
serecuddylier: you should be fine ust changing the permissions since you created the dir. in root00:00
cuddyliersere So if I told the program to run itself using a user such as 'minecraft' and then changed the directory owner to be minecraft, it would work?00:01
cuddylierWell, what I should say, is it will be able to execute a program within that directory.00:02
serecuddylier: as long as you dont need SU..00:04
cuddylierAh, superuser?00:04
serecuddylier: yes00:04
cuddylierUm, would just giving the user execute permissions in that directory be enough?00:04
Dr_willisim not sure there is a 'execute permissions in a directory' in linux00:05
cuddylierJust files?00:05
Dr_willisa directroy can be executable. that allows a user to 'enter' it.00:05
Dr_willisyou can then have execute on FILES that let users run the files..00:05
cuddylierAh, okay, that's what I mean00:05
beanI'd recommend making a different user for it00:05
fschuindthey guys, somebody can tell me why when I log in my recent created user in ubuntu server via SSH, the terminal gets mesed? Like a bugged keyboard and without the /home/. I have created it with "sudo useradd -d /home/deploy -m deploy"00:05
beanwith its own home dir.00:05
dlammmm i "opened" port 9000 using this iptables command i googled,  do i gotta run a command to reload iptables or something?00:05
beandlam, iptables does a match first rule. So if there are other rules blocking before the allow, it wont get allowed.00:06
beanyou're better off saving your rules00:06
fschuindtmy default system user 'fschuindt' logs in shh without any problem.00:06
beanfschuindt, what do you see.00:06
beandlam, and then restarting the firewall with the new rules00:06
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fschuindtbean: just '$' but when I type commands, I can't see what I am typing00:07
dlambean:  ohhhh ok maybe that's it00:07
beanfschuindt, so the terminal displays nothing when you type?00:07
Dr_willisbut typing blind works?  ;) how weird00:08
beani'd type "reset" and see if magically you can see things.00:08
beanand make sure that $LANG is set correctly for that user.00:08
fschuindtbean: my error, it shows '$' but I have no sure where am I00:09
beanfschuindt, oh, thats because that is the default prompt.00:09
beanyou have to modify your PS1 to display the path.00:09
Dr_willisHmm.. it shows JUST a '$' ?00:09
kristenbb_I have installed 13.04 alongside 12.04 but I keep booting on 12.04. What can I do ?00:09
beanbah, nothing about that00:09
fschuindtbean: haha00:10
Dr_williskristenbb_,  select the other os in the grub menu00:10
fschuindtDr_willis yes00:10
Dr_willisdefault ubuntu prompt shows more then just a $ - unless you got some changes made to the default .bashrc and .profile00:10
kristenbb_kristenbb_: no grub menu appears, and I'd like to remove the other OS sooner or later anyway00:10
beanfschuindt, you may want to read this: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/09/bash-shell-ps1-10-examples-to-make-your-linux-prompt-like-angelina-jolie/00:10
kristenbb_Dr_willis: ^00:10
beankristenbb_, if its grub2 then I would hold down shift while its booting00:11
Dr_williskristenbb_,  boot to 12.04 an set grub where it does not auto hide.. or hold SHIFT as the system boots00:11
kristenbb_I would like to remove 12.04. I am with a live cd right now. What can I do from here ?00:11
fschuindtbean: thank you mate! :)00:12
Dr_williskristenbb_,  delete the 12.04 stuff.. and use boot-repair to reinstall grub should select it to use 13.0400:12
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04is there anyway to NOT have the login password be the same for ecryptfs as your user login???00:12
kristenbb_Dr_willis: I tried boot repair but it only shows 12.0400:12
Dr_williskristenbb,  then you got some deeper issues going on.00:13
kristenbb_that's why I came here :)00:13
Dr_willischroot in to the 13.04 install and run update-grub from there like some of the other grub-reinstall docs say00:13
kristenbb_how to chroot ? I have EFI.00:13
Dr_willisif you are planning on deleteing the 12.x stuff.. may be easier to just redo the 13.04 installer (if its new also) and delete 12.04 from that installer and reinstall 13.0400:14
Dr_willisI dont use EFI so no idea how that affects things00:14
raijinnothing to do with chrooting00:14
beanassuming you dont have things you want to back up, that arent already backed up.00:14
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04is there anyway to NOT have the login password be the same for ecryptfs ??????????????00:15
kristenbb_raijin: are you sure ? I'm trying to follow this : http://askubuntu.com/questions/88384/how-can-i-repair-grub-how-to-get-ubuntu-back-after-installing-windows but if fails at the very 6th step.00:15
Dr_willisRoy_Ubuntu_13-04,  use more ??? it really makes people pay attention to you.00:16
kristenbb_raijin: ls /mnt shows EFI. and sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev gives mount: mount point /mnt/dev does not exist00:16
Dr_willisRoy_Ubuntu_13-04,  and while you wait.. you may want to check askubuntu.com00:16
beanRoy_Ubuntu_13-04, yes, you can change the password00:17
beanwith a command00:17
Dr_williskriskropd,  make the directory  /mnt/dev perhaps?00:17
Dr_willisbut  /mnt/ is normally the / of your installed system that should allready have a dev00:17
raijinkristenbb_: did you mount the correct partition?00:17
kristenbb_raijin: I think so.00:17
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04bean, and stay different from the login pass for the user?00:18
Dr_williskristenbb,  so i would guess.. that you dident ount the right one.00:18
fschuindtIt's a kinda weird. I have setup my ubunut server with a default user called 'fschuindt' and with the OpenSSH. Now I have created two new users, but when I use them on the SSH, the seems crazy. My tab key doesnt work, my UP key either (to enter the last command again) What it could be?00:18
Dr_willisfschuindt,  check what default shell they are using00:18
beanfschuindt, it's using 'sh' instead of 'bash' as its shell00:18
raijinkristenbb_: you should see anormal linux setup in /mnt00:18
Dr_willisfschuindt,  and whats in their home .profile and .bashrc files00:18
raijinkristenbb_: as in /bin , /boot , /etc, and such00:19
fschuindtDr_willis bean Sorry, but how can I do taht?00:19
beanRoy_Ubuntu_13-04, yeah, it should... that would also make mounting it when you log in difficult though... since your login password would differ from you ecrypt password.00:19
beanfschuindt, sudo chsh nameofuser00:19
Dr_willisfschuindt,  look in their home directories? err.. 'ls' to see whats there.. bash fundamentals00:19
cheffedwho can help00:19
cheffedwho can help me with a small thingy00:19
beancheffed, just ask your question00:20
otak_perhaps adduser would have been better fschuindt00:20
kristenbb_I have 3 partitions, sdb1, sdb2, sdb3. The first is fat32, the second is ext2, the third is crypt-luks. The last one is the largest (other 2 are < 1G). Which one should I mount, and how ?00:20
cheffedwondering on what type of ubuntu i am00:20
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04thats what i want, but it automaticly changes with it some how00:20
cheffedbecause im not on gnome00:20
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04bean ^00:20
cheffedi want to edit my panel00:20
Dr_willischeffed,  post a screen shot perhaps>? or log out .. and see wht the login screen says you are using00:20
fschuindtotak_: Yeah, I am figuring this out00:20
fschuindtbean Dr_willis thanks again00:21
cheffedubuntu 12.04 lts00:21
Dr_willischeffed,  You can install dozens of differnt wm/desktops on ubuntu00:21
Dr_willisand some have differnt  'modes'00:21
kristenbb_raijin: so which one should I mount ?00:21
Dr_willis!manual | cheffed00:21
ubottucheffed: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:21
cheffedi love the icons in my panel, i want more...but i can not modify them anywhere00:22
raijinkristenbb_: what so you have?00:22
kristenbb_I have 3 partitions, sdb1, sdb2, sdb3. The first is fat32, the second is ext2, the third is crypt-luks. The last one is the largest (other 2 are < 1G). Which one should I mount, and how ?00:22
Dr_willischeffed,  not sure what you mean by modify..00:22
beanRoy_Ubuntu_13-04, why do you want that though... you'll have trouble seeing your homedir.00:22
raijinkristenbb_: the first one is your efi stub, the second /boot and the third /00:22
beanRoy_Ubuntu_13-04, "ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase /home/$USER/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase" is the command i think00:22
cheffedi want to add certain features, like calander items from google...00:23
kristenbb_raijin: ok, so can I mount / directly ?00:23
Dr_willischeffed,  the unity panel dosent have live widgits.. you can get indicator applets for the top right for stuff like that.00:23
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04not the home dir, the Private dir00:23
Dr_willischeffed,  and theres desktop widgits.. but i never use the,m00:23
raijinkristenbb_: you realize the root partition is encrypted00:24
kristenbb_raijin: yes00:24
beancheffed, please put your whole response on one line. to figure out what release you're on do "lsb_release -a"00:24
cheffedyou absolutely nailed it00:24
cheffedindicator icons for the top right00:24
cheffedwhere to get them?00:24
raijinkristenbb_: so  mount that and then proceed00:24
kristenbb_raijin: but there should be a way to repair the grub though right ?00:24
beancheffed, please put your response on one line.00:24
Dr_willischeffed,  check askubuntu.com for 'indicator applets list' (sort by votes) also check the repos for them. and the omgubuntu and webupd8 blog sites. theres a lot of unofficial ones out00:24
kristenbb_raijin: what do you mean by mount 'that' ? and how ?00:24
cheffedthanks willis, going to check it now00:25
beanRoy_Ubuntu_13-04, can't say I know enough about how that works to help you.00:26
raijinkristenbb_: mount the luks partition.  google can tell you how.00:26
devilboyhi, I have 1GB of RAM on Lubuntu 13.04 and in task manager it shows only as 968MB. Is that OK ? :p00:26
beandevilboy, yes, 1GB != 1GiB00:26
Dr_willisdevilboy,  linux handles ram better then you do. ;) so yes.00:27
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devilboybean & Dr_willis thanks :P worried a bit cuz it shows that I have installed only 968MB00:27
devilboythank you both :D00:27
AwwWhat would be the best way to make a Win8 install USB on Ubuntu? (I know Win8 Ew.)00:28
Dr_willisAww,  i think you can 'dd' the iso file straight to usb.. ask  in #windows to veryify this00:29
kristenbb_raijin: well can you please point me in the right direction as to how to mount luks ?00:29
raijinkristenbb_: google. cmon, you found that guide00:31
kristenbb_which one ?00:31
raijinkristenbb_: i actually am not sure , never used it00:31
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:31
* Dr_willis keeps it simple.. so has no idea either.00:32
kristenbb_which one am I to use ?00:32
beanhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/63594/mount-encrypted-volumes-from-command-line kristenbb_00:32
raijinkristenbb_: don't be ahelp vampire00:32
kristenbb_bean: what does my_encrypted_volume mean in the answer given ?00:33
beani havent been following well enough to know, kristenbb_00:33
IdleOneraijin: If you don't want to help that is fine, nobody is forcing you to. Please keep in mind though, that in #ubuntu we help people, without calling them names.00:34
raijinoh for fuzzles sake00:35
SeranoWhich statement is true because I'm getting a bit lost :) ?00:35
SeranoYou NEED a (bridge/tap device/tap and br) if you want bcasts to traverse a VPN connection.00:35
raijinI advised them NOT to  be a help vampire00:35
beanseriously though, raijin, this channel is for helping people.00:35
beanstill, some people are awful at googling.00:35
IdleOneraijin: that is right, your elitist RTFM attitude is not welcome here00:35
sha1sumHey guys. I've found keytouch-editor in the repos, but no keytouch ?00:35
bean!info keytouch00:36
raijinIdleOne: I helped them quite  a bit00:36
ubottuPackage keytouch does not exist in raring00:36
sha1sumSo I've saved my keytouch layout, but alas, cannot use it?00:36
IdleOneraijin: great, keep helping but leave the attitude at the door.00:36
raijinI am not sorry that I would rather someone actually struggle and use their brain as spoonfeeding does them no good00:37
sha1sumAlso there's seemingly no information about it on Google, since I see that I've stepped in at one of "those" times.00:37
beansha1sum, let me do some googlin00:37
IdleOneraijin: I didn't ask for your apology or your opinion. I am telling you how we do things here. We don't tell people to google and we don't tell people they are vampires.00:37
kristenbb_raijin: I just want to use my computer, I don't want to be a linux guru. And if I can't do it in linux, I'll switch back to windows.00:38
raijinok fuck this chan.00:38
sha1sumsure, g'head. But just know that I couldn't get any keytouch results without the damned "keytouch-editor" appearing, and when I use '-"keytouch-editor"' even less comes up.00:38
c_smithHi, I'm trying to connect to Facebook on the Online Accounts (from Ubuntu, not the GNOME version) and it opens in a browser where it used to open in the window the Online Accounts opens, and when I log into FB in my browser, it throws me the error in this pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5685546/00:39
sha1sumless *relevant* stuff, anyhow... plenty of "Key Touch" results (note the space)00:39
c_smithis there anything I can do?00:39
kristenbb_bean: what I meant is, in the link you just mentioned, the best answer mentions my_encrypted_volume. What does this refer to ? Should I write it as is ?00:39
beankristenbb, no, it'd be the name (path, i think) of your volumn00:39
Dr_williskristenbb_,  i imagine its a place holder for whatever /dev/XXX entry is supposed to be for your setup00:39
Dr_willisi just 'use' my system and never needed luks, or this other stuff. ;)00:40
kristenbb_well I just checked what seemed regular non advanced options during the setup...00:40
sha1sumSo is it hopeless to try to use extra keyboard function keys in linux now or what?00:41
Dr_willisI dont know what options you checked.. but i dont even use encrypted stuff at all.00:41
kristenbb_I just checked encrypt full drive.00:41
sha1sumI have a few (3-4) of them that are recognized, but most of them do nothing (even though they have keycodes)00:41
Dr_willisOn a laptop it would make sense i guess.. but id think it would set them all up. so im not sure of why it  dident set it all  up for you automatically and why you are needing to mess with  all this00:41
kristenbb_Dr_willis: I'm not sure either00:42
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c_smithcould my issue be something FB did on their end?00:42
kristenbb_well in any case, I tried sudo mount /dev/mapper/my_encrypted_volume /media/my_device/ and I get: mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'. What does this mean ?00:42
Dr_williskristenbb,  why are you even trying to mount them by hand? or needing to?00:43
kristenbb_Dr_willis: I need to repair grub, I'm not booting into the system I just installed.00:43
utfans05evening people!00:43
bfigis it a common practice to slice one's balls off when trying to configure l2tp in ubuntu?00:46
Dr_williskristenbb_,  you have tried the boot-repair tool?00:46
kristenbb_Dr_willis: yes, it doesn't show 13.04, only 12.0400:46
Dr_williskristenbb_,  so  the whole system is totally bonkers from what i recall you going on about this for the last 2 days?00:46
kristenbb_yes pretty much00:47
beansha1sum, sec, got sidetracked.00:47
beansha1sum, you could try loading the .deb from the keytouch site.00:47
Dr_willisI would copy what you need from 12.04 if anything.. and since 13.04 has never worked (has it?)  then reinstall 13.04 from scratch removeing all the other os's and not bothering with the fancy encryption stuff.. encrypted home  would be ok for a laptop. a whole encrypted HD is a bit overkill00:48
KxTwoGIMP is about the most unintuitive application I have ever used is anyone familiar with it?  I cannot even figure out how to save as jpeg00:48
Dr_willisKxTwo,  hmm save as.. then type in foo.jpg   last i recall...00:48
Dr_willissave dialog may have a pull down..00:48
Gabbozkristenbb, to add to Dr_willis, if you really need encryption then look into TrueCrypt after you do the install.  If you don't want to be adept in linux then stay away from encrypted partitions.00:49
KxTwoDr_willis, I dont even see a menu bar or save button/option.  The only way I could get it to save was to close and get it to ask me to save the image but it doenst give me image type options00:49
KxTwoI literally only have a toolbox then a window with my image00:49
Dr_willisKxTwo,  with the global menus.. should be in the top panel...00:49
beanKxTwo, you should have the global menu00:49
KxTwoI do not have one, or I am blind and do not see it00:49
kristenbb_it would be really long for me to go through the whole process again, I have everything installed, I'm close now, all I need is to boot into the system I just installed00:50
Dr_willismouse up to the top panel.. see if they appear00:50
KxTwoAnytime I open an image its just the image and a tool box00:50
kristenbb_shouldn't be this difficult...00:50
Synbaneevening friends00:50
kristenbb_any idea what this error mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member' means ?00:50
Dr_willismenus are embeded in the top panel with gloval menu00:50
KxTwoI think I got it00:50
Dr_willissame for all apps.. ;)00:50
c_smithshould I repeat my message or keep waiting and trying a solution?00:50
KxTwoapparently even in windowed mode it goes to the top00:50
Dr_willisif you dont like global menus - you can disable them00:51
Dr_willisalso with the HUD  (tap the alt key) you can search for menu items00:51
KxTwoDr_willis, I am used to them on full screen this is the first app that did it while windowed00:51
Dr_willistap alt, type 'save'  perhaps00:51
beanc_smith, that's not an error, just telling you to not pass that URL around.00:51
Dr_willisKxTwo,  hmm.. all apps are using global menus while windows here...00:51
Dr_willisother desktops/wms may not use the glovbal menu00:52
Dr_willissometimes i forget the menus are up there also. ;)00:52
Dr_willisbut im running in vbox.. so i have a lot of 'bars' at the top of my screen00:52
Gabbozkristenbb, reference ->> http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-64964.html00:53
Dr_willissave as in gimp -> shift-ctrl-s     save -> ctrl-s00:53
Dr_willisKxTwo,  aha.. the GLOBAL menu only appears IF you have the gimp Image window selected.. not the Toolbox window.. it seems00:54
Dr_willisKxTwo,  perhaps thats whats confuseing00:54
Dr_willisthat seems a bit of a bug.. but i guess it makes sence in a way00:55
KxTwoDr_willis, to be honest I was just being an idiot I shoudl have known what was going on, I got frustrated and then made it worse lol00:55
Dr_willisKxTwo,  gimp has some all in one window mode.. or so i recall reading about.. havent messed with it in ages00:55
Dr_willisI used to be decent at doing some tasks in gimp.. havent played with it in years.00:56
KxTwoDr_willis, I just wanted to post ap icture of my motorcycle on a FB craiglist page but wanted to block out the number that was on the for sale sign lol00:57
Dr_willis!info mtpaint00:57
ubottumtpaint (source: mtpaint): painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.40-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 692 kB, installed size 1880 kB00:57
Dr_willisi still miss good old 'Deluxe Paint' from the decades past.. ;P00:58
c_smithjust so everyone here knows, I found out what was happening with the Online Accounts and FB, this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center-signon/+bug/118029700:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1180297 in gnome-control-center-signon (Ubuntu) "Opening facebook "Success" page in external browser" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:58
c_smiththere's a workaround for it, too00:58
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Roy_Ubuntu_13-04is htere a gui for TrueCrypt?01:05
GabbozRoy_Ubuntu_13-04, i believe so01:07
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04what is it calle01:08
Gabbozhang on01:08
GabbozRoy_Ubuntu_13-04, http://tcgui.tc.funpic.de/en/01:09
davico_hi to everybody01:11
chid    undefined method `map' for Gem::Specification:Class01:11
chidhey I was wondering whether there's a 'lite' virtual machine that only sandboxes paths01:11
davico_please somebody say me a channel of programmers in C or C++01:11
mikebotIs it possible to put ubuntu on a nexus 7?01:12
wilee-nilee!touch | mikebot01:14
ubottumikebot: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch01:14
mikebotwilee-nilee: thanks; also, is there a file manager on ubuntu touch?01:15
mikebot(unlike the ipad)01:15
Gabbozif its ubuntu it should have nautilus01:15
mikebotGabboz: even ubuntu touch? i wasn't sure if that version was without (like apples products)01:16
wilee-nileemikebot, You have a choice of the touch or a desktop build of saucy I believe.01:16
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mikebotwilee-nilee: i guess i want the touch interface, but the ability to store and play media files... is that impossible?01:16
wilee-nileemikebot, It is all in development, hardly usable to be honest.01:17
peepsalothow can i see why a package is being kept back from upgrading?01:17
mikebotwilee-nilee: ok, thanks01:17
mikebot(is there a nexus7/google chatroom on freenode?)01:17
peepsalotmikebot, there is an android channel01:18
wilee-nileemikebot, there is #android and #android-root01:18
Ari-Yangwhy am I getting Distribution updates for Core Guile libraries and01:19
Ari-Yangconservative garbage for C and C++ ?01:20
pragmaticenigmapeepsalot: If you have synaptic installed it will give you more detailed information about updates and dependencies01:20
mikebotpeepsalot: wilee-nilee thanks!01:20
sdevHello, can someone look at my syslog and explain to me what was logged? http://pastebin.com/djnKMHgd01:24
peepsalotyay i have windows again01:24
GabbozYou lucky duck!01:25
peepsalotdamn window manager got stuck upgrading or something, i don't know why, i just forced it to upgrade and it works now01:25
i3luefireso i just swapped out my mobo, cpu, and memory. but i am stuck at the busy box prompt.01:26
xiamxI have two machines in localnet can be connected via ssh, one running tcpdump, one running wireshark. Is there a way to "stream" tcpdump from A to wireshark of B?01:27
xiamxFor now i tcpdump to a file and copy via ssh to view it on machine running wiresharks01:27
i3luefireit is complaining about a missing drive. but there are none missing. it may be because the old board had native ide and the new board is using an addon card for the ide boot drive. but grub is on that same hdd and it is working so...01:28
th0rxiamx: put samba on the wireshark server and map the share to a folder on the tcpdump server. Save the tcpdump to that folder.01:28
Dr_willisi3luefire,   boot a live cd and check what devices the hd is at now.. and perhaps try the boot-repair tool01:29
sdevWhen I get "bluetoothd[849]: Endpoint registered" in syslog, does it mean there was a bt deviced connected?01:29
Dr_willis'swaped this and this out.. ' -> you mean you moved the HD into a new machine? ;P01:29
Dr_willisIts possible there will bee issues booting from an ide addon card. if  it needs kernel drivers not in the initrd kernel/fs01:30
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pragmaticenigmai3luefire: The hardware address for the drive changed with your new setup.  GRUB can't find the device at the old address, you will need to try and do a boot repair to see if it can update GRUB on the new location01:32
i3luefireDr_willis, i have 6hdd and was upgrading an lga775 intel to an lga1155 so that was the minimum number of parts i could switch. cpu/mem/mobo   lol01:33
Dr_willisthese days when i replace hds  - i seem to decrese the # of hds.. by replaceing several smaller ones with a MUCH bigger one. ;)01:34
Dr_willisstill got a 1TB and a 250GB hd in this box to replace.. eventually01:34
Dr_willisim not even sure where i got a 250gb SATA from... but its in the box now..01:35
utfans05smallest one ive got right now is a 120 but its a ssh01:35
Dr_willisgot a 120gb SSD in here for just linux. ;)01:36
utfans05yeah thats what mine is for. i want to get another one for windows for all my games01:36
Dr_willisthe prices on them are steadly dropping.. perhaops get a 2nd one in the future.01:36
xiamxth0r: does wiresharks update when the file update?01:36
i3luefirei have 3x 3tb and 1x 160gb old school ide and 1x 500gb sata i would like to make into the new boot drive. i only have the other 80gb sata in there bc the ubuntu boot was complaining about a missing drive and i wasnt sure if it was missing that. but the 80gb sata is coming out too01:36
OneMinerHow does one prevent sleep? I think one of my processes doesn't like it much. I'm running in a VM so, it's probably due to that.01:36
intelikeyhow do i tell apt.* to trust a dvd image ?     i added a dvd.iso repo in /etc/apt/sources.list   but it always asks >>> Install these packages without verification [y/N]?01:37
SonikkuAmericaintelikey: Use [ sudo apt-cdrom ] to add a disc.01:39
intelikeysonikkuamerica  ummm an iso image on hd ?01:39
Dr_willismount the iso to /media/iso   perhaps? ;)01:40
Dr_willisthis is some repo made with aptoncd ?01:40
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline01:40
intelikeyapt sees the repo just fine   but it doesn't have the key added01:41
intelikeyso it always asks >>> Install these packages without verification [y/N]?01:41
intelikeysurely there is a simple command to read in the key that the disk contains.... or should contain01:41
Dr_willishttp://askubuntu.com/questions/4694/how-to-use-a-iso-image-as-a-cd-rom-repository is what i just googled... looking at it now01:42
SonikkuAmericaintelikey: Just mount it normally with [ mount ] and then use [ sudo apt-cdrom -d /path/to/mounted/image/ ]01:42
SonikkuAmericaDr_willis: GMTA01:43
syntroPiDoes someone know where i can get that dvb-t playback plugin for totem/gstreamer? Without its not capable of playing any dvb streams (in opposition to the wiki claims)01:43
VisCOUSWhat music client do you use? I don't like clementine because I cannot sort by album.01:43
Dr_willisi dont see any mention of key issues..01:44
Dr_willisSonikkuAmerica,  hmm    sudo apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated packagename   (but thats not a great way i guess)01:46
SonikkuAmericaDr_willis: What do you mean? I don't follow.01:47
VisCOUSyou use !music?01:47
Dr_willisSonikkuAmerica,  the --allow-unauthtaced  makes it not report that error..  and ignrores the gpg keys.01:48
Dr_willisI dont see any mention of 'keys' with cdrom repos...01:48
Dr_willisat least no hits on it yet.01:48
Dr_willishttp://askubuntu.com/questions/117015/update-error-require-installation-of-untrusted-packages is wht im reading now01:49
SonikkuAmericaVisCOUS: There are about 5.238 zillion music clients out there.01:49
OerHeksWhat iso is this, debian or something?01:49
OerHekssyntroPi, dvb-t can only do free-to-air channels, afaik01:53
Zachster1996after upgrading to dev branch using do-release-upgrade -d is there a way to go back without reinstall01:53
intelikeyty dr_willis01:53
syntroPiOerHeks, yes i have 12 free dvb-t channels here but totem cant play any of them: it always complains about missing dvb-t decoder plugin01:54
Dr_willisintelikey,  anytime.. ;) no idea what i helped with.. I got the attention span of a newt...01:54
echoeprobably a medical question01:55
OerHekssyntroPi, all i needed was " sudo apt-get install dvb-utils  vlc" and it worked01:55
syntroPiOerHeks, yes with VLC it works out of the box, but i wanted to try Totem/gstreamer based progams instead01:58
syntroPiwiki claims it should be able to do that, but i doubt that without that plugin01:58
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yofunConfiguration Options Summary:    curses.TUI...........: NOT FOUND. TUI support DISABLED   OpenCL...............: NOT FOUND. GPU mining support DISABLED configure: error: No mining configured in '02:22
yofunwhat packages do i need to install?02:22
t5ahow you got those result??02:24
adh0cHi, I've got a VIP mailserver running Ubuntu 10.04 and Zimbra which seems to be under a DOS attack at the moment.02:24
adh0cLoad average is 28(/2) and despite trying to isolate offending IPs using netstat/route it is still rising02:24
adh0cThe zimbra log shows a flood of saslauthd requests being made from two email accounts on the server, dozens of times each second.02:24
adh0cI cannot however identify what IP address these accounts are coming from.  Can anyone advise?02:24
yofunt5 instalking cfgminer02:25
marcoshi folks, what happens with Ene Tecnology support?02:25
marcosUbuntu 13.0402:26
Gabbozadh0c, does iptop help?02:28
Gabbozadh0c, err... iftop02:28
utfans05 thats what i was thinking. isolate it to where only the ip's that need to connect can connect.02:28
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adh0ciftop tells me its unable to get IP address for eth1 interface.02:31
adh0cHmm, specifying eth0 may be useful...02:31
daemeonHey all. Is there a way to automatically connect to my vpn via openvpn?02:32
i3luefirewell i seem to be getting somewhere in my boot process but everything is taking AGES02:32
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i3luefireit seems to be having issues because the network isnt being detected. probably because it is a different nic because it is a different mobo. but i dont know how to stop it from trying to autostart all these network services and configure the network02:35
harrishey guys02:38
echoechmod a-x /etc/rc.local [lol probably not a great idea though ...]02:38
harriswar breed can we pm02:38
Warbreedanyone here really well versed with setting up small networks to practice managing them?02:39
i3luefireok. now i am at the login prompt where i have entered my username and password and it is just hanging02:42
i3luefireok finally made it passed that and it is giving me an error about system load being higher than 2.002:44
