
ravencan anyone help me? im trying to make java my default application for jars but its not in the list00:00
ubukouraven: command blank available?00:00
usr13If you have a new HP laptop with 4 partitions, 1) System (199Mb) 2) Win8  (910Gb)  3) Recovery (20G) 4) HP_Tools (120Mb).  How would we install Ubuntu on this sytem, (leaving Win8 intact)?00:00
raveni dont know what that is00:01
ubukouraven i mean a blank to fill in a command ..00:01
bazhangubukou, thats for ##hardware00:01
raveni dont understand00:02
ubukouraven, i mean in the "open with" dialog00:02
raventheres a list of program sbut none are java00:02
PrototypeX29Agnome-alsamixer segfaults ^^ http://pastebin.com/nkA6sB6b00:02
raveni have java and i can right click, open with java 7 but its not with the programs to make it default00:02
Dr_willisraven,  its best to not just 'double click' on jar files..   you should make a proper .desktop launcher for them. or a bash script. (or so ive always read)00:03
ravenyeah but00:04
nimbioticshello evry1. How do I make a linux executable file in a NTFS partition executable?00:04
seronisraven: im in xfce not nautilus, but dont you have an 'open with other application'  option ?00:04
ravenfor the prgrom im running i need .jar files to be defaulted to java because it launches more .jar files00:04
ravenits a minecraft launcher00:05
Dr_willisnimbiotics,  you can mount ntfs/vfat with the proper options to make EVERY file on the filesystem executable.. which is an annoyance..00:05
oldude67hi, my fiance' is out of the town taking care of her mom threw cancer treatments. what is the easiest thing to set up for video chat on ubuntu 13.04?00:05
kristenbbso can someone please help me to decrypt my home folder, given that I know the correct password ?00:05
cnfoldude67: skype00:05
Dr_willisminecraft SPECIFICALLY i recall running best with some extra options. and came with a script i thought to launch it..00:05
Dr_willisbut i dont do minecraft any more. ;)00:05
seronisthats only if you need to adjust the memory constraints or to keep a console window open to view bug msgs00:06
Dr_willismake a script that does  'java whatebver.jar'        and launch that..00:06
oldude67cnf, is it in the repos or do i have to manually do it?00:06
ravenits not vanilla minecraft its a custom launcher00:06
cnfyou know, i don't know...00:06
cnfi run it from my phone00:06
ravenit would be fine if i could make the .jar assosiation with java, thats what all the tutorials say to do00:06
ravenbut i cant00:06
seronisraven: and when you right click on the jar dont you have an option to choose what to launch it with ?00:06
johnjohn101need help with grub.. i have 13.04 on one partition and 12.04 on another.  so far 13.04 is the defualt and i need to make it 12.0400:06
seronisclick it00:06
raveni can launch it with java00:06
cnfoldude67: http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-linux/downloading/?type=ubuntu64 it seems00:07
Dr_willisjohnjohn101,  you mean the default os to run?00:07
nimbioticsDr_willis: is that the only solution? how do I do that?00:07
seronisand in the window that comes up letting you choose a program make sure you select to  'use this as default'00:07
ravenbut once im in the launcher it cant launch the game because its a seperate .jar file which it trys to run and it opens archve manage00:07
ravenYES i can do that but java isnt there in the list!00:07
seronisraven:  you need to set the executable bit on the launcher.jar00:07
raveni cant make it default in that menu00:07
johnjohn101Dr_willis: yes, on power up no keystrokes boot up to 12.04.  eventually want to remove 13.04 32 bit and reinstall 64 bit00:08
oldude67thanks cnf, ill check it out. havent done web chat in forever.00:08
seronisyou -also- need to set the executable bit for one jar to be allowed to launch another00:08
seronisits a jvm restriction00:08
Dr_willisnimbiotics,  use the mount command and mount it with the right umask/dmask options i recall.. or the fstab file. I  find every file on a windows drive being executable Much more annoying then having to use 'wine /path/to/whatever.exe'00:08
seronisnot 'just' setup the default app00:08
raven i dont know how to write a script00:08
Dr_willisjohnjohn101,  thats weird.. but you could boot to 12.04 somehow..  and run update-grub on it..  the /etc/grub/default file has an entry for the default 'item' to use.00:09
Dr_willisjava  foo.jar00:09
Dr_willisthats the core of the script raven00:09
seronisraven:  what options show up when you right click on the launcher.jar00:09
anthonyi am new to linux and ubuntu, i am looking for something similar to mirc so i can tile the windows00:09
anthonyany help appreciated00:09
ravenim new to linux.. i honastly have no idea what your saying :(00:10
Dr_willistime to learn some bash basics then.00:10
ubottuAdvanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/00:10
nimbioticsDr_willis: the problem is that the file is NOT a windows executable but a linux executable file that needs to be in a NTFS partition ...00:10
ravenoh god00:10
Dr_willischeck that url on bash scripting..00:10
Dr_willisthe script will be composed of 2 lines.. like what i gave.00:10
Dr_willisOr follow the other guys advice and see if you can get it going that way00:10
Dr_willisnimbiotics,  thats very very weird to keep a linux binary on a ntfs.00:11
seronisraven: right click on your launcher jar file.   what shows up ?00:11
larsI can't install Kubuntu 12.0400:11
ravenlaunch with archive manager and launch with java 700:11
nimbioticsit is, but cant do otherwise ...00:12
ravenbut when i click open with over to set the default, its not in the list00:12
otak_anthony: I don't know what mirc is, but I'm tiling irssi in terminator00:12
nimbioticsmirc sux00:12
anthonyi will try it thanks otak00:12
larsI give up00:12
anthonynim then what would you suggest?00:13
=== lars is now known as Genyar
anthonysince mirc sux00:13
GenyarLars is Genyar now00:13
th0ranthony, both xchat and pidgin are popular00:13
nimbioticsxhat sux++00:13
kruxirssi for terminal00:13
anthonyi am on xchat but i can only see one channel at a time00:13
Lammarckhi there, need some newbie help for a uninstall00:14
ubukouabengees wiki00:14
GenyarMy installation of Kubuntu was working up until I got to the "Prepare Partitions" stage00:14
nimbioticslong time i dnt chat from terminal, will give it a try00:14
th0ranthony, then you have it configured wrong...I presently have three channels running00:14
kristenbbHow can I copy a directory and all its contents from one folder to another, using the command line ?00:14
anthonyok will check my settings again00:14
seronisraven: when you choose 'open with' does your screen look anything like   http://i.imgur.com/l4tv2EL.jpg00:15
Lammarckcant uninstall skype, apt-get dont work, software center too00:15
otak_kristenbb: cp -r or cp -a00:15
ravenyes but it doesnt have the java'00:16
GenyarAre there Kubuntu experts here?00:16
kristenbbotak_:  will this really copy everything ? Such as subdirectories, system files, hidden files, symbolic or hard links, ... ?00:16
ravenit also doesnt have the custom commad option00:16
seronisin the list itself, do you see an option to select something custom?00:16
GenyarI need help installing Kubuntu 12.0400:16
seroniseven if its not a checkable box00:16
otak_I'd have to read the man page to check details on symlinks and hidden files00:16
GenyarI've tried everything, there is no way to bypass the "Prepare Partitions" stage of the installation00:17
GenyarI've been working on it for two days00:17
kristenbbotak_: I really want to copy everything from one directory to another.00:18
usr13If you have a new HP laptop with 4 partitions, 1) System (199Mb) 2) Win8  (910Gb)  3) Recovery (20G) 4) HP_Tools (120Mb).  How would we install Linux on this laptop, (leaving Win8 intact)?  Anyone solved a problem like this before?  (Besides that, it is UEFI.)00:18
bekksGenyar: Whats the actual problem you are facing?00:18
GenyarThe installation will not recognize any of my devices for "Prepare Partitions"00:19
nimbioticsrephrasing: How can I make executable a linux executable file that happens to exist in a NTFS partition00:20
bekksnimbiotics: You cant. You have to mount the NTFS filesystem in a way so you can execute files on it.00:20
woutersimonsusr13 ..yes use gparted boot cd to resize the partition to create space ... then install ubuntu as you normally would00:20
otak_kristenbb: it depends, for example, if you want to recreate the symlink or copy the data it points to, iirc that's called dereferencing00:21
GenyarWhen I try to continue the installation, the computer says, "No root file system is defined."00:21
nimbioticsDr_willis, bekks: Thanks00:21
woutersimonsusr13: i would reduce the win8 part by about 20-30 gig00:22
Genyar"Please correct this from the partitioning menu" it says00:22
PuppyArubaTc guys00:22
GenyarBut there's no way to create a root file system without any partitions00:23
bekksGenyar: Then you have to define a mountpoint where / is mounted to.00:23
GenyarHow do I do that?00:23
GenyarIt says there's no root00:23
bekksGenyar: In the menu you are in, you can create new filesystems, and assign mountpoints.00:23
nimbioticsbekks: mount has the showexec option for FAT but I see nothing like that for NTFS. Can you give me a hint, please?00:24
bekksnimbiotics: umask=000 as mount option.00:24
GenyarIt won't let me create anything: which menu are you talking about?00:24
Dr_willisnimbiotics,  you want to be using the ntfs-3g filesystem also. the ntfs-3g homepage has lots of examples00:25
bekksGenyar: Can you paste a screenshot of what you are seeing on your screen currently?00:25
GenyarI'm not in installation mode now00:25
nimbioticsDr_willis, bekks: Thanks a BUNCH again!00:26
bekksGenyar: You have to be in the installation mode for installing...00:26
Genyarthat's another problem, I tried "Try" instead of "install" and could not even open an IRC account to chat here00:27
bekksGenyar: Why not?00:27
GenyarIt would not accept my password when I used this account for IRC Quassel00:28
usr13woutersimons: It will do that?00:28
bekksGenyar: You could use an unregistered account too.00:28
usr13woutersimons: (Even though there are already 4 primary partitions?)00:28
GenyarAlso the process for the file protocol died unexpectedly in live test mode for 12.0400:28
GenyarAnd when I tried to open the Konsole in the test mode, my monitor went dark and my computer seemed to freeze00:29
bekksGenyar: You have to decide wether you want to install or try it...00:29
GenyarI want to install it: that's what I've been trying to do for two days now00:29
pvp101singHey I was wondering if anyone want to join me on twitter00:30
fatllipWhat ever happened to installing ubuntu on top of windows00:30
GenyarThe gurus here told me to use "test" mode to try to get tech support to find out why it would not recognize my devices00:30
Dr_willisfatllip,  if you mean 'WUBI' its still there.. but not reccomended00:30
bekksGenyar: Then whats the output of "sudo fdisk -l" then?00:31
bazhang!wubi | fatllip00:31
ubottufatllip: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe00:31
Tex_Nick!offtopic > pvp101sing00:31
ubottupvp101sing, please see my private message00:31
Dr_willisand its alongside (inside windows)00:31
GenyarI posted on the board00:31
bekksGenyar: On which board?00:31
GenyarLet me find the links.....00:32
GenyarI'm lars00:32
bekksGenyar: Devices are there. Now back to the installation. :)00:33
usr13How about deleting the first 199Mb System Partition?00:33
bekksusr13: It will render your windows 8 in ruins.00:33
GenyarYeah, my devices are here now, but when I try to install from my jump drive, that's when my devices disappear00:34
bekksGenyar: And we need screenshots of what you can see. :)00:34
mojtabaHi, I changed my user to standard, and now I cannot change it back to administrator. Does anybody know what should I do?00:34
jribmojtaba: boot into recovery mode and issue "adduser your_username_here sudo"00:35
Genyarthat's impossible to do in installation mode00:35
jribmojtaba: (assuming all you did was remove your user from the sudo group)00:35
Dr_willismojtaba,  you  have no other admin users?00:35
GenyarHave you ever installed Kubuntu 12.04?00:36
mojtabajrib: Could you please explain more?00:36
mojtabaDr_willis: No. :(00:36
bekksGenyar: Sure.00:36
bekksGenyar: But I never used a GUI. :>00:36
jribmojtaba: you can reach recovery mode by holding shift during boot and then selecting recovery mode from the grub menu00:36
GenyarIt looks the same as everyone else sees00:36
Genyarthe installatin works well00:36
Genyaruntil I reach Prepare Partitions00:37
mojtabajrib: And after that I should type: adduser mojtaba sudo00:37
bekksGenyar: So it finishes successfully?00:37
mojtabais it correct?00:37
jribmojtaba: yes, assuming all you did was remove your user from the sudo group00:37
mojtabajrib: I did it through graphical user accounts00:37
Genyarthat's where the devices disappear00:37
mojtabaand change my user to standard00:37
jribmojtaba: you can check what groups your user is in by issuing the « groups » command00:38
bekksGenyar: Does the installation successfully finish?00:38
bekksGenyar: prior rebooting, after installing kubuntu?00:38
GenyarNo, it can't go past Prepare Partitions because there are no partitions00:38
mojtabajrib: There is no sudo00:38
bekksGenyar: You just said something different.00:39
Genyarthe installatin works but it can't go past Prepare Partitions00:39
Genyarit always stops at the same point:  "Prepare Partitions"00:39
bekksGenyar: Then we need to see what/how you are installing it.00:39
jribmojtaba: then proceed with the directions I gave to add your user back to the sudo group00:39
mojtabajrib: I will test it. Thank you very much.00:40
GenyarIt shows the headings...."Device     Type     Mount Point     Format?     Size     Used"00:40
Genyarbut there is nothing below the headings00:40
fatllipWubi is not supported00:40
bekksGenyar: We need to see what you configured there before.00:40
munderwo-workHi all. I've got a server that has got to the point where there isnt enough room to install the latest kernel on boot. and apt-get is stuck because it cant install it, but wont let me do anything without installing the latest kernel. Is there a dnager in going into the boot directory and moving some of the old kernel files, just to free up enough room to be able to remove some?00:41
blobHi, how can I reset my auto resolution in xrandr ?? It is currently set to one that my monitor does not support .. although it should00:41
Dr_willisfatllip,  wubi is being phased out.. i suggest using virtualbox if you must run ubuntu in windows00:41
cslucanoiḿ ahaving problems installing ubuntu as third os on a macbookpro 9,200:41
bekksGenyar: If you do not configure anything, the installation cant succeed successfully.00:41
GenyarAlso, it lets me highlight the different choices....."New Partition Table     Add     Change     Delete".....but there is no devices, no parttions to manipulate00:42
blobactually could someone explain me what the nombers mean after the resolution ? Example : 1024x768       60.0 +   43.500:42
cslucanoit's a guide to multiple oses installing?00:42
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GenyarI didn't get that far into the installation to be able to configure anything00:43
ravenI CANT DO THIS00:43
bekksraven: We can read lowercase too.00:43
GenyarWhat do you mean by configure, anyway?  What do I configure, and where do I do that?00:44
ravenwhy is it so hard to make java default??00:44
bekksGenyar: In that window which you are seeing.00:44
ravennothing else uses jar files on my pc00:44
=== harris is now known as Turn_Left
VivekanandaHi everyone. I have terminator installed in lubuntu 12.04. I dont know how to change the highlight color for the shown output. It is pretty dark green now. my terminal emulator is Terminator00:44
ravendoes anyone know how to make java the default application for .jar files00:45
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bekksGenyar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall00:45
GenyarThat "Prepare Partitions" stage of the installation is also known as Disk Setup, but there are no configuration options anywhere00:45
blobjust use java -jar andyourfile.jar :P00:45
Dr_willisVivekananda,  terminator  is actualy a wraper around gnome-terminal. so try toying with the gnome-terminal settings from gnome-terminal also00:45
ravenno that jar opens other jars so i need it to be assosiated00:46
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blobor do a bash link that does the same and start always the bash script00:46
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bekksraven: All you need to do is to run: "java -jar my.jar".00:47
GenyarBekks, "Try Ubuntu" doesn't work very well: it's really slow, and hardly anything works00:47
bekksGenyar: It doesnt need to be fast. ;)00:48
GenyarWould it be easier to install if I deleted a bunch of my files to make more room for the installation, even though it's going to format my drive anyway?00:49
raveni got it to work00:49
raveni found a tutorial on how to change it in the consol00:49
ravenits working now :P00:49
blobthe jar opens another jar ? shouldn't this be proggramed into the jar ? or couldn't you just use a switch ? donno about that00:49
blobwell post the solution00:49
bekksGenyar: No.00:49
Dr_willisblob,  thats what i was thinking also. ;)00:49
raventhis is what i did00:49
bekksGenyar: Why dont you just follow the linked article to the word?00:50
VivekanandaDr_willis: howdy :). I am trying to toy with that but the only visible settings I see in lubuntu are the expected, foreground and background and nothing about any00:50
Vivekanandahighlights !00:50
GenyarI used your link, Bek00:51
mojtabajrib: I just got error 100:51
mojtabaI could not add my user to sudo group. :(00:52
GenyarUnfortunately, that link you sent me was not very helpful, bekks00:52
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Genyarwhich word, Bekks?00:53
bekksGenyar: I am waiting for a detailed description on what happens where exactly, when you just follow that article-00:53
blobso any1 wanna solve my linux puzzle ?00:53
GenyarTo the word, right, yeah, I've already done that several times00:54
GenyarI always get stuck in the same place over and over, and I've tried to change the variables by booting off the DVD alone, booting off the jump drive alone, and by combining the two00:54
GenyarNone of these things makes any difference00:55
bekksGenyar: Please describe what happens where exactly. What do you select where? What do you enter where? What do you click where? We dont know it and we cant guess it.00:55
GenyarThe installation always gets stuck at "Prepare Partitions"00:55
mojtabaI changed my only user to standard and now I can not change it to administrator. Does anybody know what should I do?00:56
GenyarOk, I'll describe exactly what I see.....00:56
bekksGenyar: Please describe the entire installation process, for letting us know what you do where.00:56
mojtabaI re-booted in recovery mode and run the command: adduser myusername sudo00:56
GenyarI'm using the 64 version of Kubuntu 12.04.200:56
mojtabaBut that did not work and gave me error 100:56
GenyarI created a bootable USB jump drive with the 64 version of Kubuntu 12.04.200:57
bekksGenyar: Please put it all together in a complete text, preferrably in a pastebin.00:57
GenyarI also burned it onto a DVD with only limited success on Windows using Nero00:58
bazhang!enter | Genyar00:58
ubottuGenyar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:58
blobmojtaba "I changed my only user to standard" how ?00:58
mojtabablob: from the GUI, user accounts00:58
bekksGenyar: And start describing what happens when you start the installation. The color of the wall behind the desk where you computer stand near to when the light is switched on is irrelevant for the installation process :)00:58
GenyarWell, to type out everything that happened into one text file will probably take about 20 mins00:59
bekksGenyar: Start with "After the installer starts:"00:59
mojtabaPlease help01:00
blobmojtaba: what system do you have ? did you remove the admin group from the acc aswell ?01:00
bazhangmojtaba, you removed yourself from the sudoers group?01:00
GenyarThe installation I did looked good, and exactly the same as what I saw on the YouTube Tutorial01:01
mojtabablob: ubuntu 13.04. no, I just changed my account to standard user.01:01
mojtababazhang: Yes. :(01:01
bekksGenyar: So please start your text, in pastebin ;)01:01
GenyarYou want me to link you to the YouTube Tutorial, because what happeened to that guru is exactly what happened to me when I installed01:01
bekksGenyar: No. I want that text please.01:02
=== compy_ is now known as darkapp
GenyarI think it would be a waste of your time to tell you that I had no problems with the installation up until Partitions01:04
blobmojtaba: lets see if you really did this ... type in sudo -i01:04
bekksGenyar: Well, if you dont want to give is the information you asked for, I cant help you any further. Good luck then.01:04
GenyarI chose install 3rd party software, dowload updates, and proceeded without any problems until I got to Partitions01:04
mojtabablob: it says mojtaba is not in the sudoers files01:04
blobmojtaba: ohh boy ... hmmm01:05
GenyarOk, thanks for your help, I'm going to install Windows instead01:05
bekksGenyar: Good luck. You'll need it.01:06
mojtabablob: :( what should I do?01:06
roddyanybody know how to logo on to the NickServ server?01:07
blobmojtaba: I kind never was i that situatiuon ... you cant edit the sudoers file without root rights01:07
roddylog on*01:07
mojtabablob: I tried to add my user to this group via recovery mode01:08
mojtabaBut I could not.01:08
mojtabaadduser mojtaba sudo01:08
mojtabaIt gave me error number 101:08
blobmojtaba: nahh that wont work01:08
blobmojtaba: reed this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers you need to edit the sudoers file and add in there you user acc01:09
mojtabablob: Can I edit that file with no root permission?01:10
roddyanybody know how to log on to the NickServ server? please help01:10
roddyi dont know what the command is01:10
blobmojtaba: but actually if you have root rights in  recovery mod you just can give the goup there tto you user01:11
blobmojtaba: well do you have root rights in recovery mode ?? you should I think01:12
bekksroddy: nickserv is no server. type: "/msg nickserv help"01:12
roddybekks: then what is that?401:12
mojtabablob: I think. (actually I am a newbie.)01:12
mojtabablob: Do you know what should I do exactly?01:13
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blobmojtaba: nahh im not that experienced myself gotto google this a little01:14
mojtabaIs there anybody there who can help me?01:14
karlmhainesOK, Question: I've gone through quite a bit of trouble to get Ubuntu 13.04 installed on this laptop with a Pentium M processor because stock ubuntu kernel's no longer come with non-PAE support. My system is finally up and working pretty well, and now my first set of updates has shown up. Two parts of the updates has linux kernel image and headers (6 packages in all) that I unchecked so that a new kernel would NOT get installed and mess01:15
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th0rmojtaba, first, boot into recovery mode and add yourself to the 'adm' group. See if that fixes the problem. If not, you will have to use visudo to add yourself to the sudoers file01:16
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blobmojtaba: sudo usermod -a -G sudo youracc01:16
mojtabath0r: Could you please explain the process?01:16
th0rmojtaba, you added yourself to the sudo group earlier, right? Do the same thing, but add yourself to the adm group this time.01:17
usr13Which partition are the EFI files located on a Win8 machine?  The first one?01:17
usr13(Called System.)01:17
mojtabath0r: Thanks.01:17
mojtabablob: Thanks01:17
th0rmojtaba, adduser mojtaba adm (in recovery mode)01:18
mojtabaThanks all01:19
rypervenchekarlmhaines: What is your exact question?01:19
blobhow can I reset my auto resolution in xrandr ?? It is currently set to one that my monitor does not support .. although it should01:19
mojtabaI will test to see what will happen01:19
th0rmojtaba, if that doesn't work, come back and I will talk you through the sudoers file01:19
blobactually could someone explain me what the nombers mean after the resolution ? Example : 1024x768       60.0 +   43.501:19
Dr_willisblob,  i imagine one is the refresh rate01:20
blobDr_willis: thought about that too, but what is the + and thge * doing and the secound was also some wanky frequency ... how do I find out what my display supports in which resolution ?01:22
new-on-raringwhat is wrong with the raring kernel? there is no HDMI audio through nvidia-current and also it seems to be unstable after fresh installation and system upgrade http://paste.ubuntu.com/5682304/01:22
Dr_willisnew-on-raring,  hdmi audio is a known issue. I used the 3.9 mainstream kernel to get mine working. a fix is supposed to be in the works. (got info on the 3.9 kenrel  at askubuntu.com)01:23
she_dyedso whats going on01:26
mojtabath0r: Hi, Actually after running your command it said: I am already in that group01:26
mojtabablob: Hi, after running your command it said: cannot lock /etc/passwd01:27
she_dyedblob you might be better off googling modelines, to get wehat the numbers mean01:27
th0rmojtaba, and you are in sudo, so you should be able to use sudo to run commands01:27
mojtabaDo you know what should I do now?01:27
mojtabath0r: No, I am not in sudo01:27
th0rmojtaba, I thought you had added yourself to sudo earlier. In recovery mode the same command, adduser mojtaba sudo01:28
mojtabath0r: when I run groups command, there is no sudo for my account01:28
blobin recovery mode you are the root user you dont need to type sudo befor your commands01:28
new-on-raringDr_willis: thanks for your info. Are there any plans known for having a fix on the default kernel for raring (I suppose there are many nvidia users affected by this)?01:28
john38Anybody else having that annoying return to login prompt after first few minutes of bootup01:28
mojtabath0r: It just gave me error 101:28
mojtabaI could not01:28
BillJobsI was thinking about installing a clean install of Ubuntu on an old Acer machine that I have with Windows 8 on it. Which version of Ubuntu should I go with and should I go 32 bit since it only has a dual core with 3gb of ram?01:28
Dr_willisnew-on-raring,  it affects more then nvidia.. and  the bug reports sites say a fix is in the works. i dident want to wait01:28
john38BillJobs, i m pretty sure the newest ubuntu 12.04 will work on it01:29
mojtabath0r: Actually I just changed my account to standard user from administrator.01:29
john38BillJobs, the 32 bit should work just fine01:30
th0rmojtaba, then we will try the sudoers file. Again in recovery mode, the command is visudo. It will put you into an editor to modify the sudoers file. Find the line in the User Privilege Spec section that starts with root, and create an exact copy of it on the next line, with your username instead of 'root'01:30
Dr_willismojtaba,  and all that did was alter the 'groups' the user is in.01:30
mojtabaDr_willis: Yes. :(01:31
mojtabath0r: Just this?01:31
BillJobsOk thanks I have that version installed in hyper-v. It will be nice to finally have it running smoothly on an actual machine01:31
mojtabath0r: what should I type exactly?01:31
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th0rmojtaba, it is a workaround since, for some reason, you cannot add yourself to the sudo group01:31
john38Why does ubuntu 12.04 revert back to login prompt after first few minutes of bootup01:32
Dr_willis'of bootup'  means what? you mean it goes back to the CONSOLE after displaying the LIGHTDM login screen?01:32
john38so many updates but they havent fixed that bug yet01:32
blobmojtaba: accname    ALL=(ALL) ALL01:33
mojtabablob: should I type this?01:33
john38back to login prompt01:33
john38is there a special key combination that im pressing or something01:33
john38or is it a bug01:33
ravencan anyone help me uninstall a program01:34
Dr_willisjohn38,  or X is crashing.. alt-ctrl-f7 should go to the X login if its running01:34
Dr_willisraven,  and how did you install it? Give us details...01:34
raveni have skype right, but when i click it it wont run.. andi tryed to install it again but its not helping so i want to just remove it and try again01:34
blobmojtaba: type in visudo, type in this: "accname    ALL=(ALL) ALL"  below the "root    ALL=(ALL) ALL"01:34
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga01:34
raveni downloaded the nstall file from the skype website and it installed through the software manager01:35
john38Dr_willis, thats what i mean it crashes then i have to enter password to log back into desktop01:35
Dr_willismay be a known bug with skype..  remove/reinstalling the same thing to try to 'fix' things is a windows  mindset/method.01:35
john38Dr_willis, but thats been happening quite a lot01:35
Dr_willisjohn38,  you mean at the LIGHTDM login screen.. you login and it goes back to LIGHTDM?01:35
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surfdaemonraven, check in terminal to see if it's segfaulting01:36
john38Dr_willis, yes01:36
raveni dont know what that means lol but im jsut doing the things in the link that dr willis said01:36
mojtabablob: for the first part, I should just type visudo or I should add the path to the file in front of it?01:36
blobmojtaba: just visudo01:36
blobmojtaba: then a editor will open01:37
mojtabablob: Thanks, I will check it and come back01:37
john38Dr_willis, no when i bootup into ubuntu after a few  minutes of usage it crashes then goes back to lightdm01:37
raventhank you dr _willis that worked!01:37
Dr_willisjohn38,  sounds like X is crashing for some reason then.01:38
Dr_willisjohn38,  try a differnt window manager/desktop see if it stops or still does it..01:38
john38Dr_willis, thats been happening since i first installed precise01:38
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john38Dr_willis, diffrent windows manager what do you mean?01:39
Dr_willisjohn38,  lxde, xfce. openbox. jwm.01:40
mdelin ubuntu/debian, is there some standard way programs can enable/disable configuration scripts in the conventional conf.d/ directory?01:40
john38Dr_willis, oh01:40
john38Dr_willis, what does precise use gnome or kde01:40
blobkde: kdm01:40
blobdosnt it use unity ?01:41
mdelunity, yes01:41
Dr_willisUbuntu uses UNITY which runs on top of Gnome301:41
Dr_willisKubuntu uses KDE01:41
john38yeah thats right unity01:41
Dr_willisyou can install any of the desktops on any of the releases01:41
john38stupid me01:41
Dr_willisor install them ALL ;)01:41
SonikkuAmericaXDr_willis, blob: (A curious thing, Unity being a Qt frontend for GNOME)01:41
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john38im just curious is anybody else having that problem01:41
fictiveanyone have experience with bluez and/or bdaddr?01:41
mdelfictive, if by experience, you mean issues, then yes ;)01:42
Dr_willisjohn38,  if the X video drivers are crashing.. or X is crashing..  it would be closeing out X.01:42
SonikkuAmericaX(Or just Xing X)01:42
mdelfictive, my issues were with broken packages though, not a bug01:42
john38Dr_willis, i do get aritifacts sometiems01:42
john38Dr_willis, that could be it Nvidia drivers01:43
Dr_willisSonikkuAmericaX,  last i looked that was still a planned change..  Ubuntu One i think uses qt. and unity is to be going to qtml or somting..  I dont pay much aggention to the  blogs lately01:43
Dr_willisjohn38,  and what drivers are you using.01:43
fictivemdel: hehe, well. I was trying to change the MAC of my integrated BT with btaddr in vmware guest ubuntu 12.04 LTS, but it doesn't seem to work (error message "unsupported manufacturer", the manufacturer id when running bdaddr is set to "not assigned (6502)")01:43
john38Dr_willis, Nvidia proprietary drivers01:44
mojtabath0r: blob: It says Readonly file system. and did not allow me to modify the file01:44
mojtabaDo you know what should I do now?01:44
SonikkuAmericaXDr_willis: If I'm not mistaken Unity 8 will be a mix of Qt and QML...01:44
AbbasX8is there a way to create a bootable ubuntu installation on external hdd?01:44
AbbasX8im on windows 8 and have given up on all the hassle needed to get ubuntu running side by side with win801:44
Dr_willisSonikkuAmericaX,  yea. whataver that means exactly. ;)  its all buzzwords to me. I dont code or develop.01:45
fictivemdel: so I tried booting up with a live cd, only to find that bdaddr was nowhere to be found.. and apparently it didn't want to work with me when compiling with the --test-flag. error was systemd init dir not found01:45
kristenbbHow can I install ubuntu 13.04 and restore my current ubuntu set up ?01:45
blobmojtaba: hmm try to mount it with wright permissions ... but i dont know the commands right now01:45
Dr_willisAbbasX8,  you can make a bootable usb flash.. then install to a external HD if you wanted. - or just use ubuntu in virtialbox01:45
SonikkuAmericaXDr_willis: HTML : Hypertext markup language :: QML : Qt markup language01:45
fictivemdel: I was thinking perhaps a vmware guest os didn't have direct access to the bt device as it is shared via windows01:45
Dr_willisSonikkuAmericaX,  and thats just more buzzwords. :) i figured the ML in the term was somthing to do with xml.. but how it really is going to affect the end users (like me) is  what i dont really get. heh.01:46
SonikkuAmericaXDr_willis: Leave that to the people in UDS. :)01:47
AbbasX8Dr_willis , virtualBox i tried but when i play videos in VLC the images flash a lot. i intend to do VLC contribution01:47
AbbasX8i think the flashing video issue will be fixed with a non virtual Machine ubuntu01:47
mdelfictive, vmware?01:48
AbbasX8Dr_willis i tried with a usb bootable ubuntu installation disc, it doesnt play well with windows 801:48
blobmojtaba: post 6 and 7 in here https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/cannot-edit-fstab-in-recovery-mode-filesystem-is-read-only-540195/01:48
fictiveAbbasX8: make a bootable usb drive and install to a separate partition01:48
mdelfictive, i use virtualbox, and I know the non-free edition cannot access the bt hardware01:48
AbbasX8fictive this windows 8 cam preinstalled with a signle 1tb partition01:48
Dr_willisI thought the recovery mode menus had an item to 'remount / as rw'01:48
AbbasX8onw i can't shrink it , after so many defrag tries. because of prolly some unmovable files at end of c drive01:49
Dr_willisAbbasX8,  thers more then likely several partions on the HD you are not seeing.01:49
AbbasX8windows says i can only shrink it by 700mb when i have 150gb free01:49
fictiveAbbasX8: then you're probably better off just reinstalling the whole thing, probably a lot of bloatware on that installation :p01:49
Dr_willisAbbasX8,  gparted from the live cd  may let you resize it01:49
AbbasX8Dr_willis , there are. a backup drive with windows 8 setup and dell stuff01:49
Dr_willisAbbasX8,  what to watch out for is if you have 4 Primary partions.. that can be a problem if you want to make more primaries.01:50
fictivemdel: hmm. yeah that's what I thought01:50
Dr_willisUnless the HD is using GPT (i think)01:50
kristenbbHow can I install ubuntu 13.04 and restore my current ubuntu set up ?01:50
fictivemdel: anyway, I can't find a single page on the internet explaining where/how to get bdaddr working (I have no idea how it ended up on my guest os)01:50
