
len-1310zequence, Re: menu overlay for all DEs. My hope is to be able to do all or at least most of our menu mods in one file for all DEs (including those we don't ship :)00:15
len-1310However, There may be some things that end up being DE dependant, so we may still end up with a slightly non-standard menu for each DE as well.00:16
len-1310I am thinking of the settings/system stuff. The different DEs handle these things differently and we end up with settings applets from more than one DE because of our workflow Apps.00:19
len-1310zequence, anyway, I will build the generic overlay becasue it will be a good starting point for all the DEs. We can see what our menus look like with any custom menus turned off.00:23
len-1310If the overlay is good enough then we can let the rest of the menu go as packaged.00:24
len-1310xfce 4.12 may change the settings manager situation as well.00:27
Len-nbzequence, looked at keeping a generic menu for studio... not much fun. I can add but not subtract where I have tried so far. 03:50
Len-nbzequence, I can make a chunk that is pretty much generic and then the only editing we have to do to the DE menu file is to remove what we want to add.03:51
Len-nbThat way if there is editing of our menus that can be done in one place03:54
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
DarkErahi all11:48
zequenceDarkEra: hello11:49
zequencelen-1310: Ok, so if I've understood correctly, we can only add to a generic menu, but if we want to remove things, we need to do that for each menu separately?11:51
zequenceGreat, got another week of work, so two weeks of teaching people about Linux11:55
zequence..money will go to a trip to Switzerland for the DebConf13 event12:00
zequencelen-1310: We'll be getting a new udev shortly, so let's see if that will change anything for us12:04
DarkErazequence, that sounds cool to me^^13:00
len-1310zequence, I am still working on it. I seem to be able to put a very short menufile where our file is now. It has two lines that merge parent and merge our custom file (in that order)13:06
len-1310The short file then can be linked to with whatever filename the DE expects.13:07
smartboyhw_zequence: Nice one!!13:08
len-1310hello smartboyhw_ 13:08
smartboyhw_len-1310: Hey13:08
len-1310Are you still doing studio K13:09
smartboyhw_len-1310: Yep, but not before 14 June.13:11
len-1310not a problem. 13:11
len-1310smartboyhw_, can I fit a kubuntu on 20G?13:12
smartboyhw_len-1310: Why not? It fits within 10G (or even 6GB)13:13
len-1310Ok, I will see if it works on this box.13:14
len-1310Grub is really annoying. A flavour nmae would be soooo helpful.13:16
smartboyhw_len-1310: Heh13:17
len-1310Which package is that script from? I guess it is part of grub2?13:17
zequenceYeah, GRUB could use some more work on the menu13:18
len-1310should be for all flavours though13:19
len-1310Which package to bug?13:19
len-1310grub is not installed...13:19
zequencelen-1310: grub2 maybe313:21
len-1310we have grub-pc-bin, and grub-common13:21
smartboyhw_len-1310: grub213:21
smartboyhw_zequence: GRUB 3 hasn't been invented yet;P13:21
zequencesmartboyhw_: I was referring to the package maybe3, which could be anything maybe13:22
len-1310There is no grub2 package13:22
zequencesure there is13:22
zequenceIt's a dummy package though13:22
len-1310we don't install it.13:22
zequenceit depends on grub-pc and grub-common though13:22
zequenceyou're right. We don't install the dummy package13:23
smartboyhw_grub-pc then13:23
zequencedepends on which one holds the grub config files13:23
zequencegrub2 is the source pacakge though13:25
zequenceso, I would just report it against grub213:25
len-1310I think it is grub-common.13:25
len-1310It includes all the /etc/grub.d/* stuff13:26
len-1310I will put a bug against that and maybe we can get lots of people to say this affects them.13:27
zequencelen-1310: I'd do it on grub 2, or at least make one for both13:28
zequenceand then make a duplicate of the bug13:28
len-1310This may actually be a bug with the distro identification.13:31
zequenceDon't all distros have a way to ID the distro?13:33
zequenceEven if it's not the same, GRUB can do it13:33
