
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/ | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | Kubuntu Council election: Congratulations yofel, shadeslayer, and valorie | <apachelogger> all your channel are belong to me.
Darkwingas soon as the @kubuntu gets transfered over I'll turn the user and pass to the new council. 00:35
ahoneybunDarkwing: ok then ;)00:41
ahoneybunso valorie is new council member?00:48
ahoneybunawesome you all !00:48
ahoneybunDarkwing: did you get a blueprint together?00:50
Darkwingnope. I've been on my mobile. 01:00
ahoneybunoh ok cool01:03
ahoneybunhow do you think the basic page is looking?01:03
ahoneybunDarkwing: how do you think the basic page is looking?01:57
danttiah so funny, installed kubuntu on a uefi system, all went fine and it booted kubuntu fine, but then I found out W7 wasn't booting ran boot-repair and now W7 boots and kubuntu doesn :P are they mutually exclusive? lol02:15
BluesKajdantti, have you run sudo upgrade-grub since you ran boot repair ?02:18
danttiwell it didn't ask me so no02:20
danttiI just followed what it said02:20
danttilet me boot using the usb and do that to see if helps02:21
BluesKajdantii, just run it in the terminal02:23
danttiBluesKaj: I can't boot kubuntu anymore :/02:24
BluesKajoops :)02:25
danttiBluesKaj: do you know if I should run update-grub or grub2?02:28
danttifrom what I could tell that repair boot tool asked me to remove the grub202:28
BluesKajupdate-grub should work02:28
danttiok let me reboot02:28
danttinah :/02:29
danttiit says /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/normal.mod not found02:29
BluesKajdantti, i never had much luck with boot repair 02:30
danttiBluesKaj: what did you do? have you managed to boot both OSes?02:31
danttiactually this laptop had Mint installed02:31
danttibut I don't want my mom using Mint...02:31
danttiand for it to work, my friend even recompiled the kernel... 02:31
ScottKIs grub-efi-amd64-bin installed?02:32
danttiwhat's upseting is that there are like zero docs about this02:32
danttihmm good question :)02:32
danttilet me check02:32
ScottKThat package claims to provide the file in precise.02:33
BluesKajI used the live-cd to fix grub ,or I use the terminal in kubuntu since I installed grub on the mbr of the first hdd ( I run a windows hdd and 2 kubuntus on another hdd) 02:33
danttiok :)02:33
danttiI was thinking on trying to install it using ubuntu cd as Riddell said ubuntu cd worked better02:33
BluesKajdantti, yes , usbs are iffy , still02:34
danttiScottK: installed that one and still no luck :/02:39
danttisame missing file02:39
ahoneybunvalorie: ?02:39
ScottKAFAIK, Riddell's the only one that's done much UEFI testing with Kubuntu.02:41
ScottKIf we can get it figured out, it'd be really nice to get a fix in for the next 12.04 point release so people will have fixed media available.02:42
danttiScottK: sure, at least this laptop doesn't have secure boot so it should be easier..,02:45
danttido you think it's worth trying the ubuntu image?02:45
danttito me this is actually a grub bug02:45
ScottKIt is, but our configuration may do different things to it.02:46
* ahoneybun really dislikes timezones02:46
danttisince the grub that booted kubuntu (grub2 I think) was complaining about a missing file path to find the windows boot02:46
danttino google result were useful02:46
ahoneybundantti: I really like the tech in UEFI just wish it was easier to work with02:47
ahoneybunits so hard to dual boot on this machine02:47
danttiwhat I find odd is why the hell refit works so well on my macbook and why can't grub simply copy it and work well on regular laptops?02:48
valoriesorry, forgot to set myself away03:40
ahoneybunwb valorie03:40
valoriecongratulations to new council03:40
ahoneybunvalorie: same to you03:40
valoriethank you 03:40
valorieI'm honored03:40
ahoneybunyou deserve it from what I have seen so far03:41
ahoneybunwell what I have been here to03:41
valorieyou are very sweet!03:41
ahoneybunso how was the meeting from your view?03:42
valorieI'm a bit awestruck by how much work everyone else is doing03:43
valorieand how much they know03:43
ahoneybunoh overall yea03:43
ahoneybunI was focusing on the Docs part03:43
valorieI fear I'm a bit out of their league03:43
ScottKYou'd be amazed how little I knew when I started.03:44
