
phillwlen-1310: do not be fooled by release numbers, olde wordle grub never got to release v1, and new grub is at 2.00.3 just to show it is grub v2 :)02:49
phillw0.97 is the old grub, which is still used by red hat systems :)02:50
len-1310In LSCs case it seems to be the same one in 13.10 as 13.0402:56
len-1310phillw, hen can I expect xfce4.12 to drop out of the sky?02:56
Unit193len-1310: Hopefully around alpha1.02:59
Len-nbWill it replace 4.10 in the repos or would studio have to spec 4.12?03:00
Unit193That's the idea, why would studio want to keep .10?03:00
Unit193.12 has better dual monitor management.03:01
Len-nbhas the setting management changed?03:01
Len-nb(settings manager)03:01
Unit193I haven't actually seen it myself.  What part exactly?03:01
Len-nbI am just wondering how much time I should spend editing it's menu file03:02
Len-nbI guess I will find out :)03:02
Len-nbAnything I can see on the xfce website is about 4.1003:05
Unit193Sure, it's held up for some sad reason.  You can add the testing PPA, though.03:07
Unit193The hope is that 4.12 will drop at the latest, Alpha 2.03:08
Len-nbThe only roadmap I can find for 4.12 is release dates (out of date) but there is no page that says these are the new features we are working on.03:10
Len-nbI have actually gotten more from this irc channel than the xfce website or the #xfce irc03:11
Unit193#xfce-dev may be more help, and talked about it in the last meeting or one of the hangouts.03:14
Unit193http://lionel.lefolgoc.net/blog/article89/status-of-xfce-in-debian-ubuntu is a little older.03:15
Len-nbI think I tried the -dev too. No matter, the best thing will be hands on. I hear there is a new menu editor as well. I don't like alacarte03:27
Len-nbFollowing this channel (just reading without saying much) gets me the most info.03:28
Unit193New menueditor is a shimmer project (ish) called menulibre, yep.03:32
Len-nbWhat I have seen of it looks better than what we have.03:32
Unit193I'm still missing seperator editing and structure/sorting of the menu, but in some other ways it is better.03:34
Len-nbUsers figure if there is a menu editor it should make any change they can conceive03:34
Len-nbalacarte put _any_ user created desktop file in other03:35
Unit193The Xubuntu docs don't validate: http://paste.openstack.org/show/EP2ybLXsT9HzQ4s4uhBu04:15
skellatLemme rebase my working branch04:20
skellatUnit193: They appear to be cross-document references04:27
skellatThey rendered okay on docs.xubuntu.org04:28
Unit193Yeah, things seem to work fine, just validator doesn't pass on them.04:28
skellatIs there a form of being "fully qualified" that we need to render them in?04:31
skellatknome: A merge for you to consider: https://code.launchpad.net/~skellat/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/16467004:34
Unit193Well the tool still exists and is quite usable, even if it isn't shipped by default.  Before, there was talk (and still is) about aptoncd and keraxy (spelled very wrong.)04:55
Unit193(Another workaround for flash would be to pull adobe-flashplugin from partner.)04:55
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skellatwget -c http://people.ubuntu.com/~david.wonderly/Kubuntu/MumbleMeeting/KubuntuMumble-2013-05-20-.ogg 22:14

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