harrisi3luefire, can we pm02:45
echoeare you running anything on it?02:45
m1chaeli have a 32gb flash drive. im trying to make it bootable. my eufi laptop doesnt see it. is 32gb too large? my bios sees an 8gb usb drive02:45
i3luefirethere are a bunch of sever programs running in the background but without a proper net connection they cant be doing much02:46
i3luefireharris, sure02:46
Mintyi installed Cinnamon an it broke Unity. Is there any fix?02:54
Mintyon 13.0402:55
Tex_NickMinty : i can't help you there ... but you might provide details so someone else can help ;-)02:57
Mintynot sure what kind of details to supply02:57
cpinedis there a way to use win-tv hvr 850 usb tuner on ubuntu?02:59
Tex_NickMinty : specifics about what it is or is not doing02:59
sha1sumwho knew that cinnamon was so divisive02:59
sha1sumdestroying unity and all02:59
Mintyi log into Unity an all i have is icons02:59
Gabbozi was just gona help minty03:03
Gabbozoh well..03:03
sha1sumcpined: I haven't even googled but I will say that "win" are not letters usually associated with high linux compatibility :P03:05
cpinedok...that is what I thought, thanks.03:05
sha1sumkind of like "lose" aren't either03:05
cpinedhow about a logitech usb camera, communicator I think...I'ld like to use on skype for linux...03:06
sha1sumcpined: this ArchLinux wiki page makes me think it will work: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Webcam_Setup03:09
sha1sumcpined: you should find the real model name though03:09
cpinedok...thanks..I'll give it a try.03:10
i3luefireresolvconf is strange and i dont understand? i read the man page but still dont understand03:12
i3luefirei dont seem to have any dns servers03:12
i3luefirei can ping local machines03:12
cpinedthe web cam is: Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Chat03:13
Gabbozcpined, whats up? you wanna know if itll work in ubuntu?03:14
cpinedyes...using skype03:14
sha1sumi3luefire: what's in /etc/resolv.conf ?03:14
sha1sumcpined: do you already have ubuntu installed?03:14
Gabbozcpined, quick way to test.. before plugging in, type lspci in terminal. plug it in and try the command again.,.. see if it shows up03:14
i3luefire# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)03:15
Gabbozcpined, if it does.. sudo apt-get install cheese to quickly test it03:15
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sha1sumGabboz: beat me to it you bastard :P03:15
cpinedit shows up with lsusb03:15
echoeooh, edit the file by hand03:15
Gabbozcpined, then you should be golden03:15
i3luefiresha1sum, so basically nothing03:15
cpinedit does not show up in skype, though.03:16
Gabbozcpined, does cheese see it?03:16
cpinedlet me try that03:16
i3luefiresha1sum, ok  i did the temp fix and it works now but how do i make it stick03:18
sha1sumi3luefire: I was just looking at this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197730903:19
cpineddo i need to restart after installing cheese?  I click to launch but nothing happens.03:21
sha1sumcpined: try starting it in a terminal and see if any error output shows up03:22
sha1sumcpined: there are very, very few things that require a restart, and cheese is most likely not one of those.03:22
cpinedgood point.03:22
cpinedXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:22
cpinedlibEGL warning: GLX/DRI2 is not supported03:22
cpined(cheese:5844): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_strsplit: assertion `string != NULL' failed03:22
cpined(cheese:5844): Clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize Clutter: The OpenGL version could not be determined03:22
Gabbozcpined, logout and login if you want03:23
sijiHello All03:23
sha1sumcpined: have you installed your video drivers yet? That should be the first thing you do.03:23
sijiam trying to customise ubuntu live with Openbox, auto start application03:24
sijiSeems like customisation has done properly , booting to Openbox , but autostart is not working03:24
Raccoon1400how can I set it up so I mount my digital camera as a disk?03:25
sijiI hve added xterm as autostart parameter inside openbox autostart.sh03:25
sijianyone can tell me where am wrong03:25
Ben64Raccoon1400: does it come up as a disk03:25
Raccoon1400Ben64: no. That is what I am trying to do03:26
Ben64Raccoon1400: well what happens when you plug it in03:26
Raccoon1400Ben64: I can see it in lsusb though03:26
Raccoon1400nothing pops up though03:26
Ben64Raccoon1400: pastebin what lsusb and dmesg say after you plug it in03:27
Raccoon1400lsusb: Bus 001 Device 004: ID 04a9:3218 Canon, Inc. EOS 600D / Rebel T3i (ptp)03:27
sha1sumnice camera03:28
cpinedI have not installed any extra video drivers for the webcam.03:29
Raccoon1400sha1sum: thanks, it is a fine machine indeed03:29
Ben64Raccoon1400: can you see it in nautilus?03:29
i3luefireok so i want to give up on this static ip crap. how do i make it dhcp. lol03:29
cpinedI see the camera as an option in skype, but the video is black.03:29
Raccoon1400Ben64: no. (actually using xubuntu, so thunar)03:29
sha1sumI loved USB Mass Storage. Oh well. :(03:29
ubuntucrypt_do you have a command for ignore answer cryp when first boot on ubuntu 13.04 64bits ? because my passphrase password ? dont match good i'm blocked03:30
Ben64Raccoon1400: not sure if its possible then... although some applications can probably access it, like digikam03:30
ubuntucrypt_help me thanks you03:30
Ben64ubuntucrypt_: what?03:31
ubuntucrypt_how choose verify azerty keyboard03:31
i3luefireand what do you guys think of opendns03:31
ubuntucrypt_Ben64: i'm in prompt tell at me my passphrase03:31
sha1sumI'm a huge fan of google's DNS servers.03:32
sha1sumand we use OpenDNS at our office.03:32
Ben64ubuntucrypt_: if i knew your passphrase, it wouldn't be a good passphrase03:32
ubuntucrypt_Ben64: i have try many time but dont work03:32
ubuntucrypt_Ben64: how ignore partition crypt03:33
ubuntucrypt_Ben64: with a Key03:33
sha1sumis this a BIOS password?03:33
sha1sum"partition crypt"?03:33
ubuntucrypt_sha1sum: partition crypt03:34
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sha1sumubuntucrypt_: I can scroll up to read what you said. thanks though03:34
sha1sumubuntucrypt_: I mean, at what part of the boot process does this password prompt show?03:34
Ben64ubuntucrypt_: if you could ignore it, it would not be effective03:34
sha1sumif you could ignore it, it would essentially be made by microsoft.03:35
Ben64enter password> [cancel] welcome to windows 98!03:35
ubuntucrypt_sha1sum: Ben64 i view xxxxxxxx when i type my password03:35
sha1sumI'm starting to think this is a troll03:36
Raccoon1400Ben64: got it to work with gtkcam. Not as good as seeing it as a mass storage but it works.03:36
ubuntucrypt_sha1sum: no troll03:37
ubuntucrypt_im really right03:37
sha1sumRaccoon1400: yeah that's the "new format". My galaxy s3 is the same way... I can view it in nautilus (note: *specifically* nautilus, not other file managers), but I cannot view files, just directories (can write fine)03:37
Raccoon1400sha1sum: too bad. mass storage format is straightforward and easy03:38
sha1sumyeah if it ain't broke, ...03:38
i3luefireok. i got my network crap figured out. now i need to turn this headless server into xbmc or something like that03:39
i3luefirety sha1sum03:40
sha1sumRaccoon1400: just looked it up, it's called PTP I believe03:40
sha1sumI can switch to MTP on my S3, though, which I haven't tried since I switched to kubuntu from opensuse (where it didn't work)03:41
Raccoon1400sha1sum: Ben64: Ha! I win! Installed gphotofs, and I can view in thunar, and copy files off device.03:44
Raccoon1400sha1sum: I just looked up ptp in the ubuntu wiki and it lead me to that03:44
sha1sumsweet. Now if it were only images that I wanted to transfer to my Galaxy hehehe03:45
Raccoon1400So far this ubuntu install is working way better than the fedora install I nuked the other day.03:46
Raccoon1400arp-: hi03:46
sha1sumhello address resolution protocol-with-a-hyphen03:46
arp-Can help me, for run Tor/Vidalia in Ubuntu 12.10 x64?03:46
sha1summmmm onions03:47
arp-I use Tor for anonymous browse03:48
Raccoon1400thanks for the help. Now I can go back to what i was doing before I realized my camera wasn't set up.03:48
arp-i can install tor and vidalia, but when run vidalia, the program display a error03:48
sha1sumRaccoon1400: I love ubuntu, and have for some time, I just can't stand Gnome 3, and *thought* I didn't like KDE, so I installed OpenSUSE on the last go-round and found out that I liked KDE after all, and when my HD crashed I decided I'd explore kubuntu. Love it to death now.03:49
Raccoon1400sha1sum: I miss gnome2. Using xubuntu right now. Not big on KDE and I don't like the apps.03:50
Raccoon1400redid my machine a few times, no I'm back to 'buntu03:51
sha1sumthere should be a Nobuntu that lets you decide what version of a window manager you want to install heh03:54
sha1sumor desktop environment, excuse me03:55
kiyoura<sha1sum> there should be a Nobuntu that lets you decide what version of a window manager you want to install heh03:57
sha1sumWelp, I've got this condition called "human" that requires me to put my head to a pillow to be productive. G'night.03:58
kiyourainstall needed packages03:58
sha1sumkiyoura: nice.03:58
sha1sumnever thought of server deployment on an end-user machine03:58
sha1sumhave a good night03:58
ghkinghello guys!  how can I start SELinux in my debian7? I can,t find /etc/selinux/configthere is only /etc/selinux/semanage.conf04:11
echoeis there an etc/init.d/selinux? :P04:11
echoealso, debian is totally not ubuntu04:12
ghkingwait...let me look look04:12
ghking<echoe> yes,there is!04:13
ghking<echoe> oh sorry I have make a mistake, there is no "/etc/init.d/selinu"04:15
icerootghking: #debian04:16
ghkingI have asked in #debian04:16
makarahi. I do transcription of lectures and I'm looking for the best audio program, alternative to RhythmBox. RhythmBox recently shortened the length of the progress bar significantly. For 8min music tracks its fine, but for hour long lectures it gets difficult to track back and forward with any degree of precision. The program should also have global hot keys (so I can stay in LibreOffice where I'm transcribing), and also have some hot key to track backward b04:17
makaray 5 secs or 10 secs.04:17
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Tex_Nickmakara:  not sure if i understand your requirements, but have you tried Audacity ?04:20
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Jeremy3Dis there an easy way to download the most commonly used fonts on mac, windows, and linux?04:21
Jeremy3Dsomething in the package manager or software center?04:22
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makaraTex_Nick, thanks04:24
fUDHi ubuntu 13 keeps crashing, what could I do to track down the problem..04:25
utfans05!details | fUD04:25
ubottufUD: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:25
Tex_Nickmakara:  you're welcome ... hope it works for you04:25
utfans05hi Guest4277204:26
fUDAfter un undermined amount of time X windows seems to stop allowing input, music is still playing in the background then eventually the display go's black and I have to reboot.04:26
Guest42772can you tell me why I cant change my name?04:26
utfans05Guest42772: do /nick then put what nick you want in04:27
Guest42772thank you.04:27
utfans05fUD: have you checked in any of your log files to see whats causing the crash?04:27
fUDMy release is - Release:13.0404:27
fUDI didn't see anything obvious..04:27
GabbozfUD, does your PC work alright with the live cd booted?04:27
Guest42772hmm doesn't seem to be working.04:28
fUDWell, it runs for most of the day with an installed version...04:28
GabbozfUD, well running it live for a spell will help you determine if it's driver-relevant... like video04:28
Gabbozor you can try removing the video driver and observe behavoiur04:29
Tex_Nickmakara : you mentioned global hot keys though ... i think Audacity hot keys will only work if Audacity is the focused window though04:29
fUDYeah, how does one even check video drivers these days?04:29
fUDIt was all automatic04:29
Gabbozwhat video card you running?04:29
Gabboznvidia or ati?04:29
Gabbozhead to terminal and type lspci |grep VGA04:30
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fUD01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV620 LE [Radeon HD 3450]04:30
dragsfUD: it sounds like your input is getting interrupted. the screen going black being a sort of sleep/screensaver04:31
dragsand by interrupted I mean mouse/keyboard no longer transmitting anything04:31
dragswhat kind of mouse/keyboard/inputs do you have?04:31
fUDWell, I'm using the PC, part of the screen starts to degrade04:31
Gabbozto add, do you have screen lock on?04:31
Gabbozah so while you use it.04:31
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fUDI ran - /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p I get all 'yes'04:33
dragswhat do you mean by degrade? what happens to the screen?04:33
fUDWell, it kind of stops displaying parts of the screen.04:33
fUDBefore going black and freezing where I have to reboot.04:33
fUDreboot == power button04:34
GabbozfUD, did you see if it happens in another userspace?  if not, make one and try it04:35
fUDA different users login?04:35
fUDNo, i didn't...04:35
SuperLagW: GPG error: http://www.openprinting.org lsb3.1 Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 7A4B44C2D2A2203E OpenPrinting (OpenPrinting Test Key) <webmaster@openprinting.org>04:36
SuperLagI'm getting that when I attempt to update04:36
SuperLagand the stuff I've found on Google hasn't been helpful04:37
Gabbozi dont have an ati so i dont know alot about them.  you might wanna try using the opposite driver of what you are running.04:37
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Gabbozex. open instead of proprietary and vise-versa04:37
SuperLagI'm guessing the GPG key didn't get imported properly... but I'm not sure how to fix the problem.04:37
GabbozSuperLag, remove the entry from your /etc/apt/sources.list04:38
Gabbozerr.. cp the file first incase you need to revert04:38
fUDGabboz: ok, thanks.04:38
Gabbozcp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list-ORG04:38
Gabbozthen edit04:39
MiniDCould anyone offer any information about getting a Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 53g] Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) to work with Ubuntu? specifically lubuntu if that makes a difference04:44
MiniDI am assuming I need drivers04:45
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:45
Dr_willisI find its handy to either have a wired network connected.. or have a usb dongle (any cheap one will do if it works out of the box) to get the addational drivers needed04:46
Dr_willisfound a $10 mini usb dongle on amazon that works great for  the 2nd part. ;)04:46
* Dr_willis still wonders how they can fit a wifi dongle in a package the size of an altoids mint.. :004:47
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MiniDDr_willis: this has always more than amazed me04:48
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Ben64i would just replace the broadcom, usb wireless cards are cheap04:49
Dr_willisMiniD,  yea.. amazing how tiny they can make  these mini-pcs these days (working on my raspberry pi at the moment) ;)04:49
Tex_Nickamazon sometimes charges me more for shipping & handling than the item price ... lol04:49
goddardi turned off online search results, but App store stuff still pops up.  Is that not online?04:50
MiniDya maybe I should just replace it. However it is  an petty old laptop in the first place. I am trying to see if I can get more use out of it.04:50
Dr_willisTex_Nick,  saw on amazon where you could buy a music cd for $10 and get the mp3 album for free.. :) just the mp3 album was $11 normally..04:53
Tex_NickDr_willis : man i'm jealous ... i started to buy a pi the first of this month ... maybe i'll get one in a couple months ;-)04:53
Dr_willisapp store is a differnt setting goddard  i think..04:53
Dr_willisisaacs_01,  whats the square root of pi? ;)04:54
isaacs_01no idea, im just trying to change my test color.04:54
isaacs_01New to irc04:54
kayleeSo this is a channel for support of linux mint too04:54
Tex_NickDr_willis : i buy a lot from amazon ... just gripe about shipping & handling sometimes ;-)04:54
Tex_Nicki'm thinking about signing up for amazon prime ?04:55
Dr_willisTex_Nick,  got an amazon prime account.. shippng saveings have  paied for it...04:55
Dr_willisplus i get free videos and Ebooks. ;)04:56
Tex_NickDr_willis : cool man ... i need to do that04:56
Dr_willisI just wish SOME of these video services would make a client/service where you can 'legally' store a temp copy of a video on a device to watch offline..04:56
Dr_willisor at least cache Most of the movie.. so i dont have to download 3gb of video over 4g networking..04:57
MiniDbtw the square root of pi is about 1.772453850905516027298167483341145182797549456122387128213807789852911284591032181374950656738544665416226823624282570666236152865724422602525093709602787068462037698653105122849925173028950826228932095379267962800174639015351479720516700190185234018585446974494912640313921775525906216405419332500906398407613733477475153433667989789365851836408795451165161738760059067393431791332809854846248184902054654804:57
Dr_willisUbuntu One VIdeo service.. :) yea.. thats what we need.04:57
MiniDlol wolfram alpha04:57
kayleeI need support for linux mint, where do I go?04:57
kayleeI installed from the livecd which everything was working fine. But I run firefox and facebook has graphical display problems, even when I put it in safe-mode...04:58
kayleeHow also, do I install the non-free adobe flash? whats package name?04:59
MiniDUbuntu One Video service ... I second that motion04:59
madpropsI just realized nautilus has undo capability now, that's new for me04:59
somsip!mint | kaylee04:59
ubottukaylee: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:59
isaacs_01text test05:03
MiniDdo you think the firmware for 12.04 will work with 13.04: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#line-193 ?05:08
somsip!test | isaacs_0105:09
ubottuisaacs_01: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )05:09
isaacs_01will do thank you. im off for tonight anyhow.05:09
MiniDOr else how would I get this to work for 13.04 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#line-193 ?05:11
Dr_willisi would think the firmware should work05:13
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Dr_williswhats with all the testing....05:17
MiniD...you can never be to sure :P05:18
aeon-ltdwho knew, there's actually a #test channel on freenode05:18
Dr_willisno idea what its for.. ;)05:19
Dr_willisI rember using the #flood channel ages ago also..05:19
alocerhow can i get the list of channels on freenode ?05:19
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:19
MiniDI was trying to join #test to see if it is real but my client weirded out and so it issued the command like that instead of join05:19
Dr_willisdont try the /list command. ;)05:19
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )05:20
MiniDubottu: that is very helpful. I always try and use /list05:20
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MiniDLol I keep getting flooded with notifications that people left or entered05:25
somsipMiniD: you can ignore these in your IRC client05:25
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BillyZanehow's ubuntu's support for SLI?05:25
Dr_willisYou just dont hear much about SLI these days.. ;)05:26
BillyZanei'm interested in this laptop05:26
Dr_willisa laptop with SLI? that is somewhat odd.05:26
BillyZaneit comes with an nvidia geforce 650m in SLI05:26
BillyZaneDr_willis: how's it going :)05:26
BillyZaneyeah, it is kinda odd05:26
Dr_willisHmm.. shouldent it be comming with 2 of them?05:26
BillyZaneyes, it has 2 650m video cards05:27
yofunAll devices disabled, cannot mine! how do i enable "devices"05:27
Dr_willisI had an ok 'gaming laptop' once.. ;)  untill i threw my backout carrying it...05:27
BillyZaneDr_willis: oh man, haha05:27
BillyZanesorry to hear that05:27
BillyZanei definitely must have ubuntu on my laptop05:27
Dr_willisbrother has it now. :)  its his main Gaming machine.05:27
shmoonanyone used fakechroot ?05:27
BillyZaneDr_willis: i need mine for school05:28
Dr_willisBillyZane,  the one i had..   was nice in that it had 2 hard drive bays.. one hd for linux, one for windows. ;)05:28
yofunAll devices disabled, cannot mine! how do i enable "devices"05:28
Dr_willisbut you definatly dd not tobe carrying it around a lot.05:28
BillyZaneDr_willis: how much did it weigh?05:28
Ben64!details | yofun05:28
ubottuyofun: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:28
Dr_willisBillyZane,  with the carry bag. and huge power supply. i think we weighed it in at like 16lbs. :)  but i had a Huge case for it.05:29
BillyZaneDr_willis: i need advice on buying a laptop05:29
darkseed9im having troble with getting sound working fresh install on ubuntu 13.405:29
BillyZanewow, that's a lot05:29
Dr_willisId see what system76 has BillyZane  then find comparable models from cheaper sources.05:29
Dr_willismine had like a 19 in ch screen ;)05:29
Dr_willisand 2 hard drives..05:29
BillyZanei was thinking of the gazelle05:29
Dr_willisand like a 1 hr battery life. ;)05:30
BillyZanesystem76 that is05:30
BillyZanethe gazelle does not have discrete graphics though. although i could use the onboard iGPU just fine, from what i hear, it supports openCL 1.105:30
yofunim trying to run  cminer and and i had to install openCL and i type ./mine (a cminer -o url -u user -p pass file) and i get 'All devices disabled, cannot mine!'05:30
BillyZanei really wanted the discrete card to experiment with openCL/cuda05:30
darkseed9can anyone help me with sound on ubuntu 13.405:31
BillyZanedr_willis: i guess there are people with real problems in here05:31
yofunim trying to run  cminer and and i had to install openCL and i type ./mine (a cminer -o url -u user -p pass file) and i get 'All devices disabled, cannot mine!'  how do i enable "devoces?"05:31
BillyZanedarkseed9: what sound do you have?05:31
Tex_Nick!details | darkseed905:32
ubottudarkseed9: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:32
darkseed9sound is just not working its a fress install05:32
BillyZanedarkseed9: are you using onboard sound? is this a laptop or a desktop? what motherboard?05:32
yofunim trying to run  cminer and and i had to install openCL and i type ./mine (a cminer -o url -u user -p pass file) and i get 'All devices disabled, cannot mine!'  how do i enable "devices"?05:32
Dr_willisdarkseed9,  using the HDMI audio out?05:32
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darkseed9I just freshly installed ubuntu 13.4 and i have no sound working. Yes HDMI05:33
BillyZaneis this hdmi from a video card?05:33
darkseed9Asus and Ati05:33
Dr_willistheres a known issue with HDMI audio out. a fix is supposed to be in the works. or may be out (tried updateing/upgradeing yet?)  I just used the 3.9 mainstream kernel from some info i found at askubuntu.com05:33
_saMOOrai_same prob i have darkseed905:34
Dr_willisand my hdmi audio now works. (so i dont know if thers an official fix yet)05:34
_saMOOrai_ATI,,,, they forgot to include the sound via hdmi over for their linux catalyst or so it seems05:34
darkseed9i had it before with 12.4 and was able to use defalt sound card app but i cant download it this time05:34
cxipherCan anyone help me with a broadcom usb driver05:34
darkseed9i have 2 5770 cards in crossfire and the HDMI is in one of them05:35
Dr_willisyou have done a  sudo apt-get update. and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade yet darkseed9 ?05:36
darkseed9no not yet ill do that in a sec i forgot about that05:37
cxipherCan anyone help me with a broadcom usb driver. I'm on the latest stable ubuntu and I can't get my USB wifi working.05:37
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:37
cxipherthanks i'll try that05:38
darkseed9just did sudo apt-get upgrade and update nothing05:39
Dr_willistried a apt-get dist-upgrade ?05:43
Silent_Nukehi guys05:46
sagredoi've made a usb install of ubuntu 12.04 but when booting it says missing operating system 2x05:46
Dr_willisit may not be booting the right device05:46
sagredosomeone said adding the lba flag fixes the issue05:46
Dr_willislba flag? thats rather old skool.. not seen that be an issue in ages.05:47
Silent_Nuke@sagredo: try unetbootin or lili live usb creator05:47
Dr_willistried the usb in other pcs? you are Sure the bios is booting it?  how did you make it?05:47
sagredogood idea Silent_Nuke05:47
sagredothe quality of ubuntu is just oging further and further down hill05:47
Dr_willisI dont see the logic of your statement...05:48
Dr_willisfor all we know your iso image file wa totally messed up05:48
bazhanghe's gone05:48
cxipheri followed the wiki but still no luck05:48
cxipherbeen at this for 3 hrs already X_X05:49
Silent_Nuke@cxipher :- contact me @devender mahto i will figure our what is exactly messing up05:49
Tex_Nicklol ... i was just chatting with a Netflix Help Desk Gal about their premier service ... she told me that Netflix wouldn't run on U05:50
Tex_Nick^ Linux yet05:51
Dr_willisNo OFFICIAL netflix for linux05:51
Silent_Nuke@tex:- i can resolve netflix issue and can also provide you some netflix premium account05:51
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Silent_Nukethere is some manual scripts those are based on mozilla labs05:52
Tex_Nickyeah ... but i've been using it for 4 months now with wine ;-)05:52
Silent_Nukeso due to mozilla  i can easily watch tv through netflix05:52
pero_p_Python xchat_print called without a valid context.05:52
pero_p_--- Connecting to irc.ubuntu.com ( port 8001..05:52
pero_p_ Connected. Now logging in..05:52
pero_p_ *** Looking up your hostname...05:52
pero_p_ *** Checking Ident05:52
Silent_Nukedon't you think that wine is slow05:52
FloodBot1pero_p_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:52
pero_p_ *** Couldn't look up your hostname05:52
pero_p_damn, i copied another text, why this pasted!!05:53
Tex_NickSilent_Nuke:  yeah, you have to install a special version of firefox though with silverlight for thr DRM05:55
cxipherfor netflix?05:55
ubottuIf you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop05:55
cxipheroh my05:55
Dr_willisit works decently well last i used it05:56
Dr_willisI tend to watch anime mainly howver.05:56
cxipherwell i'll just add it to my list of things to fix05:56
Dr_willis ive heard some HD/action type videos can be laggy with it05:56
cxipherI <3 anime!05:56
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cxipherOtaku forever!05:56
Tex_NickDr_willis : you're right ... it works great here ;-)05:57
Dr_williscrunchyroll.com for anime for free works decently well in linux also.. :)  just saw  http://www.ftwentertainment.com/legal.php  (animeftw.tv) on xbmc also (and browser)  but it seems like it may not be as 'legal' as it should be.05:57
betraydi've watched all of MI-5 on netflix05:57
Dr_willisIm some what suspect of them wanting $5 a mo from me. but they do seem to have some neat videos.05:58
Dr_willisAmazon Prime also works on linux with a little work..  and has some Anime these days05:58
Dr_willisThen theres HULU also.05:58
cxipherim begining to think i picked wrong os05:58
Dr_williswrong os for what?05:58
cxiphercommunity PC at my new house / personal server05:59
Dr_willisif theres a Bunch of people using a PC.. i would think linux would be a good idea. Sure would make the system more reliable/safer..05:59
Dr_willisKids havent managed to infect/break the 'guest only' browser pc in the   faimly room yet. ;)06:00
cxipherwell these are all 30 year olds06:00
Dr_willisSo you definatly need to watch out for them ;)06:00
cxipherits a media center pc / personal server i guess06:00
cxipheryes which is why i picked linux06:00
Dr_willisthe 5 yr olds would be haxoring things anyway. ;P06:00
cxipherbut like always, wifi is just no.06:00
Dr_williswifi works great fo rme.. its all about the chipset i guess.. theres plenty of affordable working out of the box usb wifi dongles.06:01
Tex_NickDr_willis : do you get a good selection of movies with amazon ?06:01
cxipheryeah. i might break down and buy one... just sucks because i already have a dongle06:01
cxipherof course of the worst known kinds apparently but still06:01
Dr_willisTex_Nick,  Not too bad. not as huge as netflix. and they are alwyas trying to push the non-free with prime ones..06:02
Dr_williscxipher,  i rfind it pays to read the reviews on amazon to see what ones the reviewers say work with linux.06:02
Dr_willisbought 3 this year.. all problem free.. they even work with my RaspberryPi. and this  LinuxBased Media-center thing i got on clearance one day ;)06:02
Dr_williswhich was a plesant suprise06:03
cxipherI custom built this PC before I ever intended to put linux on it.06:03
Dr_willislow end mini dongle - $10   higher end $20 or so,,,  thats as expensive as a dongle as i got.06:03
Tex_NickDr_Willis : yeah, i only have the Netflix basic right now ... they do the same though ... try to push the premium service06:03
Dr_willisI dident even know netflix had a basic.. ;)06:03
Tex_Nickthe Netflix service i have now is about $8.00 ... their premium service is an additional $8.00 about06:05
Dr_williswhat country is this in? ;)06:05
Dr_willisI just get unlimited streaming for like $10  (i cancled it a few weeks back  we dont watch it much in the summer)06:06
=== oye_ is now known as oye
KartagisI have installed both ghostscript and scribus and pdfopt wasn't installed on my system. any ideas?06:07
cxipheri shoulnd't be trusted with sudo at 2am. i think i deleted some things.. whoops.06:07
Tex_Nickthe country i'm ? is USA06:07
cxipheris there a teamviewer for linux06:08
Tex_Nicki'm thinking about trying hulu also ?06:08
cxipheror similar06:08
cxipheri like hulu06:09
Dr_willisTex_Nick,  cant say ive notced netflix pushing any premium service at me.. i just get the unlimit streaming.06:09
thunder1212is it possible to use an older version of ubuntu which is not supported ?06:09
Dr_willisthunder1212,  you can use it.. nothing is stopping you06:09
Dr_willisnot like its set to self destruct. ;)06:09
cxipherunlike xp06:09