mdelkristenbb, if you go to install a new version, it should ask you to retain the user data01:50
Dr_williskristenbb,  what do you mean by retore current setup?01:50
AbbasX8Dr_willis when i tried installaing ubuntu on external hdd from bootable usb flash dirve, it kept saying no root partition or osmething01:50
AbbasX8eitherway,, im sure ubuntu will break win8 boot process01:50
AbbasX8so i just want to install it off the usb flash drive to the usb hdd01:51
Dr_willisAbbasX8,  ive ran from eternal usb hd and external USB flash drives for ages.. its doable. just slower01:51
Dr_willisI make a usb install flash.. and boot that and install to the usb HD.01:51
mojtabablob: I am reviewing your link.01:52
blobfor portabel usb this tool is superb: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/01:52
new-on-raringI have kernel oops problems on a freshly installed and updated raring x64 system: can someone give me a hint what is wrong with my system ???  dmesg goes like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5682359/01:53
kristenbbDr_willis: I mean just upgrade ubuntu and keep everything else as is.01:54
AbbasX8blob does that allow running live cd only? or it'll allow me to install a bootable ubuntu installation01:54
AbbasX8tha tis full fledged and limited to the usb hdd01:55
Dr_williskristenbb,  a normal system upgrade. or release upgrade should not affect your users home files01:55
kristenbbmdel: My computer is messed up, I can't do that, though I have access to all files. which ones should I keep or copy, and how ?01:55
kristenbbDr_willis: ^01:55
blobAbbasX8: you can install your linux from that too01:55
mdelkristenbb, what do you mean messed up?01:55
_rogue_ HexChat: 2.9.5 ** OS: Linux 3.2.0-38-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "precise" 12.04 ** CPU: 4 x AMD Phenom(tm) 9950 Quad-Core Processor (AuthenticAMD) @ 1.30GHz ** RAM: Physical: 7.8GB, 82.8% free ** Disk: Total: 76.9GB, 79.1% free ** VGA: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV730XT [Radeon HD 4670] ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB1: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Expres01:55
_rogue_s Gigabit Ethernet controller ** Uptime: 3h 7m 53s **01:55
kristenbbmdel: I mean I can't log in.01:56
kristenbbI have access to all files through a live cd though.01:56
mojtabablob: should I type this: mount -o remount,rw /01:56
mdelkristenbb, if you are only concerned about your files and most user preferences, you can backup your home directory /home/<username>01:56
mojtabawill this command mount the root permanently in rw mode?01:56
kristenbbmdel: I am concerned about everything :). Is there anything else ?01:56
mdelkristenbb, there is no way I can say that for sure01:57
mdeltotally depend on where you put things :)01:57
blobmojtaba: not 100% sure about that one but it wont hurt if it fails01:57
kristenbbwell assuming I relied on the system to store things for me ?01:57
Dr_williswhen in doubt - make backups01:58
blobmojtaba: could be that you have to type mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda101:58
kristenbbDr_willis: a back up of what though ?01:58
Dr_williskristenbb,  whats imporntant to you01:59
Dr_willisYou shoud allready have them made.. ;)01:59
mojtabablob: I will check that too.01:59
kristenbbDr_willis: I have no idea what's important to me, I just want it to be as it was before that log in issue.01:59
m1chaelim trying to install xubuntu to a usb drive (from a usb drive)... during installation i choose the usb drive i want to install grub to, and i select the unformatted "free space" 32gb usb drive... i click install, and i receieve an error about how i have not defined any swap space partition.. i'm confused... i thought this was supposed to just "work"02:00
Dr_willisI dont know anything about your login issue. but if theres imporntant files you are worried about.. BACK them UP..02:00
Dr_willisIf you dont know whats imporntant.. i guess nothing is that imporntant then02:00
kristenbbDr_willis: how can I make sure all software I had will be thre again ?02:00
Dr_williskristenbb,  software from the repos is easy to reinstall..02:00
harriscan you go to go to http://db.tt/huZfKHd2 and sign up for dropbox and download the application02:00
Dr_willisyou can make a list of it via the !clone directions02:01
kristenbbDr_willis: how about the preferences of these software ?02:01
Dr_willis'what apps i have installed' is one of the least imporntant things to me.02:01
Dr_williskristenbb,  user stuff is in the users HOME. thts all thats imporntant to me.. and even then. i can start from a clean desktop and have my system back to how i like it - in about 10 min.02:01
kristenbbDr_willis: so I can just install a fresh ubuntu, delete all the home folder, and copy the old home into the now empty one ?02:03
Dr_willisa new install's home will be rather empty02:03
kristenbbhow about the list of all software ?02:03
Dr_willisIf you kept your home on its own partion, you could just mount that partion to /home/ and readd the user.. and  it would all be there02:03
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate02:04
Dr_willislist of installesd software is not really worth worrying about02:04
Dr_willisYou install what you need. :) how much junk have you installed that you dont really use/02:04
nevyndpkg --get-selections is hardly difficult.02:04
kristenbbwhen I want to run something, I don't want to lose 1 hour downloading it, installing it and customizing it. I just want to use it. so I'd like to set all my software once and for all.02:05
mdelkristenbb, do you have the install CD?02:06
Dr_willis1 hr downloading? what in the world are you installing?02:06
mdelput it in the slot02:06
mdeland reboot02:06
nevynopenoffice ?02:06
Dr_willison a clean install. you WILL have to reinstall it all.02:06
mdelthe installer will give you the option to keep your home directory02:06
mojtabablob: Thank you very much. It fixed the problem02:06
mojtabath0r: Thanks man02:06
mojtabaThe only question is that, should I remount the root partition to read-only again? or is it mounted read-only?02:07
mojtabaHow can I check that?02:07
Dr_willismojtaba,  only reason for it to be Read only - is if you are going to fsck it..02:07
kristenbbfor example, where are the mouse and keyboard options stored ?02:07
Dr_williswhich is a common task from the recovery console02:07
mdelkristenbb, that is your best option - anything else you would have had to explicitly do yourself, and you would know about02:07
Dr_williskristenbb,  user settings are in their Home.02:08
Dr_willissystem wide settings are in /etc/ or other system dirs02:08
mojtabaDr_willis: how can I check if it is read-only now or not?02:08
kristenbbso maybe I need to copy this too ?02:08
Dr_willismojtaba,  the mount command.02:08
mdelkristenbb, have you changed it?02:08
Dr_willistakes all of what 10 sec? to change mouse and keybosd settings?02:08
mojtabaDr_willis: could you please explain more?02:08
Dr_willismojtaba,  look at the output of the mount command02:09
Dr_willismojtaba,  thers no need to remount it READ only - unles syou are fscking the filesystem02:09
kristenbbDr_willis: this is just an example, but there are thousands of little things like that that I wouldn't want to redo, nor maybe would I know how to.02:09
kristenbbmdel: I don't remember, I've been using my system for quite a while02:09
Dr_williskristenbb,  again.. user defined settings are in their home..02:09
Dr_williskristenbb,  you keep their home.. all the settings stay.02:09
kristenbbyou just said they could be in /etc too.02:09
new-on-raring I have kernel oops problems on a freshly installed and updated raring x64 system: can someone give me a hint what is wrong with my system ???  dmesg goes like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5682359/02:10
Dr_willisOLD settings can cause issues with new releases02:10
mojtabaDr_willis: Actually because I mount it in recovery mode in rw mode. I want to make sure if it is still in rw mode or just read-only02:10
Dr_williskristenbb,  SYSTEM WIDE settings are in /etc/ and i doubt if a users mouse speed.. is a system wide setting02:10
Dr_willismojtaba,  see if you can write to it perhaps? or again.. look at the mount command output. to see how / is mounted02:10
mdelkristenbb, the bigger issue is that you dont know02:10
mojtabaDr_willis: could you please take a look at it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5682396/02:11
mdelhow can we say for sure if you cant?02:11
Dr_willismojtaba,  first line.. shows it rw02:11
Dr_willismojtaba,  you could jhave just tried to make a file on / and found out..02:11
mojtabaDr_willis: How can I remount it in read-only?02:11
Dr_willismojtaba,  WHY do you think you need to?02:12
mojtabaDr_willis: Because at first it was read-only, I think.02:12
Dr_willismojtaba,  so?02:12
Dr_willismojtaba,  that was beause it was in RECOVERY mode02:12
Dr_willismojtaba,  if you did your fix.. then reboot and see if it works02:12
mojtabaDr_willis: I see, Thank you very much02:13
ravendr_willis wine is telling em i need mesa-util but when i try to install from the software manager it wont download, its only 30kb02:13
mojtabaDr_willis: originally is it read-only or in rw mode?02:14
mojtabaI mean when I install the OS for the first time?02:14
Dr_willismojtaba,  it dosent matter...  you had to put it in RW mode to apply the changes.. now you did that change.. now reboot back to normal and see if it works..02:14
Dr_willismojtaba,  recovery mode mounts / to be READ ONLY - because its safer.02:15
Dr_willisfor recovery02:15
mojtabaDr_willis: You mean if I reboot the computer it will become read-only?02:15
Dr_willismojtaba,  NO it will not.. now reboot the bloody thing and get it over with02:15
Dr_willisUNLESS you once again.. select RECOVERY mode02:15
mojtabaDr_willis: Ok, do not worry02:15
mojtabacalm down man. :)02:15
mojtabaI am learning02:16
mojtabaDr_willis: Thank you very much for your help02:16
Dr_willisyou have been asking the same thing for 30 min that you could have just reoboted and seen how it worked. ;P02:16
she_dyeddo it for the love of god man02:17
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she_dyedit should turn out well02:22
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Dr_willisseems like its taking him an awfully long time to reboot.. ;P02:28
arcripexHello, i need helo my Ubuntu 13.04 after updates and restart wallpaper cannot change just showing a white background02:29
crunchbanghows ubuntu?02:31
AwwIts alright02:31
crunchbangi prefer crunchbang02:31
OerHeksno you don't :-)02:32
Dr_willisYou perfer TrollBang02:33
Dr_willisarcripex,  so you mean to say the ONLY thing its showing is a white background? no panels?02:34
arcripexDr-_willis panels are showing wallpaper cannot change its just white background02:36
Dr_willisthats weird.02:36
Dr_williscommon thing to check for is any files in .config that are owned by root when they shouldent be..02:37
Dr_willisor any other files in your home. owned by root.02:37
arcripexlet me upload02:37
Dr_willisalso see if a newly made user has the same issue. if so. that points to a system issue.02:37
arcripexi made new user still the same02:37
acovrigSomething happened to unity: I appear to be running w/out a WM, any ideas as to why?02:38
arcripexDr.willis see http://postimg.org/image/c8a3ne18h/ ;/02:38
echoeunity decided that it was so bad that you'd be better off without it :D02:38
acovrigechoe: I installed icewm and ran icewm from a terminal and it works fine...02:39
Dr_williscompiz can crash  and leave you without a wm.02:40
acovrigIf I run unity in the terminal, I get "dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Could not connect: Connection refused" is that my problem?02:40
acovrigDr_willis: is there a 'safemode' for compiz?02:40
Dr_willisdconf is part of the gnome settings stuff.02:40
Dr_willisacovrig,  not that ive noticed.02:40
acovrigwhen running compiz --debug I get  refusing to manage window 0x240009002:41
echoemaybe gnome is just having issues02:42
echoeare you able to load up anything based in gnome? maybe try cinnamon?02:42
Dr_willisinstalling cinnamon just to test out whats going on.. is.. err.. horriable. ;)02:43
Dr_willisit sounds like the gnome setting services are not running. but ive not had to mess with them in ages02:43
acovrigWhen I get to the login screen I don't have the option to select my WM (as if I don't have one installed)...02:44
Tony_Starkacovrig: maybe you should drop to a lower runlevel and check out you wm, like gdm, lightdm, etc02:44
Dr_willisacovrig,  thats weird. double check the 'ubuntu-desktop' package is instgalled.02:45
arcripexDr_willis any help?02:45
acovrigDr_willis: ubuntu-desktop is 'ii' (by dpkg -l)02:45
Dr_willisacovrig,  try apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to double check.  i cant think of anything else off hand.  Unless theres some deeper issue with the dconf subsystem02:46
echoeDr_willis, it is but I am a very blunt tester lol. >.>02:46
* Dr_willis gets confused easially. :)02:46
acovrigDr_willis: it says its alread installed; cinnamon gives me a black screen with a cursor...02:46
acovrigI wonder if this is because I am booted directly into ubuntu (as opposed to via rEFIt (as I was when I installed) because rEFIt isn't working ATM)02:47
Dr_willisacovrig,  installing cinnamon can break things from what i hear. ive never used it.02:47
* Dr_willis tends to stick to the defaults.02:47
acovrigme too02:48
echoeinstalling anything can break things! hmph02:48
Tony_Starkhow about apt-get install --fix-missing?02:48
acovrigechoe: yea, I installed bumblebee to attempt to improve power management, and had to re-instal the OS to get out of low graphics mode...02:48
Dr_williscinnamon is not in the default repos.. and not  really supported here.. so  i cant really offer much in cinammon.02:48
acovrigTony_Stark: nothing02:48
echoeoh wow optimus linux support!@02:49
Tony_Starkumm....ment apt-get install ubuntu-desktop --fix-missing.  Might help02:49
acovrigI am running ubuntu 13.04 on a MacBook Pro 9,2 (or 3, don't remember) and think I'll install 12.04 LTS instead using the UEFI guide on the ubuntu site (so I don't have to use rEFIt with a hybrid MBR/GPT)02:50
Tony_StarkOh, well, worth a shot.  Cinnamon is probably your culprit.  I have broken the gui before by forcing things.02:50
echoethey only installed cinnamon after I think.02:50
echoeI was trying to think of another desktop that uses gnome02:51
Greyganok guys. I have a strange problem. I loaded the nvidia drivers for my video card, and now have no side or top menu bars. I have managed to change my log in settings to allow me to load gnome but that is the only way I get menus.02:51
acovrigyes, I only installed cinnamon to (shot at the dark) test, compiz was already not working-yet IceWM does work...02:51
Tony_Starkacovrig: I found 13.04 a bit buggy.  I like the LTS versions esp. 12.04.  Very stable02:51
echoeI think their gnome is having issues. ... but would like ... what does dmesg say? i have almost no ubuntu experience, it's all in fedora, so i'd probably have to poke around or something to figure stuff out02:51
Greygansorry didnt mean to interrupt. when you get time.02:52
acovrigechoe: running compiz doesn't do anything to dmesg...02:53
seronisxscreensaver supposedly can take an ID of the window you want it to draw in (as compared to full screen) by using the  -window argument.02:55
acovrigwhen I open firefox, I get an error: No D-BUS daemon running, why?02:55
seronisi got my window ID (for desktop) using xwininfo but its not accepting that id02:55
seronisanyone more experienced ?02:55
GreyganOh yeah I am in Ubuntu 13.02:56
Greyganany ideas or should i just reload ubuntu?02:59
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 1179367 in casper (Ubuntu) "Customizing the live user skel" [Undecided,New]03:05
huluwho can help me03:05
acovrigand I get connection refused when running eog...03:07
onitaLhello, is there a Kdiff3 equivalent in gnome?03:08
acovrigyet sudo eog seems to work...03:09
Dr_willisrunning gui apps via sudo instead of gksudo can cause issues..03:09
acovrigCould the permissions have changed for a socket that is keeping dbus stuff from working as a normal user?03:10
Dr_willissuch as CONFIG files in the users home getttig made where they are owned by root.. so the user can then not change them03:10
acovrigDr_willis: I agree, but I think it's reasonably safe to run eog once to test an idea03:10
Dr_willisexamine your home directroy files for anything owned by root03:10
Dr_willisYour issues could have been caused by using sudo SOMEGUIAPP in the past03:10
acovrigDr_willis: I presume the main file/dir in question would be the .dbus folder in ~/ becuase everything in ~/.dbus is chomd 700,chown me:me03:11
umib0zuhey all. I was told a few weeks ago if my /boot folder is full and preventing me from updating, I can use a cleaning program to clean it out. Any idea as to which program that is again?03:12
Greyganany idea how to restore my menu bars and close/minimize buttons? they dissapeared after installing nvidia drivers from noobslab03:13
Dr_willisumib0zu,  askubuntu.com had some info on how to remove old kernels.03:13
Dr_willisumib0zu,  that would be what to do.. if your /boot/ is on its own partition03:14
acovrigDr_willis: the only thing in ~ owned by root is .gvfs03:14
Dr_willisacovrig,  thats normal for .gvfs i think03:14
umib0zuDr_willis, so I can't just delete everything in the /boot folder right?03:16
Dr_willisumib0zu,  that will make your system unbootable....03:17
Dr_willisumib0zu,  you DO have /boot/ on its own partiion? check what  'mount' and 'df' say about it03:17
acovrigDr_willis: interesting: I have a second, functioning system and .gvfs doesn't exist...03:17
Dr_willis.gvfs is used by gnome for its special smb:// and other special 'virtual' filesystems03:18
onitaLhello, is there a Kdiff3 equivalent in gnome?03:18
Dr_willisonitaL,  tried searching in the software center for diff guis?03:18
Dr_willisYou can run kde apps on gnome if you want to03:18
acovrigDr_willis: could it be a stale file in ~/.dbus (should I delete my .dbus folder and restart lightdm)?03:18
onitaLyeah, I can run kde apps, but I don't want my Vbox image to grow with kdelibs03:19
Dr_willisacovrig,  perhaps just rename it and restart X03:19
umib0zuDr_willis I have no idea. the installation ran as default but I have an encrypted home folder03:19
umib0zudf say my /dev/sda2 is 88% full and it says its mounted on /boot03:20
Dr_willisumib0zu,  so its not 'full' but what is the size of your /boot/ partition?03:20
umib0zu240 MBs03:21
umib0zuDr_willis ^^03:21
Dr_willisumib0zu,  thats very very tiny for a /boot/ id say.03:21
acovrigDr_willis: and to restart X, I restart my login manager or literally kill X then startx?03:21
Dr_willisremove any old kernels you dont use.03:21
onitaLaha, meld!03:21
Dr_willisacovrig,  sudo service lightdm restart03:22
umib0zulol hey default setup. I'm guessing you can set this up in the partition section of installs right?03:22
Dr_willisumib0zu,  the default installer does NOT setup a /boot/ partition03:22
Dr_willistheres not a lot of need for a seperate /boot/ for most systems these days03:22
Dr_williseach kernel takes up a few 100mb last i looked. bt im not sure how much of that is in /boot/ vs other places on the system03:23
acovrigDr_willis: what abut LVM?03:23
Dr_willisi dont use lvm. so no idea on it03:23
umib0zuDr_willis nice. so I guess the first question is how to tell which kernels you use and not. second how do you set it up during the install? this is for future headache mitigation03:23
Dr_willisumib0zu,  dont use /boot/ on its own partition.. then it wont be an issue03:24
Dr_willisunless you hae some special case where you do need a /boot/03:24
Dr_willisaskubuntu.com has several hits on how to clean out old kernels03:24
umib0zuDr_willis nice. ok thanks for pointing me in the right direction03:25
Dr_willisi use a /boot/ thats like 2+GB in size.. because i keep ISO files on there. i set up grub2 to boot the iso files for special cases03:26
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acovrigDr_willis: I seems to ended up restarting; moving .dbus to dbus didn't fix it03:28
umib0zuDr_willis, so by the way, I'm totally new to this. What is this folder anyways and what are these kernels for? I'm guessing if I update I get new ones but old ones aren't deleted?03:28
Dr_willissystem keeps old ones in case the new kernels have issues.. always keep at least one old working kernel03:28
Dr_willisim still not sure how you managed to make a /boot/ partion without knowing more about it. ;)03:29
acovrigfrom what I read if u use LVM, you have to put /boot in a separate partition03:29
Dr_willisive learned its best to keep things simple03:32
umib0zuDr_willis I seriously don't. I've never had this issue in the 7 or so years I've been using ubuntu. I'm using 12.10 and anything beyond the normal system install on usb stick I don't think I setup03:32
Dr_willisyou have been using ubuntu for 7 years and never noticed what /boot/ was for? :)03:32
umib0zuDr_willis nope03:33
* acovrig *sigh* wow03:33
Dr_willisshows how desktop/user friendly it is becoming i guess03:33
umib0zuDr_willis haha yeah I'm one of those windows implants from high school when I got tired of viruses03:33
umib0zubut I'm happy to be told what this is/does. I've always heard about kernels but I have no idea what they do, why they're in this folder, etc.03:34
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n-iCehow to share internet? hotspot? no adhoc03:38
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing03:38
Dr_willisi recall not all wifi card drivers can do ad-hoc. but ive never really tried it03:39
n-iCeDr_willis: that creates ad-hoc03:39
n-iCeI don't want ad-hoc03:39
n-iCeSince Android does not support it03:40
Dr_willisI think some android deivces can. but not all.03:42
Dr_willisyou want to turn the pc into a wireless router?03:42
seronisok got my issue solved03:43
seronisxscreensaver itself no longer supports the -window-id argument but the individual screensavers themselves do03:44
seronisnow i have 'maze' as a wallpaper03:44
Dr_williswow.. ;)03:44
Dr_willislive wallpaper.03:44
Dr_willisi had xearth as a wallpaper for gdm login screen once.. ages ago03:44
seroniswell i've been using xubuntu for a little under 3 weeks now and i can ALMOST do everything on it that i did on Win7.  this trick effectively makes 'windowblinds' worthless03:46
Dr_williserr.. live wallpaper  and worthless.. ;)03:46
Dr_willissort of go together.03:46
seronisaesthetics have worth =-)03:46
Dr_willisI rarely even see my wallpaper..03:46
seronisi have kids.  must amuse them periodically03:47
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fractalinei was just wondering about live wallpaper....  how is it?  hungry for ram/cpu?03:48
* fractaline has kids too03:48
Basil1xNot to be a whinger, but since my upgrade from 12.04 to 13.04 my notifications have stopped.03:48
Basil1xThe little purple blob of text is no more.03:49
Basil1xI would like it back, if possible.03:49
Basil1xI would also like my fire effect returned to me.03:49
Basil1xIs there any way to accomplish this?03:50
fractalineBasil1x, you mean compiz effect?03:50
Basil1xI do.03:50
fractalinewhere did it go?03:51
Dr_willisnot all the compiz plugins are installed by default03:51
Basil1xIt seems to have gone completely.03:51
seronisfractaline: its as hungry as whatever 'program' you use is03:51
Basil1xIt was there before the upgrade.03:51
seronisfractaline: most screen savers arent really intensive03:51
Tex_NickBasil1x:  i probably can't help you ... but you need to define your problem a bit more ... fire effect sounds like compiz fusion ... and notifications sounds like an indicator problem ?03:52
fractalineseronis, cool i'l have a look around03:52
seronis-window-id $(xwininfo -name "Desktop" | grep 'Window id' | sed 's/.*\(0x[0-9a-z]*\).*/\1/g')03:52
seronisgo into your screen saver folder and run one of them with that command03:52
Basil1xNotification from Libnotify, and the effect is from compiz fusion right enough.03:53
seroniswith that as the 'arguments' i meant03:53
seroniswithout backgrounding the command the CLI prompt will hang and wait for you to  ctrl-c  to stop it from updating03:54
n-iCeDr_willis: yes03:54
seronisdesktop will maintain the last image until its told to redraw for some random reason so your image wallpaper wont be automatically restored instantly03:54
seronisbut WILL be restored next login03:54
fractalineseronis,  thanks i'll have a play,  i'm still a cli rookie03:55
seronisgood luck03:56
James_EppI installed tftpd-hpa, then openbsd-inetd , edited /etc/default/tftpd-hpa to say 'RUN_DAEMON="yes" ' and did update-rc.d tftpd-hpa defaults   but the service is still not loading on boot. What should I do? ?? :S03:56
Tex_NickBasil1x:  for the fire effect you might try ... sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins03:56
ANubhey.................does anyone know any ubuntu software to access internet contents bypassing firewalls (especially to use torrents / games)....?03:56
James_EppANub: I have an openvpn server at my house which I use.03:56
Dr_willisANub,  use ssh tunnles and vpns03:56
James_EppDr_willis: *high five*03:57
ANub<James_Epp> Openvpn server???..........the client and server are on the same machine..?03:57
Tex_NickBasil1x:  that is for 12.04 and above i believe03:57
Fieldyi'm not about to help somebody evade network policies you are supposed to follow while using somebody elses network03:57
Fieldyvery fishy03:58
Basil1xIt says I already have that.  Perhaps the fire effect is no more?03:58
ANub<Dr_willis> VPNS........please elaborate???03:58
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN03:58
Dr_willisANub,  go pay for a VPN..03:59
am34HI . Trying yo install ubuntu 12.04 (i guess) with bootable flash on asus laptop and after some successfull live now i only get black screen what should i do?03:59
ANub<Dr_willis> ....FREE .....:)03:59
Dr_willisANub,  run your own then03:59
Dr_willisYou can get a VPN service for $5 a mo03:59
echoewell, you could use a free vpn and given them all your personal details :D03:59
James_Epphell, when I was too n00b to set up my VPN, I just had a VNC connection to my home computer which I used04:00
echoeyay security04:00
ANub<Dr_willis> VPN works on client server model......how can I place a server outside the country...?04:00
Ben64have to pay money for it04:00
James_EppANub: How about you tell us the end goal. Where are you, and what are you trying to do?04:00
am34some attention please04:01
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Ben64am34: patience, young padawan04:01
James_Eppam34: Did you use unetbootin or what?04:01
echoereinstall! #istheworstlinuxpersonever04:01
am34used unetbootin04:01
Ben64echoe: don't04:02
Basil1xOh, well.  Found an effect I like better than fire.  But I'd still like libnotify to work.04:02
James_EppTry putting the flash drive in another computer and see if you get the same result.04:02
ANub<James_Epp> I'm behind proxy / firewall, with certain open ports (like 80) while other are blocked......I would like to use torrent client for downloads..........but I cant since the blocking04:02
James_EppANub: Well, all downloads will be limited by the upload capabilities of the VPN server.04:02
Tex_NickBasil1x:  i'm using 13.04 with the compiz plugins installed ... i don't use the fire effect ... but is is included in ... the CCSM in "settings/effects/paint fire on screen"04:02
James_EppANub: For instance, my openvpn server is on a residential connection with max 250kb/s UPLOAD. Therefor, if I am trying to download a file, the realistic maximum I will generally get is 100kb/s. Very slow.04:03
am34OK i will try04:03
Basil1xHmmm... I see it not.  That could just be my eyes.04:03
ANub<James_Epp> I want to know if there are free VPN servers around the world that let you establish VPN connections (for ubuntu ofc)04:03
James_EppANub: Google.04:03
ANub<James_Epp> .... ok....:)04:04
seroniswohoo..  and now i got my livewallpaper even easier to use04:04
Dr_willisomgubuntu had some ads for a $10 credit at some vpn..04:04
seronisput the annoying regex portion in a script in  ~/bin/  so i can just put the scriptname in instead of the long stuff04:04
James_EppI installed tftpd-hpa, then openbsd-inetd , edited /etc/default/tftpd-hpa to say 'RUN_DAEMON="yes" ' and did update-rc.d tftpd-hpa defaults but the service is still not loading on boot. What should I do? ?? :S04:05
Basil1xOK... Thanks, Tex.  TTFN04:06
echoejames can't you set it to on in chkconfig?04:07
James_Eppechoe: I have never heard of the term04:08
ANubRarely I observe that ubuntu slows down . I check all the processes through System Monitor / Top command. Nothing unusal is found, so i cant kill any process. But the system stays very slow (like extensive CPU usage somewhere). My system is core i5 with 2GB RAM........I suspect my CPUs get stuck somewhere.....Any ideas how to find the cause..............?????????04:08
echoehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/221293/why-chkconfig-is-not-available-in-ubuntu-12-10 oh.04:08
James_Eppechoe: 12.04 server04:08
echoehttp://upstart.ubuntu.com/ <you probably want this04:09
echoechkconfig starts processes on boot but it is in fedora, which is the thing i use at work server-wise04:09
echoefrom what I'm reading upstart is the ubuntu equivalent04:09
James_Eppugh.....I need a 'readers digest' version04:09
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/04:09
Dr_willisupstart is much more then a  chkconfig app...04:10
echoehttp://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html ?04:10
Dr_willisthe upstart 'cookbook' page at that URL is  worth reading also04:10
James_Eppechoe: If I have to do more than one or two commands, the program is not useful to me.04:10
Greyganplease... Menu bars and close/minimize buttons gone after Nvidia driver install... any ideas? I have tried many things from several forums and loading gnome is the only solution I have found.04:11
James_EppI frown upon the tftpd-hpa team for not having auto-boot be such a taboo thing, but all I'm trying to do is literally make a startup service :/04:11
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Dr_willisquick and dirty way - start the service from rc.local04:11
James_EppGreygan: I had that one time with an AMD driver install. I re-installed my OS,04:11
James_EppDr_willis: Automatic boot.04:11
James_EppServer environment.04:11
Dr_willisserver still uses rc.local04:11
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James_Eppno man entry04:12
echoethat it does, actually.04:12
Dr_willisnever needed one... ;)04:12
Greygani was afraid of that. thanks James_Epp04:12
James_EppHow do you use it?04:12
Dr_willisproper way is to make a proper upstart service04:12
Dr_willislook at /etc/rc.local04:12
James_EppGreygan: There has to be a better way, I am sure -- I just do not know it.04:12
Dr_willisits about as simple as it gets04:12
James_EppWhat do I add?04:12
johnsmithHello. Ever since ubuntu 13.04, my computer won't detect the headphone jack on my computer. How do I fix that?04:13
GreyganI'd just about stay in Gnome as opposed to a reload... yuck04:13
Dr_williswhatever command starts whatever it is you are wanting to start.. goes in rc.local04:14
Tex_NickDr_Willis : out of curosity, does rc.local get invoked before or after lightdm ?04:14
Dr_willisno sudo needed04:14
Dr_willisTex_Nick,  it can run AFTER lightdm starts.. actually depending on how fast things boot. it can run after the user logs in i recall..04:15
James_EppDr_willis: TY04:15
Dr_willisrc.local is the last service to run. lightdm starts befor that.. but all the services sort of launch in parallel..04:15
Tex_NickDr_willis : ok thanks man04:15
munzxgood morning! i have installed ubuntu 12.4/13.4 in many different laptops and i noticed that when users opens the "dash menu" if i may call it so the processor fan speeds up and makes alot of noise! is that a bug ? if so how can i report it? , btw , all of those laptops are old!04:16
James_EppDr_willis: If this works, you win an internet, because I have been searching for this answer for a good 3 days now.04:16
Dr_willisJames_Epp,  err.. it would have been a common faq on askubuntu.com04:16
SparkySparkyBoomhow do i change the window manager on kubuntu 12.0404:16
nikolamhi. where do I download Ubuntu DVD now, I guess it have more software for implementation on the field. And I don't see images for 13.04...04:17
echoewhy would you throw out anything that isn't a one or two line answer if you've been searching for three days *confused*04:17
SparkySparkyBoomthere's no button at the login screen04:17
James_EppDr_willis: No change.04:17
SparkySparkyBoomlike in unity04:17
SparkySparkyBoomany ideas?04:17
Dr_willisJames_Epp,  be more verbose in your info..04:17
SparkySparkyBoomi tried searching for it04:17
SparkySparkyBoomand the google result only showed unity instructions04:17
James_Epp'service --status-all' gave the same results now as it did before, with a big [?] and not a [+] like my nfs-kernel-server service does.04:17
Dr_willisJames_Epp,  if you are starting things from rc.local you are bypassing all the service methods..04:18
Dr_willisrc.local is ran AT boot up.. once.. and thats it.04:18
Dr_willisthere might be a rc.local service you could restart to make it rerun it04:18
James_Eppso this means.....?04:18
Dr_willisadd the commands to rc.local  and reboot........04:18
James_EppI did.04:19
Dr_willisbe sure they are BEFOR the exit(0)04:19
Dr_willislike the comments say04:19
James_EppI did precisely that.04:19
johnsmithMy computer won't detect my headphone jack. Anyone know how to fix it?04:19
Dr_willisso what exactly did you add to rc.local?04:19
James_EppI added service tftpd-hpa restart04:19
Dr_williserr.. if it was a service runable by the service command.. i dont see wny you would need it in rc.local04:19
Dr_willisunless you are just restarting it for some reason04:20
James_EppBecause it doesn't load by default.....04:20
James_EppNo, it NEVER starts by default.04:20
Dr_willis'service tftpd-hpa start' works?04:20
Dr_willisor you could just run 'tfpd-pha'   i guess.04:20
echoelook in /var/log/messages and /var/log/daemon and see what it says04:20
echoediagnostics, people!04:20
Dr_willisif the serivice command dosent start it.. then rc.local running the service command isent going to start it.04:21
James_EppTrue enough.04:21
James_EppI'm just going to go sleep on it again.04:21
James_EppThanks for the direction04:21
Dr_willisso use the actual command that starts it.. not the service command04:21
shekharkHi i am using ubuntu 12.10 and want to upgrade to 13.04. but when i click on update to 13.04 in update-manager nothing happends after that04:21
James_EppI'll quest for it.04:21
echoeskekhark, run an update on your system utilities first04:22
nikolamWHY there is no 13.04 DVD? ...04:22
echoecomp needs to be fully updated before you can go to 13.0404:22
Dr_willisnikolam,  the iso files are for dvd.04:22
shekharkechoe i did that04:22
James_Epp*.iso.torrent is always better :D04:23
nikolamDr_willis, I want DVD release with as much software on it as it can fit, for field installations.04:23
ANubRarely I observe that ubuntu slows down . I check all the processes through System Monitor / Top command. Nothing unusal is found, so i cant kill any process. But the system stays very slow (like extensive CPU usage somewhere). My system is core i5 with 2GB RAM........I suspect my CPUs get stuck somewhere.....Any ideas how to find the cause..............?????????04:23