zequenceBut, I guess it might be nice if there was a standard for all Linux based13:33
len-1310When it took the system info, the install medium has studio, but the distro is just ubuntu13:33
zequenceI'd think all Debian based has the same system13:33
zequenceActually, I have Debian GRUB13:34
zequenceSo, I'm not seeing the same stuff13:34
zequenceI just have kernel versions13:34
len-1310Studio at least has a different kernel, but I have xubuntu and lubuntu and they look the same.13:35
zequenceI remember the distro by which order they come in, and which ARCH (almost every other is 32bit and 64bit)13:35
len-1310I shouldn't have to do that and besides a new install changes the order :P13:35
zequenceSo, we might need a new file for flavor ID13:36
zequenceUnless one wants the initial install to decide which flavor it is13:36
zequenceOne can start out with netinstall, and then add whichever flavor. Also, add them all to one install13:37
len-1310DistroRelease: Ubuntu 13.1013:37
zequenceAll flavors are Ubuntu13:37
len-1310That is probably a mistake.13:37
zequenceWhy is that a mistake?13:37
len-1310Bug #118206713:38
ubottubug 1182067 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "The grub menu does not show ubuntu flavour" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118206713:38
zequenceAll flavors are Ubuntu. It's not a mistake13:38
len-1310I think the flavour should be part of the name.13:38
zequenceAll flavors can exist in paralell13:38
len-1310That is why the flavour should be part of the name.13:38
zequenceSo, should the GRUB menu name all of them?13:38
zequenceOk, so the distro could then be: Ubuntu+Kubuntu+Lubuntu+Xubuntu.. etc13:39
smartboyhwWell I only keep Ubuntu Studio in here:P13:39
len-1310The system ditribution should have the flavour name13:39
zequenceYes, but the system is the same13:39
zequenceWe all have ubuntu-minimal13:39
zequenceWe are all Ubuntu13:39
len-1310Yes. but it is what is on top that makes them unique13:40
zequenceBut, you can have them all at the same time13:40
zequenceSo, how do you ID then?13:40
len-1310by which flavour got there first?13:41
zequence15:36 < zequence> Unless one wants the initial install to decide which flavor it is13:41
zequenceWe still need a new file for flavors13:41
zequenceAnd it might make little sense13:41
len-1310That might be a problem if the initial install is mini.iso13:42
zequence15:37 < zequence> One can start out with netinstall, and then add whichever flavor. Also, add them all to one install13:42
zequenceYes, it is problematic13:42
zequencePerhaps there is some gui tool for making custom changes..13:43
zequenceI read about some not long ago13:43
zequenceI think maybe one could add an additional ID to the GRUB menu, not replacing Ubuntu, but adding to it, showing from which install medium one made the install13:45
len-1310That is my thought.13:45
zequenceBut, then you need a new file13:45
zequenceOne which is only added by installers13:45
zequenceAnd only Ubuntu installers13:45
zequencemeaning, all the Ubuntu flavors13:45
len-1310But that file has to be in a standrd place as grub by be reinstalled/configured from any partition.13:46
zequencesomething like /etc/ubuntu_installer13:47
zequencenext problem - upgrades13:47
len-1310May as well be in /etc/grub.d/13:47
zequenceWhy? It has nothing to do with grub13:48
len-1310upgrades should be from the same to the same flavour13:48
len-1310oops focus follows mind not installed13:48
zequenceWell, ok, the installer ID would not need to have the release version. Just the installer (not flavor)13:50
zequencethe mini.iso is not a flavor, until you add one13:50
zequenceSo, you'd add the installer ID, not the flavor ID13:50
zequenceAnd from the mini.iso, you can add all flavors at once13:50
zequenceor, at least their desktop metas, which is not exactly the same thing13:51
zequenceA flavor is not much more than a custom set of preinstalled packages13:51
zequence..and settings13:51
zequenceThe base system is the same13:52
len-1310mini.iso could include in the setup stage a question of which flavour do you want to call this partition?13:52
len-1310In fact ubiquity could too13:52