cxipherwhich will soon stop getting updates06:09
Dr_willisteamviewer is available for linux06:09
Dr_willisOLD eol ubunmtu relesaes have the update servers moved to some archive.ubuntu.com servers.06:10
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:10
cxiphernice. thank goodness. maybe i can still tinker on my home pc at work tomorrow then06:10
Tex_NickDr_willis : i probably misstated that ... what i meant was when i search for certain movies ... i sometimes get a message that says i need to sign up for their premium service06:11
thunder1212Dr_willis, and can i get the latest software on the system?06:11
Dr_willisTex_Nick,  Hmm. cant say ive ever seen that..06:11
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thunder1212Dr_willis, latest kernel, browser, office suite?06:12
Dr_willisthunder1212,  define how OLD you mean06:12
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.06:13
thunder1212Dr_willis, 10.10?06:13
Dr_willisUbuntu is not a rolling release.. whats in the repos when a release comes out - is basically what that release gets.06:14
Dr_willisecvept what the bot says above06:14
thunder1212Dr_willis, maverick release 10.10?06:17
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.06:17
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.06:17
thunder1212Dr_willis, how about 10.04 server?06:18
Dr_willisas the bot says.. server is still supporte06:18
thunder1212Dr_willis, So in the server version i can get the gnome 2 desktop?06:20
Dr_willisyou can.. but DESKTOP stuff will NOT be supported..06:20
thunder1212Ok i see..06:20
Dr_willisi dont see why you are wanting to install the old stuff06:20
thunder1212how do i check what all hardware parts my laptop has.. i mean which wireless card, graphics, ram , etc06:22
utfans05thunder1212: lspci06:22
thunder1212utfans05, does it display everything06:22
utfans05thunder1212: it should display everything that is on the motherboard06:23
thunder1212what is the 00:00.0, etc before the parts?06:24
thunder1212utfans05,  what is the 00:00.0, etc before the parts06:24
utfans05thunder1212: i dont remember06:24
Dr_willisbus/iqr/dma/hardware info perhaps?06:27
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Tex_Nicki've been playing with vnc on my lan for a coupole days ... shouldn't it be easy to ssh into a box om my lan and start x11vnc on that box ... then do a remote desktop to that box ?06:28
Tex_Nick^couple days06:28
KartagisI have installed both ghostscript and scribus and pdfopt wasn't installed on my system. any ideas?06:29
SuperLagI'm getting a new laptop. Going from a Dell Latitude D630, to a Lenovo Thinkpad W530. Are the current distros' kernels modular enough that I should be able to just pull this drive and stick it in the new laptop and boot up? Both have Nvidia display adapters, even though the new one will be much newer.06:32
SuperLagIt would be nice to simply be able to pull the drive from here, and stick it in that one... and go. I have this one configured... just so. It'd be nice to not need to start all over again.06:33
Dr_willisTex_Nick,  thats doable..06:39
Dr_willisTex_Nick,  or use a stand alone vnc server if you dont need to see the 'current desktop'06:39
hot2trotdoes anyone know if there is a way to connect an osx machine with an ubuntu machine via usb? Ideally, I would want to mount the ubuntu machine like a hard drive on the mac.. if this is at all possible06:42
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Dr_willisive seen special usb to usb hardware.. but I imagine best would be to use a network and some sort of remote shares.06:43
KartagisI have installed both ghostscript and scribus and pdfopt wasn't installed on my system. any ideas?06:44
hot2trotDr_willis: I mean, yea I can ssh into it, but sometimes I wanna move like 8gb files, and ssh ain't the fasteest06:44
Dr_willishot2trot,  'sshfs' would let you do it.. I bet ssh would be faster then USB06:44
Dr_willisusb2 speeds vs.. gigibit networking?06:44
Dr_willisor you doing wireless?06:44
hot2trotI do use rsync06:45
Dr_willisI bet networking/rsync would be more reliable then a usb cable06:45
Tex_NickDr_willis : ok that gives me a vote of confidence ... the 2 box's are in two different houses about 150 Ft. from each other ... i'm tired of running between the two houses ;-)06:45
hot2trotwell... I could rsync over usb too....06:45
Dr_willisifyou could fiind the proper usb hardware.. and you could find the proper usb software...06:46
hot2trotok, I figured it wouldn't be super easy, I was just asking in case of somebody knowing of some magic-bullet to get this done06:46
hot2trotI will just continue to do it over network06:46
Dr_willisi havent seen USB to USB cables in well.. ages...06:47
Dr_williseven then i think they were some sort of serial adaptor in the middle.. so im not sure how fast they would be06:47
hot2trotoh wells06:47
Dr_willisget a wire and some wheels.. and a usb flash drive.. :) copy to flash.. tie it to the  wire. pull the wire to  it gets to the next house. ;)06:47
Dr_willislike pulling in the laundry. ;P06:48
Dr_willisand Yes.. i am watching cartoons right now.. and just saw this on bugs bunny. :) well the laundry line btween buildings06:48
Tex_NickDr_willis : roflmao ... guess that's better than a "Sneaker Net" ;-)06:49
kristenbb_any idea what this error "mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'" means ?06:50
Dr_williswife wanted a little basket-elevator from her room with a loft to the kitchen below.. so i could send up snacks to her. ;)06:50
Dr_williskristenbb_,  perhaps -> http://pissedoffadmins.com/os/mount-unknown-filesystem-type-lvm2_member.html06:51
Dr_willisyour question was to much related to doing 'real work' on a pc. ;) i know very little about doing 'real work' ;P06:55
Dr_willisNow obscure bash trivia, and old historical minusha.. i got that covered.06:55
Kartagiswhose? mine?06:56
Dr_willisKartagis,  yea. ;) i havent  used that stuff in ages..06:56
KartagisDr_willis: okay. do you have another recommendation for me? I have a 8mb pdf file that I'd like to optimise06:57
Dr_willisis this a pdf thats all Images of whats actually 'text' ?06:58
Dr_willisactually 8mb seems tiny for pdf files..06:58
Kartagisit's 7 pages06:58
SuperLagNo comment on my idea, eh? :)06:58
Dr_willisis it actual text? can you actually edit the text?06:58
KartagisDr_willis: scanned pages06:59
Dr_williswhy not use some OCR software so its actual text and not images of text?06:59
Kartagisuse OCR on the PDF?06:59
Dr_willisyou can convert the pdf to images? it is images? you can use OCR on images i recall07:00
Dr_willisthen you got the actual text. but the formating will be all messed up.07:00
Dr_willisive seen many very very poor PDF catalogs, and even books that are just huge jpg (or whatever) files.07:00
SuperLagOCR is *awesome*07:00
* SuperLag hugs his Fujitsu ScanSnap07:01
Dr_willisreally annoying when i get an 'ebook' thats a pdf of images.. my kindle reader is not amused07:01
Dr_willisthats about the closest i get to real work :) converting ebooks with calibre to my kindle07:01
SuperLagI still don't understand what calibre is for, even07:01
Dr_willisIts the ultimate ebook manager.07:01
Dr_willisGot me a collection of some 10,000 ebooks. :) 16gb worth.. i can send to my Kindle with just a click or 3 and it converts them to whatever it needs..07:02
SuperLagDr_willis: but what needs managing?07:02
Dr_willis100000+ ebooks in differnt formats07:02
Dr_willisis what im manageing07:02
Dr_willissorts, organizes, grabs cover art, reviews, and summaries..07:03
Dr_willisconverts as needed, lets me tag and organize how i want.07:03
SuperLagtoo bad it can't strip this bull$H!T DRM off of my school textbooks that come in PDF form *sigh*07:04
gotwigI can't boot ubuntu properly07:05
gotwigis this the right channel to ask for help?07:05
Dr_willisSuperLag,  thers most likely tools that can do that.. but im not sure of any for pdf.. I have seen ads for ones for Amazon/kindle books.07:05
gotwigI fail at the Grub Rescue Shellprompt07:05
Dr_willisPDF is one of the worst formats out there for ebooks.07:05
gotwigDr_willis: it isn't o.007:05
SuperLagDr_willis: and unfortunately, that's what nearly all of them get distributed in... PDF07:07
Dr_willisfor converting to my Kindle fire ebook reader it definatly is gotwig07:07
Dr_willisSuperLag,  i dont do school text books. ;)  got over that.. like.. 30 yrs ago..07:07
gotwigDr_willis: Its a shame that you even have to convert it07:08
Dr_willisNow im finding ebooks of books i read.. 30+ years ago. ;P07:08
gotwigDr_willis: =) Have fun :D are you a native English speaker?07:08
Tex_Nick!details | gotwig ... what distro, what hardware, what are you booting from ... etc07:10
ubottugotwig ... what distro, what hardware, what are you booting from ... etc: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:10
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gotwigTex_Nick: so this is the right channel?07:10
gotwigTex_Nick: I have a GPT partition table ..07:10
Tex_Nickgotwig : yes07:10
gotwigthe command set works for me07:10
gotwigit sets the prefix and root variable properly07:10
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
gotwigbut when I want to use insmod or ls (hd1,gpt4)/boot/grub , as example, it says unknown filesystem or something like that07:11
gotwigthis is the right partition... I use EXT4 for my system partition, which also has my grub settings, I installed on UEFI. my home partition is HFS+ formated, but I think that is not important07:12
Dr_willisnight all07:15
Tex_Nicknight Dr_willis07:15
parapanhey fellows > could you please let me know how to manually delete some cookies from opera browser ??? I do not want to delete all - only few of them . . . .07:16
BillyZanei can't get X forwarding to work07:18
BillyZanethat is, when i try to display some GUI interface through SSH, it does not work07:19
BillyZanei've checked my SSH settings, it says Xforwarding is enabled07:19
Axlinparapan: Prefs -> Advanced -> Cookies -> Manage Cookies07:19
gotwigTex_Nick: help me 111!07:19
gotwigor is installing EFI stuff a sin..?07:20
vitimitihi o/07:20
parapanAxlin: let me check07:21
Jordan_U!bootinfo | gotwig07:21
ubottugotwig: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).07:21
Tex_Nickgotwig : i'm not knowledgeable enough to help with that problem ... at least you've provided enough info that a channel guru can help you though ;-)07:22
gotwigJordan_U: now, how to do that from GRUB2 recovery shell ;)07:22
gotwigI think about developing a new bootloader, which can fix all these problems :/07:23
gotwigI dont know why GRUB2 is so "dumb"07:23
parapanAxlin: it worked, thank you07:23
gotwigset already recognized the right partitions automaticly, with the right kernel images, and other stuff07:23
Jordan_Ugotwig: You can run boot info script from a LiveCD/USB.07:23
gotwigJordan_U: for that, I better use Boot Repair07:23
gotwigdoes anyone think, there is a need for GRUB3?...07:24
Jordan_Ugotwig: Please avoid offtopic comments.07:24
Tex_Nickthe ubbotu factoid should contain the following link ... http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html ... or not ?07:31
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nesusvetHello everyone. I had a problem with fonts in terminal, I always see "question marks", I tried to remove my profile and create new one, but the same problem appear. I also tryed to create something like "dpkg-reconfigure locales" but nothing help me"07:39
Tex_Nicknesusvet:  have you looked at your terminal's character encoding preferences ?07:43
nesusvetTex_Nick, Yes, I played with settings, there is UTF-8 encoding and I use default fonts.07:44
nesusvetIt happened when I swiched on the ibus, but I rolled back everything it seems07:45
nesusvetahh, and once more important moment, I can't see only Cyrillic  fonts07:45
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=== tvoss|test is now known as tvoss
Tex_Nicknesusvet:  what terminal are you using07:51
nesusvetTex_Nick, gnome-terminal07:52
nesusvetI guess there is a problem within system settings07:52
nesusvetTex_Nick, locale07:53
Tex_Nicknesusvet:  you might try installing the "xfce Terminal Emulator" to see it it displays ok ... as a process of elimination07:56
Tex_Nickmight tell you if the problem is with gnome-terminal or system settings07:57
nesusvetTex_Nick, give me try07:58
foofoobarHi. I'm using ubuntu 13.04 on a macbook with a german keyboard and i3wm using gnome-terminal. I have to option to set Terminal -> set encoding -> UTF-807:59
foofoobarBut when I press some of the special charachters like "oe" in german, nothing happens07:59
foofoobaror I just get a "?"07:59
nesusvetTex_Nick, tryed to use "xfce terminal", the same issue08:01
studentzI cannot access to a Luks partition after clean installation of 13.04. This partition has the backup of my home dir. Any Sugestion? Thanks08:02
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histostudentz: how are you trying to mount it?08:04
studentzhisto: from CLI and using gui Disk. The parition mount after the passphrase but when I try to acces It says I do not have permissions.08:05
Tex_Nicknesusvet: ok that would indicate that the problem is not with gnome-terminal ... must be a sys config setting issue ... i really can't give any more help with that08:05
histostudentz: where did you mount it to?08:06
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histostudentz: mount it somewhere your user has permisions08:06
studentzhisto: /media/storage using sudo08:06
histostudentz: try to umount it then sudo chown studentz:studentz /media/storage and mount it again08:07
studentzhisto: ok , I will08:08
studentzhisto : I did not work  sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda4  Storage; sudo mount /dev/mapper/Storage  /media/Storage08:13
SiL3nTImportError: No module named libxml208:13
SiL3nThow can i fix that guys ?08:13
studentzhisto: trying cd or ls to the /media/storage the error is Permission denied08:15
chidHi is there a 'lite' virtual machine tool?08:15
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studentzhisto: Also I did not backup /etc/crypttab or /etc/fstab08:16
k1lchid: did you try virtualbox?08:19
otaksil3nti: i think you need the package python-libxml208:20
sil3ntiotak i have install it08:20
sil3ntiotak u was right08:21
=== sbhyun is now known as Nymph
number-7this may not be a ubunto problem, but, the clock on my ubuntu box runs slow...08:23
number-7and it worked fine with XP08:24
studentzI cannot access to a Luks partition after clean installation of 13.04. This partition has the backup of my home dir. Any Sugestion? Thanks08:24
nesusvetTex_Nick, thanks for your kind assistance08:35
parapanI try to open a .db file from an evolution archive; what application can I use ?08:35
histostudentz: sudo -i  and cd the directory08:35
sybariteni had a ubuntu machine do a spontaneous reboot a coupla hours ago. Are there any specific logs i can look into to get some more clues why it happened?08:35
histosybariten: syslog and messages08:35
sybaritenIt normally just runs for hundreds of days, doing its thang08:35
sybaritenhisto: where do i find those?08:36
histosybariten: in /var/log08:36
sybaritenk thanks....  decent google terms?08:36
parapansybariten: I have the same issue with a PC - rebooting itself after 10-20 hours ....didn't found a solution yet ...however I started to clean the boot directory ...too many linux kernels there . . . maybe a reason for the reboots ....08:37
histoparapan: extra kernels won't cause a reboot08:38
histoparapan: sybariten i'd do a memtest and check your power supply perhaps08:38
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sybaritenactually in this case i'm not really looking to find the exact reason why this happened.... this is a desktop machine thats been running as a server for like five years, constantly, and it can do a reboot now and then every 135th day or so08:39
sybariteni'm just curious how you investigate these things08:39
parapanhisto: just a hint .....power supply could be a reason, yes, had problems with mine - capacitors .....replaced the bad capacitors but still rebooting ....08:39
Tex_Nicknesusvet: you're welcome ... wish i could have provide more information though ... there are some really smart people in this channel, so keep asking your question ... someone will be able to help you better ;-)08:39
A1ReconI entered "ssh-keygen -t rsa" into the terminal08:39
gordonjcpsybariten: anything in the logs?08:39
gordonjcpsybariten: the problem with very intermittent things like that is you don't know when they've gone away08:39
sybaritengordonjcp: uh, well, i should start by mentioning that i "suck at logs". Its in /var/log i want to check whats most recent, i suppose...?08:40
sybaritengordonjcp: but, from "uptime" i can tell pretty exactly when the machine flunked, right?08:40
A1ReconI entered "ssh-keygen -t rsa" into the terminal. It said "Generating public/private rsa key pair.Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa):  "   What do i enter now? A name for the file, right?08:41
gordonjcpsybariten: yes08:42
gordonjcpsybariten: /var/log/syslog might give you a clue08:42
gordonjcpsybariten: monitor with a cctv camera pointed at it?08:42
studentzhisto: Finally I could access to the dir. But this is not the normal way in Ubuntu. What I should do to make this process as was before? and Thanks for your help and patient :)08:42
A1ReconI entered "ssh-keygen -t rsa" into the terminal. It said "Generating public/private rsa key pair.Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa) : " What do i enter now? A name for the file, right?08:43
sybaritengordonjcp: hu hu hu08:43
gordonjcpsybariten: don't laugh, I've done that before08:44
gordonjcpsybariten: point a CCTV camera at the monitor, disable screen blanking, and set up motion detection08:44
sybaritenyeah well this is just for the home and not that important....also, the machine is headless08:44
gordonjcpsybariten: maybe you can get it to do console on serial, and log its serial output08:45
sybaritenHm, my syslog seems to start when the machine restarted08:46
sybaritenwell, actually 1.5h before the actual "uptime", so to speak... tyhats odd08:47
A1ReconI entered "ssh-keygen -t rsa" into the terminal. It said "Generating public/private rsa key pair.Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa) : " I entered a filename and it saved the public key in filename.pub. Where can i find this file and copy it...08:48
histostudentz: you need to specify uid when mounting or change your fstab entries08:52
icedwaterHi, how do I enable password locking in 12.04? I can't seem to lock my screen with Ctrl-Alt-L any more.08:54
icedwaterAlthough it is listed as a shortcut, it just blanks the screen.08:55
icedwater(Well it used to. Now it does nothing.)08:55
parapanis someone familiar with the evolution e-mail client ?08:56
A1ReconI entered "ssh-keygen -t rsa" into the terminal. It said "Generating public/private rsa key pair.Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa) : " I entered a filename and it saved the public key in filename.pub. Where can i find this file and copy it...08:58
hansg_in you .ssh dir in you home dir08:58
icedwaterIt should be in the path suggested, A1Recon - /home/user/.ssh/filename.pub08:59
A1Reconicedwater: hansg_: ~/.ssh only has known_hosts08:59
hansg_check ls -la09:00
A1Reconicedwater: ~/.ssh only has known_hosts09:02
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A1ReconI am trying this Ubuntu Remote for Android so I needed this ssh stuff09:04
icedwaterSorry, was in another window.09:09
Solarraanyone on?09:09
icedwaterIn any case, if you know how to check the logs, hansg_ and A1Recon: ls -la should show hidden (.filename) files, which filename.pub is not, so there wouldn't be a need to try that.09:10
icedwaterSolarra: just ask your question and be patient :)09:10
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Solarrai keep getting this 'untrusted package' error when getting software through the Software Center09:11
Solarraand i was wondering if i can get linux to read ntfs partitions09:14
k1lSolarra: yes09:15
DJones!ntfs | Solarra09:15
ubottuSolarra: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE09:15
Solarrathe first question may be solved with an update09:16
Solarrathe wireless card is still not working09:16
DJonesSolarra: re the untrusted package error, do you have any PPA's enabled? Thats normally the only time I see that type of error09:16
Solarraunless PPAs are enabled by default no because i have no idea what those are09:16
DJonesSolarra: Probably not that then, hopefully an update clears it09:17
DJones!ppa | Solarra Just for info, this is what a PPA is,09:17
ubottuSolarra Just for info, this is what a PPA is,: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge09:17
Solarraonce i get a not bad video driver installed09:17
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kovabungawhat is the difference in grub and grub2?09:21
kovabungacan any one hlp09:21
Solarrathis isn't nearly as gnarly as last time I tried linux09:21
ActionParsnipkovabunga: http://askubuntu.com/questions/19605/differences-between-grub-grub2-and-burg09:22
DJoneskovabunga: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120541509:22
kovabungaok thanks09:22
kovabungawho is D jones09:23
ActionParsnipkovabunga: guess how we found those....09:23
Kartagis!find smbfs09:23
ubottuFile smbfs found in autofs, doc-linux-ja-text, openvas-plugins-dfsg, samba-doc09:23
icedwaterHow do I make xscreensaver lock my screen? I tried xscreensaver-command -lock and the response was "locking is disabled (running under GDM)"09:29
Ben64try to use gnome-screensaver instead?09:29
icedwaterBen64: that didn't work either, which is why I switched.09:30
Ben64how did it not work09:30
icedwaterI pressed Ctrl-Alt-L and nothing happened, even though the Lock Screen shortcut was defined.09:30
Ben64try "gnome-screensaver-command -l"09:31
icedwaterAnd when I issued "gnome-screensaver-command -la" it just blanked the screen, and returned when I moved the mouse.09:31
icedwaterI wanted it to ask for my password... after all, that is kind of the point of a lock.09:32
Kartagishas anyone been able to compile the html5-validator under ubuntu?09:35
TyropeI removed a lot of things in ubuntu software center after a reinstall and now the switching between workspaces doesn't display previews, nor can I open new terminals by shift+clicking in the launcher... My apt-get log for removals is at the link, anybody know which package I need to reinstall/setting I need to re-enable? http://www.fpaste.org/13367/91282761/09:36
Kartagisdoesn't smbfs exist anymore under 13.04?09:37
ventiEventiHi all09:43
TyropeHey ventiEventi09:44
XATRIXHi guys, i have a strange situation. Time to time there's a bug, when i can't reach any of my server IPs , telnet 80,22, etc.. from my wifi laptop09:45
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santhosh_.netframe work 3.0 anf d 3.5 is supported for ubuntu 12.0409:49
XATRIXTime to time there's a bug, when i can't reach any of my server IPs , telnet 80,22, etc.. from my wifi laptop, also i have windows PC located right beside me, and it always does well.09:51
XATRIXWhat can be wrong with my laptop ?09:51
djQuerydang just put new MB in and tried hooking up HD and now no network, the Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3 doesnt seem to like ubuntu09:51
linelevelHi everyone. I want to install Ubuntu on my hard drive, but put the boot loader on a USB stick. I see the option for "Device for boot loader installation" when using the manual partition setup during the install, but do I also need to do something with the /boot mount point?09:52
linelevelAny help would be greatly appreciated.09:52
djQuerybeen up way to late with this network issue anyone help me get the gigabyte 990fxa-ud3 working09:53
bazhangdjQuery, perhaps try in ##hardware09:54
djQuerybazhang: thanks09:54
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nashantHey guys. I've got a weird problem . I set up 5.1 sound eventually successfully, but all of a sudden it stopped working and now it's only outputting to front left and right! Can anyone help? Trying to get 5.1 audio through nvidia hdmi09:56
simonsimcityHi, Ubuntu-folkens. If I create a cronjob ... are there some characters I should escape in the username? The username contains a dash and a dot ... and the job doesn't run ... no log-entries ...09:57
nashantAnd for some reason it seems to think I have multiple audio outputs on the one card. There's only one HDMI port09:57
madc|SPYnXWhat free shell account would you suggest for me?09:58
madc|SPYnXWhat free shell account would you suggest for me?09:58
DJonesmadc|SPYnX: Thats not really an Ubuntu support question09:58
bazhang!ot | madc|SPYnX09:58
ubottumadc|SPYnX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:58
madc|SPYnXWhat free shell account would you suggest for me that is ubuntu based server?09:59
bazhangmadc|SPYnX, stop asking here09:59
Passionatehello , anyone here .. can somebody please help me10:00
bazhangPassionate, with what10:00
Passionatethanks  bazhang  .. my computer is shutting down .. unexpectedly ... since last night .. in every 1 or two hours .. any idea ?10:01
icedwaterPassionate: which version of Ubuntu are you using?10:01
bazhangPassionate, is /boot full?10:01
k1lPassionate: 11.10 is out of support anyway10:02
k1l!eol | Passionate10:02
icedwaterDo you get any messages in dmesg?10:02
ubottuPassionate: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:02
icedwaterbazhang: not trying to cut in, just an instinctive bot check since we had madc|SPYnX just before :P10:02
Passionatehow to check ? bazhang  .10:03
XATRIXTime to time there's a bug, when i can't reach any of my server IPs , telnet 80,22, etc.. from my wifi laptop, also i have windows PC located right beside me, and it always does well.10:03
djQueryanyone have any luck getting a realtek rtl8111/8168 to work on 13.0410:03
bazhangPassionate, disk utility should show it10:03
XATRIXxatrix@Acer-D255E:~$ telnet somedomain.com 8010:04
djQueryrealtek rtl8111/8168 network card10:04
XATRIXBut i can still ping this hosts10:04
icedwaterXATRIX: You know, if you wanted to hide the domain name you probably should not have given the IP...10:04
XATRIXicedwater: :) my fault10:04
icedwaterBut anyway, so you are sure the server is up? And I don't mean the machine, the telnet server...10:05
XATRIXYep, the server is up and running10:05
icedwaterYou were saying "it always does well" in reference to a windows PC.10:05
XATRIXi'm running under NAT'ed IP10:05
icedwaterFor both the Windows and the Ubuntu PC?10:05
XATRIXicedwater: i mean, i didn't met such errors on the win host10:05
Passionatei will update it .. but is there anyway to know that this problem is related to package/software .. not related to hardware.. btw ..running `sensors` give me shows me temp1:        +59.5°C  (crit = +87.0°C)..is it fine  ?10:05
XATRIXyes, NAT is for the local subnet10:06
icedwaterWhat happens when this bug occurs, and is there a vaguely predictable cycle to it?10:07
icedwaterEvery 25-30 minutes or so, maybe?10:07
XATRIXicedwater: that's what i have on the other host while i try to connect telnet to 2210:07
XATRIXI can't predict it , but it happends frequently... Actually my running ssh sessions are still in business10:08
XATRIXBut i can't make a new one as for a example10:08
XATRIXSounds as if i would be banned on that server using -j DROP10:08
XATRIXBut pings are still be reachable10:08
XATRIXBut, i'm sure it's can't be , because i didn't ban myself on these servers :) and my win pc always able to putty, http etc to these servers10:09
XATRIXI tried to up/down wifi network, but there're no changes10:09
icedwaterHmm. Sorry, I don't know how to read that. So 77.* is your router IP?10:11
XATRIXit's my WAN addr10:12
XATRIXI'm trying to connect'ed) -> -> mx1.rf.ua (or any else of my severs)10:12
parapanis there a way to upgrade the ubuntu os and not loose the virtualOS that I have installed ???/10:12
nashantAnyone got any hints at all? I've got it to the stage where it outputs to the correct channels, except front centre which comes out of front left, centre and right10:14
jony_easyriderhow can I take port 80 from LAMP server and give it to NGINX server to use SSL?10:16
TyropeI removed a lot of things in ubuntu software center after a reinstall and now the switching between workspaces doesn't display previews, nor can I open new terminals by shift+clicking in the launcher... My apt-get log for removals is at the link, anybody know which package I need to reinstall/setting I need to re-enable? http://www.fpaste.org/13367/91282761/10:18
XATRIXicedwater: http://www.fpaste.org/13378/36913154/10:19
XATRIXwhy this happens with ubuntu ? :(10:19
icedwaterXATRIX: no idea, sorry.10:20
icedwaterIt does seem that your sites are allowed though, did you explicitly add that?10:21
icedwaterAnd maybe ... something is reloading the iptables periodically, so before they are redefined there is a period in which you can't log on?10:21
SolarraQuick question: Broadcom STA Wireless Driver: Driver is activated but not in use by Additional Drivers, how do I make the driver to be the one in use?10:22
icedwaterXATRIX: evil, I tried your URL and Firefox crashed.10:22
ginpbi'm using ubuntu 12.04 with kde10:23
yellabs-r2hi there : is there an alternative to gshutdown ?10:23
ActionParsnipSolarra: is the module loaded?10:23
ginpb when i log in as guest, from where the guest account take the configuration files10:23
ActionParsnipyellabs-r2: shutdown in erminal10:23
Solarraidk what that means ActionParsnip10:23
ActionParsnipSolarra: if you run:  sudo modprobe b43     does the wifi work?10:23
yellabs-r2shutdown -r  , and then set time ?10:23
djQuerydamn thing doesn'tseem to like the 3*power usb ports either10:24
ActionParsnipyellabs-r2: if you want, or:  shutdown -r now    for imediate reboot (will need sudo)10:24
djQueryanyone have any luck getting a realtek rtl8111/8168 network adapter to work on 13.0410:25
yellabs-r2shutdown -h 20 ( is minutes ) okey got it ..10:25
ActionParsnipyellabs-r2: sweet10:25
yellabs-r2gshutdown does not seem to work10:26
yellabs-r2to bad10:26
yellabs-r2dbus issue ?10:26
ActionParsnipyellabs-r2: not used it tbh, I use cli loads :)10:26
ActionParsnipyellabs-r2: i just find it faster10:26
