
pittiGood morning05:49
didrockshey pitti, how are you?05:54
pittibonjour didrocks !06:01
pittiça va bien, nous avons été un bon w.e. à Dresden06:01
pittididrocks: et toi?06:02
didrockspitti: week-end sympathique aussi :) Par contre, il n'arrête pas de pleuvoir et ça n'est pas parti pour s'améliorer dans la semaine qui vient.06:02
pittiwe had rather nice weather, we did two nice long walks06:04
didrockslucky you!06:08
didrockswe had a nice walk yesterday, but between 2 rains stop06:08
Mirvwelcome back didrocks06:15
didrockshey Mirv! thanks :) how are you?06:20
Mirvfine! :)06:31
Mirvdidrocks: still something funny with SDK runs btw, but the intel autopilot tests did succeed now. yesterday the ati machine tests had hung somehow. now they had succeeded, but nvidia machine results are apparently hanging since there's no link for those.06:48
Mirvall in all I've success on all three autopilot machines, so I believe the sdk stack is ok if the test processes would just work hitch-free06:49
didrocksMirv: we disabled the nvidia machine, do you still see it used anywhere? It should just have disappeared. Otherwise, it means we forget something…06:49
didrocksMirv: do you have any handy link?06:49
Mirvdidrocks: jenkins is not answering to me, but it seemed like the head/sdk/check had stallen in some wait loop, even though the autopilot tests had succeeded06:51
didrocksMirv: hum, I'm getting no anwser as well from magners06:51
Mirvdidrocks: the nvidia machine did seem disappeared, I just assumed it was something similar to yesterday's random ati machine hanging06:51
didrocksMirv: yeah, no, the nvidia machine is used to test otto (the UTAH replacement) that I'm working on with jibel06:53
didrocksso we removed it06:53
Mirvlet's see when jenkins is back06:53
didrocksMirv: and yeah, ati has an installer failed utah or whatever…06:53
didrocks(I'm looking at the public jenkins)06:54
didrocksMirv: so once jenkins is back, should we publish manually?06:54
didrocksMirv: I'll reask to fix the creds this afternoon for you06:54
Mirvdidrocks: yes. and thanks.06:54
didrocksbut can do it meanwhile06:54
didrocksMirv: great, did you look at your other stacks? everything's fine?06:54
Mirvdidrocks: those are fine06:55
didrockssweet :)06:55
jibelgood morning06:59
didrockssalut jibel, ça va?07:02
didrocksbon week-end?07:02
jibelSalut didrocks! Ça va malgré le w.e pluvieux et froid digne d'un mois de novembre07:03
didrocksjibel: pareil ici :/07:04
didrocksMirv: I can't ssh to magners as well07:06
didrocksjibel: once you have taken your first cup of coffee, FYI ^07:06
jibeldidrocks, already had it, I'll have a look07:07
didrocksthanks :)07:07
jibeldidrocks, I cannot reach any machine there07:11
jibeldidrocks, but I can reach CDUs and KVMs, it'd mean the magners-o is down.07:13
didrocksjibel: urgh, so we have to wait for this afternoon, I guess?07:16
jibeldidrocks, I afraid the answer is yes. Someone is connected to the KVM of this server and access is exclusive. I looking for a way to force disconnection.07:17
didrocksjibel: ok07:19
seb128hey desktopers08:23
Laneyhey seb12808:24
Laneygood long weekend?08:24
seb128hey Laney08:24
didrockssalut seb128!08:24
didrockshey Laney08:24
seb128yes, saturday had very nice weather, which was good in between the endless rains08:24
seb128raining since and probably until the end of the month...08:25
Laneyoh... lots of time for video games then :P08:26
didrocksat least birds are singing :)08:26
didrocksbut yeah, I didn't sign up for London's weather here :)08:26
Laneywe had enough sun on Sunday that I could go out cycling with no jumper on for the first time in a while08:26
Laneyseb128: regular "are the retracers working?" poke08:36
mlankhorstseb128: irregular 'sign my gpg key?' poke08:36
Laneysomeone's applying for DM08:36
mlankhorsthah :p08:37
mlankhorstit's easier to upload a package once, then copy it over from debian, less work08:37
Laneyit's the way to go, for sure08:37
pittibonjour seb12808:39
seb128pitti, salut, ça va ? tu as passé un bon W.E ?08:40
seb128Laney, no retracer lock, they should be running08:40
pittiseb128: oui, c'était très bienh08:40
seb128pitti, ^ or did you just restarted them?08:40
pittiseb128: no, I restarted them last week08:40
pitti(and fixed the bug which made it crash)08:41
seb128Laney, ah08:41
seb128"Ubuntu 13.10 which does not have a config available, skipping08:41
pittiseb128: nous avons beaucoup de soleil, contrairement à tu08:41
pittiseb128: ah, of course08:42
seb128pitti, chanceux !08:42
* pitti creates saucy retracer config08:42
Laneyadd it to NRCP!08:42
seb128pitti, danke08:42
Laney(it is, in fact, already there)08:43
seb128pitti, typing "weather augsburg" in google doesn't give an happy forecast either, the google weather stuff has rain signs for 6 or the next 9 days08:47
pittiyeah; it's rather cloudy/sunny ATM, but it rained last night08:47
seb128seems you have cold weather as well?08:47
pittiit was much warmer in Dresden08:47
pitti(blue sky, sun, and 24 degrees on Sunday)08:47
* seb128 wants that08:48
chrisccoulsonhey seb12809:39
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?09:42
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm just done catching up with w.e email, I saw that you defeated libdbusmenu, well done! ;-)09:43
