
n-iCehow do I run the power-manager00:21
Unit193Should already be running, but the application is xfce4-power-manager00:25
Vivekanandahey everyone00:43
Vivekanandaif anyone is here i wanted to ask how to change the color of highlight in the terminal00:43
Zushello, is there a way to have the applications in lubuntu to stop opening in full screen?02:00
SonikkuAmericaZus: Do they open in full screen even if you restore them down and then close and re-open them?02:06
ZusSonikkuAmerica:  i do not have an option to resize02:07
Zusonly "X" in the corner and draggin is not working.02:08
SonikkuAmericaZus: Gimme a second... I need to fire up my VM and figure this. What version is this by the way?02:08
SonikkuAmericaOK. I have 13.04 too.02:08
Zusjust installed it this morning02:09
SonikkuAmericaGo to Apps > Preferences > Openbox Configuration Manager02:12
Zusok sorry. im back02:12
Zushmm crash.02:13
Zus5 times its not opening.02:15
Zusleast i got a place to begin,...going to reboot and hope this never crashes again..02:18
Zusthanks bbl02:18
MonkWitDaFunkHi users of #lubuntu, i created an installation disk for lubuntu 13.04 32bit. The disc boots successfuly on one system and does not boot successfuly on another system. I see the output: an operating system wasnt found. Try disconnecting any drives that dont contain an operating system. The CD drive that is part of the unfuctional boot system has problems burning discs but it has been able to help me install an operating system before04:04
magic_ninjais it a cd medium?04:05
MonkWitDaFunkMy system that doesnt boot lubuntu is compatable with ubuntu 12.04 lts, is there any possibility that the linux kernel 3.8 is not compatable with my system? Yes, i created a cd medium04:06
magic_ninjanvm, yes it is sorry about that MonkWitDaFunk.  Malfunctioning disk drives like that are very unpredictable.  You should try swapping the cable, then the drive04:06
magic_ninjaand for your second question, it is possible but the installer hasn't gotten that far yet.  You see it can't find the kernel to boot it.04:07
MonkWitDaFunkOkay, now i know that malfunctioning disc drives are unpredictable and that my unfunctional system cannot find the kernel. Thank you magic_ninja04:08
magic_ninjaYou are welcome MonkWitDaFunk04:13
Noskcaj!alternate | is it fixed yet?06:42
ubottuis it fixed yet?: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD06:42
hyperairhmm discontinued huh06:43
Noskcajhyperair, i'm hopeing to make that channel specific, i need to nag people more06:44
Desastrewhois alexandros_c08:17
wodzHello, I am trying to install lubuntu 13.04 using alternate cd and installer hangs on fetching crypto-modules-3.8.0-19-generic-di. I checked install CD for errors and it is reported being correct.12:29
wodzAny hint?12:29
hpuser4466Can the lubuntu installer put grub on the partition boot sector?  (not mbr).  The reason i ask is I already have "grub legacy" on the MBR,  I could then chainload grub2 on the partition sector.18:50
holsteinhpuser4466: i would use an alternate installer and either specify, or not install grub, and do it manually, or just install default, and "fix" what i need custom afterwards18:51
hpuser4466If i choose not to install grub2, then it doesn't install any grub on any partition right?   Would it be possible to boot Lubuntu using grub legacy?18:52
hpuser4466Or if i could use the Lubuntu live cd to install grub2 to the sda1 partition sector.18:53
holsteinhpuser4466: thats what i am talking about.. doing it custom after the install19:06
holstein!grub | hpuser446619:06
ubottuhpuser4466: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:06
hpuser4466Only problem if I can't boot into the Lubuntu install (because grub2 isn't installed to mbr)  I would need to use the Live CD to install grub2 to MBR.19:07
holsteinhpuser4466: i would use whatever necessary to install grub where ever i want19:08
hpuser4466well it you can do it from the live cd that's fine :- )19:08
holsteinhpuser4466: you can do it without a live CD, likely19:08
holsteinhpuser4466: what do i usually do? i get a live CD and install the gui helper mentioned at the link above19:09
hpuser4466ok thanks..I'll check the links shortly.19:09
tux30what is the best way on lubuntu for install skype?19:29
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:31
holsteini just get the .deb from http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-computer/ tux3019:31
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype can help.. but the .deb install is quite simple19:31
Unit193holstein: Why not from partner with auto-update?19:34
holsteinUnit193: i have no good reason really.. there was a newer version on the site at one point that worked "better" for me :)19:35
Unit193Good enough reason...19:35
tux30what is the minimum requirement for lubuntu19:38
Unit193tux30: What do you have?  You at least need a PAE compatible board.19:39
tux30i try use a old pentium 3 800 mhz19:39
Unit193Oi, I'd recommend something lighter, but Lubuntu should technically run on it if it is PAE enabled.19:40
holsteintux30: i would say, if you dont want to use puppy linux, or something lighter, lubuntu is your best option19:40