Solarrahold on10:27
Solarragonna connect from the linux machine10:27
Solarrait'll be easier to troubleshoot that way10:28
XATRIXicedwater: it's a mail exchage server, no way to HTTP it10:28
nashantOk, this is just getting super weird now. I'm trying to test my audio with VLC and speaker-test. I've got (for some reason) 2 HDMI outputs, hw:0,3 and hw:0,7. When running it through speaker-test only one of the channels works, but I get all channels ok except front centre, which plays through front left and right as well as centre. The Really weird bit is that every time I try and test soundtest.ac3 with VLC the working output switch10:30
SirTHi, what channel is best for ubuntu server help?10:30
DJonesSirT: #ubuntu-server10:31
SirTThank you so much10:31
nashantoh, and nothing shows up in dmesg10:32
nashantanyone? One of the gurus here must have an idea what my retarded system is playing at, I really hope!10:36
=== Solarra is now known as katsy
somsipI can't remember if I install Skype from the repo or from a direct download and dpkg -i. Any easy way to remind myself?10:39
somsipcli only - no Software Centre or anything10:40
Solarranow I'm on ubuntu10:40
SolarraTrying to install VLC Media Player : The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.10:42
Solarraliba52-0.7.4 libaacs0 libass4 libbluray1 libcddb2 libdc1394-22 libdca0 libdirac-encoder0 libdirectfb-1.2-9 libdvbpsi7 libdvdnav4 libdvdread4 libebml3 libenca0 libfaad2 libgsm1 libiso9660-8 libkate1 libmad0 libmatroska5 libmodplug1 libmpcdec6 libmpeg2-4 libresid-builder0c2a libschroedinger-1.0-0 libsdl-image1.2 libsidplay2 libtar0 libts-0.0-0 libtwolame0 libva-x11-1 libva1 libvcdinfo0 libvpx1...10:42
Solarra...libx264-120 libxcb-keysyms1 libzvbi-common libzvbi0 tsconf10:42
Solarra^ error message10:42
FloodBot1Solarra: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:42
Solarrasorry for the wall of text there10:44
D0minat0rgood touch ui for ubuntu x64 for an asus transformer tx300 laptop?10:46
k1lSolarra: get you 3rd party sources right10:46
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ginpbfrom where the guest account take the configuration files for kde10:47
ActionParsnipD0minat0r: good is subjective, so you cannot possibly expect a decent reply10:47
SolarraK1l: idk what that means, this is a fresh install, until i just ran the update10:48
nW44bi want to change the default session, without using any graphical help. I changed /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf. This line : user-session=ubuntu into user-session=ratpoison. I changed ~/.dmrc as well … : Session=ubuntu into Session=ratpoison. But when i restart the computer it goes on unity. What's missing ?10:49
k1lSolarra: please pastebin a "sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get upgrade"10:49
nW44band there's an auto-login, by the way10:50
nashantok, if nobody can help with my previous question, can anyone help me with reverting from nvidia proprietary drivers back to nouveau? I just did it and now I've got a black screen after reboot10:51
madc|SPYnXis there any solution how to monitor if my crontab is running in every 5 min10:51
delliottHi, I am having a problem with the GUI hanging on 13.04. I have inspected my Xorg.log and I've found this: (EE) intel(0): Detected a hung GPU, disabling acceleration. If I disable acceleration myself, what will happen?10:52
Solarrak1l: http://pastebin.com/PVAd1mdY10:52
DJonesmadc|SPYnX: http://askubuntu.com/questions/149504/how-can-i-tell-if-my-hourly-cron-job-has-run10:53
madc|SPYnX is there any solution how to monitor if my crontab is running in every 5 min10:53
jony_easyriderhow can I take port 80 from LAMP server and give it to NGINX server to use SSL?10:53
DJonesmadc|SPYnX: The second answer on that should tell you if its run10:53
appbindermy htaccess file is not working10:53
k1l!patience | madc|SPYnX10:53
ubottumadc|SPYnX: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/10:53
cuddylierHow do I set the owner of a directory so that a user can put files inside it? The user already has access to the correct folders inside the directory10:54
Solarramadc|SPYnX: these guys are awesome resource, remember they are doing this on a volunteer basis being patient is an awesome way to say thanks :-)10:54
k1lSolarra: see the first answer in here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/198371/apt-encounters-errors-with-bad-gpg-keys10:54
Kartagishas anyone been able to compile the html5-validator under ubuntu?10:55
Kartagiscuddylier: 75510:55
madc|SPYnXSolarra, i set my crontab -e to 1 * * * * shutdown -k now10:55
appbindercan anybody help me with apache server10:55
BluesKajHey folks10:56
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cuddylierKartagis What would be the command I typed to allow the user 'minecraft'?10:56
appbindercan anybody help me with apache server10:56
madc|SPYnXappbinder, how10:57
madc|SPYnXappbinder, what help10:57
k1l!details | appbinder10:57
ubottuappbinder: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:57
appbindermy htaccess file not working10:57
Kartagiscuddylier: there's no need to set owner, just set permissions10:57
cuddylierAh yes, how?10:57
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE10:57
cuddylierchmod 755?10:57
appbinderServer version: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)10:57
appbinderServer built:   Mar  8 2013 15:53:0910:57
Kartagisappbinder: did you set AllowOverride All ?10:57
appbinderyeah done in defaul vhost file10:58
Kartagiscuddylier: chmod 755 /path10:58
Kartagisappbinder: did you restart?10:58
cuddylierIt has 771 perms atm10:58
appbinderyeah 10 times :(10:58
appbinderreastarted the whole system10:58
cuddylierKartagis: http://puu.sh/2Y0AH.png10:59
simonsimcityappbinder, can you please paste a copy of your .htaccess file to f.e. pastebin.com?10:59
madc|SPYnXwhy is the my crontab dont run? i put 1 * * * * shutdown -k       there is no warnng why?10:59
appbinder2 in simon10:59
appbinder2 mins *10:59
Kartagisappbinder: the most effective way to see if .htaccess works is typing garbage in it. if you get a 500, it's working10:59
madc|SPYnX is there any solution how to monitor if my crontab is running in every 5 min?11:00
madc|SPYnXwhy is the my crontab dont run? i put 1 * * * * shutdown -k       there is no warnng why?11:00
cuddylierKartagis Is there a way to just add multicraft as a member of that folder and leave root as the owner? Just so the two are assigned to it.11:00
appbinderno im not getting any error kartagis11:00
DJones!repeat | madc|SPYnX11:00
ubottumadc|SPYnX: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:00
Solarraok on to the next issue : for this driver ~  This package contains Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver for use with Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4313-, BCM4321-, BCM4322-, BCM43224-, and BCM43225-, BCM43227- and BCM43228-based hardware.11:00
madc|SPYnXwhy is the my crontab dont run? i put 1 * * * * shutdown -k now                there is no warnng why?11:00
Solarrait says : This driver is activated but not currently in use.11:00
Kartagiscuddylier: add minecraft to root (if it exists) group and change the permissions to 77511:01
Solarrak1l: the other issue is resolved thanks <311:01
madc|SPYnX!repeat | madc|SPYnX11:01
ubottumadc|SPYnX, please see my private message11:01
appbinderhere is the file simon11:01
simonsimcityappbinder, do you just mean, that your rewrite-rule does not work as you expected, or are you sure the .htaccess file isn't parsed?11:03
appbinderbcoz garbage data is also not giving any errors11:04
madc|SPYnXwhy is the my crontab dont run? i put 1 * * * * shutdown -k now                there is no warnng why?11:04
nW44bmadc|SPYnX: sudo crontab -e11:04
nW44bk1l: :p11:05
Kartagisappbinder: pastebin the httpd vhost file in which you set allowoverride all11:05
appbinderok kartagis11:06
appbinderhere is the vhost file kartagis http://pastebin.com/Sn7uJJ5811:07
Kartagisappbinder: what directory is the .htaccess file in?11:07
=== MatthewX is now known as mt
simonsimcityappbinder, turn the LogLevel down to DEBUG ... may that'll give you more info of what happens per request ... haven't an idea right now ...11:10
jony_easyriderhow can I change LAMP's port 80 to something else?11:11
appbinderhow to do tat sion11:11
simonsimcityappbinder, take a look at the apache-config you posted ... specially to line 28 and the comment before ;)11:11
appbindersimon line 28 in that vhost file?11:13
madc|SPYnXHow can i test my crontab and prompt me every 1 min that it will run..11:13
For[]ever@jony_easyrider: gksudo "gedit /etc/apache2/ports.conf"11:14
simonsimcitymadc|SPYnX, you should see it in the syslog ..11:14
appbindershould i comment that line?11:14
appbinderfor generating the logs?11:14
madc|SPYnXwhere is syslog found?11:14
simonsimcityappbinder, nope - just read what's done by this setting and adjust it to get the most information in your logs.11:14
cuddylierKartagis If I add it to the root group, surely the user will then have root like permissions11:14
simonsimcitymadc|SPYnX, logs are mostly located in /var/log/11:15
jony_easyriderFor[]ever, I edited here, but still will open both the 80 and the new port11:15
appbindersimon no log is genrated in the /temp dir i checked it earlier11:15
jony_easyriderFor[]ever, the 80 port I would like to serve something else, not apache11:15
ActionParsnipmadc|SPYnX: you could add to the cron a command to use notify-osd to show stuff on the screen11:16
Kartagiscuddylier: make up another group, then type chown root:thatgroup, and add the user to thatgroup11:16
madc|SPYnXActionParsnip, sample11:16
For[]ever@jony_easyrider:  sudo service apache2 restart11:16
cuddylierKartagis When I do chown, does that replace the owner of the directory with that group?11:16
chamwho is cham11:17
simonsimcityappbinder, is this your APACHE_LOG_DIR? Or is it something like /var/log/apache/?11:17
Kartagiscuddylier: only when you do root:thatgroup11:17
cuddylierk, does that group root still access, or what is the 'root' part for?11:18
jony_easyriderFor[]ever, I restarted it, but the same issue11:18
For[]ever@jony_easyrider: just check ports afterwards nmap
ActionParsnipmadc|SPYnX: huh?11:18
ActionParsnipcham: try:   /whois cham11:18
ActionParsnipmadc|SPYnX: what does 'sample' mean?11:19
madc|SPYnXActionParsnip, lets say i want to run xterm every 1 minuter using crontab11:19
ActionParsnipmadc|SPYnX: if you have a desktop UI, use gnome-schedule as a nice GUI to cron11:19
madc|SPYnXActionParsnip, is this right 1 * * * * xterm? i put it in crontab -e11:19
ActionParsnipmadc|SPYnX: thats every 1 past the hour if memory serves11:20
ActionParsnipmadc|SPYnX: the file shows you what each colomn means11:20
madc|SPYnXActionParsnip, how can i run every 1 min11:20
ActionParsnipmadc|SPYnX: change the 1 to a *, cron checks every minute11:21
FireGhostHey everyone. ^_^11:21
ActionParsnipmadc|SPYnX: so:    * * * * * xterm11:21
simonandreswhen is the LTS version is comming up?11:21
ActionParsnipmadc|SPYnX: every 2 mins is */2 * * * * xterm11:22
madc|SPYnXActionParsnip, so what about 2 min.. i will put 2 * * * *11:22
DJonessimonandres: Next LTS is April 201411:22
ActionParsnipsimonandres: look at the version numbers of the past 3 LTS releases.... you'll work it out11:22
simonandresok, thanks...11:22
ActionParsnipsimonandres: 8.04, 10.04, 12.04 ....11:22
simonandresi will be waiting11:22
ActionParsnipsimonandres: the version numbers aren't picked out of a hat11:22
FireGhostHey guys, I've got a niggling little issue... Maybe I'm just stupid? Bleh. I doubt this is complicated. May someone help me, please?11:23
simonandresso LTS always go .04?11:23
ActionParsnipsimonandres: yes, but there will be a .04 in between which is not LTS11:23
FireGhostIt's okay if you guys are busy or whatevers. Just thought I'd have a look in here.11:23
k1lsimonandres: 0.4 every second year11:23
madc|SPYnXActionParsnip, i just testing my vm machine but it seems my cron is not running11:23
simonandresgot it...11:24
k1l!details | FireGhost11:24
ubottuFireGhost: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:24
ActionParsnipsimonandres: 8.04 is LTS and so is 10.04 but 9.04 was not11:24
* ActionParsnip is glad Jaunty is gone11:24
FireGhost:P Thanks guys. I didn't want to just blurt out my issue. But here goes, all in one.....11:24
jony_easyriderFor[]ever, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686638/11:24
FireGhostI have a new laptop, Windows 8. >_> Of course I'm goin' to wipe it and shove some delicious Linux on there. BUT, I'd like to take a clean copy of Windows 8, just in case I have to send it back for some reason. So, this means booting up a LiveCD and taking a copy of the hard drive, right? But....11:25
madc|SPYnXActionParsnip, hello11:25
simonandresLoL Juanty....11:25
FireGhostThe entire hard drive is 1TB, and I'm only wanting the actual data from it, not an entire DD.11:25
For[]ever@jony_easyrider: what is your new port for Http?11:25
FireGhostThis is what I don't know how to do.11:25
FireGhostAny suggestions, please?11:25
jony_easyriderFor[]ever, 801011:26
FireGhostI think it's just a case of me not knowing what command to use, or the syntax I'd need for such a command.11:26
jony_easyriderFor[]ever,  and port 80 will be for HTTPS access via nginx11:26
For[]ever@jony_easyrider: Nmap scan report for must be
k1lmadc|SPYnX: i would suggest you give yourself a read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto11:27
jony_easyriderFor[]ever, then where is the issue?11:27
ActionParsnipmadc|SPYnX: hi11:27
For[]ever@jony_easyrider: try nmap again but type nmap localhost11:28
KrupptFireGhost: that is easily done you ...could either use rsync or dd examples to follow11:29
cuddylierKartagis Still getting the errors after making a group, setting it as owner of the directory and then adding the user 'minecraft' to the group, any ideas?11:29
jony_easyriderFor[]ever, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686652/11:30
Ben64cuddylier: what are you trying to do?11:30
Kartagiscuddylier: did the minecraft user logout and back in?11:30
cuddylierKartagis It never logged in in the first place, the program runs it through the user11:30
sybaritenis /var/log/syslog always younger than the last shutdown, or can the reboot actually be seen there?11:30
sybaritencoz i dont think i do11:31
For[]ever@ jony_easyrider: can you go back to port settings and set it to  port 81 and restart apache11:31
cuddylierKartagis The same way e.g. apache runs things though its own user e.g. 'www'11:31
cuddylierKartagis If I set the owner of the directory to the user 'minecraft', will root still be able to access it?11:32
madc|SPYnXActionParsnip, why is that there is no prompt when i put * * * * * whoami11:32
Ben64cuddylier: what are you trying to do? you shouldn't be using root for normal operations11:32
cuddylierBen64 What I'm trying to do is not use root for normal operations, currently I run this program in root11:33
cuddylierBut I keep hitting a brick wall with permissions each time11:33
Ben64thats terrible. you should stop that immediately11:33
cuddylierSaying that the user I'm trying to set as the user to run the program, has no permissions to11:33
madc|SPYnXActionParsnip, this is the scenario... i am connected to a ssh using my root and edit my crontab -e and put * * * * * whoami i want to notify my self whoami in ssh..11:33
cuddylierWhen I even set the directory to 777 perms, added the user to the group that owns the directory11:33
Ben64cuddylier: java is a security issue, and running it as root is just asking to get exploited11:33
cuddylierBen64 http://puu.sh/2Y0AH.png11:34
cuddylierThat is using a non privileged user11:34
Ben64you need to have it use the user's directory11:34
cuddylierOh, is there no other choice?11:34
Ben64its the best way11:34
cuddylier./home root isn't obviously the root's directory, /root is11:35
cuddylierOkay, I'll give it a shot11:35
cuddylierBen64 Is a /home directory for a user not meant to be created automatically? When I made a user, it didn't.11:35
Ben64theres "useradd" and "adduser", one of them makes a home directory11:35
Ben64i never remember which :)11:36
jony_easyriderFor[]ever, same thing :(( BRB11:36
jribBen64: useradd is lower-level (both can make home directories but you explicitly need to specify it for useradd)11:36
Ben64so adduser makes the directory?11:36
cuddylierAh, I must have used the command wrong then, is it okay if I just make the directory?11:37
jribBen64: they both do11:37
Ben64cuddylier: yeah you can11:37
For[]ever @jony_easyrider:  ok it just means there is another program using port 80, let me check on this quick11:38
cuddylierBen64 Does it have to be a completely new directory, or can I use the one I was using and just rename it?11:38
Ben64cuddylier: well if you use a different one you'd have to make sure the new user owns it11:38
appbinder_garbage data in htaccess file placed in var/www/ still  server not giving any error  :(11:39
cuddylierBen64 Ah yes11:39
Ben64appbinder_: you need to reload config, also it needs to be ".htaccess"11:39
chris_____My ubuntu (Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS)  just hangs about 0-3 times a day.  Everything dies and I can't ssh into it.  Where can I look to see what's causing the crash?11:40
appbinder_yeah its .htacccess and what do you mean by reload ?11:40
For[]ever@jony_easyrider: sudo netstat -lpn |grep :8111:40
Ben64appbinder_: sudo service apache2 reload11:40
appbinder_yeah done it 10 time Ben6411:41
=== raven is now known as tani
chris_____My ubuntu (Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS)  just hangs about 0-3 times a day.  Everything dies and I can't ssh into it.  Where can I look to see what's causing the crash?11:43
cuddylierYay, it worked!11:43
cuddylierty guys11:43
KrupptFireGhost: Backup the original MBR...command -> dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/of/destination/location/mbr.bin bs=512 count=111:44
KrupptFireGhost: then backup each of the three OEM partitions from drive..examples to follow11:44
Solarrasorry to ask for help again, trying to install utorrent and get the following error: ./utserver: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.0.9.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:45
appbinder_http://pastebin.com/uYRZSQJL  this is the .htaccess file in var/www/  but not giving any errors .it means its not readable ......help me :(11:46
Ben64Solarra: you should use a different client. utorrent is not supported in here11:47
k1lSolarra: ubuntu brings alot of torrent programs with the official repos11:47
k1l!find torrent11:48
ubottuFound: apt-transport-debtorrent, bittorrent, bittorrent-gui, buildtorrent, ctorrent, debtorrent, deluge-torrent, ktorrent, ktorrent-data, ktorrent-dbg (and 24 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=torrent&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all11:48
sliptteesThere is a custom distro here, only to boot from USB, would like to do for DVD boot?11:48
k1lslipttees: what ubuntu issue is this?11:49
sliptteescustom distro ubuntu 12.04 based11:50
sliptteesmy company!11:50
k1lslipttees: then ask the custom distros support11:50
sliptteesk1l, okay :(11:50
appbinder_http://pastebin.com/uYRZSQJL  this is the .htaccess file in var/www/  but not giving any errors .it means its not readable ......help me :(11:50
Krupptdd if=/dev/sda1 bs=65536 conv=noerror,sync |bzip2 -c > /path/to/mounted/backup/location/partition_one.img11:51
chris_____Is there a way I can tell what keeps crashing my ubuntu?11:51
sliptteesk1l, I just wanted to know why only an ISO to boot from USB and not DVD.11:51
chris_____The latest Windows has a crash log that lets you easily look at what caused all the crashes.  Is there something on ubuntun like this?11:51
Krupptdd if=/dev/sda2 bs=65536 conv=noerror,sync |bzip2 -c > /path/to/mounted/backup/location/partition_two.img11:51
cuddylierBen64 I've got the user 'minecraft' being able to run the program now but the program has a feature that allows each individual server to run as a different user for security. All it says is permission denied when trying to start servers, any idea?11:52
Krupptdd if=/dev/sda3 bs=65536 conv=noerror,sync |bzip2 -c > /path/to/mounted/backup/location/partition_three.img11:52
cuddylierDoes the user have to be allowed to create other users?11:52
k1lchris_____: take a alook into the .xsession-errors in the users home and the dmesg and syslog in /var/log11:52
djQuerystill having issues with this gigabyte board have decided to just go buy a new nic11:52
djQueryany suggestions11:53
djQuerybrand model?11:53
Solarrawhat is a good ubuntu torrent program?11:53
Solarrai dont think my distro came with any11:53
appbinder_http://pastebin.com/uYRZSQJL  this is the .htaccess file in var/www/  but not giving any errors .it means its not readable ......help me :(11:54
ardiTransmission Bittoreent11:54
ztanehmm, why does deluser say that ~warning, there are no more users in group x, when there definitely are more users in the said group :?11:55
djQueryappbinder_: try #php11:55
cuddylierKartagis: Any idea about these permission errors? http://pastebin.com/1ntbgqQ511:55
ActionParsnip!hcl | djQuery11:56
ubottudjQuery: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:56
ztanecuddylier: you have sudoed the installation originally11:56
ActionParsnipdjQuery: look on Amazon, frewquently Linux users post reviews of how well it works11:56
cuddylierztane: What do you mean? When was originally?11:57
chris_____k1l: Strangely I have this at the bottom of .xsession-logs : 'Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'      But I don't even have a nvidia card!11:57
ztanecuddylier: when you installed11:57
cuddylier 05.21 13:57:17 DEBUG server 79: Failed to create server directory for 79: [Errno 13] Permission denied11:57
ztanecuddylier: /root/ refers to some of the files being in the root users homefolder, you have done something really strange when installing the sw11:57
djQueryActionParsnip: just kinda bumbed thought gigabyte would be a good brand, turns out that only 2 of the usb ports work and the #$%#$ nic11:58
mdfethat reminds me we need a new printer - has to be laser, has to have a *flat* paper path so we can print on cardboard, has to work wit linux ... choosing printers is a minefield11:58
cuddylierztane I used to run the program as root11:58
cuddylierBut it's not one of those programs you actually installed, I had all the files in the /home/minecraft folder11:58
mdfedjQuery, i've not had many problems wirh gigabyte hardware, which mobo was this?11:58
Solarrathis program better than utorrent anyways11:59
Solarrathanks again!! :-)11:59
Solarrayou guys are all awesome11:59
ztanecuddylier: cant comment on this program, but obviously it downloads some extra python pkgs when it is run, and in this case they are linked to root home folder :P11:59
djQuerymdfe: https://friendly.ubuntu.com/12.04/Gigabyte%20Technology%20Co.,%20Ltd./GA-990FXA-UD3/A:BFQp:BGO:BHe:D7Y:BWA/11:59
cuddylierztane Ah yes, it does... I see. During the installation I told it to run as root you see :S11:59
ztanecuddylier: so don't do that11:59
cuddylierztane So basiically I'm stuck/.. hnn11:59
cuddylierztane I have a lot of files though so I can't really just reinstall it12:00
mdfedjQuery, oh linux compatibility. Ah OK, Sorry i see why problems are occuring.12:00
mdfedjQuery, iv'e had linux issues on a lot of boards12:00
mdfedjQuery, surpitrisingly i find the low end and high end ones caus a lot of problems - midrange seem to be OK. high end ones are too cuttng edge and low end barely work even with windows12:01
djQuerymdfe: I think I found the driver BUT it tries to do a "make" and it is missing some source folder12:01
cuddylierztane Would it be a good idea to give the user access to that directory?12:02
djQuerymdfe: thought a $139 board was midrange lol12:02
mdfedjQuery, well we're speaking in generalisations ... there's no specific rule, or not specific guarantee that any brand is ok12:02
djQuerymdfe: hence the lol12:03
=== ares_ is now known as Guest25942
madc|SPYnXboth cron is running and my script is wall <<< 'Remember to brush your teeth!'12:03
madc|SPYnX....... wht this script dont run?12:03
mdfeGigabye in general however are stable under windows and highly compatible ... this one obvously being a weird one, but i dont know how good their linux support is12:03
mdfemy gaming rigs never work properly under linux12:04
djQuerymdfe: ActionParsnip: dang my card is listed there12:06
madc|SPYnXwall <<< 'Remember to brush your teeth!'12:07
madc|SPYnX....... why this script dont run?12:07
praptheephow are you world12:07
Derluxfine :)12:07
Derluxif everything would work like I would like it to work :P12:08
DerluxDoes someone have some experience with pptp vpn connections?12:08
otakmadc|SPYnX: you probably need to escape the !12:08
Derluxtoo bad12:08
mdfedjQuery, 8139? 8139 definitely work, i can confirm that12:08
AlexM_dont use it, its insecure12:09
djQuerymdfe:  RTL8111/8168B12:09
k1lmadc|SPYnX: first show the exact cron entry12:09
madc|SPYnXotak, it doesnt run on my crontab -e i put it on */1 * * * * * wall12:09
ginpbhow can i see the grub menu in ubuntu 12.04?12:10
mdfedjQuery, i dont know that one ... sorry12:10
k1lginpb: press left shift while boot12:10
otakmadc|SPYnX: do you get an error in mail?12:10
madc|SPYnX*/1 * * * * wall <<< 'Remember to brush your teeth!'12:10
djQueryoh well Frys opens in an hour or 212:10
ginpbk1l doesn't work12:11
newbieehello, I have simple question: If I install newst ubunto from my USB will it delete files in all my partitions or just C:, where my windows used to be?12:11
djQuerynewbiee: it can dual boot12:12
mdfenewbiee, that's configurable ... you are given the choice12:12
k1lmadc|SPYnX: try the fullpath12:12
appbinder_http://pastebin.com/uYRZSQJL  this is the .htaccess file in var/www/  but not giving any errors .it means its not readable ......help me :(12:12
djQueryappbinder_: what kinda web server u running12:12
madc|SPYnXk1l, fullpath of what12:12
appbinder_Server version: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)12:13
appbinder_Server built:   Mar  8 2013 15:53:0912:13
djQueryappbinder_: then go ask in apache12:13
appbinder_djQuery ,nobody is there :(12:13
djQueryappbinder_: lol sorry man12:13
Kartagiscuddylier: no, sorru12:14
cuddylierI'll try installing the program correctly next time so we'll see :)12:15
mdfeyou might try the php chanels or generic linux admin12:15
PhoenixxlHello , can someone say if Dante is the recommended socks server for ubuntu server? if not , what is ?12:15
newbieedjQuery, I dont want to dual boot i have some issues with windows and need to remove all its files - lets say I cannot do so by regular means. Will ubuntoo completly remove all files JUST from C: partition if I choose this disk as place to install ubuntoo?12:16
newbieemdfe, where I am given choice? To replace windows wit?h ubuntoo? is it enough12:16
mdfenewbiee, just boot from the livecd and use the partition manager to nuke the drive12:16
djQuerynewbiee: how many partitions on that drive12:16
newbieedjQuery: C, D and E12:17
mdfenewbiee, the ubuntu livecd can actually run the full OS form the usb, so you have acess to the disk management tools12:17
newbieeI am running ubuntoo from USB drive12:17
mdfenewbiee, look in the disk admin tool ... does that do what you want?12:17
djQuerynewbiee: there will be a very obvious spot where you can nuke the whole drive12:17
=== sybariten is now known as sybariten_v
newbieenot really, I have some major issues with my PC and an error pops u12:18
Phoenixxlnewbee , if you only need to clear all data from your C partition , try UBCD there are tools on there to do just that.12:18
mdfeif it's a newer ubuntu with the launcher on the left, click the top left icon, type 'disk' into the search12:18
=== Solarra is now known as Solarra_
djQuerynewbiee: like mdfe said from a live usb stick or a live cd  you can access disk management tools12:18
LibrePenguinI read that if you have an SSD you should overprovision it, to prolong life. (This means, only use 90% of the drive.) Does Ubuntu automatically overprovision? Is overprovisioning a good idea?12:19
mdfenewbiee,  if that doesnt give you enough control, you can install `gparted` into the live usb12:19
djQueryshoulda gone to sleep some time today12:20
ziggysleep good12:20
djQueryto old for this sh!12:20
mdfeLibrePenguin, I don't do that: why would i do that?12:20
OerHeksLibrePenguin, no , but using a SSD over 90% will slow down transfer, that is true.. this happens for any OS.12:21
LibrePenguinmdfe - to make your SSD last longer12:21
PhoenixxlCan someone say if Dante is the recommended socks server for ubuntu server? if not , what is ? .. Or Is there a different channel I might ask on ..12:21
mdfehow would it extend the life?12:21
SonikkuAmericadjQuery: You are never too old for command-line shells. :)12:21
LibrePenguinOerlHeks - if you only "fill up" 90% of the drive, is that the same as overprovisioning?12:21
mdfeso yu're using only 80% of it, and when those parts fail, take spac from the unused 20%?12:21
PhoenixxlI'm too old for a GUI lol12:22
newbieemdfe, I am not that familar with linux to use gpart, thanks for tips though12:22
djQuerySonikkuAmerica: I haven't used windows in 5 years but I grew up on windows12:22
mdfenewbiee, gparted is graphical ...12:22
ziggygpart is awesome and powerful12:22
PhoenixxlI grew up with CP/M on a cpc612812:22
djQueryheck for 10 years I did support for a web app that only works on (shudders) IE12:22
OerHeksLibrePenguin,  you might want to reduce swapiness to prevent wear & tear12:22
For[]ever /msg nickserv help register12:22
mdfedjQuery, IE6 won't die in the enterprise ... too many of those web apps still in existance ;-)12:23
LibrePenguinyes, reedsuce swappiness is a good idea12:23
djQuerymdfe: that one is now dead12:23
mdfeIE6 is dead inside enterprise? I don't believe it12:24
mdfewhat did they replace it with?12:24
SonikkuAmericamdfe: A newer version of IE I hope...12:24
Waltherwhoops, wrong channel12:24
newbieemdfe: can I run gpart without linux, just via USB?12:24
djQuerymdfe: no that web application12:24
mdfeoh :)12:24
djQuerymdfe Support Magic12:24
