
ahoneybunvalorie: ?04:20
ahoneybunDarkwing: ?04:20
valoriehow are you tonight, aaron?04:21
ahoneybunwe morning here lol good, you?04:21
* valorie has been listening to uds sessions I've missed04:21
valorieah, where are you?04:21
* valorie is near Seattle04:21
valorieit is not morning in Florida!04:22
ahoneybun12:22 am04:22
valoriebtw, where in FL?04:22
valoriei've only been to Orlando04:22
ahoneybunOrlando is in Florida04:22
valorieand the Wekiva River, which I LOVED04:22
ahoneybunFlorida is the state04:23
valorieyes, I wondered how far you were from orlando04:23
ahoneybunthat was a great video chat04:23
ahoneybunoh like 300 or so miles04:23
valorieI wish I could have stayed to the end04:23
ahoneybunthe UDS?04:23
valorieI did come to the UDS, a few days early04:23
valorieand stayed with my friend on the Wekiva04:23
ahoneybunoh I wanted to go so bad04:24
valoriewhich is paradise04:24
valoriedo you live south or north of O?04:24
ahoneybuncan you help me fix up this page? Add a comment...04:24
valorieI've always wanted to see Miama04:24
ahoneybunits fine, I've never been to clubs or real bars, since I'm only 2004:25
valorieafter watching Dexter04:25
valorieit looks amazing04:25
valorieok, I added Krita 04:26
valorieto the page04:26
ahoneybunoh yea I know04:26
ahoneybunoh ok 04:26
valorieMiami, sheesh04:26
ahoneybunI just want to fix that page, get things worked out with titles for the pages, and what to put on them04:26
valoriemight be able to copy /paste some of the stuff we've already written04:27
valoriemove, etc.04:27
ahoneybunyes I have done that for the welcome page04:27
ahoneybunI know I need to change a few things, like the release names as it says 13.0404:28
valoriewell, we won't need the sub page part04:29
ahoneybunyea I want to have links back since we are trying to use the web slice widget04:29
ahoneybunjust trying to get a foundation first04:30
valorieof course04:31
ahoneybunguess you can say I am taking lead lol04:32
valorieyes, you are04:33
ahoneybunI wish there was a way to make a header look right but be a link as well04:33
valorieuse a clickable image?04:34
ahoneybunI'm just going to keep trying04:36
* ahoneybun wonders if moinmoin supports that04:41
ahoneybunvalorie: put a web slice widget on your desktop and link it to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs04:44
valorieyikes, how does one add a url?04:48
valorienow I have two o fhte damn things04:48
ahoneybunthe setting icon on the side when you hover over the widget04:48
valorieok, got rid of one04:49
valorieok, you meant on the desktop, and mine's in the panel where it is useless04:49
valoriedamn I hate these li(*(^&%*&(04:52
valorieit looks good, though04:53
valorieI hate that you can't move it anywhere04:54
valorieeffing widgets04:54
valorieI never do *anything* on my desktop anymore, because I can't stand stuff I can't place where I want, the size I want04:54
valoriedoes it work for you as well?04:57
ahoneybunthe site or putting things on my destop?04:59
valoriethe site on the slice widget05:08
ahoneybunyea it works05:13
ahoneybunjust wonder if we need to make https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/Welcome shorter05:14
valorieI didn't quite understand why the slice was chosen rather than the browser widget?05:15
valorieahoneybun: shorter is always better05:15
ahoneybunI know05:15
ahoneybunvalorie: I know, the browser one is looking better that it can scroll05:15
valoriewell, just because we decided on slice at the meeting doesn't mean we can't change our minds05:18
valoriewe've got time to decide what's best05:18
ahoneybunI know05:19
ahoneybunyea it was just nice the way slice looked at first05:20
valorieit makes me happy that we're working NOW and not waiting though05:20
valorieto the end05:22
valoriewhich is the way it has been while I've been around05:22
ahoneybunI think with the browser vs slice we do not need to shorten it as much as I thought05:23
valoriewell: shorter is always better05:24
valoriepeople don't read our golden prose05:24
ahoneybunI know05:24
ahoneybunbut it does not limit it as much as slice would have05:25
valoriepeople have a short attention span05:32
ahoneybunI know05:32
valorieimo whatever looks best is the right choice05:32
valorieif they are interested, they'll read05:32
valorieotherwise, they'll skip it anyway, so we may as well look sharp05:32
ahoneybuncan you tell me what you think we don't need?05:36
valoriewell, I think all the tips are not basic05:38
valoriegood stuff, but not necessarily basic05:38
ahoneybunso remove?05:39
ahoneybunI'm going to move the managing software to the right page.05:40
valorieI think darkwing had the right idea05:43
valoriestart with what we WANT05:43
valoriedrag that in05:43
valoriethen decide what to do with what's left05:43
valoriethe reason what we have is so full of cruft is because no one has ever done that05:44
ahoneybunso what do I do just pull all the work I have or look at what we have in the original docs and pull what we want05:45
ahoneybunvalorie: then lets work on this https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs and write what we think is needed in the Docs05:46
ahoneybunthen pull info from the old docs, and then take the fat off of what we think we don't need05:46
valorieI'm busy atm, but can help in a few05:48
ahoneybunI can just go to sleep and you get to it when you have the time05:48
ahoneybunand send a email with your opinion05:49
valorieok, but write what you want05:49
valorieand we'll include darkwing in our lil doc circle05:49
ahoneybunwhat I want in the docs? what is there right now is for what darkwing said for now05:50
ahoneybunok I'm off to bed for now05:50
larshi there05:53
larsare there any experts here?05:53
valorielars: experts on what?06:02
valoriewe're all experts06:02
valoriebut this isn't support, this is devel06:02
palassohttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/Welcome has a broken link06:03
valoriewhich one, palasso?06:03
valoriewe were just working on that06:03
palassoOn What is Linux section the first link is: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/www.linux.org06:03
palassoIt should be www.linux.org06:03
valorieyes, fixing06:03
valoriehmmm, not sure what you are seeing06:04
valorieoh, I see06:05
valoriethat is *strange*06:05
valorieand not what is in the text06:05
palassoThe same on the same section with GNU Project!06:06
valoriefixed it; thanks for pointing that out06:06
valoriejust fixed that too06:06
valorieturns out if you leave out the http:// part06:07
valoriethe wiki stuff is inserted!06:07
valoriestrange and weird moinmoin06:07
valoriebtw, it's a wiki, so editable by you, too06:07
palassor u sure?06:08
palassoShould I register or sth?06:08
valorieyou have to have an account, yes06:08
valoriebut it should be fixed06:08
palassoOk thnx for the notice ;)06:09
valorieif you want to help us with docs, you'll need an account..... the one for ubuntu.com works for all, I think06:09
valoriewe're starting now on the docs for saucy06:09
=== lars is now known as Genyar
lordievaderGood morning.08:43
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1155687] KDE session didn't start after upgrading from Quantal to Raring. Fixed after installing pr... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1155687 (by avlas)09:47
BluesKajHiyas all11:39
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1180067] No icons on buttons @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1180067 (by GamePad64)16:04
ahoneybunhello people16:21
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1181797] package libqtcore4 4:4.8.3+dfsg-0ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: cannot copy extracte... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1181797 (by Jeffrey Smith)17:08
ScottKNew CMake needs merging.19:25
jussibah, kwallet is one of the crudiest parts of KDE, sadly :(19:58
larsI'm having problems installing Kubuntu 12.0420:06
larsIs there an expert here who can help me?20:06
jussilars: #kubuntu for support :)20:10

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