valorieahoneybun: it was interesting to listen to the uds session on the ubuntu.com/community docs03:44
ahoneybunI'm sure you'll get there03:44
valoriewhich I finally listened to last night03:44
ahoneybunyea I saw that03:44
valoriethey want to do what we've decided to do03:44
valoriebegin with the absolute basics, and link to everthing else03:45
ahoneybunoh widget?03:45
ahoneybunoh ok03:45
valoriesince they are following our lead, of course I think they are wise03:45
valorieno, this is for the website03:45
ahoneybunyea that was darkwing that did that03:45
valoriewe'll have to make sure that links to us are there too03:45
valoriethat was my idea all along03:45
ahoneybunwell you both03:46
valoriewhich is why I've been getting rid of cruft03:46
ahoneybunI'm just kinda for the ride lol03:46
valoriethose docs as they were were rather awful03:46
valorieno indeed, you are driving the train, sir03:46
ScottKthey'd been left to bit rot for a long time.03:46
valorieyou've got us going, and your energy is pulling us along03:46
valorieScottK: the mold was all over 03:47
ahoneybunlol I heard the meeting and they were talking about me lol03:47
ahoneybunI'm Andrew now lol03:47
valoriemy mic wasn't working, but I did correct that03:47
valoriein the texting thing in mumble03:47
ahoneybunthanks :-)03:47
ahoneybunI would have loved! to be there03:47
valoriehe got your initial right03:47
valorienext time.....03:48
ahoneybunyea most people will know me03:48
ahoneybunyea next time if the time is right03:48
valoriewell, the time was wrong, but I felt it was important to attend anyway03:48
ahoneybundarkwing said for me to focus on the content he will get the present part done03:49
valorieright, the content is the important bit03:50
ahoneybunyea I got to pull most of the that from the other pages I made03:50
valoriepersonally, I would love it if KHelpcenter got fixed and we were in there too03:50
valoriebut that can wait until apachelogger waves his magic wand over it03:51
valorieI may have time to work on docs tonight if all goes well03:52
ahoneybunI have the content layed out for most of it03:52
ahoneybunjust need to add a bit more and then trim what we don't need03:52
valorieI really should finish fixing my main laptop -- put the newest kubuntu on it, and now grub rescue is all I have staring at me03:53
valoriewell, I'm good at weeding03:53
valorieof course some of what we 'cut' should really be moved03:53
valoriebecause we can link to it03:53
valoriethose tips you wrote, in particular03:54
ahoneybunI know that needs to go03:54
valoriegreat stuff; just not for this first run doc03:54
valoriewell, it's good, just not right for *this*03:55
valorieso perhaps think about how to organize what we rip out03:55
ahoneybunyea its not something that gets your work done03:55
ahoneybunI think this is a great page https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/ManagingSoftware03:55
ahoneybunwait I removed those tips03:56
valoriewell, they are still in the history03:57
valorieup in editing options: page history03:58
valorieahoneybun: I would stop at the end of the gui section03:59
valorieand link to another page with the rest of the info03:59
valorieand the gui section can be simplified too03:59
valorieUpdating should stay03:59
valoriemanual install and repos. should have their own short pages, IMO04:00
valoriein the wiki or on the website04:00
valorieor both04:00
valoriemight be cool to put that stuff on the site when we're done, but leave them on the wiki with a link to the static page04:01
valoriein case they need editing later04:01
ahoneybunI can;t find it in the page history 04:02
valoriedid you really not keep the text anywhere?04:02
valorieyou worked hard on that04:02
ahoneybunwhat text the tips?04:02
ahoneybunremove the  stuff below graphical clients?04:03
ahoneybunno I have the tips content04:04
ahoneybunoh ok04:04
valorieI would move command line to a cli page, managing repositories to it's own page04:05
valorieand leave updating at the bottom04:05
valoriethat removes about half the page04:05
valorieand makes it much easier to read04:05
ahoneybunso that need a name change on the ManagingSoftware 04:05
valorieI'd keep the name04:06
valorieit still accurately describes the content04:06
valoriewe can link to those other pages04:06
ahoneybunand the other page ManagingRepositories?04:06