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'm not too bad thanks. how are you? did you have a good weekend?09:43
seb128I'm good thanks (though I start having a start of running nose, not surprising with all this cold and rainy "spring")09:44
seb128w.e was great, we had a nice and sunny saturday, which was great09:44
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, it's pretty miserable here. although, it was nice on sunday - i managed to get the car washed again ;)09:44
seb128and then 2 days of rain at doing nothing fancy but it was still relaxing ;-)09:44
seb128here saturday was nice enough that we managed to grill some meat outside for dinner ;-)09:46
chrisccoulsonnice :)09:46
seb128going to rain until the end of month now though it seems :/09:46
chrisccoulsonyeah, summer's finished now ;)09:47
sil2100Is jenkins still down?10:11
mlankhorstis so that's the perfect time to sign someone's key10:11
Laneyget out there and meet some debianers http://wiki.debian.org/Keysigning/Offers#NL10:13
mlankhorstI did, but he forgot to sign too!10:15
Laneythe horror10:15
mlankhorst(when I was at debian release party, half of the reason I went there too)10:16
Laney(reminds me, someone has been chasing me to meet for keysigning since october)10:16
mlankhorstsame at fosdem :P10:16
* Laney mails him back suggesting to meet tomorrow10:17
didrockssil2100: right, we need to wait for the US folk to wake up10:18
Laneyit's arranged10:22
Laneythanks mlankhorst for reminding me ;-)10:23
seb128mlankhorst, sorry, forgot again to sign your key, doing that now10:25
mlankhorstLaney: np :)10:25
seb128Sweetshark, xnox: hey, what's the status of "making libreoffice build on saucy" then? is that being actively worked and by who?10:38
xnoxseb128: me, first day back from vacation. didn't get around looking at it during uds.10:38
seb128xnox, ok, welcome back ;-)10:38
seb128xnox, I hope you enjoyed sunny California10:39
xnox... and Nevada and NYC =)10:39
xnoxI did, indeed.10:39
seb128Laney, mlankhorst: you guys don't have an url on debian keysigning for the dummies by any chance?10:42
seb128hate key signing :p every time I just poke around and end up doing some -sign-key and sent to a random keyring wondering if I did things right10:42
Laneyseb128: I use 'caff' from the 'signing-party' package10:43
seb128does that require a working sendmail?10:43
Laneyit's easiest if you have that but I think it also writes them to a file10:44
LaneyI've got ssmtp as an easy to set up local MTA for that kind of thing10:45
Laneymakes a few tools work, such as reportbug10:45
seb128hum, A671013C3 is not a keyid.10:45
seb128Laney, thanks10:46
mlankhorstseb128: using short key? naughty :P10:50
seb128mlankhorst, do you want your key to be signed or not? :p10:50
seb128mlankhorst, well I verify that the long number it gaves me matches your card10:51
seb128but I'm not going to type that :p10:51
mlankhorstgood enough10:51
seb128mlankhorst, sent it to you by email, let me know if that worked out, I had to hack around to import the email caff dumped on disk since I don't have a local smtp here10:54
mlankhorstseb128: you forgot the body :)10:54
seb128hate tb10:54
mlankhorstlucky you, I'm trying to fixup the arsenal xorg scripts, it's a mess of python perl and other stuff11:02
Sweetsharkseb128: bug 1182082 is a pain. I still need to figure out if the menus are not showing up at all for raring users -- they certainly do here for me, although with a delay when first opening the menu.11:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 1182082 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "libreoffice menu not working" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118208211:04
Sweetsharkseb128: Anyone testing the stuff on https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa is highly welcome.11:05
seb128Sweetshark, ok, you should perhaps email ubuntu-devel@ about that?11:09
seb128or at least make a call for testing at the meeting this afternoon11:09
seb128mlankhorst, I sent your key to keyserver.ubuntu.com ... let me know if you can get the signature from there?11:11
mlankhorstdoesn't look like it shows up there11:16
seb128mlankhorst, ok, sent you the file that the script dumped on me, can you do something from it? ;-)11:25
mlankhorstthanks, now it shows up :)11:28
seb128sorry for the time it took me to do the signing :p11:28
Sweetsharkseb128: I just wrote bdrung that I dont want to SRU that one anymore, essentially for https://bugs.launchpad.net/df-libreoffice/+bug/1182082/comments/8. I will keep the change for saucy as it is upstream anyway there.11:30
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1182082 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "libreoffice menu not working" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:30
seb128Sweetshark, ok, makes sense11:31
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ricotzSweetshark, hi :), while seeing this http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/log/?h=libreoffice-4-0&qt=grep&q=Uploading+ it is more than reasonable to backport at least matching version from saucy/debian to the ppas11:50
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mlankhorstdidrocks: ping?12:15
