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kyhwanahrm, going through the juju getting started at https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/getting-started.html in 12.04, trying to use lxc, in "In ~/.juju/environments.yaml, add a section for type "local":" I get error: environment "sample" has an unknown provider type "local" when I run juju bootstrap09:20
kyhwana(i've got LXC already setup with network bridging)09:21
sidneikyhwana: the go port (1.x) does not support the local provider yet, you have to use the python version (0.7.x)11:24
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jcastroDaviey: want to talk juju SRUs with me?13:04
Davieyjcastro: no.  But can do.13:05
Davieyjcastro: OK13:05
Davieyjcastro: you initiate ?13:05
jcastroit's ringing13:06
Davieyis it?13:06
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jcastromgz: ping13:24
fdehayHi Do you know if juju1.10 supports ec2-uri parameter in environments.yml for ec2 type cloud that are not ec2 (ie cloudstack)?13:33
mgzjcastro: hey13:52
jcastroso ... let's talk backport/SRU/whatever of everything to LTS13:52
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jcastrousers are running into problems13:52
jcastroso I'm going to chase down the SRU for maas.13:53
jcastroand I'm thinking everything should be 12.04-able13:53
mgzso... we can probably take the juju-0.7 and juju-1.10 packages to backports, I don't see the value in working off older versions13:53
jcastroI agree13:54
jcastroDaviey had some concerns about the update-alternatives13:54
jcastrohow would it work13:54
jcastrois it like the PPA where we'd still default to .7 but allow the switch to 1.10?13:54
mgzwell, it currently leaves it on juju-0.7 by default13:54
jcastrothat's fine13:55
mgzand reqires a user running a command to switch, so should be fine for the install from distro case with pyjuju13:55
jcastrothat seems fine to me13:55
Davieymgz: I was thinking it might make sense to backport co-installability aswell13:56
mgzyeah, we should just base off the raring work13:57
jcastrois .7 as an SRU and 1.10 as a backport a good idea? Or stick both in backports?13:57
mgzeither sounds possible, whatever the distro guys prefer13:58
jcastromgz: do you have time to drive this?13:59
jcastroI really have nothing to offer other than "we need to fix this, someone help me oh please god."13:59
mgzprobably, but I can't do much past the putting a branch up for review, someone else with powers needs to do the kicking14:01
jcastroif you can get me a branch and CC me on it, I can hunt down and kick14:01
fdehayhi again, can someone help me with the differences between pyjuju and juju-core in terms of coverage in functionnality?14:34
fdehayie: does juju-core support non-ec2 ec2 compatible cloud? (cloudstack) - I get an error using ec2-uri parameter in a new environemnt of type ec214:37
mgzfdehay: don't think anyone has tested cloudstack specifically, but the ec2 and s3 endpoints are hardcoded to aws, yeah14:45
mgzif you want to install from source it would be reasonably easy to play with that, at least you can report a bug against juju-core14:46
fdehaythanks, we need to use cloudstack (internal cloud for now) so we will test juju using 0.7 for now I suppose14:47
fdehayI can try to report a bug againt  juju-core (never tried before :))14:48
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
mgzyou have a launchpad account? just go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+filebug14:50
fdehayok submitted https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1182508 hope it clear enough :)14:57
_mup_Bug #1182508: juju cannot connect to cloudstack (non-ec2 ec2 cloud) <cloudstack> <ec2> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1182508>14:57
wedgwoodmarcoceppi: I remember at UDS we had someone offer to help with charm-helpers refactoring15:06
wedgwoodmarcoceppi: I can't recall who15:06
marcoceppiwedgwood: Was it one of the gui guys?15:06
wedgwoodmarcoceppi: may have been. if you don't know either I'll go back to the video15:07
marcoceppiwedgwood: Oh, during UDS. yeah, I can't recall but it should be in the video15:07
wedgwoodmarcoceppi: it's in the notes, thankfully. it was bac15:10
marcoceppiah, perfect15:10
wedgwoodbac: I'm ready to land a pile of changed in charm-helpers if you're interested in reviewing15:10
bacwedgwood: otp.  be with you shortly15:11
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arosalesjcastro, I think roaksoax was motivated after yesterday's chat and wrote up16:04
mattywin juju-core is there somewhere I can view the whole debug-log? I was supposed to watch my env come up using "juju debug-log" - but forgot and now it's bringing everything up16:20
mattyw^^ /var/log/juju/all-machines.log16:28
AskUbuntuHow can I see the juju-core debug-log without tailing it? | http://askubuntu.com/q/29827316:40
marcoceppimattyw: thanks for documentating that on AU!16:41
mattywmarcoceppi, no problem, I was sure I'd been told to put stuff like that on AU16:46
mattywmarcoceppi, didn't realise there was a bot to put it here - that's cool16:46
mattywAskUbuntu, I guess you're a bot?16:46
marcoceppiIt is, but it's nice to have it in a "more visable" place, since Google doesn't index irclogs very well16:47
sarnoldirc's only twenty years old, give them some time..16:47
