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bobweaverping tgm4883  i finally got the themes down last night. I also see that there was a update in the theme for mythbuntu that broke some things. I do not want to have to keep up with the xml files the more that I test this19:25
bobweaverso this is what I am thinking. I am going to write a sdk kit for myth tv that uses the backend that is there. Seems like there has been alot of work with qt5 so looks like I might be able to take the stuff that they have been user backend stuff and make qml elements for it19:26
tgm4883bobweaver, check your email, you should have a new SD coupon22:36
tgm4883bobweaver, Schedules Direct22:37
tgm4883bobweaver, from superm122:37
bobweaverSweet !22:37
tgm4883bobweaver, May-June is when we get ours and distribute to the mythbuntu team22:37
bobweavertgm I am making a new plugin for upstream that is reads all the libs and ,akes qml plugins for it22:38
bobweaver I am having tins of fun lol22:38
bobweavertgm4883,  is superm1 the same dude I meet at uds that you introduced to me ?22:45
tgm4883bobweaver, possibly22:45
tgm4883he was my roommate, so it's probably him22:45
bobweaverwhat I am doing right now is taking alot of time22:45
bobweaversuper simple data entry almost22:46
bobweaver #include "../libmythtv/someheader.h"     then go and register it             qmlRegisterType<SomeHeader>22:47
bobweaver#include "../libmythui/AppleRemote.h"      qmlRegisterType<AppleRemote>22:48
bobweaverect ect22:48
bobweaveror more like     qmlRegisterType<AppleRemote>(uri, 1, 0, "AppleRemote");22:49

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