didrocksmlankhorst: pong12:15
mlankhorstdidrocks: there's going to be a transition to x1.14 soon, and unity will be updated at the same time too for the new input abi, who is in charge of unity in saucy?12:17
didrocksmlankhorst: bregma's team12:18
didrocksmlankhorst: when it the transition planned?12:18
mlankhorstasap :)12:19
didrocksmlankhorst: will need a more define time, please :)12:20
didrocksmlankhorst: like, if we can have one transitionned to saucy unity landing first, that would help12:20
didrocksmlankhorst: then, we can move to the new compiz12:20
didrocksand finally the new x12:20
mlankhorstwell, the problem is incompatibility, either old libxi/libxfixes/x11proto*/unity are used, or the new. There is no step in between. :(12:21
didrocksmlankhorst: yeah, hence the fact that we should plan on a date for landing12:22
didrocksand not asap ;)12:22
didrocksneed something defined and clear ;)12:22
mlankhorstyeah, I'll coordinate with the right people12:23
Sweetsharkricotz: maybe ...12:24
Sweetsharkricotz: lets see what 4.1 really ends up with.12:25
didrocksmlankhorst: keep me in the loop, as we need to have a "landing side" of things :)12:25
ricotzSweetshark, fyi this is the 4.0 branch12:25
ricotzSweetshark, what i mean is i want to ignore what is available in raring and backport the "suggested" upstream dependencies12:26
mlankhorstdidrocks: sure, I just need to find the right people to make it happen :)12:27
Sweetsharkricotz: hmmm, nah. I want the PPA as a staging ground for SRUs.12:27
didrocksmlankhorst: IIRC, there was a patch laying around for the edge barriers last cycle12:27
Sweetsharkricotz: if upstream updates deps in a minor release, that is stupid in itself, but a sideeffect of SUSE pushing for a 4.0 release now.,12:28
Sweetsharkricotz: I should bring that up in the upstream ESC. Clearly updating something like wp*/mspub/cdr* on the stable branch is ... suboptimal.12:29
mlankhorstdidrocks: we already have the patch in the ppa, but I want the unity team to know so they can include it in the source after the transition is done12:29
ricotzSweetshark, i see, of course those sideeffects are bug fixes too12:30
didrocksmlankhorst: well, at the same time than the transition, right?12:30
didrocksmlankhorst: to not break saucy12:30
Sweetsharkricotz: they are properly reviewed though ...12:30
ricotzSweetshark, yeah, do that, but it already happened and e.g. libcdr has mentioned/reported bug fixes12:30
ricotzSweetshark, btw are the upstream debian packages built with --disable-lomenubar?12:32
mlankhorstdidrocks: it's all going to happen from the same ppa though, so it wouldn't break unity. Still it wouldn't be nice to do it without their knowledge. :)12:34
didrocksmlankhorst: hum, I would prefer we use daily landing for that instead of putting unity in another ppa :)12:35
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mlankhorstdidrocks: unfortunately that would kill the atomicity12:36
seb128mlankhorst, just make unity depends on libxi (>= new), it will block in saucy-proposed until the xorg side lands12:37
Laneywe can block things in proposed if needed12:37
Laneyor versioned deps... oh yeah that12:37
seb128get a daily landing of unity with the updated depedns12:37
seb128once it's in you can upload xorg12:37
LaneyI suppose you'll need to make the testing environment use the new PPA temporarily though12:38
seb128oh, right, the merger will not like that otherwise12:38
seb128that's tricky12:38
seb128didrocks, ^12:38
seb128how do we get the patch merged if it breaks unity/test unless a new xorg, which is not in the archive, is used?12:38
seb128can we tell jenkins to run the tests using another ppa?12:39
Laneyit's a bit odd because then you won't be testing what actually will land12:39
seb128or do we copy xorg in the unity staging one?12:39
didrocksseb128: that's possible for a run, we can as well do a binary copy of the new xorg and then remove it12:39
pittiwhy don't you put the new X into the unity PPA then?12:39
seb128pitti, snap :p12:40
didrockswell, seems we are in aggreement :)12:40
seb128bu yeah, seems the easier12:40
Laneyunless you can make the daily release stuff copy X too12:40
mlankhorststage the entire xserver transition from the unity ppa?12:40
Laneysuppose blocking it in proposed is enough12:40
didrocksLaney: that starts to be tricky, I like the blocking in proposed12:40
didrocksmlankhorst: how many package is this?12:40
didrocksI guess :p12:40
mlankhorst30 or so12:40
Laneyyou can just do PPA depends, should be mostly the same as uploading into that PPA12:41
mlankhorstof which 2 NEW12:41
didrocksah, not that fun12:41
seb128well, you want to block in proposed in any way12:41
Laneyif it's kept clean12:41
didrocksLaney: it's only for building12:41
didrocksLaney: doesn't work when you want to install B with A12:41
mlankhorstwhich is the reason why I want to do a direct copy from ppa to archive using a single ppa only :)12:42
didrockslet's add the 2 ppas for this test running12:42
didrocksmlankhorst: well, you will copy something that is not Unity trunk if you wait for some time12:42
didrocksmlankhorst: and you will have dailies meanwhile12:43
mlankhorstdidrocks: well, good enough for me :)12:43
didrocksmlankhorst: sorry, not for me :p12:44
