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glavkosI tried to upload a *.po file08:19
glavkosfor a translation08:19
glavkosand I get a message for Referer header08:19
glavkosI will try to set that08:21
balboahI seem to be getting 404's when trying to update packages? Err http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main Sources: 404 Not Found09:10
SpamapSI've had the same update fail 6 times in a row now with a timeout09:11
SpamapSjust trying to update 1 bug status09:11
mgzSpamapS: maybe bug 107651209:20
ubot5bug 1076512 in Launchpad itself "BugTask:+editstatus timeouts on bugs with many tasks" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107651209:20
mgzwhat bug were you have issues with updating?09:21
mgzah, yeah, almost certainly that issue09:22
mgzbug 117900809:22
ubot5bug 1179008 in python-heatclient "rename requires files to standard names" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117900809:22
mgzhas some impressive project links09:22
SpamapSthat really shouldn't do whatever weird join it is doing09:28
SpamapSI don't care one lick about the status in python-heatclient .. I want to update the status for tripleo :-P09:29
mgzto what, just so I can try?09:31
SpamapSmgz: Fix Released09:31
mgzyeah, that's not going to get done within a five second timeout...09:32
SpamapSmgz: I don't know anything about LP's database, but shouldn't it should be updating a single column in a single row of a single table?09:34
SpamapSOr is the answer "because storm" ?09:34
wgrantIt's nothing to do with Storm09:36
wgrantIt's probably "because bug heat"09:36
wgrantLet's see09:36
wgrantWaiting for SSO..09:36
mgzseems subscription related to my untrained eye09:37
wgrantOh, that one, yeah09:37
wgrantSpamapS: Notifications09:37
mgz1s on two notification queries, 1s on subscription lookup09:38
wgrantSSO, are you alive...09:38
wgrantcan't actually see the OOPS yet09:38
mgzyeah, was sloooow today for whatever reason09:38
wgrantBut if it's the one I think it is then it's because OpenStack has hundreds of structural subscribers09:38
SpamapSah, seems like notifications are one of those things ripe for async... :-P09:38
wgrantYes, it's on my roadmap for the next 6 months09:38
wgrantBut time.09:38
SpamapSwgrant: yeah that makes sense09:38
wgrantI know exactly how I'm going to do it, but there's a lot of other things that also need doing :(09:39
SpamapSwgrant: indeed, nice to see Critical count below 100 though. :)09:48
wgrantWe're getting there :)09:50
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SpamapSwgrant: FYI, I removed bug 1179008 from tripleo .. so it won't be a good test case for you later. ;)16:02
ubot5bug 1179008 in python-heatclient "rename requires files to standard names" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117900816:02
shorty40hands please help im having trouble with the signing of the COC both in command line and in the COC app assistant freezes on page 4 if anyone can help me through this please shoot me a pm. ty16:24
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shorty40hands please help im having trouble with the signing of the COC both in command line and in the COC app assistant freezes on page 4 if anyone can help me through this please shoot me a pm. ty17:23
dobeyshorty40hands: i think you need to ask in #ubuntu maybe. that doesn't seem like an issue or question about launchpad itself17:27
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shorty40handsi was told by ubuntu admin to ask it here lol17:45
shorty40handsit seems no one can come to a conclusion on forums for this issue catch 2217:47
shorty40handsmy keys are all approved and verified17:48
shorty40handsthe fingerprints are copied17:49
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dobeyshorty40hands: state exactly what the problem is then. gpg won't sign the file? or what?18:02
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shorty40handsthe exact problem is my key is verified as well the fingerprint ive downloaded the coc file and i run the command line as directed now when it comes up inside the terminal  it brings up all the info except for the fact it acts like i already entered my passphrase  but i havent so it wont complete the action so i downloaded the coc app and i get to the 4th step even with the info in there it wont let me go to the next screen18:21
shorty40handsand ive tried a new key same result18:22
shorty40handsis there a way to force it to ask for the passphrase?18:32
dobeyok, that has nothing to do with launchpad. gpg --sign-detached file, will ask for the passphrase if you haven't entered it, and aren't using an agent18:38
dobeyi don't know anyone in #ubuntu would have told you to come here to ask about that. but #ubuntu is the general help channel for ubuntu18:39
