
SpamapSsoren: the latter01:38
SpamapSsoren: it chroots just before running the bits.01:39
SpamapSsoren: its somewhat weird, because of namespcae collisions, but reliably weird01:39
sorenSpamapS: Ok, cool. Just playing around with an Ubuntu chroot on an Android device, thought I'd be able to run upstart inside of the chroot.08:30
SpamapSsoren: thats been a frustration for a long time. The new user session stuff might make it closer to reality than it was before.13:46
SpamapSsoren: works fine inside a new process namespace (i.e. lxc)13:47
MMloshhello.   Can I have upstart log   stderr of my program?    My search query "upstart conf log stderr" didn't return anything useful14:20
ionDo you have /var/log/upstart?14:27
MMloshlet's see..14:27
MMloshit's a directory14:28
MMloshion, there are some logfiles, but none for my program14:28
ionOk. I haven’t really looked at the logging mechanism for /var/log/upstart, but here’s something else you can do: change14:29
ionexec foo14:29
SpamapSMMlosh: the default is to log stdout and stderr to /var/log/upstart/$jobname.log14:29
ion  exec 2>/tmp/mylogfile14:30
ion  exec foo14:30
ionend script14:30
ionWell, actually just exec foo 2>/tmp/mylogfile would suffice for *that*.14:30
SpamapSion: exec never returns14:30
ionBut if you have a script of some kind, add the exec 2>/tmp/mylogfile in the beginning.14:30
SpamapSn/m I see thats a redir14:30
SpamapSyou don't have to do that though14:30
SpamapSboth are logged14:30
MMloshSpamapS, hmm... why doesn't it, then..  oh.. right.. that machine is ancient, 10.04 and ARM-based. Is it possible that it wasn't the default in the past?14:31
SpamapS10.04 didn't have that feature14:31
SpamapSit debuted in 11.10 I think, or 12.0414:31
MMloshsry.. I forgot on which machine it's running..      This one is 12.10, so it should be ok14:31
SpamapSupstart 1.5 I think14:32
MMloshyes, I am running upstart 1.5-0ubuntu914:32
SpamapSMMlosh: man 5 init clearly states console log connects stdout and stderr to the logging pty14:33
SpamapSMMlosh: note that the log file will not be created until something is printed on those14:33
MMloshmy program prints an error with certain probability, so I am not 100% sure that something was printed14:35
SpamapSMMlosh: do you have 'console output' or 'console none' or 'console owner' in your job file?14:36
MMloshthe .config  is simple "exec /usr/bin/getstream -c $config"14:36
MMloshno, no console configuration14:36
MMloshit has only these: description, start, stop, respawn, respawn limit, umask,    aww crap..  console none14:36
MMloshthanks for hunting it down..  stupid me14:36
MMloshSpamapS, is it normal, that all files in /var/log/upstart/   end ".gz" ?  I expected at least some to be non-gzipped14:39
SpamapSMMlosh: its alright, we all need a second pair of eyes sometimes :)14:40
SpamapSMMlosh: those are rotated old files14:40

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