
Guanacatbuenas tardes01:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.01:13
Guanacatbona cera01:25
xubuntu986hello? i just uploaded xubuntu and it asking for user and password what should i do03:07
xubuntu986hello? i just uploaded xubuntu and it asking for user and password what should i do03:08
sketch_ok i got a few ?'s... i want to be able to access my movie drive from my other pc also running xubuntu 13.xx04:05
sketch_any ideas? i also want a good snes emulster like snes9x04:06
nyRedneksketch_: i like zsnes04:07
sketch_how do i get it to work in xubuntu?04:08
sketch_i tried bsnes and its not letting me run anything04:09
nyRedneksketch_: zsnes is in the universe repo04:10
nyRedneksketch_: you running 64 bit or 32 bit?04:10
sketch_64 all day04:10
nyRedneksketch_: oh...zsnes is 32 bit04:11
nyRedneksketch_: and written in assembly04:11
sketch_and when i goto the software center to try to install it i get this   There isn’t a software package called “zsnes” in your current software sources.04:11
nyRedneksketch_: there isn't a 64 bit version04:12
sketch_any ideas?04:13
nyRedneki forget if ubuntu still does multilib04:16
sketch_i have no idea04:21
sketch_anyone know how to get file sharing working?05:14
sketch_i have all 4 of mt pc's im my house on xubuntu 13.04 and one thats always on that has all my music/movies that i want all the pc's to be able to connect to05:15
Unit193Over Samba/cifs it isn't so hard.05:15
sketch_do explain please05:16
Unit193I just edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and I'm good to go, but maybe below will help.05:16
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:16
sketch_i installed samba on all the pc's but now im lost05:17
Kilosmorning from za06:27
Kiloscan someone please help me with getting xchat alert sound working06:28
Kiloson ubuntu it plays bell.ogg but here on xchat i get nothing06:29
Kilosall other sound works06:29
Kilosi am using 12.0406:29
XATRIXHi guys, i've updated to 13 version of xubuntu, and my terminal became xterm, or something like this07:35
XATRIXActually when i open my terminal , i have a plain windows, without borders, caption bar. Windows decorations07:36
XATRIXThat's the screenshot i have http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-21052013-103720.php07:37
XATRIXAnything you can advice me to get back windows manager styles back on this window ?07:38
Myrttiand you can repeat the bug even after logging out and back in again?07:38
XATRIXDidn't test it, but i think it should be the same07:39
XATRIXYou wan't me to log in/out ?07:39
Myrttiis this the first time you've logged in after the upgrade?07:39
XATRIXNope, i upgraded yesterday, then rebooted one time after, and was working about half of the day07:40
XATRIXAnd today i see this crappy thing07:40
XATRIXOk, let me relog07:41
XATRIXI'll test it07:41
XATRIXMyrtti: Yea, the same shit happend again, no windows styles for this window07:43
TheSheepXATRIX: right-click inside it, select preferences, go to the appearance tab and check the 'display borders around new windows' checkbox07:44
TheSheepXATRIX: then open a new terminal window07:45
XATRIXYeap, thanks07:45
TheSheep!language | XATRIX07:45
ubottuXATRIX: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:45
XATRIXthat's my fault... i've disabled...07:45
Myrttiwell that was interesting, total hands free experience while my laptop decided it was time to do something with my harddrive07:46
XATRIXAh, sorry, i won't say a bad words... I'm not english-native, so, didn't think that was distressing07:46
XATRIXAlso, is there any shortcuts for using as "maximize window" ? Not a fullscreen mode, not to override pop-ups07:47
koegsXATRIX: ALT+F1007:49
koegsyou can change it in the system settings07:49
XATRIXYea, thanks a lot!07:49
Mohihey guys08:20
Mohianyone there?08:20
Myrttito a varying degree08:21
Mohihi Myrtti08:21
MohiIḿ trying to use an USB device on my Xubuntu08:22
Mohiwhich requires USBFS08:22
Mohiapparently, this is not available for thos kernel versions higher than 2.6, which is the case here08:23
MohiDo you have any idea how to deal with that?08:23
madamGreetings Mere Mortals.09:48
bazhangmadam, do you have a xubuntu support question?09:49
madambazhang? What sort of a name is that? Are you jewish too?10:07
bazhang!ot | madam10:07
ubottumadam: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:07
madamThat's nice.10:08
gmg85hi guys10:08
gmg85voyager distro based on xubuntu has a full screen unity type application finder...where can i download that?10:08
madamgmg85, do you have a xubuntu support question.10:08
madamgmg85: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:10
madamYeah I am about to install windoze 7 on a vacant partition, on my linux machine....... and to then modify the GRUB boot loader... will lurk here until I get stuck.10:11
madamI just so hate microsoft......  I just so wish I could run SOME of the apps, without installing it. Anyone good at using virtual machines? I'd rather that than installing win 7 at all. Nothing much installing virtual machines in the software centre or on the net. Any ideas on what they are called, where and how to install them and use them.10:17
bazhang!vbox > madam10:19
ubottumadam, please see my private message10:19
gmg85fullscreen application finder for xubuntu?10:21
madam Ubuttu - can't you find anything better to do with your time, besides sending private messages, to people who do not want to hear from you, or to read your messages?10:22
madamCome to think of it, I should remind you that the rest of the human race is not here to play social worker for you or your issues. If your hard up for someone to boss around, buy a dog to kick.10:24
knomemadam, stop right now.10:24
elfyty bazhang10:30
elfygmg85: I've not seen one that's fullscreen - I just use the Alt+F2 one if I need to10:31
gmg85elfy get voyager 13.04 run it live and click on the application launcher10:32
elfywhy would I want to do that?10:32
gmg85elfy dont10:32
gmg85the launcher is called slingshot10:37
elfythere's a ppa for that apparently, not sure I'd try it10:42
knomegmg85, voyager isn't supported on this channel10:42
=== mdfe___ is now known as mdfe
DonnieNeed some help... Can I run a complete xubuntu on my flashdrive, and 'save' what I do on it for use when I need it? Somethings I prefer to do on linux rather than windows11:42
TheSheepDonnie: yes11:44
lderanDonnie: this may be of help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:44
DonnieNice. Now can you help me partition my flash drive in half? I have a 16gb and I'm willing to give half for a liux system, and half for whatever I need to port from windows to windows11:44
DonnieActually I can probably do it on a live install couldn't I?11:45
DonnieCut down the linux how I want it, save it to the flashdrive. install everything I want then use gparted to cut it in half11:45
TheSheepDonnie: the usb-creator actually just asks you how much of the space you want for your data11:46
TheSheepDonnie: you just move the slider11:47
