
=== elijah is now known as Guest90639
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elijah_Can anyone help me with a Citrix Reciever issue?00:17
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tetris4lifeWhen I am trying to debug a program, what is the best way to go about this?00:56
tetris4lifeWhat should I look for in an strace output?00:56
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OerHeksthis bug applies to kubuntu too, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214087303:03
OerHeksstill no satisfiing solution, i do not trust this, so do no banking untill it get fixed03:03
OerHeks2 hours off after boot, BIOS is oke, checking and checking...03:04
OerHeksthere is no logical reason to set time -2 hours back, so i think i am compromized. and not only me.03:05
SparkySparkyBoomhi there04:18
SparkySparkyBoomhow do i change my window manager temporarily?04:18
SparkySparkyBoomon ubuntu, i can just choose at the login screen04:18
shadeslayerwhich one do you want to use ?04:19
shadeslayerand why would you want to replace kwin ?04:20
SparkySparkyBoomi want to use awesome-wm04:22
SparkySparkyBoomfor a bit04:22
SparkySparkyBoomwhile im working04:22
SparkySparkyBoomany ideas?04:24
shadeslayerprobably worth looking at the man page04:24
SparkySparkyBoomi tried04:24
SparkySparkyBoomdidnt find anything04:24
SparkySparkyBoomi cant believe it's this hard04:24
shadeslayeryou should be able to pass something like --replace04:24
SparkySparkyBoomi found kde to be way easier than gnome and unity04:25
Kalidarnhmm seems qtconfig does not work in raring ringtail05:03
Kalidarni installed qt4-qtconfig05:04
Kalidarnonly to get: bash: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qtchooser: No such file or directory05:04
Kalidarni also noticed qt-creator seems to be some default gtK+ looking theme, not oxygen.05:04
Kalidarni wonder if it's related to bug 117566205:06
ubottubug 1175662 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "qmake setting up wrong path for lrelease" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117566205:06
Kalidarnqtchooser gives the same error05:06
valoriemight be a good idea to comment on the bug then?05:07
Kalidarnyeah i just want to see if it effects anyone else05:08
Kalidarnanyone else on 13.04 able to use qtconfig?05:08
Kalidarnor qtchooser05:08
valorietbh, I think most of the devels who could reply to you are asleep atm05:09
shadeslayeror in bed, trying to sleep, but cannot sleep due to the insane heat05:09
valoriehey shadeslayer05:10
shadeslayerI don't think qtchooser is meant to be executed per se , so have a look at the man page05:10
* valorie directs a cooling breeze in your direction05:10
shadeslayerits like 36 flipping degrees05:10
shadeslayerand there's an ongoing powercut05:11
Kalidarnshadeslayer: i noticed qt creator in raring looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/VgbVEUd.png http://i.imgur.com/kX0FPoW.png05:15
Kalidarnthat is not oxygen :P, i installed this fresh from raring media05:15
shadeslayerheh, possibly using Qt 5 libs ?05:16
Kalidarnyeah it is05:16
Kalidarnand im trying to change the theme for that, figured qt4-config or qtchooser was the way05:16
shadeslayercheck pmap of qtcreatoe05:16
shadeslayerah nope05:16
shadeslayerKalidarn: needs an env var to switch to qt405:17
shadeslayerman page should have this documented05:17
Kalidarnyeah and none of them work: you get the same error05:20
Kalidarn$ qtchooser -qt=qt405:20
Kalidarnqtchooser: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qtchooser': No such file or directory05:20
Kalidarn$ qtchooser -qt=qt505:20
Kalidarnqtchooser: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qtchooser': No such file or directory05:20
Kalidarn$ qtchooser -qt=default05:20
Kalidarnqtchooser: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qtchooser': No such file or directory05:20
FloodBotK1Kalidarn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:20
Kalidarnit's almost as if the qt4-config package is putting the binary in the wrong place05:21
Kalidarnbecause if you do qtchooser -print-env you see:05:23
Kalidarnshadeslayer: maybe it is this bug 117668605:26
ubottubug 1176686 in qtchooser (Ubuntu Saucy) "qtchooser does not properly work with multiarch" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117668605:26
shadeslayerI don't know enough to comment I am afraid05:27
