
xubuntu468since upgrading to 13.0400:56
xubuntu468it seem the Xfce enviroment is randomly crashing?00:56
xubuntu468anyone else seeing this?00:56
xubuntu468Nm solved here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214524601:15
xubuntu417in xubuntu12.04, my keyboard volume buttons don't coincide with the system volume, even though the volume window-thing shows up.01:47
surfdaemonxubuntu417: weird01:48
xubuntu417quite weird, yes.01:54
xubuntu417and that's a bug, no?01:54
xubuntu417it can't be that challenging to fix, or am i wrong?01:55
devnillI just upgraded to 13.04 and now compiz is failing02:25
devnillif I try compiz --replace it crashes xfce4-session02:25
knomedevnill, just for starters, compiz isn't supported on xubuntu02:26
devnillI understand that it doesn't ship with it. I'm just trying to figure out how to debug dis02:27
holsteindevnill: it'll be challenging.. not sure what main ubuntu needs compiz to do.. i would try and live without compiz02:46
devnillI've had it up until 12.10 without major issues. It took a little work but now its not even logging02:48
holsteindevnill: i would expect a little more work02:49
devnillWhat changed in this version?02:49
holsteindevnill: nothing about xubuntu changed.. its just not supported.. and we dont know what is changed about it in main ubuntu, but i know things are changed02:50
devnillI see02:50
devnillI'm willing to switch to xfwm, but I can't seem to figure out how to configure it to the extent I'm used to. Can you point me to a good resource about working with it?02:51
holsteindevnill: what do you want to do? other than the default setup?02:52
devnillHotkeys to resize and move windows, hotkeys to switch workspaces relative to current position02:54
devnillhot corners to move windows between workspaces02:54
holsteindevnill: i use the normal ones.. control+alt+arrows02:54
holsteindevnill: i usually just right click and send them02:54
devnillThat works pretty well02:55
holsteindevnill: you should be able to get some of that happening easily with keyboard shortcuts02:55
devnillI'll play around with it a bit. I haven't used xfwm in a couple of years so I'm sure a lot has changed.02:57
tabsterleirHey all, I was playing with some terminal based music players. I've since given up and removed all the packages, but when I copy music into ~/.Music it seems to be organising it in numbered folders. What would be causing this?04:15
seronishow do i get Thunar to obey alphabetical listing of files when those filenames include numeric characters?04:20
seronisits wrongfully putting files like 009ADZ.dat _AFTER_ 1AAA99.dat for example04:21
donnieOdd that the 386 version works way better and way faster on my 64-bit system, than the 64-bit version05:15
donnieI do however love the new 13.04... It's amazing05:18
xubuntu816hi i just installed an app, whr do i look for the executable?05:33
well_laid_lawnwhat app was it?05:34
well_laid_lawnin a terminal you can do   which <app name here>05:34
AethysiusIt'll be in the same general menu as IRC, but under the system tab05:35
xubuntu816it seems i am able to execute it in terminal05:35
xubuntu816but i cant find it in the x terminal05:35
xubuntu816tried systems tab, theres nth05:35
xubuntu816though it seems to be available in the settings>systems05:38
surfdaemonxubuntu816: yes, that is also where it is on mine.05:40
xubuntu816oh ok thanks. still new to ubuntu T.T05:40
surfdaemonxubuntu816: xubuntu?05:41
xubuntu816it has xfc05:41
xubuntu816ya xubuntu05:41
peyamWhat is the best music player for linux which I can control the base and other stuff with. not just the valume?09:19
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.09:24
kennyngstondoes anyone knows why do i have two screens in xubuntu by default ?09:51
kennyngstoneven though im only running 1?09:51
kennyngstonthey are overlapping each other09:52
TheSheepkennyngston: what is xrandr saying?09:52
kennyngstonwhich part are you interested at?09:52
TheSheepjust pastebin the output, see topic09:53
kennyngstoni don't have any extra screen connected to the laptop physically09:54
kennyngstoncould be regardin that i'm on a laptop with hybrid graphics?09:55
TheSheepare you using bumblebee?09:55
kennyngstonnah fresh install of xubuntu09:56
kennyngstonand if im correct bumblebee only works with nvidia09:56
kennyngstoni'm ati/intel here09:56
TheSheepI see, well, it's probably that, I wouldn't worry about it09:56