jcastrosarnold: yeah but we also get metrics on AU16:54
jcastroso in say, 6 months if that question has 10k views, we know we suck at making that feature visible, etc.16:54
sarnoldjcastro: heh, maybe, I've viewed a lot of questions just cause they sounded neat. :)16:55
sarnold50 upvotes, yeah.. :)16:55
jcastrowell then, a mindshare win on top of that, awww yeah!16:55
mattywjcastro, you got a moment?17:18
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jcastroI'm on a call but I can listen on IRC. :)17:24
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jcastrohey marcoceppi18:11
jcastrowith tinytiny rss almost done18:12
marcoceppijcastro: yo18:12
jcastroall we're missing is a jabber charm18:12
jcastro"Big company shutting down services you use? No worries, I got your back."18:12
marcoceppiejabberd would make a nice charm18:12
sidneijcastro: did you see this one? http://www.holovaty.com/writing/aws-notes/19:19
sidneijcastro: also unrelated, but i'd love to see a mention of juju on http://devopsweekly.com/19:21
sidneimarcoceppi: ^19:23
marcoceppisidnei: Yeah, there was a HN article about it https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5738252 jcastro was all over it19:23
sidneimarcoceppi: what about the devops weekly one?19:26
marcoceppisidnei: I'm not familiar with them, but it would probably be good to be mentioned on there19:27
marcoceppiMight be a good place to get mentioned when we have a stronger puppet/chef story since then seem to favor those a lot19:28
adam_ghazmat, 0.7+bzr628+bzr629~raring1 from PPA is installing an empty package, similar to txzookeeper last week19:34
hazmatadam_g, i don't think that's the issue here though, but noted, i'll take a look19:34
adam_ghazmat, nah, i just noticed a raring deployment failed because it was missing the config-get binary19:36
adam_ghazmat, actually maybe its not entirely empty (the agent at least is running) but the binaries are missing19:39
adam_gbins are going into /usr/lib/juju-0.7+bzr628+bzr629~raring1/bin/ instead of /usr/bin/19:42
hazmatlooks like mgz tweaked the recipe...19:43
hazmater.. the packaging. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju/ubuntu/raring/juju/0.7/revision/4119:44
hazmatadam_g, i'm redoing the build now.. for precise since it failed..19:46
hazmatbut i might need to revert on the packaging changes as well.. tbd19:46
adam_ghazmat, hmph, cant imagine how that packaging change would cause that19:50
hazmatadam_g, well it was previously doing 0.7+revno.. so there are some changes in there from the last 8hrs19:51
hazmatagreed its strange19:51
hazmatgreetings KyleMacDonald19:51
KyleMacDonaldhey dude19:51
jcastromarcoceppi: hey so20:39
marcoceppijcastro: yeah?20:39
jcastrodid the stack problem with removign drupal6 from the store get resolved?20:39
marcoceppijcastro: no, I need lynxman to help out but he's not on IRC20:39
marcoceppiSince it's stacked on /his/ branch20:39
jcastroanyone have his contact info?20:40
marcoceppijcastro: I don't, but based on his lp account I can assume his jabber is his email. If not I can just open a bug and assign it to him in hopes he gets it20:41
jcastrocan you fire off an email?20:41
jcastroI think he'd just Do It.20:42
marcoceppijcastro: yeah, firing now20:42
jcastro<3 thanks20:42
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arosalesmarcoceppi, I don't see a drupal bug for the removal for the charm store21:20
arosalesmarcoceppi, could you confirm21:20
marcoceppiarosales: created21:21
arosalesmarcoceppi, ok, perhaps it is taking some time to propagate to https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/precise/+source/drupal621:22
marcoceppiarosales: this is the actual link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/drupal621:22
arosalesah ok so not specific to the precise branch21:23
marcoceppithe specific precise branch is "gone" due to unpromulgation, but it's still "technically" there because of the stacking issue21:23
arosalesmarcoceppi, gotcha. perhaps going forward we make the bug report and give x time for the maintainer to respond before pulling?21:24
wedgwoodmarcoceppi: bac: https://code.launchpad.net/~mew/charm-helpers/refactor-to-core/+merge/16498021:25
marcoceppiarosales: ack, though there are outstanding bugs since november ;)21:25
arosalesmarcoceppi, I think jcasto may also propose a similar idea to the list (for folks not here)21:25
bacwedgwood: thanks21:25
wedgwoodit's enormous. for that I am sorry, but the individual commits are reasonable.21:26
arosalesmarcoceppi, true the meta name has been there for some time.21:26
marcoceppiwedgwood: I'll take a look as well for <standard peanut gallery> remarks21:26
wedgwoodmarcoceppi: you'll probably be more interested at the next round of commits where I add in the command-line tool21:26
marcoceppiwedgwood: definitely21:27
arosalesmarcoceppi, the main idea is to give maintainers a warning and an opportunity to respond.21:28
marcoceppiarosales: right, I understand as much21:28
arosalesmarcoceppi, thanks :-)21:30
marcoceppiEager to start the store cleanup :)21:30
arosalesmarcoceppi, its all in the name of quality which is good.  :-) jcastro is tracking this particular work in https://trello.com/c/j2F2zsbY21:32
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