
=== lars is now known as Genyar
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shadeslayerkubotu: weather05:15
soee_good morning06:33
lordievaderGood morning.07:42
Riddell"apachelogger expired from team" "echidnaman expired from team" "david.wonderly expired from team" eek we have only half a council!08:48
valoriein a few hours, perhaps you can ping them by voice08:50
smartboyhwGood afternoon Kubuntu devs and contributors and users:)09:11
soeeand those that we cant classify ?09:11
smartboyhwsoee: Yeah sure09:13
Mamarokdon't you guys want to announce 4.10.3 on kubuntu.org?10:25
Riddellyes I'll get onto that10:31
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DarkwingMorning guys11:20
Riddellhi Darkwing, Quintasan 11:21
Darkwing3 1/2 hours till mumble meeting.11:22
Quintasangotta do my uni stuff by then  I guess11:23
Quintasanlooks like I won't be able to talk xD11:34
DarkwingBecause of a mumble issue or uni issue?11:35
Quintasanvoice issue11:35
DarkwingOh crap11:35
QuintasanDuring the weeekend I've been giving lectures on a con and now I sound like I've inhaled some helium11:36
BluesKajHey all11:41
smartboyhwI'm out of Mumble today…11:43
smartboyhwMeh, biology test11:43
Darkwinghey BluesKaj11:43
DarkwingSorry to hear that smartboyhw11:44
BluesKajHi Darkwing11:44
DarkwingRiddell: was there an agenda for the mumble meeting anywhere?11:44
smartboyhwI want to add one...11:45
RiddellDarkwing: no, do start one11:45
Darkwingagenda up and email sent to kubu-devel11:58
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Darkwingahoneybun: ping12:15
yofelsorry about the .3 announcement Riddell, I forgot it again -.-12:18
yofelare you taking care of it?12:18
Quintasanyofel: You don't happen to know Java, do you?12:20
yofelQuintasan: I do, what's the problem?12:20
QuintasanI'm trying to make a Binary Tree in Java but I want to use generic types but I can't figure out the comparing part12:21
Quintasanyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568352812:21
QuintasanHere is the code12:21
Quintasanand of course I get error: bad operand types for binary operator '>' for that12:21
Quintasanbut I have no idea how to solve that12:22
QuintasanIt's probably easy but I don't really want to read the whole docs if I can avoid it12:23
Riddellyofel: I can do it, raring and precise in updates ppa known good?12:26
yofelRiddell: raring in updates, quantal and precise in backports. IIRC they should be fine, they working in virtualbox, I fixed the copy issue for precise and quantal looks ok12:28
smartboyhw_Darkwing: Can you add a "release cycle" item for me please? So difficult to do on mobile.12:32
smartboyhw_Or rather, "release milestones"12:32
Darkwingsmartboyhw_: meaning?12:33
smartboyhw_Darkwing: How many Alphas should we release.12:34
DarkwingI got ya.12:34
Quintasanyofel: Any ideas?12:34
yofelQuintasan: I'm not expert on generic types, but looking12:34
QuintasanMmkay, thanks12:34
Darkwingsmartboyhw_: done12:37
yofelQuintasan: wait, you're comparing generic objects. There is no direct comparison for objects in java. Comparable has a compareTo() method, use that12:37
QuintasanI see12:37
yofelQuintasan: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Comparable.html12:37
yofeljava, for better or worse, doesn't support operator overloading.12:38
smartboyhw_Darkwing: Thx. I can't attend the meeting on voice but I will be here..12:39
smartboyhw_Hmm, thunderstorms here…12:40
QuintasanWhat on Earth12:42
smartboyhw_Quintasan: ?12:44
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RiddellDarkwing: ping?13:15
smartboyhw_Hey Riddell13:16
Riddellwanting to test mumble13:16
ScottKRiddell: I messed up and set the election to end at the end of the day, rather than the beginning.  We'll have a full council in a few hours.14:03
Riddellthe tension is rising!14:03
DarkwingRiddell: you wanted to test?14:13
ScottKFYI, I'm probably going to be late for the meeting.  Today is going different than I planned.14:18
smartboyhwScottK: Hurray14:21
QuintasanRiddell or Darkwing: mumble test14:30
DarkwingQuintasan: lets do it14:31
Quintasanif anyone is talking I can't hear it for some reason14:32
DarkwingI'm gonna reconfig14:32
* Quintasan makes the recoring louder14:33
apacheloggervalorie: btw our troll is now trolling kde-devel 14:38
smartboyhwapachelogger: Which troll?14:38
apacheloggerthe one we were talking about on the mailing list14:38
smartboyhwapachelogger: What the…14:39
Quintasanapachelogger: Can you hit him with banhammer?14:39
smartboyhwHe seriously doesn't know he is trolling…14:39
apacheloggerno powers in kde14:39
apacheloggerall seaLne's fault :P14:39