zequencelen-1310: I think in this case, the easiest solution is actually just a GRUB gui tool13:54
zequenceAnd you can make whatever changes you want13:54
zequenceAnd call your partition what you want13:54
len-1310I would prefer to limit changes that are easy to make ...13:55
zequenceThe flavor is a very loose term for a system, as it really just is a set of preinstalled packages. 13:55
* len-1310 has visions of too many unbootable systems13:55
zequenceEasy to make?13:55
len-1310Partition label would be better13:55
len-1310easy to make as can be made from a gui13:56
len-1310Anyone can and will.13:56
len-1310The gui should not be able to make changes that make the system not boot13:56
zequenceThere is a gui tool already available13:57
zequenceI haven't used. As I said, I've only read about one13:57
zequencedon't remember the name13:57
zequenceThere used to be one for grub1 too13:58
zequenceWhenever there are system files that can be altered, you can create a gui tool to edit them13:58
zequenceAnd, it's up to you, the coder, how much freedom you give to the user for that gui tool13:58
len-1310Ya, the question is do I want to... do I want to support the changes a regular user might make.13:59
zequenceI think the better question is: would it be useful or not14:00
len-1310/etc/os-release has name and version on two lines. maybe the flavour could be part of the version.14:00
zequenceThe problem again is that flavors are all the same OS14:00
len-1310certainly there needs to be some way the user knows what partition is which at boot time.14:01
zequenceBut, maybe if installing from the 14:01
len-1310NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="UbuntuSTudio 13.10, Saucy Salamander"14:01
len-1310There is also ID=ubuntu14:03
zequenceAgain, all flavors are the same OS14:03
zequenceThey are just different flavors of it14:03
zequenceShould a meta package decide which OS it is?14:04
len-1310But whatever way of doing things is used it has to be the same for all flavours14:04
len-1310the meta can ask at install14:04
len-1310In fact it should work with other distros like debian or slackware or redhat14:05
zequenceI think if you really think this is something you would like to see happen, discuss it on the ubuntu-devel-discuss list14:07
zequenceThat way you should get some good feedback on the problem of identifying a flavor, and whether or not it is possible to do so14:08
len-1310zequence, anyway, I will play with this stuff. Is there a more generic video driver than nouveau that might work with gnome?14:08
zequencelen-1310: The problem is not with the driver, I don't think. It's with your card14:08
zequenceIt doesn't have the support needed14:08
zequenceIf the card is too old, it just doesn't have the tech it needs14:09
len-1310so if I user a driver that doesn't try will gnome fall back to use less?14:09
zequenceYou certainly cannot put the flavor in a OS description file14:11
zequencethe OS is bascially ubuntu-minimal14:11
zequenceBut, maybe you can add a file that lets you know which installer you used14:12
zequenceYou can install XFCE, but not Xubuntu14:12
zequenceYOu can install Unity, but not Ubuntu14:12
zequenceYou can install awesome as your DE14:12
zequenceAnd you can install all of them into one single system14:12
len-1310The user probably doesn't want the name of their install to change just by adding a DE anyway.14:13
zequenceyou mean, installer?14:13
zequenceI'm not going to tell users what they should want14:13
zequenceAlso, one can remove packages14:14
zequenceOne can purge a whole flavor, and add a new one14:14
len-1310No I mean whatever GRUB calls that partition should not change just because I added another DE14:14
zequenceWhat GRUB calls the partition is a separate problem14:14
len-1310That shold be set at install time (original install)14:14
zequenceFirst, you have to come up with a way to ID a flavor14:14
zequenceBut, I'm saying you can't14:15
zequenceYou can however decide to add a file that let's you know which installer you used14:15
len-1310and only changed by the user.14:15
len-1310That would be an upstream grub thing I think.14:15
zequenceupstream GRUB, to add something to look up Ubuntu flavors?14:16