DonnieWel I'm on windows now. I have unetbootin, I'm gonna find a good, fast, stable 'live' to put on it, then boot into it... Where would I go from there to make it a perm install on just the flash drive11:47
TheSheeptoo bad12:02
Starcraftmazterin additional drivers, what is the difference between fglrx and fglrx-updates12:18
th3pr0ph3tHi, I installed xubuntu after a while and I'm amazed! It looks great, it's fast and doesn't look like Ubuntu's lesser brother anymore... all the contrary :O13:42
bskagreed :D13:49
bskand Thunar now has tabs o/ :P13:49
th3pr0ph3tThunar in xubuntu copied a defect from nautilus too... the Backspace no longer navigates up in the directory tree (but at leas goes back in history).13:51
bskth3pr0ph3t: yes, but I think that Alt + Up is more appropriate for this13:57
th3pr0ph3twell yes but that's how it works in Windows and people get used to it :/13:58
th3pr0ph3tanyway, it's no big deal...13:58
Guest26200hi all14:18
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:18
veebullhello there15:32
veebullI was trying to get rid of the second bluetooth icon, and suddenly when I log out xubuntu no longer gives the option to save session15:33
veebullso now I'm stuck with a series of windows that I *don't* want popping open every time I log back in.15:33
veebullAny hints as to where I need to look to remedy this?15:33
SonikkuAmericaXveebull: In xfce4-settings-manager (Settings Manager)...15:34
elfyyou can cleat the saved sessions - setting manager - session and startup = session tab15:35
SonikkuAmericaX(Thanks elfy, you beat me)15:35
SonikkuAmericaX(Except we're not playing a sport that requires cleats [I hope]) :)15:35
veebullThat worked, thanks!15:40
toastok so i have a always on pc that runs xubuntu 13.04 and i have a few laptops that also run the same but i want to have a open way to share all the movies/music on all connected to my network and i've been struglling with samba... anyone got the knowledge to get this to work for me and my fam?16:07
baizontoast: try owncloud :)16:08
baizonjust a suggestion :)16:09
Myrttibaizon: a bit over the top one16:09
baizoni think so :)16:09
Myrttitoast: which part are you having trouble with?16:09
toastgetting the folder to share/see it from other pc's16:10
toasti have a 1tb hd dedicated to just movies and have 5 people thand cant see um16:11
Myrttixubuntu doesnt have samba installed for a start16:11
Myrttinor any other Ubuntu derivatives16:11
toasti got it installed16:11
Myrttiso you'd have to install it first. Then Xubuntu doesn't have any graphical user interfaces for sharing, either, so it's mainly editing config files, unless you find some app to do it - but it's not worth it as the config files aren't too difficult to handle in my opinion16:12
toasti got that part but i just dont know how to do the config to make it all work16:13
* Myrtti fixes an error16:14
toastdamn it im lost...16:21
Myrttiwell you need to define users (or machines) and groups (or levels of trust) first16:21
Myrttiwho can you trust to do what with which files16:21
toastonly me and 2 other but we have are own pc's so we dont have accounts on each others pc's if that matters16:23
vabikHi, i have a problem with my creative Audigy 2 ZS card, sometimes output is ok, and microphone is never working, it's making output not working too, when i only try to record something.16:23
toastand does everyone have to have samba installed?16:24
toastor just the main pc?16:24
Myrttitoast: server no, client yes16:24
MyrttiI am a bit rusty in this since it's been a good while since I've last done any of this16:25
toastbahhh i have no idea... i need this done16:26
bsktoast: I like the system-config-samba package16:32
bskit's very simple and powerful :)16:32
toastso what do i do?16:34
bsktoast: Settings Manager > Samba16:34
toastdid that16:35
bskconfigure the shared folders and that's it16:35
toastas soon as i try to open it it says ithat some lines cant be understood 248: server role = domain controller  294: server role = domain controller16:37
bsktoast: did you edit some samba configuration file manually?16:38
toastyeah tried16:39
bskI recommend you purge them all and retry: sudo aptitude purge samba system-config-samba && sudo aptitude install system-config-samba16:40
toastis there a way i can get someone to do like a teamviewer thing and just show me?16:41
bskunfortunatelly I have to leave now, sorry :/16:43
toastthat command dont work either btw16:45
toasthow do i compleatly remove everything samba and start over?16:50
toastthis is the most annoying thing17:02
toastnow im stuck with the samba file in /ect17:03
toastanyone use teamviewer that knows what there doing with file sharing?17:24
bekkstoast: They use a closed source method of transferring files.17:25
toastno i need someone to show me how to get this pc to share my movies/music with the rest of the network17:26
_maddyhi all17:26
_maddyI have a problem, I just installed xubuntu 13.04, and it looks like no bootloader (grub) was installed at all...I used the custom install option17:27
_maddyI have 2 hard disks, with windows on one and linux on one, I can only boot the windows disk17:27
_maddyso how can I manually install grub?17:30
SonikkuAmerica_maddy: Pop your Live image in, boot from it, get Boot Repair [ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair ], update, install Boot Repair and go!17:36
toastI NEED HELP!!! Please help me get this working...17:41
SonikkuAmerica!help | toast17:41
ubottutoast: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:41
SonikkuAmericatoast: Tell us about what kind of setup you have17:42
SonikkuAmerica!details | that is17:43
ubottuthat is: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:43
toastim trying to get the main pc to share my movies/music  to my network... all the pc's in my house run xubuntu 13.04 and we all need access17:44
toastif anyone has teamviewer and could just show me that be great... sorry for my post17:45
SonikkuAmericaI have TeamViewer but not Xubuntu.17:46
SonikkuAmericaI have Unity.17:46
SonikkuAmericaBut if you gimme a second, I'll pull up my VBox'ed Xubuntu and figure it out for ya.17:47
toastwouldnt it really be basicly the same sence there both ubuntu ? thx i'll be here17:47
toastsomeone told me to do NFSv4 but im lost17:53
Luke__Hi, just a quick question - do you have any experience with Xubuntu 12.10 (altest updates) and a laptop with docking station with two monitors attached, running core i5 with intel HD 4000 graphics? I just installed it, and it can't be booted in dock without "nomodeset" and if it is, it recognizes only one screen... I really want it to behave like Win 7, which have no trouble with dock and multiple screens at all.17:56
elfytoast: I can possibly help you with nfs18:01
elfyjust give me a few minutes - half way through some real life stuff18:02
toasti'll be here18:02
toastthank you18:02
vabikHello, is there any chance to force Audigy 2 ZS to work properly (output and input) on Xubuntu 13.04?18:08
elfytoast: hi - so I don't use nfsv4 but I do use nfs18:11
elfytoast: so what have you done so far - where are you reading information from ?18:12