smartboyhwI am joining in the game…14:39
apacheloggerhe doesn't trust me14:39
apacheloggersmartboyhw: why that's a pun right there :D14:40
smartboyhwapachelogger: LOL14:40
DarkwingJust testing.14:42
QuintasanHWAT THE THELL14:42
QuintasanDarkwing, yofel: anyone talking?14:42
DarkwingI was.14:42
smartboyhwDarkwing: Why you need op!14:42
yofelQuintasan: do you see my icon being red?14:42
apacheloggerHELLO QUINTASAN14:42
Quintasanyofel: not really14:42
Quintasanapachelogger: HI14:42
Darkwingsmartboyhw: I'm part of the IRC team. I have OPS in most of the #ubuntu-* namespaces14:43
yofelI'm killing murmurd, sec14:43
smartboyhwDarkwing: Sure.14:43
* smartboyhw is a stupid thing on IRC14:43
yofelnext try14:44
apacheloggerdid I loose my IRC powers yet?14:44
yofelhi jt14:44
smartboyhwHey jtechidna (new nick?)14:44
apacheloggerI feel like making the channel invite only or something :P14:44
jtechidnasecondary nick14:44
Darkwinglol apachelogger14:44
smartboyhwapachelogger: Nice one:P14:44
Quintasanheard me?14:44
DarkwingNope. You hear me?14:44
apacheloggerall your channel are belong to me.14:45
Darkwingthis is daft.14:45
=== Darkwing changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/ | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | Kubuntu Council election: Voting in progress | saucy meeting Monday 15:00UTC | <apachelogger> all your channel are belong to me.
QuintasanBAN INCOMMING14:45
smartboyhwI think we should actually made the channel for people who have registered…14:45
smartboyhwDarkwing: What the hell?14:45
QuintasanI'm talking all the time, can anyone hear me?14:46
Darkwingand you guys can't hear me either?14:46
apacheloggerI can hear you in my heart.14:46
smartboyhwDarkwing: Why do you add apachelogger's sentence to the channel topic?14:46
QuintasanDarkwing: I can't14:46
Darkwingbecause it is so apachelogger14:46
yofelDarkwing: I don't even see that you're saying something14:46
QuintasanSame here14:46
yofelI saw your recording though14:47
apacheloggerworth some ice cream don't you think?14:47
DarkwingI heads my recording but I don't see you guys saying anything?14:47
* apachelogger needs to find some ice cream before he goes mad14:47
Darkwingserver restart?14:47
* smartboyhw thinks that apachelogger is a nadverb more than an adjective…14:47
QuintasanIt's a noun :P14:47
QuintasanThis sounds so silly14:48
smartboyhwQuintasan: Nice14:48
QuintasanI'm seriously going to start sining14:48
QuintasanDarkwing: Say "BLAAAAARHG"14:49
BluesKajI see you guys have had your presence graced by out latest troll :)14:49
DarkwingI did. nothing?14:49
BluesKajour 14:49
QuintasanYeah, nothing14:49
* smartboyhw is fortunate that he is out of this Mumble mess…14:49
Quintasanyofel: Y U BREAK SERVER14:49
DarkwingThe trolls is not welcome here.14:49
yofelI didn't as much as TOUCH it since the last time14:49
smartboyhwDarkwing: Of course;)14:49
DarkwingTry restarting the mumble server?14:49
Quintasango to Session maybe?14:50
QuintasanI'm talking14:51
yofelyou're not14:51
Darkwingso am I but no one hears anything.14:51
BluesKajwell he's been cri=uising the chans spewing his negativity about kde and insulting those who try to help , yet no ops will kick or ban him and I've seen ppl get banned for a lot less in the past14:51
DarkwingHe speaks in here and I'll ban him.14:51
DarkwingI don't have OP powers in KDE-devel otherwise I wouldn14:51
BluesKajok thanks Darkwing 14:52
smartboyhwWe need a troll management strategy…14:53
apacheloggerDarkwing: he is14:53
QuintasanTHIS MUMBLE14:53
apacheloggersmartboyhw: ban :P14:53
apacheloggeris murmur working yet?14:53
yofelok, plan b14:53
apacheloggeror did yofel break it entirely? ^^14:53
smartboyhwapachelogger: Yrp14:53
yofelconnect to yofel.dyndns.org14:53
yofelthat's not set up, but work14:53
apacheloggeronly need one chan anyway14:54
Quintasanyofel: Can't connect xD14:54
yofel... drat14:54
Darkwing[10:54 AM] Server connection failed: Host unreachable.14:54
yofelplan C14:54
apacheloggerwhat's the problem anyway?14:54
DarkwingNo one can hear anyone else.14:55
QuintasanOne can hear himself speaking14:55
Quintasanbut noone else14:55
BluesKajtrouble is these guys seems knowledgeable , and they should be challenged to help others instead of letting them spew14:55
yofelit's not transmitting any audio-related data14:55
Riddellso where is everyone?14:55
apacheloggerBluesKaj: that particular person is not14:55
smartboyhwRiddell: Here…14:55
QuintasanRiddell: We can't hear anyone speaking14:55
smartboyhwWe have a plan D: Use IRC…14:55
RiddellI'm the only one in session14:55
Riddellooh an apachelogger 14:55
Darkwingyofel broke it.14:55
smartboyhwRiddell: LOL14:55