valoriewith a couple of sentences04:06
valorielike: Software can also be managed on the *command line: more about that here04:07
valorieMore about managing repos. here:04:07
valoriemake sense to you?04:08
valoriethose other pages will very rarely change04:08
valoriewhereas the managing software page will sometimes need new images04:08
valoriealso you hear that we're considering another software gui04:09
valorieI've not tried it yet04:09
valoriethat was briefly discussed in the meet04:09
ahoneybunMuon Discover?04:09
ahoneybun"CommandLine" for the cli stuff?04:11
valorieyes to both questions04:22
ahoneybunhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/CommandLine 04:23
ahoneybunwhat ?>04:23
valoriethe repos. page04:23
ahoneybunthanks ;)04:24
ahoneybunthat might need to change if we change to Muon Discover04:24
ahoneybunbut not that big04:24
valoriedo you think that sudo apt-get clean should be added to that list in the cli page04:24
ahoneybunwhat does it do?04:25
ahoneybunclean deps?04:25
valoriecleans downloads, useful when disk space is getting tight04:25
valorieI don't use it often, but I've run short on space before04:26
valoriebecause I had my music in two places by mistake04:26
ahoneybunwhat about the software page?04:27
valorieI still see the manual install stuff04:28
ahoneybuncut that?04:28
valorieI think that should be with 04:29
valorieperhaps by itself; I was thinking it should be with cli, but that's great the way it is04:29
valorieanother sentence / link, think, and another page for manually installing04:30
valoriemost people never need to do that04:30
ahoneybunI just added a new link on cli 04:30
valoriegeez, I'm watching some stuff about the tornado04:30
valoriebut it's so awful, I need to speed through it04:30
valorieso glad I live outside of that part of the country04:30
ahoneybunwhat about the humble bundle, they install .deb files04:30
ahoneybungive the users .debs04:31
valoriesure, we need to link to it; because some people need it04:31
valoriebut most don't04:31
ahoneybunI got a awesome feeling when they were talking about me jump starting the docs lol04:31
ahoneybunso link to a outside wiki?04:32
valoriemight even be good to mention the humble bundles then, so people will find it when they google 'kubuntu deb humble bundle'04:32
valoriewell, we *can* link to the ubuntu wiki04:32
valorieor we can have our own pages04:32
ahoneybunI have been04:33
valoriefor stuff that rarely changes, I like having our own04:33
valoriesince we already wrote the stuff04:33
valoriewhat do you think?04:33
ahoneybunmake more pages?04:33
ahoneybunor link to current ones04:33
ahoneybunso I need to make a new page for the manual install?04:33
valoriethe manual install and install from source sections can be their own page, I think04:34
ahoneybunbut that is managing software?04:34
valoriehow about Installing manual and from source04:34
valorieyes it is, I agree04:34
ahoneybunI know not basic thought04:35
valoriebut our major pages should be ONLY what the average beginning will need04:35
valorie5 or 6 short pages, at most04:35
ahoneybunyea I see04:35
valoriethe rest, we can link to04:35
ahoneybunwell its 6 so far04:35
ahoneybunlook at the trello04:35
valoriebut our little shorties aren't going to be part of that04:36
valoriethey'll be on the wiki and/or on the website only04:36
valorienot in the slice04:36
valorieas I understand it?04:36
valoriedoes that jibe with your thoughts?04:36
ahoneybunI need to edit it but thats the goal04:36
valorieI just want to be sure we're all heading for the same goal04:37
ahoneybunwhat are these pages for? the slice or whatever we get to work?04:37
ahoneybunor is darkwing making html for the slice04:37
valoriethe small pages you are cutting out will be on the wiki/website04:37
valorienot in the slice04:37
valorielet's not worry about anything but content now04:38
valoriesome of it may change before package time anyway04:38
ahoneybunwell I need to know what I'm working on now04:38
valorieif packages change, etc.04:38
ahoneybunso this will be linked on the site?04:38
valorieso this is the way I see it: we want our main 5 or so pages04:38
valoriethe stuff we cut, we put on short, logical pages, and link to them from the main 504:39
valoriedo you agree?04:39
ahoneybunso these are not the main pages/04:39
valoriethe 5 or so are the main pages04:40