toastin xubuntu?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo18:12
elfyok cool - so what have you done from that page so far? or none of it?18:13
toastjust the apt-get install nfs-kernel-server  and  mkdir -p /export/users18:14
toastthis is where i got to sudo mount --bind /home/users /export/users  mount: special device /home/users does not exist18:15
elfyI'd rather use the nfs that nfsv4 - I know that works, or at least it works here for me :)18:15
toastok so what do i do?18:15
elfysudo apt-get install rpcbind nfs-kernel-server18:16
elfydo that - then we need to know where the music etc that you want to share are18:16
elfyand we need to know the IP address of your server machine - which I assume is yours18:17
toastsudo apt-get install rpcbind nfs-kernel-server18:17
toastReading package lists... Done18:17
toastBuilding dependency tree18:17
toastReading state information... Done18:17
toastnfs-kernel-server is already the newest version.18:17
toastrpcbind is already the newest version.18:17
toastrpcbind set to manually installed.18:17
toast0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:17
elfyplease don't do that :)18:17
elfytoast: if you want to share a bunch of lines use paste.ubuntu.com18:18
toastsorry what would you have me do?18:18
elfytoast: ok you got a terminal open?18:18
elfymake a note of the inet addr you see in the second line18:19
elfytoast: ok - now we need to know what folders it is you want to share - where abouts are they ?18:20
elfyif you have no idea where then tell me18:21
toastits a 2 hd's... uder devices?18:21
elfyyou got thunar open - click on one of them - then tell me what path it says for them at the top :)18:22
toasthold on18:23
toastit wont let me paste it18:24
elfytype it :)18:24
elfywon't let you paste from thunar to here?18:25
elfytoast: actually are these devices both mounted?18:25
toastit wont come up here i can copy and paste it but it wont come up here when i hit enter18:26
elfytype it then18:26
toasttried and still18:26
toastmedia toast movies18:27
elfyif that's what you're trying to do you need an extra leading / :)18:27
toastyeah with a cap Movies18:28
elfyok - music?18:28
elfyand in linux capitals are important - movies and Movies are 2 completely different things18:28
toastthat be the same place but with Stuff18:28
elfywe need to know the paths to both folders - or you do :)18:29
elfydo these both get mounted when you boot?18:29
toastnot auto18:29
toastbut the machine never gets turned off so18:30
elfyok - as far as I know we need to have them automounted so that nfs can see them18:30
elfyare they both linux drives or have you moved to xubuntu from windows and they are both ntfs18:30
toastthey're fat 3218:31
toastboth 500gb drives and bout full18:34
tumblehello guys, can anyone tell me how long a bug like this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-session/+bug/1172018 needs to get fixed? is it about days, weeks or rather months?18:34
elfytoast can you run these 2 commands from a terminal please18:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1104435 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu Raring) "duplicate for #1172018 xfce4-session crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Undecided,New]18:34
tumbleI'm asking because it renders my whole system unusable18:34
toastyup no prob18:35
elfytoast: sudo blkid | pastebinit and mount | pastebinit18:35
elfytoast: you'll get 2 urls - give them to me please18:35
Unit193toast: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-session/+bug/1104435 has it marked as fixed in saucy, so I'd think it'd be SRU'd to raring.18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1104435 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu Raring) "xfce4-session crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Undecided,New]18:36
Unit193tumble: Sorry, that was for you.18:36
tumbleSRU'd, I guess that's good? :D18:37
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:38
toasthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5687868/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687872/18:38
elfy2 secs18:38
tumblethank you very much for the info then ;)18:38
Unit193tumble: You'll see the upstream bug report, and that it has a patch attached.  Anyway, you may be able to request a SRU, don't remember how those work.18:39
elfytoast please do this sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.210518:40
elfydo it exactly like that please18:40
elfyok - gksudo mousepad /etc/fstab18:42
elfyat this point please be very careful18:43
elfygo to the last line and enter a couple of times to get away from the system mounts18:43
elfytoast - copy this UUID=3556-1D0A /media/toast/Movies vfat defaults,user,dmask=027,fmask=137 0 018:45
tumbleUnit193: would it make a difference for me if I would use ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.10 ? Does it already contain this fix?18:45
elfytoast - no - sorry - edit the UUID to UUID=4232-818118:46
Unit193tumble: Not as far as I know.18:46
elfytoast: then UUID=3556-1D0A /media/toast/Stuff18:47
tumblelooks like I should try to build xfce from their git repositories then18:47
tumbleshould work following http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/building right?18:47
elfytoast - long day  UUID=3556-1D0A /media/toast/Stuff vfat defaults,user,dmask=027,fmask=137 0 018:47
elfyonce you've done those - cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit and give us the url18:48
Unit193tumble: Could setup pbuilder and build from saucy, it's not much different right now.18:48
Unit193tumble: Can't wait for an update?18:48
tumbleoh well, if you think it could happen within a week or so, I can wait. I'm just waiting for a bit already, hoping that something happens :D18:48
Unit19332bit or 64?18:50
elfytoast: how you doing?18:53
toasthold on dog messing with me18:54
vabikhi, sorry for repeating it :D But i have a problem with Creative audigy 2 ZS input.18:54
Unit193tumble: As long as you're going to go off and compile something, try a package here in a few minutes, if it doesn't work, just purge and go on to the next option.18:55
toasti forgot the space in the 0's18:56
elfyopen it up and put the space in there please - save again18:57
toastalready done18:57
elfyyou're going to have to create mountpoints now - but your drives are already there at the moment, so if you're watching a film or listening to music you'll have to stop for the moment18:58
toasti'm all in this so go ahead lol18:58
elfysudo umount /dev/sc1 /dev/sdb1 && sudo mount -a18:59
elfythat will fail18:59
toastnot good18:59
elfysudo umount /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb118:59
elfysudo mkdir /media/toast/Movies /media/toast/Stuff && sudo mount -a19:00
elfyshould all work - then you should have the drives back and mounted19:00
elfyif at any point there's an error it should get echoed into the terminal19:01
toastlooking good19:02
elfyall done?19:02
toastyeah but if i try to open Movies i get permission denied19:03
toastor Stuff19:04
elfyI hate windows file systems19:04
toastjoin the club19:05
