
rick_h_teknico: ping, see the bug about the broken commit. Looks like I have a @class w/o a class name12:21
rick_h_teknico: in app/widgets/filter.js 12:21
rick_h_teknico: I'm off at the dealership and off today, but can you see if changing that to @class Filter fixes the doc build?12:22
gary_posterThanks rick_h_.  I'll make sure he sees that.  On another note, I'd really like to have your charm browser default branch changed to work with a feature flag, and merged.  That will block us soon, otherwise.  I might ask someone on the GUI team to do that, unless you guide me differently12:25
gary_posterDoes that sound ok to you?12:26
rick_h_gary_poster: I'm back Wed and I can look at it then. If you need it before then feel free to run with it. 12:26
gary_postercool thanks rick_h_ .  I hope you are enjoying some time off. :-)12:26
rick_h_nice zoo trip yesterday for sure12:26
rick_h_cool to connect grandpa and grandson and watch them go nuts 12:27
gary_poster:-) cool12:27
* bac reboots12:39
bacbenji: i got an email from linkedin today that said in effect "we see you don't read our weekly emails so we're not going to send them any more to clutter your inbox."  brilliant.13:13
benjibac: are you proposing we implement the same for launchpad? :)13:13
bacbenji: i'm sure william and steven will get right on that13:14
gary_posterhe said "we" :-)13:14
gary_posterteknico, you around?14:07
teknicogary_poster: yep, hi14:07
gary_posterhey teknico.  did you see Rick's message to you earlier?14:07
teknicogary_poster: oh, I did not, thanks.14:08
gary_posterboth irc and code review14:08
teknicogary_poster: I changed IRC program and apparently I did not set up alarms correctly14:08
teknicogary_poster: I was going through exactly that file :-)14:08
gary_postercool :-)14:09
gary_posterteknico, what IRC program?  xchat does not make me as happy as I would like14:09
teknicorick_h_: it does fix things! thanks14:10
teknicogary_poster: pidgin14:11
teknicogary_poster: when I was on KDE I used kopete for chat and quassel for IRC14:11
teknicogary_poster: now I went back to pidgin (that I had used before), and its IRC support is not bad at all, one program for both things :-)14:12
gary_posterteknico, ah right, I remember pidgin.  maybe I'll give that another whirl.  thanks!14:13
teknicogary_poster: once I have the highlight working, it'll be even better ;-)14:13
hatchheh I forgot about pidgin as well14:14
teknicopity that bzr does not support updating single files or directories, only whole branches, bisection would be easier14:16
teknicohatch: that's what it said when I tried :-)14:19
hatch_:/ today is looking like i'll be one of those 'bad internet days'14:22
benjisame here, except my internet is fine, my stupid laptop just can't stay connected14:23
=== hatch_ is now known as hatch
baceek, our sandbox and tests reference 'landscape.com', which is a real web site.14:32
bachi luca.  i'd like to chat when you have a few minutes14:35
teknicook, smaller MP like, *ever*, what do I win? ;-) https://codereview.appspot.com/9582044/14:35
bacteknico: you win two very fast reviews14:36
lucabac: Sure, I'm in meetings for the next hour or so. Is there something in particular you wanted to discuss?14:37
bacteknico: i once had to make a one character change when being contracted out to IBM once.  i think the turn-around was about a week.14:37
bacluca: yeah, visual display for new services that don't yet have their charm loaded and therefore cannot make relations to other services because the endpoints aren't known.14:38
teknicobac: that's still less than one day per bit! ;-)14:38
teknicouhm, headers in codereview emails contain nothing that identifyes the project they're for14:43
teknicohave to filter on the body, apparently :-P14:43
teknicoand even that's not possible, sigh :-(14:49
hatchteknico: the subject line shows the repo to merge into14:51
hatchcould you use that?14:51
teknicohatch: subject is: "Fix crash when making code docs. (issue 9582044)"14:51
hatchohh wrong email :)14:52
hatchI just use threading - it works well enough14:52
teknicohatch: but then it preempts you from reading messages, and shares email state with your friends ;-)14:53
hatchshares email state with friends?14:59
teknicohatch: yeah, you know, threading as preemptive, state-sharing concurrency :-)15:02
hatchoh man I'm confused15:03
gary_posteralejandraobregon, are you or luca going to be at the gui mtg now-ish?15:03
gary_posterarosales, guessing you will join soon15:03
* hatch is guessing this isn't the daily meeting15:03
arosalessorry yes coming got tied up in a ir conversation15:03
gary_posterno :-)15:03
lucagary_poster: Ale is in a meeting which should of wrapped up 5 mins ago, I'll see if she's avail15:03
