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mnaumannhi, could someone take a quick look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1104435 and tell me what needs to happen there next?15:44
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1104435 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "xfce4-session crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [High,Triaged]15:44
* penguin42 reads15:48
mnaumannit's in state "triaged" and there is a patch which has been approved (using launchpad to mark it as such) by 6 people, and a couple more who just commented that it works well for them15:48
mnaumannpatch + fixed package to be precise.15:49
mnaumannthanks for checking it penguin42, so what do you say?15:51
penguin42looking at the upstream bug it looks like there was a fix put in by the xfce guys - so is that fix in the latest ubuntu version in saucy?15:52
penguin42hmm no, the saucy version is the same as raring15:53
bdmurrayI'd ask a patch pilot in #ubuntu-devel to review the patch and upload it to saucy15:55
mnaumannupstream 4.10.1 fixes it, but saucy still has 4.10.015:56
penguin42bdmurray: I've just added a comment to the patch; the upstream bug talks about pushing two fixes, although I don't see the 2nd fix attached to the upstream bug16:00
mnaumanni probably have a somewhat subjective view here, but am wondering why a bug like this, which is importance high, has many duplicates and somewhat high karma, and seems ot be rather easy to fix, remains unhandled for weeks. is this something which happens more often, or is this bug just not as relevant as i (subjective view) seem to think it is?16:03
mnaumanni'm just trying to get a better idea of how serious this bug is, and to be able to tell how it relates to other bugs, something i hardly have a measure for (and would not know how to get a measure for).16:05
mnaumannby "relate" i mean in terms of (non-) urgency.16:05
penguin42mnaumann: there are lots of bugs, lots of bugs with patches even16:06
penguin42mnaumann: I guess some people would have looked at it and seen Ricardo had done that patch - and thought they would leave it to him to push it to a patch pilot, but it's quite difficult sometimes16:08
penguin42mnaumann: if none of them in -devel respond for a while try pinging one of them by name that are listed in the topic16:08
mnaumannokay, thank you16:10
mnaumanni'm just looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+patches?orderby=-importance so I see what you mean. is there also a way to sort by karma?16:10
bdmurrayalso have all the comments on the merge-proposal is a bit odd16:10
bdmurrayif you look at http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ you'll see there are very few with that many comments16:11
mnaumannwell i asked all the people who commented to test and, if they can, approve the patch, thinking it would speed things up.16:12
bdmurrayand developers looking at that report may have thought one of those approvers was handling it16:12
mnaumannhmm, i don't think anyone explicitly stated they would, though.16:13
bdmurrayright but if you just scan the sponsoring report you may not click through to that thing because of it16:13
bdmurrayanyway, the usual practice is for developers to comment on merge proposal and testers to comment on bugs16:14
mnaumannso asking people to test + approve was actually counter productive.16:15
* penguin42 wonders why upstream isn't marked as fixed - perhaps he only does that when released16:15
mnaumannwell it's released, i assume they forgot (and was wondering, too).16:16
mnaumannactually no, not released, just tagged16:17
bdmurraymnaumann: well, it may have been counter productive.  I'm just speculating.16:17
mnaumanni appreciate your speculations.16:18
penguin42mnaumann: It probably would have been easier as well if the ppa said that it was just taking an upstream fix - that's more obviously a good thing16:21
mnaumanni guess i would need to work within bug traige workflows on a daily basis to understand those things in sufficient detail to be actually of any use in speeding things up. which, like most others with a general idea of bug triage but none specific to ubuntu workflows, i do not.16:27
penguin42mnaumann: Yeh my problem is I occasionally come past and try and fix something16:34
mitya57bdmurray: re unity-mail sru — all sru information is in bug 1181558 (especially created for that purpose)16:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 1181558 in unity-mail (Ubuntu) "SRU tracking bug for 1.3.3~13.04" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118155816:36