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Kalidarni'd say so, because if you use: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qtconfig it works05:28
Kalidarnqtconfig doesn't obviously exist for qt505:28
Kalidarnshadeslayer: and i don't think it's possible yet to use oxygen with qt505:30
shadeslayeryeah, not possible to use oxygen with Qt 505:30
shadeslayeryou will have to wait till frameworks 505:31
Kalidarnyeah :)05:32
sickle_celli am a kubuntu user from last 6 months i am having a serious problem with OVERHEATING my laptop is Linovo Z570 4GB ram /i5-2nd Gen/2gb Nvidia Geforce/ 750gb Hard Disk06:02
valoriesickle_cell: what is pushing your computer so hard?06:06
valoriehave you tried using 'top' or 'htop' from the cli to find out06:07
valorieor even the system monitor from alt+f2 (krunner)06:07
sickle_celllet me see06:18
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sickle_cellnepomuk controller 23% / nepomuk servicestub 21%  and rest is less then 3%06:20
sickle_cellshould i kill the Process ?06:21
valorieprobably just indexing06:25
valoriethere is a way to control nepomuk06:25
sickle_cellsir , what is it06:26
valorieif you type nepomuk into krunner (alt+f2)06:26
valoriethere is a config you can access06:26
sickle_cellsir , i set its priority to lowest . is it ok . meanwile my laptop is cooling down .06:30
* valorie is no sir06:30
valoriesure, I think lowering the priority is better than turning it off, personally06:31
valorieso you still get the indexing06:31
sickle_cellvalorie:  Thank's Man for helping . may god bless you06:34
valorieyou're very welcome, although I'm not a man either!06:34
sickle_cell*mam :-)06:35
valorieI hope kubuntu continues to work well for you06:38
valorieI love it, and have been using it for many years06:38
sickle_cellmam , what is  "  'top', 'htop' from the cli  " ?06:43
valoriesorry: cli is short for commandline interface06:44
valoriein other words, a console06:44
sickle_celli got it06:44
valorietop and htop are two cli applications for seeing what is running, how much memory is being used, etc.06:44
valorietop is standard, htop must be installed06:45
valoriealso, they will give you the "pid" which you often need to kill a process06:45
valoriealthough I haven't had to do that for a long while06:46
valoriekubuntu is well put together06:46
sickle_cellok, yaa i learned about " pid" in my lecture. is it process Id.06:48
valorieit's fun to look 'behind the scenes'06:48
valorieand the pretty gui06:49
bigbrovarhi guys, does kde have something close to the gnome character map which allows u insert unicode characters or symbols. I need it to insert my county's currency symbol to a report am writting06:49
valoriecharacter selector06:49
sickle_cellyaa , i just install htop . it is interesting06:49
valoriebigbrovar: ^^06:54
bigbrovarvalorie: thanks :)07:00
fractalinedoes adblock normally slow down rekonq severly?07:18
fractalineor cause some issues with downloads?07:20
lordievaderGood morning.07:41
bigbrovaras much as I love to use and continue with kmail, its just not ready for enterprise09:58
bigbrovarI have no choice now but to use thunderbird even though it lacks the kde integration09:59
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fractalineanyone have any luck with mtp devices? i've read that kio-mtp works and also that it's pretty sketchy10:56
fractalineso i switched my phone to mass storage mode but there is one zip file that i still can't move. permissions seem right. not sure what next??11:28
fractalinei'm trying to move the zip from the pc to the phone.  other zips have moved fine11:30
frogonwheelsfractaline: size?11:35
fractaline160 mb11:39
BluesKajHey all11:41
fractalinegood evening BluesKaj11:42
goodtimehats up11:42
BluesKaj"Morning fractaline11:43
kdefsound in firefox just disappeared.... constant problems after upgrading to 13.04....11:44
BluesKajbut sound sourced from the pc works , right kdef ?11:48
kdefthe strange thing is it works in chromium.... I'm using a headset to output it for now... but, it just quit in firefox last night...11:49
BluesKajweb audio isn't working , sounds like a pulseaudio problem11:49
kdefwhy can't you reinstall software in muon?11:51
BluesKajkdef,  tes you can , reinstall flashplugin11:52
kdefcan't... it's greyed out!11:53
kdefhow can it be a flash plugin problem if it's only firefox where I don't have sound?11:53
BluesKajflash uses flv files , your other audio files don't use flash11:54