apacheloggerworks for Riddell and me :P14:55
QuintasanRiddell: As in I'm talking but Darkwing can't hear me14:56
yofelconnect to kyofel.dyndns.org14:56
smartboyhwNow now now, girls stop fighting…14:56
yofeljust installed it, so it *should* work14:56
BluesKajapachelogger, ok , I'll take your word for it :)14:56
smartboyhwAnd stop blaming14:56
DarkwingFirst one is working14:56
smartboyhwyofel: Clear cache?14:56
QuintasanIT'S ALIVE14:56
RiddellQuintasan: are you on the server?14:57
Darkwingtry the first one again.14:57
Riddellcos it doesn't look it to me14:57
QuintasanRiddell, Darkwing:  kyofel.dyndns.org14:57
Riddellapachelogger: there are two servers!14:58
shadeslayerbah I missed doctor who 14:58
apacheloggerthe name of the doctor is....14:58
smartboyhwshadeslayer: Boo Doctor Who!14:58
apacheloggeropen sesame14:59
smartboyhwapachelogger: rofl14:59
* smartboyhw laughs without stopping14:59
shadeslayerto mumble or not to mumble, for I have to have dinner 14:59
valoriehmmm, I can't connect to kyofel15:00
smartboyhwDisasterous servers…15:00
shadeslayerthe doctor broke it 15:00
smartboyhwSeriously, let's just do it on IRC…15:00
shadeslayeryes ^^15:00
shadeslayerI can do irc , mumble nope 15:00
smartboyhwWe can troubleshoot Mumble later15:00
apacheloggerright port?15:00
smartboyhwshadeslayer: Same15:00
Quintasanshadeslayer: do mumble15:00
shadeslayerQuintasan: I need sustenance15:01
Quintasanshadeslayer: I call bs15:01
apacheloggeru need coffee15:01
Darkwingvalorie: 15:01
yofeljust in case that really matters15:01
* apachelogger hands Quintasan some ice cream15:01
QuintasanI haven't eaten since today's morning15:01
shadeslayerneither have I 15:01
Quintasanso go on mumble15:01
shadeslayerirc ... irc .... irc ...15:01
shadeslayeroh wait 15:01
smartboyhwirc.... irc..... irc......15:02
shadeslayerno headphones as well 15:02
DarkwingVoice is much simplier.15:02
Darkwingand personal.15:02
apacheloggershadeslayer is fail15:02
shadeslayerI broke them 15:02
yofela mac as no speakers? ^^15:02
Quintasanprovided one can speak15:02
shadeslayerin the flight 15:02
smartboyhwDarkwing: And difficult to set up…15:02
DarkwingI got outvoted for Google+ hangout15:02
Quintasanspeaking hurts as hell15:02
shadeslayermeh speakers 15:02
Darkwingtakes 30 seconds.15:02
smartboyhwDarkwing: ROFL15:02
smartboyhwSeriously, can we do IRC? I have an agenda item listed…15:03
smartboyhwAnd I have no ways on Mumble15:03
smartboyhwI'm at mobile…15:03
Quintasansmartboyhw: You can talk here and someone will be reading that probably15:04
Darkwingsmartboyhw: What type of mobile device15:04
smartboyhwQuintasan: Sure15:04
shadeslayerthere's a mumble android app15:04
smartboyhwDarkwing: Samsung Galaxy Pocket GT-S530015:04
Darkwingsmartboyhw: Android?15:04
apacheloggereveryone use the android app!15:04
apacheloggerI have no android!15:04
smartboyhwAndroid 2.3.6 for the god's sakr15:04
smartboyhwapachelogger: I will be killed if I'm speaking loudly15:05
Darkwingsmartboyhw: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lordmarty.mumbleclient&hl=en15:05
smartboyhwDarkwing: ^15:05
apacheloggersmartboyhw: increase recording volume? :P15:05
smartboyhwapachelogger: No.15:05
smartboyhwAnd my phone records sound like a duck…15:06
yofelsmartboyhw: you could at least listen?15:06
smartboyhw(Tried to record a piano before, terrible)15:06
smartboyhwyofel: I can't turn on speakers as I shall be killed and I hate earphones (and I'll be killed by using that, anyway)15:06
apachelogger"please do this asap. if you ask in #kubuntu-devel you'll probably find someone to help you. last time it took quite a while until everyone had it installed and configured so please be prepared this time around ;)"15:06
yofelsmartboyhw: bummer15:07
smartboyhwOh good, that troll is trolling again…15:07
BluesKajwhere ? he's been quiet for 20 mins or so 15:09
smartboyhwBluesKaj: #kde-devel15:09
palassoJontheEchidna, just a minor fix of code elegance that I failed to see before the commit: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=314549#c415:10
smartboyhwAnd he is putting apachelogger as Stalin (certainly not)15:10
ubottuKDE bug 314549 in libqapt "Process more complex markings files" [Wishlist,Resolved: fixed]15:10
BluesKajsmartboyhw, ok , it's entertaining :)15:10
BluesKajeven when he was insulting me ...it's an interesting study in social moron-ism :)15:12
palassojdoles, is here just he can't chat :D15:16
smartboyhwYes. And we are happy with that 15:17
apacheloggerbye bye15:17
smartboyhwapachelogger: You kicked him?15:18
apacheloggerno, that was a /part15:18
smartboyhwBrilliant choice15:18