mdfeSonikkuAmerica, the newer IE are not backward compatible ... a lot of places i have seen are using 2 browsers, IE6 for the intranet and IE9 or chrome on itnernet12:25
OerHeksnewbiee, there is a gparted iso, so yes12:25
djQuerymdfe:  have you seen this ? go through the wizard http://saveie6.com/download1.php12:25
mdfenewbiee, why does the default 'disks' application in ubuntu not do what you want?12:26
SonikkuAmericamdfe: That's somewhat wise if one runs Windows...12:26
GibuI am using ubuntu 12.04 in my laptop, is it recommended to upgrade it to 13.04 ?12:27
mdfeSonikkuAmerica, the prpblem is, IE6 was once the standard, so a lot of enterprises made a lot of custom apps to run their organisations, and now they're stuck with IE6 as they can't throw it all out without starting from scratch12:27
A_I_is "PERC H200" raid controler Ubuntu 10.04 compatible ?12:27
MyrttiGibu: do you have any reason to?12:27
Phoenixxlstay with LTS12:27
MyrttiGibu: the answer is "probably not"12:27
djQuerymdfe: think some ford plants are still running a windows nt as a destop, when MS dropped support they just decided to make an image of each machine and reapply the image once a week12:27
newbieemdfe, I dont seem to have this "disks" application in my copy12:27
newbieeOerHeks, thanks12:27
SonikkuAmericaGibu: If you're not in need of an extremely stable environment (which 12.04 provides), I would recommend it, but yeah, what Myrtti said12:27
Gibuthank you Myrtti12:27
mdfenewbiee, if it works on the internet, you can download it from the ubuntu siftware center12:28
Gibuokay, ty SonikkuAmerica12:28
newbieemdfe, the problem is I cannot somehow connect to my wireless net on this USB copy12:28
mdfenewbiee, i are you sure your ubuntu live image doesnt have the disk admin tools? It *must* do as it uses them to install itself12:29
DJonesA_I_: Its not something I've used, but this thread may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1526106 Presumably you're using 10.04 Server12:30
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A_I_thanks DJones12:31
jdolesWhat do I need to do to get the radeon driver to work? I have an empty xorg.conf file and lsmod shows that the radeon driver has been loaded. What more does it want?12:33
OerHeksjdoles depends on your card, what ATI do you have? open terminal: lspci | grep -i VGA12:35
jdolesOerHeks: JUPITER12:35
jdolesOerHeks: 5570/5770 compatible.12:35
jdolesOerHeks: ?12:36
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto12:37
jdolesOerHeks: JUNIPER*12:38
jdolesOerHeks: what's the point of asking a question if you are not interested in the answer?12:42
vi956925Hi. I have a folder with many files of which many start with the character "_". On windows, sorting by name these would be listed first. But these seem kinda random in my huge folder here.. any way I can config the file browser to sort by _ first, or any other suggestions?  I need to pick out all files starting with underscore ("_") and its a sooo many files..12:42
DJonesjdoles: Patience, they may have had to step away from their computer for a while12:42
jdolesvi956925: find - -name '_*'12:42
jdolesvi956925: find . -name '_*'12:42
jdolesvi956925: also, learn the find command yourself.12:43
jdolesvi956925: it's vital.12:43
vi956925k, yeah will do12:43
BliepoHey everyone, I have a .txz (tar compressed with xz) archive, but when I try to extract it, I get an IO error. How can I extract as much as possible?12:43
DJTsalut tous12:44
DJTj'ai un big souci12:44
DJones!fr | DJT12:45
ubottuDJT: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:45
DJTquelqu'un arrive-t-il a installer sdl pour developper et tester?12:45
jatakkDJT: Parles-vous anglais?12:45
jatakk*parlez-vous anglais12:45
zastaphstatus mysql shows "mysql start/running, process 1158" thus it's controlled by upstart, and then I echo 'manual' | sudo tee /etc/init/mysql.override , but mysql is still started automatically when i reboot.. what else I can do?12:46
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DJTyes sorry12:47
O0bamaDJT: your sorry12:47
DJThave you ever installed the sdl library?12:47
vi956925could you also please give an example how to move the files matching the search ("find . -name '_*'")? like moving any/all matches into the 'newFiles' directory in the same folder as was searched.  if smoething like that is possible..12:48
O0bamavi956925: just12:49
O0bamaDJT: yes sdl is12:50
simone_buon giorno12:51
simone_posso chiedere un aiuto????12:51
DJones!it | simone_12:51
ubottusimone_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:51
quitteHi. I'm having a little trouble with airprint and ios6. I'm hoping that someone else here is printing from ios6 via a cups server. The problem is that duplex printing does not actually work. everything seems fine - but the paper does not come out the printer double sided. So does duplex printing from ios6 actually work for anyone?12:56
bkfitzCan someone here help me figure out why UFW is not starting up by default after a reboot.  I've done UFW enable and it says that it is started and will start automatically after reboot, but it doesn't work.12:57
delliottI'm continuing to suffer from GUI hangs. I just inspected xorg.log and found this after the most recent hang but I'm not sure if it suggests a course of action, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686855/12:57
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ActionParsnipdelliott: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc12:57
delliottActionParsnip: raring.12:57
ezra-sdelliott, you are using the intel driver from their webpage right?12:59
delliottezra-s: I have not done anything special to obtain a video driver.12:59
quittethis might not be an intel specific problem https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/535519/x-hangs-using-100-cpu-wait-and-mieq-overflowing-errors-in-logs/13:00
bkfitzMy problem could be because i had webmin installed at one point13:01
ezra-sdelliott, try and find this in your Xorg.0.log           SNA compiled: xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.21.6-0ubuntu413:01
ActionParsnipdelliott: and which desktop session do you use?13:02
delliottezra-s: [  1778.708] (II) intel(0): SNA compiled: xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.21.6-0ubuntu4 (Bryce Harrington <bryce@ubuntu.com>)13:02
delliottActionParsnip: I believe it's gnome-session.13:03
ezra-sdelliott, alright, now do lsmod | grep -i i915 paste it somewhere, just to make sure everything is in order13:03
delliottezra-s: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686876/13:04
ActionParsnipdelliott: have you tried another session, like xfce?13:04
delliottActionParsnip: nope.13:04
ActionParsnipdelliott: if you install xfce4 package, it will give a minimal xfce session13:04
Hakalatrue dat13:05
ezra-sdelliott, we have different sizes, are you running 32bit?13:05
kraemerhi guys, I'm trying to install a piece of software "by hand". when I run ./configure the installer finds java (/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64) but it doesn't find the jar-excecutable! when searching for this file, i too can't find it. is this file not part of the jdk anymore?13:05
Hakalakraemer: xoxo13:05
delliottezra-s: Linux host 3.8.0-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 14 22:17:37 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux13:06
ezra-skraemer, open a terminal and do a: whereis java13:06
kohvihoorkraemer: is your JAVA_HOME set?13:06
ezra-sdelliott, you have everything in order, which version of the intel graphics card do you have?13:07
kraemerkovihoor: I set it to the path given in my first message13:07
ezra-sdelliott, lspci | grep -i vga13:07
delliottezra-s: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)13:07
kohvihoorkraemer: what do you get if you do java -version ?13:08
ezra-sdelliott, is it a fresh install?13:08
delliottezra-s: upgrade from 12.04, where I also suffered from these problems.13:08
delliottezra-s: I naively hoped that upgrading my fix my problems.13:08
kraemerjava version "1.7.0_15"    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea7 2.3.7) (7u15-2.3.7-0ubuntu1~12.10.1)     OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)13:08
BliepoIs there a way to repair a damaged txz archive? It contains a back-up of my disk that failed.13:09
kohvihoorkraemer: can you paste somewhere the output of the ./configure command, where you get the error?13:09
ezra-sdelliott, probably there could be a bug in the drivers for that intel graphics in ubuntu, you could really try the intel ones then: https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads13:10
ezra-sdelliott, the installation is pretty straight forward13:11
somnambulantCan anyone replicate "mv -i" not really being interactive on raring?13:11
kraemerkohvihoor: http://pastebin.com/7CTk7E6T13:11
delliottezra-s: okay, I'll try the v1.0.1. 32-bit drivers from there.13:11
delliottezra-s: thanks for the suggestion!13:11
ezra-sdelliott, good luck!13:11
ezra-sdelliott, when I have a strange problem like yours I usually check launchpad.net for bugs reported about it, chances are you are not the only one sufferint it, and ubuntu 13.04 has a few new ones...13:12
somnambulantoh wait "mv -i" only prompts if file being moved to exists... any way to make a mv interactive no matter what?13:12
ezra-ssomnambulant, make an alias to mv to a bash script in which you always ask before moving...13:13
jribsomnambulant: I'm curious why you want that13:14
somnambulantjrib: customized clonezilla script where I want the user to see that a file has been successfully renamed/moved.. instead of just no output13:15
jribsomnambulant: is --verbose enough?13:15
somnambulantjrib: there's probably a better way I'm just not much of a scripter13:15
somnambulantbikedude880: it's still raring.. relax - we are talking about raring13:16
bikedude880Missed a forward slash :P13:16
somnambulantbikedude880: sorry13:16
ezra-ssomnambulant, a simple bash script with an echo and and if afterwards is not very difficult, just takes little reading if you haven't done it before13:16
ezra-sand it will be fun to try13:17
somnambulantjrib: actually --verbose will work nicely thanks13:18
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kraemerkohvihoor: any idea?13:19
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ezra-skraemer, the java is in there just through a symbolic link, do you have any option to enable or follow symbolic links in the configuration you are trying or something that could prevent them?13:22
ezra-slrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 abr 22 15:26 /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -> ../jre/bin/java13:23
ezra-skraemer, you could also download full jdk from internet and check with the path you specify, sometimes the problem is the software you are trying to configure does not recognize the java version you have and you need an older version13:24
m1chaeli have a 32gb usb flash drive that i purchased to install ubuntu on to. i have an 8gb flash drive that i burned the ISO on to. i installed ubuntu to the 32gb drive, but the 32gb drive is not seen by EUFI/bios, only the 8gb. is 32gb too large for EUFI to see?13:27
kraemerezra-s: installing the jdk by hand did the job. thanks a lot!!13:28
ezra-sm1chael, that info should be in the specs of your motherboard I guess13:28
ezra-skraemer, I'm glad  it worked out for you, did you install a whole 1.7 jdk or a previous version?13:29
ActionParsnipm1chael: tried it in a different USB port?13:30
ActionParsnipm1chael: or unplugging it then plugging it in once the live desktop loads?13:31
AlexM_why did ubuntu made a official gnome3 spin, while ubuntu is moving to mir, and gnome is moving to wayland?13:31
lordduneHello, I seem to be having daily system crash problems relating to e-calendar. Would deleting Evolution and reinstalling possibly fix this if it's a corrupted file?13:32
OerHeksAlexM_, likely because gnome2 is dead, EOL13:32
ActionParsniplorddune: could be a bad config too, which removing and readding will not fix13:32
kraemerezra-s: I used the jdk-7u21-linux-x64.rpm from the orcale website13:32
ezra-skraemer, nice to know, thank you13:33
ActionParsnipkraemer: why? There is a webupd8 ppa which will give a packaged installer for it, it will also upgrade when the ppa updates13:33
lordduneActionParsnip: this is the error msg I am getting daily > [74228.748441] e-calendar-fact[6502]: segfault at 61 ip 00007f6fc71e4111 sp 00007fff8353ba28 error 4 in libc-2.15.so[7f6fc715b000+1b5000]13:33
AlexM_i know gnome2 is dead, but why suddenly support gnome3 while moving to a incompatible display server thingy (mir)13:33
AlexM_unity will run on mir right?13:34
AlexM_but gnome3 will support wayland, right?13:34
OerHeksAlexM_, MIR is not an option yet. don't worry13:35
AlexM_so is ubuntu going to make Gnome3 mir compatible, or are mir and wayland going to be compatible?13:35
AlexM_OerHeks, i want to know because i do not like switching distro's, but really want my gnome313:36
OerHeksAlexM_, i have no idea what is going to happen, i guess gnome3 will stay.13:36
DJThi all13:36
lordduneActionParsnip: do you think removing / reinstalling Evolution is a good first step to try?13:37
AlexM_and if ubuntu is going to drop gnome, or the experience is going to be awe-full i want to know soon, rather than later13:37
ActionParsniplorddune: can't hurt13:37
delliottezra-s: Looks like I can't install the intel graphics driver because of a problem with the installer itself. Ho-hum.13:37
lordduneActionParsnip: did you see the error message I am getting above?13:37
ezra-sAlexM_, in 6 months there will be a preview of mir, but officially ubuntu is not switching to mir until after a year, and the deadline could be changed, also ubuntu gnome could go a different path... in any cause you probably won't be affected until next year... so why worry now?13:38
ezra-sdelliott, which problem?13:38
delliottezra-s: identical to this one https://01.org/linuxgraphics/node/9813:39
ezra-sdelliott, maybe the repos are down.. :(13:40
delliottezra-s: seems like that is the problem. Maybe later.13:40
ezra-sdelliott, have you tried running a wm which does not require compositing and such?13:43
delliottezra-s: nope13:43
ezra-sdelliott, probably is the right time to try until the problem is solved13:43
ezra-ssince unity2d is gone unity is very demanding in that regard13:44
delliottezra-s: ActionParsnip recommended something like xfce413:44
ezra-sdelliott, xfce4 is very fast and well done, I like it13:44
ezra-sdelliott, I believe Linus Torvalds himself has ditched unity and gnome-shell in favour of xfce413:44
AlexM_well i have been a ubuntu user till they dropped gnome, then went to fedora, then ubuntu made the gnome spin official, so i went back to my favorite, but i really do not like switching that much... so if it will cause problems i want to know cause then i will look for a replacement, since i do my work exclusively on it, i need to have it running stable,13:45
ezra-ssimple to use, gets the job done, less stuff running in the background, not too fancy stuff13:45
YOLOGUYthis is my first time on irc. Take advantage of me.13:45
ezra-sAlexM_, If you want stable I'd go to Debian really or remain in LTS13:46
ginpbhow can i copy files into the guest account every time it bootsup?13:46
ginpbi tried adding guest-session-script on lightdm config file, but apparantly doesn't work13:47
ginpbor my script is wrong13:47
delliottezra-s: i'll try that in the meantime.13:47
kraemerI've installed gcc-4.4 via apt-get and now I want my ./configure script to use this compiler (not the 4.7 which is installed by default) because the software needs to be compiled with <= gcc 4.4. how can I force it to use gcc-4.4? i tried alias gcc=gcc-4.4 but the configure script throws an error and says that my version (4.7) is not supported13:47
ezra-skraemer, Can't you tell the configure where to look for gcc ?13:51
kraemerezra-s: i'm not sure, I fixed it with export CC=gcc-4.4 now :-)13:52
ezra-skraemer, well done!13:53
sleewokhey everyone14:03
shwaiilhey ;)14:09
sleewok:) Anyone here have experience setting up kvm ubuntu guest as a web server with a public (wan) ip?14:10
ActionParsnipkraemer: is gcc4.4 a binary, or a symlink?14:10
shwaiilQ: I want to increase the disk space in my ubuntu server (running as VM in Virtualbox); I found some tutorials on how to do it but they require the GUI afterwards, for gPart. I wonder if I can do it through the command line ? Thank you14:10
sleewokI'm ready to go insane trying to figure this out.....14:10
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compdocsleewok, I do something very much like that. Are you using a bridge?14:11
ActionParsnipshwaiil: as long as the partition is not mounted, you can resze it14:12
sleewokyeah, I have a bridge setup. I actually have 2 interfaces on the host. 1 interface is connected to a router (and local network), the other interface is getting a static IP from comcast. I'm trying to setup the guest to work with the static ip from comcast.14:12
ActionParsnipshwaiil: gparted is just a gui for parted (which is cli based)14:12
shwaiilActionParsnip: thanks for looking! If this is running as a VM, how can I do it ? without mounting :T14:12
troulouliou_devhi i have a problem with cinnamon when it loads after lightdm; i can not click on the panel; nothing happens; nautilus / desktop works14:12
ActionParsnipshwaiil: could boot the liveCD in the VM and manipulate. I believe the server has more than one TTY so you can hit CTRL+ALT+F3 and use that TTY and resize14:13
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: cinnaamon isnt supported here14:13
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, why ?14:14
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, it is in the official repo ; so should be officialy supported by ubuntu no ?14:14
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: its not from the official ubuntu repos14:14
ActionParsnip!find cinnamon14:14
ubottuFound: cinnamon, cinnamon-common, cinnamon-dbg14:14
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, ?? it is14:14
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: oh, they put it in. Is that new?14:15
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, 13.0414:15
ActionParsnip!info cinnamon14:15
ubottucinnamon (source: cinnamon): Innovative and comfortable desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.4-1 (raring), package size 607 kB, installed size 2460 kB14:15
talexbSomeone mentioned building packages "the ubuntu way" when I asked about setting up the tool-chain for building GRUB 0.97. Can anyone elighten me?14:15
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: wasn't aware, entirely my bad14:15
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, do you have an idead for my issue ? pretty boring it load corretly but i can click on the panel14:15
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Guest26200hi *14:17
sleewokcompdoc: maybe I have my bridge setup incorrectly. The only setup I did was add it to the etc/network/interfaces14:17
sleewokwhen I do a "brctl show" there are no vnet showing under the bridge.14:18
dp_are there any PPA's that build versions of PHP?14:18
pnodeif I wish to release an application for ubuntu, which is recommended here. a deb package or a tar archive ?14:18
compdocsleewok, can you pastebin.org your etc/network/interfaces, and the outout of ifconfig?14:18
dp_we're looking to get the latest version, but don't see anywhere that it's built as a package14:18
pnodesince I'm using cpp,qtl I wish to port my windows software to ubuntu14:19
pnodeis there a preference statistic ?14:19
OerHekstroulouliou_dev, i am reading this tread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2116217 do you have caribou installed ?14:19
troulouliou_devOerHeks, no14:20
troulouliou_devneither  nemo14:20
OerHekstroulouliou_dev, did cinnamon work before?14:20
troulouliou_devOerHeks, yes until recent upgrade; but only the kernel was upgraded14:21
troulouliou_devOerHeks, it worked great for +- 2 weeks14:21
troulouliou_devOerHeks, then i m facing that behavior14:21
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: if you unload and reload the panel, is it ok?14:21
sleewokcompdoc, http://pastebin.com/Gm3JXYmZ14:22
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, if i do in tty1 /etc/init.d/lightdm restart severral times i managed to get a working panel randomly14:22
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, actually in gnome-panel as i did not manage after 5 try ...14:22
compdocsleewok, yeah, thats not right. just a sec14:23
l9I have an old computer that has a external usb hard drive attached too it, could i run media tomb on it?14:23
compdocsleewok, you have two network cards?14:24
ActionParsnipl9: sure, why not :)14:25
sleewokyes, one is connected to the local network (with internet access). That is currently bridged to 2 clients. The second card is connected to comcast with a static IP. I can access the server host from the comcast IP. This is the card that I want to bridge with my web server guest (to give it a public wan IP)14:25
l9ActionParsnip: i was thinking of the load it would have on the server :/14:26
ActionParsnipl9: what spec are we talking?14:26
compdocsleewok, dont you have a router or modem? Might not be the best idea to connect your server directly to the web14:27
fulcananything I try to install borks with "svn: 'http://wpscan.googlecode.com/svn/trunk' path not found"  ??14:27
l9ActionParsnip: bad :( its a old mini laptop maybe 1ghz cpu poor ram and a usb1 connected hard drive14:27
l9ActionParsnip: but it handles a smb share fine14:27
sleewokcompdoc, yes I do. so you think I should just setup port forwarding to the guest?14:29
sleewokand skip the second interface?14:29
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samba35 Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) how do i fix this problem when i try to download package14:31
compdocsleewok, what I do is use eth0 for the server's use, like how I connect and admin the server, and use the 2nd nic (and sometimes 3rd or 4th) nics for the guests. If you want, I can re-write your etc/network/interfaces to make that work14:31
cxipherSo I want to use ubuntu as a remote file server - basically I have a 1TB HD on the desktop runnning Ubuntu and I want to be able to access the files on it from my laptop wherever I am for things like music streaming - what would be a good way to do this.14:31
sleewokcompdoc, that would be greatly appreciated. I think that is how I would like to run it. Where are the connections coming from for the 2 nics?14:32
compdocsleewok, connect both nics to the switch, and port forward your services to the guest's ip address14:33
sleewokk, makes sense14:33
compdocjust a sec14:34
betraydcxipher: hmm can the machines see or ping each other14:37
betraydhey there14:38
delliottI've used the Intel Graphics Driver for Linux installer to upgrade the graphics drivers on Ubuntu 13.04. How can I check if I am not using the updated driver?14:38
=== fastway is now known as vitor
BaramiI installed libreoffice on ubuntu 12.10. libreoffice version is
BaramiLibreoffice does not show encoding selection dialog. It showed on libreoffice 3.x..14:38
BaramiHow do i select file encoding when open the file?14:39
usr13cxipher: "Remote"? Are they connected to the same LAN?  Other macines just Linux or MS Windows or__________?14:40
betrayddelliott: i think there is /var/log/Xorg.0.log and when you scan for ntel it would indicate the version14:40
compdocsleewok,   http://pastebin.com/udbve6FW14:40
betrayddelliott: use / while browsing log to scan14:40
usr13delliott: grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:40
sleewokcompdoc, thank you very much. I'll give it a go. Hopefully this will be the end of my 5 hour journey :)14:41
MtrPandahi all14:41
VegetablesaladHello.Has anyone here used "xdotool"  ?14:41
jrib!anyone | Vegetablesalad14:41
ubottuVegetablesalad: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:41
delliottusr13: [    18.732] (II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: i810,14:41
compdocsleewok, have your guests use br1, and dhcp if possible14:41
MtrPandais there an easy way to use an hdmi tv from my desktop, either a card or box?14:42
usr13delliott: There you go.14:42
betrayddelliott: thats the problem wtih grep14:42
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usr13delliott: i81014:42
shwaiilQ: I've been trying to figure out how to boot my VM (in virtualbox), with liveCd; but I only have a ISO and virtualbox is not showing up my virtualCd; The only way to do this I guess is to burn a cd; I need to resize my VM, so I understand that I need to unmount first, is there a way to do it without the livecd ? tks14:42
betraydusr13: he wanted to see which version14:42
delliottusr13: I don't understand if that output means I have successfully installed the driver from Intel or if I'm using the version that comes bundled with Ubuntu.14:42
betraydthere are times for grep14:43
betraydnot this time14:43
sleewokcompdoc, any particular reason for DHCP?14:43
betrayddelliott: browse the log, and use / to jump to the relevant text14:44
compdocsleewok, oh, since the guest will be a server, I guess you would want a static ip. never mind14:44
compdocDHCP just makes things easy14:44
VegetablesaladI would like to know how can match entire desktop in "xdotool". Examples I find use only specific windows, but I need to record mouse-click everywhere.14:44
delliottbetrayd: [    18.733] (II) intel(0): SNA compiled: xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.21.6-0ubuntu4 (Bryce Harrington <bryce@ubuntu.com>)14:45
betraydyou're getting warmer14:45
betraydmaybe scan/browse some more14:45
betrayd but the version numbers ought to tell you14:46
sleewokhere i go (crossing fingers)14:46
samba35how to cleanup dpkg temp files14:48
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engineeringscott is gay14:57
Myrtticoyote: please don't do that14:59
Myrtticoyote: didn't I just tell you to not do that?15:01
YoshieNot able to connect to internet , Ubuntu 13.04 64bit  ASROCK mother board  N68-VS3 FX15:09
ActionParsnipYoshie: how are you connecting? wired or wireless?15:10
YoshieActionParsnip: Wired15:11
ActionParsnipYoshie: what Ethernet chip are you using?15:11
YoshieActionParsnip: Using Time Warner Cable with a roughter15:11
rodney_comment installer des application linux sur ubuntu15:12
SonikkuAmericaX!fr | rodney_15:12
ubotturodney_: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:12
ActionParsnipYoshie: what EThernet controller chip are you using?15:12
LinuxNewbishgood day  I'm having a problem with my wireless everytime my screen lock i lose the connection and i have to reboot to fix this issure im running 13.0415:12
ActionParsnipLinuxNewbish: have you tried unloading and reloading the wifi module?15:13
syntroPiIs anyone able to watch DVB streams with totem or gstreamer? for me it always complaints about missing dvb protocol source plugin although it seems to be present in streamer0.10-plugins-bad    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-bad0.10/+bug/27787715:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277877 in gst-plugins-bad0.10 (Ubuntu) "Gstreamer DVB uri handler is broken" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:14
LinuxNewbishActionParsnip: honestly no, how to do so ?15:14
SonikkuAmericaXdidierPunkY1977: Try /quit15:14
YoshieActionParsnip: You know what im honestly not sure, however this is my exact motherboard       http://www.asrock.com/mb/NVIDIA/N68-VS3%20FX/15:14
ActionParsnipLinuxNewbish: run:  sudo lshw -C network    look for the driver=   bit, that is the module. When the issue reoccurrs, unload that module and reload it15:15
ActionParsnipYoshie: those sites don't give enough detail at all15:15
LinuxNewbishok will try this now , thanks ActionParsnip15:16
ActionParsnipYoshie: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network    what chip do you see, seems to be a realtek15:16
YoshieActionParsnip: Ok well im using a dual boot right now so do you have any suggestions on what i can do when i reboot into ubuntu?15:16
YoshieActionParsnip: Ok give me a few minutes i can check that out for you.15:16
delliottCan someone running Ubuntu 13.04 on a 32-bit system with an Intel integrated graphics chipset with the bundled graphics driver please tell me the output of `lsmod | grep i915`?15:17
ActionParsnipYoshie: also in windows, ensure the power management is off in device manager as well as disable the device's ability to wake yup the system15:18
ActionParsnipYoshie: it can lock the hardware and make it inaccessible to other OSes15:18
YoshieActionParsnip: one thing, in windows it states its a Nvidia NForce Network Controller.15:18
sleewokcompdoc,  I get an error with br1. It says that it requires the variable "address"15:19
sleewokcompdoc, nvm I think i found the problem15:20
ActionParsnipYoshie: yeah that's not very useful to us, its probably a realtek, you can make the driver files sy the device is a custard pie if you like15:20
ad_daI'm not able to mount certain partition from a .img using --> mount -o loop,offset=32256 dis.img /media/testing15:20
ad_dathe partition starts at 63 so, 512*63=32256. But the mount seems to freeze when I ran the previous command15:21
ad_daany ideas?15:21
somsipI can't remember if I installed Skype from the repos or from direct download and dpkg -i. Is there an easy way to check? CLI only, not Software Centre15:22
SonikkuAmericaXsomsip: [ dpkg -L skype ]15:23
compdocsleewok, I made two mistakes in that pastebin. Change 'iface eth0 inet manual' to 'iface eth0 inet static'   and delete the line 'bridge_maxage 0'15:23
ActionParsnipsomsip: apt-cache policy skype15:23
sleewokcompdoc, I just caught that error, and I was able to get it working15:24
somsipActionParsnip: so this would suggest from the repo I guess? 500 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ precise/partner amd64 Packages15:24
somsipActionParsnip: SonikkuAmericaX ah - no.  Installed: (none) Package `skype' is not installed. So I must have dpkg -i it. Cheers15:26
razor996hello everyone15:28
razor996hello everyone15:29
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cheffedhello, i have installed indicator-ubuntuone, but i cannot get it to start....anyone know what i did wrong?15:30