* mlankhorst no longer sure what the plan is, then12:45
didrocksmlankhorst: we can add the build-dep temporarly against your ppa once it's ready and the code is in unity12:46
didrocksmlankhorst: then, having the tests adding your ppa at the same time12:46
didrocksrun all that12:46
didrocksand have the daily pushing to distro12:46
mlankhorstthe x1.14 staging ppa should be ready at this point12:47
Laneyyeah sorry, I was implying adding the deb line too12:47
* Laney runs off to lunch12:47
didrocksmlankhorst: yeah, but as told, I want that to be separated by a first landing in saucy12:47
didrocksmlankhorst: which is blocked by the touch apps12:47
didrocksnormally, by the end of week, we'll have one12:47
mlankhorstdidrocks: I'll ask bregma about including the x1.14 ppa then for the tests and the unity-daily build12:50
bregmamlankhorst, we've done the exercise already in the past, so it's just a matter of rebasing the barnch12:51
mlankhorstyeah :)12:51
mlankhorstand add the libxi/libxfixes versions so it won't use the old ones12:51
didrocksmlankhorst: I think I'll have to add it as I'm in charge of this :p12:52
bregmaWe need to get the unity upstream changes into a PPA for testing first, then worry about merging that into distro12:53
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mlankhorstdidrocks: oh I didn't know you were an archive admin, can you do the copy of x-staging ppa to archive when unity is ready? :)13:07
didrocksmlankhorst: sure13:09
didrocksyw ;)13:11
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mlankhorstdidrocks: on a related note, any idea how we will solve support for precise which has to support both barrier implementations if we backport x 1.14 to precise? All solutions I came up with suck.13:21
didrocksmlankhorst: I think it's a question for bregma. The best would be to have the code inside Unity 5 first, and having to support both cases (that would help for Unity 7 as well)13:22
didrocksbregma: is the code done so that it can be backward compatible?13:22
didrocksmlankhorst: as the code didn't really change for this between unity 5 and 7 AFAIK, the backport would be easy, but we need to have Unity supporting both cases13:23
bregmawe need to wait for bschaefer to appear, he can answer that better than I13:23
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sil2100Jenkins restarting \o/14:10
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ritz_wrong window14:22
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LaneyMirv: is https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.raring.fixlp1167197/+merge/158015 still relevant?14:31
LaneyI assume s/raring/saucy/ now14:32
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Laneyoops, that discussion took up my summary writing time :P15:31
seb128it's meeting time15:31
seb128Sweetshark, qengho, Laney, mlankhorst, tkamppeter_, attente, desrt, larsu: hey, it's weekly meeting time15:32
seb128Sweetshark, hey15:33
seb128no Sweetshark?15:35
seb128qengho, hey15:35
seb128seems like most people are not around today, what's going on :-)15:36
seb128Laney, hey15:36
LaneyTwo seconds, just writing it15:36
Laneydefinitely here though15:36
seb128my fault for bringing you in #ubuntu-devel discussions :p15:36
seb128let's go back to you when you are ready15:37
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:37
seb128tkamppeter_ is on holidays15:38
seb128that's going to be a short meeting :p15:38
seb128attente, hey15:38
attenteseb128, hey!15:39
Laney(done, when ready)15:39
attentebetween vUDS and yesterday being a holiday:15:39
attentechanges to libindicator's GIcon support15:39
attentegetting rudimentary support for setting the input source keyboard shortcuts in the region panel (what's missing right now is a check for conflicting shortcuts)15:39
attentethe shortcut stuff is still building in the ppa, but again, if anyone wants to try: https://launchpad.net/~attente/+archive/indicator-keyboard15:39
seb128still in the indicator team meeting?15:39
seb128attente, thanks, I still have trying that on my list15:39
attentehm? me?15:39
attentewe were wondering if you knew who was working on phone settings15:40
seb128I though you were with the indicator guys in their weekly memble15:40
attenteyeah, that finishes just before this meeting :)15:40
seb128I saw that sil2100 made progresses on the unity-gtk-module autolanding15:41
seb128hopefully that means we can start using it soon ;-)15:41
seb128attente, thanks15:41
seb128Laney, your turn15:41
attentethanks seb12815:41
Laney(A mix of the previous two weeks since we skipped last time. Short due to holidays and vUDS)15:41
Laney• Did some learning of QML which slightly rewired me, hopefully in a good way: https://ubuntuone.com/5lsRZ3ePOOhKErbBuiRZHp15:41
Laney• Started a very early implementation of the "Appearance" panel which is under my name to implement, then shelved it until we get more details about how writing these things will work: http://ubuntuone.com/7Ht9giPVcIYU0xCz2uIJRD15:41
Laney• vUDS: A few discussions - interesting ones for me were around system settings and release process (a kind of-but-not-completely 'rolling' thing)15:41
Laney• Scanned archive for apps using UPower's D-Bus interface, in case we want to move to 1.0. still to triage list.15:41
