
GnotXubuntu wont boot when i have an Ethernet cord connecting to the internet, has anyone heard of this before?00:27
Unit193Have you checked in the BIOS if netboot/PXE boot is enabled?00:28
Unit193(Shouldn't do that anyway, but...)00:28
Gnotnot yet, ill try that thanks00:28
nixnineHey guys, i am trying to install adobe air but it keeps telling me to install gnome keyring first.  I have that already installed though.  Any ideas?01:23
bazhangnixnine, adobe air support ended some good while ago01:26
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seronisQ:  'man xscreensaver' claims you can use the -window argument and supply a window ID and it will draw there instead of fullscreen.  I used xwininfo to get the window ID of my desktop but xscreensaver isnt recognizing the ID. anyone able to help ?02:58
seronisnvm issue solved03:58
xubuntu275Hi everyone, I downloaded xubuntu-desktop on top of Ubuntu, now I'd just like to keep Xubuntu, is there any way of doing this?04:16
xubuntu275hi anyone04:18
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »04:19
xubuntu275i have ubuntu with xubuntu-desktop on top of it. will it still work for me?04:20
Unit193That's the idea of it, but isn't perfect.04:20
xubuntu275Not perfect?04:20
Unit193Sure, but nothing really is.  That was made for Quantal, but shouldn't be too far off.04:27
seronisQuantal == xubuntu 12.10 for reference04:54
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pattehi'm trying to make a custom terminal launcher for my launchbar using the flags specified in xfce docs to set the terminal title and execute an SSH connect11:38
pattehi'm using r click, properties, edit and then adding these flags to the command line box11:39
pattehbut no matter which way around i put these flags i cannot get it to work11:39
pattehany tips?11:39
th0rpatteh, try putting the entire thing in quotes?11:40
pattehthis is my current command11:43
pattehxfce4-terminal --tab -T, --title=IRC; -X, --execute ssh "xxxx@xxxx.xxxx"11:43
th0rpatteh, you don't need -x...it is the same as --execute and you can use either.11:46
pattehokay ty11:47
gatsu1000hi all11:53
gatsu1000need a little help out there... quite new to linux and can't find the cdrom... someone can help?11:53
gatsu1000i mean, can't find it as device to read a cd11:54
gatsu1000mmm, seems no one can help down there...11:55
pattehopen file manager and check if its mounted11:56
th0rgatsu1000, sorry I was so slow...I was only half way through typing when that last comment came through11:56
gatsu1000thanks thor... and no patteh, i think it's not mounted at all11:56
pattehmenu > settings > removeable devices and media11:58
pattehmenu top left corner usually11:59
gatsu1000there are some options11:59
gatsu1000but not a list of devices11:59
gatsu1000i found some tips telling me to create a dir and modify the etc/fstab12:00
gatsu1000just tried, but it tells me to reboot the pc12:01
gatsu1000i will give it a shot...12:01
gatsu1000coming back in a min12:01
gatsu1000hi again12:06
gatsu1000nope, it haven't worked12:06
gatsu1000still no cdrom present12:07
gatsu1000thor, any clue?12:09
th0rgatsu1000, take the cd out of the drive, open a terminal, enter the command 'tail -f /var/log/syslog', put the cd in the drive and see if there is any indication in the log file that the drive is recognized.12:11
th0rgatsu1000, new lines should show automatically in the terminal as activity requires12:11
gatsu1000nope, no new lines12:12
th0rgatsu1000, then the drive isn't recognized. You need to determine what kind of drive it is, then what driver is requires, then add that driver to /etc/modules12:13
pattehdoes the drive spin up gatsu1000?12:13
gatsu1000yep, it spins12:13
gatsu1000mmm, it's an lg cd burner/dvd reader12:14
pattehk yeah do what th0r said12:14
pattehneed model for proper driver12:14
gatsu1000erm... how?^^12:14
th0rgatsu1000, I would ask google12:14
pattehor if you have windows on dual boot12:14
pattehload that and look there12:14
pattehfor model etc12:15
gatsu1000don't have windows12:15
gatsu1000and the issue is really that: i was trying to load a virtualbox with winxp12:15
gatsu1000because TomTom decided to not support at all linux12:16
