone have suggestions?20:51
Ari-Yanggustav___, this won't break anything, will it?20:52
souravario_, http://www.howtogeek.com/115797/6-ways-to-speed-up-ubuntu/20:52
gustav___Ari-Yang: No guarantees. :)20:52
souravworks for me20:52
question23874Can I remove the authentication popup for installing or removing software in ubuntu 13.04? I don't want to disable security/root/sudo for anything else, just for installing/removing software20:53
gustav___Ari-Yang: Save the change. Run sudo update-grub. Reboot.20:53
souravhelp me ppl will a mpeg2 video with ac3 audio play in home dvd players help plsss20:53
exadsourav: depends on the dvd player really.20:54
Ari-Yanggustav___, yeah, want to read up on something on pulse audio before doing this. thanks for your help :D20:54
Ari-YangI'll let you know how it works out20:54
zykotick9sourav: using mp2 audio is the safest most cross-platform option.20:54
gustav___Ari-Yang: Just reboot. No problem. It's the driver that's crippled.20:55
souravyea mp2 option is there20:55
souravreally strange man audio works in my desktop aah20:55
gustav___Ari-Yang: You can put moses-third-nipple=1 or whatever there, it won't break anything.20:55
souravzykotick9, mp3 option failed :(20:55
zykotick9sourav: that's normal.  most dvd players won't understand dvd video + mp320:56
exadyeah there's few that support it20:56
betraydhe said mp2, sourav20:56
exadno he said mp3 option failed20:56
souravzykotick9, mpeg2 + ac3 = <3 or </3 ?? :D20:56
souravjus telling ya i knw mp220:57
exadsourav: the only way to know for sure is to try or check the manual of the DVD player20:57
Ari-Yanggustav___, okay20:57
Ari-Yangin a min.20:57
souravsamsung standard dvd player20:57
betraydor the box it came in =]20:57
exadsourav: I don't intend to look it up for you20:57
exadI'm on a tablet and multitasking is a bitch on this slow POS20:58
pac1What's the story with glibc versions on ubuntu20:58
souravu tell me mpeg2 + ac3 witll it work whatchu u say man20:58
exadoops language sorry20:58
exadthis guy is encouragable -_-20:58
exadincorrigible even -_-20:59
souravam converting mpeg2 + ac320:59
gustav___What's the proof that everyone likes the golden ratio?20:59
bazhang!ot | gustav___20:59
ubottugustav___: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:59
exadsourav: good20:59
souravu sure man exad20:59
bazhangsourav, contact the sourceforge creators of that app21:00
exadno, I'm not sure, that's the point21:00
exadI told you how to be sure21:00
souravmailed em but they r not replying21:00
bazhangsourav, thats not an ubunt issue21:00
souravdude but its an app of ubuntu21:00
betraydsourav: if you called it 'standard dvd player' that won't help anyone21:00
bazhangsourav, transcoder is not an app of ubuntu21:00
souravof c it is bazhang21:01
bazhang!info transcoder | sourav21:01
ubottusourav: Package transcoder does not exist in raring21:01
sourav32 bit deb package21:01
souravTranscoder is a video converter for Linux using GTK+ as GUI toolkit and ffmpeg as backend.21:01
souravIt is distributed under the GNU General Public License.21:01
Ari-Yanggustav___, running sudo update-grub21:02
auronandacesourav: no, you are trying to get something to play in a dvd player (you could be converting it in any os)21:02
bazhangsourav, being in .deb format does NOT make it part of the ubuntu software repos21:02
souravwhachu talkin bout bazhang ubuntu is linux21:02
exadSupported or not, I gave you the info you need sourav, do with it what you will21:02
bazhanghandbrake will do it without question21:02
Ari-Yangokay, all that's left there now is to reboot....21:03
zykotick9bazhang: ahhh, handbrake doesn't support mpeg... just saying.21:03
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bazhangzykotick9, sure it does21:03
zykotick9bazhang: not as output...21:03
bazhangzykotick9, to make for a dvd player? thats easily fixed21:04
exadI just looked it up.. it seems to be able to output mpeg..21:04
sesshomaruHey all, I'm looking for a program that will run a chat server over telnet, 12.04 server.21:04
exadI didn't read much about it, but it does seem possible21:04
zykotick9bazhang: only MPEG2 is "standard" for dvd players, and handbrake no longer does that (and hasn't for a while)21:04