zequenceIf you don't believe me, just put out the question on ubuntu-devel-discuss list14:17
zequenceI'm sure you'll get very similar answers14:17
len-1310not ubuntu flavours, but partition ID.14:19
len-1310It could be used in any distro14:20
len-1310not just ubuntu14:20
len-1310Whatever the solution, user experience when faced with 2 or more grub selections all named the same thing is not good.14:23
len-kHmm, Kubuntu works fine with my "old" video card.16:52
madeinkobaiaHi all : )16:54
madeinkobaiaHi len-k :)16:54
zequenceKDE4 doesn't require a newer card16:54
len-kYa... I am not sure why gnome3 should either.16:55
zequencelen-k: gnome-shell does, and it's because it is based on more modern tech than you find in older graphic card16:56
zequenceIt's just a sign of you needing to buy a new one16:56
zequenceThings evolve16:56
len-kSo why is there no reasonable fall back?16:56
zequenceThere are things you simply can't do with old technology16:56
len-kChurn is bad. I have a working card why should I replace it?16:56
zequenceJust like dropping support for i38616:56
zequenceOr, no16:57
len-k1386 is a lot older.16:57
len-keven a P1 is still ok.16:57
len-k(not sure about 486)16:57
zequenceAt some point, you want to take the next step in graphics. Computer games does this at a much faster rate than DEs16:58
zequenceBut, it's basically the same problem16:58
zequenceUsers need to have technology that supports the changes16:58
len-kA DE should not be based on games.16:58
zequenceAt this point, anything not older than 5 years should support it16:59
len-kThats like brand new.16:59
zequenceWho said it should?16:59
len-kthat what what your comment above sugested16:59
zequenceMany graphic cards don't even survive that long16:59
zequenceno, it didn't16:59
len-kLots do too.16:59
len-kI have an S3 that is still fine.17:00
zequencelen-k: Tell me, how well do flash videos play on your card?17:00
len-kSeem to be ok.17:00
zequencelen-k: no stuttering at all?17:00
zequencelen-k: At which resolution?17:00
len-kDepends what the rest of the system is doing.17:00
zequenceI'm guessing performance is not very good17:01
len-kNot sure. The same as the DVD player works at.17:01
zequencethe general desktop usage needs are above what you have, no matter which DE17:01
zequenceThere are DEs for lower performance needs17:02
zequenceGnome3 is not designed for that17:02
len-kThat is not a valid assumption17:02
len-kAnyway, this idealogical differences. You think one way and I another.17:03
zequenceIf your computer is 10 years old, don't assume the newest stuff should work on it17:03
len-kThe DE should17:03
zequenceIt's not my opinion17:03
len-kApplications is another thing.17:03
zequenceIt's the opinion of the DE designers17:03
zequenceYour opinion is not what decides the opinion of the DE designers17:04
len-kYup that is true.17:04
zequenceLike I said, there are DEs that support older machines better17:04
len-keverything but gnome 3 it seems17:04
zequenceAnd Unity with desktop effects17:05
zequenceAnd everything else that is quite new17:05
len-kunity works OOTB17:05
len-kKDE works OOTB17:05
len-kKDE is even reasonably fast17:06
zequenceKDE is pretty old in comparison17:06
zequenceAnd I wouldn't think anything is fast on your machine17:06
zequenceMaybe awesome17:06
len-kI am sure there are some things that are really snappy, but both xfce and lxde (what lubuntu uses) are not noticably slow.17:08
len-kEven kde for that matter.17:08
len-kNot slower than my 2 year old machine anyway.17:08
len-kThe 2 yearold machine does handle videos better but the desktop experience is the same 17:09
len-kThat is the gpu, some things run faster on the 10 year old machine than the 2 year old.17:10
zequenceLook, you obviously think that everyone should design their stuff so they work on your machine17:10
zequenceAnd suit your life style17:10
zequenceI'm not saying everything other people do (DE designers, Canonical devs, or me, or you) is smart17:11
zequenceBut there are reasons for everything17:11
zequenceA lot of people make the assumption that what they do is the normal thing17:13
zequenceWhen a many enough do that, then perhaps it is17:14