James_Eppnikolam: Perhaps debian would be better? It has like, 3 dvds04:23
Dr_willisnikolam,  there is no official 'maxed out 4gb dvd'04:23
nikolamDr_willis, well there were, before. "DVD with more software on it" et04:24
Dr_willisnikolam,  those did not have more software.. just more default languages i belive04:24
nikolamJames_Epp, my thoughts too, but eh, let's keep it to ubuntu for now04:24
rtcg72ahi, what alternative is there for movie maker in ubuntu?04:25
dopiewhats a good image editor software? for ubuntu?04:25
James_EppI do not have a solution, nikolam04:25
James_Epprtcg72a: I have heard of a 'kden live'04:25
James_Eppbut I have never tried it04:25
Dr_willisrtcg72a,  avidemix, openshot, kino (or was it kivo?)04:25
madpropsrtcg72a: openshot04:25
madpropsdopie: gimp04:25
James_Eppdopie: definitely gimp04:25
dopiethank ye04:25
GreyganAnub : do you have this issue in other OS's as well? if so its possibly a thermal issue...04:27
James_EppProps to the bottom-up approach :)04:27
nikolamAlso, I can not longer search help.ubuntu.com ... I keep google.com javascripts blocked for privacy reasons. And I will keep it that way. Meaning, I can not use help.ubuntu.com ... :(04:27
James_Eppnikolam: incognito?04:28
nikolamJames_Epp, no, privacy matters. Not using google.com for Canonical main product , main support page, also matters.04:29
James_Eppnikolam: I have no suggestions.04:29
madpropsalthough I wouldn't say it would respect your privacy04:29
madpropsmaybe it's google rebranded04:30
James_EppWouldn't surprise me.04:30
nikolamixquick.com too, madprops , but that is not the point, point is that help page should not depend on other companies. Ok, that is just RFE.04:30
ANubGreygan: I have observed this very rarely in MS (since my machine is tripple boot...:) )........Rebooting resolves the problem04:32
* James_Epp can hear music, sweet sweet music.04:34
Greyganprobably not thermal if reboot resolves it. But doesnt sound like it is limited to ubuntu, so possibly a bad stick of ram?04:34
Greygan<--- Computer tech, not Linux guru so maybe others have another idea04:37
dopieanyone here use imagemagick04:38
Dr_willisask the actual question and see who knows04:40
Tex_Nick!details | dopie04:45
ubottudopie: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:45
shekharki am using ubuntu 12.10 and want to upgrade to 13.04. but when i click on update to 13.04 in update-manager nothing happends after that, i even have all the updates installed as per update-manager04:46
Greyganshekhark try ctrl+F1 if you have internet and the upgrade is available without further updates you should get a message there to upgrade from there04:47
Greyganerr ctrl+alt+F104:49
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:49
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GreyganJust a suggestion as that is the method I used to upgrade... Though I quickly destroyed Unity with a driver install... so probably not the best person to answer... LOL04:50
Dr_willisunity/compiz has some quirk where even if the 3d drivers are installed.. compiz dont like it..04:51
Dr_willisseen it happen with nvidia, ati, and even intel... also seen it just suddendly start working again. ;()04:52
GreyganI think I will just stick with Gnome as it still works.. lol04:52
histoANub: do you see anything hammering the cpu in top?04:52
Dr_willisnot had it repeate the issue on me since  the final came out for 13.0404:52
Dr_willisthat was just it.. the 3d effects/compiting worked in gnomeshell. and kde. but  unity/compiz dident like it.. ;()04:52
shekharkGreygan: i tried using do-release-upgrade , it show no release04:53
Dr_willisyou have to tell do-release-upgrade to upgrade to non lts releases i belive04:53
shekharkubottu: yes i went though that04:54
ubottushekhark: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:54
Greyganmy problem with unity with its generic video driver is lag while watching movies.04:55
kristenbbhi, I just installed ubuntu 13.04, but I am still booting with 12.04. I have two drives, and 12 is in the second drive, but even if I boot with the first, it goes to 12. What can I do ?04:55
icerootkristenbb: reinstall grub on the drive you are booting, because grub only sees the 12.04 installation04:56
iceroot!grub2 | kristenbb04:56
ubottukristenbb: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:56
shekharkDr_willis: i did do-release-upgrade -d04:57
shekharkshouldn't that work?04:57
Dr_willisi rarely upgrade.   ;)04:57
Dr_willisbut i would think so. if thats what the guide says04:58
ANubhisto: No04:58
yofunlibusb_init() failed err -99Segmentation fault04:59
yofunhow do i solve this?04:59
shekharkyes but still am unable to upgrade, anyone help please!04:59
Dr_willisif anyone knew the answer they would reply..  no need to  spout 'please help..'04:59
Dr_willisaskubuntu.com might have some other clues05:00
histoANub: I would check if it's possibly throttling the cpu down to conserve power.05:00
shekharkDr_willis: ok :)05:00
GreyganI just used do-release-upgrade and it took mine from 12.10 to 13.04 after about an hour of downloads / installs05:00
Greygancould it be a free space issue? is there plenty of room in your ubuntu partition?05:01
shekharkGreygan: but it shows no relase found to me and update-manager does nothing after i click on upgrade to 13.0405:01
yofunlibusb_init() failed err -99Segmentation fault05:01
Greyganhrm, over my head then. sorry05:01
yofunhow do i solve this?05:01
shekharkGreygan: i didn't check that05:01
Tex_Nickshekhark:  in "software updater" click on settings ... then in "Software & Updates" click on the updates tab ... then set "notify me of a new version" to "for any new version" ... then run software update again ... i think that will work from gui05:01
aishwaryaany good site to begin with the basics of ubuntu?05:01
shekharkTex_Nick: yes that's already done, and it does show me the new version is available05:02
shekharkit is just that when i click on upgarde it does nothing05:02
shekharkGreygan: i have around 1.3 GB free space right not in my ubuntu partition, isn't this enough?05:03
new-on-raringDr_willis, i had that HDMI problem on Raring x64 with nvidia-current with the standard raring kernel: installing oem-audio-hda-daily-dkms from https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/alsa-daily/   and a restart solved it... so no need for mainline 3.905:04
karlmhaineswhat up folks05:04
Greyganshekhark : I would think so, or even if it isnt it shouldent tell you no release is available...05:05
she_dyedhey there05:05
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shekharkGreygan: yes but in update-manager it does notify me about the new version 13.04 it's just that when i click on upgrade to 13.04 after that it does nothing besides asking for permissions05:06
she_dyedhave you already upgraded though shekhark?05:07
shekharkshe_dyed: didn't get you? i am using 12.10 and want to upgrade to 13.0405:08
Slaini dont know if you want to upgrade, I'm having mad issues05:08
SlainNeed help figuring out internal errors with new release05:09
karlmhaines13.04 did awesome on my newer laptop that ive got (a sony viao), but i went through HELL with it on this one05:09
karlmhainesactually just got it working last night, took three days05:09
she_dyedif your sound+ gfx + video + wifi is working, i say don't bother05:10
GreyganGood question she_dyed, 13.04 looks very similar to 12.10 and it will keep telling you an upgrade to 13.04 is available after upgrading to it.05:10
Slainanyone else having strings of internal system errors from upgrade?05:10
GreyganSlain: no problems with 13.04 here other than unity hating my nvidia drivers... lol05:11
min|dvir2usHi. transmission-daemon starts up as a service on my computer at boot time. How do I stop this?05:12
shekharkmy do-release-upgrade doesn't show any update for 13.04, i am using 12.1005:13
Greyganshekhark: did you double check and make sure you are still in 12.10?05:13
shekharkGreygan: yes05:13
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Greygank, I would go this route then.   https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/upgrade05:13
Tex_NickSlain : from what to what & what types of errors ... please be specific05:15
shekharkGreygan: another problem i have is when i boot using usb having 13.04, not it doesn't recogninzes my ubuntu 12.10 partition to upgrade, it just takes it as just another os installed on system05:16
Slainalright first things first, Brasero will now give me gstreamer error while trying to burn a audio cd, went and got restricted extras package, still ejects medium and gives gstreamer error, uninstalled, reinstalled, same error05:16
Greyganshehark : or you could check and make sure you are trying to upgrade from the main server, sometimes local servers do not show the beta05:16
Slaindidnt happen before when using 12.1005:17
shekharkGreygan: changed to main server, still no new release found05:18
Greyganshekhark: as a last resort, I would wipe the 12.10 partition and do a clean install of 13.0405:19
shekharkGreygan: yes that's the last option but before that i want to get to the bottom of the problem :)05:20
Tex_NickSlain : i'm using 13.04 ... can't speak about Brasero ... but i've done a few audio cd's with "sound juicer" on 13.04 ... works here05:21
Greyganshekhark: I understand :) I am just out of ideas... lol05:21
she_dyedwell i would try a livesession off the liveCD before an install05:21
shekharkGreygan: thnx for the support :)05:22
Greyganshekhark: on this page http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-12.10-quantal-quetzal-to-13.04-raring-ringtail-desktop-and-server is it step 4 that it dies after?05:23
mikubuntuwhats the best version of ubuntu to use with a gateway laptop with an AMD TURION 64 chip? should it be 32 bit or 64?05:23
Dr_willisthe 64bit release should work wit any 64bit cpu05:23
histomikubuntu: 64 bit ofcourse05:23
mikubuntuok, thats what i thought -- i never installed 64 bit before05:24
histomikubuntu: How much ram is in the machine?05:24
shekharkGreygan: after the 8th image05:25
shekharkit doesn't show my first 6 images05:25
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shekharkits just the 7th and 8th image05:25
mikubuntuhisto, don't know just got it at a garage sale today -- its 'running' windows 7 -- if you can call it running. took it 5 mins to boot up, and 10 to shut down05:26
Greyganshekhark: I assume you have rebooted and tried again...05:26
histomikubuntu: lol... well boot up and enter the bios see how much ram is there.  That would be a big factor in deciding 64 vs 32 bit05:26
histoshekhark: what repo are you using? and what's the result of cat /etc/issue05:28
shekharkUbuntu 12.10 \n \l05:29
histoshekhark: also check lsb_release -a05:29
shekharkNo LSB modules are available.05:31
shekharkDistributor ID:Ubuntu05:31
shekharkDescription:Ubuntu 12.1005:31
FloodBot1shekhark: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
Greyganshekhark: i see where someone else had this problem and got passed it with "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" in tty1 (ctrl+alt+F1)05:32
mikubuntuhisto, says total mem 1024, slot1: 512, slot2: 512, video mem 64 MB (UMA) ... is that what i'm looking for?05:32
Braden`I believe that apparmor is trying to prevent me from transferring files to my server via vsftpd05:33
histomikubuntu: yes I would run 32bit05:33
Braden`How do I add exceptions for vsftpd?05:33
shekharkGreygan: but it shows me no new release found05:33
Greyganshekhark: more info here http://askubuntu.com/questions/222296/cant-upgrade-to-ubuntu-13-04-development-release05:33
mikubuntuhisto, damn, got 64 nearly downloaded ... lol ... thats ok, i'll download 32 now05:34
histomikubuntu: a 64bit OS will use more ram than it's 32bit counterpart and you only have 1G of ram. Make sure you create a swap as well if you are manually partitioning. If ubuntu is too slow there are lighter versions like xubuntu and lubuntu but you should be okay with ubuntu.05:34
Dr_willisyou can use 64bit os on less then 4 gb ram systems.. it wont matter much.05:34
Dr_willisfor a 1gb system however. yea. Lubuntu may be quicker05:34
histoDr_willis: right but it will use more of his ram due to the addressing etc...05:34
Dr_willisfrom what ive seen -using 64 instead of 32 - is rather minimal05:35
Dr_willisbut i bet he can find moar ram really cheap these days. ;)05:35
serelubuntu run great on my acer mini with 1 gig05:35
histoDr_willis: it's almost twice the ram usage05:35
karlmhainesi've got ubuntu 13.04 running great with 1.5 on a 1300mhz intel05:36
Dr_willishisto,  discussions i saw dident say there would be that much loss.   ive never noticed the issue on my netbook either05:36
mikubuntuwell, running lubuntu is just a matter of adding lxde as desk environment boot option, right?05:36
karlmhainespentium m even, i had to hack a non-PAE kernel into the install disk, lol05:36
Dr_willisinstalling lubuntu-desktop package mikubuntu05:37
histomikubuntu: yes05:37
Braden`I believe that apparmor is trying to prevent me from transferring files to my server via vsftpd05:37
Braden`How do I add exceptions for vsftpd?05:37
shekharkGreygan: that didn't work either, still stuck05:37
histoBraden`: why do you think it's apparmor? do you have ufw enabled?05:37
Dr_willismight be a good idea to check the vfstp homepage/docs/guides and channel Braden`05:38
Greyganshekhark: did you read down the page where they give instructions on how to upgrade from the dvd?05:38
Dr_willisive not heard of anyone else in here having to mess with apparoumr getting vfstp going05:38
Braden`histo:  The directory permissions are correct.  It couldn't be anything else...05:38
Braden`Not sure what ufw is05:38
Dr_willisI do recall some bug in the older vfstp versions/setup that let guest downloads work but not others.05:38
icerootmikubuntu: lubuntu is using a complete different DE, it will bring up other default packages (chromium instead of firefox) but its using the same base as ubuntu. you can use your programs on lubuntu and ubuntu.05:38
Braden`Its authenticated users05:39
Braden`No anonymous connections are allowed05:39
histoBraden`: have you checked the logs05:39
shekharkhisto: output of lsb_release -a is http://paste.ubuntu.com/5682719/05:39
Dr_willisI recall some PAM (i think) issue about a year+ ago with vsftp not authing users correctly05:39
Dr_willisbut anonymous users worked.05:39
Braden`histo:  Aye, they don't give any useful info05:39
Braden`I checked /var/log/vsftpd.log05:39
histoshekhark: bizaare make sure you are using the main repo apt-get update and try the do-release-upgrade again05:39
Dr_willischeck  the auth log also?05:39
icerootBraden`: /var/log/auth.log05:40
Braden`Let me check05:40
shekharkGreygan: yes05:40
Braden`Nothing adverse in auth.log05:41
Greyganshekhark: wow no idea why it wouldent upgrade from the dvd / flash drive. that is VERY odd05:42
histoBraden`: is the user even getting prompted for a user pass?05:42
Braden`Of course05:42
Braden`In fact, the root jail is even operating properly for that user05:43
histoBraden`: then what is the error?05:43
Braden`553 Could not create file05:43
histoBraden`: I would ask the vstfpd people05:43
ravenim having an issue, ive installed the kernal headers and vmware but when i launch vmware it tells me they cant be found05:44
shekharkGreygan: from usb it does work, its just that it doesn't give me an option to upgrade, earlier it showed me that 12.10 is installed but didn't give me an option to upgrade it, not it just recognizes 12.10 partition as just another os05:44
Braden`How would I add an exception in apparmor?05:44
Braden`I might be wrong, but I still think that is the source of my problem since vsftpd is throwing users into a root jail05:44
ravencan someone walk me though this http://mergy.org/2013/03/three-tips-to-get-vmware-workstation-9-going-on-kernel-3-8-0/05:49
ravenim trying to do it but its not working for me05:49
icerootraven: download it, install the kernel headers and run the installer05:50
icerootraven: or give use useful infos what "does not work" mean05:51
icerootraven: download it, run "chmod +x fileyoudownloaded.bin" and then "sudo ./fileyoudownloaded.bin"05:51
shekharki have a ubuntu 13.04 usb but that doesnt recognize my already installed 12.10 partition for upgrade05:51
icerootshekhark: imo you cant upgrade anymore with an iso05:52
DONKEEZhow do boot to grub, holding SHIFT at boot doesnt do it?05:52
icerootshekhark: because the only version which was able to do it (alternate) does not exist anymore)05:52
Dr_willisholding shift SHOWS grub if its hidden by default05:52
icerootDONKEEZ: you want to see the grub menu? or you want to switch the boot order to start the disc which contains grub?05:53
Greyganshekhark: did you try the "sudo sed -i 's/quantal/raring/' /etc/apt/sources.list" instructions from http://askubuntu.com/questions/222296/cant-upgrade-to-ubuntu-13-04-development-release when trying the upgrade from usb?05:53
histoshekhark: can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list05:53
DONKEEZiceroot see grub menu05:54
icerootDONKEEZ: then its just shift at the right moment05:54
DONKEEZiceroot i must be missing the moment after white blinking cursor and before purple window05:55
icerootDONKEEZ: just trigger the shift key :)05:55
histoDONKEEZ: you can keep hammering the shift key05:55
shekharkhisto: /etc/apt/sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/5682746/05:55
histoshekhark: you have a raring sources.list now05:56
icerootshekhark: and your problem is that your system is still 12.10? even after sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?05:56
Jordan_UDONKEEZ: histo: The key is *holding* the shift key from the moment the computer starts, not hammering it multiple times.05:56
Greyganshekhark: sorry I missed that histo is helping you. they probably know waaay more than me.  I will step back.05:57
histoshekhark: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:57
ra-fihi i swith on my computer it booted as normal one,but when i login into machine all options are there as normal but the icons does not show,all icons in application and places are shown as white small icons,i tried to open a document it also doen not open correctly,i think my gnome might be corrupted,can you tell me what is that problem05:57
mikubuntuhisto, for some reason having trouble getting start up disk creator --- saying that my 7.3gb stick doesn't have enough space, but obviously, that can't be the case05:57
icerootshekhark: what is the output of "cat /etc/issue" and "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii |grep -v ^rc"05:57
DONKEEZthanks all, i might be back05:58
Jordan_UDONKEEZ: histo: If you're booting via UEFI then you have ~3 seconds to hit escape, because with UEFI a key being held down can't be detected (boo).05:58
histomikubuntu: format it05:58
histoJordan_U: I'm not doing anything05:58
mikubuntudoesn't the disk creator do the formatting?05:58
histomikubuntu: yes there is a erase button.05:58
Jordan_Umikubuntu: What filesystem does the USB drive contain? Do you want to keep the data currently on the drive?05:59
mikubuntunothing on it, its new Jordan_U05:59
* histo clamscan has been running for an hour customer has way to many files05:59
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Could you please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid"?06:00
shekharkoutput of cat /etc/issue is Ubuntu 12.10 \n \l  and of "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii |grep -v ^rc" is http://paste.ubuntu.com/5682754/06:00
icerootshekhark: please paste the output of "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"06:00
icerootshekhark: sounds very strange06:00
histoiceroot: why is that bizarre output if you exclude ii and rc perhaps he purged everything.06:02
iceroothisto: i am grepping for all files which are not installed correctly06:02
iceroothisto: so maybe some broken dependencies are the reason why the upgrade process cant start06:02
mikubuntuJordan_U: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5682757/06:03
shekharkiceroot: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" is still running and it asked me download around 500mb of data06:03
DONKEEZheld shift from bios to cusor, and booted straight to desktop. really what I'm trying to do is downgrade my kernel to see if my audio comes back06:03
icerootshekhark: that is the upgrade to 13.0406:03
histoiceroot: he may not have the ubuntu-desktop package installed is my guess. He already updated his sources.list though so you know06:03
Jordan_UDONKEEZ: Do you know if your machine uses UEFI vs BIOS?06:03
iceroothisto: see above, his system is asking to upgrade to 13.04 with 500mb, so everything fine06:03
shekharkiceroot: ok! but why wasn't it working earlier?06:04
shekharki did try and the update and dist-upgrade earlier separetely06:04
icerootshekhark: dont know what you did before06:04
histoiceroot: right because he s/quantal/raring/ in his sources.list06:04
iceroothisto: always a bad idea06:04
iceroothisto: because do-release-upgrade has special postinst and preinst files06:05
histoiceroot: that's askubuntu.com for you06:05
iceroothisto: which will not run on dist-upgrade06:05
histoiceroot: I'm well aware of this just trying to fill you in on his issue06:05
shekharki did run this command though "sudo sed -i 's/quantal/raring/' /etc/apt/sources.list" did this matter?06:05
magic_ninjais anyone familiar with office 2010 on wine?  I'm actually having a drive issue with randr and the nvidia driver06:05
histoshekhark: yes it does matter and may cause issues.06:05
iceroothisto: ok, thanks06:05
rymate1234How slow do you reckon it'll be booting from an MP3 player06:05
Dr_willisid be sprised if you could boot from a mp3 player06:06
historymate1234: depends on the processor and hard drive06:06
icerootDr_willis: why not? its a normal usb drive06:06
rymate1234Well, its a USB drive06:06
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Your USB drive is already using vfat (which is normal) and so you should be able to use unetbootin without needing to "reformat". I'm curious why it's giving an error also, would you mind posting a screenshot of the error message?06:06
Dr_willisive definatly seen mp3 players that were not normal drives..06:06
Jordan_U!screenshot | mikubuntu06:06
ubottumikubuntu: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.06:06
DONKEEZJordan_U no I don't know, and how do I autocomplete names on  here?06:06
rymate1234Dr_willis: Mine is a normal drive XD06:06
shekharkhisto: issues, rather i think, it is after this that upgrade worked!06:06
Jordan_UDONKEEZ: Press the tab key.06:06
icerootrymate1234: i am using a system on a usb2 usb drive, its ok but the io performance isnt that nice06:06
rymate1234iceroot: That's fine06:07
Dr_willisI did see a neat tool for rooted android phones that let you allow THEM to boot up  a pc from ISO files stored on the phone.06:07
rymate1234Dr_willis: Using that at the moment06:07
mikubuntuok, let me try to repeat it and get screenshot Jordan_U06:07
rymate1234However there's no persistence storage06:07
icerootrymate1234: if it is not usb1.1 i think its ok06:07
Jordan_UDONKEEZ: Could you please pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr"?06:08
DONKEEZJordan_U command not found06:09
mikubuntuJordan_U: how much space should i allow in 'extra' sliding scale06:09
shekharkGreygan: i think "sudo sed -i 's/quantal/raring/' /etc/apt/sources.list" worked , but this is not while in the usb mode, upgrade is still in progress :)06:10
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Do you want to use this USB drive for more than just running Ubuntu's installer to install to a hard drive?06:10
histomikubuntu: it's up to you that's for persistent storage06:11
mikubuntuJordan_U: its an 8gb stick that i'll prolly just keep as an installer since i gave my other one away -- but i suppose if i can use some space for file storage if i'm traveling and using internet cafe i can boot live from it06:12
Greyganshekhark: cool. I hope it doesnt cause the issues  these guys were mentioning. They know more than I do... I was google... helping...06:12
Jordan_UDONKEEZ: Does your keyboard work in BIOS menus?06:13
mikubuntuJordan_U: so should i slide up to 6gb for persistant storage?06:13
histomikubuntu: max it out if you want.06:13
histo!best | mikubuntu06:14
ubottumikubuntu: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:14
mikubuntuhisto, didn't produce error this time -- copying files to stick now06:15
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Both areas will be available for storage, the persistant data partition will be ext4 and will be difficult to access from Windows and OSX, but will contain files that are part of the root filesystem of your live system (somewhat like a real installation but with some serious downsides like not properly supporting updating/upgrading the system).06:15
mikubuntuJordan_U: but the stick will still be useful as 'live,' yes?06:16
histoJordan_U: I thought it creates a cramfs or squashfs file for the extra storage not an additional partition06:17
Jordan_Uhisto: No, squashfs is a read only filesystem used for holding the read only portion of the LiveCD's root filesystem.06:19
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Yes.06:19
mikubuntuJordan_U: ok, cool06:20
histoJordan_U: I don't remember seeing an ext4 partition anywhere using startup disk creator06:21
histoJordan_U: yeah it's jsut fat3206:21
Jordan_Uhisto: Did you endable persistant data?06:21
histoJordan_U: yes06:21
Jordan_Uhisto: Interesting. Last time I looked that was implemented with a separate partition with the filesystem label "caper-rw", but maybe it's being done via files now (though it would need multiple files for more than 4 GiB of storage on FAT32)06:23
Dr_willisi think you can make a casper-rw partion. or have the file06:23
histoDr_willis: not with startup disk creator06:23
SenorJordan_U : I can not access shared dir by samba06:24
Dr_williswhat if its allready a made partition. ;)06:24
Senorcan you help me?06:24
Dr_willisor what if its even on a 2nd hd or flash drive06:24
Dr_willisthat would be a neat trick06:24
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Guest45305could anyone help a nob?06:25
Dr_willisand the issue is what Guest45305 ?06:26
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histoHow do you help a nob?06:27
histoturn it?06:27
* histo come on clamscan go go go06:27
Guest45305I get a error message that says "no system tray detected" after i boot up. I just upgraded to 13.04 and this is new it used to work just fine. How do I restore the system tray?06:28
Dr_willisthen it shows 1000 false positives.. so you have to rescan with a differnt av scanner.. ;P06:28
* histo forgot the --remove=yes option probably06:28
Noskcajif anyone sees kirkland, i demand he pings he06:30
mikubuntuJordan_U: what does that mean -- to 'ping someone'?06:31
Jordan_Umikubuntu: To use their nick in a message, like you did with me, except without any actual content (saying that you're available to talk basically).06:32
mikubuntuJordan_U: ok06:32
mikubuntulike a summons ... lol06:32
Dandalion^ I am very disappointed in Ubuntu now.06:33
Dr_willishow.. vague Dandalion ...06:34
Guest45305does anyone know how to message that says "no system tray on this computer"?06:34
TankadoHello, i have Ubuntu 12.04 i am trying to reserve huge pages using => echo 64 > /sys/devices/system/node/node0/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages  , but i get permission denied, anyone knows how to solve that?06:35
mikubuntuJordan_U: and histo thx for help -- wish me luck, going to install on target machine now06:35
Dr_willisGuest45305,  there was some info about adding a system tray back to 13.04 on either the omgubuntu or webupd8 blog sites.. or theres differnt docks that have a systemtray feature06:35
DandalionDr_willis, it's a video of Richard Stallman talking about how Canonical collects your search phrases from Ubuntu's dash and sends it to Canonical servers to get ads from Amazon.... Very disappointing to me06:35
Dr_willisthe system tray is basically being phased out infvor of indicator applets06:35
Dr_willisDandalion,  thats old fud.. very old fud..06:36
Guest45305do you know the web address?06:36
Tex_NickDandalion:  Stallman served his purpose back in the good old days ... don't take him literal though ;-)06:36
histoGuest45305: do you have hplip installed?06:36
Jordan_UTankado: You generally need to be root to be able to write to anything in /sys/, so it would be "echo 64 | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/node/node0/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages", but before you do that. What is your end goal and what guide are you following?06:36
Dr_willisGuest45305,  type in webupd8 or omgubuntu in your browser06:36
shorty40handsim having trouble with the signing of the COC both in command line and in the COC app assistant freezes on page 4 if anyone can help me through this please shoot me a pm. ty06:36
DandalionI'm just disappointed that Ubuntu does that. I really like Ubuntu but I can't use it anymore because of this.06:37
Guest45305yes i do have HPLIP06:37
histoGuest45305: http://askubuntu.com/questions/101828/no-system-tray-detected-on-this-system06:37
Dr_willisDandalion,  its all spelt out in numerous blog posts from  canocal. and RMS decides to have his own intterpertaion of what its doing.. which is why its fud on his part.06:37
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ06:37
TankadoJordan_U : Sorry, i was using sudo in the start not the way you wrote it... but i am trying to get a package working which needs huge tables reserved06:38
rymate1234Dandalion: He's describing an amazon search feature06:38
Dr_willisand its trivial to disable.06:38
rymate1234How the hell is that spyware06:38
Dr_willisthe Dash is to become the 'ultimate search engine'06:38
Dr_willisrymate1234,  not to mention the fact its right THERE in the open/obvious...06:38
Jordan_U!adlense | Dandalion06:38
tMHhello *06:38
histoDandalion: you can remove it06:38
histotMH: hola06:39
rymate1234Also richard stallman really hates nonfree stuff06:39
Jordan_U!adlens | Dandalion06:39
tMHppl, I installed bwping by hands and it does not work...06:39
ubottuDandalion: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ06:39
tMHhisto - hiya!06:39
Dr_willis13.10 and 14.04 are supposed to add even more lens..06:39
tMHhow can I get it work ?06:39
histo!sudo > Tankado06:39
ubottuTankado, please see my private message06:39
Tex_NickDandalion:  use something else then ... try #WINDOZE  ;-)06:39
Dandalionthank you jordan_06:39
tMHthe server is ubuntu 12.04.02, as I remember correctly.06:39
Dr_willisI do like the askubuntu.com lens. but its built into the help lens now.06:39
Kartagis13.04, add printer button is grayed out06:40
rymate1234Tex_Nick: But man freedoms!06:40
Dandaliondidn't know you could remove it, so that's good to know. I really don't want to use any other distro06:40
histo!info bwping06:40
ubottuPackage bwping does not exist in raring06:40
Kartagisthere is a bug involved, but that's too old06:40
histotMH: Can you elaborate on "doesn't work"06:40
DandalionI just don't want to search for something and have it sent to Amazon to show ads. I don't want ads in my OS dashboard...06:40
Dr_willisRMS dosent mention the fact its easy to remove.. ;)06:40
KartagisI assume there is a fix by now06:40
tMHhisto - Total: pkts sent/rcvd: 10000/0, volume rcvd: 0 bytes, time: 117 sec, speed: 0 kbps, rtt min/max/average: 0/0/0 ms06:40
histoDandalion: then remove that ability06:40
Dr_willisits not ads.. its search hits.06:40
tMHspeed: 0 kbps is not a truth;)06:40
Dr_williswife loves the feature.06:40
histotMH: How did you install bwping?06:41
tMHhisto - wget, configure, make install06:41
tMHfrom root , of course.06:41
histotMH: then ask the author of bwping why his output is wrong06:41
tMHshould I look for its sticky bit or something?06:41
DandalionYeah I am, I didn't know you could remove it but I'm reading the askubuntu on it right now so that's really good news06:42
Jordan_UTankado: What package?06:42
Kartagisguys, I'm on 13.04, add printer button is grayed out06:42
Dr_willisDandalion,  thats why we always tell people its 'fud' when they come in here complaining about it.. the RMS stuff does not give the full picture.06:42
Kartagisis there a fix?06:42
Tex_NickDandalion:  nowdays you get that practically everytime you pull up a page in your browser ?06:42
Dr_willisIts the kind of feature that if apple came out with it.. everyone would be going on how great it is. ;)06:43
histoKartagis: go to localhost:631  in your browser06:43
DandalionYeah, thank you for clearing that up06:43
Jordan_UDandalion: Dr_willis: Please move this non-support discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic.06:43
Dandalionand Tex_Nick I disable that in my browsers via plugins06:43
Kartagishisto: and?06:43
DandalionJordan_U, will do, sorry about that.06:44
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=== seek is now known as seek0515
mikubuntuJordan_U: i don't know which wireless security setting to use, having trouble connecting the target computer to wireless06:44
Kartagisdo I add the printer from there?06:44
mchlbhmanyone install Ubuntu 12 on their droid?06:44
Dr_willisi find the cups web interface easier to use then the cups tools Kartagis  :)06:44
Dr_willis!arm | mchlbhm06:44
wilee-nilee!touch | mchlbhm06:44
ubottumchlbhm: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.06:44
ubottumchlbhm: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch06:44
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Network manager should automatically detect the type of encryption used by the wireless network you're connecting to. What are you doing to try to connect, and what happens when you do this?06:44
histoKartagis: you can yes or go to printers from system settings >   or the dash06:46
sku11knightanybody here a unity developer? I need help running unity apps in ubuntu06:46
=== jtrucks is now known as dude
mikubuntuJordan_U: just trying to connect the target computer prior to installing -- i guess its not crucial? says to connect for best results -- options seem to be SECURITY: None, WEP 40/128 bit Key, WEP 128bit Passphrase, LEAP, Dynamic WEP, WPA & WPA2 Personal, or WPA and WPA2 Enterprise06:48
=== jtrucks_ is now known as jtrucks
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Are you connecting to a wireless router or to another computer? You do *not* want to select "Create new WiFi network" as that will make your computer act as the router (which won't help you connect to the internet).06:50
mikubuntuJordan_U: just trying to get it to connect to my wireless router -- in 'editing connections'06:51
Jordan_Umikubuntu: First try just clicking on the Network Manger icon in the top right of your screen and selecting your wireless network from the list that comes up.06:52
mikubuntuon my primary laptop, i have to input the 10 digit passcode from the router06:52
mikubuntuJordan_U: no list is coming up, which i thought was strange06:52
mikubuntuJordan_U: 'enable networking' is checked06:53
* histo forgot --remove=yes ughhh06:53
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Is your wireless network hidden?06:53
mikubuntuJordan_U: only three options showing VPN Connections, Enable Networking, and Edit connections06:54
mikubuntuJordan_U: i don't think its 'hidden' it shows up on this computer06:54
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Something is wrong then as it should just be listed. Can you pastebin the output of "iwlist scan" and "nm-tool"?06:54
