
=== jono is now known as Guest9541
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
dakergood morning :)11:28
dpmmorning daker :)11:33
smartboyhwevening dpm11:34
dpmhey smartboyhw ;)11:34
smartboyhw_JoseeAntonioR: Heh, you still haven't got the UOW schedule filled up?13:10
smartboyhw_From what I'm seeing here it starts tmr…13:11
smartboyhw_Well, at least balloons is doing the session this time…13:13
jcastrojono: mhall119: hey so check it out13:29
jcastronow that I am dogfooding13:29
jcastroI need music, lol.13:29
jcastroand Daniel Holm just put out a call for help on the music app on the list.13:29
jonojcastro, cool13:29
jcastroI was thinking maybe we can bring our social stuff to bear, see if we can get him some help?13:30
smartboyhwjono: I like your blog post13:31
jonothanks smartboyhw13:31
smartboyhwMy C++ is self-learnt beginner's level.13:33
jonomhall119, dpm what is the situation with long running processes in the SDK - it seems like this is blocking the alarm feature in the clock13:35
mhall119jono: it was discussed at the client sprint and UDS13:35
jonomhall119, what is the current status?13:36
mhall119they have an idea for how it should work, but nothing written yet than I know of13:36
mhall119I wasn't in the UDS session though, and haven't wanted the video yet13:36
jonomhall119, is there a development plan in place yet?13:36
jonowith milestones?13:36
mhall119maybe, let me check the BP13:37
mhall119jono: doesn't look like it, tvoss has a work item to figure out who's going to do the initial work13:38
dpmjono, we'll have to sync up again with the SDK team and tvoss. At the client sprint the work items were for zsombi, but I haven't followed up with him13:38
dpmand couldn't attend the session at UDS, either13:39
jonomhall119, dpm can I ask you guys to follow up and ensure they get a plan defined and make sure the clock folks are looped in13:40
dpmin any case, while we need to unblock this, there are other areas they can focus in the meantime. The critical bug whereby time runs slow is an example https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/117655513:40
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1176555 in Ubuntu Clock App "[Clock app] Time runs slower as expected" [Critical,Triaged]13:40
dpmmhall119, core apps call?14:01
dpmmhall119, ?14:04
jonodpm, all set?15:02
dpmjono, yep!15:02
jonoI am there15:02
JoseeAntonioRdpm: ping16:49
dpmJoseeAntonioR, pong16:49
JoseeAntonioRdpm: mind a PM?16:49
dpmhey jcastro, what's the minimum number of votes to get a community ad to show up on AU? I'm trying to get the Qreator ad on http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/5504/community-promotion-ads-2013/6743#6743 published, and I can't remember what the minimum is18:21
jcastrowhich you now have!18:23
dpmthanks jcastro18:33
dpmnot sure if this is a good or bad thing, but I've just beaten E-macs for votes!18:34
jcastrowill show your stats btw18:35
dpmjcastro, cool. Argh, that made me notice I got the sizes the wrong way round18:41
* dpm eod's and starts gimping18:41
dpmJoseeAntonioR, have you asked any translators for UOW sessions? Perhaps someone can fill some of the open slots. You can send an e-mail to ubuntu-translators@ or if you've got a template e-mail to call for participation I can forward it for you18:44
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, could we make this page a little more friendly and have the "where" openweek takes place be more prominent.. perhaps a nice webchat link too? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek19:02
balloonsmaybe a "how to participate" section or something? It feels a little lackluster in explaining what is actually going to happen and how you can be a part of it19:02
* balloons notes I now see the 'how to participate' box at the top.. hmm.. is it not obvious?19:03
elfyperhaps your eye gets drawn to the list on the right hand side of really old and dead things :)19:04
JoseeAntonioRballoons: I will check on that in a minute19:04
JoseeAntonioRballoons: I just added a 'click here to join from your browser' link on the main page19:18
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, maybe making a little header above that text.. i like the link at the top, and you can then link to the full participate page you have put together19:20
balloonsbut a little snipper like, these sessions will occur on IRC At XYZ date and ABC timeo on freenode #blah. click here to join in19:20
JoseeAntonioRthat's after the huge text I just added19:21
balloonsand maybe a small sentence about what it is exactly.. an IRC chat session consisting of a lecture followed by Q/A..19:22
balloonssomething.. I'm just thinking about those folks I linked to the page will just be confused by it.19:22
balloonsmaybe it's just me :-)19:22
JoseeAntonioR'Ubuntu Open Week is a week of IRC tuition and Q+A sessions all about getting involved in the rock-and-roll world that is the Ubuntu community.' says the page19:22
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, right.. I feel like the info is in there, it's just buried and hard to see and make sense of19:23
JoseeAntonioRwill try to get that fixed now :)19:23
balloonsSo I like the big pages.. but maybe keep this homepage really short and simple19:23
balloonsand link out to the subpages with full descriptions19:23
IdleOneI would change tuition  to tutorials19:24
IdleOnebut thats just me19:24
JoseeAntonioRnah, tutorials are at devweek and openweek19:24
IdleOneok :)19:24
balloonshow about sessions?19:24
balloonswe already use that term most other places.. :-)19:25
JoseeAntonioRyeah, that one looks good19:25
elfyalways best to use the same term 'company' wide if you can in my experience19:26
JoseeAntonioRballoons: page should be cleaner now19:40
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, that's much nicer.. thank you19:41
balloonsgood work mate19:41
JoseeAntonioRno worries :)19:41
JoseeAntonioRthanks :)19:41
jonojcastro, might be a bit delayed20:02
jcastrono worries20:03
jcastrojust join whenever20:04
IdleOnejono: did you see you get mentioned in https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=CP8CNp-vksc ?20:17
IdleOnehmm that is from Feb and old news anyway. Better to move on.20:18
IdleOnesorry for the silly ping20:18
jonojcastro, coming20:36
JoseeAntonioRcan I get some upvotes, please? :) http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1epulx/ubuntu_open_week_starts_tomorrow_join_to_get/20:51

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