smartboyhwDarkwing, Quintasan: What have you guys talked and are talking about?15:19
palassosomeone needs to do the same on #kubuntu as well... On the night (my time) he would unprovoked start ranting again calling the packagers drunk etc.15:19
Quintasansmartboyhw: Docs now.15:19
BluesKajyeah , the troll finally did something positive 15:19
jessievHanda: You around? My Nepomuk is acting up again.15:21
vHandadid you just update to master?15:21
vHandacause I just pushed a HUGE change15:21
jessieNo, I'm currently on 13.04 with backports.15:22
vHandajessie: okay then. What's up?15:23
apacheloggerpalasso: he knows that he can talk in #kubuntu, he does not know that I have a highlight on his nick :P15:23
palassoapachelogger, ;)15:24
jessievHanda: Nepomuk server starts but the file indexer doesn't.15:24
vHandajessie: ps aux | grep nepomuk ?15:24
jessieI see the feeder, the server, the service stub for nepomuk storage and the controller15:25
vHandacould you paste the output please?15:25
jessievHanda: Also, log from starting nepomuk (tail -f ~/.xsession-errors | grep Nepomuk): http://pastie.org/793496915:26
vHandahmm, so it cannot initialize virtuoso15:27
vHandajessie: what all soprano packages do you have installed?15:28
jessievHanda: More data: It does this every time. I can remove all Nepomuk related configs/db's and when it gets to a certain point this occus every time.15:28
vHandaoh. So if you delete the db then it starts the fileindexer?15:29
jessieCorrect. For at least a little while. And then some file or something causes it to break.15:29
jessielibsoprano-dev libsoprano4 soprano-daemon15:30
smartboyhw_(smartboyhw_) Heh, not yet at my agenda item on Mumble?15:32
shadeslayermumble keeps dropping voice, so much jitter :/15:32
smartboyhw_I posted it in #kubuntu…15:32
Darkwingsmartboyhw_: we are talking about it now.15:34
DarkwingI'll have the audio uploaded soon after it ends.15:34
smartboyhw_Darkwing: In my opinion, 1-2 alphas is enough.15:35
smartboyhw_Probably skip Alpha 1.15:35
Darkwingsmartboyhw_: We are looking at the KDE release schedule as well.15:35
smartboyhw_Following all 3 is too many.15:35
smartboyhw_Darkwing: Great.15:35
shadeslayerI bet one could make this into a daft punk song, everyone sounds so weird 15:36
Darkwingshadeslayer: use autotune15:37
smartboyhw_The Kubuntu Developers song, nice.15:37
apachelogger2 days15:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: TWO DAYS15:37
shadeslayerandroid app doesn't have it 15:37
yofelsmartboyhw_: rather skip alpha2, that's right between 4.11 rc1 and rc215:37
* ScottK waves15:37
apacheloggerTWO FRIGGIN DAYS15:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: feature freeze ?15:37
ScottKTrying to install mumble15:37
smartboyhw_yofel: right.15:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: RAM15:37
shadeslayeroh 15:37
shadeslayerokay 15:38
DarkwingScottK: Note the server change in my email15:38
smartboyhw_ScottK: When will the vote end?15:38
ScottKDarkwing: Thanks.15:38
jessievHanda: Anything else I can get you to help me get Nepomuk working again? I miss it.15:38
ScottKsmartboyhw_: ~23:59 UTC15:38
smartboyhw_ScottK: Hmm, that's 20 minutes later.15:39
ScottKThan what?15:39
vHandashadeslayer: got a sec?15:39
shadeslayeryes 15:39
ScottKIt ends when I click the button to end it.15:39
ScottKThat's ~when I plan to do it.15:39
smartboyhw_ScottK: Ah…15:40
shadeslayervHanda: do I need to start my laptop? or will my phone suffice? 15:40
smartboyhw_I want to see who gets elected (or rather, who not)15:40
vHandaactually nevermind. I think I got it15:40
shadeslayerheh ok15:40
vHandaI'm confused as to what soprano-daemon shops15:41
shadeslayervHanda: http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/amd64/soprano-daemon/filelist15:42
vHandastrange, but okay15:43
vHandaIt seems to "recommend" libsoprano4 - shouldn't that be a hard dependency? http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/soprano-daemon15:44
shadeslayerdebian has recommends as well, so maybe worth poking them about it ?15:46
vHandanevermind. It's just the libsoprano4-daemon shouldn't compile with libsoprano415:48
vHanda*without libsoprano415:49
vHandajessie: would you mind sharing your db with me?15:49
vHandaUnless it contains private information?15:49
jessieYeah, I should be able to share it with you.15:50
shadeslayerstupid moin moin 15:51
jessievHanda: soprano-virtuoso.db?15:51
vHandahow big is it?15:51
jessie~ 8MB15:52
vHandajessie: this database hasn't even been used once by Nepomuk15:59
vHandait just has the basic virtuoso data15:59
vHandaand virtuoso didn't give me any errors when I tried to open it15:59
smartboyhw_ScottK: End the vote and let us see the resulrs…16:00
