
ashesmy arm system's gpu is poorly supported by nvidia. can i play videos and firefox on another machine, and display it in a remote x11 window, or does that still use the arm gpu the same?03:25
rasterdon't even bother03:29
rasteru wil be transferring pixels over the network in uncompressed full framebuffer formats03:30
raster(xshmputimage pixel blobs)03:30
rasterif u are super-lucky it may xfer yuv03:30
rasterbut then it'lll be using your arm's gfx unit to convert yuv-03:30
rasterbut then it'lll be using your arm's gfx unit to convert yuv-->rgb + scale03:30
rasterchances are it wont use xv as in a browser it has to composite video into the document tree so its converting and scaling to rgb space.03:31
rasteras such the nvidia drivers for tegra3 at least are a bit poor03:31
rasterthey dont do vsync, they dont do buffer swaps (they do dumb copies)03:32
rasterfor gl anyway03:32
rasterso performance-wise you probably lose something like 20-50% of your performance AND you get ugly tearing03:32
rasteron local rendering with gl03:32
ashesit's a tegra203:32
rasterremote display is not a world you even want too touch with a barge pole03:32
rasteri dont know about tegra2 - but i believe its the same drive3rs for 2 and 303:33
ashesi already do it03:33
asheswith better systems03:33
rasteru dont want to do remote display even with better systems03:33
ashesbut nothing with crazy graphics03:33
ashesi dont know if i ever tried mplayer remotely03:33
rasterthe bandwidth of a netwo9rk is somethnig like 1/1000th of that of a local display03:34
rasteri am assuming probably wifi connectivity03:34
ashesno, gigabit switch03:34
rasteryou also have latency out the wazoo03:34
ashesthis arm and other system would be connected with a crossover cable03:34
raster remote dispay is not something you want to do.. ever.. voluntarily.. unless you have no choice03:35
rasterand you never do it if u care about performance03:35
ashesmy main use for remote x11 is to use handbrake for video editing. the handbrake application doesn't do many frames per second03:35
rasteragain - don't03:36
rasterbut it'03:36
rasters your time and effort03:36
rasterdo what you like with it03:36
ashesin my little experience, remote x11 works just fine for what i have used it for03:36
ashesanyway. my original question03:37
rasteri've been doing gfx for pushing on 30 years. written toolkits, apps and wm's for x11/linux for 17 years. this is my simple advice.03:37
raster\don't do remote display unless u can totally avoid it.03:37
rasterresults all depend on HOWit displays03:38
rasterand that varies from app to app and toolkit to toolkit03:38
rasterand depends on the capabilities of the xserver03:38
rasterfewer and fewer apps/toolkits use regular emote rendering and more and more are pixel pushing or using gl. gl remote is not an option for u due ti it being egl/gles203:39
rasterwell not unless u wish to write an extension for it and do all the plumbing too03:40
rasterand even then xfer of data (verticieis, textures etc.) will b e raw, and slow over a network cmpared to locally - literally 1000th the speed03:41
asheswith the systems i already do remote x11 with, it's with a 28mB/s ssh connection03:42
rasteru're talking an arm systeem03:42
asheswhich would be slower03:42
ashesi wouldn't use x1103:42
rasterthat will have to expend likely 50% of its dpu resources in JUST handlign the ssh decryption03:42
ashesalthough the tegra2 is a quad core03:42
rasteru will not have a lot left over at that bandwidth03:43
rasterits 2 core03:43
ashescould use telnet03:43
ashesok, dual core03:43
lilstevietegra2 is dual core03:43
lilstevie2 very weak cores03:43
rasteru'll likely peg a cpu core on ssh03:43
lilstevieby arm standards03:43
lilstevieraster, don't be silly03:43
raster*IF* u can even maintain that bw03:43
lilsteviearm isn't that terrible03:43
rasterlilstevie: it is in my experience.03:44
lilstevieI use ssh all the time both server and client on my tf20103:44