BluesKajok sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin installer  , in the terminal11:55
BluesKajcorrection : sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer  , in the terminal11:57
kdefno change and I made the correction11:58
BluesKajok type pulseaudio in the terminal, kdef12:00
kdefE: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.12:01
kdefE: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.12:01
BluesKajkdef , ok , install kubuntu-restricted-extras12:02
kdefthat's installed already... re-install?12:02
BluesKajkdef , open krunner , /usr/lib/mozilla , open the plugins folder to see of the flashplayer alternative is there12:06
BluesKajkdef, open krunner with alt+F212:10
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Graf_WesterholtLinux froze again.12:21
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fractalinei just had most but not all of the data disapear from my internal storage on my phone while trying to copy some files to it from the pc12:44
fractalinethat kinda freaks me out      0_o12:46
fractalineBluesKaj, i just had a lot of random folders disappear from my phone while trying to copy files.   they are not in the trash they are just gone???12:50
fractalinewhat could have happened?12:51
BluesKajfractaline, don't know , not a smartphone user12:52
BluesKajnot enough room for the old filies , so they were replaced by the ones copying over12:53
fractalineno i couldn't copy them12:53
fractalineit was acting up in mtp mode so i put it in mass storage mode then it copied a few files and folders and then i got an error on one.  i tried again to copy the file no go.12:57
fractalinetried to copy from phone to pc a different file and it worked. tried a another zip file from the phone's microSD to the internal storage and got the error again.  i could copy jpeg but not zip. at least not the 160mb zip13:02
fractalineso i installed kio-mtp and tried mtp again and i got access denied. not an error just at the bottom of the dolphin window13:05
fractalinei mounted and unmounted a couple times and then a seemingly random bunch of folders we gone13:06
BluesKajinstall mtp-tools ?13:06
BluesKajor mpt-tools rather13:07
BluesKajtoo many shortforms meanibg almostr the same things become confusing after a while13:08
BluesKajanyway  mtp-tools is supposed to help your settings13:09
Cartoonshello. im getting this error http://pastebin.com/xrDMTfwJ13:11
Cartoonsdoesnt matter what app i use to try and read dvds13:11
fractalinei've never had that kind madness connecting my phone to pc....      :(13:12
Cartoonsfractaline, MTP device?13:12
BluesKajthe factoid bot is beoming mostly useless lately13:13
fractalineCartoons, yes13:14
fractalinebut i also used mass storage mode13:14
BluesKajmedia transfer protocl13:14
Cartoonsfractaline well good luck with that, MTP support in linux is crap13:14
fractalinealthough i think the damage was done in mtp mode13:14
Cartoonsfractaline likely your phone will not work in mass storage, what OS version is it?13:15
fractalineandroid 4.2.213:15
Cartoonsfrac, likely the damage was done switching between them, the point of MTP is that apps can not access the SD card while in mass storage but can in MTP13:15
Cartoonsah yea 4.x does NOT like mass storage mode at all and technicly you should not have the abaility to use it13:16
Cartoonsgoogle android 4 mtp mass storage, that mind the info i found 6mo ago or go ask in #android13:17
fractalineof course i did not switch while connected but yes it must have been somehow between the two.  and yes i'm running modified firmware on the phone which comes with risk13:22
Cartoonsyea dont use mass storage on newer androids. exactly what is messed up for you?13:23
fractalinesome folders disappeared from my internal storage13:23
fractalineseemingly random ones13:24
fractalinebut not DCIM that was handy13:24
Cartoonsouchy. time to reset to factory or reflash13:26
fractalineoh and now i can't mount properly,13:26
Cartoonsah reflash from your nandroid backup13:26
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fractalineno they were on the /storage,   so nothing drastic13:28
kdefanyone know how to fix firefox sound problems?13:35
kdefsince firefox went to 21, it's been a major failure... do ppl at mozilla not care?13:35
kdefI found my problem also occurs in windows if you can believe it13:36