jessie... Hmmm... I pulled that from ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/ . Correct place?16:00
smartboyhw_ScottK: ?16:01
Tm_Tsmartboyhw_: why so hurry?16:01
smartboyhw_Tm_T: Anxiety?16:01
vHandayup. It's correct. It just means that your db isn't corrupted. and clearing it probably won't fix this16:01
Tm_Tpatience, my young padawan16:01
vHandathough you can try16:01
smartboyhw_You know, I actually infuriated two padawan mentors?16:02
jessievHanda: rm -r ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository fixed it. :-/16:03
vHandabah. Next time give me all the files including the trx files and others. Though I have no clue what could have been wrong16:03
vHandaanyway, you at least did not loose any data16:03
jessieTrue. I guess we'll see if it happens again and if so I'll give you my files.16:04
apacheloggerjtechidna: https://trello.com/c/V6ydXZAC16:09
apacheloggershadeslayer, yofel: https://trello.com/c/7UDZ2pRN what's with that? resolved?16:10
shadeslayerhaven't heard from cHakra 16:11
shadeslayerErm 16:11
shadeslayersee trello card 16:11
* yofel doesn't remember being involved in that16:12
vHandashadeslayer: Soprano 2.9.2 has been released it contains the required patch16:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^16:14
shadeslayerso we want to sru 2.9.2 now 16:17
shadeslayerbbl 16:20
Riddellvalorie: logitech headphones with mic cost only a tenner and work well16:58
valoriecool, I'm sure amazon will get it to me pronto16:59
DarkwingI'm editing the opening then I will upload the audio16:59
shadeslayercan someone take care of the new ktp release?17:05
shadeslayerI have so much on my TODO today17:05
Riddellhi ahoneybun18:26
ahoneybunRiddell: how was the meeting?18:26
Riddellwe passed a motion unanimously deciding you are awesome18:26
* ahoneybun does not know if that is a joke or waht18:27
Riddellnope it's entirely true18:28
ahoneybunoh ok ... lol18:28
ahoneybunwhat was talked about the docs?18:29
RiddellDarkwing thinks a process of wiki -> html and displaying in plasmoid would be best18:29
Riddellor rather that was what came out of a talk between him you and valorie 18:30
ahoneybunyea we talked out that18:30
ahoneybunwould kinda be like Linux Mint's welcome screen18:30
ahoneybunthat was the idea18:30
* ScottK hides his eyes.18:31
Riddella big welcome screen would be off putting but an icon in the folderview to launch it would be like what we've had before18:31
RiddellI'm not sure what he'd thinking to do the wiki -> html stage job I hopefully something automatable18:31
ahoneybunwell just big for the content not huge18:32
ahoneybunits still in discussion 18:32
Quintasan+ less work for translations18:33
ahoneybunRiddell: like how Charka Linux does it?18:33
Quintasanshadeslayer: I think I can.18:33
ahoneybunRiddell: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1i7EX7a2ELY/TIptPB1QUII/AAAAAAAAAWg/Z6QLwPvLg08/s1600/chakralive.png18:33
shadeslayerQuintasan: cool, thx18:33
shadeslayerQuintasan: I added a trello card18:34
ScottKI'm not if favor of shipping passwords.txt on the desktop.18:34
Quintasan+1 ScottK18:34
* Quintasan also thinks we should get rid of folder view plasmoid and make the whole desktop type folder view18:35
ahoneybunScottK: no a link to the Docs, Homepage and such18:35
ScottKahoneybun: I know.  I just kidding around.18:35
ahoneybunoh hard to tell for me in just text18:35
Quintasanshadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5684663/ <-- how outdated is that?18:35
ahoneybunRiddell: wait why am I awesome lol18:36
shadeslayerQuintasan: eh, might just work18:36
Riddellahoneybun: for kickstarting the docs18:36
ahoneybunoh I guess, just trying to find a spot for me to help ;)18:37
RiddellQuintasan: upstream has it with nothing on the desktop at all18:37
Riddellwhich I don't see the sense in18:38
QuintasanRiddell: I do realise that. But looking from "typical user" perspective, one does expect to be able to put files and icons on desktop without doing widget mumbojumbo dance18:38
Quintasanshadeslayer: uploading to saucy and backporting to raring and precise I guess18:39
RiddellQuintasan: if you fullscreen folderview that would mess with any other widgets no?18:39
shadeslayerI think we can just put that in Kubuntu updates18:39
shadeslayerand then maybe move to get it SRU'd18:40
RiddellQuintasan: you can put icons anywhere on the desktop18:40
QuintasanRiddell: I mean setting the Layout to folder view18:40
QuintasanRight click on desktop, Setting -> Layout -> Folder view18:40
Quintasanshadeslayer: We can just?18:41
QuintasanSRU for raring now?18:41