len-kThere have in the past, been many people who looked for older machines to run linux on. I know lots of people still using older HW than what I have even.17:15
zequenceSure, and there are alternatives for them17:15
len-kPerhaps that is changing and linux has got to the point people buy new machine just to install that more often. 17:15
zequenceGnome3, Unity, or even KDE(while it is now older), were not designed for them in mind. They do however not take bigger leaps than the main stream user can handle17:16
len-kThis is still a time of growth, many new things are happening.17:16
zequenceI'm sure there are differences in what kind of machines the main stream user uses in differenc countries17:16
len-kThe use of linux on older equipment is narrowing as the linux community  expands.17:17
len-kprobably the group of people that use older machine is pretty stagnent in size and may be even shrinking.17:17
len-k Obviously the percentage has shrunk a lot.17:18
len-kIn my case I don't have the funds to buy new machines all the time. I have to use what I have.17:18
zequencecomputers seem to be a bit cheaper today then they were 10 years ago. graphic cards are at least17:18
len-kYa, but I don't have a PCIe slot17:19
len-kI have one of those graphics only things17:19
zequenceNew MBs don't even have IDE anymore17:19
zequenceOr, many of them17:19
len-kYa I know and those that do have problems with them17:19
zequenceThat just means you have to upgrade the whole machine17:20
len-kI don't have IDE17:20
zequenceAnd is a sign of yours being pretty old17:20
len-kBut most don't even have PCI which I think is what you meant17:21
zequenceI think there are adapters though, but not sure how those work17:21
len-kUpgrading means 1k plus pretty much17:21
zequencePCI is still fairly common, but you usually only get one or two slots17:21
zequenceThe MB I have doesn't have IDE at all. Only SATA17:21
len-kI have sata17:21
len-kbut I do also have ide17:22
zequenceAnd only one PS/2 hybrid mouse and keyboard connector17:22
len-kI use the ide for dvd only17:22
zequenceThe rest is usb2, usb3, eSata, HDMI, etc17:22
len-kCan't get ide drives anyway.17:22
zequenceThe problem I had was I couldn't connect my DVD drive to it17:23
zequenceSo, I don't have one at all17:23
zequenceThey are also SATA nowadays17:23
zequenceBut, I wasn't too interested in buying a new one, even if they are cheap17:23
zequenceOr, BluRay, as they are now17:23
len-kIf I go to a PCIe only board I need new audio IF as well. To get anything worth while  would cost more than the rest of the upgrade.17:24
zequenceThere are plenty of boards with PCI17:24
zequenceI don't think that will disappear as quickly17:24
len-kAnd LAU is full of people who have bought one and can't get their PCI card to work17:24
len-k5 or 6 any way in the last 5 or 6 months17:25
len-kIf I upgrade though, it is likely to be a machine for the DE and leave the audio stuff on this one.17:26
len-kAt least till I can get a new audio IF17:26
zequencecoincidentally, someone just asked about /etc/os-release on #ubuntu-devel17:27
zequenceand suggesting it should contain the flavor17:28
len-kI have a wife going to school and special needs kids one with a diet that costs lots.. hopefully my wife will be working next year.17:28
len-kThat is probably as a result of my bug report.17:28
zequencethe answer from riddel, just as from myself is: they are all the same OS17:29
* len-k is trying out rekonq17:29
len-kYes but diffent versions17:29
len-kbut really that doesn't matter17:29
len-kthe script that makes up the GRUB menu sho8uld ensure unique entries by some method even if just adding the partition number17:30
zequenceThe concept of flavors is not universal. The way flavors work in Ubuntu, is just local to Ubuntu17:31
len-kAs I said it doesn't matter17:32
zequenceAnd, it's not identifyable from the system17:32
zequenceThe OS is the same for all. The OS is ubuntu-minimal17:32
len-kIt could be. But that doesn't matter there needs to be some way in grub of the user being able to identify what partition is which17:32
zequenceIf you add multiple OSs the smart thing to do is to not install GRUB in the MBR for more than one OS17:33