valoriefor the beginner04:40
ahoneybunthe ones I have now04:40
valoriefrom those we link to everything else04:40
valoriewell, IMO the ones we have now are too long04:40
valorietoo comprehensive04:40
valorieit's good info04:40
valoriebut it doesn't need to be there for the beginner04:40
valorieI would prefer pages short enough that people don't have to scroll04:41
ahoneybunoh so we talk about repositories and link  to the ubuntu page about repos?04:41
ahoneybunjust sum it up and link to a new page for more content?04:41
valorieI'm getting confused04:42
valorietell me what YOU would like to see, ideally04:42
ahoneybunwell small content to show on the slice or what not for starters04:42
ahoneybunthe 6 pages we have now04:42
valorieas they are?04:43
ahoneybunwell a bit shorter maybe04:43
ahoneybunthats what I thought the goal was04:43
ahoneybunand then link to bigger pages that have the rest04:43
ahoneybunthat are already written and ready to go04:44
valorieright now I'll go through the 6 pages and then we'll talk again04:44
ahoneybunok I need to get sleep for work anyway04:44
valoriebecause i have not gone through those pages since you and I and darkwing talked04:44
ahoneybunok sounds great :)04:44
ahoneybunemail or what not what you think 04:45
valorierather than cutting anything, I'll put code in there04:45
valorielike <-------------------------------> cut into new page called BlahBlah04:45
valorie<----------> end of blahblah04:45
ahoneybunok /* comment */ thats comments in moinmoin04:46
valoriethen if you agree it will be easy to cut and paste into a new page04:46
valorieI'll use that then04:46
ahoneybunthats what I used04:46
valorieI'd forgotten that04:46
ahoneybun<-------->  will show on the real page the comment will just be in the edit04:46
valoriethat's fine though, these are pages in work04:47
ahoneybunyea whatever works ;)04:47
ahoneybungood night/morning lol04:47
valoriesweet dreams, aaron04:47
ahoneybunsee ya04:47
shadeslayervalorie: {{hugs}}04:49
valoriehey, new council person!04:50
valoriehas it cooled down at all?04:50
shadeslayeryou just out-hugged me :D04:50
shadeslayerphone says currently 36 degrees04:50
shadeslayerhighest will be 46 today04:50
valorieand no news on your move to europe?04:51
shadeslayernot yet04:51
valoriedamn, it will be hot enough to boil water for tea, in the sun04:51
shadeslayerI think I need to bribe afiestas_ with more indian food04:51
shadeslayerthe super spicy kind04:51
valorieso he can burn inside like you are burning from the outside/04:52
valorieevil shadeslayer!04:52
shadeslayerwell, he's pretty resilient04:52
valorieyou too; I would have fried like an egg already04:53
shadeslayerwe had lunch at an Indian restraunt and he was like, meh04:53
shadeslayerand I found the food to be almost-like-home-spicy04:53
valorieI can eat the hot food, but hot weather.....04:53
shadeslayervalorie: I have mechanisms in place to cope04:53
shadeslayeras long as there is electricity04:53
shadeslayerbut as soon as that goes out, I'm in trouble04:54
shadeslayerwhich should actually be anytime now04:54
valorieat least you aren't in Oklahoma04:54
valorieI've been watching some of the coverage on tv tonight04:54
valoriewhat a horror04:54
shadeslayeroh, true04:54
shadeslayerthough, are Tornado's a common occurence there?04:55
* shadeslayer hasn't been following that story properly04:55
valoriemost of those places have no basements to shelter in though04:55
valorieone school with k-3 grades completely destroyed04:56
shadeslayerI see, how about *not* building houses in places where Tornado's are common occurence04:56
valoriedead kids04:56
valorienot sure how many yet04:56
shadeslayeroh shit .... :S04:56
valorieI have a friend who was from Texas04:56
valoriethe roof came off her house, but everything else inside was fine04:56
valorieother houses skipped entirely, or completely obliterated04:57
valorieyou never know04:57
shadeslayermy life goal 8 years ago was to become a storm/tornado hunter04:57
valorieI'm glad you grew a brain04:57
shadeslayerwas so inspired by Twister and all the programs on Discovery04:57
valorieotherwise we might never have met04:57
shadeslayer*on the Discovery channel04:57
ScottKI grew up in that region and pretty much every house had a basement, cellar, or some kind of shelter.05:03
ScottKI find reports from Oklahoma City that this is not the case surprising.05:04
