
=== jppiiroinen|afk is now known as jppiiroinen
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jamespagemthaddon, hey - do you guys have a python based snippet for install/upgrade hooks for the exec.d/*/charm-pre-install stuff (as added to rabbitmq)11:48
jamespageI'm rebasing lp:charms/rabbitmq-server on the python based version we want to land for openstack ha support11:49
* hazmat notices that haproxy charm extends and breaks the website interface12:20
mthaddonjamespage: sure, one sec12:21
mthaddonjamespage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5683534/ is from the postgresql charm (so in this case, run_pre is set to true by default in the function in question)12:24
jamespagemthaddon, thanks12:25
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jcastrorick_h_: heya, had a look at your blog post14:04
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ahasenackjcastro: I missed the last charm school, is there a recording somewhere?14:39
jcastroone sec I am updating the page as we speak actually. :)14:40
jcastroI'll post the new stuff on the list in ~10min14:40
ahasenackok, thanks14:40
jcastromarcoceppi: actually I need that youtube link of your charm school again. :)14:41
marcoceppijcastro: np14:42
marcoceppijcastro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRcqSjOGweo14:43
jcastroahasenack: ^^14:43
ahasenackjcastro: thanks14:43
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rick_h_jcastro: cool, I've not looked at it in a couple of days. Plan on revisiting to try to simplify and shorten a bit.15:19
rick_h_jcastro: any feedback appreciated.15:19
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bbcmicrocomputerdo we have any PostgreSQL charm maintainers around, the charm store PostgreSQL charm appears to be undeployable?17:49
bbcmicrocomputerbug #116420217:49
_mup_Bug #1164202: Postgresql charm hangs in "pending" during installation <postgresql (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1164202>17:49
bbcmicrocomputerlooks like it may have been in this state for a while17:50
marcoceppibbcmicrocomputer: I've deployed the postgresql charm "recently" without issue17:51
* marcoceppi tries again17:51
marcoceppibbcmicrocomputer: what version of Juju are you using?17:51
bbcmicrocomputermarcoceppi: ah, not ppa17:51
bbcmicrocomputermarcoceppi: you're going to say I need ppa right?17:52
marcoceppibbcmicrocomputer: no, I just want parameters to recreate the incident :)17:52
bbcmicrocomputermarcoceppi: ah, standard package version, EC217:52
marcoceppiAre you using pyjuju or gojuju?17:52
bbcmicrocomputermarcoceppi: PyJuju17:52
marcoceppicool, let me switch and give it a shot17:52
bbcmicrocomputermarcoceppi: thanks17:53
bbcmicrocomputermarcoceppi: I always get the error - 'Hook error: /var/lib/juju/units/postgresql-0/charm/hooks/install The relation 'replication' has no unit state for 'postgresql/0''17:55
marcoceppibbcmicrocomputer: It deploys and moves to started on gojuju, still waiting for my pyjuju environment to finish. See if I can't patch it really quickly17:59
bbcmicrocomputermarcoceppi: same error?17:59
marcoceppibbcmicrocomputer: it doesn't error out with juju-core 1.10.0, still waiting for aws to give me a machine so I can veify with juju 0.718:00
marcoceppibbcmicrocomputer: It works in juju 0.7 as well. Moves to started. The log is filled with "Ignoring partially constructed relation: replication:0" but I don't get any errors18:02
bbcmicrocomputermarcoceppi: ok, that's mildly annoying :)18:03
marcoceppiCould be something that was fixed between 0.6 and 0.7 (if you're not using ppa)18:03
bbcmicrocomputermarcoceppi: yep, I'll give the ppa a try18:03
bbcmicrocomputermarcoceppi: thanks18:05
marcoceppibbcmicrocomputer: hopefully that'll sort that18:05
bbcmicrocomputermarcoceppi: is our official support status ppa only now?18:05
marcoceppiUh, I don't think we have an offical support status. To my knowledge we've always told people use the PPA and now we're kind of herding people in the juju-core direction18:06
marcoceppiGiven that's where the development focus is18:06
JoseeAntonioRhey guys! I don't know if any of you would like to give a Juju session for OpenWeek tomorrow, at 13 UTC18:08
jcastroour official support status is what's in distro for 13.0418:25
jcastro12.04 is pending an SRU for -core18:25
jcastrowe need to sort that actually18:25
bbcmicrocomputermarcoceppi: ok, yep, ppa solved it, thanks18:25
jcastroDaviey: heya, would now be a good time to bother you about SRUing juju core?18:25
marcoceppibbcmicrocomputer: np, glad it worked out18:26
Davieyjcastro: no, in 1hr would be better18:26
hazmatbbcmicrocomputer, there was a fix in 0.7 for this18:46
hazmatjcastro, given we're doing etc alternatives i think we should sru 0.7 as well (its backwards compatible)18:46
hazmatits basically just bug fixes18:46
* jcastro nods in agreement18:48
jcastroevilnickveitch: around?18:55
Davieyjcastro: He is on UK time and has a life.18:56
jcastrooh sorry, wasn't paying attention to the time19:00
jcastrobut I see you're around. :)19:00
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evilnickveitchjcastro, hey, was just getting something to eat19:29
jcastrono worries, sent you an email19:30
jcastrohey marcoceppi19:48
marcoceppijcastro: hey19:49
jcastroany objections to removing drupal6 from the store?19:49
marcoceppinope and nope19:49
marcoceppiI can unpromulgate it now if you want19:49
jcastrolets do it19:49
jcastroDaviey: should I catch you tomorrow wrt. backports to 12.04?19:50
marcoceppijcastro: it should be unpromulgated19:52
Davieyjcastro: wfm19:52
marcoceppijcastro: we've got a problem with the unpromulgation. ~charmers doesn't own the branch, lynxman does19:56
marcoceppi've unpromulgated, so as long as the gui respects what's in the store now it *should* work20:08
arosalesmarcoceppi, jcastro on the drupal charm is there a bug report on the error?20:39
_mup_Bug #1181219: Install hook fails <drupal6 (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1181219>21:29
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away

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