len-kLike I said if the flavour is not able to be used then at least the partition number should be there17:33
zequenceIn which case, the GRUB is generated from one install only17:33
len-kThen why have grub at all? it spurpose is to be able to load more than one partition worth  of OS17:34
zequenceThere's only one MBR17:34
len-kThat can cause problems too.17:34
zequenceeach time you update a kernel, grub updates the list17:35
zequenceIt looks through all the partitions17:35
zequenceNot sure when MBR is updated. At least when grub is updated, but probably also when kernels are updated17:35
len-kYes. I know and the order in grub might change because of it17:36
zequenceThat means, each time you update the MBR, it changes to the GRUB that is in the install you are using right then17:36
zequenceAnd each distro has their own GRUB17:36
len-kSo the answer is to have a grub that can update it self.17:36
zequenceso, the GRUB changes each time you update a distro17:36
zequenceWhen you update Debian, it'll be the Debian GRUB17:37
zequenceWhen you update Ubuntu, it'll change to the Ubuntu GRUB17:37
zequenceAnd each have their own system17:37
zequenceIt's not the same package17:37
zequenceIt's not the same configuration17:37
zequenceWhich is why, I find it much less disorientating to just keep one GRUB in the MBR17:37
len-kA grub that takes care of itself that can be linked to from each OS would be great , but it is not something we have17:38
zequenceIn my case, Debian. So, each time I need to update the entries, I need to do that from Debian17:38
len-kThat is fine for the user who understands the system.17:38
zequenceIf you install OSs, it's pretty good if you understand what happens when you do that17:39
zequenceOtherwise, get it preinstalled17:39
len-k That does not seem to be the way Ubuntu thinks17:40
len-kkubuntu's version of ubiquity looks nice17:43
len-kOne thing I do agree with though is that Ubuntu's focus is on new equipment.17:45
len-kI find that reasonable.17:45
len-kkubuntu's installer on the time zone screen does let the user set a different region from the time zone.17:58
len-kI wonder if that is the same on the rest.18:04
len-kKDE (kubunu 13.10) does not seem signifcantly slower than xfce (Xubuntu/UbuntuStudio)18:14
zequenceFinally getting my pulseaudio code fix in order, so I can request merges, etc18:25
zequenceI started a new PPA for us. Before uploading to it, please talk to me first ppa:ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-sru-testing18:51
zequenceFor now, it contains the fixed pulseaudio packages for precise and quantal18:51
len-kOk, the only thing I might use it for is -settings packages18:52
zequencelen-k: It's only for SRUs18:54
zequencelen-k: The existing PPA is meant for development release packages 18:54
len-kAh. ok... Ya I should read first18:54
len-kIt is plainly obvous18:54
zequencelen-k: I'l enable autobuilds for all our sources for that PPA18:56
zequenceThis one https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/devel18:56
zequencelen-k: Recipy created for default-settings https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+recipe/ubuntustudio-default-settings-daily18:58
len-kOk. Does that mean every time I push, or will I have to do some action18:58
zequenceIt builds daily now18:58
len-kAh. great.18:58
zequenceBut, one can request a build directly too18:58
zequenceHowever, you never know when the build will start18:59
len-kDaily is enough18:59
zequenceSometimes right away, sometimes it takes days even18:59
len-kI test stuff on my machine(s) before pushing.18:59
len-kI would use it for other people to test18:59
len-kRe DEs: I am assuming that there would be a session for each DE19:00
len-kWould they be like Studio-G, Studio-K and Studio-X or would you just let the DE name fall through19:01
zequenceyou mean, in sessions for each DE in settings?19:03
zequenceI haven't yet looked at all at the settings package regarding these things19:03
zequenceWhat I mean to ask was: sessions for each DE in settings?19:04
zequenceI also enabled the auto build for our metas19:05