mnaumannwell i do appreciate your help, penguin + bd, thank you.16:37
penguin42mnaumann: No problem16:39
* penguin42 wonders if there are any plans to take pciutils 3.2.0 - it seems to have taken a patch I made for bug 69043116:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 690431 in pciutils (Ubuntu) "lspci crashed with SIGSEGV in pci_load_name_list() (with invalid parameter to -i)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69043116:41
bdmurraymitya57: its missing the regression potential parts16:42
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mitya57bdmurray: added16:44
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mnaumannpenguin42 + bdmurray: I wrote up this SRU request, it feels far from perfect, can you comment on it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-session/+bug/110443517:20
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1104435 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu Raring) "xfce4-session crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Undecided,New]17:20
bdmurrayI thought there was some mention of it appearing high on errors.ubuntu.com.  If that is the case it is worth noting in the test case perhaps as people could watch for the new version on the error bucket for that crash.17:23
mnaumannhmm, i also feel i came across such a comment, but can't seem to find it now. i'm still looking, though.17:30
bdmurraymaybe its on the merge proposal17:31
penguin42it does seem to be hard to get stuff applied; I've got a bunch of small fixes I've tried to report up through debian, quite hard going17:37
mnaumanncan't seem to find it, giving up.18:03
shankstaBytesis there a way i can report bugs in ubuntu?19:24
ubot2If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:24
shankstaBytesgod that seems complicated19:25
PiciHow exactly could it be simpler?19:26
shankstaBytesit is like a 20 page document for a person like me that just wants to let some one know about a reproducable bug19:26
penguin42shankstaBytes: Nah, it's just make sure you have a launchpad account (so we can come back and ask you questions) and run ubuntu-bug   then the package that the problem relates to19:26
penguin42shankstaBytes: All the rest of that doc tells you what to do when you don't know which package it is19:27
shankstaBytesi can't click on the application with ubuntu-bug -w19:27
shankstaBytesthe application is missing from the tray19:28
shankstaBytessorry i am just annoyed by this19:30
shankstaBytesi want to let some one know about this bug though19:30
penguin42shankstaBytes: OK, so what's the app?19:31
shankstaBytesI believe it is bluetooth package19:31
shankstaBytesthe bluetooth system tray icon is gone19:32
shankstaBytesafter waking up from sleep19:32
penguin42ok, I don't know much about bluetooth, do any of the other bluetooth tools fail as well - any command line ones?19:33
shankstaBytespenguin42: it works if i reboot it is only after i put my laptop to sleep19:34
shankstaBytesi can manually turn it back on19:35
penguin42shankstaBytes: OK, to me that sounds like a kernel problem, but difficult to tell without some command line stuff to look at bluetooth (and I don't know bluetooth) - I'd run   ubuntu-bug linux19:35
shankstaBytesits so funky19:36
shankstaBytesi have a key that disables all radio19:36
shankstaBytesi hit that key and i can turn it on and off19:37
shankstaBytesi hit it and my wifi tray icon disappeared and never came back19:37
shankstaBytesbluetooth i got it to come back after some sigterms and what not19:37
penguin42this stuff varies hopelessly between machines and how broken their hardware/bios/etc is19:37
shankstaBytesalright man thanks i guess ill have to look into this when i have more time19:39
shankstaBytesit would be awesome if I could fix some of this stuff myself, but i just dont have time19:39
shankstaByteshow do these open source devs do it if they dont get paid19:39
penguin42well many do get paid by various companies19:41
penguin42others do it because they also have that type of problem19:41
TheLordOfTimei know it's a security bug, but can someone with access approve the nominations for Precise, Quantal, and Raring, on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/118258619:46
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1182586 in nginx (Ubuntu) "CVE-2013-2070: nginx proxy_pass buffer overflow vulnerability" [Medium,New]19:46
TheLordOfTime(Saucy's not affected but the others need to be updated)19:46
* TheLordOfTime waves20:23
melodiehello TheLordOfTime20:25

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