hacktus0can you help me where is the temporary/hiwstory files of google chrome ??15:31
tskorteHello everyone! I just checked syslog for some bluetooth mouse problems. It says "bluetoothd[625]: Can't find device agent". Now I've tried to search but no real finds. Anyone experienced this?15:32
usr13hacktus0: /tmp/15:32
mojtabaHi, Is there any software like workrave which is working in ubuntu 13.04? I tried workrave, but it is not working!15:32
hacktus0for google chrome , usr1315:32
usr13hacktus0: Far as I know, it's the same as the other browsers.15:33
SonikkuAmericaXhacktus0: You'll find the history by typing chrome://history in your browser.15:33
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hacktus0no in nautilus ? like buffer.15:35
ShaneOgood afternoon all...I just setup a postfix email server...I can receive mail but I cannot sent...I get the error [network is unreachable]...could someone assist me with this...ubuntu 12.10 amd6415:35
ActionParsnipmojtaba: wghat does workrave do?15:35
ActionParsnipShaneO: can you ping the next hop for email?15:36
hacktus0I ask again where is the buffer/history/tmporary files of chrome ??15:36
ShaneOActionParsnip yes I can ping all the addresses in which postfix fails to mailto15:36
RalliasHow would I go about migrating an LXC container from one host to another?15:36
ActionParsnip!info workrave15:36
ubottuworkrave (source: workrave): Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.10-0ubuntu2 (raring), package size 511 kB, installed size 1455 kB15:37
ShaneOalt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com, alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com, and gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com15:37
shwaiilQ: liveCd 12.04 is not running in my VM (virtualbox); Says running in low graphic mode etc and then stays in a black screen; I just need it to resize my VM; I tried Gparted LiveCD, but it shows the sda5 server disk as locked even though I'm running in livecd mode; is there any other livecd I can use for gpart ? thanks15:37
k1lhacktus0: ~/.cache/google-chrome  but dont expect too much out of it15:37
ShaneOas well as yahoo @ mta6.am0.yahoodns.net15:37
ActionParsnipmojtaba: http://www.doc2apps.com/review/Workrave/   lists a few, not sure if they install natively15:38
ActionParsnipShaneO: can you telnet to port 25 on those hosts and use telnet to send an email?15:38
mojtabaActionParsnip: workrave is just a simple reminder to tell you not over use the computer. :)15:39
ShaneOActionParsnip no i cannot seem to telnet15:39
ShaneOpostfix/smtp[26097]: 44B4A14A0078: to=<shaneosdn@yahoo.com>, relay=none, delay=840, delays=687/0.02/153/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mta6.am0.yahoodns.net[]:25: Connection timed out)15:41
ShaneOi'm also getting dovecot: imap(oenahs): Disconnected: Logged out in=85 out=70515:42
YoshieActionParsnip: you there?15:42
usr13hacktus0: You should find cache files in ~/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Cache/15:43
hacktus0thanks at usr13 and k1l15:43
ActionParsnipYoshie: sup15:43
elisa87I am trying to install java SDK 1.6 but I cannot run it this is the error i am receiving: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687321/15:44
YoshieActionParsnip: sudo lshw -C network.   and the output was     PCI ( sysfs )15:44
ActionParsnipelisa87: there is a PPA if you want to install Oracle Java15:45
ActionParsnipYoshie: let it run, you r PCI bus is slow15:45
elisa87ActionParsnip: is the version 1.6? Where is the PPA?15:45
YoshieActionParsnip: well it did that for about 5 seconds and than went back to regular command line again...15:46
ActionParsnipelisa87: search for webupd8 java ppa15:46
ActionParsnipYoshie: sudo lshw -C network      with capital C, all the rest lowercase15:46
usr13!java | elisa8715:46
ubottuelisa87: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.15:46
LinuxNewbishActionParsnip: still facing the same issue even after unload and reload the module for the wireless15:46
YoshieActionParsnip: yeah thats what I did15:46
squigdoes any one know of a way I can ban my computer from trying to use my phones internet (3g) rather than the gig network connection I have15:46
ActionParsnipLinuxNewbish: does the system have a make and model?15:47
ActionParsnipsquig: forever?15:47
squigActionParsnip, yeah, its my work desktop no need for it to ever work15:47
LinuxNewbishmodel ActionParsnip15:47
ActionParsnipsquig: uninstall the modem manager package15:47
ActionParsnipLinuxNewbish: yes the make and model of the system....?15:47
LinuxNewbishah wait ActionParsnip15:48
ShaneOActionParsnip do you need any logs from me or can suggest the problem?15:49
squigActionParsnip,  still works after sudo apt-get remove modemmanager15:49
ActionParsnipsquig: you'll need to reboot15:50
squigActionParsnip, should I be looking at some network manager config file?15:50
squigActionParsnip, oh15:50
jony_easyriderhow can I force unmount a mounted network share?15:50
schnitzel-hi. anybody with good knowledge about software raid in linux?15:50
ActionParsnipShaneO: maybe they use different ports. Yahoo like to do that15:50
ActionParsnip!raid | schnitzel-15:50
ubottuschnitzel-: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:50
usr13jony_easyrider: fstab15:50
schnitzel-ActionParsnip. yea...well. i mean really good knowledge15:50
thgHi! Can anybody tell me how I have to set up static name translation in idmapd.conf to map a user A on the server to a user B on the client?15:51
jony_easyriderusr13, yes, these share are in fstab15:51
usr13jony_easyrider: Oh unmount it?15:51
LinuxNewbishhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5687348/   there you go ActionParsnip15:51
ActionParsnipschnitzel-: ask and see15:51
usr13jony_easyrider: -f15:51
woozlyguys, I can't understand. If I do 'sudo ufw disable' - it will disable iptables? or what? I need to allow all (clean install) and disable some port15:51
schnitzel-i want to mak a software raid0. is it bootable. is it possible. performance?15:51
ActionParsnipLinuxNewbish: ok, which interface are you having issue with15:52
schnitzel-performance compared to hardware raid.*15:52
usr13jony_easyrider:  why do you need to force, *(What error are you getting?)*15:52
ActionParsnipschnitzel-: hardware raid will probably perform better15:52
schnitzel-ok. ty15:52
a6cu helleo15:52
ActionParsnipschnitzel-: it'll cost more15:53
LinuxNewbishwireless when it locked i lose the connection when i use the wireless and i did as you told me to unload and reload to driver ActionParsnip15:53
schnitzel-ActionParsnip, i hve the problem that i have a raid0. but i dont know if its a software raid and how it woks. its some custom asus shit. (model is ux51vz). its said if you destroy the raid you cant rebuild it...15:54
schnitzel-but i have my doubts.15:54
ShaneOActionParsnip can i change the smtp port? if so how?15:54
squigActionParsnip, and thank you15:54
mokauWhy doesn't anything I put in cron.d get executed?15:55
ActionParsnipShaneO: set the port when you telnet15:55
usr13LinuxNewbish: What are you trying to do?15:55
ActionParsnipLinuxNewbish: http://btux1984.wordpress.com/2011/05/30/fixing-ath9k-on-resume/15:55
ShaneOoh :) ok15:55
bean__mokau: what is the name of the file you put in cron.d15:56
mokaubean__: djangocon13-psql15:56
ActionParsnipLinuxNewbish: what is the output of:    ls /sys/module/ath9k/drivers/15:56
ShaneOActionParsnip still nothing15:56
bean__mokau: hmm, that should be okay.15:56
bean__mokau: and you're sure its not being run?15:56
ShaneOthese are my current ports for postfix https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36976460/ports.png15:56
ActionParsnipShaneO: til you get the right socket, you need to keep testing15:56
mokaubean__: nothing is appearing in syslog15:56
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mokaubean__: I had /usr/sbin/cron[714]: (*system*djangocon13-psql) WRONG INODE INFO (/etc/cron.d/djangocon13-psql)15:57
ShaneOhow come in can come in but not out though?15:57
mokaubut then I changed it to 64415:57
mokauand now no more output15:57
ActionParsnipLinuxNewbish: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/324213    #8 here15:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324213 in linux (Ubuntu) "[ath9k] AR928X fails to reconnect to WEP/WPA network after suspend/resume" [Undecided,Expired]15:57
bean__mokau: i take it hat is not a symlink, right15:57
mokauoh hey15:58
mokaurestarting cron daemon made it work15:58
* mokau huggles bean__15:58
FloodBot1mokau: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:58
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YoshieActionParsnip: Come up with any ideas?16:08
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DJThi all16:14
DJTi need help16:14
DJTi can't include sdl.h in my project16:14
DJTfatal error: sdl.h not found16:15
DJTcould you help me please16:15
ActionParsnip!find sdl.h16:15
ubottuFile sdl.h found in diveintopython, diveintopython-zh, erlang-esdl-dev, erlang-esdl-doc, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-doc, hercules, libclanlib-dev, libcsound64-dev, libguichan-dev, libjibx1.2-java-doc (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=sdl.h&mode=&suite=raring&arch=any16:16
DJTi have it16:16
DJTand in my makefile there is the command to do that16:16
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m0skit0is it in the include path?16:17
ActionParsnipDJT: try:  sudo updatedb; locate sdl.h16:17
m0skit0can you show your include path16:17
DJTi type this :16:18
DJTsdl-config --cflags --libs16:18
DJTand it says16:18
DJT-I/usr/include/SDL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D_REENTRANT16:19
DJT(first line)16:19
TheLordOfTimeany way to get weather on the top bar in 12.04 unity?16:20
DJTand: -L/usr/i386-linus-gnu -lSDL16:20
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infogulchhi. i'm having compiler problems. updated 12.0416:20
infogulchcompiling on g++ with flags -std=c++0x or -std=c++11 includes sysmacros.h in error, and mucking up the global namespace with macros16:20
lotuspsychjeTheLordOfTtime: apt-cache search indicator16:21
DJTin these path, there are h files16:21
DJThi wi16:21
lotuspsychjeTheLordOfTime: theres a weather indicator in list16:21
shwaiilQ: I'm trying to use liveCD to resize a partition that is not mounted; but it showing as locked; In Virtualbox(ubuntu VM, 12.04 server); I'm wondering what I can do ? I tried Gparted LiveCd, SliTaz, etc. Nothing! Tks16:21
DJTso why please are there no link done?16:21
Piciwi: with?16:22
ActionParsnipshwaiil: what file system is the partition using?16:22
betrayduse ! not . wi16:22
DJTbetween my program and the sdl.h16:22
usr13shwaiil: What kind of computer is it?16:23
shwaiilActionParsnip: lvm ?! I need to reboot again just closed the vm, just a sec.16:23
wiwhat are you saying?i can`t understand16:23
shwaiilThe Host is macosx16:23
usr13shwaiil: SO you have booted a Gparted LiveCD and are still unable to edit partitions?16:25
shwaiilusr13: yeah :T16:25
betraydin a vm16:25
shwaiilin a vm yes16:25
usr13shwaiil: If a partition is mounted, Gparted will not allow you to attempt to edit the partition(s).16:26
usr13shwaiil: You have to actually boot to the LiveCD.16:26
shwaiilusr13: I understand that, the problem is that, running from a liveCD I can right click and check the info and it says is not mounted16:26
shwaiilusr13: well, yeh that's what i've been trying really, tried gparted livecd, ubuntu livecd and now slitaz16:27
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usr13shwaiil: It tells you what filesystem it is, Right?  What is it?  Does it give you some kind of error, (reason)?16:27
usr13shwaiil: What filesystem type does Gaprted detect?16:28
tophyri'm trying to install sun-java6-jdk (*not* openjdk), but i'm running into trouble - none of the package repositories have it, not even archive.canonical.com16:29
tophyrwhere i can i find that package?16:29
DJones!java | tophyr16:29
ubottutophyr: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.16:29
usr13shwaiil:  I do not understand, in your initial question you say, "In Virtualbox(ubuntu VM, 12.04 server)"  What do you mean by that?16:29
ActionParsniptophyr: webupd8 has a java ppa you can get oracle java with16:29
shwaiilusr13: I'm loading the livecd so I can check the filesystem but I think it was lvm ? or something16:30
usr13shwaiil: Ok, tell us when you get it up again.16:30
betrayderbono use ! not :16:30
ActionParsniptophyr: ce niente16:30
uvalamy question relates actually to elgg and server permissions, but there are few people there and dont know when someone replies. can anyone here maybe help with a general server permission question?16:30
ActionParsnipuvala: ask away, someone will reply if possible16:31
uvalaI just dont know which permission to assign to server to create and write to directories16:31
uvala777 is not recommended,16:31
usr13uvala: Yes16:31
shwaiilusr13: doing a reboot for the host, the host is macosx > the program I use is virtualBox, the image is .VDI, the distro is ubuntu server 12.0416:31
uvala I just dont know which permission to assign to server to create and write to directories, and 777 is not recommended16:31
A1ReconIs there a way to see the output of my HTML/CSS/Javascript code in real time using an offline code editor??16:32
tophyrActionParsnip: sei italiano?16:32
usr13uvala: 755 for directories16:32
ActionParsnipuvala: 755 on the folder will allow new folders to be made by group and owner and allow everybody else to read the contents16:32
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:32
uvalausr13, ActionParsnip, thank you very much!16:32
ActionParsniptophyr: no ha molte italiano16:32
ActionParsniptophyr: been to italy a few times, picking up the lingo slowly :)16:33
tophyrhah, same16:33
betrayd enough to dine in16:33
WickedBInarywhat can i do on linux?16:33
tophyri just thought it was funny that i thanked you in spanish and you answered in italian, which i actually know far better than i do spanish16:33
dadwacompiling kernel16:34
ActionParsnipWickedBInary: loads, thats like asking "what can I do on Windows"16:34
ActionParsnipWickedBInary: the question is so ambigious it is worthless16:34
shwaiilusr13: reboot the host, the file system is lvm216:34
ActionParsnipWickedBInary: think about it, do you want ALL the possibilities of an OS, its nonesensical16:35
A1Recontophyr: Sono geloso16:35
uvalaActionParsnip, I'd then assign 755 as the permission of the folder of the software (in this case, root folder), and tick in the box to confirm to apply it to all subdirectories?16:35
MonkeyDustWickedBInary  what do you want to do with your computer?16:35
usr13shwaiil: lvm is partition type16:35
ActionParsnipuvala: do you mean /   as in the top of the file system?16:35
uvalaActionParsnip, yes16:35
A1ReconIs there a way to see the output of my HTML/CSS/Javascript code in real time using an offline code editor??16:36
ActionParsnipuvala: I don't suggest you do ANYTHING to the root filesystem like that16:36
ActionParsnipuvala: your OS will cease to function or boot or anything16:36
ActionParsnipuvala: what are you trying to achieve?16:36
WickedBInaryi think i know a little now.16:36
ActionParsnipA1Recon: bluefish has wysiwyg editting if memory serves16:36
uvalaActionParsnip, I deliberately installed it there, because earlier (with a CMS software) the site homepage URL appeared like mysite.com/nameofcmspackage instead of mysite.com16:37
MonkeyDustWickedBInary  use a live usb stick to try ubuntu, try to get used to it, see if you like it16:37
A1ReconActionParsnip: Does Geany have anything like that??16:37
uvalaI could hinder this only by downloading the package into root folder16:37
ActionParsnipuvala: if you start messing with / you will screw your OS up so amazingly well.16:37
A1Recon^ well said!!16:38
uvalaActionParsnip, I am not running my own server, it is hosted. does this messup still happen?16:38
usr13shwaiil: Generally, most linux file systems will end up with directories set to 755 and files to 644 and it is the same for directories and files that are served by a webserver.  If the server is having a problem it is a problem with the server's config.16:38
MonkeyDustWickedBInary  before you get used to windows, try to get used to ubuntu, first16:38
ActionParsnipuvala: yes, the permissions and so forth in ANY OS are very specific, adding blanket permissions will not do well16:38
uvalaActionParsnip, yeah, the earlier cms sw at the root required changes only in the config and data folders16:39
shwaiilusr13: I'm trying to resize the VM, I setup with 7gb but I need to increase it; So I've followed a tutorial to resize it; Now I need to do it using Gparted to finish, but it's not possible because that partition is locked; trying to figure out what to do;16:39
uvalaActionParsnip, which folder am I then gonna assign this 755 to?16:39
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eaterhey all16:40
eateri love ubuntu16:40
eaterand women16:40
usr13uvala: You should be able to put the files your web server serves anywhere you want.  I prefer them in /home/uvala/www  or /home/uvala/public_html16:41
eaterhery all16:41
FloodBot1eater: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:41
rockhardroosterCan I ask tech-supporty questions here?16:41
DJonesrockhardrooster: If they're ubuntu support related, ask away16:42
usr13uvala: And the defualt permissions will do fine.  If there is a problem, it is a problem with the web server.  (As long as the directory has executable bit set, you should be good to go.)16:42
usr13uvala: Are you sure that directory is already drwxr-xr-x ?16:43
uvalaActionParsnip, when I first viewed the permissions it was xxx16:43
WickedBInaryhello everyone.16:43
uvalaon the graphical window16:43
usr13uvala: xxx?  What is that?16:44
WickedBInarywhat are you talking about?16:44
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=== ChrisGagnon is now known as robotfuel
rockhardroosterwell, I run linux mint, so it's pretty close? thing is, my computer is pretty crap (2.66ghz dual core, 2gb ram, 8600gt video card), but even when my ram isn't even half-full and my processor isn't working very much according to the system monitor, it can start running like crap all of a sudden. usually when i've been surfing on chrome for a while, but happens in firefox too; but most often it happens when i listen to music. everything 16:45
uvalausr13, when I right clicked on the folder's name on ftp, and then chose "file attributes", it showed a window where permissions are16:45
uvalaand the permissions were xxx16:45
rockhardroostersorry about the long question. i know you can't get me a better computer, but i'm pretty stumped as to why my computer runs so slow when i'm doing pretty much nothing...16:45
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:45
usr13uvala: I know of no such permission designation as xxx on a linux system.  Are you sure?16:46
rockhardroosterwell, curses. regardless, this is hardly related to distribution choice, is it?16:46
uvalausr13, yes, that was what I saw when I right-clicked to see permissions of  /.16:46
hedinHi, I try to "buy" crossover trial on 12.04 64 bit, but after giving my cred's I get this error message: "Failure in the purchase process.  Sorry, something went wrong. Your payment has been cancelled."16:46
usr13uvala: Do you only have ftp access to it?16:46
uvalaI have also access over the cpanel of the hosting provider16:47
uvalausr13, I have also access over the cpanel of the hosting provider16:47
usr13uvala: use the ls command16:47
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usr13uvala: ls ../16:48
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uvalausr13, which command line will I use? I dont see any on my cpanel16:48
uvalausr13, I mean, which terminal?16:49
usr13You were in an ftp session right?    ls ../16:49
uvalausr13, yes, with filezilla16:50
usr13uvala: So what is the permission of the directory that it is serving from?16:51
uvalausr13, there is an "enter custom command" option, but it doesnt accept the command, saying 500 LS not understood16:52
uvalausr13, like I said, the permission of  "/"  is xxx16:52
usr13uvala: in filezilla you will see 0644 and 0755  for files and directories16:53
usr13uvala: What CMS are you using?16:53
uvalausr13, I just uploaded elgg on the server, and this is all about installing it16:54
uvalausr13, I am deleting it anyway, will upload again16:54
usr13uvala: You may see that the directory you are serving from is 711 but that is ok too.  1=x16:55
uvalausr13, in that case xxx=111?16:55
usr13uvala: rwx 421 r=4 w=2 x=116:55
serei have a few webcams on 3 different computers and im trying to use them as ip cameras or split screen and record etc... anyone/16:56
usr13uvala: But I don't know where you would see xxx (I've never seen that before).16:56
usr13uvala: I do not believe that the xxx you are seeing is refering to permission designation.16:57
usr13uvala: In other words, I think you are barking up the wrong tree.16:57
betraydsere there might be programs that do some of that for you16:58
uvalausr13, I'd uploaded the files under / , and now deleting them. when I upload again, I'll check what is given as permission16:58
usr13uvala: (If you are from another country other than Texas, disregard that last comment, it won't make any sense :)16:58
uvalausr13, I made some sense of it16:59
usr13uvala: What CMS are you using?16:59
usr13uvala: If you are using a PHP type CMS there is a little more to it than just uploading the files.  (Sorry, not familiar with concrete5)17:00
uvalausr13, no, this is for elgg, the GNU social network software17:00
uvalaI use concrete5 for another site17:00
usr13uvala:  /join #concrete517:01
usr13uvala: /join #elgg17:01
uvalausr13, again, I was telling above about my other site, and thought you referred to it. currently I had question about this server permission while installing elgg17:01
uvalaand because elgg has few people online now17:02
betraydoh they're waking up now, probably to feed17:02
vitimitihi o/17:02
uvalausr13, but I'll try again after uploading this evening. maybe will just leave it like that, as ActionParsnip said17:02
mojtabaDoes anybody know what is F9 for in ubuntu 13.04, unity?17:03
usr13uvala: I see.  Well, I'm not familiar with elgg either, so maybe someone else can be of assistance.  (I'm afraid I've told you all I know.)17:03
mojtabaWhen I press F9, the display become dim.17:03
uvalausr13, thank you very much! I will try it later today, as I'm leaving now17:03
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usr13uvala: http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Main_Page17:03
usr13uvala: Good luck, sorry we couldn't help17:04
uvalausr13, you did, thank you!17:04
uvalahave a good day!17:05
usr13mojtaba:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/285707/ubuntu-13-04-screen-brightness-only-changes-via-hotkeys17:06
userZin ubuntu can I create an iso imagpe of my winxp disc and make it bootable? or wun it in a virtual machine? which programs to do this?17:06
userZimage run17:06
pagiosis connecting to a WPA network the same as connecting to a WPA2 net? only wpa_supplicant.conf will have different parameterS?17:06
usr13mojtaba: http://askubuntu.com/questions/286008/fn-button-shortcuts-stopped-working-when-updated-to-ubuntu-13-0417:07
usr13userZ: dd is one17:07
userZdd is too complicated17:08
userZanything gui17:08
usr13userZ: Oh make a CD or DVD of it and make it bootable?  No, I don't know about that.  Maybe /join #windows17:08
usr13userZ: dd is not complicated, it is pretty simple really.  But I don't know how to make a bootable MS Windows CD.  You will have to ask someone else.17:09
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nullby7ewhy after updating to a new kernel after reboot and re-login to X/Gnome i don't have icons, panels, nothing?17:10
nullby7ei have only desktop baackground17:11
usr13userZ: Do you really think you are going to just point-and-click a bootable CD out of an OS?17:11
MonkeyDustnullby7e  what ubuntu version and what kernel number?17:11
usr13nullby7e: What Desktop Environment are you using?17:11
sereuserZ: the cd is already bootsble providing you have a legit copy17:12
nullby7eusr13: 3.8.0-21-generic, 13.0417:12
nullby7eusr13: gnome317:12
sereuserZ: u can in winblows - bootx , sardu, in tux multisystem to put it on usb17:13
usr13nullby7e:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/118179817:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1181798 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with signal 5 in g_settings_get_value()" [Undecided,Invalid]17:13
toast_ok i need help with xubuntu 13.04 file sharing17:13
MonkeyDustsere  it's windows, not windblows, repsect others if you want to be respected back17:14
usr13toast_: With ________?17:14
sereuserZ: for the virtual system u can use qemu,virtualbox, vmware17:14
nullby7eusr13: what is that17:14
usr13toast_: With another Linux system, nfs.  With MS Windows / others  samba17:14
usr13!samba toast17:14
usr13!samba |toast17:15
ubottutoast: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:15
VegetablesaladHi. I'm using "xdotool getmouselocation 2> /dev/null >> uotput.txt" to write "x:250 y:144 screen:0 window:37748818" in file. How can I cut out that last "screen:0..." part?17:15
usr13!nfs |toast17:15
ubottutoast: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.17:15
sereMonkeyDust: i wasnt dissrespecting him...maybe windows17:15
toast_i've tried samba and it didnt work and would love if someone could just show me with like teamviewer or something17:15
nullby7ewho can suggest, recommend or help with some?17:15
usr13nullby7e: Did you follow the link?17:16
betraydtype 'man cut' in a terminal Vegetablesalad17:16
jribnullby7e: with some what?17:16
sereuserZ: did i dissrespect you? are you a rep. for winblows...?17:16
nullby7ejrib: why after updating to a new kernel after reboot and re-login to X/Gnome i don't have icons, panels, nothing, just only the background picture? :)17:16
wiiguyhello,  does anyone know a good eyetracker software ?17:16
Cruzer506After updating to ubuntu 13.04 i couldnt connect secured Wi-fi networks. I think i had kernel 3.8 orsome.. after updating to 3.9 everything worked out fine. JUST FYI17:17
betraydVegetalesalad theres like | cut -b1-10 (bytes 1 thru 10 only) for fixed locations17:18
usr13nullby7e: Just revert to previous kernel.17:18
llutzVegetablesalad: xdotool getmouselocation 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1 $2}'>file17:19
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nullby7eusr13: how17:19
wiiguyhello,  does anyone know a good eyetracker software ???17:19
nullby7eusr13: is there a downgrade cmd17:19
VegetablesaladThank you17:19
usr13nullby7e: When you boot, hit the Esc key and stop grub from proceeding with booting the new kernel, switch to the previous one and boot it.17:20
betraydyou're welcome17:20
tophyri keep getting build errors in a very large project, along the lines of "make: stat: external/freetype/src/pshinter/pshinter.c: Invalid argument". i know it's not a source problem, i believe it's due to my build system setup (linux vm operating on a shared filesystem from host). is there an option i can supply make that will tell it to give me a bit more info other than "stat: <filename>: Invalid argument"?17:21
usr13nullby7e: BUT, did you go to the link I sent you?  Did you read what it said?17:21
toast_anyone use teamviewer know what there doing with file sharing?17:22
serewiiguy: https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/550880-weekend-project-take-a-tour-of-open-source-eye-tracking-software17:22
wiiguyty i will read it sere17:22
serewiiguy: your welcome17:22
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I monitor RAM processes?17:23
mojtabaor free my RAM?17:23
bekksmojtaba: "ps aux" and "free -m"17:23
MonkeyDustmojtaba  conky, gkrell17:23
userZdo ubuntu isos boot more reliably from dvd than for usb pendrive versions? cuz that's what i find17:25
MonkeyDustuserZ  who says that and where?17:26
mojtabaThanks bekks and MonkeyDust17:26
userZmy experience, the pendrivelinux versions hang at boot17:26
userZwhen created from an iso17:26
seremojtaba: conky is the way to go :)17:27
mojtabasere: what do you mean?17:27
userZjust wanted opinions cuz i'm considering buying a dvdburner for future installs17:27
A1ReconBluefish shows "Failed to create a command for firefox -remote 'openURL(%p)' || firefox '%p'&." Why??17:27
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usr13userZ: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/17:30
A1ReconBluefish shows "Failed to create a command for firefox -remote 'openURL(%p)' || firefox '%p'&." Why??17:30
userZusr13, unetbootin is reliable for you, cuz I try different linux flaors with that program and the botts or hit and miss17:31
seremojtaba: http://snag.gy/VwV8H.jpg : conky has many more options17:32
sereuserZ: io have never not been able to boot usb hdd17:33
c3vinwill someone please help troubleshoot the following command?  cat /var/log/lynis-report.dat | grep suggestion | sed -e 's/suggestion\[\]\=//g' > lynis-suggestions.txt17:33
c3vingrep succeeds in identifying suggestion17:33
usr13userZ: Do it manually then.   BTW what do you mean "flavors"  "boots"  "are"?17:33
c3vinbut sed does not appear to be parsing into file properly17:33
c3vinthe above command works fine in centos17:33
userZspelling corrections17:33
jribc3vin: useless use of cat by the way17:34
usr13!info syslinux | userZ17:34
ubottuuserZ: syslinux (source: syslinux): collection of boot loaders. In component main, is optional. Version 3:4.05+dfsg-6+deb7u2ubuntu1 (raring), package size 55 kB, installed size 172 kB17:34
c3vinI'm open to suggestions17:34
sereuserZ: if you dont have your usb just right it wont boot.17:34
userZi do it manually from iso files on the hard drive17:34
jribc3vin: show what the output looks like without the sed17:34
userZwhat do you mean have the usb just right?17:34
sereuserZ: multisystem for ubuntu ....sardu and bootx for windows17:35
usr13userZ: See:  man syslinux17:35
userZsere, not sure what that means17:35
c3vinjrib: http://fpaste.org/13498/57719136/17:35
jribc3vin: what you have should work though I don't think escaping the = is necessary17:36
c3vinhmm, yea it's weird17:36