rasterif you want it to run an ssh connection sustaining 300mbit03:44
lilstevieand it is nowhere near that bad03:44
rasterTHEN u have to add protocol decode, memcpy's03:44
ashesok. to somewhat change the topic, what use can i get from a trimslice, with a tegra2, 1GB memory, and 500GB storage (other than a nas, because i already have a better one)?03:45
lilstevieashes, well I use mine as a builder03:45
lilsteviefor kernels03:45
ashesyes, ok. what else?03:46
lilsteviethats all I do with it03:47
lilstevietrimslice is getting fairly old these days03:47
ashesmy idea was to give it to my 6 year old nephew as a desktop, but he will expect to play movies and youtube with it03:47
rasterlilstevie: tesxgre3. 1.2ghz. sshd consumes about 40% cpu of 1 core to keep an scp at 2.8mb/sec03:48
rasterright here now.03:48
rasterdoing it03:48
ashesraster: use arcfour03:48
rasterashes is talking of wantingh to systain 28mb/s03:48
rasterthats 10x03:48
rasteru wont evben systain it03:48
rasterdamn cat03:49
lilsteviegood luck sustaining that rate in general on the trimslice though03:49
lilstevieeven though it is a gigabit card, I do find it cannot sustain that kind of speed03:49
ashesraster: scp -o Ciphers arcfour03:49
rasterthats what i said03:49
rasterit'll peg a core at 100% cpu03:50
ashesand forget ssh03:50
ashesi can use telnet03:50
lilstevieraster, it isn't so much the core, I don't think the pci-e bus is fast enough to support the rates of a gigabit card03:50
rasterashes:  even with that it runs about 25% cpui03:50
rasterfor 3mb/sec03:50
rasterat 10 TIMES that badnwdith.. there is simply not enough compute03:51
lilstevieraster, also in your config how is the network attached03:51
ashestelnet would be dramatically faster03:51
rasterlilstevie:  this is wifi - thus the low rates03:51
rasteri am not caring about that end of things03:51
lilstevieraster, well that is probably putting a little bit of strain on the cpu too03:51
rasterthe cpu  overheadalone of sshd will peg your bandwidth03:51
ashesor rsh03:52
rastermy point is for remote display you have several thigns that will kill the ui03:52
raster1. network devide3 handling itself (packet handling and at least 1 or 2 memcpy's there)03:52
lilstevieeh, remote display is problematic on x86 in the best of conditions03:53
rasterthen more memcpy's within the xserver03:53
rastervs only a single memcpy locally for local display03:53
rasteradd to that the bandwidth bottleneck of the networi deevice03:53
rasterremember memcpy bandwdith will clock in at the magnitudes of 500-1500mb/se03:54
rasterat least on something tegra2-land03:54
rasteror tegra303:54
rasteryour gitibit card will drop you to 100mb/s03:54
rasterthats IN THEORY.. if u can systain it03:54
rasteradd do that sshd bottlenecking your connection maybe to 10mb/sec on the best of days03:55
rasterand soaking up a whole core on its own\03:55
rasteradd in the protocol handling by xserver, memcpy's etc.03:55
ashesyou may very well know exactly what you're talking about, but i'll try it to see for myself03:55
rasteryou are now looking at just pure bandwidth-wise like 1-2mb/sec of effective bw03:56
ashesbecause i want to get some use out of it03:56
rasternow throw in latencies more like 1-2ms03:56
rasterwhrere local latencies (round trips) are more in the 1/100th or less of that...03:56
rasterunless your app is so insanely trivial where the overheads just barely make the effects visible... it'll be nasty to do remote x11 display however you look at it03:57
rasterthe model that works is high level control protocol03:57
rasterwith local display03:57
rasterthe problem comes when you simply cant avoid xferring large gobs of data around as part of the display03:58
rasterit's then that you play tricks in downgrading the data quality (eg downscaling by 2x2 or 4x4 nd using local gpu+interpolation to upscale again) to retain interactivity03:59
rasterand you are only xferring some susbet of the frame data across the network03:59

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