Laney• Updated some GNOME stuff (RB, others) - wondering which other ones are safe to do15:41
Laney• Scanned XSession.d scripts for ones which need updating for upstart user sessions—not so many.15:42
Laney• Converted monkeysphere's Xsession.d script per the above and asked for review in #upstart.15:42
Laney• Updated GLib. Broke Skype. Reverted a commit to fix that; reported it to Skype and waiting for their proper fix.15:42
Laney• Fixed https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=694134 - gsd creating a directory with broken permissions.15:42
ubot2Gnome bug 694134 in general "g-s-d sets an inotify watch on ~/.local/share/sounds, which normally does not exist.. and causes polling" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:42
Laney• Noticed pxgsettings crashing on startup and reported my idea for a fix upstream. Waiting on their response.15:42
Laney• More Debian merges.15:42
seb128do you have a bug for the pxgsettings thing?15:42
Laneyyep, sec15:42
Laneyhave you noticed it too?15:42
seb128I saw a bug/IRC mention of .local/share being created with wrong permission breaking things earlier15:43
seb128I'm just wondering if that's the same thing15:43
seb128no I didn't15:43
seb128but I don't use a proxy15:43
Laneylocal/share is something else15:43
seb128I wonder if local share is another issue with the g-s-d sound patch15:43
Laneyoh, since then?15:43
Laneythat would be interesting to look at15:43
Laneyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libproxy/+bug/1182043 is the other one15:44
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1182043 in libproxy (Ubuntu) "pxgsettings crashed with SIGSEGV in main()" [High,Triaged]15:44
seb128I don't know when the .local/share thing started15:44
seb128and I don't find where I read it earlier now15:44
seb128will look after the meeting15:44
seb128Laney, thanks15:44
seb128desrt, hey, back from holidays?15:44
mlankhorstseb128: sorry, was gone, x1.14 is ready, lts-raring is still ready and still waiting acceptance15:45
mlankhorstwas digging into moving arsenal over to canonical hosting, no complete luck yet, need some input from bryce15:45
seb128mlankhorst, did you try to ping infinity/slangasek about the lts-raring?15:45
mlankhorstyeah but a bit hard because of holidays15:45
seb128ok, this week should be better I think15:46
seb128mlankhorst, thanks15:46
seb128Laney, oh, "safe update" ... apply best judgement is the best way to figure that out I guess (and quite some issues are documented on gnome-3-8 blueprint for GNOME)15:47
seb128I've been going through versions and updating things when the NEWS/changes look fine15:47
seb128ask on IRC for a second opinion in doubt15:47
Laneyfair enough, that's kind of what I thought15:48
seb128we have quite some stuff blocked on GTK 3.8 at this point15:48
seb128which is mostly ready imho, the only blocker left is the software-center issue listed on the blueprint15:48
seb128I need to play with that15:48
seb128s-c seems to hit an xerror for quite some users15:48
seb128 15:49
seb128ok, otherwise my status update:15:49
seb128- hosted a desktop vUDS track, which took most of 3 days for me (hard to host and do something else at the same time)15:49
seb128- 3 days W.E15:49
seb128- desktop updates, merges with Debian15:50
seb128- patch pilot shift (took the remaining of one of the vUDS days)15:50
seb128- played with qml15:50
seb128 15:50
seb128did I forget anyone in the status updates round?15:50
Laneyyou forgot larsu15:51
Sweetsharkseb128: I forget me ;)15:51
Laneymaybe he's away though15:51
seb128Sweetshark, ah, there you are ... you win the right to update us on what you have been doing ;-)15:51
Sweetsharkseb128: last weeks work was: customer request for LO on precise, to SRU-or-not-to-SRU for 4.0.3 and bug 1085169 for raring. I guess, I am not backporting/SRUing the 1085169 fix to raring. I see some report that it results in empty menus on the first opening of the menu. I cant reproduce that, although I see a delay in the menu opening on the first try.15:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 1085169 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice Menus Stop Working even with libreoffice>=1:3.6.2~rc2-0ubuntu4 and indicator-appmenu>=12.10.3-0ubuntu2.1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108516915:52
SweetsharkAs this will get in with 4.1/saucy anyway (is upstream already), Please test the build in https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa and tell me if you see the menu not being populated at all (a delay on first open is expected).15:52
Sweetsharkseb128: DONE15:52
MirvLaney: yeah, for saucy, I'll resubmit15:52
seb128^ everyone, if you feel like testing15:52
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:52
LaneyMirv: ok cheers, maybe ogra_ could review that (or tell me what that seed is about and I will)15:53
seb128larsu, hey, around, want to join our meeting/do a quick status update (I guess it will be short since you were on vac last week)?15:53
seb128Laney, pxgsettings d15:53
seb128Laney, pxgsettings doesn't segfault for me15:53
Laneyrun it like this:15:53
seb128 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libproxy/0.4.7/pxgsettings org.gnome.system.proxy org.gnome.system.proxy.http org.gnome.system.proxy.https org.gnome.system.proxy.ftp org.gnome.system.proxy.socks15:53