valorieesp. since Moore has already been hit badly once before05:06
valorieit seems like that would be required05:06
valorieespecially for schools05:06
valorieotoh, not sure how much even that would help at over 200mph winds05:07
shadeslayerand like clockwork05:07
shadeslayerpower cut \o/05:07
ScottKFor schools it was always go to an interior hallway during tornado drills.05:14
valorieI heard that at least one child was drowned in a cellar, so that isn't perfect either05:21
ScottKWith weather that violent, nothing is.05:44
soeegood morning05:45
=== starbuck is now known as Guest59058
smartboyhwCongrats yofel, shadeslayer and valorie!!!!!!!!!!09:33
valoriethank you, smartboyhw09:34
shadeslayer^^ :)09:35
smartboyhwI made a good prediction this time I think…09:36
soeehmm i dont know what happend but gratz !09:41
smartboyhwsoee: :) (for the not knowing part, lol)09:42
soeewell if there where 2 persons mentioned i could assume they have a baby :)09:43
soeebut 3 would be a bit strange ..09:43
smartboyhwsoee: WT?09:43
smartboyhwsoee: It's the Kubuntu Council election09:43
soeeoh :D09:44
smartboyhwWe have 6 members09:44
smartboyhwapart from the 3 newly elected, there are Riddell,ScottK and JontheEchdina09:44
Riddellit's deliberately large so it doesn't matter if people go astray09:45
smartboyhwRiddell: Heh, but every council should be large…09:47
Mamarokcongratulatiosn yofel, shadeslayer and valorie :)09:47
valoriethe more, the merrier09:47
Riddellhi Tariq09:47
shadeslayerthx Mamarok :)09:47
valoriesoee: I'm well over childbearing years'09:48
yofelwohoo! thanks folks!09:49
smartboyhwAnd since valorie is well over childbearing years, there can't be any pregrancy (at least yofel & shadeslayer can't make a baby…)09:50
Riddellhi scott_ 09:59
smartboyhwRiddell: Are yoy trying to hi everybody coming in? 10:00
smartboyhwAnd actually BTW what are the results of the Mumble meeting, thin?10:00
Riddellno, everyone should say hi to Tariq_ and scott_,they're from withsupport our support partners10:00
Riddellhttps://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-uds-saucy has some notes from the meeting10:01
* Riddell gets breakfast10:01
Tariq_ok will check out those notes. also I'd like to introduce vinay_ and ryan__ from support10:02
smartboyhwRiddell: AH 10:02
smartboyhwBut why do you guys all need underscores?10:02
smartboyhwWelcome Tariq_ and scott_ and vinay_ and ryan_!10:02
shadeslayerhiya everyone :)10:03
smartboyhwSupport guys: You will have to deal with trolls sometimes in #kubuntu…10:03
scott_i'm sure we have to deal with worse on the phone :P10:04
scott_and our names were taken, since they're pretty common10:05
smartboyhwWhat's the phone no. btw?10:05
smartboyhwSo you guys only do phones and not IRC support?10:06
scott_this is our support number: +44 (0) 1924 95090010:08
smartboyhwMeh I need to call international then… :P10:08
valorieWelcome Tariq_ and scott_ and vinay_ and ryan_10:14
valoriegood to see you all here10:14
scott_thanks valorie :)10:15
Riddellhi vinay_ and ryan__!10:16
valorieI hope we can soon get support up and running10:16
Riddellsmartboyhw: you kindae need to pay them before they'll answer your call though10:16
yofelhi Tariq_, scott_, vinay_ and ryan__, welcome!10:16
valorieniter all10:16
yofelnini valorie10:17
smartboyhwRiddell: Heh, that will kinda make some people escape:P10:17
smartboyhwAnyways Riddell is that phone no. described in Kubuntu website?10:18
Riddellsmartboyhw: no that'll be the next step, how to sign up to support10:19
Riddellwhich will need deciding on payment methods and whatnot10:19
smartboyhwRiddell: Sure.10:19
Tariq_sorry forgot to mention rshirzad has joined this channel too! Welcome rebecca! 10:23
Riddellhi Rshirzad, quite a gang here :)10:24
soeewhat is Weston ?10:35
Riddellsoee: an implementation of the wayland protocol10:36
Riddellsoee: you can just install it and run it under X, works well10:36
soeeasking because just saw some video on G+10:37
Quintasaneven \o10:48
QuintasanRiddell: I found us an tester for Muon Discover10:48
RiddellQuintasan: oh?10:49
QuintasanRiddell: My flatmate said he can do testing10:49
Riddelltest away10:50
QuintasanHe is mostly not tech oriented so I can say he is perfect candidate10:50
RiddellTariq_: I'm around for another hour or so before I need to go out, anything we should be discussing today?10:50