Unit193tumble: It's not an official package, but it's just the saucy one built for raring.  http://vanir.unit193.tk/raring/xfce4-session_4.10.0-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb19:06
elfytoast - open fstab again   sudo mousepad /etc/fstab19:06
tumblethank you, I will give it a try19:07
tumbleI guess it takes a full reboot to take effect, doesn't it?19:08
elfytoast change the ends of both the 2 new lines to defaults,user,exec,uid=1000,gid=100,umask=000 0 019:08
Unit193tumble: Would need to log out and back in, to cycle out xfce4-session.19:08
tumbleokay, brb19:09
elfysave and close then sudo umount /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1 && sudo mount -a and check again in thunar19:09
elfytoast: ^^19:09
Unit193tumble: yey or nay?19:11
tumbleyey so far, trying to break it :D19:11
tumblewas relatively easy to reproduce actually, it happened almost everytime I started some application from either the application menu or the dock19:11
tumbleso far it works^^19:12
toastdone take a look pleas to make sure   http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687986/19:12
Unit193Great, hopefully the SRU will come in soon too.19:12
tumbleso what you did was checking out their git repo and compiling it right?19:12
elfytoast they look ok - but at this point I'm just reading things - long long time since I needed to mount windows filesystems19:13
elfytoast: save and close then sudo umount /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1 && sudo mount -a and check again in thunar19:13
Unit193tumble: No, I rebuilt the saucy package (only change was fixing that bug) and rebuilt in a raring chroot.19:14
toastbeautiful it works19:14
tumbleuhm, what do I need to google for to read a bit about it?^^19:15
elfytoast: k so now we can get on with the nfs bit19:15
tumblebuilding packages and stuff19:15
ubottupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto19:15
toastyay!!! lol19:15
tumbleokay nice, thanks again19:15
Unit193Sure thing.19:15
elfytoast: you made a note of the inetaddr from ifconfig?19:16
elfysudo mousepad /etc/exports19:16
toastjust the first one rish on the 2nd line?19:16
elfyyep - what is it19:17
Unit193tumble: There's also the Debian package documentation to read, fun stuff.19:17
elfyok - got the exports file open?19:17
tumbleyet a young padawan I am, a lot to learn about Linux I have :s19:18
elfytoast - go to the bottom again - new line then19:18
elfytoast: /media/toast/Movies,sync,no_subtree_check)19:19
elfythen do the same again but use /media/toast/Stuff instead19:19
elfysave and close19:22
elfysudo exportfs -ra19:23
elfythen sudo exportfs  and you should see the two shares19:23
elfysudo service nfs-kernel-server restart19:24
elfyall done - no errors?19:25
toastno hoast name?19:26
elfysudo exportfs |pastebinit19:26
elfybrb need tea19:27
elfytoast: cat /etc/exports | pastebinit19:31
elfyodd - neveer seen that before, the only thing I can think of is did you completely undo your samab efforts?19:35
toasti believe i did is there anyway to remove all traces of samba even in the /etc?19:36
elfynot sure never used it19:36
toasti did the apt-get remove19:36
elfycat /etc/samba/smb.conf |pastebinit19:37
Unit193dpkg -l | grep samba  see if there's any rc there too.19:38
elfyUnit193: there's a bunch of stuff at the bottom of toast smb.conf - which can be removed please19:39
Unit193elfy: Everything past postexec19:40
elfytoast: sudo mousepad /etc/samba/smb.conf19:41
elfyright at the very bottom - delete everything after the postexec line - that is all the stuff that looks like your paths19:41
elfysave and close19:41
elfyUnit193: ta :)19:42
elfytoast: sudo exportfs -ra19:42
elfysudo exportfs19:43
elfydo you now just get 2 lines?19:43
toastdone and i get 2 with the ip's and 2 with world19:44
elfyok - no idea what that's about - maybe there's a samba service needs to be stopped and started again ... Unit193 ?19:44
Unit193elfy: Yes, but he also has [homes] shared.19:45
elfycan you explain how to unshare it then :)19:45
elfyUnit193: ^^19:46
elfyUnit193: nvm - think I got it19:47
toastalso can i add to the files from anothe pc?19:47
Unit193Comment out lines 249-251, and not sure about the two before, I don't hav 'em.19:47
elfyopen that smb.conf file again toast and put # at the beginning of ^^19:47
elfytoast: lets get this machine of yours sharing first19:49
elfytry the sudo exportfs -ra and sudo exportfs again19:50
bekksexportfs will not work for samba, but for nfs only.19:51
bekksrestart samba or reload its config.19:51
elfyI thought as much bekks19:51
Unit193sudo service smbd restart19:51
toastyeah its the same elfy19:52
elfyoh hang on19:52
elfydo ls /export/users19:53
toastsmbd: unrecognized service19:53
elfythat's a lower case L not a 119:54
elfydoes it show anything ?19:54
elfyyou did this before I started helping you mkdir -p /export/users and had issues with the mount --bind is that right?19:56
elfybekks: you got any idea? toast and I have mounted with fstab, got the exports in /etc/exports and they work but he was doing ^^ and got stuck earlier19:57
bekksMAybe some typo in the config.19:58
elfythe nfs one? that looks good to me - I'm not undertsanding where the extra two shares are coming from here http://paste.ubuntu.com/5688059/19:59
elfytoast: try this sudo rm -r /export/20:01
elfythen do the exportfs -ra things again20:01
elfytoast: can you do cat /etc/exportfs |pastebinit again20:05
elfyI'm completely lost now - they were there a short while ago20:06
toastcat: /etc/exportfs: No such file or directory20:07
elfysorry exports20:08
toasthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5688192/ didnt even see that20:10
elfytoast: you've got a space between (rw - remove the space from both lines20:11
elfygksudo mousepad /etc/exports20:12
elfybekks: that sort of typo perhaps20:13
toasthabit to space lol20:13
toastits done20:13
elfysudo exportfs -ra && sudo exportfs20:17
toastyay!!! just 220:18
elfy2 - you should have 10 ... :p20:19
elfyjoking - because I need it :)20:19
toastok then we both do i was lie wtf? lol20:19
elfyright so that's almost there now - you need to work on each of the machines you want to share to now20:20
toaston in front of me20:21
elfyok - sudo apt-get install rpcbind nfs-common20:22
elfyforgotten a step :|20:23
elfygo back to the machine your sharing from please20:24
toaststill there20:24
elfygksudo mousepad /etc/hosts.deny20:24
elfyadd this line - as it is  here rpcbind mountd nfsd statd lockd rquotad : ALL20:24
elfysave close20:25
elfygksudo mousepad /etc/hosts.allow20:25
elfyadd this line - as it is here rpcbind mountd nfsd statd lockd rquotad :
elfysave close20:26
elfysudo service nfs-kernel-server restart20:27
vabikhi, i deleted pavucontroland now i've reinstalled it, is there any way to bring back its icon in panel tray?20:28
elfytoast: copy what you just did with the hosts.deny and hosts.allow files on the client machine20:29
elfyoh - please ignore that20:29
brainwashvabik: simply install indicator-sound-gtk220:30
toastnow just to make sure http://paste.ubuntu.com/5688259/20:30