bazhangzykotick9, thats odd, my dvd player can do it with the handbrake output no problemo21:05
zykotick9bazhang: that CERTAINLY could be true, BUT that isn't a "real" dvd21:05
Ari-Yangtime to test21:06
bazhangwell he's gone, and we are getting a wee bit ot, so perhaps we should move on21:06
Ari-Yanggustav___, I should do the norm and after running xrandr --auto21:06
Ari-YangI select hdmi output under sound settings of System settings21:06
wtingHey, my Ubuntu server keeps freezing and I need to do a hard reboot. How do I diagnose random crashes?21:07
exadlol <3 OT!21:07
bazhangwting, try in #ubuntu-server21:07
gustav___Ari-Yang: Are you rebooted?21:07
Ari-Yanggustav___, yeah I rebooted21:07
gustav___Ari-Yang: Alright. xrandr --auto and check alsamixer.21:08
gustav___F6 1.21:08
Ari-Yanggustav___, no need21:08
Ari-Yangit works21:08
Ari-Yangbut I'll check it21:08
gustav___Woho. Some hope for me and my nvidia.21:08
chachanhi gus, a quick question about AWS/EC2, I purchased two reserved instances, should I launch them using the "Instances" list, it says "on demand" instances. Would a "on demand" instance fill a reserved instance position?21:09
gustav___Ari-Yang: There should be more windowy tools that will let you mix. I just like using the keyboard, or not... eh. Well. My mousepad is kind of small, so.21:09
chachanI'm not really sure how to launch a reserved instance21:09
Ari-Yanggustav___, it still looks the same in alsamixer, whatever21:10
Ari-Yangit works21:10
Ari-Yangthanks for all of your help21:10
FloodBot1Ari-Yang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:10
OerHekschachan, how is this related to ubuntu?21:10
chachanOerHeks, the instances are ubuntu-served-based21:10
chachanOerHeks, you might have experience21:11
bazhangchachan, aws has a channel here on freenode21:11
OerHekschachan the server part, sure, i have no clue, try #aws ?21:12
chachanbazhang, I know, there're less than 200 users there, and more than 1500 in here. Is this causing a problem?. Maybe one in the list know about it. I won't make noise21:13
chachanand it's weekend =(21:13
WildRoseHey, I have sort of an interesting problem guys21:15
gustav___WildRose: Go on.21:16
WildRoseSorry, Was doublechecking version21:16
WildRoseI'm running cmdline 12.04 on a hybrid server21:16
WildRoseIt's sort of a cross between a dedicated and a vps21:17
WildRoseerm..not sure exactly what that is.21:18
gustav___Runs child OSes inside the host kernel.21:18
WildRoseclosest thing I can give you is the site says they use KVM virtualization tech21:19
cloneGhello is there any nvidia-settings widget I could add to the menu bar in the desktop? ubuntu 12.04 here21:19
gustav___KVM is qemu, I think.21:19
cloneGso that I could keep an eye for the gpu temperature...21:19
WildRosewell, onto my problem then?21:19
Ari-YangcloneG, type sensors in terminal and if you don't have it install it21:20
Ari-Yangthat's what I use21:20
Ari-Yangthough on this DE I'm running on, it comes with a temperature app... maybe you can google around to see if you can find a temperature app yourself?21:20
WildRosemy access is set to /bin/bash in the accounts, but I cannot use sudo, nor get root.21:20
cloneGAri-Yang I did but that is not easy  to check...I need to open terminal and type21:21
Ari-YangcloneG, maybe run sudo apt-get install sensors ?21:21
WildRoseNo matter what I cahnge on sudo it gives me "<my name> is not in the sudoers file, this incident will be reported."21:21
betraydgiving them the order to stand down21:22
WildRoseI can't edit the sudoers file without root...root is disabled thanks to ubuntu...21:22
WildRosecan't access without sudo which is what I can't use in first place :x21:22
lifeboyWildrose: Good security, hey  :-)21:23
lifeboyWildRose: Good security, hey  :-)21:23
seronislooks like its doing its job then ....21:23
WildRoseHow do I get to use apt-get :/21:23
WildRoseI can't run the game server without installing a couple of packages.21:23
cloneGAri-Yang sensors doesnt give me graphics card gpu temperature info only cpu...nvidia-settings does but I would like to add it to the title bar21:24