shadeslayerput it in the updates PPA, then SRU18:41
shadeslayeror whatever you feel like doing :P18:42
ahoneybunRiddell: anything else important?18:42
Quintasanshadeslayer: I wonder why are we keeping https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/ppa around then18:42
Riddellnotes here https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-uds-saucy18:42
Riddellahoneybun: 18:42
ahoneybunstupid KDE Identity18:43
ahoneybunok got it18:43
Quintasanshadeslayer: That said I think we should get a ktp packaging branch18:43
Quintasanor wait18:44
Quintasanshadeslayer: You know, we could actually get it to Debian and sync to saucy and then backport18:44
* Quintasan tries doing that18:44
ahoneybunRiddell: thansk18:46
shadeslayerQuintasan: k18:47
Quintasanshadeslayer: Debian is still on 0.4 wtf18:52
soeewhy Chromium wants Unity WebApps plugin ?19:06
QuintasanScottK: Do you think you could upload ktp to Debian?19:20
* Quintasan reaaaaaally has to get DD as soon as possible19:21
Riddellsoee: I don't know but it's very annoying19:21
ScottKQuintasan: Not today.  Who's the maintainer?19:22
QuintasanScottK: Maintainer: Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org>19:23
QuintasanScottK: Actually I'm going to pester George if he is going to update that soon19:23
ScottKI'd ask on #debian-qt-kde then.19:23
QuintasanIf not I'm going to update the whole stack myself and pester there for someone to upload and apply for DD19:24
soeeRiddell, well the extension can be disabled so the message is gone19:32
bkerensaYay Kubuntu!19:52
ahoneybunRiddell: so what way would look best? browser widget, or folder view20:07
Darkwingahoneybun: Just work on content.20:09
DarkwingI'll pull something together for styling.20:10
Darkwingmeeting is being uploaded.20:10
shadeslayerthat sounds kind of hilarious20:10
ahoneybunDarkwing: did you check on the page ? the main one https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs20:11
DarkwingNot yet.20:11
ahoneybunthats what I have layed out so far20:11
DarkwingI've been getting my kids' rooms ready. :D They are coming this weekend, a week early.20:11
ahoneybunI managed to keep all the content from the other pages and put them on those20:11
* Darkwing nods20:12
ahoneybunjust mostly need to check the ones I have done for what they need more or less, and then work on the last page "Getting Involved"20:12
ahoneybunnice man20:12
ahoneybunno good?20:13
ahoneybunhey shadeslayer log time no talk20:23
shadeslayerlog time :D20:23
ahoneybunDarkwing: maybe the fifth page can be the links or credits page20:23
ahoneybunits Aaron not Andrew20:25
DarkwingSorry mate20:26
ahoneybunits fine they know my IRC name20:26
ahoneybunso its np20:26
ahoneybunshadeslayer: hows the N7?20:26
shadeslayerhaven't touched it yet, been busy with other stuff20:27
shadeslayerneed to talk to ogra about why it doesn't display anything after boot20:27
ahoneybunDarkwing: I think the browser would look better or using the folder view like the Charka Project uses?20:27
ahoneybunbut if it is a pure html not just a link to the wiki page that would look great20:28
DarkwingWe have to ship something for offlines users.20:29
DarkwingSo, what will happen is this.20:29
DarkwingThe development of the docs will by done online.20:29
ahoneybunoh ok thats good20:29
DarkwingThen it will be pulled and put into localized form.20:29
Darkwingfor the release.20:29
ahoneybunI really want it to be available offline20:29
DarkwingBut, 100% of the doc work will be done online.20:30
DarkwingWell, 90%20:30
Darkwing3 1/2 hours20:31
DarkwingKeeping my eye on the UTC clock.20:31
ahoneybunoh 20:31
ahoneybunfor your kids to come?20:32
DarkwingNo, That will be fri/sat20:32
ahoneybunoh ok20:32
DarkwingIt's when the elections are announced.20:32
ahoneybunoh ok20:32
jessieHas there been work done on the new lock screen? I swear it's always randomly locking on me.20:33
Darkwingjessie: I've noticed that a bit myself.20:34
jessieAnd by locking I mean that both the lock screen comes up when it shouldn't and also the lock screen won't take my input.20:34
DarkwingI just figured it was a setting I needed to change.20:34
ahoneybunshadeslayer: same here with my N720:34
jessieDarkwing: Well, when I'm sitting here at my desk and typing and it all the sudden locks, I doubt that should *ever* happen.20:35
Darkwingjessie: No, mine is when it is sitting watching a video and the like.20:35
DarkwingMine doesn't do anything like that.20:35
yofelnever had it randomly lock on me, but the focus issue does happen all the time20:35
ahoneybunDarkwing: right now on the trello I have the cards for the pages20:36
Darkwingahoneybun: I noticed that.20:36