TheSheepyou can disable one of those screens if you like09:56
TheSheepnot sure which is the physical one though09:56
kennyngstonhm i'd rather make it switchable between graphics card09:57
kennyngstonany stable solution?09:57
TheSheepactually, I think the LVDS2 is the physical one, because it has dimensions09:57
TheSheepno idea, I use bumblebee because I have an optimus laptop09:58
TheSheepyou will have to do some research09:58
kennyngstonwell asking never hurts :)09:58
Amebhello. I just installed Xubuntu yesterday and was wondering the differences between xfce and xubuntu sessions. Its just the menus or there are more things? It seems like the xubuntu one is a bit fancier.10:11
TheSheepAmeb: it's just the initial layout of the panels, basically10:15
Amebthanks TheSheep10:19
xubuntu032guys i installed cairo dock10:40
xubuntu032but when i am moving my mouse over the bottom on the dock panel10:41
xubuntu032it shows me the old panel 2 of xubuntu10:41
xubuntu032before pop ups the cairo dock10:41
koegsxubuntu032: because both are active?10:54
koegsjust remove panel 2 if you do not want it10:54
xubuntu724Hello! Just installed xubuntu, microphone is not active on skype but speaker is ok. How can I activate the mic?? Thanks!11:02
TheSheep!skype | xubuntu72411:12
ubottuxubuntu724: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga11:12
xubuntu032koegs yes but if i want just to set off the panel2 but not remove it completely?so maybe one day that i want to use it i dont have to resetting it again?11:27
xubuntu032can i save somehow my panel2 so when i remove it i can restore it back if i want it with the lanchers that had on it before?12:48
TheSheepxubuntu032: you can backup your config file12:50
TheSheepxubuntu032: ~/.config/xfce4/panel/12:50
xubuntu032thank you so much12:58
xubuntu032is there something like ms paint on xubuntu?13:14
xubuntu032i mean i want just13:14
xubuntu032to take screenshoots from a chat13:14
xubuntu032and pasting them to png files13:14
xubuntu032using screenshoot application i take one but then the application is closed and i need to going eatch time accessories-->screenshoot..13:15
TheSheepyou can just run it in a loop13:16
TheSheepbut I use gimp13:16
TheSheepit's a little bit more advanced than photoshop, but makes screenshots just fine13:16
xubuntu032yeah i wanted to avoid installing Gim13:17
xubuntu032how can i run it into a loop?i am so newbie in linux13:17
TheSheepfor example this: for (( i=1; i <= 5; i++ )); do xfce4-screenshooter -f -s screenshots; done13:20
TheSheepwill make 5 screenshots of entire screen and svae them in the 'screenshots' directory13:21
TheSheepyou can run: xfce4-screenshotter --help    to see the available options13:22
xubuntu032oh thank you...but some things its too complicated hehe...13:22
TheSheepit's very powerful13:22
TheSheepthere are some simple graphics programs like mtpaint or paint.net, but somehow I don't like them13:23
TheSheep!info mtpaint13:23
ubottumtpaint (source: mtpaint): painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.40-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 692 kB, installed size 1880 kB13:23
TheSheep!info paint.net13:23
ubottuPackage paint.net does not exist in raring13:23
xubuntu032thank you anyway...i ll try firstly mpaint13:26
xubuntu032and yes its true very powerfull the linux13:26
xubuntu032still wonder how comes people using it in so less %13:26
TheSheepxubuntu032: because great power brings great responsibility13:30
xubuntu032what responsibility?13:34
xubuntu032expect if you mean the study that maybe have the people to make..13:34
TheSheepyou just said yourself that it's complicated13:35
TheSheepthat's the price for the power13:35
xubuntu032yeah it is true13:36
xubuntu032by the way macos also isnt like linux?13:39
xubuntu032i dont mean about open source philosphy13:39
xubuntu032i mean about the way that works...13:39
kennyngstonwhat is the command that can tell me which video drivers do i have installed?13:55
marsjeHi. My Xubuntu sets the monitor to the wrong resolution (lower) when starting. With xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1280x1024 I set it right. But how can I make sure X uses this resolution by default?14:17
marsjeI tried setting it in ~/.xprofile, but it seems this is ignored14:30
bekksmarsje: There is no such file at all. Use the xorg.conf to manually configure your x server or just set the desired resolution in the settings.14:32