mikubuntuon this, or on the target? Jordan_U06:55
Jordan_Umikubuntu: On the target.06:55
mikubuntuJordan_U: so i'll have to abort the install, and goto 'try ubuntu' to get my menus, correct?06:56
Jordan_Umikubuntu: That's the easiest option, yes. (I always select try Ubuntu when installing, as then I can run the installer *and* do other things)06:59
she_dyedso there should be more peeps trying ubuntu first before installing07:01
mikubuntuJordan_U: for iwlist scan, output = Interface doesn't support scanning07:01
mikubuntuJordan_U: on 'lo' and 'ether'07:01
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Then your wireless card isn't being used at all. Can you pastebin the output of "lspci" (you will presumably need to connect via ethernet or transfer the file via sneakernet).07:03
mikubuntuJordan_U: what are we looking for exactly in the output of nm-tool, cause i can't take a screenshot of it to send you07:03
trijntjehow can I open a .pps file for editing in ubuntu? If I open it with libreoffice it starts the slideshow immediately, and when I close the slideshow libreoffice also closes07:04
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Now that I know that your wireless card isn't even being listed in iwconfig, I don't need the output of nm-tool.07:04
mikubuntuJordan_U: i'll make a note to ax you later what sneakernet is -- and i don't think i can get a wired connection right now -- back in the dark side of the house behind a bookshelf :(07:04
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Sneakernet is where you transfer files by putting them on a flash drive and walking to the other computer :)07:05
mikubuntuJordan_U: lol. -- i don't think i can find another usb anywhere -- should i just install without worrying about the connection for now?07:07
mikubuntuthere's quite a bit of output on lspci07:07
mikubuntuand i don't know what i'm looking for07:07
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Yes, that's fine. You'll have the same wireless problem in the installed system also though.07:07
Dr_willislines that say Network or network, or  similer perhaps?07:08
mikubuntuJordan_U: ok, proceeding with installation without connection07:12
magic_ninjawhat are you looking for?  You can use this:  lspci -a | grep "string here (such as | grep usb)"07:12
lesslesshow do I install libssl-dev 0.9.8 in 12.10?07:12
magic_ninjaif it is a usb adapter I would think lspci -a | grep eth would work07:12
lesslesssystem version is 1.0.1c07:13
Jordan_Ulessless: What is your end goal?07:14
lesslessJordan_U, I need to build ruby against openssl 0.9.807:15
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Jordan_Ulessless: Why? What is your end goal?07:16
lesslessJordan_U, this is a requirement to work with external API service :(07:18
=== klixaK is now known as makebelieve
gedOdoes someone know how I can build deb archyve07:20
she_dyedhey there07:20
gedOI have installed in my system old version package07:20
gedOand I want to make new version package from downloaded source07:21
gedOhow I could make this hapen?07:21
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she_dyedg2g cya folks07:21
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Jordan_Ulessless: Presumably you also need libssl (non -dev) 0.9.8 also, or are you building ruby to be run on another system?07:21
=== makebelieve is now known as al3x
Jordan_Ulessless: Interesting that there is a "libssl0.9.8" package but no "libssl0.9.8-dev" package. I'm trying to figure out why now.07:23
lesslessso transition to openssl itself should be painless, but dev package might brake the system, right?07:25
Jordan_Ulessless: I wouldn't expect any -dev package to "break the system". It's possible that the header files for 0.9.8 and 1.0.0 are the same, and that ruby build against libssl-dev (version 1.0.1c) would run against libssl 0.9.8 (I don't know one way or the other).07:28
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lesslessdo I need to remove installed pacakges packages before downgrading?07:30
mikubuntuthanks again Jordan_U installation complete -- will have to address the wireless problem later07:40
JontydogHi all07:40
mikubuntuOne more computer, liberated from Windows 7. Where's the LIKE button.07:43
hulloHi. I'm trying to get an FTP server running using vsftpd. Whenever I try to log in, it keeps asking me for a username and password again.07:49
kvothetechhullo: use a valid login?07:50
hulloI'm not totally clear on how its supposed to work. I'm trying to log in with my regular user account and password. I haven't added those anywhere special or anything.07:51
kvothetechhullo: did yoou enable local user login in vsftpd.conf?07:51
lotuspsychjehullo: how about pastebin the error code07:52
hullokvothetech: In my /etc/vsftpd.conf, local_enable=YES uncommented.07:52
kvothetechhullo: ok then as lotuspsychje said give us the error code or tail of the log07:53
hullowhere do I find the appropriate log file07:54
suorecp: can not open "TVP1_HD-05192013-2314.ts' for reading: Input / output error  from pendrive.... help07:55
rusmanwill Ubuntu-phone use java virtual machine for applications development as an android it does?07:57
hullokvothetech: I think I might be misunderstanding something basic. On the client terminal, I "ftp <hostname>" and it replies "connected to <hostname> Name (hostname:my_user_account): [PROMPT]07:57
hullokvithetech: and I put in my username and password and it replies "530 Login incorrect. Login failed."07:59
lotuspsychjehullo: are you sure your login information did not change?07:59
lotuspsychjehullo: plz give us more details about your ftp connection07:59
lotuspsychje!touch | rusman08:00
ubotturusman: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch08:00
lotuspsychjesuore: what usb brand you get this error?08:00
rusmanok thanks08:00
suoreits pendrive...08:00
lotuspsychjerusman: check the phone touch website from ubuntu, its very neat aswell08:01
hullolotuspsychje: what can I give you that would help?08:01
suorebrand dont know08:01
suoreaaa Verbatim08:01
lotuspsychjesuore: you maybe wanna reformat it clean08:01
lotuspsychjehullo: is it own ftp server? is it a remote ftp hosting?08:01
hullolotuspsychje: i have both client and server in the room with me08:02
Kartagis!find pdfopt08:02
ubottuFile pdfopt found in ghostscript, scribus08:02
suorei formating before revording08:02
hullokvothetech: what can i provide that would be helpful?08:03
kvothetechhullo: vsftpd log file08:03
lotuspsychjehullo: if you get code 530 your login must have changed, you forgot case sensitive or caps lock?08:03
hullokvothetech: where is that file08:04
hullolotuspsychje: nope. didn't change anything. same password.08:05
hullolotuspsychje: do i need to specially create a user account for ftp, or can i just use the same account info i use for ssh08:06
lotuspsychjehullo: maybe this can help http://www.jackenhack.com/vsftpd-ubuntu-server-530-login-incorrect-error-fixed/08:06
Ben64hullo: i'm curious, why don't you use sftp?08:06
KartagisI have installed both ghostscript and scribus and pdfopt wasn't installed on my system. any ideas?08:07
hulloBen64: this is my first time setting anything like this up08:07
lotuspsychje!info pdfopt08:07
ubottuPackage pdfopt does not exist in raring08:07
hulloBen64: I don't really know what I'm doing...08:08
Ben64hullo: well sftp uses your ssh login and permissions, its much more secure than ftp08:08
l9sftp over ssh no hassle and works out of the box08:09
hullolotyspsychje: that link didn't seem to change anything, unfortunately.08:11
hulloBen64: Thanks for the info. Whats the difference between scp and sftp?08:12
Ben64hullo: sftp works more like ftp, but they both transfer files securely over ssh08:13
hulloBen64: alright. I'm trying to figure out how to send a video to a friend. Is ftp the best way to do that?08:14
hullolotyspsychje: I'm trying to figure out how to send a video to a friend. Is ftp the best way to do that? (sorry for the awkward posting style, getting used to the format)08:15
NoobCan anyone help me??08:16
=== Noob is now known as Guest51930
histo!ask | Guest5193008:16
ubottuGuest51930: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:16
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/08:17
MonkeyDusthullo  use /msg ubottu to test !factoids08:18
l9hullo if your friends has a linux computer you could upload the video thru the ssh connection on his computer. but i would recommend that you mailed him it insted08:21
hullol9 Nope she's got Win7. I was thinking it would be easy for her to get the episode if I just put it on a server. Is that the wrong way of going about this?08:23
l9hullo: dropbox it...08:23
hullol9 dropbox is quite slow, isn't it?08:24
histohullo: She can sftp it from you08:24
MonkeyDusthullo  or use ubuntuone, synchronise the folder and send the link; or use the ubuntuone GUI to send the shared link08:24
* l9 misses the good old sneaker net... 08:25
MonkeyDusthullo  like so : http://ubuntuone.com/5WfQjaUYpOpHMIx5qtJ2Cs08:26
hulloI'm thinking ubuntuone/dropbox/etc will be slow because it involves sending to the cloud and and then downloading from it. Is that wrong?08:26
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hullohisto: does she need to have a user account on this computer to sftp it from me?08:26
l9hullo: no you are completly right, but let me ask you one thing can you log on too your computer from any location in the world?08:27
histohullo: yes you can create a user for her and put the files in her ~08:27
hullol9 i can ssh into my computer over the internet, why08:27
l9then she could sftp into your coputer like you ssh it08:28
hulloMonkeyDust seems like there's a building consensus that the fastest way is to make a guest user account and have her sftp into it. Would you agree with that?08:29
histo!best | hullo08:30
ubottuhullo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:30
MonkeyDusthullo  never tried it, so dont know08:31
hulloFair point, histo.08:31
l9hullo adduser gf give her a sftp client and off you are... only thing you need too figure out is you external ip08:33
l9tertl3: :)08:34
tertl3richard stallman was ralking bad about ubuntu08:34
hullol9 I've got a dyndns account for the external ip. Should she be able to log in with a browser?08:35
l9hullo: not certain google has the answer08:37
histohullo: with an sftp browser plugin or extension08:37
lotuspsychjehullo: if sharing a video with a friend is the purpose of the ftp, the limitation would be your isp's upload speed08:39
l9histo: firewall do i need it? i have a router that has firewall builtin08:39
lotuspsychjehullo: http hosting would be the fastest way for your friend to download08:40
histo!firewall | 1908:40
ubottu19: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.08:40
delloshi all, I want to install ubuntu 13.04 in to my pc with out cd or usb. just boot by hard disk. I was make grub to boot in to "intall Ubuntu" title. but in that step I miss error "file not found". pl help08:40
histo19: to answer your question it depends on your situation.08:40
histodellos: what are you trying to boot from grub? the iso?08:40
MonkeyDust!install | dellos start hhere08:41
ubottudellos start hhere: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:41
dellosthat is the iso file08:41
histodellos: What?08:42
hullolotuspsychje: Interesting-- that's an option nobody's mentioned. What does that mean?08:42
dellosI make change in the menu.lst. but done know about how to change08:42
histodellos: What is your native language?08:42
dellosviet nam08:43
lunimonhello, would anyone be able to help me with the broadcom crystalhd driver?08:43
lunimonon raring, byt the way08:43
histo!vn | dellos crossses fingers08:43
ubottudellos crossses fingers: Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ08:43
lotuspsychjehullo: maybe you can ask in this channel about lamp server/file servers to host your files on http08:43
adBrianare you talking about houses?08:44
lotuspsychje!ubuntu | adBrian08:45
Jewfro-Macabbihullo, apache 2 is fairly simple to setup08:45
ubottuadBrian: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com08:45
MonkeyDustadBrian  this is ubuntu support08:45
adBrianlol thanks, but i'm using arch :(08:45
adBriani just came here from #defocus ,  they are talking bout houses!08:46
l9lotuspsychje: wasnt a http server kind of over kill for sharing a video?08:46
MonkeyDustadBrian  great, enjoy the talk, but keep this channel clear for ubuntu support, please08:46
DJonesadBrian: Not really a topic for this channel, Ubuntu suppport yes, but houses, no08:46
hulloI'll look into LAMP servers. Is the difference between sftp and ftp that you need a user account in order to use sftp?08:47
adBrianthank you08:47
lotuspsychjel9: he asked about the fastest way, you agree that ftp will be limited by his isp upload speed08:47
Jewfro-Macabbil9, that depends on how easy you want it to be for the person receiving the video.08:48
l9lotuspsychje: yeah offcourse but so will a internal http is still limited too the same upload speed08:48
histohullo: no not exactly08:48
histohullo: you also don't need mysql or php to share the file via http just need apache08:49
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l9Jewfro-Macabbi: the easiest way would be dropboxing it or ubuntuone08:49
hulloFor sharing a file, what is the functional difference between HTTP, FTP, and FTP?08:49
histohullo: install apache and plop the file in /var/www  then give her your IP to browse to.  Keep in mind anyone can then grab the file.08:49
lunimonI have trouble getting the module loaded for crystalhd, I've raring, kernel 3.8.0-21-generic, installed firmware-crystalhd, libcrystalhd-dev ad libcrystalhd3, but dmesg does not have any crystalhd in it. I've found the firmware files, but cannot get the module loaded, I keep getting "Module crystalhd not found". I can't compile the source of the libcrystalhd3 (it gives errors) and getting the driver from git doesn't compi08:49
lunimonle either. What should I do next?08:49
Jewfro-Macabbil9, those have certain limitations, I'm sharing a 100+ gb worth of videos.08:50
histohullo: sftp is secure and encrypted. ftp is login based but sends passwords plain text. Http is wide open for anyone.08:50
gulag201213.04 is okay so far, just missing sound over hdmi. I still like Unity is a little quirky08:50
Jewfro-Macabbihisto, it's not terribly difficult to password protect a directory08:50
lotuspsychjehisto: can't you password protect apache index?08:50
Jewfro-Macabbiyes, yes you can08:50
histoyes sorry forgot to mention08:51
=== Gestas is now known as help
shmoonjust trying to understand few things/concepts, so the kerel binary lies in /boot (on ubuntu) ?08:51
shmoonwhat is its name ?08:51
l9Jewfro-Macabbi: oh yeah i agree with you on that. But here is one movie, not a complete set of doctor who08:51
=== help is now known as Guest71058
lotuspsychjeJewfro-Macabbi: but like l9 says theres also upload speed limit from isp right?08:51
shmoon(i am reading up on booting process actually)08:51
lotuspsychjel9: can ubuntuone share stuff between users?08:52
Jewfro-Macabbilotuspsychje, naturally - unless you use a hosting provider - but that's a bit overkill for sharing the lone file08:52
MonkeyDustand windows is also slow08:52
l9lotuspsychje: yes with links08:53
lotuspsychjel9: thats sounds pretty nice, and might be the fastest way indeed08:53
hulloSorry, I'm a little mixed up about what was just established above.08:54
lotuspsychjeJewfro-Macabbi: well i think hullo can decide now if he want the lone file or thousands :p08:54
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Jewfro-Macabbihullo, if you are sharing a single file then a simple service like ubuntu one or google drive would be easiest08:55
hulloAnd if its gonna be many, then?08:55
Jewfro-Macabbihullo, if you want to share a mass directory of files, look into apache208:55
lotuspsychjel9: any info on the ubuntuone's hosting speeds?08:55
histohullo: You can install apache and setup an .htaccess file if you want to password protect the directory.  You've been told multiple ways of accomplishing what you want to do either via sftp http ftp or some cloud hosting. You need to decide and see what works best for you.08:56
lotuspsychje!one | hullo08:56
ubottuhullo: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone08:56
l9Jewfro-Macabbi: there is always many soltuions too a problem, offcourse rebuilding ubuntu too make a file server is the 1337 way todo it. Then you have too consider if it worth the work or not. then theres is the smartway use what is already there like http hosting or a simple ssh connection08:56
Jewfro-Macabbil9, scp is awesome sauce, but that's a bit nerdly08:57
* lotuspsychje looks around in channel for nerds08:57
histohullo: Easiest way for her to pull the file would be http. She could use a browser and just click on the file and save it. Or you could go extremely complex and setup a VPN and a shared folder08:57
l9hullo: before you ask one more question please... for the love of god just do it!08:58
histoJewfro-Macabbi: not with winscp or whatever she would be using.08:58
* l9 finds no one ;)08:58
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
Jewfro-Macabbihisto, as per usual, how much work you have to do depends on the tech level of your target08:59
* l9 off too google howto make love too my wife, then i am gonna find irc channel to debate it09:00
Jewfro-Macabbil9, it could be a positive learning experience09:01
histohullo: basically sftp is already installed and working... Or you can sudo apt-get install apache2 and plug your files in /var/www port forward 80 to your ubuntu box and giver her the ip. If you want to password protect it setup an .htaccess file09:01
hulloOk it looks like theres an enormous amount of options-- all of them seem appealing. I'm gonna try to learn how to do the http server, because that sounds fun to learn.09:02
hulloThanks very  much histo, l9, lotuspsyche, and Jewfro-Macabbi. (and ubottu, too.) Y'all are wonderful.09:03
Papa_FrancescoCiao a tutti :D09:04
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:05
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* treetreetr33_ ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.9.5 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz (2.00 GHz) ** RAM: 16343 MB Total (11860 MB Free) ** VGA: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series ** Uptime: 108.83 Hours **09:17
MonkeyDusttreetreetr33_  did you have a ubuntu question?09:18
lunimoncan anyone direct me to the correct place to ask about trying to get a module to load?09:19
treetreetr33_huh? don't thinks so :)09:19
bekkslunimon: This is the place.09:19
lunimonI have trouble getting the module loaded for crystalhd, I've raring, kernel 3.8.0-21-generic, installed firmware-crystalhd, libcrystalhd-dev ad libcrystalhd3, but dmesg does not have any crystalhd in it. I've found the firmware files, but cannot get the module loaded, I keep getting "Module crystalhd not found". I can't compile the source of the libcrystalhd3 (it gives errors)09:20
lunimonthe different git versions also give errors (some files have been moved in recent kernels and the driver apparently doesn't take it well)09:21
bekkslunimon: Which errors...?09:21
lunimon"crystalhd/driver/linux/crystalhd_lnx.c:434:22: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'chd_dec_init_chdev'"09:22
lunimonand so on, a few of those09:22
lunimonall in crystalhd_lnx.c09:22
bekkslunimon: Please pastebin the entire log to a paste service.09:23
bekkslunimon: Just one line is pretty useless when it comes to compiling.09:24
MonkeyDustlunimon  there's #ubuntu-kernel09:24
lunimonthat's one of the git versions09:24
lunimonI also downloaded and tried with crystalhd_0.0~git20110715.fdd2f19-9ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz09:25
lunimonthe output with that one is different09:26
bekkslunimon: The code of that module has to be fixed - best bet is to contact the author.09:27
lunimonyes, although that might be a difficult one09:27
lunimonwhat I was wondering though, is how to get the driver that is in the ubuntu repositories to work09:28
lunimonfirmware-crystalhd, libcrystalhd-dev ad libcrystalhd309:28
bekkslunimon: Which Ubuntu are you using, and which Ubuntu version is the target version of the package in the repos?09:28
lunimonI can find the firmware files (and the lib), but am not sure how to load the module09:29
lunimonI have raring, based on XBMCbuntu and updated/upgraded to newest09:29
abdelhello I cant install skype on 13.04...i need help pls09:30
lunimonarno@tv:~/Downloads/crystalhd-0.0~git20110715.fdd2f19/driver/linux$ cat /etc/lsb-release09:30
FloodBot1lunimon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:30
lunimonDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 13.04"09:30
lunimonsorry for flooding, FloodBot1 ;)09:31
bobbyaldolI get this error when I update 'E: Encountered a section with no Package: header' 'E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu.arcticnetwork.ca_dists_precise_universe_binary-amd64_Packages'09:34
bobbyaldolthe online help couldnt rectify the problem09:36
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amiral_hi guys you know how important hardware for an IT, we can do nothing without hardware. my hardware is falling a part and i need some money to buy new one any one can give me 300 or 400€ i really need it09:37
MonkeyDust!ot| amiral_09:38
ubottuamiral_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:38
amiral_i can't manipulate Ubuntus without hardware !!!!!!!!09:40
kabulčau, poradí mi někdo s instalací skype do ubuntu 13.0409:54
SwedeMike!cz | kabul09:55
ubottukabul: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.09:55
auronandace!skype | kabul09:55
ubottukabul: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga09:55
kabulim sorry :)09:55
leocloudhello ,how to change my theme in 13.0410:01
Arkhanaleocloud: what do you mean?10:02
rigoi format a verbatim 8gib usb3.0 stick in my pc for ntfs, plug in to the ubuntu based htpc copy the data plug back into my pc and it sais "must be formatted before use" wtf?10:03
MonkeyDustleocloud  use gnome-tweak-tool or unity-tweak-tool10:03
nezlobnyjhi. asus et2013i, had someone met one? i currently have a problem with 12.04.10:04
rigoi plug the stick back to ubuntu and it works like charm10:04
rigoonly the shitty win7 sais it must be formatted. and it shows "RAW" data on it10:05
rigowhat can i do?10:05
MonkeyDustrigo  ask in ##windows how to use windows10:05
rigothis is a cross platform operation.. so u say ubuntu doesnt does anything wrong?10:06
MonkeyDustrigo  you just said it works in ubuntu10:06
MonkeyDustrigo  to windows, there's no such thing as cross platform, there's just windows10:09
DarkchaosCan somebody help me with an ubuntu based distro? I dont get persistence running on my usb stick. I see some error while booting, but dont have a log to it.About [15....]10:09
rigoi mean cross platform by transfering files "from linux to windows" via usb stick10:10
MonkeyDustDarkchaos what distro would that be?10:11
MonkeyDustDarkchaos  not supported here, type /msg alis list *kali*10:12
Darkchaosyeah, but on their channel there seems to be nobody active, so I thought you have a clue, since it should all be handled by the underlying ubutun?10:13
k1lDarkchaos: kali is even not ubuntu based.10:14
leocloudi download theme from gnome and install tweak10:14
leocloudI still can't change my theme10:15
k1lleocloud: in which folder did you put it?10:15
leocloudi set a folder with name new.thems10:15
hoyangxfce4 look like windows 7.10:16
MonkeyDustleocloud  use unity-tweak-tool10:16
MonkeyDusthoyang  now you know what to avoid10:16
Darkchaosok, thanks anyway. Will persistence keep all the new packages installed by apt?10:16
hoyangMonkeyDust, aha. right.10:17
MonkeyDustDarkchaos  depends on how the kali people decided to manage it, we don't know10:17
Darkchaoshm ok, thanks anyway.10:18
k1lleocloud: did you put them into ~/.themes ?10:18
leocloudyou mean ,put them into ~/.themes10:19
leocloudI think i didn't10:19
k1lleocloud: so how should the ubuntu know that you got a new theme?10:20
k1lleocloud: put that theme into that folder10:20
leocloud /usr/share/themes10:21
leocloudyou said this folder10:21
zadarHi t here! I am traing if this chat is working propperly ;) I am from czech republic 34old male good boy :D10:21
rigothey say there that i doesnt unmounted correctly... :D10:21
MonkeyDustzadar  it works, but this is ubuntu support10:21
zadarcan u see my message? answer me pls... ;)10:22
rigo...i did not.. so is it right :)10:22
katsywell that answers that question10:22
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zadarok thanks monkey! :)10:22
k1lleocloud: i said ~/.themes10:22
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=== katsy is now known as Solarra
MonkeyDustleocloud  that's /home/username/.theme     <-- replace username with yours10:23
Solarramay I kindly ask for some support10:23
MonkeyDustSolarra  sure10:23
anonymoususerWhen is an updated miro package going to be available? 4.x is in repos, but 5.x has been out for over a year.10:23
SolarraI have been getting my ass kicked10:23
Solarrafor over 5 hours now10:23
Solarraand this computer is going out a window soon10:23
zadarits first time i try joint xchat so firstly i must to understund it, it makes me confused little bit, but i am learning fast :)10:23
rigowhat have you done Solarra? :)10:24
MonkeyDustzadar  join a different channel to learn chat, this is for ubuntu support10:24
SolarraI keep typing this command "sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware/`uname -r` ~/Desktop/wl_apsta.o" and keep getting the error "sudo: b43-fwcutter: command not found"10:24
shojoanonymoususer: your ip shows10:24
SolarraI am trying to get my linksys wireless card working10:25
shojooops wrong chan again10:25
zadarand sorry 4 my english I am still learning... I like englis..10:25
Solarralong story short, hard wiring this computer is not an option10:25
MonkeyDustzadar  type /join #defocus10:25
zadarok so bye take care guys ok I try find another one!10:25
rigohow far are you now?10:26
leocloudyes,i put it into my folder /home/hat/10:26
rigolspci | grep Network10:26
zadarok defocus i am going there, bye10:26
anonymoususershojo: Thank you for that revelation.10:26
leocloudwith a name new.theme10:28
rigowell.. i tried :D10:28
rigoSolarra: lspci | grep Network10:29
pilsahi ... is there a scrolling ticker for the desktop that will display user defined text strings ... e.g. "ticker 'hello world'" would pop a ticker bar and scroll "hello world" across the desktop.10:29
Kurzahello, I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 on a server, I'm logged in via ssh but when I do users, I have 2 "root" users logged in, any ideas?10:29
pilsagnome desktop i must say10:29
Solarraagain this particular machine cannot be connected to the internet until this wireless card works10:30
rigoagain: how far are you? is the wireless network card driver installed or only the ip address must be setup? what have you done until now?10:30
SolarraI'm trying to follow this guide http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/69210:30
bekksSolarra: Do you have Mint then?10:31
SolarraI have Ubuntu 12.0410:31
robinwho not upgraded to13.04?10:31
bekksrobin: Why?10:32
rigoso you need the driver.10:32
SolarraI apologize for not being technically savvy as I am a lawyer not a IT lol10:32
robinbekks: why not?10:32
rigoSolarra: IRC: server is irc.freenode.net, channel is #bcm-users (English please)10:32
bekksrobin: Because 13.04 isnt LTS?10:32
MonkeyDustpilsa  #ubuntu-server10:33
rigorobin: the fglrx driver brings 100% cpu usage because of the vsync by 13.0410:33
robinso 12.04 is a lot better?10:34
rigoSolarra: u need to download this package: firmware-b43-installer and install it. it will work fine i think.10:34
leocloudwho can send me some pictures10:34
MonkeyDustleocloud  of what?10:34
Solarrastupid question, where do I get that?10:34
leocloudchange my themes10:34
bekksrobin: 12.04 is supported until 2017, 13.04 until 01/2014. Go figure. :)10:35
k1lSolarra: apt-get install <packagename>10:35
leocloudi can't login youtube and can't see the video10:35
robinyeah but when 13.04 is almost at its support end, there will be a new update10:35
MonkeyDustleocloud  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy10:35
Solarrak1l: That machine cannot connect to the internet :/10:35
robinand i think i have a better FPS with 13.04 when gaming10:35
robinstill dont understand wine though10:36
MonkeyDustrobin  try playonlinux10:36
robinin the softwarecentre?10:37
bekksrobin: There are people who dont care about FPS, since they are using their computer productively. ;) And these people will stick with 12.04 most likely.10:38
robinyeah youre right10:39
robinbut will you upgrade to 14.04 when released? its LTS too10:39
bekksrobin: From 13.04 you will have to upgrade to 13.10 before. And using 12.04, I'll update to 16.04...10:40
bekksrobin: Hunting versions is a no go in productive environments.10:40
robini see10:41
robindidnt think of that before10:41
Neozonzhow do i change priority of future processes launched?10:41
robinmost stable is best ofcourse10:41
robinmy server runs 12.04 too ;)10:41
Solarraok i tried to run firmware-b43-installer and again i strike out10:42
penosis ubuntu 13.04 better than windows vista?10:42
MonkeyDustpenos  everything is better than windows10:42
robinvista is really bad10:42
SolarraWM54GS V1.1 is the wireless card10:42
robinyou should dualboot window/ubuntu to try linux and then decide10:43
delnigiumHi, how do I close terminal (ssh session)? Thanks.10:44
delnigiumwow, thanks10:44
penosquit? exit?10:44
robinis there a way to easy disable grub password without reinstalling your pc?10:44
MonkeyDustrobin  grub password?10:45
SolarraSpecific error: Dependency is not satisfiable: b43-fwcutter (>= 1:015-9)10:45
robinyeah the boot loader10:45
robini accidentally set a PW ( thought it was for login screen ) and now im getting sick of it10:45
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MonkeyDustrobin  a password for grub?10:46
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robini accidentally set a PW ( thought it was for login screen ) and now im getting sick of it10:46
robinjust after bios, that one10:46
robinthink its called grub PW10:47
pilsai have 3x3 virtual gnome desktop. is it possible to assign a startup application (e.g. xterm) to a specific workspace?10:47
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DJonesrobin: Is there anything on here that helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Passwords10:47
robinpilsa, dont know that one but it is possible to set programs to boot with ubuntu but they prob load on all workspaces10:47
robinThanks DJones10:48
th0rSolarra, are you sure you want the b43 module for that card?10:49
Solarrai don't care what I use as long as it works10:49
th0rSolarra, no, there are a hundred modules that won't work, and I don't intend to spend time getting you the wrong one. Are you sure the b43 module is the one for that card?10:50
leocloudhow can i cross the wall10:50
SolarraI am not.10:51
Solarraas I said before I am not exactly the most tech savvy10:51
SolarraThe card itself is a Linksys WM54GS V1.110:51
ActionParsnipSolarra: what wifi chip does it use?10:52
MonkeyDustSolarra  is that a USB dongle?10:52
SolarraPCI card10:52
Abator i need help, want to share my usb internet via wireless network card. plz help10:52
SolarraI can turn the computer upside down and read more numbers off the card but idk if the serial number would help much10:53
ActionParsnipSolarra: run:  sudo lshw -C network     what wifi chip do you see?10:53
MonkeyDust!ics | Abator is this useful10:53
ubottuAbator is this useful: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing10:53
ActionParsnipSolarra: also run: cat /etc/issue    what is output?10:54
shmoonwhat is the default runlevel chosen by ubuntu ?10:54
DarkchaosIS there Anybody who tried to use UNetBootIn to boot Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro?10:54
shmoonon startup ? i read its mentioned in /etci/inittab, but that file doesnt exists10:54
rigohave u tried to install the package i mentioned yet?10:54
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ActionParsnipshmoon: for server or desktop?10:54
shmoonActionParsnip: both10:55
Solarraok it says Broadcom BCM4318 [AirForceOne 54g] 802.11g Wireless Lan controller10:55
shmoonbut i am testing on server currently :)10:55
ActionParsnipshmoon: desktop is a GUI login, so 5, server will use 310:55
ActionParsnip!broadcom | Solarra10:55
ubottuSolarra: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:55
Solarraversion 0210:55
Guest31814is it possible to install unity 8 and mir in ubuntu 13.04 already?10:55
ActionParsnipshmoon: if you run:   last     i believe it shows the last init level10:55
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity10:55
ActionParsnipshmoon: sorry:  runlevel10:56
MonkeyDustGuest31814  there's this, but thats not supported here -- backup first http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTMxNzg10:56
ActionParsnipshmoon: if you see an N in the left vakue, it is because you haven't changed. The value on the right is the current level10:57
ActionParsnipGuest31814: you may find a PPA10:57
shmoonActionParsnip: N 210:57
shmoonActionParsnip: so what file defines 2 as default runlevel ?10:58
ActionParsnipshmoon: then you are on server, or are SSH'd in10:58
shmoonyah on server using ssh10:58
shmoonthere's no inittab, penos10:58
ActionParsnipshmoon: then that's why, if you open a gnome-terminal on the desktop and run the same it will be different10:58
shmoonActionParsnip: ok10:59
gedOGuys, I have old version of package installed in system and I would like to create new package from source11:00
shmoonDarkchaos: i bought a mbpro recently, and am using it. i want to install ubuntu on it too, i heard ubuntu 13.04 goes well with it, haven't tried yet11:00
gedOhow I could do that?11:00
shmoonjust feels weird to live without ubuntu now, lol11:00
DarkchaosWell my Problem is the following: I have a bootable usb-stick, works on every device, however the macbook throws "boot error" right before even Entering the Bootloader11:01
ActionParsnipDarkchaos: tried a different usb creator?11:01
DarkchaosI tried nearly everything until it's running under the usual windows. Retrying will be pain, but I can11:02
DarkchaosWould you recommend something other than UNetBootIn?11:02
ActionParsnipDarkchaos: there are others you can use.11:02
MonkeyDustDarkchaos  maybe the people in ##mac know some other tool11:02
ActionParsnipDarkchaos: try the 1 2 3 app from pendrivelinux11:02
ActionParsnipDarkchaos: do you set the USB to be the boot device in the mac?11:03
k1l_if its an old mac you need some special ubuntu version11:03
Darkchaosof course.11:03
DarkchaosNo it's the newest version, using rEFIt11:03
DarkchaosIt's a tool to enable booting x86 os11:04
shmooneven with upstart the concept of runlevel is (or will be) there, right ? so that on boot only those upstart configs are executed (to start processes) that arerequired/assigned to specific runlevel/mode of operation, am i getting it right ?11:08
shmoonupstart probably just changes the way in which processes are started (asynchronous, fast, fancy, etc...)11:09
DarkchaosOk the guys in ##mac say it's because of the GPT. However I am unable to use the MBR then :(11:10
ratata_can anyone help me? I just installed ubuntu 13.04 and for some reason flash isn't working11:10