seb128is what I tried15:53
ogra_Laney, ?15:53
Laneythen press enter15:54
seb128from your bug report15:54
Laneyafter it does the initial output15:54
seb128oh ok15:54
Laneythat was enough for me15:54
seb128I was missing that part :p15:54
Laneyogra_: seed update for ubuntu touch15:54
ogra_ah, sure, merge it ... but dont upload -meta since germinate doesnt work for it15:54
seb128seems like the other team members are not around15:55
ogra_we need to manually add the stuff to -meta15:55
seb128does anyone has comments/questions/...?15:55
Laneynot for me15:56
attentedo you know who's working on the settings app?15:56
Mirvogra_: laney meant this (now resubmitted to saucy) https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.raring.fixlp1167197/+merge/16493115:56
seb128attente, define "app"15:56
seb128attente, the container app or the panels or both?15:57
larsuseb128: sure. I'll be landing a new custom menu items patch for gtk today or tomorrow (the old one worked with GTypes, which we can't use for the new unity)15:57
attenteseb128, larsu and mpt were asking about it, i assume the container app15:58
seb128attente, that's mardy15:58
larsuseb128: also, I've started moving the custom indicator widgets into libido, and make the panel use them from there. MRs are coming in the next few days15:58
seb128larsu, https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings15:58
larsuseb128: thanks15:58
seb128mardy started on the prototype there15:58
seb128we had a vUDS session about it15:58
seb128if you want to watch it on youtube15:58
seb128we will do a followup hangout on air in 10 days or so15:59
seb128attente, ^15:59
seb128attente, larsu: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-s-touch-system-settings as well16:00
seb128thanks everyone16:00
didrocksseb128: just on time!16:00
seb128thanks larsu for the update16:00
seb128didrocks, indeed ;-)16:00
didrockskenvandine, Mirv, sil2100, (cyphermox if you are around?): hey! team meeting :)16:00
didrocksFYI, robru is on vacations for 2 weeks16:00
didrocksok, let's get started16:01
didrocks"Splitting webapps and have that on daily release"16:01
* kenvandine waves16:02
didrocksthis is now done, it seems that robru or kenvandine didn't mark it as DONE, but from what I saw, it's all good, right, kenvandine?16:02
* didrocks changes colors meanwhile16:02
kenvandinei haven't verified it, but it all built and published :)16:02
didrocksok :)16:03
didrockskenvandine: you will take care of robru's stack while he's on holidays?16:03
didrocksthanks kenvandine :)16:03
didrocksso next item is "16:03
didrocksQt/SDK 5.0.216:03
didrocksMirv: mind giving a status update?16:03
* sil2100 almost missed it16:03
sil2100Hi guys16:03
didrockshey sil2100 :)16:04
didrockshum, no Mirv it seems, let's move on and we'll get back to that later16:05
didrocks"Look at head status for every stacks and make them green"16:05
Mirvdidrocks: hi. so check is successful now, but it still claims failure16:05
didrocksah :)16:05
didrocksMirv: for Qt 5.0.2?16:05
MirvI mean the SDK stack, sorry16:05
didrocksah, we'll get to that later on16:05
didrocksfirst Qt ;)16:05
Mirvfor Qt 5.0.2, it's in qt5-proper PPA now for saucy and desktop part has been tested16:05
didrocksany update?16:05
didrocksMirv: any hope to have it that week into saucy?16:06
MirvI've also managed to get saucy on my device and dist-upgrade went fine to 5.0.216:06
Mirvdidrocks: I think yes, I want to wait for Saviq's "success" report as well first on the device16:06
didrocksok, let's mark something like ACTION: Mirv to get Qt 5.0.2 to saucy16:06
Mirvbut I've been going over and over the branches and the upload plan (see https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjuCdq68GSyVdFI4QzNQdWpfME5aMEV2VXo0cUpOMkE#gid=4 ), and I think it's ready16:06
didrocksMirv: just give me a sign and I'll sponsor your uploads, ok?16:07
Mirvdidrocks: I will, thanks16:07
didrocksthanks :)16:08
seb128(please put the appmenu patch back before uploading :p)16:08
didrocksseb128: yeah, I'll review it :)16:08
didrockssil2100: "Look at head status for every stacks and make them green"16:08
didrocksany update?16:08
Mirvseb128: pushed. also, testable via qt5-beta-proper PPA, it seems the build has finished16:08
seb128Mirv, will test, thanks16:08
sil2100didrocks: doing that every day, but it's still not green due to the autopilot issues we have16:09
sil2100But we're getting to it16:09
didrockssil2100: only autopilot and hud are failing, right?16:09
kenvandinethe media stack is failing too16:09
sil2100didrocks: yes, not sure about unity still, since jenkins died mid-way, will have to restart it in a moment, but I want some branches merged first16:10
didrockson the note that Mirv told, I know that media and sdk have the -check failing for no good reason (the collect is probably wrong, I pinged jibel about it)16:10
didrocksso, we are on that16:10
didrockssil2100: do you think that tomorrow, we can have the QA and hud stack passing?16:10
MirvI'm happy to see the green on the -intel autopilot at the SDK's check phase, it seems my 'sleep 1' fixed the issue over there16:12
didrocksMirv: yeah, it seems to have done the trick! nice work :)16:12