elfyedit the files but in hosts.deny put rpcbind : ALL and in hosts.allow put rpcbind :
elfytoast: is that the server deny file?20:31
toastn/m i see my wrong now20:31
elfyI'm not helping - I've been up since about 5am and its 10pm :)20:31
elfythen that looks ok20:31
vabikbrainwash: thank you very much :)20:32
elfyI thought you'd done them both and were back at client20:32
toastwell you did lockd not locked20:32
elfyare you not copy pasting?20:32
toastcant from xchat from what it seems20:33
bekksWhy dont you just start using NFSv4 instead of messing around with these dinosaurs of hosts.allow and hosts.deny?20:33
elfybekks: if you'd been here when we started you could have :)20:34
elfyI use what works for me :)20:34
toastim lost with the deny thing20:35
elfyrpcbind mountd nfsd statd lockd rquotad : ALL20:35
toastwhat was i supossed to add?20:35
elfythat ^^20:35
toasti got that so now what?20:36
elfysave it20:36
elfythen do hosts.allow and add20:36
elfyrpcbind mountd nfsd statd lockd rquotad :
bekksOr forget both files and set the nfs share to be shared with that IP only.20:36
elfybekks: if you can take over then do so - I'm tired out20:37
bekksInstead of * in /etc/exports just issue the IP.20:37
bekksDone :)20:37
bekksPlease show me one line from your /etc/exports20:38
elfytoast: follow bekks20:38
toast/media/toast/Movies (rw,sync,no_subtree_check)20:39
toastok elfy thanks a bunch and get some rest20:39
bekksAnd the only IP allowed to access that share is ?20:39
toastthats the ip of the pc that has the movies i want 2 other pc's to be able to access it and add files20:40
bekksAnd both other hosts have static IPs?20:41
toast1 host, 2 clients and no20:42
bekksThen try to explain why you mess with hosts.allow and hosts.deny?20:42
toasti dont know what im doing i just want it to work thats why i ask20:42
elfybekks: toast doesn't have an idea - and I justuse what works for me20:43
bekksah :)20:43
bekksSo basically you should drop hosts.allow and hosts.deny20:43
toastok then how?20:43
elfyand it'd be pointless me using a single Ip here as they change :)20:43
bekkstoast: By removing their content.20:44
toastyet again how20:44
bekksBy opening an editor and deleting the content.20:44
toaststep by step man its all new20:45
bekksYou have been using an editor all the time - dont you remember that you just edited files on and on?20:46
toastyeah but the names of stuff i mean20:46
toastso im here in mousepad /etc/hosts.deny20:47
bekksSo delete the content and save it.20:48
toastok done20:48
bekksOn to the next file then :)20:49
toastwhich would be?20:49
bekks /etc/hosts.allow20:49
toastwasnt anything thare anyway20:50
micomhello, funny it looks like i lost my themes20:51
micomi do not see icons, menu bar is gray20:51
micommoreover i cannot change it to other style20:51
micomdo you have any ideas?20:52
micomxubuntu 13.04 fresh installation, only updates20:52
toastso now what?20:52
bekkstoast: Restart the NFS server.20:53
bekksNow you should be able to mount your shares from you other clients.20:54
toast dont we have to set them up?20:54
bekksIts jus one command to be issued on them.20:54
toastok so how would i do it then20:55
Unit193micom: And you're saying that going to Appearance and resetting the theme does not work?20:55
micomUnit193, exactly, when i change it to other in appearance there is no effect20:55
bekkstoast: mkdir /tmp/test; mount -t nfs root@ipofyourhost:/your/share/name /tmp/test20:55
bekkstoast: Wrong20:56
micomUnit193, there is even no icons in folders20:56
micomonly white space and text20:56
bekkstoast: mkdir /tmp/test; sudo mount -t nfs ipofyourhost:/your/share/name /tmp/test20:56
Unit193micom: Tried moving .config to .config-backup and relogging in?20:56
micomok Unit193 will try it in next few minutes, gotta save all my open pr0n sites20:57
toastand this is done on the cliant pc's right?20:58
micomUnit193, it looks like there is no .config in my home directory20:58
Unit193micom: Random thought, your home is owned by your user, right?  Do you have the same issue if you create another user?20:59
micomUnit193, do know...will check it21:00
bekkstoast: You have defined the shares in the host's /etc/export21:00
toasti believe so idk21:01
bekkstoast: use one of them to replace /your/share/name when running the command above on the client.21:01
toastok but i have 2  things i want to share21:03
bekksIs the second thing already defined in the host's /etc/exports ?21:03
bekksThen just mount it as the first thing.21:05
micomUnit193, something is wrong, new user works properly, so i have copied .config to new user, but it still does not works21:06
bekksmkdir /tmp/test2; sudo mount -t nfs ipofyourhost:/your/second/share /tmp/test221:06
toastit says it cant mkdir "/tmp/test" file exists21:09
bekksI said something different.21:09
toast/media/toast/Movies and the second is /media/toast/Stuff21:11
bekks0521 230637 < bekks> mkdir /tmp/test2; sudo mount -t nfs ipofyourhost:/your/second/share /tmp/test221:11
toastit also says that access denied by server21:12
bekksThen whats the line for the second share from your host's /etc/exports ?21:13
bekksSyntax error. Missing space in front of (21:13
bekksFix it, and restart the nfs server.21:14
toasthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5688387 this is what i get on the client pc21:18
bekks0521 231139 < bekks> 0521 230637 < bekks> mkdir /tmp/test2; sudo mount -t nfs ipofyourhost:/your/second/share /tmp/test221:18
bekksmkdir /tmp/test2 -- which is not mkdir /tmp/test21:18
bekksAnd replace /media/toast/Movies with /media/toast/Stuff21:19
bekksYou already mounted /media/toast/Movies to /tmp/test21:19
bekksNow, you want to mount /media/toast/Stuff to /tmp/test221:19
toastok access still denied by server21:20
bekksSo whats the very exact command you are typing?21:21
bekksthen show the very exact line of your host's /etc/export, in a pastebin please.21:23
bekksAnd you did restart the nfs server?21:24
toastsudo service nfs-kernel-server restart right?21:25
toastthis is what i get now http://paste.ubuntu.com/5688421/21:27
bekksThen you didnt show me you current /etc/exports from your host.21:28
toastbut i did and here it is again ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/5688433/21:29
bekksOk. Well, I think I'd told you something wrong. Delete the space character before ( and restart the nfs server again.21:30
toastthats what i thought and you said it was a syntax error21:30
bekksI think I was wrong with that.21:31
toastrestarted and no bs21:31
bekksSo you should be able to mount that second share from your client.21:32
toastacess denied by server while mounting
bekksThen pastebin the output of ls -lha /media/toast/ please21:34
toastclient or host21:35
bekkssudo chmod 755 /media21:37
bekkson the host21:37
bekksrestart the nfs server21:37
bekkstry mounting from the client again21:37
toaststill the same21:39
bekksWell, you have some weird permissions on /media on your host, you are using ACL.21:39
bekksNotice that little "+" in your last paste.21:40
bekkssudo chmod 755 /media/toast21:40
bekksrestart nfs server and try mounting again.21:40