len-kWell where the stuff ends up doesn't matter, I was asking more about how you would present it to the user19:05
len-kWhat would the login screen look like to the user19:05
zequenceThat depends on which meta you install19:06
zequenceOh, you mean the look of it, stuff in the background, and so on?19:06
len-kAssume more than one19:06
zequencelen-k: You ever tried installing more than one?19:06
len-kNo I mean the session dropdown menu19:06
zequencethese are all details that I think we'll get to once we will get to I think19:07
zequenceBut, I think for those: ubuntustudio-kde, ubuntustudio-gnome, etc19:07
len-kOk that was what I meant19:08
len-kThe default would be kde, gnome etc. In the same way we have xfce as well as ubuntustudio19:08
zequencewould be good to get XFCE removed I think19:09
len-kActually we should be able to remove xfce19:09
zequenceDoes Xubuntu have it?19:09
len-kSame thought at the same time...19:09
zequenceYeah :)19:09
len-kkubuntu doesn't19:09
zequenceWe'll need to add more sources probably too19:10
len-kNot sure what you mean19:11
zequenceWould be kind of cool if we could use the same lightdm for all the desktops19:11
zequenceBut, I suppose KDE installs its own too?19:12
len-kQuassel pops up a window of the webpage when I hoover over the link you put down..19:13
len-kkubuntu does.19:13
len-kbut I don't know that KDE does19:13
len-klightdm tries to use the user's backdrop once they are selected19:13
zequenceThere's lightdm-kde-greeter19:14
* len-k could use KDE as a DE for Studio very comfortably19:14
len-kYa, but that is just the default.19:14
len-kI think the backdrop is all that would change though.19:15
len-kWould we use the same backdrop for all the DEs?19:15
zequenceWonder if it's possible to use the regular lightdm with all of the DEs.19:16
zequenceWell, of course it should19:16
zequenceBut, is that what the user would expect19:16
zequenceIf you install a Ubuntu Studio Unity, then you might want the unity greeter19:17
len-kWhy not?19:17
len-kunity uses lightdm right now.19:17
zequenceSame with Gnome, and GDM19:17
zequenceIf we could have our own snappy look at the login screen, I think it would do for all DEs19:17
len-kthe DM and the DE are two things19:17
zequenceRight now, it's a little low tech looking19:18
zequenceSomething like the unity greeter, but with our own artwork19:18
zequence..would be nice, I think19:19
len-kI think all the DMs for the ubuntu flavours are lightdm19:19
zequenceNot Ubuntu Gnome19:19
zequenceOr, you can choose between lightdm and gdm19:19
len-kSo we should be able to copy and change the backdrop and colours19:19
len-kUG could use lightdm19:20
len-kWhat matters is that it looks nice19:20
len-kHow  much has GDM changed in the past few years?19:21
len-kI havn't used it for three or four.19:21
zequenceQuite a lot actually19:21
zequenceThe login view is very much adapted for Tablets19:21
zequenceLubuntu is using the Unity greeter19:24
len-kI think taking the unity version and adapting it would not be out of place19:24
len-kBeing ubuntu flavours and all19:25
len-kAt least it gives a reason for the choice19:25
* len-k has been watching youtube for a half hour or so with no video hics19:27
zequenceWhat resolution on your screen, and what resolution on the videos?19:28
zequenceI think one needs to fork the unity-greeter19:30
zequenceAt least to do some of the changes19:30
zequenceOr, we make the lightdm-gtk-greeter look more slick19:31
zequenceLen-nb: At this point, with no changes at all to any of the greeters, I think lightdm-gtk-greeter is the correct choice if one wants to have one for all DEs20:34
zequenceWe don't really need to do anything to it. Just keep it as it is20:35
zequence..if I'm not missing something20:36
Len-nbMy Inet bounced a few times20:36
Len-nbCan do. The unity one has user pictures... I don't think ours does20:36
Len-nbIf someone "wants" Unity they might like features like that20:37
zequenceNo, it does change wallpapers after users choice20:38
zequenceIt's what we have now20:38
Len-nbPersonally, I like it just fine as is. I don't think US is going to get installed on tablets20:38
zequenceI will be using the phone for audio myself20:39
zequenceAnd I know plenty of people who will too20:39