Unit193AntiX or SliTaz is my other recommendation.19:41
holsteinslitaz might be a nice compromise19:41
tux30i think i will try puppy linux19:44
tux30do you think skype works on puppy linux?19:45
tux30waht do you think that Slacko Puppy19:49
holsteintux30: i would ask in a puppy channel.. my issues with puppy personally are that its challenging to install applications into it.. thats why i usually end up back with a more supported option, like lubuntu19:55
holsteinslacko is a slackware based one.. there is an ubuntu based one that should be able to use the .deb from the link i gave earlier19:56
papasvtBonsoir à tous20:22
hpuser4466Lubuntu is consuming 1485mb of ram on my pc and occasionaly it gets really slow and locks up especially when running pinta and pcmanfm with thumbnails enabled.20:24
hpuser4466I have 2GB of ram and  need more :- )20:25
papasvtje débute sous linux.. c'est bien ça comme préambule :) j'avais prévu d'installer lubuntu 13.4 demain sur une dizaine de machines mais je viens de découvrir que mes logiciels ne sont pas encore adaptés à Raring ... je m'y perds un peu, quelle version sera suivi la plus longtemps possible (sacahnat que je n'ai pas droit à une LTS si j'ai bien compris) .. faut-il que je traduise en anglais ? french is-it possible ? only engli20:25
cpandai run lubuntu with 512mb of ram pretty well. do you have swap enabled hpuser4466?20:25
n-iCephillw: hi20:26
hpuser4466cpanda, yes I have 1571mb of swap if need be.  That's what is probably causing the slow down when it's accessing swap.20:26
holstein!fr | papasvt20:27
ubottupapasvt: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:27
holsteinhpuser4466: the 'slow down' i find is usually the hard drive.. what are you using to determine the ram usage?20:27
cpandathats possible, swapping is slow but it should prevent a lock down20:27
hpuser4466i used "free -bm" cli arguement to output the ram usage.   Mostly slows down when using graphics software and image thumbnails in pcmanfm (I also increased the thumbnail cache size).20:28
papasvtexcuse me , thank you , bye20:29
hpuser4466I have a lot of high resolution images pcmanfm is trying to thumbnail.20:30
hpuser4466I could reduce the thumnail cache size but i like my thumbnails :- )   I think more RAM is in order.20:30
phillwhi n-iCe20:31
James_EppI am posting this in both the ubuntu and lubuntu channels:22:02
James_EppI did a installation of both operating systems over a PxE server (desktop i386) to the same machine and in both instances I have a very strange result. After booting right after finishing the install, I have no network connectivity! Not even drivers or anything. I have no clue why this is happening. Anyone know a possible cause?22:02
SonikkuAmericaProbably better to keep it in #ubuntu, mainly because no one except phillw really speaks in here.22:04
Unit193Sure we do, but...22:05
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.22:05
James_EppUnit193: Point taken.22:05
SonikkuAmericaUnit193: How did I forget you?! :)22:06
SonikkuAmericaAlthough barely any of us are responsive though... you gotta gimme that.22:06
Unit193I'm easy to forget.  There's others that provide support when they can, just not as quickly as the other channel. :)22:06
phillw!patience | SonikkuAmerica22:09
binaryhermitJames_Epp: Stupid question, but does the live CD see your network card?22:09
ubottuSonikkuAmerica: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/22:09
Unit193binaryhermit: He's gone now.22:09
SonikkuAmericaphillw: I ain't the one with the problem this time. XD22:09
MiniDCan anyone tell me how I might expect lubuntu to run on an HP Compaq laptop with these specs: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00614909&lc=en  ? Might it be an ok choice of OS performance wise?22:19
MiniDI am currently downloading a live cd but booting from a CD might not be an accurate show of performance22:19
Unit193It won't exactly be, no.  But that computer seems fine for it.22:20
cpandadepends on what you want to do with it. i have a similar laptop and it barely works22:22
binaryhermitI'd say that Lubuntu might run a tad slow on that machine, but it'll be usable at least22:22
binaryhermitprobably could use more RAM22:22
phillwMiniD: as it is not a dreaded nvidea card, what is said is true. Including getting hold of a bit more RAM if you are on the base system of 512Mb.22:23
binaryhermitI'd go with the 32 bit version since a) the 64 bit version would use slightly more RAM and b) it's not like you're going to gain the ability to use more than 4 GB of RAM22:24
phillwbinaryhermit: the BIOS can only handle 2 MB :)22:25
MiniDMy primary use would be browsing the Internet, would it be an option to lighten the install even more or would this not make sense?22:25
cpandathe graphicscard uses 128mb shared memory, i hope you can bring that down in the bios :D22:25
MiniDlol thats why I ask. ram for that thing is probably really expensive as well being it is so old22:25
cpandai use midori for surfing, its the best option i have found if you want to have more than ~5 tabs open22:25
phillwMiniD: browsing is the most memory instensive task, as that level of RAM, install Firefox which handles low RAM machines better than Chromium does.22:26