Darkwingahoneybun: I'll be in and out as I get some stuff done.20:36
jessieyofel: Yeah, the focus one is frustrating, I thought it was due to my bluetooth-proximity use, but I installed that for a while and it still did that. :-/20:36
ahoneybunfor the first 3 I just need to find out what else I need to add/remove to keep it short20:37
ahoneybunDarkwing: I think this is a great example if I say so https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/ManagingSoftware20:37
Darkwingahoneybun: I'll have a look at it in a few hours20:37
ahoneybunoh ok20:38
DarkwingI did a brief overview.20:38
DarkwingIt's looking really good.20:38
DarkwingKeep that up and we'll figure out more too.20:38
ahoneybunthe project as a whole or that page?20:39
DarkwingProject as a whole.20:39
DarkwingMaybe we should think of what we think of as basic...20:39
DarkwingConnecting to a network/internet20:39
Darkwingadding a printer20:39
ahoneybunwell handing the graphics, music, printer20:40
ahoneybunand such20:40
DarkwingBut, "getting connected"20:40
DarkwingLike you had said, what are the general actions people do on computers.20:40
ahoneybunthe getting involved?20:40
DarkwingNo, before that.20:40
ahoneybunoh the internet things?20:40
DarkwingJust interating... If you had never touched Linux/Kubuntu before...20:41
jessieInstall things.20:41
jessieBrowse the web.20:41
jessieLook at PDF's.20:41
jessieEdit images.20:41
ahoneybunoh ok20:41
DarkwingBefore we can install anything, we have to connect to the web.20:41
ahoneybunjessie: thank you that is true20:41
ahoneybunfound what content we need then organize20:41
jessieListen to music, everybody does that almost.20:41
DarkwingSo, we keep it to what people do every day, 20:42
ahoneybunthe bare basics20:42
Darkwingwe don't have to detail what a repository is... That is avalable online.20:42
ahoneybunlink it to a other wiki page?20:42
DarkwingBut, explaining that Rekonq is our browser... that is something more.20:42
ScottKTry explaining we think Rekonq is really, really wonderful, but we still ship a Firefox installer ...20:43
ahoneybunDarkwing: link to a wiki page about repos?20:44
Darkwingahoneybun: Yes. there are prolly 20 or 30 to pick from.20:44
ahoneybunok right now I will work on content for the basic page20:44
DarkwingScottK: To be fair, I don't use Rekonq20:45
jessieAlso, why FF over Chromium? Chromium sucks so much less with KDE than FF does.20:45
DarkwingI use chrome. It shares with my desktop, laptop, TV, phone and tablet.20:45
jessieYeah, me too, but open source, etc etc etc.20:46
ahoneybunDarkwing: what about IM programs20:46
DarkwingYup. That is something that people use.20:46
ahoneybunmost of the network.xml has a how to about connecting, should the page just start off with a topic and talk about it then link to a KDE doc or something on how to do that action?20:47
ScottKDarkwing: I don't either.20:47
ScottKjessie: Because Firefox is the one that Canonical focuses their maintenance effort on and with the continuing stream of browser vulnerabilities and updates, we want people on the one that has the best support.20:48
ahoneybungot to get off be back in a bit20:50
jessieScottK: And so we instead use Reqonk by default? That flies in the face of everything. We want people to be safe, but lets give them a browser that has 1/10th of the development efforts.20:50
ahoneybunDarkwing: just update the trello when you get the chance and I'll work on it 20:50
ScottKFF would pull in a huge stack of dependencies that would really screw with image size.20:51
skellatahoneybun: This might provide some useful things to add to your managing applications section that might also be slightly safer than just installing .deb files: http://docs.xubuntu.org/1304/offline-packages.html20:51
jessieScottK: Fair enough. Just saying, applying that logic to one choice but not the other seems silly to me.20:52
ahoneybunskellat: thanks so xubuntu is installing that by default now right?20:52
ScottKThe only singificant non-KDE based package we ship is LibreOffice.20:53
ahoneybunnot to use dpkg install or what not20:53
ScottKAnd that's pretty unavoidable at the moment.20:53
skellatahoneybun: We will be in 13.1020:55
ahoneybunskellat: cool21:23
ahoneybunDarkwing: Xubuntu does awesome docs21:24
ahoneybunDarkwing: I love that it is a ogg format lol21:33
BluesKajit's nice to have the option to run kde apps in W7 without need to use a VM 21:34
BluesKajthe need21:34
ahoneybunBluesKaj: that is cool21:36
BluesKajopen source for windows without the dumb ads and constant popups about toiolbar this etc21:36
BluesKajyeah , works well enough too , ahoneybun21:37