seronisinstall them in your home directory instead of globally if you're not an administrator on your system21:24
gordonjcp!apt | WildRose21:24
ubottuWildRose: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)21:24
Ari-YangcloneG, I'm not sure then :s what DE are you on? perhaps you can join its channel here on freenode and ask for a temp app?21:25
ognyhi, i'm on ubuntu 13, unity. i use dual monitor on 2 workspaces, when i switch to other one, cursor doesn't go the new workspace, so, i must drag the cursor new one, is there a solution for moving cursor to the new workspace21:25
cloneGAri-Yang DE? whats that?21:25
Ari-Yangdesktop environment21:25
Ari-Yanglike unity21:25
seronisWildRose,  if you are supposed to have admin privledges.. log in with an account that has those privs and install what you need21:25
FloodBot1Ari-Yang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:25
cloneGAri-Yang i am using ubuntu classic but with mac osx theme21:26
WildRoseSeems I'll need to talk to the host.. Thanks for the help guys21:26
Ari-Yangoh, I'm not sure then, idle here for a while, somebody will probably help21:26
StaticLNXis there a console tool for services that uses something like ncurses?21:26
cloneGAri-Yang thanks21:26
gordonjcpStaticLNX: to do what?21:27
seronisWildRose, OR as i also suggested.. dont install the package globally but install it into your home directory21:27
gordonjcpWildRose: you'd likely need root privileges to install packages21:27
seronishttp://askubuntu.com/questions/339/how-can-i-install-a-package-without-root-access has tips on how to do that21:27
WildRoseAh, I missed that, thanks seronis21:27
cloneGId like to add a nvidia-settings widget to warn me just in case gpu gets too hot21:27
WildRoseI'll look into that really quickly :)21:27
StaticLNXmanage services and specify runlevels21:28
bazhang!runlevel | StaticLNX21:29
ubottuStaticLNX: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.21:29
gordonjcpStaticLNX: wouldn't that be a bit complicated?21:29
bazhangStaticLNX, please state exactly what you are trying to do21:29
StaticLNXmanipulate services based on runlevels21:32
cloneGhow would I call nvidia-settings gpu temperature from terminal?21:32
th0rcloneG, I believe it is part of lm_sensors...there is info online regarding implementing lm_sensors21:33
bazhangStaticLNX, why would you need to do that? did you see the bot factoid about runlevels in ubuntu?21:33
StaticLNXsorry I am new to ubunto, I came from a gentoo-LFS background21:34
moatezhaow to move  this bar an get it down ?21:35
bazhangmoatez, move the unity bar?21:36
giNeeRingAndroid users I need your help!21:37
giNeeRingLost phone right??? Didn't install remote location apk in first place. --- So is there an app from playstore ,, to wirelessly install and you can gain access?21:37
bazhanggiNeeRing, #android21:37
StaticLNXso upstart... how would I add a service to start on boot?21:37
ssokolowMy brother's 12.10 system fails to install nvidia-experimental-310 (needed for Steam for Linux) with "ERROR (dkms apport): kernel package linux-headers-3.8.0-20-lowlatency is not supported". (it was 12.04 LTS until last night, same problem) Suggestions?21:37
giNeeRingbazhang: alright there, but the concept of an app that can be wirelessly installed and then give you access.21:38
ronaldsssokolow, cause 12.10 has 3.5 kernel, whil 3.8 is in raring 13.0421:38
StaticLNXstatic@ubuntu:~$ sudo service mysql add "is this correct"21:39
bazhanggiNeeRing, its offtopic here, no connection  to ubuntu21:39
kayleeHow do I find which repository my system is using? Its backtrack gnome, thats all I know. I know its ubuntu based... I need to download some packages from the offline repository so I can get some programs working right, I know which ones I need, just not which <enter strange name of ubuntu realease here> to download from... I was hoping that the system would tell me which repository I should download from manually...21:39
OerHekscloneG, try " nvidia-smi"21:40
bazhangkaylee, check your sources.list21:40
ssokolowronalds: Well, according to uname, it's running 3.8. I'm a Gentoo user. All this extra complexity that comes from having a package manager that can't just recompile and relink as needed is outside my area of expertise.21:40
