
NeozonzCan someone help me out with apache?02:41
NeozonzI accidently deleted the default vhost02:41
=== LargePrime is now known as Guest96923
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overrideri am running Ubuntu 12.04 on a ThinkServer RD630 - is there a way i can read sensor temperatures etc? Maybe some package i can install? lm-sensors yields nothing and the Fans spin pretty hard04:25
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Senorservice samba status : samba: unrecognized service05:41
SenorI have installed samba by apt-get install05:41
qman__it's smbd05:55
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Senormysql is installed through which pcks?07:03
jdrabSenor: mysql-server?07:05
Senoryeah ,07:07
Senoris there another needed ?07:07
SyriaHello there, I have a VPS servers, Could you please let me know how is it possible to know if the users are using ssh tunnels to browse using socks?07:25
andolSyria: That is an interesting nick to have while asking questions on how to monitor your users :P07:27
Syriaandol:  :(07:28
andolSyria: And yes it is possible, if nothing else by running tcpdump locally. Still, before monitoring your users that way you should really give them a heads up.07:28
Syriaandol:  I am just a person and the VPS is mine, So what is wrong with this?07:28
Syriaandol:  They are just two users and I told them that I can see everything that they are doing already, Actually I don't.07:30
andolSyria: If you don't want your users to do socks-proxying I would assume that you could dissable that by setting AllowTcpForwarding to no. Of course, having shell access they could still run their own proxy process, but at least it would then be more clear that they are doing something they aren't supposed to.07:32
andolSyria: Do note that I haven't actually verified that AllowTcpForwarding affects the socks-proxying, just an educated guess.07:32
Syriaandol:  This command is giving hundreds of lines.07:34
Syriaandol:  Could you please tell what is the command that I have to use? tcpdump -q for example?07:39
ballockI'd like to discuss the sssd and ldap packages and their dependencies, is the best place to do it?08:25
ballockOr can we have a hangout thing a la the UDS or something?08:25
ballockOr should I post to the mailing list?08:25
rbasakballock: what would you like to do to them?08:28
ballockget rid of ldap-auth-config dependency08:28
rbasakballock: for anything significant, raising a blueprint for the next UDS would be best, with a discussion on the mailing lists first. But UDS has just happened, so it will be a while until the next one08:28
ballockI know, I was there.08:29
rbasakballock: in the meantime, the mailing lists would be best08:29
ballock"Kiedy śr. 2013-05-22 16:00 – 22:00 Warszawa08:29
ballocksorry, wrong window :)08:30
ballockYeah, ok08:30
rbasakDaviey: I think Evan has an email awaiting moderation on the ubuntu-server list. Could you please release it?08:30
ballockthe Ubuntu server mailing list?08:30
ballockTheoretically this covers the enterprise desktops too, that's why I'm asking.08:31
rbasakballock: I'm not sure.08:31
rbasakballock: yeah08:31
rbasakballock: ubuntu-devel might be more appropriate08:31
ballockBut I guess the desktop team does not cover enterprise auth things.08:31
ballockIsn't Ubuntu-devel supposed to do the Python stuff? I'd say it has more to do with package dependencies and so.08:33
rbasakI don't understand your question. The ubuntu-devel list is the main mailing list for Ubuntu develoeprs08:34
ballockI asked because I haven't reviewed the profile of the list yet. Some mailing list that say -devel feel offended when somebody who doesn't run gdb daily posts a non-related question there.08:35
ScottKu-devel-discuss might be better.08:36
ballockAnyway, we had a session at the UDS about enterprise desktops and it was raised there that you had some discussions about authentication packages on this IRC already08:36
rbasakubuntu-devel description says "Discussions seeking consensus among Ubuntu developers"08:37
ballockso I guessed that it's the team to ask :)08:37
ballockIs it ok to post it to both your list and the devel list?08:38
rbasakI'm not sure that would be useful. You'll end up splitting the discussion.08:39
rbasakIt might be worth letting list members know that a discussion is going on somewhere else though.08:39
Davieyrbasak: I would... but annoyingly, i can't seem to find the mod password on this machine :o08:39
ballockOk, thanks.08:43
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swIs there a way to remove a user from the SBS Console without actually removing the user?09:56
jacobwsw: The Windows SBS Console?10:00
swjacobw, Sorry, wrong -server channel!10:01
evWould someone please let my post to ubuntu-server@l.u.c through? "Re: errors.ubuntu.com: support for Server?"10:30
Solarrahey I was sent here from #ubuntu10:33