ActionParsnipratata_: can you pastebin the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'11:12
nyx__i just installed kubuntu 13.04 too, takes me a year i guess to understand all :)11:14
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ratata_ActionParsnip: No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 13.04 Release:13.04 Codename:raring Linux xxxx 3.8.0-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 14 22:16:46 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux ii  flashplugin-installer                       amd64        Adobe Flash Player plugin installer11:16
ActionParsnipratata_: use a pastebin in future. I DID say to use a pastebin...right?11:18
ratata_ActionParsnip: oh right, sorry11:18
ActionParsnipratata_: please read the FUL text given, it helps a lot11:18
ActionParsnipratata_: uninstall flashplugin-installer and enable the partner repo (if needed) you can then install the adobe-flashplugin package11:19
anonymoususerDoes anyone know what this error means http://pastebin.com/SSjePyqw11:26
anonymoususerIt appears after installing miro-6.x's build dependencies for Quantal on 13.04, and building, then running.11:27
BT1664je voudrez savoir c'est quel version unbutu BT411:27
ActionParsnipanonymoususer: why not use the PPA?11:28
ActionParsnipbt1664: ask in #backtrack-linux11:28
DJones!backtrack | BT166411:28
ubottuBT1664: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)11:28
ActionParsnipanonymoususer: you could probably add the PPA then tweak it to use Quantal and install11:29
anonymoususerActionParsnip: Irritatingly, the PPA hasn't been uploaded for 13.04.11:30
OerHeksanonymoususer, miro 6 has a PPA > http://www.iloveubuntu.net/miro-6-released-significant-performance-improvements-and-flash-support  Quantal  supported, Raring not (yet)11:30
anonymoususerActionParsnip: I'd be willing to do that as long as it's halfway recommended. Can you point me to how?11:30
ActionParsnipanonymoususer: https://launchpad.net/~motumedia/+archive/libav9-raring   has raring11:30
ActionParsnipanonymoususer: i'd add te ppa, install miro then remove the ppa11:31
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anonymoususerThe PPA isn't available for 13.04.11:32
anonymoususerWhat a joke.11:32
anonymoususerDoesn't matter.11:32
ActionParsnipanonymoususer: huh?11:32
anonymoususerActionParsnip: Forget it.11:33
anonymoususerDamn new version can't download YouTube feeds any better than the old one.11:33
anonymoususerSo doesn't matter in the slightest.11:33
anonymoususerReally irritating.11:33
anonymoususerThat was the appeal for me.11:33
Ben64why not just use a firefox plugin11:33
MonkeyDustanonymoususer  there's minitube11:34
anonymoususerBen64, MonkeyDust: Apples and oranges.11:34
Ben64yeah, downloading youtube is much different than downloading youtube...?11:34
anonymoususerBen64: I suggest you go look up what Miro is.11:35
lotuspsychjeanonymoususer: plz remain polite11:35
anonymoususerlotuspsychje: Please learn to spell. I've been quite civil.11:36
MonkeyDustit's for watching tv on your pc, is what i read here11:36
lotuspsychjeanonymoususer: swearing isnt civil11:37
anonymoususerlotuspsychje: What on earth are you going on about?11:37
vicAT^CARDLOCK command not  found? any way forward?11:38
lotuspsychjeanonymoususer: <anonymoususer> Damn new version can't download YouTube feeds any better than the old one.11:38
anonymoususerOh get bent.11:39
lotuspsychjeanonymoususer: ppl are trying to help you here, plz be respectfull to them11:39
anonymoususerActionParsnip: I'll check out the PPA you mentioned as well, though it seems these issues, while claimed to have been fixed back in 5.x, have indeed not been fixed.11:39
anonymoususerlotuspsychje: I am being respectful to them.11:39
ActionParsnipanonymoususer: if you want to download youtube feeds, grab an addon or extension fro your web browser11:40
anonymoususerThough I'm about to start being disrespectful to you, because you're being a mororn.11:40
anonymoususerOops, there I go.11:40
ActionParsnipanonymoususer: if you are wanting to rip the audio there are plenty of websites to do that all for you11:40
DJonesanonymoususer: Enough of that11:40
BluesKajHey all11:41
fdrickserv identify xpqp38611:41
ActionParsnipfdr: time for a new password11:42
Ben64fdr: you should change your password11:42
MonkeyDustfdr  change your password :)11:42
greyhatnow ,gdm themes is not work?11:42
fdrstupid irc client11:42
ActionParsnipgreyhat: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc11:42
greyhati don't know11:43
=== Darkchaos2 is now known as Darkchaos
Tecanis there anything a guy can do about the cdrom detecting things funny ?11:44
greyhatit cost lots of time to change theme,i feel tired11:44
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greyhatubuntu is not as easy as win711:45
vicAT^CARDLOCK command not found, way forward?11:46
Ben64!details | vic11:47
ubottuvic: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:47
MonkeyDustgreyhat  what version of ubuntu are you using?11:47
MonkeyDustgreyhat  dapper drake?11:48
vicBen64: i am tying to send a code to a 3g modem using minicom, i tried using AT^CARDLOCK="unlockcode" but i get an error command not found. ubuntu 13.0411:49
greyhatActionParsnip  it's a order to look version11:50
Ben64greyhat: open a terminal, type "lsb_release -sc" and paste the result here11:50
greyhatto look version11:50
Darkchaos"Apple do not use an SMbus device for power management, which all linux distros assume is present. Apple's proprietary SMC chip forces *all* power management duties onto the host OS, and there are as yet no adequate driver support for the SMC."11:51
DarkchaosWhat would you comment on as Ubuntu? Did you handle with it?11:51
Tankado I need to find my "<domain:bus:devid.func>" for eth5, how is that possible? , i can see the list in 'lspci' but i cant connect which interface is connected to which pci11:51
greyhatyes,to look version11:51
greyhatwhy make the order so long11:52
MonkeyDustgreyhat  we need to know what you are using, so we can help or advice better11:53
greyhatit's the nikename of the os11:54
fss09what is the nikename of the os?11:54
MonkeyDustit's called a codename11:54
greyhatok ,11:55
fss09upgrade beter or reinstall better?11:55
rurufufusswhat should one use to record the desktop on ubuntu?11:55
rurufufusse.g for screencasting11:55
MonkeyDustrurufufuss  kazam11:55
rurufufussalright, wil try that that11:56
=== Strife is now known as Guest99363
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.11:56
greyhatwho can send me some book about ubuntu11:56
rurufufussrecordmydesktop has strange behavior11:56
greyhathow  can i look the doc of the raring11:56
ActionPa1snipgreyhat: are you sure you are not using lightdm and not gdm?11:56
greyhati'm don't sure11:57
* MonkeyDust still not sure what greyhat is doing or wants11:57
greyhathelp me change the theme11:58
greyhatit looks so bad11:58
MonkeyDustthat's it, cosmetics? use unity-tweak-tool11:58
greyhatyes ,i use it11:58
MonkeyDustgreyhat  good, glad you found it11:59
greyhatand i put the new.themes in /home/11:59
k1l_greyhat: get the right theme, put it in ~/.themes and choose them with unity-tweak-tool11:59
ActionPa1snipgreyhat: what is the output of:  dpkg -l | egrep 'lightdm|gdm'   thanks12:00
greyhatyeah ,i put  gdm theme in new.themes12:00
ActionPa1snipk1l_: its for the login screen12:00
k1l_talking about gdm themes.12:00
MonkeyDustgreyhat  what's so hard in putting a theme in the .themes folder, it's a hidden folden in your home12:00
k1l_greyhat: you need to give that information that its a theme for gdm12:01
MonkeyDustgreyhat  new.themes is not an existing folder12:01
ravenis there a ubuntu touch help channel12:01
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch12:01
raventhres none on here?12:01
greyhatyes ,i create a folder with name new.themes12:02
ActionPa1snipgreyhat: what is the output of:  dpkg -l | egrep 'lightdm|gdm'   thanks12:02
MonkeyDustgreyhat  no, you're doing it wrong12:02
connetingggggganuone know how to use dsniff12:02
greyhatit demonstrate lightdm12:03
ActionPa1snipgreyhat: then its not gdm12:03
MonkeyDustgreyhat  there's an existing hidden folder called .themes, that's where you have to put themes12:03
connetinggggggwhat's that12:03
ActionPa1snipconnetingggggg: probably means 'output'12:04
ActionPa1snipconnetingggggg: lightdm is the app you see when you are logging in12:04
BlueEagleconnetingggggg: Do you have any questions that are not answered in the FAQ? http://www.monkey.org/~dugsong/dsniff/faq.html12:04
MonkeyDustgreyhat  do you even know what a hidden folder is?12:04
greyhati have a try12:05
shmoonhi is it possible to get schroot and debootstrap on mac ? would be helpful12:05
MonkeyDustgreyhat  what's your native language?12:05
BlueEagle!tab | connetingggggg12:06
ubottuconnetingggggg: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:06
BlueEagle!enter | connetingggggg12:06
ubottuconnetingggggg: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:06
MonkeyDustgreyhat  better ask advice about basics in #ubuntu-cn12:06
connetinggggggwho use dsniff before?12:06
BlueEagle!ask | connetingggggg12:06
ubottuconnetingggggg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:07
greyhatcan you speak ?12:07
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:07
connetinggggggwhy are you so busy with your warning? blueeagle12:09
connetinggggggwho use dsniff?12:09
kkiittgreetings room and ubottu, who really is very helpful12:09
OerHeksconnetingggggg, why don't you ask the real question and find out?12:10
k1l_!details | connetingggggg12:10
ubottuconnetingggggg: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:10
MonkeyDustconnetingggggg  just ask your dsniff question and wait for a reply12:10
ActionPa1snipconnetingggggg: try asking your real question instead of flooding the channel with nonsense12:10
connetinggggggkkitt why are you here?12:10
BlueEagleconnetingggggg: Please read the guidelines. If you want people in here to help you it is not really a good idea to alienate them by acting like you are doing. If you are having issues with dsniff then please state the nature of the issue susinctly and wait for an answer.12:10
ActionPa1snip!info dsniff12:10
ubottudsniff (source: dsniff): Various tools to sniff network traffic for cleartext insecurities. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4b1+debian-22 (raring), package size 123 kB, installed size 332 kB12:10
kkiitthaving a look first time irc user12:10
BlueEagleconnetingggggg: The best way to not get help is by not heeding advice from other users.12:11
connetinggggggi have asked my questionsssssss many timessssssssssss12:11
ActionPa1snipconnetingggggg: all i've seen is you asking who has used it, which isn't helpful to anyone12:11
BlueEagleconnetingggggg: Also, your keyboard seems to have a few stuck keys. Perhaps you should try cleaning it as well?12:11
greyhathow can you remeber so much order?12:12
ActionPa1snipconnetingggggg: I'm sure many people know about dsniff. The developers in particular will be knowledgable as well as people using it on a regular basis12:13
ActionPa1snipgreyhat: use your mind12:13
greyhatit's so much12:13
Solarraare you experts still around?12:13
ActionPa1snipgreyhat: you get used to it12:13
ActionPa1snipSolarra: just ask12:13
Solarrafollowed this guide : http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Supported_devices12:13
greyhatyeah ,12:14
theadminIs there any sane voice control mechanism in Ubuntu (that'd work with Unity)? Searches lead to gnome-voice-control but that doesn't seem to be in the repos anymore, found some other projects too, mostly dead12:14
Solarragot the wireless to be fully functional12:14
Solarrarestarted per the guide12:14
Solarranow the card doesn't even show up now12:14
ActionPa1snipSolarra: do you dual boot?12:14
Solarranot on this machine12:15
BlueEagleSolarra: Did you forget to add something to /etc/modules ?12:15
Solarrai don't think so12:15
Solarrathe guide didn't say anything about that12:15
ActionPa1sniptheadmin: http://askubuntu.com/questions/63743/voice-control-over-desktop-enviornment12:15
BlueEagleSolarra: If you did a modprobe or depmod as part of the guide then you manually loaded a module. To automatically load it add the name to /etc/modules12:15
greyhatwho can use the backtrack12:16
Solarrano idea what any of that meant12:16
ActionPa1snipgreyhat: the guys ni #backtrack-linux12:16
k1l_greyhat: backtrack is not supported in here12:16
greyhatjust ask12:16
ActionPa1snipgreyhat: backtrack is not supported here in any way12:16
ActionPa1snipSolarra: if you run:   sudo modprobe b43     does it start working?12:17
MonkeyDustgreyhat  were your questions about backtrack, all the time?12:17
Solarrayes it does12:17
Solarraim an idiot12:17
zoozhello guys12:18
MonkeyDustSolarra  no, it's called 'learning' :)12:18
BlueEagleSolarra: Then you need to add the module name to /etc/modules :)12:18
ActionPa1snipSolarra: so you need to run:    echo b43 | sudo tee -a /etc/modules > /dev/null12:18
greyhatcasually ask12:18
Solarrahow do i add that module?12:18
Solarraso it automatically loads?12:18
ActionPa1snipSolarra: the command I gave will add it12:18
zoozgot myself a macbook pro retina, the question is have you solved the problem with everything being tiny due to a large resolution screen?12:18
ActionPa1snipzooz: set a different DPI maybe12:19
BlueEagleSolarra: As ActionPa1snip already described:  echo b43 | sudo tee -a /etc/modules > /dev/null12:19
zoozActionPa1snip, do you know where can I change that?12:19
ActionPa1snipzooz: depends on the gpu etc, i'm sure there will be a setting someplace12:19
ActionPa1snipzooz: are there not guides online12:19
theadminActionPa1snip: Tried those, as said, some of them are dead and some don't work with Unity.12:20
Solarraawesome ActionPa1snip thanks!12:20
zoozActionPa1snip, oh, is it a GPU setting, is it?12:20
ActionPa1snipzooz: its an xorg setting12:20
zoozActionPa1snip, thanks, I'll poke around12:20
greyhatwhere is the hidden theme12:20
greyhati don't know the meaning of the ~/.themes12:21
MonkeyDustgreyhat  type ls -a see the hidden themes; or press ctrl-h in nautilus12:22
MonkeyDustgreyhat  type ls -a to see the hidden themes; or press ctrl-h in nautilus12:22
theadmingreyhat: That refers to a file, or a directory, called ".themes", in your home folder, it's hidden though.12:22
theadmingreyhat: All the themes are accessible from the MyUnity application, however note that some of them result in odd desktop behaviour12:22
Solarraok now it won't connect to the wireless network12:23
Solarrai swear this computer hates me12:23
Solarrafighting me literally every step of the way12:24
MonkeyDustSolarra  sue it ;)12:24
Solarrai know right!12:24
greyhati  into the /home /greyhat,and press th e ctrl +h12:24
greyhatbut did't see themes12:25
MonkeyDustin nautilus or in the terminal?12:25
=== MartinS is now known as Guest76779
greyhatno it is not here12:27
greyhati use the ls -a in terminal12:27
sonOfRaIs there any reason that using sftp:// via nautilus only yields ~600kB/s, while sftp'ing the same file over the command line uses the full available bandwidth?12:28
MonkeyDustsonOfRa  command line is faster than a GUI12:29
sonOfRaBy 1MB/s?12:29
sonOfRawhat the hell is nautilus doing in the background?12:29
wylde_childhey guys12:29
wylde_childhow are you doing?12:29
greyhathow are you doing?12:30
wylde_childi'm fine12:30
theadmin!ot | greyhat, wylde_child12:30
ubottugreyhat, wylde_child: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:30
wylde_childjust started with irc^^12:30
MonkeyDustsonOfRa  that's why cli is mostly the preferred way to handle things: it's faster12:30
greyhatyes ,i guess so12:31
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:31
MonkeyDustgreyhat  read and learn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal#File_.26_Directory_Commands12:38
greyhatthanks MonkeyDust12:43
=== seek is now known as seek0515
jnhghy_Hi, I'm trying to upgrade from ubuntu 10.10 to 12.04, I tried with do-release-upgrade but I get an 404 error and then exist status 1, any workarround for this?12:48
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MonkeyDustjnhghy_  backup and fresh install12:50
jnhghy_MonkeyDust: only way? can't upgrade from version to version?12:51
MonkeyDustjnhghy_  or else: 10.10 > 11.04 > 11.11 > 12.0412:51
MonkeyDustjnhghy_  or else: 10.10 > 11.04 > 11.10 > 12.04      <-- correction12:51
ActionPa1snipjnhghy_: I would do a clean install12:51
jnhghy_MonkeyDust: yes, this is what I want but whentrying to go to 11.04 I get 404 error12:51
MonkeyDustjnhghy_  i guess because 11.04 is !eol12:52
jnhghy_MonkeyDust, because 11.04 is eol the software sources are not in the repo? and have to add them from another source?12:53
MonkeyDustjnhghy_  !eol means: no longer available12:54
ActionPa1snipjnhghy_: yes because the Natty repos are disabled12:54
jnhghy_ActionPa1snip: so what are the sources I need to use? if I remember right ubuntu had a way of upgrading to eol versions .... anybody any idea?12:55
Pici!eolupgrades | jnhghy_ may this point you in the right direction12:56
ubottujnhghy_ may this point you in the right direction: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:56
jnhghy_Pici, ActionPa1snip, MonkeyDust, thanks for your help, this seems to be it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:57
ActionPa1snipjnhghy_: id do a clean install, you will get to the newer version faster and with fewer updates12:57
ra-fihi i have tried to install keepnote, but it shows that there is no keepnote software in repository,how can i install keepnote12:57
ActionPa1snipjnhghy_: you can restore user data from backup, you will also not have the old files from all those versions messing up the OS12:58
MonkeyDust!info keepnote | ra-fi12:58
ubottura-fi: keepnote (source: keepnote): cross-platform note-taking and organization application. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.8-1 (raring), package size 515 kB, installed size 2428 kB12:58
MonkeyDustra-fi  it's there, what happens when you try to install it?12:59
ActionPa1sniphttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/09/use-evernote-in-ubuntu-with-everpad ra-fi12:59
MonkeyDustra-fi  there's also tomboy13:01
ra-fiubottu how can i  install13:03
ubottura-fi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:03
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ra-fiMonkeyDust it just shows nothing i mean when i enter the command to install it just nothing happend13:05
=== Talian_ is now known as Talian
adamkra-fi: What command did you run?13:06
ra-fiadamk sudo apt-get install keepnote13:06
adamkWell you should have gotten *some* output from that command.13:06
adamkSo pastebin the output.13:07
MonkeyDustra-fi  and is it in 13.04 ?13:07
jarrox86WoW my pidgin IRC works :)13:07
ra-fiMonkeyDust no i used 12.0413:08
ra-fiadamk plz see http://pastebin.com/5pwzdCta13:08
tonyhi, im new to this and just wondering, In lvm using snapshot backup. Correct me if im wrong, a lvm snapshot contains the data that change since the snapshot created right. so the original volume is frozen am i right, so if your backing up the snapshot volume. ur backing up volume which is still active or data will change anytime during ur backup13:08
MonkeyDust!info keepnote precise| ra-fi13:09
ubottu'precise|' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable13:09
MonkeyDust!info keepnote precise | ra-fi13:09
ubottura-fi: Package keepnote does not exist in precise13:09
adamkra-fi: You will either have to find a repo with it, or install it manually.  Or upgrade your Ubuntu version.13:09
ra-fiadamk i used 12.04 version only is it  need to update to futher version?13:11
MonkeyDustra-fi  12.04 if you want long support, 13.04 if you want the latest stuff13:12
ra-fiMonkeyDust http://pastebin.com/DDSYnW6u13:12
MonkeyDustra-fi  what is that?13:12
adBrianmmonat you spelled xmonad wrong13:14
ra-fiMonkeyDust for the only keepnote apps am i need to upgrade to 13.04? or 13.04 is better in all the way then 12.0413:14
mmonatadBrian say, what??13:14
adBrianmmonat, what?13:14
bekksmmonat: He was trying to make a joke.13:14
adamkHe failed.13:15
adBrianlol. i still think i'ts funny13:15
mmonatbekks: too dumb to get the joke13:15
bekksmmonat: It was a bad joke ;)13:16
farooqgood morning13:18
jarrox86Dont make jokes , be serious guys! Some expensive hardware could be broken in the process.13:18
ActionPa1snipfarooq: damn!13:18
adBrianlol, does anyone use mirc in wine?13:18
ActionPa1snipadBrian: why bother, irssi can do pretty much all the same, and better13:18
farooqI am trying to install rvm jruby on 13.0413:18
farooqI have this missing shared objects - libdl.so.1,libm.so.5.2,libstdc++.so.50.0,libstdc++.so.613:19
farooqany ideas ?13:19
adBriani still haven't figured out how to use it though..13:19
MonkeyDustadBrian  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#IRC_Clients13:19
adBriani mean i use Konversation13:19
* adBrian uses Konversation instead of irssi13:20
farooqanyone know how to get libdl.so.1,libm.so.5.2,libstdc++.so.50.0,libstdc++.so.6 in 13.04 ?13:20
MonkeyDust!find libstdc | farooq13:21
ubottufarooq: Found: libstdc++6, libstdc++6-4.4-dbg, libstdc++6-4.4-dev, libstdc++6-4.4-doc, libstdc++6-4.4-pic, libstdc++6-4.7-dbg, libstdc++6-4.7-dev, libstdc++6-4.7-doc, libstdc++5, libstdc++6-4.6-dbg (and 20 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libstdc&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all13:21
=== seek is now known as seek0515
farooq@MonkeyDust -  I am not sure I follow. Are you saying to run a find command ?13:21
PrototypeX29Asince my upgrade to 13.04 calling gnome-alsamixer will result in a segmentation fault, that should not happen right?13:22
ActionPa1snipadBrian: how to use what?13:22
farooq@ubottu - I will try adding that as a source. I used synaptic to make sure the standard C libraries are there13:22
farooqI am missing something obvious13:22
ActionPa1snipadBrian: there are tonnes of guides for the client13:23
adBriandoes it really matter?13:23
* adBrian continues to use Konversation13:23
farooq@ubottu -13:25
BlueEagleadBrian: I think you should use what ever makes you feel comfortable, as long as there are no big security issues that put yourself or others at risk.13:25
* adBrian leaves to try irssi13:26
BlueEaglefarooq: ubottu is not a real person, but a robot.13:26
farooq@BlueEagle - feeling awkward13:26
farooqthanks -13:26
BlueEaglefarooq: Also, this is IRC not twitter. @ is a symbol for channel operators. On IRC we use the nick name followed by a colon. See also !tab13:27
farooqgot it.13:28
BlueEaglefarooq: Now that we've got that out of the way, why do you need libdl.so.1, libstdc++ and so on? Are you attempting to build something from source?13:29
farooqBlueEagle: I am trying to install jruby under RVM13:29
farooqI can install jruby directly with sudo apt-get install jruby -13:30
BlueEaglefarooq: sudo apt-get install ruby-rvm13:30
BlueEaglefarooq: That should work13:30
BlueEaglefarooq: Unless jruby is a different thing completely.13:30
farooqBlueEagle, quite different13:30
farooqso when I do locate, I see a bunch of shared objects, but don't understand which is "dependency" etc.13:31
bitnumusguys, trying to install Adobe Reader on ubuntu, an error about bad package quality13:32
bitnumusare there any PDF readers in the repos that dont fail on saving form entries?13:32
bekksbitnumus: acrobat reader.13:32
=== maxx is now known as Guest33753
bitnumusbekks, i dont see that in repos ?13:33
bitnumuslink me if you dont mind13:33
bekksbitnumus: It should be in the partner repo.13:33
cnfright, back to my PAM issues13:33
BlueEaglefarooq: Is there a difference to installing jruby via apt-get and installing it via rvm? When it comes to the final result I mean?13:33
ActionPa1snipbitnumus: its called acroread13:33
BlueEaglefarooq: I must admit that I'm out of my depth with rvm. :)13:33
bitnumusok thanks ill try and grab the DEB from soemwhere13:33
bitnumusare you aware of the issue with the default PDF viewer?13:34
bitnumusis it a known bug etc13:34
KrupptPrototypeX29A: To see what is causing the segfault you can start the gnome-alsamixer from a terminal with strace , run:  strace gnome-alsamixer in user term13:34
farooqBlueEagle, thanks for trying to help. The difference is the ability to have different RUBY versions running on the same machine.13:34
cnfso anyone around that knows how to change PAM so i only affect local console login?13:34
KrupptPrototypeX29A: Will give you a clue as to what is causing the problem13:34
bitnumusActionPa1snip, nspluginwrapper, isnt this related to wine ?>13:35
ActionPa1snipbitnumus: no, thats for web plugins like flash13:35
BlueEaglefarooq: There is a channel called #rvm. Perhaps they can shed more light on the issue if nobody here can help.13:35
bitnumusstrange that i didnt already have it installed then13:35
bitnumusseeing as i use the web plugin13:35
farooqBlueEagle, thanks sir.13:36
REVO-Fhi..I'm using ubuntu 12.04 how can I upgrade it to ubuntu 13.0413:36
bekksREVO-F: You have to update to 12.10 and then to 13.0413:37
PrototypeX29AKruppt: i don't have a clue, it just happened after my upgrade to 13.04, but i will try strace13:37
REVO-Fbekks, and how do i do it?13:37
velcrowWhat's the best way to share my muse and keyboard with another pc running win7?13:37
bekksREVO-F: using "do-release-upgrade"13:38
ActionPa1snipvelcrow: do you mean have windows control you ubuntu system, or the other way around?13:38
velcrowActionPa1snip, Would prefer windows as host13:38
REVO-Fbekks, thanks13:38
ActionPa1snipvelcrow: there also is no single best way, there are simply options13:38
ActionPa1snipvelcrow: you can use rdesktop to connect to the windows pc13:39
Wiz_KeeDhey guys, i'm trying to make a bash command that will concat multiple others with the use of && and the last part requires restarting a service on the server, how can i apped this to the last command ?13:39
velcrowActionPa1snip, Im all ears. Tried synergy and it doesnt work well13:39
REVO-Fbekks, it says no new release found..13:39
nibbler_Wiz_KeeD: foo && bar && service baz restart ?13:40
bekksWiz_KeeD: cmd1 && cmd2 && service yoursvc restart13:40
KrupptPrototypeX29A: That is the reason fro running it with strace, as it will generally give you a clue as to what lib or such is causing the problem and you can try to repair13:40
Wiz_KeeDremote host, ssh sorry13:40
Wiz_KeeDforgot to mention13:40
nibbler_Wiz_KeeD: echo "foo && bar && service baz restart" | ssh user@remotehost ?13:40
ActionPa1snip!upgrade | REVO-F13:40
ubottuREVO-F: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:40
velcrowActionPa1snip, Any other options?13:40
ActionPa1snipvelcrow: what are yo uwanting to control the windows box to achieve?13:41
Wiz_KeeDit's accesible only to root, so sudo password must be supplied13:41
Wiz_KeeDeven though i have a ssh key and whatnot, i'm not super-user13:41
bekksWiz_KeeD: You could ask for the sudo passwd before, using sudo.13:41
nibbler_Wiz_KeeD: well... just add onother step... edit sudoers to allow this command without password, or read about "expect"13:42
Wiz_KeeDidk how that works, everything is done locally with scripts that contact the remote application but the restart itself idk how to do13:42
Wiz_KeeDyou think that's "safe" nibbler_ ?13:42
velcrowActionPa1snip, I have my mouse and keyboard attached to my win pc, and id like to share those with my ubuntu machine by extending the display13:42
velcrowActionPa1snip, Synergy does it, just not too well13:42
Wiz_KeeDso should i just sudo adduser wiz sudoers ?13:42
PrototypeX29AKruppt: i am not an expert in reading the strace log but to me it looks like some return code isn't checked http://pastebin.com/mMBMPe7S13:42
bekksWiz_KeeD: Nope.13:42
nibbler_Wiz_KeeD: i don't think at all. thats your job, i have no clue what enviroment, command etc you are talking about. how could i tell? you want it non-interactive, so i guess security is not the main facter anyway13:43
PrototypeX29AKruppt: but i cannot really tell a lot from that13:43
Wiz_KeeDi could just make the service to be in my group13:43
Wiz_KeeDand make exec available13:44
bekksWiz_KeeD: Nope. :)13:44
bekksWiz_KeeD: You really shouldnt do that.13:44
Wiz_KeeDwhat's the difference between making the service useable without password and this?13:45
bekksWiz_KeeD: Security?13:45
Wiz_KeeDisn't it the same thing? anyway, so best thing for this would be...13:45
bekksWiz_KeeD: It isnt the same thing, no.13:46
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  *nix is famed for its security, better not disable that13:46
Wiz_KeeDagreed MonkeyDust13:46
ActionPa1snipvelcrow: yes but why do you want to be able to control the mouse etc?13:46
bekksWiz_KeeD: The best thing would be to add a line to /etc/sudoers to allow your specific user the execution of one specific command without the need of entering a password.13:46
KrupptPrototypeX29A: Yeah, there is not a lot I can do with that either.13:47
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  look what happened on (non-secure) Android phones : malware13:47
Wiz_KeeDwhat happened MonkeyDust ? :O13:47
Wiz_KeeDi'm in sudoers bekks, what now ?:13:47
bekksWiz_KeeD: Configure it...13:47
bekks!sudo | Wiz_KeeD13:48
ubottuWiz_KeeD: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:48
ubottuzanetti04: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:48
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  http://appleinsider.com/articles/13/05/14/mobile-malware-exploding-but-only-for-android13:48
Wiz_KeeDreading it now13:48
Wiz_KeeDbekks, how can i add that special command /etc/init.d/server start stop restart for user wiz?13:49
KrupptPrototypeX29A: You may want to run this from a root term:->  apt-get update && apt-get upgrade  <- and see if all is in fact upraded13:49
bekksWiz_KeeD: Please read the links given by ubottu13:49
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  it's not Android itself, it's the non-secure apps13:49
Wiz_KeeDIOS had no issues whatsoever?13:49
PrototypeX29AKruppt: unlikely, as i just did the upgrade but i will give it a shot13:49
bekksWiz_KeeD: IOS has a different security model.13:49
PrototypeX29AKruppt: ist there an alternative to gnome-alsamixer? there is alsamixer but i cannot select the output device with it13:50
Wiz_KeeDmuch better, more restrictive i suppose bekks13:51
Wiz_KeeDit only shows <username> ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL which i've figured out myself since the sudoers file has this for root13:51
Wiz_KeeDi just wanted to narrow it down to my user13:52
theadminPrototypeX29A: Try pavucontrol, that is if you're using Pulse.13:52
KrupptPrototypeX29A: Yes there are several different mixers, I like QasMixer myself13:53
Wiz_KeeDhalp bekks ? :(13:53
bekksWiz_KeeD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:53
bekksWiz_KeeD: It is described in there, I just checked.13:53
Wiz_KeeDthat's what i've been reading13:53
bekksWiz_KeeD: Then you missed something while reading ;)13:54
Maple__Question: If you have a link at /home/username/Desktop/foldername to a folder located at /host/foldername, will space in /home be taken up as well, or only /host?13:54
Maple__Question: If you have a link at /home/username/Desktop/foldername to a folder located at /host/foldername, will space in /home be taken up as well, or only /host?13:54
Maple__Question: If you have a link at /home/username/Desktop/foldername to a folder located at /host/foldername, will space in /home be taken up as well, or only /host?13:54
theadminMaple__: You're not lagging, it's just that nobody has replied13:55
PrototypeX29Atheadmin: i never understand the ubuntu archiecture enough to be able to say what i am using13:55
Maple__no, my connection is laggy as well13:55
llutzMaple__: space for the symlink-entry will be taken, a few bytes13:55
Maple__^ my latest post took ten seconds to appear13:56
PrototypeX29Atheadmin: if i'd find a place that explains it, i would really be happy :D13:56
Maple__that one took 313:56
ActionPa1snipMaple__: only space on /host is truly used. The symlink manages it for you :)13:57
KrupptPrototypeX29A: You can select between different output devices in alsamixer, read the help file for details,13:57
ActionPa1snipMaple__: how does writing 'lag' achieve anything at all?13:57
ActionPa1snipMaple__: besides spamming/scrolling the channel....what is the point exactly?13:57
PiciLets just move on.13:58
PrototypeX29AKruppt: not really, i can select my external soundcart but the only setting shown there is "Power LED"14:03
Wiz_KeeDbekks, you are suggesting i remove the password check from my user when sudoing?14:04
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KrupptPrototypeX29A: When you hit F6 all your available sound devices do not show?14:05
PrototypeX29AKruppt: they are shown, but when i select my sound blaster i no channels are shown14:06
=== doomster is now known as doomys
=== doomys is now known as thisisdoomtser
Guest51492hello all i am setting up a laptop with ubuntu 13.04 for a friend. he only wants it fow internet browsing and transfering music to and from his iPhone 4. i have been unable to get itunes to instal through wine or play on linux and am wondering if anybody knows whether there is a way to tranfer music without it.14:07
Guest51492i do not use iphone or know much about it14:07
thisisdoomtserhello all . i just installed ubuntu13,04 and i cannot get my HP1012 LaserJet printer to work. is there a way to "downgrade" Cups and HP Drivers to previous version in order to work correctly?14:07
MonkeyDustGuest51492  try banshee, is what it syas here14:09
KrupptPrototypeX29A: Hmm! I wonder if all your modules are actually loaded ...or a driver problem....have you looked at the output of dmesg to see if anything looks off there?14:10
MonkeyDustGuest51492  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178584414:10
chvxis it possible to install the root on the whole disk? is it recommended?14:11
ActionPa1snipWiz_KeeD: you can use the sudoers file to allow users to run certain commands without password for sudo (you will still need to use sudo and be in the sudo group)14:11
Wiz_KeeDActionPa1snip, can you please tell me how i can allows user wiz to run sudo /etc/init.d/service restart ?14:11
llutzchvx: possible yes, works too but most people doesn't recommend it (whyever)14:11
ActionPa1snipchvx: you can if you want a single partition for / then that is fine. You may want to set some swap space thought14:11
ActionPa1snipWiz_KeeD: look into the sudoers file14:12
Wiz_KeeDi am14:12
camila_I'm looking at the tutorial to know how it works here, but i'm not a english speaker so i'm having a little bit difficult to understand. I have de ubuntustudio 12.04. i need help to install my webcam. what can I do? where can I get some help? tks14:12
Wiz_KeeDnow what?14:12
chvxActionPa1snip: i got 6gig RAM14:12
Wiz_KeeDroot    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL14:12
jiffe99I have an ubuntu session open via an nxclient session, anyone know why when I open a terminal and try to run amdconfig it says X needs to be running?14:12
bariumbitmapI have this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/902557 What are my options?14:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 902557 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "Wireless not working in 12.04 for rtl8192ce (RTL8188CE)" [Medium,Confirmed]14:13
MonkeyDustjiffe99  is amdconfig a GUI application?14:13
adamkjiffe99: amdconfig is trying to connect to an X server that is running the catalyst driver. I'm not very familiar with nxclient, but I'd guess that it's not using the catalyst driver since it's a remote session.14:14
