
ali1234was anyone else complete confused by that doctor who episode?00:20
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest3350
directhexali1234, modern doctor who is a series of deus ex machina, strung together with silly faces06:52
brobostigongood morning everyone,08:37
SuperMattanyone know if there's a simple way to reload the config in monitors.xml from command line?10:48
bigcalmAfternoon peeps12:30
brobostigonafternoonings bigcalm12:30
brobostigonhi SuperMatt12:42
SuperMatthi hi12:50
bigcalmOh, there be life12:53
SuperMattjust about12:54
bigcalmI'm going to be sad once I've completed hl2ep2 due to there being no ep3 or hl312:56
bigcalmPossibly get Portal2 on Linux before any more HL stuff12:57
SuperMattI was planning on being sad about that, but I've found the hl2 beta to be wholly inconsistant with my save games12:57
bigcalmI started each one from the beginning12:58
bigcalmI think they've added new achievements12:58
=== SirCrispinTheJew is now known as GentileBen
GentileBenbigcalm, you're about 10 years too late.13:50
GentileBenWell...about 7 years too late.13:52
GentileBenHL2E2 was released in 2007.13:52
GentileBenUnfortunately I don't think we're going to see an E3 or a HL3.13:52
GentileBenGabe Newell will have his foot amputated due to the diabeetus, before we see HL3.13:53
* popey waves from Spain14:06
penguin42is it nice and warm?14:07
popeynot bad14:07
popey18 degrees14:08
popeywas 35 last week14:08
penguin42weather thing says it's 14c here14:19
zleapbigcalm, i amn sure portal is on steam14:24
penguin42hmm, I suppose I'd better do something about an rss reader14:43
dwatkinsYeah, Portal is in beta on Steam for Linux.14:48
gcjPlease could someone review: https://github.com/django/django/pull/117514:48
mgdmgcj: wrong window? :)14:52
penguin42hmph, that's naughty - newsblur has a button to import from google reader, lets you go through all that, lets you register an account - and only then tells you that free accounts are disabled14:58
dwatkinsthey are, penguin42? I have a free account with newsblur.15:01
dwatkinsI assume it's a temporary thing.15:01
penguin42dwatkins: That's what it said when I went through the standard sign up process and wouldn't let me go further; having said that I hit back a few times and it seems to have done it?!15:02
penguin42right, that's android app for newsblur installed, and it seems to be working (for free)15:13
dwatkinscool - I really like it15:19
dwatkinsThe other similar app I've used is Tiny Tiny RSS, but I prefer Newsblur.15:20
penguin42yeh I was looking at that; I might switch to that since I have my own VM anyway, I could install a tss instance on there and be free of any external stuff15:20
dwatkinsThe web interface for ttrss is pretty neat, but I'm not so fond of its mobile client.15:22
penguin42there looks like there is a fork of the android client, not looked at either yet15:22
twagerAnyone tried a tp-link td-w8951nd router ?16:46

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