Starcraftmazteri just installed opensshd on xubuntu and i cant ssh into it12:16
gatsu1000and i need to update the maps in it12:16
Starcraftmaztereven if i do ssh root@localhost it says connectioon reset by peer12:16
th0rStarcraftmazter, I think root login is disabled by default. Did you edit the sshd config file?12:18
Starcraftmazterth0r: i opened it, its blank12:20
Starcraftmazterif i do ssh myusername@localhost it does the same12:21
Starcraftmazterive never really had to configure opensshd before after install, it just worked12:21
th0rStarcraftmazter, then something is amiss. There should be a default config file in /etc/ssh12:21
Starcraftmazterwhat do i need to do on xubuntu12:21
Starcraftmazterthe file is there...its just blank12:21
th0rStarcraftmazter, the file is sshd_config and it should have been installed with the daemon12:22
th0rStarcraftmazter, if it is blank then I would suggest reinstalling the package12:23
Starcraftmazterth0r: whats the apt command for that12:24
Starcraftmazternvm just did remove and install12:25
th0rStarcraftmazter, open Synaptic, remove openssh-server, make sure the config file is no longer in /etc/ssh (delete it if it is) then install the server again12:25
Starcraftmazterok now the config is there12:26
Starcraftmazterhow do i enable passwordl ogin12:26
th0rStarcraftmazter, you should be able to log in as user without editing.12:27
th0rStarcraftmazter, I would recommend not logging in as root, it is a security issue12:27
Starcraftmazterdoesnt work, still says connection reset by peer12:27
th0rStarcraftmazter, is the server running? Open a terminal and type "ps ax | grep ssh' and see if sshd is there12:28
nikola_I happily just installed xubuntu on my mac, but can't figure out the notorious "right-click" - it appears control-click does something right-click-esque on my lower panel, but shift-click does something right-click-esque in the file browser...12:28
th0rStarcraftmazter, I believe you can start it with the command 'sudo service ssh start'12:30
Starcraftmazteryeh its running12:31
th0rStarcraftmazter, open a terminal in the server and try 'ssh localhost', see if you can even login locally12:31
Starcraftmazterno cant12:32
Starcraftmaztersame thing12:32
Starcraftmazterbasically a fresh xubuntu 13.04 install12:33
Starcraftmazternot really sure why it doesnt work12:33
th0rStarcraftmazter, What error does it give when you try localhost?12:33
StarcraftmazterConnection reset by peer12:33
th0rStarcraftmazter, are you sure it is running? there should be two lines in response to the ps ax command, one is the grep from the command, and the other should be sshd -D if I remember right12:34
Starcraftmazterthere's sshd -D, ssh-agent and grep12:34
th0rStarcraftmazter, try 'service ssh restart' and then try 'ssh localhost' again and see what it says12:35
th0rStarcraftmazter, you will need to use 'sudo service ssh restart'12:35
Starcraftmaztersame thing12:35
th0rStarcraftmazter, do you have firewall rules in the server?12:36
Starcraftmazteri haven't added any, i have no idea what xubuntu comes with as ive never used it before12:36
th0rStarcraftmazter, it shouldn't have any by default12:36
Starcraftmazterit doesnt come with selinux or anything like that does it12:36
th0rStarcraftmazter, no12:36
Starcraftmazterah i was looking at ssh_config and didnt realise12:38
Starcraftmazterwhat needs to be enabled to allow password authentication12:38
th0rStarcraftmazter, it is empty, isn't it <smile>....I was just getting there12:38
Starcraftmaztermaybe its disabled by default now12:38
Starcraftmazterno its not empty12:38
th0rStarcraftmazter, no, if it is the default file there is no editing necessary out of the box12:38
th0rStarcraftmazter, but you need to restart the server to make it reread the file. Did you use sudo with the service restart?12:39
Starcraftmazterabout 10 times12:39
th0rStarcraftmazter, and if you simply 'ssh localhost' on the xubuntu box it doesn't connect.....that says it isn't running....how aggravating12:40
Starcraftmazterif it makes you feel any better, i can telnet it from another computer on port 22 and get the openssh welcome msg12:41