satoniohi. how can i install grub on a mdadm raid5 array so it can boot? grub-install /dev/md125 fails, grub-install /dev/sda fails14:14
thisisdoomtserhello all . i just installed ubuntu13,04 and i cannot get my HP1012 LaserJet printer to work. is there a way to "downgrade" Cups and HP Drivers to previous version in order to work correctly?14:14
PrototypeX29AKruppt: dmesg looks "normal" as far as i can say14:14
jiffe99adamk: that makes sense14:15
betraydPrototypeX29A: search for sound or audio while browsing dmesg14:16
Wiz_KeeDActionPa1snip, wiz ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/service restart doesn't work14:16
betraydPrototypeX29A: with /   <-- to scan and 'n' for next14:17
KrupptPrototypeX29A: run lsmod and be sure all  the modules are loaded for your sound devices...14:18
PrototypeX29Abetrayd: nothing that is indicating a problem14:19
PrototypeX29AKruppt: how do i know what "all the modules" are?14:19
KrupptPrototypeX29A: Also I just remembered something..I it may also be Pulse related.14:20
Wiz_KeeDnow that no password is required to restart the service through ssh14:20
Wiz_KeeDssh remote-host || service restart ?14:20
PrototypeX29AKruppt: what i did was unplugging and replugging the external soundcard, so the result on dmesg was http://pastebin.com/aFhx3bpe14:21
blobHi, how do i rmove a modeline with xrandr ? I've tried --delmode mod it throws me an BadAccess error14:21
llutzWiz_KeeD: man ssh (ssh host "cmd goes here")14:21
PrototypeX29AKruppt: looks quite ok to me14:21
PrototypeX29AKruppt: is there a way to understand the ubuntu sound architecture?14:21
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PrototypeX29AKruppt: for years now i am stuck with fixing issues i don't understand because it is really weird how that stuff plays together and i never know how to do real diagnostics14:22
adamkblob: Is this a modeline that was added via xrandr, or one that was autodetected?14:22
blobadamk: auto14:22
Troy^]Ok I have an UEFI mobo. It's a laptop it came with windows8. I have installed windows 7 on it non-secure plus it sais its installed as MBR not as UEFI. When i install Ubuntu and also use the boot-repair i can not get into Windows14:22
betraydPrototypeX29A: maybe not diagnostics, just run-of-the-mill troubleshooting e.g. I'd run a current liveCD and if gives me sound compare it to the nonworking one14:23
=== Troy^] is now known as Troy^
adamkblob: I'm pretty sure you can only delete modelines that were added with --addmode.14:24
PrototypeX29Abetrayd: i know that it worked just days ago, before i was upgrading to 13.0414:25
PrototypeX29Abetrayd: so obviously the upgrade broke it, but i don't know how to fix it14:25
betraydwould you still have the liveCD of the prior version?14:25
blobadamk: what ? but the modline i want to remove is trash and does not work .. the has to be a way .. its causing my monitor to show gibberish14:26
PrototypeX29Ai don't even know whether i have got a working cd drive14:26
DuncanTHi. Can anybody confirm whether ia32-libs-multiarch is currently broken in precise due to missing deps? Specifically Depends: libglu1-mesa:i386 but it is not going to be installed14:26
PrototypeX29Abetrayd: if i had, i probably would be running fedora by now :D14:26
adamkblob: Why don't you just not use that modeline then?14:26
betraydPrototypeX29A: with full-on sound :D14:27
PrototypeX29Ai guess :D14:27
blobadamk: if i start my laptop connected with my secound screen it forces both screens to use the laptop resolution apparently the external one does not like the laptop resolution14:28
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betraydintel onboard?14:28
adamkblob: So select a different mode.  Or use an xorg.conf file to specify a PreferredMode.14:28
blobadamk: although it should work fine with the laptop resolution, i think the syncs are wrong14:29
KrupptPrototypeX29A: run lspci -vnn to determine your sound hardware<devices> then use the info there to search for needed info as far as needed modules for sound devices14:29
KrupptPrototypeX29A: That looks good there14:30
blobadamk: im not very sure what i have to write down there14:30
=== mpoirier_away is now known as mpoirier
LordXe-gnuUnder unity, is there any way to start a window "docked" (not sure if that's the right term, basically where the window is snapped to the top in my case and the title bar disappears etc)14:31
KrupptPrototypeX29A: I take it you did not make a recent backup before the last upgrade ?14:31
blobadamk: thats what my laptop is using according to xrandr: 1366x768 58.5, my lg has the same 1366x768 58.5 in there14:32
betraydLordXe-gnu: think the word is 'pinned'14:32
LordXe-gnubasically I'm using one of my virtual desktops for VNC and I already made a keybinding to launch it... but I still have to drag it to the top14:32
LordXe-gnubetrayd, aha, that would explain the lack of google results ;p14:32
betraydoh maybe wmctrl is one tool to move/pin it, or devilspie to make a config and nail it everytime14:33
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto14:33
betraydin a different context14:34
PrototypeX29AKruppt: that is true14:34
shmoonthe chroot command accepts an argument --userspec=user:grp, does this user:grp needs to be present inside the jail or outside ?14:34
PrototypeX29AKruppt: http://pastebin.com/9eeZzKNV14:36
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PrototypeX29AKruppt: is that even supposed to list usb devices?14:37
KrupptPrototypeX29A: No..lsusb -vnn =-(14:38
PrototypeX29Aoh yes i did it wrong14:38
PrototypeX29AKruppt: but it doesn't recognize option n14:39
Lavyhi all14:39
betraydhey there14:39
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
KrupptPrototypeX29A: True just lsusb should suffice14:41
PrototypeX29AKruppt: Creative is in there, looking good14:42
GPHemsleyThe wiki pages are unclear: Is there any reason I might not want to install the latest version of Ubuntu on an older MacBook Pro?14:43
blobstep1 :  xrandr --newmode "1368x768_60" 85.86 1368 1440 1584 1800 768 769 772 795 -HSync +Vsync   - step 2: xrandr --addmode VGA-0 1368x768_60   - result: X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) WHY ??14:44
laudeciis there a way to backup all vpn configuration ?14:44
=== laudeci is now known as Pretto
betraydare those numbers in the modeline accurate14:45
betraydor copied/pasted from somewhere14:45
blobfrom a website14:46
Pretto /msg NickServ identify 04068214:46
OerHeksPretto, time to change your password14:46
betrayd agreed14:47
adamkblob: Not sure why it failed for you...  Those commands did just work fine here (once I changed VGA-0 to a port I have connected).14:47
PrettoOerHeks, doesn't need to, it is no my account anyway14:47
PrettoI've been away for a long time and lost it14:48
betraydnow 1728 users can help you14:48
=== Pretto is now known as Laudeci
blobadamk: man thats bs i kinda get desperate, on win this just works ;//14:49
Olionis1hello to all14:49
OerHeksPretto, i think your account is gone after x months. try #freenode to see if you need to register again14:49
LaudeciOerHeks, somebody got it when it was expired14:50
Wiz_KeeDnow that i have a long command with &&, how can i place it in just one tiny one that will launch it for me?14:50
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Wiz_KeeDor better yet, since there are 3 comands, call them separately if possible14:50
Gibuanyone know how to reduce size of icons in application switcher for Ubuntu 12.0414:54
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  nano blahblah, add your commands, save, make executable, done!14:55
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  this is a custom bash file I created that way http://ubuntuone.com/0vs6fLwRcA07lFRUyLn2AU14:57
=== user_ is now known as ubuntuuser
ravencan someone link me to the touch channel please15:03
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch15:04
ravencan someone link me to the ubuntu touch chat please15:05
th0rraven: it was the first answer from google15:05
Gibuanyone know how to reduce size of icons in application switcher for Ubuntu 12.0415:05
blobso i fond fb.modes on the internet ... are they still used today ?15:06
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adamkblob: fb.modes is only used by fbset, iirc, and has no impact on anything Xorg does.15:08
blobman I sure hope Xorg dies out like a dinosaur15:11
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shmoonfakechroot vs schroot ?15:12
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betraydxorg might be the solution thought15:13
betraydRefusing to use it might be limiting your options15:13
blobadamk: which nvidia drivers do you have installed ?15:14
adamkblob: I never said I used the nvidia drivers.15:14
wastrelhm how do i prevent unity from automatically mounting my phone when i plug it in to usb?15:14
blobadamk: yeah could it be that nvidia still does not support randr 1.2 ?15:15
Wiz_KeeDMonkeyDust, and how do yo call the custom bash file after you've created it? or where do you place it?15:15
adamkblob: It could be.  Last I used nvidia, their 1.2 support was shoddy.15:15
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=== sn_ is now known as eSeNek
pagioshello i am trying to export some variables in @reboot in a crotnab, for some reasons these varialbes are not being exported, if i do env > /tmp/myenv.txt the varialbes are not showing there any ideaS?15:17
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  i called it 'systemupdate' (without extension) and placed it in ~/Documents15:20
Wiz_KeeDso no extension, hmm15:22
Wiz_KeeDyou can place it anywhere or how? MonkeyDust15:23
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  yes15:23
Wiz_KeeDso i can call it from anywhere15:23
Wiz_KeeDhow does it know that's the bash-script-required?15:23
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  it's executed with sh ~/Documents/systemupdate15:24
Wiz_KeeDand to have it like custom-script that can be called anywhere?15:25
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  yes, if you specify the path in your command15:26
Wiz_KeeDwithout that path i meant15:26
betraydplace it in a location that's part of $PATH15:26
betrayd echo $PATH  <will list where executables should be found15:28
llutzWiz_KeeD: create ~/bin and place personal custom scripts there. ~/.profile should add it to your PATH if it exists. so you can call the script from everywhere without giving the path15:29
PrototypeX29Aanyone has an idea where to find a decent description of the ubuntu sound architecture which may guide me to how to debug my current sound card issues?15:30
everesttOk, this happens all the time.. why are some icons not showing up in the Alt+Tab switcher!?... take a look at this screenshot http://i44.tinypic.com/2a5kk3.png ...I have the terminal open but it isn't showing up in the switcher. Also the triangle indicator in the launcher is different (isn't filled) for the terminal icon. What's happening?15:31
BluesKajPrototypeX29A, maybe we can help , ubuntu sound issues is a real dog's breakfast , but it can be sorted out with time and patience15:31
baldfatPrototypeX29A: Well sadly to say Audio is still a pain in Linux :(15:31
baldfatPrototypeX29A: I usually go with alsamixer to see quickly what is wrong15:32
baldfatPrototypeX29A: sudo apt-get install alsamixer15:32
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: alsamixer is installed, but i cannot see what is wrong, or maybe not understand15:33
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: people tried already to help me15:33
baldfatPrototypeX29A: well open a terminal15:33
BluesKajPrototypeX29A, open a terminal type alsamixer15:33
PrototypeX29Aalsamixer let's me choose the right device, but the only thing i can control with alsamixer is the LED15:34
baldfatthan when you look at everything you might have soemthing muted15:34
PrototypeX29Agnome-alsamixer doesn't even run without segfaulting15:34
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: if it was that simple, i would have already figured it out15:34
baldfatpavcontrol maybe?15:34
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: waht is that?15:35
baldfatPrototypeX29A: Just remember we have to start on ground level for some people the next step was to check your device15:35
BluesKajPrototypeX29A, run aplay -l in the terminal , and paste the first line that outputs15:35
baldfatPrototypeX29A: it is a pulse audio mixer15:35
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: i have sound, but it is the wrong device15:35
baldfatDo what BluesKaj said first15:35
Wiz_KeeDwhat the hell is redirection unexpected?15:36
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/RAP7NNq715:36
PrototypeX29Ait obviously uses card 0, which is my onboard audio chip15:37
PrototypeX29Ai want to use my external soundblaster15:37
baldfatWiz_KeeD: depends on the context15:37
MonkeyDustPrototypeX29A  here too: segfaut whe launching gnome-alsamixer, looks it's a !bug15:37
BluesKajpro so you want the USB soundcard as default , pro15:37
MonkeyDusttypos ^^^^15:38
baldfatI really would suggest apt-get install pavcontrol   It is my go to program for controling different outputs. I use it for my bluetooth headphone15:38
PrototypeX29AMonkeyDust: my guess from strace is, that the segfault only occurs, because some return value isn't checked, that shouldn;t fail in the first place15:38
everestt(continued..) Figured it out... it happens when the application window is in a different workspace... changed to another workspace and back and it's working now... but the terminal window wasn't in another workspace to begin with.. weird... but at least I can make the icon appear in the switcher!15:38
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: yes, but it doesn't seem to be accessible15:39
BluesKajbaldfat, yes good suggestion , but we need to make his usb card default first15:39
BluesKajPrototypeX29A,  install pavucontrol15:40
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: are you sure with the spelling of the package, i don't find it15:40
Roy_Newbie_13-04how can I find the dependency for: libmagick++415:40
PrototypeX29Aok with u: pavucontrol it is already installed15:40
BluesKajPrototypeX29A, then open it and set the outputs to your usb card if it's listed in the dropdown15:41
baldfatPrototypeX29A: It is a gui program just launch it15:41
foofoobarHi. I installed ubuntu-13.04 on my macbook7,1. First I had problems when halting/rebooting, which had not worked. I then installed the nvidia proprietary driver and halting/shutdown worked. Now I switched from unity to i3wm as a window manager. Halting/Rebooting again does not work, what do I have to do know?15:41
baldfatPrototypeX29A: Has a tab for outputs and you will see if your external is there15:41
acosorry to interruptr guys but what line do i type to join another room15:42
foofoobaraco, usually /join #roomname15:42
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: it is there but i cannot make it play sound15:42
acook, thanks15:42
baldfatPrototypeX29A: but you can send sound to it?15:43
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: i am not sure whether i get the question correctly15:43
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: i am playing sound (through internal speakers) and then select the Soundblaster15:43
PrototypeX29Aoh wait15:44
PrototypeX29Ai can select it with playback15:44
baldfatPrototypeX29A: NICE15:45
MonkeyDustodd: when I plugin the external HDD (USB), it opens Totem mediaplayer for every video on it - I then close Totem and browse the HDD, but it shouldnt happen in the first place15:45
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: i know have sound on my headphone, but i don't know why15:45
oliviermy brother is going to buy a new laptop. he wants to use Ubuntu but it also needs to support Windows. Do you guys know what laptops are superb with Ubuntu?15:45
baldfatMonkeyDust: It is somehow tied to your default program for when it is plugged in. Answer depends on your DE or WM of choice15:45
ActionPa1snipolivier: system76 :)15:45
MonkeyDust!hardware | olivier start here15:45
ubottuolivier start here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:45
olivierI know System76 is awesome, but they only support Ubuntu :P15:46
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: well thanks, but still i would love to have a decent description of the ubuntu sound architecture to fix those problems myself the next time :/15:46
ActionPa1snip!hcl | olivier15:46
ubottuolivier: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:46
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: and gnome-alsamixer still segfaults15:46
baldfatPrototypeX29A: Well it is a deep pool. I use to be a sound enginer and everything is so different15:46
MonkeyDustbaldfat  13.04 with Unity15:46
baldfatI wouldn't worry about alsamixer just read on Pulse Audio reading it at archlinux.org/wiki is your best documentations15:47
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: still it should be possible to understand sound under ubuntu15:47
baldfatPrototypeX29A: You have to understand Pulse Audio15:47
BluesKajPrototypeX29A, ok open a terminal , run : sudo update-usbids , then run ,15:47
BluesKajsudo gstreamer-properties (A GUI will open)15:47
BluesKaj(After configuring a reboot may be in order)15:47
baldfatPrototypeX29A: ^ That will help the gnome issue15:48
baldfat<--- Hates gnome :)15:48
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: i can found documentation to pulseaudo, but not how it is used in ubuntu15:48
baldfatubuntu uses pulse audio15:48
=== DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ
BluesKajok , no point ...too many cooks .. PrototypeX29A read my last post above , it might work for you15:49
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: i did that, except for the reboot15:49
nitaihello there, I have a wifi problem with ubuntu 12.04 on my netbook. is anyone out there who can help me... please? :)15:50
PrototypeX29Abaldfat: i don't think that is a gnome issues. except that it should never segfault, but give a proper error message15:50
BluesKajdid a gui pop up PrototypeX29A?15:50
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: yes15:50
ActionPa1snipnitai: what wifi chip are you using?15:50
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: the test seems to work15:50
BluesKajdid you configure your usb setting15:50
PrototypeX29Ai did run the command you told me15:51
Roy_Newbie_13-04how do i install  libmagick++4 for ubuntu 13.04 ?15:51
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olivierif a laptop is Ubuntu Certified, does that also mean that the video card is optimally used? I don't see it in this list: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/test-suite/15:51
BluesKajok PrototypeX29A then you'll have to reboot to make the gstreamer setings stick15:51
nitaiActionPa1snip: how can I figure that out again?15:52
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: i will try that15:53
nitaiActionPa1snip: it's not like, that i don't have a connection.. it's just, when i am connected to the wifi, all other devices connected to it, cannot use the internet anymore. like the ubuntu netbook is always sending and doesn't let others talk15:56
ActionPa1snipnitai: sudo lshw -C network15:56
nitaiActionPa1snip: http://pastebin.com/N86ArbaE15:58
cstar__anyone for a nfs question >15:58
MonkeyDustcstar__  i'm somewhat familiar with it15:59
she_dyedjust ask cstar15:59
cstar__i have created my shares but when i do showmount it does not list anything15:59
ActionPa1snipnitai: tried with wicd instead of network manger, may help. You will need to reboot after the install of wicd and removal of network manager16:00
MonkeyDustcstar__  you have to export them in /etc/exports on the remote machine16:00
ActionPa1snipcstar__: what OS is sharing the NTFS?16:00
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: still segfaulting16:00
GPHemsleyDoes anyone know if it's safe to install the latest Ubuntu on an old (Intel) MacBook Pro?16:00
ActionPa1snipcstar__: sorry, nfs16:00
ActionPa1snipGPHemsley: should be ok16:00
ActionPa1snip!nfs | cstar__16:01
ubottucstar__: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.16:01
wastreldid you do showmount -e <nfs server>  ?16:01
nitaiActionPa1snip: ok.. already tried to install wicd, but did not remove the network-manager yet.16:01
GPHemsleyActionPa1snip: Do you happen to know why the help wiki only suggests older versions of Ubuntu? Is it just what has been officially tested?16:01
cstar__yes it shows nothing for listed host16:01
BluesKajPrototypeX29A, remove gnome-alsmixer , and install alsa-base and alsa-utils16:01
cstar__although there are shares created16:01
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: i am not really sure where you are heading16:01
cstar__even showmount -e on localhost shows same16:01
BluesKajerr gnome-alsmixer16:02
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: because it is running now, my only problem is that i still don't understand it16:02
she_dyedyeah PrototypeX29A's getting sound now all sorted16:02
BluesKajPrototypeX29A, we're replacing a gnome specific app with a generic16:02
PrototypeX29Amy only issue is that i don't understand what es happening, and after every other upgrade it is broken again and someone will tell me to use another thing, what i then will do until it breaks again16:03
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: alsamixer and qasmixer have issues too, i dont think it is a gnome problem16:03
BluesKajPrototypeX29A, how do you mean running ..is the audio working ?16:03
acohey guys quick question, how couldd i bind a key to open a internet link in a new window..having some  trouble looking it up16:04
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: yes, it is16:04
wastrelaco: like middle click the link ?16:04
she_dyed blueskaj think after using pavucontrol16:04
PrototypeX29Ashe_dyed: correct16:04
wastreli guess that's new tab16:04
acopretty much though im on a laptop16:05
ActionPa1snipnitai: you cannot have both :)16:05
PrototypeX29Ashe_dyed: i cannot really tell the difference between all of the alsamixers and the pulseaudio one, though16:05
acoso i wanted o know if a kb key could do it16:05
acosorry open in new tab***16:05
she_dyedPrototypeX29A yeah i can see now how it can get confusing16:06
ActionPa1snipGPHemsley: they will probably fly with newer. I have seen 12.04 mac guides, depends on the actual model16:06
acoso open a link i find on the net in a new tab - using a key16:06
PrototypeX29Asince i use ubuntu using sound really is a pain, and i never get it because i cannot find any decent documentation on how ubuntu uses Pulseaudio, alsa etc.16:06
nm_nmHow is that possible that some one can ban other from the entire IRC network?16:06
GPHemsleyActionPa1snip: I have a MacBookPro3,116:06
BluesKajwell PrototypeX29A  if pavucontrol is set and you have audio working , then you should be fine ...pulseaudio is a sound sewrver that rides on top of alsa and is used to set input and outputs on your soundcard16:07
ActionPa1snipaco: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=65886016:07
PrototypeX29ABluesKaj: is there any decent description of the architecture?16:07
she_dyedPrototypeX29A might be a good reference to start https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio16:07
BluesKaj!alsa | PrototypeX29A16:07
ubottuPrototypeX29A: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:08
BluesKaj!pulseaudio | PrototypeX29A16:08
PrototypeX29Ashe_dyed: thanks, though i guess i crawled through that already16:08
ubottuPrototypeX29A: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions16:08
ActionPa1snipGPHemsley: could always use USB first to test, or liveCD16:08
PrototypeX29Ai will try again16:08
nitaiActionPa1snip: ok, now i removed network-manager... and it is nearly impossible to use that tool16:09
nitaiActionPa1snip: every time i try to get a connection the programm freezes and crashes16:09
shorty40handsim having trouble with the signing of the COC both in command line and in the COC app assistant freezes on page 4 if anyone can help me through this please shoot me a pm. ty16:10
nitaiActionPa1snip: the moment i try to enter the wlan key i cannot confirm the window.. if i try to close it, wicd crashes16:11
ActionPa1snipnitai: i see, ok then reverse the change :)16:11
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dominic_my terminal doesnt work16:17
ActionPa1snipdominic_: thats not a question16:18
ActionPa1snipdominic_: its a statement16:18
guest12345hello, i am a noob16:19
ActionPa1snipdominic_: can you expand on "doesn't work" please16:19
shorty40hands please help im having trouble with the signing of the COC both in command line and in the COC app assistant freezes on page 4 if anyone can help me through this please shoot me a pm. ty16:19
ActionPa1snipshorty40hands: the guys in #launchpad may be able to help16:19
guest12345need help to install ubuntu for tp-link tl-wn851nd wireless card16:20
ActionPa1snipguest12345: what wifi chip does it use?16:21
shorty40handsits not a launchpad issue i dont believe the terminal has already taken the pass phrase and locked it in and i cant adjust the passphrase to finish the command it errors16:21
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ActionPa1snipguest12345: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network      you will be shown16:21
ActionPa1snipshorty40hands: the guys will be able to advise the method, you can  ask in both....16:22
shorty40handsok thank you i was trying to get on a bug team but the coc issue is stopping me16:22
wastrelso confuse16:23
dominic_action palsnip it opens but i cant right into it16:23
betraydyou must have accidentally it16:26
Roy_Newbie_13-04Help with error in encfs, the encrytpion is working. i do "encfs ~/.encrypted ~/Private" it works, put files in, and do "fusermount -u ~/Private", and reopen it and files are there, BUT......16:26
dominic_actionpalsnip do you know16:26
Roy_Newbie_13-04while mounted i try and use an are program to open a pic in Private and i get an error, then when i close the art program and use Files the error is still there....16:27
dominic_someone knows why i cant write in my terminal16:28
Roy_Newbie_13-04between the art program and Files the error message is a bit different but they both say "Transport endpoint is not connected", and when i close the encfs the error is perminale when reopen16:28
betrayddominic even when you put the mouse on it?16:29
betrayddominic it isn't completely blank is it16:30
shorty40handsdominic can you copy and paste a simple command in it16:30
dominic_i dont see the first name when it open16:30
James_EppHow can I mount an iso file? I cannot get mount -o loop iso.iso /media/iso to work16:30
dominic_no copy and paste16:31
dominic_its just black16:31
Roy_Newbie_13-04Unhandled error message: Error when getting information for file '/home/roy/Private': Transport endpoint is not connected16:31
jrib!iso | James_Epp16:31
ubottuJames_Epp: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:31
jribJames_Epp: what happens when you try?16:31
Roy_Newbie_13-04using encfs16:31
James_Eppjrib: I did precisely that command, and got the following: http://imgur.com/QopR7rw16:32
dominic_i can right click for option on it16:32
James_Eppjrib: And the destination mountpoint does exist16:32
jribJames_Epp: 1) make sure your file is actually an iso 2) try specifying the type16:33
hemangpatelHello ubuntu guys16:33
James_Eppjrib: I burn this iso all the time. How can it NOT be an iso?16:33
shorty40handsdominic when you right click do you get input methods as an option?16:33
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dominic_system ibus has a dot16:34
James_Eppjrib: If I do 'mount iso.iso /media/iso -t iso9660 -o loop16:35
shorty40handsnow profile16:35
shorty40handsyour logged in as root user?16:35
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dominic_i dont know16:35
James_Eppjrib: If I specify the -t iso9660 I get "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0"16:35
shorty40handsok 1 second16:36
jribJames_Epp: try -t udf,iso966016:36
James_Eppjrib: Same error message.16:36
jribJames_Epp: paste your command16:36
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MrokiiHello. How can I communicate with Update-Manager via Python? So that I can get infos about available updates for example?16:36
James_Eppjrib: For a little context, I torrented the ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-i386.iso16:36
James_Eppjrib: (as root) mount ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-i386.iso /media/ubuntu/i386 -t udf,iso9660 -o loop16:37
hemangpatelWhat's this ? www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP8CNp-vksc16:37
shorty40handsout of curiosity dominic have you cleared and reset the terminal to see if it fixes16:37
jribJames_Epp: I don't think it matters, but to make sure, specify the file and device last16:37
James_Eppby 'device' what do you mean?16:37
dominic_i have reset my computer16:37
jribJames_Epp: list the two paths last16:38
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k1l_hemangpatel: this is a technical support channel. that topic doesnt fit in here. better try #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic16:39
shorty40handsjust try clearing and reseting the terminal in your task bar out of curiosity16:39
James_Eppjrib: Using "mount -t udf,iso9660 -o loop ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-i386.iso /media/ubuntu/i386/" returns the same error16:39
jribJames_Epp: what is the output from "file ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-i386.iso"16:39
James_Eppjrib: data16:39
dominic_doesnt work16:40
shorty40handsok worth the shot16:40
jribJames_Epp: you probably don't have a proper download. Verify the checksum of your file16:40
jrib!hashes | James_Epp16:40
ubottuJames_Epp: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases16:40
dominic_it does work something but i dont see it16:40
James_Eppjrib: md5sum file  , correct?16:42
jribJames_Epp: yes16:42
rpbo_I'm having a hard time configuring a pptp client. $route -n shows the gateway for the ppp0 interface as Could that be my problem?16:43
dominic_i can write in the terminal but i dont see it16:43
James_Eppjrib: I will re-download it, but this makes no sense. On my windows computer, I torrented the .iso. I then FTP'd it to this computer, so why would this screw up?16:43
jribJames_Epp: check the md5sum on your windows computer16:43
Roy_Newbie_13-04how do i tell what version of FUSE im using?16:43
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James_Eppjrib: How do I do that? :S16:44
shorty40handsdominic i found some info for you with a link that should help you i will post them in a pm16:44
jrib!md5sum | James_Epp16:45
ubottuJames_Epp: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:45
jribJames_Epp: I think there's a windows tool mentioned in that link16:45
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James_Eppmd5sum not recognized as interneal/external command. Fuck it, I'm re-downloading. What bull.16:46
IdleOne!language | James_Epp16:46
ubottuJames_Epp: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:46
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04how do i tell what version of fuse i have16:47
jribRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: can I ask why you want to know?16:47
MonkeyDustRoy_Ubuntu_13-04  apt-cache policy fuse16:47
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04cause im getting an error with encfs16:47
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04done research and they say it relates to fuse16:48
hemangpatelHow does ubuntu supports all hardwares ?16:48
jribRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: you might consider using ecryptfs since it's used by default in ubuntu.  But if you're tied to encfs, did you install the repository version?  Check for open bugs?16:48
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04jrib, at the moment not tied to it, just working with non important files brfore i really use it16:50
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04jrib the error came about when i had a pic in it and uded an editor to open the pic16:50
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04im setting this up for a friend, does ecryptfs have a gui16:51
jribRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: what's your goal?  You can just have all of the user's home encrypted pretty easily16:52
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04jrib now everything, just a folder that can be placed anywhere, orher house hold members use this to, and he only wants one user account16:53
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04not* everything16:53
jribRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: you can also just create a directory, by default it winds up being ~/.Private16:53
jribmaybe ~/Private without the '.' :)16:53
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04jrib this is what im using so far encfs ~/.encrypted ~/Private16:54
jribRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: right, that's encfs.  You can instead use ecryptfs16:54
jribI'm pretty sure they are different?16:54
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04jrib ecryptfs is not installed so what do u mena its used by default by ubuntu16:55
jribRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: if you choose to encrypt homes during install, that's what gets used16:55
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04not the home16:55
jribRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory16:56
jribRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: what do you mean by "not the home"?16:56
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04dont want the whole home encrypted16:56
jribRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: yes, I know.16:56
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04taking a look at he link now, any other advice16:57
jribRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: just what I said before, if you want to use encfs then make sure you installed it through the repositories and check for open bugs at http://bugs.ubuntu.com16:57
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04i did apt-get install encfs, is that the proper way u mean16:58
smO3000Any reason why Metadata and photos attach to thumbnail links when I link a site directly to my server using facebook but when I use the domain that forwards to my server no metadata is attached? Is this a problem with the .com provider?17:01
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vitimitihi o/17:03
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k1l_!away > awe|lunch17:10
ubottuawe|lunch, please see my private message17:10
subz3r0k1l_: just give him a sec... next he will inform us when hes taking a shower...17:11
betraydhe showers?17:16
betraydHey there17:18
hemangpatelMy laptop comes with windows 7.. i tried to install ubuntu with windows. i installed grub in /boot partition . and added entry in boot loader of windows. when i did restart i got two option. But when i select ubuntu it only comes with grub2 command line17:19
hemangpatelthis is the problem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting#grub.3E-117:19
James_Eppjrib: So I re-torrented the files, and did a md5 on the windows machine, and got the proper sum. If I ftp the file over to the other machine and perform the md5sum again, I get a completely different result. I am confused, but whatever.17:20