didrocksok, let's make sil2100's silence an ack for tomorrow, thanks sil2100 :p16:12
sil2100didrocks: not sure about QA, but HUD yes16:12
didrocksACTION: sil2100 finish having QA and HUD stack tests passing16:12
* sil2100 is still fighting on the guest session16:12
didrocksACTION: didrocks to follow up with jibel about the collect failing media and sdk stacks for no good reason16:12
didrockssil2100: please don't hack during the meeting or it will take forever :p16:13
didrocksok, next one16:13
didrocks"Get python-evdev into distro"16:13
didrockssil2100: you, with cyphermox16:14
seb128sil2100, didrocks: can you guys do a status update on the unity-gtk-module landing when you are done with other topics?16:14
didrocksseb128: sure16:14
sil2100didrocks: will take care of that this week, I promise16:14
didrockssil2100: ok :)16:14
sil2100Since I have some other scope-related packages that need that as well16:14
didrockson the big topics16:14
didrocks"WebCred: Fix autopilot tests keyring issue": kenvandine ?16:14
kenvandinei've added a script to utah to create the unlocked keyring16:15
kenvandineworks locally in a clean session, but not in utah... i'm going to take a break from that and come back to it later in the week with a clearer head16:16
kenvandinei'm burned out on it :/16:16
didrockskenvandine: ok ;) well, we'll have otto soon16:16
didrocks(we are nearly done on having the first machine wired up)16:16
didrocksthat's why the nvidia machine is stolen btw :p16:16
kenvandinethe good news is we have autopilot tests now that work :)16:16
didrocksyeah \o/16:16
kenvandinejust not in jenkins for some reason16:17
kenvandinebut... we can run tests :)16:17
kenvandinebetter than before16:17
didrocksheh, excellent news!16:17
=== VD is now known as Guest94874
didrockssil2100: I'll mark the "transitionning to autopilot 1.3" as DONE if you don't mind, as the test part is linked to the autopilot tests, and so "make evevery stacks green" I guess.16:17
didrocksnext is raring SRU for unity, Mirv, did we see progress in -proposed?16:18
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sil2100didrocks: ok, fine with me :)16:18
Mirvdidrocks: we did not see, they're still in the queue16:19
didrocksMirv: mind repinging them?16:19
Mirvdidrocks: ok, can try16:19
didrockswould be nice to have least have one SRU in raring, there is a fix for netbooks16:19
didrocksok, latest "big topic" is the 100 scopes, sil2100, kenvandine: I see you have 2 topics?16:20
Mirvit would, they weren't completely happy with the new process but in the end it seemed like their newest scripts would be up to it16:20
didrockswhy not just use one?16:20
didrocksMirv: yeah, I followed that. I can only argue that we never had better quality before thanks to that process, so I still think it's a win ):16:20
sil2100didrocks: what do you mean by 2-topics ? ;)16:20
kenvandinedunno, i was wondering what unity-scopes-home was :)16:21
didrocks"Merge 100scopes unity into lp:unity and make it daily-releasing"16:21
didrocks"Get unity-scope-home and others into distro"16:21
didrockssil2100:  ^16:21
didrocksthat's kind of link, it's just getting 100scopes to distro :)16:21
sil2100Ah, yes, ok, I created the second one ;)16:21
sil2100I should have made it one work-item, but didn't16:21
didrockssil2100: shouldn't it just be one? or a WI? ;)16:22
sil2100Since unity-scope-home is a new package16:22
sil2100didrocks: probably ;)16:22
didrockssil2100: I would merge the topics to have a bunch of lines16:22
didrockssil2100: mind merging? as well, add that a MIR is required for those new components to be installed by default :)16:22
didrocksok, the rest seems to be minor tasks to me, did I forget anyone apart from ignoring deliberately unity-gtk-module (which is marked as DONE)?16:23
sil2100didrocks: aye!16:24
sil2100Doing that, need to log in16:24
didrocks… if no question, so unity-gtk-module, sil2100, I think it was you as well, mind updating us? :)16:25
sil2100didrocks, seb128: so, unity-gtk-module should be daily-building now, it's re-enabled and the tests were fixed to work correctly, but... there's still one issue that needs to be finished16:26
didrockswhat issue?16:27
sil2100I wasn't able to do that because of the 100scopes, and I'm sad about that ;/16:27
sil2100Since the current integration tests are not actually testing unity-gtk-module ;/16:27
sil2100Right now they're testing the regular appmenu-gtk backend16:28
attentesil2100, i think the only thing needed to get that working is the unpatched gtk, no?16:28
sil2100attente: yes, or simply doign packaging that unity-gtk-module forces appmenu-gtk uninstall16:28
seb128can you just do that?16:28
seb128we will drop the gtk patch once the source is in the archive16:29
sil2100didrocks, seb128: since the thing is, once appmenu-gtk is installed, it's used always, even when unity-gtk-module is installed16:29
sil2100seb128: I could do that indeed16:29
sil2100If it's fine with you guys16:29
didrocksyeah, sounds good to me as well16:29
sil2100seb128, didrocks?16:29
seb128sil2100, thanks16:30
didrockssil2100: adding a line for it?16:30
jasoncwarnermorning all16:30
didrocksthanks :)16:30
didrockshey jasoncwarner16:30
kenvandinehey jasoncwarner!16:30
