
=== Odysimus is now known as Guest89548
bkerensabig_t: HI20:24
blkperlbkerensa: so whens the next event20:24
bkerensablkperl: idk you will have to ask the next lead who takes up things20:25
bkerensablkperl: I did a call for contributors a few months back... nobody has raised interest so idk *shrugs*20:28
blkperlbkerensa: whose the next lead?21:02
blkperlyou we're suppose to have a 2month exit plan :P21:02
tgm4883OMFG why are people so afraid to talk on youtube21:11
thefinn93kees: I'm trying to package some crap for debian and bkerensa tells me you're the one to talk to about it22:48
thefinn93you around?22:48

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