th0rStarcraftmazter, then it is running. That at least makes me feel a bit better <smile>. it is a problem with ssh then.12:43
th0rStarcraftmazter, is the ssh_config file in /etc/ssh also empty?12:43
th0rStarcraftmazter, it hasn't been edited, has it?12:44
th0rStarcraftmazter, try 'ssh -p 22 localhost' and see if that works12:44
Starcraftmazterman this is really annoying, an entire night of productivity has been ruioned12:44
Starcraftmazterno same result12:44
th0rStarcraftmazter, just a check....'12:45
th0rStarcraftmazter, just a check...'iptables -L'...make sure the firewall is off12:45
th0ralthough I think localhost bypasses it anyway12:46
Starcraftmazterhang on12:46
Starcraftmaztermyu face when12:46
Starcraftmazterjust checked the logs12:46
Starcraftmaztercould not load host key12:46
Starcraftmazter3 errors12:46
Starcraftmazterthats weird12:47
bekksYeah, its weird to use enter that often :)12:47
Starcraftmazternot for me 8)12:47
th0rStarcraftmazter, the key should have been created at install. You might need to delete any old keys to get the new one recognized12:47
bekksFor all others, it is.12:47
bekksStarcraftmazter: Check wether the missing key exists, under a different filename.12:47
th0rStarcraftmazter, this is a new install. Just delete ~/.ssh/known_hosts12:48
Starcraftmazterthe files it gives are ssh_host_rsa/dsa/ecdsa_key12:48
Starcraftmazterwhich are all blank12:48
bekksAnd those filenames arent recognized at all.12:49
* Starcraftmazter shrugs12:49
Starcraftmaztershould i delete them12:49
bekksssh-keygen -t dsa12:49
Starcraftmazterbut im not using keys12:49
bekksThe ssh server has to identify itself - so you actually are using keys, always :)12:50
Starcraftmazterwell i did that, still those same 3 error messages12:50
th0rStarcraftmazter, I think the key error is on the client side, it is looking for old keys. Try deleting that file I mentioned12:50
bekksStarcraftmazter: Which error messages...?12:51
Starcraftmaztertheres no known_hosts file12:51
Starcraftmazterlet me log onto irc from the server12:51
bekksCheck that filenames. At least one of them does not exist, from what you told us earlier.12:53
bekksAnd if those files are empty, they are useless.12:53
Starcraftmazterno...i said known_hosts doesnt exist12:53
Starcraftmazterall those 3 exist and are empty12:53
Starcraftmaztershould i delete them?12:53
xubuntu837hello can anyone help me? i have installed cairo dock in my xubuntu and it runs great but when i am starting the computer always on the startup it starts double times12:54
bekksStarcraftmazter: Your choice. You have to have valid keys.12:54
Starcraftmazterwhat are the keyboard shortcuts to cut and paste in xubuntu terminal12:54
Starcraftmazterbekks: what are you suggesting?12:54
xubuntu837so i have to close the one dock via task manager lol or via the menu right click on the dock and quit and just remains the one dock12:54
bekksStarcraftmazter: Recreate valid keys.12:55
th0rxubuntu837, either remove it from autostart or save the session when it isn't running.12:55
Starcraftmazterbekks: how?12:55
Starcraftmazterscrew it ima get rid of the ssh dir and reinstall al lthe packages12:56
bekksStarcraftmazter: I dont know how those keys where generated. ssh-keygen -t dsa will create new keys, in a normal ssh environment. Which you dont have, I guess.12:56
bekksStarcraftmazter: That will not help. Thats not windows.12:56
bekksStarcraftmazter: reinstalling software literally never will recreate your personal config.12:56
Starcraftmazteri didnt create any personal copnfig12:57
Starcraftmazterthis is a _new_ xubuntu install12:57
Starcraftmazteri dont understand why opensshd doesnt just work out of the box like every other distro ive ever used12:57
xubuntu837th0r thank you but how i check anyway the autostarts?i knew in the windows i could just cmd==>and msconfig12:57
bekksThose keys mentioned on your error messages do not exist in a default xubuntu config.12:57
th0rStarcraftmazter, it should. I wonder why the keys and the config files are all empty files on that server12:57
th0rxubuntu837, Menu - Settings - Sessions and Autostart12:58