marsjebekks: inthe settings I can't choose higher than 1024x76814:34
bekksmarsje: Then you have to investigate the reason.14:34
marsjelooks like the monitor is not recognized there, although xrandr does show the resolution (but does not select it)14:34
marsjebekks: if I was smart enough to investigate it, I would not be here ;-)14:35
marsjebekks: is it right I don't have an xorg.conf by default? and if I need one, I should create from scratch?14:37
bekksThats correct.14:38
marsjeand you need to create all these sections, right?14:39
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marsjebekks: when I start the computer the screen resolution is detected correctly and the login screen is in 1280x1024, but when I login, the resolution goes down to 1024x768. Any idea why that is?14:52
bekksmarsje: Which graphics driver do you use?15:08
marsjethe card is a Intel 965G15:11
marsjelsmod shows a i915... is that the driver?15:12
seronishow do i get Thunar to obey alphabetical listing of files when those filenames include numeric characters?15:24
seronisits wrongfully putting files like 009ADZ.dat _AFTER_ 1AAA99.dat for example15:24
bekksseronis: alphanumerical sorting means 1..9, 0, a-z15:24
seronisthats not its behaviour15:25
seronisits not interprettng names character per character15:25
seronisif the beginning of the name is a series of digits it takes ALL the numeric digits as one value15:25
bekksYes, thats expected.15:25
seronisso in the example i gave its ignoring the zeros and seeing the 9, then putting that after15:25
seronisthats wrong15:25
seronisi want -actual- alphabetical order.. not  'pretend smart behaviour'15:26
marsjebekks: not sure why, but my monitor is now detected by xubuntu15:26
foobar55hi all - somebody know where i can change  min,max,close icons to the left side ? 12.04 xfce4  ?19:23
knomefoobar55, in settings manager, go to window manager, and in the style tab, see the "button layout" section19:24
jhk753I've just installed xubuntu on a usb key from a usb live. When the install was finished I took my usb live out and rebooted19:29
jhk753but then I got a black screen with _19:29
jhk753and no grub19:29
foobar55knome - thx - i found it - but with Redmond XP style it didnt run19:29
jhk753and I'm sure my bios booted the right usb19:30
knomefoobar55, can you confirm if it works with other themes?19:30
jhk753So I'm reinstalling right know, but if someone has an idea to help me, I'll be very gratefull19:30
knomejhk753, (u)efi?19:30
jhk753what about UEFI ?19:31
foobar55knome - no , all grayed out - i try with root19:31
knome!uefi | jhk75319:31
ubottujhk753: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:31
jhk753in my bios it was USB:19:31
jhk753but my live USB booted from UEFI19:31
knomefoobar55, right, i see. that theme most probably doesn't support that feature.19:32
jhk753so I don't know... What do you mean exaclty ?19:32
knomejhk753, i would advise readin through that wikipage if you have a UEFI machine19:33
foobar55knome - right - default's and others are working19:33
jhk753ok thanks19:33
jhk753I'll have a look19:33
foobar55but i like the big/ claer icons in redmond19:34
knomefoobar55, you got to pick one: better icons or better location19:35
knomefoobar55, or fix the redmondxp theme...19:35
foobar55knome - i have two left hands19:35
foobar55knome -   you know how to change scrollbar to left side = about:config seamonkey/firefox - something with layout i remenber19:41
knomefoobar55, nope19:41
foobar55yes - layout.scrollbar.side19:42
swiftkickhi I am running the latest xubuntu and I had occasion to edit some  settngs in Xorg.conf ... and it doesnt  appeaar to be i /etc/X11. Can anyone tell me where it is? or what is the deal?20:02
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.20:02
Unit193Sure thing.20:03
swiftkickI already have the settings I need to pass. They involve using metamodes  to set ViewPortIn and ViewPortOut ... is there somewhere  else I should be setting these?20:04
swiftkickso - is there a better place to put ViewPort settings since xorg.conf is now gone?20:10
Unit193No idea/not that I know of.20:11
swiftkickok, i tried the instructions and they dont work. renaming xorg.conf to 55-xorg.conf and placing it in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d and restarting lightdm doesnt read the values there as far as I can see.20:16