Tariq_don't have anything pressing right now, although I will be emailing you re: paypal and support page later today/tomorrow10:51
RiddellTariq_: great10:52
QuintasanRiddell: He is on to it, I will have him use it for a while and then tell me what's wrong etc.10:52
yofelwrt discover10:54
yofelmeh, jt's not here10:55
yofelwhat's the default window size for you guys? Here it starts up like this: http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/discover0.png10:55
BluesKajHey folks10:56
Riddellyofel: that seems reasonable enough no?10:56
Riddellyofel: the white space should be filled by featured apps10:56
Riddelldoes that not happen?10:56
yofelRiddell: right, that's just because my connection is too slow to load that right now10:56
yofelbut at least those 2 half-visible categories shouldn't be10:57
Riddellyofel: jt might not be here but apol__ is10:57
yofelah right10:57
=== apol__ is now known as apol
yofeleither the window has to be a bit wider by default or the slideshow smaller10:58
apolI agree :)10:58
apolit will be fixed10:58
apolfeel free to open a bug in bugs.kde.org whenever you find anything to fix, like this10:59
yofelwill do10:59
Riddellapol: we agreed to get muon discover on the images for testing yesterday10:59
Quintasanshadeslayer, yofel, valorie: Gratz on making it to the Council11:09
yofelthanks Quintasan11:09
apolwhat does the kubuntu council do? is it something like the eV but for Kubuntu?11:10
Riddellapol: not really, it approves kubuntu memberships and makes decisions on the rare occations we disagree11:13
Riddellapol: it does also have a bank account so it's like e.v. to some extent but much less formal11:14
apolI see :P11:14
apolcongrat's to the people who got elected then! :)11:14
Riddelland thanks to Darkwing for years of good service and making it a real election11:15
soeeuhm Skype update 4.2 :)11:56
DarkwingRiddell: I'm not vanishing just because I lost an election :D12:57
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apacheloggerpfff I did not even get forced to become a candidate13:04
apacheloggerpeople didn't like me :(13:05
Darkwinglol apachelogger13:05
DarkwingIt's going to be strange for a couple days.13:06
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=== Guest90860 is now known as ryan__
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Darkwingvalorie, when you get on... Ping13:15
soeeis it possible to record skype calls ?13:17
DarkwingI believe so...13:18
Darkwingsoee: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/11702/how-to-record-skype-video-calls-on-linux13:18
soeeDarkwing, not video just voice 13:19
=== greyback|food is now known as greyback
soeeDarkwing, audio-recorder: error while loading shared libraries: libappindicator3.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory :D13:24
* Darkwing chuckles13:28
DarkwingI've never tried to record skype...13:28
DarkwingHowever, You can use a lot of streams as inputs with Audacity13:29
DarkwingMaybe you could use the settings in conjunction with the recorder.13:29
=== vHanda_ is now known as vHanda
baltolkien_Someone has lost the Nepomuk options in Dolphin?14:49
baltolkien_My Kubuntu 4.10.2 lost this option......14:50
apolvHanda maybe you can help baltolkien_ debug his issue?15:02
vHandabaltolkien_: You're missing "Desktop Search" in the System Settings?15:03
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:06
baltolkien_I have the access15:06
baltolkien_And it's marked as Activate15:06
baltolkien_In details15:07
baltolkien_Always is "calculating"15:07
apolvHanda: ^15:07
vHandabaltolkien_: $ qdbus org.kde.nepomuk.services.nepomukfileindexer /nepomukfileindexer userStatusString15:09
baltolkien_vHanda: I must put this in the prompt?15:10
vHandayes please15:10
apolbaltolkien_: yes, and paste the results using http://paste.kde.org15:10
baltolkien_vHanda: OK15:10
baltolkien_vHanda: I do it15:11
baltolkien_vHanda: I put in http://paste.kde.org/748094/15:14
vHandabaltolkien_: That's strange. Could you also please run 'ps aux | grep nepomuk'15:15
vHandayou'll need to put this in the prompt as well15:15
baltolkien_vHanda: OK15:15
baltolkien_vHanda: I put in15:17
vHandaps aux | grep nepomuk15:17
baltolkien_vHanda: http://paste.kde.org/748112/15:17
vHandayeah. Nepomuk seems to be broken.15:18