Starcraftmazterwell i dont know what to tell you guys, i guess i must have obtained the xubuntu iso from a parallel universe12:58
th0rxubuntu837, if it isn't in autostart you saved a session while two docks were running. Again, save a session with no docks running12:58
bekksStarcraftmazter: Why dont you just recreate valid keys then?12:59
Starcraftmazterbekks: i already ran the command you mentioned twice, it did not solve the error12:59
Starcraftmazterim reinstalling ssh, will advice once it finishes12:59
bekksStarcraftmazter: Of course it doesnt. Because you have to modify your config.12:59
xubuntu837th0r thanks :) still 20 days on xubuntu and i am so noob :)12:59
Starcraftmazterwould have been good if you mentioned that..13:00
th0rStarcraftmazter, I don't think that will help as it won't overwrite existing keys13:00
Starcraftmazteri dont have any keys, i got rid of the ssh dir13:00
bekksStarcraftmazter: It is very obvious, since my command displays different filenames than those in your error message.13:00
Starcraftmazteryou're gonna hate this bekks13:01
Starcraftmazterbut reinstalling ssh metapackage fixed everything13:01
bekksBecause it writes a default new config, which means: you have modified your config and broke it.13:01
Starcraftmazterno, i never touched it13:01
th0rStarcraftmazter, someone did13:02
Starcraftmazteryou also said reinstalling wont fix it >_>13:02
Starcraftmazterwell this server is brand new, its never been connected to the internet before, and its in my room13:02
Starcraftmazteri just highly doubt that13:02
bekksStarcraftmazter: However. You had a modified, broken ssh config.13:02
Starcraftmazteryes - but it was already broken13:02
Starcraftmazternext question, why wont it let me ssh with root13:03
Starcraftmazteras in, it claims the password is wrong13:03
bekksBecause there is no valid root account in Ubuntu.13:03
Starcraftmazteris there any way around that13:03
th0rStarcraftmazter, and root login is disabled in ssh server by default13:04
bekksAnd ssh as root should be prosecuted and sentenced with no less than 10y of prison.13:04
bekksStarcraftmazter: Use sudo.13:04
Starcraftmaztertheres no difference between logging in with my user and elevating priviledges13:04
Starcraftmazterit requires the exact same information13:04
Starcraftmazterjust extra steps13:04
bekksThere is a heavy differency in terms of security.13:05
Starcraftmazterwhy cant i find the libcurl-devel package13:11
bekksBecause it isnt named like that.13:11
Starcraftmazterokey, what is it named?13:11
bekkslibcurl-dev :)13:12
Starcraftmazteri still cant find it :/13:12
bekksStarcraftmazter: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libcurl&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all13:13
bekksIf thats what you want - yes.13:15
Starcraftmazteri want non confusing package names ;________________;13:15
bekksThe names are obvious. -gnutls-dev and -nss-dev -- depending on what you want, you have to choose.13:15
Starcraftmazterwhy am i being prompted with a login screen of a sudden and i cant log in14:06
Starcraftmazterhow can i make xubuntu boot into non gui mode by default?14:10
FarnotsJust a question :  Xubuntu is more faster than a classic Ubuntu ? It's for a little netbook.14:19
elfyFarnots: in my experience it is14:19
FarnotsOk cool and i've only 1go of ram. It's good ? (yeh i know it's ridiculous ^^ )14:20
elfyI use it on an old laptop with less than that :)14:21
FarnotsHaaaa ok good it's perfect :)14:21
FarnotsThanks for your help.14:22
elfyStarcraftmazter: I believe that removing quiet splash and using text instead in /etc/default/grub will do that14:24
elfyStarcraftmazter: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text" then update grub14:26
Starcraftmazterelfy: whats update grub?14:31
Starcraftmaztergrub2-update doesnt work14:31
elfysudo update-grub14:32
elfyjust checked in vm - worked here14:32
nikola_I have sound from my built-in speakers, but sound isn't working from the headphones14:32
nikola_pulseaudio volume control shows the sound levels moving just fine when headphones are plugged in, but i cant hear anything - any ideas?14:33
Starcraftmazterelfy: it did not seem to work, still loads xfce14:33