giNeeRingbazhang: thank you atleast for addressing it21:40
* giNeeRing salutes bazhang 21:40
ronaldsI have problem with kdenlive today, as it suddenly started to have segmentation faults, and stutters on rendering some video.21:40
ssokolowronalds: Are you saying the simplest solution is just to complete the process of moving from LTS to current (raring)?21:40
bazhangkaylee, for the actual bt info, you'd have to ask in bt support chan:  #backtrack-linux21:41
ronaldswell he have 12.10, awfull release21:41
kayleebazhang: fabulous, I am glad there is some support for it specifically :) Thanks21:42
bazhangssokolow, 12.10 is not LTS by the way21:42
ronaldsI just hate when 54 seconds have left to complete rendering, and nothing happens21:42
ssokolowbazhang: He was on 12.04 LTS last night. We're on 12.10 because we're on the way to 13.04 and my usual policy is to fix upgrade breakages before doing another upgrade.21:43
kayleebazhang: they say they are no longer supporting it at all, and that they have some new project that you have to download...21:43
ronaldsanyone kdenlive?21:43
th0rno PM21:43
StaticLNXbazhang: static@ubuntu:~$ sudo service mysql add < is this the correct way to add a service to start at startup?21:43
WildRosewell i've officially tried everything, i'll talk to host. thanks guys.21:43
bazhangronalds, try #kdenlive21:44
inv-StaticLNX, desktop or server?21:44
cloneGOerHeks thank you so much!!21:44
ronaldsit's official, I lost icon in right upper corner for menu with shutdown logout thingy21:45
ssokolowI'll just complete the upgrade to 13.04 and hope that current breakages don't compound enough to require a reinstall.21:45
kayleebazhang: there also doesn't seem to be an offline repository for backtrack, but I can see its based on debian, is there a way to find out which version its based on so as to find the .deb files that will be compatable. I am greatly limited in my options for getting things working atm... sadly :(21:45
inv-StaticLNX, please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto21:46
bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/296946/upstart-cant-start-mysql     StaticLNX21:47
ronaldsI added kubuntu- backports21:48
ronaldslater removed21:48
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ronaldsbut I think, that what made my kde apps unstable21:48
ronaldsso how do I get stable versions21:48
inv-bazhang, how does that solves his problem :/?21:48
bazhanginv-, it indicates there's an issue with what he was trying to do...21:49
bazhangronalds, you want linear editing / video or what21:50
ronalds16 seconds till rendering ends21:52
ronalds11 and it stuck21:53
Lenovohttp://youtu.be/v8Kk_ZW-dSo?t=22m30s  anyone know the title of that music that start at 22:30 ? or maybe any word they said in the song?21:53
ronaldsmakes me want to smash the damn pc21:53
bazhang!ot | Lenovo21:53
ubottuLenovo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:53
bazhangronalds, no need for the running commentary21:53
ronaldsthen why the hell damn thing stucks for completely random reason21:54
bazhang!language > ronalds21:54
ubotturonalds, please see my private message21:54
ronaldsI'm frustrated for rendering one file 60 times21:54
cloneGhow do I add a nvidia -smi desktop shortcut?21:55
bazhangronalds, this is not the complaints / rants channel. take it elsewhere21:55
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wtingTrying to diff two different directories, how do I only show files from the one side?21:55
StaticLNXty inv- it was static@ubuntu:~$ sudo update-rc.d mysql defaults21:56
ronaldswhy does removing kubuntu-desktop, doesn't take all the apps installed with it away21:56
inv-You're welcome StaticLNX21:56
bazhang!meta-package > ronalds21:56
ubotturonalds, please see my private message21:56
cloneGwhen I add the command: nvidia -smi and set the shortcut to run in terminal and click it the terminal appears for half a second and vanishes21:57
ronaldsok, it's meta, so where is option to uninstall de without destroying ubuntu, or going trought synaptic for every single app21:58
ronaldsit got me21:58