gary_posterthanks luca.15:04
gary_posterjujugui call in 10; please kanban your kanban15:50
hatch"yo I heard you like to kanban, so I put a kanban in your kanban"15:52
benjiactually, that might be kinda cool: each card is itself a kanban board with subtasks moving through it15:52
hatchin 3d!15:53
hatchrequires oculus rift to use15:53
hatchMakyo: lol!!15:53
* benji registers kanban-xzibit.com15:53
bcsallerI got to try the oculus at IO, the head tracking was great but the resolution was lower than I expected15:57
gary_postercall in 215:59
bacbenji: isn't that *exactly* what that "how to find JS memory leaks" page told you not to do?  :)16:03
hatchbcsaller: but better than the Virtual Boy I hope ;)16:19
benjimemory leak fix review: https://codereview.appspot.com/959004316:21
hatchbenji: should that not be Y.merge(db.services.visible()) ?16:22
hatchcurious more than anything16:23
hatchthen it should clean up automatically no?16:23
benjihatch: define "that"16:23
hatchinstead of creating a new var and then calling reset16:23
hatchcreate a clone of the object16:23
hatchor would that not give us the outcome we want16:24
bcsallergary_poster, hatch back in chat now if its still a good time16:39
gary_posterok bcsaller joining thanks16:39
hatchsure 1 min16:39
benjihatch: nope it wouldn't give us the result we want because toBoundingBoxes uses some of ModelList's functionality to do its work.17:07
* benji lunches17:13
gary_posteroh bcsaller sorry one more thing17:23
gary_posterbcsaller, guichat once more?  apologies, but probably quick17:23
hatchbenji: ahh ok - just curious really :)17:24
MakyoWelp.  Started a load of laundry forgetting that the dryer was dead.  Will duck out to the laundromat with wifi later.17:52
hatchMakyo: the other day I suggested to my wife that we get a clothes line...she just glared at me17:53
MakyoHah, yeah, if it weren't going to rain later, I'd just set that back up.17:53
benjithanks for the reviews, hatch and Makyo18:13
hatchno problem - glad it was an easy fix :)18:13
MakyoAlright, running to the laundromat.  Should only be a few.18:58
rick_h_gary_poster: just hopping in and don't have my 2fa with me to do it proper, but your bug #1182163 looks like #1175019 which had a fix that corrected some css stuff. Can you make sure all cache/appcache/etc is clear and verify/re-open up the previous bug if you get a sec?19:14
_mup_Bug #1182163: charmbrowser can add unwanted space at the top of the screen <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1182163>19:14
_mup_Bug #1175019: staging has issue with black bar at top of fullscreen charm details <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:Fix Committed by huwshimi> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1175019>19:14
gary_posterrick_h_, ack, will do19:15
hatchhi rick_h_ cool picks on G+19:31
hatchspeaking of G+ it just suggested a group that I'm definitely interested in but have never indicated that interest on G+19:33
hatchcreepy....or cool? :)19:33
sinzuiI'm hating life at the moment. I see a dark-grey in the canvas/browser space when I run 'make devel'19:35
hatchhmm....any errors in the console or terminal?19:35
sinzuinothing that leaps to mind as the issue. This is the only error19:38
sinzuiCannot read property 'dndexport' of undefined 19:38
hatchohh that19:38
hatchdelete your trunk folder19:39
sinzuican I make clean?19:39
hatchyou can try - along with refreshing a bunch19:39
hatchbut I had to make a full new checkout19:39
sinzuiwell, I will try then get brutal as needed19:39
hatchbcsaller: you probably saw the web components talk hey?19:42
sinzuithank you hatch. I did have to do a fresh checkout/tree19:46
hatchno problem :) I am going to blame bzr for that one - for some reason it woudln't merge the remote trunk changes in to the local trunk19:47
hatchI really have no idea why19:47
benjiI'm doing QA for a release and I noticed this error: "Port error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist."19:50
benjijujugui: is that ^^^ something that other people have seen?  Any ideas as to the cause?19:50
hatchhmm I've never seen that one before19:50
bacbenji: i've never seen it either19:51
gary_posterbenji me either.  look at config and seeif it is pointing to staging.jujucharms.com19:51
gary_posterif so, change to manage19:51
* benji looks19:51
gary_posteris my suggestion19:51
benjigary_poster: yep it was (which is the default), I'll retry and see if the error goes away19:52
gary_postercool benji.  I think we ought to switch default to manage19:52
benjigary_poster: same error19:52
gary_posterbenji, oh well :-) sorry19:53
bcsallerhatch: missed you question before, yes I saw more than one related to it20:00