toastok it seems as if it mounted but how do i check21:42
bekksdf -h21:42
toaston client?21:42
toastwhat am i looking for now with that21:44
bekksYou tried to setup two nfs shares for being mounted from differentclients. Congratulations, you just did succeed :)21:46
toastor rather how do i access the files now21:46
bekksGo into /tmp/test or /tmp/test2 and do what you like with them,21:47
bekksIf you want to automatically mount these shares, please see the wiki article for mount and for the fstab21:47
toastword i just figured it out  lol21:48
toastand i believe i have them to be auto mouted how do i check21:48
bekksCheck the /etc/fstab on the client.21:49
peyamwhat is the best light weight latex editor?21:49
knome!best | peyam21:50
ubottupeyam: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.21:50
toastis this right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5688503/21:51
knomenano? :P21:51
bekkstoast: No. NFS does not know anything about UUID, and it isnt VFAT, it is nfs. That /etc/fstab will not work for a client.21:51
SonikkuAmericaknome: <3 nano21:52
bekkstoast: Dont touch the /etc/fstab from the host. :)21:52
toastok so what do i put in the client?21:52
bekkstoast: Please refer to the wiki articles for mount and the fstab.21:53
bekkstoast: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo#Mount_at_startup  -- read up to the section "static mounts".21:53
SonikkuAmericaknome: By the way: Is there/has there been an Ubuntu OpenWeek where anyone talked about Xubuntu's plans going forward?21:54
knomeSonikkuAmerica, nope.21:54
SonikkuAmericaGlad I didn't miss anything then... :) phillw of Lubuntu Testing got caught off guard yesterday about having to go today.21:55
knomeyeah. i don't think we have the capacity at the moment21:55
toastthis is confusing me21:59
bass_goonI'm starting to think that EFI booting isn't quite ready for primtime...22:13
Unit193!uefi | Not as easy as BIOS, but doable.22:13
ubottuNot as easy as BIOS, but doable.: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:13
bass_goonwell, I'm installing to a USB drive, and...it doesn't seem to move well between different EFI capable machines22:14
toasti cant figure out how to get my client machines to auto mount nfs22:18
bekkstoast: Follow "Setting Up the NFS Client" here: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-set-up-an-nfs-mount-on-ubuntu-12-0422:19
bekkstoast: All you need to follow there is on how to edit your fstab22:20
toastall i gotta add in the fstab is the lines i mad in the host right and it will auto connect?22:23
bekksYou have to add different lines.22:23
bekksExamples are shown in the links I posted.22:23
toastman.... under the setting up the nfs client in the last link you gave me is where i should find my answer right?22:26
bekksAnd a wonderful example, too.22:26
toastim just confused where do i put my info to the host?22:27
bekksYou dont touch your host.22:27
bekksYou want to mount your shares on your clients.22:28
bekksThats where you have to edit the fstab for automounting your shares.22:28
toastok so where do i get my client info i am to use?22:29
bekksThe client info is called /etc/fstab22:29
bekksThere you have to add a line similar to the example from the link above to mount your share automatically.22:30
bekksThats described in the link. :)22:30
toastok this is where i am in the steps in the link... mount them... dont i use my ip?22:31
bekksThe ip of the host where the shares are, yes.22:31
toastwtf! i typed sudo mount and i get access denied by server22:35
bekksBecause thats not your share...22:35
bekksYou shares are named differently.22:36
bekks /media/toast/Movies ... and /media/toast/Stuff22:36
toastahhh ok i see22:38
dez...hiya, anyone here?22:42
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:44
dezi feel rude sauntering in and asking, no, pleading for help, but i was just hoping that someone might have a smart answer for a problem which has just come out of nowhere. what do you reckon?22:45
dezi know nobody's really chatting, but it's kinda cool to be back on IRC again, after, like..... 14 years?22:47
dezmad. gone are the days of black backgrounds and neon colours and "choose your own annoying font" huh?22:48
bekksdez: Well, then just tell us some more details.22:48
dezthanks bekks22:48
dezright, so, the only thing that i can thing of that changed was an update to the truetype fonts (2 packages) this aftrernoon.22:48
dezrebooted tonight, and my PC's in "mega basic mode", i.e.:22:49
dezBeOS looking graphics22:49
dezno option to change...anything, on the settings22:49
dezscreen res is wider than the monitor so the top right icons (inc error logs etc) are missing.22:49
dezi can shut down by scrolling off into the distance and left clicking, since the dialog box pops up on the screen, semi-oddly22:50
dezinstead of the pop-under icons menu being central, it's on tthe left. and the icon set is different, i think. certainly it's got gnoosic which i didn't even know i had.22:51
dezit's not on the internet tho i'm still connected to the ethernet cable as normal22:51
dezrebooting doesn't cange anything.22:51
dezum, what else....22:51
dezcan sleect different desktop resolutions but it doesn't change anything22:51
dezsuccessfully ran software updater, which updated the kernel, but no improvement22:52
dezi'm on 12...04?22:52
dezand have the option of updating.22:52
dezso i guess the fallback thing to try is to run the update22:52
SonikkuAmericadez: [ lsb_release -a ] will tell you what you're on.22:52
deznice command!22:53
dezso, re: fallback option of updating to 13: as a side question, am i right in thinking it can't be updated in place, it needs a liveUSB, or can i just hit update and it'll run?22:54
SonikkuAmericaSo... Xubuntu 12.10, and your machine is doing weird things.22:54
dez(i'd still prefer to just fix this, btw)22:54
dezhaha, yes, in brief!22:54
SonikkuAmericadez: To get to 13.04, (a) run [ do-release-upgrade ] in a terminal, (b) use a live image of the next release (select "Upgrade to Xubuntu $VERSION"), or (c) use the graphical updater (not recommended).22:55
SonikkuAmericadez: But anyway, 12.10 is still supported, so I'll try and see what I can do22:55
SonikkuAmerica(I prefer option A myself)22:56
SonikkuAmericaSo first, let's address the screen resolution problem:22:56
dezit just seems like a weird one - was running perfectly and suddly gone really od.22:56
SonikkuAmericaSo the icons on the bottom panel are off to the left?22:57
dezbottom right hand corner, instead of bottom central22:57
dezlarge icons, slightly22:57
dezon a basic grey overlay22:57
SonikkuAmericaOK. (Yeah, I'm familiar with that setup.) Right-click the panel, point to "Panel >" and click "Panel Prefs..."22:58
SonikkuAmericaIn that combo box up top, pick the bottom panel (you'll know which is selected by means of a red dashed box)22:59
SonikkuAmericaWhen the correct panel is selected, click the "Items" tab22:59
SonikkuAmericaAnd check to see if you have a separator in both the top and the bottom of the list.23:00
dezi do23:00