hemangpatelI don't get much idea from doc17:21
hemangpatelcan anyone tell me why this happens ?17:21
MonkeyDusthemangpatel  is that a wubi installation, inside windows?17:22
wilee-nileehemangpatel, Can you run the bootinfo summary found here alone from a live cd and post the url. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair17:22
camilo_Speech Control for ubuntu 13.04  Xfce17:23
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : i tried that but it overwrite my mbr..17:23
wilee-nileehemangpatel, The bootinfo summary only generates a script of what the setup is.17:23
hemangpatelMonkeyDust : no dual boot. installation from USB (LILI)17:23
camilo_how to install Speech Control for ubuntu 13.04  Xfce17:23
camilo_help me17:24
SuperBawlzmy launcher and menu bar have disappeared. Need advice on getting them back17:24
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : right now dont have laptop turn on :(17:24
hemangpatelI got same screen like this , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting#grub.3E-117:24
wilee-nileehemangpatel, Fine without details though help is not very good.17:24
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : yeah i know17:25
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : may be you can get idea from link17:25
wastrelSuperBawlz: can you launch a terminal with ctrl-alt-t ?17:29
wastrelSuperBawlz: do you have window decoration?  (titlebar, scrollbars)17:29
PhoenixxlHello, I have a question regarding network setup for ubuntu installed over iscsi . As it is now , i'ts been working as it should for ages .. /network/interfaces has the nic as "manual"17:32
PhoenixxlMy issue is , I need to make that interface a bridge...17:32
PhoenixxlI'm sure it will lose it's information regardiing ip etc ..17:33
wakeupHow do I start the network configuration GUI thing from the command line?17:34
k1l_wakeup: 10.04 lost the desktop support at beginning of may17:35
|s-a|wakeup , nm-applet17:35
wakeupk1l_: I know, I am stil stuck with it17:35
k1l_!rootirc > rebellion17:35
ubotturebellion, please see my private message17:35
wakeup|s-a|: thank you17:36
JoeyJoeJoI can't umount a compact flash card because my system says it's in use. I check lsof and didn't see anything about it there. What else should I check to see what's using it?17:36
kdubJoeyJoeJo, fuser maybe17:36
nkunable to install 12.0417:37
nkgrub error1517:37
MonkeyDustJoeyJoeJo  try this           fuser -m [mountpoint]17:37
nkcentos magiea all working onsame pc17:38
JoeyJoeJoI tried fuser -km /mnt but that didn't work. Then I tried fuser -km /dev/sdb1. That was a mistake :)17:39
Phoenixxlhere are is my current interfaces file , and what I think might be logical , but not sure it is right : http://pastebin.com/rUdynvF817:39
Phoenixxli'm at a loss , google is holding out on me.17:41
DONKEEZhow do downgrade my kernel to get my audio working again?17:41
MonkeyDustDONKEEZ  don't downgrade, look for a different solution17:42
DONKEEZhow do i boot into 2d by default?17:42
Phoenixxl@DOINKEEZ did your audio work when you booted usung the previous kernel in grub ?17:43
jeditransistorOn the login screen, select 2d. Should stick from there17:43
wilee-nileeDONKEEZ, Have you modified grub, hence keeping you from a shift tap to bring it up?17:43
DONKEEZPhoenixxl yes17:43
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DONKEEZjeditransistor - id doenst stick have to select it each time17:44
BAMbandafor some reason, on my ubuntu server vm, I only have a loopback interface installed17:44
BAMbandaeverytime i type "ifconfig" I can't see eth0 or wlan0 or anything else17:44
Mo0Ohos to know if a font is install?17:46
Mo0Oeagle_: hi17:46
Phoenixxl@ DONKEEZ sudo gedit /etc/default/grub17:47
bean__BAMbanda: what about "ifconfig -a" your eth0 is likely not configured.17:47
wilee-nileeDONKEEZ, Look at "Change the default boot option" here http://linuxpoison.blogspot.tw/2010/11/how-to-change-grub-2-default-timeout.html17:47
Phoenixxlchange grub_default17:47
k1l_Phoenixxl: DONKEEZ dont use sudo with gui programs17:47
Phoenixxlsudo update grub17:48
BAMbandabean__: I see eth1 but no address on it17:48
bean__BAMbanda: then you need to set it up in /etc/network/interfaces17:48
zoltan81hi all!17:48
BluesKajPhoenixxl, why is your inet set to manual in the interfaces file , just curious ...never used that setting before , it's usually either dhcp or static'17:48
bean__BAMbanda: if there's an eth1 and no eth0 I assume this server is a cloned box?17:48
wakeup|s-a|: do you by any chance know the counterpart of nm-applet for17:48
wakeupbattery life?17:48
Phoenixxleth1 is the in,terface that has iscsi initiator running on it17:49
BAMbandain the /etc/network/interfaces i see eth0, but not eth117:49
Phoenixxlit gets it's ip from pre-boot17:49
BAMbandabean__: its not cloned17:49
bean__BAMbanda: then change the eth0 to eth117:49
|s-a|wakeup , nm = network Manager17:49
Phoenixxlthere are 2 nics17:49
Phoenixxleth0 now br0 is my primary interface ,17:50
zoltan81just tried out, by17:50
Phoenixxleth1 which has to become br1 is the interface running iscsi initiator17:50
Phoenixxlthere is nothing clones17:50
wakeup|s-a|: I know, but what is the commannd that launched the battery17:50
wakeuptray thing17:50
BAMbandabean__: do I need to reboot?17:51
|s-a|wakeup , not sure i don't have ubuntu , i think in gnome 3 it is an extension17:51
NaddiseoCan I get some help triaging bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/117800017:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1178000 in gnome-shell "Monitor on second video card doesn't display anything after login" [Medium,New]17:52
DONKEEZwhat program do i use from the terminal to edit the grub2 config that isnt sudo ing a gui program?17:52
gordonjcpDONKEEZ: sudo vi ?17:53
Phoenixxl@donkeez if you're not familiar with shells , ignore what i said17:53
umcI did an upgrade from 10.04.4 LTS to 12.04 LTS... bind seems to be the first victim. can anyone point me to the right logs where I could see what the problem is so I can search for a fix ? not even sure where to look...17:53
DONKEEZclams or shotgun?17:53
bean__BAMbanda: unlikely, just bring up the interface17:53
Phoenixxl@donkeez safest to select it at boot each time , and hope its gets fixed next update17:53
bean__BAMbanda: ifup eth117:54
BAMbandabean__: I got the interface up and I got an IP address, but I can't ping google.com17:54
bean__do you have resolvers set up? is your gateway correct?17:54
PhoenixxlBAM: ifdown again and try a dhclient eth117:55
DONKEEZim using vi17:55
thesebhelp!.. puzzle....thinkpad stopped booting with a "Operating System not found" error....I made sure boot sequence had CD-ROM 1st then HD......I also tried booting a live CD....it just spins.....what could have caused HD and CD booting to both fail at same time?? how?x17:55
BAMbandabean__: My ubuntu server is on NAT, and my host has internet access17:55
Phoenixxl@donkeez try pico17:55
bean__BAMbanda: okay, can you ping
BAMbandabean__: No I can't ping it. It hasn't responded and its taking too long17:57
seretheseb: is the bios even seeing the devices17:57
BAMbandabean__: What is that?17:57
maxmcHi. If I press ctrl-c on my external keyboard, it does not work (ctrl-v does not paste the copied string) but the ctrl-x works fine. on my notebook keyboard everything works as it should.  Any ideas what could be wrong? I use ubuntu 12.04lts17:57
bean__BAMbanda: a resolver on the internet that is pingable always.17:57
bean__BAMbanda: what does your /etc/network/interfaces look like?17:57
thesebsere: yes17:58
bean__and what is the output of "ifconfig eth1" BAMbanda. Please pastebin them17:58
DONKEEZthe grub timeout is already 10 seconds that should be plenty of time to push the SHIFT key17:59
DONKEEZps pico is much better, :q might have been the only vi command i remember from school18:00
Mikita_FanSo, I am trying to figure out why I can't open my software center in Ubuntu. Every time I try to open it, I get an error and it closes.18:00
BAMbandabean__: Major problem, my sudo password isn't working...how do i reset?18:00
bean__BAMbanda: heh, you'd have to reboot into a recovery console, or any other manner of doing that18:00
seretheseb: i dunno? i dont think its grub its to early..and the cdrom should always be bootable...you could try a usb hdd boot?18:00
bean__!password | BAMbanda18:00
ubottuBAMbanda: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:00
DONKEEZanyone know how to set unity 2d to boot as default18:01
Phoenixxl@DONKEEZ sorry i don't use a gui18:02
PhoenixxlSo... can anyone help me with my ISCSI / interfaces issue ? http://pastebin.com/rUdynvF818:04
Mikita_FanWhere are the Ubuntu big brains?18:05
Dr_WillisDONKEEZ: what ubuntu release?18:06
MonkeyDustMikita_Fan  what error?18:06
Mikita_FanI think it says it can't classify the error. I will try again and let you know, though18:07
BAMbandabean__: its working now, I think your advice helped along with the reboot18:08
BAMbandabean__: however, now I'm getting ping responses like two times after the TTL18:10
Mikita_FanI am not getting an error message anymore. When I try to open the software center, it looks like it tries to open and then closes.18:11
bean__BAMbanda: so its dropping packets?18:12
BAMbanda\bean__: Not dropping packets, but packets are coming back slower than expected18:13
bean__BAMbanda: pastebin the output?18:13
maxmcHey folks: CTRL-C (copy) does not work on my external keyboard. CTRL-X (cut) does work though. On my notebooks keyboard CTRL-C does work without any problem. Also, if I sudo in my terminal and are prompted to enter my password and enter it on my extrnal keyboard, the password is not accepted. If I enter the password via my internal keyboard, the password is accepted. If I enter the password with my external keyboard in gedit, it looks just18:15
maxmc fine. Other shortcuts like CTRL-T, CTRL-Z work just fine, too. Any idea what could be wrong? I'm totally flabbergasted.18:15
wastrelMikita_Fan: what errors do you get if you run  software-center  in a terminal?18:15
Mikita_FanLet me check. Do I just open a terminal and type run software-center? I apologize, totally new to Ubuntu.18:16
maxmcI forgot to mention. The 'c' key does work on it's own, and my password does not contain any c18:16
wastrelopen a terminal and type    software-center   then enter18:16
BAMbandabean__: http://pastebin.com/J7Vj7XMA18:16
Mikita_FanThanks, I will check18:16
wastrelMikita_Fan: pastebin if it's more than one line18:17
xpistosHey everyone. I have a n00b question. I have pictures scattered over two hard drives that I don't know where they are. How can I write to a text file the location of all the jpg files on each drive?18:19
MonkeyDustxpistos  beginner, not n00b18:20
xpistosMonkeyDust: Sorry, i straddle comics and linux and in comics they do say n00bs18:20
wastrelMikita_Fan: http://paste.ubuntu.com18:20
th0rxpistos: the locate command, part of find-utils18:21
xpistosI will man locate now thanks18:21
MonkeyDustxpistos  ask in #bash18:21
BAMbandaIs there a reason that I can ping "google.com" but not "http://www.google.com"?18:21
Mikita_Fanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5684619/ Here it is18:22
wastrelBAMbanda: you're trying to ping http://www.google.com ?18:23
wastrelping only understands hostsnames and IP addresses, not URLs18:23
adamkMikita_Fan: Read the error...  You didn't type software-center.18:23
xpistosth0r: That is awesome. thanks dude. Exactly what I neeed!18:24
xpistosThis way I can find the pictures I don't want to move too!18:24
Mikita_FanWhat an awesomely public venue for that little embarassment. I will try it again18:24
th0rxpistos: you can send the output to a text file with a command like 'locate .jpg > list.txt'18:25
boggleUpdateManagerWarningForUnity3D when upgrading 12.04 --> 12.10 on Lenovo ideapad U410 -- http://pastebin.com/tTj6azQv18:25
wastrelMikita_Fan: command line tip, you can type part of your command and then tab-complete the rest, to avoid misspellings :]18:25
BluesKajBAMbanda, ping www.google.com18:25
xpistosth0r: LOL. That is what I did. Thanks again!18:25
bean__BAMbanda: thats not too bad, depends on where you're pinging from.18:25
th0rxpistos: and remember, jpg and JPG are different extensions in linux18:26
xpistosth0r: I know that but I TOTALLY would have forgot right now, so thanks for reminding me.18:26
Mikita_FanIt's long. I will pastebin it shortly18:27
xpistosth0r: Is there a way to look but exclude a specific drive in the process?18:27
xpistossay I have FU mounted in a give folder but don't want to look there18:27
th0rxpistos: not sure, I never had to do that <smile>18:27
MonkeyDustxpistos  the people in #bash can tell you how to do that18:28
Mikita_Fanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5684644/ It's here.18:29
th0rxpistos: take note of the -i option too regarding case18:29
wastrelMikita_Fan: looks like a problem in /etc/apt/sources.list , see line 14 on your pastebin18:30
Mikita_Fan<wastrel> I have a message or dialogue box from you, and I can't reply or close it. Any ideas?18:30
Mikita_FanOk, I will look at it.18:30
wastrellooks like a quote character may be present on line 5718:30
wastrela message box?   not sure18:30
PhoenixxlWell , i've given up.. I'm not going to try what I know won't work.. I'm just going to stick in an extra nick.. I can't add a bridge and stick an interface on it if that interface is mu current iscsi-inititator interface... i see no other way for now..18:31
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PhoenixxlThnx anyway to those that looked , the pastebin pâge got 28 hits lol18:32
urgodfatherhello room, im having trouble getting a handshake with the intel 6235 card. can someone please help18:32
Mikita_FanOk, so the next question is how could I fix the problems on lines 14 or 57?18:32
bekksurgodfather: What do you mean by "handshake" in term of a graphics adapter?18:33
urgodfatherbekks: wireless handshake18:34
bekksurgodfather: Ah, so that intel 6235 is a wifi card then?18:34
urgodfatherbekks: as in connect to router. the card scans properly,18:34
wastrelMikita_Fan: do you have a quote character on line 57 of /etc/apt/sources.list  ?18:36
Mikita_FanWhat is a quote character?18:36
Mikita_FanAhhh, I guess I must18:37
wastrelmake sure the formatting matches the other lines18:37
Mikita_FanIf I understand this correctly, there is a quotation mark on line 57 somewhere, and I need to get rid of it so that line 57 looks like the others18:38
urgodfatheris there something more that i should do beside copy the newest firmware into the /lib/firmware/  folder? or do i need to add a command for the kernel to know that file exists?18:38
bekksurgodfather: The kernel expects a specific path and filename in that folder - thats where you would have to copy that firmware file to.18:39
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urgodfatherbekks: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/iwlwifi it says to just cp it in there (if the firmware loads properly)18:40
bekksurgodfather: dmesg (without that file) tells you where the kernel searches for that file.18:41
mbroadstis anyone here familiar with running activemq on 12.04-12.10?18:42
MonkeyDust!anyone | mbroadst18:43
ubottumbroadst: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:43
wastrelMikita_Fan: that's what the error seems to indicate.  if you're not sure you can pastebin the whole sources.list file and we can have a look18:44
urgodfatherbekks: not seeing anything other than the connection attempts18:44
Mikita_FanOk. Again, I apologize for my newness to Ubuntu, so how do I do that?18:44
mbroadstupon installing the activemq ubuntu package, and configuring the activemq.xml configuration file, I start the server using its initscript (/etc/init.d/activemq start) and it indicates an "[OK]", howver the server is not started, and there are no logs to be found. I was wondering where I might start determining what's going on here18:45
Mikita_FanI mean get the sources.list.18:45
bekksurgodfather: Most likely, that information will be seen in the dmesg output when loading the module.18:45
MonkeyDustmbroadst  is that a server? if yes: better ask in #ubuntu-server18:45
mbroadstMonkeyDust: okay thans18:46
IdleOneMikita_Fan: the sources list is located in /etc/apt/sources.list18:46
urgodfatherbekks: ok it says the newest firmware is loaded, but it still wont connect18:48
urgodfatherbekks: it authenticates, then drops18:48
urgodfatherbekks: new card, clean install 12.10. running updates now. bios up to date.18:49
bekksurgodfather: Then the firmware is already there.18:49
SuperBawlzhey, having some trouble. My launcher and menu bar are missing. None of the windows have their title bar either. Its only on Unity.18:50
wastrelSuperBawlz: launch a terminal with ctrl-alt-t and run "unity &"  (without quotes)18:50
grex25Is there already a way to sync banshee/rhyhtmbox with android mtp device?18:51
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wastrelgrex25: what android do you have?18:51
grex254.2.2 jb, gnex i925018:52
Mikita_Fanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5684705/ The original error is at the top,  sources.list is at the bottom.18:52
wastrelgrex  http://askubuntu.com/questions/284762/some-ubuntu-13-04-applications-cannot-access-files-on-mtp-mounted-systems-why18:52
th0rgrex25: dropbox?18:52
wilee-nileegrex25, Is the android automounting?18:53
th0rgrex25: if you are really techie, I have samba running and use SyncMe in android to sync the folders directly to linux18:53
wastrelMikita_Fan: that looks good actually.  maybe something in sources.list.d18:54
grex25i had samba18:54
Mikita_FanOk, I will look there18:54
grex25and transferd much music18:54
grex25than i needed to hw reset my phone because of  ioread bug..18:54
shorty40handshow do i get the keyring to stop remembering passphrases and prompt for them?18:55
Mikita_FanSources.list.d appears to be an empty folder18:55
grex25samba auto turn on,.... yeah it was working18:55
grex25but i thought maybe there is another way now18:56
th0rgrex25: I set up my own 'cloud' on my wifi so I sync all the data between the android tablets, linux, and an NAS more or less automatically, including music and pictures18:57
grex25nice idea,  I had owncloud, but after sometimes it needs like an hour for one little folder... depending on how much files I already stored18:58
grex25mtp is a hell18:58
wastrelMikita_Fan: and that's the entire /etc/apt/sources.list?18:58
Mikita_FanI am pretty sure. I will look again.18:58
wastrelgrex25: see that url, i haven't tried it myself but i'm going to tonight.  update gvfs mtp thing from ppa18:58
wastrelgrex25: see the developer's explanation18:59
th0rgrex25: I admit if I had to completely restore the music I would pull the sd card and put it in the laptop, but for most uses I find SyncMe does just fine. The holdup is that I can't afford a faster flash drive for the NAS <smile>18:59
grex25th0r: at gnex there is no sd card19:00
SuperBawlzthat's what happens when I run unity &19:00
wastrelSuperBawlz: the errors indicate a problem with compiz :]19:00
SuperBawlzOk. I have no idea how to fix that. I came from Fedora and KDE19:01
Mikita_FanIn /etc/apt I have apt.conf.d, preferences.d, sources.list.d, trusted.gpg.d, sources.list, trustdb.gpg, and  trusted.gpg.19:01
grex25i got the freshest gvfs from ppa, and i am able to down and upload files19:01
SuperBawlzSaw the light and switched to Ubuntu about 6 months ago.19:01
grex25i found a way with clementine19:01
grex25but banshee still not working19:01
adamkThose errors indicate a problem with the OpenGL drivers, not with compiz.19:01
adamkSuperBawlz: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.19:02
wastrelgrex25: other option is to use the go-mtpfs instead of the gvfs one19:02
grex25wastrel: thank you, i will take a look19:03
wastrelthen you have the device filesystem properly mounted on the host19:03
wastrelinsted of this mtp:// garbage19:03
SuperBawlzI'm logged in with Xfce right now.19:03
adamkSuperBawlz: You have the nvidia driver installed, but you are using an intel GPU.19:03
adamkSuperBawlz: So uninstall the nvidia driver.19:04
=== Guest1961 is now known as shock
SuperBawlzHow did that happen? This system has been running for 6 months and I know I don't have an NVIDIA card. WTF.19:05
adamkSuperBawlz: Why are you asking us how it happened?  It's your machine :-)19:05
SuperBawlzSo strange. I wonder if some sort of update did it. It worked fine when I left on Friday.19:05
SuperBawlzRecommended removal method?19:06
wastrelMikita_Fan: try  wc -l /etc/apt/sources.list   in the terminal19:06
adamkSuperBawlz: apt-get remove nvidia*19:06
CFenixHello everyone, i'm running and old computer, I wanted to know wish video card has better performance on Ubuntu (regardless of which one is actually better) between ATI x1300 and Nvidia 620019:07
SuperBawlzI just figured out how it happened.19:07
SuperBawlzI installed NVIDIA nsight Eclipse CUDA development environment.19:07
wastrelthat's how they get you19:08
Mikita_Fan58 /etc/apt/sources.list This is what I got19:08
wastrelok Mikita_Fan but you only pasted 33 lines of it in the pastebin19:09
CFenixi need to know because i have them both in hand and i can only choose one ATI or NVIDIA?19:09
Mikita_FanReally? That's odd. I might have missed some and I will try again19:09
wastrelMikita_Fan: just do this:  cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list   in the terminal19:10
CFenixNVIDIA or ATI? on ubuntu19:10
wastrelCFenix: if you find out let me know19:10
wastrelMikita_Fan: what's on line 57  ?  :]19:11
Mikita_FanNo idea.19:11
Mikita_FanOh snap19:11
Mikita_Fanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5684751/ Here is all lines.19:12
CFenixI see, i've seen better drivers for Nvidia but i was wondering maybe the x1300 was the exception and it actually runs fine... if that's the case i would like Ati19:12
wastrelyeah that would be it19:12
LoshkiCFenix: Does this help? http://ubuntu.5.x6.nabble.com/NVIDIA-GeForce-6200-Extremely-Slow-td5016857.html19:13
wastrelMikita_Fan: delete those lines is probably the best bet19:13
wastreltorproject did you install tor stuff?19:13
Mikita_FanLooks like lines 57 and 58 could be the problem.  Not that I am aware of. How do I delete it?19:14
k1l_the " are messing up. and its a lucid repo anyway19:14
wastrelMikita_Fan: first do   sudo cp -i /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak    this creates a backup of your file19:14
wastrelin the terminal.  it will ask for your password19:15
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
wastrelMikita_Fan: then    gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list19:16
wastrelthis will open the file in a text editor, you can delete the lines and save it19:16
Junos4Lifeanyone have libcurl 7.21 or above running in ubnutu?19:17
Mikita_FanSo I entered this in terminal, was that correct?19:17
Junos4Lifecant seem to get it installed, i have a program i want to install libslax that needs it19:17
Mikita_Fansudo cp -i /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak19:17
ink3Hello. I have problem with wifi on laptop compaq nx6310.19:17
CFenixNVIDIA it is.. Better support! thanks everyone19:18
wastrelMikita_Fan: should work, it's just a precaution19:18
Mikita_FanOk, will it give any message? It asked for my password and then  just gave the nixt line19:19
wastrelMikita_Fan: no message, it just copies it silently19:19
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Mikita_FanThank you!!19:24
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: If you ask s question like this:19:25
Arkhanawastrel: (question)19:26
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: the IRC program will notify the user19:27
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: People will respond a lot faster19:27
Pici !who19:27
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:27
SuperBawlzThanks guys! You got me back up and running.19:28
Mikita_FanArkhana: Like this?19:29
SuperBawlzAfter sampling the other window managers I realized that while Unity looks cool, I think I want to change back or something.19:29
Junos4LifeCan anyone help me out with install libcurl 7.21 or above?19:29
SuperBawlzAny recommendations?19:29
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: Yes19:29
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
Junos4LifeI compiled from source but when I try to compile another program from source it cant find libcurl19:29
Mikita_FanArkhana: Got it! Thank you much! I appreciate it. Lesson learned about watching what I download19:30
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: In example, the basic IRC program for ubuntu shows a blinking '!' when someone tells something about you19:30
cp_Junos4Life:  libcurl..... have you checked http://packages.ubuntu.com/ yet?19:31
Mikita_FanArkhana: Got it19:32
trismJunos4Life: you need one of the several dev packages: libcurl4-gnutls-dev, libcurl4-nss-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev19:33
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: What's your iRC client?19:33
Mikita_FanArkhana: KVIRC19:33
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: What OS?19:34
Junos4Lifeyeah but those dev packages are not 7.2119:34
Junos4Lifedo I have to compile them from source?19:34
Mikita_FanArkhana: Not sure I understand. Ubuntu?19:34
ArkhanaMikita: Ubuntu is an OS, so I guess you're right19:35
mrjIs there a channel specific to MAAS?19:35
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: Try xIRC, the default IRC program for Ubuntu19:36
Mikita_FanArkhana: Oh, I have that, too19:36
trismJunos4Life: why do you need 7.21 exactly? no versions of ubuntu except lucid provide a curl version less than 7.2219:37
cp_Junos4Life:    yes, I'd think so, a lot of what the repository do, is to compile per distribution19:37
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: Log out on KVIRC and log in on xIRC19:37
cp_Junos4Life:  but yes, you always bypassing them by getting the src yourself and compile the package(s)19:37
Mikita_FanArkhana: I might be wrong. I think I have X-chat. Is that the same thing?19:37
cp_s/you/you can/19:37
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: I think so19:38
Mikita_FanArkhana: Ok, I will log into that.19:38
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: Now minimize x-chat19:40
PrototypeX29Aturns out sound is only working for some applications...19:41
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: Do you see it?19:41
Mikita_FanSee what?19:41
encrypedDear fellow ubuntu users, i've made a huge mistake i accidentally purged libc6. And im getting a kernel panic @ boot (run-init: /sbin/init: No such file or directory). Now rebooted with a recovery disc i can locate my hdd. Is there a way to reinstall libc6 ?19:41
ArkhanaThe blinking '!' on your menu bar19:41
Mikita_FanNo I didn'tr19:42
l9encryped: sudo apt-get install libc6?19:43
ArkhanaMikita_Fan: Well, some programs do...19:43
Ben64encryped: now you know not to do stuff like that19:43
encrypedi know, but my libc6 dependecies were somehow broken19:43
lemusdesde chile probando xubuntu, exelente sistema operativo para mi netbook19:45
elisa87how can I install a .bin in Ubuntu? ./arm-2013.05-24-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin: command not found didn't work19:45
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Ben64elisa87: you sure thats an installable thing?19:46
elisa87Ben64: this is what it was mentioned IA32 GNU/Linux Installer and it downloaded that .bin file!19:47
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 elisa87: chmod +x whatever.bin19:47
Ben64elisa87: paste the output of "file arm-2013.05-24-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin"19:48
elisa87before running it I tried chmod 777 xxx.bin but I try this Roy_Ubuntu_13-0419:48
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04elisa87: ."/whatever.bin" or "sh whatever.bin"19:48
elisa87jalal@mona:/research/jalal$ file arm-2013.05-24-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin19:48
elisa87arm-2013.05-24-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin: data19:48
Ben64yeah thats not executable19:48
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04777 just mean any one can read and write19:49
RyhizukeA question, which in your opinion is better GCC or CLANG?19:49
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04do chmod +x filename19:49
Ben64Roy_Ubuntu_13-04: 777 does +x19:49
elisa87http://paste.ubuntu.com/5684855/ Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 Ben6419:49
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04ok then to execute it do ./filename19:49
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04with the dot slash19:49
l9encryped: did you save the libc?19:49
elisa87Ryhizuke: have you worked with llvm?19:50
Ben64elisa87: do "bash file.bin" then19:50
rymate1234how do I update firefox on 12.10?19:51
elisa87Roy_Ubuntu_13-04:  Ben64 I did both bash and ./ http://paste.ubuntu.com/5684858/19:51
rymate1234I installed it onto a persistant live usb by accident (meant to get 13.04)19:51
nldimitrisHello to everyone can you please tell me what happeneds to my old files after an update ...? still in my hard drive...? or they have been replaced by new files...?19:51
rymate1234I get an error though http://pastebin.com/CUGknv4K19:51
vlad_starkovQuestion about Debian: After upgrade I got this every time on login: -bash: declare: -A: invalid option \n declare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...]19:51
vlad_starkovAnyone know how to deal with that error?19:52
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04so do what it say i would also "apt-get install awk grep sed bzip2 gunzip" just encase19:52
Picivlad_starkov: If you're running debian, you should be asking in #debian, not #ubuntu19:52
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 elisa87: apt-get install awk grep sed bzip2 gunzip19:52
bean__nldimitris: um, did you reinstall or upgrade?19:52
elisa87how can I install awk? E: Package 'awk' has no installation candidate19:52
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Roy_Ubuntu_13-04i would have to google19:53
bekkselisa87: gawk?19:53
elisa87Also it didn't find E: Unable to locate package gunzip19:53
brainwashelisa87: mawk19:53
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04awk ubuntu 13.0419:53
Picielisa87: mawk19:53
vlad_starkovPici: thnx)19:53
elisa87it is mentioned that I should install gunzip but the package isnot found19:54
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04work on the packages it seend19:54
Picielisa87: that is part of the gzip package.19:54
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04wow that was a really messed up typo19:55
JoeyJoeJoDoes anyone have a tutorial on how to set up  a bluetooth serial port on my computer? I want to connect to my computer via my tablet's bluetooth using the SPP (serial port) profile19:55
elisa87thanks pici19:55
James_EppReally weird one here, guys. I have a Dell Optiplex GX270 Desktop. Just installed Ubuntu on it and I cannot get the network card to work. I know it is not a physical issue, as I installed the OS over the network. Perhaps a couple commands would resolve the issue? Thanks. :D19:55
elisa87Roy_Ubuntu_13-04:  Pici Ben64 do you know what should I do and how do install the arm cross compiler from this .bin file? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5684858/19:56
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 James_Epp: what is the output of iwconfig19:56
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 elisa87 off hand i dont know about that19:57
elisa87how to fix this error? Error: DASH shell not supported as system shell19:57
James_Epplo no wireless extensions19:57
James_Eppeth0 no wireless extensions19:57
bekkselisa87: USe another shell, like bash.19:57
wastrelJames_Epp: lspci | grep -i net19:58
Tecanlooks like libcddb needs to be updated on 64 bit 12.1019:58
James_Eppwastrel: It found an Intel controller.19:58
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 James_Epp: that means you would need to load the driver, i know that involves "modprobe" but im not sure how to find hte driver u need19:58
elisa87Roy_Ubuntu_13-04:  Ben64 Pici this is the fix to that problem http://www.stf12.org/developers/odev-linux.html19:58
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 James_Epp i know "lspci" would be part of finding out hte driver needed, i think20:00
James_EppRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: I will do a search for the output then. Thanks, mates!20:01
wastrelJames_Epp: lsmod | grep e10020:01
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04your welcome20:01
James_Eppwastrel: It discovered an e100020:01
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 wastrel e100 might work 4 u but not all20:02
wastrelso that's likely the driver20:02
wastrelbut yeah possibly not20:02
James_EppI have ubuntu 12.04 running on another desktop of mine, and I am wondering about this feature of sorts: On Windows 7, if I hold down Win + Arrow keys, I can move windows around half-snapping to the screens. On ubuntu, this is ctrl + super + arrow keys. However, in windows 7, this can go between different monitors, whereas this is not true in ubuntu 12.04. Can I use compiz or something to resolve this?20:02
cp_James_Epp:   you can always drag any window on pretty much any window manager with Alt-mouse20:04
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 James_Epp: look for "workspace switcher"20:04
cp_James_Epp:  that said, usually ctrl-space-m   and use the arrows to move it20:05
jrgphow many people here have HIV? no lies20:05
James_EppRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: workspaces is not at all what I mean. That is ctrl/shift/arrow keys. I am talking about snapping features.20:05
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04like to the left and right sides of the screen20:06
James_EppRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: Yes.20:06
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04 James_Epp: 13.04 does that, it has compiz20:07
James_Eppcp_: I do not understand what you meant by 'm'20:07
James_EppRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: 12.04 should do it then. I'll check it out.20:07
cnf m0020:08
juliecan anyone help me with Open Office??20:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:09
julieThanks! :)20:10
=== peter_ is now known as Guest22178
k1l_!details | julie20:11
ubottujulie: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:11
julieWhenever I try to open a document it asks for filter options. I use default and it opens blank. And it says my document is 0 bites. I'm pretty sure that's incorrect. I wrote a ton and I realllllyyyy need that doc. Any suggestions?20:12
wakeupyou're screwed20:12
FearTheLordjustin bieber is likely to go to hell20:12
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!20:12
FloodBot1FearTheLord: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:12
cp_julie:    does the .doc file  show a filesize in the filemanager?20:13
DarkchaosHello Guys. Do you know a good way earning money by having a root. I am thinking about some p2p services, maybe some folks who pay a bit money for seeding on bittorrent or something?20:13
julieit says it's 0 bytes :/20:13
wakeuptold you20:14
bekksDarkchaos: Thats offtopic in here.20:14
cp_julie:  well, then it's 0 bytes :(20:14