baltolkien_vHanda: How can I fix it?15:18
vHandacould you please run 'kdebugdialog' and enable all the debug output15:18
vHandathen do 'pkill nepomuk'15:18
vHandaand then run 'nepomukserver'15:18
baltolkien_vHanda: Look: http://paste.kde.org/748118/15:20
vHandatry 'nepomukservicestub nepomukstorage' ?15:21
baltolkien_kill nepomuk first?15:22
vHandadoesn't matter :)15:23
baltolkien_Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 9: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.15:23
apolbaltolkien_: that font problem is not preventing your nepomuk to work15:27
apolthere should be more output15:27
baltolkien_apol: No15:27
baltolkien_I don't see anything else15:28
vHandabaltolkien_: did you enable all the debugging out from kdebugdialog?15:33
baltolkien_vHanda: Sorry, I didn't15:34
vHandano problem, could you please try again?15:34
baltolkien_vHanda: now15:35
baltolkien_vHanda: Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 9: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.15:35
baltolkien_vHanda: nepomukstorage(4535)/kdecore (KSycoca) KSycocaPrivate::openDatabase: Trying to open ksycoca from "/var/tmp/kdecache-baltolkien/ksycoca4"15:35
baltolkien_vHanda: nepomukstorage(4535)/kdecore (KSycoca) KSycocaPrivate::openDatabase: Trying to open ksycoca from "/var/tmp/kdecache-baltolkien/ksycoca4"15:35
baltolkien_vHanda: Service nepomukstorage already running.15:35
vHandacould you please run -15:36
baltolkien_vHanda: That's all15:36
baltolkien_vHanda: I have a virus!!!!15:36
vHandabaltolkien_: $ qdbus org.kde.NepomukStorage /servicecontrol shutdown15:36
vHandaand then run 'nepomukservicestub nepomukstorage'15:36
baltolkien_and now?15:38
baltolkien_vHanda: Well15:39
baltolkien_vHanda: When I put qdbus org.kde.NepomukStorage /servicecontrol shutdown15:39
baltolkien_vHanda: The prompt says to me http://paste.kde.org/748136/15:40
vHandaurgh, just kill it 'pkill nepomuk'15:41
baltolkien_I kill nepomuk and put qdbus org.kd.......15:42
baltolkien_I have the same result15:42
vHandabaltolkien_: after you kill it please make sure it is not running15:45
vHandacause nepomuk has a habbit of respawning itself15:45
baltolkien_It's like a zombie15:46
baltolkien_I desactivate form System Settings15:46
baltolkien_And now, I killed it15:47
baltolkien_from Krunner15:47
baltolkien_Service 'org.kde.NepomukStorage' does not exist.15:47
baltolkien_And now?15:48
vHandaawesome, now run 'nepomukservicestub nepomukstorage'15:49
baltolkien_Activate nepomuk from System Settings?15:50
vHandanah. Just run that command15:51
baltolkien_I do it, but nothing changes15:52
vHandabaltolkien_: I'm sorry, I got sidetracked with some stuff16:20
vHandabaltolkien_: when you run 'nepomukservicestub nepomukstorage' nothing happens?16:20
baltolkien_vHanda: Hi... This is the message16:22
baltolkien_vHanda: http://paste.kde.org/748178/16:22
vHandabaltolkien_: and nepomuk was working before 4.10.2,  right?16:23
baltolkien_I think, it works with KDE 4.10.216:23
vHandabut not with 10.3?16:23
baltolkien_at least for a time16:23
baltolkien_I don'thave KDE 4.10.316:24
vHandacause I have heard of some other people with the same issue, but they fixed it by re-compiling16:24
baltolkien_Well... What can I do?16:25
baltolkien_I can wait for KDE 4.10.316:25
vHandashadeslayer: ping16:27
shadeslayervHanda: pong16:37
vHandashadeslayer: This is the second person I've heard of who's virtuoso will not start up in kubuntu for 4.10.216:41
vHandahave you heard of anything similar?16:42
Mamarokahoneybun: ping16:42
shadeslayernot really16:42
vHandaI know, I'm grasping at straws, but some other people had similar issues in #nepomuk-kde16:42
vHandawhich they solved by recompiling16:42
shadeslayercan you ask them to upgrade to .3 instead16:43
baltolkien_I'm the person with the problem16:45
vHandaare they any specific ways to do that?16:45
shadeslayerinstructions on kubuntu.org16:46
baltolkien_but.... the repositories are estble?16:47
shadeslayeryep, we plan to upload those packages to raring proposed soonish16:47
baltolkien_Well, I can wait16:48
MamarokRiddell: why is KDE 4.10.3 not announced on kubuntu.org yet? AFAICS all packages are up17:01
BluesKaj4.10.3 is already in use here , a bit crashy with system setings , so far17:04
Mamarokwell, why is there no announcement?17:06
shadeslayersomeone forgot I guess :P17:17