bazhangronalds, purekde, gnome or what21:58
GeorgeTorwellWhy am I getting two different types of pre-boot decryption screens? Did the government hack my bootloader?21:58
ronaldsjust the packaged that came with kubuntu-desktop meta package21:58
GeorgeTorwelland why do I keep getting a "report system error" pop up, but I see nothing in syslog when I'm monitoring it, and it asks me for my root password to report it21:59
bazhangronalds, you want only kde? and have gnome as well? what is the goal here: to have pure kubuntu/ubuntu/xubuntu /lubuntu or what22:00
ronaldsI had kubuntu-backports ppa added22:01
ronaldswhen I got rid of it, packages stayed dev versions22:01
bazhang!ppa-purge | ronalds22:01
ubotturonalds: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:01
GeorgeTorwellsomeone answer me22:02
GeorgeTorwellhow about you ba22:02
bazhangGeorgeTorwell, patience22:02
inv-GeorgeTorwell, you can always disable reports22:07
bazhang!ppa-purge > ronalds22:08
ubotturonalds, please see my private message22:08
GeorgeTorwellinv- but why would it claim I have a system error when I'm  tail'ing syslog and nothing appears there22:08
GeorgeTorwelland why does it want my root password to report the error22:08
midnightsun1helloo to all22:08
midnightsun1i want some help22:09
inv-GeorgeTorwell, used to happen with me. I turned off those annoying reports22:09
JoseeAntonioRGeorgeTorwell: may be asking your root password as it may need to access logs which are marked for admin-only22:09
Wacky13does anyone know how to help me get my verizon HTC Rhyme back to the original stock?22:09
GeorgeTorwelladmin only?22:09
bazhang!ask | midnightsun122:09
ubottumidnightsun1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:09
GeorgeTorwellisn't syslog admin only22:10
OerHeksWacky13, is it running ubuntu ?22:10
midnightsun1i want to install linux22:10
bazhangWacky13, did you install ubuntu on it?22:10
midnightsun1but my hard disk shown in 1 partation22:10
Wacky13i dont know what ubuntu is?22:10
OerHeksWacky13,  try the HTC channel, if it exists.22:10
thecodeischaosthen why are you here22:11
bazhangWacky13, htc runs android?22:11
Wacky13yes htc runs android22:11
midnightsun1ut my hard disk shown in 1 partation22:11
bazhang#android Wacky1322:11
BerndDasBrothell, how can i fix this problem? http://techforumnetwork.com/techqns/ubuntu-13-04-dash-turns-green/22:11
midnightsun1for me?22:11
bazhang!install | midnightsun1 have a read22:12
ubottumidnightsun1 have a read: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:12
Wacky13i figures this is where the most ppl are that somebody would know how to help me22:12
exadwacky13, have you checkd xda?22:12
bazhangWacky13, its the wrong channel22:12
wilee-nileeWacky13, Try #android22:12
midnightsun1thx bro22:12
Wacky13yes xda doesnot have HTC Rhyme forums22:12
bazhangWacky13, please stop, its offtopic here22:12
bazhang /join #android Wacky1322:13
BerndDasBrothello? can someone help me. and ohhh.....before i forget....android is sh**22:13
bazhang!language > BerndDasBrot22:13
ubottuBerndDasBrot, please see my private message22:13
morningI have a new ThinkPad with Windows 8 on it, and before I clear the disc and install Ubuntu I want to copy Lenovo's "recovery partition." I see the recommendation to do it this way: dd if=/dev/sda | gzip > /mnt/usb/hda.img.gz . But when I try that I get a message "not a directory." (Instead of "/mnt/usb/hda.img.gz" I've substituted "/dev/sdd2/hda.img.gz" according to the name of my disk. I'm not experienced with shell commands. Can someon22:13
morninge set me straight?22:13
Wacky13well tell me what is ubuntu is that ontopic enough for u22:14
gavahwhois  gavah22:15
BerndDasBrotknow somehting about green dash?22:16
FearTheLorddo you guys fear god?22:16
bazhangFearTheLord, wrong network22:17
FearTheLordbazhang: I suggest you read Matthew 7:13-1422:17
QIIIWacky13:  Please have a look here.  We'd be happy to answer any questions you have...  http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop22:17
morningFeartheLord: I suggest you read the guidelines for this room.22:18
BerndDasBrot@ubottu i think i solved the problem22:21
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:22