ahoneybunBluesKaj: I think thats the most important part ^^21:37
* BluesKaj nods21:38
ahoneybunwhat does Kubuntu use for network connections?21:40
ScottKNetwork Manager21:40
ahoneybunI thought so21:40
ahoneybunlooking for a good kde wiki with info about how to use it21:40
BluesKajI don't bother with NM , the interfaces file works well with ethernet connections ...wifi however is more complicated and NM does a decent job with that21:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: that episode of Dr Who makes no sense at all21:42
ahoneybunwell I want to link how to setup a wired/wireless connection with the default on Kubuntu21:43
shadeslayerI suppose I should watch more of it21:43
BluesKajNM can handle that ahoneybun , I have both on my laptop 21:44
ahoneybunBluesKaj: in case the user needs help no? setup by hand?21:45
BluesKajNM manages both ethernet and wifi if you like , ahoneybun21:46
jessieahoneybun: Yeah, it'll need documentation of how to get connected for wifi, at the very least.21:46
ahoneybunjessie: thats what I mean but I want to link it to a ubuntu wiki that is already written and not do double work21:47
ahoneybunjessie: like this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide21:48
BluesKajahoneybun:   you're wifi encryption setup and PW is usaully allthat's needed , and the ethernet is pnp21:48
jessieBluesKaj: Not if you're doing static IPs, etc. There are things besides just PNP on ethernet.21:48
BluesKajjessie: yeah static IPs have to be setup in NM , but it can be managed21:49
jessieRight. But how to get the process started and such needs to be documented.21:49
ahoneybunBluesKaj: this is just bare basics21:50
BluesKajok 21:51
ScottKthe docs should focus on dhcp both wired and wifi because if a user even knows what a static IP is, they don't need our docs21:51
ahoneybunScottK: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/Basic21:53
ScottKthat's about right, although I'd say something like automatic address assignment instead of DHCP.21:54
ScottKMy daughter the IT major would know you meant DHCP and my other daughter the interior design major could probably figure out what that meant.21:55
BluesKajmy son would , but none of my duaghters would 21:56
BluesKajerr daughters ...where's the bloody spellcheck21:57
BluesKajok , later gents 21:58
Riddellahoneybun: an icon in the folderview that launches a widget22:01
ahoneybunRiddell: that would be better?22:01
Riddellahoneybun: yes, anything more is too annoying22:01
ahoneybuncan you do that?22:01
Riddellahoneybun: probably, somehow22:09
ahoneybunwe'll look into that22:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: what didn't make sense?22:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: most of it?22:12
shadeslayerlike, dafuq22:12
shadeslayerI'm watching the first ep 22:12
shadeslayerIts bigger on the inside 22:14
shadeslayerit's amazing how her tea doesn't spill22:15
ahoneybunRiddell: not easier to link to the wiki itself?22:18
Riddellahoneybun: easier but not so slick22:19
Riddelland needs internet access22:19
Riddellno use if you want help with internet access22:19
ahoneybunlink to a html file on the system?22:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: ah yes I guess it makes no sense if you don't know about the bigger on the inside thing :P22:19
ahoneybunRiddell: diiferent icons that link to text files?22:22
Riddellwhy would there be text files?22:31
ahoneybunsome type of file?22:34
ahoneybunI don't think there is a way to launch widgets22:34
ahoneybunwell maybe if I know where the widget is on the system22:34
Riddellplasma scripting somehow?22:40
ahoneybunI can't do that22:45
ScottKIt's not that hard.22:46
ScottKI even figured it out once.22:46
ahoneybunRiddell: it has to use the Folder View Widget?22:52
Riddellahoneybun: that's where icons can go without disturbing the desktop too much22:53
ahoneybunyea 22:53
ahoneybunwe can't use the web slice widget?22:55
Riddellhmm web slice doesn't seem to be able to scroll22:58
ahoneybunthere is a web browser as well that can scroll23:00
ahoneybunbut no scaling23:01
ahoneybunRiddell: so what would the icons be linking to then in the folder view widget? html files on the system?23:03
Riddellahoneybun: something that launched a plasma widget to show the docs23:05
Riddellor good old khelpcentre23:05
ahoneybunRiddell: they we talking about khelp but did not want to use it I think23:08
Darkwingahoneybun, I'm still figuring out the logistics of where we will put the docs. let's get them rewritten first. 23:51
DarkwingI'll figure out the scripting stuff.23:52

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