SonikkuAmericaIf you do, select the separator on the bottom and click the gear button (Settings)23:01
SonikkuAmericaA window should pop up. Is the "Expand" check box checked? If not, check it, and it's fixed.23:01
dezno obvious gear button, you want me to hit the wrench  /spanner icon for edit?23:02
dezexpand is checked23:02
dezwe're talking aobut hte same thing i think23:02
SonikkuAmericaI think so too. Then check the options for the other separator list item in the same wise.23:02
deztbh tho, i can't help thinking that the bottom panel change is only a part23:02
dez(top also expand checked)23:03
deza part of a larger sweeping change which has afffected:23:03
SonikkuAmericaOK. So we know that (a common mistake) is not the problem.23:03
dezthe screen size23:03
dezthe bottoom panel layour23:03
dezthe appearange23:03
dezthe inability to change settings23:03
dezinternet being down23:03
SonikkuAmericaWhat screen resolution do you normally use?23:03
dezhonestly not sure23:04
dezit's on the highest possible one currently but i can't change it: normally on xubuntu/ubuntu when you select another option it applies it. now: no. and since there's not forcible "apply" button, i can't change most settings....23:04
SonikkuAmericaOpen a terminal...23:04
dezunless i terminal them, potentially23:04
SonikkuAmerica...and type [ xrandr -s $WIDTHx$HEIGHT ]23:05
SonikkuAmericawhere $WIDTH is the screen width and $HEIGHT is the height.23:05
SonikkuAmericaIt's altogether possible that a graphics update conked one of your resolutions out (esp. if it was 16:9) so you may have to either (a) upgrade to 13.04 or (b) use a lower screen res (in this case)23:07
SonikkuAmericaJust to be comical, start with 640x480 and work your way up23:07
dezgiven how many things are suddenly bugggered up, how drastic a23:08
dezinbore that23:08
dezright, i removed the dollars and it worked.23:08
dezthanks fo the 640 by 480 idea, hahahaha23:08
SonikkuAmericaYou didn't need the $, that was just to name a variable by reference.23:09
dezlets try something that isn't designed for my grandpa, or someone looking at it through a telescope... :)23:09
dezright, groovy, 1280x1024 loks normal enough to see the whole screen23:09
SonikkuAmericaA wide screen should at least use 1440x900, if you have one.23:10
dezcrash report detected ( i can see icons now)23:10
dezgvfsd-http closed unexpecredly23:10
SonikkuAmericaI CAN SEE ICONS NOW... oh, crap, going !ot here, lol23:11
dezmight explain why firefox wasnt' working but synaptic was23:11
deznerd version of the sixth sense "I SEE DEAD.... ICONS!"23:11
SonikkuAmericaSo OK... can you see the right half of the desktop now?23:12
dezi mean, yup23:12
dezcaps typo23:12
SonikkuAmericaNow, the next thing to do is see if the gvfsd-http problem replicates itself.23:13
dezokey dokey23:13
SonikkuAmericaA reboot and a start of Firefox will do this for you.23:14
dezbefore we do that, one thing:23:14
dezi can now see the display settings dialogue box23:14
dezwhich has - as it did before - 2 options23:14
dezboth say digital display23:14
deztop one has the res i put in23:14
dezbottom one has nothing23:14
amanda_can anyone help me get my pc to see nfs shared folders23:15
dezpotentially meaningless but i just wonder if it might be connected to this wide ranging largely-appearance-based problem...23:15
dezbut lets try the reboot first23:15
SonikkuAmericadez: That one on top being the selected one, I see no reason why it needs changing.23:15
dezseems to work, so. i just tohught i'd say.23:16
dezi'll reboot and let's see23:16
amanda_my friend toast got info here and had to goto work23:16
deznfs or ntfs?23:16
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.23:17
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: Well there's that to start with, at least...23:17
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: [ sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server ] is the first thing you'll want to do, if you don't have it already.23:18
amanda_i have no idea what im doing  and he wont be back for a few days23:19
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: First, run the command I mentioned in terminal.23:19
amanda_ok done23:21
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: I assume we're using your machine (the host) as a client so it can see other machines ("guests")23:22
amanda_i guess the host is done and my pc is a client but i dont see it23:22
dezsonikku, sorry to dual-core you. rebooting a couple of times found that: 1: rebooting worked, kinda. it's still at the poor but workable res we chose but i can see all icons AND the icon set is back to normal rather than being BeOS style basic or missing application icons. 2: setting the previous res drags the screen too wide (wsa fine bfore) but also changes the appearance set to a basic grey box look, with the BeOS ico23:22
dezns again. sorry i can't screenshot easily.23:22
dezfirefox is working again tho23:23
SonikkuAmericadez: Hmm... guess that screen res is being a pain... graphics card info plz?23:23
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: You'd be right, so let me move down to those instructions23:23
deznvidia ge_force xfx um....23:24
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: We also need the nfs-common package, so go ahead and install that too.23:24
dezactually the graphics card precipitated a problem with ubuntu which led to me changing to xubuntu, so....!23:25
SonikkuAmericadez: Are you using the NVIDIA prop drivers or no?\23:25
amanda_that was done23:25
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: Good.23:25
dezcan you remember where i check that? i'm looking in the wrong place currently23:26
SonikkuAmericadez: Apps menu > Settings > Additional Drivers23:27
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: So now run [ sudo start nfs-kernel-server ]23:27
dezsorry dude, i'm potentially being stupid, but i dont seem to have that option. i have apps menu>setting, then personal, harware, system & other, no additional drivers in there....23:29
amanda_unknown job it says23:29
Unit193dez: Software Sources, then Additional Drivers.23:29
dezsorry. software sources. additional drivers.23:29
dezhaha, snap.23:30
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: Actually we may not need that... try this instead: [ sudo mount -t nfs -o ro AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:/path/to/shared/folder/ /wherever/you/want/to/mount/it/ nfs rw 0 0 ]23:30
dezproprietary, tested.23:30
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: (where AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD is the IP address)23:30
dezusing nvidia inary xorg driver, kernel module an vdpau library from nvidia-current23:30
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: (In that terminal line, scratch the rw. That should go where ro is if you want to mount the share as read/write vs. read-only)23:31
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: (and the 0 0)23:31
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: So just [ sudo mount -t nfs -o ro AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:/path/to/shared/folder/ /wherever/you/want/to/mount/it/ ]23:31