jacobwSolarra: What can we help you with?10:47
Solarragetting my wireless card working10:48
Solarratried this : http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/precise/multiverse/base/firmware-b43-installer10:48
Solarragot this: Specific error: Dependency is not satisfiable: b43-fwcutter (>= 1:015-9)10:48
Solarrawhen executing10:48
Solarrathe wireless card is a Linksys WM54GS V1.110:49
jacobwSolarra: What do you see when you run `apt-get update`?10:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:58
Solarramany errors10:59
Solarracould not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/locl - open (permission denied)11:00
Solarraunable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists.11:00
Solarracould not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock (Permission denied)11:00
SolarraUnable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg)11:01
jacobwSolarra: You need to run APT/dpkg commands with sudo11:01
Solarrai have no idea what that means11:01
Solarrai learn quickly11:01
Solarrabut i am literally brand new to linex11:01
jacobwSolarra: OK, in Linux there's users, like your user account, and the superuser11:04
Solarrasimilar to root in OSX?11:04
jacobwSolarra: It's exactly the same thing, Linux and OS X come from the same family of operating systems11:04
jacobwSolarra: sudo is a tool that allows a user to execute commands as the superuser, after they've entered their password11:05
Solarrawell how do I log in as root in Ubuntu 12.04 so I can do things that require the superuser?11:06
jacobwSolarra: The user created by the installer can execute any command as the superuser with sudo, because it's in the group called 'sudo', all users in the group called 'sudo' can execute any command as the superuser11:06
jacobwSolarra: Just use sudo, `sudo apt-get update`11:06
Solarrathe computer in question has no internet until i can install this firmware11:07
jacobwSolarra: Follow this guide, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access11:11
jacobwSolarra: If you installed from CD, enable the CD as a software source in Software Center, Edit, Software Sources before you start11:13
Solarrahow would I do that11:13
Solarraif i installed from a thumb drive11:13
jacobwSolarra: You can use it as a local repository or as a CD11:16
jacobwSolarra: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptCdrom11:16
Solarraeven a thumb drive?11:17
jacobwSolarra: You can mount the flash disk to /cdrom and APT can find it there, but it's probably easier to follow the manual steps below11:19
Solarrayou are a hero jacobw11:49
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jamespageadam_g, roaksoax: pls can you review https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-s-openstack-charms-ha-v2 and make updates as appropriate11:54
Solarrais jacobw still around?12:12
Solarraseems I celebrated too early12:13
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jamespageadam_g, roaksoax: review required if you have time - https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/charms/precise/rabbitmq-server/fixups-pre-merge/+merge/16476917:02
adam_gjamespage, ack17:09
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
adam_gDaviey, if you're around, there are rebased nova and keystone  packaging that contain security fixes in-queue for raring-proposed and quantal-proposed17:51
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Davieyadam_g: ok18:17
Davieyadam_g: will process it today.. but not right this moment18:17
adam_gDaviey, awesome, thanks!18:17
ScottKIf they have security fixes, why are they in -proposed and not -security?18:22
DavieyScottK: they were trumped by security uploads.18:23
adam_gScottK, the security updates were released last week directly to -security18:23
ScottKAh, got it.18:28
mbroadsthi, I'm trying to run an activemq server instance on my ubuntu system, but when I run the initscript to start it (after having customized my activemq.xml configuration file), I simply get an "[OK]" message and no actual server process. There are no logs to be found, and I can't run activemq by hand becuase this initscript does a considerable amount of setup, so I was wondering if someone could point me towards getting the info I need to solve the pro18:47
sarnoldmbroadst: if you can't come up with something else, maybe 'strace -o /tmp/mq -f service activemq start'  -- then read the syscalls in /tmp/mq to find the problem. (Start near the end of the file..)18:57
mbroadstlooks like this is one of those "just run from the java distribution" things, the dependency hell wrt ubuntu and java here is nuts :)18:58
sarnoldoh jeeze, javathing?18:58
sarnoldstrace might be more painful than usual there18:58
mrjIs there a channel specific to MAAS?20:11
mrjoh, nevermind20:11
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