hatchthere is a lot of hype in the internets about it - I'm a little worried that they will become the new 'copy paste coding'20:01
bcsallerhatch: It could be fine, but I suspect for many initial cases its a move away from the 'structured data + styling' that we worked hard to get towards. One of the examples was TodoApp in a component tag which is clearly very wrong, but people that haven't though about it might see little wrong with that 20:03
hatchyeah I saw that and I was screaming noooooo in my head haha20:04
bcsallerbut many of the polyfills are really nice out of polymer, uniform access to mutation observers and pointer events and so on20:04
hatchyeah I actually have the polymer page open to read when I have some time :)20:05
gary_poster:-) yay Makyo 20:28
hatchare we cheering about getting to the laundomat?20:31
gary_postergetting back on freenode, despite the laundromat and TMobile20:35
hatchdoes TMobile suck? I like their motorbike commercials20:36
hatchbenji: out of curiosity do you have Chrome installed? and could you see what error you get in Chrome?20:36
hatchI think I know the bug you are seeing20:36
benjihatch: I was using Chromium20:37
hatchyeah, do you have Chrome?20:37
hatchChromium and Chrome are actually pretty different on a lot of odd instances :)20:37
benjihatch: nope20:37
benjiI filed a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/118221520:38
_mup_Bug #1182215: Port error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.  <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1182215>20:38
hatchalright I'll grab my laptop and see what error I get in chromium20:38
hatchI am pretty sure it's a known issue caused by the ws not being open when we try to request it the first time20:38
hatchat least though the chromium browser gives an error that makes sense vs the one chrome gives hah20:42
hatchwhich of course I can't reproduce now20:43
benjigary_poster: this release will be the first after we applied the AGPL.  Is that OK?20:44
gary_posterbenji, sounds fine to me, but since you are asking, I probably am not thinking of something. :-)  what am I forgetting?20:44
benjigary_poster: heh, I wasn't sure if we had 100% approval yet.  I don't /think/ it would be bad to release and change our minds later, as Canonical has contributed 100% of the code thus far, and could change the license if need be.20:46
gary_posterbenji, ah ok.  yeah, AGPL is the pre-approved default.  you have to get permission for anything else, at least as a simplistic summary.  so, thanks for asking, but yeah, I think we are OK to go ahead with AGPL20:47
benjiI just noticed while writing up the change list (which is huge, by the way; by far the largest of any release yet)20:48
hatchbenji: just fyi - I wasn't able to reproduce your error on chromium20:54
hatchon trunk20:54
hatchusing rapi20:54
benjihatch: thanks for looking.  hmm, that makes me wonder if the error is actually coming from a browser extension; I'll note that in the bug and try it out after I get the release out20:55
gary_posterbac, if you are around, I never checked with you--did my reply to fwereade makes sense to you?21:04
bacgary_poster: yes.  i wasn't thinking clearly at 6am on a saturday21:05
gary_posterbac, can't imagine why :-)21:05
gary_postersurprised you were at a computer!21:05
bacno, i left IRC up and it started beeping at me21:06
baccurse of leaving the laptop in bedroom21:06
gary_posteryeah, mine is on other side of house; if I forget to turn the volume down it can still get me though21:06
hatchgary_poster: not sure if you're still around - but did UX give any idea as to when they would have the new inspector designs? or something resembling one?21:47
gary_posterno hatch, though they know we need it soon.  For now dupe what we have.  That's easy, yeah?21:49
hatchoh yeah definitely21:50
gary_postercool thanks21:50
hatchgary_poster: another yui contributor and I are going to write a cli tool to search the yui api this week21:51
gary_postercool, hatch!21:51
hatchshould bigtime speed up development time when needing to reference the api21:51
gary_postervery nice21:51
hatchI'm getting some very odd rendering issues with this new panel stuff22:31
hatchI am rendering the new widget into #content22:31
hatchbut it's being positioned by....something ?22:32
hatchposition: absolute;22:32
hatchleft: 1494px;22:32
hatchtop: -87px;22:32
hatchI set the position absolute but the others?22:32
hatchanyone have any ideas?22:32
hatchnm found it22:43
hatchjust me being an idiot22:43
hatchbcsaller: great doc!22:56
bcsallerhatch: ha thanks. I owe gary for giving it a touch up prior to publishing 22:58

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