yossarianukkdef:  no such issues here - I use firefox as sole browser (work+play) (in kubuntu) is it a html issue/flash/what ?13:36
kdefbut, what version?!?13:37
kdefwish I knew...13:37
kdefbut, this 100% describes my problem...13:37
kdefwas trying to google anything that was similar... just stumbled on it... but, it's the same for me... firefox sound doesn't work flash video works.... google chome both video and sound works13:38
yossarianukdoes it work in chrome/konqueror, etc ?13:38
kdefvlc - sound works... so, it's just sound when using firefox (flash videos) ... for e.g. youtube13:38
yossarianukso its a flash issue13:39
yossarianukI have never had good flash in 32bit linux13:39
yossarianuk64bit is fine13:39
kdefI am using 64-bit13:39
yossarianukwhat version of flash?13:39
kdefi meant the symptoms are the same... they are using windows 32 bit but I think it's not OS-specific or even 32 vs 6413:39
yossarianukdoes it work in Chrome/konquerror13:39
BluesKajkdef, did you check /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins for the flashplayer ?13:39
yossarianukhave you checked your volume settings ?13:40
kdefwhat do u mean, what ver. of flash?  11.2?13:40
yossarianuki would do this13:40
kdefI'm using the latest flash player13:40
yossarianuk(this will remove all flash cookies13:40
yossarianukrm -rf ~/.macomedia  ~/.adobe13:40
kdefBlue, can you tell me how?13:40
yossarianukthen restart firefox13:41
kdefvol is fine as other sounds work, remember?13:41
yossarianuktry my previous commmand and restart firefox13:41
BluesKajkdef, alt+F2 ,  /usr/lib/mozilla/ , then open the plugins folder13:41
yossarianukDo you see flash plugin in13:42
yossarianuki.e put this in the firefox address bar13:42
yossarianukyou should see13:42
BluesKajit may not show13:42
kdefBlue, I'm looking at the plugins now13:42
yossarianukShockwave Flash -     File: libflashplayer.so -     Version: 11,2,202,285     State: Enabled     Shockwave Flash 11.2 r20213:42
kdefBlue, what should be there?   6 plugins are there13:43
BluesKajkdef, where ...in /usr/lib/mozilla or about:plugins?13:44
kdef    File: libflashplayer.so   Version: 11,2,202,285    State: Enabled  Shockwave Flash 11.2 r20213:44
kdeflooks ok, yoss13:44
yossarianukok try clearing out your flash dirs then restarting firefox13:45
kdefBlue, ?13:45
yossarianuk1 shitdown firefox13:45
yossarianuk(killall firefox)13:45
BluesKajkdef , read my post above13:45
kdefdelete the plugins from that folder?13:45
BluesKajjust want to see what's there13:45
yossarianukto clear out your flash temp files13:46
yossarianukrm -rf ~/.macomedia  ~/.adobe13:46
BluesKajyossarianuk, hang on a sec13:46
kdefthe 6 plugins are in the folder /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins13:46
BluesKaj6 plgins ..you only need one , flashplayer-alternative.so13:47
kdefI have that one13:47
kdefone is a java plugin, one is a google talk plugin but yes, everything looks okay....  this is frustrating!13:48
BluesKajyes , then delete all the other flash plugins13:48
BluesKajleave the java stuff alone13:48
BluesKajlooks ok what are the others besides google , and java13:49
kdefthe others are related to google talk except for one13:50
BluesKajlooks doesn't cut it kdef , we need to know what else is there13:50
BluesKajwhich one ?13:51
BluesKajkdef, is nsdejevu the correct spelling ?13:53
kdefoops, nsdejavu.so13:53
kdefit's for djview images?13:54
kdefdjvu, I mean13:55
BluesKajyeah , so do you actaually have the the flashplayer-alternative.so file , kdef ?13:56
kdefBlue, yep13:56
kdefI'm lost... everything looks right so :-(13:57
BluesKajso FF isn't using that plugin like it should13:57
BluesKaj, ok now yossarianuk .lets hear your view on this13:57
kdefI don't want to delete anything without knowing why or what I'm doing13:58
yossarianukall I am suggesting is deleting your temp flash settings/caache13:58
yossarianukthen restarting firefox13:58
yossarianuk rm -rf ~/.macomedia  ~/.adobe13:58
yossarianukyou could always backup the folders...13:59
kdefI can copy that into CLI?    rm -rf ~/.macomedia  ~/.adobe13:59
yossarianukmv ~/.macomedia /.macomedia.flash.sucks13:59
BluesKajbecause I'm stumped , I'm running FF21 as well ,but I don't have any issues except in about:plugins I also have something new , but it's the HTML5 switch I think13:59
yossarianukmv  ~/.adobe13:59
yossarianukmv   ~/.adobe  ~/.adobe.flash.sucks14:00
yossarianukits worth a go - that's what I would do14:00