BerndDasBrotcan someone say me how can i speed up ubuntu22:23
dr_willisdepends on wgats slow  BerndDasBrot22:24
BerndDasBrot@dr_willis ???sry im not very good in english and im noob :)22:24
morningTo copy the partition of a disc on my new ThinkPad before installing Ubuntu, I've entered dd if=/dev/sda | gzip > /dev/sdd2/hda.img.gz. But I get back "/dev/sdd2/hda.img.gz not a directory." I'm inexperienced with such commands. What am I doing wrong?22:25
dr_willisdepends on whats slow  about ubuntu BerndDasBrot22:25
BerndDasBrot@dr_willis i have a very old laptop (Acer Aspire 1690) and when i start a programm it tooks very long22:25
BerndDasBrot@dr_willis or when i press the windows key22:25
dr_willisno need to use @ on irc BerndDasBrot22:26
BerndDasBrotoh ok sry22:26
dr_willislubuntu may run faster on very old hardware22:26
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.22:26
sirbladehalp is there a way to get dpkg to do a repair like the MS windows installer does?22:27
dr_willisalso be sure you have the proper 3d drivers installed for video22:27
BerndDasBrotdr_willis the grapics card is a AMD X70022:27
BerndDasBrotdr_willis its antice :D22:28
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:28
BerndDasBrotdr_willis my video card is in the compantibilty list22:29
kryshello all, wondering if someone could help me with a system that just reboots after the grub menu without loading the OS22:33
krysi have already tried reloading grub with the boot-repair disc22:34
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th0rsirblade, I think the command is 'sudo apt-get -f install'22:34
Guest69987is anybody home?22:36
th0rGuest69987, no22:37
MiLLoHi there, I have a file in /media/sda3/Users/Jay - file named xaa, and I'd like to copy this via terminal to my usb drive - sdc1.  How can I do this please22:37
jribMiLLo: cp /path/to/file /path/to/newfile22:38
MiLLoi was doing wrong way22:39
krysanyone know a good channel for help with boot issues?22:39
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MiLLothanks jrib22:40
bazhangkrys, is /boot full?22:40
krysi dont think so... let me check22:41
krysbazhang: how would i check? the OS is on a usb drive that I have mounted on my laptop22:42
krysit doesnt appear to be full22:43
krysthe device itself has 4.3GB free of 822:43
bazhangkrys, is there a separate /boot ? is this persistent usb?22:44
caesin general, if I want to change gui settings for ubuntu apps, what folder should i look for?22:44
krysi installed ubuntu server to a USB stick if thats what your asking22:45
krysbazhang: so yes i believe its persistent22:45
bazhangkrys, the server is a loop mounted usb stick on your laptop?22:46
krysbazhang: its just weird I dont get an error or anything at boot, it just reboots22:46
bazhangkrys, or just the iso?22:46
krysso i dont event know where to begin22:46
krysit is usually on a different system, I just have it in my laptop to try and fix it22:47
krysbazhang: did that answer your question?22:50
bazhangkrys, this is way outside my knowledge base; it's server, so perhaps if you also ask in #ubuntu-server they can help. apologies22:51
TheJetsesomeone here?22:52
bazhangTheJetse, yes22:53
TheJetseHow can I connect to a custom IP with xchat ?22:53
bazhangTheJetse, whats a custom IP22:54
TheJetseHow can I connect to a custom IRC chat thing22:54
TheJetseInstead of the Ubuntu server(freenode) to some ip22:54
bazhangTheJetse, thats not making sense, please rephrase22:54
SunTsuTheJetse: I don't know xchat but I would bet on /connect <ip>22:55
TheJetsenot working22:56
TheJetseim not a irc operator apparently22:56
bazhangTheJetse, what are you trying to do exactly22:57
SunTsuTheJetse: OK, then it probably it is /server <ip>22:57
bazhangTheJetse, please be very clear22:57
TheJetseConnect to a different server then the standard ubuntu server22:57
SunTsuI'm too used to irssi where it's /connect, while xchat uses /connect in order to connect two irc servers22:57
bazhangand he quit22:57
SunTsubazhang: Yeah, because he switched to a different server22:58
SunTsuwhich he wanted22:58
bazhangSunTsu, you can connect to multiple22:58
SunTsubazhang: yeah, I know, he didn't :>22:58