swiftkickwithout ViewPortIn and ViewPortOUt in the Screen section for my monitor my screen overscans horribly.20:19
xubuntu904guys i intalled Netbeans 7.120:22
xubuntu904and the fonts really sucks...20:22
xubuntu904i spent a few time googling and i saw that alot other ppl had the same problem and some said that the problem was about openjdk java20:22
xubuntu904that is by default available in ubuntu20:23
xubuntu904and that i should install oracle sunjdk 720:23
xubuntu904so i did20:23
xubuntu904but still the same20:23
xubuntu379soy un troll20:27
chaitimehello friends21:01
chaitimedoes Xubuntu have utilites already installed to where it can handle a full desktop such as handling dual monitors?21:07
Unit193You'd want to install arandr for that.21:07
chaitimeUnit193: there is no gnome like panel for this?21:08
chaitimeI dont want to install tool afte rtool21:08
chaitimeI guess ubuntu would have this but I was told not to use it due to "unity"21:08
Unit193You can use whatever you want, but arandr should do it.21:09
chaitimethanks Unit193 :)21:09
Unit193http://xubuntu.org/news/faq-1204-precise/ has one forit.21:10
chaitimeUnit193: do you program21:15
chaitimeor use any ruby21:16
Unit193I've edited a couple ruby sources.21:16
lderanhave heard good things about ruby21:19
chaitimeUnit193: and lderan can we be friends21:20
Unit193Mind want to move to -offtopic?21:20
Unit193/join #xubuntu-offtopic21:21
xubuntu904so anyone have used Netbeans and know any way to customize her fonts to look good like it was running on windows?21:33
xubuntu958i have a prolem and need assistence. when i atempt the log-on to my computer(after entering the password and pressing enter) the background image is all that appears NO MENUS21:41
xubuntu958how do i fix this prolem?21:42
ochosixubuntu958: you can hit alt+f2 and then enter "xfce4-panel"21:45
ochosi(alt+f2 opens xfrun/appfinder)21:45
ochosiideally that'll bring your panel back21:45
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supersecondneed some help in regards to file sharing22:21
lderanokay, what do you need help with?22:22
supersecondlderan: hello, i'd like to share between windows 7 and xubuntu 13.0422:23
lderanis it on the same computer or over a network?22:24
supersecondsame network22:24
lderansamba is probably the best way to do that22:25
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:25
lderanalso here is some guides for it as well https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba22:27
supersecondyea i tried it. still can't see it. but i'll read those links. thanks22:27
supersecondhello all again23:17
sdafdshi, i just installed xubuntu 13 with the option to install along side my windows xp and after reboot i only get a black screen.23:29
sdafdsgrub is not showing up, and i tried to reinstall to mbr after booting the live media, says no errors reported when installing but still, same thing, will not boot to either xubuntu nor show the os selection menu23:29
sdafdssomething is really messed up with grub in xubuntu 1323:30
sdafdsif i reset the pc, and hold shift just after post, it should force grub to show the menu, all i get is grub loading.23:31
sdafdsand it stays there23:31
sdafdsi don't know what to try since reinstalling grub from the live media does not solve the problem23:32
sdafdsalso , when reinstalling grub from the live media in a chroot enviroment it detects the xubuntu kernel images and my xp install, but it fails when i reboot23:33
th0rsdafds, is this a SATA drive?23:35
sdafdsit's IDE23:36
sdafdsi'm sure it's IDE23:36
sdafdsbtw, xubuntu 12 did not do this to me..23:36
sdafdsso it has to do with the latest grub23:37
sdafdswhat bugs me is that grub is not loading at all23:37
sdafdsi could do with some complaints from grub not being able to boot some entry, but to not load at all..23:38
th0rsdafds, ask in #ubuntu. There was some discussion the other day about efi and 13. I didn't pay much attention as I will never subject myself to any of that 'new and improved' secure boot stuff.23:38
sdafdsmy pc doesn't have efi23:38
sdafdsit's from 200523:38
sdafdsno efi then23:38
sdafdserr efi is that os signature shit?23:38
th0rsdafds, yeah. Like I said..I didn't pay much attention to the discussion, so it may not be at all applicable. But since no one was talking to you here <smile>23:39
sdafdsyes i might do that23:39

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