yossarianukwhat URL is it your having issues with ?14:00
yossarianukif you delete the temp/cache files and it still doesn't work does it work in google chrome?14:01
kdefi don't know how to delete the temp cache fiels14:03
yossarianuk rm -rf ~/.macomedia  ~/.adobe14:04
ovidiu-florin_Hello World :D14:04
yossarianuk rm -rf ~/.macromedia  ~/.adobe14:04
kdefI did that but no change14:05
yossarianukok did you do it then restart apache14:06
yossarianuk(not apache - also note the latest line - I had made a mistake  previously)14:06
yossarianukm -rf ~/.macromedia  ~/.adobe14:07
yossarianukrm -rf ~/.macromedia  ~/.adobe14:07
yossarianukif it still doesn;t work - does it in chrome ?14:08
yossarianukalso what is the URL?14:08
kdefI just want to find the hidden files... but, it's impossible in Dolphin... maybe I'll install another distro....14:14
yossarianukwhich hidden files14:14
yossarianukwhat URL are you having issues with14:14
BluesKajyossarianuk, yes he said chrome flash works14:14
kdef~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/Cache  ???   whatever it is14:15
BluesKajkdef, open dolphin ,>edit> show hidden files14:15
ovidiu-florinSuccess!!! I am finnaly back online :D:D:D14:15
yossarianukto view hidden files14:15
yossarianukclick 'control' -> show hidden files14:15
yossarianukor press Atl+ .14:16
lordievaderkdef: In dolphin go to View -> Show hidden files14:16
BluesKajoops view rather14:16
lordievaderovidiu-florin: What was your problem?14:16
yossarianuk*its 'control' in kubuntu 13.0414:16
BluesKajyossarianuk, ?14:17
lordievaderyossarianuk: Not for me, got the 'window menubar' widget in my task bar ;)14:17
yossarianukBluesKaj: I mean there is no 'vierw' menu14:18
BluesKajI have14:18
yossarianukthere is a 'control' one14:18
yossarianukare you running 13.04 ? and did you fresh install ?14:19
kdefit's in my home... ugh...  sorry14:19
BluesKajyoss you haven't enabled ther menubar in dolphin14:19
kdefwhat a mess...  folders everywhere...  no wonder so many problems with flash ... so fsdfasdf inefficient!14:19
kdefyes, 13.0414:20
yossarianukwell blame adobe for that mess.14:20
kdefit's an upgrade... everything was working fine until this14:20
kdefyes, I hate adobe.. wish someone would kill it14:20
kdefwhy hasn't html5 not taken off?14:20
BluesKajkdef, I upgraded as well ,and I don't have that problem yours seems unique14:21
yossarianukflash is fine now...14:21
kdefBlue, didn't you read that page?14:21
yossarianukthat was a random person using 32bit WinXO14:21
kdefi bet other linux ppl will have that problem if not already... you just haven't come across any others yet14:21
yossarianukwhat URL are you having problems with14:22
kdefwhat are you talking about?14:22
yossarianukWhy don;t you see if other ppl here have the issue ?14:22
BluesKajthe powers that be , who write the webpages still use "whatworks" in most cases and are afraid to write in HTML514:22
kdef'what url?!?'  I already said, I have no sound in firefox... any youtube video etc.  no sound!14:23
yossarianukhave you tried the adobe flashplugin in another browser - to work out if its the browser or plugin @ fault.14:23
yossarianukkdef: sorry14:23
BluesKajyossarianuk, it works in chromium14:23
BluesKajfor him14:23
kdefchromium works so it's a firefox problem, I think14:23
yossarianukok - sorry I didn;t realise ' chromium'14:23
kdefwell, firefox + (adobe) flash sound = problem - for me14:23
yossarianukI know he said it worked in chrome but thats a different version of flash14:24
yossarianuk11.7 instead of 11.214:24
lordievaderHTML5 isn't officially released yet/14:24
yossarianukonly google chrome has latest version of flash on linux....14:24
kdefyoss, that's true... good point14:24
yossarianukisn;t there a HTML5 version of youtube though ?14:25
kdefI think it could be firefox 21 but you guys have it working in 21...  geez :(14:25
yossarianukin which case I suggest you trying with a clean firefox profile.14:25
BluesKajI drpped chrome ...not integrating it's tab fonts for large screens14:25
yossarianukor temp moving your old one14:25
yossarianukchrome is crap at copying and pasting text also...14:26
goekhanhello, in dolphin, how can i make places panel icon only?14:26
goekhanthere is no right-click option for this14:26
goekhanoh, i just realized how to do this: go hardcore and edit each entry14:29
goekhanremove the label14:29
kdef_works in safe mode but very quiet... have to turn mixer way up....  this is sad14:35