bazhangeven xchat has that22:58
TheJetseIt worked, came back to say thank you :)22:59
TheJetse the command /server <ip> was alright22:59
SunTsuYou're welcome22:59
SunTsuTheJetse: btw. you can be connected to multiple servers, just look at the docs22:59
linuxhi friends23:06
linuxi try to install linux from live boot dvd23:07
linuxi couldnt see install option on the desktop23:07
bazhanglinux, what version of ubuntu23:07
linuxaustralias mate23:08
k-stzlinux, the ubuntu version is called "australias" ?23:09
darkappguys join #wolfgame23:09
darkappawesome game soon to start23:09
bazhangdarkapp, dont advertise here23:09
linuxmate desktop environment 1.6.023:10
bazhanglinux, MINT?23:10
k-stzlinux: if you can type in the command: uname -a23:11
Nothing_MuchMint is terrible, but that's another story, what's the problem?23:11
bazhanglinux, this is ubuntu support not MINT23:11
bazhang!mintsupport | linux23:11
ubottulinux: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:11
linuxlinux 3.5.0-2823:13
caesin general, if I want to change gui settings for ubuntu apps, what folder should i look for?23:17
k-stzcaes: System Settings -> appearance23:18
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testusrHI, I am searching a way to replace capslock with the iso <>| key systemwide, not just in X. How do I do this ?23:25
unstableI just got a new Thinkpad X1 Carbon. I want to format it with Ubuntu. Though in case I sell this laptop one day, I want to do a backup of windows so I can restore it at some point in the future. I have just booted the Thinkpad off the live usb drive. What is a good way to backup the windows image?23:31
[JethroDawnfine]unstable, have you read about clonezilla?23:32
unstable[JethroDawnfine]: no, that's why I came in here. To ge the name 'clonezilla' and to go read about it. I'll be back in 2 minutes.23:33
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testusrdosnt thinkpad have like all the other vendors some shitty backup on 6 dvd solutions preinstalled ?23:33
Nothing_MuchSo I'm wanting to start a HL2:DM server on Ubuntu server.. How do I do that?23:34
Ari-Yanghow come with the open source driver, the laptop gets warmer faster than with proprietary drivers? is there a solution to this?23:35
inv-Nothing_Much, can you explain whats is HL2:DM?23:35
Nothing_MuchAre you using Nvidia Ari-Yang?23:35
Ari-Yangno, Nothing_Much, this is ATI/AMD23:36
Nothing_MuchHalf-Life 2:Deathmatch23:36
Nothing_MuchWhat? I'm a gamer :P23:36
Dr_willisperhaps the steam client has a menu item to do it?23:36
Nothing_MuchAri-Yang, well, the radeon driver lacks some features such as power saving that the proprietary ones have.23:37
pvrNothing_Much: that's a question for valve, not ubuntu.23:37
inv-pvr, haha23:37
Ari-YangNothing_Much, is there a solution for this? like adding anything to grub or something? here's a screen shot http://gyazo.com/bbcb6b1dba1a4cb5a63ee30dcfb7b69223:37
inv-Ari-Yang, ATI usually heats up more faster than NVIDIA,23:38
Ari-Yangshame =/ so there isn't really a solution, eh?23:38
inv-My personal experience have shown me that opensource drivers are better than proprietary for ATI23:38
Ari-Yangyeah ofc23:38
Ari-Yangfglrx is horrible, I just wish the laptop wouldn't heat up as fast is all...23:38
inv-how does it performs under any other OS?23:39
pvrAri-Yang: well, you won't find a solution looking at your bootloader, that's for sure.23:39
Nothing_Muchpvr, do I require Ubuntu Server for something I'm wanting to try?23:39
testusrhow do i disable all theese join messages in irc ? i forgot the command23:39
Ari-Yanginv-, no just ubuntu 12.1023:39
Dr_willisand whats so horriable about the fglrx driver?23:39
Ari-YangDr_willis, tearing everywhere23:39
pvrNothing_Much: no, regular ubuntu is ok.23:39
Dr_willisAri-Yang,  may be some tweaks to fix that. if thats the only issue23:40
Nothing_MuchIs it possible without an xserver?23:40
inv-Ari-Yang, what gpu does your laptop have?23:40
pvrNothing_Much: it should be, yes.23:40
Ari-Yanginv-, here you go http://sprunge.us/fGUA23:40
Nothing_MuchThat's what I'd like to try23:41
Nothing_MuchAre there tutorials that exist?23:41