nikola_(everything looks fine in alsamixer if that is relevent - the speakers are on full, and my volume buttons seem to control the master level - mic isnt muted, etc)14:33
elfyStarcraftmazter: well I'm not sure what you've done exactly - but it worked fine here, booted to terminal, removed it and it's back to login screen14:40
Starcraftmazterurgh errr14:44
Starcraftmazterelfy: i did do update-rc.d -f gdm remove14:45
elfyoh yea I can see exactly where I said that14:45
Starcraftmazterthis was previously :P14:46
Starcraftmazterdo you think that would effect it?14:46
elfyno idea - but what version of xubuntu are you using ? can't remember when we went to lightdm14:47
elfyand you're using or were using gdm?14:47
Starcraftmazterits whatever the default was14:48
Starcraftmazteri read that bit of advice on some forum14:48
Starcraftmazterdoesnt seem to have done the trick14:48
elfywell if you've got a default 13.04 it won't have gdm but lightdm14:49
elfyI'd try and undo what you've done :)14:50
Starcraftmazterwell thats all i did14:50
Starcraftmazterif it doesnt have gdm then i did nothing14:50
elfywell then I've no idea why it doesn't work there but does here14:51
Starcraftmazterok ;(14:51
Starcraftmazterelfy: i just had a look, text wasnt in the kernel options14:56
Starcraftmazterfor some reason14:56
elfyStarcraftmazter: check the /etc/default/grub file again - edit if necessary - update-grub14:57
elfyor you can reboot - then e at grub and edit the line insitu at grub and see if it works14:58
peyamif you wana update the grub look here : http://kurdiskingenjor.wordpress.com/2013/05/04/ubuntu-doesnt-work-grub-rescue-after-installing-ubuntu-xubuntu-kubuntu/14:58
elfypeyam: that's not the issue :)14:58
peyamsorry. I just came ! :)14:58
elfys'ok :)14:58
Starcraftmazterso what does update-rc.d -f gdm remove do15:02
Starcraftmazterif anything15:02
elfyit used to once upon a time remove a gdm symlink apparently15:02
elfynot completely sure tbh - was just reading - anyway have you got the file edited properly? if you're not sure then cat /etc/default/grub |pastebinit15:04
elfyand give us the url15:04
Starcraftmazteryes it works15:05
Starcraftmazterbut now my graphics cards are uninitialised or something15:05
Starcraftmazterbut it was doing that prior15:05
Starcraftmazterbut after i did the gdm thing15:05
elfyStarcraftmazter: you're not having a lot of luck - I see a whole lot of scrollback re ssh and stuff as well15:07
Starcraftmazterfixing things one by one15:08
elfyStarcraftmazter: why did you want to boot to terminal rather than login screen?15:09
Starcraftmazterbecause i dont need the gui15:12
Starcraftmazterthat is happening fine now, but im just wondering how i've stuffed up X15:12
elfywell hopefully you'll have done everything in a terminal so you can backtrack :)15:12
Net-1Are skype working on Xubuntu 13.04 ?15:37
Net-1I dont finde skype in the software center.15:39
elfyNet-1: yea you can install it - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype15:45
Net-1elfy: Will skype be available in the software center again ?15:47
elfyit will be if you enable the partner repository15:48
Net-1What is that ?15:48
elfyread the wiki link I gave you :)15:49
=== NePtUnO is now known as NePtUnO|Off
Net-1elfy: So i have to use a command to enable the partner repository ? Is it on a meny some place ?15:59
elfysettings - software sources - other software16:00
elfythen reload however you do that in software centre - no idea personally, don't use it, then skype will be there16:01
xubuntu138I have a laptop without usb boot and a broken cd-rom but supports network boot16:08
xubuntu138can i install xubuntu on it?16:09
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:10
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bullgard4Where can I find a schedule for Ubuntu Open Week 2013? http://is.gd/8rtIi does not answer this question.16:40
Picibsk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek16:42
Picibsk: sorry16:42
bskPici: no problem16:43
xubuntuNewbHi, I'm having trouble with GRUB.  I've tried to get it to overwrite the windows bootloader but nothing happens.  To get into xubuntu I have to 'root (hd0,2)' and 'kernel * root=/dev/sdd3' etc. every time.17:08
