
* jelmer wonders if w7z is the upgraded version of mgz09:25
w7za different model, at least :)09:26
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=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
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jaaltoHow can I wrap changes in REV..REV into individual patch sets, like in git 001-* 002-* ?18:55
thomiHi everyone, I'm trying to get the timestamp of the last revision in a bzr branch using bzrlib. I've found Branch.last_revision_info(), but I can't seem to get from there to a timestamp.21:25
thomiI've been trawling the log command code, since that does it, but it's.. complicated to say the least. I wonder if anyone here has some hints?21:26
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jelmerthomi: hi22:13
jelmerthomi: branch.repository.get_revision(branch.last_revision()).timestamp22:13
thomijelmer: hey, I actualy figured it out in the end, sorry, I should have posted here22:13
jelmerthomi: no worries, glad you found it :)22:14
thomijelmer: one thing I'm not sure about though - the revision's timezone attribute, is that in minutes offset?22:14
jelmerthomi: yes, minutes delta to UTC22:14
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=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away

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