shorty40handsi asked there and they told me its a question for here i dont know i just know that coc wont give me the option to enter the passphrase  and as far as agent are you refrencing  what decrypts the email that shows me the message to copy and paste?18:43
dobeyi'm referring to the gnome-keyring or gpg-agent, as you can have the keyring remember the passphrase and gpg will automatically use that, rather than prompting18:44
arosalesI am looking at https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/beta.html#specification but I don't see a clear way to get blueprint dependency tree information from the API, is this exposed?18:45
shorty40handsok so i need to make the keyring not remember so it will prompt18:45
arosaleswhen dep trees get large they become unreadable so I was looking for an alternative method to get this information.18:46
dobeyso if it's not prompting, you either are doing that, or have some other problem with gpg. but it's not a launchpad issue. i don't know what the "coc app" is that you keep referring to, either.18:46
shorty40handscoc signing assistant18:47
shorty40handsis the app18:47
dobeyshorty40hands: yes, i don't know what it is18:47
dobeyi have never heard of it or seen anything about it18:47
shorty40handsits in software manager and several forums point to it18:47
dobeyshorty40hands: so for problems with it, you should probably ask whoever wrote it about your problem, or file a bug against it18:48
shorty40handsok thanks for the help18:48
dobeyarosales: i don't think there is any way to really manage blueprints via the api18:50
arosalesdobey, ok. Any suggestion on getting at the dependency tree information in a different manner?18:50
dobeyarosales: what does "dependency tree information" mean with regards to specs exactly?18:52
dobeyblueprints don't have dependencies18:53
arosalesdobey, sorry I am talking about building a dependency tree in launchpad blueprints via the "Add Dependency" link18:54
arosalesdobey, for example the Dependency Tree in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-raring-servercloud-overview18:54
arosalesis quite on readable and I can't zoom in on it since it is not a svg18:55
dobeyarosales: i don't see an "Add dependency" link there18:55
arosalesdobey, may be cause you don't have a access to edit Ubuntu BPs.18:55
arosalesdobey, but if you look at a blueprint of a project that you are a driver for or maintainer you should see the link.18:56
dobeyarosales: i don't see it on blueprints for projects i own either18:56
arosalesdobey, are you the driver or maintainer for the project?18:57
arosalesowning is not sufficient in this context, I think18:57
arosalesdobey, and you don't see "Add Dependency" link?18:57
dobeyoh, i see it now. it's at the bottom and rather inconsequential18:58
dobeyi don't think there is any other reasonable way to get that information though.18:59
arosalesbtw, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-raring-servercloud-overview should load for any viewer to see an example of an unwieldy dep tree18:59
arosalesdobey, ah ok :-/18:59
arosalesdobey, thanks for the reply18:59
dobeythere's basically no api for blueprints; only thing you can do is link a branch, really19:00
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arosalesdobey, ok. Thanks for the information.19:06
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iBelieveIs there any way to search for bugs that were either reported by or assigned to a certain user? I basically need a way to OR (not AND) field.assignee and field.bug_reporter. I'm trying to come up with a URL to show bugs involving a user (fixing bug #1086825)22:16
ubot5bug 1086825 in Contributor Console "Can't easily access bug reports I'm involved in" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108682522:16
dobeyiBelieve: you want a URL on launchpad? or you're using the API?22:55
iBelievedobey, I'm going to open a web page, so I need to end up with a URL. But I am using the Python Launchpad API, so I could use that too.22:56
dobeyiBelieve: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~/ shows all related bugs by default.22:57
dobeysubscribed, reported, assigned, etc…22:58
dobeyif you want ONLY the assigned/reported bugs, you'll have to do 2 searches with the API, and combine the set, i think22:58
iBelievedobey, would having to do 2 searches also apply to bugs in a certain package also?23:02
dobeyiBelieve: yes23:03
dobeythe searchBugs() method is the same across the board i think. only difference is what you get if you don't pass any arguments to refine the search23:03
dobeyanyway, i'm back to being away now23:08
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