DarkchaosYou totaly don't want offtopic? As it's a Ubuntu based machine :D20:14
cp_julie:   I'm thinking you thought you saved it, but you just forgot20:14
julieis there anyway to recover it or anything? I worked on it probably about a week ago. I'm pretty sure I saved it.20:15
cp_julie:   was it ... libreoffice writer?20:15
wakeupjulie: see if you saved in with another name, check your trash20:15
Solarraalright I'm about to abandon ubuntu may I request assistance?20:16
m0nk3yjoeI'm trying to install Ubuntu 12LTS  and 13latest on Dell Dimension e310 and it installs but then always crashes on first boot with Uncompressin error... system halting.  Can't go to recovery mode either =(20:17
cp_m0nk3yjoe:  from the splash screen of the bootable usb/cd, press F6 for more boot options, try to turn off a few like 'acpi' or so, and retry20:19
juliecould the problem be with OpenOffice? Because of the filter thing? Is there any way to bypass that?20:19
cp_julie:  nope, if the file shows 0, is 0 :|20:20
cp_julie:   any issues libraries Writer would have, would just be a nuance in Writer alone, no any files it saved20:21
julieis there anyway I could try to restore what I wrote??20:22
James_EppSolarra: Whatcha got man?20:22
cp_julie:    can you launch OpenOffice at all?  not writer or calc, just the openoffice link20:22
SolarraI finished the b43 wireless install20:22
jemarkSolarra: what's your question?20:22
Solarraubuntu 12.0420:22
jemarkSolarra: yes20:22
Solarrathe damn thing keeps dropping the wireless20:22
cp_Solarra: how did you "finished the b43 wireless install"?20:23
Solarrai can't update anything because the wireless keeps dropping20:23
jemarkSolarra: how many bars do you have for your wireless?20:23
James_EppSolarra: I can sympathise with your frustration. Could you provide some more details as per the hardware?20:23
Solarra3-4 bars20:23
julieyeah. A different document is working fine, no problems or anything. This particular one asks for the filter, I chose the default options, and it comes up blank.20:23
Solarrait is a Linksys WM54GS V1.120:23
Solarra4318 is the key number20:24
Solarrafrom running the command I don't remember20:24
=== Guest58567 is now known as ghyth
talexb_I just upgraded to 12.04 and I'm seeing an error when I use dpkg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5684944/20:24
jemarkSolarra: did you check the channels and if your neighbours are using the same channel?20:24
cp_julie:    well, either way , is just a blank file it seems, ok, once in OpenOffice, go to Tools > Options, check the Paths, usually you want to check around for any backups under the "backups" and "/tmp" folders20:24
talexb_What can I do to resolve that locally?20:24
Solarrathat can't be the issue, because this machine running osx is connected to the same wireless with 0 issues20:25
Solarraas is the desktop running windows20:25
generalmajorNorwegian information: cf. § 227 first penalty option, criminal act. Miscarriage of justice: http://www.lovdata.no  <<Straffelov (Straffeloven) (1902 JD)>>20:25
cp_Solarra:  did you install fwcutter?20:26
cp_Solarra:   maybe try installing the backports for wireless .deb20:28
Solarrahow is that done?20:28
cp_lemme ... poke a bit20:28
jemarkSolarra: did you read this page? http://is.gd/BOqBLu20:29
cp_Solarra:   usually it'd show in the -> apt-cache pkgnames | grep -i backports20:29
number-7Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS20:30
number-7only took 1:1520:30
number-7said 3 hours20:30
jemarknumber-7: :)20:30
generalmajorNorwegian information: cf. § 227 first penalty option, criminal act. Miscarriage of justice: http://www.lovdata.no  <<Straffelov (Straffeloven) (1902 JD)>>20:30
number-7and everything works, im happy20:31
number-7now, how do i upgrade my windows 3.1?20:31
IdleOne!ot > generalmajor20:31
ubottugeneralmajor, please see my private message20:31
James_EppIn compiz I see 'primary' as a key a lot. What does this mean?20:31
Flecknumber-7: you don't you stick with it! :D20:32
number-7yeah, i likes win3.120:32
generalmajorNorwegian information: cf. § 227 first penalty option, criminal act. Miscarriage of justice: http://www.lovdata.no  <<Straffelov (Straffeloven) (1902 JD)>>20:32
James_Eppnumber-7: http://goo.gl/Qups120:33
IdleOneWhat does Windows have to do with Ubuntu support?20:34
m0nk3yjoecp_, I tried to turn off acpi and it just restarts every time20:34
m0nk3yjoetried this http://askubuntu.com/questions/160036/how-do-i-disable-acpi-when-booting20:34
IdleOnePlease stick to the topic and if you really feel like talking about other things you are all welcome to join #ubuntu-offtopic20:34
James_EppIdleOne: Wine. :P20:34
riceandbeanswhat is ubuntu's default MTA?20:35
riceandbeansis it exim like debian or something else?20:36
epicuruspostfix i thought20:36
juliecp_ I'm searching hard. Thanks for your help :)20:36
cp_julie:   hehe, np20:36
Piciriceandbeans: postfix is the default MTA, but we also provide and support exim20:36
riceandbeansPici: was only curious about default since ubuntu is debian based and debian defaults exim20:37
riceandbeansPici: thanks though20:37
cp_m0nk3yjoe:   have you tried booting with that disk elsewhere? makes me wonder if the burning/copying went ok20:38
Solarracp_: Output ~ 02:07.0 Network Controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless Lan Controller (rev 02)20:39
m0nk3yjoecp_ this is the 3rd disk on different USB and DVD media20:41
cp_m0nk3yjoe:    so.... ahemm, does it boot on other hardware though?20:43
m0nk3yjoecp_, Does yes20:43
dominic_is 13.04 ubuntu version good and stable to download by now20:44
w3bcrawlerif i would like to upgrade from 10.04 to 13.04 can i do so directly?20:45
auronandacew3bcrawler: no20:45
k1l_w3bcrawler: no20:45
k1l_you need to upgrade to 12.04 and then to the steps from 12.04 to 12.10 and then to 13.0420:46
auronandacedominic_: i've had no issues with 13.0420:46
cp_Solarra:   ... hmmm, I've used in the paste fwcutter on a b43, and it worked but I run a few commands for installing.... I'm guessing it might be that20:46
dominic_but what are the avantages for me to upgrade20:46
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auronandacedominic_: more recent app versions20:47
MonkeyDustw3bcrawler  12.04 if you want long support, 13.04 if you want the latest stuff - decide what you want more20:47
dominic_what is gonna be the difference with a short support20:48
bekksdominic_: More recent versions.20:48
tyrogdominic_: With 13.04 you have a support period of 9 months, so in January 2014 at best you need to upgrade to Ubuntu 13.1020:48
k1l_!lts | dominic_20:48
ubottudominic_: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)20:48
bekksdominic_: More effort for you to update regurlarly.20:48
m0nk3yjoeanyone have an experience with uncompressino error - system halted error after Grub loads?20:49
lmatI just had a crash on ubuntu using compiz. Eventually, it said, "X is using software rendering ... you may wonder why X isn't using hardware acceleration." Amazing! I am wondering exactly that!20:49
lmatHow do I make X use hardware acceleration?20:49
bekksm0nk3yjoe: Which error exactly?20:49
lmatI think I'm using pretty popular hardware (Dell Precision M4000 laptop)20:49
dominic_what are they gonna do after the 9 months of 13.0420:49
bekksdominic_: dominic_ 6 months after 13.04 there will be 13.1020:50
auronandacedominic_: after the support period is over then its no longer supported20:50
tyrogdominic_: The repositories are no longer updated, which means there are no more bugfixes and security updates for 13.0420:50
dominic_they force you to upgrade your machine20:51
m0nk3yjoebekks, uncompression error - system halted error after Grub loads20:51
m0nk3yjoethat is it20:51
tyrogdominic_: no, but you don't want to stay on something unsupported, it's better not to20:51
auronandacedominic_: why do you think they also offer lts releases?20:52
dominic_it seems that every body have swithed to 13.0420:52
cnfi haven't20:52
cp_Solarra:     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:52
bekksdominic_: Only those who couldnt wait ;)20:52
k1l_dominic_: so go for an LTS if you want longer support frames. 12.04 is the last lts20:52
bekksdominic_: And those who want to update every 6 months :)20:52
tyrogdominic_: You can upgrade right from your desktop to 13.10 when it's out, although fresh installs are recommended20:52
cnfi don't much care about LTS on the desktop, but i sure do appreciate it on servers20:53
dominic_do you lose anyconfiguration when you upgrade20:53
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tyrogdominic_: I'm not very experienced with upgrades, so more informed people here should tell you better :)20:54
ubottuaaa: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:54
k1l_dominic_: they shouldnt change. but if the programs or services changed in the mean time you will be asked which configfile (new vs old) you want to use20:54
k1l_!details | atarih20:55
ubottuatarih: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:55
Tex_Nicki've been playing with x11vnc for the past few days ... a line in the startup messages is "The X server says there are 24 mouse buttons." ... does that mean that X server supports 24 buttons ... i can't find that many buttons on this mouse @^@20:55
dominic_install with a fresh start means with a dvd20:56
k1l_dominic_: or with a usb-stick20:56
dominic_how can i do it with a usb stick20:57
tyrogdominic_: Are you currently on Windows?20:57
dominic_non 12.0420:57
k1l_put the .iso on the stick and boot from usb20:57
{mikey}If I run "touch ~/somefile; sudo chown root:root ~/somefile" and then open it with vim and save with ":w!" it is changes back to my ownership!!!!20:58
tyrogdominic_: If you are on 12.04, use the Startup Disk Creator tool available from the dash to copy the iso to the usb stick20:58
wooHey, how do I get rid of a zombie process?20:58
cp_dominic_:    put the .iso on the usb stick, no copy it over, or its contents, put it as in "raw write/dump" to it20:58
cp_woo:   killall PROCESSHERE20:59
dominic_tyrog thanks21:00
woocp_: cant find the process.  I'll try awk. brb21:00
dominic_i hope that im not gonna loose everything21:00
woocp_: used top21:00
tyrogdominic_: Most people on the desktop probably prefer the current releases, since they have the latest features for the desktop, but there are many users that also prefer LTS's for their long-term support21:01
k1l_dominic_: to have backups will be handy anyway :)21:01
th0rdominic_: why are you upgrading? what do you expect to get out of 13.04 that you don't already have?21:01
tyrogdominic_: Copying a Ubuntu image to the USB stick ERASES all of its content, so be careful21:01
wilee-nileedominic_, If you are not sure you can do this safely you should be backed up, good idea always anyway.21:02
bekksdominic_: sorry :)21:02
m0nk3yjoeHow do I disable apci in grub?21:02
cp_woo:    install "qps" maybe, is like a GUI "top", but more scrollable :), anyhow, I use qps21:03
{mikey}Or to put it another way, my Lubuntu system appears to have the motherload of security exploits running on it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5685047/21:03
cp_m0nk3yjoe:    you add to the boot line, noacpi21:03
woocp_: found the pid Z 8259. I sudo killed -15 and such.  it wont die21:03
wilee-nileem0nk3yjoe, http://askubuntu.com/questions/160036/how-do-i-disable-acpi-when-booting21:04
m0nk3yjoecp_, it just reboots and doesnt do it21:04
trism{mikey}: it is not an exploit, you have write permission to ~, so you can delete any file there and create a new one with the same name, no matter who owns it21:04
bekks{mikey}: Why do you think that is has something to do with exploits?21:05
dominic_how do i back up with ubuntu21:05
{mikey}Ok, I never knew that was possible21:05
tyrogdominic_: But you should consider staying with the LTS really21:05
m0nk3yjoewilee-nilee, I have quite splash $vt_handoff do I remvoe those?21:05
tyrogdominic_: do you use Unity?21:05
cp_woo:   try using "qps", is a few more detailed info on processes21:05
m0nk3yjoeNo matter how I change the grub options it just restarts and does't boot21:05
wilee-nileem0nk3yjoe, I would not know you asked for a specific.21:06
{mikey}I'd always assumed that if I changed a file to root premissions I couldn't mess with it21:06
{mikey}Apparently it perfectly editable21:06
cp_m0nk3yjoe:    you're trying to install it, as opposed to you already installed it and it's rebooting?21:06
m0nk3yjoecp_,  already installed21:07
talexb_What's up with gcc? I'm getting errors when ./configure runs gcc -V and bombs.21:08
m0nk3yjoecp_,  odd huh?21:08
dominic_yes i use it but why21:08
stevelittWhat's the latest on the Cups problem with invalid access on HP 4050's? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups-filters/+bug/99808721:08
m0nk3yjoeDid the same with kubuntu and Xubuntu21:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 998087 in cups-filters (Ubuntu Quantal) "printer ERROR: invalidaccess OFFENDING COMMAND: filter" [High,Fix released]21:08
stevelittA couple nights ago an update started doing this to my Xubuntu 12.10 setup. I "fixed" it with lpadmin -p <printer> -o pdftops-renderer-default=pdftops, but still have problem21:08
m0nk3yjoeOn 12.10.2 and 13.0421:08
m0nk3yjoeThis is an old dell dimension 31021:09
bekksm0nk3yjoe: There is no 12.10.221:09
bekksm0nk3yjoe: Do you mean 12.04.2?21:09
m0nk3yjoebekks, typo21:09
stevelittubottu, yeah, that one. Any fix on that without going to 13.04?21:09
ubottustevelitt: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:09
stevelittA couple nights ago an update started doing this to my Xubuntu 12.10 setup. I "fixed" it with lpadmin -p <printer> -o pdftops-renderer-default=pdftops, but still have problems with excessively light print and "must have Postscript 3" errors when trying to print certain postscript from evince.21:10
tyrogdominic_: There aren't many new features I would use on 13.04, compared to 12.04 lts . Most notable improvements are the webapps and unity previews, and I don't use that so for me it's not much worth upgrading :)21:10
dominic_why do you says that bekks21:10
stevelittGoogle seems to imply this got fixed a year ago, but I just got a bad update a few days ago.21:10
dominic_13.04 is supposed to be faster21:11
stevelittOK, ubotto, is there a fix for Launchpad bug 998087 in cups-filters21:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 998087 in cups-filters (Ubuntu Quantal) "printer ERROR: invalidaccess OFFENDING COMMAND: filter" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99808721:11
James_Eppdominic_: Did you post on /g/ ?21:11
tyrogdominic_: Indeed it is.21:11
cp_m0nk3yjoe:  well, yes and no... depends.... so you get to grub .... , get to the boot entry and press "e" to edit line, add to the end -> acpi=off noapic, then ctrl-x to boot from that21:13
m0nk3yjoecp_,  still gives same error == uncompression error system halted21:14
dominic_i hate seeing that shotwell is better on 13.04 and we dont get it automatic with 12.0421:16
tyrogdominic_: You can use a PPA to update shotwell21:19
tyrogIts not that hard, and you should learn to use PPAs anyway21:19
dominic_how do i do that21:20
cp_dominic_:    ever used Gwenview? is almost like Picasa, I like it, then again, you can always just get Picasa and nevermind shotwell21:20
jamshydIt seems that most apps in Ubuntu create files with permissions that differ from whatever umask one sets in one's .bashrc. How does one modify the default umask in Ubuntu?21:22
tyrogdominic_: First think for a while if you need the new shotwell at all21:22
jamshyd(by Ubuntu, I mean 13.04)21:22
tyrogSearch for its new features, and eventually regressions too !21:22
gypsyjokerdoes nautilus in 12.10 burn bootable discs?21:24
gypsyjokeranyone here?21:25
* gypsyjoker twiddles his thumbs waiting on a simple answer as everyone joins and quits21:26
compdocwho wants to know?21:27
James_Eppgypsyjoker: I use 12.04 and it works for me. Not sure about 12.10, but I would assume so.21:28
gypsyjokeri'm tryin to burn a different distro with a computer i was given that has 12.10 on it. brasero keeps tellin me that the drive is mounted and it won't work. does nautilus burn bootable isos? do i use burn as file or burn contents?21:28
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gypsyjokerthanks James_Epp21:29
James_Eppgypsyjoker: But I would suggest you download K3B and try using it instead. Much better program in my opinion.21:29
gypsyjokeri don't want to use ubuntu that long. i'm trying to burn a different distro now21:29
James_Eppgypsyjoker: Feel free to experiment, man! here is the link to that program: http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/k3b21:29
gypsyjokeri'll try it21:30
James_EppYou should just be able to right click on your .iso and open with K3B21:30
dominic_new shotwell can be sync with facebook my wife needs it21:31
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abdullahdeanwhats your favorite channel besides ubuntu?21:34
cp_dominic_:     Gwenview has plugins, yes lo and behold, it has one for "export to facebook", among many :P21:34
SonikkuAmerica!ot | abdullahdean, this isn't the place for that21:34
ubottuabdullahdean, this isn't the place for that: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:34
dominic_cp_ i will try it21:36
dominic_i have shotwell on my tablet as well21:37
abdullahdeanhow can I get tor browser to work in Linux Mint 14?21:41
k1l_abdullahdean: mint is not supported here. please see their support21:41
bazhangask in mintsupport abdullahdean21:41
Tex_Nickabdullahdean:  most of the mint help channels can be found on the  irc.spotchat.org server\21:43
SonikkuAmerica!mint | abdullahdean21:45
ubottuabdullahdean: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:45
gypsyjokerok, so that didn't work21:45
gypsyjokernow, since i'm out of discs, how do i move the launcher, and get back the old menu style?21:46
cp_gypsyjoker:   are you trying to burn an .iso to a usb stick?21:46
gypsyjokercp_, nope. i was trying to burn it to the only DVD i had21:46
cp_gypsyjoker:     ok... you can just use "dd" from the shell for either anyhow21:47
gypsyjokerbut since that didn't work, how do i move the launcher from the left side of the screen? it's in the way there, and I'd also like to get back the old menus instead of that dash21:47
cp_gypsyjoker:  assuming you have a dvd-rw drive that is21:47
vitimitinighty night21:47
gypsyjokeroh well, since i can't burn disks right now, lemme go see if i can at least move the launcher21:49
bfighello, i'm trying to set up l2tp. I downloaded l2tp-ipsec-vpn but haven't been able to configure everything right21:51
Tex_Nickgypsyjoker:  for future reference ... you might consider buying RW DVD's ;-)21:51
bfigfirst of all, is there a better way to do this than with l2tp-ipsec-vpn?21:51
gypsyjokerTex_Nick, i was given the computer and the DVD21:52
gypsyjokernow, i know i'm being lazy, but how do i move the launcher?21:52
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k1l_gypsyjoker: you cant move the launcher in unity21:53
gypsyjokerk1l_, for real? holy crap, why not?21:53
woonow there are 2 zombies!21:53
=== charlie_ is now known as Guest65378
woowhy are zombies after my computer?21:54
Guest65378is this a help channel?21:54
k1l_!details | Guest6537821:54
ubottuGuest65378: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:54
KitzuneYes, it's a help channel.21:54
bean__woo: those are usually processes still open, but the parent process hasn't died yet21:54
|s-a|!topic | Guest6537821:54
ubottuGuest65378: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic21:54
bean__or hasn't been cleaned up21:54
Tex_Nickgypsyjoker:  ah ok ... that's as inexpensive as you can get then ... something to consider though is ... optical media is a dying technology ... USB sticks are the way to go ... 8 Gig sticks are really cheap now ;-)21:54
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Guest65378i cant get my system tray loaded when i boot? any sugestions?21:55
woobean__: ok im just gonna close everthing21:55
gypsyjokerTex_Nick, yep, cheap enough. now if only i could actually customize the UI, i might like it a little better21:55
cp_woo:   checked with 'qps'?21:55
|s-a|Guest65378 , what do you mean by system tray ?21:55
woothat worked21:56
wooty bean__21:56
cp_|s-a|:    I guess he means the "taksbar"21:56
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|s-a|Guest65378 , what Desktop environment  are using ?21:57
Guest65378my computer says in an error message after boot "no system tray found on this computer" and on top it says hpslip21:57
Solarrawell i have run out of troubleshooting time today folks try number 2 tonight21:58
|s-a|Guest65378 , sh -c "sleep 15; exec hp-systray"21:59
orzelhello. I have quite a lot of problems/crashes using libreoffice 4 on (k)ubuntu raring. I'd like to switch back to libreoffice 3.x. Is it possible ?21:59
orzelgoogling, i find lot of speech about 'ppa' but i dont really get it21:59
cp_orzel:    not sure, kubuntu 13.04 I'd think comes with 4.0, 12.04 comes with 3.0, out of the box, but if 13.04 has 4.0 and not 3, I'd think you'd not find it in the PPA, ppa= repositories22:02
James_EppI am posting this in both the ubuntu and lubuntu channels:22:02
James_EppI did a installation of both operating systems over a PxE server (desktop i386) to the same machine and in both instances I have a very strange result. After booting right after finishing the install, I have no network connectivity! Not even drivers or anything. I have no clue why this is happening. Anyone know a possible cause?22:02
orzelcp_: i'm using 13.04, and "apt-cache policy  libreoffice" only speaks about version 422:03
cp_James_Epp:  ubuntu and lubuntu would be the same exact distribution, just a different desktop/window manager, so if one has issues, the other one would too22:03
cp_orzel:    I can see that, I have 12.04, and has 3.022:04
James_Eppcp_: True, it just strikes me as odd.22:04
James_Eppcp_: Do you know why this is happening, however?22:04
cp_James_Epp:    well, -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43_-_No_Internet_access   <--- is what I did with my b43 broadcom card, and it worked fine after a reboot, even with a pcmcia or a internal22:06
James_Eppcp_: I have performed reboots, and nothing changes.22:06
James_Eppifconfig eth0 down/up/arp does nothing as well22:06
tyrogorzel: Libroeffice crashes more than I would desire :P22:08
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ryan-ccan someone help me figure out why my nfs-kernel-server doesn't autostart on boot?22:13
ryan-cI'm using 112.04 LTS22:13
ryan-c|s-a|: update-rc.d nfs-kernel-server enable didn't work, already tried that.22:15
|s-a|ryan-c , do you have the server installed ?22:15
ryan-c`service nfs-kernel-server start` works22:16
|s-a|ryan-c if you start it manually does it work ?22:16
|s-a|ok i see22:16
ryan-cI didn't see anything apparent in the logs, and I've disabled everything in /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} for now.22:17
|s-a|what do : dmesg | grep nfs-server    , return ?22:17
orzeltyrog: yes. i'm hit by https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6351722:17
ubottuFreedesktop bug 63517 in Writer "soffice.bin[3113] general protection fault in libmergedlo.so" [Major,Needinfo]22:17
ryan-c|s-a|: nothing22:17
orzeli'm not the only one, but there seems to be really few people annoyed by this. And nobody will care :/22:17
tyrogorzel: For 13.04 you need to download LO3.6 and install it manually22:17
orzeltyrog:  that's what i wanna do, but i dont know how to do it / where to look. any hint / link ?22:18
ryan-cI've been trying to find something on google, but as far as I can tell there is no error message22:18
|s-a|ryan-c , it is starting22:19
tyrogorzel: Search for some tutorial for install Libreoffice 4 in Ubuntu 12.10. First tutorials that appeared talked about how to download it from the website and install manually. A similar procedure should apply to your scenario22:19
ryan-c|s-a|: It starts, but only if I start it manually.22:19
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wallzeroMy machine has stopped logging. I reinstalled syslogd but it still isn't working.22:27
th0rwallzero: is this system online, a server or always on home system?22:29
pnodeI am attempting to empty the rubbish bin but it is stuck on "Preparing"22:29
pnodehow long does file management usually take normally ?22:30
wallzeroth0r: Sorry, I think I just fixed it. Somehow busybox-syslogd had replaced rsyslog22:30
pnodeis ubuntu slow usually when working with ntfs,fat partitions ?22:30
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pnodealso the free space numerics don't appear to update22:31
th0rwallzero: no problem. I was going to point out that logging is terminated when there is clandestine access to a server22:31
wallzeroth0r: Haha, I am crossing my fingers that is not the case. I am in the middle of some upgrades and assume I was at fault22:33
th0rwallzero: you found a reasonable alternative, so I wouldn't worry too much. You can always take a few to run chkrootkit if you get nervous <smile>22:33
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DrFoossh-copy-id is trying to use my newly created id to authenticate into my server to copy my new key. How can I force a password login for ssh-copy-id22:45
Dr_WillisDrFoo:  Odd.. normally it asks for the password the first time here.22:46
Dr_Willisunless its using an old id you had copied over22:46
ryan-c|s-a|: nfs-kernel-server was failing to start due to a cryptdisk volume not working22:46
|s-a|ryan-c , nice :)22:46
DrFoothis is my first key22:46
MonkeyDustDrFoo  you mean a rsa-key? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys#Generating_RSA_Keys22:47
ryan-c|s-a|: I forgot to set noauto in /etc/crypttab - thought it would be enough to put noauto in /etc/fstab22:47
ryan-cworking now22:47
DrFooI thought it would prompt for the password so I could move the key over, but the client is trying to authenticate with the key...22:48
DrFooand it's not on the server yet.22:48
ryan-cDrFoo: give it -vvv22:48
|s-a|ryan-c , good22:48
|s-a|ryan-c , btw where did you find the error ?22:48
ryan-c|s-a|: There was no error anywhere. I watched the console and I saw it prompting for a password for that volume and made a guess.22:49
DrFoocould not resolve uname mask 07722:49
ryan-cDrFoo: ssh-copy-id -o PubkeyAuthentication=no host22:49
ryan-cthat *might* work22:50
DrFooi tried, but i'll try again....22:50
ryan-cDrFoo: Can you ssh in with a password at all?22:50
DrFoohmm.... I wonder if I can disable key login in the config, just until I can copy it to the server22:51
Dr_WillisI thought it would use the key if it worked.. and then ask the password if it dident22:52
ryan-cDrFoo: Yeah, you could do that in your ~/.ssh/config22:52
Dr_Willisunless the server is set to not allow password22:52
urgodfatherhello... im having trouble connecting to secured networks. i can connect to unsecured with ease, however... with secured WEP WPA and WPA2 i cannot connect22:52
urgodfatherDr_Willis: if you could suggest a fix, you would be my hero22:52
DrFoowhat's the difference between rhostsrsaauthentication and rsaauthentication?22:53
GabbozHi!  12.04 server. I have a 6Tb /home volume which df -h reports has 115Gb free. If I du -hs the directories in /home, it only adds up to around 4Tb.  Any ideas how I can track down the discrepancy?  Thanks.22:53
ryan-cDrFoo: You should have both of those disabled.22:54
ryan-cDrFoo: They're for SSHv1 which is insecure. PubkeyAuthentication is what SSHv2 uses.22:55
ryan-cGabboz: You could have something mounted on top of a directory with files in it.22:55
Dr_Willisurgodfather:  i seem to recall this being a common bug ages ago.. ive never had to fight with it22:56
Gabbozryan-c, so I would need the mounts command to reference that right?22:57
ryan-c'mount' should show you22:57
Gabbozsry i meant that :)22:57
urgodfatherDr_Willis: i have been banging my head on my workbench trying to get this intel 6235 to work in ubuntu. i just figured out that its not the wireless thats the issue, instead its secured networks22:57
DrFoowow. this blows... no dice22:58
Gabbozryan-c, nothing looks out of place(to me anyway) .. can you either provide a URL or a light explanation on what you originally thought it might be?22:58
bfighello, i'm trying to set up l2tp. I downloaded l2tp-ipsec-vpn but haven't been able to configure everything right23:00
bfigfirst of all, is there a better way to do this than with l2tp-ipsec-vpn?23:00
BigFisthi, i believe I'm having something what might be called a bug. Every second time i boot my computer, Ubuntu stops before login screen. There is a blinking cursor in the upper right corner, and there is a mouse pointer, but nothing more. Black screen. I can move mouse pointer all the time. But as long as i waited, nothing more happens. It happens in about 3/5 cases of booting.23:02
|s-a|BigFist , what about pastebining /var/log/X.* ?23:03
BigFist|s-a|: sure, what is the easiest way to pasteit, i remember there was some console application23:05
|s-a|pastebin :D23:05
backboxhelp plz, huwaei e173 cannot connect on mint 1423:06
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:07
Gamorehi all I just bought a Ubuntu Keyboard computer and while it was updating I kicked the power cord and turned it off... now when I turn it on I see the screen that I can get into recover mode from but then it just goes to a black screen is there anyway of fixing this?23:07
Gamoreit does not have a CD drive and did not come with a disk but I can burn a disk and plug in a CD/DVD drive in with USB23:08
BigFist|s-a|: XOrg.0.log - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5685341/23:08
BigFist|s-a|: XOrg.0.log.old - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5685343/23:09
Minty_any information on install NVDIA driver for 650m on 13.04?23:09
|s-a|BigFist , the new one please :D23:10
astropriateany CSU students here?23:11
DrFooryan-c: i just modified the script... very easy and added the -o PubkeyAuthentication=no to the ssh line... worked like a charm23:12
Minty_what driver is save for NVIDIA 650M?23:13
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04does ecryptfs have to use the users password or can ecryptfs be set with a different password23:13
BigFist|s-a|: those are both newest, one from today, other from yesterday23:14
MiniDWhat is does "Use burnproof" in Ubuntu's default write to disc properties dialog do exactly. Should I enable it when burning a liveCD iso to a DVD?23:15
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BigFist|s-a|: i don't have more really, 1.log, 1.log.old (last mod - 16th of may), and 2.log (last mod - 24th of march)23:16
BigFisthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5685357/ - 1.log23:17
GamoreI bought an Ubuntu Keyboard computer and as it was updating I kicked the power cord and turned it off and now when I turn it on I get the screen where I can enter rocover mode but then it goes to a black screen is this able to be fixed?23:17
|s-a|BigFist, yes i got it23:17
BigFisthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5685367/ - 1.log.old, I'll skip this from march23:18
BigFisti just thought you might want to look there to, its just few days ago, and this problem started to occur somewhere then23:18
steliosrehow can i get there?23:19
bfigmmm ipsec verify hangs :/ any ideas?23:19
GabbozMinty_, the ones offered by additional drivers should suffice23:20
Minty_Gabboz,  nothing shows up there23:21
Minty_i have an Gforce GT 650m23:21
LoshkiMiniD: see e.g. http://www.iomega.com/support/documents/10576.html for a definition. Frankly, these days, if your pc is so slow as to need burnproof, then I wouldn't trust the burns it produces....23:21
GabbozMinty_, might wanna read this.  http://eternalvoid.net/tutorials/linux-optimus-gt650m/23:22
Minty_aww yes bumblebee, i tried it, all try again23:23
MiniDLoshki: Thanks23:23
|s-a|BigFist , i can't find something that will delay xorg23:23
|s-a|maybe it is just a service causing this23:24
BigFist|s-a| what can i do next time this happens, can I do something from console?23:24
|s-a|BigFist , you can disable gdm autostart23:25
|s-a|BigFist , and then you can start it manually with some verbosity23:25
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|s-a|if it works ok , it means that it is something else which will lead you too looking to various log files , maybe dmesg and messages BigFist23:26
MiniDWhy is the Additional Drivers thing (I believe it is called Jockey) not included with Ubuntu 12.10, or am I missing something?23:27
BluesKajMiniD:  it is included by default in 12.1023:28
BigFist|s-a|: gdm or lightgm ?23:28
|s-a|BigFist , whatever you are using as login manager23:29
BigFisthonestly I'm not sure, and I'm trying to find out, a second ago i had no idea what gdm is :P23:29
BigFistnow i see, that in recent ubuntus gdm was replaced by lightdm, thats why I'm asking23:30
BigFistI have ubuntu 13.0423:30
BigFistthis looks nice and easy (chosen answer): http://askubuntu.com/questions/151840/how-to-disable-gdm-from-being-automatically-started but it says about lightdm...23:31
|s-a|BigFist , cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager23:31
BigFistlightdm :)23:32
|s-a|just replace gdm with lightgdm when using update.rc (arrg am not familiar with ubuntu services )23:32
Minty_do i need primus?23:33
BigFist|s-a|: thank you for your time, and suggestion, I will switch my dm :P to manual start now and will see23:33
MoPacHowdy - has anybody else been seeing a regression in Raring of late where the power menu options popups fail?  E.g., when I click "shutdown", the new restart or shutdown choice popups appears for an instant, and then the machine just restarts without me having a choice23:33
xilohaving a problem chsh on 13.04. i execute chsh -s /bin/zsh, doesn't give an error. but it's not changing my shell. any idea?23:34
|s-a|BigFist , also you can change your dm or get rid of it if it is causing those flashy problems :p23:35
nerionew job23:35
neriohorrible horrible month23:35
neriosimply terrible23:35
|s-a|xilo,doesn't : zsh simply issues zshell ?23:35
xilonvm i had to logout of gnome session23:37
cuddylierHow do I check the owner of a directory?23:47
th0rcuddylier: ls -l23:47
cuddylierth0r Thanks, If I change a directory from being root to a non privileged user such as 'cuddylier', would I need to give them permissions to execute items inside that directory, read and write?23:49
|s-a|for root no , for others yes23:49
th0rcuddylier: probably, and I would advise against playing with directories that are owned by root...they are that way for a reason23:49
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cuddylierth0r If I made a new user and had files run under that, would I need to set a directories' owner to that user for it to be able to run files within it?23:56
cuddylierth0r Also, the directory was owned by root because I made it with root23:57
serecuddylier: what are u trying to do ?23:57
th0rcuddylier: not sure what you mean or what you are trying to accomplish23:57
cuddylierI have a program which is currently running minecraft servers as root. Obviously this means users can run java executables which can go outside their server directory. The program has a mode where it can put each server as a seperate user so obviously it can't access outside of its directory. I need to run the program as a non privileged user to begin with and then users are created as servers are created to own directories.23:58

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