sereuserZ: they are programs to create multiple operating systems on usb drives17:36
c3vinlike i said, works fine in centos17:36
c3vinnot working in ubuntu17:36
llutzc3vin: awk -F = '/suggestion/ {print $2}'  /var/log/lynis-report.dat17:37
sereuserZ: you can have windows or windows,ubuntu,redhat,slax, in one drive17:37
jribc3vin: show an example of it not working (input and output) with something that starts like: echo 'suggestion[]=x' | ...17:37
userZso format the usb drive, then install sardu, bootx or mu;tisystem, then burn the linux iso image?17:37
sereuserZ: in other words its just easier.. you drag you iso and your done :)17:38
foofoobarHi. I'm under 13.04. I already paired with a bluetooth speaker and under unity I can connect to the device so it is used as a sound device.17:39
userZi'll format a usb and try multisystem from ubuntu now, I don't want to buy a dvd burner17:39
sereuserZ: they set up grub very nicely aswell17:39
foofoobarHow can I do this now from the command line?17:39
c3vinthanks llutz much more effecient17:39
c3vinjrib: lol, it worked - just wrong path17:40
c3vinthanks guys17:40
sereuserZ: format the drive then run one of those programs....17:41
sereuserZ: most of them will actauly format the drive for you too17:41
usr13userZ: What filesystem are you using when you format?17:41
rigomy usb ir is not working http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687680/17:41
sereuserZ: thats good17:42
rigoany idea?17:42
sereuserZ: are u in linux?17:42
userZsere yes ubuntu 10, im gonna use this tutorial now http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/17:43
sereuserZ: perfect.. i was looking for that :p17:44
userZI didnt know about multisystem, thanks :)17:45
rigoim clueless. this EM is new for me.. [    5.845214] hub 7-0:1.0: Cannot enable port 1.  Maybe the USB cable is bad?17:45
sereuserZ: your welcome :)17:46
RoryOHey I'm looking for a good method to store static files (from users) from users on a fileserver, to be accessed by a changing number of application server nodes. I don't want to use NFS as it would mean reconfiguring it for each node that is added/removed. Any suggestions on what others use for this?17:48
foofoobarHi. I'm under 13.04. I already paired with a bluetooth speaker and under unity I can connect to the device so it is used as a sound device.17:48
foofoobarHow can I do this now from the command line?17:49
zardocalguem por ae17:51
zardocalguem por ae17:51
jpastorehi, I recently installed some updates for 13.04 and I can no longer connect to my netgear router. I updated the firmware on the router and still no love. any ideas?17:51
k1l!pt | zardoc17:52
ubottuzardoc: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:52
bakarati have a usb drive that automounts as "/media/something" but i want to automount it as "/media/somethingelse" (so links don't break) any suggestions?17:54
shwaiilAfter resizing my ubuntu server (vm / virtualbox); finally managed to use gparted to resize also, after running virtualbox resize command; when booting it's still displays the previous size; any idea why ? tks!17:54
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kaustubhshwaiil, did you extend partition?17:57
shwaiilkaustubh: yeh17:57
jpastoreanyone willing to help with a wifi issue?17:58
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:58
kaustubhso you extended virtual disk that contained ubuntu server, but inside vm doesn't show extended space?18:00
jpastoremonkeydust, thanks I will look into that. It was working until a recent update. I tried updating the firmware on the router as well. Is it possible that the update made my adapter incompatible? the built in sd card reader stopped working a long time ago. maybe all my hardware is being deprecated? =(18:00
bekksshwaiil: Pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" please.18:01
shwaiilkaustubh: Using virtualbox command line I increased the size from 7gb to 250gb; Checked the info and is displayed in Virtualbox; Booted the VM with LiveCD; Used Gparted to extend /dev/sd5 (named: ubuntu-server); Rebooted; Ssh to it but its still 7gb;18:01
shwaiilbekks: tks for the tip18:01
kaustubhwhich type of partition exists on /dev/sd5? ext3.. ext4?18:02
shwaiilkaustubh: it says lvm218:02
jpastoreMonkeyDust, according to the docs my adapter should be autodetected and functioning since 12.04. but that does not seem to be the case after this update. is there a log wher eI can see what is going on ?18:02
bekksshwaiil: Did you resize the LVM volume(s) too, as well as the filesystems contained?18:02
kaustubhswaiil, you have to extend PVs and LVs, then filesystem18:03
shwaiilsudo fdisk -l output http://pastie.org/private/j3qek9ucrhssytbhcna bekks18:03
kaustubhdo you remember of running any commands pvextend, vgextend or lvextend?18:03
shwaiilbekks: yes18:03
shwaiilkaustubh: no I didn't18:04
bekksshwaiil: Then pastebin "sudo lvdisplay -C" please, too.18:04
shwaiilok bekks18:04
kaustubhswaiil looks like you messed up a little I gues18:04
shwaiilhttp://pastie.org/private/eew9xodqlnyhrhzgqxjpnw bekks18:04
shwaiilkaustubh: yeh probably, but followed a tutorial and stuff...initially I had some issues with not being able to resize using gparted, tried different livecds, with gparted livecd, there was an option called "disable" or something then I could resize (no option for unmount)18:05
kaustubhsda2 and sda5 have same starting and ending blocks18:06
bekkskaustubh: Thats expected.18:06
kaustubhbekks, ok18:06
bekkskaustubh: shwaiil: sda2 is an extendend partition, and sda5 is a logical partition inside sda2 filling it up completely.18:07
bekksshwaiil: Could you pastebin "sudo vgdisplay -C" too?18:07
shwaiilsure tks for the tips just a sec18:07
shwaiilhttp://pastie.org/private/0cgbsxjblqd0bfwpuzqog bekks18:07
ekristenanyone ever seen syslog or kern.log look like this before http://pastebin.com/2GUn8UFJ18:08
bekksshwaiil: Well. You resized the LVM PV, and the LVM VG. You did not resize the LVM LV nor the filesystems inside it.18:08
shwaiilbekks: ok, using gparted where can I find those options ? didnt found it mentioned in the tutorials otherwise I would do it, I'll reboot and try to see what's there18:09
bekksshwaiil: gparted does not support it. You have to do it manually.18:09
shwaiilbekks: oh...interesting... so being a VM is it possible ?!18:10
bekksshwaiil: ?18:10
kaustubhumm shwaiil, try running "sudo lvextend -L+10G /dev/ubuntu-server/root"18:10
shwaiilok ok18:10
kaustubhand then "resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-server/root"18:10
bekksshwaiil: And in case that LV contains an ext4 filesystem, you can resize it online.18:11
kaustubhrun everything as root ;) instead of typing sudo everytime ;) for now, if this is a testing server18:11
shwaiilThe filesystem is already 1895424 blocks long.  Nothing to do!18:12
bekksshwaiil: Pastebin sudo vgdisplay -C again.18:12
shwaiiloops need to do bekks command sudo lvextend -L+10G /dev/ubuntu-server/root18:12
bekksshwaiil: Yes...18:12
shwaiilbekks: http://pastie.org/private/c1ncl5pyptbnmfnmtkf6sw18:12
shwaiili'll run your sudo lvextend -L+10G /dev/ubuntu-server/root18:13
shwaiil  Extending logical volume root to 17.23 GiB18:13
shwaiil  Logical volume root successfully resized18:13
bekksshwaiil: And now, resize the fs.18:13
kaustubhyes, do lvextend first and then resize2fs18:13
shwaiilThe filesystem on /dev/ubuntu-server/root is now 4516864 blocks long.18:13
shwaiilthanks guys, really18:14
shwaiilso if I want to increase to the full 277 gb, can I use this commands ? I'll google it to understand it btw18:14
vicsar o18:15
shwaiildf- h http://pastie.org/private/1c7iy6z7drmwnmwqkesw18:15
kaustubhinstead of 10G, you can use space from "VFree" from output of "sudo vgdisplay -C"18:15
bekksshwaiil: sudo lvextend -l100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-server/root18:16
bekksshwaiil: sudo resizefs /dev/ubuntu-server/root18:16
el_seanoI'm running 13.04 and Libreoffice doesn't seem to want to respect toolbar keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Alt+e to open the Edit menu, etc).  Does anybody have an idea why?18:17
infogulchwhich c lib does ubuntu use?18:17
el_seanomy google-fu has turned up little18:17
shwaiilbekks: thanks a lot! kaustubh!18:17
el_seanotoolbar shortcuts work in other programs, like Thunderbird18:17
shwaiilwhat can I study to learn this stuff ?18:17
c3vintotal newb question here18:17
c3vinbut how can I name file as hostname18:17
tozenhi all! having ubuntu image added to grub so how can i get it installed using console commands? thx18:17
bekksshwaiil: I studied the man pages for pvresize, vgresize, lvresize and resizefs18:18
el_seanoalso, I can activate the menu by virtue of the window manager by hitting Alt+F10, but that makes me sad.18:18
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I use my swap memory more, to free the RAM? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687807/18:20
bekksmojtaba: You dont want that. Swap is about 1000x slower than your RAM.18:20
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bekksmojtaba: And actually, you have 2.3GB free.18:20
shwaiilbekks: kaustubh: thanks a lot you guys!18:21
mojtababekks: I am running goldendic and it frequently exits and says there is no enough memory!18:21
BillyZanemojtaba: is it possible to get more ram?18:21
mojtababekks: I thought it is 394 MB free.18:21
mojtabaBillyZane: It is a laptop18:21
bekksmojtaba: You thought wrong. :)18:21
jrib!ram | mojtaba18:22
ubottumojtaba: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html18:22
tozenhi all! having ubuntu image added to the grub menu so how can i get it installed using console commands? thx18:22
mojtababekks: what is that 394 MB then?18:22
BillyZanemojtaba: i recommend 16gb of ram18:22
bekksmojtaba: Unused RAM. Unused RAM is considered to be wasted.18:22
mojtabaBillyZane: May be in next purchase!18:22
lara__hola, como puedo minimizar las ventanas de Xubuntu 12?18:22
seremojtaba: i have 1 gig and i can run goldendict just fine18:23
BillyZanemojtaba: i for one, am considering 32!18:23
jkjsimplementa tienes que cerrar-las18:23
jkjen el botton18:23
BillyZanealthough i have no real use for it as of now18:23
jkjis it possible to change ubuntu's left bar to the right?18:23
lara__Me refiero a que cuando abro el explorador, o sistema,... salen los iconos y ventanas en tamaño gigante18:23
lara__por ejemplo, el explorador de internet, me sale como si estubiese en zoom constante18:24
mojtabaBillyZane: What is the maximum RAM size available for laptops in the market?18:24
DJones!es | lara__18:24
ubottulara__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:24
lara__donde escribo eso? disculpad mi ignorancia18:25
BillyZanemojtaba: it depends on the laptop. i've seen some as high as 32, but if you get a gaming laptop, 16 is possible. ultrabooks usually top out at 818:25
lara__en el terminal?18:25
jkjquiça el problemo senra que la resolution de tu ventana esta demasiado apertada18:25
lara__y donde cambio la resolucion, debido a que aqui en xubuntu no encuentro la opcion18:25
madpropssi no hay una herramienta visual para eso puedes usar xrandr en la terminal http://www.taringa.net/posts/linux/11051316/Cambiar-la-resolucion-de-pantalla-con-xrandr.html18:26
Phoenixxlcan someone say how I regenerate my system and snake oil certificates after cloning a machine ?18:29
jkjyou first have to change the snake's skin18:30
jkjthen, you can change the oils, but be careful, you dont want to smoke near it, because it might get on fire18:30
kristenbb_I'm trying to chroot with a livecd in order to repair grub. I decrypted the drive with cryptsetup. Then I tried sudo mount /dev/mapper/my_encrypted_volume /media/my_device/ but I received this error: mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'. How to proceed?18:30
bersaceHi, ubuntu proposed me a partial upgrade, but it broke Xorg. I now get "no screen found" error. do you have aclue ?18:31
john__Can anyone tell me what this error means: "MODSIGN: Problem loading in-kernel X.509 certificate (-129)18:31
compexbersace - do you get any other message besides that one?18:32
serekristenbb_: http://pissedoffadmins.com/os/mount-unknown-filesystem-type-lvm2_member.html18:33
bersacecompex: Radeon is properly loaded both on kernel and Xorg side. I get "no device detected"18:33
john__I get the message on startup18:33
kristenbb_sere: I was given this link but I don't really understand any of it.18:33
kristenbb_kristenbb_: the link seems to replay everything he tried without success rather than just give the solution that works, and so I have no idea what to do.18:34
compexbersace - bersace - try to reconfigure with sudo X -configure ?18:35
bersacecompex: this is an imac with two cards18:35
milanIs Ubuntu 13.04 actually open in terms of freedom??18:35
bersacei guess this is a mess between intel and radeon18:35
serekristenbb_: http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-64964.html18:35
compexmilan - what does that even mean??18:35
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serebersace: are you using the intel ?18:36
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Phoenixxlyou can run naked in your back yard with just 13.04 sharied on your belly18:36
compexmilan - it's for the most part "free". You still have to use proprietary drivers if you want the best performance, and ubuntu has a bad rep for sharing your data18:36
Phoenixxlthat's how much freedom you get from 13.0418:36
sereaka roaring18:36
bersacesere: no, the radeon one18:37
bersacecompex: X -configure dumps 6 Device configuration X(18:37
serebersace: then you should be able to disable it in your bios if the to cards are conflicting18:37
john__I get this error on startup:  "MODSIGN: Problem loading in-kernel X.509 certificate (-129)" and then my laptop sporadically shuts down. Can anyone help me?18:37
Guest26331Yes. how are you typing?18:38
bersacesere: this is a mac :/18:38
serebersace: ahhh...i have no idea :/ sorry I dont use macs18:38
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bersacesere: no modules are loaded for the intel through. I already blacklisted i91518:39
bersacei'll try to revert to intel card18:39
serepastebin lsmod?18:39
NightRaven-13Hi guys, I got sort of an emergency here18:39
NightRaven-13i attempted GNOME 3 installation18:39
NightRaven-13that didnt turn out so well18:39
NightRaven-131) my wallpaper is all white, if i turn off files on desktop it turns all black18:39
Phoenixxlcome on guys .. anyone ....18:39
NightRaven-132) GRUB menu is no more18:40
Phoenixxlcan someone say how I regenerate my system and snake oil certificates after cloning a machine ?18:40
nullby7eX problems with new kernels update?18:40
NightRaven-13any ideas why these are occuring?18:40
john__could be problems with new kernel update....should i revert to older version?18:41
usr13john__: Check your system clock18:41
john__where do i check my system clock?18:41
usr13john__: bios18:41
sereNightRaven-13: was it a clean install/ did you check your cd for errors?\18:41
lmatWhen I set up a port forward (ssh -L ... ), I find myself sshed into the remote host.18:42
NightRaven-13sere, it was not a clean install, upgrade from 12.10 iirc, but the thing is i used it sucessfully for some time18:42
NightRaven-13then i tried GNOME 318:42
NightRaven-13and that's where all went wrong18:42
lmatHave I done something wrong? netstat says that I'm listening on the desired local port...18:42
john__if its off and i recorrect the system clock will that fix the problem18:42
lmatI don't want to establish an ssh session with the remote host, but I just want to make it possible for other processes to establish such a connection.18:42
bersacesere: i'm in text mode, using irc and w3m :/18:43
wilee-nileeNightRaven-13, Your description is missing so much in an attempt to question you back to a functional OS, have you considered a fresh install.18:44
NightRaven-13wilee-nilee, seems like i must18:45
NightRaven-13i just had the 12.10 disc that's why i upgraded18:45
serebersace: fresh instgall is what i was thinking too18:45
wilee-nileeNightRaven-13, gnome 3 underlies the unity desktop with compiz , the gnome-shell is the install for the gnome 3 desktop.18:46
lmatbersace: What's text mode?18:46
aarobcI'm all for trying new things and experimenting, so I'm running 13.04 with unity, but I have one little question: the alt+tab behavior, instead of switching between windows, it switches between applications. How do I switch between windows?18:46
seronishow do I launch a program from the CLI so that it will keep running when I close the terminal window ?18:46
serebersace: thats the correct module to blacklist...did you check or logs?18:46
aarobcseronis: put & after it18:46
seronisdidnt work18:46
aarobcseronis: weird18:47
serebersace: maybe alittle more info on the why its looking for two cards18:47
NightRaven-13wilee-nilee, well yes i followed the Webupd8 tutorial to install gnome-shell with full GNOME experience18:47
* NightRaven-13 shouldn't have :\18:47
seronis& backgrounded it properly so i got my prompt back.. but the process was still 'owned' by the terminal window and when i X'd the window the program stopped18:47
usr13aarobc: Alt-F218:47
milan_Is Ubuntu phone just a revamped version of android???18:48
usr13milan_: /join #ubuntu-touch18:48
milan_Thanx usr1318:49
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wilee-nileeNightRaven-13, Link to the Webupd8 tutorial, was this a ppa gnome 3.8 install?18:51
NightRaven-13wilee-nilee, yes18:51
NightRaven-13there was a PPA involved18:51
wilee-nileeNightRaven-13, Ah you could run the ppa purge and clean that out.18:52
otakseronis: you can use screen for that eg. screen -d -m <your command>18:52
john__thank you that seemed to fix it. I wonder why or how it wasn't at the correct time18:52
seronisotak:  actually i just found what i was looking for..  'nohup' needs prefixed on the command18:52
usr13john__: Maybe dead battery.18:52
NightRaven-13wilee-nilee, then do update/upgrade18:53
boggleUpdateManagerWarningForUnity3D when upgrading 12.04 --> 12.10 on Lenovo ideapad U410 -- http://pastebin.com/tTj6azQv18:53
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seronisand now I have my 'live wallpaper' without needing to leave a terminal open =-)18:54
NightRaven-13||||||||||||||||, lol18:54
NightRaven-13nice nicks18:54
otakin unity?18:54
wilee-nileeNightRaven-13, Not sure where you are at other than this install has you where you are at. You have to be careful with update-upgrade as a fix this is not how things work. However the ppa purge will clean out that 3.8 ppa and set you back to where you were before it, hopefully.18:54
|s-a| HexChat: 2.9.5 ** OS: Linux 3.9.2-1-ARCH x86_64 ** Distro: ArchLinux ** CPU: 2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T6600  @ 2.20GHz (GenuieIIntel) @ 2.19GHz ** RAM: Physical: 3.9GB, 80.1% free ** Disk: Total: 142.2GB, 86.1% free ** VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV710/M92 [Mobility Radeon HD 4330/4350/4550] ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel ** Ethernet: Marvell Technolog18:54
|s-a|y Group Ltd. 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller ** Uptime: 5h 34m 49s **18:55
Guest51469Hey, I'm new to ubuntu and currently downloading the server (12.04.2 LTS) How can I also install the GUI? I want to learn Apache server, MySQL and MySQL workbench...18:55
Jackelhey can anyone answer a dumb question for me about dual subnets?18:55
john__i left it plugged in overnight and then closed my laptop into standby. then first thing this morning it was giving me that problem18:55
usr13boggle: It says "not *fully* supported"  That doen't mean it is not supported at all.18:55
NightRaven-13wilee-nilee, i'll try that, thank you18:55
seronisotak:  xfce, but what im using is manually running xscreensaver apps and having them render to the desktop so should work in unity id imagine18:55
Jackelhow do i print over them when haveing two different18:55
aarobcSo whenever I install the propriatary drivers for my ATI card, everything but the unity dock and the top taskbar are stretched out. Any ideas?18:55
otakhmm works in openbox using -root for me but not in unity18:56
Guest51469Hey, I'm new to ubuntu and currently downloading the server (12.04.2 LTS) How can I also install the GUI? I want to learn Apache server, MySQL and MySQL workbench...18:56
usr13boggle: ... and since 12.10 is only a stepping stone in the path ^, I wouldn't worry about it too much.18:56
wilee-nileeNightRaven-13, here is a link a little old but correct. http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2010/01/10/how-to-safely-remove-ppa-repository-from-ubuntu/18:56
seronisotak:   -root  isnt the desktop =-)18:56
seronisthats the problem.  but i found how to get the desktop window ID using xwininfo18:56
NightRaven-13wilee-nilee, will try18:56
k1lGuest51469: why you want a GUI on a server? isnt the purpose of a server not to have a gui?18:56
otakso what option do you use?18:57
|s-a|k1l, i think he wants phpmyadmin18:57
usr13Guest51469: Sounds like you should be downloading the Desktop version.18:57
seronisotak   [screensaver] -window-id $(xwininfo -name "Desktop" | grep 'Window id' | sed 's/.*\(0x[0-9a-z]*\).*/\1/g')18:58
otakoh wow18:58
Guest51469No, that's not the purpose of a server.18:58
shojowrong chan18:59
seronisotak: you can run  xwininfo from the command line manually and it will let you click a window and display info on it, including the desktop.  so i just pass that info to grep to filter out only the important line, then i had someone else make me a regex for 'sed' to get just the ID number18:59
seronisim.. NOT good at regex18:59
otakyes i was wondering what the \1 inserts19:00
seronisno idea what-so-ever.  the end result is it looks for a number prefixed with 0x and returns both prefix and number19:01
seroniswhich is what window IDs look like19:01
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otakwell thankyou19:02
seronisnow i just need to figure out a script to auto find the process i just launched so i can kill it =-)19:07
simone_qualcuno disponibile per info???19:09
otakseronis: i made a similair thing to toggle an xdaliclock19:10
seronisheh.. googled that.  "there is no windows version, so dont ask"19:12
otaktop guy, here's the bash: http://paste2.org/aXeA03jj19:13
seronisoh thank you!  that'll let me simplify things a bit19:14
seronistoday is 3 weeks of uxing xubuntu. still impressed with how _relatively_ easy it is to do nearly any random thing i want19:14
nisioso true19:18
honehi there19:19
honeif I decide to use Full Disk Encryption should I encrypt the home partition using FDE too or should I encrypt it manually afterwards?19:19
nisiofirst option is probably the easiest19:20
honeis there any significant advantage over the second option?19:21
honeI mean, if I chose the first option, I'd have to do a backup every time I reinstall Linux, right?19:21
nisiodepends on how you are going to encrypt it manually19:21
honeI would use TrueCrypt oder dm-crypt19:22
boggleusr13: Do you know of a way to check whether ubuntu is making use of my integrated graphics? I'm just concerned about additional stress on the processor shortening its life? Is that fear well founded? Either way I hate the idea of tying up cycles to do graphics stuff that should be handled by my integrated graphics.19:22
[FreeBSD]boggle: i wouldnt worry about shortening the lifespan by using the cpu19:23
[FreeBSD]thats unheard of19:23
nisioI would say the only real advantage of doing it manually is for more control19:23
nisiobut if it was me i would use fde19:24
honealright then, thanks for your opinion on that19:25
nisioyour welcome19:25
nisiodoes anybody know if you can use the 21h assembly language intrupt in linux19:26
uvalausr13, back here :) can I ask you one more thing before starting upload to server?19:26
boggleFreeBSD: usr13: Ah. You don't know of any way to check which is being used though?19:30
tozenhi all! having ubuntu image added to the grub menu so how can i get it installed using console commands? thx19:31
seretozen: image in grub?19:32
tozensere: yes19:33
seretozen: what type of media are u trying to install from19:33
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tozensere: .iso19:33
OliverJAshhow can i install a theme to terminator?19:33
seretozen: cd?19:33
OliverJAshi.e. this https://github.com/chriskempson/base1619:33
seretozen: are you trying to install from a harddisk ie. through grub?19:34
tozensere: downloaded from releases.ubuntu.com netinstall.iso19:34
pc175plz help me to install geraphic for my laptop19:34
tozensere: yes19:34
tozenpc175: sudo apt-get install xorg19:35
seretozen: can you not use a cd or usb?19:35
k1l!details | pc17519:35
ubottupc175: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:35
tozensere: unf no19:35
serepc175: what kinda of card do you have19:35
k1l!helpfull | tozen19:35
REVO-Fhi...I was upgrading from ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10 using upgrade-manager -d but I stopped before It've ended an now I need to continue upgrading but the command does not work..ana help please?19:36
uvalaok, I can just ask it :).. when uploading a CMS software on the server, must the directory name be /home/www/ ? On my ftp client the server root is only ./  should I create a www directory and upload in /www ?19:36
k1lREVO-F: waht does a "lsb_release -r" say?19:36
tozensere:  don't pc175 asked about graphic? i think hi's meaned graphical env19:37
pc175sere : i use 12.04 ubuntu ..... but it cant detect my geraphic card19:37
REVO-Fk1l, 12.0419:37
k1lpc175: which videocard do you have build in? does "lspci" list your card?19:37
k1lREVO-F: can you show a "sudo apt-get update" in a pastebin?19:38
seretozen: http://agnipulse.com/2011/08/install-ubuntu-hard-disk/19:38
serepc175: run lspci and see what kinda of card you havre19:39
k1l!netinstall | tozen19:39
ubottutozen: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:39
apolosome one can help me with squid?19:41
sereapolo: ask away19:41
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pc175sere : pc175bhas this geraphic cardNVIDIA Corporation Device 0de9 (rev a1)19:42
apolothere is something to do with ubuntu server before install squid3?19:43
rodicioHi. Any body have install Autodata over Wine?19:43
serepc175:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current19:44
Picirodicio: You'd be better off asking in #winehq and checking the appdb19:45
shankstaBytesis there a way i can install multiple desktop environments, but not have them mix?19:45
shankstaByteslike if i install KDE i will have a crap ton of KDE apps in Unity19:45
lemaoIn precise+LXC, should the host's dnsmasq automatically bind the lxc container name to its dynamic IP? I can't seem to ssh ubuntu@app after starting the LXC container19:47
lemaoI see the leases updated with the new IP but I can't resolve containername or containername.localdomain19:48
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rodicioPici, Thanks.19:49
seronisotak: ok thanks again for that script.  i knew about pidof but didnt know about 'cut' which is what i needed.  my script im using takes any of the screensaver names as an argument so i couldnt gaurentee its name statically19:49
Guest60170hi. I am trying to recover my partition table. I used testdisk and it got the intact partition table. I then used the write options. then it asks to restart. and after that I get no change.19:50
lacrymologyI've got java 1.7 installed somewhere, but I can't find it19:50
lacrymologyhow do I find it19:51
Guest60170can and body help me with it?19:51
lacrymologythe default java is java 1.819:51
serelacrymology: type in java19:51
lacrymologysere: `java` is java 1.819:51
seronislacrymology:   type  'which java'19:51
seronisthat will give you its location19:52
lacrymologyseronis: see above: the default java binary is 1.819:52
lacrymology(/usr/bin/java, by the way)19:52
seronisyou asked for location.  'which' gives location19:52
usr13lemao: Why not set static lease? (So that IP doesn't change.)19:52
lacrymologyseronis: I said "I have java 7 installed, and I cannot find it"19:52
serelacrymology: mlocate java19:52
seronislacrymology:  and the 'which' command FINDS it for you19:53
serelacrymology: are you sure 1.7 wasnt upgraded?19:53
lacrymologyseronis: NO. WHICH FINDS JAVA 1.819:53
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Picicalm down19:53
lacrymologysere: I'm pretty sure I have both.19:53
serelacrymology: mlocate java19:54
lacrymologysere: yeah, I'm digging through that list19:54
Picilacrymology: are you trying to switch the default java version or do you just want to selectively run a different version for something?19:54
serelacrymology: ahh ok19:54
seronislacrymology:   mlocate java | grep 1.719:54
seronisthat will cut it down =-)19:54
lacrymologyPici: just for pycharm. If I set the PYCHARM_JDK env variable it'll be enough19:54
platzhirschHey, where can I find a free list of available key stroke combinations I can use for my own without conflicting with Unity?19:56
usr13platzhirsch: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts19:57
Picilacrymology: update-java-alternatives --list  should give you the location of the java binaries (under jre/bin)19:57
platzhirschusr13: thanks19:57
AlHafoudhhi all20:00
AlHafoudhis it possible to filter ringtone tone from audio using sox?20:01
shankstaBytesis there a way i can install multiple desktop environments, but not have them mix?20:01
shankstaByteslike if i install KDE i will have a crap ton of KDE apps in Unity20:01
Aaroncc95, please do not spam, any other channels, in Ubuntu20:02
usr13AlHafoudh: What do you mean by filter it?20:02
synthorone short question, i googled already but i can't find a useful hint...20:03
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auronandaceshankstaBytes: any app you install should be available in any desktop environment20:03
synthori booted up my ubuntu 12.04 with only onboard sound activated. sound runs fine, as usual. but i want to use headphones and so i turn on my esi u46se usb audio interface. but it doesn't get visible in die audio devies list.20:04
usr13shankstaBytes: It is kind of hard to tell a Desktop Environment to not list things.  I don't know for sure but I would guess no.20:04