xubuntu238Hi all17:22
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:22
xubuntu238I'm having trouble with GRUB.  I've tried to get it to overwrite the windows bootloader but nothing happens.  To get into xubuntu I have to 'root (hd0,2)' and 'kernel * root=/dev/sdd3' etc. every time.  :(17:23
xubuntu238sorry to be a mouth-breathing-noob... I'm not really familiar with irc either17:24
elfyyou're fine - you miught need to be patient for someone who can help you to come along though17:28
pleia2xubuntu238: what file are you editing to accomplish this?17:28
elfyI assume that this is a win8/xubuntu dual boot though17:28
elfyor uefi/efi somehow17:29
xubuntu238Yeah it's win8 and xubuntu 12.04.  I'm not actually editing any file.  I'm just typing at the 'grub>' prompt.17:31
xubuntu238thx :)17:31
* elfy doesn't know much about efi and boot I'm afraid17:33
elfymy old grub install command is unlikely to be of much help currently17:35
xubuntu238I don't think the grub loader installed on the main partition. I tried to overwrite windows bootloader with grub by selecting the main drive for grub, but it didn't work.17:35
xubuntu238I wouldn't think so.  I'm sure grub2 installed on the os, but it didn't write to the mbr.17:37
elfyyou could try - sudo grub-install /dev/sda then sudo update-grub if the first works17:39
elfybut I doubt it'll work17:39
xubuntu238Cheers, I will try it17:41
xubuntu238elfy, it looks like it probably worked, but I'll have to reboot to see :D17:44
elfygood luck then :)17:44
elfyxubuntu238: you did do both?17:45
xubuntu238Yep, I did both, and the update found the linux kernels and the windows 8 loader.17:48
elfygood luck then :)17:48
xubuntu238will report back17:49
Mouth-Breathing-no joy :(17:56
Mouth-Breathing-Might be because I used /dev/sdd as that's my primary drive. I'll try it again as /dev/sda17:59
xubuntu572a quick question on xubuntu 13.0419:31
xubuntu572trying to install google chrome browser and it gives me a dependsie of libudev0 >0.4719:33
holsteinxubuntu572: are you up to date? i would do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and try using something like gdebi-gtk that might help with dep's19:34
xubuntu572just installed and did software update, should be already accomplished, chromium was installed successfully19:36
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holsteinxubuntu572: and you still have the error? i remember trying to install chrome in 13.04 when i was beta testing and seeing that issue.. its really something that chrome will be responsible for making sure 13.04 can run19:38
xubuntu572thanks for help19:40
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ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:10
xubuntu406i just updated to xubuntu 12.10, but u have aproblem22:10
Noskcajxubuntu406, you might want to go to 13.0422:11
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0422:11
Noskcajor back to 12.04.222:11
ubottuXubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Xubuntu.  Download at http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu  Release notes at http://xubuntu.org/news/12-04-release/22:11
xubuntu406the system already connected to wifi but unable to open any page.22:11
Noskcajxubuntu406, strange, that sounds like a bug in your modem though22:12
xubuntu406before upgrading every thing worked fine. but now although the wifi conected, but i canot open aything22:12
Unit193If you open a terminal and type in  dig xubuntu.org  what's the output?22:13
Noskcaji have no ideas, other than use either 12.04 or 13.0422:14
xubuntu406i have not tried dig xubutnu.org22:15
xubuntu406but itried opening google.com22:15
Unit193Yes, but try using the  dig  command with google.com, and tell us what the output is.22:17
xubuntu406i am on windows mode, i have to restart to switch to xubuntu.22:18
Unit193Seems like it may be your DNS.22:19
xubuntu406but i am now on windows i dont have any problem22:19
xubuntu406before upgraidng to 12.10 everything was ok22:20
=== roxx is now known as Guest59907

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