
gustavo_hi internet07:59
gustavo_qm gustavo from brazil07:59
gustavo_there are someone who can talk ???08:00
gustavo_i'm a ubuntu user08:00
gustavo_i'm using ubuntu gnome 13.0408:00
auroraskywalkerThat's cool08:01
gustavo_and i'm into musc recording08:01
vektormanHello dudes, last week i was firewire problems and it turned out that the problem is in the cable. I just to thank to the guy that helped me last week here in the chat and I want to say that when I changed the cableq firewire on ubuntustudio works perfect with my old dv camcorder and kino application08:01
gustavo_installed ubuntu studio packages08:01
gustavo_i tried to use jack08:02
gustavo_it got a lot of xruns08:02
gustavo_how can  fix it ?08:02
auroraskywalkerI'm sorry I myself can't help you, but maybe someone else here can.08:02
gustavo_i see08:03
phserrhi - I'm trying to setup my maudio fast track and I can choose it in qjackctl, but if it's selected, jack won't start12:30
studio-user150hello, I am trying to install ubuntu studio 12.10 dual boot after pre-install windows 8   from live usb . Is it possible could someone give me some advise . thanks very much16:19
zequencestudio-user150: I really recommend you to install 13.04 instead16:21
zequencestudio-user150: None of the devs use Windows, and the UEFI/secureboot is not something we've looked at at all16:21
zequenceBut, I'm sure regular Ubuntu folks have some idea of how that works16:22
studio-user150thanks very much for the fast answer, I appreciate16:24
zequencestudio-user150: Here's a page about EUFI https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:26
zequenceUEFI* :)16:26

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