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chielhi all. i downloaded the mini.iso for precise and i'm now installing it. it's been stuck on a blank (pink) screen for a while, it seems to be downloading release files or so. there's no progress bar or anything, is this normal? :)20:06
synthor_provider disconnect -.-20:07
zergionWhat program should I use if I want my windows machine to be able to access my ubuntu? VmWare is dead and simply does not work for me.20:07
uvalausr13, hello, back here :) I'd have one more question:  when uploading a CMS software on the server, must the directory name be /home/www/ ? On my ftp client the server root is only ./  should I create a www directory and upload in /www ?20:07
ceborhi, has anybody tested the new google-chrome-stable (v 28) on ubuntu raring, since i updated all flash videos sound pitched (little bit to fast, chipmunks like)20:07
laskozergion: What do you mean by "access" -- SSH, FTP?20:07
synthor_zergion: no one. the best thing of windows is, that it cannot access any linux media :D20:07
uvalaor could the directory have any name under ./?20:08
zergionsynthor_ so I can't use vmware to connect to my linux machine?20:08
laskoIf your linux machine is setup to allow access via ssh, ftp, or any other protocol. Yes you can access from anything else that also supports that protocol20:08
synthor_was my question understandable? sry because of disconnect. i want to refresh the audio devices list in ubuntu 12.04, my usb audio interface isnt visible after turning on. when its on from boot, it works fine20:08
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usr13uvala: You put the stuff in the directory that it servs from.  If it serves from public_html, you put it there.  That's not to say it will be the only site;  You can have public_html/site1 public_html/site2  etc.20:09
synthor_zergion: i don't know what you want to access with vmware. if your host is a windows system you only can access a linux partition with that ext2fs driver for windows. but i don't know if it works fine with current ext4 filesystems, etc.20:10
usr13uvala: Just depends on how you want to do it.  If you just have one site, put it in the root directory, which may be public_html or www or what ever the sysop sets it to, because it is more-than-likely just a /home/something directory.  Something like /home/uvala/public_html/  or /home/uvala/www/20:12
uvalausr13, in my case there is only one directory, that is ./, with no subdirectory20:13
usr13uvala: The root directory is going to be /home/uvala/public_html/  or /home/uvala/www/  When you ftp in, that is were you are placed (or jailed as they sometimes call it).20:13
synthor_no idea for the audio devices refresh?20:14
blujis there another way to enable core dumps on a system? i have a script which starts an LXC container and starts several processes in the background, but setting ulimit within the script seems to have no effect. if i execute the command myself then ulimit works, but i don't have this ability20:14
synthor_i hate rebooting... :D20:14
uvalausr13, I dont get it, you mean even if I see only the folder ./, it is named  /home/uvala/public_html/  or /home/uvala/www/ ?20:14
k1l!it | simone_20:14
ubottusimone_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:14
usr13uvala: The way it works (usually) is that the sysop just sets up a user directory for you, (he just creates a user), and then a symlink for it to the webserver's DocumentRoot directory.20:15
usr13uvala: That's correct.20:15
synthor_i'm out. rebooting...cya -.-20:16
usr13uvala: Now, I'm only guessing/speculating, but that is the way it's usually done.20:16
lemaousr13: the static IP is an option, but the dynamic name bind is very simple and convenient20:16
zergionin what /log/ file am I most likely to find network activity such as ip-adresses and such?20:16
uvalausr13, so it is ok to upload the software just under what I see, that is the folder that is ./..because it is the same thing as uploading, say, under www ?20:17
usr13lemao: It's up to  you, but I find it simplier and more organized to set static lease(s).20:17
uvalausr13, as a matter of fact, when we talked earlier today, the install page on the browser was displayed, so the installation must have been correct20:18
uvalaunder ./, I mean20:18
usr13uvala: If you just have the one site, in the root directory is fine.  It is up to you20:18
uvalaonly that I cancelled it, because of this xxx permission story :)20:19
usr13uvala: But the whole site must be in the same one.20:19
uvalausr13, yes, it is only one and in the same place..then starting with it!20:19
usr13uvala: Ok, that should do the trick.20:19
lemaousr13: the static IP may very well be the only option if dynamic bind doesnt work with dnsmasq+veth+LXC. I was just curious as to what is wrong if this is supposed to work.20:20
uvalaagain, thank you so much, usr13!20:20
lemaousr13: I see a DPACK in syslog from dnsmasq, but the actual name binding is not workign20:21
usr13uvala: See my PM20:21
usr13uvala: NP20:21
usr13lemao: I don't know, just depends on how the servers are set up.  Static IPs are always more reliable tho20:23
lemaousr13: ok. thanks for suggestion20:23
usr13lemao: I use a dd-wrt router here, and it's simple task.20:24
usr13... gui driven20:24
usr13lemao: I could look at how it configures the servers but haven't, it just works.  I set a static lease and a name and all PCs on the LAN just resolve to the name.20:25
lemaousr13: in my case I am using Vagrant from OSX launching a VirtualBox with Precise and then creating LXC containers inside. And I will have a number of different sets of containers. If I don't have to worry about the IP the better, but not the end of the world if I need to go the static route20:25
usr13lemao: Yep20:26
nakardhello there, is there anyone that could help with getting GRUB to work as intended ?20:27
chielhmm, is it me or did i not get to set a root password during precise installation? (command line install)20:27
usr13!root | chiel20:27
ubottuchiel: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:27
usr13chiel: It's not you, there is no root login account, and no password for root.20:28
k1lchiel: ubuntu got no activated root account. so no, no root pw20:28
chieli see :)20:28
walidhello  guys20:28
usr13chiel: It is part of what makes the Ubuntu(s) unique...20:28
chielfair enough, was not aware. only used debian before :)20:29
walidI have read once about a web application lets you play windows games on linux through wifi. u use the host mashine to run the game and u can play it on another PC with the wifi20:29
walidanyone can recall the name of this app?20:29
mokauwalid: that sounds horrible20:29
walidi cannot remember it :(20:29
usr13chiel: wine?20:29
nakardso, anyone care to help with GRUB ?20:30
usr13walid: wine?    but through wifi?20:30
walidmokau: i did not try it to judge but i was hoping if someone know the name20:30
usr13!grub | nakard20:30
ubottunakard: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:30
th0rwalid: sounds like remote desktop or vnc20:30
k1lwalid: that doesnt sound like ubuntu support to me :/20:30
walidth0r: it is like that however it is designed to run games20:30
chielusr13: wrong person? :p20:31
walidk1l: gaming on Ubuntu? :D20:31
usr13chiel: Yes, sorry.20:31
nakardubottu: didn't have GRUB after installing Ubuntu when I should (I guess), I got GRUB to work after using Boot-Repair tool, but I can't get it to work with my Windows720:31
ubottunakard: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:31
chielnp :)20:31
walidso know one remember it?20:31
chieli was just confused, haha20:32
nakarddoh... didn't know that yet... :/20:32
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wilee-nileenakard, Did you save the bootinfo summary url?20:33
usr13nakard: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:33
nakardwilee-nilee: Boot-Repair got me a paste-bin URL - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687999/20:33
nakardusr13: ye, checking that link from quite few minutes and trying to find something I haven't tried yet... like update-grub, grub-install to MBR etc..20:35
wilee-nileenakard, You have the windows in a extended and are missing the windows primary boot partition with additional bcd to boot W7.20:36
nakardwilee-nilee: so how do I solve this ?20:36
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walidt0h: it is called OnLive20:39
walidi found it now, however there is one as well beside this one that is for free if you are running your own games from your own pc20:40
waliddina_: hello there. New to linux?20:40
=== guntbert_ is now known as guntbert
wilee-nileenakard, I would clone it all and put the W7 in a sda1 (a primary partition) and load the correct boot for it from a W7 recovery or install disc, then reload the ubuntu and put it in a extended20:43
nakardwilee-nilee: no chance with just GRUB manipulation in your opinion ?20:43
wilee-nileenakard, lol, no grub fix will boot windows without t having the correct boot fles.20:44
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nakardwilee-nilee: maybe you're right, I dunno that much about GRUB - still, cloning would take quite some time, thanks for the tip anyway20:46
wilee-nileenakard, you are missing a boot partition to boot a windows from a logical these. /bootmgr /Boot/BCD  the sda2 is the extended. You are just basically backwards you should have the linux in the extended not the windows, and a windows disc to work with to repair windows, easiest done when it is sda120:47
nakardwilee-nilee: is there a risk with cloning that the Win7 config, data for installed programs etc, etc would go to hell ?20:49
wilee-nileenakard, As of now I'm not sure where your at we are assuming the windows will boot now and run if repaired.20:49
dev2leadHi !20:50
=== SineTheCreator`2 is now known as SineTheCreator`
dev2leadI'm trying to install ubuntu on USB with the LiveCD I've burn20:50
dev2leadBut I have a Macbook Pro and it's complicated...20:51
dev2leadSomeone can help me ?20:51
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
nakardwilee-nilee: well, right now, I'm reading this, maybe I will find something without the need of switching the OS'es on the disk20:51
nakardstill, they talk about repairing Windows there, so I guess you're right wilee-nilee20:52
wilee-nileenakard, That is for a XP you have a different boot typology20:52
OliverJAshi want to customise the colour scheme of terminal in ubuntu. where can i find, download and install popular presets?20:53
VegetablesaladI'm calling "xdotool" from my script to change mouse position (trying to play recorded mouse movement), but after running it EXACTLY 340 it exits with this error http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=SkDh2xkK Any help please?20:53
nakardwilee-nilee: ain't XP and Win7 NT-based ?20:54
Vegetablesalad*exactly 340 times20:55
wilee-nileenakard, I'm not a windows expert, however that link is of no help it s not the bcd type your OS shows.20:55
rootpthow can i denied access to open/read a file, only the owner of the file and the root may open the .conf file21:00
Handroid /whois Handroid21:07
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch21:12
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=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
ursasmar10.04 is booting directly to the grub command prompt.  (hd0,1) has vmlinuz-blah-blah, (hd0,3) has vmlinuz.  I have been unable to boot into Linux from either of these, I just end up at a BusyBox command prompt.  Any ideas on what I could try?21:17
=== raven is now known as tani
Jordan_Uursasmar: Is this Ubuntu server or Ubuntu Desktop?21:19
Jordan_Uusuario: Did you do anything significant that you can think of before the machine started booting to a grub shell rather than a grub menu?21:20
MonkeyDustursasmar  #ubuntu-server for you21:20
ursasmarI changed the IP address in /etc/network/interfaces and then rebooted.  Went right to grub.21:21
ursasmarOther than that, no significant changes21:21
Jordan_Uusuario: Do you have more than one hard drive?21:21
ursasmarI do, mirror RAID.21:21
Jordan_Uursasmar: Can you boot from a LiveCD/USB, run boot info script, and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces?21:22
ursasmarI will make a LiveCD and do that21:23
=== Bart is now known as Guest41203
SonikkuAmericak1l: (Remind me, that's a banforward you just did right?)21:29
k1lSonikkuAmerica: yes. to reduce unnecessary join/part spam21:29
cloneGhello how do I know cuda is working on my system? ubuntu 12.0421:30
bart__algume do brasil ??21:41
bart__from cloneG21:42
k1l!pt | bart__21:42
ubottubart__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.21:42
cloneGubottu: that's cool is it that way for any other country?21:43
SonikkuAmericacloneG: We have a bunch of !flags for other languages21:44
cloneGwhich flag for spain?21:45
cloneG ubuntu-sp or ubuntu-es?21:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:46
SonikkuAmericaespañol, italiano, português, jp(Nihongo), zh(Chinese), etc.21:47
ekiwokI have accidently delete half of my ~ and now I cannot do svn checkout because of gnome-keyring21:48
bekksekiwok: Then you have to restore your backup.21:49
ekiwokbekks: there is no backup ;) reinstalling gnome-keyring doesn't help, I cannot start deamon as me only as root21:50
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platzhirschAsk Ubuntu is quite slow.. how do I set shortcuts to move windows between displays on Raring?21:58
platzhirschah now it loads, compiz manager21:58
SonikkuAmericaYou use Compiz on Lubuntu?21:59
SonikkuAmerica(Oops, never mind; thought I was in #lubuntu for some weird reason)22:00
platzhirschSonikkuAmerica: :D22:00
SonikkuAmericaCompiz on Lubuntu though... wouldn't that be self-defeating?22:01
infexionSonikkuAmerica: I agree22:03
Quix86I'm thinking about installing linux on a CF card. What are all of the parts of the OS that require writes on a regular basis? All I know at the moment are the swap and the logs, which I think can both be disabled22:05
gordonjcpQuix86: don't enable swap22:06
Quix86I don't want to fork over for a proper SLC CF card to get extra write endurance22:06
gordonjcplogs you can probably live with22:06
Quix86gordonjcp, I'm wondering what other parts are written to on a very regular basis, it might not be hard to make the majority of the OS read only22:06
gordonjcpQuix86: don't sweat it22:07
gordonjcpjust turn the logging down and disable swap22:07
p014kI did 'sudo chgrp -R group directory/' and it didn't do anything. 'ls -l' still shows the original group and the other user in group can't access the directory. Anyone have any ideas?22:15
Jordan_Up014k: What filesystem is this directory on?22:16
ekiwokI'm trying to do subversion checkout but I'm gettint this message: WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to:22:17
ekiwokgoogle doesn't really help22:17
Jordan_Up014k: ntfs doesn't handle permissions the way that most *NIX filesystems do.22:19
Dr_Willisekiwok:  what desktop are you using and how did you login?22:19
Dr_Willisp014k:  you dont chown, or chmod files on ntfs, or vfat. you have to set those when you mount the filesystem via the right options to mount22:20
p014kJordan_U: So what's the solution? I've done this before on my server, but I don't recall exactly what I did.22:20
p014kDr_Willis: Ok, I'll look into that.22:20
Dr_Willisumask.dmask, fmask options to mount/ntfs-3g22:20
Jordan_Up014k: Why are you using ntfs at all?22:20
Dr_Willisthe ntfs-3g homepage has examples I belive22:20
ekiwokI'm using fluxbox but starting daemons doesn't really help22:22
Jordan_Uekiwok: Have you tried creating a new user and testing if you can checkout from there?22:22
nulllohttp://imgur.com/Fvt8G this is22:23
=== Troy_ is now known as Guest71109
ekiwokJordan_U I have same error for new user22:28
JoeyJoeJoI'm using debootstrap to install. I specifically need to install the alternate version of ubuntu. How can I make sure that debootstrap installs alternate instead of desktop or server (or whatever it installs by default)?22:28
bekksJoeyJoeJo: Alternate just uses an alternative installer.22:29
Jordan_UJoeyJoeJo: "Alternate" describes the installer used, not the resulting system. The Alternate install CD (which no longer exists in 13.04) still installed Ubuntu Desktop by default (though by changing options could install any other flavor of Ubuntu, or whatever combination of pacakges you want, instead).22:30
JoeyJoeJoSo 10.04.4 pretty much the same whether it's Desktop, server or alt, right? If I understand correctly the difference is the packages that are installed22:32
Dr_Willisthe alterntive installer cd (used to) install the exact same os as the desktop cd.22:32
Dr_Willisi have no idea what differance in the packages would be..  if any.22:32
Dr_WillisI cant think of anything differant22:32
Dr_Williswhat ubuntu release are yoy trying to install JoeyJoeJo ?22:33
JoeyJoeJo10.04.4 alternate22:33
Dr_Willisit should install a identical system as the 10.04.4 desktop then22:33
Jordan_UJoeyJoeJo: What is your end goal?22:33
p014kJordan_U, Dr_Willis : Alright, so I've mounted my hard drives with the appropriate mount options and when I access the drive and do 'ls -l', it shows each directory having the group 'storage', which is what I want. However, when I log in as the other user and try to access the directory, it doesn't work. I did a 'groups other_user' and he is part of the group 'storage'......?22:33
Jordan_Up014k: Again, why are you using ntfs at all?22:34
Dr_Willisp014k:  all ive ever really done in the past is run the sort of flakey tool ntfs-config and let it set things up where all users had full access to ntf/vfat partitions.22:34
p014kJordan_U: So I can access my drives anywhere.22:35
=== Multiply is now known as multiply
p014kI'll try out ntfs-config22:36
Dr_Willisits worked for me in the past.. but it can be a little goofy to use.22:36
gordonjcpp014k: NTFS is a nuisance in Linux, because it's too limited to support the permissions properly22:36
Dr_Willisit alters the udev rules for auto mounting ntfs/vfat22:36
Dr_Willisand can generate /etc/fstab entries if you want.22:37
p014kDr_Willis: That worked :D22:39
Dr_Willisthe app normally crashes on exit for me. ;)22:42
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steliosreasus Eee PC X101CH any opinions?22:43
SonikkuAmericasteliosre: About what?22:44
steliosreabout a cheap notebook22:44
MonkeyDuststeliosre  type /join #ubuntu-offtopic for opinions and discussion22:45
alien64cheap is cheap you get what you pay for :)22:45
drc0palien64: what about five finger discount22:46
steliosreofcourse  i just want a notebook to expiriment22:46
alien64drc0p: not a good idea22:46
Loshkisteliosre: the good news is, it's listed on http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/make/Asus22:46
alien64ubuntu runs great on acer stuff22:47
SonikkuAmerica!ot | Loshki, steliosre, alien64, and anyone else discussing the netbook22:47
alien64anyway we are off topic bigtime22:47
ubottuLoshki, steliosre, alien64, and anyone else discussing the netbook: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:47
drc0palien64: its cheap22:48
SonikkuAmerica!ot > drc0p22:48
ubottudrc0p, please see my private message22:48
drc0pOk SonikkuAmerica or22:49
AlHafoudhusr13: remove it from the audio22:58
mr-richI'm runniing Kununtu 12.04, but a sound issue is a sound issue ... I can't seem to configure my sound card via phonon ... won't let me change anything for the built in sound ...22:58
AlHafoudhor maybe just have list of times where it occurs22:58
jda2000OMG! I can join several chat rooms with irssi; lod themall to a single file and tail -f them all in one shot!22:59
otender, awesome is not appearing in the login drop-down menu23:00
jda2000(as in log them all)23:00
trismotend: you need to remove the NoDisplay=True line in the /usr/share/xsessions/awesome.desktop file in 13.0423:00
trismotend: if you're using lightdm that is23:01
trismotend: gdm supposedly ignores it23:01
otendthanks much, trism23:02
=== Cyberspaceloa is now known as Cyberspacelurker
drc0pjda2000: correct23:05
drc0piwoj: whats up23:06
iwojWhen I haven't used an application in a while, all its windows disappear23:06
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iwojhow do I switch this off?23:06
chvxdo someone know how i make my computer to install diffrents oses?23:07
iwojit's super annoying23:07
iwojI can't find a setting in the system settings23:07
iwojor in compiz23:07
iwojor through google23:07
iwojI'm going bonkers23:07
drc0piwoj: what applications. All or some23:07
iwojAny application I don't use for a while23:08
iwojall it's windows disappear23:08
iwoji can alt-tab them back23:08
SonikkuAmericaiwoj: What, like it'll idle for some random amount of time and just die off?\23:08
iwojbut I like having windows where i left them23:08
seronisis it when not using the ENTIRE computer for awhile?  or individual programs will do it on their own ?23:08
iwojindividual programs are doing this on their own23:09
drc0pSo they are hiding not closing23:09
iwoji think it's a standard part of ubuntu 12 and 1323:09
iwojany ideas?23:10
Yokobrguys, please, for some reason my zentyal server cannot connect to my server on
iwojthis isn't happening to anyone else?23:10
seronisim using xfce not unity so doesnt happen to me23:11
iwoj(in the voice of "kaaaahn")23:11
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
drc0piwoj: how long23:12
seronismuch nicer response than drc0p's..  he immediately PMd me  "keep it to yourself faggot"23:12
seroniskahn i can appreciate23:12
chielanyone have experience hooking up a logitech dinovo to ubuntu, by any chance? :)23:13
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!23:13
iwojdrc0p: the delay is probably around 15 minutes or something23:13
drc0pIs it when your whole computer is idle or just the idle app23:15
chielhow does one pair a bluetooth device on ubuntu?23:15
Weezanyone know what the command would be to rsync from one nas to another? the ip of Nas 1 is and nas 2 is
SonikkuAmericachiel: System Settings > Bluetooth, or check for the Bluetooth icon on the Unity panel to recognize your device23:16
iwojubuntu window hiding...23:16
iwojany ideas?23:16
elkyseronis, i'm not following what you're calling ops for23:18
elkywho said that?23:18
seronisdrc0p did23:18
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seronisrandom IMs23:18
seronisnot too fond of hate speech spam23:19
elkynor are we23:19
chielSonikkuAmerica: ah, i'm on a minimal install so i just have a command line, hehe23:19
SonikkuAmericaHello harris23:20
harriswhats up23:20
SonikkuAmericaNot much23:20
chieli found this though: http://askubuntu.com/questions/187092/bluetooth-from-the-command-line-in-12-04 which may be of help :)23:20
seronisiwoj: i tried googling for stuff about unity and auto minimizing, auto hiding, and few other things with no luck23:20
iwojseronis: thanks23:21
harrisSonikkuAmerica, do you have dropbox23:21
SonikkuAmericaharris: Yeah, but I don't really use it...23:21
harrisok i need people to use my referal link23:21
bazhang!ot | harris23:22
ubottuharris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:22
harrisbazhang, i cant just have  a nice conversation23:24
chielhmm.. File "/usr/bin/bluez-simple-agent", line 3, in <module> import gobject23:24
harriseverything has to be support23:24
chielanyone know what i might do to resolve that?23:24
bazhangharris, not here, no23:24
Biomechdi may have asked about this already, but i can't get my unity launcher or panel to autohide.23:27
Biomechdi've set them to autohide, but they refuse, even though it says autohide is enabled.23:27
mr-richI am at my wits end ...23:29
awm10Have you tried checking the setting in the ccsm?23:29
mr-richthis sound issue is driving me nuts ...23:29
mr-richbrb ...23:30
awm10I meant Biomechd; have you checked the unity autohide setting in the CompizConfig Settings Manager?23:31
Biomechdawm10: i'm trying to find it there right now.23:31
awm10sudo apt-get install ccsm23:31
Biomechdi have it installed, i'm just trying to find where launcher stuff's at in the program.23:32
awm10Ubuntu Unity Plugin > Launcher > Hide Launcher23:32
devicenullI'm running Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS with a nvidia GT218, and I'm having some problems getting GLX to work properly.  glxgears reports an error when I start it, I also see glx module errors in xorg.log.  What can I do to troubleshoot this? erorr messages at https://gist.github.com/devicenull/8cd52152d125bc025f8923:33
Biomechdah, finally found it. but it's not in a "launcher" tab on 12.10. instead it's "ubuntu unity plugin > behaviour (apparently some things are british english regardless of my settings) > hide launcher dropdown menu"23:34
Biomechdanyway, thanks, awm10.23:34
awm10Oh, I'm running 13.04. Any particular reason you haven't upgraded?23:35
awm10Looking into CCSM didn't fix the autohide problem?23:36
Biomechdi can't figure out how to wirelessly access my windows machine so i can back stuff up. i've been told that since i initially installed ubuntu from wubi, upgrading to 13.04 could be dangerous.23:36
SonikkuAmericaAutohide problem? Fix: System Settings > Appearance > Behavior tab, and flick the little "Autohide the Launcher" switch to "OFF"23:36
Biomechdi fixed the autohide thing already.23:37
awm10You're trying to access the Windows machine over your house's Wifi?23:37
Biomechdi was able to do it a long time ago, but not anymore.23:37
SonikkuAmericaBiomechd: If you migrated your Wubi install (via that nice little bash script), you needn't worry.23:37
elisa87Which profiler in ubuntu can show which function uses the most of the time in a program? (gprof?) (is there any better profiler?)23:37
chielhi guys, i'm trying to pair my my bluetooth keyboard with my ubuntu install, and everything seems to have gone well... except it's not actually workin23:38
awm10Do you have samba-common installed?23:38
awm10> Biomechd23:38
chieli did this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5688777/23:39
chieland it registered the device23:39
BiomechdSonikkuAmerica: what do you mean? in windows on this machine, i downloaded i think 12.04 wubi, then upgraded to 12.10 through natural ubuntu updates.23:39
chielhowever, interacting with the keyboard doesn't actually seem to do anything23:39
SonikkuAmerica!migratewubi | Biomechd23:39
SonikkuAmericaBiomechd: Or rather: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi23:40
Biomechdubottu has become unresponsive lol23:40
ubottuBiomechd: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:40
awm10Biomechd > My understanding was that you have a computer with wubi Ubuntu installed, and another computer on the network with Windows installed, and you want to back up your stuff from Ubuntu to the Windows box.23:40
Biomechdyes, awm1023:41
awm10Okay, what version of Windows are you using?23:41
Biomechdthe windows on the target machine is 7 home premium, i believe.23:41
awm10That's good - wifi transfer should be fine on Windows then.23:42
Biomechdbut i can't even log into it23:43
awm10On the Ubuntu computer, you'll want to install samba-common if you don't have it already.23:43
awm10samba is the Linux tool that lets you share files on a Windows network.23:44
Biomechdit seems i already have the latest samba-common23:44
chielis there anything i can do to see if my bluetooth advice has actually been paired properly? according to bluez it registered the new device (http://paste.ubuntu.com/5688777/), but i can't actually use it. any help would be greatly appreciated23:44
awm10Biomechd > once you figure out how to log into the Windows computer, you'll want to go to My Computer > Network Places23:45
eric2_Anyone here do a dual boot with Windows 7 and a System76 machine?23:47
awm10Biomechd > Then in the Ubuntu File Manager, you right click the folder you want to share, then Properties > File Sharing tab > Share this folder.23:47
chielnobody have any ideas?23:47
awm10I have a System76 but no Windows. My language is set to German, so excuse me if my translations are a little off :).23:47
Biomechdawm10: before i didn't need to share anything and i could just transfer files back and forth as if the machines were huge flash drives transferring back and forth.23:48
mr-richStill at wits end ... Phonon will not let me change anything on my sound card ... MB: P55A-UD323:48
awm10Biomechd > Oh, so you probably already have the network file sharing set up.23:49
awm10Biomechd > Actually, do you mean transfer files between Ubuntu and Windows on the same computer, or between different computers on the network?23:50
Biomechddifferent computers on the network23:50
awm10Biomechd > Okay, that's what I thought.23:50
awm10So, you're good for now?23:51
BluesKajmr-rich, run , cat /proc/asound/modules23:51
awm10(Aside from not being able to log into Windows)23:51
Biomechdi don't know what i'm doing wrong but trying to log into my desktop computer just causes the login prompt to pop up again.23:52
chielso, nobody with any bluetooth-in-ubuntu knowledge then? :)23:52
mr-richBluesKaj: http://paste.org/6476323:53
awm10Biomechd > If you have your Windows install DVD, you could recover Windows.23:54
mr-richBluesKaj: I'm gettintg sound, buit I'm also getting now is lots of clicks and pops. Phonon will not let me change anything in system settings - alsa mixer is usless and channels keep appearing and dissappearing ...23:55
awm10Biomechd > If you have an extra HDD for backup, you could burn an Ubuntu LiveDVD and use it to back up the Windows computer to the HDD.23:55
Biomechdawm10: i can log in on the machine directly just fine, it's just trying to log in from the network access point.23:55
BluesKajmr-rich, which soundcard? , looks like you have an intel ,a usb soundcard,and a tv tuner23:56
awm10Biomechd > You can log into your Windows computer directly, but you can't log in to the file share over the network. Is that correct?23:57
mr-richBluesKaj: a very old tv tuner card, the USB is a camera. Intel ones are the issue ...23:57
mr-richBluesKaj: when I bring up alsamixer, chanels blink in and out in time with the clicks and pops ...23:59
m1chaeli have a 32gb drive that isnt being seen by eufi (bios as id still like to call it) .. how do i find out if there is a limit?23:59

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