MiniDmidori is a web browser right? (excuse my ignorance)22:27
cpandayes, a very lightweight one22:27
phillwlong story, not starting a flame war off.22:27
phillwas is xombrero. But we can only recommend browsers that have security updates as standard :)22:28
cpandai haven't compared it to firefox, i think, as at the time i was switching firefox was a memory hog. but it's certainly much more ram effective than chromium22:28
Unit193Midori just has rendering errors and the like, if you can live with those.22:29
phillwcpanda: FFOX has had a major overhaul, it may be what is shipped as default in 13.1022:29
binaryhermitphillw: heh, just as ubuntu switches to chromium22:29
cpandayes, i'm talking 11.04 times, as i said, didn't try recently as midori works fine for me. the only rendering errors i had were with google apps :X22:30
phillwbut, this is not the area to discuss things on. binaryhermit what ubuntu do with the spec of machines it needs to run on is entirely up to them. We are lubuntu and will always use the application that uses the lowest resources :)22:31
MiniDI know this probably  varies because of a lot of things but how much memory could I expect to be used for the os, desktop environment, etc.?22:31
phillwMiniD: for browsing, IMHO, install lubuntu, but then install firefox and use that as your browser. (comment #4 at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/1096603 )22:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1096603 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "Chromium reports "It's dead Jim" on Low RAM machines" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:33
cpandai'm not on my lubuntu machine now to check, but I think i had about 250/512mb free with nothing but a blank midori started (that is still lubuntu 11.04)22:33
phillwMiniD: comment #4 is from the maintainer of Chromium, I trust these people :)22:34
MiniDAlso this may not be the place to ask, and I assume this might be controversial, but is xubuntu or lubuntu generally more lightweight? Is the main difference the choice of desktop environment?22:34
phillwMiniD: lubuntu is more light weight that xubuntu, and it is not controversial, as flavours we help each other :) There is no "My system is better than your system" stuff, it is simply "try them, and decide which you prefer". :)22:36
MiniDphillw: o cool22:36
cpandachromium certainly kills some tabs when it runs out of memory, does that for me too22:37
MiniDcpanda: wait it literally just kills your tabs for you... hope you weren't doing anything important in them22:38
cpandai never do important things, don't worry22:38
MiniDcpanda: lol :P22:39
phillwMiniD: lubuntu uses xcfe stuff (the building blocks of xubuntu), we will also use kde (kubuntu stuff), just as they are free to use lxde (building blocks of lubuntu). The so called "news sites" like to make it out as if we are rivals. If they spent a cycle in testing and dev they would learn that we all help each other :D22:39
phillwcpanda: what you see is a correct error, chromium will only work within the area of memory that is there. Rather than crash your entire machine, it stops. That is actually a well behaved application.22:41
Unit193This is rather offtopic, though.22:42
MiniDMy download is done. Now I just have to find a CD/DVD...22:42
MiniDThanks for the help btw22:42
MiniDSome how I feel like it is going to take longer to obtain a cd then it did to download :-D22:43
cpandaphillw, yes i know. just wanted to confirm the "bug"22:43
Unit193MiniD: You can use a USB device to boot, if your BIOS supports it.22:44
phillwUnit193: yeah, we were stretching the 'on topic' area a bit. Just for all to know, and as no one ever reads the topic, we do have a an area at #lubuntu-offtopic :)22:44
MiniDUnit193: I thinking it probably doesn't but im not sure22:44
MiniDlol, the whole topic doesn't fit on my screen and I honestly can't figure out how to scroll it in my client.22:46
MiniDok thanks, I figured there was a command. I'm newbie when it comes to IRC22:47
MiniDanyways this is way off topic again :P22:48
phillwMiniD: /j #lubuntu-offtopic22:48
MiniDAnyone know what the hash of lubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso should be just to verify my download?22:55
MiniDOr aren't they listed on an https page somewhere?22:55
phillwMiniD: one moment22:56
phillwMiniD: http://phillw.net/isos/lubuntu/raring/release/MD5SUMS22:57
phillwthey are listed elsewhere, but that is my mirror22:57
MiniDphillw: thanks. hopefully your mirror isn't conspiring against me :P22:58
MiniDActually considering I downloaded from a torrent from lubuntu.net and then got the checksums from you I'd say I'm probably more than secure enough23:00
phillwMiniD: as it happens, just after release one of the "Gods" needed an lubuntu iso and said my server was faster than the canonical one he was connected to in the same building. As Qa lead for lubuntu and with a script written and looked after by Unit193 I hold the non-ubuntu iso's on http://phillw.net/isos/ along with other F/OSS ones :)23:01

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