sdafdshi, i just installed ubuntu 13 along side windows xp, and grub fails to boot (i mean no menu no nothing). I booted the live media again and chrooted to my install and reinstalled grub, it detected the kernel images and my xp install but still it will not boot. I remember that holding shift just after POST will force grub to show me menu with the entries, but this time all i get is Grub loading. And that's all23:41
Ari-Yangwhat do you think inv-? I'm searching for any solutions like adding a line or two to grub...23:42
inv-Ari-Yang, gimme a minute23:42
inv-Ari-Yang, what driver are you using now?23:43
pvrNothing_Much: you should try googling something along the lines of half life 2 dedicated server ubuntu23:43
Ari-Yanginv-, open source, and atm here is my sensors http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Wnc7K9yL23:43
Ari-Yanginv-: http://gyazo.com/bbcb6b1dba1a4cb5a63ee30dcfb7b692 screen shot of driver23:44
BlackDalekis there any user discernible difference between running 64-bit ubuntu and 32-bit ubuntu? And if not, in what situation would it be necessary to choose 64-bit over 32-bit?23:45
pvrAri-Yang: grub is a bootloader, all it does is tell your processor where to start executing your OS. No link with graphics drivers... ;)23:45
MiLLoany idea why i can't partition my usb stick to ntfs without it coming up with error after error?23:46
MiLLoin gparted23:46
bazhangBlackDalek, use 64 if your computer supports it23:46
inv-http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2085304 @ Ari-Yang23:46
bazhangMiLLo, is is unmounted?23:46
MiLLoat best it can say unknown partiton in gparted23:46
MiLLoafter i try partiton23:46
testusrBlackDalek use 64 only if you have at least 4gb ram23:46
bazhangtestusr, thats no t necessary, really23:47
vitimitinighty night23:47
Ari-Yanginv-, I see =/ but I'm not really looking for "restricted drivers"23:47
testusrwell if we got some conversation going i'm gonna repeat my question again :23:48
testusrHI, I am searching a way to replace capslock with the iso <>| key systemwide, not just in X. How do I do this ?23:48
Dr_willisi use 64bit os on all 64bit hardware  - even if its less then 4gb of ram23:48
bazhang!find xev23:49
Ari-Yanghmmm. @ inv- I found this http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/linux-kernel-power-issue-fix.html not sure adding pcie_aspm=force is safe, what does it do?23:49
ubottuFound: libxcb-xevie0, libxcb-xevie0-dbg, libxcb-xevie0-dev, xevil23:49
bazhang!info xevil23:49
ubottuxevil (source: xevil): A violent side-scrolling game for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.02r2-10 (raring), package size 572 kB, installed size 2132 kB23:49
bazhanghah not that23:49
inv-I think this might help you the guy has a similar problem23:49
Ari-Yanginv-, yeah, I think that guy switched over to flgrx drivers23:52
Ari-Yangwhich wouldn't really help for me23:52
inv-Nah he purged the ones he had, and added another repository23:53
BlackDalekThere is only 2Gb ram installed, so would that mean running a 64-bit OS would have no benefit even though the PCU supports it?23:53
inv-did you add andrikos rep?23:53
Dr_willisSome tasks would be faster on a 64bit os with 64bithardware BlackDalek .23:54
Dr_willisBlackDalek,  might not be noticeable in all cases.23:55
[[thufir]]I'm just starting out with nmap and am trying to scan, I think, localhost to see how much bandwith is being consumed and to what website.   I'm reading the manpage, is this:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5678866/    the sort of result I want to see open connections and speeds?23:55
Ari-Yanginv-, no I didn't add andrikos' rep23:57
Ari-Yangbut I doubt fglrx will help at all23:57
Ari-YangI tried it 3x in the past and it gave me nasty tearing in videos23:57
Ari-Yangnot to mention when closing the laptop and re-opening it, it wouldn't wake up23:57
s3b`has anyone here successfuly gotten flstudio working with ubuntu?23:57
inv-I remember i implemented this solution on my brother's laptop envy 5 series, it worked good.23:58
[[thufir]]is there such a package as bmon to monitor bandwidth?  I can't find it in apt...23:59

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