
JoseeAntonioRhey guys! I don't know if anyone around would like to do an IRC Team session for OpenWeek, explaining how to contribute to the IRC team (like with factoids, being a catalyst when trolls appear, or something like that) :)05:42
Tm_TJoseeAntonioR: maybe it would be me06:02
Tm_TJoseeAntonioR: when the openweek is planned to be?06:02
JoseeAntonioRhey Tm_T, sorry for taking so long, but my ISP is making me suffer right now06:17
JoseeAntonioRTm_T: we have tomorrow and wednesday06:17
JoseeAntonioRTm_T: slots are open on the 21st at 13 or 14 UTC, and on the 22nd at 15 UTC06:21
Tm_Tthat's rather quick06:24
JoseeAntonioRTm_T: yeah, it's been a bit hard with uds being virtual06:25
Tm_Tin that case I have no opportunity, this week begins with couple releases which keeps me busy until thursday atleast06:25
JoseeAntonioRTm_T: no worries, thanks anyways for volunteering! :)06:27
Tm_TJoseeAntonioR: I actually wish to see two set of presentations/guides for IRC: one for how to contribute, one just for how to use and get help in our channels06:31
Tm_Tbecause just knowing where to find channels and how to use them as an user is tricky for someone coming from outside06:32
JoseeAntonioRTm_T: maybe someone who volunteers this openweek can do both of them06:32
JoseeAntonioRor we can do one this openweek, and the other one for userdays06:32
JoseeAntonioRPici: ping, mind a PM?16:37
PiciJoseeAntonioR: pong, go ahead.16:38
lubotu3MartijnVdS called the ops in #ubuntu-uk ()18:15

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