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: ^ That whole line there. Copy it into a terminal.23:32
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: (I screwed up myself)23:32
amanda_i cant with xchat23:32
dezctrl shift v pastes to terminal23:32
SonikkuAmerica(Thanks dez)23:33
dezctrl c copies from xchat (he guesses)23:33
dezi get to use my one piece of knowledge.23:33
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: Once that's copied in, use the left arrow to edit the line so that AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD is the correct IP address, /path/to/shared/folder is the path, and /wherever/you/want/to/mount/it is the place where you want it to show up.23:34
seronisdez++   now i dont have to take my hands off the keyboard to click the middle mouse btn23:35
dezthe middle mouse button.......does that paste into terminal? keeewl!23:36
dezalthough, as you say, i don't need to know that, haha23:36
seronismiddle mouse is the generic 'paste'23:36
seronisworks most places23:36
seronisyeah.. except on windows i used middle mouse as my teamspeak PushToTalk23:37
seronisso i dont like it so much23:37
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: You still there?23:37
amanda_trying to figure this out23:38
dezsmart. man i had such high hopes for windows gaming and teamspeak and just cold gave up on that thing. Be more complicated, why don't you? annoying. And yet if i'da managed it, it would have been wall-to-wall geeky middle aged gamers chatting, rather than the 14y/o xbox crowd....23:38
seronisonly use it for friends private servers so no xbox personality issues23:39
dez"i fragged you mom" etc.23:39
dezstill surprised there isn't more ability to choose who you can chat to.23:40
pleia2might want to take this to #xubuntu-offtopic if you wish to continue :)23:40
dezon a xubuntu-related slant: have you upgraded to 13.10 and if so, is there much benefit?23:40
dez(sorry pleia, realised i/we were wandering!)23:40
pleia2dez: 13.10 hasn't even reached alpha yet, not recommended23:40
seronisi only started using 3 weeks ago so only have used 13.0423:41
dez13.04, sorry23:41
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: All right: (1) sudo: We know what this does. (2) mount -t sets a temporary mount point. (3) nfs is the file system. (4) ro is read-only, rw is read-write. (5) $IPADDRESS:/path/to/shared/folder/ is the IP address of the machine you're heading into, while /path/to/shared/folder/ is the path to the folder you're trying to access. (6) After all that is the place you want it to appear in your file system.23:41
seronisrecent win7 convert..  and so far even as a newbie i've managed to get things running how i like23:42
dezuntil tonight i was in the same boat: soooooo impressed with xubuntu.23:42
SonikkuAmericaseronis: Xubuntu and all? XFCE is for hardcore tweakers... :)23:42
seronismailto links now open a gmail window, i can right click files to get public dropbox urls, auto upload screenshots to imgur with link put in clipboard automatically23:42
amanda_ok i think its mounted23:43
seronisSonikkuAmerica: that was why i chose it.. 'efficient tweaking'.  unity looked like apple spam to me23:43
dezthat's pretty sweet.23:43
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: That last part you typed is where it shows up in your file system. So now, open Thunar (File Manager) and look for that folder.23:43
seronisalso figured out how to get xscreensaver's to render to desktop for livewallpaper23:43
amanda_i see it23:44
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: Open it and you should be there.23:44
dezugh. unity.... take the fanbase you've created with ubuntu then force-feed it mac amazon-sponsored OSX. Hmmmm......23:44
amanda_how do i get it to do it auto every time i boot up?23:44
seronisso my wallpaper is now 'boxfit'  =-)    http://i.imgur.com/t5a3qtG.jpg23:44
SonikkuAmericadez: Take Apps and Computer menus and force-feed Apps/Places/System.23:45
SonikkuAmericadez: Later, (11.04) take the GNOME 3 route.23:45
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: To set it up for startup mounting, we edit a file called /etc/fstab.23:45
seronisim liking xfce with very minor issues (bad alphanumeric filename sorting being my biggest peeve)23:45
dezmeh, i'll accept that for smooth running and "get out of your own way" simplicity.23:46
dezsonikku: not sure if you're direting me for my problem or joining our chat about OSs! :)23:46
* seronis googles fstab23:47
SonikkuAmerica(Funny, it's fs-tab, but I see f-stab) O_o23:47
SonikkuAmericadez: lol sorry..23:48
amanda_ok i realized i made it ro not rw how do i change that first23:48
dez@seronis: rather nice wallpaper. tried middleclick pasting the link to browser. failed. the one thing i learnt today was a lie. my life is hollow.... :P23:49
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: If you remember how it's mounted on your filesystem (I'll call it $PATH for reference) run this command: [ sudo umount $PATH ], then hit the up arrow in the terminal until you reach the [ sudo mount -t ] command from earlier and change rw to ro23:49
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: *ro to rw23:50
SonikkuAmerica(umount being the command to unount.23:50
seronisif i have any basic text in the clipboard i can paste it to the urlbar in chrome-beta and chromium23:50
seronisor even in hexchat or  gedit etc23:50
SonikkuAmericaseronis: You should be able to paste it anywhere.23:50
seronisSonikkuAmerica: i can.  dez couldnt23:50
dezstory of my life.23:51
dezfirefox on winXP23:52
seronisjust incase anyone wants the  screensaver AS wallpaper script i made  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13440285/tdesk23:53
seronisusage    'tdesk [name]'  will set the given screensaver as your wallpaper.  with no argument will terminate the livewallpaper23:54
amanda_all better so about auto start/fstab?23:54
seronisonly thing i need to figure out is how to have your -actual- wallpaper redraw when closing the screensaver23:54
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: Our next trick is to edit /etc/fstab to add this NFS share to our startup mounting...23:55
seronisdez: you have any similar tricks to share ?23:55
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: [ sudo nano /etc/fstab ]23:56
amanda_sudo nano /etc/fstab23:56
amanda_oops wrong windo lol23:57
SonikkuAmericaamanda_: Yes. Try that in the terminal. :)23:57
SonikkuAmerica(Oh no! Amanda's trying to get us to open nano!)23:57
amanda_ok done and im not trying anything lol23:58
SonikkuAmericaGood idea. Go down to the bottom using the arrow keys.23:58
seronisyou're not trying? dang it and i already opened it23:59
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!23:59
SonikkuAmericaWell we can utter it anyway...23:59
dezhmm. all quiet on the western front. any thoughts as to whether my choice of graphics driver might be the root cause of my issue?23:59

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