zequenceSo, it's definately not something that I'm going to neglect20:39
zequenceThere are plenty of uses for both phones and tablets as far as multimedia goes20:39
Len-nbThe only time a user would notice the change of wallpaper is if they change it20:40
zequenceBut, the lightdm-gtk-greeter would leave us with least amount of work20:40
Len-nbI stand corrected20:40
Len-nbGDM is an easy install though.20:40
Len-nbActually, I think gnome installs it by default anyway20:42
Len-nbThe install asks what you want to default to20:42
Len-nbzequence, Are you still expecting to leave xfce in as default?21:19
Len-nband what does that mean?21:19
Len-nbWould xfce be installed even if another DE was installed?21:19
zequenceLen-nb: Until anything is decided otherwise, our XFCE based DE will be default, yes21:20
zequencethat means, for now, the installer install that DE21:20
Len-nbOr would it just be on the ISO, but not installed unless the user asked to?21:20
zequenceOnce we work on the ISO, either we put all DEs on the ISO, or some are only installable if you have internet. XFCE will always be on the ISO21:21
zequenceAnd it will be the default choice when doing the install, if having choices21:21
zequenceEither the user will be only able to mark one DE to be installed, or as many as the user likes. In either case, XFCE will be marked beforehand21:22
Len-nbWe know xfce works, so that is good.21:23
Len-nbI mean with our set up21:23
zequenceLet's not get ahead of ourselves21:23
zequenceWe first need to create the metas21:23
Len-nbobviously the other DEs work too.21:23
zequenceThen work on the installer21:23
zequenceRight now, the Gnome DE is not even runnable21:23
Len-nbYa, the install can even be after install for now21:23
Len-nbMaybe that was my problem then21:24
Len-nbI need to get the bios working on this machine so I can test in it.21:24
Len-nbGraphics are "fully" supported21:25
zequenceYes, the netbook should work21:26
zequenceWhat's the problem with the bios?21:26
Len-nbLSC is a lot faster than USC. But it doesn't take search stuff on CLi21:27
Len-nbthe bios has forgotten it has a screen21:27
Len-nbknown problem with the acers21:27
Len-nbThe fix for first gen doesn't seem to work with second gen21:27
Len-nbIt works fine with an external screen... so to boot I have to put a load on the green channel of the vga so it thinks there is a monitor21:28
Len-nbonce x runs it sees the internal screen so long as there is an external21:29
Len-nbI can't see the bootscreen without an external monitor though.21:30
zequenceMaybe if you can get access to the entire set of commands, bios pages, etc, then you can try flying blind :)21:32
zequenceSomeone would need to post some pics, or at least lists of the choices and so on21:32
Len-nbThere is supposed to be a sequence of KB commands that makes a USB stick with the bios reload.21:33
Len-nbbut the lights don't flash, so they must have changed the KB sequence.21:34
Len-nbthe file itself may need to be a different name too.21:34
Len-nbIt is something to do with the power manager on the MB not doing a proper shutdown until the voltage is too low from the battery.21:36
zequencegot owncloud installed on a webhost, but not all the controls seem to work21:38
zequenceI was hoping you could add more users21:38
zequenceI'll be setting up at least one computer for owncloud usage for my mom and some other people21:39
zequenceMaybe not the absolutely most reliable back-up solution, but a very simple one to set up21:39
DarkErazequence, still a no go with Gnome?21:47
zequenceDarkEra: I haven't checked actually21:48
zequenceLet me do an update21:48
DarkEraah, ok :)21:48
zequencehmm, what's ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk?21:52
zequenceI guess an addition to the update manager21:53
zequenceanyway, there were some updated packages21:54
DarkErathe upgrader, according to synaptic's description, is the GTK+ frontend of the Ubuntu Release Upgrader. So i guess you could be right21:55
zequenceDarkEra: seems not working still21:57
DarkEratoo bad. Then we'll have to wait some more i guess21:57

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