seb128once you land it to distro I will do the GTK changes16:30
sil2100Morning jasoncwarner!16:30
didrocksok, any other question?16:30
kenvandinedidrocks, i'm also going to add a stack for system settings16:30
seb128jasoncwarner, hey16:30
seb128kenvandine, \o/16:30
didrockskenvandine: yeah, sounds a good idea :)16:30
kenvandinewe'll have that merged and ready for daily release tomorrow probably16:31
kenvandinenote: it doesn't do much of anything yet :)16:31
kenvandinebut a good basis for plugin developers16:31
didrockskenvandine: nice first step anyway :)16:31
didrocksTime to wrap up I guess! thanks kenvandine, Mirv and sil2100! Let's get Touch into the next ppa this week (once any jenkins and utah issue are fixed) ;)16:31
didrocksdo not hesitate to publish manually meanwhile16:32
didrocks(if we have at least some results)16:32
didrockslet's get that moving :)16:32
Mirvthanks didrocks! :)16:32
kenvandinedidrocks, so with otto coming... is there a way i can run that myself to see if i can get those autopilot tests working?16:36
didrockskenvandine: you mean, on your hardware?16:36
kenvandineprobably not worth spending more time tweaking utah16:36
kenvandineor a VM16:37
didrockskenvandine: yeah, that's possible with your hardware, you can even take a snapshot (with the delta) and rerun it if you are using the same iso :)16:37
kenvandinei don't suppose there are instructions anywhere?16:38
didrockskenvandine: there are some, you can look at lp:otto, but maybe wait for a couple of days that we put the first version in production? :)16:39
kenvandinei'm just not going to spend anymore time on utah then :)16:39
kenvandinei need a break from that non-sense anyway... burned out!16:39
didrocksyeah, you shouldn't need to :)16:39
didrockskenvandine: you can just prepare a script for doing the setup16:40
didrocksthen, it will be easy to deploy what you need16:40
kenvandinei have that for utah already, so should be ready16:40
kenvandineok, we'll come back to that next week :)16:41
didrocksok :)16:41
Laneyotto sounds like cool stuff16:43
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=== ChrisGagnon is now known as robotfuel
LaneyIt'd be cool if I could use it as a lightweight VM-ish thing, starting different environments on different VTs16:46
didrocksMirv: kenvandine: sil2100: just found the issue for new stacks being wrongly rejected, pushing a fix16:54
sil2100Ohh ohh!16:55
sil2100didrocks: thanks! What was the root issue?16:55
didrocksso, tomorrow, media and sdk stacks should reflect the reality16:55
didrockssil2100: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro/trunk/revision/31816:56
didrocksso adding tests above the threshold was making the tests collect failing…16:57
didrocksseems jibel hates people adding tests ;)16:57
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* didrocks waves good evening17:02
seb128didrocks, night17:02
didrocksseb128: see you tomorrow!17:02
pittiau revoir didrocks17:02
Laneyoff to watch the xbox reveal? ;-)17:02
seb128oh, right17:03
seb128Laney, their streaming sucks17:09
seb128they should use youtube :p17:09
Laneyworks nicely on my i7, was choppy on my c2d laptop :(17:10
kenvandinesil2100,  have you seen any failures like this:17:13
kenvandineERROR: No artifacts found that match the file pattern "*xml". Configuration error?17:13
kenvandineERROR: '*xml' doesn't match anything17:13
kenvandineprepare finishes, but gets marked as failed because of that17:13
seb128Laney, yeah, seems like my i5 doesn't cope with it ... they should use youtube :p17:13
Laneywonder if I'd buy one of these17:13
kenvandineseb128, they should stream it exclusively to xbox devices :)17:13
Laneythey stole the side stage!17:14
seb128they did!17:14
sil2100hmm, no17:16
sil2100kenvandine: I mean, no17:16
kenvandinewow... this video is unwatchable on my dual core desktop17:16
kenvandinesil2100, :/17:16
kenvandineweird... it's happening for all of the webapps stack17:17
seb128kenvandine, the xbox one?17:19
kenvandineman... what kind of video is this?  full HD streams on youtube are fine17:19
seb128great, the website returns "Unavailable" now in france17:19
seb128ms fail17:19
kenvandinethe audio stream is fine... but the video is more like a slide show :)17:19
Laneythey've outsourced it to akamai17:19
seb128kenvandine, right, I've the same on my i517:20
seb128well 'had', when the site was working17:20
kenvandineit's really aweful!17:20
kenvandinemy box handles full HD video perfectly fine... what in the hell did they do to make this suck so bad17:20
desrtseb128: sorry.  was having connectivity troubles17:23
seb128desrt, hey, no worry, I guess you didn't have lot of updates after your holidays anyway ;-)17:24
seb128desrt, welcome back btw17:24
desrtthanks :)17:25
desrtit was a pretty exhausting holiday, unfortunately :p17:26
* desrt is happy to be back to work so he can relax17:26
seb128lot of walking around?17:27
desrthells ya17:27
desrtone day 8km, another 12km, another 1417:27
desrtmy feet hurt17:27
seb128nice break from sitting on the computer ;-)17:27
seb128and you can enjoy the sitting this week :p17:27
desrtand back to the nice familiar problems17:28
desrtwhat new crack do i add to actiongroups this week?17:28

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