kdef_i might look at what other distros are good to install ... tired fo kde and kubuntu and all the bugs that come with it14:35
kdefQuassel just disappeared so I thought it crashed... now a 2nd re-appeared... what a joke this distro is... sorry14:36
kdef_Blue, still there?   koss?14:39
kdef_sound returned... lol .... so f.... up14:39
kdef_it's buggy...  the sound goes really low and then all of a sudden comes back... this is REALLY annoying if you're using headphones!14:40
kdefdon't know what i did.... just went to safe mode for firefox14:41
kdefand restarted14:41
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BluesKajkdef, have you rebooted since and have you updated/upgraded and dist-upgraded at all ?14:44
BluesKajsince your OS upgrade14:44
kdef_I run the muon updater... so, it's all up to date14:51
kdef_I'm at:  3.8.4-030804-generic14:52
BluesKajok now check youtube in FF14:52
kdef_I have sound, I said... but, it's very low... mixer is at 50% or half... I need it at 80 to get something I can hear14:54
npdp2\j freenode14:56
BluesKajkdef_, open alsamixer and crank the vol ctrls14:57
imgx64I installed kubuntu-active to try Plasma Active, but now KDE Plasma Workspace gives me a black screen when I log in. What can I do?15:16
Basil1xIs there a way to add programme icons to the bar beside the rekonq icon?  I use other programmes I'd rather have there.15:27
oyeimgx64: check Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.15:29
Basil1xOoh!  Nevermind.  I've found it myself.15:29
smartboyhw_Heh, not yet at my agenda item on Mumble?15:30
smartboyhw_Oops wrong chan:P15:32
smartboyhw_Sorry guys15:32
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ace__I just installed Kubuntu 13.04 on my laptop. My wireless is running real slow. It has a Realtek RTL8187SE wireless lan controller. I searched but cannot find anything helpful. Can someone help me to get this working?15:57
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kestenI've been having kernel panics since upgrading to 13.04.16:48
kestenis this a know issue?  inteli5 quad core (2010) with an ati HD5470 graphics card16:49
BluesKajkesten, during boot ?16:49
kestenno, during normal operation16:49
kestensometimes i catch a glimpse of "kernel panic" messages during boot up, presumably from the previous failure.16:50
BluesKajkesten, and you've run the normal updates and upgrades since ?16:54
kesteni upgraded to saucy.  It seems a little better.  Only one crash since that, 12 hrs ago.16:56
kestenjust did a apt-get update16:57
BluesKajrun a dist-upgrade as well16:58
kestenok.  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?16:59
kestenthanx.  i'll get back to you.16:59
BluesKajkesten, and technically 13.10 support is in the #ubuntu+1 chan16:59
kestenah, thanks.  my #ubuntu didn't work any more.16:59
BluesKajwhich irc client are you using?17:00
BluesKajjust add #ubuntu in the serverlist>edit>add channel setting17:02
BluesKajbut you can join by typing  /join ubuntu in the server text17:03
kestenok thanks.17:04
BluesKajok gotta go for a while...BBL17:04
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=== john_____ is now known as djhuiti1
InfesterAny recommendations for tools/software that would help make my kubuntu more productive20:39
cp_define "productive"20:39
InfesterFair enough. I'm looking for software that helps manage programs, files, to help you in finding things quickly, working on multiple projects at once20:40
Infesteri've configured dual desktops, virtual machine for the software I do need windows for20:40
Infesterbut I am wondering if there are some other useful things that I haven't heard of before20:40
lordievaderInfester: Muon is the default package manager in Kubuntu.20:50
cp_Infester:  as lordievader said, Muon is the software manager default in Kubuntu, I however would recommend instead a coupling of it with Synaptic20:56
cp_I use both, but I must say Synaptic does much better categorizing and searching/indexing20:56
lordievaderOr the apt suite :)20:56
Infesterthanks I'll check those out21:00
lordievaderFor completeness sake: apt is comandline stuff. Many GUI package managers use apt as their back-end.21:02
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=== roger_ is now known as dsjaiOFH
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tom_Kai ???23:07

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