shadeslayerI can take care of it tomorrow morning17:17
palassoHi JontheEchidna. I didn't notice earlier that the patch I submitted had an unneeded bracket which isn't needed. Doesn't change anything in the implementation, it's just more consistent with the use of brackets that exist elsewhere in the code and it's a bit prettier code that's all: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=314549#c417:20
ubottuKDE bug 314549 in libqapt "Process more complex markings files" [Wishlist,Resolved: fixed]17:20
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
dantti_laptopScottK: btw ubuntu installer didn't do anything different for gub to boot windows...17:51
ahoneybunyes Mamarok?18:29
Mamarokahoneybun: sorry, almost missedyou. Could you please edit the subject line in the digest mails you are answering to? Leaving it with the default digest message is a very bad idea, as nobody knows what it was about.19:13
ahoneybunedit it now? or in the future?19:13
Mamarokor do not use digest if you are involved in a project, makes following up stuff much easier19:13
Mamarokin the future19:13
ahoneybunoh ok np sorry about that19:14
ahoneybunso like subject line "Kubuntu Docs19:15
ahoneybunMamarok: so like subject line "Kubuntu Docs"?19:23
Mamarokahoneybun: well, the subject that was originally used, that is in the digest mail19:32
Mamarokahoneybun: but really, if you are involved in aproject you shouldavoid digest mails, you can still change that in your mailman settings19:33
ahoneybunwell I'm getting emails from the KDE Digest and Kubuntu-Devel19:33
Mamarokso you are in the kde# and kubuntu-devel@ mailing lists, change your settings for the kubuntu-devel at least19:34
Mamarokthere is not that much traffic in there anyway, and at least you can asnwer in the relevant subject :)19:38
ahoneybunI unsubribed as you have a point19:38
Mamarokwhy unsubscribe? that was not necessary19:38
Mamarokjust subscribe with normal mail, this makes following discussions much easier than with digest mails19:39
ahoneybunnormal mail?19:39
* ahoneybun is confused19:39
Mamarokwell, don't subscribe to digests19:39
Mamarokwhen you subscribe to a mailing list, then you get normal mails and not all crammed in one mail19:40
Mamarokso in your subscription just change from digest to normal19:40
ahoneybunthe only thing I'm subscribed to is Kubuntu-Devel, I think I am still subscribed though19:41
MamarokOK, then in your settings there make sure you don't subscribed to digest mails, there is an option you can change19:42
ahoneybunI don't remember my password19:42
Mamarokyou usually get a monthly reminder with the password, oryou can request it to be sent to you19:43
Mamarokor ask the mailing list admin, the address is at the bottom :)19:43
ahoneybundarn thing19:43
ahoneybunI hate forgetting it19:44
Mamarokwell, as I said, you normally get a reminder once a month, check in your archives :)19:44
ahoneybunno luck19:46
Mamarokthen ask to get it resent to you19:51
ahoneybunI see that now thanks19:52
vassiehello, i need some help updating an app i packaged for raring19:54
vassiei've built it but need to sign it19:55
ahoneybunvassie: I think that might be for #kubuntu channel19:55
vassiei'm on a new pc so need (i think) to download my gpg key19:55
ahoneybunI'm not sure19:56
ahoneybunMamarok: fixed19:57
vassie#kubuntu have pointed me back to here :)20:00
ahoneybunoh ok then here20:00
ahoneybunwhat are you using launchpad?20:00
vassiei need to download my gpg key but not sure how20:01
vassieunless i create a new one20:01
lordievaderHehe, I'm no authority in #kubuntu, vassie. Just thought the change of people having experience with this is higer in #kubuntu-devel.20:01
vassielordievader: :)20:02
ahoneybunI know ssh keys are for each system20:02
jessievassie: GPG keys are two parts.20:02
jessievassie: If you lost your private key, you're hosed and you'll need to make a new one.20:02
jessieNot even the NSA themselves (we think) can get it back.20:02
vassieok, i'll just create a new one and upload it20:02
jessieThat's what I recommend. Good luck and try not to lose this one. ;-)20:03
ahoneybunDarkwing: ping20:11
valorieDarkwing: ping22:56
smartboyhwI got a surprise holiday!!!!23:27
smartboyhwGuys, where (which package) is the configuration for the meni tabs stored?23:59

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